#now where's the 4k version
jiminrings · 2 years
four seven eight; intermission.
wordcount: 4k
glimpse: you don’t plan on coming home tonight.
alternatively, you and yoongi go out for drinks together.
[ part one + intermission + part two + intermission 02 + finale — complete series masterlist, from phase 1 to 3 ]
as always, lmk what you think <3 send in feedback n love to my askbox anytime!! even replying to this post sends me over the moon :) | series masterlist
You and Yoongi go way back.
The two of you go way back to when you would occasionally see each other in acting workshops, a silent understanding between the two of you that you were both supported by parents that went through hoops to get you there. The two of you were similar, wearing white shirts that’s been scrubbed vigorously by your mothers along with the newest, trendiest shoes (they aren’t even broken in) in order for their children to fit in.
You didn’t know each other back then, but there was a mutual respect.
The two of you go way back when you were past the workshop days and into the harrowing realities of being fumbling extras who didn’t even get paid, all for the desperation to put atleast something in your resume. The two of you would find yourselves in the same sets sometimes, in the backrooms eating packed lunch in the fear that eating from the catering table where the actual actors eat would deduct money from your already miniscule paycheck.
The two of you weren’t close at all back then, but you knew each other’s names at the very least.
You go way back when you’re past awkward filler roles and into the laughable arena of applying to become a supporting cast member in the background. You had no choices for roles, or atleast didn’t have the liberty to do so because you were that desperate. It was a matter of perseverance over dignity, taking forgettable roles left and right and moving on to the next.
You and Yoongi go way back, but not a lot of people know.
You’re bound to see articles about it someday now, a complete video compilation of all the dramas the both of you appeared in together, be it a role that’s equally as forgettable or shitty.
There’s no doubt about the media traffic the two of you will accumulate once that happens, especially now when the two of you are in a club where phones weren’t required to have stickers on the cameras. 
“Wanna grab a drink?” he asked just an hour ago, making it his celebratory treat since the pilot episode officially premiers tomorrow; that was the first reason. The second, more pressing reason was because you seemed like you needed it. 
When your on-screen partner blanks out for a minute when the interviewer asks her if she has a partner in life, Yoongi’s first thought is to take said on-screen partner out for drinks as stress relief.
Unsurprisingly, this is the first time Yoongi’s ever experienced the exact scenario.
You can count on Yoongi to make the club seem like a relaxing place while you’re in his presence. It’s always just been the same about him even when the two of you were merely strangers; calm. Somehow the two of you are thinking of the same thing because of the scene that unfolds now — the two of you out of work and hanging out together, just like old times.
Yoongi’s calm but it doesn’t necessarily mean that he doesn’t have a big mouth. He asks before he thinks this time, a question that undoubtedly crossed his mind even before tonight.
“Why did we even stop being friends?” he asks curiously. He was just like you in a sense, actively choosing to address whatever it is that bugs his mind.
The two of you are alike in that sense that you don’t find yourself being weirded out from the otherwise intimate question he just asked, giving him the first answer that appears in your head when you think of him and the past.
“You got too big for me.”
Yoongi, for a lack of better term, became an overnight success after he was announced to portray the younger version of a veteran actor in a periodical drama. It was sudden, you knew he didn’t expect it either back then because just the other day, the two of you talked about applying together to a completely different production. Yoongi had a role to appear alongside you, as the barista who luckily had seven lines of dialogue in a romcom whereas you had three. 
The barista gig was the biggest role he had yet, but the night that the periodical drama’s casting was announced, and Yoongi didn’t answer your calls and you didn’t see him the next day either for the shoot — you knew.
You knew that Yoongi made it big.
“Did I really?” he tilts his head, chewing on his bottom lip in thought. No, the overnight success he had wasn’t fifteen minutes of fame. It’s been years and he only gets bigger. But hearing what you thought of him, the claim that your friendship fell out because he got too big for you, Yoongi suddenly doesn’t feel so good.
You affirm and the two of you know that he didn’t really need much more confirmation. Yoongi’s expressive, you could see every emotion and realization that queues behind his eyes. He wasn’t predictable per se but he was readable; attainable if you will.
Yoongi’s curiosity is far from satiated because this time he scoots closer to you, shoulders bumping and head tilting to get the point across that he’s absolutely serious about what he was gonna ask next.
“Hey, I have another question,” he hums, stifling a chuckle when he runs the question through his head and realizes that he must be really nosey to ask you this directly. “You can just dodge this if you want to.”
You shrug emptily but there’s a mutual understanding that the two of you are alike, knowing from the get-go that you aren’t avoidant. 
“But what was that awhile ago?” Yoongi finally bursts at the seams because the question’s been bugging him for hours now, recalling the urge to ask you right then and there during the live interview because he was that curious. “You’re not really single, are you?”
The laugh that escapes you is needed. It’s sudden and short but it’s welcome. There’s nothing particularly funny about the question, it was just that from the entirety of the people you came across after the interview, from the executive producer, to Jimin and the staff members who knew of the truth, all the way down to your stylist Seokjin who’s your husband’s cousin — it’s Yoongi that asks about you the situation first.
“I’m married, unfortunately,” you snicker, shaking your head before taking a sip of your drink that you’ve neglected for far too long. You admit it, a little bitter knowing that the truth of it to Jungkook who’s the other half of the marriage, treats it as if it’s a hard pill to swallow.
If Yoongi’s surprised, he doesn’t let it show. You’re certain that he must have an inkling somehow because you weren’t hiding in the first placing, knowing that you’ve taken calls from Jungkook and told him I love you while he was getting prepped in the same dressing room.
“Ah, I was supposed to confess that I have a crush on you. Too bad.”
Yoongi doesn’t have to think if you’re surprised because you clearly let it show.
“Shut up,” you egg on, lightly slapping his arm while coming closer to interrogate him further. “Do you really?”
Yoongi isn’t drunk. He’s only had half of a drink and all he has is a sheen pink flush. The two of you came here together in his car and he sure as hell won’t let you drive his car back (no offense) especially because he was stingy with others driving it.
It’s a revelation that slips casually out of him, and Yoongi can’t tell why doesn’t feel nervous at all. Saying that he has a crush on you not a second after you told him you were married isn’t the brightest idea at all. He doesn’t even know what exactly compelled him to say it out loud because he thought he would only keep it to himself all this time.
But just like you, Yoongi isn’t avoidant.
“I had a crush on you when we were just extras back then but it passed,” he admits, crossing his arms while laughing. “Then we reconnected and yeah, I think I have a crush on you again.”
“Too bad that I’m married then,” you joke with your tongue on your cheek, scoffing playfully while looking down on your knees that are just right beside each other while there are no other people in the booth.
“Aw. Can’t you keep me on the side?” Yoongi returns the joke, making you laugh harder that it makes him turn even more sincere. “No but really, I don’t have a crush on you in that homewrecker way or something.”
Ruining your marriage is the last thing he’ll ever do. When he admitted his crush on you, he did it for the sake of just getting it out there, no other ill intention behind it.
“I just admire you, if that makes sense,” Yoongi says truthfully, and your knees tremble at the sincerity behind his words. He was just so expressive that you don’t have to work your mind over it, because if Yoongi told you now that he loves you, you would believe him. “I admire you in that co-worker with good work ethics, dream person type of way.”
You aren’t this silent. Normally you’d have a comeback ready but Yoongi was just so like you that seeing a mirror image of yourself say something beyond sincere renders you speechless, your voice later returning meek.
“Why would you admire me?”
Yoongi doesn’t know why you’d even ask but he indulges you, peering down when he gives you a small smile.
“Like you said, I got too big for you.” Read: When I got too big for you, I missed you through it all.
Yoongi doesn’t regret admitting his crush on you but what he does regret is the realization that comes along with it, making him scoff. His posture slips down from the booth, making his head eye-level to your neck.
You return the gesture, slipping down the tiniest bit so he could rest his head on your shoulder.
“Why didn’t I reconnect with you earlier? That’s stupid of me,” he scolds himself, sighing at what could’ve been the easiest fix to your friendship because of distance you had from his overnight success. He tries not to dwell on the lost time, instead going back to his previous point. “But do you get what I’m saying? I wish that when I got big years ago, you went big with me.”
“I wished I could take you with me.” 
“I wished you took me with you back then,” you admit sincerely. You weren’t really angry at Yoongi back then because you were happy for him — you knew that if anyone were to be an overnight success, Yoongi would be the one who’s able to sustain it.
You were upset, not angry. You felt that it was unfair, not because you weren’t just suddenly casted as a younger version of a veteran actress just like Yoongi, but because Yoongi suddenly forgot about you. Because he got too big for you and suddenly, you weren’t the friend he’s known for years. Overnight, you were forgotten as the friend who gave him numerous pep talks that one day, the two of you would make it big. He made it first, and didn’t spare a single text as to how you’ve been.
“I used to always bring up your name as my on-screen partner for whatever role I got,” Yoongi adds. This is the first time you’ve heard of it along with the other countless things he’s said tonight, sending you a sheepish smile. “This was the only time they heard me.”
You’re not mad. You’re secure to the point that you know you would’ve been casted still in In Terms of Eternity even if Yoongi didn’t boost your name. But god, your pride’s taken too many hits that you aren’t as safeguarded anymore so you ask, wanting to hear it from himself.
“If you didn’t recommend my name to Namjoon and the rest before I auditioned, would I still have been picked?”
“Of course you would.” 
Yoongi answers immediately and it’s almost as if he’s mad that you even doubted it, head rolling on your shoulder to feign flicking you on the forehead, making you dodge it nonetheless.
“Look at you. You thrive on your own,” he nudges you, no hesitation in his tone. “You’re only gonna get bigger from now, Y/N. Your only way is up.”
You might have took a while to make it big, but atleast you’re here now instead of later and that’s what matters.
“You’re gonna be bigger than me,” Yoongi says with conviction, the sudden tone of seriousness in his voice making you nervously chuckle.
“Can’t we just maintain whatever it is that we have now?” your lips quip, unsure if you even wanted to know the answer.
Most times, your job takes more from you than what it gives. You know it because your manager engrains it to your head to the point that you don’t associate yourself to controversy even if it would give you publicity. You practically became big overnight, no hesitation in saying that you’re scared you’ll fall just as quick.
“Was it scary back then?” your voice turns small, making Yoongi peek at you from having his cheek pressed to the fabric of your hoodie. “Was it scary making it big overnight?”
“It was,” he hums, almost wincing. “It still is.”
“What’s your husband’s name?” he suddenly asks, making you answer just as quickly because you thought he was changing the topic because he was getting uncomfortable.
Yoongi smiles, patting you on the knee. “Jungkook would be there for you when it starts getting scary.”
“I don’t think he would be there for me,” you admit in a scoff, the sudden downpour of what seems to be your insecurities making your head hang to look at your hands. “What would you feel if your husband can’t go to your huge drama’s presscon because he celebrated his anniversary with his ex?”
Yoongi winces now that he’s given the context, making him whistle before downing his shot.
You nod in understanding because hearing it doesn’t really sound as pretty, an uneasy chuckle leaving you as you open up further. “We’re kinda going through a rough patch right now.”
“Nah,” you reply. “Just a break from each other for a month. I’ll crash at a friend’s house tonight, wake up early tomorrow to get my stuff while Jungkook’s asleep, then drive to my old house and spend the rest of the month there.”
“So I can still be your side piece for a month?”
Yoongi’s funny.
Yoongi’s endearingly playful that it makes you laugh heartily, making you forget for a second that you thought you were just gonna come to the club with him to get some drinks and mope. “You’re annoying.”
He definitely doesn’t have the full picture yet but he’s starting to piece it together. Yoongi will only take what you give and not overreach for any more because he doesn’t want to intrude, yet the question leaves him once again before he gets to think.
“He loves you though, right?”
“I know he loves me,” you mean it. You know it. There’s guilt that sticks to your throat because you think you’re being irrational and selfish for what you’re about to say next, but you can’t swallow it; you need to spit it out to get rid of it. “I just want him to love me more than I love him.”
“I get that,” he nods, eyes slowly blinking. “Who doesn’t want to be loved more after all?”
“You,” you automatically snort, looking down at him on your shoulder. “Didn’t you just ask twice to be my side piece?”
This time it’s Yoongi who laughs harder, throwing his head back that it momentarily makes him lose the center of his gravity that you have to hoist him up by the arm.
The two of you were alike in that sense too, maybe. That once you were happy, you lose all perception of what’s around you.
What’s only thirty feet away from you is a struggling media entertainment intern that’s desperate for his news breakthrough, having half the mind to wander into a club to blow off some tension.
Thirty feet away from you is a desperate, struggling intern who has the newest version for a phone and has zoom on his camera. 
Thirty feet away from you, and perhaps either thirty minutes or thirty days away from you, is a snowball waiting to happen. But you don’t know, and neither does Yoongi.
“Hey Y/N?” Yoongi nudges you with a slightly nervous voice that’s increasing in concern, slowly fixing his posture until he’s sat properly on the booth.
“What does Jungkook look like?”
“Big nose and big, big round eyes,” you describe, tilting your head at what other features make him distinct. “On the buffer side. Has a tattoo sleeve.”
“That checks out,” Yoongi nods at you robotically, humming with no tune to it. “Your husband’s here and I think he wants to kill me.”
The sentence alone makes you straighten your posture, whipping your eyes around to see correctly enough, Jungkook marching towards you. He looks broody, the way he walks to you determined not helping your inner thoughts either.
He gets to you even before you could exit to save yourself from the scene he’s unlikely to cause but you’re still willing to avoid, the voice getting caught in your throat when he wastes no greetings.
“You’re drunk. Let’s go home.”
“Yeah, she kinda went crazy on the gin,” Yoongi inserts himself to the conversation, nodding and saying the truth to ease the situation he’s just known of minutes ago.
Jungkook clenches his jaw, snapping before he belatedly gives Yoongi a pointed glare.
“Shut the fuck up. I wasn’t talking to you.”
Your friend’s fazed, the realization that he was rendered speechless from your husband’s bluntness making him resort to mumbling to himself. “And he’s the main piece.”
You can’t say your goodbyes properly to Yoongi because you try to match Jungkook’s pace, walking alongside him with an edge to your step. “Why are you here?” you ask bitterly. “Our break started today. You don’t have to pick me up. You didn’t even pick me up when we weren’t on a break.”
Jungkook’s beyond irritated with you but that doesn’t mean he won’t open the door for you, walking to the driver’s side before closing the door with enough force to rattle the car. He’s jealous and he’s just angry, breathing noticeably heavy when he returns your attitude.
“Why, did I ruin your fun with Yoongi?”
“You actually did, yeah.”
“Is he a newborn? Can’t support his head at all so he puts it on your shoulder?”
It’s perhaps a fault in your part that you let Yoongi rest his head on your shoulder but in your defense, you saw no malice in it because he’s just a friend. You don’t know if Jungkook sees it for the way that you do, but it’s clear you had no intention of pissing him off because in the first place, you didn’t even expect to see him picking you up at the club.
The two of you are angry and never did it mix correctly. Jungkook’s too jealous and way in over his head that he can’t even form words, and you’re too frustrated that you can’t form the right ones.
“I’m single,” you pipe in the temporary status gently to remind him because come to think of it, Jungkook found you because he chose to. You don’t even reckon telling him of your whereabouts since you weren’t exactly on speaking terms since this morning.
“I’m your husband.”
Jungkook says it with absoluteness, his eyes trained on the side of your face because you don’t even want to look at him.
“I’m not hearing you.”
His breath clearly hitches but you have no patience left in you to form guilt, all of you remaining of energy being dedicated to your change of plans. 
You figure that you must have left a couple of shirts and more in your old house that you moved out of after marrying Jungkook. If you go in there now, your month-long break could just finally start and no more of this — no more of Jungkook’s sudden appearances he didn’t even grant you when you needed him.
“Drop me off at my house.”
Jungkook was just about to start the car and go the route to your home with him. It’s muscle memory at this point to know the route but what you’re asking of him now is to take him to the route where he doesn’t belong — where only you’re alone, as if you didn’t have him.
“I’m not asking, Jungkook.”
There’s only so much prior guilt that Jungkook could take so without another word, he complies.
By the time you and Jungkook start the drive, there’s only silence.
No one follows you because the intern who used to stand thirty feet away from you when you were still in the booth, remains in his seat and reviews his footage of you and Yoongi.
The guy had stopped long ago when you left Yoongi because when the guy with the buff physique comes in, in a black bomber jacket no less, he doesn’t think twice of it and even hides his phone.
He wouldn’t think that the guy is anyone intimately related to you. To him, he was just one random guy that seemed to get into his shots — either he was your bodyguard or your manager.
Not your husband.
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austinelvisimagines · 2 years
Don’t Be Cruel
Austin Butler Elvis Imagine
Word Count: 4k
Synopsis: You’re supporting your boyfriend, Elvis at his trouble performance. Things go south and you try to help. Shameless smut follows.
Warnings: Like I said this is absolutely filthy. Also, Elvis gets his ass beat but is pretty hot about it. 
I’m ridiculous but I hope y’all like this one. Let me know what you think!
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There was a nervous energy surrounding the whole troupe tonight. Colonel Parker had given your boyfriend, Elvis, strict instructions to be a more “family friendly” version of himself. People across the nation found his wild gesticulations to be far too provocative, some went as far as calling it sinful. You didn’t understand. Elvis’s dancing was clearly a result of whatever holy spirit entered his body when he sang. It was angelic, not perverse. Regardless, no one was sure how this show was going to go. Elvis really respected the colonel and tried to listen to the man, but you could tell he was sick at the idea of pretending to be someone he’s not. His bandmates were reluctant to say anything to him, wanting to let the man make his own decision, but it was obvious that they hated the idea of a ‘new Elvis’ as much as the rest of you.
You were riding in the back of a police car, sitting to the right of Elvis with the colonel on his left. Supposedly, the ‘escort’ was for Elvis’s safety or something, though everyone knew it was an intimidation tactic. You were pulling up to the baseball field that his concert was being held at when you reached for your boyfriend’s hand and squeezed it tight in your own. He looked over at you and his eyes were hard set. You knew he had made up his mind, but you didn’t know where he had landed on the issue. You would support him either way. Suddenly there was a loud thud as a woman threw herself onto the hood of the car. You gasped when the police officer driving continued forward slowly. The officer in the passenger seat turned to face Elvis and sneered.
“You don’t so much as wiggle a finger.” You rolled your eyes and followed Elvis out of the vehicle and over to the side of the stage that had been set up in the field. He stopped abruptly and turned to you, reaching for your hands.
“I don’t want you getting’ involved in this, Y/N.” He squeezed his eyes shut and angled his head backwards.
“That’s too bad Mr. Presley, I’m in this for the long haul.” You swung your arms trying to dispel some of the tension that was evident in his body. He jerked his head down to look at you.
“No, it ain’t your job to deal with the fallout of my actions.” He let out a shuddering breath.
“No. It ain’t, it’s my choice. I’m your girl, I wanna support you.” You were closer to him now, looking up at his strong jaw and willing him to understand how much you meant this.
“That’s right, you’re my girl. My girl. I ain’t gonna let you get hurt. Especially not because of me.” He was squeezing your hands tighter now and his voice had gotten gravelly.
“My goodness, Elvis. Hurt? You’re just gonna go sing a few songs and dance a lil. No one’s gonna hurt me cause of that.” You were worrying now. He was clearly stressed and that made you think he was planning to do something impulsive.
“Yeah, I’m just singin’ a song, darlin’. Still, if anything goes wrong, I want you to find the colonel and get out of here. I won’t have you runnin’ around trying to play savior.” He cocked an eyebrow at you waiting for you to show that you understood him. It only made you more nervous. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded.
“Yes sir.” He cradled your face in his hands and planted a firm kiss to your hairline. His chest rumbled.
“That’s a good girl. Now go stand over there where I can see ya.” He pulled away smiling softly and turned to climb the stairs to the stage. His guitar was handed to him, and you made your way to the spot he had chosen for you. You were facing him now, not part of the restless audience, but close enough to the stage front to get the same effect. He walked up to the microphone, and you watched as he strengthened his resolve and spoke.
“There’s a lot o’ people sayin’ a lot o’ things, but in the end you gotta listen to yourself.” He raised his arm in the air, pinky out and wiggling. You sucked in a breath. This was not going to end well, but you couldn’t help the pride that swelled in your chest. He yanked the microphone to the side and his deep voice rang out filled with spite.
“I’m gonna show you what the real Elvis is like tonight!” His arm flew back, and his hips jerked out while the band began to play a gritty melody.
“If you’re lookin’ for trouble,” his eyes closed briefly before flashing open, his gaze feral.
“You came to the right place. If you’re lookin’ for trouble, just look right in my face.” His jaw was trembling as he spit out the song. Girls were fisting their hands in their hair and openly weeping. They surged forward, desperate for a piece of him.
“I was born standin’ up and talkin’ back.” He stretched his long body out, clearly unable to hold back the music in his soul and then he was growling.
“My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack.” The line burst from his chest, and he framed his face between his hands before falling into a dance move that took his body near parallel to the stage. He came up agonizingly slow, inches from the mouths of wolves. The police and volunteer sailors had long lost control of the crowd. Girls were throwing themselves at the stage, crushed by the weight of every girl behind them; just as desperate as they were. You looked over at the colonel now who stood twenty feet or so to your side. The odd man was slack jawed and openly terrified. You heard the song’s beat jump in tempo and looked back at the crowd to see it explode. People were frantically dancing seemingly possessed by the rebellious spirit your boyfriend inspired. You were shaken from the vision by the colonel’s hand on your arm.
“Miss L/N, I need you to make your way back to the car now.” The man was clearly panicked. His hand trembled from its place around your elbow as he tried to steer you away from the stage. You jerked back from his hold.
“I’m fine right here, thank you. I’ll decide when I need to return to the car.” The man huffed and looked ready to argue before seeming to decide that he didn’t have the time. He rushed off in another direction and you returned your focus to the show. Elvis was enthusiastically dancing, and you could see he was having the time of his life getting his point across. He really was born for the stage. Suddenly you were pushed back by a burly officer. Catching yourself, you looked up to see a line following him to the stage. You watched as they yanked Elvis back by his shoulders before grabbing his arms and pulling him into a waiting throng of officers. Similar scenes were taking place all around the stage, but you could only focus on Elvis. Fighting against the crowd you moved towards the retreating white mass. You found your way to the edge of the stage and pressed your back into it, sliding to the open space at the rear. When you hit the corner, you were met with the sight of Elvis thrashing against the hold of several officers as they tried to pull him to a waiting squad car. His teeth were gnashing and gleaming as the officer from the car earlier stepped forward.
“I told you boy, not a fucking finger!” He roared the last word and Elvis smiled deviously before dropping his head back. You were worried he had lost consciousness for a moment before he swung his neck forward and spat in the mans face. The man slowly wiped the saliva off his face before it hardened into rage.
“You piece of shit greaser.” He yanked his baton from his belt before bringing it down across Elvis’s face. The force of it pulled Elvis’s weight from the men who had held him up and all three men began to viciously kick his body where it fell on the ground. You ran forward throwing your body onto one of Elvis’s attackers, trying to pull him back.
“Stop!” The man shook you off and you lunged forward again only to be knocked to the ground by his elbow hitting your temple. You could see Elvis’s face from your position. His eyes were screwed shut; his teeth clenched.
“Stop it!” Your scream was shrill.
“Stop it, you’ll kill him!” The men had slowed, seeming to finally be aware of your presence, and so was Elvis. His eyes were on you, and they were brimstone.
“You’d better get your ass out of here before I arrest you for obstruction of justice. I’d love to book the devil and his slut on the same day.” Elvis was sitting up at this point. Half of his face was covered in dirt and there was blood running from a spot where his eyebrow had been split by the baton.
“Don’t you ever talk to her like that.” The sentence came out breathless but fierce. He was on shaky feet now, brought up again by the two unknown officers. He spit blood from the corner of his mouth before sniffing and stretching his jaw.
“I can take your licks if you’re man enough to give em, but I won’t have you talkin’ to my girl like she ain’t a lady.”
“Elvis no!” His eyes flashed to yours.
“Y/N I told you not to come after me!” He was seething.
“Now you go find the Colonel and my parents and you let me deal with this!” You shook your head, eyes welling up.
“Get out of here! Would ya just listen to me, please.” His voice cracked on the last word, and you paused before turning heel and running to find help.
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You were laying on the hotel bed you had shared with Elvis the last few nights. It had been hours since you left your boyfriend, and you couldn’t stop replaying the last look he gave you. He had looked like he was about to crumble and didn’t want you to be there to see it. You should’ve stayed, but what could you have done? God, you hoped he was okay. You had no way of knowing where he was or what had happened. The colonel had deposited you at the hotel and demanded you stay put while he dealt with everything. Not wanting to make Elvis madder, you had decided to listen for once. You were wringing your hands together and staring at a spot on the blanket when you heard the door handle being jimmied. You perked up and swung your legs off the bed. The door swung open revealing your boyfriend’s tall form. His jacket was hung over his shoulder, dangling from his hand and his hair was hanging messily in his face. He was covered in dirt and blood still. The police had clearly not tended to any of the wounds they had given him. He stepped into the room, shutting the door softly behind him and you stood to meet him.
“Oh my God, Elvis, baby let me help you!” You reached out to touch his arm and he pulled back from you abruptly.
“Elvis-” He cut you off with a hand raised.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/N? Huh?” You moved to respond, and he cut you off again.
“You forget how to listen to me? I told you to leave. I specifically said I didn’t want you involved.” His voice was low and dangerous.
“I was just trying to help! They were gonna kill you, Elvis!” Your voice was thick with unshed tears.
“You think I can’t handle myself? It’s gon’ take a lot more than some pussy cops to kill me.” You stepped to him again and this time he didn’t stop you. You gently pulled the jacket from his hand and threw it to the side. Your fingers found his shirt buttons and undid the few that were clasped. You gasped as his bruised form was revealed. His torso was blooming purple and black.
