#nuts and dry fruits business
newbusinessideas · 3 months
How to Start a Dry Fruits Business with Low Investment
Ever thought of starting a dry fruits business without breaking the bank? 🌰💸 Check out our tips on how to do it with low investment! 🌟 Follow us for more business hacks and success stories. Let’s get started! 🚀✨ #DryFruitsBiz #SmallBusiness
Dry fruits are a type of fruit that are dehydrated to remove most of their moisture content. They are a great source of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. These nutritious foods are universally cherished and have been consumed for centuries, providing a healthy and convenient snack option to people all around the world. The list of dry fruits includes many…
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helseform · 4 months
Call : +91 7997101779 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101779 | Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@Helseform
About Video : Nuts and dry fruits are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that benefit our daily lives. Here's a detailed description of some of the best nuts and dry fruits and their health benefits . Incorporating a variety of nuts and dry fruits into your daily diet can provide a wide range of health benefits, from supporting heart health and brain function to boosting immune function and promoting overall well-being. However, it's essential to consume them in moderation as they are calorie-dense foods.
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saiarunvlogs · 4 months
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visibleclosedeyes · 1 year
✧𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖔𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘✧
Yaoshi x reader
1k words AO3 version here
Very slightly yandere
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Many years ago—possibly millennia, you were simply a small and insignificant mortal living on a planet that could only be described as desolate. It used to be full of life and vegetation—and the crystal clear water in the river always reflected the light from the sun like a valuable stone. But then it was all gone, the meteor had stroked your world; leaving nothing but a crater, a charred living being and the remains of the land and the river slowly but surely disappear. This world is dying—wasting away among the stars which share no empathy. The survivors live their life on a fragile veil of hope.
They said that the only relationship possible between mortals and Aeons is that of distant and fleeting gazes from the divines. Like a gentle yet frightening gust of invisible force and a pair ( or several pairs) of eyes staring down at them from a distance of several thousand light-years away. So you, too, assumed that to be true. Even if you pray to the Abundance, you didn’t expect anything in return–you didn’t expect answers. Even if Yaoshi was described as the most empathetic being in the universe; you believed that it has to take more than a small prayer to get their attention. Yet, you pray every day, just so you didn’t feel alone. Just so you and your family would feel better. Like a lie, parents would tell children so they would stop worrying and go to bed. 
And one day you feel it; a million miles away from here—someone or something, with thousands of pairs of eyes, has glanced at you. In a small millisecond, you feel like you have seen something; the image and feelings have been imprinted into your brain like a footprint on a dry-out concrete. What WAS that? Is that what you think it is? That thing which mortal legends have claimed to be true? Aeon’s gaze. But you put no mind on it since nothing happened immediately after; you have dismissed it as a sudden hallucination from heat then go on with your day.
Little did you know that the magnificent being exists several light years away from your home planet, that entity has always been listening to your prayers. Aeons do not really answer pathstriders, and if they do that was a chance lower than finding a planet that has no sun and moon. For Yaoshi, they only converse and answer mortals only when they have met face to face. Prayers; they can hear but they do not have enough time for all the little prayers erupting from different corners of the universe. And here they thought being an Aeon would provide all the reach they needed. Still, sometimes some individuals cannot simply be ignored and you happen to be one of those individuals. Maybe it’s because of the scale of your sufferings or the constant prayers over and over again—the Aeon of the Abundance decided to glance you a visit. 
That night after you have fulfilled your tasks for the day you go to sleep, drifting into the realm of dreams which stretches beyond the limitations of the universe. In dreams, mortals like yourself are boundless. To every corner of the crafted universe they go, sink themselves into the realm of thousand possibilities. You wake up in some sort of wild garden—too wild and too abundant to be any realistic garden you have ever seen from your home planet. The light shines on trees and grass seems to almost be golden but the sunlight itself doesn’t feel too hot nor does it feel too cool. Looking up ahead of yourself, a light sensation touches your cheek, you catch it, and… the object seems to be a leaf you learned from the elders as ‘gringko’. Every tree that can bear fruits bears that cannot, however, spread their large branches and lush green-yellow-golden leaves to compete. You can hear animals—like a deer and even the growling of a tiger but they seem to be far away. Critters busied themselves with harvesting fruits and nuts which seemed to never run out. What IS this place? This place doesn’t even resemble anything you have seen in your homeland. Is it possible for a mortal to imagine and dream about the thing they never experienced in their lifetime?
You follow the path forward where the grass seems to be shortened and mulled over like many have walked over them for a very long time—so this must have been the main road to whatever was waiting for you. After some walking, you see a large tree forward. A golden ray of light emits from it seems to be the culprit who dyes the scenery golden. Grinko leaves dancing in the air also seem to be let go from this very tree. On its foot, there is a figure that sitting on a throne which seems to be fabricated from all manners of barks and roots 
On that throne, a figure with several arms resigns. One of their legs crossed with the other is free—in several of their palms, each one of the fruit and grain is being held. They all look freshly picked; the water drop can practically be seen dripping down the curve of plump healthy-looking fruit. You have no idea when you have been close to them enough for the strange entity to reach out to you. Your eyes went shut instinctively when one of their fingers reached toward you—a long nail scratched your left cheek with utmost care. When you opened your eyes, you were there; sat right in front of them on your knees. They were and felt larger than life, behind them was a golden tree shining its benevolent light on all creatures and critters alike, it shined through you too. Hm, how…considerate. And then you realized, that pattern, how their body isn’t pattern… they are moving, staring eyes…all over their body. Whatever they are…is far removed from what you know.
