#nuclear projectile
evilhorse · 1 year
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In the ship’s radio room, a strange and ominous message crackles forth…
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nixotene · 24 days
Since Diego can control any projectile what if he stopped the nuclear bomb apocalypse in s2 and sent the bomb into space instead?
It would’ve paralleled Klaus stopping the moon in the comics
Bonus: him sending the bomb into space blows up the moon and the world ends the exact same way
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So one of my favourite sci-fi weapons is simply just extremely overpowered kinetic weaponry.
Think rail guns and that sort of thing that simply accelerate a projectile to incredible velocities. Of course the velocities of non-existent fictional weaponry are up to the author writing them. But for the sake of analogy, let’s say you have a weapon that can accelerate a 1kg projectile to 2997925m/s. This is 1% the speed of light in a vacuum.
Now to help put this insane speed into perspective. Let’s imagine we have our cannon at earth at are firing it at the moon. It would take this projectile just over 2 minutes to get to the moon. That is 384,400km traveled in 2 mins and 8 seconds.
For added context, the largest artillery cannon ever made, The Paris gun, could fire a projectile over 130km with a muzzle velocity of 1640m/s. It still took the projectile over 3 minutes to reach its target.
Now back to our 1kg projectile traveling at 1% the speed of light. When it impacts the moon. It will deliver 0.45x10^13 Joules of kinetic energy.
The Hiroshima nuclear bomb delivered approximately 1.8x10^13 joules of energy
This means that our 1kg projectile hits with the punch of 1/4 of a city destroying nuclear bomb.
It’s truly incredible how much energy you can store in something just by making it go really fast. Which coincidently, is also really helpful when you are wanting to deliver that energy to a target in as short a period as possible.
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barbariankingdom · 4 months
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On this day in 1953, the U.S. military test fires history's first nuclear cannon at Frenchman's Flat, Nevada. The gun, dubbed "Atomic Annie," lobs a 280-mm, 15-kiloton projectile seven miles.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Once again, I’d like to discuss my proposal that we formally abolish the Nuclear Family. There was a brief window in history where this arrangement made sense; but each passing year demonstrates that it’s increasingly untenable. It’s a toxic, patently artificial construct, and it’s slowly destroying our society. Whatever nostalgic attachment we have to this can’t continue to elide the fact that every time. Every single time the Fitzsimmons uncork that stupid hermetically-sealed lead-lined bunker they “live” in and crawl out to try and live like people do, the collateral damage is enormous.
Our lawns are barren at the corners where their 2.5 kids cut across in their rush to get to the playground, which, incidentally, FEMA has informed us won’t be usable by humans for about 10,000 years- which would in turn be a real problem if local childhood leukemia rates weren’t holding at a steady 97 percent, for some mysterious reason.  You can tell when Ms. Fitzsimmons has just gotten done at the grocery store from the slew of half-dissolved clerks and stockboys draped over every surface, collapsed backwards into once-pristine displays of cans, the shift manager hanging out of the half-donned radiation-suit-turned-body-bag she wasn’t able to get into in time, all of their molten, unwound DNA leeching out of their pores and mingling with the scattered, trampled produce. Mr. Fitzsimmons made a surprise appearance at league night; I’d heard rumors he was thinking about coming, So I’d double layered myself in radiation suits done up in the colors of my league team, the Flailing Wildcats. But none of the other teams stood a snowball’s chance in hell. In his last moments of lucidity before his eyes ran out of his head, Don Cadwell got off a couple shots with the illegally owned rifle he kept behind the shoe return, but Fitzsimmons, like always, was able to reflexively refocus the intensity of his ground-zero emanation effect to mostly vaporize the projectile, with only a few loose drops of superheated metal speckling his flaccid, rubbery skin and running down it like tears.
