#nurse in training || pokemon verse.
aloekat · 5 months
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Unsleeping City S1 & S2
pt 2/?
part 1 || part 2
second verse same as the first, check out part one for my guidelines on how i made the teams! short version is only 4 pokemon per team, no repeats, and little to no shinies or legendaries
fun fact the unsleeping city was actually the first season i thought of pokemon for, and why i started to make teams in the first place!
i also like unsleeping city a uhhh a lot less than fantasy high so my fantasy high picks (part 1) are a lot more thought out and maybe cooler than these picks but hey i'm still happy with these!
oh also unsleeping ch. 1 and 2 spoilers ahead of course :]
Purugly - symbolizing La Gran Gata! also it just feels like Sophia would have this pokemon it fits her Vibe
Furfrou (Heart Trim) - she is a hair stylist!! of course she would have the hair stylized dog!!! she mainly keeps her as the heart trim but it doesnt 100 percent always stay that way
Mienshao - cool and cute monk pokemon for obvious reasons lol
Raticate - represents kugrash after he dies(?). shockingly the raticate and purugly get along well, and are actually pretty nice with each other
Boltund - there’s no dalmatian pokemon (which there should be maybe) so this is the closest i got to representing Ox! boltunds are VERY fast though so it still works lol
Blastoise - what better pokemon to have as a fireman than a giant water tank? probably got a squirtle when he was young and it evolved as he grew up :]
Kleavor - represents the fireman ax he carried
Machamp - Ricky is all about exercise so naturally i gave him the super buff pokemon. they probably train together and like do pushups or whatever fit people do
Dachsbun - representing both the dog he gets in season 2 along with bagels in general, which seems to be a symbol for him (see the vox populi pin)
Drampa - similar to how i imagine the dragon of bleaker’s street would look, it also just feels like an old man of a pokemon (which kingston is)
Blissey - i like to imagine doctors/nurses get blisseys once they like are hired in healthcare to help their trainers with the patients (and also blisseys are absolute TANKS in terms of defense)
Magnezone - Kingston did that cool tech shutdown/takeover thing in one of the season one battles at the stock market and i thought that was cool. and also it fits because Vibes
Misty / Rowan
Gardevoir - a beautiful pokemon that always looks youthful, just like Rowan
Primarina - a singing pokemon that wouldve helped Misty practice her singing for plays
Meloetta - same reason, a singing pokemon lol
Scream Tail - rather than a standard Jigglypuff i would like to imagine an ancient thousand year old one was much more interesting! it also ties to Rowan's reincarnation thing she has goin' on
Goodra - a dragon to represent the storybook dragon inside of the chest she has! i didn’t do charizard because i saved that one for a future season team (take a guess who)
Gimmighoul - a chest pokemon because. she. she has a chest thats very important to her. yeah!!!
Perrserker - pure vibes i just feel she would have this pokemon lol
Hatterene - also mostly vibes, she Is a psychic so it works but yeah she gets a hatterene because i say so
Rapidash (Galarian) - unicorn totem
Unfezant (Male) - spicy pigeon totem
Ladyba - juicy cockroach totem (i didn’t do kricketune because i want to use it for a later team. can you again guess who)
Arceus - our first true legendary! kugrash literally becomes omnipotent so you know what he can have pokemon god on his team
Aegislash (Shiny) - it’s literally The sword pokemon of course Cody would have one. it’s shiny because if he spent a long time growing his real sword collection he can spend a long time finding a shiny. also it’s black and red like Thirsting Blade Dark Excalibur Mega Genesis
Grimmsnarl - the most emo pokemon ive ever seen so of course Cody gets it. as a treat
Houndoom - “but aloe why didn’t you give this to Fig?!” shshhhshshhhh. listen my sweet child. houndoom is for the emo boys. which Cody is. and also also it parallels the other paladin on the team, Ricky, and his dog pokemon, Boltund. does that make sense….
Corviknight - emo pokemon #3 on the team. also knight means sword so in a roundabout way it’s another sword related pokemon
Polteageist - Pete has a teapot in his official art and while yes. it is blue and so is the non-shiny form i think purple in general fits Pete a LOT more than blue so here we are lol
Musharna - literally the dream pokemon this was an easy peasy pick and very obvious
Hypno - another dream-like pokemon but much more scary to maybe represent a sort of nightmare compared to the sweeter dreams from Musharna
Vivillion (Garden Pattern) - representing Luna his green butterfly familiar! i feel like everyone (including the PCs) forget Luna exists and it makes me a little sad :(
that's all for this new york team! i plan on doing a crown of candy next :]
have any suggestions or changes you would make? let me know i would love to hear your takes on the teams :D!
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alolanrain · 9 months
I’m really rethinking the TA!Au because it has actually gotten a lot darker then I originally intended, it’s one of the reason’s why I haven’t really written anything is because I’m actually planning out a full series that will stay contingent, and I’ve decided to make a whole new au instead. ’ve mentioned it before but I’m naming the new verse is named Traveling Teacher!au. I’m also cringing how I’ve type au so far.
This is also almost a 180 turn from it too.
Traveling teacher!au is where Ash actually goes to therapy, i’m not joking, and after he’s deemed ready by his therapist. Ash will be leading the International Leagues new mandated Buddy System. Where respected trainer’s slightly older between the ages of 17 and up will be there for support during trainings and battle. They won’t ever actually battle someone else, during “support time” but instead give advice on certain techniques that the professors deems right. Like all the Pokémon are loved dearly and they form a unique strong bond. Or as we know it, main characters basically.
Professors and or both an Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy together have to judge the team and deem everyone of at least three basic things. What makes it hard is that each region have different rules to apply to the buddy system and you legally have to meet each regions standard or else you are disqualified. The only reason Ash’s entire project he worked his blood sweat and tears into actually became a world wide thing is because, if he hadn’t been the luckiest motherfucker in the whole wide fucking world, so many well know people joined and public spread it with praise and pure delight of all ages. Anyone seventeen and above can join and freely offer good, qualified and respected advice. To many young children have died in almost every tragic event Ash has been in. Let alone his friends when they first come to face is Ash’s personal hell.
Yet they somehow an bare the trauma and laugh at their good times instead. Looking forward and accepting help when they can’t. They also go for the position of a version of a “shiny” trainer. Getting that iconic silver/golden sparkle over their picture on their legal trainer card. There’s other smaller requirements but’s it’s so easy to be re-qualified. Behind the scenes though? There’s so much more.
He had to convince a slew of fucking people this was a good idea and had to defend himself again and again at every step. It made him vicious in debates and arguments. Every INL member hates dealing with him when he’s mad because Ash is usually fucking right. He was already contracted as a “regional inspector” when crime rises rabidly through the entire nation. He’s widely considered to be fluent in fucking Evil Teams now. He has his moments, he’s not perfect at all but he’s trying. So far, his last break was by choice and not by the mental abuse of dying over and over again.
