fairgifted · 5 years
@entity-ludio liked for a starter!
Was Syphoria thrilled to see them here at the daycare once more? Of course not! But she had to do her job professionally, not because she has a lot of spite and such towards this individual. But she had every reason to do so. She wasn’t sure why they were visiting out of the blue but, it had to be for good reason. After all, they still had to try to prove to the Pokemon Breeder that they could take care of their Pokemon.
She finally spoke up after staring them down and definitely having a look of distrust written all over her face, not even sure if they brought Jasmine, Cinnamon, or even any new Pokemon they acquired. “What is it? What’s the occasion of this visit?”
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bruuteforced · 5 years
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Do you like Player Entities? Hostile Player Entities? Shapeshifting Players that look like wooden mannequins beneath all their forms? If you answered yes (hell, even if you answered no) to any of these questions, then have We Got The Blog For You!
Introducing entity-ludio, the tumblr that’s quite the mumblr! It talks, it walks, and it doesn’t enjoy being teased!~
Ask away, dear victims followers! Or...perhaps you’d like to appease this god with a gift?
Rules || About || Verses (more tba)
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“Hm? What was that? Does P-001 have some sort of security system installed?” The shadows take shape, forming the figure of a woman, approximately 14 feet tall.
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mansiondevil · 7 years
turn 60
Toifel Si'Alat: His ears fell. He had trapped, them, hadn't he? He hadn't thought of it as trapping them, though. Just not being alone. Not letting them go-which was trapping.
"I...didn't mean to..."
Ludio [impius-ludio]: /r d20
SidekickBOT: @Ludio [impius-ludio]: d20 = (8) = 8
Mysterious Entity: Everyone else, roll to detect
Luna (soul-full-of-hope): Luna looks at Toifel
"It's... it's alright." She said, slightly reluctantly.
/r d20
SidekickBOT : @Luna (soul-full-of-hope): d20 = (17) = 17
Alaina: /r 1d20
SidekickBOT: @Alaina: 1d20 = (2) = 2
Cross Bones {SansofTime&Space}: /r d20
SidekickBOT: @Cross Bones {SansofTime&Space}: d20 = (1) = 1
Void | secrettoimmortality: /r 1d20
SidekickBOT: @Void | secrettoimmortality: 1d20 = (3) = 3
Mysterious Entity: ~~Cross Bones explodes~~
Luna quite easily noticed Ludio, but no one else did.
Cross Bones was suddenly really interested in the not-flaming-anymore batons that were still on stage and could only focus on those.
Cross Bones {SansofTime&Space}: "They were on fire but now they're not! Fasinating!" He makes a surprised and interested Bishie face, while looking at the batons.
Alaina: Alaina continued to hug tightly. "You just freaked out a bit, it's okay..."
Void | secrettoimmortality: He's not currently going after Toifel, but his expression says he's still mad.
Inky [inkywellington]: /r d20
SidekickBOT: @Inky [inkywellington]: d20 = (20) = 20
Luna (soul-full-of-hope): Luna, continuing to barricade, just stares at Ludio.
"Huh... who's that...?" she's talking to herself now.
Mysterious Entity : Inky sees everything.
Inky hears everything.
Inky also has a momentary glance into other universes. Because why not.
Inky [inkywellington]: Dinky watches him sneak in through the spider's eyes, and is now hugging Toifel while sitting on his lap.
Ludio [impius-ludio]: Ludio glances at Luna, before turning to look at Toifel. Didn't mean to what? I need to get closer... With that thought, they sneak a little closer.
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fairgifted · 5 years
Hogwarts house test
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Tagged by: @luckyriceball​ Tagging: @entity-ludio​, @cosmosfated​, @consumedandcontained, and anyone else
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cosmosfated · 6 years
A familiar face shows up, looking for Fleur. "Hey hon, I know y' probably don't feel like helpin out Lu' but-" it's then that Darling notices the look on his face. "Dear? Are you... alright?"
Oh, so he can also taste future sounds?  Is that it?  Gross.That’s not going to get annoying at all, now is it.  Yuck.
He does a brief, bored canvas of the area around him, mostly to see if it’s only him seeing this… strange entity.  It wouldn’t be beyond his horrific imagination to see something like this just walking in unhindered.  It doesn’t seem like anyone notices.
Oh bother.  (Yes, do read that in the Winnie the Pooh voice.)
Lu’?  Who’s Lu’?  He doesn’t know a Lu’.  Loo, yes, but he’s certain that he’s not being asked about that.  That’s really not the dialect used ‘round these parts, so to speak.  Maybe they were talking about a person.  A person he knew, or knows maybe?  Funny.  He doesn’t remember a Lu’.  Huh.
Maybe it’s Lucretia?  Nooo, she doesn’t have any connection to entities like this.  He would have seen it by now.  So she’s out.
Lucio?  He’s met one of those.  Cool dude, cooler music.  Healing properties, with a nicely blended citrus-and-basil taste.  Super nice.  But he’s not that close with the revolutionary leader to be asked to assist–  and again.  Lack of connection to these types.  He’s out.
Fleur looks rather bored after two attempts, but he finally makes the connection.
Yet even still, he doesn’t jump to attention.  If anything, he just gets more comfortable.  Wriggling to get himself more “trapped” in his blankets and covers on the bed, not really caring that this could just be another side effect of his medicine.  Even if it’s the truth, why should he jump to their aid?  Why should he put himself at risk for someone who won’t listen to him anymore?
Hmph.  Ludio got themself into this situation, so they can get themself out of it.
“soon ‘s y’ leave, i will be.”  Muffled behind the blankets and a pillow he’s snagged, back to the “hallucination”.
He’s done playing hero.After all, look at where that’s gotten him.Beaten, bruised, and damned.
Don’t mind him, he’s gonna nuzzle into the pillow, ignoring his disenchanting visitor and trying to return to the happy-go-lucky state of mind that he was in before her arrival.
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