#now that i found something to work towards I hope i'll have a motivation to finish this year
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I have a new plan for next year, because I can't seem to be able get any art job in the uk while currently living in france. So I'm going to apply to be a French assistant in a school. If I get it, the visa I'll be under allows me to also work a 2nd job in the skilled workers category, and art and graphic design jobs are part of this category.
So yeah this is my new plan, teaching French to kids for 12h and doing art related work on the side.
@spoonietimelordy (tagging myself to be able to reblog)
#charlie is rambling#now that i found something to work towards I hope i'll have a motivation to finish this year#because I can't get this visa without being tied to a university
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Kiss It Off Me
Chapter Summary:
If she's second-guessing everything she ever thought was platonic and casual between the two of you, is this still casual? They should have meant nothing but it's starting to feel like there is something.
Pairings: Haley x Fem!Farmer
Disclaimer: I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: None?
I know, I know I'm such a horrible person for leaving this story hanging loose in the air. I've honestly had this chapter rotting in my drafts because I didn't have the motivation to write anymore, not to mention the lack of luxury with time. I just recently graduated as well so I was busy preparing for that back in July-October (I'm a working woman now, hooray! [Not 😔]) Nobody told me that working a 9-5 job (or more like 8-6 in my case) is going to be the end of me. That doesn't even include the 6-hour commute back to back. So as you can see, I'm dying here. I don't really have the time to sit in front of my laptop after hours of sitting in front of my company laptop 😔 I'm really sorry for the long wait, and I still can't promise an immediate update after this. This chapter serves as my apology to you guys. Hope you like it!
Fall 1
"Tell me. Are you and Y/n/n dating?"
Haley nearly choked on her food. Emily said it so casually that she wasn't prepared how to react properly.
So, as opposed to her usually calm and composed demeanor, Haley only managed to sputter a pathetic "what?" as she sat down her toast and reached for her glass of water in hopes to wash down the piece of damn bread she had swallowed accidentally without chewing it properly, courtesy of her sister.
"Are you and Y/n/n dating?" Emily repeated, unabashed and with her annoying eyes crinkling from the side, a look Haley knew all too well when Emily was trying to rise up something in her.
"No, I heard you the first time!" Haley exclaimed, her face turning red as she slammed the empty glass. "I mean–what the hell, Em?"
Emily raised an eyebrow, taking a leisurely sip of her coffee, acting like she was not actively ruining her little sister's evening right now.
"You mean to tell me you're not after your whole public display of affection on the night of the moonlight jellies?"
For a brief moment, the events flashed back on Haley's mind– your silent tears, quivering lips, Haley's arm wrapped around your waist in an almost protective, comforting way as you shared your thoughts with her for the first time since you came here. It was a casual and completely platonic thing to do.
She could vividly remember how fresh tears bested up on your eyes as a baby jellyfish separated itself from its group and went towards you, almost peering cautiously at the human before her.
It was beautiful, you said that night. The night was magical. and that only sank into you that you were no longer Joja's prisoner. You're here, in Pelican town, making a name for yourself, with townspeople who loved you and treated you as an equal. You have actual friends that care for you and most importantly, you found a home.
Was it casual for her to know all this?
"Y/n was feeling emotional at that moment. I was just trying to be her friend," she finally said after a moment of silence.
Yes, it's casual.
Emily must have noticed her pausing as she scoffed behind her toast. "Friend? I certainly don't kiss Sandy's forehead, and she's my best friend."
"Because you're doing way worse with her." Haley rolled her eyes at that. "Seriously, Em, get off my back. Y/n and I are just good friends."
"Okay, I'll get off your back if you can counter my arguments," Emily challenged, leaning forward the table with a mischievous glint in her eye.
She should say no. Emily's just giving her something else to bite on knowing fully well Haley's bound to bite more than she could chew.
Say no. There's nothing to counter because there's nothing to even argue about.
Say n–
"Yoba, fine, if that will shut you up." Damn it, Haley.
Emily's smirk grew and Haley dreaded the first thing that would come out of her hippie mouth.
"You don't kiss Alex on the forehead at all. You don't even hug him for Yoba's sake, and he's your best friend. You're going to tell me everything that's going on with Y/n is entirely platonic and casual?" Emily's expression was triumphant as she laid out her case.
Haley lets out a grin of her own. If Emily's going to lay out obvious bullshits like this then she can definitely handle whatever her sister's planning to throw at her.
"First off, Alex stinks—"
"Y/n/n's job makes her friends with dirt and sweat, no offense to her, but isn't that an ick already to you?" Emily interrupted, smirking.
"I wouldn't know what you're talking about because her hygiene is almost as impeccable as mine," Haley retorted, a smirk of her own forming as she took a defiant bite of her bacon.
"Okay... Were you practicing your answers before?" Emily narrowed her eyes at her, suspicious. "There's no way you're this prepared to counter my arguments!"
"So, I won?"
"Ah, ah... not quite, little sis." Emily stopped her from standing up. "How about the sunflower? That girl planted a whole yard of sunflowers in her yard and you mean to tell me there's nothing homosexual happening around you guys?"
"She's a farmer, duh. Of course, she's going to plant sunflowers at some point. They're pretty and very much profitable."
"Not as profitable as blueberries, corn, or cranberries. Plus, I've been there, it's almost half a hectare, it's crazy."
"You're kidding?" Haley's eyes bulged at that. She's got to admit, she did not see that bullet coming. "Last time I was there, it was just in her front yard."
"Half a hectare," her sister affirmed with that stupidly annoying knowing smirk. "You didn't see that coming, did you? Got no counter for me?"
"Shut up. If you're so curious about her lack of good strategy with her crops, you should talk to her yourself." Haley finally snapped, pushing her plate away.
She's done humoring Emily with her shits.
"Oh, I'll do just that." But it seemed her sister wasn't done with her either. "Anyway, moving on. How can you explain the holding hands?"
Haley visibly relaxed at that. She has some sensible explanation for that, one she's certain Emily wouldn't be able to counter.
"Female friends do that."
"Hmm... So if she were to hold hands with her best friend, Penny, that would be alright with you?" Well, shit.
That made her pause for the second time this evening.
"Of course," she scoffed. "As I said, it's normal for female friends to do that. It's a casual thing girls do. Nothing to bat an eye for."
Sensible explanation her ass. That wasn't even half-sensible, if at all
"I figured," Emily responded, expression turning much more serious now that it kind of made Haley even more nervous. "I just thought if she were this mushy with you, and you're just friends with her, then she's probably mushier with her best friend."
Because what the fuck is she supposed to respond to that? This is a piece of information that hadn't crossed her mind, ever. She knows you're a sweetheart to everyone. It's as if it was second nature to you. It was a casual and completely platonic of you to do. Nothing to bat an eye for.
Still. She just hadn't considered the possibility of you being mushier to others.
Were you also comforting Penny the way you were comforting her?
So caring and protective that it felt like those warmth were exclusive just for her only?
She just couldn't imagine it before and now it's physically making her sick in her stomach. Was this still casual for her to even feel?
"She's pals as well with Leah, I heard they'd occasionally do sleepovers in their cabins. It's so cut–" Emily went on before finally noticing the turmoil in her sister's eyes cascading down to her hands. "Okay, what did that tissue ever do to you?"
Haley stopped, noticing the crumpled piece of tissue against her clenched fists. She looked up to Emily with a sharp glare and found her sister staring back at her, not even flinching away from her dissecting gaze. "Why are you even saying this to me?"