So… progress, somewhat.
Now that he no longer has to defend what was basically his fucking baby for so fucking long, he’s being sent to Alola for a trial run.
They don’t have a league in the island region. Choosing to go back to their religion, practices and ways of life after Unova had briefly colonized their islands. Before the INLwas established way back in time. It was going to be fought over by Paldea and those two had major beef between each other. quick Pokemon history recap in au. It was going to get dangerous real quick for the entire world of some people didn’t step the fuck in.
No one quite remembers how the INL was created, each region has it written it down in their history differently, but their here know and everything has genuinely been good… mostly because their in human disguises. They where distant and relatively cordial to each region and their own. Regardless they cared, especially since humans can be a danger to Pokemon it’s better to lead them then fight them.
Ash has made that very clear them in the years he’s been alive and cognitive enough to start blaming the legendaries who, for no reason, loses their shit just to lose it and nothing else. He’s had screaming matches and arguments with them to get their shirt together. Their led by the ear by Ash to make social engagement with the public. Both as INL members and as regulars “people”.
He may or may not caught having dinner with Kanto board member Gia Lu and KoKe Kahekili from specifically Melemele, Alola. Stirring the pot of rumors and gossip off what they have going on.
There’s obviously so much more but I’ll stop here for know.
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oreburghminingmuseum · 7 months
Welcome to the blog for the Oreburgh Mining Museum Fossil Pokemon Revival Program!
We're a museum based in Sinnoh that for the longest time focused mainly on telling people about Oreburgh's thriving mining economy- but in more recent years as more and more fossil pokemon become discovered, under the guidance of Doctor Kenzo, the museum has branched out into research and education about fossil pokemon!
We have herds and packs of almost every known variety of fossil pokemon, each kept in enclosures tailored to each Pokemon's needs.
Fossil Zoo hours are 8am-4pm if you'd ever like to come take a tour/look around our enclosures, and if you're interested in the museum side of things it's open from 7am to 6pm, our employees are always happy to answer your questions!
You may already be familiar with one of the residents of our nursery wing, Aegis of @sturdy-and-soundproof, and we hope you enjoy meeting the other residents within our facility!
Meet the OMMFRP Team!
Dr Kenzo, He/Him- The leader of the Oreburgh Mining Museum Fossil Revival Program (OMMFRP)! He's one of the leading experts in fossil research and restoration, with years of experience in different regions before beginning this project in 2000. He has a great love for fossil pokemon and is always happy to answer any questions you have! While they're not his personal pokemon- he does have a few favorite residents many regard as "his".
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Kristen, They/She- The ever positive Kristen is always happy to answer questions about the nursery wing and the socialization of our young fossil Pokemon- She has a personal team of four!
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Plover, They/Them- Plover handles anything from administering daily medicines to regular check-ups for our Nursery Wing. they've also been branching out into working with some of the older pokemon under the guidance of some of the more experienced nurses! They have a personal team of 2
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Silver, He/it- One of our newest employees, though he's not specific to the nursery wing he's well versed in the training of pokemon, and has a personal team of 6!
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Any other team members that frequent the blog will be added soon enough!
Thank you for visiting, we hope to see you again soon!
Pelipper Mail: Open!
Magic Anons: Closed!
(Ooc under the cut)
Hi, this is a blog by Tori, it's unfortunately mostly inactive at the moment(though I intend to post more eventually lolol) if you're interested in my other blogs please check out @twodragons-blooper-reel
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treehuggeranonymous · 2 years
Pokeshipping Week 2022 Day 6: Mirror-verse
Having stopped watching the anime, my first thought on reading Mirror Ash x Mirror Misty was like dark versions (I had this image of Ash being groomed to take over TR). After reading Bulbapedia, here’s a bit of a redux of a pivotal pokeshipping moment with Mirror Ash and Mirror Misty.
Mirror Mirror
The day before her sixteenth birthday, Misty made a list of all the things she had never done and probably never would do at this point.
She’d never left Kanto. 
She’d never visited the Orange Islands.
She’d never visited a gym that wasn’t her own.
She’d never entered the Princess Festival Pageant.
She’d never raised a Pokemon from an egg.
She’d never been in a Pokemon battle that wasn’t for the cascade badge or training with her sisters.
She’d never met a gym leader from outside of the League.
She’d never owned a Pokemon that wasn’t a water Pokemon.
She’d never even learnt to ride a bike.
There was a time when she was eleven when she’d almost run away. She’d gotten so mad at her sisters she couldn’t even think straight. She’d packed a bag and her fishing rod and her bright red bike and left, pushing the bike beside her down the road. 
But she’d only gone about a mile before she was pushing it back towards the gym. She had nowhere to go and no one to go to. And as bad as things were at home, it was better than being lost and alone with a dumb bike she couldn’t even ride.
So she pushed the bike home and Daisy apologised and that was that. Things went back to how they’d always been and she dedicated her life to becoming the Cerulean Gym leader.
It was the closest she’d ever come to some kind of adventure.
Sixteen meant she would officially be handed the reigns of the Cerulean Gym and Daisy would go off to start her real life and her own dreams. 
And Misty would be here, in Cerulean. Never leaving Kanto. Never visiting another region. Never getting to battle just for fun. She would have the thing she’d been working towards her whole life, and nothing would change ever again.
“Well, screw that,” she muttered, ripping off the piece of paper and scrunching it up into a ball.
She had twenty-one hours before they signed the paperwork and hand it over the League for certification, and she was going cram as much life into the next twenty-one hours as possible. Starting with learning to ride a bike. 
“When you said you had an emergency, I though you meant an actual emergency,” Brock complained, looking especially grim as he glowered down at her.  
Misty had never met anyone who had mastered the dark, brooding thing as well as Brock Slate. All the girls - including her sisters and every Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny they’d ever met - ate. that. shit. up. His usual dark countenance was enhanced by the grime he’d accumulated in a hasty underground trip from Pewter to Cerulean on the back of an Onix.
“It is an emergency,” she insisted, not letting his harsh expression defeat her. “I will not turn sixteen without learning how to ride a bike.” She smiled at him sweetly, knowing if she held up her end for long enough Brock would relent. He’d always had a secret soft spot for her and rest of ‘the kids’ as he called the younger crop of gym leaders. 
“Fine,” he said, annoyance still colouring his words. “Get on the bike.”
So she did and twenty-five minutes later she had mastered riding a bike.
“Can I hitch a ride with you to the Pewter Gym?” she asked when they were done.
He eyed her suspiciously, the innocent tone she put on not fooling him in the slightest. “What for?”