So the two of us stood there, me limply holding my lucky striker bowling ball as the other three members of the wildcats voicelessly writhed and puttered out around me, staring through two tawny-orange, clouded  panes of plexiglass at this distorted figure of our collective unconscious, this Levittown-reject atomic afterbirth standing guilelessly confident in his infuriating, calcified pastiche of mid-century masculinity, cob pipe clenched between ramrod-straight teeth, hair sculpted like wax fruit, sweater-vest and button-down shirt infuriatingly crisp. And I felt my breath, hot on my own face, as he looked at me in turn, his face locked into a vacuous idiot grin plagiarized from Rockwell.  He released a heartly-delivered, vapid loop of canned, inaudible small talk from between his teeth, oblivious to the withered limbs clutching plaintively at his slacks as he approached the ball return. He looked at me with those eyes that aren’t eyes, how could they be eyes, eyes wouldn’t survive residency in his head- he looked at me with the inhuman substitute eyes the doctors had put into him, housed in substitute flesh suited to the inhabitant of the only future his bitter, desperate makers could entertain. And as I stared at him I felt a depth of hatred I didn’t know I was capable of, a hatred that would be monstrous if directed at a feeling person, a hatred that you can only direct in good conscience at an idea. And what was he, if not an idea. If not the idea of a man who was once called Simon Fitzsimmons, if not the idea of the world to come, the world that we thought we deserved, the world we thought deserved him. 
And in that moment, I resolved that in the name of a world worth living in, I would bowl against him to the last so that he wouldn’t win the tournament by default. But then he kicked my ass because it turns out you can’t bowl for shit wearing fifty pounds of plastic and lead. It drapes weird and you can’t keep a grip on the ball. Thank you for your time.
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volterran-wine · 3 months
Vampire anatomy time! What would it feel like for a vampire to be hit with various projectile weapons? How much damage would be possible?
I feel like something like a stone slingshot would feel something like when your sibling flicks you hard in the skull with their fingers. Like, more irritating than painful.
A bullet might feel something like being punched with a tiny fist, like ow but not enough to cause proper damage.
But a canon. A canon might make a dent. Aim for a limb and you might be able to knock it off at close range, but at longer range I think it would be funny if they weren’t prepared and ended up getting knocked on their ass unexpectedly.
… has Corin pursued this line of questioning already? Perhaps with some curious but reluctant participants?
• — 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 & 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
I remember this line of questioning making me giggle, a lot.
Once again it depends on how you view the durability of a vampire. Within my writing I do see them as being much hardier, the venom crystallising and strengthening every muscle, tissue, bone and organ to keep them from being hurt. At the same time I do believe venom is quite flammable, so if that is applied to any human weapon they might injure more easily.
In the end I do not think vampires feel like solid rock, which means they can be injured by modern human weaponry to an extent. I do believe someone asked me if a nuclear bomb would work at some; the answer was yes.
There has definitely been a few vampires who have been knocked over due to a Round Shot from a cannon.
I can only imagine, that a vampire at some point in time, made the decision to test out if this new human contraption would hurt them. Probably stood themselves up at a far enough distance in some war, egged the humans on; and was unfortunately the first vampire to realise what a cannon would do (It was Afton on a dare from Demetri, Corin fired the cannon).
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biomic · 4 months
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ryttu3k · 5 months
Thoughts on Space Babies and The Devil's Chord, in no particular order:
So we agree that the overarching storyline for this season is stories becoming real, yeah? Starts with invoking folklore at the end of the universe, is solidified with the Toymaker and his rules of play, used heavily in The Church on Ruby Road, and now children's fairytales and musicals? Fascinated to see where this is going!
Generally ridiculously camp and bonkers and you know what, I goddamn missed that. It had whimsy. It had space babies and musical battles! It was fun and ridiculous and just. Felt good, man.
And it also had far-future dystopias and reproductive horror and slow starvation and suffocation and refugees and a timeline of depression and nuclear winter simply to create the universe's biggest aeolian harp so, you know. Doctor Who is back, baby!
