#nuka world the pack
nerdygoth77 · 1 month
Re: Fallout Equines
This might be a bit out there, but do you think there's a similar place for Zebras in the Fallout world? Both in terms of serving those in South-East Africa but also we know from Nuka World's Gazelles and Ghoulrillas that the survival of captive zoo animals is absolutely in play. I imagine the big challenge there is that they aren't really domesticated, but I'm sure over 200 years it could work out?
I have actually thought about this a lot!!! Like a lot, lol
Thank you so so much for your ask!! I love questions like this!! :)
I love the thought of zebras as vicious mounts for the people of the wastelands, but sadly zebras do not have the build to carry weight. They simply are not built for riding, despite what some may say. Why is that? Well! Their bone structure is quite different from horses.
They are incredible equines but they cannot be ridden, nor are they the friendliest or easiest to train. We actually had one come through our rescue a while back and I don't think I've met a more mean and fierce equine. Strongest bite i've ever felt too!! (Luckily I didn't have to experience the kicks) And I've met some real fiery and pissed off equines. So I bet Zebra's would not work out the best for a form of mount or labor, but hybrids? I could see how they would work out well!!
Zorses, a mix between a horse and a zebra, still have some fierce and feral tendencies and can be difficult to train, but they do have the structural build to carry weight and haul. Zonkeys, a mix between a zebra and a donkey would maybe be alright for some forms of labor but their build would not be very good for much carrying. So Zorses would be the best option. Almost all mules are sadly sterile, since they are also a hybrid. So Zorses, I believe, are as well. So it would require a permeant breeder of a horse and a zebra somewhere out there in the wasteland. They'd be harder to find naturally running in herds like horses and zebras do.
I have actually thought about the use of zorses in Nuka World extensively. Like I have written multiple ideas and even a large portion of a fanfiction about these animals. I love to picture zebras and horses, along with donkeys, surviving in and around Nuka World. Just like the Gazelles, Ghoulrillas, and Brahmiluff(mutated buffalo)
I also love to picture the raiders of Nuka World using equines for multiple reasons, especially as mounts.
I have a work in progress fic about my OC overboss of Nuka World, Lilly. And her relationship with Porter Gage and their story of turning Nuka World into a raider empire. In this story they manage to keep all three gangs alive by spreading their territory to the river valley surrounding Nuka World. Taking over the old farmlands and town of Bradberton. In my little fallout world The Pack uses their animals for many many crucial things, like their dogs for hunting and their equines for many different things like mounts and haulers. and I like to think their main mount/riding horses are actually hybrids. Some form of mutated Zorse, maybe they even have mutated enough to breed on their own and have more abilities that Zorses would lack, like extra carrying strength and thicker fur for the appalcian winters. Zorses would already have an incredible advantage over horses, they would be incredibly powerful and vicious animals. They'd have the build of a horse but the viciousness of a zebra, with incredibly strong hooves and teeth that were made for murder. They'd be extra surefooted and muscular, with the ability to survive on little water and limited grass. They'd be harder to train, but in my Au the Pack has a few horse trainers, including an old world horse trainer who is a ghoul OC of mine. They train their zorses not just in bravery, but they are absolutely trained to bite and trample enemies. Their powerful bites, kicks and stomps are taken advantage of by the raiders of Nuka World. I also see The Pack painting the Zorses colorful patterns involving their equine striped patterning.
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hrefna-the-raven · 1 month
Hello there☺️I have a question for you. I read your Fallout and story about Porter Gage and I was wondering if you'd consider writing something for Mason? It's completely fine if not. Sending much love 🫶🏻
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Hi 😊
OMG thanks so much for the ask and sorry that it took so long^^ I had some troubles getting back into Fallout for this one but here is something sweet/suggestive with the Pack Alpha😉
Fallout masterlist - main masterlist
Summary: you cleared out Nuka-World and distributed the spoils among the Pack and the Operators which deserved to be properly celebrated
Words: 566
Reader: female reader in mind but no specific descriptions used
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The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the raucous celebration unfolding around the Nuka-Town Market. While mingling with the Pack and the Operators, basking in the sweet taste of your bloody victory, your eyes couldn't help but stray towards Mason, the leader of the Pack. Perhaps it was the haze of alcohol clouding your mind but the rugged Alpha, known for his strong demeanour, seemed oddly vulnerable tonight. You had noticed Mason's longing glances throughout the evening, his eyes searching for yours amidst the chaotic revelry. His attempts at flirting were endearing, but you couldn't deny the slight quiver in his voice, a sign that he was fighting an internal battle of nerves. A faint smile tugged at the corners of your lips, you found it endearing, a sign that there was more to this man than his tough exterior.
