#now with alt text actually added - sorry about that!
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doodleswithangie · 2 months ago
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Even more pages from Mabel’s Scrapbook! (X)
[Image Description: Fanart of characters from “Gravity Falls” in Mabel’s scrapbook set a few years later, decorated with stickers and glitter pens. Alt text is provided and copied below the cut. Full spread as one image is also below the cut. End ID]
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Copied Alt Text
Image one: In Mabel’s scrapbook, a photo strip of college aged Mabel, Candy, and Grenda in silly poses is captioned, “Photobooth!” Laying on the page, Mabel’s phone shows the three of them FaceTiming each other in their bedrooms.
Image two: Photo of Soos, Stan, and Soos’s daughter on the porch couch. Soos shows Stan photos on his phone while his daughter is on Stan’s knee. It’s captioned, “Great-Grunkle!”
Another photo of older Wendy on the roof. It’s captioned, “Look who came to visit!”
Laying on the page, Dipper’s phone has a Snapchat conversation with Pacifica. She accidentally sent a photo of her after her diner shift captioned, “dead.” She messages, “that was for mabel. stop. DELETE. DIPPER.” He replies, “lol you look fine. almost human.” She sends back, “STOP.”
End Copied Alt Text
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snazzy-mushroom · 6 months ago
Act 5
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I had to draw them after seeing that one post, they’re so sweet it actually makes me ill (affectionate)
This is a repost because in my last post I noticed something was off about isabeau’s face and it would kill me if I didn’t fix it 
(Alt text now added! I forgot to add it the first time sorry!)
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contraryclock · 5 months ago
Limbus rambling Don Quixote edition number #2 the second
SO!!! that new canto huh Part 1 is out, im avoiding leaks to the best of my ability, and i am CAUGHT UP! still havent read La Mancha or Don Quixote though but i dont think that matters right now OBVIOUS disclaimer about my lack of knowledge with the source material once again point is i have a crackpot theory that just might not be that uncommon or unlikely? idk we'll see
Also sorry for no ALT text, this uses a lot of images and my fingers are very cold
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spoilers under the cut obviously, catch up before you click and otherwise beware
oh yeah baby welcome to the cool people zone im going to be using a mixture of my own screenshots and the Limbus Main Story Library for this, so buckle up
I propose that there are in fact, two Don Quixote's! Our Don, the sinner of limbus company! and a much older, original Don Quixote, the possible Founder / Lord of La Manchaland!
To start, almost all of this theory is based on those flashback bits we get with the colored text, and is running under the assumption that the Yellow text is, reasonably, supposed to be our Don.
... which brings up the question of why they are acting so uncharacteristically in what is supposedly their own story.
Now, onto those flashbacks!
First up we have the instance at 7-9.
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This one doesnt tell us much but it gives us some initial context.
The grey text is clearly Vergillius, you can just tell that from the delivery. The blue text is an unknown femenine voice, The yellow text feels somewhat familiar to that deeper voice that Don quixote will have on occasion. Ironically its more clear in her scream there at the end. ... and then we have the masculine voice in the red text.
But we'll get to that later! our next instance is in 7-13, on the inside of the Shooting Rage attraction. (( although i personally think it says Shooting Bagel. ))
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okok but actually heres the text
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Only the red voice this time, clearly the same person given the delivery too and with the added context of this node and the last one, it can be assumed that this is either the person who dreampt up La Manchaland, or straight up founded it.
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And thanks to the Barber's Narration, we can also come to assume that this voice is also a Fixer, if these things are to be true.
Next, in 7-16, is NOT a flashback, but rather the reaction of The Barber.
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The Barber recognizes the name to some degree, "THAT name" feels incredibly deliberate. But she is otherwise completely indifferent to Don.
and now we get to talk about this blue fuck
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Sanson, Knight of the white Moon, Knight of Mirrors, ect ect, the BASTARD quick unrelated tangent but i think its cool that they made the arguable* main antagonist of Don Quixote possibly also be apart of Demian's Cool Blue Crew™ (( DCBC )) (( i say this because he shares his dialogue background with the other members of the blue crew we've met )) anyways basically the ENTIRE SEQUENCE he causes is the main reasoning behind my theory here *arguable ok again i havent read the book so i have no idea if this is an accurate assessment of his character i saw an article say that he was "arguably" the antagonist once and i haven't talked to anyone who has actually read the book to yap at about before i make these posts. addendum over
The fact of the matter is, Don Quixote does a right shit job of recounting her own story. She gets lines wrong, minor details, and this becomes readily apparent as soon as she implies that her own fucking shoes are who she was talking to, and that they are given proper reply. (( My thoughts are that instead of Rocinante, the role is in fact Sancho, but we have no evidence of that being the case ))
We also get the most telling flashback lines in this segment!
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...The voice we've come to associate with Don Quixote is shown to NOT say her own line, but rather that of the line in red. And in both of these incidents, ellipsis are used to blank out a word, my bets are all on that word being "Knight" baybee
THATS A WRAP FOLKS we've established all the evidence for my epic theory that uhhh the Red voice in don's flashbacks are an Older, Original Don Quixote and that its possible that our Don is a 2'st Don instead of a real Don
As for why this is happening??? I have no fuckin idea its the first part of the canto i just wanted to get my thoughts out
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i hope this wasnt too incomprehensible! as is usual dont follow me ect ect and reply or something if you have anything to add, as said im not very knowledgeable on the source material. or do that thing where you reblog with an additional comment because i will reblog that. free reblog ok goodbye now i will be stabbed to death momentarily
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quarter0 · 30 days ago
RGB Theory
a collection of baldi's basics theory pertaining to the relation between NULL, baldi, and "badsum"
i've had this under my belt for a while in the form of a google doc, but now i feel like sharing it publicly. so i'm "porting" it to tumblr.
notice: in the ninenine secret, it's stated that "badsum" is not his name. for this reason, i'll be calling him "[the] blue one" because it's objectively funnier.
point 1:
Who is The Blue One?
the common belief is that you have no idea who the blue one is or if he is a separate character from baldi. you don't know anything about his personality, his motives, or if he even is a person.
this isn't the case. in fact, the blue one has more dialogue than most characters in the game. i will lay all of it out, then i'll give you my own analysis of what i've shown you.
(note: if you can't recognize or understand an image, check the alt text.)
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his most notable appearance is the background of an error screen in which he looks very distressed. this background is used in the kickstarter antipiracy screen, as well as the error screen for more current versions of plus.
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there's one specific line here that's very interesting: "Apologies for the inconvenience".
there's another instance of a character saying this same line almost verbatim- it's just very obscure.
during the NULL arg, one of the hints said this:
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"My apologies for the inconvenience."
and, even more interestingly, NULL himself interjects during this!
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which means that NULL and the blue one have worked together, personally, for the same goal. but there's more to get through, first.
in plus, a mysterious poster was added. at the time, people weren't sure what to make of it. but after all that i've shown you, maybe you'll get a different idea.
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proper grammar, decent manners, and a vague tone. in fact, the head in the background is actually the very same one used in the BADSUM error screen, as seen by the indents in the eyes. baldi doesn't have those, just the blue one.
it's the blue one, isn't it? it's gotta be. there's no clearer answer.
but what does all of this mean? what does the blue one want? who is the blue one?
well, he has an interest in making sure the game works. when it's broken, he gets distressed. he tries to guide you along a path that will help you.
there's a couple of off beats, sure... but doesn't this sound familiar? doesn't this sound a whole lot... like NULL?
NULL's goal is to make sure everything doesn't go to shit. he wants you to be safe, he wants Everyone to be safe, this is why he warns you over and over again. this is why he is so persistent. this is why he hides encrypted messages within the game to try and tell you... something! this is why he wants you to destroy the game.
the blue one, from everything you can see, also wants things to work, wants things to be safe, to the point where he and NULL directly collaborated to tell you... something.
you see, the blue one is the Plus NULL.
the primary difference is that NULL thinks (or at least thought) that destroying the game was the best way of achieving this, that going against the grain would keep things sane but in the end it just resulted in him being slain from the membrane.
(...that was unnecessary. sorry.)
on the other hand, the blue one wants the game to Work. he thinks if he can patch it all up that things are going to be Fine.
NULL believes the game is a parasite; the blue one believes the game is a beast to be tamed.
similarly, their temperaments parallel the state of the game they're in.
NULL: an angry, broken man, deeply corrupted, self destructive, and fragile.
Classic Remastered: an enraging, broken game, deeply corrupted. see the end of party style.
self destructive and fragile. see how NULL is literally ripped out of itself for one reason or another, despite the fact that NULL originates from the game itself (more on that later).
the blue one: more pleasant, polite, kind. wants you to have a good time
Plus: more pleasant, not as rage inducing, wants you to have a good time.
"okay, sure, i guess i can believe that. i guess i can believe Baldi but Blue has a personality. but what about Real baldi? Green Baldi Real Baldi? you said you were gonna talk about baldi. where's Baldi?"
point 2:
baldi, NULL, and the blue one are the same person split apart
a common theory about Classic Remastered is that NULL is actually making the game evil and there would be ZERO problems if he just Was Not There and he MADE IT ALL UP because he's A WRETCHED LIAR AND A VILLAIN and THERE ARE NO REDEEMING TRAITS ABOUT HIM and, you know, that's stupid. that's dumb. however there is A truth in it
NULL only shows up in locations that Baldi shows up in. the secret endings, the menus, and, once, in the role of The Chaser. his lines directly mirror Baldi's lines, too:
"Now get on out there! I know you can get a better grade!" - Baldi, insisting you play the game again during the classic style speech
"Just… Close the program. Destroy it. Never come back." - NULL, insisting you never play the game again during the classic style speech
"Wow! You must be pretty clever! But I knew you could find me!" - baldi, praising you during the party style speech
"...Jeepers. You found me again? You must be pretty clever. I didn't think you'd find me here. [...] You sure aren't clever enough to listen to me!" - NULL, insulting you during the party style speech
"Oh! You're just in time!" - Baldi, expecting you to show up during the demo style speech
"Wha-? Wha-? What are you doing-? What are you doing down here?!" - NULL, not expecting you to show up during the demo style speech
and, of course, "GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN" vs. "Find a way out before I catch you!"
and yes, i can completely believe that NULL would intentionally make the game seem more intimidating than it truly is in an attempt to ward the user off. but you have to remember his reason for doing this- keeping things safe.
something baldi is entirely disinterested in.
okay, before we continue, a tangent. a lot of people push back against the idea that baldi could ever do anything wrong because you think that he's actually just a silly guy. that's why people like evil NULL so much, because it absolves baldi of responsibility. that's why NULL is portrayed like this, as some crazy conspiracy theorist for the sake of absolving baldi of responsibility.
i get it. i really get it, i really wish he were just a funny guy that looks kind of scary but is actually just sooo sweet beneath the surface and we were all fooled by how creepy he looks! because everything is FINE and NOTHING IS WRONG! i wish it were true. but it is not.
did you know that there's a boarded ceiling tile in baldi's basement that leads directly to bladder's room, which implies that baldi locked a man in a room forever just because he doesn't like him?
okay, that's a bit much. you can definitely sympathize with him in the scenario i'm about to present you with. but please remember that it is fully within his characterization to be a sick and evil bastard, and it is especially within his characterization to hide his true nature. though, i don't think he's like, an evil serial killer or child abuse #1 fan or anything that severe, he's just... not the most innocent man on the ball court, is what i'm saying.
Now. My Actual Point.
baldi wants to ignore what is happening. he makes you play his Fun Game where Nothing is Wrong.
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and when something IS wrong, undeniably so, he covers his eyes.
by the way i'm going to reference that image later so keep it in mind.
so it's really interesting, then, that this man Directly tied to his location, to his manners of speech, happens to have All of the traits that he wouldn't want if he's trying to pretend everything Is Fine and Nothing Is Wrong and His Game Is Just Fun. poor speech, angry, uncharismatic, unpleasant, unwilling to comply, inquisitive, and Very persistent about Fixing Things.
a man who, by the (fictional) developer's own words, came out of nowhere.
"I don't know where NULL came from. He just showed up in the game." - Highly Punchable Fictional Interface for Mystman12, /null
and when he says too much- SPECIFICALLY that this IS NOT A GAME, he's gone. forever.
oh, by the way, it absolutely isn't a game, baldi IS lying to you and I HAVE PROOF THIS TIME
during the ninenine secret you get this popup that's got a specific ui to it:
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this ui shows up in two other places. firstly, this popup from the plus early access trailer:
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the way this warning is worded is not like one a video game would output, at least not a computer game. no, see, this is the kind of thing an Editing program would output when it closes.
and, you know, the ninenine secret is a whole command line which a video game Would Not Need Isn't That Interesting anyway. one more spot the ui shows up.
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the classic remastered launcher.
these are not GAMES. they are PROGRAMS that baldi has put games inside of. imagine you were trying to use notepad and it started playing a game with you without you prompting wouldn't that be fucked up
"okay man baldi's a sick and twisted liar and you hate him i get it but what about the blue one where does the blue one come into this you said you were gonna talk about the blue one" WELL. YOU SEE.
if NULL is everything baldi would hate to be, the blue one in turn is Helpful And Good and Everything He'd Like To Be. And he's compliant. that's why Plus is the beautiful golden child and Classic Remastered is the unsightly problems baby.
"IT IS HERE NOW [ ] WHERE IT BELONGS" - mysterious red guy when the ninenine secret fucks up, "here" referring to plus
"The original games are just too… unruly for me to adapt to it." - Micah Schmicah "Evil Mystman10" Mike McMicahgal, A message from the developer
(by the way Fake Mystman also wrote that message. he also said Plus wouldn't have lore until 1.0 but look what happened. the dogs are loose already. you haven't even gotten to 0.9 yet. don't believe a word he says.)
but, for further confirmation that They Are Connected, Certainly, i want to raise you this: Red Green and Blue. first i will procure a compilation and then i will comment on it, like the first section.
in the ninenine secret, the text shows up in red, green, then blue.
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on this dumb poster, red green and blue.
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in this room, red green and blue.