She shrugged, maintaining her false innocence. “I’ve never been before. And the Viridian forrest isn’t that far. I could catch some Pokemon there.”
“It’s mostly bug and flying types,” Brock pointed out. “Hardly any water Pokemon.”
“That’s fine,” she told him. “That’s exactly what I’m after.”
The Pewter Gym was … well it was a gym wasn’t it. They all basically looked the same except for maybe a few design elements here and there that referenced the main Pokemon type. A gym was a gym, but at least now she’d seen one that wasn’t the Cerulean Gym so she could check that off her list. Now she was on her way to the Viridian Forest to attack the next item on her list.
Capturing a non-water Pokemon. 
It seemed pretty straight forward. The Viridian Forrest was basically teeming with caterpie and weedle so weak and defenceless even the most bumbling trainer could catch them.
She’d only been wandering through the Viridian Forrest for ten or so minutes when she found exactly what she was looking for - a weedle just wandered out of the bushes and stopped dead in the middle of her path on seeing her. She called out Psyduck, who could do with the experience, and called for the least damaging attack in Psyduck’s repertoire - confusion. She didn’t even wait for a volley from the weedle and threw a Pokeball.
And just like that she had captured a non-water Pokemon. 
“Why would you do that?” called a panicked voice from behind. She turned to see a dark-haired boy around her age on the path behind her with a pikachu on his shoulder and panic in his eyes.
She snorted in derision. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those Team Rocket wanna-be’s crusading for the rights of Pokemon and calling training a blood sport.”
“Of course not,” he said, matching her tone. “I’m someone who knows that if you see a weedle it means there are a bunch bedrill nearby that are going to be fucking pissed that you captured their baby.”
She glared back at him. “Do you know who you’re talking to?” she asked him in an uppity tone. “I’m not some -“ 
She cut herself off as a low buzzing noise caught her attention. A noise that could only mean one thing.
“What do we do?” she asked, lowering her voice as though that might somehow help them avoid detection.
“There’s only one thing we can do,” the boy replied. The words themselves were declarative and bold, but the way he said them did not inspire confidence. Like her, he whispered and there was something almost grim and desolate about his tone. “We have to battle.”
His words left no room for argument so she recalled Psyduck and brought out the strongest Pokemon she had on her: Starmie. The pikachu jumped from the boy’s shoulder and readied itself for battle.
“Does your starmie know any electric attacks?” the boy asked, looking straight ahead as the buzzing noise became louder. 
“Of course,” she replied, almost offended by the suggestion that she might have left her pokemon so vulnerable to a possible type advantage. 
“Okay,” he said with a small nod. “Start with a water attack and then we can combine electric attacks for maximum effect,” he said, his voice sounding confident and commanding now, like a switch had turned and he’d become a whole other person. “Ready, Pikachu?”
“Pika,” the pokemon replied. 
And then they were surrounded by bedrill on all sides. Misty called for hydropump, which did little to deter the pokemon. But then it wasn’t supposed to. The boy gave her a nod and they called the next attack simultaneously.
“Starmie, thunderbolt”
“Pikachu, thunder”
The space around them filled with light and noise, and then it was complete silent.
The ground was strewn with bedrill and debris and …
“My bike!” she exclaimed in horror, as she took in the mangled remains. “Look what you did to my bike!”
Gone was the vibrant red paint, the shiny silver rims, and black handles. All that remained was the charred skeleton of a bike she’d only just learned to ride.
Gone too, was the confident boy who’d co-ordinated their earlier onslaught. Cowering behind his raised hands, he rushed to defend himself. “It was an accident, I swear,” he all but begged. “I never meant to …”
“You’re paying me back for that,” she told him, getting right up in his face and pointing an accusing finger at him. “It was practically brand new.”
“But -“
“Don’t think you’re getting away from me,” she added, voice rising with every phrase. 
“I wasn’t - “
“I’ll follow you all over Kanto if I have to!” she all but hollered at him.
“I’ll - what did you just say?” she asked, deflating a little at the lack of resistance. 
He shrugged, looking a weaselly and nervous as he said, “I mean, it’d be nice to have the company if you’re just going to follow me anyway.”
Well that took the wind right out of her sales. “I wasn’t actually going to follow you,” she said with a frown, the righteous anger fading as quickly as it had come over her and rational thought returning. “It was an empty threat so you’d pay me to go away.”
“I don’t have any money and I don’t mind if you hang around,” he admitted. “In fact, it’d be kinda cool. You’re Misty Waterflower, right? From the Cerulean Gym?”
She nodded, confusion growing by the minute.
“My names Ash - Ash Ketchum from Pallet,” he said offering a hand which she just stared at in wonder. He paused for a second and then rambled on. “I’m a trainer - I mean obviously a trainer. And I’m on my journey and I just competed in the league and me and Pikachu were going to head back to Pallet before our next step.”
“So, yeah,” he concluded lamely, his arm coming up to scratch the back of his head. “If you wanted to come along …”
It was a ridiculous offer and one she had no intention of accepting. Still, she found herself asking, “where are you going?”
“Orange Islands, then maybe Sinnoh or Johto.”
Misty found herself thinking of the crumpled up list back in her bedroom.
“I’ve never been to the Orange Islands.”
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whenmirrorimagestalk · 3 months
With tthe Pokemon center catering to paitents in more rural areas of the Twins' area. They work alongside the various local Pokemon nurseries, ensuring the new Pokemon get all the health check ups they need before being given to a trainer or back to their families. Since Gwen is training to be a nurse/a nurse (depending on where in the verse it is) she will sometimes travel to the nurseries herself.
Isobel balances her time between the contests and designing clothes for both Pokemon and their owners, her boutique even rent outs outfits for those participating in the contests. Or they may make an outfit for the trainer/ coordinator.
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dragonskxn · 4 years
Starter for @quixoticnexus​
It was a pretty big responsibility for the Pokemon Nurses of Galar to make sure the Pokemon used in the Flying Taxi service were healthy and well-taken care of, and this was Annalise’s first time giving a checkup to a Corviknight. Sure, she had dealt with the smaller birds like Rookidee, but the size of the large corvids did intimidate her a bit.
Lugging her huge and heavy bag of supplies with her and wearing the uniform commonly worn among Galarian Pokemon Nurses, Annalise walked up to the Corviknight waiting on its examination, clearly used to these sorts of checkups as it immediately leans down and croons at Annalise.
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“Hey there, big guy!” Annalise chirps, petting its beak with one hand as she reaches into her bag with her other. “First, we’ll be checking your heartbeat, okay?”
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fairgifted · 5 years
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“I may....have more eggs than I thought we had here at the daycare. I might need a little bit of help..”