"Nothing. Just thought it would be best to talk to one of the possible sources. I heard from Abigail that Y/n/n just recently purchased a bouquet of flowers so I thought she might have given it to you."
Emily's sudden nonchalance at this conversation is infuriating her to a certain degree that she felt like she wanted to barge inside Clint's sorry-ass-of-a-shop and beat the living shit out of him.
Emily went on, humming casually as she piled up the dishes to wash them in the sink. "Hmm, I couldn't believe I was wrong. You were so close with her that I thought she'd give it to you. I guess she's been secretly seeing someone else then."
"She what?" Her stomach dropped.
Haley was so caught off guard at her last sentence that she couldn't help but rip the tissue on her hands. So much for that.
"It's been the talk of the town, you know? There are even bets going on but it's kind of hard to pinpoint who exactly, not when she gets along with all the bachelors and bachelorettes here. Some even bet on themselves, like Abigail. I mean, it does make sense. She and Y/n/n spent an awful lot of time on those mines."
That made Haley stand up from her seat, her form indignant. "So, you bet on me? Is this why we're having this conversation?"
"Of course, I would support my sister!" replied Emily, briefly looking behind her shoulder just in time to catch Haley scowling from where she stood. She went on, almost saying the words in a singsong voice as she continued soaking the dishes. "But if you want, I can always bet to myself. Y/n is a cute gal after all."
"I hate everything about you."
"You don't!" Emily readily chirped out behind Haley who had enough of this conversation and was already stomping her way into her room.
"Good night, Em!"
With that, she slammed the door to her room in hopes of finally ending this damn conversation. If she knew this was where it would have led, she would have bolted out the moment Emily opened her mouth.
She didn't need to know all this particularly if you hadn't even said anything else to her about this.
She scoffed. 'I thought we were close enough for her to share something like this with me. Afraid not.'
"I'm just saying, sis. Y/n/n is one of the most eligible bachelorettes in the valley. Anyone would be lucky to have her."
Emily's voice came once again just behind her door making her groan against her pillow. Hadn't she had enough?
Haley briefly considered running towards her dark room just to tune out whatever Emily was going to say but she stopped dead in her tracks when her sister's words next came through.
"There's going to be a competition. If you don't get your shit together soon, someone's bound to steal her heart. I just hate to see you getting hurt."
Was it casual for her to admit that hearing this news was already starting to hurt her?
This could mean nothing. Right?
Fall 2
A day of shopping in Zuzu City was just what Haley needed. While she had promised herself to tone down on hoarding clothes, she made an exception just this once. Shopping was one of her ways to cope with stress, aside from photography, but she had scratched the thought of using her camera for today because she didn't feel like spending her day wandering around town. With the bets on whom Y/n was giving the bouquet to, she knew the townspeople's eyes were hot on her trail.
The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape when Haley stepped off the bus, her arms laden with shopping bags from her trip to the city.
She had noticed Pam looking her way since the trip began, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what the older woman wanted to hear from her. That's why when the bus pulled to a stop, Haley was quick to bolt out of the vehicle.
"Oi, kid." Haley froze at the sound of Pam's voice. So much for her plan to escape. "Haley."
"Oh." Haley whirled around, fighting back a wince at what was about to come. "Hey, Pam. What's up?"
Pam's steps were slow and deliberate as she stepped off the bus and Haley had no choice but to watch and wait expectantly for the words to finally come out.
"Are you and Farmer Y/n dating?" There it is.
Despite expecting this topic, Haley couldn't help but feel her face flush slightly under Pam's scrutinizing gaze.
"Uhm... no?"
Pam raised an eyebrow. "Why do you sound so unsure?"
Haley shifted on her feet, glancing down at her shopping bags as if they might provide an answer. "We're not dating," she said more firmly this time. "Why?"
"Good, then that scratches you off the list."
"Excuse me?" Haley's brows knitted in confusion.
"You see, kid. There have been bets going on about who Y/n will give the bouquet to. Of course, I'm putting all my beers on my little girl. She's the closest to the farmer, aside from you. So, if you weren't dating Y/n, then my Penny's definitely got a shot."
Haley blinked, taken aback. "And you're okay with that? I mean... Y/n's a girl and all..."
Pam raised an eyebrow, her expression turning serious. "I didn't know you were homophobic, kid."
"I'm not! I swear. It's just that… things are a bit different now compared to your—well, generation. I doubt my folks would be as accepting as you."
Pam's face softened slightly as she sighed. "Penny's father left us when she was really young. So, I don't wish for her to experience the same thing. Y/n's a good kid. Responsible and has a sense of direction. Far from my dead-beat husband. Penny's happy with her, and that's the only thing that matters to me. And it's not bad that the gal is well-off. I heard she was supposed to be Joja's heiress. But even so, that farm of hers is enough to provide for generations of her future family. I could never ask for more capable hands to take care of my kid than Y/n."
Haley couldn't help but tune out of this conversation. She didn't need to hear all the right reasons why Penny's the best shot for your heart. Penny's a sweetheart and all, has her heart set in the right direction, a characteristic that perfectly compliments your lifestyle.
But why does this feel like Emily stabbed her with her kitchen knife and twisted it for good measure just to spite her?
Wait... what did she just say?
"Joja?" She furrowed her eyebrows at this information. "Where'd you hear that?"
"From the mayor, but don't tell him I told you. I think it was supposed to be a secret or some shit." Pam shrugged. " Still... word gets around, you know? Small town and all. People talk. But it doesn't matter where she came from. What matters is who she is now and how she treats the people she cares about."
Haley nodded slowly, absorbing Pam's words but couldn't tell exactly why there was a lump in her throat she couldn't swallow.
"I guess you're right. Y/n's a good person. Anyone would be lucky to have her." Haley faked a smile, desperately hoping the older woman didn't catch her in her lie.
Pam smiled, her stern demeanor softening. "Exactly. So, if you're not interested, that's fine. But just know that I know when people are bullshitting me. I know, I know it's not any of my business. But if you really do happen to have something going on with the farmer, get your shit together soon."
"I'll..." She didn't know it was possible to have the lump in her throat grow even more, she could feel a twinge of something else she couldn't quite identify. "I'll take note of that. Thanks for the chat, Pam. I'll see you around."
"Likewise, kid," Pam replied, waving as she climbed back onto the bus. "Oh, and Haley?"
"You know what you feel, don't let fear stop you from following your heart, or else you'll spend the rest of your life wishing you had."
When even other people can point out how non-platonic and far from casual the things you and she do are, is it still casual now?
Fall 9
It's been an excruciating week of being asked if she was dating Y/n, and it's starting to get on Haley's nerves. Not because she was entirely opposed to the idea, but because she knew it wasn't even her to begin with, and she didn't need everyone rubbing salt in her wound every minute and every second of every damn day.
She didn't need to hear Abigail bragging to Sebastian and Sam that any day now, she'd be receiving the same bouquet she had arranged that you bought from Pierre, and how ironic it would be if she were to receive them, and how she wasn't actually opposed to the idea.
"I haven't really considered that I could possibly like a girl, but hey, it's Y/n. I'm not complaining. If she were to give me the flowers, I'd say yes in a heartbeat," she had even said. That's all Haley needed to hear to decide she wasn't in the mood to shop right now at Pierre's if she was going to hear bullshits like that.
She also didn't need to hear any sort of development you have with Penny. She didn't need to know you went with her to Zuzu to buy some school supplies for the kids on Penny's birthday. She didn't need to hear you gave the teacher and her students a tour of your farm.
She didn't need to hear any of it.
Because how in Yoba's name had she not considered your growing friendship with the redhead?