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oh yeah, the room is back. this story is going three dimensional. because, notice this:
the ceiling is blue.
the walls are green.
the floor is red.
in Classic Remastered, NULL descends further down. from the office on the second floor, to the principal's office on the first floor, to the basement, and then he just goes to hell which i'm guessing is down.
in Plus, you use an elevator to ascend. in birthday bash, a demo for plus, you use an elevator-oid apparatus to ascend. you're Going Up. You're Adding Up.
and green, the connecting factor between the floor and the ceiling, the wall... simultaneously up and down...
you see, the connection between NULL, baldi, and the blue one is the very foundation of these "Games". it is what makes them Work.
and at the end of party style, the text shows up in all colours:
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(here's a video if you can't tell, easier in motion)
the one thing they can agree on and they can't even connect their text! so dissonant...
point 3:
okay what the fuck happened WHY are there 3 of them
now... i don't have a solid answer for this yet but i have some bits and pieces that imply something, to me.
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This Stupid Billboard. do not worry yourself with its contents, i only care about the center point. if you're unfamiliar with 99, go here.
before NULL is exterminated like carpet bugs and/or rats, the board is shown in full. after the fact, it is covered by blueprints. a lot of you have taken this to mean that NULL is the one who made it, because all instances of NULL are erased completely. i do not think that is the case. after all, wouldn't it be completely removed rather than just covered?
when NULL refers to it, it is not from a point of recognition. it's just some dumb thing someone else put there. in the same breath, he points out the "weird books" that baldi wrote.
now. if baldi made this billboard, why would he suddenly cover it up? it's like, i don't know, he's just had this sudden change of heart that seems really uncharacteristic for him, how strange...
interesting that NULL mocks you for looking for more. he only has your best interests in mind, and he wants to directly communicate information to you clearly despite his inability to do so, but... when you Look for it it's suddenly a Bad Thing
to me, the implication is that looking for 99 is what caused baldi to split apart. at the very least, it led to what caused that.
but what's so bad about 99? what even is 99? why would looking for 99 make Bad Things Happen?
point 3.5:
i know what 99 is (kind of)
i promise i will keep donkey kong to a minimum i promise.
99 shows up in a Lot of places and on all accounts it seems to be... Bad, or at least Scary (probably scary Because Bad)
the oldest 99 graphic originates from a donkey kong country corruption, specifically the 1994 copyright for nintendo. it was used as a jumpscare graphic in baldi classic, but actually can be found in other games by Mr. Man12 dating back to 2016-2017
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donkey kong country corruption is a consistent theme for 99 across the board. after classic, direct assets aren't used anymore because Mystery Flavour 12 Men In A Trench Coat is rightfully afraid of nintendo's unyielding wrath. however, the ending of party style, which is arguably one of the most 99 things in any of the games, draws very direct inspiration from these corruptions.
not only can you tell by watching his old donkey kong corruption videos and thinking about it for a little, but he also outright confirmed it in a podcast:
at 1:15:25 - "'some say it's donkey kong country corrupt videos'... that does play a part! [...] when i was a teenager and i did it, like, a lot, that was one of the things i enjoyed about it so much, was the fact that, umm... one moment, you could do something, and it would be, you know, this hilarious corruption... but in the next moment, you could... corrupt the game again and suddenly you made something terrifying."
so, if 99 is the essence of donkey kong corruption, if it is a corrupting force... and what's so wrong with classic remastered is that corruption...
do you think it's NULL's fault? or do you think it's the swarm of balloons with 99's name scrawled all over them? or, even if NULL is so contagious... why do you think he GOT really corrupted in the first place? because he was bored??
and if baldi sought after this entity, i'm sure only good things could happen.
even if he came out of it either unaware of the impending danger unwilling to face it.
even if the guy tied to his being seems to be Really fucked up in a way Very, Very reminiscent of that entity.
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end, for now. you can read the original document here.
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floofysmallbob · 8 months ago
Oh yeah this is my redesi- *gets brainwashed*
Yes this is a day late, I know no one keeps schedule of these redesigns, but I like to have an upload schedule to challenge myself, but it has gotten harder to adhere to said schedule lately because I’ve been cleaning my dad’s apartment(he’s still alive and everything it’s just a mess)
I added him in between class A and B because while it has been revealed which class he’s in, I figured it would be a nice transition and either way I’m going to stop talking now here’s the redesign
Compulsion Hero: Mindjack
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sorry if the text is hard to read or headache inducing
yes the name is a giveaway of his quirk, but I don’t think his hero name would be public knowledge, he’s likely be an underground hero due to the lack of flashiness
honestly his canon costume is the best one out of all of them
it’s practical and it looks great
vest would have been the same but I sure as hell can’t draw that so it’s just a regular looking vest
thin undershirt covered by a fishnet mesh
which is also in turn covered by the vest
and the sleeves in canon look like a separate garment
i told myself when I did the Kirishima design that I wouldn’t give anyone shirtless sleeves.
i have now given two people shirtless sleeves.
i was supposed to give him cargo pants but I forgot to draw the pockets :|
leg strap pouch
dagger, would be useful if the capture weapon got tangled or for close combat fighting. also it looks sick and I really like swords and tbh this costume is something I would want to wear and at this point I’m not even trying to hide the fact that I am Shinsou Hitoshi
i have very prominent purple hair and eyebags too
also there are a fuck ton of layers because I can’t think of a single person this edgy who doesn’t layer like hell
i would rather burn up than not layer and that’s saying a lot considering my incredibly low heat tolerance
but back on topic
combat boots
steel toed
kneepads, shoulder pads, and forearm guards
gloves are the same as canon
so is his mask but I was not going to draw that
it’s legitimately just his canon costume in my art style
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darker fabrics
slightly longer gloves on the thumb and index fingers
thicker fabric
capture weapon is temperature regulated
can function as an actual scarf
turtleneck(not visible)
undershirt is thicker
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yeah he’s still gonna overheat lmao
undershirt has mesh sleeves
gloves are now completely fingerless
also I forgot to mention earlier yes he has black nail polish, just be glad I didn’t give him a full face of alternative style makeup, too
I don’t care if he canonically just wears jean jackets as his casual wear he’s alt now and there’s nothing you can do about it
hell, Jirou is supposedly ‘punk rock’ and the only vaguely alt outfit she had was the time she was wearing an ‘end of villainy’ tshirt with fishnets and boots in one of the openings
no more shirtless sleeves
slightly thinner, looser fabrics
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not really any notes lmao
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you can see the turtleneck now
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neckline is slightly lower
as always, tips and advice are appreciated!
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reactionimagesdaily · 1 year ago
REACTION IMAGES BLOG PATCH NOTES (aka the 10k follower celebrations got out of hand)
Hey everyone!
So it's been a hot minute since I announced that we passed 10,000 followers on here! I'm sure... well, I'm actually sure that most people won't be TOO fussed either way, but I did say I was gonna do some stuff, and I wanna stick to my word if nothing else xD
So! Let the celebrations begin! Firstly, I'm announcing a new QnA (I love those things) that'll last,,,, I'll say 2 weeks and go from there. Feel free to ask me about whatever you want!! If you want to cater to me specifically, my current big interests are Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect, and uuuuh Halo. (Also Bionicle remains a constant.) (Lots of scifi videogame stuff at the moment...)
[IK there's still some stuff in the inbox I need to answer/respond to you - I promise I'll get to those as well <3 thank you so much for your patience, if you've been waiting]
Secondly, here's a new song cover! IDK how many of you have played the game Divinity: Original Sin 2, but here's me singing Lohse's song; Sing For Me.
Thirdly: here's a new gimmick blog! I Was Not Joking. (Though, for my sanity, it's gonna be weekly instead of daily.) I'll be posting the images I have saved in my folder called 'feral screenshots' - it'll basically be a collection of cursed images/images with strange auras. I wanna say y'all know the ones, but if you don't, then here's an example of what we're dealing with:
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[Image ID: a person floating in a rubber ring in a swimming pool. On their head is what looks like a life-size Lego head.]
Introduciiiiing the Weekly Weird Images blog!
And Fourthly! It is my great pleasure to announce that we're adding alt text to all the images on this blog! Sorry it took so long to get round to T_T
And yes - I do mean we! To write out all the alt text for these images, I've on-boarded minion-in-chief/court jester aplomb @tizzytinkertilly! I (the reaction images guy) will still be handling every other part of the blog - she'll just be doing that bit. For the sake of my sanity xD
This is kind of a big change - both the addition of alt text, and the fact that this blog is no longer a single-person operation - so for the foreseeable future, the queue's been tweaked so that we only post 2 images a day instead of 4. (Fun fact! 2 images a day was the original MO of this blog, and then covid happened and I was like "I'll make it 4 a day because it'll be a nice thing to do for everyone while they're miserable in this pandemic :)" and then I never stopped (although you could argue that the pandemic never stopped either).) Maybe if/when we fall into a good routine and feel like we can do more, we can bump the rate of images back up, but right now this is a teething phase and I'm keen to slow things down for a little bit. :P (Tumblr has made some WEIRD mechanical choices for group blogs, I'll be honest.)
And, uh, yeah, that's all! Let the QnA begin- Hope y'all enjoy the song cover- Hope y'all enjoy the additional blog- A big welcome to Tinks and to alt text! Happy 10k followers, everybody!
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reconstructwriter · 4 months ago
Lemon Blueberry Bread Pudding
Sorry, this is a little late but here’s your requested pics @charmwasjess! For everyone who needs some virtual comfort food for any reason what so ever…
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[Alt Text: A skillet with blueberries studding a lemon-flavored bread pudding, baked to golden brown deliciousness]
I took out the last two slices of my mom’s lemon and blueberry cake from the freezer. It's about a year old now? Remained shockingly untouched so it needed repurposing. So did the dregs from the bag of twice baked lemon-blueberry cookies. This was enough to fill a 6-inch skillet, which is a good size to cry over alone or share with a friend.
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[Alt Text: A cast iron skillet of cake and cookie chunks beside a plate of thawing blueberries]
For the wet ingredients I decided to halve my favorite bread pudding recipe because I calculated a the six inch skillet would be about half of an 8 by 8 square.
I'm not quite as good at math as I thought. No matter how hard I tried to cram all the liquid in there. This was a good use for that last shriveled lonely lemon which was just about ready to give up. I didn't want to wash a lemon juicer as well so I just used my hands and fished out all the lemon seeds afterwards. I'm sure I got them all 😊
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[Alt Text: A small blue bowl with liquid ingredients stirred together with a fork]
Also stuffed some more blueberries in between all the cake and cookie bits. More blueberries is always better. I've got a bag of mixed frozen fruit so I just picked the blueberries out and thawed them. Once everything is nice and stale and arranged to my weird aesthetic appeal, I did what they say to do in every recipe and added wet ingredients to dry. The liquid was fairly thick so I had to move a few cake bits around and everything to get the liquid at the bottom so it could stick to the skillet. I probably should have at least buttered the skillet but I forgot (as always).
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[Alt Text: A skillet of uncooked bread pudding almost overflowing with liquid and a few blueberries peaking out like islands]
Yup, I miscalculated. Eh, its fine. Exact science bread pudding is not. I also like em cause I can soak them overnight, shove the pan in the oven first thing in the morning, turn it on and go out for a walk. By the time I'm done walking breakfast (dessert) is done. I have yet to set even my oven on fire with this method. Putting a tray on the rack below to catch any drippings is a good idea though.
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[Alt Text: A skillet with blueberries studding a lemon-flavored bread pudding, baked to golden brown deliciousness]
OMG this is so good y'all. I ate it almost as soon as it came out of the oven and this is amazing 10/10 I don't care if I'm burning my mouth. Everyone have some!
Actual Recipe: • 2.5 slices of stale/dry lemon-blueberry cake or whatever bread-type stuff you don't want to throw out. • more blueberries if you can get them • 1 pat butter, melted • one egg • ¾ cup of dairy (I used half lemon yogurt and half almond milk but whatever y’all got) • 1/3 a cup of sugar (or orange jam, or lemon curd) • one lemon’s worth of juice • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
Instructions: RIP the bread or bread adjacent stuff until you have enough to fill a 6 inch skillet or pan or whatever you're using to bake this. Stuff in as much blueberries as you can. You can double the recipe for an 8-inch pan or quadruple it for 13x9.
Put the butter in a microwave safe bowl for a few seconds to melt, add egg next and beat. Then the sugar, your yogurt if you're using it and then finally finish off with other liquids, the lemon juice and extract. You don't have to do the ingredients this way but I've found this is the easiest way of mixing everything smoothly and leaves the fewest dirty dishes.
Add liquid ingredients to your pan of dry ingredients and let everything soak in. Preheat the oven to 350 and bake until its golden brown and delicious, about 30 minutes or you can put the pan in as soon as you turn on the oven and wait about 45 minutes. As long as it looks done.
The other good thing about bread puddings is they're very versatile so just about any bread substance and any liquid you can combine for whatever flavors you want. I've done regular, apple-pumpkin- cranberry and coconut-pineapple-lime!
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ask-ri-73 · 7 months ago
[Intro + Blog Info]
>Namine Ritsu Original Music Masterlist<
>All Asks in Chronological Order< _____________________
Heeyyyyyyyy people still use this site? I see a lot of blogs that have bio posts so ill make one too :p
I'm Ritsu. Not like u didn't know that already cause im a pretty big deal ...okay, maybe not. But i SHOULD be!!!!!!!!!
There isnt much to know about me. Just a girl who loves music and cute clothes. Cute stuff in general really...
Anyway. Prns are she/her and he/him, i really don't care. Just don't talk to me if ur a sucker :P
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Blinkee credits in alt text when I can find them! _____________________
Hello everyone! This is a story-driven ask blog that I started as a way to interact with the fandom, and to draw things I've never drawn before! Since this page doubles as a fan blog, there will also be random Ritsu-related posts that don't correlate with the ask series :)
Run by @stripesu (she/her)
This is a side blog. I can not send you asks, sorry!
When interacting with this blog, please be mindful of:
Ritsu's age - He's not 6! On this blog, the headcanon for Ritsu is that he is 21 years old.
