#now will you bless me by killing my landlord please
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zooophagous · 2 months ago
The best part about being an eclectic pagan is that if you give a small enough shit, playing video games counts as church.
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renaissanceclassics · 1 year ago
The Pilgrim's Progress: Part 23
Listen to: Book 2, 7th stage continued, at Renaissance Classics Podcast.
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So they stayed there more than a month; and MERCY was given to MATTHEW to wife. While they stayed here, MERCY, as her custom was, would be making coats and garments to give to the poor; by which she brought up a very good report about the pilgrims. But to return again to our story. After supper, the lads desired a bed; for that they were weary with travelling. Then GAIUS called to show them their chamber; but said MERCY, "I will have them to bed." So she had them to bed, and they slept well, but the rest sat up all night; for GAIUS and they were such suitable company, that they could not tell how to part. Then, after much talk of their Lord, themselves, and their journey, old Mr. HONEST--he that put forth the riddle to GAIUS --began to nod. Then said GREAT-HEART, "What, sir! you begin to be drowsy! come, rub up; now here's a riddle for you."
Then said Mr. HONEST," Let's hear it." Then said Mr. GREAT-HEART: "He that will kill must first be overcome; Who live abroad would, first must die at home." "Ha," said Mr. HONEST, "it is a hard one: hard to expound, and harder to practise. But come, landlord," said he, "I will, if you please, leave my part to you; do you expound it, and I will hear what you say." "No," said GAIUS, "'t was put to you, and 't is expected that you should answer it." Then said the old gentleman: "He first by grace must conquered be That sin would mortify; And who that lives would convince me, Unto himself must die." "It is right," said GAIUS; "good doctrine and experience teaches this. For, first, until grace displays itself, and overcomes the soul with its glory, it is altogether without heart to oppose sin. Besides, if sin is Satan's cords, by which the soul lies bound, how should it make resistance before it is loosed from that infirmity? "2. Nor will any that knows either reason or grace believe that such a man can be a living monument of grace, that is a slave to his own corruptions. "And now it comes in my mind, I will tell you a story worth the hearing. There were two men that went on pilgrimage; the one began when he was young, the other when he was old. The young man had strong corruptions to grapple with; the old man's were decayed with the decays of nature. The young man trod his steps as even as did the old one, and was every way as light as he: who now, or which of them, had their graces shining clearest, since both seemed to be alike?" Honest. The young man's, doubtless. For that which heads it against the greatest opposition, gives best demonstration that it is strongest: especially when it also holds pace with that that meets not with half so much; as, to be sure, old age does not. Besides, I have observed that old men have blessed themselves with this mistake: namely, taking the decays of nature for a gracious conquest over corruptions; and so have been apt to beguile themselves. Indeed, old men that are gracious, are best able to give advice to them that are young; because they have seen most of the emptiness of things. But yet, for an old and a young to set out both together, the young one has the advantage of the fairest discovery of a work of grace within him; though the old man's corruptions are naturally the weakest. Thus they sat talking till break of day. Now when the family was up, CHRISTIANA bade her son JAMES that he should read a chapter: so he read the 53rd of Isaiah. When he had done, Mr. HONEST asked why it was said, "That the Saviour is said to come out of a dry ground; and also that he had no form nor comeliness in him?" Great-heart. Then said Mr. GREAT-HEART, "To the first I answer, Because the Church of the Jews, of which Christ came, had then lost almost all the sap and spirit of religion. To the second I say, The words are spoken in the person of the unbelievers; who, because they want that eye that can see into our Prince's heart, therefore they judge of him by the meanness of his outside. "Just like those that know not that precious stones are covered over with a homely crust; who, when they have found one, because they know not what they have found, cast it away again, as men do a common stone." The Slaying of Slay-Good "Well," said GAIUS, "now you are here, and since, as I know, Mr. GREAT-HEART is good at his weapons, if you please, after we have refreshed ourselves, we will walk into the fields, to see if we can do any good. About a mile from hence there is one SLAY-GOOD, a giant that doth much annoy the King's highway in these parts. And I know whereabout his haunt is: he is master of a number of thieves; 'twould be well if we could clear these parts of him." So they consented and went: Mr. GREAT-HEART with his sword, helmet, and shield; and the rest with spears and staves. When they came to the place where he was, they found him with one FEEBLE-MIND in his hands, whom his servants had brought unto him, having taken him in the way. Now the giant was filling of him, with a purpose, after that, to pick his bones; for he was of the nature of a flesh eater. Well, so soon as he saw Mr. GREAT-HEART and his friends at the mouth of his cave with their weapons, he demanded what they wanted. Great-heart. "We want thee; for we are come to revenge the quarrel of the many that thou hast slain of the pilgrims, when thou hast dragged them out of the King's highway; wherefore, come out of thy cave!" So he armed himself and came out; and to a battle they went, and fought for above an hour, and then stood still to take wind. Slay-good. Then said the giant, "Why are you here on my ground?" Great-heart. "To revenge the blood of pilgrims; as I also told thee before." So they went to it again; and the giant made Mr. GREAT-HEART give back: but he came up again; and in the greatness of his mind, he let fly with such stoutness at the giant's head and sides, that he made him let his weapon fall out of his hand. So he smote him and slew him, and cut off his head, and brought it away to the inn. He also took FEEBLE-MIND the pilgrim, and brought him with him to his lodgings. When they were come home, they showed his head to the family; and then set it up as they had done others before, for a terror to those that should attempt to do as he hereafter. Mr. Feeble-Mind Then they asked Mr. FEEBLE-MIND how he fell into his hands. Feeble-mind. Then said the poor man, "I am a sickly man, as you see; and because death did usually, once a day, knock at my door, I thought I should never be well at home. So I betook myself to a pilgrim's life; and have travelled hither from the town of Uncertain, where I and my father were born. I am a man of no strength at all, of body, nor yet of mind; but would, if I could, though I can but crawl, spend my life in the pilgrims' way. When I came at the gate that is at the head of the way, the Lord of that place did entertain me freely. Neither objected he against my weakly looks, nor against my feeble mind; but gave me such things that were necessary for my journey, and bade me hope to the end. When I came to the house of the INTERPRETER, I received much kindness there; and because the hill Difficulty was judged too hard for me, I was carried up that by one of his servants. Indeed, I have found much relief from pilgrims; though none was willing to go so softly as I am forced to do. Yet still, as they came on, they bade me be of good cheer; and said, that it was the will of their Lord that comfort should be given to the feeble-minded, and so went on their own pace.
"Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ~
When I was come up to Assault Lane, then this giant met with me, and bade me prepare for an encounter; but alas, feeble one that I was, I had more need of a cordial. So he came up and took me. I conceived he should not kill me; also when he had got me into his den, since I went not with him willingly, I believed I should come out alive again. For I have heard, that not any pilgrim that is taken captive by violent hands, if he keeps heart whole towards his Master, is, by the laws of Providence, to die by the hand of the enemy. Robbed, I looked to be, and robbed to be sure I am; but I am, as you see, escaped with life, for the which I thank my King as author, and you as the means. Other brunts I also look for: but this I have resolved on--to wit, to run when I can; to go when I cannot run; and to creep when I cannot go. As to the main, I thank him that loves me, I am fixed: my way is before me; my mind is beyond the river that has no bridge; though I am, as you see, but of a feeble mind." Honest. Then said old Mr. HONEST, "Have you not, some time ago, been acquainted with one Mr. FEARING, a pilgrim?" Feeble-mind. Acquainted with him! yes. He came from the town of Stupidity, which lies four degrees to the northward of the city of Destruction, and as many off of where I was born. Yet we were well acquainted: for indeed he was mine uncle, my father's brother; he and I have been much of a temper; he was a little shorter than I, but yet we were much of a complexion. Honest. I perceive you know him, and I am apt to believe also that you were related one to another: for you have his whitely look; a cast like his with your eye; and your speech is much alike. Feeble-mind. Most have said so that have known us both; and besides, what I have read in him, I have for the most part found in myself. Gaius. "Come, sir," said good GAIUS, "be of good cheer! --you are welcome to me and to my house; and what thou hast a mind to, call for freely; and what thou wouldst have my servants do for thee, they will do it with a ready mind." Feeble-mind. Then said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "This is unexpected favour, and as the sun shining out of a very dark cloud. Did giant SLAY-GOOD intend me this favour when he stopped me, and resolved to let me go no farther? Did he intend that after he had rifled my pockets, I should go to GAIUS mine host? Yet so it is." Now, just as Mr. FEEBLE-MIND and GAIUS were thus in talk, there comes one running, and called at the door; and told, that about a mile and a half off there was one Mr. NOT-RIGHT, a pilgrim, struck dead upon the place where he was with a thunderbolt. Feeble-mind. "Alas," said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "is he slain! he overtook me some days before I came so far as hither, and would be my company keeper. He also was with me when SLAY-GOOD the giant took me; but he was nimble of his heels, and escaped. But it seems he escaped to die; and I was taken to live. "What, one would think, doth seek to slay outright, Oft times delivers from the saddest plight; That very Providence, whose face is death, Doth oft times to the lowly life bequeath. I taken was, he did escape and flee; Hands crossed give death to him, and life to me." A Feast and a Farewell Now about this time MATTHEW and MERCY were married; also GAIUS gave his daughter PHOEBE to JAMES, MATTHEW'S brother, to wife: after which time, they yet stayed above ten days at GAIUS's house, spending their time and the seasons like as pilgrims used to do. When they were to depart, GAIUS made them a feast; and they did eat and drink, and were merry. Now the hour was come that they must be gone; wherefore Mr. GREAT-HEART called for a reckoning. But GAIUS told him that at his house it was not the custom for pilgrims to pay for their entertainment. He boarded them by the year; but looked for his pay from the good Samaritan, who had promised him, at his return, whatsoever charge he was at with them faithfully to repay him.
"But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee." ~ Luke 10:33-35 ~
Then said Mr. GREAT-HEART to him: Great-heart. Beloved, "thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers; which have borne witness of thy charity before the Church: whom if thou (yet) bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well".
"Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well:" ~ 3 John 1:5, 6 ~
Then GAIUS took his leave of them all: and of his children; and particularly of Mr. FEEBLE-MIND. He also gave him something to drink by the way. Now Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, when they were going out of the door, made as if he intended to linger. The which, when Mr. GREAT-HEART espied, he said, "Come, Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, pray do you go along with us; I will be your conductor, and you shall fare as the rest." Feeble-mind. Alas! I want a suitable companion; you are all lusty and strong, but I, as you see, am weak. I choose therefore, rather to come behind; lest, by reason of my many infirmities, I should be both a burden to myself and to you. I am, as I said, a man of a weak and feeble mind; and shall be offended and made weak at that which others can bear. I shall like no laughing. I shall like no gay attire; I shall like no unprofitable questions. Nay, I am so weak a man, as to be offended with that which others have a liberty to do. I do not yet know all the truth; I am a very ignorant Christian man; sometimes, if I hear some rejoice in the Lord, it troubles me because I cannot do so too. It is with me, as it is with a weak man among the strong; or as with a sick man among the healthy; or as a lamp despised. (" He that is ready to slip with his feet, is as a lamp despised in the thought of him that is at ease."
"He that is ready to slip with his feet is as a lamp despised in the thought of him that is at ease." ~ Job 12:5 ~
So that I know not what to do. Great-heart. "But, brother," said Mr. GREAT-HEART, "I have it in commission to comfort the feeble-minded and to support the weak. You must needs go along with us: we will wait for you; we will lend you our help; we will deny ourselves of some things, opinionative and practical, for your sake; we will not enter into doubtful disputations before you; we will be made all things to you rather than you shall be left behind".
"Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good be evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." ~ Romans 14:1-23 ~ "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. But if any man love God, the same is known of him. As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse." ~ 1 Corinthians 8:1-8 ~
Now all this while they were at GAIUS's door; and behold, as they were thus in the heat of their discourse, Mr. READY-TO- HALT came by with his crutches in his hand, and he also was going on pilgrimage.
"For I am ready to halt, and my sorrow is continually before me." ~ Psalms 38:17 ~
Feeble-mind. Then said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND to him, "Man, how camest thou hither? I was but just now complaining that I had not a suitable companion; but thou art according to my wish. Welcome, welcome, good Mr. READY-TO-HALT; I hope thee and I may be some help." Ready-to-halt. "I shall be glad of thy company," said the other; "and good Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, rather than we will part, since we are thus happily met, I will lend thee one of my crutches." Feeble-mind. "Nay," said he, "though I thank thee for thy good-will, I am not inclined to halt before I am lame. Howbeit, I think, when occasion is, it may help me against a dog." Ready-to-halt. If either myself or my crutches can do thee a pleasure, we are both at thy command, good Mr. FEEBLE-MIND. Stories of Christian's Pilgrimage Thus, therefore, they went on: Mr. GREAT-HEART and Mr. HONEST went before; CHRISTIANA and her children went next; and Mr. FEEBLE-MIND and Mr. READY-TO-HALT came behind with his crutches. Then said Mr. HONEST: Honest. Pray, sir, now we are upon the road, tell us some profitable things of some that have gone on pilgrimage before us. Great-heart. With a good will. I suppose you have heard how CHRISTIAN of old did meet with APOLLYON in the Valley of Humiliation; and also what hard work he had to go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death? Also, I think you cannot but have heard how FAITHFUL was put to it with Madame WANTON; with ADAM the first; with one DISCONTENT; and SHAME --four as deceitful villains as a man can meet with upon the road. Honest. Yes, I have heard of all this; but, indeed, good FAITHFUL was hardest put to it with SHAME; he was an unwearied one. Great-heart. Aye, for as the pilgrim well said, "He of all men had the wrong name." Honest. But pray, sir, where was it that CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL met TALKATIVE? That same was also a notable one. Great-heart. He was a confident fool; yet many follow his ways. Honest. He had like to have beguiled FAITHFUL. Great-heart. Aye, but CHRISTIAN put him into a way quickly to find him out. Thus they went on, till they came at the place where EVANGELIST met with CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL, and prophesied to them of what should befall them at Vanity Fair. Great-heart. Then said their guide, "Hereabouts did CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL meet with EVANGELIST, who prophesied to them of what troubles they should meet with at Vanity Fair. Honest. Say you so? I dare say it was a hard chapter that then he did read unto them! Great-heart. 'Twas so; but he gave them encouragement withal. But what do we talk of them? they were a couple of lion-like men; they had set their faces like flint. Don't you remember how undaunted they were when they stood before the judge? Honest. Well, FAITHFUL bravely suffered. Great-heart. So he did; and as brave things came on't; for HOPEFUL and some others, as the story relates it, were converted by his death. Honest. Well, but pray go on; for you are well acquainted with things. Great-heart. Above all that CHRISTIAN met with after he had passed through Vanity Fair, one BY-ENDS was the arch one. Honest. BY-ENDS! what was he? Great-heart. A very arch fellow, a downright hypocrite; one that would be religious whichever way the world went; but so cunning, that he would be sure neither to lose nor suffer for it. He had his mode of religion for every fresh occasion; and his wife was as good at it as he. He would turn and change from opinion to opinion; yea, and plead for so doing too. But so far as I could learn, he came to an ill end with his by-ends; nor did I ever hear that any of his children were ever of any esteem with any that truly feared God. A Stay in Vanity Fair Now by this time they were come within sight of the town of Vanity, where Vanity Fair is kept. So when they saw that they were so near the town, they consulted with one another how they should pass through the town; and some said one thing, and some another. At last Mr. GREAT-HEART said, "I have, as you may understand, often been a conductor of pilgrims through this town; now I am acquainted with one Mr. MNASON, a Cyprusian by nation, an old disciple, at whose house we may lodge. If you think good," said he, "we will turn in there." "Content," said old HONEST; "Content," said CHRISTIANA; 'Content," said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND; and so they said all. Now you must think it was eventide by that they got to the outside of the town; but Mr. GREAT-HEART knew the way to the old man's house. So thither they came, and he called at the door; and the old man within knew his tongue so soon as ever he heard it; so he opened, and they all came in. Then said MNASON their host, "How far have ye come today?" So they said, 'From the house of GAIUS our friend." "I promise you," said he, "you have gone a good stitch; you may well be a-weary; sit down." So they sat down. Great-heart. Then said their guide, "Come, what cheer, sirs? I daresay you are welcome to my friend." Mnason. "I also," said Mr. MNASON, "do bid you welcome; and whatever you want, do but say, and we will do what we can to get it for you." Honest. Our great want, awhile since, was harbour and good company; and now I hope we have both. Mnason. For harbour, you see what it is; but for good company; that will appear in the trial. Great-heart. "Well," said Mr. GREAT-HEART, "will you have the pilgrims up into their lodging?" Mnason. "I will," said Mr. MNASON. So he had them to their respective places; and also showed them a very fair dining room, where they might be and sup together, until time was come to go to rest. Now when they were set in their places, and were a little cheery after their journey, Mr. HONEST asked his landlord if there were any store of good people in the town. Mnason. We have a few; for indeed they are but a few when compared with them on the other side. Honest. But how shall we do to see some of them? for the sight of good men to them that are going on pilgrimage is like to the appearing of the moon and the stars to them that are sailing upon the seas. Mnason. Then Mr. MNASON stamped with his foot; and his daughter GRACE came up. So he said unto her, "GRACE, go you, tell my friends, Mr. CONTRITE, Mr. HOLY-MAN, Mr. LOVE-SAINT, Mr. DARE-NOT-LIE, and Mr. PENITENT, that I have a friend or two at my house that have a mind this evening to see them." So GRACE went to call them; and they came: and, after salutation made, they sat down together at the table. Then said Mr. MNASON, their landlord, "My neighbours, I have, as you see, a company of strangers come to my house; they are pilgrims, they come from afar, and are going to Mount Zion. But who," quoth he, "do you think this is ?" (pointing with his finger to CHRISTIANA.) "It is CHRISTIANA, the wife of CHRISTIAN, that famous pilgrim who, with FAITHFUL his brother, were so shamefully handled in our town." At that they stood amazed, saying, "We little thought to see CHRISTIANA, when GRACE came to call us; wherefore this is a very comfortable surprise." Then they asked her of her welfare; and if these young men were her husband's sons. And when she had told them they were, they said, "The King whom you love and serve make you as your father; and bring you where he is, in peace." Then Mr. HONEST (when they were all sat down) asked Mr. CONTRITE and the rest, in what posture their town was at present. Contrite. You may be sure we are full of hurry in fair time. 'Tis hard keeping our hearts and spirits in any good order when we are in a cumbered condition. He that lives in such a place as this, and that has to do with such as we have, has need of an item to caution him to take heed, every moment of the day. Honest. But how are your neighbours for quietness? Contrite. They are much more moderate now than formerly. You know how CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL were used at our town; but of late, I say, they have been far more moderate. I think the blood of FAITHFUL lies with load upon them till now; for since they burned him, they have been ashamed to burn any more. In those days we were afraid to walk the streets; but now we can show our heads. Then the name of a professor was odious; now, especially in some parts of our town (for you know our town is large), religion is counted honourable. Then said Mr. CONTRITE to them, "Pray, how fares it with you in your pilgrimage? how stands the country affected towards you?" Honest. It happens to us as it happens to wayfaring men: sometimes our way is clean, sometimes foul; sometimes uphill, sometimes downhill; we are seldom at a certainty. The wind is not always on our backs; nor is everyone a friend that we meet with in the way. We have met with some notable rubs already; and what are yet to come we know not: but, for the most part, we find it true that has been talked of old--" A good man must suffer trouble." Contrite. You talk of rubs: what rubs have you met withal? Honest. Nay, ask Mr. GREAT-HEART, our guide; for he can give the best account of that. Great-heart. We have been beset three or four times already: first, CHRISTIANA and her children were beset with two ruffians, that they feared would have taken away their lives; we were beset with Giant BLOODY-MAN, Giant MAUL, and Giant SLAY-GOOD; indeed, we did rather beset the last than were beset of him. And thus it was: after we had been some time at the house of GAIUS, mine host, and of the whole Church, we were minded upon a time to take our weapons with us, and so go see if we could light upon any of those that were enemies to pilgrims; for we heard that there was a notable one thereabouts. Now GAIUS knew his haunt better than I, because he dwelt thereabout: so we looked and looked, till at last we discerned the mouth of his cave; then we were glad, and plucked up our spirits. So we approached up to his den; and lo, when we came there, he had dragged by mere force into his net this poor man, Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, and was about to bring him to his end. But when he saw us, supposing, as we thought, he had had another prey, he left the poor man in his hole, and came out. So we fell to it full sore, and he lustily laid about him; but in conclusion, he was brought down to the ground, and his head cut off, and set up by the wayside for a terror to such as should after practise such ungodliness. That I tell you the truth, here is the man himself to affirm it, who was as a lamb taken out of the mouth of the lion. Feeble-mind. Then said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "I found this true to my cost and comfort: to my cost, when he threatened to pick my bones every moment; and to my comfort, when I saw Mr. GREAT-HEART and his friends with their weapons approach so near for my deliverance." Holy-man. Then said Mr. HOLY-MAN, "There are two things that they have need to be possessed with that go on pilgrimage --courage and an unspotted life. If they have not courage, they can never hold on their way; and if their lives be loose, they will make the very name of a pilgrim stink." Love-saint. Then said Mr. LOVE-SAINT, "I hope this caution is not needful amongst you. But truly there are many that go upon the road that rather declare themselves strangers to pilgrims, than strangers and pilgrims in the earth." Dare-not-lie. Then said Mr. DARE-NOT-LIE, "'Tis true, they neither have the pilgrim's weed, nor the pilgrim's courage; they go not uprightly, but all awry with their feet,--one shoe goes inward, another outward, and their hosen out behind; there a rag and there a rent, to the disparagement of their Lord." Penitent. "These things," said Mr. PENITENT, "they ought to be troubled for; nor are the pilgrims like to have that grace put upon them and their pilgrims' progress as they desire, until the way is cleared of such spots and blemishes." Thus they sat talking and spending the time, until supper was set upon the table; unto which they went and refreshed their weary bodies: so they went to rest. Now they stayed in this fair a great while, at the house of this Mr. MNASON, who, in process of time, gave his daughter GRACE unto SAMUEL, CHRISTIANA'S, son, to wife; and his daughter MARTHA to JOSEPH. The time, as I said, that they lay here was long (for it was not now as in former times). Wherefore the pilgrims grew acquainted with many of the good people of the town, and did them what service they could. MERCY, as she was wont, laboured much for the poor; wherefore their bellies and backs blessed her, and she was there an ornament to her profession. And to say the truth for GRACE, PHOEBE, and MARTHA, they were all of a very good nature, and did much good in their place. They were also all of them very fruitful; so that CHRISTIAN'S name, as was said before, was like to live in the world. While they lay here, there came a monster out of the woods, and slew many of the people of the town. It would also carry away their children, and teach them to suck its whelps. Now no man in the town durst so much as face this monster; but all men fled when they heard of the noise of his coming. The monster was like unto no one beast upon the earth. Its body was like a dragon; and it had seven heads and ten horns.