“Child,  I have heard your prayers, you are in great pain. But not the pain of your—it’s the pain of the dying world and your people,” They spoke. The voice is soft like velvet slowly and gracefully making contact with your consciousness–dripping with an overwhelmingly large amount of empathy. Yet, their voice firmly reeked with confidence. Before you could say anything back a long and elegant finger pressed shut your frail lips. 
“I understand, I, too, was once wondered—’ why do all things need to come to an end? Why does suffering itself have no other end other than death? Their pain, I have seen the world you have saw; through the prayers you’ve delivered to me. You shall be set free by me—and by proxy, carry my blessings to your kinsman. Only…under one condition,” 
You listened to the honeyed words from the fascinating entity as you suddenly forgot how to breathe. It was now clear who this strange entity was. Yaoshi, Aeon of the abundance. But—why? And if they were real does that mean—
“Become mine. Become my Emanator and my consort; then—leave this world behind with me. You shall have to protect your kins, give them my eternal blessings. Just only if you will submit to me,”
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Dividers by cafekitsune
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lexiscooking · 11 months
miss me much, peeps? sorry i fell out w/ new posts. i am not cooking these days. i have a few old draft recipes that i’ll post during this week and then im gone again.
i decided to post to post my
honeybuns 🍯
i cook these every seasonal holidays (lita, mabon etc)
ingredient vice you will need:
milk (can be plant based one)
dry fruits and nuts
sugar and a little bit of salt
egg. one egg yolk even
i found this recipe on pinterest many many moons ago, so unfortunately i cannot give proper credit, so ill just rewrite the version i translated in my recipe book.
in warm milk (about 1,5 cup) you mix a cup of sugar and 3 tsp yeast, then add two cups of flour and honey (its up to you, i add two tbsp now and three more later) and let rest for twenty minutes. it should be a runny consistency with lumps.
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when the time has passed add the rest of ingredients (two more cups of flour, more honey if you’d like, dried fruits and nuts, which you should cut beforehand to small pieces).
let rest for a few more minutes, i recommend half an hour. after that form your buns and grease with egg yolk (can be skipped, it is used to give a beautiful golden crust)
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bake on 180°C for 20 minutes.
eat with wine and praise nature for it gifts! 🍷🍂
much love peeps☆.
i am mostly happy, just really busy and alone. i wanna be a hoe again (´;ω;`)
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kaidee-koo · 5 months
Questions for regressors Day:4
Sowwy I haven’t posted in a while I’ve been super busy :c <3
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clatterbane · 19 days
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One good thing that came out of today's early morning trip out for more bullshit bloodwork: I found some promising-looking vegetables, which are pretty exotic by local standards but remind me of home! One of the benefits of living in an immigrant-heavy neighborhood. (Doesn't really matter where from IME, just as long as it's got longer warmer growing seasons there.) Hasty lap shot of today's haul when I was about to head home.
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Much better view after getting home! Some nice young examples of one common Middle Eastern variety of summer squash, along with some okra. Which was borderline overgrown by my standards, but it didn't feel like it was going all tough and dried out yet--and it's the nicest fresh okra my admittedly near-hermit ass has spotted in years.
On the way home this morning, I got Mr. C to drop me at the nearby shopping center, so I could pick up an Instabox package (shoes) and enjoy the weather and a little exercise while "strolling" the rest of the way.
It was still early enough that at least half the businesses weren't even open yet, but that also meant that things were enough less busy that I felt like I could get in more easily for a better look at a couple of stores I'd wanted to check out more. One of them a halal butcher shop with attached fruit and vegetable shop just across from there, obviously run by the same people. Both are usually mobbed enough that I haven't felt like shoving myself in--especially with the chair.
The butcher side was still not looking so accessible, even with only a couple of other customers in there, plus a few workers finishing getting things set up for the day. I also figured that I didn't really need to go on an early-morning meat buying spree in hot weather--much less when my backpack was already completely full of shoebox, and carrying capacity was already pretty limited. So, no meat for me.
The other side did, however, lure me over with some gorgeous plums. Which sadly turned out to still be so hard that I noped away from those. Yes, I am that produce prodder, and I can be particular. Was hoping they would have some nice leafy greens out front today, but no such luck.
But, then I did spot the okra and then the squash.
I didn't grab much today, since I am the only one in the house who really likes either thing. Plus the okra was running the equivalent of US$7.69/kg, or roughly $3.50/lb. 😓 Squash was $2.90/ or $1.30/lb by comparison. I got away at about $2.50 for both of them together, which really wasn't at all bad by local standards. I am also cheap as hell sometimes and also still mentally comparing with prices on locally grown squash and okra in a much more rural area 15-20 years ago when I was last buying anything back home.