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tombstone-pisa · 2 years
I usually think about Ingo being isekai'd into other realms for aus but lately I've been thinking of like... An AU where they're still in the same time but separated by other means.
It's a wingfic, right? And Unova is basically a city in the sky. It's a great place to live. The pokemon are gentle and work together with the people. Technology is advanced enough that the brothers can run the battle subway which I imagine is more like train tracks through the sky in this verse. Hisui is below. It's not as nice. The pokemon are savage and the people have never been able to climb up to the same technological level as Unova.
The two don't have any interaction. Unova knows that Hisui exists, but you're not allowed to go there. If you go below the clouds, you can never come back to Unova. Hisui is vaguely aware of Unova but have never actually seen the cities up close and treat the flying people with mysticism.
And then Ingo falls.
It was just an accident. Someone working the rails didn't make the proper safety checks. Maybe a flying alpha pokemon from Below was attracted to the sound. Either way, Ingo gets hurt and Emmet isn't fast enough to catch him. It wouldn't have mattered anyway because the rules are very clear! If you can't fly, you don't belong in Unova. The wingless are tossed Below.
And no one, not even Ingo, can fly after an injury like that.
Emmet begs to be allowed Below to search for his brother. Eventually, he's told that if he goes he can never come back. He accepts that and leaves to find Ingo. His friends try to discourage him because there's no way that Ingo survived that fall or the days after, not with ruined wings. Emmet doesn't accept that but he also knows that he'd rather bury Ingo properly even if it means never going home. And that way he can join him instead of spending the rest of his life wondering where Ingo is, if he's safe, etc.
(Ingo falls into Lady Sneasler's territory. She nurses this weird smelling baby back to health and proudly introduces him to the Pearl Clan. He doesn't know anything but his name. His only memories before she found him was of falling, falling, falling and someone screaming his name)
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viola-stars · 3 years
do you have your own story for the pokemon verse? who are the ships :eye emojis:
Hello!! Thank you for sending an ask ;v; I really appreciate it!
I don’t really have a whole verse? At most I have a future version of Johto! It isn’t much, really, but I do have some thoughts to share! They’re mostly things about Johto League + Other Characters!
-Falker currently has Lugia and he’s still a gym leader! However, he is still trying to catch every bird Pokemon so he tends to have some breaks from gyms here and there, but he makes sure he keeps his schedule the same so he can still be able to do his gym tasks! He has travelled to different regions, having a Corviknight from Galar that he caught on his own! He has several new ones but I think that’s the most notable one because it’s the Pokemon that argues with his Skarmory. He also has a Staraptor, but it was given to him from Whitney when she travelled to Sinnoh once! It used to be a Starly, but it evolved.
-Bugsy is also currently a gym leader, but he also is an assistant professor of Professor Oak! In Pokemon Masters, it reveals he looks up to Professor Oak so I like thinking he’s having a step further into becoming a Pokemon professor! He sometimes has breaks as well, but it isn’t too much since Kanto is just a train away, so it isn’t too hard on Bugsy. He rarely goes to other regions, but when he does, he obviously gets new bug type pokemon!
-Whitney is still a gym leader, and she’s a bit more used to Pokemon battling! In my headcanons, the Nurse Joy in Goldernrod is her mom and she used to dream to be a Nurse Joy, but after getting used to Pokemon battling and wanting to be as great as her mentor [who I believe is Norman], she’s continuing her life as a gym leader! She doesn’t take too much breaks, but she likes hopping in her friends’ plans! She is also one of the main people who sponsors Pokeathlon, and her favorite region to visit is Galar, which she goes to with DJ Mary!
-Morty is still a gym leader as well, and he focuses more on Ecruteak city as a whole, wanting the city to be in good shape and he also goes around Johto sometimes with his best friend Eusine so they can look for Suicune. He also likes knowing more about ghost types, but he asks some information from other ghost gym leaders! I like thinking Morty is Somewhat friends with every ghost-type league member, most notably would be Fantina. He has yet to find where Ho-Oh went.
-Chuck is a gym leader and happily married to his wife and he’s being a great father to his kids! Now that he’s getting older, he probably gives more time to his family, but he also balances it with gym and training. He gets to also talk to several fighting league members, but I like thinking he’s the one closest to his “same-type league member” squad! He acts like a father figure to both Maylene and Bea, while the other fighting gym league members are basically like homies to each other!
-Jasmine may still be a gym leader, but she also wants to focus on contests now too! She actually plans on asking the current champion of the league to have a contest area in Johto and it has yet to be built, the area it will be built will most likely be Goldenrod, and Whitney is very happy about that! On the meantime, she takes breaks to go to different regions to win all the ribbons in contests! She sometimes goes to places with her friends so they can cheer her on while she does.
-Pryce is a gym leader, but he plans on retiring soon because he believes he’s getting old, but he also wants to stay to see how the league grows. I like thinking that he treats Will and Karen as his kids [bc of the Pokemon Adventures manga,,]! He’s actually the gym leader who stays the most in his area, but also he wants time to reflect over what he has done to Johto that one time, even if he was forgiven for what he did.
-Claire is still a gym leader as well, but she’s getting stronger and she can probably compete against Lance after a few years. She’s getting there! She is very proud of being that gym leader who can be measured next to an Elite Four and she is also the next clan head of her family. She’s actually really hardworking, and she likes showing how great of a dragon trainer she is sometimes, but she deserves to be praised for what she has done.
-Will is an Elite four member until now and he’s doing great at his job! People barely pass him because of how great he is, of course! What do you expect? He’s part of the Elite Four for a reason. He actually loves getting to know about more league members who are psychic, but he doesn’t really like going out too much. Currently, I like thinking he works as an actor as a sideline, but no one knows it’s him except Karen.
-Koga is still a great Elite Four member AND a great father to Janine. He barely has anyone even reach him in terms of Elite Four member duties. He’s very responsible and he also meets Janine frequently now too, wanting to see how his daughter is doing as a gym leader. Currently, he has no second job, but he does like getting called so he could test security system- and well, Janine joins sometimes too so stealing things, or well testing out security systems, sounds like a fun way to bond.
-Bruno is still an Elite Four member of Johto but it’s funny because he’s also in Kanto, and he has to run to the challenge area sometimes. He’s a professional martial artist and he is also a teacher in a dojo! He teaches people how to fight AND how to use fighting Pokemon! He’s a very well known person to martial artists world-wide, actually! He and Chuck vibe together, and also he joins the Fighting League meetings a lot!
-Karen is still a badass woman who is part of the Elite Four, and I like thinking that she’s really close to Will until now [i refer you to Pokemon Adventures again]! She barely gets any challenges, but she’s quite known because of how strong she is. I like thinking she works in the fashion industry as a second job, but I’m still unsure whether I am set in stone about her being a model. People do know she’s pretty popular and honestly- how can she not be?