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." ~ Revelation 12:3 ~
It made great havoc of children; and yet it was governed by a woman. This monster propounded conditions to men; and such men as loved their lives more than their souls accepted of those conditions. So they came under.
Now this Mr. GREAT-HEART, together with these that came to visit the pilgrims at Mr. MNASON'S house, entered into a covenant to go and engage this beast, if perhaps they might deliver the people of this town from the paws and mouths of this so devouring a serpent. Then did Mr. GREAT-HEART, Mr. CONTRITE, Mr. HOLYMAN, Mr. DARE-NOT-LIE, and Mr. PENITENT, with their weapons, go forth to meet him. Now the monster at first was very rampant, and looked upon these enemies with great disdain; but they so belaboured him, being sturdy men at arms, that they made him make a retreat; so they came home to Mr. MNASON'S house again. The monster, you must know, had his certain seasons to come out in, and to make his attempts upon the children of the people of the town; also these seasons did these valiant worthies watch him in, and did still continually assault him: insomuch that, in process of time, he became not only wounded, but lame; also he had not made that havoc of the townsmen's children as formerly he has done. And it is verily believed by some, that this beast will die of his wounds. This, therefore, made Mr. GREAT-HEART and his fellows of great fame in this town; so that many of the people that wanted their taste of things, yet had a reverent esteem and respect for them. Upon this account, therefore, it was that these pilgrims got not much hurt here. True, there were some of the baser sort, that could see no more than a mole, nor understand more than a beast; these had no reverence for these men, nor took they notice of their valour or adventures.
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whore4teamcap · 4 years ago
Partners Against Crime
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: After your boyfriend takes a promotion, you’re assigned a new partner. How will you both deal with the separation and potential of someone getting in the way? 
Warnings: This fanfiction does revolve around law enforcement but I will not include any controversies. 
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Thank you @stucky-my-ship for requesting this! I’m so excited to turn this into a series. Hope you enjoy <3 Thank you so much to those who read! Feedback and interactions are heavily appreciated. Also! Please reach out if you would like to be tagged in future parts and my other projects.
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Part 1
You flickered your eyes open as a blaring noise came from beside you. No matter how many years of experience you had with this job, you swore you would never get used to this schedule. Even when you were starting out as a beat cop everything seemed easier. It was probably just the adrenaline from coming straight out of the academy but then your life changed. You were promoted from beat and finally landed your goal job as a detective. You dreamed of being a detective ever since you were little. You smiled softly at the memory of you sneaking downstairs to watch tv behind your parents backs. Often finding yourself glued to crime shows; they fueled your desires to take down criminals.
You throw your arm toward the side table and shut off the alarm. Then you proceed to roll over and frown at the empty bed space beside you. Your boyfriend, James Barnes, well you called him Bucky, just got promoted to Sergeant. He was officially in charge of the precinct you both worked at. Which was both a blessing and a curse. You were so proud of Bucky, he finally got the promotion he has been working his ass off for and the new job came with a lot of good things for him.
But, you couldn't hide the fact that it was gonna severely weigh on you. You and Buck had been partners since you first got promoted to detective. You both really clicked from that day forward. It was gonna take a lot to get used to not having him by your side. In this line of work you need a person you can trust one thousand percent. At the end of the day this person is in charge of your life and you're in charge of theirs. Bucky was the definition of what a partner meant to you. Which is why it was no shock that three years later you both shared an apartment and ended up falling in love. However you just knew the promotion would put a damper on that as well. You had to keep your affair hidden from the precinct and trusted very few people. When you moved in with Bucky, you weren't even allowed to update your address so every now and then you'd make your way over to your old place to pick up mail. Luckily, you hit it off with your old landlord and he helps with anything and everything you need. Although you were certain he did it to eventually get a legal favor. But you didn't mind. It bought you time with the man you love.
Being that the precinct didn't know about you and Bucky, you couldn't stop yourself from worrying about the future. He was no longer your equal. He was your boss and you were terrified of the thought of someone finding out about your relationship. It could get both of you fired or moved to different precincts. Which was the better of the two, but it would be hard to work without each other. You strongly believed what made you best at your job was having him beside you. Or at least in the same work place. This mindset also made you question if your relationship would ever progress more than it was. Of course you wanted to eventually marry Bucky but how would that work with your jobs? There were so many obstacles the two of you faced and it made you even more stressed for your first day without him.
While groaning, you rub your face. Then you gain the strength to pull yourself from the half empty bed. You make your way to the bathroom and turn on the water. Giving it time to heat up while you go grab a towel and pick out clothes for your day. After showering and getting ready, you stepped out of your shared room. The apartment is small and cozy. New York was an expensive city to live in but you both made it work. When you were looking for apartments, you didn't care where you ended up just as long as we were with each other. Being that the apartment was tiny, you could see straight into the kitchen from the hallway. Your eyes fell straight on a note besides the partially full coffee pot. You smile to yourself and walk over. You lift it off the counter and begin to read,
Good morning Doll
I hope you slept well. I left early this morning to get a head start on everything at the station. I made us coffee. I hope it's still good by the time you wake up.
P.S. Please grab our usual at the deli before you come in
You let out a brief chuckle at the final sentence written on the piece of paper. You grab a travel mug from the cabinet and place it in front of you. Then you proceed to grab the pot and pour it into the cup. After adding creamer and sugar, you bring the cup to your lips and take a small sip. The coffee was good but on the colder side. Therefore you pop it in the microwave while you quickly grab your belongings. When you hear the beep, you remove it and put the lid on. Carrying everything with you out of the door.
While driving to work, you swing by the deli up the road from your apartment building. You park on the busy New York street and quickly get out of your car and run inside. The bell above the door dings and Frank and Linda look up from behind the counter. You shoot them a large smile and they quickly return. The deli was owned by this sweet older couple since the early 70s. They were so kind to you and really cared for their regulars. So much so, they memorized Bucky and your order. Sometimes even having it ready before you arrive in the mornings.
"Good morning (y/n)! Where's Bucky?" Frank asks, his welcoming smile fading into a light frown. He walks toward the edge of the counter to meet you.
"Good morning! He went in early. First day of the new promotion. I'm still gonna bring him breakfast though," you explained while Linda grabbed a brown paper bag from the far counter and brought it toward you.
"Oh! Please tell him we wish him well, would you? We remember like it was yesterday when you both started coming in here. You've come a very long way and were so proud of you both," Linda said kindly. Her words turn your cheeks a dark shade of pink.
You could remember that day like it was yesterday as well. Bucky brought you here on your first day of the job and you've been coming to Frank's since.
"Why don't we stop and get food before we start our case? I know this amazing deli a few blocks away from the station," Detective Barnes suggests and you nod.
His gaze stays on you while you both get into his car. You slide into the passenger seat then proceed to put your seat belt on. You watch him do the same then start the car.
"So how long have you been a detective?" you ask softly, fiddling with your notebook and pen in your lap.
"Bout' 5 years or so. Rogers, the guy you met back at the precinct, he was my partner. We go way back," He replies while he pulls out of his parking spot. Beginning to make his way up the block.
You watched the busy street and took everything in with new eyes. You lived in New York your whole life but the city was still new to you. Your gaze shifts to your partner and you blushed lightly. His dark hair, calming smile and kind personality seemed to draw you in. But you pushed those thoughts away. This was professional and you knew that. However you found yourself incredibly lucky to be partnered with someone who already gave you such a welcoming homely feeling.
"Whatcha thinking about, (y/l/n)?" he asks. Shifting his attention from the road to you. His eyes connected with yours and suddenly all of your first day jitters went away.
His eye snapped back to the road and he began puling to a stop. Veering off to the right side of the road into an empty parking spot. Once his eyes snapped away, you took a deep breath and looked away as well.
"Just trying to get a good read on my partner. Making sure he's not dirty or part of something that'll get me killed," you say jokingly. You let out a laugh at your own stupid explanation and Barnes' attention quickly turned back to you. The corners of his mouth instantly went up and he shot you a toothy grin.
"Don't worry. If you're with me long enough. I'd let you in on my dirty cop side. No need to fear for your life," He joked back. Holding up his hands as if he were surrendering.
"All about the money in the end, isn't it Barnes?" You asked, continuing this forming inside joke.
"Oh definitely."
You both get out of the vehicle and you notice a big sign above the small deli. The name reading FRANK'S. You both walk inside and you smile as you're greeted by a seemingly older couple. You have been to countless deli's in New York State but this one gave you a great feeling. You didn't have family in the city. So it amazed you how quickly strangers could become such a crucial piece in your life.
She hands the order to you and you begin to pull out your wallet. Frank instantly puts his hand up and smiles, "Please it's on the house today. Also don't forget your coffee! Feel free to grab one for Bucky too."
"Thank you so much," was all you managed to reply with. Their utter kindness always brought so much love to your heart.
You notice you forgot the mugs so you walk out of the shop toward your car. You unlock it and pull on the passenger side door. You put the food in your car. Then lean over and grab your nearly empty travel mug from home and the spare from your car. You bring them inside so you can quickly fill them up before making a b line to work.
When you arrive, you walked into the precinct with your hands full. Doing your best to carefully get to your desk. You notice Bucky making himself at home in his new office and you can't help but feel an overwhelming amount of happiness for your boyfriend. He looks so excited and you were so incredibly proud of him. You set your coffee down then pull out your breakfast sandwich placing it on your desk. You grab the brown bag and Bucky's coffee wasting no time before you walk into his office. The man instantly looks up from his papers with a smile.
"Good morning beautiful. Is that for me?" He asks softly, keeping his voice low enough so no one hears.
"Good morning Sergeant Barnes," you say with a small smirk growing on your lips. You move closer to the desk and set everything down. "Linda and Frank gave us our food for free today. They wanted to congratulate you on the promotion. They're very proud of you."
"That's very kind of them. I needed this. Thanks for picking up the food. Rogers told me to come in early and I'm kinda glad I did because he was able to give me the full run down. Hopefully everything goes smoothly from here on out. Although it was weird coming in alone. I hope that won't become a regular thing. Despite the headache, I love our chaotic mornings," Bucky explains followed by a small chuckle. Your mind instantly recalls how usually your mornings consisted of you both fighting for space to get ready. Except you also both secretly adored the morning due to the fact Bucky loves to wake you up with light kisses.
"I agree. I really hope it's not regular. I already lost my partner, the last thing I want to lose is alone time with my boyfriend," you sigh then force a slight laugh. You didn't mean for it to come off in an upsetting way, but you realized it did when the room fell silent.
"Is my new partner coming in today?" You ask curiously, unable to find anything but awkwardness after your statement. You pay close attention to his face and notice a sour look appear. Maybe he wasn't taking it as well as you thought.
"Yeah. He should be in soon," Bucky replies and you nod. You walk out of his office and make your way to your own desk.
You unwrap your sandwich and use one hand to eat and the other to flip through your files. Taking in all of the new information for the case you are starting. You quickly finish your food then you take a large sip of your coffee. You haven't been given any information on your new partner so you wanted to make sure you knew as much as you could about your mutual assignment. Just in case you were stuck with someone inexperienced.
After about a half hour of being lost in thought while analyzing your papers, Bucky's strong voice fills the room. You look up and catch his gaze. He motions for you to come toward him; you get up from your chair and follow behind him into his office. Inside you see a man sitting in one of the two chairs across from Bucky's. He had on black dress pants, a light blue button up shirt and a black blazer. The outfit complimented his body quite well. Your focus moves up to his face, noticing his piercing blue eyes and his slightly long blonde hair. You hear a fake cough come from Bucky and instantly look at him.
"Detective (y/l/n), this is your new partner. You guys will be working the Reagan case together."
The man stands up from his chair and eyes you up and down. He finally extends his hand to you and you shake it.
"Hi, I'm Detective John Walker."
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meliaaizawa · 4 years ago
The Aizawas make a choice after their A/C breaks.
Word count: 1,689
*Meiya’s POV*
“Oh, good gosh!” I said as Shota and I entered our apartment. Summer season was now in full swing, meaning it was hot outside. Walking to and from school was rather uncomfortable, but we were always quickly relieved by the coolness of air conditioning. This evening, however, it felt just as hot in our apartment as it did outside. We shut the door behind us and Sho immediately went to the thermostat. “30 degrees,” he read out loud with a sigh. “The A/C broken?” I asked, fanning myself off with my hand. “I’ll check with the landlord,” Sho replied, taking out his phone.
I headed back to our bedroom and took off my hero costume, putting on a tank top and pair of shorts instead. I walked back out to the living room as Shota got off the phone. I looked at him with raised eyebrows, pulling my hair back and tying it into a bun. “They’re unsure when it’ll be fixed. Could be tomorrow, could be next week,” he answered my look. “Well let’s hope it’s tomorrow,” I replied before going to our closet to pull out our electric fans.
Shota also changed out of his hero costume into a pair of shorts and pulled his hair back into a messy bun. I set up the fans in the kitchen, facing them towards the kitchen table where we would be sitting for a while. I pulled some leftovers from the fridge, not bothering to heat them up, as the coolness of the rice and meat would be refreshing. I also got out some cold milk to pour into the cats’ bowls, which they were thankful for.
After we finished eating, Shota cleaned up all the dishes while I got all our paperwork from school. We continued to sit at the table and grade all the papers and tests that we had, even more silently than normal, as if speaking would waste what little energy we had left… the heat was so draining. By the time I finished my papers, I was ready for bed. Sho had more to grade, but I was normally in bed before him anyways. I organized my papers and got up from my seat. “Night,” I said, kissing his cheek and bringing one of the fans to the bedroom with me.
I took a cold shower, brushed my teeth, set up the fan, then laid on top of the blankets on the bed. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, and finally managed to fall asleep. I don’t know how long I had been sleeping when I suddenly woke up with a hot flash. Sho was in bed next to me, and though he was on the edge of the opposite end, in my sleep I managed to scoot right next to him, causing him to drape an arm around me instinctively. Though this was how we usually slept, and though sleeping in his arms normally helped me sleep better, tonight it was unbearable.
I wriggled out from under his arm and sat up straight, causing him to stir awake as well. He looked at me for a moment before turning with a grunt so that he was laying on his side facing the fan that was pointed towards him. I scooted to the opposite end of the bed, sitting in front of the other fan, trying to cool off. I got up to get a sip of water, then unrolled our sleeping bag on the floor right beside our bed. I laid on top of that and managed to fall back into a restless sleep until the morning.
We followed our normal morning routine best we could, though we were both exhausted and hot. We finally felt relief when we walked through the doors of U.A. into the sweet, blessed A/C. We headed to the staff room and got situated at our desks. The A/C felt so good… almost too good… to the point that I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I sat at my desk. My head suddenly felt heavy as well, and it began to droop to the side, but was caught by Shota’s shoulder next to me.
“WAKEY WAKEY!!!!” I heard the loud voice of Hizashi say, causing me to open my eyes and look up at him. “Shota always looks dead to the world, but this is a new look for you, Mei!! Didja stay up too late last night partying?” he asked jokingly. I sat up straight and yawned. “You know me,” I said, rolling my eyes and stretching. “Our A/C is broken… and it’s hard getting a full night of sleep in the heat,” I explained, looking at my husband beside me, whose eyes were shut, and arms were crossed, sleeping while sitting straight up.
“You two are always welcome to crash at my bachelor pad!!” he offered. “Well, it may be fixed today, so we should be fine,” I replied with a shrug, knowing full well that Sho wouldn’t want to stay at our obnoxious friend’s apartment. I reached over and gently grabbed Shota’s shoulder. “It’s about time for class to start,” I said softly as he sleepily opened his eyes. “Mm,” he grunted with a nod of acknowledgement before stretching and getting his things ready for class.
That evening, Shota and I walked home as per normal, arriving at a once again hot apartment. “Still no A/C?” I said to myself as I approached the thermostat. “32 degrees… even hotter than last night,” I said, turning to Shota, who was taking off his scarf. “Should we go stay with Zashi?” I asked. He looked at me with a furrowed brow. “It’s not that hot,” he said unzipping his jumpsuit. Just as I expected, Sho wouldn’t want to stay at Zashi’s place… One of Shota’s most valued possessions was privacy, and we both knew we certainly wouldn’t be getting much of that at Hizashi’s place.
Neither of us had any papers to grade this evening, and honestly didn’t have much of an appetite, so after changing I sprawled myself out on the floor of the living room, hoping it would cool me off somehow. Kohi and Lotte both appeared from behind the couch and stretched themselves out on the floor near me, having the same idea of cooling off. Sho came down the hall, stopping at the end of it and looking at the state of the living room floor. I looked up at him and asked, “can we please just go to Hizashi’s?'' to which he responded with a long sigh.
“We have to pick our poison… Heat or Hizashi… I’d rather choose the one that won’t actually kill us,” I said. “So, the heat?” he said deadpan, though I knew he was teasing. I chuckled as he walked over to me and offered me his hand to help me stand up. I shot Hizashi a text that we were coming over, then went and packed an overnight bag for us. While Shota got the cats into their crate to bring them with us, I quickly made a call to the radio station that Hizashi worked for on weekends… the station manager owed me a favor. Once we had everything together, we left the heat of our apartment and entered the heat of the outdoors.
As we approached Hizashi’s apartment building, both our phones buzzed at the receiving of a group text from Hizashi. “Randomly got called in to do the overnight shift at the radio station, but I left the door unlocked, so make yourselves at home!!! See you at school!!!” Shota read the message aloud as we walked. He stuffed his phone back in his pocket and looked at me with an eyebrow raised, immediately having a feeling that I was behind it. “Well, isn’t that convenient?” I commented with a small chuckle, causing Sho to smirk at me.
We got to his apartment and let ourselves in, releasing the cats as we got inside. They had been there before, as Hizashi had watched them while we were away, but it had been a while since I had been there. As per his explanation, it was still very much a “bachelor pad” with a foosball table instead of a kitchen table, dirty dishes everywhere, a pile of unfolded laundry on the fold-out couch, and a mantle with photos of himself and an array of his radio show awards on display.
Shota stood in front of the mantle, looking at the display with a disgusted look on his face. “This is what my nightmares are made of,” he commented, shaking his head. I chuckled at his comment and then got a chill, causing my whole body to suddenly shake. “It’s so chilly in here… I’m gonna sleep so good tonight,” I said before yawning, as just mentioning sleep made me sleepy. “Ready for bed?” Shota asked, seeing how big my yawn was. “Mmhmm,” I replied sleepily, still tired from the lack of sleep the night before.
Shota reached into the bag he packed some stuff in and pulled out our two-person sleeping bag. I looked at him wide-eyed, wondering how he managed to fit it in the bag. He shrugged and commented, “I knew the couch would be inaccessible,” looking over at the messy couch. I smirked at him as he spread the sleeping bag out on an empty space on the living room floor and crawled inside it. He held it open for me, and I crawled in right next to him, helping him zip it up once I was inside.
The two cats finished their exploring and joined us in the living room, curling up on top of the sleeping bag. It was quite chilly in Hizashi’s apartment, so Shota wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, as I was shivering slightly. I buried my face deeper into his chest, and he planted a kiss on my forehead before resting his scruffy chin on top of my head. It didn’t take long for me to fall into a deep and dreamless sleep, undisturbed by heat or Hizashi.
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abyss-in-machines · 4 years ago
The First Move, Chapter 3
Two things: I didn’t expect (a) anyone to actually read these stories, and (b) actually request new chapters for this. I feel truly blessed. I am so, so, so, so sorry for the delay, but life really is super unpredictable, and I’m just blessed to still continue this. Thank you all, and I love you Gintsu shippers so much! @pwapuri @imxeracus here you go! \^_^/
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26330785/chapters/70877502
“You kept muttering ‘Tsukki’ while drooling all over the bar counter last night. Who’s ‘Tsukki’?”
“You heard me.” Otose fixed a piercing glare on Gintoki, as if having made up her mind to extract this piece of information no matter what. “You had a stupid ass grin on face, and you couldn’t stop being gleeful. That’s too abnormal for ya.”
Gintoki shrugged, his deadpan expression all set. However, his insides were just about ready to explode. He hadn’t really cared to let anyone know about the fact that he and Tsukuyo were going out, and right now he was absolutely terrified to find out the repercussions of letting one of them know. Gintoki definitely did not wake up today expecting to answer oddball questions about his love life, but life sure found ways to throw curveballs at him.
Why now of all times...
Otose did have her suspicions too. She had noticed it when the silver haired idiot partied with the sunglasses-wearing NEET in the bar yesterday, and had drank to oblivion. The other one crashed, and had to be thrown out of the bar, but the samurai had stayed quiet, simply lying his head down on the bar counter and enjoying whatever was served to him in his dreamland. She had seen how he kept mumbling the same name over and over, making hugging motions, and doing the most cringing smooch faces she had ever seen, and it became crystal clear to her that this moron was head over heels in love with someone.
“What is it to you, baba, go choke on nicotine smoke, you ugly old hag.”
“Getting testy now, are we” Otose muttered under her breath, her eyes widening menacingly. “Here’s the thing. Normally I’d pass this off as one of your many buffoon acts, but I saw how you were behaving, and there’s no mistaking something is up. Now, you’re gonna spit it, or you start saying your prayers.”
“Woah, easy there, baba, what’s with the hostility, eh?”
“You’re not answering.”
Gintoki slumps on the counter, leaning his head onto the palm of his right hand. “Baba,” he groans. “This has really nothing to do with ya. I swear to god, just please let me enjoy my strawberry milk.” He shakes his head and starts itching his nose. “And do leave me be in peace. This fucking headache is killing me,” he yawns.
They both stare daggers at each other for some time, a deadpan red meeting a wrinkled, yet sharp black. And then she explodes.
“Silver-haired clown? That’s a new one...”