I am also now lowkey pining for some Floyd County peaches, and J. Random Farmer's cantaloupes that he's selling off his truck by the road. Then there's the fresh just-picked regional variety corn. 🙄
If that okra is any good and I see more there in nearly as good a shape, I may have to pick up enough more to try pickling a few jars of it. That's one thing that I do miss sometimes, and I don't really want to try with the frozen stuff--which is usually better for cooking than what I see fresh anymore.
The produce side also carries a bunch of dried fruits and nuts, and some other loose bulk goods including some interesting-looking Afghan brown sugar in like fist-sized chunks which I'd never seen before, but made me think of panela or jaggery. May need to try me some of that.
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Also looks like the place to go if you want a sack of pumpkin seeds or similar at reasonable prices! Today I did not, and also did not particularly want to carry that home in my lap because that would have been the only place for it.
Their produce is all out front, but I did go ahead and bull my way back through the rest of the store to get a good look at the dry goods. Needed to shove a couple of obstructions out of the way in the narrow aisles, but I was the only customer in there at that point and idgaf. It was well worth a look around. May need to go back another morning after a few things that looked good.
There is also a spice shop a couple of doors down, which always smells heavenly to go past but is usually so packed that even Mr. C hesitates to peruse it on foot. There were few enough people in there too that I had to roll through and case the joint. Did look and smell like some quality stuff at decent prices. Also some pretty good looking bulk bin dried fruits and nuts and other snack items, and some assorted Middle Eastern sweets. I didn't buy anything there either today, but will probably need to make a morning raid on that too before too long.
But yeah, the day was not all bad. I also got to see a delightful young Boxer out for a walk on the way home.
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suzieb-fit · 5 months
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I know how lucky I am for the life I have now. There have been many times in the past where that most certainly was not the case. Very difficult times, for different reasons.
But what matters most is the "here and now". Even with the chronic health issues I live with, I live to my best ability. I work with what I've got, and I'm thankful for those things. Because, I've worked my backside off for them over the past ten years.
Anyway, I'm very happy to be back home after a week away. Life as usual resumes.
Early walk, which always sets me upwell. I have been doing this for a few months now, andwill continue to do so for as long as it feels right.
Then back home for a new Fiton workout.
Full body strength. No surprises, just a routine I haven't tried before.
Both the walk and the workout were fasted, of course.
Then I broke that with salted peanuts, plain mixed nuts and a change to my usual breakfast fruit - strawberries.
I'm having apple with my afternoon snack.
I have had a very full laundry basket to get through, so I've been busy washing and hanging out to dry. Four full loads by the time I'd finished.
Plus I'm organising a local outdoor HIIT class, starting this Saturday morning. Might go nowhere, might get a few regulars.
Just an idea I've been toying with recently. So I decided to just go for it.
I've been pretty busy with home and work stuff today, so not much exercise. A good, active morning though.
Plus lovely food, excellent macros and chill time too.
It's good to be home, and I'm feeling ok!
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pheita · 11 months
OC Recipe Tag
I was tagged by @tabswrites a few days ago but too busy.
Here we are
Tagging @writernopal @thebejeweledwatercat @abalonetea @cljordan-imperium @ashen-crest @ettawritesnstudies
Rules: share a recipe your OC would make, either one passed down to them or one they found all by themselves. Bonus if you have an actual recipe to link! Some OCs can't cook to save their lives, but let's talk about the ones who can! :D
I do this for Sojan, because this man loves to cook and bake, it calms him.
Somewhere in the series, I mention something I named winter man which is some bastardization of a German tradition of Stutenkerle for St. Nicholas Day on December 6th in some areas of the country where children get some sweet doughy figures kinda of looking like gingerbread man, but about 10 inch tall often with a clay pipe in their hands and with dried fruits and nuts as face and buttons pressed on them. They are actually made of sweet yeast dough with some spices. Have the recipe for some future cold night treats coming. I wrote it down in the metric measures I know but did the conversion to cups for my fellow American folks because I know how much converting recipes sucks.
Dislcaimer for my German friends: That is the version I grew up with. I know there are plenty of variations of this out there.
Stutenkerls (Sweet Dough Guys [yes that's the literal translation, don't sue me])
220ml milk 3/4 cup and 3 Tblsp
500g wheat flour 4 1/2 cups
80g granulated sugar 1/3 cup
1 tblsp lemon zest
1 package dry yeast
100g butter 1/2 cup (little less than a stick)
1 egg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
dried fruits and nuts to your liking, traditional are almonds and raisins
Warm up the milk to be still comfortable to touch, and add a teaspoon of honey and dry yeast. Let it sit for 10-15 min to create a pre-dough.
In the meantime, weigh your other ingredients and prepare the oversized cookie cutter. You can either cut out a figure shape from a box and cut around it later, or get a huge gingerbread man cutter at least 8 inches big.
Add sugar, flour, lemon zest, cinnamon, and butter and knead it until a smooth slightly sticky dough comes together. Let it rise for at least 45 minutes, 1h is better.
Once it has risen, roll it out about an inch /2,5cm thick and cut out your figures. If you don't want to cut them out or have a cutter, you can also form them by parting the dough in 6 portions and rolling them into thick logs you can cut into to create the limbs and head.