As the laughter and music filled the air, you found yourself drawn back to Mason's side. With each step, your heart raced, wondering what could be awaiting you in the depths of his troubled soul. Finally, you found yourselves alone, hidden away from the jubilant crowd, around a corner at the far end of the celebrations. Mason stood before you, hands firmly pressed against his sides and his gaze fixed upon your face, his rugged features softened by the flickering glow of the torches.
He mustered the courage to speak, his words tumbling out in a mix of nerves and longing. His mouth ran on its own, leaving him to watch helplessly as as the one question he tried to bury deep within spilled from his lips.
"Look. Let's cut to the chase. Have you picked your favourite yet? Maybe Gage? He made you the Overboss after all", he huffed, his voice trembled, betraying the truth behind his alpha male façade.
You rolled your eyes and playfully took a step towards him, silently daring him to continue his little jealous game, eager to tease him in return, testing how far you would need to push him to finally break him out of his shell.
"I intend to treat everyone here equally, even Porter."
Your lips twitched when you noticed a flicker of jealous anger in his eyes upon referring to Gage by his first name.
"Ain't no two things in this world that's truly equal boss. Everything has its place."
Mason's heart raced painfully, threatening to burst out of his chest and it took every ounce of his strength to take a step closer. Your bodies stood close, too much and not enough, a deep longing surged through his veins, realising how close you were, how easy it would be to touch you, feel your soft skin against his.
"Then yours is going to be underneath me", your eyes held a predatory glint as a mischievous smirk danced across your lips, "tonight, in my bed."
Mason's breath caught in his throat, his eyes darkening with sudden desire coursing through his body. There was something in your tone that struck him to his core, causing a low groan to escape his lips as he felt his growing arousal pressing against the confines of his pants. Your fingers entwined with his and leading him towards Fizztop Mountain, away from the party and unwanted eyes. For once, the mighty Alpha of the Pack willingly followed, for you were his Overboss, and rightfully so.
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Feel free to reblog if you enjoyed the story 😊
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atomicgambit · 29 days
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I have got to stop liking characters people barely care about lol
Here is a Ghoulified! Mason for anyone who stumbles across my page haha
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falloutuniverse · 7 months
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mustbealoosewire · 8 months
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by Notesz
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valen-dreth · 1 month
ALSO one of my favorite details of underworld is SO many of the ghouls have fun hair colors they LOVE having a stylist there
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alocowberry · 11 months
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Falloutober day 18: Respite
Prompts by @falloutober
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siberiascaravan · 2 years
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nishaapologist · 2 years
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institute labcoat? wack. maxson's battlecoat? wack. railroad armoured coat? wack. minutemen general's coat? wack. bestial warmonger? that's tight as FUCK,
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raid3r-r4bbit · 5 months
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For fun ig. Trying to figure is simple or more complex backgrounds work better for animation, and I'm starting to think simpler...
Was sick today so idk
Edit: for clarification, this is HEAVILY referenced, but using in game pictures. I've seen others use blurred stills, but it doesn't really fit my art style (cause it's more outlined, textured and clunky ando blurred stills don't fit.) I'm not great with backgrounds and usually build stuff in the sims or basic shapes in blender and ref/basic trace that. I just wanted to clarify cause this is the first time I've actually posted anything with any kind of tracing/heavy heavy referencing and it makes me nervous so I'm disclosing it. OK thank you.
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tirsden · 5 months
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When the stats are too good to not use.
Riddick: "Their names are Snuggums and Woogums, and if you look at them funny, I will fucking kill you."
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zweilousrage · 1 year
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(Fan Lore)
I had this pic lying around in my screenshot collection and I felt like making a height comparison chart.  These are most of the NPCs I use when I make FO4 Machinimas.
Red names are generic enemies/presets that I “adopted” and gave names to. 
Black names are regular characters
Blue names are my OC/Player characters.
Obviously this isn’t official but I felt like making/uploading this for imagination’s sake.
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atomicgambit · 1 month
Figured the first thing I post would be one of the pieces I’m most proud of.
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That’s my old username there. But still wanted to post anyway haha. Did a lot of experimenting with this one and I’m still proud of how it turned out.
Press for better quality if it looks fuzzy !
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toxickimi · 1 year
Mason: Hey, what happened to 'We ride together, we die together'? Sole (running away from Gatorclaws): Die by yourself!
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