"Miss Y/n? I have a question," Haley heard one day from behind the trees by Cindersap Lake. She lowered her camera from her eyes when she recognized Jas' voice followed by yours.
"What is it, Jas?"
"You're from the city, right? How do you court someone there?"
She heard you chuckle. "Well... We go on dates, walk our dates back to their door, and then... That's when our date will decide if they still want to see us for our next date."
You paused, and Haley thought that was it, but the next words you uttered almost made her pack up her equipment and go home.
"And if we're worthy of being kissed."
"Y/n!" came Penny's scandalized gasp. "They're kids. They don't need to hear that!"
"Right, right... Sorry, Pen!"
"Ohhh." That's Vincent. "So, are you like courting Miss Penny since you're walking her home, too?"
"Vincent!" Penny scolded, sounding almost aghast at her student's blunt question.
Haley could only allow herself to breathe when you finally answered Sam's brother.
"Haha, we're walking Jas home together, remember? If anything, it seems you were the one courting her since you wanted to come with us to walk her home," you teased him.
"Ew! I don't want Vincent to court me!"
"Hey! What's wrong with me?"
"You're too childish like your brother! No wonder Miss Penny turned down Mister Sam. I bet you she likes someone like Miss Y/n. I know I would."
"Hey!" yelled Vincent, obviously offended.
"Okay, that's enough kids," admonished Penny, and Haley could only imagine the horror on her face at Jas' comment. "It's not good to gossip, Jas, and it's not polite to ask adults things like that, Vincent."
"Alright, Miss Penny. I'm getting inside. Thank you for walking me home," Jas replied, her tone still somewhat defiant.
"Bye, Jas!" you called after her, followed by the sound of Vincent sniffling. "Hey now, little dude... don't be upset. I'm sure Jas was only joking."
"I don't understand why she needs to be mean. Am I not likable?" Vincent's voice wavered.
Haley dared to take a peek behind the bushes. She watched as you knelt down to be at eye level with Vincent, your smile as warm as the setting sun.
"Anyone can be likable to a certain someone. Like you," you said, ruffling his hair. "But we can't really force someone to like us the way we want, you know?"
"But... are you just going to accept they don't like you even though you're nice?" Vincent asked, his voice tinged with confusion.
You chuckled softly, briefly looking up to meet Penny's eyes, which had been fixed on you with such fondness that it tightened the knot in Haley's stomach.
"Well... I didn't say you have to give up. Sometimes people say mean things to protect themselves. You just have to be patient, and I'm sure they'll come around eventually," you explained gently.
Vincent nodded, his big brown eyes hanging on to every word you said.
"But..." you continued, "if this person has made it clear they don't like you, then you have to accept their boundaries, okay?"
"Eh..." He pouted. "I don't get it. Adulting is so confusing."
You barked out a laugh. "Don't worry, you have plenty of time to grow up, buddy."
Vincent's expression brightened a bit at your words. "Okay, I'll try to remember that."
"That's the spirit," you said, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
Penny smiled, her eyes softening as she looked at you. "Thank you, Y/n. You're really good with them."
"Thanks, Penny," you replied, standing up and stretching. "They're good kids. Just need a little guidance sometimes."
"Are you feeling any better now, Vincent?" Penny asked gently. "Don't take Jas' words to heart, okay?"
"Uh-huh! I'm feeling a little better, Miss Penny! But... could Miss Y/n carry me until we get home? I'm..." He yawned. "I'm a little tired."
"Uhm, I don't think..."
"... alrighty then, let's get this little guy home as well," Haley could hear you grunt, and she could only imagine you carrying the sleepy Vincent in your arms.
"Your farm's right there, Y/n/n." Penny pointed out gently. "I can walk Vincent home. You don't have to make a detour."
"Nonsense, a little walk isn't going to kill me. Plus, I want to walk you home as well."
The redhead giggled softly. "I wasn't informed you were courting me."
"Oh, really now? I wasn't informed either," you joked, and Haley could feel herself dying a little on the inside.
Was it casual when you gave her daffodils every chance you could get when you barely even knew her?
Was it casual for you to have a daily mandatory breakfast with the Carter siblings?
Was it casual when you gave Haley her favorite gift on her birthday even though coconuts aren't something you can just spawn at hand when you need them to?
Was it casual that you managed to pay attention enough to actually know what her favorites are?
When you were drunk and Haley made her way outside to get you, in a greasy saloon of all places, even though she's not yet finished with her skincare, was it casual now?
Was it casual when you called her babe while you were drunk?
Was it casual when you declared you'd only allow yourself to be this close to her is in the reality you created in your dreams?
When she stayed at your place, took care of you, and cleaned your vomit-stained shirt and mattress, was it casual now?
Was it casual when you avoided her for four days because you thought you ruined her pampering day?
When she started minimizing her makeup because you told her once she's pretty even without them, was it casual?
When Haley was upset at the thought you'd be dancing with someone else, was it casual now?
Was it casual when you assured her you didn't want to dance with anyone but her?
When Haley, for once, didn't think about winning the flower dance and was focused on your endearing smile and relaxing embrace, was it casual now?
Was it casual when you were bloody and wet from the rain and the first thing you thought was knocking on her door?
When she could only focus on your wounds rather than your dirt-stained body staining the carpet, was it casual?
When Haley tried her hardest to treat your wounds despite fearing the sight of blood, was it casual now?
Was it casual when you almost died to get her a gift just because you thought she'd find them pretty enough to be the subject of her camera?
When Haley kissed your forehead the same way her grandmother used to do on her to kiss the pain away, was it casual?
When Haley forced you to take her bed because she couldn't bear to let your injured self sleep uncomfortably on the couch, was it still casual?
Was it casual when the first thing you thought upon waking up was to let Haley sleep on her bed because you didn't want her to suffer any back pain from her sleeping position on the foot of the bed even though you're injured yourself?
When Haley thought you hated her for the poisonous words she spouted on you that night and hated herself for it, was it casual now?
Was it casual when you tried your hardest to find her great grandma's bracelet because you couldn't bear to see her so upset despite your injuries?
Was it casual when you crafted a bouquet of sunflowers to make up for giving her a hated gift?
Was it casual when you planted a whole yard of sunflowers on your farm when Haley mentioned in passing that she loves them?
Was it casual when you helped her with her shopping bags even though you were obviously going somewhere else?
Was it casual for you and her to walk in the town, hand in hand? It could mean nothing.
When Haley's view of success was you beside her, was it casual?
When Haley couldn't handle the feeling of disappointing you, was it casual?
Was it casual of you to magically appear whenever she needs you?
Was it casual of you to be her number-one supporter in everything when she couldn't even believe in herself?
Was it casual when you made it your personal mission to keep her happy no matter what?
Was it casual when you made sure that no dirt could touch her not when you're around because you know how much she hated getting dirty?
When Haley no longer minds the feeling and smell of dirt, especially when you're around, was it still casual now?
Was it casual when you modeled for her despite hating modeling itself because Haley needed some new variations for her photography?
When Haley tried to conquer her fear of the ocean because she saw you once having fun with Leah swimming along the shore, was it casual?
Was it casual when you helped her conquer this fear even though you had plans for the day?
If she's second-guessing everything she ever thought was platonic and casual between the two of you, is this still casual?
They should have meant nothing but it's starting to feel like there is something.
The general store was quieter than usual that afternoon, with only a couple of customers browsing the shelves and the faint hum of Pierre’s old radio playing a static-filled tune in the background. Haley placed her basket of groceries on the counter with an air of casual confidence, her hair shimmering under the warm glow of the store's lights as if she had just stepped out of a magazine.