-Lance is no longer champion after a few years from HGSS, but I’ll go into details about that one soon. He’s currently still in the Kanto league, though! He still buys capes and it’s funny that he has SO many and buys them in bulks. I think he travels around the different regions, but he stays a lot in Kanto/Johto since he is an Elite Four member but also he wants to make sure the place is safe. He was actually quite surprised by how the Johto league members was more open to try new things lately.
I will base this in Pokemon Adventures!
-Gold currently has a Day Care going on and he hatches a lot of eggs! He also takes care of several baby Pokemon- trust me, his house is FILLED with them. He just does his job as a hatcher and he’s very happy with how his life is. He’s currently taking care of the place of the Day Care couple since they moved elsewhere, so yeah! He has connections with them and he updates them about Johto a lot!
-Silver is the one who replaced Lance [see above he’s no longer champion in my verse ghdfgdfhg] but I think I wanted it to happen because Lance was sort of his mentor for years, and added to that, in game, it sorta hints?? Lance continued to mentor him. If someone wants to prove to Lance that he was wrong, it’s Silver [or Claire]! Also, I want Silver to go to the opposite side of Giovanni! He isn’t with Team Rocket, not following his footsteps, and as a Champion, he could fix the things his father did in the past. So yeah, that’s why!
-Crystal is the assistant of Professor Elm! The reason why she’s under Elm and not Oak now is because she’s actually going to be the next Professor of Johto! She’s caught a lot of Pokemon, and she travels a lot to perfect her Pokedex, but she’s also close to becoming a Professor! However, her side job is being a teacher in Violet City! She’s a teacher in Pokeschool!
-Eusine is a researcher on Legendary Pokemon lore! He’s the most well known researchers across the region, and he is highly wanted in different regions but he’s still focused on Johto for now, as he wants to figure everything out and get all the details before moving to another region. Also he will get to find Suicune much later, so that’s neat!
-DJ Mary is,, still a DJ ghfdgdfhg however! I like to think she’s a singer now because Gold called her idol of Goldenrod City in HGSS arc. She probably got too stressed over the idol life and balancing it with the radio was a bit too hard for her, so she’s now just a singer and a radio host! She’s very popular now, and Gold likes saying he was the biggest fan because he was there even before she became famous, but of course, Whitney wins best fan award.
SO SHIP,,, i have,,, only a few established ships ghdfghdfg because im a multishipper for a lot so only a few is smth im set on stone with orz
RollingWindShipping - Falkner & Whitney
JohtoShipping - Gold, Silver & Crystal
I have explanations i swear, but will only go into details if asked gdfgdfg and if there are ships with other characters you wanna know about,,, you can ask bc i can tell you what my thoughts are HDGDFGDFG
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ooc: All Available Muses/Characters on the blog!
Final Fantasy 14:
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Shay Pierina: (A Miqo’te who was found as a child outside a small village that is part of the Ul’dah kingdom. Adopted by kind Hyurs, she lived in poverty but didn’t let it bother her and worked to protect her family. After discovering the Echo, she happened upon a member of the Scions and decided to join and travel away from home and became the Warrior of Light.)
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The Augustina Sisters: Iris, Lillianne and Camillia, the three princesses of a kingdom called Lapis. They are gifted in water and ice elemental magic. Lily is the oldest and is soft and mature, her older sister personality showing to even those who are not her sisters. Iris is very flirtatious and playful and quite carefree. Camillia the youngest is shy, sometimes prissy, but can warm up to others.
Genshin Impact:
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Yueliang Song (An Electro Claymore user who is an adventurer working for the adventurer’s guild but is also a dancer on the side, performing for festivals held usually in Morax’s honor. Confident in her skills as an adventurer and her dancing, she works hard day and night.)
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Kyana Aeira (A Pyro Vision user from Mondstadt who dreams of becoming a Knight of Favonius one day. She works hard taking on random tasks from the people to prove herself capable. She is  determined and optimistic and tends to  listen more to her emotions than think with logic. Has a One Piece AU!)
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Christina Terrwyn (A spunky digi-destined with the Digimon Dracomon. She is rambunctious, hyper, and a tad reckless, willing to rush into a fight without thinking. She also can go a bit overboard in a fight out of excitement.)
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Sylvao Ter’on (A clever demon in charge of a mercenary group including a couple of odd twins he found as children. He can be ruthless to those who oppose or disobey him but otherwise treats whoever follows him with kindness and helps them with anything they need.)
Kingdom Hearts:
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Ai Malificia (The Somebody of Xia who lives in Radiant Garden. A sweet, innocent girl who was sheltered due to her overprotective parents. She grew up around flowers and a flower shop and developed magic pertaining to plants which carried into her Nobody form. Has a Fire Emblem Three Houses verse and a Goddess verse!)
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Xia Malificia (A Nobody who is flirtatious, mischievous, and a bit manipulative. She wants to become a part of Organization XIII and use them for her own ends. A trouble maker. Has multiple AUs including a One Piece AU.)
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Diana Fotieni (A keyblade wielder with a keyblade that is supposed to represent a balance of light and darkness. But Diana believes all darkness should be  eradicated to protect the people. Acts rather knight like. Has a Pokemon verse, Final Fantasy 15 verse and a Fire Emblem Three Houses verse!)
My Hero Academia:
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Kalliphae Myressei (A moth girl with a healing Quirk who is a nurse in training. She is also a noble from a far off place that traveled to Japan and takes that position seriously, having a royal air about her. She can also be quite stubborn, having a desire to follow her dreams no matter what. Kalli always tries to be dignified and lady-like in everything she does.)
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Midori Mihata (A clumsy, scared ninja girl who one  would possibly say is the worst ninja ever. Wants to make her clan proud and tries hard to be the best she can be. Also gets rather flustered and shy around boys.)    
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Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who thinks she is a magical girl. Flirty and mischievous sometimes but mainly likes to help  people with her ‘powers’. Likes to put on a show in order to gain  reputation and hopes to get her own tv show) 
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Piper/Peeps (An Altaira Gijinka girl who can’t speak human very well and tends to just say Peep or chirp or hum. Very innocent and naive and loves to give hugs to people and can be a tad air-headed.)
Fairy Tail:
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Emilia Clarimond (Emilia is a Celestial Wizard  with the Jade Zodiac Keys, Mouse, Monkey, Tiger and Sheep! She is clever, stubborn, hard headed but can become friendly when she gets close to someone. To her, her Zodiac summons are like family. Has a Fate series Master verse!)