Ritsu's gender - I am willing to explore concepts related to gender identity with Ritsu. HOWEVER, I am cisgender and therefore do not have a firsthand understanding of trans/nonbinary/genderqueer experiences. I'm always open to learn, but in the meantime I may stray from these topics if I feel I cannot authentically portray them. --> Also, avoid derogatory terms like "trap", "crossdresser", and "okama" please.
Relationships - Don't try to force your ships into the blog! I have some specific relationships that I'd like to explore and will generally avoid these types of asks.
The human who runs this blog - Please don't take it personally if it takes me a long time to respond to you! I do NOT have an efficient way to draw responses right now so this blog is burnout hell for me. Posts may be sporadic and of varying quality. Still fun though!
Sexual content - This blog is safe for work. Please respect this and do not send inappropriate asks.
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To be added! Currently, Ritsu is the only one you can interact with. There are plans to have a roster of multiple characters in the future!
#ritsu.txt - text posts #ritsu.png - art posts #story - any post relating to the story-driven ask blog half of this account, including non-asks #char:name - posts containing other characters ex: #char:Teto #ritsuposting - ritsu posts that are unrelated to the ask series #modposting - mod says something #non-canon - these posts... didn't actually happen. trust me
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poniesart · 1 year ago
hiii!! your artstyle is SO COOL to me- as in sometimes i'll just stare at some of your pieces because theyre all so great. i was wondering if you were comfortable sharing your process when it comes to art?? i'd love to see how you do things!
Hi!! I'm sorry this took so long to answer, I hope you still find it useful. It means a ton to me that you enjoy my art so much! <3 It's easy to feel discouraged by the Invisible Hand of Internet Engagement, so I really appreciate your ask.
General thoughts (NOT rules, just things I consider or do a lot):
Things that appear one solid color irl can be broken down into multiple colors through artistic interpretation. I see a lot of beginner artists paint trees as solid green, when there's a lot of yellows, blues, and browns in there! A FANTASTIC example of this is jadenvargen, whose color use is masterful and I can only aspire to emulate one day.
Base colors are not saturated; saturation is reserved for pops of color and details
Shadows are purples, blues, and greens
Reference is your best friend!!!
So the nitty gritty for those who want to see: with digital art there's two main avenues I take. The first one is lineart, and the second is painterly. All IDs are in alt text.
My process for lineart pieces:
I always start off with a sketch; for this example I'm using one of my pieces from @/mylittlefusions (that isn't actually posted yet but will be later today) - a Grogar and Trixie MLP G4 fusion. I like to fiddle with brush selections until I get the effect I want, and then go slow on the lineart to make sure it's how I want it, so this can be time consuming!
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I've been trying for distinct shapes; I hate when my art gets muddled, I feel like the end piece is less impactful when I don't put in the right amount of contrast and distinctive silhouettes. Just something I've been thinking about and trying to improve.
Then I add base colors, going for slightly desaturated colors. I like to use saturated/bright tones to contrast or draw attention to something. I put the base-base colors down in one layer and then add details as a mask layer:
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Then comes shading!! I'm a big fan of a multiply layer set to cool tones like blue, so I usually start there. If I think it needs to be different I can change it later. In this instance, I filled the whole canvas in the shading color as a mask over the base colors, and then erased where needed. Now that the shading is done, I often go back and color the lineart :)
Last but not least is my favorite part, painting on top! The extent to which I do this depends on what I think is needed, but I usually at least paint on top of the multiply shading to add some nuance, i.e. the greener bits on the background limbs. Here I added bright magic outlines to pop from the more desaturated character.
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My more painterly style is a different story though! I use the same thoughts about color and shading, but I usually forgo multiply layers entirely and just do colors by eye. I still do a sketch, usually. Here is an example using my Lae'zel / Shadowheart piece.
The sketch is a disaster zone lol - but I painted below it using base tones, again desaturated. Once I feel I don't need the sketch anymore, I keep painting, making a new layer when I feel like being cautious about a change I'm making.
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After I feel that I've got base colors down, it's time to get more contrast in using darker and/or more saturated colors! Then, like with my lineart process, I paint more details on top of everything else - reflections, jewelry, body hair, etc. I try to communicate shadow and distance with purples and blues, but I'm still working on it.
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Another example real quick, where i did my typical lineart process base work and then painted on top of the shadow layer and the entire piece as a whole:
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Thanks for reading if you stuck around, and thank you for the ask, friend! ^^
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scruffyssketchbook · 2 years ago
I’m going back through the comic for funsies (and I may or may not be trying to compile a doc with all of the secrets and lore and alt text) but it’s actually killing me idk how the relationships work at all. It feels like there’s a lot of incest… unless you decanonised it??
Ik everyone’s in houses but sometimes they aren’t? Like harmony is in love with her brother? Or her son? And has had many children with her other son Lem?? And the alt text on page 28 (Wiz) says that Sky is Umbreon’s twin, but the comics afterwards imply that Dusk wants to be mates with Sky. Do we just ignore the concept of bio siblings in the Pokémon universe?
This isn’t meant to come off as harsh and sorry if you’ve already answered something like this before. I love ssec but it can be hard to keep up with everything that happens lol.
Also unrelated but since Ik you rewrote the plot at least once, is there any particular comics or ask series’s or time frames that are now non canon and shouldn’t be treated as canon?
Author chan: Yes yes, I can very much answer this. The TLDR is basically- I decanonized it after people told me it was incest, because incest is gross and it was ANNOYING to have it in SSEC. I was not aware because I saw Brotherhoods themselves as family units, not the whole box. That's why the "not mating with eevees outside your brotherhood" Rule was made, because Brotherhoods were seen as family groups.
I recently changed that rule actually, as part of my "revamping SSEC" thing I have going. So now, eevees are allowed to date within their brotherhood (Because, Most eevees in the box are NOT related)
I realize this may sound odd, but I was 14 when I made SSEC and due to things I will explain, I didn't see it as incest. Now, in the present, I understand that it is just part of their world, and that it is not the same as incest in our own real world. (as I will explain) but I still decanonized it for the main cast of characters cause, despite their being a purpose to it, and it still being in their world, It was still annoying and I didn't like it.
And let me say before I write everything else, that incest is gross and I do not support it in anyway.
I will answer the SSEC related questions after the explanation
So. Explanation. The concept of SSEC relies heavily on the pokemon games. SSEC essentially takes place IN the main line pokemon games. Ofc, there are extra things added to the worldbuilding, but I do try to stick to mechanics that are used in the main line pokemon games. What does this have to do with incest? Well. There is a LOT of incest in pokemon games. What do I mean? Well.
One of the most weird mechanics in pokemon is breeding. We see it as it is, at face value. And thats how I saw it as a kid, and why I didn't think anything of it. But the truth of the mater is that Breeding in pokemon is ROYALY MESSED UP. LIKE. ABSOLUTELY F'ED UP. UNETHICAL. Like. Pokemon have no rights. An example is. You don't. Know the ages. of the pokemon. you are breeding. Unless you hatched them from an egg yourself, ofc. the pokemon could literally be any age and you just. wont know. I have encountered someone who denied this before. But like. How would you know how long a pokemon lived for before you encountered them? We can say that they just spawned in right there and then, we can say they are just pixels, but that's only a good explanation if we assume that this is purely the game world, which we are not in this case. Everyone just throws pokemon into the daycare without thinking of it. This is the same with Pokemon Family members.
In pokemon breeding, trainers breed pokemon family members to get stronger pokemon. What do I mean?
The IV breeding method.
You can look up multiple videos and articles about this method, but the main point is that you basically breed the baby pokemon that you just breed with their mother or father, to create a stronger pokemon with better IVs. And this goes on and on until you breed a pokemon with Perfect IVs.
So basically you breed a Parent with their child/children to create the strong, perfect pokemon that you need.
Due to the prevalent nature of this breeding method in the pokemon game/ SSEC world, pokemon born in captivity using this method don't see anything wrong with this. (Pokemon in the wild avoid this in the SSEC world) And like, honestly, unlike in our real world, breeding pokemon with their offspring only produce negative effects if you do it with the wrong offspring. Trainers are essentially rewarded for breeding family members together.
Ofc, plz don't use this information for- weird things. Incest stories and things are gross and make me feel sick. I'm only putting this out there for people to understand what is going on with SSEC world lore. Yes. I know its messed up. No. I do not condone it. SO! TO SSEC EXPLINATIONS!!!
v This is current canon v
EVERYONE is in a brotherhood (house). Every eevee and eeveelution except Harmony, Dominic, and any eeveelution/eevee characters not in the PC. Harmony is not in love with her brother. Harmony is not in love with Dusk. Lem is NOT Harmony's child, BUT the trainer DID hatch Lem and make Harmony and Lem breed together. Harmony is not in love with Lem. "Twin" was the beta word for "Littermate" But has since been reworked to mean actual Twins. Littermates are pokemon hatched around the same time, usually right after each other. They do not have to come from the same mother. Biological siblings in the ssec pokemon universe do not really matter. The concept of Siblings matter in some places, but there is normally no way to tell if a pokemon is biologically related to another one, nor do they share DNA.
Currently the only eevees related to Harmony are the main boys and most eevees with "inherit" on the Master Eevee list. Everyone else (this includes Eve, Miku, Dawn, Daisy, Oliver, etc) are not related to her.
All comics are canon to the series, but there are multiple comics from early on that need to be updated for discrepancies. (and will be) The askblog is "soft canon" Things in it are canon until something newer says otherwise. I recommend using Asks that are newer only, as I am heavily modifying plots in SSEC right now and things before Blizz took over the Blog are pretty much probably not canon.
HOPEFULLY THAT EXPLAINS IT!!! If you have anymore questions, please ask! I'd love to answer.
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kuruyuji · 4 years ago
- i’m not okay (i promise)
parings: shuichi saihara x gn!reader
summary: you fall for the emo employee at your local hot topic, and its’s a HUGE crush
warnings: fluff and slight swearing
word count: 1.1k
a/n: short drabble of my favorite emo boy
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You were not ashamed one bit that your favorite store was Hot Topic. Your friends can call you childish all they want, nothing was stopping you from walking in.
Today you and your friend Miu were at the mall and you practically had to drag her towards Hot Topic,
“Please Miu,” you whine, “I won’t even take that long!”
Miu pulls her arm away from your grasp, “Hell no! That store is for fucking virgins! I don’t want to be seen in that edgy ass store!”
You pout as Miu starts to walk away from you, “I’ll be at the food court. Have fun buying vibrators and fuck machines.”
“That’s Spencers! Not Hot Topic!” You protested. Shaking your head, you walked inside the store. It was blasting Sleeping with Sirens. Yes! Actual alternative and rocks bands and not indie music! Sure you liked indie, but calling it alt? No, hearing that just made your blood boil. 
You browse around the graphic tees and funko-pops, casually bobbing your head to the music. You saw some anime tees that caught your eye and decided to grab them, along with a My Chemical Romance shirt. Once you got what you wanted you walked to the line. The line was quite long, so you pull out your phone and go through your social media for a bit..
“Next!” the cashier calls. You move forward, eyes still glued to your phone. Placing your shirts onto the counter with one hand while scrolling through your phone with the other.
“Hey,” the cashier greets, “is that all today?”
Your eyes trail up towards the cashier, “Hmm? Oh yeah that's all-” 
You couldn’t help but stare at the cashier. It was a guy who had navy blue hair with side swept bangs. A black baseball cap was covering his eyes, decorated with band pins on the side of his hat. But when you took a look at his eyes when he looked at you again, you can feel your breath hitch. They were golden, and the dark circles around his eyes seemed to make them appear brighter. Not to mention that his eyeliner was flawless, sharp and clean. He wore a Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge t-shirt and a lanyard covered with anime and more band pins. 
You read his name tag, his name was Shuichi.
“Umm,” his voice makes you snaps back into reality. You blink in confusion and look at him. The cashier- Shuichi was looking at you, you can see some sweat forming on his forehead. “I asked if that was all,”
“Oh! Right sorry. Um, yeah that’s all.”
 Stupid! You look away from Shuichi, who was folding your shirts. You take a good look at his side profile, his right ear covered with piercings.
“Cool piercings.” you said before you can stop yourself. Shuichi looks back at you and displays an awkward smile.
“Ah, thank you.” He quickly looks away and goes back to folding your clothes. You don’t know what has gotten in you, but you just HAD to make some type of conversation with him.”
“What’s your favorite MCR song?” you ask him, wanting to kick yourself in the stomach. Shuichi pauses what he was doing and places his index finger onto his chin.
“Hmm, probably I’m Not Okay.”
You beam, “ooh I love that one! Personally mine is Boy Division.” Shuichi smiles back.
“Yeah, that one is amazing too. I think it’s a bit obvious of what my favorite album is.” He looks down, gesturing at his shirt and then tilts his head so you can see some of his Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge pins. 
God damn this emo boy was so fine. You have to come here more often. Over the speakers, Destroya starts playing over the speakers.
“Hey speak of the devil,” you comment, “we’re talking about MCR right now.”
“Well this is my playlist.” A small blush forms on Shuichis face. He neatly folds the last of your shirts.
Yes! We’re getting somewhere, “This is your playlist? Great taste. I heard the Sleeping with Sirens playing earlier.”
“Yea, I saw you headbanging to it earlier,” Shuichi smiles. Wait- he was watching you?
It was then your turn to blush. “oh, you saw that?”
Shuichi pauses his actions. The blush on his face only darkens.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound creepy,” he apologized, “It’s just that not a lot of people who come here like my music. A lot of people complain about it being too depressing like ma’am, this is a Hot Topic. If you want happy music there's a H&M next door.”
You shake your head, ”no it’s okay.” you actually didn’t mind. In fact, the thought of him lowkey checking you out kind of made your heart flutter. Shuichi starts adding up your total.
“That’ll be fifty dollars.”
Shit! You forgot how expensive Hot Topic can be. You frown as you open up your wallet. Maybe you can skip a couple of breakfasts. But is a bunch of Graphic tees worth you next few meals? You look at the tees.
Well, they will make cute outfits-
“Sorry again, but are you alright?” Shuichi asks you again. “It’s just that you were spacing out for a bit.”
