Lamby's Following
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leaderlamby · 2 months ago
No. No. So much no.
You caused harm, whether you wanted to or not (pretty sure you did, because I don't know how you were planning to make hate posts without doing so).
"Don't hate on me" why? Not even 24 hours ago, you were hating on a bunch of people (myself on my other account included) and calling for your followers to do the same thing. Don't dish what you can't take. Your actions have repercussions.
Saying "proshippers are fucking sickos" and saying "fuck you" whenever possible isn't "spreading awareness", and proshipping is in literally every fandom, it doesn't need "awareness" or "help" in the first place.
You were harassing people, not "helping" anything.
And just because TSBS is your comfort fandom doesn't mean you can dictate what other people can and can't do with it. Guess what? It's mine too. And I'm not using it to spread hate. Neither are the other proshippers you've dragged.
The fact that you still said "fuck you proshippers" in this "apology" shows that you're definitely not sorry. You realised people weren't just going to let you hate on them without retaliation, so now you're backtracking and making excuses in hopes of fixing it.
An apology is a step in the right direction, but you have to mean it first.
I'm not going to say anything past this, but you need to hear it. Leave people alone. Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. Coexist.
(I know this post seems out of nowhere on this account, but this person has been making a lot of "exposing proshippers" posts for those in the TSBS fandom, and me and my partner were included in their latest one before this "apology" /context)
⚠️TW! Sensitive topics not for young people. Like proshipping, mpreg, and other stuff I can’t name (sorry)⚠️
Listen….im sorry.
I’m gonna delete all of the stuff exposing those people. It’ll take a while though.
I really didn’t want to cause any trouble or problems, but I guess I have. I don’t wanna be called fandom police or a rage baiter. I just wanted people to be aware. And I guess I triggered some people, so I’m sorry. And…the proshippers found me. I forgot Tumbler does that. In fact, one of them anonymously said I forgot them and they draw the cast as a Mpreg. Fuck you proshippers. And I’m sorry. I’ll stop posting this kind of stuff. Don’t mention proshipping, and don’t hate on me in the comments or reblogs. I was only trying to spread awareness and help the fandom. But I guess I can’t. I’ll get back to writing and drawing soon enough!! So, I’m sorry.
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leaderlamby · 3 months ago
Antishippers: It doesn't MATTER that it's fiction, you're still shipping family members together and that means you SUPPORT that and you're DISGUSTING! *returns to violent video game of murder and bloodshed*
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leaderlamby · 3 months ago
My plushie collection :)
Catnap is very new, I found him yesterday at Target
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leaderlamby · 3 months ago
My thoughts on what might happen in the second fnaf movie:
- Mike wanders the pizzeria and uses the Freddy mask as he goes along instead of sitting in the office
- Mike tries to use the mask on Withered Foxy, quickly finds out that doesn't work, flashes the light just in time and Foxy pauses in a cool strike pose
- Mike encounters Withered Foxy again and now knows to use to use the light, but when he tries, Balloon Boy takes his batteries and he has to quickly come up with something else
- Similar to the scene in the first movie where Mike pulls back the curtains and shines the light on the animatronics, he opens the door to the pitch black Parts and Service room and shines his light and all we see is the Withereds
- Abby plays with the Toys like she did with the other animatronics, but the Toys don't like adults and are hostile towards Mike, and since they're full robots, she can't call them off
- Mike has to whisk Abby away from the Toys and escape and the Toys view it as a kidnapping, making them more hostile
- There will be the minigame of Charlie being locked outside the pizzeria and getting murdered in the form of a flashback as a Puppet origin
- The Toys take Abby trying to "protect" her and they leave her somewhere to pursue Mike. While they're gone, Puppet shows up and, if they go with the approach of her talking, she gives Abby advice that she'll have to relay to Mike. If not, Puppet just sorta stands there looking at Abby, but Abby understands
- Puppet will be an ally
- Abby will be able to talk to the ghost of Charlie Emily
- There'll be the big scary of the music box winding all the way down and Puppet coming out, but instead of attacking, she sort of goes somewhere that they lose track of and eventually comes back to help
- There's probably going to be a Mangle jumpscare scene where they go for Mike's head from upside down, but Mike narrowly dodges. Either that or there'll be another intruder scene and we see Mangle kill someone that way
- There will either be a flashback or a reference to the Bite of '87
Additionally, a thought I had on the teaser:
So- his eyebrow being raised like that makes him look either curious or sad
But like I said, the Toys are full robot and prolly can't be sad
So it makes me think he's curious
So like
What if, in this image, he's sneekily scanning someone from a distance, maybe Mike
The fnaf 1 movie teaser with Abby and Golden Freddy ended up being a scene in the movie, so what if this is one too?
I mean with how bright his eye is too?
Could be aesthetic but it's easy to think he's scanning
And *mayyybe* the scanning will lead to him falsely identifying Mike with someone in his databases and becoming aggressive
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leaderlamby · 3 months ago
As I've said many times before, sorry for the inactivity, i just- haven't been in my Lamb shifts lately, nor do I have any cotl comments or whatever
I'm almost entirely in my tsbs (The Security Breach Shows) kinshifts
If you still wanna see me post, I've been using my other account, @the-ultimate-tsbs-kin
I still post there abt kin stuff, my art, the occasional memes, on top of just general thoughts and comments about- well, usually the Sun and Moon Show
If you're not interested, nw, just saying that's where I am more often :)
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
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We know where this will go
Oop- protective brother Aym???