"There's my favorite blonde," Pierre greeted her with a grin, his tone far too cheerful to pass as entirely neutral. He adjusted his glasses as he began unpacking her items. "You got everything you need?"
Haley offered a small, polite smile, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I would appreciate it though if you restocked your peppermint coffee. Winter's coming soon, and I need my coffee to survive the whole season."
Pierre chuckled, nodding as he scribbled something on a notepad beside the register. "I'll keep note of that."
The rhythmic beep of the scanner broke the silence, but Pierre seemed to drag out the process, deliberately slow with each item. Haley tilted her head, pretending to examine the jars of preserves on a nearby shelf, though her curiosity flickered with each stolen glance Pierre gave her from behind the counter.
Her patience thinned as the seconds stretched on. She crossed her arms and finally turned back to him, narrowing her eyes. "What?" she asked, her voice sharp enough to slice through his act.
Pierre blinked, his hand pausing mid-air with a can of soup. "What, what?" he asked, his tone layered with faux innocence.
Haley raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting into one of exasperated suspicion. "Nothing. It's just... you looked like you wanted to say something."
Pierre hesitated, scratching the back of his neck as a sheepish grin spread across his face. "Has farmer Y/n told you who she gave the bouquet to?"
Her lips pressed into a thin line. "Is this about the bet?"
"Sort of," Pierre admitted, lifting his hands in mock surrender. "Come on, I gave Gus five grand. I just know my daughter caught her eye. Why else would Y/n be here every other day just to give Abigail her weird collection of stones?"
Haley rolled her eyes so hard it felt like they might stay that way. "First off, it's none of your business. Secondly, even if I did know, I'm not about to spill it to the entire town."
Pierre's grin faltered slightly, but his persistence didn’t waver. "I get it." He sighed dramatically as he began to load her bag, though his eyes darted toward her with a flicker of mischief. "She gave it to you, didn’t she? I mean, it makes total sense."
Her irritation bubbled just beneath the surface as she prepared to unleash a sharp retort, each word she'd make sure colorful enough to crush Pierre's so-called pride.
Her fingers curled slightly around the edge of the counter, her nails digging into the wood as her lips parted to speak.
But then it happened—before she could form a single syllable, the distinct scent of freshly cut grass and minted soap filled her senses. Haley froze, the small hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as warmth radiated from the figure now standing just behind her.
"Hey there, doll," your voice was soft, low, and entirely too close for her comfort—or rather, for her ability to maintain composure. Haley could feel the faint brush of your breath against her skin, and she clenched her jaw to stifle a gasp.
Pierre perked up, his eyes sparkling with newfound interest as he set the last of Haley’s items into her bag. "Well, speak of the devil," he quipped with a knowing smirk, crossing his arms. "The farmer of the hour. What brings you here, Y/n?"
"Oh, I'm just out to get Haley," you replied smoothly, your tone casual as if you weren’t practically pressed against Haley’s back. You leaned slightly to the side, catching her narrowed gaze as she turned her head just enough to glance at you. "Emily told me she'll be here."
Haley’s lips twitched, fighting to suppress the blush creeping up her cheeks. "Do you mind?" she asked through gritted teeth, her voice laced with a mix of exasperation and something she refused to name.
She instinctively took a step forward, creating a thin barrier of space between the two of you. The distance was barely anything, but it felt monumental to her frayed nerves. You noticed it, of course—you noticed everything, just as you’d noticed her avoiding you the past few days. She’d orchestrated this whole "not a date" movie outing at your farm a while back before she started this shindig of avoiding you, and yet here she was, cornered by her own choices. She knew you'd confront her eventually; she just hadn't expected it to happen so soon.
Damn you, Emily. Haley cursed internally. Her sister's meddling defies the bound of the universe.
"Oh! Out for a date, I see," Pierre chimed in, his tone laced with playful curiosity. His eyes darted between the two of you, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.
Haley's pulse quickened, and she forced herself to remain calm. She looked at you, waiting—no, daring you to deny it. Say something, she thought. Deny it. Deflect. Anything.
Your eyebrows shot up, disappearing behind your bangs as you opened your mouth, undoubtedly preparing to clarify the situation. But before a single word could escape, the bell above the door jingled sharply, drawing all attention to the entrance.
Morris stepped inside, his smug face immediately souring the air. His presence was an unwelcome shadow, sharp and intrusive, like nails on a chalkboard.
Haley caught the subtle change in your demeanor, a storm cloud rolling across your features. You muttered a string of profanities under your breath, quiet enough that most wouldn't catch it. But Haley was close—too close—and every word hit her ears like a sharp note.
It startled her; you rarely, if ever, swore in her company.
The tension in your frame said everything she needed to know. Your clenched jaw, the way your hand flexed and then balled into a fist by your side, all screamed one thing: you loathed the man in front of you.
Haley felt her blood begin to boil, mirroring your intensity. You’d never told her exactly what had happened during your time with Joja, but the bitterness in your expression now, the way your muscles coiled like you were ready to fight, painted a vivid enough picture. That, and the sight of Morris’s condescending grin, was enough to make her want to deck the man herself.
"Miss Y/n!" Morris's oily voice filled the space, louder than necessary. "What a pleasant surprise! I finally got ahold of you." His gaze flicked briefly to Haley, dismissing her with barely a glance before returning to you. "When my employee Shane told me the new farmer who’d taken over the rundown farm was named Y/n, I didn’t think it was you at first."
Haley's fists clenched around her grocery bag. Her heart thudded with protective anger, but she said nothing, instead glancing at you from the corner of her eye. The slight twitch in your brow, the way your jaw tightened, and the stiffness in your stance spoke volumes. You were trying to keep calm, but Haley knew it was taking everything in you not to snap.
"Folks kept talking about a lovely farm you've got there," Morris continued, clearly not picking up on the warning signs. Or maybe he simply didn’t care. "Imagine my surprise when I found out you’d gone from our... employee of the month to a simple farmer in the middle of nowhere."
You took a deep breath through your nose, the air between you practically crackling with suppressed emotion. When you finally spoke, your voice was calm—too calm. The kind of calm that preceded a storm.
"Morris," you said curtly, your tone colder than Haley had ever heard it. "Piss off."
Haley's eyes widened slightly at your words. She'd never heard you speak like that before, not even when you were angry. There was venom in your tone, something raw and unfiltered.
"My, my... what foul words you have there, miss," Morris said, raising a hand to cover his mouth in mock disbelief, though his smirk betrayed his true intent. "Anyhow," he continued, his voice oozing false geniality, "I received a call from your mother stating that you had AWOL'ed from your job and left the city. This only spurred me to seek out the new farmer in town with the same name as you. It couldn’t have been a coincidence, right?"
Your jaw clenched, and your knuckles turned white as your nails dug into your palm. Haley could feel the tension radiating off of you like heat from a furnace. "Shut up," you hissed, your tone low but charged.
"But you were sleek," Morris went on, as if he hadn’t heard you—or more likely, chose to ignore you. "For months I tried to get a sight of you. It should have been easy, given how small this town is, but I never caught even a glimpse of you. Tell me, were you avoiding Joja on purpose?"
Haley's stomach churned as she watched you struggle to keep your composure. She'd never seen you like this—on edge, restrained, a storm barely contained behind your eyes.
"I don’t want anything to do with Joja," you spat, your voice trembling slightly, not with fear, but with the effort it took to hold yourself back. "And I don’t want anything to do with my mother. I left Joja for good, and I have no desire to take over that hell of a company."