“Just let me help you, please. You can be mad at me after.” He nodded vaguely and allowed you to lead him to the bed where you nudged him to sit. You turned to the bathroom and returned with a wet rag. You stood between his legs and turned his chin upwards to face you. You brushed the hair from his face and dabbed at the dried blood over his eyebrow. He hissed and clenched his jaw.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was soft, and you paused before continuing. There was a clean stripe going down his filthy face now.
“Why’d you do that, huh? Come after me.” His hands were on your waist.
“I wanted to protect you.” He scoffed.
“No, you’re my girl. It’s my job to protect you.” His face was mostly clear now and he tugged you to straddle his legs. Your face was near level with his and he grabbed your jaw in his large hand. He was gazing into your eyes when he turned your face gently to the side.
“I didn’t do a great job of that tonight.” He was observing the bruise that had formed at the side of your face from the elbow you’d caught.
“I’ll kill him for touchin’ you.” His fingers grazed the side of your face and he looked conflicted.
“It’s not your fault, baby.” He dropped his head to your chest and sighed.
“I told you I wouldn’t let no one hurt you.” You ran your fingers through his hair.
“You couldn’t have done anything.” He wrapped his strong arms around you, and it felt like he was trying to keep you from flying away.
“You shouln’t’ve even been there. I need you to listen to me. I can’t be worryin’ about you and fighting the whole country.” He pressed a tender kiss to your collar bone and looked up at you again.
“Promise me, Y/N, promise me you won’t do somethin’ so stupid again.” His eyes were imploring.
“I can’t do that; I can’t walk away if you need me. Someone’s gotta take care of you. I gotta take care of you.” He pulled your hips flush against his and smirked.
“You do take care of me mama. You’re so good at it, such a good girl.” His hand was running up the side of your torso now and you threw your head back laughing.
“Mr. Presley, I don’t think you’re in any shape to be lovin’ on me tonight.” You pressed a finger into a bruise on his ribs and he hissed. You looked at him pointedly and he squinted his eyes before snapping his teeth at you.
“I’m always ready to love on you.” You shook your head and squealed when he stood, lifting you with him. You’d grab at his shoulders, but there was no need, he’d never drop you. His lips found yours and suddenly he was devouring you. Your back hit wall and his hand made its way under your shirt, fingers ghosting along the skin of your abdomen. Your head fell against the wall, and you worried your bottom lip between your teeth. Elvis took advantage of the new skin and latched his mouth onto your neck. You let out a whine and felt him smirk.
“You like it when I kiss you here, baby?” You nodded, eyes clenched.
“Mhm.” He grazed his teeth along your jaw and then pulled back to look at you.
“Be a good girl and tell me what you want.” Your eyes flew open, pupils blown wide.
“Elvis, please. Don’t tease.” He laughed.
“Oh no, you better use your words, lil one. I’m not giving you shit ‘til you fuckin’ ask for it.” You fisted your hands into the shirt that hung open on him and groaned.
“Wanna feel you touch me.” You thunked your head back.
“Where, baby?” He was having too much fun playing with you, so you thrust your hips into his and relished in the hungry look he gave you.
“Everywhere.” He smirked and turned to take you back to the bed.
“So needy.” He tossed you down and climbed over you, kissing along bits of your skin as he went. When his face was level with yours, he brought his massive hand up to wrap around your throat.
“I don’t know that you deserve to be touched. Good girls get to play, and you were awfully bad today.” He looked at you and you could tell he wouldn’t make this easy.
“What do you think?”
“Please, I’m sorry. I’ll be good, I promise.” His hand squeezed a bit tighter, and he brought his lips to yours.
“You can do better than that.” The words were spoken against your lips, and you could taste him.
“Please daddy.” You gulped.
“I’ll be good for you.” He smiled wolfishly and pulled back.
“The cop was right about one thing; you are my slut.” He moved his hand up to grab your jaw and pushed his thumb into your mouth. You wrapped your tongue around the digit, loving the salty taste of his skin. He moved his other hand down to your waistband and tugged at the shorts you wore to bed. He started to pull his other hand down, but you held his thumb firmly in your mouth.
“Let. Go.” You shook your head defiantly, eyes sparkling.
“You’re being an absolute brat today.” You smiled and the action allowed him to pull his thumb from your mouth. He smacked the side of your face lightly before sitting back on his knees. Suddenly he rose and was standing at the edge of the bed. He grabbed your ankle and tugged your body to him. Once he had you where he wanted you, he yanked your shorts and underwear off in one go. You leaned up on your elbows and looked up at him. He rubbed a hand along his jaw thoughtfully while looking at your half-clothed form.
“Take off your shirt for me baby, real slow.” You obeyed the command and painstakingly tugged the cotton garment up your body and over your head. You hadn’t been wearing a bra, so your breasts were immediately visible to him, nipples pebbling in the cool air of the room. He pushed you back by your shoulders gently and laid his body back over yours.
“So pretty, mama. Just for me.” You nodded and he smirked before lowering his mouth to leave kisses across your chest, then down between your breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and sucked firmly before nipping it and doing the same to the other. He scraped his nails from the base of your neck to the top of your pelvis and then took one of your thighs into his hand. He drifted to grab your knee and pushed it up, pulling the leg away from the other and opening your pussy to his vision.
“Well, ain’t that something? Barely touched you and you’re absolutely drenched for me.” He looked like a predator now.
“Please Elvis, I’m begging you, touch me.” You were squirming now, aching for him.
“Aight, aight, settle down lil girl.” He leaned back and undid his belt and zipper. You watched him through hooded eyes and your mouth watered when his dick came into your line of sight. He held it from the base and stroked upwards before yanking his pants off the rest of the way. He leaned forward and wrapped one hand firmly around your breast before smacking the length of his dick on your cunt. You jumped at the contact, and he crooked a smile at you. He ran the head along your folds, coating it in your pussy juice. You groaned, ready to yank him down and force him into you. He seemed to read your mind.
“Nu uh, just the tip.” He sank maybe an inch into you, and you gasped, hands flying to your hair and covering your face.
“Quit that. I wanna see your pretty face when I fuck you.” He pulled back out and you whined.
“Shh, shh, shh. You’re okay, baby. Daddy’s gon’ take real good care of you.” He sank into you fully and groaned.
“So fuckin’ tight for me. So good.” He pulled out then thrust forward hard. You let out a filthy moan.
“That’s it, baby. Love all your pretty lil noises.” He reached up and dragged your hands above your head in one of his. Suddenly he was rocketing in and out of you and you cried out, struggling in his hold.
“Daddy!” You dragged the title out and he preened. His other hand went down between your bodies and his thumb found your clit. He began circling the bundle of nerves and you arched into him. He was pushing into you at a punishing pace now and you knew you’d be sore in the morning. Not that you’d say no to morning sex. He wasn’t letting up and you could feel your release building. Eyes screwed shut, you pushed your pelvis up to meet his.
“Open your fucking eyes!” His hand that had been holding yours was on your face now, grasping your jaw. You struggled to open your eyes and saw his face inches above your own.
“You better look at me when you cum. Wanna watch you fall apart.” You nodded your head in his hold.
“‘s it feel good, mama?” You were nodding furiously now.
“Yeah, you like it when daddy fucks you like a lil slut huh?” You had tears in your eyes now. You were so goddamn close.
“That’s it, cum for daddy, baby.” His order sent you over and you came screaming.
“‘s so good, feels so good, daddy.” He was smiling watching you, but he didn’t let up. His thumb was relentless and the tremors flowing through your body were endless.
“Keep going baby, you can do it. I know you can do it, you’re such a good lil girl.” He had slowed his thrusts slightly, more focused on watching you fall apart. You couldn’t take it anymore, tried to pull your body away and he pressed a hand flat onto your stomach holding you down.
“Where you runnin’ to? I ain’t done.”
“Please, daddy, I can’t, can’t take any more.” You were panting now, the overstimulation too much.
“Oh yes you can. I’ve seen you take more.” Maybe everyone was right. He was being downright evil. You sobbed as another orgasm hit you and your walls clenched around his cock so tight that he stalled before yanking your hips forward and restarting his frantic pace. He growled before his own orgasm hit and he fell forward, arm above you and shuddering. There was a thick sheen of sweat covering him and a drop fell from his face to yours before he brought his lips to yours for a languid and deep kiss. There was a tender moment before he gently pulled himself from you and fell on his back to your side. He put an arm over his eyes and took a few deep breaths before looking over at you. He rolled to his side and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You snuggled closer to him, sighing.
“You came in me.” He barked out a laugh.
“Is that a problem?” he had both arms around you now.
“What if I get pregnant?”
“You’d look so beautiful. I could call you mama for real.” You rolled your eyes and shoved his chest playfully.
“I’m serious!”
“So am I.” He pulled your face up and gave you a soft kiss.
“For right now though, you’re my babygirl.” He touched a finger to the tip of your nose and smiled.
“Now let’s get to bed, it’s late.” He maneuvered your bodies to the top of the bed and pulled the blankets over you both.
“Elvis?” You looked at him from your spot on his chest.
“Mhm?” His eyes were soft in a way they only ever were for you.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin’.” 
Part two to this exists! Check it out!
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selfcarecap · 3 years
Love Flower [p.p]
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
summary: You’ve read all about sex pollen online. You didn’t believe in it. But when you experience it first hand, that most definitely changes your mind. You even have to seek help from your best friend Peter to relieve the burn between your legs…
warning: dub con but only bc sex pollen (and it is both their first time while the reader is under the influence of sex pollen so keep that in mind! (but they do like each other soo- and she can think straight in my version of sex pollen lol (it‘s explained at the end😭)), smutty smut smut
word count: 4k
-repost of an old fic but it‘s quite good if i... may say so myself-
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“Woah.” Your eyes sparkle as you spot the flower. Peter has to hold you tight by your arm so you don’t go off track.
“Is that what I think it is?” Peter asks.
“I’m certain it is. Let go of me.” His fingers loosen around your arm. You take a few steps forward.
“Why are you going near it then?” Peter freaks out behind you, unsure what to do.
“Do you think this is real?” You ask Peter. You’re in his room at the compound. He moved in after graduating high school. For one, he was honoured that Tony asked him out of all people. Who wouldn’t want to move in with a bunch of Avengers?
But the most important aspect of why he said yes to moving in to the compound was because of you. It meant he would see you multiple times a day. He’d be damned if he had said no to that.
Peter bends over the bed to look at what you’re showing him on your laptop screen. He sits down next to you.
“Se- woah... Sex pollen? What the hell are you looking at?” He asks, wide-eyed.
“It’s a special plant. Basically going near it, directly touching or smelling it, makes you go crazy horny. They’re used for semi-superhuman breeding or something. But in some communities it’s used as a drug or something.” You explain.
“Well, let’s hope we don’t stumble across it then.”
“Why not? I want this.” You idly scroll further down and read more of the article.
“You’re being serious? What’s so desirable about being so horny that you lose control over your body?” Peter gesticulates wildly, trying to understand where the hell you’re coming from.
“To me that sounds like heaven. But I don’t believe that it would work. Humans are animals, okay. But they’re not animals like that, you know?” He shakes his head.
“Other than animals like the ones out in nature, we have rationality. They are animalistic animals, but we’re rational animals. I can’t imagine that anything in the world will make me so horny that I want nothing more than to fuck someone. Not even that plant. So I’d want to put that to the test sometime.”
“Very philosophical.” Peter comments.
“What, wanting to be horny?”
“No, the part about the animalistic and rational animals, kind of, maybe, have to think about it.”
You didn’t really know what the hell you were talking about when you said that but Peter’s really into your theory. He looks like he’s truly racking his brain about it.
“Don’t bother your pretty head about it though. I’m just talking nonsense because I’m horny, so see you later.”
You kiss his cheek and leave the room.
The feeling of your lips lingers on his cheek to this day.
“Come back, we have a mission. We’re supposed to be fight-” An explosion from inside the building interrupts Peter.
A second later Tony flies out in his suit, cheering because the mission was successful.
“Mission’s over now. And it’s just a quick smell. I swear nothing is going to happen, you’ll see. I have a bad sense of smell anyway.” You assure Peter.
“No, wait!” You ignore Peter’s plea.
You take a few steps forward until you’re right in front of the plant. The fragrance is strong. It’s a mixture of all the sweetest things in life. Peter’s smell somewhere in there.
“Mmmh. That smells nice.” You hum.
“You know what it smells like now. Come back.” Peter steps forward, holding his bunched up mask over his mouth and nose. He drags you away from the plant.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” You lift your arms in the air, “That smell was... nice. I seriously need that as a perfume.”
Peter follows you slowly on your walk to the jet.
You’re up in the air. Everyone else is happy because the mission was a success. You feel weird.
“Sorry, can I sit there?” You ask Peter to stand up from his seat by the window.
“Yeah yeah sure. Are you sure you’re good?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” You look up at Peter for a second. Your irises have almost disappeared entirely. That’s how blown your pupils are.
Peter stares at you. You stare out of the window. Your let one of your hands hang between your legs. The other on your belly. Peter’s still staring at you.
“Are you waiting for something? Do you want to sit here after all?” You wonder.
“Uh no. No. You sit.”
Peter stops looking at you and goes to worry about you on the other side of the jet.
You arrive back at the compound and you try to get to your room as quick as possible. You jog through the hallway but once again Peter stops you. He holds you by your wrist and you involuntarily moan out loud. Not just Peter hears. Tony, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Nat and Bruce all look at you.
“Ow, I mean. I have a few scratches that hurt. Don’t touch me. Um, if anyone needs the bathroom on our floor, I’m going to shower and then I’ll have to take care of the uh scratches from… from walking through the woods so I’ll take a while.”
You escape before anyone can question that. You’re lucky that your suit is thick enough to conceal how fucking wet you are.
You’re also lucky that no one notices that there’s no way that a few twigs could scratch you through your suit.
Except for Peter. Because Peter was there with you. He knows there were no twigs or branches. You walked through some grass in a garden, if anything. A hydra garden, but there was nothing except that plant he warned you about…
You‘re not sure if it‘s ten minutes or an hour that you sit in the bathtub with the shower head between your legs. Uncontrollable sobs leave your mouth that sound more erotic than any porn you‘ve watched.
Your hand hurts from holding the shower head and as you share this floor with Peter, you realise he might also want to shower after a sweaty mission.
God, Peter. Under the shower. Naked.
You stop your thoughts from going there. You‘ve fallen victim to the magical attraction of the plant but you don‘t want your innocent angel boy Peter to become a victim of your dirty thoughts.
You tear yourself away from the stream of water to go to your room.
You‘re glad to have a vibrator that‘s small enough to fit inside you, but not hurt you. That‘s what you think at first.
But after the first orgasm you feel empty, despite the pink silicone still being fully inside of you, and before today you never even got it inside. You’ve never been this wet before.
Everything is so slippery and you‘re more than frustrated.
What the fuck do you do now?
The vibration from your phone on your bedside table makes you clench around your toy and you pick it up.
Message from Spiderboy: Hey is everything okay with your scratches and stuff?
You: We‘re friends right?
S: Of course why?
Y: And friends help each other yeah?
S: Yeah, you good?
Y: No
Y: I was wrong
S: Wow never thought I’d hear that
S: What happened? should I come to your room?
Y: Idk
S: ?
Y: Yeah but knock
Less than thirty seconds later, Peter knocks at your door.
You change into sleep shorts and a loose shirt and open the door.
The sight of Peter has never made you quite as happy as now.
“What’s wrong what- woah your heart is beating like crazy.” He uses his heightened senses. He knows something is up as he steps into your room. He knew something was up when you texted him.
“I know.” You say. You lock the door behind Peter.
You sit down on your bed with a wince.
Peter waits a moment before he sits down opposite of you.
“So, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“You know when you’re like super horny all day, but the good type, and then you come home and you finally get to masturbate and come and it’s like the best feeling ever?”
Peter’s cheeks become red as a tomato. “Oh, uh yeah sure, I’ve had that.”
“Yeah well, when I smelled that fucking plant, I thought it was going to be like that. Not for it to hurt so fucking much.” When you say the last three words you whine, and to Peter you sound just like a pornstar. He really has to contain himself here.
“It hurts? What exactly?”
“My nipples are super sore. And there’s this feeling, like really deep down in my belly. Apart from that I’m so fucking wet, you can’t even imagine,” He’s trying not to imagine it, at least, “But nothing is helping. I came in the shower, at least six times, and more in here but it’s not enough.”
Peter groans at the thought of you touching yourself. Right on the bed that he is currently sitting on, that you’ve masturbated on probably countless times, and he’s even slept in before.
“Fuck should we - should we get help, I‘m sure Tony or Bruce will know what to do?” He suggests.
“No! Are you crazy?”
Yeah but only about you, Peter thinks.
You’d rather die than tell Tony or Bruce about how horny you are.
“You will not do that, I need your help, Peter. You agreed, friends help each other.”
“What- what do you want me to do? I don‘t know anything about this.”
“Just…” You straddle Peter’s thighs. He doesn’t stop you. You put your hands on his shoulders and press your forehead against his.
“Just kiss me, Peter.”
He doesn’t wait. Peter places his lips on your open mouth. You kiss him until you no longer know which way up and which way down is.
You start grinding your hips against Peter’s leg, against the basketball shorts he’s wearing.
You weren’t lying when you told him he wouldn’t believe how wet you are.
“Fuck. S-sorry.” You pull away from him and lie back down on your pillows, so you’re half-sitting up.
“Sorry you have to witness this.” You tell him.
Your hand has slipped underneath your own shorts. You’re unashamedly rubbing circles between your legs. You have no idea what’s going through Peter’s head. He just sits there.
“You can go again. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t think you can help me.” You close your eyes and wait until you hear your door shut again. But you don’t.
Peter’s still there.
“No I can, I’ll help you. Just tell me what to do.”
You sit up so you can talk to him properly.
“Have you ever fingered a woman?”
“No I’ve just, uh I mean I’ve watched, just a few times, watched porn.” He mumbles and you wonder how he can be shy while you’re basically fucking yourself with your fingers in front of him.
“First of all throw your fucking inhibitions out of the window. You don‘t have to be shy about watching porn, not in this fucking situation, and not around me anyway, ever.”
He nods.
“I know you‘re inexperienced but you better be a quick fucking learner.”
He’s definitely eager.
“Okay what should I do first? Can I take these off?” He’s pulling at your shorts.
“Yes, Peter. Everything. Take it all off, please.” Your neediness is coming back, more intense than ever.
First, Peter makes you slip out of your shirt. He gulps when he sees your naked chest. Your fingers start rubbing your nipples. You lift your hips, indicating to Peter to finally take off your shorts.
You’re so wet, it’s running down your thighs and Peter can smell you. He loves this.
He just stares for a moment.
“Fingers. I need your fingers, Peter. Mine aren’t as big as yours and mine aren’t enough.” You really do sound like a desperate porn actress right now, except that you’re not faking it.
“Yeah, okay. What, where-” He starts and you take one of his fingers and place it right where you need it.
“Now go as deep as you can.”
His finger enters you slowly, as not to hurt you but you buck your hips forward.
“And now?” He asks. He licks his lips.
“Now pull your finger out again- No! Not completely.”
“Don’t be. Just do that and I’ll rub my clit.” He pulls his finger out, not completely, and goes back in in a smooth motion. You’re so slippery everywhere. His finger keeps grazing the upper wall of your pussy and Peter keeps looking from your face, back to your body, back to your face.
“I need more, Peter.”
“Like, faster?”
“A second finger, please.”
You look so endlessly beautiful, not just now, and Peter could and would never deny you, so he adds another finger. You can already feel your climax building up.
“Fuck, Peter. I’m gonna cum.” His fingers move faster and you use the same rhythm on your clit.
“Fuck, back off, I think I’m gonna squirt.” You warn him.
“No, just let go.” He says and you do. You bask in the wave of euphoria that consumes you, even if just for a short moment.
You wait a few seconds to open your eyes.
Peter’s shirt is drenched in your warm release. His tongue darts out to lick off some that you squirted on his face.
The way you’re admiring Peter from below him makes him feel so damn invincible.
“You feel better yet?”
You shake your head and Peter’s face falls just a tiny bit.
“It was amazing. But I feel like it will never stop hurting. I need to cum again, please.”
He pulls his wet shirt off his body and lies down, pulling your thighs over his shoulders.
“Should I try with my tongue? Maybe that feels better.”
Peter still doesn’t really know what he’s doing. But with how you’re grinding your pussy in his face, getting yourself off, his lack of skill isn’t obvious.
You have this aura around you that makes Peter fucking dizzy.
You cum on his face once more, it’s not quite as much as before, still. “Oh god sorr-”
“Don’t apologise. I know it’s probably the plant doing it to you, but it’s still an ego boost knowing I’m with you while you do that squirting thing.”
“I only do that with you. I’ve never squirted before.”
His whole upper body has a red tint now.
Despite the two heavenly orgasms Peter just gave you, you feel like you’ll never be satiated. You know there’s just one way to go.
“Peter, have you ever had sex?” You give him your most irresistible pout.
You sit up, your chest against his. He’s about to give in.
“But I just said it. You’re basically on drugs with that plant. I shouldn’t even be here. I can’t have sex with you. Would it be your first time?” He asks.
“Yeah but-”
“I’m sorry, I know you’re in pain right now but I can’t. It wouldn’t be right, you’d just regret it afterwards.” He says, but deep down he wants nothing more than to say yes.
You feel the pressure behind your eyes. Does Peter not want you like you want him?
“I would do the same for you, Peter. You know I would.”
“Fuck.” He mutters. He gets to his knees and pulls the drawstring of his shorts, pulling them off his legs and his hard cock hits his lower abdomen.
“God, you’re big.” You grin, scooting closer to him. His hand wraps around his cock and he gives himself a few strokes.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me. I want you inside of me. Actually scrap that, I need you inside of me. It hurts so much, Peter.” You whine.
“I promise I’ll make it better. I’ll take care of you, I’m here for you.” He stops, thinking, “But do you have condoms?”
“In that drawer.” You tell him.
He opens the drawer from your nightstand. Along with a few scary-looking toys, he finds a bunch of condoms.
“Uh why do you have so many, I thought you haven’t had sex.”
“I haven’t, but I use sex toys when I’m by myself and the shop that sells them gives you free condoms with every purchase.”
“Hm, where is the shop-”
“Oh, right.”
He positions himself above you, his hands either side of your head.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
“Please.” You whisper. You bring your head up so your lips touch. Even though Peter’s fingered and eaten you out tonight, nothing was ever as intense as this kiss. The first kiss you gave him earlier was just desperate. But there’s a hint of something more in this one.
Your tongues meet in slow, sensual kisses until you leak onto the bed and you’re reminded of the emptiness inside of you. You moan into Peter’s mouth and he bites your tongue when your fingers graze his cock, then wrapping around him and stroking.
“You ready?” He asks. You hum.
He sinks into you gradually. Peter’s never been as thankful for his Spider-Man stamina as he is now, because otherwise he’d be done for.
He goes slow to make sure he’s not hurting you, but it doesn’t hurt.
Peter worries once sobs start leaving your mouth, but they’re from pleasure.
It feels so goddamn good how Peter’s cock bumps against your g-spot while your finger rubs your clit.
It’s nearly overwhelming how good everything feels. All it takes is a look at Peter’s face and down his body, watching his cock disappear inside of you, and you’re coming.
You flutter around Peter’s cock and squeeze him so good that he orgasms too.
You’re both out of breath and Peter slumps down on you, careful not to squash you as his arms give out under him. He slowly rolls off of you, lying close to you still.
“Fuck, that was exhausting,” He breathes out, “But I mean I can go again, no problem if-”
“No I’m.. I feel good.” You raise your shoulders and use your arms to cover your chest.
“Is everything alright? Do you… regret what we just did? Fuck I shouldn’t have-”
“No no not at all, I don’t regret it, promise.” You reassure him, “Just um a bit embarrassed that you saw me like that.”
“No inhibitions, remember?” His hand strokes along your arm.
You’re both still naked, bodies glistening with sweat and Peter’s still admiring you.
“So you’re good? Satisfied?”
“Very, thank you, Peter.”
“So do you want to go shower?” You’re a sticky mess, so the answer is yes.
“I’ll let you go first.” Peter offers, in front of the bathroom.
“The shower is big enough to share. I mean after what just happened we can shower next to each other, can’t we?” You drag him into the bathroom with you. You let go of the bedsheet you held around you as a cover.
“Oh, okay yeah.”
You step into the shower and turn the water on, washing away the stickiness around your thighs first.
Peter’s watching you, but you’re too busy cleaning up.
“God, I’m sore. Can you get my back?” You only half-turn, to see Peter dropping his sheet and stepping into the shower behind you.
He takes your pink loofah sponge and starts massaging your back while you wash your hair.
This is not what Peter thought about when you said no inhibitions. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you naked. But Peter’s completely hard again and you don’t even acknowledge it. Did you even notice? This is not ideal.
“Thanks. That felt good. Are you finished?” You ask, grabbing a towel and getting out of the shower. Peter doesn’t want you to know he’s hard and he turns his front to the wall. He doesn’t miss how your eyes go to his ass.
“I just need another minute or two to clean up. I’ll be out in a second.” He says and you go to your room to put on fresh pyjamas and change your bedsheets.
It’s been ten minutes and Peter still hasn’t come to your room. You text him,
You: You still showering?
Spiderboy: No
Y: Where are you then?
S: My room
Y: Why
S: Cause it’s my room
Y: Don’t you wanna come to my room?
A minute later there’s a knock on your door.
You have to limp to the door because of your earlier activities.
“If I had still been in the shower I couldn’t have answered your text, by the way.” That’s all he says.
He walks to your bed but doesn’t sit down.
“Thanks again, Peter. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” You sit down on the bed. He smiles at you weakly.