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Iyumi Akuma (A bratty, whiny, wannabe queen with high delusions. She can be a major  pain, demanding attention or demanding  servants but deep down wants a  king to serve and be submissive towards. Can change to be better with time. Has a Genshin Impact verse, a Pokemon verse, a Demon verse and a Dark Goddess verse!) 
Monster Hunter:
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Sonafuwa (A Paolumu who gained the ability to turn human. Sonafuwa is shy and tends to stay in the trees and away  from hunters so she won’t get hunted. When she meets someone friendly,  she becomes more calm and is happy to make a new friend.)
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Sakura (A Pink Rathian that gained the ability to turn human. Territorial at first but can become friendly if she sees the other means no harm. Prissy and doesn’t mind Hunters so long as she isn’t their target.)
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Ourania Thanos (A dragon that can turn into a human. Cocky, egotistical, and  loves to show off to others. Loves to fight people just to fight strong opponents  and also loves to eat lots of meat and drinks lots of ale. Has a Monster Hunter verse where she is a Zinogre gijinka)
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Miyuki Tenshi (A sweet, kind-hearted girl with a deck of angelic creatures revolving around Sanctuary in the Sky. She has the duel spirit of Happy Lover and is convinced she is the only one who has one as she has yet to meet anyone else who can see her. Has multiple AU verses including a fairy au, angel au and Light Goddess verse that goes with Iyumi!)
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Aku Yazoi (A wannabe punk boy who is hot tempered and  tries to act cool but is a sucker for cute girls. Is kind of a dweeb. Is from 5Ds. Also has fandomless verse for non-Yugioh threads)
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imgonnaketchumall · 3 years
I wrote something for @champofpallet now I got something cute to write in my Rowdy Boys verse featuring @frostbittxntrainer-returned
Ash had been in the Viridian Pokemon center for one hour. So far, it seems as if his travels were not going as planned. He started off with the wrong pokemon, he almost got attacked by spearrow, and then some dumb girl fished him out a lake! Frustrated, he put his pen to paper to write.
Dear Reddy
I just started my journey today. Today was my first day as a real trainer!! But I woke up late cause I couldn't sleep last night, and so Mama made me watch Professor Oaks dumb video instead of a super cool battle on tv.
When I woke up, the sun was already shining and my alarm clock was broken. Mama called me to get up, and it turns out I was already LATE. I didn't have time to put on clothes so I ran straight to the lab in just my pajamas. When I got there, ALL THE POKEMON WAS GONE.
Professor Oak said all the trainers had already gotten their pokemon and that there were NONE left. I asked him what about me??? But he just chucked and said that early bird catches the pokemon. He said he had ONE but it was for him and for special reasons. Out of the ball was a little yellow pokemon, a Pikachu! Only he's not as nice as your pikachu.
My pikachu is not nice at all. He doesn't like his pokeball so he kept hitting it back at me. When I went out to see Mama goodbye, Gary was out there and he was spinning his pokeball on his finger. That JERKFACE (don't tell Mama I said that okay?) GOT THE POKEMON I WANTED. I wanted the squirtle! HE KNEW IT. But HE got the squirtle and started laughing at me! Said I was a pathedic looser who would just make Pallet ashamed! I HATE HIM.
Then he took off in a CAR with lots and lots of GIRLS. Hes so dumb Red, I hate him. I hope his car gets eatten by a snorlax. Or a machop. And I hope all his dumb spikes fall down and he never ever wins any badges.
When he left, I was going to leave too but mama made me change my clothes and then told me all that stuff about remembering to stay clean and stuff. She told me to change my underwear every day but NOW I DONT HAVE TO.
I took the rubber gloves mama had given me for laundry and the rope and tied it to pikachu who just got all mad at me. When I tried to catch a pidgy Pikachu LAUGHED at me and ate a apple. Then when I tried to catch a spearrow, Pikachu and me almost got attacked by it! We had to run and it started to rain and it was all muddy and so he tried to protect me! But the spearrows were really really mean so I protected him and we went diving off in the river and then some really ugly dumb girl with red hair fished us out.
Her hair looks like carrots, Red. IT WAS THE COLOR OF CARROTS. Then I borrowed her bike and took pikachu so he could get better at the pokemon center.
He seems to like me a little better now that he feels better. I really want Pikachu to like me. I want him to like me like your pikachu likes you. I want another friend...so then I will have ONE friend.
Garys not my friend no more. I think i wrote about that in my last letter I sent to you. We stopped being friends when he started laughing at me in school and then a week ago we went fishing and he said tying with me was just as bad as being a loser.
He's worser than Green ever ever is. Why couldn't he be nice like Daisy?
Pikachu is starting to fall asleep now. Its lights out at the pokemon center and when he's not being mean to me, he is actually kind of cute.
I know you won't reply to this letter. Red. Its okay. Mama and I don't know where you are right now, but it's okay. I hope one day when you come back (I don't like the word if) we can have abattle. Hopefully ill have a really good team then.
Um. Mama misses you. I miss you too but I know youre out there being a really strong trainer and I hope one day I will be just as strong as you, if not stronger!!!
I got the picture of you and me, and me and daddy in the bottom of my bag. I like to think that I will be as strong as both of you. I hope you don't mind but I took one of your pokemon toys too, because Flame couldnt come because hes retired. (Gary ripped the flame off his tail during a fight one time. Mama says it was a accident but i dont think so.) Its a stuffed one. Its one I always took when we were little. I know its baby to take toys on your journey but I had to. If pikachu doesn't like me, then who else would I talk to?
Did you know Professor Oak bet I wouldn't ever make it to Viridian City??
There carrot girl is at the door and she just screamed at me that I broke her bike. Nurse Joy says I should sleep because Im a growning boy.
I know its baby but I kinda miss Mama right now. She used to keep the gengars and haunters away.
I love you Reddy.
Ash fold the notebook paper up and tucks it in to the envelope. He closes the envelope and write in big letters the word RED. He has no address, nor any indications of where the older may be. Searching in his bag, Ash picks out a funny pokemon stamp of a charizard making a funny face.
Placing the envelope in the mail slot, Ash looks over at his sleeping pokemon. He knows the letter won't ever be read. But he hopes that one day maybe the wind will drift it in the right direction.
written because acacia made me have early training feels.
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Striaton Triplets and the Carmonte Group
aka trying to fit in some elements from Pokemon Duel made me decide to have the Striaton Triplets’ spouses all connected to this group in some way because why not.
Pokemon Duel felt so disconnected from most of the Pokemon franchise purely because I don’t think the characters ever talked about Pokemon as actual creatures and not just figurines for a game. Still, I dig the aesthetics and character designs so I took and reworked some elements of the setting to fit it into this au because I wanted Luca and Tia to still have some kind of reference/shout-out to the app they came from.