"Joja needs its heir, Miss Y/n. No matter how far you run, Joja will always be one step behind you." He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I’ve already informed your mother of your presence here in Pelican Town, and she is beyond displeased."
Haley saw your breath hitch, your shoulders stiffening as Morris’s words hit their mark.
"You’re wasting your time," you bit out, your voice quieter now, but no less fierce. "I’m not going back, and there’s nothing she—or Joja—can do to change that."
Morris chuckled, a low, condescending sound that made Haley’s skin crawl. His smirk widened, and he tilted his head in mock pity. "Oh, Miss Y/n, you underestimate Joja’s reach. This quaint little farm life of yours is nothing but a detour. We both know that."
Your fists clenched at your sides, trembling slightly, not out of weakness, but from the sheer force of holding yourself together. Your breath came out unsteady, the weight of his words pressing down like an iron vice.
"I don’t care," you spat, your voice cracking under the strain of bottled-up frustration. "I’ve spent blood, sweat, and tears on my grandpa’s farm—making it thrive, grow, and function all on its own. Every single effort I’ve made here has been worth something. Something the company never gave me."
Haley froze, her eyes darting to you. There was a rawness in your voice she wasn’t prepared for, an unguarded glimpse into a part of you she’d never seen.
"Even if I tried—even if I died trying—my mother would never be satisfied with my work," you continued, your voice rising with every word, trembling with pent-up anguish. "So how dare she? How dare she say she’s disappointed in me, like I’m supposed to care, when that’s the only thing she’s ever felt at the very sight of me?"
Morris let out a low hum, his fingers tapping idly against the counter. "Joja is all about hard work, Miss Y/n. Maybe she just hasn’t seen it on you?" His tone was measured, almost bored, but his words were like a needle aimed directly at the cracks in your armor.
You let out a sharp, bitter laugh, the sound harsh and devoid of humor. Haley flinched at the sound, her heart clenching as she watched you unravel.
"Hard work?" you echoed, your voice dripping with venom. "Hard work means nothing to Joja. It doesn’t matter how much I gave, how much of myself I sacrificed, it was never enough. It was never going to be enough."
Morris raised an eyebrow, as if amused by your outburst. "Look," he said with an air of condescension, "the missus, as much as she is strict and calculated, is only doing this to ensure you’re capable of handling the company once she steps down as CEO. Surely, you must be aware of that?"
Haley could see the way your shoulders stiffened, your lips pressing into a tight line, and your chest rising and falling as you struggled to control your breathing. She knew that Morris’s words had struck a nerve, and her patience finally snapped when she saw the flicker of doubt in your eyes.
"She doesn’t care about me being capable," you said quietly, each word laced with bitterness. "She only cares about molding me into her image. Into something I’m not—and something I never want to be."
Haley stepped forward without hesitation, planting herself firmly between you and Morris, her eyes blazing with a fury that caught everyone off guard.
"Sorry to intrude," she began sharply, her tone like ice, "but have you even seen Y/n’s farm? That place was a dump before she came here, and now it’s practically a well-oiled machine. Her farm has boosted this town’s economy more than you and Pierre’s businesses combined. And you know why?" Haley tilted her head, her voice turning venomous. "Because of Y/n’s dedication and hard work. So don’t you dare stand there and act like you have the right to judge who’s ‘working hard’ when you couldn’t lift a finger to do it yourself."
Morris’s smug expression faltered for the first time, but he quickly recovered, his smirk widening as he saw an opportunity to strike back. "Ah, I see what’s going on here," he drawled, his tone dripping with condescension. "If you really want your fair share of Joja’s wealth, you should convince your girlfriend here to come back to Zuzu City and manage the company like the true Joja she is." His eyes gleamed maliciously. "Though I doubt the missus would approve of this... kind of relationship."
Your body moved before your mind could catch up. Stepping forward, you shoved Morris back a step, your voice low and dangerous. "Fuck off. You don’t get to disrespect her like that."
Morris’s smugness wavered, but he tried to rally. "But I—"
"I don’t want to hear another word from you," you snapped, your tone brooking no argument. "Leave. Now."
Morris opened his mouth to retort, but Haley cut him off, her glare sharper than a knife. "You heard her. Get lost."
Morris huffed, his composure cracking slightly. "Hmph. I’m not leaving until I distribute my 50%-off Joja coupons to these fine customers." He raised his voice, addressing the room. "Anyone who wants a discount, feel free to take one from me."
Before the murmurs could start, you turned sharply to Pierre. "No one moves a foot," you commanded, your voice firm and unyielding. "Pierre."
"H-huh?" Pierre stammered, clearly caught off guard.
"Everyone shopping here right now—everything in their carts, ring it up. Put it on my tab," you said decisively. "I don’t care how much it costs. I’ll stop by later to settle the bill."
Pierre blinked, stunned, before nodding quickly. "O-okay. Got it."
You turned back to Morris, your voice colder than ice. "No one here wants your fucking coupons. Get the hell out."
Morris narrowed his eyes, clearly frustrated but unable to retaliate effectively. "You can’t pay for their tabs forever, Miss Y/n," he sneered. "Not with the little money your farm is making."
A smirk tugged at your lips, sharp and defiant. "You haven’t seen the progress of my farm, have you?" you asked, your voice filled with quiet triumph. "Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you never do. By the end of the year, the community center will be fully restored, and Joja—" you jabbed a finger toward him, "Joja will never taint this town again."
Morris’s face darkened, but he said nothing as you turned to Pierre and motioned to the grocery bag you took from Haley. "Please ring this up as well, Pierre."
"Y/n... are you okay?" Haley's voice was soft, tentative, her usual sharpness dulled by concern.
You didn’t meet her eyes, your voice steady but distant. "I’ll walk you home, and then I’ll get going. I need to be alone for a while."
Haley hesitated, searching your face for something—anything—that would let her help. But all she found was a wall she couldn’t push past. "Oh... okay," she murmured.
The walk to her house was quiet, the air between you heavy with unspoken words. When you reached her door, Haley turned, her expression uncertain. "It’s only a raincheck, right?" she asked, her voice almost hopeful. "You’re not canceling our movie night?"
You gave her a small, tired smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. "Hmm. Maybe we can do it tomorrow instead."
Haley nodded slowly, watching as you turned to leave. "I’ll see you later, Y/n," she called softly, her voice lingering in the quiet night.
You didn’t look back, but you lifted a hand in acknowledgment before disappearing into the shadows. Haley watched you go, her chest tight with a mix of worry and something else she couldn’t quite name.
After you had dropped her off at her home, she moved quickly towards her kitchen, her movements deliberate as she retrieved a well-worn piece of paper. A single recipe sat tucked away for ages, something she hadn’t thought she’d use anytime soon. Yet, here she was, baking in autopilot, determined to bring you something that might make the silence a little more bearable.
It only sank in for Haley that you might have been serious about wanting to be alone for a moment when you opened the door to your farm after she knocked.
Well... No going back now.
"Hey..." she greeted hesitantly, her voice soft and uncertain. "I know you said you wanted to be alone, but I just... I thought it would be unfair that you're always there for me when I need you, and I left you alone just because you asked me to."
You didn’t speak immediately. The silence between you stretched, heavy with unspoken thoughts. For a moment, Haley worried she had crossed a line, overstepped some boundary. But before she could apologize, you offered her a faint, weak smile—a small curve of your lips, almost imperceptible, but a smile nonetheless.
"Are those cookies...?" you asked softly, your eyes landing on the tray she held out.