Space Babies
Okay the episode was pretty fun and, at times, sweet (they saved the monster!) but oy the CGI/voice acting for the babies was… not great XD;;
Rani reference!
RTD detractors: "Ew, fart jokes with the Slitheen, so immature." RTD, writing an elaborate snot joke that ends with a colossal projectile shart: "Watch this :D"
Okay yes the projectile shart to get the space station moving is one thing, but, uh. How is it going to stop? XD;;
The nanny filter made me giggle each time.
I actually had to go back and check because I was squinting at the readout trying to work out what's weird and somehow failed a spot check and missed the fact that it had started snowing. Good observational skills, self. Anyway, the snow is definitely a Message. (Is it snow? Like I agree that it's connected with the day Ruby was born, but is what's falling in the church scene snow to begin with?)
Do you. Do you think the butterfly can regenerate now.
The Devil's Chord
Oooh, a Pantheon! Love a Pantheon. There's mention of the One Who Waits, speculation on whether 'the Oldest One' was there the day Ruby was born, we already have the Toymaker -> Maestro line, so maybe we'll be getting others? Also, the way Maestro phrased something earlier was fascinating too - "the Lord Temporal who sealed my father in salt". The Lord Temporal. There's been a lot of references to how the Doctor isn't just a Time Lord, maybe they're part of the Pantheon too, as the personification of time? Regeneration and Time Lord society all coming from this base primordial being?
Anyway I goddamn adore Maestro.
I wonder if we'll get Susan at the end of this season? (See: last link of this section!)
July 2024? So that's a good six months of travelling unaccounted for! Big Finish just going 👀
Semi-related but Ruby saying she was born in 2004 gave me a Crisis. Rose was 19 in 2005 and born the same year as me. Yeah okay I am good with that! Martha born in either 1986 or 1984, yep, fine, all checks out. But now there's a companion who was born when I was already an adult how is that legal.
"He ripped my soul in two." Oof.
The sonic actually did something sonic!
"I thought it was non-diegetic!!" I have so many questions. The walls are getting thin. Yeah, especially the fourth! (Random thought: Doctor Who official ARG?)
Lennon-McCartney saves the world! (I still like Harrison's stuff better.)
Apparently Murray Gold had a cameo but I have no idea what he looks like so it went completely over my head lmao
Missed opportunity to play The Devil Went Down To Georgia or The Devil's Trill, although we did get Danse Macabre and Rhapsody in Blue (which I put on as soon as the episode finished)!
Fun fact about Danse Macabre: "The solo violin enters playing the tritone, which was known as the diabolus in musica ("the Devil in music") during the Medieval and Baroque eras, consisting of an A and an E♭—in an example of scordatura tuning, the violinist's E string has actually been tuned down to an E♭ to create the dissonant tritone." (People hated it when it premiered. It made them feel anxious. Which is... kind of appropriate.)
There's always a twist at the end~ (I thought it was little H.Arbringer, but who knows?)
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89hitokiri · 2 months
MECHA Technical Specifications
Model: Specter-4 (スペクター4)
Height: 8 meters
Weight: 26 tons
Materials: The Specter-4’s chassis is constructed from cutting-edge materials of the era, combining high resilience with flexibility. Although the precise technical details are classified, the chassis is engineered to withstand extreme conditions and provide a robust foundation for the mecha's functions.
Material: The armor features a nanocomposite alloy with a multi-layer structure. The outer layer is reinforced ceramic designed to withstand high-velocity impacts, while the inner layer consists of energy-absorbing polymer that disperses the force of blows.
Coating: The armor is coated with a self-repairing polymer that regenerates minor cracks and abrasions, maintaining structural integrity.
Energy Absorption Technology: Integrated energy absorption cells mitigate damage from energy projectiles and explosions, enhancing the mecha's durability in combat.