Preheat your oven to 180°C/ 375°C Fahrenheit. Put your little figure on a backing tray and cover them with egg wash. Create a face and little decorations with nuts and dried fruits. You can even bend and twist the limbs into various positions if you feel up to it.
Bake for around 20 minutes until golden brown. If you feel fancy, you can dust the freshly baked sweet dough guys with granulated sugar or a cinnamon/sugar mix to make them extra sweet.
Note: I also omitted the whole nuts and fruits thing sometimes and went in with chocolate piped in thin lines as face and so on. Be creative.
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year
Somebody liked my post on evil Red so here’s a teaser for Penumbra, featuring Legend and Blue.
Legend… really didn’t know what to think of his new captors. He’d been expecting a cell, maybe some shackles. At worst, fucked up dark magic and torture devices. This room was certainly functioning as his cell, but there were rugs and little seating poufs and a slightly-better-than-shitty bed, all in alarming shades of pastel that clashed horribly with the bare stone and rune-enforced door.
If he thought about it too hard he felt like a pet, so he didn’t. No need to tempt the already sadistic gods.
He’d heard the three shadows bickering outside his door maybe an hour ago- the greenish one had been throwing his authoritative weight around, it sounded like, demanding an interrogation, but the other two had headed him off with mentions of “Vio” and the game and something about hospitality that had devolved into a shouting match. At this rate he was just sort of hoping they remembered Hylians needed to eat. Why invent future horrors when he could wait patiently and see them for himself?
He was busy considering the cracks in the walls when the door finally creaked open on heavy hinges, and the blue one hustled into the cell with a platter of something, collapsing back against the door with a harried sigh that echoed strangely.
“Fuck everything,” the ice-encrusted shadow hissed, “but fuck that guy in particular.”
“Trouble in paradise?”
The dark’s head snapped up, frozen eyes gleaming with a sick milky film. “Excuse you?”
“Oh, sorry,” the veteran drawled. “I meant to say the weather’s so nice today.” He leaned back on the bed, eyeing the windowless walls appreciatively. “Kind of monastery chic meets little girls’ tea party. Bold choice for a prison, I like your moxie.”
With an utterly disgusted noise, the dark stepped forward to drop the platter a little too roughly on a tea table- mostly fruits, nuts, and a few mushrooms, with an entire waterskin instead of a cup. He then straightened a chair, a doily, and gave a rug in the corner a particularly severe look like he was resisting the urge to completely pull it up, hands flexing a couple of times.
Legend watched with great interest as he hissed between his teeth again, icy vapor misting in the air. “This is stupid. We both know this game is fucking stupid.”
Well. He wasn’t expecting one of his captors to crack so soon. “I’m the guy in a box.”
“Yeah?” There was a crunching, grinding noise as the shadow turned to glare at him sightlessly, clear water dripping from a crack in his stony neck. “Well our guy in your box is a massive fucking problem, because I give it a week max before Red or Green or both can’t handle the fucking temptation of a good guy on our turf.”
He liked to consider himself a reasonable guy. Villains typically didn’t have much worthwhile to say but gloating or breakdowns of their own weaknesses, and this was decidedly the latter but far too soon. He frowned. “Uh. What about you? Gonna give in and eat me or something?”
“You wish I’d eat you.” Blue- that had to be his name- started pacing, rugs glittering with frost as he started wearing a trench in the floor. “If I had my way I’d drop you right back on the Goddess’s golden tits. Or a ditch. But the game’s been set, and there’s rules to this shit, so here you are and here I am and Vio is pulling a goddamned stunt that will get us all killed.”
Legend dragged over a pillow and propped it behind his back. “Do I get a reward if I pretend to be empathetic or something? Is this group therapy or just a you thing.”
Blue made a noise like a feral boar, and the temperature dropped so fast his ears popped.
Right. Unknown and unpredictable shadow monsters with possible elemental affinities. That. Legend swallowed, and licked his dry lips.
Dragging his compusure together, thread by tenuous thread, Blue took several deep breaths that fogged the air around him like the cloudy crown of a mountain. “I mean this in the most genuine way you’ll ever hear: watch your fucking mouth, you stupid piece of shit.” He marched closer, cold as rain and twice as unpleasant, to stand a respectable foot away from the bed and glare down at him. “I’m a lovely spring flower compared to the rest because I don’t want shit to do with you. Your only fucking use to me is collateral for my teammate’s health. Green thinks you might be useful. You don’t want to be useful.” He leaned down slightly, voice lowering like someone could hear. “Red wants to be friends, but if you get uppity you’ll wish he’d just killed you. And I won’t stop him, because I love him more than I care about your fucking well-being. Get me?”
“Gotten.” He was very, very uncomfortable having a possible ice elemental within spitting distance, but heroes thrive under pressure. He could work with this. He could sit put and be boring, or he could push his shitty luck. The man leaning over him was cracked like oracle bones. “What about Dark? Should I be expecting courting gifts?”
“Dark doesn’t know you’re here.”
What. Did they sneak him into the enemy’s base for fun?
They’d been calling it a game from the start.