"Granny Evelyn's secret recipe. Freshly baked from the oven." Haley’s voice was gentle, almost a whisper. "Thought this might cheer you up."
You took a slow breath, the air between you carrying a quiet weight. You stood a step closer to Haley, your hands clasped loosely in front of you.
"I can just go and leave, you know? I just really want to bring these cookies—"
Before she could finish, you cut her off with a warm, comforting hug, wrapping your arms around her gently. Your embrace was steady, grounding, a silent reassurance. The scent of fresh soap mixed with the faint aroma of wood and grass on your worn flannel shirt created a sense of familiarity.
"Of course, you’re always welcome here, silly, with or without cookies," you said softly, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes.
"You say that but wait until you have a taste in them first," she teased, a small smile playing on her lips.
"I'm sure they'll taste delicious. Come," you urged, motioning her inside. "It's freezing outside."
"Thanks," she murmured, stepping past you into the warmth of the house.
"These your stuff?" you asked, noticing the bags she struggled to carry. "You should have called me so I could have helped you bring them here. It must have been a tough walk from your home."
"Yeah... sorry, I know it's a lot. Had to bring my skincare, you know?" she replied with a sheepish smile, setting the bags down on the worn wooden floor.
"Heh, if I didn't know you any better, I’d think you were moving in," you joked, giving her a playful nudge.
"Shut up, goof."
"Now, now... I didn’t say I was exactly opposed to the idea, m'lady," you continued, a grin tugging at your lips. "I would love it actually. It’s getting kind of lonely in here, you know? Sometimes I even question myself why I asked Robin to renovate the house this big when I’m all by myself."
"What? So you're saying you wanted me to stay here?"
"Would it be so bad?" you asked with a playful shrug.
"Perhaps? Especially if you're supposed to be saying these sappy things to your girlfriend." Haley's tone was teasing, but her smile faltered slightly as she added, "Yoba... I just realized. Penny won't be mad if I stayed the night, right? Or would she?"
"Huh? Why would she?" you asked, confused.
"Isn't she—" Haley began as she walked towards your room.
"Wait, Haley—" you called after her, a hint of worry in your voice, but it was too late.
"Oh..." Haley paused at the sight that greeted her eyes—a bouquet placed carefully on your bed, sunflowers nestled in among them. You were arranging them yourself, the soft glow from the bedside lamp casting a warm light on the delicate petals.
It took a moment for Haley to gather her thoughts. Her mind raced a thousand miles per hour, processing what she saw and the implications behind it.
"I thought you'd given Penny the—the uhm..." she began hesitantly.
"The bouquet?" you finished, your voice quiet. "What made you think so? And how'd you even know I have a bouquet?"
"I think what you mean is 'who else didn't know you'd bought a bouquet'," she replied, a sly smile creeping onto her face.
"Damn it, Pierre." You ran a hand through your hair, cursing under your breath. "Shit— you aren't supposed to see all these."
You sighed heavily as you walked toward the edge of the bed, keeping your gaze firmly away from her. The bouquet lay forgotten on the bedspread, the sunflowers blending with the faded, dried-out petals of the original flowers.
"I bought this days ago and I couldn't find the guts to give it to you. I guess I was waiting for the perfect timing or maybe I was chickening out. Shit, I don't really know..." you murmured, your voice shaky as you ruffled your hair anxiously. "All I know is the flowers dried out because I was a coward, and now I was planning to spend the whole night replacing the flowers with sunflowers instead of having our movie night because I'm mentally and emotionally unable to think straight because of what happened with Morris earlier, and now I'm babbling this to you like a fool and—"
"Breathe, Y/n." Haley’s voice was soft and soothing, her expression gentle as she stepped closer, her eyes warm and understanding. "It’s just me."
"Breathe... I can do that," you said, taking a slow breath and closing your eyes for a moment to collect yourself.
"Now..." Haley continued, a teasing smile playing at her lips, "Can you clarify the part about who you were planning to give the bouquet to because I’m a bit slow and I’m going to have to assume it’s me if you don’t."
"It's for you," you finally confessed, your voice barely a whisper. "I thought the sunflower already gave it away?"
"I..." Haley’s brows furrowed slightly, her voice softening as her expression turned thoughtful. "I thought you liked someone else..."
"And I thought I was pretty obvious," you said, a faint smile tugging at your lips.
"You probably would have if I hadn't seen you treating others the same way you do to me," Haley said, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. Her expression was thoughtful, but there was a hint of uncertainty behind her eyes. "I don't really want to assume."
"But I don’t treat others the same way I treat you," you replied gently, your voice calm and steady.
"Giving favored gifts to every possible living thing you can see, walking Penny home, exploring mines with Abigail, painting with Leah..." Haley paused, glaring at you with a raised brow when she noticed the corner of your mouth twitch into a sly grin. "Do you honestly want me to continue the list?"
"No, no need. I got the message," you said with a soft chuckle, shaking your head as you stepped closer to her. You reached out slowly, taking her hands in yours with a tenderness that spoke volumes. Your thumb brushed gently against her knuckles, grounding the moment in a sense of intimacy that neither of you could ignore. "I guess I do those things with everyone. It was almost a natural instinct that I didn't need to bat an eye. It was normal for me. It was casual."
As your touch lingered, Haley’s breath hitched for a moment, and the rapid beating in her heart began to slow. What was once chaotic and unsure began to calm down, her mind finding clarity amidst the confusion.
"But for you... everything is complex," you continued, your voice steady, eyes locked onto hers. There was a sincerity in your gaze, a vulnerability in your words that couldn’t be dismissed. "And I don’t mean it as a bad thing. You made me second-guess everything I do. I was afraid I was being too obvious because I was doing too much. I was afraid that what I was doing bypassed everything I thought should be normal between friends. I was scared I was doing too much that I might scare you away."
Haley let out a soft, watery laugh, a quiet chuckle that broke through the tension between you both. She shook her head lightly, realizing you were both overthinking the same thing all along.
"So yeah... everything I did, everything I said from the start—it was never casual," you finished, your voice gentle but unwavering. "Simply because I like you, Haley. I’ve liked you for a long time."
There was a long, charged pause. It probably felt like an eternity to you, but it could’ve only been a minute or two—maybe more. You weren’t sure anymore. If the roles were reversed, if Haley were in your place, she would’ve bolted in embarrassment, rushing back to her home to cry her heart out the moment you didn’t respond to her confession.
But this is you. You have always been patient. You still wore the same loving face the moment you started your confession and the moment you let out the last word. Nevermind your face is in a deep shade of red.
"You..." she breathed out, her voice barely above a whisper before rising drastically. "You fucking idiot!"
"Huh?" you managed, taken aback by the sudden outburst.
Before you could process what was happening, her fists slammed hard against your chest. The force wasn’t enough to cause real pain, but the impact was enough to send a slight jolt through you. You wheezed softly between bursts of laughter, breath escaping in short bursts as she continued her assault.
"You liked me all this time and you didn’t say it earlier?!" she demanded, her voice rising with each word.
You let out another laugh, struggling for air as her fists smacked your chest again. At this point, it wasn’t about the physical impact—it was the sheer force of emotion behind it.
You must have had enough with Haley's fists dealing little to no damage on your ribcage because the moment she lifted her hands to strike again, you caught them gently in yours and leaned down to capture her lips, silencing the stream of profanities leaving her mouth.
When your lips finally parted, a brief, lingering pause stretched between you both, the air thick with emotions you both hadn't fully acknowledged yet.