“Sit down.” You order. He stares at the bed. His hand glides across the mattress. He sits down.
“Peter? What-what’s going on in your mind? You’re being awkward and surely after what just happened I should be the one behaving awkwardly. But I‘m not, because I trust you, so what‘s going on?”
“I don’t know. It’s just, we’re friends - we said that, right? Friends help each other and stuff. So we’re friends but we just had sex and I don’t know what that means for us.”
“Do you regret it?”
He shakes his head.
“Peter. Look at me.” He does, “When I first found out about that plant, and I googled, it said there’s two ways to be “cured” by the effect of that plant.
So one is the option of impregnation-” Peter’s eyes go wide.
“No no don’t worry that’s not the one. We used a condom, it’ll be fine. So the second option… is to sleep with someone that you love. It’s weird, I didn’t quite get it, but on Asgard they use it to unite two lovers, I don’t know. But it worked.” You don’t look him in the eye.
“So, like, what does that mean?”
“It means… that I love you. My body was acting up, but I could still think clearly. And I knew that I love you and that meant it would help.” This time you look at him. His eyes are locked on his lap.
“I know that you love me, friends love each other. That’s normal.” He fidgets with the string of his hoodie.
“So.. do you not want to be more than that? More than friends?” You’re back to not looking at him now.
He lets out a deep breath. “No inhibitions, so here we go, I want to be more than that. More than friends. How could I not? But I know that, for years, you’ve only seen me as a friend, of course someone as amazing as you wouldn’t love me like that.”
“But I do. Have for ages. Do you think I’d let a friend see me like that? Soaking my whole fucking bed? Do you think I would ask a friend to have sex with me? Besides, the thing with the plant, it wouldn’t have worked if I only loved you as a friend.” You explain. Now you’re finally locking eyes.
“For real?” Peter asks and you laugh.
“Yes.” You grin.
“For real, for real?” He asks and you grin wider.
“Yes for real, for real. I love you, Peter. As someone I want to be with, like in a relationship. And have awesome sex like we did today. Just not quite that desperate.”
“For real for real for real?” He asks and you want to kiss him silly.
“Peter if you ask that one more time I’ll kiss you until you’ve forgotten every word except my name.”
“For-” He doesn’t get to end his sentence. You straddle him despite the burn in your thighs and pin him to the mattress. You don’t know how much time goes by while you’re just making out with Peter.
“Oh and I love you too, by the way.”
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psithurista · 3 years
approach shift pt. two
pairing: Peter Parker x f!reader (TASM/Andrew Garfield version) length: 4k  rating: explicit 18+  warnings: cunnilingus, unprotected PIV sex
Peter Parker is a weirdo. A hot, distracting, irritating weirdo. And you can't afford distractions right now. So there's only one thing to do.
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“No foam, half-sweet.” She’s not even looking at you as she speaks, her nails clicking against the glass of her phone’s screen.
You force a smile onto your face, knowing she won’t see it. “Coming right up.”
You’re tense, and tired. Your neck aches from another late night curled uncomfortably with your laptop on the sofa, a recorded lecture playing in front of your glazed-over eyes, your earbuds in. You’d been so out of it that it had taken your roommate three tries to get your attention from across the room; waving a bowl of stir-fry at you.
And even now, as you run a cloth over the wand of the milk frother, your mind is elsewhere. Inside a cold, windowless research lab, to be precise. Sitting on the edge of a metal bench, the quiet tick of the clock on the wall behind you.
You shift you weight from one leg to the other as heat spikes in your lower stomach. The insides of your thighs still tingle with the feeling of him standing between them; the warmth, the tautness. If you breathe slow enough, you can almost still feel him inside you. Unconsciously, your muscles squeeze.
It’s a question you’ve been trying to avoid, but there it is again: is he thinking of you right now, as you are of him? You try to imagine where he is; what he’s doing. It’s hard to place him jogging or working out, but then it also doesn’t feel natural imagining him laying around at home in front of a screen either. You wonder what home is for him. Does he have roommates? Family? What does his bedroom look like? And then, naturally, you’re imagining his bed…with him in it.
“Uh, I said no foam.”
You glance up to see the girl staring at you, one finger pointing at the cup in your hand. “Oh! God, I’m sorry. It’s been a busy day. I’ll make a new one; it’ll only take a sec. Sorry.”
She shrugs, returning to her phone. You grit your teeth. You’ve only got an hour left until closing time. One hour, then a walk to the station, then a subway ride, then another walk, and then—finally—you can lock yourself in your room and work off some of this lingering tension.
You nearly drop the newly-filled takeout cup as she gasps suddenly. “Something’s happening. Not even three blocks away! Someone just posted a Spider-Man pic—really close up, too—like two minutes ago.” She’s waving the phone too fast for you to actually see the screen yourself, and then she spins and darts for the door.
“Wait!” you call. “Your drink!”
She’s already gone, and you sigh. Last time you were this close to a Spider-Man-related incident, there were major train delays, and a police cordon blocking pedestrians from an exclusion zone for the entire length of your street. You’d been outrageously late for work, and the only glimpse you and a handful of excited onlookers had gotten for the trouble was a brief flash of red high overhead.
You find that you simply do not care about whatever’s happening outside. It’ll be all over the news later anyway. And now that there are no customers to serve, you can fill the remaining time with thoughts of your own.
Those thoughts gravitate, again and again, back to the same place. The bump of his teeth against your lip. The breathy quality to his voice. The slightly softened sibilance to some of his consonants; not a lisp exactly, but a definite softness. His fingers. God, his fingers.
You start slowly counting out the cash register, trying to decide which route you should take home. It’s probably easier to walk, rather than risk getting stuck in a carriage for hours. Hopefully whatever had been happening is done now and you won’t be trapped in a crowd of tourists craning their necks up to get pictures.
You’ve just finished wiping the last table when the bell at the top of the door jangles, and your heart plummets. Really? Really?
“We’re closing,” you say, trying to inject more apology than irritation into your voice. “So unless you’re just after a bottle of water or something—”
“I know. I don’t need a bottle of water.” Your head whips up. He stands just inside the doorway, a shy, closed-mouth smile half-lifting his lips.
“Hey. Hi.” He digs a heavily-shattered phone out of his back pocket, squinting at it before shoving it back. “Oh shit. It’s a lot later than I thought. Sorry. I—I’m glad I caught you in time.”
“What the…why are you so sweaty?” His hair stands up around his head messily, like he’s just stuck his head upside-down into a wind tunnel. Several dark strands are stuck damp to his face, and he wipes his forearm across his brow.
“I guess I was rushing. I was trying to get here earlier but I, uh, got sidetracked for a sec.”
You blink twice, smoothing your hands down over your thighs and hoping you aren’t covered in coffee grounds. You hadn’t even realised he knew where you worked. The only conversation you’ve ever had with him had been the one directly before you’d…
“I wanted to apologise. To you. For the other day, in the lab.”
Coldness trickles into your stomach, and your voice comes out sounding tight. “For what?”
He takes a step toward you, one hand loosely waving into the space between you. “For…I dunno, I should’ve been more…respectful, I think.”
You raise an eyebrow, resting one hand on your hip. “I initiated it. So what exactly are you saying? You don’t think I was chivalrous enough toward you? Gonna tell me I should’ve bought you a drink first?”
He shakes his head emphatically, side to side like he’s trying to dislodge water from his ears. “No, that’s not what I meant. You were great. I’m glad you did—I appreciate it—”
Your eyebrows are furrowed now, and you cut him off. “You’re thanking me?”
His lifts both hands to his hair, gripping it in tufts. He laughs, a short, nervous sound, his teeth pressing into his lower lip. “This isn’t coming out right.”
You notice for the first time that he isn’t in his regular slouchy-looking hoodie. He’s wearing a nice shirt; a deep blue henley, fitted to his broad shoulders. It’s flattering. It’s also inside-out.
“Your shirt is inside-out,” you tell him bluntly.
His soft, dark gaze finally meets yours and something shifts low in your stomach. He takes another step closer, and you need to lift your chin to keep looking up at him.
“I was rude to you. Implying I didn’t want anyone knowing. You didn’t deserve that. And I could’ve been better. Should’ve. Let me make it up to you.”
You stare at him, your mouth open. You should probably tell him that this is unnecessary: he’s overthinking it, it’s sweet that he seems to care how you feel, but you’ve had worse, and this isn’t going to help with your fixation—
His lips meet yours. Your breath rushes out through your nose as he gently coaxes your mouth open, his tongue pressing out, gathering the taste of you. His hands come up to the nape of your neck, gently tilting your head back as he curves down over you.
It’s nothing like last time. He’s assured; focused and intent. Like he’d prepared for this. Like he’d specifically worn a nicer shirt, figured out where you worked, planned to come and find you.
Your head spins as you tentatively curl your trapped hands against the firmness of his chest. He tastes like salt, the sweat on his skin cooling against your cheeks. This is surreal. You were daydreaming about this—about him, and he’s here somehow, his fingers in your hair. And yet he’s still too far away; there are too many clothes in the way, the windows of the cafe exposing you both to the street. You ache for him.
You both break the kiss at the same time.
“Is there a back room—”
“Can we go somewhere—”
He grins embarrassedly at you, his back hunched slightly to keep his face close to yours. You speak first. “There isn’t a back room. Just a bathroom. How far is your place?”
He tilts his head to the side, glancing behind him to peer outside. “Walking? Uhh…ten minutes?” He sounds unsure, like it’s just an estimate.
You snort. “You don’t know?”
“Ah, ha. Yeah, no I usually fly. S’quicker, y’know? Just gotta keep your mouth closed, unless you like pigeon feathers.”
You half-cringe, scoffing. “You really, truly think you’re funny, don't you?”
He slaps a hand to his heart, gasping. “You don’t?”
You shake your head. “Well, your place is closer than mine. Let me lock up real quick.” You spin away, hurrying to close the cabinets you’ve left open as you yank your apron over you head without bothering to untie the strings. It’s the fastest you’ve ever closed, and he raises his eyebrows in silent question as you stride toward the door where he’s leaning on one outstretched arm.
“Come on,” you say, flipping the sign to closed. “I’m following you.”
“Yes ma’am,” he murmurs back, smiling down at his feet.
It’s cold outside. Hard to believe he’d shown up without a coat, unless he ran the whole way here. Which would explain the sweat. You’re about to ask, when he speaks first.
“How’d you like Daniel Deronda?” You glance up at him. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his jeans, his head down. How did he…? “It was sticking out of your bag. The other day. I just noticed it.”
“Oh. It was a re-read. I just like the part where Gwen gets back from her sailing trip and has a complete existential crisis.” He flinches visibly before seemingly forcing himself into a quick recovery, and you pause, curious. “Have you read it?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. Don’t have a lot of time to read for fun. I liked comics when I was a kid.”
“Comics are cool. There’s a place just near my apartment that sells vintage runs, called Reggie’s—”
“Reggie’s Basement. Yeah, I’ve been going there since before I could read on my own. My uncle used to take me sometimes.”
A cab swerves toward the curb to avoid a cyclist, sending up a splash of filthy water from a pothole. Peter steps lithely to one side, yanking you out of the way before you can get drenched. You stumble, grasping onto him. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
He holds onto your shoulders for a beat too long, awkwardly lifting his open palms in a slightly-exaggerated gesture as he steps away. You walk beside him in silence a little longer, bewildered.
Clearing your throat, you attempt to restart the conversation. “You grew up here? In the city?”
“Yep. Queens. You?”
You give him a sideways look. “Nope. Jersey.”
He groans. “You’re ki-dding,” drawing the word out into three syllables. “Well. Nice talking.” He spins as though to walk away, but then keeps pace with you, now backwards on the sidewalk, a wry twist to his expression.
You grin. “Watch where you’re going. You’re going to fall on your ass, and then I’m going to laugh at you.”
“Not me. Catlike reflexes. You should see me dancing.”
“You dance?”
“Sure I dance. I’m a—” he steps sideways, avoiding a fire hydrant, still backwards as he waves his arms. “I’m a great dancer. Like you’ve never seen. Hey! Don’t look at me like that. I am!”
You realise your cheeks hurt a little, and you wonder if it’s the cold or just how hard you’re smiling. His earnestness is infectious; and your chest aches at the slightly insecure way he glances at your face through his eyelashes every time you giggle, as though checking to make sure you’re still with him.
He comes to a stop in front of a bodega with three of its four windows boarded with paint-tagged plywood. “S’a walk up, that okay?”
You nod mutely, following him inside. It’s dim and cracked in the stairwell. You feel strangely nervous all over again; all the ease of the walk dissipating in the yellowish light. And when he unlocks his door, bowing his head and gesturing you inside, your stomach flips over. It had felt a lot easier to scrunch up your courage and make a move when it was spontaneous. But this feels oddly formal; the walk, the conversation, and now the reality of his tiny apartment.
You take a step inside. It’s a studio; the kitchenette overlooking a desk stacked with textbooks, papers and tiny pieces of tech. His bed is tidy, at least; you note with relief that he actually has sheets on his bed—the same, unfortunately, hadn’t been true for some of the other guys’ rooms you’ve been inside. There’s a pair of sweats tangled beside the desk, which he kicks under the bed as he passes.
You find yourself staring at him again as he stands opposite you, gnawing his lower lip and blinking down at your legs. There’s the faintest shadow of stubble on his jaw, a shade darker than his hair. Wisps curl around his ear and down to the nape of his neck. You take a step closer, your heartbeat thrumming in your throat.
“Why’d you change your mind?” you whisper. A tiny line appears between his full eyebrows. His hand comes up to tentatively trace the open edge of your coat, and you shiver as his fingers brush your skin. “You didn’t want to make this a whole thing. But now…”
His breath is warm as he blinks several times. His eyelashes are full and dark. And then he looks up, his eyes darting between yours, lips parted. “I just thought…I guess. I thought it’d be okay. There’d be no harm in…seeing you again. I like you. It was nice. Being with you. And there’s no reason we can’t…be friends. That should be okay, right?” He sounds like he’s doubting his own words, and you’re immensely confused, and he’s heartbreakingly sweet, and it’s cold and you’re nervous and stressed and you like him right back, God, you like him, so you decide to pick up where you’d left off in the cafe and lean up to kiss him again.
Time slows. The random, sporadic sound of a car alarm outside punctuates your movements without seeming to mean anything. You sit on the edge of his mattress and watch as he kneels in front of you, pulling your sneakers off one by one, then your socks. You feel your blood thickening with desire, your thoughts turning syrupy and lazy. He’s entirely unhurried, loosening your blouse as though unwrapping something precious, one button at a time. You lean your weight back on your hands to watch as he lifts your hips, easing your jeans down over your thighs.
When he rolls your underwear off your legs, you let yourself lay back, your eyes fluttering closed to the sight of the water-stained popcorn ceiling. The feeling of his lips inside the softness between your knees, up to your thighs, in every crease and dimple of your skin, all sears straight to your core. Thoughts burst in your head: you haven’t showered yet, you’re pretty sure your phone is dead and your roommates are probably worrying, the finals next week…and as fast as they appear, they’re gone again, overwhelmed by the smell of his skin on the sheets beneath you.
He kisses higher, closer, and when his lips meet the heat of your aching cunt you jerk, your muscles clenching.
“S’okay,” he breathes into your core, his hands spreading your legs wider. “I got you.”
He closes his lips around your clit, enveloping you in warmth as his tongue works against you. Every pass makes you tense anew, and you lift your feet to the bed either side of him, bracing yourself as your hips shift restlessly.
He groans into you, opening his mouth and sucking messily at your soaked cunt. You gasp, scrabbling at the bedding beneath you as his tongue circles your clit in steady, gentle strokes. It feels like heaven, tightening every muscle as you rock against him.
“Pete—Peter…” His name comes out garbled somewhere between a sigh and a whimper. Encouraged, he leans up onto his knees, and you glance down at the top of his messy brown hair. The angle’s changed like this; his long neck arching as he focuses on you, his eyes closed. He slides his hand up between your legs, sinking two fingers knuckle-deep into the tightness of your hole and making your breathing hitch at the intrusion. He crooks his fingers, curling them upward, and the feeling instantly wrenches a weakly roughened exhale from you, the heat of his mouth never leaving your clit.
As he works you into a rhythm, your eyes roll shut again. Your spine arches, the feeling too much, but with the mattress beneath you, there’s nowhere to go.
“Oh shit, oh, oh, shit, you’re gonna make me…”
Your chanting breaks off into a harsh little wail as everything below your waist squeezes almost painfully tight, fresh heat soaking his still-pumping hand. From the centre of your body, pleasure sharp enough to numb you blinds everything for several long, drawn-out moments, and you gasp for breath, your chest heaving. You aren’t sure how long it takes before you’re coming back down to the feeling of him climbing up onto the bed over you, leaning on his elbows. You drag your eyes open to see his face hovering close to yours, his lips glistening with the evidence of your orgasm.
And then your hands are grasping at him, trying to simultaneously yank his shirt off while pulling him down closer to you. You feel the muscles in his back flex as he holds himself up one-handed, reaching down to help you. Freed from the shirt, he proceeds to kick his jeans off, and you’re rewarded with the feeling of his lithe solidity bare against you once more. Pale bruises are scattered across the lower half of his ribcage, so fresh that they’re still deepening.
He grasps his cock in his fist, barely pressing at your still-sensitive cunt and pausing. You don’t give him a chance to say whatever it is he’s thinking before you’re pushing him sideways, onto his back. Bewilderment flashes across his features in the brief second before you’re straddling his narrow waist, sinking yourself down until his entire length splits you open. His eyelashes flutter shut, and as you bear down, his hands blindly skate up your thighs, digging into the plush of your skin.
You begin to roll yourself against him, relishing the feeling of fullness. Like this, he’s deep; deep enough to nudge at something sharp inside you, and you readjust until—right there—his hardness drives against the place that makes you feel mindless and weak. You chase it, grinding yourself hard into the growing pleasure until your breaths shorten with exertion, your breasts feeling heavy against your chest. The shitty mattress beneath you squeaks with every bounce as you drop your weight onto him, but you can’t find it in you to care whether he has neighbours; whether they’re listening.
All that matters is this moment; him, his head thrown back, lips parted as his hands glide up onto your waist, encouraging your movements, pulling you back and forth onto his length. The cresting sense of release rushes up to you so fast you have no time to prepare, and you convulse, bending at the middle and collapsing over him as your cunt squeezes his length in a wash of hot, roaring bliss.
Your face is buried in the crook of his neck as he thrusts up into you, holding your ass cupped in his palms to keep you steadily in place. When he empties himself inside you, he crushes your body closer to him, driving himself deep and holding you there until you can feel the last pulses of his cock slowing.
You stay draped over his chest until he softens, both your hearts rabbiting in your chests, separated only by skin and bone. His fingers are lightly tracing the length of your spine, and it’s with sticky reluctance that you ease yourself off, rolling instead onto your side and facing him on the bed. His dark eyes are soft as he blinks at you, his lips parted to show his teeth.
“Was that better?” he breathes, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Than last time, I mean.”
You shake your head weakly. “There…was nothing wrong with last time.”
“Yeah, but this was still better, right? Like, how’s my score looking?”
You groan, slapping a hand over your face. “That was an eight.”
His grin looks vaguely goofy as he leans closer. “Ouch. That’s harsh, Miss Jersey.”
“Okay, eight and a half.”
“Not the worst, then.”
“No. But still room for improvement.”
He laughs quietly. “Got it.”
You sit up, crossing your arms over your chest and reaching around your feet for your clothes. The room feels clammy with sweat and sex, and your attention catches on the sight of a single takeout container left sitting on the cracked laminate counter. You want to stay here.
“I need to go,” you tell him, standing and smoothing your hair back from your face. “My roommates probably think I’ve been eaten by a monster or something.”
He’s pulling his jeans back on, and you watch his lean forearms flex as he closes the fly. “Ah. Valid fear, actually. Can I walk you home?”
You’re shrugging back into your coat when you pause, looking across at where he leans against the desk. First visiting you at work, now offering to walk you home? It’s sweet, and thoughtful, and completely contradictory to the loose agreement you’d established at the beginning: just to itch the particular scratch that had charged the energy between you. But this is normal, right? For friends? So you lift one shoulder, shaking your head. “I’ll be fine. Thank you, though. I guess I’ll see you Tuesday.”
He nods, ducking his head, seemingly shy again as you turn to leave.
As you let yourself back out onto the street, the edge of uneasy sadness still swimming somewhere in your chest resurfaces. You can’t put your finger on it at first; unsure whether it’s lingering awkwardness, or worry about the repercussions of this latest development in whatever it is that’s unfolding between you.
You’re three blocks from home when you decide it’s not because of the shittiness of his apartment; after all, yours isn’t a whole lot better, and considering he’s not splitting the rent with anyone, it’s a relatively decent place to live.
No, the thing you’d been bothered most of all by was the sight of the single set of cutlery sitting in his sink, beside the glass drying upside-down. This, out of every hint you’ve gathered about self-effacing, sweet, confusing, embarrassing, decidedly-uncool Peter Parker, is the hardest thing you’ve learned: he’s lonely.
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applewatersugar · 2 years
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💜 1000 Followers Gift ~ Part 5 ~ Don's Daddy Wardrobe 💜
(SimFileShare being an asshole again. Only MediaFire links for now) I bet ya'll are thinking, "where the hell did the title came from?" Long story short, I picked up the sims 2 years after leaving it, then I started playing it daily and burned out 6 months after. 🙃 So I've decided to do a challenge for a change and also let the "Wheel of Names" decide which challenge I should do and with which pre-made sim. As you've read above, the "chosen one" became Don Lothario and The 100 Baby Challenge became my seizure challenge. And I even tried to re-roll the challenge type, because I was not having it, but I GOT THE 100 BABY CHALLENGE YET AGAIN! 💀💀 Anyways, I started the challenge and after a few in-game days I was thinking about converting some "Single Father" type of clothes for him... and I did lol. And now I've decided to share them with ya'll! Hope that you guys will enjoy them! 💜 Also, these clothes are only available in the SBB bodyshape and I will not make them for the default bodyshape! (this is a very long post! gonna say this right now)
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Basic Sweatshirt II & Slim Fit Jeans by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
Basic Sweatshirt II - AM only - Everyday, Top clothing - 6k poly - 40 recolours - All morphs Slim Fit Jeans - AM only - Everyday, Bottom clothing - 6k poly (No Chain) - 16k poly (With Chain) - 13 recolours each version - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Basic Sweatshirt | Slim Fit Jeans MediaFire Basic Sweatshirt | Slim Fit Jeans
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Layered Swim Shorts & Raglan T-Shirt by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
Layered Swim Shorts - AM only - Swimwear only - 6k poly - 30 recolours - All morphs Raglan T-Shirt - AM only - Everyday, Top clothing - 5k poly - 20 recolours - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Layered Swim Shorts | Raglan T-Shirt MediaFire Layered Swim Shorts | Raglan T-Shirt
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Basketball Uniform & Short Training Set by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
Basketball Uniform - AM only - Sportswear only - (10k poly) 6k poly - 11 recolours - All morphs Short Training Set - AM only - Sportswear only - 8k poly - 6 recolours - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Basketball Uniform | Short Training Set MediaFire Basketball Uniform | Short Training Set
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Roll Up Sleeves T-Shirt with Pants 08 & Open Shirt II with Pants 07 by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
(Left to right) Roll Up Sleeves T-Shirt - AM only - Everyday, Top clothing - 9k poly - 40 recolours - All morphs Pants 08 - AM only - Everyday, Bottom clothing - 1k poly - 10 recolours - All morphs Open Shirt II - AM only - Everyday, Top clothing - 9k poly - 30 recolours - All morphs Pants 07 - AM only - Everyday, Bottom clothing - 1k poly - 15 recolours - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Roll Up Sleeves T-Shirt | Pants 08 | Open Shirt | Pants 07 MediaFire Roll Up Sleeves T-Shirt | Pants 08 | Open Shirt | Pants 07
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Pajama Set & Oversized Training Set by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
Pajama Set - AM only - Pajama only - (12k poly) 8k poly - 20 recolours - All morphs Oversized Training Set - AM only - Sportswear only - (14k poly) 6k poly - 8 recolours - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Pajama Set | Oversized Training Set MediaFire Pajama Set | Oversized Training Set
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Friday Shirt with Pants 13 & Shirt w. Necktie by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
Friday Shirt - AM only - Everyday, Top clothing - 6k poly - 15 recolours - All morphs Pants 13 - AM only - Everyday, Bottom clothing - 3k poly - 10 recolours - All moprhs Shirt with Necktie - AM only - Formal only - 9k poly - 10 recolours - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Friday Shirt | Pants 13 | Shirt with Necktie MediaFire Friday Shirt | Pants 13 | Shirt with Necktie
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Basic Coat with Winter Scarf & Turtleneck Sweater by Gorillax3
☆ Informations ☆
Basic Coat - AM only - Outerwear only - 9k poly - 41 recolours - All morphs Winter Scarf - AM only - 4k poly - 10 recolours Turtleneck Sweater - AM only - Everyday, Top clothing - 9k poly - 35 recolours - All morphs
☆ Downloads ☆
SimFileShare Basic Coat | Winter Scarf | Turtleneck Sweater MediaFire Basic Coat | Winter Scarf | Turtleneck Sweater
Ok! That's all! Thank you all again for supporting me and my conversions! And now if ya'll excuse me, I'mm go and bodyslam myself on my bed. ✌️
If you have requests, problems or anything else you want to discuss with me, feel free to message/ask me about it! :)
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fraddit · 3 years
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This is the first post in a series of three about Buck's apartment on 9-1-1.
Part two is here and part three is here | Eddie’s house
Here we go! Buck’s loft! Right, well, just a heads up, this post is probably going to be more information than anyone other than me would want, because Buck’s loft is maybe my favorite set on the show. It cannot be overstated how much I am in love with it. Which I'm sure will become very clear within a few paragraphs. But anyway, let’s get started!
