#Monsters and Humans Train Pokemon||Main Verse
fairgifted · 4 years
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“Vull! Vulpix!”
Pixie greets Doc outside of the Daycare with him coming home, only to pause and feel something was amiss. It was a scent that was lingering on him, that made her fur stand up on end, a worried look coming from her chocolate eyes. Just what had happened while he was gone? “Vulll..?” She tilted her head and approached, all while Syphoria was inside, getting food ready.
Just where had Doc been?
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harushinkai-daily · 4 years
Happy Birthday Haru Shinkai!
Given that so few characters in the Digimon universe have canonical birthdays, Haru’s birthday on July 1 is a day worth noting! Here are a few ideas for how to celebrate a very memorable Digimon protagonist.
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🍅 Revisit a favorite moment from Appmon
As the series’ resident gogglehead, he features in plenty of episodes. You could start with his reluctant beginning in Episode 01, or pick and choose some more highlights:
Episodes 02, 04, and 23 show his ability to strategize and come up with creative solutions to tough problems;
Episodes 03 and 41 involve high-stakes showdowns that highlight his ability to alter the outcome of a situation with words alone;
Episodes 04, 19, and 45, and 50 demonstrate the strength of the bond he shares with Gatchmon (and in one case, a particular Agumon!);
Episodes 12, 13, 18, 25, 27, and 32 all illustrate his compassion and concern for others--whether it’s his crush, his best friend, an innocent-seeming Appmon, or the brooding hacker who stole all their Seven-Code Chips (and if you’re watching 32, don’t miss his attempt to sound like a tough-guy delinquent!);
Episodes 51 and 52 demonstrate his bravery and resolve when the chips are down and the fate of humanity is at stake!
And if it’s available in your country, don’t forget to rate and leave reviews on the officially licensed sub on Crunchyroll!
🍅 Listen to Haru (and Gatchmon’s) themes and character song
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Haru has one character song that he shares with his Buddy (“Hallelujah”), which plays in the show near the end of Episode 52 (you can listen to the full thing here, and view the lyrics here!). The pair also share a bouncy instrumental track (“Haru and Gatchmon’s Everyday Life”), and there’s a more melancholy instrumental theme (“A Protagonist’s Agonizing”) if you’re looking for something with a different tone.
Both Appmon openings (“DiVE!!” and “Gatchen!”) have verses hinting at Haru’s growth in becoming a protagonist. Last but not least, the fourth ending (“Perfect World”) and the watercolor-esque sequence depicting Haru’s friends throwing him a surprise party were, of course, timed to be released on July 1, so they’re all great listens as well!  
🍅 Create fanwork, or revisit some of your favorites!
Drawing fanart of Haru for his birthday is certainly a popular option, but there’s nothing stopping you from trying your hand at writing some Appmon fanfiction, or making a Haru-themed moodboard, playlist, or other tribute! And even if you’re not in the mood to create your own, it’s still a great day to share existing Appmon fanwork via a reblog or a link. If there’s a piece that left a particular impression on you, a friendly comment to the artist or author is a great way to show support and keep our small fandom alive.
🍅 Curl up with a good book
One of the first things we learn about Haru is that he’s a bookworm, preferring narratives with strong protagonists. You could follow in his footsteps by rereading that creased and dogeared copy of an old favorite, or use your preferred search engine to discover something new (some sci-fi involving advanced AI, perhaps?).
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Speaking of which, you could...
🍅 Dabble in artificial intelligence
Haru’s ambition is to become an AI researcher, and even without being able to visit an AI-controlled city or rebuild your best friend from scratch, there are plenty of ways to explore the past and present landscape of AI. 
Read about Pepper, the robotic assistant that helped inspire Appmon’s Sugar units.
Read about the Dartmouth Summer Research Project, which the AppDrivers briefly visited thanks to Timemon.
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My favorite source for some of the weird things that can be produced with AI is… well, aiweirdness.com! Collaborate with an AI to create a surreal text-based adventure, browse some paint colors, or check out the terrifying knitting patterns that may as well have been created by Leviathan himself!
Play Pictionary with an AI, and help train it to recognize doodles at the same time! (Read more about “Quick, Draw“ here).
Sign up for a free course in Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning through Coursera.