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helseform · 5 months
Call : +91 7997101779 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101779 | Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@Helseform About Video : Nuts and dry fruits are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that benefit our daily lives. Here's a detailed description of some of the best nuts and dry fruits and their health benefits . Incorporating a variety of nuts and dry fruits into your daily diet can provide a wide range of health benefits, from supporting heart health and brain function to boosting immune function and promoting overall well-being. However, it's essential to consume them in moderation as they are calorie-dense foods.
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waltzofphoenix · 9 months
εїзεїзεїзεїзεїзεїз *Slamming this down, one each for Kaeya, Diluc, Klee, Zhongli, Cyno, and Albedo* <3
Send “εїз” to hear a Headcanon the Mun hasn’t been able to organically implement into the blog yet~
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Before they went to Mondstadt, Kaeya and his birth father wandered Sumeru for several years. During that time, little Kaeya was often left alone at safe camps for long periods of time while his father left to deal with Stuff.
But things worked out for Kaeya anyway, and do you know why?
Because the Aranara stumbled upon this strange, lonesome, hungry child and thought: "the big Nara is scary, and the little one is a bit strange, too, but... we can still look after the little Nara, right?"
So, young Kaeya had strange, wonderful dreams filled with fanciful jaunts in the forests, and whenever he woke up he'd find platters filled with fresh fruit, nuts, and... strangely bland soups?
(And, many years later, after their little summer adventure, Kaeya's surprised to hear some of the stories Klee picked up from the little woodland fairies that swear they remember him...)
While he's known to keep tabs on pretty much anything noteworthy that goes on in Mondstadt, one thing Diluc takes especially seriously are matters dealing with orphans and other children in need of help.
He ensures they are looked after and get whatever they need, often finding homes for them where they will be cared for and loved.
The part that hasn't yet found it's way onto this blog is this: one day, Diluc is going to meet a kid that's a bit more difficult to house for one reason or another. Maybe they're especially prickly, prone to bouts of righteous fury? Or they're cold and have a distant, aloof vibe?
Either way, Diluc sees something of himself and/or Kaeya in this kid and decides he's going to look after them himself.
The "Thelxie's Adventure" event got me thinking about some stuff, among which is that... While it was never outright said, the disorder that event dealt with was heavily coded as autism/depression.
Why do I bring this up? Because I think Klee is neurodivergent, too, but with the key difference being... she's not depressed.
The people taking care of her are patient with her, and gentle, and (most importantly) they listen to her and treat her whole deal as Very Serious Business.
And, especially since Albedo also has neurodivergent traits, I think... Klee is an example of a kid that being given coping mechanisms at a young age, by people that completely understand the importance of letting her have her fantasies and special interests.
SO YEAH. Sort of a two-in-one there, but I definitely write both Klee and Albedo from that angle.
As much as he has changed other people, the relationships he's had with others, especially other gods, have changed him a lot over the years as well.
Perhaps the most notable change? There was a time when Rex Lapis could not produce a shield.
He learned that ability from one of his dearest companions, a god who valued the defense of her people above all else. Fighting by her side taught him to value this, too.
The last time he saw her, she asked him to continue defending Liyue --- his people and hers. While carrying out her final wish, Zhongli discovered he'd inherited her precious jade-strength shield.
Since he really likes going for night strolls in the desert because the cold, dry air helps him clear his mind... I believe the opposite must be true as well! The hot, humid air in the rainforests makes his brain very foggy --- which is why he deals with any business he may have in those regions as swiftly as possible.
Sumeru City and Ghandarva Ville are alright, though. It's the places deeper in the woods that really get to him.
But also, for one that's specific to him, if still tangentially related to the previous idea... I think he has a lot in common with the Tin Man, Pinnochio, or the Little Mermaid.
He finds people so difficult to understand, doesn't feel things the way he's "supposed to" and, while he's content minding his own business, I think he sometimes feels a deep, quiet ache to be more... ordinary.
Also, it's one of his own personal goals to be more human, especially because of the relationships he has HERE AND NOW --- he doesn't want to watch his friends and loved ones in the Knights grow old while he remains exactly the same, frozen in time.
Whether his agelessness is due to his nature as a construct OR part of the curse of Khanri'ah... he's searching for a way to resolve it.
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babsvibes · 2 years
Perspective flip + turn down corn-nut (at LEAST the ending I gotta know what Logan was thinking when he found her raiding his cabinets and during all the events after 😌)
Turn Down Corn-Nut
Logan was so sure he had slept before. He had to have. How would anybody get to their thirties and not sleep?
Just close the eyes. Think about nothing. And sleep.
Aaaand sleep.
Nothing. He grunted, letting his eyelids fling open so hard they would have ripped the skin clean off if he had tried taping them down. Which he definitely hadn’t considered doing.
With another grunt, Logan turned on his side and glared at one of his pillows. He would have thumped it, but he had a guest that threatened to kill him a few too many times to risk waking her.
Maybe that was it. Louise was across the hall. Not the complex hall like normally, but his hall. In his apartment. Where he slept. Or at least where he was supposed to sleep. Come to think of it, it was really only natural that his body refused to give into the call of his mattress. Call it survival instinct.