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So, here we have the birds eye view of the floorplan as a whole, both the downstairs and upstairs. At least on desktop, that image is 4k, so you should be able to zoom in and look around at stuff.
The first thing is, like Eddie’s house, Buck’s loft in s2 is a real actual apartment, and in s3 onward, it is a built set. I’ve recreated the set version for this post.
However, the set loft is very intentionally based on the s2 apartment, with some marked changes that I’ll discuss throughout these posts. Looking at details from the interior shots from s2, my immediate assumptions were that this is a historic building that has been converted to residential use. The style and age of the brickwork, the obviously old marble flooring, the two story height space, the moldings, the columns, and gorgeously huge windows all lead me to believe that this building was originally an office or retail building from the early 1900s.
The parts of this apartment that make it a residential apartment: the steel constructed loft bedroom, the stairs, the kitchen, the interior walls and doors, etc, all look like work that was done in the 2000s.
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So, with all of that in mind, my assumption is that Buck’s apartment is located in a specific area of downtown LA called the Historic Core. This is a district in the heart of downtown, comprised of historic office, retail, and bank buildings that were built primarily between 1907 and 1931. And, importantly, an ordinance was passed in 1999 that allowed for those buildings to be rezoned and renovated for residential use.
All of that, plus the backdrop of tall buildings outside his windows and balcony, plus the establishing shots that are used before scenes in Buck’s loft, lead me to believe that my placement of his apartment in the Historic Core is what the show intends to be saying about where Buck lives.
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Here are some of the establishing shots used (and a shot of Eddie with the high-rise buildings behind him). They’re mostly from season 5. For some reason, they weren’t big on this method of scene transition to Buck’s place in the earlier seasons. But three of these shots are of buildings that are directly in the historic core. The top right shot is actually in the Financial District, which touches the Historic Core, and that shot is actually looking *into* the Historic Core. So, I feel comfortable assuming that’s what they want the audience to think.
Now, I was totally ready to just leave it at that, but when I was looking up rental prices for equivalent apartments in that location… I actually found the real, actual building that was used for the s2 scenes and, then with more digging, the actual unit that was used.
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Here it is! This is 460 S Spring St #104, Los Angeles, CA 90013. This unit is actually available for temporary lease for shooting in on giggster.com. It’s $500/hr with an 8 hour minimum, if you’re curious. But someone does actually live there, so don’t be weird and try to go there or anything. The above photos are from an old real estate listing from 2016.
And sure enough, this place is located in the Historic Core. It’s called the Rowan Building. Which, I love it when buildings have names, and I love it when buildings that didn’t start life as residential buildings become such, and basically, I love this building and did too much research about it, and you’re gonna hear about it now. (But actually I promise I’m leaving stuff out, and sorry in advance for it still being so much)
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Anyway, here is a map of downtown Los Angeles. The highlighted section is the Historic Core. The blue star is the Rowan. The orange star is Michael’s apartment. The gray star in the highlighted area is the, as labeled, Eastern Columbia Lofts (another historic building turned residential), which is the beautiful teal building you can see in two of the establishing shots above.
“Wait, what’s that red star over there?” you might be wondering. Well, Buck’s apartment wasn’t the only shooting location I found during this project. And I’ve got a separate post all about that. Enjoy.
I don’t know if we’ve ever gotten Buck’s address in the show? If we have, let me know. But, anyway, I’d say that Buck’s loft is not necessarily located in the same place as the Rowan. (Actually it’s physically impossible for the set that is Buck’s loft to exist in the building that is the Rowan, because of the balconies.) But, I feel comfortable landing on it being somewhere in the Historic Core and in a building like the Rowan.
(Just a heads up, I’ve got info and maps about the location of Buck’s loft in relation to Eddie’s house at the end of Part 3, but ran out of images for this post.)
So, about the building… the Rowan is a beaux arts style building built in 1911 and began life as the Title Insurance Building. It’s a 13 story L shaped building with an interesting internal courtyard feature that allows more daylight into several of the apartments.
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Here are some exterior shots. The facade is clad in brick and terracotta. The unit that played Buck’s apartment is on the back side, on the ground floor. I’ve outlined it in the bottom right shot.
The bottom level houses the lobby, and also retail. Which I’m sure is convenient. Actually, this part of downtown is the second most walkable area in all of LA, with a walk score of 98. Spring Street is also home to several art galleries, and before the pandemic there was a monthly art walk.
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This building has several nice amenities. There’s 24 hour security patrol, concierge, and controlled access to the building. (Not me thinking about the concierge knowing Christopher well enough to let him in the elevators when he ubered himself to Buck’s place in 4x08.)
There’s a lounge area for residents to use. Outside, there’s a hot and cold soaking spa area, a shared gas grill area, and outdoor patio space. Plus, the building is touching a public park with a playground. Also, the building has a deal with the parking garage next door for rentable spaces there.
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The renovation was completed in 2008 and cost $50 million dollars. Head to jamescolincampbell.com/rowan-lofts/ for a good write up and video about that process, if you're as curious about this stuff as I am. But the tldr is that they did a great job restoring all the historic features. In the top right image above are the lovely original elevator doors that they uncovered and restored in the process.
So, what’s it cost to live in this building? Well, first, the apartments in the Rowan are condos. They’re each privately owned, and either lived in by the owner or rented by said owner to someone else. This isn’t a building that’s all owned and maintained by one management company.
Comparable units to Buck’s 1,000(ish) square feet, one bed, two bath unit are currently for rent at $2,800/month. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t include parking and such.
If you wanted to buy an equivalent apartment, one just sold in August for $580,000. However, Buck’s set apartment is a corner unit and has not one but two balconies, and the apartment in the listing has none, so let’s just round up to $600,000-650,000. Also, the HOA fees for this building are between $550-$650/month, plus the parking rent, etc. Basically, it’s spendy to live here. No one is surprised.
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And, finally, because I couldn’t help myself, I went ahead and dug up some historic photos that include the Rowan (then Title Insurance Building). The top two are from 1913 and the bottom is from 1916. I’ve outlined the building in red in each photo.
That's it for Part one! Part two is here and part three is here.
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theedorksinlove · 3 years
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hi !! i am finally getting around to making a gif tutorial so here we are, the most i have done is answer an ask about high quality gifs so i’ll just put that link here - x. 
i'm gonna try and go over the whole process but i might end up forgetting something so if you need clarification or a further explanation on something feel free to ask i'm happy to help !! also i'm gonna stick this under a read more bcs this is probably gonna end up being quite long. 
firstly, i have a mac and use photoshop cc 2022 to make my gifs. to screencap i use mpv player. someone made a really good tutorial on how to download mpv player so i’ll link that here - x. 
also i use qbitt*rrent to open t*rrent files so you’re gonna want to download that as well if you’re using t*rrent files. 
btw for newer versions of photoshop you can’t access the smart object timeline without an action so you’ll have to download this - x. to load an action into photoshop go to window > action and then the actions should pop up next to your history, then you have to press the four horizontal lines next to the arrows (that’s if yours is set up like mine lol) and press on load actions and just select the action you downloaded from me which should be in your downloads and press open and it should appear in your actions section !! 
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firstly, you’re gonna wanna download everything in 1080p if possible as this will help to keep the highest possible quality for your finished gif !! now as to where to download media:
- tv shows and most movies: t*rrent from rar.bg with 1080p files with a x264 codec (don’t download x265 as you won’t be able to screencap properly) i try to go for bluray or amazon t*rrents as they tend to have the best quality and most seeders. individual episodes should be around 2-4 GB so full seasons can be anywhere up to 70GB if they’re in 1080p. as for movies i tend to go for files around 10GB, anything under 2GB doesn’t tend to have the best possible quality even if it’s listed as 1080p. 
- other movies: some movies, particular older ones aren’t on rar.bg or have literally no seeders so i go to yify. unfortunately the quality isn’t as good as it would be if i downloaded it from rar.bg as the file sizes are made to be as small as possible but hey ho sometimes its the best we can get. 
- youtube/twitch videos: 4k video downloader is the best application to use, you do have to download it as software though and you can only do 5 downloads per content creator account with the free version (which i have now run out of :/). so atm i'm using loader.to, for some reason it increases the saturation of the video a little bit but i don’t really mind that cause it’s a lot easier to fix and work with over saturation than under saturation. 
open the file in mpv player
find the section you want to gif (i tend to start a little before said section starts so i can cut it down later)
to start screencapping press option + s (for mac) and then it should start screencapping really slowly but hang on in there it’ll get there. most of my gifs tend to be anywhere between 30-75 frames (per gif) depending on the sizing of my gif and the quality + colouring i’m using. 
to stop screencapping just press option + s again. and now you have successfully created your screencaps. 
file > scripts > load files into stack 
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2. browse then use command + a to select all screencaps in that folder then press open then once you get to this (photo below) you can press okay and photoshop will start loading your screencaps in !!
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3. your files should now have imported into the bottom far right in layers 
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firstly go to window > timeline 
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which should then create something like this at the bottom of your screen:
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so that’s your timeline ^^. and then for putting the screencaps into timeline: i’ve actually made an action for this so i haven’t done this manually for a while lmfao but this is essentially what it does if i were to do it manually:
click on ‘create frame animation’ which should then create this: 
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2. command + a on your screencaps in layers to select all of them at once then click on the little four horizontal lines to the immediate left of the layers and press ‘make frames from layers’. 
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4. then command + a and select all your frames in timeline
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5. then press ‘flatten frames into layers’ which is right under ‘make frames from layers’. this should then create layers titled as ‘frames’ in your layers section right above your original screencaps. i then put all my frames into a group and delete the original screencaps to save storage space. 
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6. make sure to reverse your frames so that the gif isn’t backwards - again command + a and select all your frames in the timeline then click on the four small horizontal lines and press ‘reverse frames’. 
*this is future alice coming back and realising that i never cut down the amount of frames for my gif lmfao *facepalm*. so yes after you’ve done this or set your frame delay, either cut down and delete some of your frames from the timeline and/or copy and paste them in another document and repeat the giffing process for each one. now remember that you can drag your colouring from one document to the other so you don’t have to redo your colouring on each one (alas i did not know this when i first started gifmaking 💀 ). 
for bigger gifs i tend to use 35-50 frames and up to 75 for smaller sized gifs. 
for most of my gifs i use frame delay 0.05, but occasionally 0.04 or 0.06 depending on the gif. anything slower will end up reducing your gif quality and anything faster tends to look a bit fast imo. 
again you’re going to want to command + a and select all of your frames in the timeline and then click on the 0 sec right underneath the frame icon. then press other because the speed we want isn’t in the already listed options. 
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after you’ve pressed other you’re just gonna want to type in your frame speed - 0.05 would be my optional speed. 
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then press okay and your frame delay should be set !!
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for the newer versions of photoshop you’re gonna have to use the action i linked at the top. all you have to do is command + a and select all your frames in timeline and select the group in layers which has all your frame layers then just press play on the action using the little triangle at the bottom:
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give it a second and then your timeline and layers should look like this:
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my action also turns all your layers into a smart object which is why is has just turned the group into one layer ^^. if you’ve done it correctly the gif should move if you drag the red vertical line across the purple box in the timeline.
okay so tumblr sizing: ava made a good tutorial/description for that here - x. she also goes over sharpening and a few other things. but basically what you need to know is that for one gif it is 540 px in width, the dimensions that i tend to use for one gif horizontally are:  540 x 400, 540 x 310, 540 x 540, 540 x 460. 
for two gifs that you’re gonna place next to each other they’re going to have to have a width of 268 px. i tend to use the dimensions of: 268 x 300 268 x 350 268 x 268
and for three gifs next to each other they’re gonna have to have two different dimensions:
so the one of the left is 177 px, the one in the middle 178 px, and the one on the right is 177 px. again a visual representation is much easier to understand so just have a look at ava talking abt it ^^. 
okay so colouring is kind of a personal preference and you kind of just have to play around with it til you get something that you like but i’ll walk you through what i did with this gif. (i'm actually using the colouring that i used in this gifset which i saved as a psd). 
this is what my base gif looks like without any colouring:
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you can find all of these things i used to colour in properties (just hover over each icon to find out what it is):
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firstly i'm going to add a curves layer to make it a bit brighter - so i enhanced the highlights and upped the shadows a bit:
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then i added a brightness/contrast layer to add more contrast:
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increased the vibrance by 15: 
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added a gradient map to add a bit of contrast which i then put on soft light blending mode and changed it to 15% fill:
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fiddled around with the colour balance to balance out the hues:
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added a levels layer to increase highlights and shadows: 
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then i just finished of with selective colour where i went through each colour individually and changed it til i liked how it looked. i change red, yellows, greens, cyans, blues and magentas on absolute and then white, neutrals and black on relative. you can toggle between relative and absolute at the bottom of a selective colours in properties (you can’t change the setting for different colours in one layer, so you’ll have to make another selective colours layer to change to the other mode)
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okay so i actually sharpen my gif before colouring in order to see the colouring better, and then i end up deleting that sharpening and adding it again with my colouring on top of the gif which i talk about further down but for now here are my sharpening settings:
filter > sharpen > smart sharpen: 
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^^ using legacy and more accurate defines the sharpening a bit more so i use that, you find it by pressing on the little cog at the top of smart sharpening. 
another sharpening layer
filter > sharpen > smart sharpen
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again using legacy + more accurate 
and finally one more smart sharpen layer but this time without legacy so i can reduce the noise slightly:
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finally, i add a gaussian blur layer to smoothen out my sharpening:
filter > blur > gaussian blur
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then i change the opacity of my gaussian blur layer to 15% by double clicking on the lines on the far right of my gaussian blur:
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and that is my sharpening settings and now for when i add my sharpening:
i merge my colouring and gif layers together and then sharpen cause it makes the colouring stick better:
so i duplicate my gif layer and colouring group using command + j while selecting both layers at once:
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ignore the current sharpening cause i'm going to get rid of that, its just as i said before to make the colouring process slightly easier.
then cause i have my current sharpening i'm just gonna drag the ‘group 1 copy’ smart filters to the tiny bin icon to the bottom right so it gets rid of my sharpening. and my layers now look like this:
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now you’re going to have to select both the ‘group 2 copy’ (my colouring) and ‘group 1 copy’ (my gif) at the same time again using command + a then go to 
filter > convert for smart filters 
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this will the merge the colouring and gif into one layer, do not attempt to normally merge using command + e cause that will stop the gif from moving. 
then we add the sharpening as i’ve already shown above. to the merged group so the final gif in layers should look like this:
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now to export the final gif:
file > export > save for web (legacy)
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now after you’ve waited up to several minutes for the damn thing to load you should now have this:
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these are also the setting i'm going to be using and also usually use. the only things i ever really change are the colouring and diffusion modes
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i actually went over this in more detail here - x. i already linked this at the top but here it is again. i do however use pattern diffusion mode now instead of diffusion cause i find it has a better overall finish but again its personal preference. 
also remember that tumblr has a size limit of 10mb so keep an eye on the size in bottom left (you might have to reduce the number of frames for your gif if the size is too big):
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and now we are done and this is my final finished gif.
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i apologise if certain parts of this or none of it made sense lmao i'm kind of tired and i tend to ramble incoherently at times. please do ask questions if you don’t understand or need me to explain something again i'm happy to help. 
tagging some mutuals tracking tags (hope that’s okay) <3
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palajae · 2 years
tomorrow, again | two.
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PAIRING ▸ school president! jungwon x reader x outcast! niki 
GENRE ▸ high school! au, love triangle!, romance, fluff, angst, humor
SUMMARY ▸ if you were told that two complete polar opposite guys from your school were eventually going to be fighting over you, you would have laughed it off. that is, until it really happens- but certainly not under the conditions you expect.
AKA jungwon is the peak definition of your school’s itboy and niki is just… there (if and when he actually shows up to school). 
NOTES ▸ events/memories in the past are italicized. mentions of death + related jokes, cheating?
masterlist. | previous. | next.
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2 — DAY ONE.
“ah, give it back,” you whine for the controller with grabby hands. you hear his excited giggle, swerving away from you against your wishes. 
“no way!” he grins cutely while clicking to continue on the next round. 
another voice buts in, “come on, let y/n play another round. you’re too good at this game anyways-“
you wake up sweating, the dream? memory? fresh on your mind. you close your eyes in hopes of making it go away and it works when you being to fall asleep again, having gotten an adequate amount of sleep but still exhausted from everything that’s happened at school. 
only for your alarm to go off and you groan.
you thought fridays were supposed to be the best day of the week- not a day filled with more people staring at you in the halls first thing in the morning. you stare at them back, utterly confused as to what happened this time. 
that is, until ryujin basically stomps over when she spots you. 
“you went out with niki yesterday?!” 
you almost collapse on spot. “wha-“
she crosses her arms with a (scary) interrogating stance. “apparently someone saw you at a cafe with him yesterday so everyone’s freaking out now thinking you’re two timing jungwon.” 
you slap a palm over your forehead, almost brought to tears. who, what, when, where, and why? that’s all you wish to know. 
“first off, im not dating that guy. and second, yeah i was with him- because we were working on a chem project!” you practically whimper. 
her hands fall to the side as she cocks her head, “really? that‘s it?” 
you nod aggressively, feeling numb as you trudge through the halls to find your locker.  but the gossip doesn’t escape you- sometimes you hate how drama hungry everyone at school is. 
“how could they cheat on the sweet, smart, and handsome president jungwon with that loner niki who skips school almost everyday?”
“they’re crazy, seriously.” 
and that was just the mild version of things you heard. for once you’re just grateful niki chose not to show up today and can only pray that he will on the day you have to present for your project. judging by his “i don’t give a crap” persona he’s been carrying for a while, you know these baseless rumors without any factual basis won’t affect him. 
and you? 
you gave up the moment jungwon winked at you. how sad, the year was going so good so far- until that one moment messed up everything. 
you continue on with your day as normal, denying all rumors no matter who comes up to you or what you hear. but still, you begin to dread waking up tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after. 
everyday is just waiting for another tomorrow, again. 
but you’re able to confirm that niki knows about it all when you spot him in the halls making his way to chemistry, passing by whispering people who really aren’t trying their hardest to be inconspicuous. you just barely manage to see the slight smirk on his face under the hood and the tiny shake of his shoulders. 
somehow, you know jungwon knows about it too. specifically when he contacts you to meet him on the school rooftop. consequently, you demanded to know how he got your number and he simply replied with president privileges. 
you’re not sure what the relationship between jungwon and niki is like now, but when jungwon gives you a hard stare and asks why you’re hanging out with ‘him’ you think you get it. 
but before that, you let out a huff of exasperation. 
“first of all, it’s none of your business. i’m tired of people making up random stories and spreading false information. and secondly, you’re not making it any better by being up here with me, alone. so goodbye jungwon.” 
you haven’t said his name in so long, it rolls off your tongue foreignly- and leaves you with questionable feelings.  
jungwon’s left there to wonder.  
you could care less about what occurs after that, but you in fact, have come up with a theory. it didn’t help how you could feel the tension in the air when they passed each other in the halls, even without a single glance at the other- including the fact that over the next week, jungwon would approach you literally all day to talk or simply walk next you as you glare at him. 
and niki casually walking into class choosing to sit his butt down in the seat next to yours without a word. to which when other people asked you about it, you blamed it on project stuff, but in reality you were freaking out too. 
or when you two present successfully and he says things like “it’s all because of y/n,” and “i couldn’t have done it without them.” 
-like who says that kind of stuff? 
a boyfriend, that’s who. 
and niki was far from being yours. 
oh no, definitely not when he steals your pencils or draws on your notes without a single word, only a teasing glint in his eyes. 
not to forget the one time you reached over to fight back and he immediately dropped his playful act, stopping you with a lethal, “don’t touch me.” 
it’s sad how you almost flinched at that. 
“it’s like a battle,” chaeryeong murmurs while eying the two guys at opposite sides of the cafeteria (jungwon sitting with his friend happily chatting and niki seemingly sleeping with his head down at an empty table). 
“-a battle as to who can get y/n first.” 
you let out a hideous laugh at that, covering your mouth with a hand and pretending to wipe fake tears from your eyes. “you’re so funny, chaer.”
no but seriously,” wonyoung pipes up, “what did you do y/n? suddenly the two most complete opposite boys of our school are throwing themselves at you…”
“i wouldn’t exactly call it throwing themselves at me,” you grumble while picking at your nails in distress. you throw up your hands helplessly, “i swear on my life i didn’t mean do anything- or want to do anything for goodness sake’s. you don’t know the amount of death threats i get in my locker everyday for-” you make air quotations, “-stealing their wonie.” 
it’s sickening, truly. 
but going back to your theory, it doesn’t take long for your smart brain to realize what’s going on, or at least you think you know. those two are having an indirect fight, by using you- out of all the people in the school, the whole freaking world.  
they turn up the “flirting” with you in front of each other because they think it’s a freaking competition- not because they actually like you.
or so that’s your hypothesis you came up with out of the blue. 
to anyone else at school, it just seems like two boys fighting over one person. but only you know it’s more than that. 
it’s much deeper than that. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
you really thought it was just a school thing. your home was your place of sanctuary to get away from those two nightmares- one like the sun constantly shining in your eyes and the other like the shadows trying to envelop you into nothingness. 
so you didn’t expect to meet jungwon on one of your late night walks around the neighborhood. then again, you must’ve forgotten that he lived like a street or two down from yours. just great. 
your eyes widen once you realize who it is underneath the streetlights. he seems equally surprised in a comfortable hoodie and jeans. you hate how he looks that good while you were in your pajamas, too lazy to change out of them. 
“what are you doing here?” you stare at him accusingly and he shrugs, hands in his pockets, “i could ask you the same.”
how strange after all so long it’s the first time you’ve encountered him like this.  
you scowl, “whatever, i’m leaving.”
jungwon’s eyes widen as his hand shoots out in desperation to grab yours. you hiss when he effectively stops you. 
“wait! i know you just got out here and now you’re going to go back?” 
“and so you’re being a stalker and watching me?” you counter back.  
he sighs, “i know where you live, y/n. you did not get far from your house, like at all.” you fall silent at his words, he had you at that. 
debating internally, you give up and continue walking, tensing when you realize jungwon follows your pace and walks alongside you. 
“sometimes it’s dangerous at night,” he pretends to muse while looking off into the distance but you scoff.
“i can protect myself.” 
“i know,” he whispers softly and yet you still hear it, growing warmer at his words. 
the walk continues on in silence, and you find yourself at peace strangely, even with jungwon next to you. 
you stop when you reach your neighborhood playground- the one that you know has been there for more than fifteen years and realize it hasn’t changed at all. 
“remember when we-“ jungwon suddenly stops himself, looking almost ashamed of himself, and you turn away. there’s a brief pause before you respond quietly.
“yeah, i do.” 
there isn’t much else to say, so you walk back home together with not much, but still matching tiny smiles. 
“wait! jungwon, please go first,” you beg him with wide eyes. your tiny hands grip the metal bars, unable to move from your spot so high up. he laughs at you, shaking his head fondly. 
“alright, since you’re such a scaredy cat. i’ll go down first and make sure it’s safe.” 
you nod intently and watch with apprehension as he goes down the slide with ease, hopping to the ground with a proud smile. he turns to you, with bright eyes. but when he sees the worried look on your face, he puffs his chest and holds out his small arms at the bottom as if to catch you. 
you take a deep breath, gripping the sides of the plastic slide until your fingers turn white. you glance at jungwon again and he beckons you down with an encouraging smile.
“your turn! but don’t worry, y/n. i’ll protect you.” 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
for some reason the next day at school, you don’t glare at jungwon the moment he approaches you. you do stare at him wearily  though. 
“what do you want now, yang?”
he seems surprised at the usage of his last name, but he shrugs it off coolly. 
“i want to know if you’re free next thursday?” 
if any normal person asked you, you would have been caught off guard, but because it was jungwon, probably the worse tease in the world, you sigh instead. 
“nice try, but i know you have your student council meeting and book club, so you won’t even get home until dinner time and by then it’s no point going out with me so late since we have school the next day,” you rant on listlessly. 
if anything, jungwon’s the one who seems flustered at your accurate knowledge of his schedule, but you don’t seem to notice anything. days continue on like that, and you wonder why at school he acts the same as he usually did around you. but that one night…. he almost seemed like-
like the old him. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
your mother gives you a grocery list and you comply, eager to get out of the house on a gloomy day. but perhaps you should have been more observant because one, it started to pour soon after you entered the store without realizing it and two, you knock into someone while looking for the pepper in the spices aisle. 
“i’m so sorry-“ 
you stop at the sight of niki. 
“you?” you gasp and he just blinks. 
“what are you doing here?” 
okay, so that was a stupid question. niki raises his eyebrows, “shopping at a grocery store like a normal person? but i guess you’re not a normal person, so…”
you forgot he was like this. whatever, you think bitterly before moving past him. 
“okay, wait, wait!” 
you freeze when you realize this is the loudest he’s ever spoken with you recently. you turn around with crossed arms and he shuffles awkwardly in his spot.
“i’m sorry. that was uncalled for.” 
you can’t hide your shock, nor do you really want to. 
niki? the “don’t touch me” guy apologizing? 
he seems uncomfortable under your gaze so he continues down the aisle. you break out of your daze a few seconds later, only then realizing that he’s gone, 
just to meet up with him again a few aisles down. 
you clear your throat awkwardly as he approaches you, expecting him to do something. but instead, as you reach out for a certain ice cream, niki grabs it right before you can. 
“hey!” you glare at him in protest, “that was mine?” he shrugs nonchalantly, “first come, first serve.” 
“idiot, i was here before you,” you retort. 