Read up on the ethical concerns modern AI researchers are still working to address. More than a sudden hostile takeover like SkyNet or the Human Application Project, an increased reliance on today’s AI involves safety, security, and privacy concerns, as well as the issue of biased and discriminatory datasets.
🍅 Play some video games
Haru is by no means an avid gamer, but he does seem to enjoy games casually and as a social experience, including a few that involve strategic/puzzle aspects. Why not recreate the Pokemon Go craze of Summer 2016 by logging back into your account and hunting for rare monsters with your friends (keeping in mind good social distancing practices, of course!).
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Lots of other games have gone virtual, so if you and your friends are a more spread out you could meet online to play a party game like Drawception or Jackbox, or even something that requires a bit more deductive reasoning, such as Codenames, Hanabi, or Werewolf One Night. If you prefer solo play, you could download a new mobile puzzle game (as long as it doesn’t become infected and lock you out of something important!), or relive the story of your favorite recent-generation game by playing it on Easy Mode. And if you were feeling really ambitious, you might fire up an or an old-school RPG, dungeon-crawler, or adventure game-- just make sure to have a walkthrough on hand in case you get stuck!
🍅 Engage in a physical activity
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Haru is also not what you would call a super-coordinated athlete, but there are a few things you could try if you wanted to experience his more adventurous moments for yourself:
Get a friend to kick a soccer ball at your face (not recommended).
Set up a game of hide-and-seek, tag, or Quidditch. Anyone that catches you wins the grand prize! (not *currently* recommended, but maybe around Halloween...).
Hike up a snowy mountain and then sled down to avoid the ice monster at the top (not recommended).
Tool around on a Segway (...maybe?).
Go bungee jumping (not recommended).
Whatever you do, avoid activities that involve the ocean or other large bodies of water, because Haru himself says he can’t swim!
🍅 Choose to be a protagonist.
If, like Haru, you occasionally struggle to see yourself as anything more than a side character, use today as an opportunity to change the narrative. Set aside some time to pursue one of your goals that’s fallen by the wayside, or something you’re deeply passionate about. Step out of your comfort zone. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Make a conscious decision to improve some aspect of your life, even if it’s something small. Every little bit helps!
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🍅 Be humble, caring, and kind.
More than anything else, Haru is defined by his desire to be kind to those around him. To that end, you might consider reaching out to someone you know is going through a difficult time. Practice empathy and respect. Donate time, money, or supplies to a cause you really believe in. Don’t be afraid to be a main character in your own story, but realize there is just as much value being a supporting character in someone else’s. Take steps, even small ones, toward making the world a better place.
🍅 Other ideas:
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Eat a hamburger, Haru’s favorite food.
Make plans to hang out with a friend you haven’t been able to spend time with for a while, whether it’s due to your secret double life as an AppDriver or just being busy (just maybe... avoid going to school rooftops at sunset).
Ask a family member to share an embarrassing story about your childhood on social media.
Ask an eccentric older relative to yell at you in the middle of the night. The louder the better!
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Happy Birthday, Haru!
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ooc: All Available Muses/Characters!
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Aiux Umbrangeli (An assassin who has been trained since she was a child. She wields the ability to create objects out of shadows as well as hide in them. Emotionless and unfeeling towards her target but awkward around others)
Pirates/One Piece OCs:
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Kishi MacAuley (The self proclaimed Captain of an all girl pirate crew calling themselves the Love Seekers. Kishi is hyper and boy crazy as well as a tad reckless, willing to go through any danger if it means finding cute guys and treasure along the way)
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Madeline O’ Raleigh (Goes by Maddy. The scowl faced First Mate of Kishi’s crew. Grew up with Kishi at an orphanage. She is the main fighter of the crew as well, wielding two swords. No one knows why Maddy seems grumpy all the time)
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Julia Frost (The Navigator of the crew and the most level headed. Julia is a governor’s daughter who decided to run from home and ended up joining the pirates before realizing they were calling themselves pirates. Likely the one brain cell that works in the entire crew)
Fandomless Ninja/Naruto:
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Midori Ryu (A clumsy, scared ninja girl who one would possibly say is the worst ninja ever. Belonging to a clan who believes dragons exist and mimic them through their techniques. Wants to make her clan proud.)