Otose grits her teeth, racking her brain for ideas. Her eyes lit up, and she approaches Gintoki, smirking.
“Fine, have it your way. I’m pretty sure that the two kids would know who this ‘Tsukki’ is. And then I tell everyone.”
“Tell them what?”, he says, warily.
“That you’re in love.”
Gintoki’s heart stops. The old hag did figure it out already, she was just coaxing him to clean clean. He was vehemently cursing his past drunken self for indulging in another one of Hasegawa’s cheapskate drinking parties and putting him in this situation, while also thinking of how to squirm out of this situation. Maybe free labor might be his ticket out of this... even if the kids had been actually paying the rent on time now.
“Say, baba, how abou-“
“Nope, you ain’t getting out of this,” she states, grinning. “Only the answer, Gintoki.”
She sees how he’s internally battling it out, and cheers inwardly when he finally gives in and sighs. He takes a sip of the milk, and clears his throat.
“Fine, I’ll tell you,” he groans, and he straightens up, facing Otose. “Her name is Tsukuyo. She’s the leader of Yoshiwara’s police force, the Hyakka. She and I worked on a couple missions together, and we both helped each other out a couple of times. There, you happy now?”
Otose couldn’t believe her ears. The samurai had never ever leaned on anyone, or ever expressed his own thoughts and desires, and yet here he was, telling her about his love. Granted, she did extort the information out of him, but knowing him meant that Otose knew he would’ve never opened up. He had definitely changed since the time when the entire district had become a war zone, and Otose couldn’t help but smile at the man her adopted son had become.
“Come now, go on. How’d the two of you meet?”
“At Yoshiwara, when we were trying to get Seita to meet his mother.”
“Ah, I do remember you telling me about it. When did you two start going out?”
“It’s been a couple of months,” he said, retaining his signature bored face.
“And you didn’t let anyone else know?”
“It really wasn’t anyone else’s business, baba,” he shrugged, helping himself to some more milk. “Although I was gonna let them know sooner or later... just didn’t expect to have to talk about it this soon...”
Otose’s eyes flashed, another idea springing into mind. “Tell you what, I won’t tell anyone else if the two of you come over at the weekend for dinner here.”
Otose eyed his deadpan face. “...that was fast.”
“Free food. Can’t complain,” Gintoki retorts, as he finishes his milk. He gets up and stretches his arms and legs, preparing to leave, and doesn’t notices the bar doors sliding open and close. “Listen baba, just don’t tell this to anyone else, please. I ain’t ready yet for that commotion.” Otose nods curtly.
“Tell everyone what?”
Gintoki and Otose freeze, and slowly turn their heads towards the person standing at the bar entrance, a tall, red haired girl dressed in a red cheongsam, with a giant purple umbrella attached to her belt. She looked confused, and was staring intently at Gintoki, who stood still with his mouth agape.
“What were you guys talking about, Gin-chan? What can’t we know?”
Gintoki facepalmed.
Tsukuyo stood in front of the bar porch, unsure of what to do.
She had dressed up in her usual garb, not really keen on dressing up as fancy as she’d normally would for their date nights. Her self awareness over the roof, Tsukuyo was really struggling with trying to compose herself. It was awkward enough when Hinowa had found out that she was dating the perm head, and now she would have to talk about the same embarrassing topic with people she didn’t know at all. She was cursing her brain for being so bold and accepting the invitation, but there was really no way in hell that she could turn down the samurai’s request. Him actually asking something from her was a once-in-a-blue-moon event, and she could never forget the way his face lit up when she agreed. Small moment like those really made her appreciate the relationship that she shared with him, and she couldn’t be more thankful for his existence. Perhaps these dates have only served to deepen her love for him after all...
Remembering all of this, Tsukuyo steeled her resolve and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door slid open, with a green-haired maid standing close by inside. Wearing a blue yukata, she gestured Tsukuyo inside, greeting her with a small smile.
“Welcome, Tsukuyo-sama. My name is Tama. You’ll find Gintoki-sama and the others at the corner booth.”
“Thank you,” Tsukuyo replies, walking inside and looking around to see where they were seated. She didn’t need to look hard, for the silver perm in the corner was unmistakable. Gintoki had seen her too, and was waving at her.
“Yo, glad you could make it! Come over,” he spoke out. He sat lazily, but perched himself up as she approached close. Seated opposite to him were Shinpachi, Kagura, and an old woman she didn’t recognize.
“Tsukki’s here?!” Kagura shouts, and turns around to see Tsukuyo. She immediately jumps out of the booth, dashes at her, and pulls her into a tight hug. “TSUKKI! ITS BEEN TOO LONG!”
Tsukuyo smiles gently, and hugs her back. “I’ve missed you too, Kagura. It has been far too long. How have you been?”
Kagura pulls back, her face adorned with a radiant smile. “It’s been good, Tsukki. I’ve been training with Papi and working Yorozuya jobs, and got a small space hunting gig lined up soon, can’t wait for that.” She grabs Tsukuyo’s hand and brings her to the booth. “Come, we’ve got so much to catch up on!”
Otose and Shinpachi both stand up as Kagura brings Tsukuyo around, and Otose’s eyes widened. Here was a beautiful, blonde haired girl with eyes of purple, greeting Gintoki and Shinpachi, and conversing with Kagura, acting in the most normal of ways, something so uncommon in all of the people she encounters on a daily basis. And this is the woman dating the silver dumbass of all people... Otose really couldn’t figure out just how Gintoki had won the lottery. Coming back to sense, Otose cleared her throat and bowed her head to Tsukuyo.
“Greetings, Tsukuyo. I’m Otose, Gintoki’s landlord, and the owner of the bar. Thank you so much for coming over for dinner.”
Tsukuyo bowed in return, standing beside Gintoki. “Thank you for inviting me, Otose-san. I’m glad to be here.”
Otose smiled. And she’s well mannered too...
“All right, let’s all sit down. Catherine is readying the hotpot soon, and I’ve got enough ingredients for us all this time, so you can all eat to your fill. Yes, even you, Kagura.” Otose nods knowingly at Kagura, who cheers gleefully.
Gintoki’s eyes widen, and he looks at Otose. “Really went all out for this one, didn’t you, baba?”
Otose waves him away. “Urusai. We’re all long due for a celebration, anyway...”
Shinpachi nods, beaming. “She’s right, Gin-san. Thank you so much, Otose-san!”
Gintoki shrugs, content with it all. He moves closer to Tsukuyo, leaning close to her ear.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he whispers.
Tsukuyo blushes, and pinches Gintoki’s arm. He notices, and mocks a surprised face.
“No kunais? I’m flattered.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t exactly want your forehead splattering blood all over the hot pot and ruining our dinner,” Tsukuyo retorts back coolly. Gintoki grins.
“Whatever. I’m just glad to see you here.”
She turns towards him, a pleased look on her face. “Me too.”
Otose notices their interactions, and for a brief moment sees her own young self with her husband flash in front of her eyes.
Young love is truly beautiful...
Otose really wasn’t kidding around. Gintoki had never seen so much food available in a hotpot before, and by the end of it even Kagura had her fill and was exhausted. Gran really did splurge this time, even offering free beer, which he was more than willing to indulge in. However, Gintoki made sure to keep the alcohol as far away as possible from Tsukuyo, and kept passing her glasses of water. He also saw how shy she was in collecting the cooked meat from the hotpot, and made sure to slide extra food on her plate whenever possible. To his amusement, she blushed every time he did that, which got him grinning ear to ear.
Feeling full and somewhat tipsy, he leaned on the corner wall of the booth, watching Shinpachi and Kagura, sitting opposite to him, bickering about Otsu-chan’s latest album. The kids had taken the news extremely well, with Shinpachi expressing his happiness at Gintoki’s relationship while Kagura endlessly threatening to chop his genital parts off should he ever make Tsukuyo sad. They were definitely estate about tonight’s dinner party, and had congratulated Tsukuyo as well (which she took very meekly, to his unending amazement). Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced Tsukuyo and Otose, sitting at the bar counter talking, and smiled. The old hag was very gracious, conversing with Tsukuyo in a kind tone Gintoki never though was possible for her. Tonight really just kept on giving. However, the exhaustion was claiming him fast, and Gintoki decided that a quick nap wouldn’t hurt.
Noticing the samurai falling asleep, Otose chuckled. “You know,” she started, looking at Tsukuyo, “I never imagined the day would come that this idiot would actually bring a girl into the place. Always causing a ruckus upstairs with the two kids, but I’m glad that he had them around. They’ve kept things lively around here, but don’t let them know I said it. They’d let it get over their heads.” She smiled, and so did Tsukuyo.
“Don’t know about the kids on that one, but I can surely agree the he would,” Tsukuyo giggled.
Otose sighs, leaning on the table. “I’ve never had kids. Never had the opportunity. As soon as the Joui war started, my husband enlisted along with another dear friend of mine. He perished there, saving people like he always did my entire life. He’s buried here, in Kabuki-who, and in every anniversary, I’d always make sure to visit his grave with food. So one day, I visit his grave bringing manju, and I place them close to the gravestone. Suddenly, I hear the voice of this silver haired brat asking for the food!” She chuckles, reminiscing. “The brat reaches out for the food and starts eating, and offers to make a promise. To protect me for life, no matter what.”
She grabs a bottle of sake and two small cups, filling the cups and placing one in front of Tsukuyo. “No matter what, Gintoki has always kept his word. Sure, the brat is clumsy with rent, but he, the kids, Tama, Catherine… they’re all family, my family. He’s the son I never had.” She takes a sip from the cup, slowly exhaling after. “And that’s why, seeing him today being so happy really moved me beyond words. I see what your presence does to him, Tsukuyo. I can tell you, the kid had never looked like this ever. Never.” At this, she bows, startling Tsukuyo. “Thank you so much, Tsukuyo.”
Tsukuyo, filled with gratitude, felt tears welling up, and hastily bowed back. “I’m honoured, Otose-san. Thank you for taking care of him as well.”
Otose notices the tears flowing silently down her cheek, and clutches her hands. “There, there…”
“There are times,” Tsukuyo said, “where I feel I don’t do enough for him, that I’m not worthy of him. Gintoki really changed my life for the better, and the debt I owe to him for saving me is something that I can never repay. I hope to everything that I’m good enough for him… I really hope…” At this point, Tsukuyo cannot stop the tears, and Otose immediately rushes to her side, bringing her into a warm embrace and consoling her.
“Tsukuyo dear, you really shouldn’t worry. He chose you, after all. Of course you are good enough. Actually now that I think about it, you’re definitely far too good for his lazy dumbass.” At this, Tsukuyo laughs slightly, and wipes her tears off. “To tell you the truth, we all owe him, not just you. That’s just who Sakata Gintoki is. He takes on, but he never asks for help. He’s always there for us. So, don’t worry at all.” Otose passes her the cup. “This will help.”
“Thank you,” Tsukuyo replies, as she accepts the cup and takes a sip. Just then, Gintoki walks in, stretching his arms out and yawning.
“Well, that was a good power nap, feel like I could drink some more now. Baba, whatcha talking about with…” he trails off as soon as he notices the cup in Tsukuyo’s hand.
“Nothing much, just discussing how useless you are, the usual.”
“Baba…” Gintoki whispers, shaking. “What have you done….” Otose notices his genuine concern, confused.
“What, I just gave her sake,” she states, as she turns towards Tsukuyo, only to recoil in shock. Tsukuyo’s face was glowing red. She was wearing an eerie smile, and she looked at Gintoki menacingly, almost like she was ready ready to charge at him.
“Well hellooooo there, Gin-sama… how was yer slumberrr… ready to DRINK SOME MORE, YA SAY?!?” Gintoki stood frozen, not moving a single muscle.
Oh no…
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claude-frollo-archives · 5 years ago
Imposed Fate
Imposed Fate A Count Duckula Story
Chapter 1. Prelude of a Nightmare
       One fateful date, Tuesday 7 April 1870, Richter Von Gosling, a student of the arts of healing, decided to visit Transylvania in order to shed light upon a mysterious and disquieting subject, which was a case of vampirism. Legends and stories about the undead had the young scholar read before, yet he remained  sceptical, until his colleague and confidant Reinfelt witnessed an attack by one of those creatures, and not an ordinary one but Count Duckula himself, a feudal Lord supposed to be dead centuries ago. Despite of the absurdity of the notion, Richter was not to doubt his friend; therefore, he had to investigate in more detail about this terrible menace and put it to rest.
   The evening of Gosling's arrival, a thunderstorm loomed above the village, the weather cold and windy but rain was not to fall yet. Not a soul could be found wandering on the streets, there was a sense of quietude, a preface of the storm that soon would be unleashed over the town. Despite the feeling of impeding peril, inside the public house 'Ye Tooth and the Jugular' the mood appeared to be festive, with the regular crowd assembled for a pint or two, regardless the tragedies of life. In this place, the scholar found refuge as well as some more information concerning the malevolent aristocrat provided by the innkeeper and the parishioners. Gosling thought the recently gained knowledge would be enough to prepare a scheme to destroy the vampire.
    During the following days, the scientist worked in the development of a mechanism designed to shoot a wooden stake but cleverly set inside a camera. When the contraption was completed, the gander headed towards Castle Duckula, an ominous fortress that oversaw the village from atop a hill. Presenting himself as a photographer from a newspaper, Gosling attempted to gain access to the castle and destroy the Count; these actions would end the suffering of the villagers and bring peace to Transylvania. No time was wasted once he entered the Castle. Introductions were quick, the battle between Count Duckula and Von Gosling finished as quickly as it started and not even Igor -faithful manservant of the undead Count- was able to interfere. However, due the thrilling sensation of triumph, the scientist returned to the town without realizing that the stake managed to harm Duckula, but it failed to stab through the Count's heart.
    "Got him, the vampire is destroyed! ..." Exclaimed the deluded scholar as he rushed his way back to the village bellow, eager to tell what he assumed to be good news. "... The beast is no more!"
     Meanwhile, the Count lied motionless on the stone ground. Igor knelt beside his defeated master, lifting the wounded vampire on both his arms. "... Master, Master! ..." The old vulture sobbed in anguish, fearing this to be the last hour.
   "... Is all right, Igor! …" Duckula replied as he rose to his feet, dusting and straightening his suit jacket. Praised the Abyss, his Lordship was not slaughter, much to Igor's relief. "It was just a mere scratch …" The Count added with anger on his raspy voice. "... But he shall pay for this ... he shall pay!" He growled and proceeded to concentrate his energy in order to cast a spell. "... Come here, to my aid, oh winds of north, I summon your powers---…"
   "Milord... if I may be so bold to provide advice... I must remind his Lordship that the appropriate way to conjure for the assistance of this element, Sire, would be quite simpler: ‘come gust of wind and be wild’… Brief but no less effective, of course" Igor admonished his Master on the proper casting of dark incantations.
   "Thank you Igor, I had almost failed to remember that part … Anyway, you had already cast the spell, so you have heard it wind, obey our demand and be wild!" With that, the Count cackled with cruel glee, an aura appeared to surround his frame and a red spark was ignited on both his eyes, like flames of fire as he began to transform, while outside the fortress, gust of heavy wind gathered to form a dreadful tempest.
   Oblivious of the dangers ahead, Gosling stormed into the tavern. "… Is done!--- The vampire--- destroyed! ..." The gander addressed the landlord, though he was out of breath and could barely articulate a word.
    "What do you mean, young man?" The perplexed innkeeper questioned, while three peasants seated on a corner enjoying their last drink of the night, just had to listen and stare with curiosity.
    "… ... What I am trying to say is that the vampire fiend is no more!---..." Gosling recomposed before resuming his speech in a serious tone. "... The Count now rests in peace, finally there would be no more suffering ... is over." He softly stated, honestly believing that evil was successfully vanquished.
   A tense silence filled the inn until one of the peasants reacted. "... That is impossible!" He muttered in disbelief. "… Count Duckula defeated, requiring no effort?!" Added the landlord in dismay. "Yes, on the times past, I know the tale, the vampire was destroyed... but he was cornered by a group of vampire slayers! When we talked about the Count, I never thought you would attempt something so stupid, what have you done, lad?!"
   Gosling was completely appalled, realising something must have gone wrong and to learn that the Count was previously overcame, then who was this Duckula he had just met?! However, before the scholar was able to find his voice, the farmer seated near the window screamed in fear. "He is leaving the Castle! ..." Every fowl residing at the hostelry turned to the window. They saw the rainstorm and a giant bat flying from the castle in direction of the village. In matter of few minutes, chaos settled on the town: the wind destroyed some of the houses, demolishing the roofs of the buildings. Duckula on his bat form attacked people running outside in a futile attempt to seek shelter from the storm; others tried to escape the wooden debris carried by the whirlwind, people cried in panic, the peaceful slumber of the village residents turned into a nightmare.
   "Where are you, my dear Gosling?! Not so brave to defeat me?! ..." The evil laugh from the Count could be heard amid the commotion. "... Come, come out to play, do not make me wait!"
    "I am afraid he is calling for you!" Exclaimed the innkeeper’s wife who stood on top of the staircase, from there she threw Gosling’s luggage; the two suitcases landed loudly at his feet. "If you have any respect for anything sacred, get out of my house! ..." She ordered furiously, pointing to the main door of the hostel. "... Away with you!"
   "Wait, please!--- I don't understand! …" Gosling stammered. "My intentions were honourable; I was only trying to be of aid!”
    "Yeah, thank you for your help, you just made everything worse for our village!" Retorted an angry peasant. "Why did you have to mess with the Count?! Now his wrath is unstoppable, he would go on rampage until sunrise and is all your fault!"
   "I did try to do something, while you appear to accept this fate without resistance, why you don't fight back? For what reason you would even stay in a place like this?!" Although the scientist's response came out with a hint of defiance, in truth there was guilt within his heart.
   "Because this is our home, foolish lad! …" Replied the proprietress without hesitation. "We shall not abandon our land! If someone has to leave, that would be you!”
   "Very well said, Madam! Now you, go away!" A peasant urged Gosling to walk out the inn. "Hope he eats you, better you than us!"
   "Came on folks…" The landlord interceded. "… Don’t be cruel with the outsider, he couldn't know any better, after all he is only a boy."
   "… Oh nein, I am not! I will show you, I … I shall stop that fiend at once!"
    "No, if you go out he will kill you!---..." The innkeeper warned but he was unheard. Von Gosling stepped out the tavern and the sight of destruction and the monstrous vampire bat, rendered him to freeze in fright. However, the landlord had followed him and he placed the travel cases on Gosling's hands. "Come on, son … I wish I never told you about the Count." He said with regret and grabbing the young doctor by the arm, he led him to the back door of the tavern despite protest of the parishioners but some of them were to agree on the fact that at the present it would be for the best to escape.
    "I don't care if this is the land where I was born!--- The stranger was right--- I don't want to die!" Despaired one of the farmers as he hurried out to prepare a cart and soon enough, several of the town's people had joined him. Before Gosling was able to object, the innkeeper pushed him inside the stagecoach. From above, Duckula witnessed these actions and he was utterly amused. The giant bat could deliver an attack directly towards the doctor, given how easy was to detect him due his antiquated attire and the camera he was carrying; still, he interfered not for he had mused a greater plan since the instant he laid his eyes on Von Gosling. "That mortal had come to face me--- he failed no doubt, but he arrived on his own choice ... or maybe was it a design of fate? ..." The creature growled quietly. "... Nevertheless, I detected on him no greed for a reward or a desire of fame, not even a wish for vengeance ... What a disgusting attitude! However ... Could it be?---.... ... I wonder... ..."
   In the meantime, the doctor was still unable to fathom the burden he would be carrying now that the threads of fate had been tampered with. ".... Sir., oh please I---... I thank you ..." Gosling at last found his voice to express gratitude to the innkeeper. "... I will be praying Gott for your souls until I am able to come back---..."
   "Prayers?! ... Don't trouble yourself, it would be of no use" Said one of the villagers, quietly and embittered. "... God have forgotten about us."
   "That cannot be true! I shall pray for you all, our Lord will never forget His children!" Gosling stated firmly as the cart began to move.
   "Well, then I pray God I will never see your face again … may He bless and keep you!" Von Gosling frowned in sadness, lowering his head upon hearing those last words from the proprietor of 'Ye Tooth and the Jugular', the man who had just saved his life.
   As the stagecoach departed from the village, Gosling silently stared at the silver cross pendant he had on his hands, a gift from his mother that now held a much more profound significance. "… So, they believe our Lord has forgotten, ja? ..." He lamented in shame and remorse; no matter his efforts or his courageous discourse, in the end he was left trembling with fear in times help was most needed, it was an absolute disgrace. "… … I am to return, this is not over yet--- this awful mistake must be corrected … I will be back; that fiend shall be destroyed, I am going to save all those souls ... is a promise!"
           Later, at the break of dawn, the Count had enough leisure time and his thirst was quenched, so he returned to his fortress. As expected, Igor was patiently waiting for his master's arrival. "Did you find that miserable mortal, Master?" Greeted the sinister butler.
    "Ah, I let him go …" Duckula replied calmly, tonelessly even, like if the latest episode were of no relevance.
   The vulture raised a brow with suspicion at the Count’s answer; after such an eventful evening, this behaviour from the master was something unforeseen. "… I am not sure, Sire … you should have taken the life of that wretched miscreant ... or perhaps brought him here to me, I could have offered that Gosling a most proper … … care."
   "Worry not, dear Igor." The Count spoke, a grin crept onto his beak. "... Amongst all the pleasant visitors we have received through these the years, this one had proven to be the most interesting opponent".
    "Oh indeed, Milord, Indeed! There is no use on finishing the fun so early …" Igor rubbed his hands in pleased anticipation of the delightfully wicked punishments he would be able to inflict over that insolent gander.
    "That is right; you got the idea, my Igor!" The Count chuckled darkly. "… He is coming back, I assure you, and I will be waiting …" Then, the vampire grabbed Igor by the necktie, pulling his head down to meet his gaze. "After all … ..." Duckula continued, lowering his voice into a threatening though gleeful snarl. "… We have plenty of time ... … … don’t we, Igor?!"
This is the first chapter from an old fanfiction of mine I am re-writing (began in 2009, is 2020 not completed yet, only three chapters are ready), is an attempt to set a prequel for the Count Duckula series, based on the Dear Diary and The Rest is History episodes, a particular scene that appears on the show's intro, the Castlevania games and last but certainly not least, Dracula the novel. Posting it here now as an experiment given I have no idea how it would look like on Tumblr, and so happy to see fans of the series!
