celestialshifter · 3 years
@cosmictied Shane asked:
'just kiss me already you fool'  (it's not on the list but winks)
Digit’s pause on smooth material, measuring it and checking it over now that she’d gotten it on him. There’s no shame with her, their games were becoming something she looked forward to.
Maybe she shouldn’t.
Her lip quirks, shimmer of color rippling briefly by the stripes along her jaw. Did he tire of her games? Not by that look and demand-
Claws tap at his chest, along ribbed and silky attire of a rich purple vest, decorated in stray designs of ruddy and brilliant gold. With only playfully delayed response, she hooked sharp nails over the durable edges, felt just under his collar and lightly tugged him down.
“You sound, impatient.” That’s certainly warm breath brushing his lip, a hairs breadth from touching. She dare not move forward yet though.
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itsraiyninmeteors · 3 years
Syphoria has had her concerns greatly as of late, and the more that she’s seen Doc leaving to take care of things, she’s finding it harder and harder to manage things around the Daycare. Especially for specific Pokemon that lived there.
First, Kanga had bitten her hand when she was trying to feed the little baby. Kanga never bit her before, and it had been recent that it started. And now, she had been having trouble with some of the Pokemon that were under Doc. Prince hadn’t been giving her trouble, the little guy has actually been trying to help Pixie along with her. But the Totodile that was in Doc’s care, that now had evolved into a Feraligatr, looked a lot different than what he was suppose to look.
And he was giving her trouble.
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“Feraligatr, sweetie, I know that’s Doc’s chair, but I need to clean up.” She’d been trying to clean up the living room before her husband came back, but the water type hadn’t been cooperating with her. In fact, any time she approached Doc’s chair, the larger Pokemon started glaring and growling at her. It had gotten to the point that many of the baby Pokemon were hiding behind her, just to get away from him.
“Sweetie, I need to clean. Could you please move so I can clean up Doc’s chair?” She asked once more, standing her ground and staring up at the Pokemon. What she hadn’t expected....
...Was the Feraligatr suddenly lunging at her.
The screams that came from the woman was loud and the baby Pokemon immediately scattered to hide, Syphoria trying to pull her arm back from the larger Pokemon’s jaw. Her screams alerted her Nidoking to charge into the room and go after the Feraligatr, only to see now that his owner was dangling from his jaw.
“KING!” She cried out with her arm still locked in the water Pokemon’s jaw, King standing with sweat down his face. If he were to try to attack that Pokemon now, Syphoria would be caught in the crossfire. The Feraligatr growled at King with a knowing grin on his snout and Syph only had a little time while he was distracted, grabbing her phone out of her pocket to call a number. What number? Any number at this rate!
She needed help!
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fairgifted · 4 years
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“Vull! Vulpix!”
Pixie greets Doc outside of the Daycare with him coming home, only to pause and feel something was amiss. It was a scent that was lingering on him, that made her fur stand up on end, a worried look coming from her chocolate eyes. Just what had happened while he was gone? “Vulll..?” She tilted her head and approached, all while Syphoria was inside, getting food ready.
Just where had Doc been?
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cosmosfated · 4 years
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  “m’no’ ‘ungry.”
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  “Correction: you just don’t want to eat what you have to.”
  “therefore! no’ ‘ungry.”
  “... Fleur, I know how much this troubles you, but you need to eat.”
  “no, i don’ need ta eat. i be’ i can wait this ou’.”
  “ah but you admit there’s a chance!”
  “There’s a chance the gods will eradicate humanity and monsters and start from scratch, but you don’t see me banking on that.”
  “Eat something? Please?”
  Sigh. “You can’t just─ ugh. I forgot how... stubborn you are.”
  “go ‘way. no’ eatin’ not’in’.”
  “... Alright. We’ll compromise. You eat a little bit of magic to stem you over and I’ll find out something to eat proper that won’t aggravate your senses.”
  “... fine. leave, now.”