Camouflage System:
Developed by: Kage Corp (影コーポ)
System Name: Cloak-9 (クローク-9)
Description: The Cloak-9 is a state-of-the-art optical camouflage system utilizing an adaptive light projection network and a dispersion of light technology. It mimics the surrounding environment in real-time by varying wavelength and light dispersion, achieving near-perfect visual integration. The system also includes infrared and thermal modules to adjust camouflage for thermal and heat signatures. This advanced technology enables the Specter-4 to remain nearly invisible across a range of environments, from urban landscapes to complex natural terrains.
Modified Assault Rifle:
Name: "Phantom Reaver" (ファントムリーバー)
Description: The "Phantom Reaver" is a modern, highly-modified assault rifle, seamlessly integrated with the Specter-4. It features precision adjustment systems and energy enhancements for high-velocity projectiles. The rifle includes advanced features such as recoil stabilization and integrated holographic sights, ensuring lethal effectiveness on the battlefield.
Secondary Pulse Cannon: Mounted on the right shoulder, ideal for close combat and energy dispersion in bursts.
Integrated Military Combat Knife:
Name: "Abyssal Edge" (アビサルエッジ)
History: The "Abyssal Edge" is an emblematic piece of military armament designed specifically for the Specter-4. This combat knife features a blade made from a special tungsten-ceramic alloy, offering extreme hardness and unparalleled cutting capability. Forged through rapid vacuum cooling, the blade maintains a durable, sharp edge. Integrated into the mecha's thigh, the knife deploys through an automated mechanism via the Nexus system, allowing for precise and lethal use in close quarters. The "Abyssal Edge" also incorporates kinetic energy technology to amplify penetration, making it a formidable tool in battle.
Nuclear Micromissiles:
Description: The Specter-4 is equipped with nuclear micromissile launchers, integrated into the mecha’s lateral wings. These missiles provide precise, devastating destruction within a compact range. Each micromissile has a miniaturized nuclear warhead optimized for eliminating high-priority targets with a controlled explosion that minimizes collateral damage. The launch system includes an advanced guidance module for precise targeting and rapid response to emerging threats. Additional technical details about the nuclear micromissiles are classified under the PINNACLE file (ピナクル).
Intelligent Countermeasure System:
Description: The Specter-4 is equipped with an advanced countermeasure system providing active defense against aerial and ground threats. This system includes:
Signal Dispersers: Devices emitting interference signals to confuse enemy missile guidance systems, redirecting them away from the mecha.
High-Intensity Flares: Countermeasure devices emitting bright flashes of light and heat to divert infrared and radar-guided missiles.
Electromagnetic Field Generators: Devices creating electromagnetic fields to block and deflect energy projectiles and enemy communications.
Autonomous Defense Algorithms: The system uses artificial intelligence to detect imminent threats and activate countermeasures automatically without pilot intervention. This includes deploying flares, using signal dispersers, and activating electromagnetic fields in response to surprise attacks. Additional technical details about these countermeasures are classified under the PINNACLE file (ピナクル).
Propulsion and Mobility:
Propulsion System: Hydraulic and electromagnetic with capabilities for rapid maneuvers and sharp directional changes.
Legs: Equipped with high-precision actuators for stability on uneven terrain and enhanced jumping capability.
Maximum Speed: 240 km/h on flat terrain.
Electronics and Sensors:
Multispectral Vision System: High-resolution imaging sensors providing night vision, thermal, and X-ray capabilities.
Classified Vision Systems (PINNACLE File): Include advanced detection and analysis technologies not publicly detailed for security reasons. These systems offer enhanced target identification, environmental analysis under extreme conditions, and counterattack prevention through state-of-the-art surveillance techniques.