Count Duckula and the characters on this chapter belong to Cosgrove Hall.
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thousandsunnywrites · 5 years ago
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⤷ word count: 1,7k
⤷ a/n: there’s no major romantic shet here, but it’s like the foundation of what’s to come
⤷ TRIGGER: mentions of pills & death
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“Roronoa, check the mission board.” A stack of papers land right in front of his propped feet, waking him from his light nap. Standing in front of him was no other than the assistant chief, Law. “In two weeks, we’re raiding the SMILES House.” 
Yawning, he glanced over, doing as told. Law’s right. After extensive research, their department accumulated enough information to obtain a warrant to bust down this illegal business. Doflamingo is a smart man, he evaded the police’s eyes for years now despite his brother being the chief. His eyes skimmed through the raid team while taking a mental note — Usopp, Chopper, Law, and him, along with a bunch of other extra names. Supposedly, this ambush is the most difficult in the history of the New World Station, errr, at least that’s what Zoro hears in the coffee room. 
Chief Corazon-- the name everyone addresses him as, only a select few know his real name-- lead this station ever since the retirement of ex Chief of Police, Sengoku. You and Zoro transferred into this department not long after graduating law school. As Chief puts it, it’s a miracle how you never crossed paths with Roronoa during school-- maybe he just got lost while trying to do so-- because you complement each other so perfectly: you’re academically strong, while he’s strong physically. It’s no hair-puller to know why he’s constantly paired with you.
Zoro’s train of thoughts halts as a very loud, and jumpy girl emerges from the corner, latching onto his arm almost immediately upon seeing him. “Zoro,” you cooed like a little bird, expectantly. Prior to this day, Zoro wagered that it’s easy to drive around while patrolling the area because anyone can do that, and you took him up on his little bet. It was hard, knowing the shortcuts and hidden roads within the area, but it was easy when you get the hang of it. Unfortunately for Zoro, he was blessed with confusing right with left, north and south. Call it whatever you see fit, but you can’t deny it’s like taking candy from a toddler.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” he sighs, bringing out the iconic Starbucks cup, filled to the brim with your favorite coffee, Venti-sized. “Expensive-ass woman. You know how much that cost me?”
“Oh hunny, I know, you’re lucky I’m not asking you to pay for my rent,” you take a sip as Zoro nods along. Yeah, he’s aware of the rent surge for your apartment. That landlord of yours, what’s his name, Bella… Belle-something was a big pain in the ass, charging twice as much to splurge on gambling. He’s heard this rant so many times, he can recite it word for word.
“Y’know if you’re having a hard time with rent, then just leave. Go somewhere else.”
A pout forms on your lips, hand waving animatedly to dismiss his suggestion. “Easy for you to say, you own a house. Besides, it’s the only available one in this area. I don’t wanna go outta town. It’s hard enough to wake up on time in the morning-- what more of waking up 3 hours earlier?” You pinch his cheek, earning a groan from the man. Remind him again why he puts up with you.
“Don’t forget about our first-not-fake-date tonight,” you wink, body shimmying out of excitement. Sometime last night, you concocted the perfect date with Zoro to flaunt in front of Sanji. Zoro is to take you to the nicest park he can find and do a surprise picnic-- not much of a surprise if you orchestrated it-- whilst giving you a necklace with his initials on it-- again, nothing special especially if you’re gonna buy it. Zoro wonders why he’s even letting you use him, but then again, you pay for the propaganda, and he doesn’t have anything better to do. No rent money worries, no girlfriend to tend to, no stress that plagues the average adult. 
“Doesn’t sound like we’re dating if you call everything we do a ‘not-fake’,” his lips downturn to a very displeasing frown that marred his big-tough-guy look, while he attempts to pry your clammy fingers off said face. He doesn’t know the first thing about love, but sure as hell he’s not a dumbass.
Law pulls you aside to escort you to the Chief’s office, leaving Zoro to revert his focus back onto his reports, overlooking the new cases. A killer clown running loose, gathering a circus to cause more trouble. Nothing more than clout for a rep. 
The Massacre Solider’s, as the media dubbed, killings suddenly halted.
The Revolutionaries protesting and planning a riot downtown against the government, led by the infamous criminal dubbed as Dragon.
Firefighter accidentally sets the workplace on fire after reheating meat for too long. Damn it, Luffy.
“Hey, Zoro!” The familiar long nose approaches him, friendly as ever. “We’re partners today for patrol! Thank god it’s you.” He sobs out the last part, body turning milky white while remembering the horrid flashbacks of almost being shot at by an angry woman for notifying her about her illegally parked car in a handicap spot. The world is a scary place.
Usopp let out a huffy sigh after seeing Zoro’s nose scrunch in distaste. “No offense Usopp but Y/n is and has been my partner,” his arms crossed, gaze not leaving the paper.
The persistent sniper slides next to Zoro, slinging his arm over his shoulder despite the other shoving him off. “Yeah but the chief said that he’s borrowing her for today.”
It’s not like Zoro dislikes Usopp, it’s not like that at all. It’s just he knows he’s going to babysit the scaredy cat. Amazing how he’s a coward, yet one of the finest sharpshooters he knows. Nobody doing it like him.
The hectic, sharp alarm lights the room red, causing the policemen to spring to action. The once-chattering room fills with the sounds of rapid footsteps, police sirens, incoherent yelling, and the urgent news.
Local wealthy landlord found dead on the street, SMILES cause of death, victim unidentified.
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They made it through the yellow tapes and through the crowd with the help of Usopp’s directions, and Zoro instantly remembered that face-- really, how can he forget that face when you constantly bitched about him nearly everyday. That cocky smile never left that bastard’s face despite half of the pearly whites being gone.
It was Belle...
It was Belle! 
He passes by him on the staircase whenever he visits you for nonsense. The medic hoists the mass onto the gurney, and drives off, leaving the remaining team to survey the area.
His colleagues told him that the victim OD’ed on SMILES, but the marimo knew better. Although faint, his sharp eyes can see the smudged trail of blood coming from another area. This isn’t a typical overdose. Belle was dead by the time the team got here. He was murdered somewhere else and dragged into the streets for a show. A declaration. A warning. 
In short, he was murdered. And probably from the same guy who started this whole SMILES addiction.
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Meanwhile as the news blared in Chief Cora’s office, your heart sunk when the anchor broadcasted the victim’s face after receiving identification for a brief moment. It was Bellemy! Holy Gorgonzolas, that’s your landlord! Crap! As fucked up as it seemed, the only thought that initially crossed your mind was Does that mean I don’t have to pay for rent? More importantly, he’s dead! Not that you feel deep remorse... he did call you a whore last week and scoped your apartment without your permission.  
“It’s a message,” Cora puffed on his cigarette, the dim lighting of the room accentuating the smoke, “He knows we’re onto him.”
He ashed his cigarette in his heart-shaped ashtray, before relighting. Paper slid across the table, a confidential report wide open. Attached to the report was a headshot of a man with fancy, bird-eye-like shades. 
“His name is Doflamingo. Known as God of the Underworld. Dangerous man,” Cora said dryly, and straight to the point. “That kid that was on TV worked under him. Bellemy.”
Your brows furrow as you flip through the pages, examining the details with careful precision. “So the assets belong to this man?” 
“Legally. I didn’t find any contract that says that Bellemy shares this property with Doffy. Doffy must’ve not liked that one of his henchmen opposed his will. We can only assume that his death was the price to pay and to promote the SMILES. Other than that, Bellemy’s apartment lots are illegally owned, so we can also assume that it’s going to be confiscated when the police connect two-and-two together. You get where I’m going with this, right?” His eyes glanced over his shoulder, expecting you to catch on with the elaborative hints he dropped. It took a while, but it clicked.
“And now I’m homeless.” Hands thrown in the air, you sighed in defeat. First it was losing your bike in the walkway, next it was having to sneak in your own office like a burglar for a last-minute report that could’ve cost your job, and now it was being thrown on the streets because you lived and paid for an illegal apartment. 
Law interjected your whine with the clearing of his throat. “You don’t have to be.” He was silently watching the events unfold before him, taking in your reactions along the way.
“You can live with us,” Corazon proposed, cutting off whatever Law was going to say. That offer left both you and Law with your jaws hanging wide open. After a second, Law collects himself and musters a very confused what. 
“I was going to say to find someplace outside of town to live!” His disbelief coated his every word, and went unnoticed. “Are you sure?”
Cora simply nods, a thumbs up affirming his decision whilst trying to convince you to take up his offer.
“Please,” Cora’s hand found its way to your shoulder, lightly squeezing it. “It’d be beneficial for both you and us. You’re part of the brains of this operation so it’s better to keep you near us. And you did say you’re homeless now.”
He nudges you once more, after seeing your silence. “C’mon, beggars can’t be choosers.”
With that one line, you concede. 
You pull out your phone and send a simple text to your date, telling him you’re taking a raincheck to pack up your shit. He never responds. Had you known the consequences of agreeing, you would’ve stayed on the streets if that could mean that he’d still be here.
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heartofether · 4 years ago
Episode 10 - Child TRANSCRIPT
[You can listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts, or go to our “Listen” page if you’re on desktop.] 
Please state your message.
Three-Eyed Frog Presents: The Heart of Ether.
You’re not gonna believe this: I saw the meat lady at the grocery store again last night, and she was buying more raw meat. She was buying some other stuff this time too, like, normal groceries, but still a lot of meat. I didn’t want to bother her or make her feel bad or anything, but, I had to know. Why did she need that much meat?
She was in front of me in line, but luckily, I didn’t have much to buy. Just some chickpeas and coconut milk. I checked out as quickly as possible—the poor cashier looked like he got whiplash from how fast I swiped my card—and I ran out to the parking lot to meet her.
She had just finished loading her groceries into her car, but thankfully, she hadn’t left yet. She looked surprised when I ran up to her, but not afraid. She had this warm smile on her face, which eased my nerves, surprisingly. She asked if I needed anything.
[EMBARASSED] I probably should have introduced myself or said hello—that would have been the polite thing to do. All I said, though, was, “Why do you need that much meat?”
She didn’t get angry or upset. Somehow, she didn’t seem fazed at all. Maybe she had gotten the question before? That wouldn’t surprise me. She still had a small smile on her face when she answered, “It’s for my child.”
I was kind of surprised for some reason? I asked if she had multiple kids, and she said no, just the one.
“They’re on summer break,” she said, “and they start their junior year of high school next year. Isn’t that exciting? I remember being that age. Anyways, being a teenager and all, they’re growing a lot, so I have to make sure they’re well fed. Wouldn’t you want the best for your child?”
[STIFLED] I got kind of weirded out by that. I asked if they were getting fruits and vegetables, because those were all important, too. She said, “Well, protein is especially important for a growing teenager. Besides, they have special dietary needs.”
And there was that phrase again! “Special dietary needs!” I asked what exactly that meant, a, an iron deficiency, some sort of issue with their muscles. She looked at me with this—God, this almost tender look, as if she was my mother and I had just disappointed her.
She said, “I don’t want to speak for them. They get very embarrassed talking about it. I promise the meat won’t go to waste, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
[UNCOMFORTABLY] I apologized after that. She smiled wider, and said it was okay. Before I left, she gave me a mint from her bag. Even though I did nothing to deserve it but invade her and her kid’s privacy.
So, I guess that’s the end of the mystery of the meat lady? I still don’t know why she feeds her kid that much meat, but no way am I asking her again. Actually, after that experience, I kind of hope that’s the last time I see her.
I should probably get ready. I just…I have a lot on my mind. Yeah.
The landlord is sending a mold inspector to my house today. He said he’ll call me and let me know as soon as possible what he thinks the best course of action is. I might have to spend a night in a motel room or something, but honestly, it will be well worth it to finally be rid of that yellow mold. 
Also, I stopped by the library last night to look for any evidence about the Lorelei thing, or, that entire coven that went missing. Sure enough, there were articles about it in the local paper while it was happening, but I’m surprised it didn’t make national news. It definitely happened—I could even find the missing persons reports online—but hardly anyone outside of town covered it, let alone anywhere outside of Washington.
Some online conspiracy forums have talked about it, but no one ever came to a solid conclusion as to what happened. 
[A FORCED CHUCKLE.] Didn’t realize how close to home the whole situation hit until I started researching it.
[SINCERE] I hope you didn’t get kidnapped, Rose—or, killed by some weird cult, or whatever. Though, for a while, can I be honest? That possibility actually kind of made me feel better.
[SADDER, MORE DISTANT] I mean, the alternative is that you chose to leave. For a while, I thought that if I could just pretend it wasn’t your fault, then that meant you kept your promise. [QUIETER] To not leave without telling me.
[A BEAT, THEN, A SHAKY BREATH.] I’ve thought about it since then, though, and I think you probably did choose to. That was what you wanted, right? You wanted the spontaneity, the excitement, the leap of faith, whatever. I wouldn’t be surprised if one night, you just decided you were tired of waiting, and left.
Doesn’t make it hurt any less, though. Knowing that we had plans to leave together, and you just decided it would be better to go without me. No warning, no big talk, not even a letter.
I’m not angry anymore, don’t worry. I’m so indecisive all the time, I probably would have dragged you down.
[a long pause.]
Why do I still tell stories to you like this is a conversation? [SHE SCOFFS.] You don’t care, you—
I’m about to go on my lunch break. [SUSPICOUS] Haven’t heard from the mold inspector, which is odd.
Look, I just wanted to talk because…I’ve been thinking a lot. Especially after looking through the newspaper reports for the coven incident. I think—I think whatever’s happening, it’s the whole town. That’s gotta be it, right?
Okay, I know it’s absolutely wild. I’m not saying that this is like, one of those mysterious little towns with some big supernatural secret that the whole town is hiding.
[A BEAT.] But that’s basically what I’m saying. Why else wouldn’t this place show up on a map? And, also, why else would an entire group of people go missing without hardly any news coverage?
[RAMBLING] It’s like there’s some big thing—and I’m not sure if everyone in town knows about it, or just a select few—but it’s like some big secret that everyone just knows not to talk about. Only, maybe, people don’t actually know the secret? Because Phoebe, who should know everything because of her grandmother, still knows close to nil. 
Maybe—okay, maybe it’s not a secret that the townsfolk are keeping, but like, the actual town is keeping this secret from not only its own citizens, but the world. It’s like, some big thing is happening and nobody actually knows what it is. They just know it’s there.
I have no idea what the fuck that means or why I said that.
[MUFFLED] Irene?
Can I come in?
Um, sure.
What’s up?
[NOW CLEAR] I, uh… How are you doin’?
[CAUTIOUSLY] I’m...fine? How about you?
Ah, I’m alright—say, uh, not to infringe on your privacy or anything like that, but I wanted to ask you about somethin’.
[SLOWLY] Go ahead.
[WARILY] So, I was talkin’ to Aden the other day in the breakroom, and he mentioned to me that you’ve been having this...issue. Somethin’ about a huh...jeez, how did he put it, eldritch dirt abomination?
[DREADFUL] Oh, god, did he tell you about the dirt thing—?
[OVERLAPPING] I’m worried ‘bout you, Irene. Alright? There, I said it.
[SHE SCOFFS.] What, is this an, an intervention? I’m fine.
[CONCERNED] You’ve been acting strange since...well, ever since the day we met, I reckon. Er, no offense. 
[A BEAT.] Still, first it was these recordings you do, talkin’ to someone who you say is never gonna listen. Now you’re trying to hunt down some sort of mystical forest monster that nobody else has ever seen.
[DEFENSIVE] That’s not true. Alright, Dorothy Wood had a notebook—
You mean the woman who used to run the bookstore? Bless her heart, but, nobody ever knew what she was doing in her private time. Not even her poor granddaughter.
That’s what we’re trying to figure out.
I just—I don’t want you to get involved with somethin’ you can’t turn back from. Alright? I, I don’t ever want to see you or Aden put yourselves in danger, and all this stuff you’ve been doin’ is just…
[A BEAT.] Just what?
Just, well, you know.
[GROWING GRADUALLY MORE UPSET] No, I don’t. Say it. Do you think I’m being delusional? I know what I saw was real—
[OVERLAPPING] I never said that, Irene. I just want to make sure you’re doing okay.
I am. Okay? Everything’s just peachy. I’m doing my job just fine, aren’t I? That should be your primary concern, not whatever I do when I get home each night.
[SHE SIGHS.] No, you’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry for bein’ so invasive.
[A BEAT.] It’s alright.
Just let me know if you ever need anything, alright? I care about you, not just as an employee.
[STRAINED] Appreciate it.
Say, you headin’ to lunch soon?
Uh, yup, I was thinking about going out to grab something. Do you—?
[CUTTING HER OFF] Irene, have you downloaded it yet?
Do you still not have enough storage?
I have the space, I just have better things to do.
And I’m not a total caveman, you know. [UNDER HER BREATH] had Tumblr back in high school for a bit.
[HE LAUGHS, OVERLAPPING.] Tumblr? Are you joking? You were a Tumblr kid?
For like, three months! I was fifteen, dude, give me a break.
[SHE CHUCKLES.] Anyways, I was just wondering if y’all wanted me to grab somethin’ for you while I’m out? I’ll take a list, if you want to start writing down your orders. I’ll probably go to the café nearby, if that’s alright with y’all.
Oh, sure! That’d be great! Thank you! Irene, do you have some paper?
Yup. Thanks, Carol!
Not a problem.
Actually, Irene, I was hoping to get to talk to you. Do you have any plans tonight? Because you still haven’t come over to my house yet, and I think it’s a crime I haven’t gotten to show you my collection of knitted cats yet.
[TEASING] And I think it’s weird that you’re so passionate about showing off your collection of knitted cats.
[DEFENSIVE] I worked really hard on them, okay?
[SHE LAUGHS.] Mm, in all seriousness, maybe? I actually have a mold inspector over at my house today, and I might have to call him soon, because he still hasn’t...
[HER TONE BECOMES MORE SERIOUS.] …gotten back to me.
Why are you guys looking at me like that?
[SHE CLEARS HER THROAT.] You said you had a mold inspector? 
[SLOWLY] Yes. This mold started growing in my house when I first moved in, and it kept getting worse, so I hired someone to take care of it.
[HER BREATH HITCHES.] And what exactly does this mold look like?
Um…it’s yellow?
[CONT.] Like, puss yellow? Kind of smells like rotten meat?
Alright. Irene, what’s most important right now is that you stay calm.
[MUTTERING TO HIMSELF] This can’t be happening, this can not actually be happening.
Okay, what’s going on? What are you guys not telling me?
Look, I need to go grab something, but after that, I think we need to go to your house right now.
Wait, what—?
[OVERLAPPING] This next part is very important: have you touched it at all? The slightest touch—
[CONT.] —even just your pinky toe?
[GROWING FRUSTRATED] No, of course not! What the hell is happening? Aden?
[PANICKING] Irene, I’m so sorry. I’ve never actually experienced this before, I—I don’t—oh, Jesus, oh, no.
Aden, it’s okay. We’re gonna be okay.
But she’s—
[OVERLAPPING] It’s fine. You just stay on hold for us, okay? I’ll call you if anything happens.
[SNAPPING] Okay, you know what? I’m getting really, really fed up with things happening and me never knowing what’s going on. That’s all I’ve gotten ever since I moved to this town. So, either one of you tells me what’s going on, or I’ll go home and find out myself.
[PANICKED] You’re in some grave danger, Irene. That’s the best way I can describe it right now, ‘cause we don’t got time. Just, trust me. Please.
—hoped the Foundation would have been a little more generous with their funds, but, also I’m not surprised they—
Today's quote is: “My soul is a black maelstrom, a great madness spinning about a vacuum, the swirling of a vast ocean around a hole in the void, and in the waters, more like whirlwinds than waters, float images of all I ever saw or heard in the world: houses, faces, books, boxes, snatches of music and fragments of voices, all caught up in a sinister, bottomless whirlpool.”
Fernando Pessoa, as published in The Book of Disquiet, 1982.
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joonieebear · 5 years ago
you’re the sun that rose again in my life
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Jeongguk was not the person Yoongi wanted crashing on his couch. Jeongguk was not the person Yoongi wanted to have in his house at all, and Jeongguk was definitely not the person Yoongi wanted to walk in and see him half-naked.
Yoongi is going to kill Park Jimin.
chapter one // chapter two // 
Yoongi woke to the sound of music muffled by the shower running. The sunlight peeking through the curtains tell him its way past time for him to be up, but he don’t have the energy to move. What happened last night? Yoongi glances down to see he’s still wearing jeans and one shoe. What the fuck, man. After laying in bed for a few more minutes, Yoongi makes the great effort to roll over and check his phone.
1:23 pm.
Shit. He was supposed to be at the coffee shop almost two hours ago for his shift. Yoongi has never missed a shift, even after pulling all nighters in the campus recording studio for two days in a row. Pulling himself up to a sitting position, he opens a new text message and began to come up with an excuse.
1:28  Yoongi: Hello Ms. Lee, I am so sorry about missing my shift today. I just woke up and feel like death walking. Please forgive my missing today.
Yoongi places his phone back on the nightstand and sighs, knowing that he’s going to have to get up and at least grab breakfast. Standing up felt like a strange new experience, his legs still wobbly from whatever adventure he had just returned from the night before. He pulls off his wrinkled (and dirty, what did he get into last night?) jeans and finds some sweatpants and a t-shirt off the floor, wrestling it over his head. Yoongi’s hair is a mess, not that he has it in him to care. The bright light of his phone screen reminds him that whatever it was he did last night hurt, and he’s beginning to regret ever leaving his studio.
1:30 pm Ms. Lee: It’s okay, dear! I knew you must have had something serious going on when you didn't call beforehand. We’ve got everything covered here. Feel better!
Well, Ms. Lee was right about one thing, he did have something going on. He just couldn’t remember what.
The strange lump on the couch starts to move, making small squeaks and grunts as it becomes longer. Yoongi watches from the kitchen table, munching on his cereal, assuming his roommate, Jimin, must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. Something is different, though he can’t place what it is exactly. The lump breathes different, and sounds different. Yoongi knew that Jimin curled his body into a ball when he woke up- he was fond of sneaking into Yoongi’s room after one of his “nightmares” and asking him to cuddle, knowing that he wouldn’t protest when half asleep.