“and yet i was still faster,” he smirks and you feel your blood pressure rising. you let out a small humph! and move onto the next aisle as niki watches with amusement. 
you’re able to finish smoothly while waiting at the cashier, finally noting the storm outside and your absolute absence of the one thing you needed the most- an umbrella. 
when you sense motion behind you, you start slightly. but spotting those same teasing eyes make you relax. why, of all days, was there only one cashier open today? 
niki waits patiently in line behind you as you finish up paying and grab all your bags. 
well, you suppose you’re getting soaked this fine evening. 
before you leave, you send one last glance back at niki who quietly gets all his stuff paid for. 
the automatic sliding doors open and yet you can’t seem to move your feet outside. 
“what are you waiting for?” niki suddenly asks and you grimace. 
he takes out a black umbrella and you  must’ve stared at it so longingly to the point where niki sends you a weird look. 
“why do you look like that?” 
you inhale, “hm?” 
he examines you carefully and your apparent lack of an umbrella. he holds up his own as if taunting you, “do you not have one?” 
you shake your head, “i completely forgot. it’s alright, i just gotta make a run for it.”
but you still don’t move, staring up at the dark clouds. 
niki shakes his head, muttering to himself before the black object is thrust into your field of vision. 
you look up at him, surprised.  
he doesn’t say anything and avoids eye contact as you process the situation. quickly, you shake your head- “no way, i don’t-“
“just take it.”
“i’ll be fine. rain doesn’t bother me.”
“then i could say the same.” 
niki sighs, muttering along the lines of ‘as stubborn as ever,’ or something like that but you won’t budge. “then there’s only one solution,” you finally state and he looks at you questioningly while the rain continues its downpour. 
you let out a breath before saying, “we go together.” 
again, you didn’t expect him to agree, you even braced yourself for an obvious rejection. but here he was, walking you home underneath the shared umbrella. 
it’s silent at first, so you take the opportunity to speak up, “thanks for going with me… i guess.” 
niki nods silently. 
you soon grow accustomed to the peaceful sound of rain falling on the umbrella. without any conversation, you look at niki and your breath hitches at the proximity between you two. you didn’t realize how close you were, shoulders grazing, in order to not get soaked.   
unable to handle the silence any longer, you can help but ask curiously, “do you only have black umbrellas?”
“no,” he snorts. 
“do you still have that yellow one?” 
it comes out past your lips without thinking. when niki looks at you with wide eyes, you slap a hand over your mouth. but it doesn’t take long for him to regain composure, his deep voice filling your ears, “no. it stopped working and my parents threw it away.” 
“because you used it too much?” you ask, amused, and he nods with a growing grin.  
it’s strange, how niki drops you off with a small wave and you wave back. a soft smile grows on your face as you watch him leave, a promise that next time you’ll get the ice cream first. 
“why’d you choose yellow?” it was your first time seeing such a bright yellow umbrella held out by such a proud looking boy. you look at your own blue one, having gone with whatever your mother gave you. you glance at him with curiosity brimming in your childlike eyes. 
“is it your favorite color?”
“no, but see? there are suns on the edge of it.” he points up and you open your mouth in awe. 
“that’s pretty cool.” 
he grins, “i know. next time it rains i’ll share it with you!” 
you produce an grin similar to his, “okay, if you remember to bring it.”
“of course i will,” he replies stubbornly, “how could i ever forget whenever it rains? it’s my favorite kind of day.” 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
why are you not even close to surprised that at school, niki is back to his old ways. it was just like jungwon, the two of them were going to be the death of you. you wonder when the last time they spoke to each other was- although, quite obviously, it seemed the last time wasn’t recent at all. as far as you can tell, they stood on opposite sides of the room- if they were even found in the same room (a rare feat). 
but then when you were just with the two of them, alone, it’s like they were their old selves again.
 you didn’t ever realize how much you missed it- being with them.
whilst at school you found jungwon insufferable, you realize that you’re getting used to his antics. you hate to admit it but, you aren’t bothered or annoyed as much seeing his face everyday.   
probably because the more and more you saw him, the more it became evident to you that the old jungwon was still there. behind all the cocky smirks and remarks, the sweet and hilarious jungwon peeked through. 
and you secretly felt elated. 
you couldn’t help but proud of who jungwon was, and who he became. he was still true to himself and he was by your side through  thick and thin, through all the ridiculous rumors surrounding you. you were proud to be his friend- that is, if you even were able to consider yourselves that. 
maybe that’s why you don’t mind the late night walks with him that become a regular, something you actually look forward to. the times you can reminiscing on memories instead of hiding them away. all the good times that you wanted to forget, tried to forget for a good while couldn’t escape you. 
the good times you had together.  
and although jungwon didn’t really like talking about it as much (and you respected that even as much as you wished to know the truth) he had to admit-
the three of you made the best memories.
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
“jungwon,” you give him a piece of your dessert before turning to the other, “and riki.”
“both of you guys get a piece so no more fighting.”
jungwon shakes his head, “you eat too many sweets, riki. you know it’s bad for you.” said person sticks out their tongue, “okay mom. whatever you say.” 
you and jungwon share a look, shaking your heads together in unison before breaking out in laughter. riki has no choice but to join in with confusion, only causing you and jungwon to laugh even harder. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
“i still don’t get it,” you rub your eyes in frustration. you already knew jungwon was a genius from the start. and your english grade had been on the edge for a while,
so why not take advantage of the best resource you had and ask jungwon to tutor you? 
at first he was shocked when you asked but his expression quickly changed to a cocky one. “now you oh so desperately need me?” 
you drop the pleading puppy dog eyes act and huff. “just whenever you have free time, you can come over to my house and we can study together and stuff.” you mumble the last bit before leaving, embarrassed.  
turns out, jungwon is still as good of a teacher as he was before. you don’t understand how he’s able to explain each concept with such ease. as you stare at him while he explains so seriously and genuinely, you desperately imagine him as your teacher instead.
“-y/n? are you listening?” 
you jolt, “huh? me? yes.”
jungwon can tell how anxious you are by the way your hands begin to fiddle and he suddenly reaches out a hand to grasp your wrist. “stop that,” he scolds gently before releasing you, “that’s never been a good habit.” 
you’re speechless as he eyes you suspiciously before closing the book. “then… good luck on your test tomorrow. just remember what i reviewed today and you should be good.” 
you get up and squeeze his free hand subconsciously. “thank you lots, jungwon. i mean it, i owe you a favor now.” 
his eyes sparkle and you begin to regret saying that. “any favor?” 
the next day, you text jungwon to meet up with you after school. he seems confused and even concerned but you don’t give him much to work with. he arrives straight on the dot, 3pm, while lounging around at the library and tapping his foot anxiously as he waits for your arrival. 
he got stopped twice by a couple of passing girls but he politely excused himself, saying he had some personal business to attend to. 
jungwon certainly doesn’t expect you to burst through the doors, flying into him as he lets out a loud grunt. 
you practically beam at him, “i passed with a 98!!!”
immediately, jungwon lifts you up and spins you around with ease, truly pleased and impressed by you as you laugh. 
“now what did i say, y/n? to trust me and yourself, and you did fine. i’m proud of you!”
you couldn’t hold your excitement back as you laugh happily, agreeing with him. 
he doesn’t even realize what he did until right then, suddenly acting shy and awkwardly apologizing to you. to be honest, you didn’t feel uncomfortable or shocked by it, and you stay wondering if you should’ve felt as awkward as he seemed. 
the sight of him suddenly brings a memory fresh to your mind, and you don’t know whether it’s a good or bad one. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
“where’s riki?” you ask with a frown. jungwon sits down next to you at the lunch table, opening his lunchbox as you wait patiently. “i think he had to skip school again..” 
the surprise is evident in your tone, “again? but-“
he sighs while shrugging, “you know riki, and how important this is to him.” 
“i know, but missing three days of school already?” you distractedly wipe a piece of food off the corner of jungwon’s mouth while talking and he freezes. 
“boys are so messy,” you murmur with a shake of your head. you’re too focused on your food to see his reaction. 
“w-who knows,” he abruptly swallows, “if he becomes more serious and his skills improve, he might be missing school for a long time.”
you grow sullen at the thought of riki’s absent seat in class and jungwon must notice the upset expression on your face because he pokes your cheek. annoyed, you swat his hand away but he doesn’t stop trying to bother you. 
“hey, don’t forget you still have me!”
you let out a giggle, “yeah, unfortunately.” 
looking back on those days, you figure that specific memory was the start of the end. 
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bowievanfleet · 2 years
it's you [jake kiszka]
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pairing: jake x oc (sort of, they have a nickname but y/n still applies!<3)
genre: angstyyy, fluff, enemies to lovers >:)
warnings: mentions of poor mental health and overthinking, cursing, itty bitty tiny mention of skin picking, arguing, emotional whiplash, crying, i am very bad at plot development and dialogue
word count: 4k
inspired by it's u by cavetown :)
a/n: guys!!! its been so long!!!! and i am back with a DOOZY. i don't know what possessed me to write this, maybe the copious amounts of rain we've been getting here is getting to me lmao. but, i am very, VERY happy with how this turned out. this is prob my favorite thing i've written to date. it'll probably be edited/rewritten over time but nothing too dramatic.
also, i'd like to say that the idea to give the reader a nickname to kind of personify them was 100% inspired by the lovely maddie, @hearts-hunger <3 go read her stuff NOW because she's so insanely talented its not even funny. also shoutout to my love @emadamssssssss for helping me out with pepper's backstory. everyone say thank u em!! anyways im done rambling now, i rlly hope u enjoy this. <3
also yes i had to have my little star wars moment at the end. i will not be taking questions or criticisms.
SONGS (v important for this one) its u- cavetown / climing up the walls- radiohead / chinese satellite- phoebe bridgers / i'll be seeing you- billie holiday / lilac wine- nina simone (jeff buckley version also works!)
“oh god, it’s you...”
you genuinely didn’t know why you were there. 
something, maybe an invisible string, or a magnetic field, dragged you to his door at 2 am. you stood in the pouring rain, the water mixing with your own tears pouring down your face. you didn’t have any idea what possessed you to come. you tried to go through the reasons in your head: on the outside, you convinced yourself that he was a last resort, that because no one else was picking up the phone, he was the only one you had left to go to.
“better to be with him than by yourself where you would do something stupid.” you would tell yourself, when in reality, you had only called one other person, josh. who didn’t answer likely because he was passed out on his couch with a bottle of tequila on the coffee table, you knew that was his routine on saturdays. you didn’t have the energy nor courage to call anyone else, which led you to your second reason: 
that realistically, deep inside of you, you knew the reason you had gone to him was because you simply wanted to be with him. you had to do something to satiate the hunger you had been feeling for the past two weeks since you saw him at one of josh’s stupid parties. your body craved him, your mind craved him, every single cell in your body craved him, and it was embarrassing. 
you guessed it was perfect timing, your racing brain giving you a perfect excuse to go to someone. it wasn’t just the fact you wanted to be with him, you needed to be near anyone. if you sat there on your bed, staring at the walls for one more second you knew you were going to break. 
you were overthinking more than you ever had before, mostly about him, but also about everything else. it was all getting too overwhelming, you desperately needed contact with someone, something. it was pathetic to be showing up like this, but what else could you do? text him? “hey, i’ve kinda been thinking about you every single waking moment for the past two weeks, can i come over?” the more you thought about it, the more you realized that even that would’ve been better than standing at his door in the pouring rain. 
you don’t know how long you stood there, contemplating if you should knock or not, 
before he took it upon himself to make the decision for you. you jumped slightly as the door jerked open, earthy eyes taking in your state with a confused and concerned spark in them. 
you were confused as well, until you remembered that doorbells with cameras existed. you looked over to it, silently cursing it. you looked back to the eyes staring at you, and realized what a contrast you two must be. 
he looked the softest you’d ever seen him, in a pair of plaid pajama pants and an old oversized guns n roses shirt. his face had a golden glow to it, courtesy of the various wax warmers and candles that were placed on almost every surface of his home. they reflected off of his eyes, making them seem almost caramel instead of the dark brown you would often see. 
it softened them, turned them from a stony tigers eye to a dark topaz. the sight of him and the energy radiating off of him was almost enough to stop the tears streaming down your face, but then started them all over again as you realized how gentle and beautiful he was. how pathetic was that? his beauty brought tears to your eyes. 
his facade was gone, he was no longer cold and cocky, dark and stoic. he was looking at you like he didn’t want to rip you to shreds for once. 
you had only seen this once before, when he was drunk at josh’s house and you were the only two left in the living room. he was falling in and out of sleep on the couch, and after watching him for a while, you finally trotted over to him and draped a blanket over his half-asleep body. his eyes snapped open at you, but they weren’t hostile. they were almost... loving. appreciative. adoring. 
you went to stand up to go to the guest room, but he caught your hand before you could get too far. you stayed like that for a moment, watching him stare at your hand in his, then with a slow, deliberate stroke of his thumb against your hand, he gently let go. 
he looked at you for a split second, and then rolled over on the couch, bringing the blanket up to his chin and cuddling around it. you spent all night wishing he was beside you in the guest bed.
“...pepper?” he asked tentatively. you were snapped out of your thoughts by the nickname he had assigned to you so long ago. you thought for a second about the stupid name he had reserved for you- 
you were friends with josh for a while before you got introduced to his family. you were college roommates, and one night he finally decided to invite his brothers over for dinner in your apartment. 
you decided you’d make a hearty meal of kraft mac n cheese, but with added seasonings to make it “gourmet” as you and josh liked to call it. 
when you were mixing up all the seasonings, you put in a little too much pepper than needed, but you panicked and just started mixing it around, trying to even it out as much as possible. 
when you awkwardly served everyone, waiting for their reaction, jake was the only one to speak up. “jesus christ this tastes like shit” he said. everyone immediately turned to look at him with wide eyes, surprised and embarrassed that he would be that outright. 
“what?!” he shrugged. “just being honest. if you're gonna make dinner for us at least make it good.” he said, but continued to eat the pasta anyway. 
josh looked at you sympathetically. “it tastes fine y/n, just a little spicy.” he reassured. and it turned out, by the end of the night, everyone’s half eaten bowl of mac n cheese ended up on the counter next to jake's empty one. 
if you had known him better, you would’ve teased him relentlessly. but instead, upon doing the dishes, you smiled fondly at the empty bowl. the first of many small signs that there wasn’t all hostility between you two.
that didn’t make the name stick, however. what made “pepper” become official was at one party the twins had thrown. you and josh were busy setting up everything beforehand, while jake was on a beer run. “what do you wanna start out with?” josh asked, flaring his hands dramatically toward the family’s extravagant vinyl collection. “hmmm...” you debated, kneeling down to scour through the records. once you found what you were looking for you demanded josh to turn around, wanting it to be a surprise. you carefully placed the needle on the black disc, the opening sounds of sgt, pepper’s lonely hearts club band ringing out into the spacious living room. 
josh instantly turned around with a grin, taking your hands in his obnoxiously, the both of you starting to scream out, “IT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY, SERGEANT PEPPER TAUGHT THE BAND TO PLAY!” 
you loved moments with josh like this, screaming out songs you both loved, not a care in the world. you always felt so alive. that was, until you heard the door open, choosing to ignore it until you saw his figure stalk through the doorway. 
he gave you a simple scoff and an eye roll, before quickly taking the bags in his hands to the kitchen and returning to the living room archway, leaning against it in a manner that made you want to storm over there and kick him. 
“you’re just pepper all the way around aren’t you?” he teased, you flipping him off while josh muttered a “shut the fuck up, jake.” 
you started toward the kitchen to start setting the drinks out, jaw clenched in irritation. 
why did he have to ruin everything? you were having a great time with josh, your own sunshine, before the rain had to storm in and drown it out. 
“awe, did i make you upset, pepper? i’m sorry.” he mocked, fake pity in his tone. “just fuck off.” you gritted, tring to focus on getting the drinks set out. “of course pepper, anything for you.” he teased, raising his hands in surrender and stalking off somewhere else in the house. 
you stared at each other for a long while, almost talking with your eyes. 
after a moment, his flashed with a gentleness you had never before seen in your entire time of knowing him, not even that night on the couch, and the only thing you knew, right then and there, was that you needed to be in his arms. 
you let out a shaky exhale, “jake-” you sobbed, all but lunging toward him. your body crashed into his, your arms winding around his middle and your head finding a home in his neck. 
he stood frozen for a second, obviously not expecting your sudden action, but after half a second of hesitation, he closed his eyes and let you melt into him, wrapping his own hands around you slowly, one belting around your lower back to keep you upright and the other going to the back of your head, threading through your hair and scratching your scalp lightly. 
he would switch between scratching your head once he figured out you liked it, and slowly rubbing his hand over your hair, smoothing it down. 
the two actions made you cry even harder, your hands finding their way up his body and around his neck, trying to get as close as humanly possible to him. if you had it your way, you would melt your body into his. you wanted to mold him for the rest of time, to never ever let go, to always have his body pressed to yours. 
you knew this was the worst thing you could ever do, because the second this was over, you’d never be able to live without touching him again. you’d need it like you need air to breathe. every second of every day you'd need it. how would you be able to go on after this? constantly craving his arms around you, his hands anywhere and everywhere on you, his breath letting out soft puffs against your skin. you didn’t want to even think about it right now, so you let him hold you while you held him. 
he must’ve felt the same way about letting go, so instead of pulling away, he took his arm off your back to close the door softly, immediately returning it. 
he walked backwards to the couch, sitting you down without ever loosening his grip on you. he laid back, pulling you with him as he pushed your face gently into his chest, giving you something to cry on. 
you laid there for what felt like hours, even though it was probably only ten minutes, before all that was audible anymore was your occasional sniffle and his gentle breathing. 
“y/n...?” he whispered, still stroking your hair. “yeah?” you squeaked, bracing yourself for the arguing and embarrassment and teasing to start. but it never did. 
“what happened?” he asked, concern evident in his voice and you knew he genuinely cared about your response. but that scared you. why would he care about your feelings? it surprised you that he was even touching you right now, let alone asking about you. 
it was an act of human decency that he usually didn’t show. jake kiszka couldn’t give two fucks about anyones feelings excpet maybe his brothers’.  
you leaned up on your hands, hovering over him. you stared at each other again, his hands finding a home on your back, yours resting on either side of his face. you slowly sat up, forcing his arms to drop from you. 
“i’m sorry. i don’t know why i came here. just- no one else was answering and it was all getting too much and i just didn’t know where else to go and-” 
“hey.” he interrupted, grabbing your hands from where they came up to cover your face. “i don’t want you to apologize i just.. want to know why you came to me.” he said, trying to choose his wording carefully. 
you chewed on your lip, trying to come up with an answer before you realized the only one you had come up with involved being vulnerable, and you were absolutely not in the right state for vulnerability right now, despite the fact you had just cried into his chest. 
you got up and walked to the kitchen, searching for water and trying to buy a few minutes. you knew exactly where he kept them, so you grabbed one and went back to sit on the couch, further away from him this time. he noticed this, a flash of disappointment coming over his face. 
he looked at you as you drank your water and set it down, being the most patient you’ve ever seen him. 
you stared at nothing for a moment, noticing how his hands clenched and unclenched, as if he was yearning to touch you again. you were yearning too, but you couldn’t touch him again until you knew for certain that this wouldn’t be the only time.
“jake...” you trailed, both of your eyes holding so much intensity. he gave a look of realization, finally reaching to grab your hands like he had been so desperate too. you flinched away instinctively, you were going to keep your word on not touching him again. you started to get frustrated, “why do you all of a sudden care so much? you should’ve just fucking told me to go home the minute you saw me.” 
that cold facade slipped back on his face, a look of confusion and disappointment taking his face. “did you just want me to leave you out there in the fucking rain?! cause i would’ve been glad to do that if you really wanted me to, you should've just said so.” 
“well you’ve never cared before!” 
“i’m not heartless y/n!!” he hissed, pointing an accusing finger at you. 
“you think i am but I'm not. i just don’t see the point in wearing it on my fucking sleeve all the time.” that hurt. you’d always been a very outwardly emotional person, it was one of your biggest weaknesses, and to hear it being used against you stung like hell. he saw that comment affected you but he kept going. 
“if i was heartless, i wouldn’t have sat here and fucking held you like i did. as much as i fucking hate touching you, i did it to comfort you. because i'm not as cold as you think i am y/n.” your head snapped up, something he said catching your attention. 
“why do you hate touching me?” you inquired, brows furrowed. he shut his eyes for a second, before he dodged the question. 
trying to be as soft as he could again, he spoke, “why did you come here, pepper?” 
you thought for a second. “i don’t know. i just needed someone. i couldn’t be by myself anymore.” 
“why not?” he questioned, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. 
“because my mind would’ve driven me insane.” you admitted, looking down at your hands in your lap, picking at your nails. 
you were hyper-aware of the fact that you were slowly drifting more and more towards him. 
“what were you thinking about?” he questioned softly. 
“jake i can’t do this right now. i can’t talk about this.” 
“then i ask again, why did you come here?!” he almost begged for an answer. you finally looked back up at him, trying to distract yourself with the melting chocolate of his eyes. somehow he must’ve known your answer, he could always read you like an open book. 
he could tell that you two were on the same page, you just weren’t ready to be that vulnerable with him. so, he gave you a head start.
“you wanna know why i hate touching you?” he asked, his voice tense. you sniffled and gave a nod. he leaned in closer to you.
“because you, you are so fucking addicting that if i touch you i almost can’t let go. you have no idea how hard it was to let you go just now. i’m so hopelessly desperate for you, pepper. now, i have a good idea of why you came here. but i need to hear you say it, baby.” the pet name pushed you over the edge, and before you knew it, the tears were back and you were babbling out your confession. 
“it’s you, jake. it’s always been you.” you sobbed, leaning forward to press your forehead to his chest. he finally reached up to your hair again, almost audibly breathing a sigh of relief when his hands finally made contact with you again. 
“and i’m scared. i’m so scared of how i feel right now. its a need- i need you. i need to be near you. but i can’t- we can’t. we’re not good for eachother, we never have been jake. we bring out the worst in each other.” 
“i know, i know.” he soothed. “i feel it too y/n, i’ve always felt it. from the moment i saw you. it’s terrifying.” he agreed, and all you could muster was a small nod in understanding. 
“you make me want to be better. sometimes that feels good, the fact that i can change for you, to make you happy. but a lot of the time... it feels like it’ll never be enough.” he confessed. “jake, i don’t expect you to change for me. i don’t want you to.” he soaked in the words, leaning down to rest his cheek on the top of your head. 
“you know, i think you bring out the best in me. you know damn well i wouldn’t do this with anyone else.” he chuckled. you let out a small laugh too, leaning more into his chest. “jake im so scared. t-this feeling... it's so strong, too strong. why do you do this to me?” you begged. “i could ask you the same thing.” he said, hugging you tighter. 
“we have so much to work out before we can do anything. i mean we can't even go 10 minutes without arguing. jake we hurt each other too much.” you reasoned, trying to convince yourself more than him. 
“love is supposed to hurt, isn't it?” he countered. 
you knew that’s what it was, you were just far too scared to actually address it. loving someone that had been heartless and selfish to you for the past 7 years wasn’t possible. but if it wasn’t,  then why did you feel the need to have his body near yours at all times? there was a part of you, and you could feel it in him too, that needed to have the pain soothed by him. it was like a fire burning in your stomach, and he was the water to put it out. his arms were where you were supposed to be. forever.
“we can’t walk away from this anymore, baby.” he added, making your body shake again with sobs. that's all you wanted to do. you wanted to run away and never see him again. 
that way, maybe the fire would die out and leave tiny embers that could be satiated by someone else. but you knew. you knew no one could put it out but him. he was the only one that possessed the right water to extinguish the flame of yearning in you. and you knew you were the only one to put out his.
and so, you let him hold you as you cried for the second time that night, grabbing at each other to get impossibly closer. you knew there was no going back now, that you were about to walk off the diving board and never get back up. but you wanted it. you knew you needed it. 
“there’s too much going against us.” you borderline begged. begged him to find a way out of this, begged him to push you away, to kick you out, to do something to  stop it. vulnerability was your worst enemy. 
“pepper. look at me.” he demanded, forcing your head up with your chin tucked between his fingers. “something has been drawing me to you for nearly 7 years. i’m not walking away from it now that we’ve finally got it out in the open. we have to move on. what’s past is past, and what we have now is everything we need. what are you scared of, darling?” he asked gently. 
“...vulnerability.” you admitted. he let out a sigh, maneuvering you so you were in his lap. “it's scary isn’t it, pepper?” he soothed, running a run up and down your back. you nodded pathetically. curling into him more. 
“you know what irritates me the most about you?” he asked, but not hostile. you scoffed. “everything?” you guessed. 
“no. not everything. there's a million little tiny things, but not everything. the biggest one though, is no matter how hard you try, you can't hide. no matter how much you duck and run, i would be able to pull you out of a crowd of a million people. no matter how hard you try to keep your head down and blend with other people, you can’t, not to me. you stand out like a goddamn star. that's what irks me the most." he said softly. 
“am i supposed to take that as a compliment?” you laughed. 
“mhm. it’s painful for me but you should know. sometimes i feel like you and me are the only two people in the room. you drown everyone else out.” he confessed as your eyes filled up with tears again, but not sadness this time. 
this time, it was an overwhelming blanket of love that draped over you. 
the relief that you were wanted by him. that you stood out to him as much as he did to you. you lifted your face from its place on its chest, resting your chin there instead so you were looking up at him. 
he softly took a strand of damp hair from your cheek, tucking it into place behind your ear. “see? i was vulnerable with you. now its your turn.” he encouraged lightly. 
you looked up at him for a second more. the words were on the tip of your tongue, running through your brain over and over again- iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou 
you finally found your voice: 
“i think i love you, jake.” you stated, voice faltering near the end. he cupped your jaw in his hand, 
“i know.” he nodded, his eyes filling with tears too as your hands threaded through his hair, clutching at every part of him you could reach, as your lips finally melted into his.
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ofmd-alsaurus · 2 years
Ed/Stede fics by alsaurus
all rated E for smut. click the read more to see what's new! (updated 12/28/23 with Kitty and the Captain PODFIC!)