"You could have said you liked me, y'know? No need to hit me." You said softly, a teasing smile playing on your lips as you pulled back.
"I hate you," she grumbled, her expression softening despite the harsh words. Her gaze lowered, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks as the embarrassment of her outburst settled in.
"You don’t." You sounded far too smug, watching her squirm just a bit. "Emily said so."
Haley’s brow furrowed deeply as the realization dawned. Her lips parted slightly, and her eyes narrowed in disbelief. She thought back to that conversation, recalling her sister’s confident assurance. "You know about the bet all this time?!"
"Yup." Your grin widened.
She stared at you, her expression a mix of incredulity and irritation. "You asked my sister if you have a chance with me, didn’t you?"
You smirked but remained silent, letting the unspoken answer hang in the air.
"Good Yoba… Why did I have to like such an idiot dork." She huffed, puffing out a breath as her frustration began to give way to amusement. Her lips twitched into a small smile despite herself. "Come here and let me wipe that stupid smirk from your face."
"You'll do that by?"
Her eyes rolled again, but the playful edge remained as she replied with a small, amused grin. "By kissing it off you, what else?"
#stardew valley#stardew haley#stardew farmer#stardew fanfic#haley x farmer#haley x female farmer#haley x reader#stardew emily#kissitoffme
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I am officially here with my very first request from you! 💕
Now, considering that I've been struggling with 'The Horrors' for...a while now, lately, I find myself more and more in need of comfort.
However, my idea of 'comfort' may be quite a bit different than someone else's, especially when you take into consideration that I've always found comfort in the creepy and tranquility in terror.
(Not to be overlooked is my ability to see the beauty in the bizarre and to take solace in sin...*ahem*)
Very conveniently, two of my 'comfort characters' that just so happen to embody all of these qualities are also on the list of characters you write for - Asa Emory, and Gabriel May.
So...here is my request. Since I *adore* a surprise, I'll leave it up to you who you pick to give me comfort. I'm not picky about the details, but there is one thing that needs to be included, something I desire most of all...
A warm, strong embrace.
To be held snug and secure.
A hug, Riri.
I need a hug...
what an understandable thing to ask for. love writing myself some good slasher snuggles when i'm sad, too.
i've been mulling long and hard about who i wanted to choose for you, and while gabriel is still very funky fresh and new to me ... i miss asa. besides what i did a couple days ago, really haven't written him since JULY OF 2022. A GODDAMN TRAVESTY.
it's been too long since we've shared our love for these fictional guys, darkly <3 as i've said, i hope i've made the wait worth it, and that you're doing well! (and hope the horrors have ceased, as well umu)
i can put my arms around you🕷️
SFW | Word Count: 1,300 | Asa Emory x GN Reader contains canon typical/mentions of collector work, injury, fluff 🎼: x
Realizing how hard it was to stand again had only actualized itself during the car ride home.
Working on some sort of autopilot since you had left the house, the weight of holding a pancreas preserved in a jar, watching human body parts placed beside insects pinned to sheets of paper in the similar inquisitive sanitation, and the incident with a live harvester skittering along the back of your hand with needle-thin legs bigger than its entire being, was felt now. In the canopy of your shared house, the garage cold to the touch of your exposed face, you watched him walk inside with saliva sitting in your mouth, sticking to the walls like honey. He gave one glance back, made sure you didn’t look completely devastated, and then disappeared inside.
It was hard to show gratitude even without the minor afflictions besides mental anguish: you had taken a particularly hard fall on your side, limping when you finally got yourself to walk away from the car door, and your head was thundering from a 2x4 – left loose from another one of his projects not relating to, well, collecting – having fallen from against the wall, center against the back of your head in a numbing connection.
Still, you let go of any frustration and ill will towards it as you crossed the threshold between the garage and your shared space with Asa. When you were entwined with another soul, you had learned, these ugly things were far easier to wash off at the end of the day – and you were hurting, but you didn’t mind doing it.
You really hoped he knew that despite limping into the kitchen, silently grabbing the nearest soft surface and burying your face into it. Catching sweat, catching the pained expression, hiding the flush that came with finally calling the horror you witnessed off.
It was all normalizing, helping him with what needed to be done and being let into his double life. At first, he had just asked you to come with him. Sit by in another room and do some busywork while he handled self-made problems. He made sure you knew his other motives, too: the shared time that came with the close access in between work.
Tonight, it was one of the first of a few since he needed assistance: you seeing the people he had been working on. Some were still alive; some still had the eyes to bore into your soul, lingered now in the momentary dark you offered yourself. Bad physical feelings – nausea, fatigue, all of it – would pass. It always had, always would. You did what you could to stabilize yourself now, brush it off again while breathing the familiar smell of the house in through the fabric, hand placed on the cold countertop.
The sink running next to you jolted your attention back, dragging the dish towel off your face. He had been staring, not yet taking off his mask despite the blinds drawn and his gloves coming off. All the reason to, but he still hesitated. You smiled only halfheartedly back; the best one you could manage as he held his hand out. Lost, but once again complying without any more explanation, you gave him the towel, and only then he spoke for the first time in hours.
“Did you hit your head?” He asked, and you replied, “I did. Can still…” Your jaw locked in a moment, so you instead gestured downwards as you started over. “I can still stand, despite that.”
He hummed in reply, now taking the opportunity to start reaching for the laces on the back of his head. You felt a slight spin to your vision, so you then admitted, “I am feeling lightheaded, though, so I might go lay down.”
“I’ll join you in a moment.” He said, sliding the strangely stiff material from his face, turning to you with an exposed face, “Right behind you.”
You smiled again, a little more meaning behind it this time as you stepped away. His focus lingered, more pointed towards your gait to make sure you’d make it up the stairs to the bedroom. When you sighed, straightening your posture and now moving with a strong purpose to go fall into bed, cocoon in the covers, he turned away again.
Relief slipped over you, first falling stomach first into the bed, the same need to hide your face for a few long seconds. After a few more moments of trying to wash the recollections, get it all out of your head, you begrudgingly bent a leg, undoing your shoelaces with your face still down in the mattress.
A snicker got you to pull your face up, looking over your shoulder as you scoffed back at him. “I’m a little bent out of shape, don’t mind me.” You joked, rolling over to your back, and he stepped further into the room. Setting a few remedies down on the nightstand, the man now stood between your legs, outsides of his thighs brushing the insides of yours.
You still had to hold your breath, too worn down to initiate anything like that but still letting him lean down, hands framed on either sides of your head. He leaned in, kissing your neck as he then trailed up to your ear. “I don’t thank as much as I should for…accompanying me.” He lamented, and you responded with a tilt of your head, lining up with a hand to his cheek and kissing him.
“You don’t have to.” You reminded him, “I have a knack for surviving what you’ve decided to throw at me, Mr. Emory. It’s becoming…” You pondered the word, hand sliding from his face to the back of your neck. Fun, maybe? No, too lighthearted. Bearable? Too distant. You met his eyes again, his pupils still impossibly dilated, no color in sight. The word suddenly rushed to the forefront, and you breathed it out below your breath, “Impossible, in all the ways I want to bear.”
He seemed puzzled at that, but you smiled and added, “I’ll make more sense after sleep. That’s all I can ask for.”
He nodded finally, eyes trailing down your body for a beat. “Oh, actually I will ask-“ You hooked a leg around his hip, “Could you get my other shoe?” He was frozen, standing back up straight before he smiled, his voice still tender as he took hold of the laces. “Of course.”