“Oh my bad, sorry.” you apologized as you hand him the money. Shuichi takes note of the small frown on your face as you hand over the cash. He recognized that feeling, spending all your money on merch. A feeling he knew too well. Just ask the dozens of posters and figuring that cover his wall. He looks at you again, a soft blush covering his cheeks. Shuichi didn’t meet a lot of people who were one: actually alternative and weren’t doing it for a trend. Two: really nice. Three: pretty attractive.
He takes a deep breath, will he get fired? Maybe.
“Here’s your change.” your eyes widen as Shuichi hands you back a twenty.
“I-” you stammered, “I believe I payed you exactly fifty.”
Shuichi pulls his hat down avoiding your eyes, “I don’t mind. It’ll probably just come out of my paycheck.” he slides you a free anime pin too. 
A soft smile spreads on your face. God you loved this emo boy. Filled with determination, you look back at Shuichi.
“Do you want to hang out one day?”
Shuichi looks back at you, the small blush now covered his whole face.
“My lunch break is in five minutes. Want to grab something to eat at the food court?”
Your smile only grew, “I’d love that.”
Miu idly checks her phone. She sips on her drink, very close to texting you because you were taking a little too long. She looks up and chokes at the sight in front of her.
With no shame, you and Shuichi stand next to each other, sharing a box of fries and bashful smiles. Your sweater also had a few new (and maybe stolen) pins.
Miu cackles, “You said Hot Topic didn’t sell fuck machines (y/n)!″
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ok i’m back, ima try to catch up with all the drafts i have rn
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Sorry I am not treating your post as less important, I was reblogging it to get eyes on it and to try to get tumblr to crowd source a tutorial from someone who knows how and has the spoons.
I recognize your post was a simple request to do it, but all the posts about it I see are a request to do it and I cannot ever find instructions anywhere on how in a way that's confirmed to work, and I was hoping someone could confirm a process. So there is usually a button to submit alt text, and if not there's html code that can be inserted into the post directly, is what I am getting from this?
Sometimes i just add text to a post describing the image but I have no way of knowing if it is "tagged" correctly, etc for the screen reader to acknowledge it as the alt text for the image, like as proper official alt text as a proper descriptor to a program, like the name of a string it would retrieve and output, which is why I was putting it in quotes. That's what I mean by "formatting", do we just add html to the post and then what is html that someone knows actually works on tumblr, because a lot of inserted html doesn't [I have tried].
These questions are rhetorical and to the larger audience, not me trying to grill you personally for answers. I am asking this of anyone who wants to answer on tumblr at large.
I have looked for a button on tumblr or an option and have never seen it, does someone [not to be passive aggressive, but to literally ask for someone who might need to be able to visually describe tumblr and knows where it is] know where the button is and can they add it to this post? Or to any post they see asking for people to add alt text, because the only reason I don't do it more habitually is I literally can't figure out how to. I am not saying that argumentatively, I am trying to give the literal reason it isn't happening more from my personal experience of the site.
I'm saying if someone wanted to figure out how this actually works on tumblr and the actual process of how to do it, and add that to the posts asking for alt text, someone who has the time and energy to figure it out, it might get a lot done. Not "more than your post" but as a helpful addition to all of these posts so that the people who only aren't doing it because they don't know how to get their answer.
I would have made a separate post asking if anyone knew how, but generally if I make a post asking questions myself they sit there with 0 notes forever and don't help anything. It seemed like asking the question where people would see it and could respond much more publicly might get more done.
The reason I didn't look it up is because I had before multiple times and gotten nowhere and I didn't have the energy, I was busy going through boxes and totes and am suffering with some cognitive symptoms at the moment, but since I'm typing this anyway, now, I tried again and it says this:
"After adding an image to your post, tap the 3 dots in the lower right corner to add alt text. The alt text should be a brief description of your image, as if you were describing it to someone over the phone, to make your post accessible to folks using a screen reader."
Which I was never able to do before because I can't find the circles they are talking about.
So let's try to confirm if this is updates and works!
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The option doesn't show for me except as a transparent -now grey- circle in the bottom right and it took actual work to click on at all because of how skinny the image is, but it is not three dots and I am not sure it has always loaded properly for me before because I could never find it. It is showing as a grey shadow behind the red x button to close the image and I am not sure if it always does that or if it's the image dimensions, but it would explain me not being able to find it.
it should read: "A badly drawn image of 9 dots coloured red, orange, yellow, bright green, cyan, royal blue, purple and magenta, the last one being split between black and white. They are sloppy attempted circles by someone with poor coordination using a mouse"
Did that work? [anyone who wants to answer]
Is that the preferable process compared to:
[image id: A badly drawn image of 9 dots coloured red, orange, yellow, bright green, cyan, royal blue, purple and magenta, the last one being split between black and white. They are sloppy attempted circles by someone with poor coordination using a mouse"]
Which is what I usually see done on posts. Should we use both? Are other people having trouble finding the option/button to add alt text?
My frustration isn't at you, and was never intended to sound that way, if I sounded frustrated, it has always been that no one seeing -who knows how to describe the process- has been piping up to actually explain how anyone is supposed to actually go about adding alt text. I see posts all the time asking for it to be done, and I always reblog them to boost the issue, but -as a tech savvy person who can program and is good with computers- could not find a button or get a straight answer about how to, until now, which no one was adding to any of the posts.
It has been my thinking that it shouldn't be up to the visually impaired to know the exact process, because I am assuming they are not the ones ever actually adding the description, and may not even be able to see the site at all. The "someone" isn't me passive aggressively saying "you", it's me putting out a general call to help.
I was fully expecting some other seeing person would know the answer and do the work of explaining it to the class, so that someone in your position doesn't have to, but no one ever has.
For anyone else curious, it is supposed to be 3 white dots at the bottom right of the photo that only comes up if you mouse over it, and for me is a circle that ranges from grey to invisible, and if the options load at all, one of them is "update image description", which gives you a box to type in with some instruction. I personally just put plain text in the box and someone is probably going to tell me whether or not it worked.
Maybe part of my problem has been parts of tumblr refusing to load properly or at all for me, but if other people are unable to see the option at all, maybe staff could check on that and do something to at least optimize the page or prioritize it loading properly?
There was, up until just now, to the best of my knowledge, nowhere to actually input a description on this site other than just literally adding a text description under the image, which I figured would have to be denoted or 'tagged' a specific way if screen readers were going to catch it and realize it was a proper description of the image.
Part of the problem is that most people who don't use them do not know how screen readers work or how they are coded to function with the site, and the people requesting descriptions largely maybe don't know how visually hidden or -absent- the option to add alt text is, and I was trying to get this disconnect solved, because I figured that was the fastest rout to way more people adding proper alt text.
I literally have not seen that grey circle until today, but also sometimes the site just loads up blank for me for a half hour at a time and I was shadow banned for something like 3 years, so it might mostly be me. I just keep going "okay I have a banger of a description to add but WHERE" and I figured a lot of people were in the same boat as me.
Please forgive how horrifically this was recorded (the screen reader mutes itself in recordings, which made it entirely useless for this post, which required a second camera) but I wanted to show people what alt text Actually Does for screen readers because I think a lot more people would take the time to add it if they knew why.
This is how the default screen reader function built into my phone "reads" an image, one without alt text and one with.
(I can't add alt text description to videos, it seems, which feels a little ironic given the post.)
When the first image, without alt text, is selected by a screen reader, it just reads out "photo".
When the second image, with alt text, is selected, it reads out the alt text - in this case, "A blurry picture of a gray tabby cat sitting on a white carpeted floor.".
Being able to use alt text is far easier on screen readers because the image is a larger object to select - descriptions in plain text below an image are still helpful, but require enough vision to accurately select, and enough vision to know they're an image description to begin with.
So please, when possible, add alt text to photos, art, and screenshots you're uploading! A lot of phones can copy text from images now, which is how I add image IDs to other people's text heavy posts - there's really no reason to post a bunch of text heavy screencaps and not at least copy and paste the text into the alt text, and it makes a huge difference for accessibility.
Thank you! ^w^
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unrelatedpostsetc · 3 years ago
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Crap spamton drawings in my assignment book. I don’t know how to draw but who give a shit. more disorganized thoughts below the cut. Image ID in alt text and below cut. The ID also sucks - I’m trying to get better, so feel free to send an ask if you have any advice on that front.
I don’t care that Mettaton never got famous in this universe - I’m just making shit up. Anyway, I think Spamton would have been a big fan of Mettaton’s shows, not least evidenced by the fact that he plagiarized the guy’s cool robot body design. I also think he would snore loud as hell. The colored image (the one that’s not in pencil) is based on an actual spam email I received, although they were trying to get me to buy ethereum instead. Also, I’m aware this sucks. I drew most of these in like 12 seconds at 3 am, I haven’t drawn in years, and I never really learned how. I do take good-faith criticism.
edit: I’m adding the alt text here, just in case it doesn’t work. It’s super long because I can’t summarize to save my life. Sorry about that. [ID 1: assorted pencil doodles of Spamton (see next ID for description of him) in an assignment book. From left to right and top to bottom: unshaded (all white) drawing of him saying “bro”. Him grinning. Him face down on the floor, captioned “(splanched)”. Him sitting next to and leaning his head on a drawing of mettaton (from undertale), saying “oh mettaton we’re really in it now”. This and the two subsequent drawings are dated 08/10/21. Him with blacked-out glasses, then with huge cartoony pupils. Him hanging from strings, saying “whadda [hell]”. Him, with spirals going two different ways on his glasses and a more disproportionately large head than usual, saying (in caps) “[hot $ingles in [[your]] area now]”. Him with just the top of his head and arms peeking over a wall. Him lying on the floor again. Him, looking sweaty and nervous, with motion lines added to indicate that he’s moving forward and hitting himself in the chest, captioned “pacing and thumping chest” and “this guy sucks”. Final doodle has its own image (refer to ID 3). End ID. ] [ID 2: a drawing of Spamton, a white puppet-looking character with a long, pointy nose, large teeth, and a small body. He has slicked-back black hair that resembles a mullet. He is wearing a black v-neck sweater and glasses with one pink and one yellow lens, and has red spots on his cheeks. The image text reads (in caps) “9938 free [[kromer]] click [h3re]”. End ID.] [ID 3: pencil doodles of Spamton in an assignment book, dated 16/10/21. A wiggly vertical line separates the two drawings. In the first drawing, Spamton is sitting on a pile of nondescript lumps labeled “trash”. He is watching a video on a smartphone, which is emitting the text “Welcome back to ‘Cooking With a Killer Robot’”. He looks sad, or maybe thoughtful, and is thinking “wish I’d learned to cook”. In the second drawing, Spamton is lying on his side on more nondescript lumps, also labeled “trash”. His glasses are blacked out and his mouth is wide open. One arm is stretched out in front of him and the other is folded over his chest; his knees are slightly bent. The drawing is captioned “*extremely loud radio static*”. End ID.]
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serendipitoustae · 4 years ago
What Your Father Says
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pairing : alt band! taehyung x reader
genre : college au, established reationship, fluff, implications of smut but not that explicit
word count : 7.8k
summary: your father doesn’t want you to be with taehyung but you simply do not care
a/n: loosely inspired by the vamps song because all i could think about whilst listening to it was rebellious teen romance.
“That ridiculous band have been wreaking havoc again” your dad sighed as he looked at the local paper whilst you ate your bowl of cookie crisp cereal. “Says here that they spray painted the local skate park before having a bonfire on the premises all for a silly little music video” he continued shaking his head.
“They were getting permission to do it” you told him before realising what you’d said “I mean I assume they did because they used to always ask before they did things for videos” you quickly added
Your boyfriend Taehyung was part of the local rock band that the majority of adults over 40 absolutely despised. They hated their style, their music and most importantly the so called trouble they caused in the name of art. Your dad had never been a fan of Taehyung no matter how polite he was whenever he came to your house. A couple months ago after you helped the band set off a load of fireworks in a car park, your dad forced you to break up with him. He didn’t want his precious little girl involved in that kind of thing. You’d never understood why he cared who you were with, he never cared about your life at all. He rarely even asked how your day was but to avoid arguments and tension in the house you “broke up” with Taehyung. As far as your dad knew you had no contact with him at all but of course you did. You weren’t going to break up with the boy you loved because your dad didn’t like him. Your mother knew you were still with him, she’d always loved Taehyung and was outraged when your dad suggested you broke up with him. She often covers for you when you go out with Tae and says you’re studying at a friend’s or simply that you’re ‘out’ because your dad really didn’t care that much about your whereabouts.
“I bet you’re glad you’re not involved with those trouble makers any more” your dad said as he turned the page of the newspaper
“Yeah I’m really glad” you said in a blunt tone before your phone went off
From: Mik
outside angel x
You’d changed Taehyung’s name in your phone to ‘Mik’, his last name backwards, so that if your dad saw your phone he wouldn’t know you were still with him. You looked out of the window and saw Jungkook’s truck on your drive way, Jungkook was the bands lead singer and despite being the youngest he was often the designated driver. Taehyung used to always drive you to college but since you ‘split up’ he’s been riding with JK so your dad didn’t recognise the car.
“Namjoon’s here I’ll see you later” you said
You always used your best friend Namjoon as a cover up for anytime you were going out with the band. Your dad loved Namjoon and often asked why you’d chosen to date Taehyung over him as he was so intelligent and sensible.
“Bye, send Namjoon my regards” your dad said not looking up from the paper as you left
“I will” you said as you walked out of the front door.
You opened the back door of JK’s truck and were instantly met with the sound of ‘something in the way’ by Nirvana one of the band’s biggest inspirations. Taehyung was sat in the back behind JK just in case your dad ever happened to look in the car. He didn’t actually know what the other band member’s faces looked like so if he saw JK you’d be able to lie about who he was.
“Hey baby” Taehyung grinned as he pressed a kiss to your lips the second you were sat next to him. You brought your hand up to cup his face as he nestled his ring cluttered hand in your hair and deepened the kiss
“Ugh! Guys come on it’s not even 9 am it’s too early for your pda” JK groaned from the driver seat next to Yoongi, the bands bass player.
“You’re just jealous you’ve not got a girl as hot as mine” Taehyung smirked as he wiped the remnants of your lip balm from around his mouth “is that strawberry flavoured?” he asked licking his lips to which you nodded “it’s nice” he said pressing another kiss to your lips. This one a lot shorter lived than the other.