And maybe one could argue that locking his bedroom door would ease the fear of one boot-knife wielding maniac.
But where was the fun in that?
Still, he felt the bags under his eyes deepen as he checked the time on his phone. Late. Too, too fucking late.
In his restless stupor and over the sounds of his own irritation, Logan just barely made out a door creaking open.
He stopped, and he listened.
She was trying to be careful, he could tell, as she moved. Her footsteps were half the speed of her normal gait, WHICH he only knew because he had to be alert when she left her apartment. If he surprised her coming out into the hallway, he met the business end of her gut punch.
The quiet thuds of her steps moved away, and he wasn’t disappointed at his lack of a late night visitor. He listened harder to see where she went and mapped her tracks to the kitchen, the slight sticking of her bare feet hitting the tile.
He nearly pissed himself when, after all that light-footed sneaking, she knocked over an orchestra’s worth of kitchenware.
Even if he hadn’t already been awake, there was no way he slept through that.
Logan did not grin at the excuse to talk to her again.
He made a show of it, getting out of bed and letting his door swing open in a way that told her he was coming. After a few leisurely paces, he propped himself against the wall and blinked down at her.
With only the low lighting of the oven clock shining on her and the mess of baking sheets she made, Louise still stood out as a vision. A messy-haired, flannel covered vision tense at being caught.
As much game as she talked, she never looked smaller, frozen in the act but with too much adrenaline in her eyes. Like a rabbit, he snickered internally. Of course, he valued the safety and well-being of his testicles, so he kept that comment to himself. Instead, he went for… lower hanging fruit.
“You’re not at the end of the rainbow anymore, pal. If you’re looking to steal my gold, you’re out of luck.”
It didn’t take her long to shake off the guilt of supposedly waking him, no more than a sentence or two really. She loosened up to snap at him in that dry way she did, and he felt… soft watching her become herself and falling into their easy banter.
When she asked for snacks, Logan bit his tongue to avoid reusing the old “baking sheet out of luck” pun. It wouldn’t win him any favors if he brought up the past (no favors in the direction he was headed anyway).
He played their game, holding a bag of corn-nuts just out of reach and demanding fair trade. Considering how little she had on her when she got locked out of her apartment, she couldn't actually give him anything. He supposed he would have to settle for an unspecified favor (oh no, the horror) if she refused to play nice with his very generous offer to take flattery as payment.
Sure, he should just give her the snack, but this was better. In the way her lip twitched as she called him an egomaniac, he knew she thought so too.
Then, the air changed.
She asked him about their run in a few weeks ago, when she was having a crisis about turning thirty and he just… happened to be around and knew a little about the subject. Yeah he remembered it. No one forgot Louise being vulnerable or him being kind or the way they looked at each other so, so… so something.
That something was in the way she looked at him now. A signal, one that he picked up on and stopped moving to receive.
Maybe because it was the bizzaro hours she acted differently. She slowed all of her movements and actually considered what she did as she pulled him down for a kiss. Completely bizarre but also…
Damn. Damn her and her momentary softness. He felt himself melt and freeze simultaneously, knowing he wanted to pull her in deeper, pick her up and put her on the counter, pull her hair and bite her neck and show her the attention all her little teasing built up. Instead, he matched her in her momentary softness and her intensity, careful not to scare her away.
If he did this good enough, would she want to skip ahead? Not just to the part where they don’t go their separate ways at the end of the hall but beyond that. To the part where they have to stomach one of Cynthia’s awful organic meals once a year maybe. To the part where she yells at him for getting junk letters that clogged their mailbox perhaps.
But it ended too soon and so do the visions of a cat, or a dog, or a cat, or a dog, that they call different names (even though her name for it is better).
She pulled away, swiped the bag of corn-nuts from him, and left his field of vision. Only momentarily of course, because he absolutely whipped around to find her in the dark again.
Logan could be clever, he could be witty, but he was not smart. He knew that now more than ever as he watched her walk away from him. And he just… let her. Dammit.
In for a penny, he thought to himself, and called out to her.
“Did you just pimp yourself out for corn-nuts? They’re not even that good?!”
The only response he received was a shutting door, and Logan was left alone in the kitchen with the booby trapped cabinets and the clock oven displaying the wrong time. And his thoughts. His dreams even.
How the fuck was he supposed to sleep after that?
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floweroverload · 2 years
What I eat when depressed as a vegetarian
This is a little guide to what I eat when ill, depressed or horrifically busy studying. I love making bread in my own time but what do you eat when you can’t even bring yourself to heat something in the oven?
Soup is a godsend. You are getting something warm, filling, nutritious and not too expensive. It takes like 3 minutes in the microwave and you can have toast too if you can be bothered in that time.
Actually, tinned stuff can be good depending where you are. Vegetable chilli, tagines, lots of fairly wholesome meals. 
Coming from the land of Great Britain there isn’t an illness not cured with toast. Marmite on toast is my favourite as it gives you a lot of essential nutrients, and is one of the only things you can bear to eat when sick but there’s also marmalade, plain butter, chocolate spread, nut butter...
Packet noodles do get scorned as unhealthy sometimes but who cares, everyone eats them. You can buy stuff to fill them out a little bit more like frozen diced vegetables.