He would tbh-
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
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So I made some parts of the comic I was working on
See I told you I ship it 😌😌
Wedding is tomorrow actually
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
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What do you think
I ship it 😌
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
Leader it my birthday today!!!🤩🥳
(Sorry I'm not on this account much-)
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
Vent post.
I'm still not over what ended up happening on the public server I used to have. It was getting decently big (30+ was big for me anyway) and I formed a new best friend group that was fun for months. Then all of a sudden they slowly turned on me for every little thing. Specifically after I added someone who was my best friend for a couple years- he's a chronic fucking liar and he probably said some shit behind my back and stirred things up. I can acknowledge I did some stuff wrong that they got mad at me for, like when I accidentally interrupted someone else's vent with my own. Then I used one of my own channels to vent and no one ever said anything, and during one of those vents I mentioned something about how no one even sees those and those pricks were like "no we see them". So they were just ignoring vents about me being severely depressed for who fucking knows why. Then there was the time I said something about ripping apart an animal sounds fun, which I get how that sounds, but in my defense, I am wolfkin and was having instinctual urges, which obviously I can't control. I also said very clearly I'm not doing that irl. The funniest thing that happened during then was that one of the people there (the liar) had agreed with me in dms that this very subject sounds fun, then stayed quiet when I said it publicly until someone else got mad, then he joined them. Another thing I still don't get. One of em sent a long ass "fuck you, goodbye" message in the main chat and in that message, they said, "The way you treat Vox", (the liar), "is disgusting. You use him as some sort of outlet for your 'uwu yaoi headcanons.'" The only thing I can imagine they were referring to was when I was telling him about my RadioStatic ship headcanons and he agreed with them and either said they were funny or accurate. If he was actually uncomfortable and lying about it, that is entirely his own damn fault. That guy also gave them my former AO3 account where I had a lot of proshippy stuff. I sent him a normal fic I was quite happy with, and apparently he looked through the rest of my works and showed the others and they got mad. Like- I was keeping that shit to myself out of consideration for the likely possibility that they wouldn't be a fan of it, then they get mad anyway just because it existed. That was when I thought I was some sort of abnormal mentally ill freak who needed serious help. But no, they're just fucking assholes. I'm mad at myself for being such a pushover when they left and trying to "leave on good terms". I don't know why I cared so much about trying to fix our friendships. I should've just stood my ground like I do with anyone else, or even better, kick them from the server and move on. I hate that I didn't realise they were just being unnecessarily hateful over everything I did and thinking there was something wrong with me. I'm so happy I have people now who make me feel otherwise. This is why I'm so open about being a proshipper- I don't ever want to get close to anyone who might pull this shit again. I have these people blocked, but I hope they somehow see this and know how toxic they were being for absolutely no reason. I'm not sorry for who I am and I shouldn't have let them make me think I should be.
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
My theory on cotl Crowns:
So, the domains in which each Crown bearer resides - Chaos, famine, pestilence, war and death - are not original or unique to those who were controlling them (The Bishops). We see this confirmed when the Lamb destroys Narinder - the god of death - and becomes the new god of death themselves. And each Crown is powered by the worship of followers and the heretics struck down. I believe each Crown is made of compositions of the power of every previous god in that domain. The Crowns are lost when the bearer is defeated or killed, and thus it's no longer their domain. Whoever finds that Crown gains both its power and its position, and, as in a god's nature, they nurture their Crowns with more worshipping followers and more sacrifices, more power added to the Crown. Where they first originated from, I'm not sure, but it could be Chemach. Chemach, along with Clauneck and Kudaai, have been around since the first gods, not as gods themselves but as assistants or guides. Chemach makes relics, and she tells us she made her Crown herself. Her Crown, while similar in appearance to the other Crowns, doesn't appear to be much other than cosmetic for her. So, we know she can make powerful relics out of former gods, and she can make Crowns. I imagine she made the first Crowns for each fated domain, of the first gods to form those domains, and the Crowns have been passed down since.
Also, I don't think the Crowns are sentient, but rather the last lingering beliefs and morals of the first gods to hold those Crowns and that they influence the bearers towards the right path of handling their domain.
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leaderlamby · 5 months ago
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Now leader I need your opinion on him
Oh I love it!! It gives Hollow Knight vibes tbh
The shading is done really well, way better than anything i can do atm!
The ears and the tail are super cute, the hands are good, the shirt symbols are a nice touch!
Very good! Keep it up ^^ 🤍
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leaderlamby · 6 months ago
Okay wait I actually am improving tho
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leaderlamby · 6 months ago
hiiii leader
Hello 😌
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leaderlamby · 6 months ago
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I made a new update on my cotl oc and was wondering what you think of it
It's pretty cute! I like the helmet
The little paws on the feet are nice, by the tail I'm assuming it's some sort of canine, possibly feline
Interesting choice /pos
It's pretty detailed! Very cool!
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leaderlamby · 6 months ago
Well apparently I'm "good at drawing" and "my art improved" so here's some doodles from today
...it signifies how much I'm NOT in love with the Goat
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leaderlamby · 6 months ago
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(Art by anuphim/anu🌸 on twitter)
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