Yoongi had been so engrossed in watching the strange lump in the living room that he didn’t notice that the shower and music had stopped. Jimin walked out, a towel wrapped around his waist and one being ruffled through his hair. Yoongi looks up at him and freezes mid-chew, and glances back at the lump on the couch.
If Jimin was in the shower this whole time, who is on my couch?
“Oh, you’re up! I was starting to think you were dead”
“Being dead would be a blessing compared to how I feel right now. Who’s the lump?”
“Uhh… about that… how much of last night do you remember?” he asks, running the towel through his hair one last time before throwing it across his shoulder.
Yoongi remembers clocking out of work and walking the two blocks from the coffee shop to the apartment. Jimin was there with one of his friends, Hoseok. Jimin asked if he had any exciting Friday night plans. Yoongi secretly wanted to use one of his new bath bombs and catch up on some Netflix, but settled on ‘sleeping, like a normal human’. Hoseok said that was the lamest way to spend a Friday night and he wouldn’t have someone as hot as Yoongi hulled up with a pillow all night.
“Not much after you and Hoseok dragged me out of the apartment, why? Oh god, what did I do?” Who did I do?
“It wasn’t you, exactly, it was me. You remember my friend Jeongguk, right?”
It was then that he heard a loud thud behind Jimin. The lump on the couch was now a lump on the floor, groaning at the rude awakening.
“Oh no, no, no. Park Jimin, you did not…”
“You said it was fine last night!” he whined, making the pouty face he knew Yoongi secretly loved and could never resist.
“I don’t even remember last night! Why is Jeon Jeongguk sleeping on my couch?!”
“Technically, it’s our couch, and don’t be so loud, he can hear you! Just hear me out, okay?”
“You have 5 minutes to come up with a really good reason before I throw both of you out into the hallway,” Yoongi says, looking down at Jimin’s still-towel covered waist.
Jimin glances down too, remembering that he still hasn’t gotten dressed yet. His cheeks turn a light pink, embarrassed not that he’s been standing in front of Yoongi in just a towel, but that Yoongi keeps his promises and he doesn’t necessarily want to call the landlord again to let him back into the apartment in just a towel.
“Can I at least get decent before my timer starts?”
Yoongi chuckles at the idea of him banging on the door with one hand while trying to cover himself with the other as the neighbors pass. He decided that kind of embarrassment might actually kill the poor boy, so he simply gives Jimin a nod as he gets up to place the cereal bowl in the sink. Yoongi turns around to lean against the counter, waiting on Jimin’s return. Jeongguk had moved himself from the floor back onto the couch, sitting up but still looking half asleep. Yoongi decided he should go change his clothes after noticing that the shirt he found on the floor had a mysterious stain on it. Walking past the mess of hair and blanket, Yoongi returns to the still-dark room he barely gets to spend time in.
Shuffling through his dresser drawers, Yoongi pulls out his comfiest jeans and search for a t shirt that doesn’t have 3-day-old studio smell embedded in its threads. Yoongi can hear some mumbling from the living room as Jeongguk manages to form a sentence coherent enough for Jimin to understand. Yoongi had just pulled off his sweatpants and replaced them with a slightly less dirty pair of jeans than the ones he woke up in when he heard a faint knock and the door creak open. Jimin must be taking his towel back to the bathroom. Jimin’s own bathroom was currently out of commission, since he somehow managed to break the shower head and the pipe connecting it. Yoongi is still convinced it was due to Jimin’s shower serenades, despite his secret fondness of the boy’s vocals. The landlord had promised to send someone over to look at it sometime this week, so Jimin was stuck showering in Yoongi's bathroom. He had just pulled off what was actually Jimin’s shirt, revealing his porcelain skin.
“Shit!” Yoongi turned to face a wide-eyed Jeongguk standing in his doorway, grabbing Jimin’s shirt to cover himself.
“What the fuck, Jeon! What are you doing in here?”
“I’m sorry, Jimin said the only bathroom that worked was yours! I knocked but the door opened, and I didn’t-- ” Jeongguk stammered out as fast as he could before he cut him off.
“You tap the door and then just walk in?”, Yoongi half-yelled, pushing Jeongguk back out the doorway.
Jeongguk was not the person Yoongi wanted crashing on his couch. Jeongguk was not the person Yoongi wanted to have in his house at all, and Jeongguk was definitely not the person Yoongi wanted to walk in and see him half-naked.
Yoongi is going to kill Park Jimin.
After Yoongi finished getting dressed, he walked out to the living room to find Jimin flipping through the channels on the TV and Jeongguk avoiding eye contact with him. Yoongi mumbled in Jeongguk’s direction to tell him he can go to the bathroom now, and plopped down beside Jimin on the couch, snatching the tv remote from his small hands.
“Alright, I’m gonna need a really good reason not to kill you after your little guest just walked in on me changing in my own room.”
“I told him to knock first… are you wearing my shirt?”
Yoongi glanced down at the black v-neck he wearing, realizing that he had grabbed another one of Jimin’s shirts and put it on while trying to cover himself from Jeongguk’s wide-eyed stare.
“Shut up, you shouldn’t have thrown it in with my laundry. It looks better on me anyway,” he says, snatching the remote away from Jimin.
“Explain. Now.”
Jimin lets out a long sigh before beginning, “Last night Hobi-hyung wanted to go to the new club in town. You said you were super stressed out from work and school this week, so he bought you a couple drinks. I was sitting at the table and saw Jeongguk walk in, but he looked like a lost puppy. Hobi-hyung had finally gotten enough drinks in your system for you to actually agree to dancing with him, so you left.”
Yoongi nods, memory starting to return, but still choppy.
“When we were alone, I asked Jeongguk what was going on, and he said his boyfriend had been cheating on him for the last three months and he had nowhere to go. He didn’t want to go back to their apartment because apparently he had been bringing the guy back there and it didn’t feel like his home anymore. He asked if I knew anyone looking for a roommate. Hyung, you just don’t understand how broken this kid looked last night. I told him I would ask you if he could stay here just for a couple nights and you said you didn’t care as long as we don’t have to leave then. So he came back home with us.”
Well, that explains his entire body hurting this morning. Yoongi begins to wonder just what Hoseok had bought him to make him forget all of that. Yoongi sits in silence for a while, processing all that Jimin had told him, and eventually registering that he actually felt sorry for Jeongguk.
“Alright. He can stay until he finds a roommate. But it better not be months” he says.
Jeongguk walks back into the room, still avoiding eye contact with Yoongi, and asks if he can have some ibuprofen. Apparently, Yoongi wasn’t the only one waking up hungover this morning.
Two months have passed since the lump on Yoongi’s couch became a slow-forming smile on his face. Jeongguk now bunks with Jimin since his room was the larger of the two and could fit two beds easily, and he picked up household chores without even having to be asked to do. Yoongi had grown fond of his presence, not to mention he loved to pick on Jimin just as much as Yoongi did.
Today was no different from any other day off for Yoongi; the sunlight coming through the windows of the living room shined directly onto his body, warming him up from the cool spring breeze blowing through. It was one of the rare times Yoongi wanted to be out in the living room rather than locked away in his dark dungeon of a bedroom. Jeongguk was in the kitchen making lunch for the two of them while Jimin studied at the library for a few hours.
“Hyung, I can’t find the ramen noodles! Can you come help me look?”
“Did you look in the pantry?”
“Yes, I didn’t see any!”
“Look again, that’s where they always are.”
“I promise I looked, I can’t find them! Hyung, we’re gonna starve!”
“I swear if I come in there and find it I’m cooking you instead!”
Yoongi closed his laptop and tossed it on to the cushion beside him and stood up, stretching from laying in the sun for so long. As he made his way to the kitchen, he sees Jeongguk stretching to reach the top shelf to move things around. Yoongi caught a glimpse of his tan waist peeking out from his shirt. Suddenly, Yoongi can’t remember why he came into the kitchen but he is so glad he did.
Wait, no, stop. Thats Jeongguk. You can’t look at his anything like that. What are you thinking?
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winchester-purgatory · 4 years ago
Holiday guests | Dean Winchester (Part 3)
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Sunday, December 23rd
Waking up to the smell of breakfast - eggs and bacon, to be precise - was unusual for Dean.
When they were kids, John would make efforts to cook his sons breakfast, either toasts or cereals, but now that his boys were grown ups, he didn’t bother trying. So, if Dean wanted breakfast, he’d have to prepare it himself. Most of the days, it resulted in a large cup of coffee.
Expecting to see Sam behind the stove, cooking some disgustingly healthy breakfast, the blond was met by a much shorter and red-er haired lady. She was taking a sip from her coffee while watching the sizzling eggs in the pan.
Dean’s lips curved a bit, memories rolling in. The scene reminded him of when they first met at Sam’s tiny apartment in Palo Alto. He had crashed on his brother’s couch and woke up to the redhead shattering a plate on Sam’s floor. Her long ginger hair and bare legs peeking from the oversized tee shirt will forever be engraved in Dean’s memory. She was a sight for sore eyes.
‘’Morning,’’ Dean said, breaking the silence.
Juliet jumped, startled by his hoarse morning voice. She turned around and pulled her eyebrows. ‘’Dean? What are you doing up before eleven? Did you become a morning person?’’
He huffed a laugh, walking further into the kitchen. ‘’Work,’’ the blond explained. ‘’Did you make coffee?’’
Juliet nodded. ‘’Help yourself. I’m making eggs. Want some?’’
As tempting as Juliet’s offer was, Dean had to decline. That breakfast smelled delicious though… And, there was bacon - Dean’s favorite beside pie - waiting to be cooked on the counter.
‘’Wish I could say yes, but I need to leave in five minutes.’’
‘’Wait, we’re Sunday?’’ the redhead realized, a frown between her eyebrows. ‘’You work on a Sunday?’’
‘’Yeah. The auto shop is closed, but I do towing on the weekends. Someone has to go and help those idiots who can’t handle the snow and slippery roads and got themselves stuck in a snow bank or the roadside.’’
Juliet chuckled. ‘’I agree.’’
Dean brought the hot cup of coffee to his lips and hummed. ‘’Damn , this coffee is good. Like, better than usual. What did you do to it?’’
‘’Ah! That’s a secret for me to keep,’’ she replied, a grin on her lips before returning to the stove, placing some eggs on a plate for herself.
Dean watched her as she moved around the kitchen. God, she was so beautiful. After not seeing her in two years, he had almost forgotten how much of a natural beauty Juliet was.  From where he was, he could see the freckles on her cheeks and nose, and the scar above her cheekbone. It was lighter than it used to be, faded from time.
‘’Well, I should get going.’’
‘’See you tonight, Dean.’’
Helping idiots out of snow banks and hoisting them on the towing was exhausting. Especially in winter. But, the more exhausting part wasn't the towing though, it was the owners of the towed car and that Dean had to take with him. Most were annoying and overly talkative - which quickly got on Dean's nerves. He was tempted more than once to dump them on the side of the road, but he'd get fired for it.
His first client was a middle aged woman who didn't have winter tires on her car. When Dean arrived on the scene and realized that, he wasn't surprised that she slipped on black ice and hit the road's borders. It's the middle of December and snowing like crazy. How can you expect to have full control of your car during a heavy snow and icy roads without winter tires? Idiots' logic like her made no sense to Dean. He has helped so many idiots of the same genre since the start of winter that he stopped counting.
For his second client, Dean was lucky and fell on someone he got along pretty well. The man had accidently hit a wild animal on his way home and, although the animal had run away, uninjured, the car's engine wouldn't start back on after the hit.
''It's an old car. I'm not surprised,'' the man, Benny, said as Dean turned on the towing truck, ready to leave the scene. ''It's not the first time it happens. Not that I purposely hit wild animals. They just love my car, I guess.''
''This road is prone to that. My dad used to be a ranger and he would get calls all the time to say deers were on the road,’’ Dean explained.
''You're from around here?''
Dean nodded. ''Lawrence, Kansas, born and raised, baby.'' He flashed Benny a proud smile. ‘’And you?’’
‘’I just moved her three months ago. I’m originally from San Jose.’’
‘’San Jose?’’ the blond repeated. ‘’Wow. That’s quite a big change of scenery.’’
‘’Yeah… My wife and I needed some change. We found a small house we liked in Lawrence and bought it on a whim. Most will say it’s kinda crazy, but it’s gonna be perfect to raise kids.’’
The conversation carried on as Dean drove, sharing his knowledge on the best burger places in town and where to not get beer after a long week of work. It was very important information for new-comers.
A familiar tunes came on the radio and Dean’s hands crisped on the steering wheel, trying to wash away the incoming flashback of him and Juliet singing to this exact song in his car during his stay in Palo Alto. Her sparkling eyes and red hair flowing from the wind and speed the car was going at.
He reached to turn it off, making his passenger raise an eyebrow.
''You're not a fan of classic rock?'' Benny asked.
Dean shook his head. ‘’I do. Just...old memories.’’
The elder man hummed. ‘’Past girlfriend, I’m guessing.’’
Dean flashed him a tight lipped smile. ‘’We can say that.’’
For dinner, John asked Dean to pick up burgers on the way home. What screamed more Winchester tradition than a good old burger for dinner? Add a beer and you have the perfect combo.
‘’The food is here!’’ Dean called as he walked in, carrying a brown paper bag holding everyone’s orders.
He shrugged off his winter layers and dove into the bag to grab his burger, taking a bite before even sitting down. He hummed, chewing his bite.
Sam came around to the table, Juliet following behind. ‘’Nice of you to wait for us.’’
Dean shrugged, unbothered. ‘’I was too hungry. I’ve been working all day, unlike you.’’
Sam rolled his eyes and sat down. ‘’Can you pass the bag, please?’’ Dean handed it to his brother but moved it away before Sam could grab it, laughing at his own childish behavior. Sam rolled his eyes. ‘’Dean.’’
‘’Where's Dad?’’ Dean asked, not seeing him around.
‘’He went to Bobby’s. He should be back soon,’’ Sam replied.
Dean hummed and reached into the bag. ‘’For the ladies,’’ he said, handing the last two burgers to Juliet and Sam.
Juliet took the burger from him. ‘’Thank you.’’
Dean smiled at her and pulled out his side of fry, frowning when he saw a lonely salad at the bottom. ‘’A salad? Who ordered a salad?’’
‘’Me,’’ Sam replied, this time taking the bag from his brother. ‘’You should try it some time. I’m sure it’ll be better for your cholesterol.’’
Dean scoffed, taking a couple fries and shoving them into his mouth. ‘’Salad is rabbit food. And, for your concerns, my cholesterol is just fine.’’
Juliet held her laugh, amused by the brothers' antics, and reached over the table and stole a fry from Dean.
It was almost midnight when Dean left his bedroom for a late snack, the burger and fries he had for dinner long gone from his stomach, to satisfy his late hunger before bed.
He walked down the hallway, thinking about the cereal bowl he was about to eat, and stopped in his tracks when he saw a figure in the living room. At first, he assumed it was his dad who had fallen asleep in his lazy-boy chair, but the quiet sobs told Dean it wasn’t John.
‘’Fuck. Can’t you knock?’’ she hissed, turning her back from Dean.
‘’Sorry. I was on my way to get a snack and I- You okay?’’ He knew it was a stupid question to ask - she obviously was not okay -, but he had to ask. Give her an open door, in case she felt like talking.
‘’I’m crying in my best friend’s living room in the middle of the night, what do you think?’’ She shook her head. ''I'm not okay. I'm pretty far from okay.''
Just her luck, Dean wasn’t good with emotions and feelings. He's never been. He’s not good at comforting people either - the two go hand in hand -, but he couldn't let Juliet bath in her sadness. Seeing her cry like that was painful to watch.
Dean sat on the couch beside her, her quiet sobs tugging at his heart. ''Wanna talk about it?'' he offered tentatively. Maybe he won't know what to say to make her feel better, but he could always listen.
''You remember Damien?''
The elder Winchester tensed at the mention of Juliet's asshole ex-boyfriend.
''Well, I lied. Partially. I did break up with him, but he came to the café last week and caused a scene. He started yelling and-''
''Did he touch you?'' Dean interrupted, feeling his blood boil at the mere idea of this guy's dirty hands on Juliet. Damien had hurt her in the past, he certainly could do it again. Dean remembered the colorful bruise on her cheek when he visited Sam a couple years ago. It wasn't pretty.
She shook her head.
Dean sighed in relief. Good thing.
''Ben, a guy from the kitchen, got him to leave - bless him -, but I knew it wasn't over. It never is with Damien. After my shift at the café, I was too scared to go home and be by myself. I kept asking myself: what if he came here, you know? So, I went to Sam's. I've been staying at his place since that night. I didn't tell Sam what happened, he still doesn't know and I don't plan on telling him about the café incident. You know him, he'll want me to get a restraining order against Damien.''
‘’Wouldn’t be a good thing? A restraining order?’’
Juliet scoffed. ‘’It wouldn’t serve anything. It’s Damien. He doesn't care about laws and that kind of stuff. A piece of paper won’t keep him away from me. He’ll always find a way.’’
Dean had to fight the envy to go to California and kick his ass. Maybe then he’ll finally get the message and leave Juliet alone.
‘’I got a text from him today. Minutes ago, actually. He trashed my whole apartment. My landlord is going to kill me. I’m going to have to pay for all the damages fees. I’m going to have to find a new place too which is going to be difficult because they are going to call my old landlord and he’s gonna give me a bad note.’’
‘’Why don’t you stay with my brother a bit longer?’’
Juliet shook her head. ‘’I can’t invade his space forever. And, in case you forgot, Sam’s apartment is tiny.’’
He’ll give her that. There was just enough for a bed, couch and desk in that apartment. It’s so cramped. Two people couldn’t cohabit there, especially with Sam’s tall frame.
‘’I don’t know what I’m going to do. I-’’
Juliet’s tears started flowing again and, this time, Dean pulled the redhead into him. For a  moment, he thought he did a wrong move, that maybe he shouldn’t have done that, but Juliet responded instantly, wrapping her arm around his neck as his large hands rubbed up and down her back.
She cried into Dean’s chest, soaking his shirt, and Dean held her tighter, hating to see Juliet crying because of that guy. It wasn't the first time Dean confronted her following something Damien did.
After a few minutes, Juliet's tears slowed down and she pulled away from Dean, noticing the huge stain on his grey shirt. ''Sorry. I ruined your shirt...'' she pointed, wiping the remaining tears on her face with the back of her hands.
Dean shook his head. Fuck his shirt. It's just tears. ''Don't worry about it. It's just a shirt.''
‘’I’m such an idiot. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have taken him back in the first place-’’
‘’Hey. You’re not an idiot, okay? You take dumb decisions, it’s all.’’
Juliet chuckled slightly, allowing herself to be distracted from her issues for a few seconds. ‘’I go home in three days. What am I gonna do? I wish Charlie was here…’’
‘’Let’s go for a ride.’’
Juliet looked at him as if he was crazy. ‘’It’s past midnight in the middle of winter. We can’t just go for a ride, Dean.’’
The latter shrugged, seeing no problems. ‘’So? Put on your boots and jacket and let’s go. Snow’s not gonna eat us, you now?’’
‘’I don’t know… It’s snowing a lot and the roads must be icy.’’
‘’We’ll take the truck if it makes you feel safer. Come on.’’ Dean nodded his head in the direction of the door.
‘’Driving around always helps me clear my head,’’ the blond explained. ‘’We can even stop for a midnight snack if there’s anything open on our way.’’
Still in their pajamas, Dean drove around Lawrence, soft rock music playing as Juliet watching the large snowflakes sticking to the truck's window. A bag of half finished chips rested on her lap, munching on it every now and then.  Sometimes, she'd hum to the music, making Dean smile and wish the Damien drama had never happened. If it hadn't been from him, maybe he and Juliet would be together. Instead, he had to pick up the mess Damien made and comfort the beautiful girl he wasn't able to love properly.
‘’Juliet?’’ She turned and looked up at Dean. ''I think that if you love someone, you should never hurt them. Simple as that. But some people just can't get this right.''
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strawbewiminki · 5 years ago
Roommates for life
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Characters: Mingi x Y/N
Support: Yeoju x Yunho
Word Count: 2,226
A/N: Short story,, please show some love. dont’t mind the picture above, i can’t see blue haired Yunho together with Mingi.
Chapter 1
“Y/N, have you seen that guy? That tall guy with bluish hair?” – Yeoju, my best friend, asked with a wide smile on her face
“What? Who?” I asked, I was busy looking for my pen. We were in line at registration office for 2nd year curriculum.
“That guy” He pointed at the guy who looks like an idol, tall, with white complexion and yes has bluish hair. Yeoju’s eyes are sparkling.
“Oh, I don’t know him, do you know him?” looking at him while he was walking towards the guy that I’ve been liking for the past year. Song Mingi, my blockmate never in my life that I talked to him, he looks intimidating because of his eyes but he’s a soft boi I know it deep in my heart.
“Yes, I know him, he is Jeong Yunho my future boyfriend, he’s bestfriend is your boyfriend in the making” Yeoju smirked and laughed carelessly which resulted that those guys been looking at us.
“Yah! Yeoju-ah, keep your tone down, look! Those guys looking are at us whispering” as I whispered to Yeoju, Mingi’s been looking at me like I’ve killed a person.
 It’s our turn to register to the registration office, we are in window 1 and Mingi and Yunho are in Window 2.
 “Miss Y/N, please write your details here, give it back to me asap” Ms. Registration In charge
“Okay, Miss. Thank you” I am urgently looking for my pen, because the line is getting longer, Yeoju keep on poking me and handed me a pen when I was about to say something, someone spoke:
“Just give it back to me at class” OMG??? Is that M-m-mingi?!! I was dumbfounded and so is Yeoju, we look like someone stolen something from us,, yes our hearts. Just when I was about to say something they walked away and Yunho, smiled at Yeoju.
 Yeoju keep screaming “Y/N! Y/N! Did you saw that? Yunho, oh my god, Yunho smiled at me!!! Today’s going to be a great day!” Yes, it was going to be a great day. I am keeping myself to scream, I’m so happy, that I wanted to call my eomma.
 We were on our way to our classes, take note we we’re smiling from ear to ear, Yeoju’s been jumping and greeting everyone a good morning even though she doesn’t know them. We were looking for our class, new semester, new subjects and new classmates. I am wondering if Mingi and I will be blockmates again. I stopped walking when I realized something.
 “Y/N why did you stopped, are you hungry? Yeoju asked.