  “Alright, alright. Eat the magic, then, and I’ll leave.”
  “... i don’t, uh─”
  “I figured. Listen carefully, then...”
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deceanova-a · 5 years
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           “So uh, weird question but.....” He’s fidgeting and not making direct eye contact, one hand behind his back, the other tugging at his sweater as if it was suffocating him, which was funny and all because dead people can’t suffocate and gosh why did he always come to these conclusions in his head? He slowly moves his other hand from behind his back, revealing that his hand had a nice chunk of a broken vase just stuck in it, through it really. It wasn’t in pain and it surely was not bleeding either due to his situation in life, death, but still, he couldn’t walk around with it there and he was not strong enough to dislodge it apparently. “.....Can you help me get this outta my hand?” // @cosmictied, starter !!
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aliltouched · 5 years
"Ey 'otshot!" That's a familiar rough voice speaking to the warlock. Don't mind the arm thrown around your shoulder. "Ya free for a nigh' an' 'alf a day?" - cosmictied (You Know Who This Is)
A puff of smoke escapes, getting blown back in both of their faces as a 45 comes to a scratching halt. Funny no music had been playing.
Side eyed look from blue eyes as fingers pluck free a kretek. “Depends, what moon am I goin’ to see?”
Smoke blurs halos to horns, watch the ashes like feathers left to fall.
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celestialshifter · 3 years
@cosmosfated Magari asked:
  "Oh, darling, you really should come visit him! He's very fun to fluster nowadays. The poor man made such a CUTE face when I asked him to sing for me." Magari informs with a wave of an open hand, dressed normally for once instead of their extravagant over the top clothes. Right now they're informing Fenix about Shane, as they've since picked up that there's a 'thing' going on between them. "He misses the company!"
Oh, she needs to get better at that. With a grunt, she shoots the fragment a look, tugging down a box from one of the many shelves in the updated shop. The next action requires something from him- as she tosses a vibrant blue and gold vest directly at him.
“Put that on so I can measure. And you are correct, I have a package to bring him anyway.” A ‘package’ that was getting too big with her missed opportunities and excuses for not showing up. Fickle and immortal wasn’t enough.
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itsraiyninmeteors · 4 years
@cosmictied​ liked for a starter with Syphoria!
It was that time of the year again that Syphoria went all out with decorating the Daycare, even borrowing the neighbor’s pair of Spinerak to help with some webbing. The woman hummed a happy tune while setting up decorations, only to look about and see someone was missing.
Where was her husband?
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“Sweetheart? Are you going to come decorate with me?” She called out through the open door into the building itself, just to see if she’d get a reaction. Just where could he be right now?
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itsraiyninmeteors · 4 years
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You are cordially invited to the wedding of Syphoria Elm and Garamond Aster!
It’ll be held on Wednesday, June 17th, 2020, at the brand new Azure Tide Resort on Poni Island, in Alola. It’ll be held at 11:00am Alolan Time. The happy couple hope to see you there!!
Hi guys, its Raiyn here! After many months of planning with Vrai over at @cosmictied, we’re finally going to have Syphoria and Doc get married!
Now folks are more than welcome to participate and see the happy couple get married, whether it be humans, monsters, or even Pokemon! If you wish to participate, don’t forget to reblog this post, as well as tag any posts relating to the event with #Event: Birds Singing in Paradise, so we can see any interactions!
Been a while since I helped to host a little event, but I hope you guys would love to participate!!
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cosmosfated · 4 years
Fleur: not dealing with things is my preferred way of dealing with things.
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fairgifted · 5 years
What a crazy weekend its been, what with Doc having been practically kidnapped by a strange foreigner and whisked away. Thankfully, he was back but...they didn’t get to celebrate Valentine’s Day together. She wanted to make him a nice dinner with just the two of them and maybe cuddle up for some movies, but they never got the chance.
Time to make up for it....