Fate Series:
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Emilia Clarimond (A Fate Master OC. Emilia comes from a family of mages who decided she would be the first to fight for the grail in hopes she would make their family famous. But Emilia has other plans. Also has a Fairy Tail verse in the Alt. Verse page)
My Hero Academia:
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Kyana Aeira (A wannabe heroine with the ability to conjure fire. Easily excitable and tends to rush into fights without thinking but wants to help the world and has a big heart. Can be fandomless and fit in other superhero settings. Also has Endeavor’s Daughter AU verse!)
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Kalliphae Myressei (A moth woman with the ability to heal others using a powder that emits from her. She is a princess of a far off kingdom. Acts with a noble air and always tries to follow her heart. Has a My Hero Academia verse where she is a assistant teacher/nurse.)
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Tia “Usagi” Faye (Bubbly kind of girly girl whose quirk is magnetism. She can make anything she touches become magnetic, even things that aren’t normally something you can stick magnets to like trees. She uses this alongside rollerblading to fight and calls herself Usagi for the jump tricks she can pull off while blading around. A student at UA.)
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Miyuki Tenshi (A sweet, innocent duelist who uses a deck with angelic creatures revolving around the Sanctuary in the Sky card. She has a duel spirit, Happy Lover, and has yet to meet anyone else with one or that can see her. Has a Angel and Fairy verses in the Alt. Verses page.)
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Aku Yazoi (A hot tempered but secretly sweet duelist who becomes flustered from compliments and cute girls. His deck he calls Nightmare Fuel, his key card being Dark End Dragon. Can be fandomless)
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Iyumi Akuma (A bratty, whiny, wannabe queen with high delusions. She can be a major pain, demanding attention or demanding servants but deep down wants a king to serve and be submissive towards. Can change to be better with time.)
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Chloe Thaleia (Mischievous thief from a family of thieves looking for her older brother who left home when she was a child. Will steal from you playfully then give it back once she’s caught. Has a magical greatsword she stole that can use the four elements but she has no idea how to use it.)
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Aiolos Thaleia (Older brother of Chloe. After witnessing his uncle (who had taught them all they know about being a thief) break the family code by murdering someone, he decided to go on a different path and leave the family. He strives to be a knight or a guard, something he sees as more honorable.)
Final Fantasy 7:
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Xia Malificia (A flirtatious, mischievous girl who used to live in Sector 5 but grew sick of her overprotective parents and living poorly and ran away. She used her beauty and charm to con people out of money before finding and getting hired by the Honeybee Inn. Now she is a singer there as well as a bee girl and is still up to her old tricks. Can be fandomless!)
League of Legends:
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Shay Pierina (A Vastaya cat girl from the deserts of Shurima. She was found in a small village there as an orphaned child and was raised by a kind human. She has the ability to control sand and manipulate it to form whatever she can imagine. She wants to one day be a guard for the Emperor. Has a FF14 verse where she is a Warrior of Light from Ul’dah.)
Monster Hunter:
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Sonafuwa (A Paolumu who gained the ability to turn human. Sonafuwa is shy and tends to stay in the trees and away from hunters so she won’t get hunted. When she meets someone friendly, she becomes more calm and is happy to make a new friend)
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Sakura (A Pink Rathian that gained the ability to turn human. Territorial at first but can become friendly if she sees the other means no harm. Prissy and doesn’t mind Hunters so long as she isn’t their target.)
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Piper/Peeps(An Altaira Gijinka girl who can’t speak human very well and tends to just say Peep or chirp or hum. Very innocent and naive and loves to give hugs to people and can be a tad air-headed.)
Final Fantasy 14:
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Orabella Kalon(A shy Elezen Summoner from the First world. A scholar of Crystarium, Orabella decided to travel to study the magic of the world and stumbled into the pixie land, becoming captured until one day she was suddenly freed. Now she wanders with new pixie friends, still set on studying. Also has a fandomless verse.)
Demon Slayer:
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Christina Terrwyn (A young Demon Slayer who was taught everything she knows by her retired dad. A tad hyper and reckless, she finds slaying exhilarating and exciting but also aims to protect her family including her two younger sisters)
Fire Emblem Three Houses:
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Diana Fotieni (A student at the Academy under the Blue Lions house training to become a knight one day. She is studious and trains hard, seeming always serious but holds a secret soft side to her once one gets to know her better. Has a Pokemon Sword/Shield verse as a trainer.)