“I just realized, Yeoju-yah do you think Mingi recognized me?”
“OMO, he recognized you for sure! Your future boyfriend finally notices you” I’m so happy I wanna cry.
“Yeoju-yah, please hold me, my legs are shaking” She holds me as we arrived to our designated room.
We find a seat near the exit, there’s two vacant seats next to us so we put our bags there so we could sit comfortably, we were writing our details for a subject requirements when someone talked to Yeoju.
 “Hi, is this seat’s taken?” some guy spoke to Yeoju
“Uhmm no, you can have it.” Without looking at them, Yeoju continued to write.
“Yeoju, please lend me your red pen, I forgot to brought my pencil case” someone sit beside me.
“Yeoju, why’d you change your seats, go back to your sit?” no response
“Yeoju-yahhhh” then I look to my left side      
seat -->      I   -  I YJ  I Me I   -   I   exit door  I
“Yeo—Mingi-ssi???!!!!” I was so shocked, I looked to my right, and Yeoju is busy talking to Yunho. That bitch!!!!
“Uhhmm, Hi. Sorry. I didn’t notice you, I thought it was Yeoju” I was nervous. My heart’s about to escape.
“No problem.” Mingi answered.
 “Okay class, I’m professor Kang, this is your first day right? Since you barely know your seatmates take a good look on their beautiful faces, because you’ll be seating with them the entire sem” W-WHAT??? IS THIS FOR REALS???
“What?” classmate#1
“Awwwww” classmate#2
“Okay” classmate#3
Then here’s Yeoju’s response “Thank you, Professor. I love you!”
 The prof chuckled and answered “Looks like you liked where you sit, huh?” he asked to Yeoju.
Yeoju just realized the situation then look at Yunho’s reaction, when he saw Yunho’s smiling, she began to smile from ear to ear.
 “Yeoju, you really are thicked-face, I can’t believe you.” Yeoju just smiled. A smile that will haunt your dreams at night.
“Well, that’s how love works, you know” she points to Mingi using his lips, and I turned to my left to see what he was doing. When I turned, I saw his face so close to mine. Is he looking at me this close?
 Mingi spoke, breaking the ice “Uhm, s-sorry. I was just asking for my pen. If you’re already done using it”
“Ah ah-yes, thank you for lending it to me earlier” I was nervous to death and shy at the same time.
Professor spoke “Students, have you already know your seatmates’ name? Your seatmate will be your group partner for weekly activity, and you’ll be forming groups by four, you decide who will be your group mates. This subject is knowing yourself, so be prepared”
 Yunho spoke “So I guess, the four of us will be group mates?” Yeoju, smiled as expected.
“Yes, I guess so. Is it okay to you Mingi-ssi and Y/N?” Yeoju asked
“Uhmm, I’m okay with it” I answered.
“I’m good with it” Mingi answered, too.
“Great, can we exchange numbers for future purposes?” Yeoju asked. WHAT A THICKED FACE (WHAT A NICE FRIEND)
“Here’s mine Yeoju-ssi 010-1683-xxxx” Yunho willingly gave his number.
“How about you Mingi-ssi?” Yeoju asked enthusiastically. WHO WOULDN”T BE HE HAS HIS CRUSH’S NUMBER???? She looks like she could conquer every problems that will come to her way.
“Here 010-1684-xxxx” Mingi answered, Yeoju saved their numbers to her phone. I pretended that I didn’t see Mingi’s number so I just shrugged.
“Y/N aren’t you going to save their numbers?” Yeoju asked innocently.
“Ahh, I will. Wait let me take my phone” I start to copy Yunho and Mingi’s number and when I finished saving them, Mingi spoke.
“Call me.” Mingi said. I was dumbfounded, so as Yunho and Yeoju.
“Huh? Pardon?” o.O
“Call me now, so I could save your number” IS THE GATE OF HEAVENS OPENING?
“Uhhm—okay” what was that???
**dialing Seatmate Mingi-ssi**
Mingi peeked at my phone “Seatmate Mingi-ssi?”
“Huh?” confused me
“I got your number Y/N-ssi” Mingi answered.
I am dumbfounded, my soul has left my body. Yeoju has been poking my cheeks. I AM HAPPY!!!!!
 “Sir, can you please explain how we can decide to group ourselves into two?” some girl at class spoke
“tf isn’t that’s too easy?” -  Yeoju mumbled, but duh she is right. It’s easy.
“For example….” Prof looking at us
“You, Mr. Tall boy sitting next to exit, please stand up” prof asked Mingi to stand up. So Mingi, stood up.
“Who do you think your partner is?” Prof asked. So we are looking at him. God, my neck is aching this boy sure is tall.
“This girl, Y/N-ssi” points at me
“Miss Y/N-ssi please stand up, why do you think Mingi-ssi picked you as his partner?” my confused self, answered.
“Because Mingi like her” Yunho whispered to Yeoju, those two scumbag laughed like I didn’t heard anything
“Because I sat beside him?” I answered
“Yes, you are right. You two may seat down” Prof answered. Before he proceed to explain our groupings. He said something that made Yeoju scream like a murderer.
“By the way Ms.Y/N and Mr. Mingi, you sure don’t know each other? You look so good together.” Professor smiled.
“Yass!!!!” Yeoju screamed, Yunho laugh like there’s no tomorrow. Me and Mingi? WE ARE SHOCKED WE CAN’T LOOK AT EACH OTHER.
 “Okay that’s it for today, guys. See you next class”
“Bye, Sir Kang” We bid our good bye to our prof.
“Bye, Y/N and Yeoju-yah. See you next class” Yunho said. This guy is so good looking.
“Annyeong, Yunho-yah. See you! Bye bye Mingi-ssi” Yeoju said, this girl sure is a flirt. Lol I also bid my good bye to Yunho-ssi..and Mingi
“See you next class, Mingi-ssi. Thank you again for lending me your pen”
“No problem, see you too, Y/N-ssi. Yunho-yah let’s go, stop flirting.” Yunho was startled and stopped talking to Yeoju. Wow they are that close already?
 “Y/N, aren’t we so lucky today? Our crushes talked to us, is our classmates, our seatmates and most importantly we have their numbers. Aren’t we God’s favorite child?” YES GOD REALLY LOVES US FOR BLESSING US TODAY!!!
“Yes Yeoju-yah! I’ve been keeping myself from screaming. I am so happy, Mingi-ah my long time crush finally notices me.” I wanna cry.
“Girl, are you crying?” Yeoju asked while we are walking outside campus
“Huh? No. Btw, Yeoju what was that earlier?”
“What did I do?” Yeoju asked
“You yelled ‘Yass’ what were you thinking, are you insane?” Yeoju burst out laughing, her water spilled because of her demonic smile
“What? I’m just happy that our Prof has good eyes for seeing the best couple next to Yun-Ju” Yeoju proudly announce their love team.
“Whatever, Mingi-ssi doesn’t like me, so quit it. Let’s go pack our things; we have to find room to rent.” Yeoju fought with our landlord because one of her son flirted with her and when she rejected him he got mad, then he tell his mother crazy things that we are bringing boys to our dorm so we got kicked out. DUH how is that even possible??
 So while walking, we saw an advertisement posted on the bus shed.
“Yeoju-yah look, someone is looking for Roommates. Wanted 2 Roommates, preferably studying at Now University please call 010-1685-xxxx for more inquiries” wow this is amazing, God is really great, his blessings are coming to us non-stop.
“Call them now, we need to found a place as soon as possible, and I hope that room is affordable too”
“Okay, I’m going to call them now”
**dialing 010-1685-xxxx*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*finally picks up*
*woman answered*
 “Hi, good afternoon. We saw your advertisement regarding the room for rent, is it still available?”
“Hi yes, it is still available, are you studying at N.U?” ahjumma asked
“Yes, we are 2nd year college students” I answered, I heard ahjumma chuckled. Did she say “thank goodness?”
“Okay, I’ll text you the address. I’ll expect you anytime soon. Thank you”
“Yes, thank you too.” Ends call.
 “Yeoju, ahjumma texted the address let’s go there now.”
“Okay. Gajaaaa!” Yeoju-yah exclaimed she sure is happy.
 *clicks doorbell*
*woman with primitive eyes opened the door*
 “Annyeong, are you the lady who called earlier?” ahjumma asked, she is beautiful, she remind me of someone. She looked at me shocked for a second.
“Ah yes, I’m Y/N, 2nd year college from Now University”
“Hi imu, my name’s Yeoju, Kim Yeoju.”
“I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Song Hae Won, I’m the owner, but the room isn’t here, it resides near your school. I just wanted to meet you both, well, when do you want to move there?”
“ASAP, imu” Yeoju answered.
Ahjumma chuckled “Okay, here’s the key. You can move today or tomorrow I’ll just inform my two tenants there, don’t worry those 2 are good people.” This imu is so good; imagine she already gave the keys without talking about the payment first. And take note, she said we can pay her by the end of the semester.
 “Thank you so much, imu. We’ll visit you some time.” Yeoju said
“Thank you ahjumma, you are so kind, can you please adopt us?” Ahjumma laughs, swear she resemble someone I know, I just can’t remember who.
“Y/N and Yeoju-yah can you please call me, eomma or imu, I’ve always wanted to have a daughter.” Imu said.
“Yes, we can Haewon eomma!” Yeoju and I shouted.
 After talking with each other and eating some cookies Haewon eomma baked, we headed to our old dorm to get our stuff so we could move in with the new house.
 After packing we decided to move out of that hell of a room, and it’s already 8pm we need to hurry up so we wouldn’t disturb our roommates when we get there. We’re very excited.
 “Yeoju, don’t you think Haewon eomma resembles someone?” I asked because I can’t move on, my mind’s keep thinking who it was
“Y/N, yah I know, I just can’t say his name” yeoju-yah answered,, we kept thinking until we realized that we arrived at the house.
 Yeoju ring the doorbell when I screamed.
“Yeoju-ah! I know who resembles eomma!” the door slowly opens
“It’s Mingi-ssi!” Yeoju shouted, she is facing the door while I was facing at her sidewards.
“Yes! Haewon eomma, resembles Mingi-ssi” I happily shouted because they really resembles each other
“No, Y/N. It’s Mingi, look” Yeoju points at the man who opened the door.
 Mingi is our roommate? Someone slap me hard please. Is this real???
To be continued...
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renaissanceclassics · 2 years ago
The Pilgrim's Progress: Part 23
Listen to: Book 2, 7th stage continued, at Renaissance Classics Podcast.
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So they stayed there more than a month; and MERCY was given to MATTHEW to wife. While they stayed here, MERCY, as her custom was, would be making coats and garments to give to the poor; by which she brought up a very good report about the pilgrims. But to return again to our story. After supper, the lads desired a bed; for that they were weary with travelling. Then GAIUS called to show them their chamber; but said MERCY, "I will have them to bed." So she had them to bed, and they slept well, but the rest sat up all night; for GAIUS and they were such suitable company, that they could not tell how to part. Then, after much talk of their Lord, themselves, and their journey, old Mr. HONEST--he that put forth the riddle to GAIUS --began to nod. Then said GREAT-HEART, "What, sir! you begin to be drowsy! come, rub up; now here's a riddle for you."
Then said Mr. HONEST," Let's hear it." Then said Mr. GREAT-HEART: "He that will kill must first be overcome; Who live abroad would, first must die at home." "Ha," said Mr. HONEST, "it is a hard one: hard to expound, and harder to practise. But come, landlord," said he, "I will, if you please, leave my part to you; do you expound it, and I will hear what you say." "No," said GAIUS, "'t was put to you, and 't is expected that you should answer it." Then said the old gentleman: "He first by grace must conquered be That sin would mortify; And who that lives would convince me, Unto himself must die." "It is right," said GAIUS; "good doctrine and experience teaches this. For, first, until grace displays itself, and overcomes the soul with its glory, it is altogether without heart to oppose sin. Besides, if sin is Satan's cords, by which the soul lies bound, how should it make resistance before it is loosed from that infirmity? "2. Nor will any that knows either reason or grace believe that such a man can be a living monument of grace, that is a slave to his own corruptions. "And now it comes in my mind, I will tell you a story worth the hearing. There were two men that went on pilgrimage; the one began when he was young, the other when he was old. The young man had strong corruptions to grapple with; the old man's were decayed with the decays of nature. The young man trod his steps as even as did the old one, and was every way as light as he: who now, or which of them, had their graces shining clearest, since both seemed to be alike?" Honest. The young man's, doubtless. For that which heads it against the greatest opposition, gives best demonstration that it is strongest: especially when it also holds pace with that that meets not with half so much; as, to be sure, old age does not. Besides, I have observed that old men have blessed themselves with this mistake: namely, taking the decays of nature for a gracious conquest over corruptions; and so have been apt to beguile themselves. Indeed, old men that are gracious, are best able to give advice to them that are young; because they have seen most of the emptiness of things. But yet, for an old and a young to set out both together, the young one has the advantage of the fairest discovery of a work of grace within him; though the old man's corruptions are naturally the weakest. Thus they sat talking till break of day. Now when the family was up, CHRISTIANA bade her son JAMES that he should read a chapter: so he read the 53rd of Isaiah. When he had done, Mr. HONEST asked why it was said, "That the Saviour is said to come out of a dry ground; and also that he had no form nor comeliness in him?" Great-heart. Then said Mr. GREAT-HEART, "To the first I answer, Because the Church of the Jews, of which Christ came, had then lost almost all the sap and spirit of religion. To the second I say, The words are spoken in the person of the unbelievers; who, because they want that eye that can see into our Prince's heart, therefore they judge of him by the meanness of his outside. "Just like those that know not that precious stones are covered over with a homely crust; who, when they have found one, because they know not what they have found, cast it away again, as men do a common stone." The Slaying of Slay-Good "Well," said GAIUS, "now you are here, and since, as I know, Mr. GREAT-HEART is good at his weapons, if you please, after we have refreshed ourselves, we will walk into the fields, to see if we can do any good. About a mile from hence there is one SLAY-GOOD, a giant that doth much annoy the King's highway in these parts. And I know whereabout his haunt is: he is master of a number of thieves; 'twould be well if we could clear these parts of him." So they consented and went: Mr. GREAT-HEART with his sword, helmet, and shield; and the rest with spears and staves. When they came to the place where he was, they found him with one FEEBLE-MIND in his hands, whom his servants had brought unto him, having taken him in the way. Now the giant was filling of him, with a purpose, after that, to pick his bones; for he was of the nature of a flesh eater. Well, so soon as he saw Mr. GREAT-HEART and his friends at the mouth of his cave with their weapons, he demanded what they wanted. Great-heart. "We want thee; for we are come to revenge the quarrel of the many that thou hast slain of the pilgrims, when thou hast dragged them out of the King's highway; wherefore, come out of thy cave!" So he armed himself and came out; and to a battle they went, and fought for above an hour, and then stood still to take wind. Slay-good. Then said the giant, "Why are you here on my ground?" Great-heart. "To revenge the blood of pilgrims; as I also told thee before." So they went to it again; and the giant made Mr. GREAT-HEART give back: but he came up again; and in the greatness of his mind, he let fly with such stoutness at the giant's head and sides, that he made him let his weapon fall out of his hand. So he smote him and slew him, and cut off his head, and brought it away to the inn. He also took FEEBLE-MIND the pilgrim, and brought him with him to his lodgings. When they were come home, they showed his head to the family; and then set it up as they had done others before, for a terror to those that should attempt to do as he hereafter. Mr. Feeble-Mind Then they asked Mr. FEEBLE-MIND how he fell into his hands. Feeble-mind. Then said the poor man, "I am a sickly man, as you see; and because death did usually, once a day, knock at my door, I thought I should never be well at home. So I betook myself to a pilgrim's life; and have travelled hither from the town of Uncertain, where I and my father were born. I am a man of no strength at all, of body, nor yet of mind; but would, if I could, though I can but crawl, spend my life in the pilgrims' way. When I came at the gate that is at the head of the way, the Lord of that place did entertain me freely. Neither objected he against my weakly looks, nor against my feeble mind; but gave me such things that were necessary for my journey, and bade me hope to the end. When I came to the house of the INTERPRETER, I received much kindness there; and because the hill Difficulty was judged too hard for me, I was carried up that by one of his servants. Indeed, I have found much relief from pilgrims; though none was willing to go so softly as I am forced to do. Yet still, as they came on, they bade me be of good cheer; and said, that it was the will of their Lord that comfort should be given to the feeble-minded, and so went on their own pace.
"Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ~
When I was come up to Assault Lane, then this giant met with me, and bade me prepare for an encounter; but alas, feeble one that I was, I had more need of a cordial. So he came up and took me. I conceived he should not kill me; also when he had got me into his den, since I went not with him willingly, I believed I should come out alive again. For I have heard, that not any pilgrim that is taken captive by violent hands, if he keeps heart whole towards his Master, is, by the laws of Providence, to die by the hand of the enemy. Robbed, I looked to be, and robbed to be sure I am; but I am, as you see, escaped with life, for the which I thank my King as author, and you as the means. Other brunts I also look for: but this I have resolved on--to wit, to run when I can; to go when I cannot run; and to creep when I cannot go. As to the main, I thank him that loves me, I am fixed: my way is before me; my mind is beyond the river that has no bridge; though I am, as you see, but of a feeble mind." Honest. Then said old Mr. HONEST, "Have you not, some time ago, been acquainted with one Mr. FEARING, a pilgrim?" Feeble-mind. Acquainted with him! yes. He came from the town of Stupidity, which lies four degrees to the northward of the city of Destruction, and as many off of where I was born. Yet we were well acquainted: for indeed he was mine uncle, my father's brother; he and I have been much of a temper; he was a little shorter than I, but yet we were much of a complexion. Honest. I perceive you know him, and I am apt to believe also that you were related one to another: for you have his whitely look; a cast like his with your eye; and your speech is much alike. Feeble-mind. Most have said so that have known us both; and besides, what I have read in him, I have for the most part found in myself. Gaius. "Come, sir," said good GAIUS, "be of good cheer! --you are welcome to me and to my house; and what thou hast a mind to, call for freely; and what thou wouldst have my servants do for thee, they will do it with a ready mind." Feeble-mind. Then said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "This is unexpected favour, and as the sun shining out of a very dark cloud. Did giant SLAY-GOOD intend me this favour when he stopped me, and resolved to let me go no farther? Did he intend that after he had rifled my pockets, I should go to GAIUS mine host? Yet so it is." Now, just as Mr. FEEBLE-MIND and GAIUS were thus in talk, there comes one running, and called at the door; and told, that about a mile and a half off there was one Mr. NOT-RIGHT, a pilgrim, struck dead upon the place where he was with a thunderbolt. Feeble-mind. "Alas," said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "is he slain! he overtook me some days before I came so far as hither, and would be my company keeper. He also was with me when SLAY-GOOD the giant took me; but he was nimble of his heels, and escaped. But it seems he escaped to die; and I was taken to live. "What, one would think, doth seek to slay outright, Oft times delivers from the saddest plight; That very Providence, whose face is death, Doth oft times to the lowly life bequeath. I taken was, he did escape and flee; Hands crossed give death to him, and life to me." A Feast and a Farewell Now about this time MATTHEW and MERCY were married; also GAIUS gave his daughter PHOEBE to JAMES, MATTHEW'S brother, to wife: after which time, they yet stayed above ten days at GAIUS's house, spending their time and the seasons like as pilgrims used to do. When they were to depart, GAIUS made them a feast; and they did eat and drink, and were merry. Now the hour was come that they must be gone; wherefore Mr. GREAT-HEART called for a reckoning. But GAIUS told him that at his house it was not the custom for pilgrims to pay for their entertainment. He boarded them by the year; but looked for his pay from the good Samaritan, who had promised him, at his return, whatsoever charge he was at with them faithfully to repay him.
"But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee." ~ Luke 10:33-35 ~
Then said Mr. GREAT-HEART to him: Great-heart. Beloved, "thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers; which have borne witness of thy charity before the Church: whom if thou (yet) bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well".
"Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well:" ~ 3 John 1:5, 6 ~
Then GAIUS took his leave of them all: and of his children; and particularly of Mr. FEEBLE-MIND. He also gave him something to drink by the way. Now Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, when they were going out of the door, made as if he intended to linger. The which, when Mr. GREAT-HEART espied, he said, "Come, Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, pray do you go along with us; I will be your conductor, and you shall fare as the rest." Feeble-mind. Alas! I want a suitable companion; you are all lusty and strong, but I, as you see, am weak. I choose therefore, rather to come behind; lest, by reason of my many infirmities, I should be both a burden to myself and to you. I am, as I said, a man of a weak and feeble mind; and shall be offended and made weak at that which others can bear. I shall like no laughing. I shall like no gay attire; I shall like no unprofitable questions. Nay, I am so weak a man, as to be offended with that which others have a liberty to do. I do not yet know all the truth; I am a very ignorant Christian man; sometimes, if I hear some rejoice in the Lord, it troubles me because I cannot do so too. It is with me, as it is with a weak man among the strong; or as with a sick man among the healthy; or as a lamp despised. (" He that is ready to slip with his feet, is as a lamp despised in the thought of him that is at ease."
"He that is ready to slip with his feet is as a lamp despised in the thought of him that is at ease." ~ Job 12:5 ~
So that I know not what to do. Great-heart. "But, brother," said Mr. GREAT-HEART, "I have it in commission to comfort the feeble-minded and to support the weak. You must needs go along with us: we will wait for you; we will lend you our help; we will deny ourselves of some things, opinionative and practical, for your sake; we will not enter into doubtful disputations before you; we will be made all things to you rather than you shall be left behind".
"Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good be evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." ~ Romans 14:1-23 ~ "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. But if any man love God, the same is known of him. As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse." ~ 1 Corinthians 8:1-8 ~
Now all this while they were at GAIUS's door; and behold, as they were thus in the heat of their discourse, Mr. READY-TO- HALT came by with his crutches in his hand, and he also was going on pilgrimage.