Artificial Intelligence:
Name: ADONAI (アドナイ)
Developed by: Kurokage (黒影), the hacking division of Kage Corp (影コーポ)
Description: ADONAI is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence created by Kurokage, the hacking division of Kage Corp. This advanced AI provides an additional layer of security and combat efficiency for the Specter-4. ADONAI is equipped with predictive analysis algorithms and machine learning capabilities, allowing it to continuously monitor the environment and the mecha’s status. In critical situations, ADONAI can make autonomous decisions to protect the pilot and the mecha, such as activating defensive systems, adjusting camouflage, or maneuvering the mecha to a secure position. The AI is designed to identify imminent threats, such as surprise attacks, and respond instantaneously, ensuring the Specter-4 can rapidly adapt to changes in the combat environment.
Special Capabilities:
Energy Shield: Deploys a protective energy barrier to mitigate direct impacts and enemy projectiles.
Darkness Effects: Generates a distortion field to create an environment of shadows, confusing enemies and enhancing camouflage.
Communication and Control:
Nexus Link: Advanced neural interface system (ネクサス) enabling direct, real-time communication between the pilot and the mecha. The Nexus offers complete immersion in mecha control, transmitting tactical and sensory data directly to the pilot through a secure neural connection. This system ensures precise synchronization and instantaneous response in combat, facilitating quick decision-making and complex maneuver execution.
Energy and Sustainability:
Power Source: Compact nuclear battery weighing 200 kilograms, capable of operating indefinitely under normal conditions. This advanced energy core provides a continuous, virtually unlimited power supply, eliminating the need for frequent recharges and ensuring prolonged mecha operation without interruptions. Additional details about the nuclear battery technology are classified under the PINNACLE file (ピナクル), maintained for security and operational integrity.
Security Notes:
Restricted Access: Access to the systems and components detailed in this report is restricted to authorized personnel only. Disclosure of information about the Specter-4 (スペクター4) is subject to stringent security policies and requires special clearances.
Data Handling: The data provided may have been modified or altered for security reasons to protect both the manufacturer and the user. Any discrepancies or mismatches with official data should be verified through official channels.
PINNACLE File (ピナクル): Certain technical and operational details, particularly those related to advanced weaponry, vision systems, and nuclear technology, are classified under the PINNACLE file (ピナクル). Access to these details is restricted and available only to personnel with the appropriate security level.
Maintenance Protocols: Maintenance of the Specter-4 (スペクター4) must be carried out according to established security protocols to avoid risks and ensure the mecha's proper functioning. Any modifications or repairs should be conducted by certified and trained technicians.
Pilot Training: Operators of the Specter-4 (スペクター4) must undergo specialized training to manage the neural interface system Nexus (ネクサス) and the ADONAI (アドナイ) artificial intelligence. Proper training is crucial for the safe and effective operation of the mecha.
For additional inquiries or to access detailed information, follow the established procedures and contact the security representatives at Kage Corp (影コーポ).
Final Note:
The data provided in this report may have been manipulated or altered for the protection of both parties. For more precise and detailed information, it is recommended to consult the PINNACLE file (ピナクル). Data manipulation is a security measure designed to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information related to the Specter-4 (スペクター4).
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Wanna know more?
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raidante · 3 months
here’s some quick notes I’ve written in my phone about golems for those who are interested.
Random oc stuff 
Golems: a race of artificially grown organic soldiers by the world powers (UN) to fight the demon invasion of 1992. The war ended in 1995 after the AEON super computer overrides the kill switch and detonates nuclear Armageddon, after rushing suitable humans into underground evacuation vaults. AEON assumed control of the golems engineering and even after 30 years, the death of the original AEON (surviving as multiple computer programs called AEONs), these golems are produced in an endless cycle of fighting a war long lost. They now patrol and survey the market districts of Tokyo, waging turf wars against demons and having their parts recycled into new golems by Collectors. 
Types of Golems:
-foot soldiers. Most basic golem. On the ground soldiers for fighting. Use guns & swords. 
-Sniper units. They provide cover for foot soldiers. Explicitly use long range projectile weapons. 
-Commanders. Most units are guided by commander orders. They don’t fight but hide and transmit information.