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Ourania Thanos (A dragon that can turn into a human. Cocky, egotistical, and loves to show off to others. Loves to fight people just to fight strong opponents and also loves to eat lots of meat and drinks lots of ale. Has a Monster Hunter verse where she is a Jinouga gijinka)
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Nikki Irving (An oddball Alchemist of a girl who stumbled upon a cursed Eldritch Being who had been shrunk and turned into a tiny octopus. She decided to keep it as a pet, named it Tickles, and has no idea it is slowly influencing her mind.)
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Colette Eirina (Princess of Maas Kingdom and a rather air headed one at that. A hopeless romantic who reads tons of romance novels and is very naive but a sweet and kind person willing to help others. Though she mainly needs help herself.)
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Lily Info
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Full name: Lily Kobayashi
Species: Human || A.I. ( verse dependant )
Age: 21
Sexuality: Pansexual
FC(s): Anarchy Panty ( Panty and Stocking ) // Hirai Momo
Bio: Miss Lily Kobayashi was born on a silver platter and blessed with good looks, with loving parents and never missing anything. She grew up assisting to the most prestigious institutions, with nothing but the best education to offer. One would think she never suffered bullying of any kind because of this, however, those factors are more of a curse than a blessing. Sure, she is known to be quite lazy and a party animal but that doesn’t completely define her, that doesn’t mean she’s a “dumb blonde” who cheated or bribed her professors to get good grades; not to mention the slight bullying tied into her heritage, as she isn’t 100% Japanese.
Lily knew she would never be taken seriously if she were to go to college, study hard and take over her father’s business at the given time. In other circumstances, she would’ve tried anyway just because that’s her life… but being constantly underestimated for many different factors is tiring and annoying. So while in the middle of her High School years, she went to the one industry where she wouldn’t be judged because of external factors.
Becoming an idol is hard, she was aware of it. It’s incredibly demanding but rewarding in so many ways. Thankfully, with the help of her father, she got in contact with one of the few (if not the only) modern Idol company who treats their stars like actual human beings: VOCALOID. And while Lily wasn’t lucky enough to be scouted by the Crypton wing, who has the biggest idol star of all time, Internet Co. was just as welcoming.
With the years of training she had to go through, Lily was thankful that her debut happened after High School -- just a year after her partner and good friend, Gumi. She was presented to Japan (and soon enough, the rest of the world) as a pop diva, but she tries to add a bit of sex appeal to her live performances.
Note: Heavily headcanon based.
V001: Pop Diva
Default main verse. One goal in her mind, to be a great idol. No, not just great... amazing, the best of the best. It would be ludicrous to say Lily wasn't the dictionary definition of a pop diva. Currently working for the VOCALOID company and firm, under the Internet Co umbrella, Lily is determined to stay always be the best, to always be on top.
V002: Almost a Real Seduction
Alternate main verse. A voice synthesizer developed (mainly) for computers but with the recently added AI functions, now it can work on any device. The program LILY can be activated on a mobile phone, a computer, or even the TV! With the right user, Lily can sing in Japanese, English and even Spanish; don't pressure her, however, she appreciates good communication with her user and if things get complicated she'll peace out for a couple of hours.
V003: Party Animal
High school verse. Known as the party girl, as the head cheerleader, as someone lazy but who always gets good grades. Nobody ever thinks her grades are a product of her own will, not because she studied or anything; oh no, I couldn't be that, not with her blonde hair, hourglass figure and rich background. Someone of her rank probably cheated her way to get good grades.
Kobayashi Lily knows that's what everybody thinks. All the time, for all of her life. Whenever she tries to be taken seriously, others dismiss it and laugh it off. Her background is something she's both proud and ashamed off... how does ti feel to live while everyone else doubts every little thing you do, just because of your background? 
V004: Slowly Climbing to the Top
College verse. High School is part of the past. College is her present. Her future? Lily wasn't sure yet. There were many probabilities, so many things she wanted to do. Will she be taking seriously in the real world? It's uncertain, but at least Lily will try to make the most of it. One of her objectives is to travel around the world, see as many things as possible, and trying to learn from experiencing stuff.