An Extremely Fun, Memorable, Deeply Cool Adventure Word count: 4.6k Summary: Edward might be the one with the experience, but Stede is the one with the imagination. OR: Stede invents cocksucking. Ed is scandalized and intrigued. (podfic version read by legs)
There’s No Accounting for Taste Word count: 3.5k Summary: Ed is sick of waiting for Stede to touch him, so he takes matters into his own hands. It doesn't quite go as planned. (podfic version read by Tipsy_Kitty)
Little Wonder Word count: 3.7k Summary: Stede has a small dick. Turns out Ed is actually into it. Like, really… really into it. (podfic version read by SD_Ryan)
Good Habits Wordcount: 4.2k Summary: Stede likes to masturbate by humping the bed. Ed likes to watch. He should probably let Stede know about that. OR: Ed makes his bed by pretending to be a heavier sleeper than he really is, and now he has to lie in it (while Stede humps it).
Piss Off, Hard On Word count: 3k Summary: Stede can't pee until he does something about this pesky erection. Ed could just leave him to it, but where's the fun in that?
Self-Indulgence Word count: 9.8k Summary: After Stede comes back, Ed stays holed up in his cabin and spends a lot of time crying. And Stede spends a lot of time… jerking off, apparently? Ed doesn’t quite get it. But he’s eager to help Stede however he can.
Behind the Curtain Word count: 11.2k Summary: Ed is in love with Stede. Ed is also sharing a bedroom with Stede. This is fine! (Ed is 99% sure it’s fine, anyway.) Written for the OFMD Big Bang 2022.
Big Deal Word count: 4.8k Summary: Ed insists that Stede's tiny dick is the perfect size. Stede calls his bluff. A sequel to Little Wonder.
With Teeth Word count: 3.1k Summary: Ed wants Stede to bite him, but Stede misunderstands the assignment. (podfic version read by Tipsy_Kitty)
Kitty and the Captain Word count: 2.8k Summary:
This is it. It’s nighttime, they’re alone together, and they're no longer taking things slow. They've said the big words. They love each other. Ed immediately grabs Stede by the shoulders and kisses him, hard and soft and with all the promise of all the things he wants them to do together. This is the moment. "I've been meaning to ask," Stede pulls away to say then. "What is a ‘handy’, actually?"
(podfic version read by Tipsy_Kitty)
Ed and Stede's Very Successful Second Time Word count: 3.4k Summary: Ed wants the next time they make love to be perfect. Things do not go as planned.
Truly Docked Word count: 4k Summary: "I gave you a handjob and then I humped your leg with all my clothes still on. That's not docking."
316 notes · View notes
infitsovermisfits · 2 years
Hi, could you please write an Eddie Munson fic where the reader was like a popular girl who was best friends with Nancy, and she's like totally in love with him
[no smut if possible although IDM, you write really well]
((sorry this took forever to write!!))
Tysm for the request and compliment omg 😭😭 I hope u don't mind that I use Gender Neutral pronouns here :)
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info: I have quite the story with this: i started writing this when i was in another country in my notes just to map out how i wanted this. When i got back home, i wrote about 4k words of this, realised i characterised the reader completely wrong and had to rewrite the story into this :) I'll still post the other half but tweek it a little bit because i can't just waste 4k words like that come on ;-; I hope u like this requester!! I had fun writing this :) I'm sorry if it's slow, I was trying to pace it somehow and I... Yes :) this og version also had a party scene but I cut it because it didn't fit and I didn't like the direction it was going- so if I finish writing that it'll likely spawn another fic ;P such is the way of a perfectionist
Info 2: after making many many revisions to this the final tally is: this spawned 2 other fics that may get finished at a later date, and jesus chrsit did this drag on oh my god
WARNINGS: slower pace (sorry), reader is a senior, gender-neutral reader, self-conscious reader, reader has overbearing parents, brief allusion/mention of child abuse, use of the word suicide (once), mentions of underage drinking, underage drug use
word count: 7659
"Come on- no cute boys?" Nancy Wheeler asked as she walked beside you through the busy morning corridors of Hawkins High. You let out a long sigh as she stopped at her locker, quickly opening it and beginning to place the books she was carrying in her hands inside,
"You find me one cute boy at Hawkins, Nancy. They all look like they crawled out of a swamp," You groaned, rolling your eyes as you scanned the busy hallways from where you were leaning against a locker next to her, "They all smell worse than a swamp too," At your comments, she giggled, shaking her head.
There were positives to being popular- invitations to every party, access to all the gossip at school about anyone, endless compliments and offers to do any of your work for you... But the novelty wears off oh so quickly, and all the positives cannot outweigh the negatives. And it all just gets so boring. And when you realise you can't exactly have other people sit your final exams at the end of the year, you realised how much shit you were in.
That's where Nancy came in. She'd seen you struggling with biology and offered her help, and surprisingly, you found yourself growing closer with her. She quickly became one of your closest friends, simply because she wouldn't take any bullshit and was honest and more importantly real. Where your friends blindly agreed with anything you said or did, Wheeler would actively oppose you, offer criticism, or try to at least steer you in the right direction with whatever you needed. She also didn't actively try distracting you from your work, instead of encouraging you to do it and offering her home as a quiet place for you to work in. This was fresh; it was new; it was something that made your friendship so strong. 
Nancy was so sweet too- when you'd given her a matching best friend's necklace for her birthday, she looked like she was ready to cry. She had mentioned Barb, someone you didn't really get to know before her disappearance, and how she was her only friend for so long and how happy she was to have someone else in her life, now that Jonathan was so far away. With this, you quickly realised you should try and make her as happy as she could be in her final Senior Year at Hawkins- so what if your 'friends' questioned you or gave you weird looks if you chose her over them? They'd have to just get used to Wheeler being around.
Then you had your tutoring sessions. At the beginning of senior year, you had asked those who were doing your work to stop. Obviously, your grades rapidly dropped, causing your teachers to get worried. Biology remained stagnant, but the countless D's and F's on your report card that was usually plastered with straight A's and flattery made the colour drain from your face at the idea of your parents seeing it. After a particularly tense parent-teacher conference, it was mutually agreed that you'd greatly benefit from daily, after-school tutoring sessions. And you had little to say about it under the scrutiny of your parents.
There, you'd met Eddie. 
Jocks; athletes; popular kids. Those were the people you hung out with at school and at parties. They made up your friend group, they surrounded you wherever you went. The 'outcasts' and the 'freaks' always piqued your interest, but God forbid you ever interact with them and commit social suicide. That's why you almost appreciated these tutoring sessions- though they were incredibly boring and sometimes difficult to focus on, they allowed you to interact with people you would usually be shunned by your friends for.
Eddie was 'The Freak'. The loud Satanist who insults back at your friends and made a fool of himself where he could to entertain his Hellfire Club friends. It surprised you when you first saw him in the tutoring sessions. Like you, he was failing only... Worse as you came to find out. Compared to the loud image you had of him, he was always very quiet. Wide brown eyes watching whoever was running the session, occasionally flicking down to write a few notes, then looking out of the window. He was never here on Fridays, and a small part of you was curious about where he'd disappear to. He'd always lazily drop into his chair and lean back in it, legs stretching out and spreading open under the desk as he pulled out a notebook and pencil and lazily scribbled notes down. Even doing so simple, to you, it was worth coming just to watch him.
You didn't speak to one another at first; not until one Thursday evening in November. You had a rather clear view of him from the corner of your eye where you sitting. You'd glance up at the chalkboard, scan the text, glance down to write it, then sneak a glance at the metalhead. Today, his legs were bouncing more than usual. You could faintly hear the tapping of his feet along with the annoying scratches and screeches of the chalk on the board. The tutor had even asked him a few times to stop tapping, only to earn mumbled apologies and eye rolls. You usually bounced your legs so much when you were nervous- sometimes at parties waiting for the alcohol to fill your veins and give you the confidence to dance. Or the one time your parents discovered your grades and spent the evening yelling at you... 
As the session grew to a close, you noticed him begin to pack his things up much earlier than the rest of your group, and before the tutor could even say their 'good afternoons', he was out of the door, hair bouncing and bag almost falling out of his grip as he left. You glanced at his vacant space as you packed your own things out and noticed a black notebook that had been left behind. Glancing at the others, too focused on hurriedly putting their own things away, you picked it up and looked it over. 
It was worn, old, clearly, and you desperately wanted to peek inside and see what secrets were in there. This wasn't the notebook he used for his notes- that one was a fresh, a new one specifically bought for school notes, decorated in crude drawings of lightning flashes and grinning faces, as well as creatures you only briefly saw in flashes when he'd open the book. This one was also covered in doodles, painted in white paint- you could tell from where some of them were smeared, leaving streaks of white paint against the black material. There was no legible writing, though, by the drawing of a strangely shaped die on the front, it indicated this was a 'DnD' notebook, or so you guessed- your brother played that game when he was younger. Personally, you never touched the game, not understanding the rules. And after finding out it was the 'devils' game, you tried staying as far away from it as possible.
So why, was the notebook now sitting atop your sheets and looking so inviting for you to look inside. You'd scanned the front so many times, that the drawings were almost certainly committed to memory by now. Deep down, you know you couldn't- you couldn't invade his privacy like this. But what if reading it told you more about Eddie and gave you a chance to finally have something to talk to him about...? 
It was weird enough that you'd essentially stolen it from him- maybe you should just give it back? Yeah- you'd give it back tomorrow!... After you read a few pages. With trembling hands, you reached to pry the book open, before freezing and glancing to your top drawer where you kept your journal locked inside an old make-up box. All the things you wrote in there flooded your head and you immediately dropped his book back down. If he had any secrets in here and you read them, you'd be invading his privacy- and that was just a shitty thing to do. You wouldn't want anyone to read through your stuff, so you shoved the book back inside your bag that night out of sight and mind, while ensuring you had it ready for the morning,
"Hey, where does Munson usually hang out?" You asked your group of friends the Friday morning after, as you stood around outside of school. A silence falling amongst them at your question,
"Ahaha- very funny," One of the Jocks said, and you sent him a glare, 
"I'm being serious," You said, watching as they all gave you strange looks, "I uh... I want to get something good for the party tomorrow," You smiled in reassurance, and watched as they mostly relaxed,
"You shouldn't go near him alone, I can go with you," The guy said next to you, arm moving around your shoulders and face moving close. You laughed, shrugging him off, 
"I'm perfectly fine on my own," You assured, "Any curse he tries to throw on me, I'll just deflect," You said, and watched him blink confusedly at your statement, pushing him away, "Are you guys gonna tell me or not?" You sighed, and when no one replied, you rolled your eyes, "Anyways..." You tried breaking the awkwardness, "Uhh- I just remembered Nancy needs me. Something about biology and... Cutting frogs," You made a face, before leaving them quickly. 
You had to find Munson by yourself, which wasn't great since you knew he never shows up to tutoring on Fridays and you can't just see him at lunch in front of everyone. You walked through the school's halls, smiling and waving politely at the students you passed, taking and returning compliments as you went. You paused suddenly as two boys walked around you, Eddie's name falling from their lips and ringing in your ears. You turned swiftly, following after them for a little bit until they disappeared into a mostly empty corridor. When you were sure no one was looking, you dipped in after them, watching as they disappeared into a club room. It was one of the old drama club classrooms- you used to go here all the time in freshman year...
It was still early but you wanted to see him alone, and without anyone here. You sighed, leaning against the adjacent classroom and getting lost in thought. Your name falling from someone's lips startled you, and you relaxed at the sight of Nancy Wheeler approaching you, 
"Why're you here?" She asked curiously, coming to stand in front of you,
"Oh, I'm... Reliving old memories," You smiled, pointing to the other drama room that was unoccupied, "I used to go here all the time as a Freshman," You sighed, "I was super passionate about theatre," She laughed at that,
"Right yeah, you told me. Still obsessed with Romeo and Juliet?" You made a face,
"Don't remind me of that awful thing," You sighed, trying the locked door and frowning softly, 
"They don't use them anymore for health and safety reasons," She tapped the sign clearly plastered on the door, "Plus, with the funding, they pulled it's kinda useless to them now. It's a miracle Hellfire even got that room," She nodded her head to the other door, the same one you wanted so badly to go to,
"Hellfire?" You had to play dumb, you had to play dumb,
"Right," She chuckled, "It's a DnD thing? Mike's really into it," She explained, waving a hand, "The idiot forgot his lunch so I have to bring it to him or mom'll tear my head off," She said. And before you could speak up, she was knocking on the door and letting herself in. 
There he was, perched on his throne and watching you newcomers curiously, hand raised for the two boys to stop talking. Orange and blue light illuminated him, shining on his features from the overhead stage lights hitting the table and him. He was just missing a crown- he'd look like a king. Slowly, he stood, clapping his hands together and offering you both a wide smile,
"Greetings," He said, and you gave a little wave to him, as he moved forward, "To what do we owe your company on this most joyous of days?" He asked theatrically, and you forced yourself to not laugh,
"Hello, Eddie," Nancy said with a sigh, before her gaze turned to Mike, "Dumbass, you forgot your lunch," Nancy said, an edge to her voice as her younger brother shot up from where he was sitting, ducking under Eddie's outstretched arms,
"Ahh, and here I was thinking you two would be joining us this evening," He said, and he looked between the two of you. Frankly, you were too mesmerised by his hair swishing as he moved to register his words until his eyes met yours. Your brain emptied itself out and filled with nothing but thoughts of him, doing its best to commit to memory the fact that he looked at you. Fuck. Your heart only sped up like this if you were too high and freaked out. But this was... Pleasant. You returned a small smile and opened your mouth to say something,
"We're good, Eddie," She cast him a tight smile and glanced at Mike, "But if you're late tonight, you're walking home," She threatened,
"Mike!" She said warned sharply. She rustled the bag at him, and you watched him sigh as he took the bag from her,
"At least say thanks, Micheal," You piped up, folding your arms and tilting your head at him,
"It's not Micheal," He said, moving back to where he was sitting to put his food back into his bag, 
"Sure it is Micheal!" You grinned, glancing at Nancy who shook her head, "You should really thank your poor, poor sister. She's making sure you're getting fed," You pouted, putting an arm around Nancy's shoulders and pulling her close. You grinned at how pissed off it was making the boy and saw his lips move in a mumble,
"Oof- can't hear you, Micheal," You chirped,
"Yeah, what was that Micheal?" Eddie now chimed in, watching him with a wide grin too,
"Thank you- oh my God," The boy said exasperated, and you laughed softly, pulling Nancy out of the room, "Thanks for the help, Eddie," You said, waving to him as you exited. You laughed with Nancy as she led you from the room and began to chat with you easily. Eddie's notebook is still in your bag between your own books and folder though. Shit.
You had to figure out a way to give this book back as soon as possible. You even considered ditching the tutoring session to try and follow him, but that'd only hurt your grades- and you needed to graduate this year. The session moved by agonisingly slowly, and you spent most of it trying to figure out the right words, rather than outwrite admitting that you found Eddie's notebook and stole it. You sighed in relief as it finally came to a close and pulled the book from your bag while you were putting your own things away, beginning to walk through the pleasantly empty, quiet halls. You gravitated towards the drama classrooms, hearing cheering and loud noise, and stopping as a group of boys walked out yelling and chatting amongst themselves. 
 Wheeler, who you recognised from the mess of chin-length black hair, emerged first, running through the halls and hoping to catch Nancy before she left without him. His friend, a mess of curly hair hidden under a hat, followed quickly after him. Then finally, the other boys walked slowly with Eddie, still talking to him before he stopped at the fork in the hallway. There he was, grinning to himself as he produced car keys from his pockets. Soon enough, you heard 'bye's' and 'see you next weeks!', and there he was, turning and walking towards you.
He stopped, seeing you watching him, and, comically, turned to look over his shoulder at the empty hall. He then turned back to you, who offered him a small wave. He made a small gesture to himself, mouthing 'me?', and you couldn't help but laugh,
"Yeah, you," You said to him, slowly walking forward. You produced the book from where you'd safely tucked it under your arm and presented it to him, holding it out at arm's length. His expression morphed into a shocked one, eyes growing wide as he recognised the drawings and his lost object, "I didn't-" You said quickly, "Like, I-" Any preparations you made in that session fell through at his sudden closeness. "Uhh- ahaha," You laughed, more at yourself and how pathetic you felt. He took the book from you, a frown on his face as he quickly skimmed through the pages,
"You didn't... Go through it, did you?" He asked with a frown, glancing up at you,
"No!" You assured him quickly, "You- you left it behind yesterday after our tutoring thing. You left too quick for me to uh... Catch up to you and give it back then," You explained, and watched him slowly nod. He went back to flicking through the book,
"Right," He said. You could hear the scepticism in his tone as he went quiet again. You shuffled nervously, and almost turned to leave before he spoke again, "Sorry- I just can't be too sure," He mumbled, glancing back up at you, "Your friends don't really like me," He gave a slight smile, and though it didn't reach his eyes, it was still really pretty, "I was worried this'd be tampered with but it's not," He said,
"Oh! Yeah, no one saw it," You said quickly, "I put it in my bag so I could keep it safe for you," You explained, cringing slightly at your choice of words. For some fucking reason, you could talk to any boy in this godforsaken school with ease, but when it came to Eddie, your mouth moved too quickly and your brain lagged behind, "I wasn't uh... Sure when I'd see you again so... Yeah," You said, "Glad to have... Gotten it back to you... Now," You said,
"Safely," He added, closing it, "Well, thanks- a lot. I've been going crazy looking for this," He indicated to the book that he now hid away in his bag, "Tore my trailer up last night looking for it," He smiled,
"Oh!" You said, raising your brows, "Didn't know it was that important to you," You laughed softly, "Sorry,"
"It's okay," He said in such a friendly tone it made your stomach flip and heart ache for him to say it again, "Thanks for keeping it safe away from your friends... They don't like me very much,"
"Yeah- sorry," You said again, looking away and shuffling your feet, "They can be real fucking assholes," You sighed,
"Tell me about it," Eddie said sarcastically, but not in a malicious way. In a funny way. So you laughed, "You're not though," He said, and you glanced up at him,
"Hmm?" You hummed, 
"An asshole," He added, "You could have ruined that book. Ripped it to shreds, read through it..." He said, and you bit the inside of your lip slightly. You'd been a witness to some of those things when you were younger, "But you didn't," He gave you a slight smile, "So thanks,"
"Uhuh," You nodded, "You weren't in our uh... Session today," You pointed out, "I had to go and hunt you down," He chuckled softly, and you felt your heart beat a little faster in your aching chest,
"Yeah, Fridays are kinda sacred to me," He said, nodding his head back to where he had come from, "I'm the DM in our Hellfire club. It sorta falls apart without me there," He said confidently,
"DM...?" You asked slowly in confusion, 
"Dungeon Master- for Dungeons and Dragons," He clarified, and you nodded, 
"Right- of course, you are," You nodded, and he looked at you, "So uh. Did you need the notes for today?" You asked, and he looked at you surprised, maybe a little confused, "I uh-" You were already searching in your bag for the notebook you used to keep your notes in, "I even made sure you could read what I was writing," You laughed to yourself, passing him the book, "It was Biology,"
"I hate biology," He commented, taking your book and smoothing a hand over it. You laughed softly,
"Me too," You agreed, "I was really bad with it untill Nancy started helping me,"
"Wheeler, right..." He nodded, your notebook now safely tucked in his bag, "That's why you guys were together this morning?"
"Well, yeah, and she's my friend," You explained, "Because of the biology thing. So I guess it's not all too bad," You smiled,
"Weren't you a straight-A student?" He clicked his finger at you, looking at you confused, and you slowly nodded,
"Yeah, but only because I wasn't doing any of the uh... Work," You said, embarrassed to even admit to your faults, "I didn't really treat school too seriously for a while- and with so many people just... Offering to work for me, it was hard to say no," You said, looking away from him, "Gave me a lot of free time... Too much free time. Then, during the summer I kinda realised I'm gonna be the one writing my final exams, and not them, and so I thought, oh! These first essays, I'm gonna do myself... And I got probably the worst grades you've ever seen," You joked,
"Believe me," He raised his brows, beginning to walk slowly with you, "I know what bad grades are," He smiled slightly, "Or else I wouldn't be wasting my time in those sessions after school,"
"Right," You tapped your forehead with your fingers, "Sorry, I'm uh... Yeah," You nodded, before continuing, "Well, my teachers weren't happy... Neither were my parents," You grimaced, "Got this whole long terrifying talk that I won't get into college and they'll kick me out and I'll be homeless or something," You shrugged, sighing as you recalled the evening you returned home, having spent your time drinking with your friends. Still buzzed and hoping to go to sleep, you instead found yourself sat on the couch in your living room, crying silent tears that stung your burning cheek, and ears filled with the angry ramblings of your father, "So yeah... Kinda lit a fire under my ass, and now I'm doing what I can to just pass," You sighed, "Definitely not a straight-A student," You grimaced again, glancing up at him,
"I mean, it could be worse," He said, twirling his car keys, "This is my third time passing senior year," He sighed, "Kinda makes me wish I had someone yell at me and get me to try harder," He smiled, and you nodded your head slightly, "But alas... All I got is a deep-rooted hatred for this fucking place," He glanced around at the barren white halls, illuminated by fluorescent lights, 
"You'll get out eventually, Eddie," You reassured him, and he turned to look at you, "Uhh- Nancy told me that I should have a more positive attitude surrounding this whole thing," You explained, 
"A what?" He asked playfully, and you laughed,
"Instead of thinking 'I'm not gonna make it' think 'I'm going to try to make it,'" You said, "Like uh... Tricking your brain to thinking you like something when you really hate it," You said,
"Why would I want to do that?" He said, making a face, 
"To fit in...?" You asked softly, and he raised his brows, 
"Mmmh... Guess you're used to that, darling," Your eyes widened slightly at the use of the pet name, and he walked forwards a little faster, pushing the exit open for you and holding the door open for you, "But not me," He gave you a slight smile and a wink, and you almost stopped being able to function. You swallowed nervously, mumbling a thank you as you walked out of the door first and glanced over your shoulder at him,
"You've never had to pretend to like something to fit in?" You asked, almost incredulously,
"Nope," He shut the door, looking down at you, "Then again..." He said, standing next to you and leaning over so his head was close to your ear, "I don't have friends who are assholes," As he straightened again, he gave you a warm smile, and you only nodded, glancing through the parking lot,
"Uh..." You stuttered, "I hate parties," You admitted, and he tilted his head slightly. Something about those large round, brown eyes and the way his general disposition was reminded you of a puppy, and you couldn't help but smile at him, 
"You?" He asked surprised, "Hate parties?" You nodded at his shocked expression,
"Yeah..." You smiled, "Drugs and alcohol relax me enough to have an okay time, but sometimes I take too much of either and get super nervous," You sighed, "I don't like the crowd; the loud music; the... People there..." You grimaced, "But I know if I don't go, I'll get..." You shook your head, "My friends won't be happy. It's like I'm expected to be there. And I don't wanna disappoint anyone," You frowned. You suddenly realised you were spilling your deepest insecurities to someone you didn't know that well- and a guy you happened to have a crush on- and you had to collect yourself, "But uh, yeah..." You couldn't meet his gaze, too embarrassed to even look up
"Well... if you didn't have to go to a party, what would you do instead?" He asked.
For some reason, you didn't have an answer straight away. No one had ever asked you what you wanted... Certainly not any boy. You blinked at him, mouth gaping open as you stared at him in shock, and your brain searched for an answer so you wouldn't be stuck in silence. He seemed to realise that you didn't have an answer, but instead of saying anything he just nodded for you to go on. You swallowed, licking your lips slightly and glancing away so you could focus,
"I... Would prefer to stay at home..." You said slowly, thinking, then smiling softly and tapping a finger to your lips, "I'd get some vodka and drink it by myself-"
"Oh, that took a turn," He said, and you glanced at him with a smile,
"Beer's just too gross for my taste," You made a face, and he nodded for you to go on, "I'd get drunk by myself... Or with Nancy. Depends if-"
"With Nancy?" He said surprised, "She drinks?"
"If she wants," You smiled at him, "I convinced her to share a joint with me once too," You said, laughing softly as he opened his mouth in shocked,
"Okay- wow?" He said, laughing too, "Guess you really do learn something new every day," He smiled,
"Mhm," You hummed, "I'd also be watching a movie,"
"What movie?"