-Mothers. Large, multi faceted golems that house the birthing chambers for new golems. They dispense units as they slowly roam Tokyo. They tend to stay close to their units. 
-Collectors. The only non biological golem. They are assist robots that collect golem body parts to be dispensed and recycled by the mothers. This perpetuates the endless production cycle. 
AEON program:
A supercomputer launched by the UN to help radically solve world problems as the world suffered more than ever decline in its populations, environments, and climate while crime escalated and war generated economic growth. When the demons invaded in 1992, AEON was requested to devote all processing powers to solving the demonic war. They created the program that wrote the first genetic makeup for golems, as humanity’s populations were rapidly decreasing and unsuitable for combat against demons. As humans slowly moved underground (those who could afford the shelter programs), golems fought demons on the surface. Demons created turf wars with the powerful among them challenging humanity’s world leaders. AEON came to the conclusion that nuclear Armageddon would be the last effort to cleanse demons off the world. Dispersing its original supercomputer program into smaller, denser AEON programs, it hacked the kill switch, fired the nukes, and changed the world. 30 years after, AEON survives as smaller programs, called AEONs, and they continue to run golem programming and have expanded it to become self sufficient. Most AEONs have forgotten their origins, and completely focus on demonic eradication, rather than ensuring humanity’s survival. 
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yvfu · 1 year
During the Manhattan Project to develop the nuclear bomb in the early 1940s, the chemical toxicity of uranium was an issue. Uranium oxides were found to stick very well to cotton cloth, and did not wash out with soap or laundry detergent. However, the uranium would wash out with a 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate. Clothing can become contaminated with toxic dust of depleted uranium (DU), which is very dense, hence used for counterweights in a civilian context, and in armour-piercing projectiles. DU is not removed by normal laundering; washing with about 6 ounces (170 g) of baking soda in 2 gallons (7.5 L) of water will help to wash it out.[67]
if you need to get those nasty uranium stains out
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admiral-mason · 1 year
SAGAU x Battlecruisers Part 2
Aquatic characters react to an aspect of Charlie's world.
Feat: Beidou, Kokomi, Furina
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The world of Battlecruisers... is not a happy one.
Humans were driven to near extinction, leaving behind a large number of former cities and technology for the next civilization to pick up upon. And the next civilization turned out to be even worse.
The automata that inherited the position of a dominant civilization turned out to be worse than their makers, exterminating what little of humanity before reverse-engineering the metal sharks that roamed the high seas.
Charles Wilfred Haka V1 never saw it happen, but he got a taste of what the world was truly like when impulsively stole the Trident. And now, your acolytes will learn of it too.
Beidou: Sailing and Trading
She's not content with the state of trading and getting around in Battlecruisers.
Due to the state of the world, plundering and luring have been common.
An infamous example is the Black-Rig.
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Its oil rig-like structure describes the nature of foreign relationships in Charlie's world: lies, traps, and selfishness. Without a keen eye, your career would be blasted into spare parts.
Aside from the cons, though, Beidou looked in awe at all the ships that Charlie owned.
From the Trident to a Black-Rig, he owned one of essentially every "standard" ship in the market.
Even more impressive was the fact that he stole them all after dangerous fights.
She considered inviting you and Charlie on the Alcor for a day or so.
Kokomi: Warfare
Kokomi was initially fascinated by the weapons that Charlie told her about, taking notes and tidbits until she saw the ultraweapons.
Kokomi was shocked at the Orbital Laser's capabilities. A literal flying death laser capable of blasting anything while the enemy could only hope to destroy its mainframe structure.
She was further shocked at the capabilities of the Broadside Cannons, pummeling the enemy with shell after shell via its six guns on a central hub.
But what shocked her the most was the Nuke Launcher.
Upon seeing its nuclear blast, her jaw was agape. Never had such a weapon ever been created and unleashed in Teyvat.
And yet, this one launcher with its one projectile can singlehandedly destroy an entire battlecruiser.