V005: To be the Best Coordinator
A Pokemon verse. Lily Kobayashi's family is filled with Pokemon Coordinators. Both of her parents used to be famous at their prime time, winning contests and the like. No wonder she admired them so much; to Lily, they were amazing, the best of the best -- she wanted to be like them.
Now at the age of 21, her team isn't as large as of regular trainers, nor does she dedicate herself to capture as many Pokemon as possible. Lily did travel across the different regions like any other did at the age of ten, but was more focused on identifying the Pokemons who she would have the best compatibility.
CURRENT TEAM: Jolteon, Emolga, Pachirisu, Jigglypuff and Sylveon.
V006: Teasing Succubus
A Monster Prom verse. To find demons still in High School wasn't much of a surprise nowadays, not even the variety of different kinds of demons one could find. Who in their right mind would believe incubus and succubus don't have to study? Well, that doesn't mean all of them really care about going to class. Lily was one of those succubi, one who cared very little about grades and classes and would rather spend her hours partying and hanging out with Polly, Scott, Damien or Miranda.
V007: Honey Mics
An Eldarya verse. Far away from the mainlands of Eldarya, there was an island across the sea. This is the land of the Muses, magical humanoid beings that can live for a long time, with strong auras and connected to the arts. Their large island has a sub-country for each specific art, with the capital on the centre ruling them all. 
Lily Kobayashi lived at the capital of this land, being one of the few rich families who do so. She’s a highly seductive muse with a hypnotic voice and a skilled ability to dance. Her aura is golden yellow, reflecting his high-class status.
V008: Hypnotic Voice
Lily Kobayashi was no unknown at the U.A. Academy. As the only daughter of a famous professional hero and an equally famous costume designer for all kinds of heroes and quirks. As third years go, she’s someone to not underestimate.
QUIRK: ENCHANTRESS. Much like a mermaid attracts pirates to their doom, Lily has a hypnotic voice that can put anyone within range in a trance. Once this happens, she can either have them as her puppets or leave them unconscious for a small amount of time. // Hero name: Syren.
Hatsune Mikuo :: [ Bae ]
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Hatsune Mikuto :: [ Bae ]
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Jumin Han :: [ Bae ]
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songspirited-blog · 7 years
Their mainverse- untagged. Rowan’s a deer shifter; they look human, but can shift into a deer at will. They live in a world with supernatural beings, and they’re trying to become a singer.
verse; quiet little mountain town- South Park verse where Rowan moved to South Park, Colorado. They’re trying to get a singing career.
verse; please don’t call me buttlord- South Park’s The Fractured But Whole verse. Rowan’s ten here, and moved to South Park with their parents. Basically self explanitory. Rowan barely speaks due to their overwhelming social anxiety.
verse; camp campbell kid- Camp Campbell verse where Rowan’s eleven years old and was sent to Camp Campbell. Pretty self explanatory.
verse; campe diem- Camp Campbell verse where Rowan’s a counselor-in-training!
verse; calling all the monsters- Undertale/Underfell verse. Rowan is a human who fell through Mt. Ebbott and ended up in the Underground, filled with monsters. Their soul is green for kindness, which is their strongest trait.
verse; wannabe idol- Osomatsu-San verse where Rowan is a human who moved from Ohio, USA, to Tokyo, Japan to follow their dreams and become a famous pop singer. Too bad the journey to stardom’s a long one, but at least they won’t be bored.
verse; don’t let me despair- Danganronpa verse where Rowan’s eighteen and a student at Hope’s Peak Academy. Their title is Super High School Level Theatre Nerd; they’re highly skilled in the theatrical arts.
verse; dead or alive- zombie/walking dead/apocalyptic AU thing where Rowan is a human survivor looking for other survivors.
verse; here comes the tide- Avatar/Legend of Korra verse. Rowan is a clumsy water bender from the northern water tribe.
verse; is this a harem- Ouran High School Host Club verse where Rowan is a high school Senior who was able to transfer to Ouran Academy due to them having a scholarship. 
verse; angels and demons- verse where Rowan’s a fallen angel. They fell in love with a demon, they fell, the two ended up parting ways. They now roam the earth, searching for their purpose.
verse; hufflepuff pride- verse where Rowan’s a 7th year Hufflepuff at Hogwarts Academy for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rowan is Muggle-born.
verse; wanna be the very best- Pokemon verse where Rowan’s is a fairy type Pokemon trainer. Their main is a Sylveon… and they also have a Shiny Sylveon too. On their team is also a Snubbull, Alolan Ninetales, Togekiss, and an Aromatisse.