“Can we just get to college before they fuck in the backseat” Yoongi groaned causing you and Taehyung to laugh.
The drive to college was fairly uneventful other than the boys talking about the big show they were playing at the end of the week. It was their biggest show yet and there would be a tonne of record labels scouting for new talent so to say they were nervous was an understatement.
“My dad heard about what you guys did at the skate park” you said
“Let me guess he said ‘aren’t you glad you aren’t with that absolute rapscallion Kim Taehyung anymore’” he said mimicking your dad with a pretty spot on impression
“Yeah pretty much” you laughed “you guys did get permission though right?”
“Of course we did, they said they’re thinking of demolishing the skate park soon so we’d be doing them a favour” JK explained.
When you got to college JK and Yoongi went straight to their music class but Taehyung walked you to your lesson as he always did even if it made him late.
“I’m perfectly capable of getting to class by myself you’re going to be late” you told him as you walked up the stairs to the art department
“It’s a music class, the teachers don’t give a shit about us so it doesn’t matter” he replied as you got to your class door
“If you get in trouble don’t blame me” you said
“I would never” he said as he pulled you into a quick kiss, you went to pull away as you knew your whole class was probably watching but he followed your lips and held you there for a bit longer
“I don’t think my whole class needs to see that” you laughed as you pushed his chest away from you
“Sorry that strawberry lip balm just tastes really good” he smiled licking his lips
“You can have it if you like it that much” you told him
“No it tastes better this way” he said quickly kissing you again
“Bye Tae” you said as you rolled your eyes and walked into your class.
Your lesson was off to an extremely boring start. There was only so long you could listen to your teacher talk about colour theory before you were ready do a Van Gogh and cut your ear off.
“I wish we could just get on and do some painting already” Namjoon whispered from his seat next to you, you agreed as you doodled on the page you were meant to be taking notes on. Even though he complained about it you could see Namjoon’s page was full of notes written in green biro.
Once you had finally got on with some painting your phone sounded from the pocket of your denim jacket.
“Phones on silent please” your tutor said, you knew it was Tae texting you because your phone was on silent but you had it on the setting so it would go off no matter what if it was him.
From: Mik
can you come outside please x
You looked up at the window of your class and saw Tae looking at you with his big puppy dog eyes. Despite the majority of your friends not caring for the school system at all you were somewhat of a goody two shoes. Tae was well aware of this so you knew he’d only want to get you out of class if he really needed to.
“Can I go to the toilet please sir?” you asked, your teacher said yes without even looking in your direction. You quickly left the class as you wanted to be out of class for as short a time as possible.
“I’m so so sorry I didn’t want to pull you out of class but I need to calm down because if I ditch again I’ll get expelled and I can’t get expell-“ Taehyung rambled before you interrupted
“Babe it’s okay what’s wrong?” you asked as the two of you began walking out of the art building
“So you know we’ve got that massive show on Friday, we wanted to practise for that in our lesson because obviously that’s our priority right now” Taehyung started as you entered the smoker’s area and he sat on one of the tables pulling out a box of cigarettes.
“Our teacher said we had to learn some shitty pop riff instead and obviously we should get an exception because we’re the only people in the class that actually give a shit about music but no, apparently they don’t give a shit about the biggest opportunity of our lives” he continued as he lit a cigarette with the lighter you’d painted for him and pressed it past his lips. The lighter had your own take on Van Gogh’s starry night as you knew Tae loved that painting. You’d done it so the moon was the Nirvana smiley face and you still remember the smile on Tae’s face when he’d received it for his birthday. After blowing out the smoke carefully to avoid getting any in your face he began speaking again.
“I refused to do the task and explained to the teacher why but she didn’t seem to care so she kicked me out for being disrespectful” he said taking another drag of the cigarette.
You felt bad for him, you really did. He’d gained such an awful reputation as a student for speaking out against the system. He hated being told what to do with an absolute passion. Obviously he listened to his teachers, but sometimes he just didn’t think they were fair and more often than not he was right.  You stepped closer to him and rested your hands in the traffic light red hair at the back of his head, careful not to loosen his bandanna. You felt his entire body relax under your fingertips.
“I know you’re stressed about the show but I promise you could do it tonight and absolutely smash it so not much more practise is needed. I know it’s unfair and stupid that they won’t let you practise in your lesson but you’ve just got to suck it up, I know that isn’t what you want to hear but you know your parents will stop you from playing the show completely if you get in anymore trouble with school” you told him as you continued to play with his hair.
He sighed as he put his cigarette out in the ash tray beside him.
“I love you” he muttered as he dropped his head to rest on your chest “I’m sorry you have to put up with my bullshit”
You pressed a kiss to his head before pulling him up by a hand on his jaw so he’d look at you
“It’s not bullshit you’re passionate about your music and your teacher should understand that , I love you too please don’t think you’re something I have to put up with helping you is what I’m here for” you smiled
“Thank you, can you come over tonight please?” he asked
You knew you’d have to tell your mother in advance so she could make up a lie to your father as to why you weren’t home.
“Of course I can I’ve gotta get back to lesson are you gonna be okay?”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a tight embrace
“Yeah I feel a lot calmer now sorry for keeping you from your lesson” he said as he released you
“Stop apologising I’m here for you okay?” you told him once again holding his face so his dark eyes were looking in yours
“Okay” he grinned before pressing a kiss to your lips
“I’ll see you later” you said walking back to into the art department.
“Was I gone for suspiciously long?” you asked Namjoon as you carried on with your painting
“No not really, is Tae okay?” Namjoon asked obviously having seen him outside before you left
“Yeah he just needed calming down but he’s okay now” you said
“You’re really good for him you know he’s been so much calmer since you two got together”
Namjoon and Taehyung were neighbours so they grew up together and were still best friends now. That’s how you’d met Taehyung in the first place.
“What’s that noise?” you asked Namjoon as you sat at his dining table studying
“Oh it’s Taehyung and his band” Namjoon told you.
You’d seen Taehyung around as you spent a lot of time at Namjoon’s so it was inevitable you’d see him every so often. You’d never really spoken to him though oddly. You were quite happy about that fact though, he was extremely attractive so much so that it intimidated you slightly.
“They sound good” you said
“We could go watch them rehearse if you wanted? I think we’ve earned a study break” he smiled as he closed his textbook and removed his glasses.
You loved the sound of whatever they were playing but you weren’t sure if you’d be able to cope watching Taehyung playing drums and actually being in his company.
“No it’s okay I’m sure they don’t want us intruding” you said
“Oh come on I know you’re just scared because you think Tae’s hot” Namjoon laughed
You looked at him with wide eyes and furrowed brows.
“Did you think I didn’t know? You think I don’t see you staring at him through the window every time he gets home” Namjoon chuckled
“Okay fine let’s go then” you said as you stood up pulling your oversized Kurt Cobain t-shirt down as you did so.
You and Namjoon walked over to Taehyung’s garage and Namjoon let himself in as you assumed he’d done hundreds of times before
“Hey guys this is Y/N she thought you guys sounded cool is it okay if we watch you rehearse for a bit?” he asked.
The garage was painted a dark blue and covered in old rock band posters, it actually looked quite similar to your bedroom. Once you’d taken in your surroundings you looked at the three boys before you. The guitar playing lead singer was smiling at you as was the bass player, it was the sort of smile that made you feel like they knew something you didn’t. You looked at Taehyung as he was sat behind his drum kit running his hands through his dark hair as he shot you a small smile.
“Yeah that’s fine” Taehyung said as he twisted his red drum stick round in between his fingers.
Namjoon introduced you to all the boys properly and Yoongi told you he liked your outfit even though it was simply just a long t shirt with some fishnet tights. You sat on the sofa opposite their set up and watched them perform a cover of ‘Paradise city’ by Guns ‘n’ Roses. You were surprised that you’d never been friends with any of the band considering their style and music taste was very similar to your own.
After that day you realised Taehyung wasn’t nearly as intimidating as you thought he was. He was actually really sweet which most people wouldn’t assume from his leather jackets and the multiple metal hoops in his ears.
It took around a month after officially meeting for you and Taehyung to get together. All the boys had said from the second you met it was obvious you two would get together as you were just perfect for each other.
When your lesson had finished and you were off to lunch you and Namjoon met the band at their usual table. Once you were sat down you texted your mum telling her you’d be going round Tae’s tonight.
“Would you be able to sleepover tonight?” Tae asked as he rested his arm on the back of your chair.
Sleepovers with Taehyung were always harder to get away with. Your father wouldn’t allow you to sleep round a boy’s house not even Namjoon’s and unfortunately you had no girl friends that you were close enough to that they would lie for you.
“I don’t know I’ll have to think of some sort of excuse” You told him
“I was thinking we should all get new piercings so we look cooler for the show” JK announced
“Yes I am up for that idea” you answered knowing the statement didn’t include you but you would love to see your boyfriend with more piercings. He already had loads in his ears and one in his tongue that he got done when you got your nose pierced. You still remember the horror on your dads face when you came home with studs on either side of your nose. That was probably the start of his hatred for Taehyung.
“What would you like me to get?” Taehyung said as he faced you. He was so open to things like tattoos and piercings and didn’t really make a big deal out of them.
“A nose ring maybe?” you suggested excitedly
“Okay gorgeous, do you wanna go after college?” he asked to which you nodded.
“I was thinking of getting my eyebrow pierced” Yoongi said
“Okay great I’ll get my nose done too” JK said
“Are you gonna join us?” Taehyung asked Namjoon
“I’d pass out if I even saw a needle so I think I’ll just go home” he said
Namjoon was very different to the rest of you, he had completely different style and completely different music taste but you were still all great friends which you couldn’t be happier about.
Once you’d finished college for the day all of you minus Namjoon piled into JK’s truck and made your way to the piercing shop. It wasn’t the most amazing place but it was cheap and you didn’t have to make appointments.
Yoongi and JK went in to get their piercings first as you went in two at a time.
“I’m gutted we can’t even post a cute photo of us having almost matching piercings after I get it done” Taehyung said as you sat on the black leather sofa in the shop.
The chances of your father seeing anything you or Taehyung posted on social media were low but not zero so just to be safe you hadn’t posted anything accept for on your private stories.
“We can take some and put them up in your room maybe” you suggested
In the year and a bit that you two had been together Taehyung had made a photo wall of the two of you above his bed. There was photos from your dates, from his gigs and just stupid little selfies you’d taken together. You wished you could do the same in your room.
“You ready?” the piercing woman asked Tae as she came out with Yoongi and JK. Taehyung nodded and you both inspected the boys’ piercings before going into the room.
Taehyung laid on the chair like he’s done several times before and you sat in the chair opposite. You watched as the needle went through his nose cringing as you remembered exactly what that felt like. Despite his eyes watering slightly due to the pressure on his nose he was fine. After thanking the woman he came over to you standing close to you so you could see the piercing.
“It looks so good” you smiled
You both left the room before joining the other boys. They all had a proper look at each other’s piercings smiling as they did so.
“We’re gonna look so cool at the show” JK said everyone instantly agreeing.
JK dropped you and Taehyung back at Taehyung’s house and you were still thinking of a way to stay the night without your dad finding out where you were.
“Dad I’m home” Taehyung called as you both walked through the door
Taehyung’s dad came to meet you at the door quickly noticing the piercing
“Oh nice piercing, loving the outfit Y/n” he smiled
You’d always adored Taehyung’s dad, he was always so complimentary and supportive of you that it made up for what you lacked from your own father.
You and Taehyung went upstairs and you laid on his bed as he hung his jacket up on his door. He came and laid next to you before pulling out his phone to take photos of the two of you. You did multiple poses making sure you could see his new piercing. He also did a little video because he loved being able to take screenshots from them to have genuine photos of the two of you smiling together. Once he’d edited the brightness and vibrancy of the images he sent them to his Polaroid printer that he had. Once they’d printed he grabbed the ball of blue tack from his bedside table and added them to the photo wall.
“I’m so jealous of this wall” you told him as he laid back down with you
“Why don’t you just tell your dad we’re still together? I treat you well I’m polite I don’t see his problem” He said as he fiddled with your fingers that were rested on his chest
“I know it’s just that he thinks you’re a bad influence and think you’re the reason I dress like in his words ‘a groupie’ and the reason I got my nose pierced” you explained causing him to scoff
“You dressed like that before we even met properly and you’ve always wanted a nose piercing, it’s not like I’ve impacted your life badly your grades are still perfect and the only time I’ve got you in trouble was when I snuck us into that pool that one time” he said
You could feel his frustration through the way he was speaking and how he sighed after each sentence.
“Babe you don’t have to tell me I know , I just don’t want the argument with him and I don’t want him being an asshole to you” you told him you know your dad would eventually get over it but it would just cause a lot of problems in the house and there didn’t need to be anymore.
“Last time I checked we’re planning our lives together you’re gonna have to tell him at some point you’re almost eighteen he can’t control who you’re with” Tae said sitting up which made you fall to the mattress as you’d been laying half on his chest.
“Why are you blaming me?” you asked as he pulled his bandana off and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I’m not” he muttered
“Well it sure sounds like it” you told him
“I just don’t understand when you’re planning to tell him , he can’t really do anything about it and if he kicks you out or something you can just live here” he exclaimed
You sat up and looked at him. He was deliberately avoiding your gaze and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Well maybe if you didn’t have such an awful reputation then he wouldn’t want me to date Namjoon so bad” you said
You knew it was a low blow and something Tae often got jealous over but you couldn’t believe he was blaming you for your father’s disapproval.
“If it makes your life easier go fucking date him then! You know all the shit your dads heard about me is just rumours” he yelled instantly turning to you as he stopped.
“I’m so sorry babe” he said, he’d always had a rule that he’d never yell at you. There wasn’t a specific personal reason for you it just didn’t sit right with him. “It’s just so frustrating I treat you like a fucking princess and I still can’t get his approval because of things other people have said about me”
You didn’t mind that he’d yelled at you, you found the situation frustrating but it must’ve been even worse for him. Your dad used to somewhat like him but the bigger the band got the more rumours about him spread and eventually your dad didn’t care about the whole year he’d already got to know Taehyung.