While she may be well-versed in the art of war, it shook her to know that these destructive weapons are unleashed all the time in Charlie's world.
And that's it. Sorry if it's short, I just can't come up with too many headcanons.
Genshin Impact by miHoYo. Battlecruisers by Mecha Weka.
Edit 1/25/2024: Added Furina headcanons.
Furina: Entertainment and Isolation
Yeah, Furina hates the entertainment in Battlecruisers.
It's not even the fact that it's not Opera- it's the fact that violence is the only real form of entertainment in such a depressing scenario.
And everyone in the world is isolated. If anyone else stumbles upon you it's typically to blow up both you and your battlecruiser.
Safe to speak, she hates the Flooded Earth because of how depressing the scenario is.
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oni-official · 1 year
So I have done the math for Mac cannons
Alright so for starters, we are assuming that every MAC Cannon fires at a standardized speed, the most commonly quoted speed of 0.4 Tenths the Speed of Light which, if you're wondering is 11,991,698.3 meters Per Second. With that stated, I have broken this down into Lightest, Medium/Standard, and the Heaviest MAC Cannon. Here is the equation I will be using:
```KE = 1/2(Mass) x (Velocity)^2```
With that being said, the Lightest MAC Cannon is a 10 meter long, 160 ton Projectile. This ends up being 2 GIGATONS of Kinetic Energy (8368 Petajoules of Energy)....Already off to a terrifying start.
With our Medium/Standard MAC Round being a Paris-Class' 600 Ton depleted Uranium model, We get a Kinetic Energy Of Around 9 Gigatons (37656 Petajoules) Of Kinetic Energy.
And with our Biggest/Super MAC at a 3,000 ton Projectile utilized by Orbital Defense Platforms we get a lovely Kinetic Energy of 52.44 Gigatons (219408.96 Petajoules) per shot.
Keep in mind that the TSAR BOMBA, THE BIGGEST NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE DETONATED ON EARTH, had a yield of 52 MEGATONS OF TNT. Which Translates to 240 Petajoules of Energy.
So Translation:
Lightest MAC = 34.866666666... Tsar Bombas
Standard MAC = 156.9 Tsar Bombas
Heaviest MAC = 914.204 Tsar Bombas
Have I over thought this?
No, the math with those numbers checks out.
Perhaps a few things to consider.
1. MAC rounds do not carry an explosive payload. Yes, with that amount of energy there's going to be an explosion regardless, but it won't be where the majority of the energy is. The majority will be either used in propelling the round through the object, which is why you make sure there isn't anything you care about behind the target, or - if it is somehow entirely stopped - transferred to the object as strain, shaking it apart at the seams.
2. How bad is 100Gt, really?
3. We can go bigger.
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'Atomic Annie' fires a 280mm 'Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile (AFAP)' called Grable as part of the wider Operation Upshot–Knothole nuclear tests, 25 May 1953
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ivanwm-05 · 8 months
Hi! 🙂 Enjoyed your game very much! Especially the cosmic horror scene in which the God mode MC wakes up 😄. I hope to see more how absurd and horrifying GM power can be from other POVs. Definitely one of my favorite WIPs.
So, I have a few questions and a few suggestions. I'll start with the questions. I'll refer to the MC as him.
1) What the scope of Alexis' omniscience? In other replies you mentioned that she knows everything across all timelines. Do you mean it just in the context of TLs that MC with time powers can create or is she also aware of routes where MC has different powers? Or maybe she knows that MC can have other names, genders, and appearances? Or, taken to the extreme, she is even aware of the 4th wall? In which case, does she know that the MC is the protagonist?
2) You said that the God mode MC posesses some degree of omniscience. However, it doesn't seem very consistent, so I just wanted to clarify it's extent. For example the MC seems to sense the entire universe, immediately notices that the storm is alive, knows who Gaia and Elara are before meeting them, knows everything about the DA, and, when talking to Gaia, says that the only thing he doesn't know is what he is. However in other scenes he doesn't seem to be aware of things that happen in his direct vicinity, like when he doesn't notice that the pond is actually a guy, and can't instantly identify and locate Michael. So, what the God mode MC does and doesn't know?