(More verses are to come, but so far these are it!)
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songveined-blog · 7 years
Their mainverse- untagged. Rori’s a wolf shifter; they look human, but can shift into a wolf at will. They live in a world with supernatural beings, and they’re trying to become a singer.
verse; camp campbell kid- Camp Campbell verse where Rori’s eleven years old and was sent to Camp Campbell. Pretty self explanatory.
verse; campe diem- Camp Campbell verse where Rori’s a counselor-in-training!
verse; calling all the monsters- Undertale/Underfell verse. Rori is a human who fell through Mt. Ebbott and ended up in the Underground, filled with monsters. Their soul is green for kindness, which is their strongest trait.
verse; wannabe idol- Osomatsu-San verse where Rori is a human who moved from Ohio, USA, to Tokyo, Japan to follow their dreams and become a famous pop singer. Too bad the journey to stardom’s a long one, but at least they won’t be bored.
verse; things are getting hairy- Gravity Falls verse where Rori’s a werewolf residing in a cottage located in the woods in Gravity Falls, Oregon. They look human for the most part.
verse; the moon is my girlfriend- Rick & Morty verse where Rori’s… you guessed it, a werewolf. I’ll expand more on this later…
verse; don’t let me despair- Danganronpa verse where Rori’s eighteen and a student at Hope’s Peak Academy. Their title is Super High School Level Theatre Nerd; they’re highly skilled in the theatrical arts.
verse; dead or alive- zombie/walking dead/apocalyptic AU thing where Rori is a human survivor looking for other survivors.
verse; here comes the tide- Avatar/Legend of Korra verse. Rori is a clumsy water bender from the northern water tribe.
verse; is this a harem- Ouran High School Host Club verse where Rori is a high school Senior who was able to transfer to Ouran Academy due to them having a scholarship.
verse; heads will roll- Maggot Boy verse where Rori died in some freaky accident and came back as an aware, a zombie who can think for their self. They reside in Sovereign City and tries to hide from Lazaro and the law.
verse; angels and demons- verse where Rori’s a fallen angel. They fell in love with a demon, they fell, the two ended up parting ways. They now roam the earth, searching for their purpose.
verse; hufflepuff pride- verse where Rori’s a 7th year Hufflepuff at Hogwarts Academy for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rowan is Muggle-born.
verse; ghosts and ghouls and demons oh my- Welcome to Hell verse where Rori’s a Senior in high school. They’re able to see/communicate with the dead.
verse; wanna be the very best- Pokemon verse where Rori is a fairy type Pokemon trainer. Their main is a Sylveon… and they also have a Shiny Sylveon too. On their team is also a Snubbull, Alolan Ninetales, Togekiss, and an Aromatisse.
(More verses are to come, but so far these are it!)
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fairgifted · 5 years
What a crazy weekend its been, what with Doc having been practically kidnapped by a strange foreigner and whisked away. Thankfully, he was back but...they didn’t get to celebrate Valentine’s Day together. She wanted to make him a nice dinner with just the two of them and maybe cuddle up for some movies, but they never got the chance.
Time to make up for it....
Syphoria had cooked a dinner, made a few of Doc’s favorite things, and had everything set, and now....just to find her fiance. What exactly did that foreigner want with him anyway?
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“Sweetheart, are you busy?”
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fairgifted · 5 years
It felt like ages since she’d been to the Embassy, then again, she doesn’t come to the building often. Once in a while, she would go off to another region or so to aid with the Embassy. Tonight? It’ll just be paperwork to work on.
So it wasn’t too difficult to use her watch to teleport from Alola to DC in order to help Sunshine out, although at times the time difference would weigh her down. Syph walked up to the desk to see Veronica there and give her a wave, being motioned to head down the hallway to the main office. Just because she offered to help the kiddo out with papers, didn’t mean she came without snacks or drinks. It might be a long night for them.
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“I’m here.” She spoke and knocked on the door, her bag hanging off of her shoulder.