"For I am ready to halt, and my sorrow is continually before me." ~ Psalms 38:17 ~
Feeble-mind. Then said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND to him, "Man, how camest thou hither? I was but just now complaining that I had not a suitable companion; but thou art according to my wish. Welcome, welcome, good Mr. READY-TO-HALT; I hope thee and I may be some help." Ready-to-halt. "I shall be glad of thy company," said the other; "and good Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, rather than we will part, since we are thus happily met, I will lend thee one of my crutches." Feeble-mind. "Nay," said he, "though I thank thee for thy good-will, I am not inclined to halt before I am lame. Howbeit, I think, when occasion is, it may help me against a dog." Ready-to-halt. If either myself or my crutches can do thee a pleasure, we are both at thy command, good Mr. FEEBLE-MIND. Stories of Christian's Pilgrimage Thus, therefore, they went on: Mr. GREAT-HEART and Mr. HONEST went before; CHRISTIANA and her children went next; and Mr. FEEBLE-MIND and Mr. READY-TO-HALT came behind with his crutches. Then said Mr. HONEST: Honest. Pray, sir, now we are upon the road, tell us some profitable things of some that have gone on pilgrimage before us. Great-heart. With a good will. I suppose you have heard how CHRISTIAN of old did meet with APOLLYON in the Valley of Humiliation; and also what hard work he had to go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death? Also, I think you cannot but have heard how FAITHFUL was put to it with Madame WANTON; with ADAM the first; with one DISCONTENT; and SHAME --four as deceitful villains as a man can meet with upon the road. Honest. Yes, I have heard of all this; but, indeed, good FAITHFUL was hardest put to it with SHAME; he was an unwearied one. Great-heart. Aye, for as the pilgrim well said, "He of all men had the wrong name." Honest. But pray, sir, where was it that CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL met TALKATIVE? That same was also a notable one. Great-heart. He was a confident fool; yet many follow his ways. Honest. He had like to have beguiled FAITHFUL. Great-heart. Aye, but CHRISTIAN put him into a way quickly to find him out. Thus they went on, till they came at the place where EVANGELIST met with CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL, and prophesied to them of what should befall them at Vanity Fair. Great-heart. Then said their guide, "Hereabouts did CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL meet with EVANGELIST, who prophesied to them of what troubles they should meet with at Vanity Fair. Honest. Say you so? I dare say it was a hard chapter that then he did read unto them! Great-heart. 'Twas so; but he gave them encouragement withal. But what do we talk of them? they were a couple of lion-like men; they had set their faces like flint. Don't you remember how undaunted they were when they stood before the judge? Honest. Well, FAITHFUL bravely suffered. Great-heart. So he did; and as brave things came on't; for HOPEFUL and some others, as the story relates it, were converted by his death. Honest. Well, but pray go on; for you are well acquainted with things. Great-heart. Above all that CHRISTIAN met with after he had passed through Vanity Fair, one BY-ENDS was the arch one. Honest. BY-ENDS! what was he? Great-heart. A very arch fellow, a downright hypocrite; one that would be religious whichever way the world went; but so cunning, that he would be sure neither to lose nor suffer for it. He had his mode of religion for every fresh occasion; and his wife was as good at it as he. He would turn and change from opinion to opinion; yea, and plead for so doing too. But so far as I could learn, he came to an ill end with his by-ends; nor did I ever hear that any of his children were ever of any esteem with any that truly feared God. A Stay in Vanity Fair Now by this time they were come within sight of the town of Vanity, where Vanity Fair is kept. So when they saw that they were so near the town, they consulted with one another how they should pass through the town; and some said one thing, and some another. At last Mr. GREAT-HEART said, "I have, as you may understand, often been a conductor of pilgrims through this town; now I am acquainted with one Mr. MNASON, a Cyprusian by nation, an old disciple, at whose house we may lodge. If you think good," said he, "we will turn in there." "Content," said old HONEST; "Content," said CHRISTIANA; 'Content," said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND; and so they said all. Now you must think it was eventide by that they got to the outside of the town; but Mr. GREAT-HEART knew the way to the old man's house. So thither they came, and he called at the door; and the old man within knew his tongue so soon as ever he heard it; so he opened, and they all came in. Then said MNASON their host, "How far have ye come today?" So they said, 'From the house of GAIUS our friend." "I promise you," said he, "you have gone a good stitch; you may well be a-weary; sit down." So they sat down. Great-heart. Then said their guide, "Come, what cheer, sirs? I daresay you are welcome to my friend." Mnason. "I also," said Mr. MNASON, "do bid you welcome; and whatever you want, do but say, and we will do what we can to get it for you." Honest. Our great want, awhile since, was harbour and good company; and now I hope we have both. Mnason. For harbour, you see what it is; but for good company; that will appear in the trial. Great-heart. "Well," said Mr. GREAT-HEART, "will you have the pilgrims up into their lodging?" Mnason. "I will," said Mr. MNASON. So he had them to their respective places; and also showed them a very fair dining room, where they might be and sup together, until time was come to go to rest. Now when they were set in their places, and were a little cheery after their journey, Mr. HONEST asked his landlord if there were any store of good people in the town. Mnason. We have a few; for indeed they are but a few when compared with them on the other side. Honest. But how shall we do to see some of them? for the sight of good men to them that are going on pilgrimage is like to the appearing of the moon and the stars to them that are sailing upon the seas. Mnason. Then Mr. MNASON stamped with his foot; and his daughter GRACE came up. So he said unto her, "GRACE, go you, tell my friends, Mr. CONTRITE, Mr. HOLY-MAN, Mr. LOVE-SAINT, Mr. DARE-NOT-LIE, and Mr. PENITENT, that I have a friend or two at my house that have a mind this evening to see them." So GRACE went to call them; and they came: and, after salutation made, they sat down together at the table. Then said Mr. MNASON, their landlord, "My neighbours, I have, as you see, a company of strangers come to my house; they are pilgrims, they come from afar, and are going to Mount Zion. But who," quoth he, "do you think this is ?" (pointing with his finger to CHRISTIANA.) "It is CHRISTIANA, the wife of CHRISTIAN, that famous pilgrim who, with FAITHFUL his brother, were so shamefully handled in our town." At that they stood amazed, saying, "We little thought to see CHRISTIANA, when GRACE came to call us; wherefore this is a very comfortable surprise." Then they asked her of her welfare; and if these young men were her husband's sons. And when she had told them they were, they said, "The King whom you love and serve make you as your father; and bring you where he is, in peace." Then Mr. HONEST (when they were all sat down) asked Mr. CONTRITE and the rest, in what posture their town was at present. Contrite. You may be sure we are full of hurry in fair time. 'Tis hard keeping our hearts and spirits in any good order when we are in a cumbered condition. He that lives in such a place as this, and that has to do with such as we have, has need of an item to caution him to take heed, every moment of the day. Honest. But how are your neighbours for quietness? Contrite. They are much more moderate now than formerly. You know how CHRISTIAN and FAITHFUL were used at our town; but of late, I say, they have been far more moderate. I think the blood of FAITHFUL lies with load upon them till now; for since they burned him, they have been ashamed to burn any more. In those days we were afraid to walk the streets; but now we can show our heads. Then the name of a professor was odious; now, especially in some parts of our town (for you know our town is large), religion is counted honourable. Then said Mr. CONTRITE to them, "Pray, how fares it with you in your pilgrimage? how stands the country affected towards you?" Honest. It happens to us as it happens to wayfaring men: sometimes our way is clean, sometimes foul; sometimes uphill, sometimes downhill; we are seldom at a certainty. The wind is not always on our backs; nor is everyone a friend that we meet with in the way. We have met with some notable rubs already; and what are yet to come we know not: but, for the most part, we find it true that has been talked of old--" A good man must suffer trouble." Contrite. You talk of rubs: what rubs have you met withal? Honest. Nay, ask Mr. GREAT-HEART, our guide; for he can give the best account of that. Great-heart. We have been beset three or four times already: first, CHRISTIANA and her children were beset with two ruffians, that they feared would have taken away their lives; we were beset with Giant BLOODY-MAN, Giant MAUL, and Giant SLAY-GOOD; indeed, we did rather beset the last than were beset of him. And thus it was: after we had been some time at the house of GAIUS, mine host, and of the whole Church, we were minded upon a time to take our weapons with us, and so go see if we could light upon any of those that were enemies to pilgrims; for we heard that there was a notable one thereabouts. Now GAIUS knew his haunt better than I, because he dwelt thereabout: so we looked and looked, till at last we discerned the mouth of his cave; then we were glad, and plucked up our spirits. So we approached up to his den; and lo, when we came there, he had dragged by mere force into his net this poor man, Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, and was about to bring him to his end. But when he saw us, supposing, as we thought, he had had another prey, he left the poor man in his hole, and came out. So we fell to it full sore, and he lustily laid about him; but in conclusion, he was brought down to the ground, and his head cut off, and set up by the wayside for a terror to such as should after practise such ungodliness. That I tell you the truth, here is the man himself to affirm it, who was as a lamb taken out of the mouth of the lion. Feeble-mind. Then said Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "I found this true to my cost and comfort: to my cost, when he threatened to pick my bones every moment; and to my comfort, when I saw Mr. GREAT-HEART and his friends with their weapons approach so near for my deliverance." Holy-man. Then said Mr. HOLY-MAN, "There are two things that they have need to be possessed with that go on pilgrimage --courage and an unspotted life. If they have not courage, they can never hold on their way; and if their lives be loose, they will make the very name of a pilgrim stink." Love-saint. Then said Mr. LOVE-SAINT, "I hope this caution is not needful amongst you. But truly there are many that go upon the road that rather declare themselves strangers to pilgrims, than strangers and pilgrims in the earth." Dare-not-lie. Then said Mr. DARE-NOT-LIE, "'Tis true, they neither have the pilgrim's weed, nor the pilgrim's courage; they go not uprightly, but all awry with their feet,--one shoe goes inward, another outward, and their hosen out behind; there a rag and there a rent, to the disparagement of their Lord." Penitent. "These things," said Mr. PENITENT, "they ought to be troubled for; nor are the pilgrims like to have that grace put upon them and their pilgrims' progress as they desire, until the way is cleared of such spots and blemishes." Thus they sat talking and spending the time, until supper was set upon the table; unto which they went and refreshed their weary bodies: so they went to rest. Now they stayed in this fair a great while, at the house of this Mr. MNASON, who, in process of time, gave his daughter GRACE unto SAMUEL, CHRISTIANA'S, son, to wife; and his daughter MARTHA to JOSEPH. The time, as I said, that they lay here was long (for it was not now as in former times). Wherefore the pilgrims grew acquainted with many of the good people of the town, and did them what service they could. MERCY, as she was wont, laboured much for the poor; wherefore their bellies and backs blessed her, and she was there an ornament to her profession. And to say the truth for GRACE, PHOEBE, and MARTHA, they were all of a very good nature, and did much good in their place. They were also all of them very fruitful; so that CHRISTIAN'S name, as was said before, was like to live in the world. While they lay here, there came a monster out of the woods, and slew many of the people of the town. It would also carry away their children, and teach them to suck its whelps. Now no man in the town durst so much as face this monster; but all men fled when they heard of the noise of his coming. The monster was like unto no one beast upon the earth. Its body was like a dragon; and it had seven heads and ten horns.
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." ~ Revelation 12:3 ~
It made great havoc of children; and yet it was governed by a woman. This monster propounded conditions to men; and such men as loved their lives more than their souls accepted of those conditions. So they came under.
Now this Mr. GREAT-HEART, together with these that came to visit the pilgrims at Mr. MNASON'S house, entered into a covenant to go and engage this beast, if perhaps they might deliver the people of this town from the paws and mouths of this so devouring a serpent. Then did Mr. GREAT-HEART, Mr. CONTRITE, Mr. HOLYMAN, Mr. DARE-NOT-LIE, and Mr. PENITENT, with their weapons, go forth to meet him. Now the monster at first was very rampant, and looked upon these enemies with great disdain; but they so belaboured him, being sturdy men at arms, that they made him make a retreat; so they came home to Mr. MNASON'S house again. The monster, you must know, had his certain seasons to come out in, and to make his attempts upon the children of the people of the town; also these seasons did these valiant worthies watch him in, and did still continually assault him: insomuch that, in process of time, he became not only wounded, but lame; also he had not made that havoc of the townsmen's children as formerly he has done. And it is verily believed by some, that this beast will die of his wounds. This, therefore, made Mr. GREAT-HEART and his fellows of great fame in this town; so that many of the people that wanted their taste of things, yet had a reverent esteem and respect for them. Upon this account, therefore, it was that these pilgrims got not much hurt here. True, there were some of the baser sort, that could see no more than a mole, nor understand more than a beast; these had no reverence for these men, nor took they notice of their valour or adventures.
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holylulusworld · 6 years ago
Right girl, wrong time
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Summary: On cloud number nine you believe that you finally can find happiness with the man you love only to get kicked out of paradise once again…by his girlfriend.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, AU Lisa Braeden, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, OMC Jen
Warnings: angst, break-up, heartbreak, arguments, mentions of cheating, violence, lies
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Entering the large building you curse your fate. Why does your boyfriend have to work? Now you must bear the behavior of your boss alone…again.
Hating that you must attend the party you slowly walk toward your colleagues.
“Hey! Where’s your boyfriend?” Jen asks.
“Had to work. I didn’t want to come but…well, Lisa would get mad if I refused… so here I am.”
“She’s in a good mood. Her man is by her side tonight. Maybe she got fucked really good.” Jen whispers and you giggle remembering the steamy session under your shower with your boyfriend not long ago. Sighing you wish he could be here to distract you from your boss.
Waving at you she grins, and you take a deep breath. “Here we go.” You mutter walking toward Lisa.
“Hello. Congratulations, Lisa.” You say handling her your gift.
“Great you came. Thanks for the gift. Where’s your mysterious boyfriend, Y/N?”
“He…” Before you can answer her you see your boyfriend walking toward you and Lisa. You want to smile, to jump into his arms but only until he kisses Lisa’s cheek. When his eyes land on you his face turns pale.
“Oh, this is my boyfriend, Y/N.” Lisa giggles and you want to cry.
“Dean, Dean Winchester.” You boyfriend says acting like he doesn’t know you.
“Y/N, Y/L/N.” You whisper sadly.
“So, where’s the man who was able to heal your heart? At least according to Jen.”
“Not here. He’s…history.” You say bitterly looking at Dean.
“Why? Did he cheat on you too? Or did you make him break up with you?” Lisa snickers.
“No. This time I broke up with him.”
“Why? I mean you’re not the kind of girl getting too many chances.” Lisa says but you barely hear her talking low about you. All you see are Dean’s sad eyes and the pleading in the green orbs you fell in love four months ago.
“He forgot to tell me that in fact he already has a girlfriend. I was just a quick fuck I guess. I’m not a homewrecker. I hate liars and I hate someone who thinks he can fuck with my feelings.” You say.
“Oh…that’s. I’m sorry.” Lisa says and for the first time, you see honesty in her eyes.
“That’s not your fault. It’s his…and mine. I thought after all that happened with Jeremy I deserve to be loved. Deserve someone who wants only me. I guess that was too much to ask for. Would you be mad when I leave now? I just wanted to congratulate you.”
“Y/N. Go home. This isn’t a problem. Take some days off if you need.”
“Thank you, Lisa.” You say leaving the man you love behind.
When you storm out of the building Dean runs after you. Calling your name repeatedly he desperately tries to make you stop.
“Y/N! Wait. Please, Baby. Wait. It’s not what it looked like.”
Turning around with tears in your eyes you slap his cheek.
“Not what it looked like? It looked like you lied to me for over four months. It looked like you are my boss’s boyfriend. You said you have to work instead I find you all cozy with the woman who hates me.”
“Please. Let me explain.” When Dean tries to touch your arm, you slap his hand away.
“Don’t touch me. I hate you! You knew about what I’ve been through and still, you did this to me. You are much worse than Jeremy. At least he had the guts to break up with me. You just fucked two women…I hate you.”
“I didn’t fuck her anymore. Lisa and I…we are done for over five months. I just came here as it’s her birthday. Please. I love you.”
“No. You don’t love me. You would’ve told me the truth if you weren’t with her any longer. You could’ve told me you attend the birthday party of your ex, but you preferred to lie. Liar! Cheater. I hate you. I hate myself for believing you would be different.”
Trying to touch you once again Dean earns himself a hard punch into his face. Wondering about your strength and how easy you could punch him he rubs his jaw.
“Stay away from me or I’ll kill you.”
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Packing your last bag, you sigh. You tried so hard. You really tried to stay out of this life.
After Jeremy decided to love someone else you wanted to go back to business but then you met Dean and you thought this is your chance, but life loves to drag you down. So you got no other choice than to hunt again…
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With tears in his eyes, Dean looks around your empty apartment. According to your landlord, you left last night.
He wanted to give you space to talk to you in the morning. Now you are gone without a trace.
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“I don’t think so, Singer!” You tease.
“I bet I can kill more vamps than you in no time, Kiddo.”
Scoffing you shake your head. “We are hunting together for half a year now. You know I can handle hunting on my own again.”
“I know that, Y/N. But you were out of business. Will, you ever tell me what happened?”
“Jeremy found someone better two years ago.”
“But you started hunting half a year ago. So, what happened?”
“I met someone…I was never so in love before. I imagined a life, children and then…”
“Tell me Kiddo.”
“You remember my boss? The bitch which was always talking low about me? She gave a party to her birthday he told me he can’t accompany as he must work. When I came to the party he was there…with my boss. He was her boyfriend Bobby.”
“Balls! I will rip him apart.”
“He told me that there’s nothing between them any longer, but he lied. Kissed her cheek. Acted in front of her like he didn’t know me. I felt like someone ripped my heart out. I tried to stay out of this life but obviously, fate had something else planned for me.”
“Goddamn idjit.” Bobby yells now angrily clenching his jaw.
“I just gave up then. I tried to live a new life, but I failed. Let’s forget about him. I bet he’s happy with her…with…” Sighing you wipe away some tears.
“Okay. Let’s change the subject then. I got two hunters on their way. Brothers. They need help with a case. The latest victims. Their hearts were squeezed, and the blood got chug.”
“Sound like a Lamia. But here? I mean I never hear about one outside of Greece.”
“See, that’s the reason I like you so much. You are as smart as deadly.” Bobby chuckles.
“Would be interesting to kill one of those bastards. Count me in. I’m going to shower and then I’ll check my weapons. Those guys need a blessed silver knife like mine.”
“I got one. Sam can have it.”
“Okay. We will need Rosemary too and salt. A mixture thrown at it plus a nice fire will end it too. I got salt and rosemary, but we should make sure the other hunters have some of the mixtures too.”
“I’ll prepare something for the boys, and you can have the shower.”
“Great. Order some pizza or stuff. I’m starving.”
“Sure, Kiddo.” Bobby chuckles smiling. But his smile fades at the thought that you got hurt so bad after all you’ve been through since childhood.
“Thanks for being my safe haven once again. I know you are used to having your house on your own.”
“Y/N, I prefer having you around.”
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“The hunter knows about Lamia?” Sam asks.
“She’s the best in research, even better than me. Go easy on her. She was out of business for a while. Then an asshole broke her heart and here she is now.”
“Shit. I’m sorry.” Dean whispers remembering your sad face. He still thinks about you everyday. The tries to find you were fruitless.
“Well, she tried to stay out of business for her former boyfriend. He cheated on her. But that’s not the guy breaking her. She told me that the other guy gave her hope and that she never loved someone like that before.”
“Is she a good hunter?” Sam asks.
“One of the best. I hunted with her before and for the last six months.”
“Six months?” Dean asks.
“Yeah. The day after the guy broke her heart she came here. Just now she told me what happened.”
“Six months…”
“Hey, Bobby is the hunter already…” Looking at Dean with wide eyes you feel like you are frozen to the spot. Not able to move a muscle throat dry you hold back the tears.
“Kiddo?” When Bobby sees the pain on your face her knows the man breaking your heart stands right next to him. Smashing his fist into Dean’s face Bobby yells and curses.
“Bobby?” Sam asks shocked.
“He broke her heart! Pushed her back into this life! How dare you coming here!” The older hunter yells.
“I didn’t know that.” Dean gasps not taking his eyes off you.
“Of course not. You only cared about getting your dick wet. Who cares about the people you hurt on your way to your next orgasm.” You mutter.
“Y/N, please. It’s not like that. Lisa and I were over. I swear. She invited me to that party. I left her a month ago before I met you…I wanted to start a new life with you. Please. I was trying to find you for six months.”
“I don’t think I can help them with the hunt. I will leave until this piece of shit left your house, Bobby. I got enough of liars and cheater. I’m so done with all this shit. I hope the Lamia gets you and rips your unfaithful heart out.” You spat storming out of Bobby’s house.
Tears finally bursting free you need to take deep breaths to calm down.
“Y/N. Please wait. I never wanted to hurt you. I lied about the party but everything else was the truth. You can ask Lisa. We can call her.”
“She introduced you as her boyfriend. I don’t think I need to talk to her ever again. Leave me alone Winchester. Nothing you say will change my mind. I hate you and will do so for the rest of my life. I was stupid enough to believe your lies. Go and fuck yourself, Dean!”
“Can we not talk this out? I’m begging you…Y/N. Please.”
“The answer is no Winchester.”
Entering your car, you start the engine to drive away but Dean stand in front of your car not moving a muscle he won’t let you drive away.
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“Dean. You should step aside, or she will run you over.” Sam warns watching the scene.
“I can’t let her go, Sammy. She’s the one that got away. I just can’t.”
“Dean…you lied. Betrayed her. Do you really think she will forgive you this?”
“I meet her at the wrong time but she’s the right girl. I was in the middle of a break-up and then I saw Y/N. I just knew I want her…need her. Lisa and I didn’t work. I only want Y/N. Help me, Sammy. Please.”
“How shall I help you? Handcuff her and drag her into the house?”
“I can’t let her go again.”
Angrily clenching your jaw, you jump out of the car to smash your fist into Dean’s face. Catching your fist in time he looks down at you with pleading emerald eyes.
“No. Let go of me!”
“Please. I know I messed up. I should’ve told you about Lisa the break-up and all. But I just ended a relationship. I was afraid you would never go out with me knowing I left another woman not a month before I met you.”
“But lying to me was better? Breaking my heart was better? You kissed her cheek!”
“I know. I tried to be nice and ended up hurting you. Please believe me that I do love you.”
“No. You never loved me…and for me…you do not exist any longer…”
>> Part 2
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Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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darkshadow90 · 5 years ago
His Obsession Chapter 16
A/N: Hey guys. Here’s the next chapter. I’ll be posting two more in a minute since I have time tonight.