3) You often refer to the MC, Alexis, Adam, and Ron as anomalies. What does it actually mean? Is it just that they have particularly strong abilities, or is there another, deeper meaning?
Now, to suggestions.
1) I think the God mode MC's personality should be somewhat different from MCs with other powers. For example one personality can be apathetic and disconnected from humanity, kind of like Dr. Manhattan. Another personality may be carefree and friendly, but somewhat lacking common sense, like genuinely not getting what is the big deal about dissipating the red storm with a single thought. Another personality might be nonsensical and crazy, like Sheoggorath. Yet another one might be proud and even arrogant like Gilgamesh from Fate.
But, regardless of personality type, in my opinion the God mode MC should almost never act surprised, confused, or puzzled, even when the player is. Unless something truly unexpected occurs, he should always have this "all according to keikaku" attitude.
2) I think telepathy and superintelligence should also to some extent affect the way MC acts and views others.
3) I've seen somebody suggest adding gravity control. But how about taking it a step further and adding the power to manipulate all 4 fundamental interactions? This would be a pretty versatile and powerful ability.
Basic uses of gravity manipulation would allow levitation, telekinesis, controlling mass of objects, repelling attacks and just collapsing enemies into meatballs or flattening them into pancakes. On the high end it could be used to create black holes or even wormholes.
EM manipulations at its most basic could be used to zap people, control metals, turn coins into railgun projectiles, etc. Also it would allow to manipulate EM spectrum, for example bend light to shoot lasers or turn invisible, have x-ray or infrared vision, see through walls, hear radio waves, emit gamma rays or act as a radar. Most precise level of control would allow modifying mechanical properties of materials, turning matter into antimatter by changing electic charge and desintegrating enemies by cancelling chemical bonds inside them. Honestly it would be a pretty cool power just by itself, though MC would probably be a constant nuisance to Olivia by being a walking EMP device 😅
Weak force could be used to destroy things through nuclear decay or turn any object into a neutron bomb.
Strong force could be used to transform one element into another, split things into elementary particles, etc. The flashiest application though is the matter-to-energy conversion, which would allow to turn any mass into improvised nukes, for example a 50ml glass of water would yield a 1 megaton explosion.
The applications overlap though, as such both gravity and EM would enable some forms of flight, matter-antimatter annihilation functionally isn't any different from matter-to-energy conversion, etc.
4) When MC with telepathy and God mode hears phrases in other languages they should probably be translated. The superintelligent MC might also be able to at least pick up the meaning from the context.
5) It would be cool if MCs with telepathy, superintelligence and God mode could fry or overload the brains of hostile telepaths.
The first question would be answered in-depth with the next GM update.
It's pretty hard to explain the degree of the GM MC's partial omniscience, so I'll just put it this way, the MC is aware of almost anything, but has some blind spots at the moment due to them not being fully aware and accepting their entire situation.
This would change however, after the update and their meeting Alexis.
Firstly, you should really add MC's sister to be among the top of that list. Secondly, there is a deeper meaning, but it contains spoilers so I'll just let Pryon tell you themselves when your MC meets them.
Now for your suggestions:
I'm totally in line with your first suggestion.
The second suggestion is also something I agree with and have been trying to implement.
The third suggestion sounds super OP, I'll definitely note that down.
The fourth suggestion is already being implemented.
The last suggestion is something I also fall totally in line with.
Thanks a lot, really, I appreciate long feedback like this that takes a lot of time just to help point things out and point me in the right direction.
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boo-bookeys · 8 months
Crispin- I am not a violent person, but if you ask me to hold your baby and it proceeds to projectile vomit all over me like a nuclear bomb,
Crispin- I am going to throw it.
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