So in this AU, the Carmonte Group is a group that, in addition to owning Carmonte Island which is an exclusive resort island, owns and operates several luxury and leisure facilities (hotels, casinos, restaurants, spas, etc.) in Southern Kalos. The Battle Maison run by the Chatelaine sisters is affiliated with the Carmonte Group as well, being one of the few establishments they have focused primarily on Pokemon Battles. 
Carlo Bellandi is the current president of the group, and he had adopted Luca a few years back mostly with the intent of raising a proper heir for the company.  Luca’s relationship with his adopted father isn’t exactly close, as he wasn’t really given much of a choice in becoming the heir to the group, but not entirely bad either since Carlo generally respected Luca’s own interests and privacy so long as it didn’t interfere too much with his training. Probably around a couple years after the 5th PWT in 2006 is when Luca is appointed as an Executive member of the group, probably Vice-President or something idk (company hierarchies confuse me i do not want to think too hard about this yet)
As for how the Striaton Triplets and their spouses fit in this, starting with the least obvious we have:
Cilan and Trinnia. Trinnia herself isn’t directly affiliated with the Carmonte Group, but her older sister Tricia works as a dealer in one of their casinos (c’mon she’s the one you gotta go to when you gacha in Pokemas i’m pretty sure this fits). Tricia is also the reason Trinnia decided to work as a barista instead of becoming a Pokemon Nurse/Doctor like her other older sister and most of her other relatives. Trista, Tricia, and Trinnia are all related to the bigger Nurse Joy family in this verse, though their mother is one of the few who didn’t keep the Joy surname when she married and had kids. This is still subject to change but I like to think of Cilan and Trinnia developing a romance like in some of those coffee shop au fics between a customer and a barista haha. They’re also the last couple to meet each other, but are the next to get married after Chili and Dana.
Chili and Dana. As stated already, the Battle Maison is directly affiliated with the Carmonte Group. They met when the sisters went to Unova for a bit of a holiday, with the triplets bumping into Morgan and Dana on the regular subway heading for the Battle Subway, though the two older sisters were going specifically because Nita had ran off and dragged Evelyn ahead to challenge the Multi-Train Line. (And that was the start of how the Striaton Triplets, Chatelaine Sisters, and to a somewhat lesser extent the Subway Bosses all came to know each other). I also have this oddly specific scenario that on the day they met Chili and Dana were wearing matching outfits that made it look like they were a couple, so there’s that sort of foreshadowing going for them haha.
Cress and Luca. Luca having the most obvious and direct connection to the Carmonte Group since he’s the heir and all. They initially met at a charity masquerade party (because I really like the whole masks gimmick that Pokemon Duel had) in Unova that Luca attended incognito. Cress had initially suspected that the “charming masked stranger” he met that night was Tia in disguise when he first met her applying to work in their restaurant but was a bit disappointed when it turned out that wasn’t the case, but he does develop a decent, professional relationship with her. He and Luca end up meeting again when he has a business meeting in the triplets’ restaurant, though this was kinda overshadowed by Luca and Tia meeting each other again after years of no contact. Cress finds himself involved in their little family drama and in the meanwhile starts a slow romance with Luca. Between the three couples, these two are the one that take the longest time between their first meeting and eventual marriage/having kids.
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scrabbleknight · 4 years
Glitch Techs Pokemon AU
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Oh my, I realised that I’m not that well-versed in Pokemon. But hey, I’ll try my best:
Miko is a Trainer aiming to be the next Pokemon Champion. Her partner is a Torchic named Ally that she found injured in the middle of the forest outside of her city and nursed back to health. Ally is a bit empty-headed and likes spicy foods but is extremely reactive to its surroundings. Her team consists of Fire and Electric-type Pokemon but she’ll accept anything that’s either cute or badass.
Five is also a Trainer aiming to be Pokemon Champion. He left his small town with his partner Alpha the Beldum. Alpha is soft and delicate but can be tough when it needs to be. Five’s team is focused on Psychic Pokemon but to balance it out, he has some Fighting and Water-type Pokemon too.
Miko and Five met during one of their travels and had a friendly Pokemon battle (Miko won). They continued to meet again repeatedly and occasionally, even travelled together. Five is a master cook that makes meals for the teams, getting close during these periods of peace while Miko is a Trainer true and true and can determine a Pokemon’s feelings just by looking at it.
Mitch is the current Pokemon Champion. He’s held that position for years and is quite proud of it, being the youngest champion to date and the longest. His partner is a Salamence that he took care of since it was a baby and named it Mitch Jr.. While he does capture strong Pokemon often, his personal team is made of those he trained from a young age.
Other characters include Zahra the Pokemon Ranger, Haneesh who is a scientist of a nearby lab that designs Pokemon tech, Bergy the Pokemon Breeder and Phil who everyone mistakenly refers as a hobo but is actually the mayor of the big city.
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bxttenbound-archive · 4 years
Psychic Missi wishes to battle!
Pokemon Verse
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Melissa Dumarias was never too excited to be a Pokemon trainer like the rest of her friends. Even as her sister left their home to start her own journey, albeit to only find more cute pokemon to befriend and not actually train, Melissa still didn’t enjoy the thought of traveling around endlessly for some kind of goal that didn’t matter.
Instead, she took to learning about the pokemon themselves, the myths and other stories that have been lost to time. Finding herself lost in the enjoyment of the stories of old from pokemon who had long been forgotten by so many. Legendary pokemon fascinated Melissa and the stories that they held behind them were something she wished to learn more of. To unlock the mysteries behind these strange pokemon and just how they work in the world.
On one adventurous night she had thought to explore the long abandoned castle in hopes of finding some kind of possible lost information to add to her collection. Without a pokemon to accompany her was extremely dangerous and it proved to be true when she had encountered Duke.
An old man who would proceed to torment her throughout the night with his pokemon, allowing them to toy with her until she was able to outsmart him.
Gaining the favor from her display of intelligence and cunning, a Spiritomb would come to her rescue after she had been able to outsmart the cruel owner of the castle. With her new ‘friend’ she was able to chase him and his team out of his once home and claim it for herself.
Once he had been taken care of, Missi would come across an old relic by the looks of it that when handled would bestow upon her a psychic power that allowed her to communicate with her newly obtained Spiritomb.
As time went on, she would stumble upon an Eevee within the dead of night that had become half blinded. Taking care of the pokemon and nursing them back to health they would later evolve into an Espeon, although their eye would still prove to be blinded.
Continuously taking in pokemon who would wonder into her new home, Missi would train them, make them stronger and release them into the wild to be free only for some to decide to stick around her empty castle. Many other pokemon would be attracted to her home as well for a good bit of fun.