Chapter 16
Arthur and the guys went back to the warehouse. He was so happy he found Ashe. He had begun to worry she wasn’t safe, but thanks to Gary and the woman he and Ashe were with, he was glad she was safe. He was excited they would be together again. Soon the euphoria had left him. He realized Ashe had never seen him in full clown makeup, never seen him as Joker. ‘How will she react? I’m sure she knows about what I did by now. I don’t want to scare her, but this is who I am now. I still don’t know how to feel about Murray. I was so devastated that a man I considered a father figure invited me on the show just to make fun of me. And then when I told him about killing those guys on the subway, and about the callousness of Gotham, he sided with them. He got what he deserved. He was awful, like most people in Gotham. I just broke down emotionally. I couldn’t take it anymore. After I shot him, I was scared at first. I couldn’t believe I did it. But I also felt alive. I was free. Ashe is the only person I trust. She warned me not to go on the show, she didn’t want to see me get hurt. I should’ve listened to her. It doesn’t matter. She knows I did it for a reason.’ Arthur felt like he could finally wind down. He began to doze off.
Sometime later, the guys came out of one of the rooms. “Boss, do you have a plan in mind?” “No, not really. I’m just gonna go with the flow. I’ve done this before. It’ll be fine. The best part is, I won’t have to follow her for weeks since I have all the information I need to know. I just need to wait until the right time.” Arthur got up and took another look around. He found the drugs and medical supplies neatly put away in the drawers. He was impressed with how organized everything was. He thought it would be comfortable for Ashe. He went back over to the couch. “I like the way everything is set up. While I’m out and about, you can get anything else we need. It should only take a few days. I’m heading out early tomorrow. Make sure you come back once you have everything. I’m heading off to bed.”
Ashe couldn’t sleep. She stayed up all night. She had no idea how she could go back to living her life like nothing happened. ‘I really don’t want to go back. How am I supposed to go back to work and do my job when I feel like I have to be looking over my shoulder at all times? I’m not crazy. Even if he is still locked away in Arkham, the first thing he’ll do when he gets out is come around looking for me. Shit. He was already unstable, and I could tell just by listening he completely lost it after he killed Murray. How do I know he won’t kill me? He had delusions about us being in a relationship, he thought we were in love. I really don’t want to think about other delusions he may have had about me or his imaginary relationship with me. Thank God for Gary. He’s such a good man. I hate that we both had to see someone killed right in front of us, but I think what’s happened after that has been a blessing. I don’t know where I would be if we didn’t have each other to talk to and get through this.’ She rubbed her eyes and went to take a shower.
As promised, Gary and Sandy showed up a few hours later. “We can take the subway to get there faster.” “Yeah, Gary. That’s a good idea. I just want to get this over with.” Ashe’s nerves were on edge the entire time. They finally made it to the apartment building, and Ashe thought she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. When she turned around to see who it was, they were gone. “I can’t do this. I can’t fucking do this.” “Yes you can. You made it this far. We’ll be with you every step of the way. We promise.” “Okay.” They went inside the building, and Ashe found an envelope at her doorway. It was a key to open the door with a note from her landlord informing her she wouldn’t be charged for the new key. She was thankful for the small favor. She went inside. Everything was as she had left it. When she went inside her room a chill went up her spine when she saw her closet and drawers weren’t empty. Someone had gone inside Arthur’s apartment and brought all of her clothes back. ‘It was probably the detectives. Nothing to worry about.’ Once Gary and Sandy finished getting her settled in they told her she could call anytime. She thanked them and they left. She went to her bedroom, turned on the TV and fell asleep.
Ashe woke up to a noise outside. When she looked out her window, she saw Arthur. She quickly closed the curtains and called the police. “911. What is your emergency?” “There’s a man standing outside watching me through the window. His name is Arthur. He’s obsessed with me.” “Is he still there?” She opened the curtains. “No, but I know he’s around here somewhere.” She heard a noise. “Shit. I think he’s trying to break in. Please, can you help me?” Ashe was trying to keep calm. “Ma’m, we’re doing everything we can.” She heard a noise, it was louder than before. “Please, you have to do something. He’s gonna hurt me.” Ashe was panicking. She was sobbing and she hated herself for it. “Try to find a place to hide, okay? Stay calm-“ the phone line was cut. “Hello? Hello?” She quickly hung up the phone and hid in the closet. She heard a noise that was much closer. He was inside the apartment. She heard footsteps getting closer. “Ashe, baby, are you in there?” The tone of voice wasn’t as soft and timid like the one she was familiar with. No, this one was much more playful, like he knew where she was. He was taunting her. He opened the closet door. “Found you.” Arthur grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. “Wanna hear a joke?” That was when she woke up in a cold sweat. She was relieved when she didn’t see Arthur anywhere.
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notalwaysthevillian · 6 years ago
Brewing Love
Warnings: Anxiety, food mention, first date jitters
Pairings: Remile; background Logicality & eventual Prinxiety
Word Count: ~1.5k
Based on this post by @teacupfulofstarshine!
Read from the beginning!
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter 4
The next morning, Remy breezed through his morning routine. With twenty minutes left before he had to be at the shop for his shift, he decided to head in early to see if Patton needed any help with the pastries.
When he got there, he found Patton on the phone.
“Can you repeat that? Slower?”
Remy couldn’t hear the words on the other end of the line, but he could tell that they were freaking out.
“Oh, V! If you wanna come stay with me and Lo - no, you wouldn’t be bothering us at all, I promise!”
“I have a spare room.” Remy offered, putting his apron on. “Whoever you’re talking to can stay with me.”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “Really? Oh that’s great! V, I have a friend who has an extra room. He’s offering to let you stay...No, I didn’t. He just offered...yeah...he’s Logan’s cousin...okay! I’ll let him know. Talk to you soon!”
After hanging up, Patton threw his arms around Remy, covering his apron in flour. “Thank you so much!”
“Do I get to know who I’m housing?” Remy asked, a teasing smile on his face.
“His name is Virgil! He and I were best friends in high school.” Patton’s peppiness disappeared as he talked. “We went to colleges on opposite sides of the country. I should’ve made a better effort to keep in touch, but we stopped talking. He called me in a panic this morning - I think on instinct. His boss just fired him from his job and his landlord is evicting him.”
“Poor guy.”
Patton nodded, pushing a recipe over to Remy and moving about the kitchen. “I’m glad he’s moving in with you, even if it’s only until he’s back on his feet. I miss him.”
“He’s welcome to stay as long as he needs.” Remy started shaping some dough. “You and Logan were there for me.”
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
Remy smiled, seeing nothing but sincerity in Patton’s eyes. “You know, I can’t wait to be your cousin-in-law.”
Patton giggled. “I can’t wait either.”
“For what?” Logan asked as he entered the kitchen. His eyebrows drew together as his eyes landed on Remy. “What are you doing here so early?”
“I just thought I’d come help -” His excuse died as Logan fixed him with a look. “I’m too excited for my date tonight and finished everything I needed to this morning.”
“Awwwww!” Patton squealed. “Now I see the family resemblance.”
Seeing the redness in his cousin’s cheeks, Remy simply raised an eyebrow. Patton was quick to explain. “Logan was so excited for our first date that he got to the restaurant an hour early.”
Logan buried his face in his hands to prevent them from seeing just how red his face was. Sensing his distress, Patton pressed a kiss to the top of his head. When he looked up, he saw Remy staring at them with longing.
Flipping down his sunglasses, Remy headed back out to the cafe to start the machines.
Remy found himself staring at the clock whenever he had a moment.
And he had a lot of moments.
The cafe was unusually slow that Saturday. With the number of times Remy had wiped it down, he was surprised there wasn’t a hole in it.
Just as he reached the last hour of his shift, the bell over the door went off and a steady stream of people flowed in. Roman lead the pack, stage makeup still on his face. He waved at Remy before heading over to choose his mug.
Being able to insult most of the customers during the last part of his shift was a blessing. Most of his nerves about his date had vanished by the time Logan announced that they were closing.
The last of the customers filed out, with Roman hanging back.
“Roman, we’re closed.”
“I know, Specs.” Roman grinned as Logan rolled his eyes at the nickname. His face took on a seriousness that Remy had rarely seen. “Thank you. For last night. We had sold maybe half of our tickets before then, but we were officially sold out an hour before the show this morning.”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “Your talents will likely increase our business. I am happy that it is beneficial for the theater as well.”
Roman waved before heading out of the store.
Remy cleaned up at lightning speed, leaving as soon as Logan told him he was free to go. He raced to his apartment, opting to dress up a little more for this date. After giving Chai the attention she deserved, he ducked into his closet.
“No...no...no...n- actually.” He held up the black blazer. “This could work.”
Grabbing his phone, Remy grinned when he saw who the text was from.
Em: We’re going to grab dinner before if you wanna join us! We’re heading to Marco’s. Hope you like pizza!
Remy: Gurl, you know I love it. What time?
Em: Five! See you soon :D
Glancing at the clock, Remy groaned when he realized it was only three-thirty. He hung the blazer back up in his closet, opting to get dressed later. As much as he loved his baby, he didn’t want to be covered in cat hair when he left.
Over the next thirty minutes, Remy managed to wear Chai out. She curled up in a ball next to him as he watched a quick episode of Steven Universe.
By four thirty he was hopping in an Uber and heading over to Marco’s pizzeria.
He spotted Emile with two girls through the window. When he walked in, Emile flashed him a smile that made him weak in the knees.
“Girls, this is Remy!”
“So you’re the cute barista.” The brunette said, leaning on her elbows. “Emmy here has told us some good things about you.”
Remy gently touched Emile’s wrist, turning it to see the charms for the day. “Oh, have they now?”
The blonde nodded, practically bouncing in her seat. “Mhmm! They said you were super nice.”
“Guys!” A beautiful blush spread across Emile’s cheeks. They shook their head before gesturing to the brunette. “This is Valerie, and her girlfriend, Iona.”
“You can call me Io.” Leaning over, she placed a kiss on Valerie’s cheek. “What kinda pizza do you want?”
Valerie moved so that they could share a menu, giving Remy a pointed look. He quickly followed her lead, leaning closer to Emile. “What kind of toppings do you like?”
“Oh, I don’t like a lot of toppings.” They said, trailing a finger down the menu. “Oh, I love margherita pizza!”
“Margherita pizza it is.” Remy flipped the menu closed and put it away. He moved to hold their hand, but hesitated. Was that okay?
Emile noticed, biting their lip before gently taking Remy’s hand. He gave it a squeeze, trying to ease any worries or doubts they may have had - and also some of his own.
“I like that blazer on you. It makes you look handsome.”
Blood rushed to Remy’s cheeks. He heard the girls giggle and mumble something about ‘cuties’. “That’s - thank you. You, um, you look pret-lovely! You look lovely.”
“You can say pretty, I don’t mind.” Emile teased, looking up when the waiter came over.
They placed their orders immediately. As the waiter walked away, Valerie focused her attention on Remy.
“So, where do you work?”
“Oh, I work over at Get Roasted. That’s where Emile and I met, actually.” He linked their fingers together as he talked. “From the first moment I saw them, I thought they were beautiful. If only they’d noticed I was flirting sooner.”
Emile flushed. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, darling.” Emile appeared to melt at the nickname. Remy made a mental note before raising their joined hands and kissing their knuckles. “All that matters is that we’re together now.”
Io’s outburst had them all laughing. The four of them continued to chat about various things before their pizza came. They dug in, finishing the pies quickly.
“Your checks.” The waiter put them on the table.
Remy snatched them both before anyone moved.
“Remy -”
“I’ve got this.” He got out of his chair. “You get the popcorn. Deal?”
As Remy walked to the counter, Valerie turned to Emile. “He’s such a keeper.”
“You think so?” They asked, watching Remy swipe a card.
“He paid for both of our meals. You said he was an absolute gentleman at open mic night - even when you said you didn’t realize it was a date. What’s holding you back from such a man?”
Giggling at the Disney reference, Emile shrugged. “I just...I’m worried that he’s not how he seems, you know?”
“He’s the whole package, Em.” Io chimed in. “Handsome, sweet, generous. If you don’t snatch him up, someone else will.”
Emile watched Remy joke with the cashier. Their heart swelled as they looked on. “Yeah. You’re absolutely right.”
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Quick reminder: From now on I’m only using my specific taglists for multi-chaptered fics. So if you’re on my general and you want to be added to another one, just let me know! (Via ask please)
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kaesaaurelia · 5 years ago
just-world fallacy
For @whumptober2019​ day 26: abandoned.
A conclusion to day 16 (pinned down) and day 19 (asphyxiation).
Postcanon; Michael has captured Crowley and is torturing him for information and for revenge.
Michael/Ligur and Aziraphale/Crowley.  Content warning for torture and grief.
"Crowley!" Michael shouted, pursuing him into the horrible flat's horrible bathroom. Crowley curled himself into the tiny amount of space between the washing machine and the toilet, and watched with great satisfaction as Michael tried to pursue him and smacked her head on the slanted ceiling. He was forced to retreat behind the washing machine, though, as Michael crouched down and tried to grab him.
There were beautifully-realized oil paintings of Michael fighting Satan and striking down demons, and Crowley would've given his eyeteeth (Did he have eyeteeth in serpent form? He didn't know.) to bring any of the artists here to see her futilely trying to fish a recalcitrant snake demon out from behind some poorly-installed plumbing and reconsider their views on archangels. Her hand brushed his scales a few times, but mostly reached empty air. "Crowley, you coward!" she snarled.
"Absssolutely guilty of that one," he said, not coming out. "What'sss your point?"
She made an incoherent and graceless noise, and he heard her sniffing.
"But really, I don't know how you exsspected this to end," Crowley said. He didn't like Michael but he'd definitely got the impression she was smart enough not to fall in love with a demon and think it'd end well.
"With you dead," she snapped.
"I meant you and Ligur. You were ssso gung-ho about the fucking war, both of you, what'd you think, you'd go off happily into the sssunssset after the end of the world?"
"I was supposed to kill him!" she shouted. "I was! We had a pact! He wasn't supposed to -- not -- not you!"
Crowley considered this, while Michael sobbed. "If you'll pardon me for sssaying ssso --"
"I will not."
"-- that doesssn't ssseem like a very good basssisss for a relationship."
"Well, he might've killed me," Michael admitted, "but we both knew that wasn't very likely. But you! You -- you killed him and you got to live and nobody's even hunting you down. It's wrong."
Crowley had to laugh at that. "Oh, Michael. Sssix thousssand yearsss and you ssstill think the world should be fair?"
There was a worrying silence, and then the point of Michael's spear crashed through the washing machine, nicking him in the side. "It's what I'm for, isn't it? It's what I do!" There was thunder in her voice, and ozone in the air.
Crowley made himself as flat as he could as the spear pierced the washing machine three more times, accompanied by shouts of pure rage. He slithered out from behind the ruins of the washing machine, hoping to get past Michael, but no -- she stepped on the tail end of him and grabbed him.
He struck, twice -- once on her hand and once on her arm -- and her blood burned his mouth, but she dropped him. But as he was slithering out into the kitchen/bedroom/living room/monument to high rents and low wages, she speared him in the gut and pinned him to the floor.
He struggled, trying to loosen the spear, but she grabbed him by the neck, now, and he couldn't strike.
"Doesssn't it jussst kill you," he said, "that you know you could've sssaved him, ssso easssily, and you didn't?"
She shook him. "How? Tell me how, you fucking -- how did you do it, how could I have -- just tell me and I'll put you out of your misery, you disgusting thing."
Ah. She was still stuck on that, wasn't she? Crowley'd meant not having the war, but this clarified things for him. This was what she was looking for, from him. Not just revenge, and not just information on the bodyswap, but some kind of forgiveness.
Crowley had no control over whether she'd take her revenge, but he certainly wasn't going to grant her absolution. She didn't deserve it, and besides, it had been pretty much the opposite of his job description for six thousand years.
"Well, for ssstartersss," said Crowley, "you could've tried to cancssel Armageddon?" She stared at him. "Tell me, were you too wrapped up in your fantasssy tragic love ssstory, or could you jussst not fathom a world where you got to be the hero ssswooping in at the end to punish the unrighteous?"
"You -- that isn't --"
"You didn't need to give him an immunity to holy water, you absssolute wanker, you jussst needed to keep him from coming after the perssson trying to prevent Armageddon! Do you really think thisss isss jussst? Thisss? Revenge on me, who killed your fuckbuddy in ssself defenssse, because you didn't get to kill him firssst?"
She was shaking now, and blinking back tears, and gripping him so hard he might actually discorporate and have to talk himself out of Hell. "Don't you get sanctimonious at me, serpent," she snarled, and stared at him for a long moment, and Crowley was waiting for the final blow.
It didn't come.
Instead she opened up the freezer and shoved him inside, all fifteen feet of him, while he struggled and bit and fought. Tangled and freezing, Crowley tried to push the door open, but he was suddenly overcome by a terrible feeling of pins-and-needles all over, and the bottom of the freezer was burning him.
She'd blessed the fridge.
He managed to pile as much of himself onto the ice tray as possible, and sank into a torpor.
When the door opened again, Crowley didn't know how long it had been; at first he was conscious only of light and warm hands, and he panicked, because she'd come back, she'd come back after freezing him for some reason, she was going to kill him for real now.
Only the warm hands were gentle and the voice was lower, and soothing, and Crowley coiled around this body and found it was comfortable. Everything was a bit of a blur after that; he could tell they were moving, and he didn't know what was going on and he couldn't even think, really, but it was better than being murdered.
When he came to once more, things made a lot more sense, but also very little sense.
He was at the bookshop. He was coiled around Aziraphale, who was reading a book. His head lay against Aziraphale's neck. That was all normal enough. But also, given the last events he remembered clearly...
"Angel?" he muttered.
"Oh!" He could feel Aziraphale's pulse speed up, coiled as he was around all of him. "My dearest. Are you all right?"
"Nh. Still a little fuzzy." Aziraphale stroked his head and he leaned into it; he was warm enough, now, but the memory of the cold was still with him, and everything about Aziraphale meant safety and comfort. "How'd you find me?"
"When you didn't show up for dinner, I called you, and it wasn't like you not to answer for so long, so I, ah. Please don't be angry?"
"Angel, you sssaved me," Crowley said.
"I went to your flat, and when I realized you weren't there either, I looked at your computer, and, er. Your electronic mail --"
"Email, it'sss called email, angel," said Crowley.
"-- and I saw that you'd decided to tour this flat -- which, Crowley, if you're going to move to Kensal --"
"I'm not!"
"-- there must be nicer places than that to live --"
"I wasss -- I wasss only trolling the landlord," said Crowley. This defense had not worked in the Garden of Eden, and he was pretty sure it wasn't going to work now, either, but it was true enough.
"Well," said Aziraphale. "That's as it may be, my dear, but how did you end up in the freezer, as a snake? You had some very bad cuts when I found you, too, although I think I managed to heal those up without burning you too badly with the blessings."
"Ah." Crowley was too large a snake to hide his face in Aziraphale's collar, so he decided to manfully -- snakefully -- just own up to where he'd gone wrong. "The landlord turned out to be the Archangel Michael, who --"
"Heaven's not supposed to interfere!" said Aziraphale.
"No, no, it wasssn't Heaven, it wasss Michael," said Crowley. "She -- er. Thisss one'sss going to be difficult to believe."
Aziraphale waited.
"She had a thing with Ligur."
"A thing?" Aziraphale asked.
"A -- well. An Arrangement," said Crowley. Aziraphale made a noise of disbelief. "Not like oursss, no, theirsss wasss a ssspecial, ssstupid Arrangement."
"Ah, yes. Quite unlike the unspeakably clever one we had."
Crowley flicked his tongue at the ticklish spot just under Aziraphale's ear, to shut him up. "What I mean isss -- they did it backwardsss."
"So instead of agreeing not to interfere with each other's work and --"
"And pretending not to be desssperately in love," said Crowley. "They -- they interfered with each other, and --"
"Ah," said Aziraphale.
"Yeah," said Crowley.
"Michael and Ligur, though?" Aziraphale asked.
"I know!" said Crowley.
"And then she just stuffed you into the freezer?" Aziraphale asked.
"Nah, she kicked me around a bit firssst," Crowley admitted.
"Oh, my poor dear," said Aziraphale. "Can you -- would you turn back? Perhaps I can help."
Crowley did, and ended up draped over Aziraphale and half in his lap. When they'd disentangled themselves a bit, Aziraphale looked him over, tsking and muttering, "oh dear," and "oh no," and "my poor darling!" the whole time. He healed the worst wounds -- the broken wing, the stabbed shoulder -- and left the lesser wounds for Crowley, when he was feeling more up to it -- the slice on his cheek, the burns from the chain and from Michael's tears, the bruises on his ribs. Afterwards, Aziraphale just held him, and Crowley pressed close to him, not wanting to leave or even, particularly, to move.
"You don't think she'll try it again, do you?" Aziraphale asked, eventually.
"Hope not," said Crowley. "I think I made her feel guilty about it, though."
"Hmph. I don't think Michael's ever felt guilty about anything," said Aziraphale. "She's -- well. Very much above all that."
"Looked pretty guilty to me," said Crowley. "Maybe I'm just that good."
"I would be very impressed, but if anyone could make her doubt herself it'd be you, you wicked thing," said Aziraphale. "
"Flattery will get you everywhere, angel," said Crowley, and kissed him gently. He made a happy noise into Crowley's mouth. When he pulled away, Crowley said "I wouldn't worry about it, though. She clearly didn't have Heaven's permission."
"Do you think I should tell them?" Aziraphale asked.
"Nah," said Crowley. "We can hold it over her head if she fucks with us again."
They sat in silence for another minute or so.
Then Aziraphale said, "Do you promise you're not moving to a horrid flat in Kensal?"
"Absolutely not," said Crowley. "Really, angel, I've got better taste than that!"
"If -- if you wanted to move --"
"I was trolling landlords!" insisted Crowley.
"-- I could certainly -- I mean, if it's not too much -- if it's not presumptuous -- I could -- I could make room for you here," said Aziraphale, hopefully.
Switching gears from explaining embarrassing demon hobby to an anxious angel to answering a serious relationship step proposal was a simple task for the very smooth-talking and extremely coherent Crowley, who responded with a perfectly comprehensible "Gmfh?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that after -- well, today was so -- but I'd been thinking --"
"No, no, angel, I just --" Crowley tried to decide between five different things he wanted to say all at once, then just grabbed him by the lapels and kissed him, which Aziraphale seemed to find a very satisfactory answer indeed.
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