If you can afford it, pre prepared things, no preparation time at all. You could get all sorts of cheese, even ones that come in their own little packets. Chopped up vegetables and fruit, different breads to pick at. Prepared vegetarian protein can be interesting, it is generally going to be hummus and falafel. I’m slightly addicted to eating dry cereal. 
Pasta at a stretch. You can actually microwave a single serving of pasta, add a bit of stir in sauce and you’re done unless you want cheese or additional toppings. There’s a brilliant recipe on making pasta with a kettle where I say here.
This is just based on my experiences, but I hope it is vaguely helpful.
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kitchnoider · 1 year
Kitchen Appliances To Prepare Healthy Meals
Maintaining a healthy diet is important for our overall well-being. The food we choose affects our energy, health, and mood. To support a nutritious lifestyle, having the right kitchen tools is crucial. In this guide, we'll explore essential appliances like the air fryer, blender, slow cooker, and more. These appliances make cooking convenient and promote healthier meal preparation. Let's dive into the world of must-have kitchen appliances for nutritious meals!
Kitchen Appliances To Prepare Healthy Meals
High-Speed Blender
A high-speed blender is a powerful kitchen appliance that can blend fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients into smooth and creamy concoctions. It can easily turn whole fruits and vegetables into nutritious smoothies, helping you incorporate more vitamins and fiber into your diet. With its fast and efficient blending capabilities, it can also be used to make homemade soups, sauces, and even nut butters. The high-speed blender's versatility and ability to break down tough ingredients make it a must-have for anyone looking to create healthy and delicious meals or snacks.
Slow Cooker
A slow cooker, also known as a crock-pot, is a convenient kitchen appliance that allows you to prepare flavorful and healthy meals with minimal effort. Simply add your ingredients, set the cooking time, and let the slow cooker work its magic. It slowly cooks food at low temperatures, tenderizing meats and allowing flavors to meld together. With a slow cooker, you can make delicious stews, soups, and even whole-grain dishes like oatmeal or quinoa. It's perfect for busy individuals who want to come home to a nutritious, home-cooked meal without spending hours in the kitchen.
Air Fryer
An air fryer is a countertop appliance that uses hot air circulation to cook food to a crispy perfection, all without the need for excessive oil. It's a healthier alternative to deep frying, as it significantly reduces the amount of unhealthy fats and calories in your favorite fried foods. The air fryer can create crispy french fries, crunchy chicken wings, and even golden-brown vegetables with just a fraction of the oil used in traditional frying methods. It's an excellent addition to any kitchen, providing guilt-free indulgence while promoting a balanced and nutritious diet.
Food Processor
A food processor is a versatile kitchen appliance that simplifies food preparation tasks. With its sharp blades and various attachments, it can chop, slice, shred, and puree a wide range of ingredients. From quickly chopping vegetables for salads to making homemade pesto or nut-based spreads, the food processor saves time and effort in the kitchen. It's perfect for creating healthy dips, dressings, and sauces, and can even knead dough for homemade bread. By having a food processor, you can easily incorporate more fresh and nutritious ingredients into your meals, making cooking a breeze.
Steam Oven
A steam oven is a kitchen appliance that uses the power of steam to cook food gently and efficiently. Unlike traditional ovens that rely on dry heat, steam ovens help retain the natural flavors, colors, and nutrients of the ingredients. They are ideal for cooking vegetables, fish, and grains, as the steam helps maintain their texture and nutritional value. Steam ovens also eliminate the need for excessive oil or fats, making it a healthier cooking option. With precise temperature control and even heat distribution, steam ovens ensure that your meals are cooked to perfection, promoting a nutritious and flavorful diet.
Electric Grill or Griddle
An electric grill or griddle is a versatile kitchen appliance that allows you to grill or griddle food indoors, without the need for an outdoor barbecue. With adjustable temperature settings, you can cook lean meats, fish, vegetables, and even fruits with minimal oil. Grilling or griddling food helps reduce the consumption of unhealthy fats, while still imparting a delicious smoky flavor. It's an excellent way to prepare low-fat and flavorful meals, whether you want to enjoy a juicy grilled chicken breast or a stack of fluffy pancakes. The electric grill or griddle brings outdoor cooking convenience to your kitchen while promoting healthier eating habits.
A juicer is a handy appliance that extracts juice from fruits and vegetables, providing a concentrated source of essential vitamins and minerals. It allows you to enjoy a variety of fresh and nutrient-rich juices with ease. By separating the juice from the pulp, a juicer helps you consume a larger quantity of fruits and vegetables in a convenient and refreshing way. Whether you prefer citrus juices, green juices, or a combination of different flavors, a juicer allows you to customize your drinks to suit your taste preferences and nutritional needs. Incorporating freshly squeezed juices into your daily routine can boost your intake of vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes, supporting a healthy lifestyle and providing a refreshing way to hydrate.