“It’s okay I get it I’m sorry about the Namjoon comment you know I’d never want to be with anyone but you” you told him
He sighed and wrapped his arm around you
“It’s not okay I should never raise my voice at you I’m not mad at you I’m just mad at the situation” he said before kissing your head.
“I’ll see if I can talk to him at some point soon” you said
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring as long as I can be with you I don’t care” he said before pressing his lips to yours.
You gently moved your weight forward so he was laying down and your position was more comfortable. His hand gripped your hair as his tongue moved against yours the metal of his tongue piercing creating an icy contrast to the warmth of your mouths. He hummed slightly into the kiss as your hands travelled under his ‘Children of Bodom’ t-shirt. He sat up slightly, assisting you in pulling the shirt over his head before laying back down and pulling you further up his lap. You could feel the cold metal of his rings on your skin as his hand ran underneath the skirt you were wearing. It was then that your phone rang causing the two of you to groan at the interruption. Sitting up, still on his lap, you leaned over and grabbed your phone seeing it was your mum before answering it.
“Hello?” you said sounding more breathless than you’d hoped
“Hi sweetie there’s not a way I can convince your dad to let you stay out for the night especially as it’s a school night, he’s home late from work tomorrow so Tae’s free to come round here I’ll leave the house to you two” your mum said
“Okay thanks what time do you want me home?” you asked
“Eight pm latest”
“Okay see you then”
You hung up before tossing your phone on the bed next to you
“Take it you can’t stay” Tae mumbled against your neck as he pressed kissed up to your jaw
“No I’ve got to be home for eight but dad’s out all day tomorrow so you can come to mine” you told him as you tangled your fingers in his hair and leaned your head to the side giving him more access to your neck.
“Ooh sneaking about now are we?” he said as he trailed kisses back down to your collar bone “that’s hot”
You laughed at his words softly before you felt him bite lightly at your neck
“You can’t leave marks remember” you reminded him
“Not in visible places” he smirked as he undid the zip at the back of your skirt.
You stirred at the mellifluous sound of your boyfriend’s voice
“What?” you groaned as you snuggled deeper into the warmth of his bare chest
“It’s almost eight I’ve gotta get you home” he said
“I wanna stay here” you whined still half asleep
“I want you to as well but you can’t” he said as he got out of bed gathering both of your clothes and underwear before dropping them in a messy pile on the bed “You gonna be able to walk?” he smirked as you did up the clasp on your bra.
“Don’t flatter yourself” you replied
“Excuse me” he grinned in false offence causing you to laugh
Once you were both dressed and you’d made yourself look presentable, he drove you home stopping a road before your street so your dad wouldn’t see.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I love you” you said pressing a kiss to his lips
“I love you too” he told you as you got out of his car.
“I’m home” you said as you entered the dining room to see your parents
“Hi sweetie did you have a good time at Namjoon’s?” your mum asked
“Yeah it was great” you said
“Why does he never come in to say hello?” your dad asked
You look at your mum quickly “Uhm he’s a busy guy these days lots of studying to do” you lied as best you could
“he used to always come in when he dropped you home, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re secretly still dating Taehyung behind my back” he chuckled causing you and your mum to let out nervous laughs
“No never, I’d honestly forgotten about Taehyung until you mentioned him” you lied as if you hadn’t been laying naked in bed with the boy less than twenty minutes ago
“That’s what I like to hear” your dad said
You quickly exited the room and went to the bathroom before turning on the shower as you hadn’t had a chance to have one at Tae’s.
Once you’d finished and were in your pyjamas back in your bedroom you checked your phone.
From: Mik
my bed smells like you come back please i miss you
To: Mik
trust me i wish i could, almost thought my dad was onto us a second ago
You explained what your dad had said and discussed whether or not you thought your dad knew. You two had been so careful that there’s no way he could know and it’s not like your dad was that clued up about your life so you were pretty sure you were in the clear.
“Okay I’m going to be out as long as you want me out for later” Your mum said the next morning as she came into your room “I’ll tell your dad to let you know when he’s on his way home you’ve got to make sure you leave no proof of Taehyung being here though” she continued
It was risky sneaking Tae into your house whilst your dad was at work. You’d never done that since you “broke up” but you thought if you were careful it would be fine.
“Get him to come in the back door so that the neighbours are less likely to see, I’ll unlock it on my way out” Your mother added
“Okay I will” you told her before she left the house
Text From: Mik
house empty?
Text To: Mik
yep, come in the back door x
You had a couple hours until you had to be at college so you were hoping you’d be able to get some more sleep in whilst Tae was there. Within ten minutes you heard the back door open and footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Morning beautiful” Tae smiled as he entered your room instantly pulling his shoes off and climbing under the sheets next to you. His cold body sliced through the warmth you’d previously been surrounded by as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re freezing” You whined despite curling into his chest
“Would you rather I wasn’t here?” he said
“Of course not” you replied as his hands began playing with your hair.
You laid in silence for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of a sleepy morning together that you hadn’t been able to have for a while. When you were allowed to be together he’d stayed most nights and if he didn’t it was likely you were at his. You’d spend every morning wrapped in each other’s warmth having nonsensical half asleep conversations.
“I’ve missed this” he muttered into your hair but you had already fallen back to sleep.
You were wrenched out of what was a seemingly pleasant dream by the screeching of your alarm. Tae’s arms tightened around you as you rolled over in his embrace to turn the alarm off. You managed to sit up out of Tae’s arms slightly deciding that as he was already dressed he didn’t need to be woken up yet.
As you sat next to him you took the time to fully take in his appearance. The slow rise and fall of his chest signified his relaxed state as did the way his thick lashes that were smothered with eyeliner sat upon the flawless skin of his cheeks. His red hair that was once flat against his forehead was now sticking up in the air exposing the slit he’d shaved into his eyebrow a couple weeks ago. You were flooded with a sudden rush of adoration for the boy lying next to you, you never got to properly relax and appreciate him for what he was as you were always worried about getting home and making up excuses these days. He groaned slightly as he rolled over, his arms wrapping around the duvet you were previously laying under. You’d always found it endearing that the Kim Taehyung most people were intimidated by had to cuddle something in order to sleep, whether it be a pillow, a teddy or ,his preferred option, you.
“Stop staring at me you weirdo” he grumbled as his puffy eyes opened and met yours
“Is it wrong for me to appreciate how beautiful my boyfriend is?” you asked
“When you’re denying him morning cuddles it is” he said through a yawn as he made grabby hands at you
“I’ve gotta shower and get ready” you told him before ruffling his hair and getting out of bed
“Can I join?” he asked smirking at you
“No you cannot you can get me an outfit ready though” you laughed before heading to the bathroom.
Once you’d showered and put clean underwear on you walked back into your room and saw Tae sat at your vanity table his hair now a lot neater than when you’d left him.
“I chose the AC/DC t shirt and your red skirt” he said as he quickly stood up to grab the clothes “I was thinking you could where the long sleeved fishnet thing you wear sometimes with your red boots maybe to match the skirt” he said as he looked up at you with his pouty lips and wide eyes showing you he wasn’t sure if he’d chosen well.
“Yeah that sounds great” You smiled walking to your draw to pick out your fishnet top.
“You look so hot in that” he muttered as you pulled the fishnet shirt over your head “Shame JK’s getting us in ten minutes”
You rolled your eyes at him and the way he was like most boys constantly thinking about one thing.
“Don’t forget we’ve got all afternoon once we’re back” You reminded him
“How could I forget? My favourite person all to myself with no interruptions, it’s a dream come true” He grinned as he pulled you into him by your waist and pressed his lips to yours
“I’m starting to remember-“you said into the kiss “why we were late all the time when you’d stay here” you smiled as your arms wrapped around his neck
“That’s young love for you” he grinned as his hands began trailing down south
“Go downstairs so I can get ready with no distractions please” you said as you took his hands off of you
He feigned offence as he looked at you
“The one time your boyfriends here with you in the morning and you’re telling him to leave? The audacity” he said
You giggled at his expression
“You know I take ages to get ready even without distractions and you said it yourself JK is gonna be here soon so please”
“What if I don’t want to?” he challenged as he stepped closer so he was towering above you face inches away from your own
“What if I make it up to you later?” You shot back raising your eyebrow at him looking him up and down for extra effect
“Done!” he said before leaving the room
After being only slightly late to college you were in your usual spot next to Namjoon.
“Are you sure sneaking Tae into your house is the best idea?” he asked as he mixed his water colours
“My dad’s at work all day and my mum has left us the house so what can go wrong?” you asked
As much as you loved him, Namjoon didn’t have a rebellious bone in his body and would often make you think through your antics properly before you did them. You weren’t particularly rebellious apart from dating a boy your Father hates and consistently lying to him so that you can go and see said boy.
“What if your dad comes home early or what if one of the neighbours sees and tells him?” Namjoon said
“He’s going to text me when he’s on his way home and Tae’s going to go in the back door so the neighbours probably won’t see” you assured him
“Okay let me know if you need me to cover for you at all for any reason” he said
No matter how much he disagreed with your actions he’d always be there to help you if you needed it and for that you were eternally grateful.
Once you finished college you got JK to drop you home, you went in the front whilst he drove round the back to drop Tae off. You dropped your bag and walked through the house to open the door for Tae.
The second the door was open his hands were on you as were his lips. You stumbled backwards into your living room as Tae walked forwards, his lips still feverishly attached to yours.
“What’s the rush? We’ve got all afternoon” you asked as he started trailing his lips down your neck
“We never get to be this alone, I’m making the most of it” he mumbled as his lips reconnected with yours your dark lipstick now smeared all around his mouth. He continued walking the two of you backwards before grabbing the back of your thighs and pulling you up to wrap your legs around his waist. Taehyung carried you through the house for a second before pushing you up against the wall simultaneously pushing himself into you causing the both of you to groan slightly.
“As much as I love this just go to my room already” you said moving your lips only millimetres away from his to speak.
“What’s the rush? We’ve got all afternoon” he smirked mocking you
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes
“Gladly” he said as he reconnected your lips and began blindly walking to your bedroom.
Once you were there he dropped you onto your bed before taking his shirt and jeans off and climbing on top of you. You’d already taken your shirt off so he instantly placed his hands under your skirt and began pulling your underwear down with one hand whilst the other held your face. Seconds after you’d put your lips back on his you heard the front door open. Tae pulled back and you stared at each other with a similar look of horror.
“Y/n?” Your dad called
“I thought he was working late?” Tae whisper shouted
“He was supposed to be!” you replied as you quickly got up throwing your shirt back on and checking yourself in the mirror. You quickly grabbed a makeup wipe to get rid of the lipstick on your chin and neck.
“Y/n are you home?” your dad’s voice sounded again
“Yeah I thought you were uh working late?” You said as you made your way downstairs
Your dad was in the living room placing down his brief case and loosening his tie when you walked in
“I was meant to be but my meeting got cancelled, I was going to text you but my phones dead” he explained
Your mind was running a million miles an hour trying to work out a way to get Tae out of your house without your dad seeing.
“When you didn’t answer and I saw the back door was open I thought someone had broken in” your dad laughed causing you to laugh in return
“Sorry I had my headphones in” You lied avoiding eye contact with him. As you did so you noticed a pair of shoes by the still open back door. Tae’s shoes. How did you not even realise he’d taken them off? Anyone that had ever met Tae could recognise those shoes as his anywhere as they were covered in little doodles he’d designed. Your father was yet to see them but there was no way you could discretely hide a pair of size 10 Doc Martens.
“Would you mind getting me a beer?” your dad asked you as he sat down on the sofa
“Yeah of course” you said but you didn’t want to leave the room because you knew your dad would see Tae’s shoes if he wasn’t distracted by conversation. As you grabbed a beer from the fridge and were making your way back to the living room you heard your dad yell your name.
“Where is he?” your dad said as he met you in the kitchen
“Who?” you said knowing there was no point lying but not knowing what else to say
“Don’t play dumb with me Taehyung’s here his shoes are by the back door, god I thought he’d be smarter than to leave evidence of him being here right in the living room” he scoffed
“In his defence you weren’t meant to be home for hours” you said knowing it would just make the situation worse
“He’s upstairs isn’t he?” your dad asked despite knowing the answer and already heading upstairs
“Dad wait!” you called rushing after him, oh how you hoped Tae had put his clothes back on and wiped his face before your dad found him.
You trailed behind as your dad opened your bedroom door and saw Tae sat on your bed. You let out a sigh of relief as he was now fully clothed. “What are you doing in my house?!” Your father said causing Tae to jump to his feet “Dad it was my idea don’t be mad at him” you tried as you stood between them both but your dad dismissed you completely “She’s lying sir it was my idea I’m so sorry” Tae said You snapped your head towards him a his words “What are you doing!” you exclaimed at him “Dad I promise you it was my idea he’s just trying to protect me” you said turning back in your dad’s direction. “I don’t care whose idea it was I want him out now!” Your father shouted pointing at your door. Tae looked at you with an apologetic look on his face before walking towards your door. “Tae stop” you said causing him to look back at you “Dad what’s your problem?” “What do you mean? Isn’t obvious? Look at him!” Your dad exclaimed gesturing towards Tae “He looked like that when you knew we were together so what’s happened to make you hate him so much?” You asked as Tae made his way too your side Your dad sighed and sat down on the chair of your vanity table “For starter’s he didn’t have red hair and a nose piercing when I knew, I just don’t want my daughter involved in the antics him and those boys get up to” he explained His words made absolutely no sense to you and you were about to voice that when Tae spoke up “Sir if you don’t mind me saying the things the papers write about us and our music videos we always get permission for everything we do, we’d never do anything against the law and if we did I wouldn’t involve Y/n” Taehyung explained “I understand you’re protective of her as any father would be but I can confidently say I treat her perfectly and have given you no reason to think I don’t” he finished Your dad looked up at him and shook his head “I never said you don’t treat her well I know you do, but I also know what it’s like being in a rock band it starts out harmless and legal but the bigger you get the worse it gets and before you know it you’re all drug addicts and alcoholics and I just don’t want her getting caught up in that like I did” he said You never knew your dad had been in a band. You’d never think he’d ever have the guts to do something like that, he’s always been so sophisticated and quite frankly up himself as far as you were concerned. “How have I never heard about you being in a band?” You asked “Because it’s not a time I’m proud of and I wanted you to think better of me” he admitted causing you to laugh “I’d have thought better of you if you’d told me” “Well now you know , Taehyung I never asked for you two to split up as a personal thing I’m just afraid you’ll get into things like I did” You father said looking at Taehyung without disgust for the first time in a while. “You know how headstrong and stubborn she is she’d never do something out of peer pressure and would probably be the one stopping us from doing anything like that” Tae laughed smiling at you “I know you’d rather her be with someone like Namjoon I’m aware I’m not good enough for her but by some miracle she thinks I am so would there be any hope at all of you letting us be together?” Tae asked “Honestly I always knew she’d end up with someone a bit different and alternative and if you continue to treat her well and promise you won’t get her involved in anything bad then I suppose you can stay together” Your dad smiled “Seriously?” you asked making him nod
“Thank you! I promise I swear on my life and hers I will never involve her in anything bad” Taehyung grinned at him
“Thank you dad” you smiled as Tae pulled you into his arms
“This door stays open though!” Your dad said as he left the room.