"I'm not telling you- you're gonna laugh," You said, shaking your head,
"I'm not gonna laugh," He said, watching you. You looked at him, meeting his eyes, "Come on- I play Dungeons and Dragons for fun," He said, "I'm the last person to laugh at anything you'll say," He said. It did make sense. Eddie clearly wasn't like any boy you'd met before and you so greatly appreciated that. With a bracing sigh, you shook your head,
"You heard of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'?" You looked up at him, fearing his reaction,
"Have I heard- I love that movie!" He grinned, and you looked at him shocked,
"I haven't..." You smiled, "I've never met anyone else who likes that movie," You grinned, "I kinda accidentally saw it with my older sister once at a theatre when we visited Indianapolis and it was so good!" You grinned, "Then we saw it again when they showed it in Starcourt last year," You grinned, "I haven't seen it since but God, would I love to,"
"That sounds a lot more fun than a party," He said, and you looked at him with wide eyes, "You should invite me over," He said playfully, and you laughed, 
"Sure! I don't m-" The sudden sound of a car honking brought you out of your conversation, and you squinted in the darkness to see Nancy Wheeler and her brother watching you from her car, "Shit- ah... Sorry, Eddie," You looked at him apologetically, "I'll see you... Later," You said, quickly running down the stairs. Your name attached to the end of his goodbye made you turn, just before you crossed the empty parking lot to get to her car,  "How'd you know my name?" You asked curiously as he passed by you,
"Your notebook," He replied, before giving you a slight salute and walking to his van, "Say Hi to the Wheelers for me!" He called after you, and you watched his mess of hair as he faded into the darkness. You slid into the front seat next to Nancy, a smile glued to your lips,
"Still think there's no cute boys at Hawkins?" Nancy asked you with a smirk as your seatbelt clicked into place. It took you a moment, but when you recognised her words, you shoved her shoulder playfully, smiling, 
"Shut up, Nancy," You grinned, rolling your eyes,
"Hey, how come they get to be late and I don't?" Mike chimed in from the backseat,
"Because I'm Nancy's friend?" You said, frowning as if it was obvious, "You're just her annoying little brother, Micheal," You turned your head to stick your tongue out at him,
"Whatever," He huffed, turning his head so his forehead pressed against the glass. You looked to Nancy as she drove out of the parking lot, a smile fixed on her lips,
"What?" You asked, "Nancy, what?" You smiled softly as she shook her head,
"You like Eddie, huh?" She asked, and you rolled your eyes, 
"I'm not answering that," You said, though your eyes flicked up to the rear view mirror and caught sight of the headlights of his van as he drove a distance behind Nancy's car, 
"Come on- I saw how you looked at him!" She grinned, "Does he smell like a swamp?" At that you laughed, loud,
"Nancy, oh my God!" You grinned, "First of all, shut up and drive before I jump out of this car and second!!" You grinned as she laughed, "So what if I do? He's probably the first boy here to be nice to me without trying to get in my pants and ask me questions about my interests," You said, "To see me... As a person and not... Y'know," You shrugged, sighing softly and leaning your own head against the window,
"Uhuh," She nodded, "What'd he ask you?" She asked, giving you a small smile, "You looked enamoured," She commented,
"Not telling you... Here," You said, glancing over at her, then flicking your gaze to Mike, "Not with him there," You side eyed Mike, 
"What? Why?" The kid frowned, 
"Cause you're gonna blab something stupid to Eddie," You said, rolling your eyes, 
"That you like him?"
"Micheal," You grinned as he corrected 'Mike' under his breath, "First of all, I never said I like him; Nancy did. Secondly, I had one-" You lifted a finger up,"-conversation with him. That doesn't mean I'm falling head over heels. And besides, I already said I'm not saying anything in this car while you're here," You said, sighing as you turned back, relaxing into the comfortable seat, "Besides... It's not like..." You bit your lip, "Nevermind," You sighed softly,
"No, what is it?" Nancy asked, glancing at you with a small frown, but you quickly dismissed it waving your hand,
"Don't worry," You mumbled, turning up the music and letting Madonna fill the car as you stared out of the window. You let your mind run as your eyes focused on the dark houses as they passed by, lost in thoughts of Eddie and his kindness towards you this evening. About how badly you wanted to spend more time with him and not your friends. He seemed more real than they could ever try to be- he hadn't laughed at your favourite movie choice, in fact, he liked it too! And he was so warm and friendly it... Was fresh and delightful. You couldn't remember the last time you'd laughed without the need to fake it.
 All too soon, Nancy pulled up to her house and told Mike to leave the car, before killing the engine and looking at you. It took you a moment to realise where you where, and when you did, your eyes met, 
"What is it, Nance?" You asked curiously, "End of the line? Need me to get out?" You smiled, though reached for the handle,
"No, I just... Wanted to talk to you," She smiled softly, gently taking her hand in yours. You tilted your head slightly,
"About?" You asked confused,
"Right," You pulled your hand from hers and grabbed your bag from between your legs, "This was a lovely ride, Wheeler but I gotta go," She quickly said your name, which caused you to freeze and glance back at her,
"Please...?" She asked, with a small frown. You really didn't want to talk to her about this, especially not now, but the reminder that Nancy hadn't had many friends- especially to talk about boys made you reconsider.  You sighed, heavily dropping the bag and back into the seat, causing the car to shake slightly,
"What... Do you want to know?" You asked, rolling your eyes but smiling as you saw a grin spreading across her face, 
"Okay. When did you realise you liked him?" She asked eagerly, and you sighed, closing your eyes and rubbing them gently,
"A while ago, I guess," You smiled softly, "I don't know- maybe watching him be so... Free and so... Himself  was admirable to me- annoying sometimes but... You gotta hand it to him, he has a lot of confidence... And then I guess my admiration grew into," You sighed, "A crush," You admitted to humour her, "I realised in the tutoring sessions,"
"Oh right- because- yeah I see that," She nodded, 
"He's... Very quiet there. He has this look like he's actually trying to learn," You said, "And I don't know... He looks cute?" You smiled as she laughed, 
"You don't care that he plays a game for kids?" She asked with a smile, 
"Hey, don't make me start on Byers," You warned, "Have you told him to cut his hair? Or at least wash it?" You teased, and she laughed,
"I actually don't know if he's cut it or not," She smiled sadly,
"Next time you write, ask him for a picture," You said, "Or... Have you been sending him pictures already?" You asked in a teasing way, and smirked as her eyes grew wide,
"Ew- Oh my God," She said as she caught on to what you were insinuating, unlocking your door, "I was gonna drive you home but you're walking now," She grinned,
"Have you!? Please I have to know- Wheeler!!" You said, grabbing her arm and shaking it playfully before grinning and letting her go, 
"Goodnight!!" She said, waving you off and shaking her head as you dropped back in your seat, laughing to yourself. With a small sigh, you settled in the seat, before glancing at her,
"You know... I also think I really like him because he's so different to me," You admitted quietly, placing your finger to your mouth and gently biting at the skin surrounding your fingernail, "I'm... Popular. I've got a lot of friends, a lot of people like me... But they don't see me. They see something I created for them to see- a caricature of who I really am. All the... Good and perfect parts are pulled to the surface and all the ugly gets buried deep and away from view," You rambled, frowning softly, "But Eddie is... Eddie," You smiled, "He doesn't care what people think of. My friends- they call him a 'freak' and a 'Satanist', but I don't get that from him at all, you know?" You sighed, "It's like- they judge him before even giving him a chance... Good thing he doesn't let himself be judged... I wish I could be like that," You sighed, letting your head drop back against the headrest,
"Why can't you?" She asked, and you glanced over at her, "Why can't you just be yourself?"
"I... Don't think I've thought about that before," You frowned, "I guess I realised through the weird looks whenever I'd talk about something I liked that the others didn't like it. And if I talked about something they approved of, they liked me. My... Parents have always expected perfection. My grades, my behaviour... I gave that to them, and when it fell apart they were... Mad... I think I really lost their respect with the whole fake straight A thing..." You said, rubbing your arm gently,  "And I know if my friends caught me hanging around with Eddie Munson, I'd... Lose everything I've made for myself at Hawkins,"
"Yeah, but school isn't everything," She said, starting the car back up again and turning the radio down so much you could hardly hear the music, "You would rather spend the rest of your senior year pretending to be who you're not, with people you don't care about?" She asked, "Besides, you wouldn't be completely friendless. You'd still have me," She smiled at you, and you smiled back,
"Yeah... I'd still have you, Wheeler," You echoed, sitting upright and putting your seatbelt on with a small sigh. You considered her words, and maybe just maybe they were getting to you. Really, what would you be losing if you just stopped hanging out with your friends and doing what you wanted to do? Your popularity? The company of those who only used you for your status? Comparing them, the negatives of popularity outweighed the positives... And leaving it had more positives: you already had your genuine friendship with Nancy and you'd also gain a friendship with Eddie... If you were lucky, maybe something more...
It was those thoughts that flooded your brain when you dug out a black sweater you rarely wore and adorned as many necklaces as you could without looking insane, revoking your usual green and yellow sweaters, before hopping into Nancy's car. It was those thoughts that occupied your brain as you walked through the halls and smiled at the students watching you with wide, surprised eyes as you barely spared a glance to your confused friends. It was those thoughts that prompted you, during break, to pass by your usual lunch table and walk over to Eddie. You were thankful you were thankful he was the only one there, for now. It gave you more time alone,
"Hey," You smiled at him. He hadn't been looking at you, focused on sketching something in that black notebook. At your greeting, his head turned sharply, and he instinctively pulled the book closed, standing quickly to greet you, 
"Hi...?" He asked a little unsurely, glancing at the table you'd usually sit at. Quickly, you stuck your hand out, and told him your name as if he didn't know it. He glanced down at it, and took it in his own, shaking it. 
"Can I sit here?" You asked as you pulled your hand from his, pointing to the seat Gareth would usually take. He gave you a nod, before you sat down, placing your elbows on the table to watch him,
"Can I uhm... Ask what you're doing?" He asked, amused as he sat down next to you,
"Ditching my friends," You said plainly, focusing on him and resisting the urge to look to where you usually sat, "I talked with Nancy yesterday and she made me realise a few things," You explained, "I've been pretending to be someone I'm not since 8th. Surrounding myself with people I really couldn't care less about leaving... I think I prefer your company more than those assholes," You told him, inclining your head to the people you had left stunned. He took a moment to study you, eyes darting over your face, trying to see any hint that you were lying, or playing a prank on him... But found nothing. He gave you a warm smile, which caused your heart to flutter pleasantly,
"Well then, my dear," He said, straightening, "Welcome to the darkside," He grinned as you laughed at the statement, "That's a cool sweater, by the way," He commented, 
"Gotta start my descent to madness somehow," You smiled at him.
Who knew that you'd make the best decision of your life that day? If you only knew how much happier you'd become since you left the prison of popularity and became an outcast, you'd do it much sooner. Sure getting called a freak by those you were once close with hurt some part of you deep down, but who cared when Eddie was there to defend you by your side, slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling your forward, making some comment that made you laugh. 
Another perk was the fact that no one wanted you at their parties anymore- which meant you'd have more time studying, as boring as it was, or hanging out at Hellfire. You really had no clue why they ever called DnD the devils game- it was far from it. You found it enjoyable, and seeing this new side of Eddie only made your crush for him grow more. What you loved more than Hellfire were the rides home you'd share with Eddie. Nancy, after a fight with her younger brother (or so she told you with a wink), flat out refused to collect him so Harrington usually got Henderson and Wheeler together, which left you alone with Eddie. 
On one February evening, when you where hotboxing the back of his van in celebration of his first ever B, you'd leaned over and kissed him, leaving him pleasantly stunned, and you incredibly proud with yourself.  
"Damn, babe- why's your favourite movie gotta be such a sad one?" You heard him say from behind you, clearly chocked up by the ending. You laughed softly, though whiped your eyes on the back of your hands to clear them of tears,
"I just love it so much," You sniffled, "The aliens got to go home," You turned your head to look at him over your shoulder, "It got you too, didn't it?" You grinned as you saw faint tear tracks glittering on his face in the low light of his trailer and felt his arms that had been loosely wrapped around his middle pull you close to him, forcing to lay against his chest, 
"Sure. It got me, seeing a stupid aliens in their magical flying house," He said, and you grinned softly as you felt him nuzzling against your hair and neck,
"They're going to do the time warp again," You said, before sniffling playfully, causing him to laugh against your skin. You felt the vibrations through your body and smile pleasantly as the credits begun to roll on the screen,
"They are," He hummed. You let your eyes fall shut peacefully, feeling his hands move to gently shift your hair out of the way as his lips pressed gentle, loving kisses to your skin, not intent on starting anything, simply occupying himself with what was in front of him,
"Did you have a good time at least?" You asked, 
"Mhm. You don't have to ask me that, you know, sweetheart?" He smiled as you turned your head so you could see him, "I always have a good time with you around," The compliment made you blush and roll your eyes, trying to turn your head away, only to feel his fingers gently touching your chin and moving it to look back at him, "I'm being serious, sweetheart," He hummed, kissing your jaw gently, "I think you're probably the best thing that's happened to me all year," With that statement, he hugged you tighter, and you only smiled at his words, setting your hands on top of his,
"I think I should be the one saying that, Eds," You said, fingers running over his rings, "You know how scared I was getting this movie?" You laughed to yourself,
"Why?" He asked, lifting his head from where he had been resting it on your shoulder,
"Thought Harrington might find me weird," You said, gently picking his hand up in yours and beginning to play with his fingers. He allowed you to bend then and caress your fingers over the callouses he had developed from years of playing and practicing guitar,
"I don't think he'd have thought you were weird," You heard him say, from behind you, then feeling the welcome weight of his head back on your shoulder, "I bet he gets far weirder customers asking for far weirder movies everyday," He said, and you sighed softly, 
"I guess so..." You said, grimacing slightly,
"Besides, of course I'd want to watch your  favourite movie with you," He said; you could hear the smile in his voice, "I made you watch the Evil Dead," You laughed softly,
"Mhm," You hummed, taking his other hand off of you and standing. You moved your hand against his so your fingers interlocked and he stood up, following after you, "I liked that one," You commented, glancing over his messy counters for any food, before letting him go so you could rummage through his shelves. Finding an unopened box of cereal, you took it out, looking over it before setting it before him and leaning on the other side of the counter, mimicking his position, "Wasn't scared either," He laughed,
"I'm so proud of you, babe," He said, grabbing the cereal and practically ripping it open, digging his hand inside and beginning to messily eat, 
"Yuck- save some for me," You said, grinning as you tried moving your hands between his, laughing as you fought over the cereal. 
Maybe some would think your life was less interesting now- considering you only really had two people you were truly close to anymore. But why would you ever need those if you had Eddie with you? Fighting over cereal was far better than sliding between drunk, sweaty bodies from room to room to songs you forgot existed. Nancy was right- life was better being yourself in the arms of someone who genuinely loved you, and in the company of those who were kind, and unapologetically authentic. 
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shotorozu · 3 years
how they talk about you
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— ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦ 4k followers milestone
character(s) : multiple characters (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : lots of fluff (x reader)
note(s) : again, thank you all for 4k‼️ as an additional thank you, i decided to write this 😼 i wrote two versions so,, if you’re seeing this i posted this one instead. this is the first part of my 4k celebration! also, i tried to add more characters but if i did, i would’ve cried myself to sleep in the editing process💀
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bakugou katsuki
“Y/N?— oh, you meant the dweeb. they’re fine, of course they’d fuckin’ be. now stop pressing on that shit.”
“tch, i don’t know where they are.. that idiot told me they’d be here in 5 minutes.. it’s getting agitating now. them? annoying? who the fuck do you think you are— who said you could agree with me?”
↛ he prefers not talking about you, and it’s not because he’s keeping you a secret, but once katsuki starts talking— he’s sure people won’t stop asking him, and the last thing the explosive quirk user wants is for people to meddle in business that’s not theirs. also only talks about you in full sentences to kirishima (from here and there) when he needs a little advice. nonetheless, he talks about you like you annoy him so much, just by remembering something you did a few moments ago. but expect him to be throwing hands if people actually find you annoying. they don’t have permission to genuinely agree with him, not on his watch. he scoffs before speaking about you, but gosh— he wishes his voice didn’t betray him whenever he spoke about you. though his voice still contains it’s usual roughness, anyone can tell that something’s quite different. his features (and i mean eyes) relax ever so slightly, and he has to dig his nails into his palms to prevent him from showing off that barely there, and soft, soft smile in front of other people. it’s all because of the thought of you, and you ought to be grateful that he even spoke the bare minimum.
todoroki shouto
↛ on the outside, shouto doesn’t talk to you overly— like.. he won’t randomly mention something you did, if the topic wasn’t already about s/os or just you overall. but literally, once his siblings, mother, or just anyone that’s a friend asks about you, he won’t shut up about your qualities, speaking about you so in such a fond manner. he obviously won’t suddenly covert into a chatterbox like kaminari, but he speaks a lot more than what’s ‘usual’. people even notice that the corners of his lips have been lifted slightly. so yeah, the change is there. shouto prefers keeping the close details of your relationship disclosed, with that being said— he doesn’t need to speak a lot to be saying a lot, you get what i mean? so little words, have so much meaning when it’s shouto that’s speaking. despite the fact that he’s not a chatterbox, his immediate family remembered who you are, because well.. when shouto speaks, they remember all of the details— they haven’t seen him talk so much in forever. like the time he called you pretty (and quite normally, like he was reading a grocery’s list) in front of his siblings during dinner, and natsuo was contemplating if someone replaced their shouto with a doppelgänger. it still amazed them regardless. shouto’s always kept to himself, and he’s usually the listener in conversations, but when it comes to you— he doesn’t mind speaking a few sentences of the purest adoration.
“Y/N told me they enjoyed the recipe for yesterday’s lunch. oh, i’ll tell them you said thanks. next time, can we make [your 2nd favorite food]? i believe that’d be a nice surprise for them.”
“i really like looking at them, i’m not exactly sure why but.. they’re nice to look at, really nice, actually. oh, you think i find them pretty? well.. if you put it that way, i suppose i do.”
midoriya izuku
↛ when he talks about you, izuku briefly closes his eyes first, and smiles softly at himself— just by thinking about you. at this point, people aren’t sure if he’s a hero fanatic, or if he’s your fanboy (there are no wrong answers here) and good grief, once he starts, this man won’t stop talking. talks about you so often, that his mom knows A LOT about you, despite not even seeing you in person, and she automatically takes a liking to you, because he’s said the kindest things. it’s cute that his expression brightens up, just at the mention of your name— and the way he beams whenever he remembers important details about your fighting style / quirk mid-thought. not a bad thing is said about you, and it’s just that— people don’t know if it’s adorable when he talks about you, or if they’ve made a big mistake. if not stopped, he could go on for hours. of course, there comes a time izuku has to bite his tongue to prevent himself from rambling too much, because he’d rot of embarrassment if you discovered how much he spoke about you, especially when you’re not around. but, he does get exceptionally red when he talks about something else that’s not your fighting style, or quirk. his friends know not to ask him about your most attractive feature— but his reaction makes things amusing, and downright sweet
↛ “Y/N’s new move was practiced to perfection, was i the only one that saw that? i really hope not, it would be a shame!— wait.. their new costume? uhm.. it’s great! it’s great, suuuper nice oh my i hope that didn’t sound weird. heard it’s waterproof, which is a cool feat!”
“what i think of Y/N? they’re amazing, so amazing. where do i even begin with this, it’s just that— uhm! before that, you don’t mind me talking about them, right?”
shinsou hitoshi
“oh, how’s Y/N? they’re.. fine. you could’ve asked them yourselves but.. they’re doing fine. i don’t doubt that they’re doing way better than me though.”
“you saw them wearing my sweater? oh.. of course you would. i lost it a while ago, so of course they’d have it.. they always have my sweaters, yeah.. what? kaminari, you literally brought them up— ugh.”
↛ also another person that prefers keeping details about your relationship between you and him, but if asked politely, he might slip in a little comment. though, if someone like aizawa asks about you, he’ll obviously be more comfortable with talking about you, because it’s not like his mentor’s gonna tell you his student mentioned something funny you did. whenever your name’s mentioned, he lets out a deep sigh before he talks about you— people don’t know why, but it’s mainly because he’s remembering something ridiculous you did, and hitoshi has to do that to not chuckle infront of people for no clear reason, and he allows himself to slip in a cute, teasing nickname like “pipsqueak” and something similar. though he doesn’t babble like how midoriya does— talking about is almost therapeutic to him, the way your face flashes in his mind when he talks about you in such a calm matter, it’s interesting to everyone around him. secondly, hitoshi always manages to sprinkle in a few subtle praises, because he still can’t believe that you’re actually with him. when you’re told that hitoshi looks whipped whenever he talks about you, he’ll be everything but ashamed. he was asked, and he told them— so what? plus, the flustered expression on your face is indeed cute.
↛ that doesn’t mean he won’t feel bashful— how do people know, you may ask? it’s definitely the hand that’s resting against his nape. he absolutely knows that people sometimes ask him about you to get a reaction out of him. and it works everytime
kirishima eijirou
↛ talks about you like you built the entire world with your two hands. the amount of respect that’s present when eijirou talks about you. always manages to talk about how manly you are— doesn’t matter if you’re in touch with your feminine side a lot, or even if you’re the most ambiguous person. i mean, he calls everyone he respects ‘manly’ but the difference with you is that a faint blush on his cheeks. talks about you pretty often, when asked— he’ll say you’re doing well, or if you’re not— you’ll be okay, definitely. he might not be speaking like his usual self, a tad bit quieter than usual, but that’s because of how fuzzy you make him feel. despite that, he’s proud about all of your progress in whatever you’re passionate about, because “that makes them manly” but he definitely knows where to stop, in order to not accidentally say something you wouldn’t be happy about later. when the topic’s about significant others, eijirou will gladly add on with pride. if you do find out about it, he’ll definitely be shy that you found out. but every time, eijirou ask you if what he said was alright— and obviously, you say yes every time.
“they’re so manly! and so what if i call everything i like manly— they really are, i promise! i don’t really see how i’d lie about that though.”
“do i have anything else to say about them besides manly? uh.. i guess now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah. i guess i shouldn’t just reduce them to just that! they’re awesome at catching tiny details, and amazing at coloring my roots! i guess they’re everything i’m lacking, haha”
kaminari denki
↛ talks about you in such light, airy matter— but it’s all flooded with pure infatuation. it sounds cheesy, and it is really— can’t really dilute it. whenever this would happen, people thought denki was just going through one of his puppy crush phases yet again— where he’d talk fondly about someone for a moment, before he was rejected or found someone else to admire, since things ‘weren’t too serious’. then, everyone near and close to him realized that he was dead serious. the way he’d always have the cheesiest things to say, and the way he’d hype you up to his friends, and to everyone near him really, excitingly talking about something you did or said. when you get word that he was talking about you, he’ll laugh it off, shooting you a flirty remark before you roll your eyes in faux annoyance, asking once again. but then, there are times where he’d solemnly speak about you to those close. he always found himself making jokes, but denki’s quite grateful to have someone that can play along with his jokes, so he expresses that very well with words— especially when you’re not around to see him talk about you in such way, because he’d probably morph the mood into something light-hearted which isn’t bad, mostly.
“omg did you see what Y/N did? it was totally hilarious! i think their joke’s execution was better than mine by thousands!”
“but really though, i’m not sure if i express this enough— but i’m so glad i have someone like Y/N, i am seriously winning at life here. tape spider man, i am serious!”
amajiki tamaki
“why oh why are people asking me about them uh.. t-they’re fine, they’re doing well— right now i think they’re training, and they just told me to wait for a bit..”
“..sometimes i’m truly amazed, i think i’m actually always just amazed by them. in some way, being around them makes me feel like.. something. i admire that about them, it’s not just that quality, if i’m being honest. wait, i said that out loud, didn’t i?”
↛ tamaki was never articulate with saying the words he wanted to say. the execution was always a concern for him, on top of that, public speaking was never his forté, so he usually expressed himself through subtle actions, whispered phrases, and gifts— you can almost say it felt like he was walking on egg shells, whenever someone made inquiries about anything unexpected. but, when the topic’s you— it feels like tamaki can say nothing ‘incorrect’ or ‘weird’ because of the fact that he nearly knows you like the back of his hand. there’s that part of him that’s concerned about saying something incorrect. then again, it’s not like you haven’t reassured him that he wouldn’t mess up. so because of that, tamaki feels like he could actually speak paragraphs (if he wanted to, but because it’s you— he genuinely does) and it honestly took mirio and nejire by surprise when they heard him speak of you so intricately for the first time, after discovering his crush on you. sure, being asked about you flusters him at first, because he’s aware he’s being put on the spot— but for once, tamaki speaks not because he’s required to, but because he can’t find himself worrying about the execution of words. he just.. loves talking about you, okay? but he’ll probably revert back to normal when you ask him about him talking about you— so maybe turn a blind eye for now.
aizawa shouta
↛ okay okay, if there’s someone that’s definitely articulate with words, it’ll be him— shouta. i headcanon shouta to be the teenager that was just professional and formal about his speech at all times. not that it’s terrible, it definitely helped him when he transitioned into his adult years, and suddenly needed to make formal speeches in front of classes of students. the teacher’s also the type to keep details of his relationship confidential, but will share when he’s in a closed space, or when it’s necessary for him to speak (ex : when he’s with eri, and she asks about you, he can’t say no) with that being said, whenever he does speaks about you, it’s almost poetic, i think sophisticated is more proper, but poetic also works. talks about you like he’s making a video analysis about why you’re way too good for him, if you want to feel complimented with words, then shouta’s your man. though he speaks so carefully, and as professionally as he feasibly can— whenever he talks about you, his eyes soften, and the corners of his lips will be tugged up into a tired smile for a few seconds at most. he’s usually spectacular at keeping a neutral upfront— but he allowed it to slip in front of present mic once, and the blond had to wipe his eyes clean to make sure he saw that correctly.
“Y/N’s fine. they’re just down the hall, if you’d like to see them. now— i believe we’re getting off track.”
“Y/N is always exceptional when it comes to their handy work, and performance in their line of work. an honor to work with, really. working with them is anything but a sore, i cannot imagine standing by anyone else… i hope that wasn’t too hard to understand, i’ve always been told i spoke too formally, eri. ‘if Y/N likes the way you talk, then keep doing it’? i.. don’t think i can oppose to that.”
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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taglist ‼️ (bold cannot be tagged, so please tag them ‼️ 😔) @baku6o @kmbnoir @anactualfuckingnerd @kitsuji @tamewkii @astridismissing @sweethcnvy @why-couldnt-it-be @kioyoki @pebblegwn @givingeraserhead @uxavity @snowymaltese @escapenightmare @taurus852 @han-the-fanboy @crack-squirrels @hourlyhate @vdoesthings @gravity-gacha @blxck-hxney @electronicpainterwobblergoop @nopenotallie @mhasimp666 @shelteredheart @lovingshoto
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therobotmonster · 2 years
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Can a Typo Be Art?
The curious case of the Goddess of Root Bear.
So while stimming playing with Midjourney AI I decided to try and make a root beer goddess or genie picture, foam and soda girl popping out of a bottle or mug of root beer. I’ve been doing a lot of soda-themed work.