Syphoria had cooked a dinner, made a few of Doc’s favorite things, and had everything set, and now....just to find her fiance. What exactly did that foreigner want with him anyway?
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“Sweetheart, are you busy?”
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
@cosmictied liked for a starter w/ Prof. Elm!
After having traveled quite far from Johto to get to the Alola region, he was finally here, and taking a boat over to Akala Island. Finally, he was not only going to see his dear niece at her Daycare, but also get to meet her fiance for the first time. Man, was he a bunch of nerves.
He had no idea what he was going to get himself into with this, but he had been wanting to meet him for quite sometime now. And now, he was going to get his chance.
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“Now where did she say it was?” He questioned for a moment and looked at the directions, following down the route to find the building in question. Sure, she did say it was close to the resort, but directions weren’t his forte.
“Maybe its up ahead....”
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
@cosmictied || x
Ariel had even wondered on how she would be able to eat anything, given the fact that she wasn’t living. But the feeling that shrouded her was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before, far more than in her living and unliving life. As jarring it was, the warmth was so welcoming, her eyes having closed to enjoy it. It was only when she heard the gasp of someone that she finally opened them once more, showing a soft shade of emerald green hues.
She felt...alive?
She had to take a breath herself to feel her own lungs filling with air, something she hadn’t felt in so long. Instead of her blonde hair floating behind her, they bounced about, framing her face and feeling so real. But..how was this possible? Was it Cayden’s magic that he so willingly denied?
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“....There’s so many things I wish to try, couldn’t tell ya at once.” Ariel spoke and it didn’t have an echo to it like it did as a spirit. She wasn’t going to squander this one opportunity to feel alive again.
“Anythin’, long as I’m with you..”
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fairgifted · 5 years
@cosmictied liked for a starter!
Syph always played little games with the babies, it was an activity she always did to enrich them whenever the weather was bad. With it raining outside, she was playing hide and seek with them all over the daycare, being it and trying to find them. “Ready or not, here I come!”
Kanga, who had been learning to walk a bit, started waddling off to find a hiding spot, remembering there was a good spot beside a specific someone’s arm chair she could hide. The baby Kangaskhan tottled to the spot and tried to hide herself in there, only for her tail to be sticking out of place.
No one will find her here!
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fairgifted · 5 years
“Everything seems to be in order..”
Wedding plans were going without a hitch, more input and ideas were given to her and Doc for it. Heck, even her Uncle was helping them out with a few ideas of his own. So, their wedding would be in the Spring of next year. Boy, she couldn’t wait to pick a date with Doc and send out invitations.
As she was going through the list of names for invitations, something felt...off, like she had been forgetting someone. Syphoria skimmed over the list of names to send invitations to and she started going under Pacifica’s name and even Saros and Whispers, but....there was a blank.
Who did she forget to add to it?
Sadness seem to grow within her mismatched eyes as she was trying her hardest to remember who she forgot to add to the list, but nothing came up. No name, no face, not even a depiction of who they were, but she felt something amiss. Maybe she’ll ask Doc about it in a moment. Even Pixie glanced up towards her trainer in confusion.
Why did she feel this?
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“....Sweetie, did we forget anyone on the invitation list? I feel like we are.”
She picked up the paper and went to find her fiance, hoping he could fill in the blank on who she was forgetting..
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fairgifted · 5 years
"Hope f'r th' best, expect th' worst. Make th' most o' th' middle ground." Doc nods at Cayden's assessment, then gently shoves the Knight on question. "Get some rest you fool. Won't get anything done on no sleep and no rest." At which point Cayden only nods and continues to sip at his tea. He would very much not like to get put in the captain's quarters again for a while.
She nods in agreement, sitting herself down after making herself a cup of tea once more. Least she was relieved to see Cayden enjoy the cup she gave him.
“He’s right. Go and get some rest.” Her eyes still lingered on the wilting flower though, concern growing on her features. Just what kind of thing will happen if the flower dies? Part of her didn’t want to find out.
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