“I can’t believe that was so easy I should’ve snuck you in weeks ago!” You said
“I told you if we just spoke to him it would turn out okay” Tae said
“so where were we?” he added as he kissed you running his hands under the hem of your shirt.
“We weren’t anywhere, not with my dad right downstairs” you laughed as he continued to trail his hands under your shirt
“That’s definitely not stopped you before”
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dradelcra · 5 years ago
What the hell is in HJ-7???
(or possibly as close as an amateur can get)(Re-Upload)
(pt 1, because figuring fictional science is actually hard)
I apologize, this was originally colour coded for easier reading but adding the ‘keep reading tab’ only exists on the laptop and it neutralizes the lovely colours. I had highlighted important elements, chemicals and sections of the chemical’s reaction.
Nonsense below:
Now we already know that this chemical concoction is practically a thing of magic. Now whatever the heck that salt Dr. Jekyll was using is surely important because it’s state of purity is what makes or breaks the man.
Salts, in chemistry, are electrically neutral ionic compounds of oppositely charged ions. What does that mean? Opposites do attract (or in this case ying and yang it out). That probs explains why the salt ingredient is so important (lmao, cause y'know hyde (-) and jekyll (+). Anyways, we aren’t on that rn. We are on chemistry not philosophy.
There are a bunch of ‘white’ salts (irl), and since Robert (author) himself doesn’t know how the 'potion’ worked, we can assume that it’s something of some fiction monstrosity of something that actually exists. Might just be table salt.
Sorry, just had to pause this to say that, in my curse of events:
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Anyways, back to the analysis (i will be saying this often because this is being typed with my train of thought).
The thing that all salts have in common, is as I forementioned, the opposite ions (+ and -) which cancel each other,making it neutral and that it occurs in a solid state. (bookmark this because we’ll be needing her later in the text).
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There are also some powders and a phial- i don’t major in chemistry, what the hell is a phial?
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Ah okay, so you have the audacity to make me feel dumb by using alt names but can’t name your chemicals, huh ROBERT??
wait, phial glass? Is that how it’s spelt? I always heard the term but-
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HJ-7 consists of phosphorus at least, being mixed with other contents, causing it to be red and pungent (Please note that phosphorus can be naturally (or as natural as it can get through heating) red.
Also (if it is red phosphorus):
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This shit is not made for human consumption, no wonder Jekyll felt like he was dying.
It typically doesn’t dissolve in most liquids. It does, however, combine with halogens…
But, when we go further in text to 'colour change’, then it likely isn’t red phosphorus.
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Phosphorus, also comes in a purple form (known as scarlet/violet phosphorus) but that’s derived from white phosphorus dissolved in carbon disulfide (and low-key being evaporated by the sun), but here Hyde jumps straight from a red liquid to a violet one.
That could possibly mean white phosphorus was in the red liquid, and was possibly mixed with carbon disulfide (and something to simulate the radiation of solar energy) to turn it purple. (being generous and assuming that the mixture changed because of phosphorus being the main element and not something else).
Crystals, I’m guessing refers to the salt, brightened the red mixture and caused witchy bubbly (effervescence).
Me: Proceeds to low-key cry.
I should also mention that carbon disulfide (contaminated with impurites, which is basically whatever isn’t it) gives off a foul-odur, or how you say pungent.
Bubbly or effervescence, presented in the text, is usually due to a chemical reaction producing oxygen (as far as I know).
Okay, bringing back the salt tab. I think it may be Sodium Bisulfate, one, because it’s chemical formula contains oxygen (NaHSO4), two, it is white, three, it is formed by partial neutralization of sulfuric acid by a sodium base (yes table salt can be used), and four, it is a stable and dry granular (crystal) product, thereby fitting the description of the white salt Jekyll used.
Now, why did I highlight neutralization? Because it can go wrong. (If I’m right, purity means that it’s the chemical compound of the item alone with no other additives, so say if my sodium bisulfate somehow had remains of sodium chloride during the neutralization process, then it is deemed impure).
The oxygen within the formula could possibly be released when reacting with the red phosphorus mixture, causing the effervescence, because when phosphorus reacts with oxygen it literally catches fire.
Hey, bubbles!
and being supposedly compressed in a small phial (because who needs lab safety), small, whatever consistency this thing is right now, slosh would heat up rather quickly. Dare I say, very hot.
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Okay, turns out Dr. Jekyll likely used a Bunsen burner instead of relying on chemical reactions to explode heat the elements. Good to know, wish Lanyon mentioned that. Forget what I said about the fire.
Please note: Phosphorus glows this colour (green).
Another addition: How do we combine the Phosphorus, remember that I said it dissolves in?
That’s right, Halogens.
And you know what’s a halogen? Bromine.
(blood-red even)
But, now we have a problem.
I don’t entirely know how everything reacts with everything but I do know this: white phosphorus+bromine makes phosphorus bromide…
and that’s clear…as in clear in colour.
At least it fumes that fits a description.
I should also mention that Phosphorus reacts a bit…explosively…with it’s solvents and sadly, it does not fit the description of Jekyll’s calm and cool sliquid (solid-liquid) creation.
Unless, boil and smoke meant, sort of blew up lab, but I survived and it’s okay.
And also, it turns out that sodium bisulfate removes halogens…yeah, our phosphorus dissolvent.
So close…why couldn’t the real life chemicals react similar to the fictional unnamed chemicals??
Sadly, i’m not a quitter.
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It explodes with everythinnnnggggg!!!!
Now I know how Dr. Jekyll felt…
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slight good news.
if Jekyll somehow is able to slowly add bromine to phosphorus bromide (which violently reacted before) in an environment of 0°C followed by a slow addition of water then it shouldn’t explode and becomes phosphoryl bromide.
This is pale orange and reacts with carbon disulfide, but we aren’t doing that yet.
Slapping more water on it’s liquid form turns it into Phosphoric acid and hydrobromic acid.
Now, you may be asking…
You just wasted my time, why didn’t you just start with Phosphoric acid???
Well to be fair…it hadn’t occured to me and-
“Phosphorus is an essential part of life. When combined with oxygen to make phosphates, it holds our DNA together, makes our bones strong and carries out fundamental chemical reactions within our cells” - The Guardian
So logically…I started with it.
Alright, so Phosphorus is therefore very important in doing it’s Hyde thing.
We have (white phosphorus + bromine; assuming, pre-made outside with proper fire safety) Phosphoric acid + carbon disulfide*  + ???? (red liquid) + sodium bisulfate (our salt) + heat= ????.
*I’m taking out carbon disulfide because our Phosphorus is now Phosphoric acid and we don’t need it. It will also kill if they are combined.
-End of Day 1-
Status: Failed
(What do you guys think will work? I’ll wait a bit before starting Day 2 to hear your responses).
(I’m thinking Phosphoric acid and Potassium Hydroxide since it has both phosphorus and becomes a red liquid. We can also bring back carbon disulfide if we do).
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hiccanna-tidbits · 4 years ago
Hiccanna--100 OTP Questions, Part 2
So I said I would finish this OTP question meme someday--and I decided, entirely on random impulse, that “someday” is today!!! My Hiccanna-centered account has not been producing enough Hiccanna content lately, and this simply WILL not do.
QUESTION SOURCE: https://the-moon-dust-writings.tumblr.com/post/159857601812/100-otp-questions
LINK TO PART 1: https://hiccanna-tidbits.tumblr.com/post/635744326176129024/hiccanna-100-otp-questions-meme-part-1 51. Does either of them know how to fight? I mean...canonically yeah, they both do??? Lol I mean Hiccup has his fire sword and obviously would know how to fight with the weapons he makes/invents, and Anna literally just instinctively grabs a sword to protect her buddies in Frozen 2 and I mean we all really love Sword Anna anyways and also she PUNCHES A MAN OFF OF A BOAT so long story short yes they can both fight 52. What do they do for Valentines Day? Anna rents a rom-com and pulls Hiccup down onto their couch to watch it with her, and he kinda internally groans because he figures it’ll be something super sappy and cheesy and Anna will just be squealing with delight the whole time. Legit as soon as the first scene begins, Anna begins brutally roasting the main couple. Turns out it’s a really terrible rom-com and Anna rented it solely to make fun of it. Hiccup is like “aight this definitely wasn’t what I was expecting but I’m on board” Also Hiccup gets Anna like 3 boxes of fancy chocolate because...do I really need to explain? Anna gets Hiccup a particularly aesthetic floral arrangement for their kitchen table, something she knows damn well he secretly likes but would never admit XD 53. Who swears more? Anna, for sure. This tends to surprise people, but Anna is actually a notorious pottymouth when she gets comfortable XD Hiccup has a pretty big and borderline pretentious vocabulary, and so he tends to express his frustration in more...articulate ways when things don’t go his way. Like he’d stub his toe and just say “wow, I’d literally rather saw off my other leg than have to deal with this right now” while Anna, in the same situation, would let loose every curse word known to man XD 54. Who has the better comebacks? Hiccup, absolutely. His smart-ass comments to every conceivable situation on earth go absolutely unmatched. Anna can’t help but envy how he can almost instinctually pull out a near-perfect snide remark within seconds, whilst she, at best, thinks of the ideal comeback in the shower 3 days later. 55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? I feel like Anna would seek out the most passive-aggressive, bitchy, entitled Karen and just wait with barely-concealed anticipation for her to say something super awful so Anna can just nail her in the face right in front of all the other moms Hiccup and their kids, meanwhile, can’t help but be awed at their wife/mother’s impressive Right Hook 56. Who reads buzzfeed? Anna. Hiccup keeps being like “you know half the stuff on there is total bullshit, right?” and Anna just shrugs like “who cares? It’s entertaining!” 57. Who is the hopeless romantic? Anna, good god, ANNA. After the whole Hans debacle I imagine she’s a bit more subdued about so openly showing this part of her personality, but at heart she just can’t stop being a romantic. Once Hiccup catches wind of this, he naturally makes a point of frequently surprising her with Grand Romantic Gestures and such, which makes Anna’s entire face go bright fuckin red as she cries out “NO STOP WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS YOU’RE TOO NICE” 58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? Nope! They’d both fall on their faces and it would be hilarious. 59. Who can rap better? I love the idea of them both being looped into a rap battle somehow and Anna just dreading it immensely because she figures they both really suck and then when it’s their turn Hiccup comes out and busts out the BEST, MOST SAVAGE RHYMES Anna has ever heard COMPLETELY ad lib and the poor girl just goes completely catatonic with shock for like 10 minutes. 60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? See initially I was gonna say Hiccup definitely would not because it would give the poor boy an anxiety attack, but then I remembered he basically skydives in canon??? And Anna strikes me as a bit of adrenaline junkie too, so fuck it--yeah, I think they’d both enjoy it. 61. What do they usually text about? They talk a lot about movies, games, books, and shows they both like, I imagine--Hiccup especially likes to overanalyze them to ridiculous extents and Anna thinks this is adorable. The rest of the time, they send each other dumb memes and talk about random animal fun facts. Anna likes to brag that her boyfriend knows more lizard trivia than anyone else on the planet, and how many lizard facts does YOUR boyfriend know? Probably little to none, you big loser. 62. Who is the dramatic one? Anna is INCREDIBLY dramatic. Although Hiccup certainly does have a “dramatic flair,” as he puts it, I still think Anna can out-dramatic him, at the end of the day XD Although perhaps admittedly not by much. 63. Is either one confrontational? Anna certainly can be. She’s usually pretty friendly, but if she ever feels like she’s being challenged, demeaned, mocked, or generally not taken seriously, she’s ready to go to WAR. She certainly not as soft as she might look! I imagine there’s situations where someone is being a dick to either Anna or someone else and Hiccup has to physically hold her back to keep her from just decking them XD 64. What is their favourite cuddle position? Probably just good old-fashioned spooning. Hiccup actually really loves being the little spoon (because Anna just makes him feel so damn safe), but he is loathe to admit it. They also have one I like to call the “Needy Cat,” where Anna just goes and completely drapes herself over Hiccup when he’s sitting on the couch. He’s usually in the middle of doing something else, and is forced to find ways to play video games/read his book/watch his show around Anna XD 65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)? Hiccup has exactly 3 music moods--pretentious classical stuff (to listen to while working on inventions), obscure underground 90s hipster bands no one’s heard of (to play air guitar to when no one else is home), and some more well-known emo/alt rock stuff (to sing along to in the car dramatically). I can see him liking Panic! at the Disco, The Killers, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, that kinda stuff. Anna, meanwhile, likes the trashiest, most generic-sounding pop music and refuses to apologize for dancing to it in the car XD She is most DEFINITELY a Swiftie, no question. She also likes some “edgier” bands like Paramore and Hey Monday. She went through a hardcore Avril Lavigne phase in middle school and she still totally listens to her but is embarrassed to say it. Also I feel like Anna would be into 90s/early 2000s boy bands??? She relates to the boys’ endless pining and just flips the genders in her head so the songs are about Hiccup (before they start dating obs) XD I AM DEFINITELY NOT SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE HERE, NO SIR 66. What are their parenting styles? Anna would probably be like...kind of stern, when she needs to be, but intensely nurturing as well, if her relationship with Elsa is anything to go by. Hiccup would be a pretty laid-back, chill dad who would probably try too hard to be cool and make no end of absolutely horrible dad jokes XD They both lowkey seem like the kind of parents who would end up letting their kids get away with a lot though lmao 67. Who would be the more laid back one? Hiccup probably. I mean, he IS the pacifist/diplomat guy, besides have you MET Anna??? Girl absolutely has NO chill. 