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fairgifted · 5 years
@cosmictied liked for a starter!
Syph always played little games with the babies, it was an activity she always did to enrich them whenever the weather was bad. With it raining outside, she was playing hide and seek with them all over the daycare, being it and trying to find them. “Ready or not, here I come!”
Kanga, who had been learning to walk a bit, started waddling off to find a hiding spot, remembering there was a good spot beside a specific someone’s arm chair she could hide. The baby Kangaskhan tottled to the spot and tried to hide herself in there, only for her tail to be sticking out of place.
No one will find her here!
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fairgifted · 5 years
“Everything seems to be in order..”
Wedding plans were going without a hitch, more input and ideas were given to her and Doc for it. Heck, even her Uncle was helping them out with a few ideas of his own. So, their wedding would be in the Spring of next year. Boy, she couldn’t wait to pick a date with Doc and send out invitations.
As she was going through the list of names for invitations, something felt...off, like she had been forgetting someone. Syphoria skimmed over the list of names to send invitations to and she started going under Pacifica’s name and even Saros and Whispers, but....there was a blank.
Who did she forget to add to it?
Sadness seem to grow within her mismatched eyes as she was trying her hardest to remember who she forgot to add to the list, but nothing came up. No name, no face, not even a depiction of who they were, but she felt something amiss. Maybe she’ll ask Doc about it in a moment. Even Pixie glanced up towards her trainer in confusion.
Why did she feel this?
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“....Sweetie, did we forget anyone on the invitation list? I feel like we are.”
She picked up the paper and went to find her fiance, hoping he could fill in the blank on who she was forgetting..
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fairgifted · 5 years
"Hope f'r th' best, expect th' worst. Make th' most o' th' middle ground." Doc nods at Cayden's assessment, then gently shoves the Knight on question. "Get some rest you fool. Won't get anything done on no sleep and no rest." At which point Cayden only nods and continues to sip at his tea. He would very much not like to get put in the captain's quarters again for a while.
She nods in agreement, sitting herself down after making herself a cup of tea once more. Least she was relieved to see Cayden enjoy the cup she gave him.
“He’s right. Go and get some rest.” Her eyes still lingered on the wilting flower though, concern growing on her features. Just what kind of thing will happen if the flower dies? Part of her didn’t want to find out.
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fairgifted · 5 years
@cosmictied || x
“I don’t stress adopt!”
Okay...maybe she does sometimes. But she actually thought this one through before she went with it! Besides, there were moments that she couldn’t say no to little ones like her.
Still makes Syph pout a little bit.
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“Besides, she’s going to be the last one for a while anyway. I’ve always wanted to raise a Happiny but, never got the chance to. When she grows up and evolves, she’ll be able to help us out around the Daycare. Chanseys and Blisseys are great helpers.”
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fairgifted · 5 years
@entity-ludio liked for a starter!
Was Syphoria thrilled to see them here at the daycare once more? Of course not! But she had to do her job professionally, not because she has a lot of spite and such towards this individual. But she had every reason to do so. She wasn’t sure why they were visiting out of the blue but, it had to be for good reason. After all, they still had to try to prove to the Pokemon Breeder that they could take care of their Pokemon.
She finally spoke up after staring them down and definitely having a look of distrust written all over her face, not even sure if they brought Jasmine, Cinnamon, or even any new Pokemon they acquired. “What is it? What’s the occasion of this visit?”
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fairgifted · 5 years
What was Syphoria to do?
She clearly was still worried about her fiance and felt helpless to the endless nightmares he keeps having every night, even if he kept saying it was his own fault. Would she really think less of him, should he tell her about it? She loved him dearly and all this worrying was making her feel a little ill. They had so much to deal with right now. Why this? Why now?
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But what could she do? She doesn’t have extraordinary powers like others, or powerful magic. She’s just a human, who barely could keep a grasp of the magic that she had now. She can’t just ignore what was plaguing him.
What was she to do?
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fairgifted · 5 years
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“Welp, time for us to head to the airport and venture off to the Orange Islands. Got a long flight but, it’ll be so worth it.”
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“Vul vulpix!”
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fairgifted · 5 years
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“I may....have more eggs than I thought we had here at the daycare. I might need a little bit of help..”
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