A spiralizer is a nifty kitchen tool that transforms vegetables into fun and healthy noodle-like shapes. By creating spirals, ribbons, or strands, it offers a creative and nutritious alternative to traditional pasta. With a spiralizer, you can turn zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, and other veggies into low-carb and nutrient-rich substitutes for pasta dishes. Whether you're aiming to reduce your carb intake, increase your vegetable consumption, or simply add some variety to your meals, a spiralizer allows you to experiment with new flavors and textures. It's an excellent way to incorporate more plant-based options into your diet while enjoying delicious and satisfying meals.
Final Words
Adding essential kitchen appliances to your cooking routine can greatly improve your ability to prepare and enjoy healthy meals. From the versatile air fryer that makes crispy dishes with less oil, to the high-speed blender that turns fruits and veggies into nutritious smoothies, these appliances offer convenience, flavor, and health benefits. The slow cooker simplifies meal prep, the food processor helps with chopping, and the steam oven and electric grill promote healthier cooking. With a juicer and spiralizer, you can incorporate fresh juices and creative veggie-based options. Equip your kitchen with these appliances for a healthier and more enjoyable eating experience.
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samanthalucas · 1 year
How to make whitening cream for business?
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Even though being outside in the sun feels good, it can be very bad for your face. Even though skin cancer is a big health concern, the sun can also make your skin darker or give you dark spots. Best of all, you probably already have everything you need to make one in your home. If your skin is oily, try making a simple skin whitening cream with lemons. If your skin is dry, try nuts.
You can't stress enough how important it is to take care of your face. It's the biggest organ in the body and the first line of defense against sickness and infection. So, if you see spots, dark spots, or other problems with the color of your skin, you should do what you can to stop further damage. The good news is that you can fix many color issues on your own. This piece will talk about eight things you can do at home to lighten your skin and get rid of any dark spots or spots that don't look good.
Whiten the Skin with Citrus Extracts
Lemon juice and orange peels can be used to naturally lighten the face. They have a lot of vitamin C, which is important for making the collagen fibers for face whitening creams that keep your skin tight and help it stay strong. When put on the skin, vitamin C has been shown to slow down melanocytes that are working too fast. These are the cells in the lower layers of the skin that make melanin, which makes the skin "tan" or get darker.
Kojic Acid
kojic acid is a white, crystalline powder that comes from a fungus in Asia. It has been used in Japan for a long time as a natural alternative to hydroquinone and is very good at lightening dark spots on the face. The American Academy of Dermatologists says that clinical tests have shown that kojic acid can lessen hyperpigmentation. It works by stopping tyrosinase, the protein that makes melanin, from doing its job. It also works as an antioxidant and is good for skin that has been hurt by the sun or is sensitive.
Licorice Extract
In Chinese medicine, the juice made from the roots of the licorice plant has been used for a long time to treat all kinds of skin problems. In the early 1990s, Japanese scientists found the compound glabridin in licorice. This compound blocks UVA and UVB rays and makes the skin whiter and brighter.
A clinical study that was released in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that glabridin could block the enzyme tyrosinase, which makes melanin, by up to 50% without hurting skin cells. Licorice extract is good for treating post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which includes dark spots. It can use to reverse the damage that cause by acne scars, and it has anti-inflammatory qualities that help soothe the skin and reduce redness.
Extract of Bearberry
This part of the plant comes from the leaves instead of the fruit. Bearberry, also called bear grape, is an astringent that uses in many beauty products. It includes Alpha arbutin, which is known to lighten the skin quickly.
It shows that arbutin can reduce freckles, dark spots, and other skin problems. A study done by the drug company Pentapharm found that 1% Alpha arbutin had a "skin-lightening effect" that was even better than the same dose of hydroquinone.
Bearberry extract is also helpful because it includes filters that protect against the sun. These filters may help reduce the amount of "tanning" after being in the sun, which can slow or even reverse signs of aging on the skin.
The Gooseberry (Phyllanthus Emblica).
The extract from this plant is full of Vitamin C and has antimicrobial and antioxidant qualities. Emblica extract keeps the skin from getting damaged by the sun and helps remove discoloration.
Researchers have found that Emblica protects the skin from oxidative stress, reduces wrinkles, controls the production of melanin, and helps the skin keep its natural wetness.
The Gigawhite
Gigawhite is a brightener for the face that has a patent and works well to treat dark spots and melasma. It comes from seven Swiss mountain plants that grow in an organic way. These plants include peppermint, common mallow, and primula (cowslip).
Extract the White Mulberry
The white mulberry tree (Morus alba) is from China and has been found to be good for your health in many ways. It can also help whiten the face and protect against heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
Niacinamide, another name for vitamin B3, stops the production of melanin, a pigment. When added to face creams, it also works well to lighten the skin. When put on the skin, vitamin B helps it keep water. Water makes it feel softer and smoother and reduces fine lines.
Most things you can buy online will have a full list of the ingredients to take a quick look at it before you buy. The ingredients you choose will, of course, rely on what you want to happen.
Then after making, the most important thing is that how to pack your cream? so I suggested you to use customize boxes for cream which play an important role in protecting as well as promoting your product.
So, There are a lot of man-made chemicals in the face brightening creams that you can buy. Even though they are made with approved formulas. They still have many stabilizers and chemicals we don't want. So, in this post, we'll look at some ideas you can use to make your own skin-brightening cream at home.
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