68. Who listens to more vulgar music? Anna, surprisingly! Hiccup just kinda enjoys what he enjoys and doesn’t really feel the need to “prove” anything by listening to songs that swear a lot. Anna purposely listens to vulgar music to feed her hidden rebellious side and because it makes her feel badass XD She honestly kinda hates being written off as 100% wholesome and innocent all the time and will readily pull out the “I’M NOT A SWEET LITTLE FLOWER I SANG ALONG TO THAT SONG THAT JUST SAID FUCK SEE” line whenever given even the slightest chance XD 69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? Kind of depends on when in both their timelines they meet. If they meet in the middle of HTTYD 1 or Frozen 1, they probably wouldn’t tell the other right away that they have a dragon and an ice-powered supersister, respectively XD I definitely think they would as they came to trust each other, though. Also I read a headcanon that Hiccup has burn scars from the Red Death incident where he lost his leg, and that’s why he wears so much armor and generally long sleeves--and I kind of love that. So maybe Hiccup would be cagey with Anna about how he lost his leg and that whole incident for a while before he finally opens up to her about it. Other than that I feel like they’d be pretty honest with one another, other than maybe trying to hide the more embarrassing parts of themselves to impress the other person XD 70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? Jackunzel, obviously! They’d probably all go to an arcade or an amusement park or something else pretty fun and high-energy. 71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? I mean yes, they’re not huge assholes????? 72. How do they work out a fight? I imagine Anna tends to get more worked up and yelley and loud, while Hiccup doesn’t raise his voice much at all but can say some damn cutting things if he wants to. Since Anna probably gets angrier, I imagine she apologizes first, whether or not the fight was actually on her or not--it’s just kinda this girl’s default to apologize for everything XD She’d probably say sorry for yelling and probably overreacting, while Hiccup would also be EXTREMELY apologetic if he realized he crossed a line with one of his jabs at her. I imagine a lot of what they fight about is Anna doing some impulsive Dumb Shit^TM and Hiccup just being like “oh god DAMMIT that’s DANGEROUS you can’t just go WORRYING me like that!!!” and Anna getting offended because she kinda views this as him being a little overprotective and not trusting her to make her own decisions. Ironically, Anna occasionally also gets mad at HICCUP for doing Impulsive Dumb Shit, so he’s not always nearly as much the Voice of Reason as he thinks XD Hiccup also sometimes gets mad at Anna for not taking better care of herself (take it from a fellow ADHDer--we tend to Wallow in Despair sometimes, or straight-up forget to do basic care things like eat lunch XD)--I have an IRL friend who reminds me a lot of Hiccup and he’s ALWAYS getting on my case about not eating enough, not drinking enough water, constantly berating myself, stuff like that. I imagine Hiccup sometimes slips into Mom Mode with Anna when she gets in a bad spot, which she appreciates after the fact but kind of annoys her at the time because she wants really badly to be independent and all that. Basically TL;DR most of Anna and Hiccup’s fights can be resolved by Anna and Hiccup agreeing to next time Use A Brain Cell before they do a thing, or Anna agreeing to take better care of herself XD 73. Who brings home an illegal pet? In literally every AU possible I like to think that Hiccup brings home some variation of illegal pet XD I mean, it’s probably just a dragon (”just a dragon” is never a string of words I imagined myself using in that order like what do you mean JUST a dragon lmao) in a standard crossover timeline, which he basically does in canon, but I do love the idea of a modern AU Hiccup showing up to their apartment with some kind of weird exotic monitor lizard from Bali and being like “I found him in an alley, he’s gonna live with us now” and Anna is like “D: Is someone gonna arrest you???” And Hiccup is like “Nah, no cops followed me home” and Anna’s like “Okay!!! :D” and then goes to PetSmart to buy a big fluffy bed for her new scaled friend XD 74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? I honestly don’t think either would care much, and they usually sleep in a tangled-up mess anyways so by morning you can’t really tell who started on which side XD 75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? One from before they got together: I’m just imagining a big group photo with the Entire Squad (Rapunzel, Jack, Merida, Moana, etc.), and Anna has her arms laced around Hiccup’s neck and her chin on his shoulder and a GIANT smirk on her face. Meanwhile Hiccup is laughing and trying to push her off, but his cheeks are BRIGHT fucking red and he’s trying really unsuccessfully to hide it because he’s a pale boi. Anna loves it because you can so CLEARLY see Hiccup’s blush, and she loves to tease him about how flustered he got around her. Hiccup loves it because it reminds him of what was probably the first time Anna was THAT openly cuddly with him, and how exhilarated and giddy he felt the first time he had her that close to him. 76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? Probably Hiccup, if only because I HC him as a bit of a germophobe who is a tiny bit obsessive about washing his hands sufficiently. 77. Who has more songs on their ipod? Anna, mainly because literally every time she hears a song she likes she’s like “!!!!! Gotta download it!!!!” LITERALLY EVERY TIME. And she wonders why her ipod is always running out of space XD 78. What movie did they first see together? As of the Modern AU Hiccanna one-shot I wrote ages ago, Revenge of the Ancient Dragon Masters! XD If we’re talking movies that actually exist, I imagine it would be a Marvel movie, a Star Wars movie, or some super-fancy-CGI high fantasy epic. 79. What do they like to see each other in? You mean like...which of the other’s outfits would they find the sexiest??? Aight, I’ll take a stab at this. Anna gets literally SO fuckin thirsty every time Hiccup wears his dragon rider outfit (the one from HTTYD 2), like it shows off his cute skinny body in the most perfect possible way whilst making him look like a badass and oh how Anna DREAMS of feeling him up in that! (One day, she finally gets to! XD) She’s also very into the scale armor from HTTYD 3 when she’s in...a very different kind of mood XD As for Hiccup, his favorite outfits of Anna’s are probably her coronation dress and her queen dress, mainly because he loves how she looks in green. He also really likes her travel outfit from Frozen 2, mainly because it’s sexy AND practical and damn, he’s gotta admit, that’s a nice shade of purple and she absolutely SLAYS in it XD 80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? Honestly both of them??? Like neither are great at picking up social cues, and Anna canonically DOES do this in Frozen! (Remember her comment about ice-selling being “a rough business to be in right now”???) I can see both of them attempting to lighten a tense mood by making an ill-timed joke, hoping to make things less uncomfortable, and they end up making everything MORE uncomfortable XD Honestly sue me, I love the idea of these two idiots bonding over how terrible they are with social cues in general 81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? I imagine not til like...their early 30s, if ever. Like I mentioned in the first part of the questionaire, I actually am not sure if they would even want to have kids at all, but if they DID decide to, it definitely wouldn’t be until they’re older and have settled down a bit, and have (somewhat) gotten both of their lives together. 82. What do they love about each other the most? Hiccup loves Anna’s energy and optimism, and how she’ll basically cheer him on and believe in him with all her being no matter how high the odds are stacked against him. And oh boy does he LOVE how hard she can kick ass when push comes to shove, and how goddamn overprotective she is of him. The sword skills and the general willingness to punch problematic people in the face are definitely up there as well. She’s like the perfect blend of fun and badass, and there’s never a dull moment with her for him. Anna adores Hiccup’s connection with animals and general animal skills, especially with the more less-loved and “scary” of the world’s creatures (i.e. dragons lol). She also loves and admires the shit out of his intelligence and inventiveness, and wishes she could make contraptions half as cool as what he turns out. And, of course, she loves that he’s a pretty humble dude who's actually pretty insecure about his accomplishments, and isn’t some cocky guy wanting to shove them in everyone’s face. And, of course, she loves his sarcasm and his dry sense of humor, and few people can make her laugh as hard as Hiccup can. Before she met him, she had no idea pessimism could be this entertaining XD 83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focus’s on the small details? Hiccup is very detail-oriented--he has to be, in order to make any of his contraptions work! Anna is very much focused on the big picture and gets stressed and exasperated trying to keep track of details--she figures she’ll either sort through the details as she goes, or Hiccup will help do it for her XD 84. What would they write on their partner’s social media’s for their anniversary? One of my IRL friends wrote “Happy anniversary bro, you’re pretty great” on his girlfriend’s instagram for their anniversary, and she wrote back “Happy anniversary, you’re a good buddy, I love you” and I just XD That’s the EXACT kind of weird dorky nonsense I can see Hiccup and Anna doing for their anniversary tbh 85. Who is bad at math? Anna, bless her soul, needs a calculator for literally EVERYTHING. Hiccup kinda trained himself to be decent at doing math in his head, since he often has to calculate measurements for his inventions and whatnot, but Anna is absolutely atrocious at it and generally would like overly-complicated numbers to not be anywhere near her. 86. Who googles everything? Probably Anna, mainly because she’s pretty forgetful and doesn’t trust her own memory half the time so she feels the need to verify everything on the internet XD 87. Who does stuff on impulse? Anna 100% canonically does, although Hiccup has some shades of this too more than he would ever admit, in fact, for someone claiming to be the Voice of Reason 88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? Hiccup’s approach is probably just to try and distract Anna and take her mind off of it, which he’ll do by either trying to make her laugh, telling her a story, or explaining one of his inventions to her (which she never gets bored with btw, because everything that boy gushes about is fascinating to her <3). Basically he figures if he entertains her enough, it’ll take her mind off of whatever is freaking her out and she won’t fixate on it as much. Anna’s approach is more to accentuate the positives in a bad situation (although like I mentioned in Part 1, not really in a condescending “count your blessings, it could be worse!” kind of way, but more in a “I hope he’ll feel better if he focuses on happy things” kind of way, if that makes any sense?) and also focus on when Hiccup DID do great and utterly kick ass and tell him he’s always better than he thinks he is. 89. What is an inside joke they have? If anything, him calling her “Tiger” as a pet name (which I think I mentioned briefly in Part 1??? Can’t remember) is this, because in my mind it developed because whenever Anna is about to do some Dumb Shit, or punch someone she really shouldn’t in the face, Hiccup has to physically hold her back like “Whoa, slow down there, Tiger!” This happens so frequently that eventually it just gets shortened to him nicknaming her “Tiger” and all their friends are kind of baffled as to why XD 90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Hiccup barely even needs to start talking in funny accents or imitating his dad before Anna is just DYING laughing. She thinks he’s the funniest damn person on earth. He honestly gets a kick out of her impressions too--she can do some pretty amusing ones, if that deleted coronation dress-up scene from Frozen 1 is anything to go by. So the feeling is mutual!!! They’re super good at making each other smile and laugh with little to no effort!!! 91. What is their favourite holiday? I feel like Anna especially would get REALLY into Christmas/Yule, mainly because of how much Elsa can spice it up with her powers. And judging by the OFA short, Arendelle gets very hyped for the holidays in general, so it’s probably hard NOT to have a good time. Anna probably also like Mayday a lot because the dancing, the spring cheeriness, and the flower-related festivities are definitely to her taste. Hiccup just likes the energy and general vibes, and would rather sit back and relax and watch Anna dance around and have fun XD Also dun best believe they BOTH get hella into Halloween, because they’re dramatic motherfuckers who loves to dress up, and it gives Anna an excuse to buy a shitton of chocolate and eat all the leftovers XD 92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? Lmao Anna is definitely the “berserker” of the two of them. She DOES tend to get destructive when she’s angry, if being ready to fight a giant-ass snowman and smacking a wolf in the face with a lute is anything to go by. Hiccup is definitely the calm and collected one, and very rarely gets genuinely angry. 93. What is their favourite board game to play? Does Dungeons and Dragons count??? I can totally imagine Hiccup being hyped up over that or some other super nerdy RPG game and being so enthused to show it to Anna, who just falls even more in love with him after seeing how EXCITED he gets about it. Of course he’s super eager to teach her, and TBH Anna has a really hard time getting it at first because DAMN these rules are COMPLICATED, but after she finally gets the hang of it, she realizes she absolutely LOVES DnD and RPG games in general (I mean...have you SEEN OFA??? Girl gets just a little TOO into reminiscing about her old play-pretend toys XD) and she and Hiccup constantly geek out about it together. 94. Who accidental sets something on fire? Anna, 100% also this is an ever funnier question if applied to Hiccanna in my Fire!Anna AU 95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? Anna is waiting while Hiccup robs the store, if for no other reason than that Hiccup is much better at Stealth Mode than Anna is XD Anna’s uncoordinated ass would probably knock over like 5 shelves’ worth of merchandise before reaching what they were actually trying to rob XD 96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? I M A G I N E  D R A G O N S lmao Look what can I say Anna likes the Imagine and Hiccup likes the Dragons 97. Who sleep talks? Hiccup. He mumbles about dragons a lot. Sometimes he jolts awake randomly and just yells out “THE DRAGONS ARE IN TROUBLE!” and Anna has to calm him down after she dutifully manages to not burst into laughter at this. Doubly funny if this takes place in a Modern AU. 98. Who is the more social one? Anna! Hiccup generally prefers to either keep to himself or hang out with animals. 99. What are their karaoke songs? For some reason I feel like anything by P!nk??? Idk why, but I can see them like rocking out and singing along to p!nk songs together and getting really into it. Also basically anything by The Killers and, at Anna’s request, The Chainsmokers (Hiccup thinks this is very basic music indeed but goes along with it for her sake XD). AND “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons. And they sing it LOUD. 100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh? Highkey both of them??? I kinda feel like Hiccup moreso though, if his little comedy routine imitating his dad in HTTYD2 is anything to go off of. He definitely wouldn’t be averse to making an idiot of himself to amuse Anna, especially since she’s so damn cute when she laughs. Anna, for her part, loves returning the favor, and is all about trying to do all sorts of Goofy Antics to amuse her boyfriend. And she’s overdramatic af, so she gets WAY too into it XD
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