Of course, not all stories have a kind ending. Duke would eventually come back to challenge her for the claim to his home and the power she had stolen from him. Not one to give in without a fight, she and Duke would battle it out in a much more violent way than most battles go. Instead of attacking her pokemon, Duke would tell his pokemon to attack Missi herself. One of which attacks leaving her left eye completely destroyed. Being lucky to even survive the attack, Missi would drive Duke away as not only her pokemon would attack him, but the others that had taken up residence on the grounds that she had allowed to stay.
So she stays in her castle, often spending time in her study learning about the myths and new discoveries of those around her while recovering from her fight. If trainers were to come too close to her home they may be greeted by a swarm of protective ghost pokemon, and if they are able to make it into her seemingly abandoned castle they will be ruthlessly beaten down by her team. Often with these pathetic battles, she would need not to use more than one pokemon to completely destroy any trespassers so foolish enough to challenge her.
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shattered-quartz · 4 years
Tag: Why did the good times have to end? (Champion Verse/Good end verse)
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This verse takes place after Cliff loses to Cynthia the first time when he’s younger and is aptly disowned by his parents due to his failure. But doesn’t go down the path of team rocket
- He travels through many different regions as just as a passerby, Not a trainer (His parents took his first team of pokemon away from him, though he did still catch pokemon as companions) trying to find a place for himself away from the region of sinnoh, But he found while many of the regions were interesting. He simply couldn’t find it within’ himself to call any of them home. Although he spent a few years in unova to learn how to become a pokemon nurse (Essentially a nurse joy)
- It was also around this time that he found a itch to return back to sinnoh, to Try again (he’d been travelling for around four years at this point-) so with the pokemon he’d caught over his years of travelling, he returns to sinnoh and starts training them for battle. Starting small and working himself and his pokemon up to bigger challenges, This eventually led to his once again going through the gym challenge and powering through it with the same furiosity as when he was younger though with more confidence that this was indeed what he wanted for himself.
- He soon found himself in front of Cynthia once more, She recognized him as the same child who’d once walked through doors with anger in his heart, Their battle was a long one and with it. it was neck and neck though in the end, Cynthia’s reign as sinnoh’s champion came to end as her garchomp finally fell and cliff was granted the title as the new champion.
- Verse wise, He’s held the position for almost two years now and he’s known as strong, confident but soft hearted individual who tries to instill a sense of pride in any that come to challenge him, He still travels though less frequently and cares a lot for his home region.
- he still has a bond with Diancie, it happened when he was visiting Kalos and managed to stumble across the pokemon when she was weak and He nursed her back to health over the course of a few months, She’s still on the weaker side even now as such relying on her bond partner for assistance and offering what she can while he tries to figure out in his free time what ails her.
POKEMON TEAM: under readmore due to length
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Species: Aerodactyl Types: Rock/Flying Name: Splinter Gender: Male Nature: Jolly Ability: Unnerve Moves: Agility, Iron head, Stone edge, Ice fang Personality/History: A snippy pokemon that acts more like a really ancient cockatoo then a fierce stone age creature, he was revived after cliff found his old amber in kanto, He’s really just grumpy and must scream, EXACTLY. at 4:00am every morning Extra info: Capable of Mega evolution
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Species: Shuckle Types: Bug/Rock Name: Berry Gender: Male Nature: Calm Ability: Sturdy Moves: Sticky web, Stealth rock, Encore, Toxic Personality/History: He is very shy usually and will hide in his shell at the slightest hint of a unwanted provocation, He was drawn out by cliffs offer of berries and now makes berry juice for him! Extra info: He is used entirely defensively and is a son of a bitch in battle
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Species: Aggron Types: Steel/Rock Name: Mirror Gender: Female Nature: Careful Ability: Sturdy Moves: Stealth rock, Heavy slam, Fire punch, Earthquake Personality/History: A gentle giant, Cliff found her in a terrible slump after poachers had stolen her babies, He caught her and while he tried to find where her babies were, he couldn’t. Though she’s practically adopted diancie as a daughter. Extra info: Capable of Mega evolution
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Species: Rhyperior Types: Ground/Rock Name: Exoterra Gender: Female Nature: Adamant Ability: Solid Rock Moves: Stealth rock, Earthquake, Megahorn, Swords dance Personality/History: A large pokemon with a few anger issues, Exoterra or Terra has a decent reign on it after help from cliff, Though they still have a few iffy moments and usually work off their anger by sparring with Mirror Extra info: They nearly killed cliff after he got drilled in the gut and ended up spending quite a bit of time in the hospital
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Species: Gigalith ✨ Types: Rock Name: Geyser Gender: Male Nature: Lax Ability: Sand force Moves: Sandstorm, Solar beam, Stone edge, Gravity Personality/History: A solitary pokemon that cliff raised up from a egg of which he received from a daycare, saying it had been abandoned, Geyser was named for it’s bluish green crystals, He’s decently friendly though prefers sleeping to socializing Extra info: he’s shiny!
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Species: Diancie Types: Rock/Fairy Name: Alexandrite Gender: Female Nature: Gentle Ability: Clear body Moves: Stealth rock, Moonblast, Diamond storm, Rest Personality/History: A utter sweetheart, Diancie is prim, proper and hesitant in doing most things herself if solely because she doesn’t know how. She was found by cliff near the side of a lonely route few people travelled, Weak and exhausted, She suffers from a undiagnosed illness that leaves her tired most days. if not very ill others, She went with cliff who insisted that going back into the wild would not bode well for her, He is her bonded human and lives in his house, She does have a pokeball but this is only for precautionary reasons and does not use it unless required. Extra info: She can’t mega evolve due to her fragility but hopes to one day. But she’s not used in battle by cliff
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Species: Lycanroc Types: Rock Name: Peaches Gender: Female Nature: Jolly Ability: Steadfast Moves: Swords dance, Brick break, Fire fang, Accelerock Personality/History: Mischievous and full of energy as if she was still just a puppy, Peaches was a pokemon cliff sought out when he was in alola when she was a little rockruff, Partially because he couldn’t believe there was a tiny rock type puppy and spent MANY hours playing with her when she was still wild before finally catching her. Yes he cried Extra info: She’s really excitable and can jump over a six foot tall fence, so cliff had to get a bigger one around his yard to stop her, the little escape artist
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Species: Drednaw Types: Water/Rock Name: Snaps Gender: Male Nature: Adamant Ability: Strong Jaw Moves: Crunch, Counter, Razor shell, Ice fang Personality/History: He’s very set in his ways once he gets in his mind he wants to do something, in fact that’s how he met cliff, He decided he’d wanted to bite him so he did and refused to let go when he was just a chewtle (Thankfully) and now he’s a big ol’ drednaw. Cliff warns people about his biting habits Extra info: He will eat a small child if you aren’t watching him, big beefy baby.
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dragonskxn · 4 years
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