Well, turns out I typed “root bear” instead of “Root beer”
Prompt and ramble below the fold.
Now, the first version did have, admittedly “she has cute bear ears” because I was thinking of an anime catgirl type situation. But I didn’t catch that I had also typed “root bear’ in the only other part where root beer was specifically mentioned. I did try some fixes, but the results without “bear’ were mainly just really delicious looking glasses of root beer:
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So I rolled with the cute bears.
Prompt: a goddess made of foam and delicious golden-brown soda bursting out of a frosty mug of root bear, dynamic, angled view, laughing, cute, chubby, zaftig, shiny, droplets in air, hyper realistic, 4k, artistic, ultra detailed, octane render, photorealistic, ultra realistic, 8k, character design by don bluth, appetizing, splashing --ar 3:4 --q 2
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
Hi!! This is my first time asking for anything so please bear with me lol-
so today is my birthday and I’d love it if you would write some fluff with the choose me trio!! It’d be absolutely amazing if you did all 7 brothers but it’d be perfectly fine if you only did the choose me boys! Hell, even just one of them would be perfect and make my day entirely. I don’t really have any preference for what you write, maybe them taking you out on a date or just hanging out at the HoL, really just whatever you feel like they would do for mcs birthday!
Thank you for reading this, and for being such an amazing writer!! I hope you have an amazing day and remember to stay hydrated and take plenty of breaks!
choose me trio bday dates
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includes: mammon, levi, asmo x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .4k | rated g | m.list
warnings: food mentions/descriptions
a/n: HAPPY BDAY i hope you had a great day!! and sorry I'm only able to get you this now! i hope you enjoy. and tysm, that really means a lot! i will!
please reblog 0v0
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➳ mammon wakes you up early, excitement clear in his eyes. “get up, get up!” he insists, pulling your covers back. “i got an awesome date planned for ya! you’re gonna love it!” once you’re finally up, he drags you to the mall where you go to the devildom version of build-a-bear, getting little karasu plushies with each other’s voices in them. he then takes you to lunch at a cute little cafe he noticed you eyeing, then to the movies for a show you’ve been dying to see. he’s attentive and adoring all day, and you’re touched by the clear signs that he’s been paying attention to you. it truly is the perfect day, and you make sure to thank him properly in a way that may or may not involve your lips on his.
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➳ levi enlists simeon, luke, and solomon’s help to make you a banner and birthday breakfast, having it waiting for you when you get up. his brothers are all pissed and jealous, as was definitely his intention, and you can’t help but smile, savoring his satisfaction and the good food. he then drags you to his room where he gives you your gift, a new game for the two of you, a new show you can watch together, and a figurine that you’d had to pass on due to its price. you’re more than touched and immediately insist on starting the show, much to his delight. he then unveils the last of his gifts, an awesome ice-cream sundae bar for you to enjoy while you watch the show.
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➳ asmo spends a lazy morning in with you, pampering you to the end of the earth and back. he won’t allow any argument. “this day is for you,” he insists, pushing you back down in front of the mirror with a smile. “and you deserve to be spoiled.” later, much later, when the two of you are finally presentable, he takes you to a higher end, romantic restaurant, where he gives you his gift, a beautiful ring that perfectly suits your personality. the waitress comments on how cute of a couple you are, and asmo preens. the night ends with both of you stuffed on fancy restaurant dessert and a few new posts on devilgram featuring the two of you.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
105 notes · View notes
heyidkyay · 2 years
Masterlist |
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THE 1975
Blueberry Muffin 4k words
London, its many strangers, and a whole lot of guessing..?
Tag along Part One Part Two
A single phone call leads to a concert… where you catch the eye of a certain singer.
10 Things Y/n Can't Live Without | GQ 3.1k words
Reader's GQ interview!
These things, they have been playing on my mind 11.2k words
It all starts with a cancelled lecture. Then there are the shared smiles, the catching of eyes, the train rides... I don't really see it coming until, finally I do.
Who can say no to bridezilla? 30.6k words (completed)
With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
Masterlist or Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Epilogue
And I'm petrified of being alone, now She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine. What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way?  Masterlist
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name (completed)
In life, things changed. The boys you'd once grown up with were men now, and famous ones at that. The type that toured the world and had millions of adoring fans.
The five of you shared a shit ton of history. But you also shared a lot of mixed emotions for one of them in particular, a certain drummer. Masterlist
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And if it weren't this dark part two
You and Alex have been together for ages and it's been so incredible, only now things have changed and you're struggling to tell him just how you feel.
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ᴀʟʟ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ
Proud Parent Monster
Incorrect quotes
Adulting Jealousy jealousy Happier Officer? Put a ring on it Fuck you Askin for it
Total drama island
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ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ
Fics (AO3)
On November 1st, 1981, little Harry Potter isn't found on the doorstep to a number 4, Privet Drive. No, he's somewhere much grander than that. Because it seems as though Merlin has a tendency to meddle and is rather fond of the idea of having little Harry grow up amongst the Hogwarts founders- only, a thousand years in the past.
What happens when a teenage Harry, one who not only knows the familiarity of love, but also of magic, shows up at Hogwarts so utterly different to the boy everyone else had expected?
Share my night sky
Sirius Black, a loudmouth rockstar who's hobby it is to always make headlines. Sirius is beyond troubled and stuck in a constant cycle of sex and partying that he just can't seem to drag himself out of. Ever since parting ways with his former bandmates, The Serpents, Sirius has lost his passion for music and doesn't believe he'll ever become the version of himself everyone thought he was destined to be all those years ago. He's stuck on a never ending roundabout with no way out, and with no control over his own life everything seems to be slowly crumbling around him.
Remus Lupin is just trying to get by. What with being a single parent to his four year old son while simultaneously trying to kickstart his career as a radio presenter. Remus has got everything he's ever needed though, friends that are always close by, his mum who's only a phone call away, and of course, his son, Teddy. What else is there? But it's not long before Remus' relatively normal life gets flipped on its head and he's suddenly forced to deal with situations he never thought he'd have to.
Incorrect quotes
Cult Flirt
Hexed Er Restraining order The one where James proves he's an idiot 2am Open up Red
Things that remind me of Sirius Black Marauders as texts I've sent Things Sirius Black has definitely said Things James Potter has definitely said Things Remus Lupin has definitely said Things that make me jealous - (Marauders edition)
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Paper cuts.
Aurelia Cunnings, eighteen, freshly graduated, and stranded with no real family to phone or friends to reach out to. The past year has been a neverending nightmare, one she can’t seem to escape from. But will this be the summer to change all?
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76 notes · View notes
fairybinie · 3 years
stay alive // c.yj
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superhero!yj x superhero!reader
wc: 4k (excluding the A/N)     genre: angst     warnings: profanity, violence, mention of panic attack.
summary: yeonjun and gn!reader are targets for their powers and they’re running out of solutions. all yeonjun wants is for y/n to stay alive, yet everything always comes with a price and secrets always come out. 
psst: inspired by the song, listen while reading if you’d like! 
every person on this earth has their own battle going on in their life. each day they wake up, just hoping that they can get through the day. they go through their own personal struggles, they live different lifestyles. in contrast to these differences, there was something that every individual strived to do. to keep going, take life by the bullhorns and live the way they want to. 
to yeonjun, it always was. he had been quite the observer growing up, and because of this, he became afraid. afraid of the people around him, afraid of the world. he knew the lengths people would go to just to get what they want. he learned himself, never trust anybody. he’d gotten too hurt over the course of his lifetime, people came, people went. he had his experiences with the wrong crowd. he wanted to stop getting involved. he wanted to be invisible from everyone. 
yeonjun wouldn’t go a day without being trapped inside his own thoughts. because, at the end of the day, he was the only person he could trust. he wondered what his life would be like if he hadn’t wandered off as a child to an unknown building, soon to be his forever home where he’d be shut away from the world. throughout his years, he wondered if his family had missed him, if they were searching for him in hopes that they would reunite with their missing son. 
he’d lie awake at night reminiscing about that white room, where those guards shot that serum right through his arm. the flashbacks of him waking up from a deep sleep to see the venom soar through his veins. he remembered walking up to the nearest mirror, where there was nothing reflecting back at him. he could see his arms, his legs, his entire body, but still nothing through the mirror. that was the moment yeonjun knew he wasn’t himself anymore. he was someone entirely new. it was the moment he realized that the unknown building he wandered off to moments ago, was the facility for enhanced humans to train all their life to become the better version of themselves. 
the moment he became invisible. 
yeonjun was only thirteen at the time, now he’s near pushing twenty. as weird as it was to admit it, this facility became his home. this was the place where he had his dinners with the other subjects living here, his team he was told to believe. the place where he had his own room with a warm bed, the only view outside being the training field. this was the place where he met others who were just like him, who were living the same way as him, even if they had their own abilities. for the first time in his life, he found the right crowd. he found his people. 
yeonjun had trained to strengthen his ability his whole time being here. when he was first given this power, he had several moments where he’d go invisible without intending to, being the cause of most of his frustration. he was trained to use his power wisely and how to control it by preventing these scenes from happening. once he had that finally covered, he spent most of his time on the training field. this is where each subject was trained to use their power in combat, revealing how they would eventually protect themselves from the people who wanted to get a hold of their abilities for the wrong reasons, for their personal gain. each person inside this facility was given a number, the number being the placement of mastering one’s own ability. yeonjun was given 002. 
001 was y/n, the person yeonjun would have an interesting relationship with. 
yeonjun could see how skilled y/n was, the reason why they earned their number one status. they mastered their ability completely. y/n was a shapeshifter, the shape being a person. they were often the instructors’ example, being asked to shift as anyone in the room. they did it with such ease, it was almost graceful seeing how perfect the end result was. there was never signs of deformed body parts, from the shapeshifting going wrong. he was lead to believe that y/n was at this facility longer than he had been, explaining their skill. he could’ve suspected them, he could’ve suspected this whole facility, in fact. 
but that was the old yeonjun. 
this new yeonjun let his guard down by quite a lot. he was told that if he kept secluding himself from the people around him, he would never learn. he needed human interaction, he needed to build trust. after all, these were his teammates he was surrounded by. he figured since he was ranked number two, he needed to make friends with the person who held rank one. y/n. 
to his surprise, y/n was cold at first when yeonjun approached them. not exactly in a rude way, more so in a way where they were almost afraid of yeonjun. this made no sense to him, he was only rank two. clearly he wasn’t the most powerful, that title belonged to y/n. he worked hard to get where he is with y/n, a friendship. y/n would often train him off to the side, working to better yeonjun’s skill. they’d make these sessions fun by playing games catered to their ability, a timing game to see how long yeonjun could remain unseen and a game where they’d bet how many people y/n can shape into in a certain amount of time. it was fun to him, and it made their bond even stronger. y/n even gave yeonjun the stopwatch they would use to time him as a gift, to which he held onto him all the time. they were there for him when he found out his parents died, offering their embrace to which he accepted. they had yeonjun’s full trust, and that was hard for people to do. 
what yeonjun wasn’t expecting, however, was y/n occupying his dreams. he would have the same dream over and over where he and y/n were in a barely lit alleyway, both of them near to be beaten up. there was never a dialogue in these dreams, but the ending was always the same. y/n leaned up close from yeonjun’s face and proceeded to kiss him. before he could pull away, the dream would end and yeonjun would wake up in a cold sweat. it was then when he realized, y/n wasn’t just his teammate, they weren’t just his friend. 
y/n was his love.   
it reached the point where yeonjun began using his ability in a way he never would have intended. he’d use it just so he can see y/n. there was a time when someone on the team had asked y/n to look up at the stars with them near the building, so he joined them both. without neither of them knowing. he joined the two on the grass, laying next to them, and due to all the training, he remained successful in staying hidden. he truly was invisible to them. this was the moment he completely mastered his skill. he never told y/n this either, though he wondered if things would be different if he had. still, he was glad he didn’t. 
because something in the air shifted within the facility some time after. yeonjun noticed y/n became more distant with the guards, colder even. they refused to be used as an example during the training of the new recruits, the group yeonjun wasn’t apart of since he moved onto the higher team. he would hear distant arguments while he was pretending to be asleep, recognizing their voice immediately. yeonjun would ask y/n if everything was okay, they shut him down right after that. and since he’s asked, y/n proceeded to become distant with yeonjun as well. 
yeonjun was an observer. even living inside this facility, this never left him. so when y/n continued to distance themselves from yeonjun, he thought about it constantly. had he annoyed them? did they hate him now? and his worst fear, did they somehow find out about his crush on them, and now they’re disgusted? this kept him up at night to the point where he had enough. he was done going insane, he needed answers. he needed to know how they truly felt about him. 
that night was the last time yeonjun would be in that facility. 
just as he was about to head over to their room to talk, he heard more arguing. this time, it was louder. in the previous times it was more so hushed bickering, but now everyone in the building could hear. other subjects would peek out of their rooms, some even attempting to follow the noise to see where it was coming from. the last thing yeonjun heard was, “i’m not doing this anymore!” before the building began to light on fire. 
yeonjun was grateful that most of the subjects decided to take on some late night training, there were few actually inside the building. he frantically began to usher everyone outside the premises, everyone except y/n. he had no idea where they were, not to mention the head of the facility themselves. it was right after yeonjun and the small group stepped foot outside, where the building blew up in flames. 
nobody knew what to do. nobody knew where to go, they’ve been stuck in this facility their whole lives, they knew nothing of the outside world, but they ran. they ran to where their feet would take them. the only one who remained in his spot was yeonjun, ready to go inside that building to look for y/n. just as he was about to step inside the flaming building, a hand yanked him away from the scene and led him anywhere but here. y/n was right next to him, and petrified. 
“we gotta get outta here.” 
y/n was oddly composed during this time, contrasting how they came across when they were outside the building. they knew where to take yeonjun, dodging any obstacle that came their way with ease. what yeonjun noticed was that there seemed to be people following them, even attempting to shoot them with bullets, to which yeonjun used his invisibility to his advantage while y/n relied on their fighting techniques. shapeshifting wasn’t their friend during this time. 
yeonjun was near to a panic attack, it was hard enough to run due to his oxygen level depleting.  it was then when he realized y/n was so composed because one of them had to be. one of them had to be clear headed enough to know where to go, where to hide. a frazzled brain wasn’t going to lead them anywhere. if y/n wasn’t there with him, he’d be a lost cause. 
throughout this whole scene, yeonjun became more and more confused. who were they running from? what was going on? what was going to happen to them now that the facility, their own home, was burned to the ground? the more he began to ask questions, the more y/n attempted to reassure him. they explained how they’d tell him everything later, and to focus on finding a hiding spot. but “later” became indefinite the longer they kept running. 
they eventually found a place, hidden deep into the streets where they couldn’t be seen unless someone knew where they were. they could easily be found, but they were hoping that wouldn’t be the case. the two were barely holding onto their breath. the rigid color of the bricks on the wall were fading, the drawings on the bricks in contrast. the location was quite narrow, several newspapers on the ground along with the traffic congestion blaring through their ears. 
what yeonjun didn’t expect was y/n bursting into a heavy sob. they fell onto the ground, feeling helpless, their face buried into their bleeding hands. yeonjun kneeled down to their level, attempting to stand them up, but their sobs only grew deeper. 
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i didn’t want any of this to happen.” 
yeonjun couldn’t help but shake his head, softly shushing y/n from driving themselves insane. the sight of them breaking down hurt him on a deeper level, and he hated to see it. 
“hey, hey, it’s okay,” he began to help y/n onto their feet, “take a deep breath with me.” 
y/n did as told, their breathing synchronizing with yeonjun’s. they kept their eyes on each other the whole time, feeling more relaxed with themselves. once they pulled themselves together, yeonjun couldn’t help but to ask one thing. 
“y/n, what the hell is going on?” 
a tear escapes from y/n. they breathe in again, their voice at its breaking point. “i didn’t want this to go as long as it did.” 
this only confused yeonjun even more, his eyebrows furrowing in response. “didn’t want what to- y/n who’s chasing us?” 
y/n pulls their hair back as their hands remain on top of their head in distress. “the head guards.” 
“the head guards? you mean the people who owned the place? but why?” the questions rolled off of yeonjun’s tongue one by one. 
“i promise i’ll explain everything, i will, but right now we have no time,” y/n attempts to rush during this scene. 
“okay, so what do we have time for?” yeonjun’s impatience was at its peak, but for y/n, he tried to be as patient as he can be. 
“for a plan,” y/n gives their hair one more push back before they proceed. “and please listen to the whole thing.” 
yeonjun could feel his blood pulsing through his veins as he begins to breathe heavier. 
“no fucking way are we doing that, are you insane?” 
“yeonjun, it’s the only thing we could do, there’s nothing else.” 
“y/n, i’m not letting you “turn yourself in” and let you die.” 
y/n tries to give further explanation but yeonjun cuts them off. “you want to go out there, where the guards are looking for us, have them kill you, you kill them on your last moment, and you want me to just disappear from the world to protect myself?” 
y/n frantically nods, finding yeonjun restating the plan unnecessary during this time. 
“you think i’m just gonna let you do that without knowing what’s really going on?”, yeonjun’s voice raises a bit higher. “i’m not sending you out onto a suicide mission just like that, y/n.” 
y/n feels their patience being tested. “you got any other ideas?” 
“well of course i don’t!” yeonjun flails his arms onto his side as y/n brings a finger to shush their mouth. “i have no idea what’s going on but i do know that i’m not gonna let you-” 
“why not, huh? why do you care so much?” the time is ticking but y/n has no choice but to ask this. 
“why do i care so much?” yeonjun repeats with a temper, “why do i care so much about you dying?” 
“of course i care about you dying! you think i’m just gonna be okay with you sending yourself to be killed for reasons you still won’t tell me just like that?” yeonjun questions with an obvious tone. “i care about you y/n, i want you to live, can’t you tell that i’m-” 
“don’t say it.” 
“can’t you tell that i’m in love with you?” 
the heat of the moment simmers down with a silence. y/n closes their eyes to recollect themselves. yeonjun feels himself to cool down as well, waiting for y/n to react. when they speak again, their tone is low. “you don’t even know me, yeonjun.” 
“what? i do know you,” his voice cracks, but yeonjun continues, “i’ve known you for all these years. i grew feelings for you, y/n. i know you-” 
“you don’t know me, yeonjun!” y/n raises their voice again, more so out of impatience. “you don’t know the kind of person i am.” 
yeonjun immediately goes against y/n. 
“but i do! i know that you’ve been with me every step of the way, i know i enjoy hanging out with you. i know you’re the only person who makes me feel sane, yet drive me crazy inside whenever we hang out. i know i want to spend the rest of my life with you. y/n, i know that i’m-” 
“i know that i’m in love with you.” 
yeonjun didn’t know what to expect from y/n. he just had a mini confession after bottling up his emotions after all this time, in a setting where he never thought it would happen. he didn’t know if he wanted y/n to focus on what’s going on in this moment, or just leap into his arms and tell him they feel the same way despite the current situation. 
“you’re not gonna listen, are you?” y/n finally speaks up again. 
y/n approaches yeonjun so that they’re in closer proximity. this was the first time y/n has ever really seen yeonjun this close, and his features make their heart flutter. y/n settles their hands on yeonjun’s neck as they pull him in and kiss him. y/n begins to tangle their fingers in yeonjun’s hair as yeonjun’s hands make their way around y/n’s waist. he pulls them in closer, and the kiss deepens. y/n’s lips are soft, just as he figured they would be in his head. he swears he could see his whole future with them. the kiss eventually reaches the end, and the two pull away from each other. they’re only looking at one another, expecting for someone to say something first. y/n puts their hands inside the pockets of their jacket and closes their eyes. they take in a deep breath, their eyebrows furrowing together as they tilt their head to the side, and they speak. 
“you should’ve listened to me.” 
y/n’s hands escape from their pockets and yeonjun sees silver glimmer before his eyes widen, and feels a sharp pain on his lower abdomen and sees the knife from y/n’s hand being pulled away. he falls onto the cold ground and feels the blood ooze from his insides, instinctively bringing his hands to keep from any more coming out. yeonjun is too light headed to even process what just happened, but when he sees y/n crouch down to his level, he assumes that they’re going to help him in some way. instead, y/n leaves something inside of yeonjun’s jacket as they bring out a phone to dial a number, and says one last thing. 
“you should’ve left when you could.” 
y/n begins to walk away as yeonjun’s focus remains on them through his blurry vision. he brings himself to look around his surroundings to get one last glimpse before his time runs out. just as he’s about to give into his state, he notices for the first time why this location looks so familiar to him. 
it’s the same alley that took place in his dreams. 
this is how the dream ends.
yeonjun feels himself collapse on the floor for the final time, and hears sirens from the distance through his ears before he is greeted with the darkness. 
yeonjun was an observer, but he had no idea. 
yeonjun had no idea that he was going to end up in a hospital room. he had no idea he was going to get questioned by the doctors and nurses, only for them to get no response because he couldn’t provide them any answers. he had no idea that his parents were still alive after they showed up at the hospital. he had no idea that they showed up one day to the facility, demanding to see their son and turn these people in to the authorities. he had no idea that the guards threatened his parents that they would kill yeonjun if his parents told anyone about this. he had no idea that these people were the kind of people they had initially warned him about in the beginning. 
yeonjun had no idea y/n would leave a letter inside his jacket pocket explaining everything, like they said they would. he had no idea that they worked for these people. he had no idea that these people wanted y/n to train him, eventually making him more powerful within his ability. he had no idea that once he managed to be the best that they would suck his dna out of him to do this same thing to future subjects. he had no idea that they were seeking for him to be killed in the end. 
yeonjun had no idea that y/n started to like him too. he had no idea that the more time went on, the more y/n’s feelings for him grew. he had no idea this was the reason why y/n kept arguing with the guards, why this was the reason they didn’t want to follow through with the plan anymore. he had no idea that they just wanted to get out of this place with yeonjun, ready to turn this facility in. he had no idea that all hell would break loose, resulting in the fire, resulting in y/n escaping with him to seek hiding. he had no idea that these people wanted them dead, because if they wanted yeonjun dead, they wanted y/n dead too. he had no idea that this was the exact reason y/n was afraid of him in the first place, knowing how his fate will turn out. 
yeonjun had no idea that y/n saw all of this coming. he had no idea that as soon as y/n started going against the guards, they knew what their future plan would be. he had no idea y/n was going to kiss him. he had no idea this was the same alley from the one in his dreams. he had no idea y/n was going to stab him. he had no idea y/n was going to call the ambulance on him and flee the scene, proceeding to call the police on the guards to turn them in. he had no idea that, before the guards got arrested, they’d kill y/n to follow through with at least some of their plan. he had no idea that y/n considered staying alive to be with yeonjun. he had no idea that they preferred to die rather than keep living with this lie, even living with the issues they would face if they chose to tell yeonjun everything. 
yeonjun had no idea why he didn’t leave.
since then, life has been peaceful for yeonjun. living in a decently sized cabin with his parents in the middle of nowhere, they were safe from any alarming scenes. yeonjun missed his parents, and they missed him. he never uses his invisibility power in front of them, they already have this fear of losing him again. they each had their own trauma, but they were going to help each other through it as a family. rekindling their relationship after all this time was priority for yeonjun. he wanted to focus on his parents before he could attempt to build relationships in the outside world. 
yeonjun continues to stare off into the water of the lake in front of the cabin. the stars bounced off the water, their light making its appearance. the summer heat took over and it was the first summer night he’s ever experienced after being away. it felt nice. he liked summer. 
he looks into his reflection through the water. he sees a boy who has some pent up emotions, but a boy who will be healed with time. yeonjun lifts part of his shirt off to feel the stitches on the stabbed area, needing to no longer wince at the touch. it was progress. he reaches into his short pockets and pulls out a stopwatch, the same one y/n had given him. he could choose to reminisce about the memories spent with y/n, the memories of the facility. he could choose to think about what life could’ve been like if y/n hadn’t died, if they chose to stay with him. if they chose to stay alive. 
but instead, yeonjun cracks the glass of the watch through his tight grip within his palm as it reacts to the pain with blood, and throws the object into the far distance of the water, watching his reflection disappear as he walks away into the night. 
taglist ❀ @iyeonjuni @soobnny @luvshota @yyx2 @odxrilove @ifwtyun @luvrbin @iuwon @moondust-zia @nishimras @soobintoyou @ijhyo @cherr-y-eji    
please do not translate, modify or repost on other platforms.  
© fairybinie
A/N: hey besties .. how y’all doin .. so as stated, this is inspired by the song stay alive by jungkook and prod. SUGA (man that never gets old) i listened to it, and besides the insane talent that’s in this song coming from both jungkook and yoongi ,, this is not my fangirl moment I HAVE A POINT ,, i knew i had to write something. the more that this fic went on the more it kinda geared away from the story of stay alive .. like it really became something else .. so i’m sorry if the sneak peek from my wips turned out to be different LMFAO but the premise is still there <//3 i actually had a lot of fun writing it! i’ve never done this kind of thing before .. yk .. where someone, as i put it, *neck slice*, so now more than ever i’d love to see your feedback! through a reblog, a reply, or an ask, anything would be appreciated! the term “superhero” is used but .. idk if they’re really superheroes in this I DIDNT KNOW WHAT OTHER WORD TO USE HELP. i also didn’t realize this is my first yeonjun fic after almost 5 months again i’m sorry yeonjunators. but more jun content soon !! my next fic is actually for him too lolz. again, i hope you enjoyed and ily <3     - val 
pspsp: i’m attempting to have a somewhat consistent posting schedule from now on! so i hope to get another fic out by next week. if you’d like to see the stuff i have planned, here’s my wips and if you’d like to binge my other writings here’s my masterlist, along with my taglist if you’d like to get tagged in my future works! 
header creds to user @iyeonjuni​ ​okay she REALLY popped off with this one this is what #Unemployment does to you /j also stream stay alive it’s the best thing you’ll ever hear now that is /SRS 
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