Slowly, with as much contact between chests and legs as possible, Asa crawled into bed with you. He waited until you seemed utterly relaxed, curled in the large beige duvet and surrounded by pillows, to find where he fit beside you. Holding his forearms, you let him be the one to adjust now, and then tangled your legs with his as they came around tight. Constricting you to his chest, you felt like you could die in this position, relish the contact and feel the other side of the collector's coin flip to Asa Emory again.
A fast, cold force against the back of your head made your eyes snap open. The dishtowel you had handed him was holding a bag of something frozen – ice, those mixed vegetables you hadn’t gotten to working with yet – where the wood had knocked you almost senseless. Immediate rushes of cold, soft relief made you sigh deeply with once again more force, every muscle going soft and tucking closer to him.
“Oh, that-“ You groaned, your chin settling into the material of the sweater, full weight against him, “Asa, that’s perfect.”
He was silent, but the satisfied peck of his lips on your temple was enough acknowledgement. A perfect fit in all ways that mattered, he mused to himself as he kept the pack held to your head.
#asa emory x reader#the collector x reader#slasher x reader#requests#slasher requests#✏️#🕷️#darklylucid
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Ooh maybe Aaron x sunshine!reader?? When he finally introduced you to the team, they’re a little surprised at how happy you are, but overall just glad that you make Aaron so happy and make him motivated to actually come home at reasonable times? :,) or maybe reader makes the team little bracelets/keychains for the first meeting too LOL
Hii lovely, ty for the request🥰! Hope this is okay, fluff, (0.8k)
The team noticed that something about Hotch has changed and they noticed it sooner then later.
He leaves the work earlier (still very late, but at least a bit earlier). He looks more relaxed, no tensed shoulders in sight anymore and more importantly, he looks so so happy.
So it's honestly no surprise, that the team guesses the obvious and makes Aaron invite you for a dinner night at Rossi's.
So he does, which leads you to stepping in front of Dave's door nervously as you wait for him to open the door. You are dressed in very radiant colours, that are in big contrast with Aaron's black suit, even if you've tried your best to match with him tonight.
"It's okay, they're going to love you," Aaron reassures you, when he notices your nerves. He squeezes your hand that's in his in reassurance and gives it a quick kiss.
And right as he does that, the door opens revealing Dave there.
"Hi," you immediately greet him, your nervousness not preventing you from smiling at him.
"Hey you two, we were wondering, when would you finally show up," he teases you for coming late. It's your fault you guys came late, because you couldn't decide what to wear, you wanted to make a good first impression and Aaron sweet as always gave you all the time you needed.
"Come on in, don't want you guys to freeze to death out here," Dave ushers you inside before you can even introduce yourself to him.
But that thought is gone the minute you take a step inside, because suddenly there's people introducing themselves to you from every direction.
Even if it's a lot to take it, your smile never drops as you greet everybody.
"Oh," you say after you've been introduced, "I forgot something in the car, I'll be right back." And just like that you are out of there, but the happy mood, that you've brought with you, lingers in the room even without you.
All eyes move from you to Aaron and he raises his brows in question at it, "what?" He asks, almost annoyed.
"Hotch, where have you found her? She's like a literal ray of sunshine-" Penelope starts.
"Or more like how did you manage to make her go on a date with you?" Derek pokes fun at him, but to be honest, everybody has the same questionon mind.
"Well, she was the one to ask me on a date and I couldn't no, even if I wanted to, which I didn't," Aaron replies, like it's no big deal.
"What? She asked your grumpy ass out?" Derek's eyes go wide. He would have never guessed that you, the sweetest person he's just met, asked Hotch out. Aaron just glares at him, but doesn't manage to respond, because you are back.
"I've brought you guys this," you pull a big box filled with all different kind of cookies out of the bag. The team quickly notices, that in the box are everybody's favourite cookies.
And if they thought they liked you before, now, they adore you like three times more.
"Wait, are those-"
"Yes, I hope, I did them right. I had to use some online recipes, so I'm not sure they'll taste good-" you start rambling, cheeks going a little red. You've asked Aaron shyly about team's favourite cookies the minute he invited you to this dinner.
"Are you kidding? These are great, can you come to dinner every time from now on? Oh my gosh," Penelope squeals and she grabs your arm with a 'come on, we've got a lot to talk about' and drags you towards the other girls.
You chat happily with them the whole evening, while Aaron looks lovesick at you the whole time and every now and then you look at him and grin big at him. Clearly enjoying yourself and seeing you this content with his closest friends, basically his family, makes Aaron's heart go crazy.
"She's very lovely, Aaron. I'm so happy for you guys. You deserve this, " Dave whispers to him, sometime during the dinner, " it's clear that she makes you happy. Try not to mess it up."
"I won't," he replies with a certainty, Aaron will try to do everything he can to make this work, because he doesn't think he can remember being this happy ever. And he doesn't think he would ever feel happiness again if you and him didn't work out. You are it for him, he knows that.
"Good. " Dave pats him on the back.
You two are the first ones to leave, because you are tying to make sure Aaron sleeps properly. And when the team hears this explanation from you, they almost melt from the cuteness of you two.
And when they see the smile painting Aaron's face as he leads you towards the car, they know Aaron is a goner for you, which they can't blame him for.
#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner fanfiction#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner x fem!reader#aaron hotchner
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Hello again! Coming out of the woodwork with my niche interests and hoping to pass along some information about writing things such as combat, tactical operations, and / or field medicine!
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, nor am I someone who has served in the military or law enforcement in any capacity. Any information in this post is gained from personal research in mostly internet circles. Some topics may be unsettling/disturbing, so please take care in reading.
You can view part one of this post [HERE].
Note: This part will be written more in-depth, as the sources I've pulled from are either no longer accessible, or from narrators I would not feel comfortable platforming due to their motives for sharing this information (e.g., anti-human rights individuals with qualified backgrounds). Knowledge is power, but we don't have to platform fascists in order to share it (* ^ ω ^)
To start this post off, I'll share some archives I've found since part one! This way, if you're just looking for resources and don't want to read something super lengthy, this post is still (hopefully) useful to my fellow writers.
Safety Data Sheets [Archive] - A collection of safety data sheets for what looks like various types of compounds, mostly based around industrial work (e.g., concrete mixes, roof coatings, etc.). While arguably not relevant to this sort of topic focus, I think it could be in the right scenarios, especially as sheets provide first-aid instructions, hazard classification, and details about specific compounds.
War Medicine [Archive] - Definitely a more historical reference (dated 1918), but published by the American Red Cross Society in France covering… war medicine. Includes various diagrams and topics.
Field Manuals and Technical Manuals [Archive] - A collection of field and technical manuals from various military services spanning across various decades. I believe most of these are U.S.-based.
Now, for the in-depth written information, placed behind the "keep reading" button.
CQB is typically defined as a short duration, high intensity conflict characterized by sudden violence at close range. MOUT is an example of a scenario where CQB may be applicable.
When in these environments, it's important for your character(s) to know how to navigate them. The presence of closer-knit buildings, various entryways, and populated environments means there's a lot of risk for both them and those around them.
As such, one of the founding concepts is entry and clearance.
There are many different ways to enter and clear rooms within a building, but the three primary types are as follows:
Conventional (aka: Strong Walling) - The leading individual "commits" to the room by stepping in with their full body, pressing their back to the wall opposite to the door's attachment, and using their upper torso to sweep the room with their light/weapon.
Lateral - The leading individual enters the room at either a 90-degree angle to the door (straight toward back wall of room) or a 45-degree angle (toward the corner opposite to the door).
Framing - Rather than step into the room, the leading individual peeks around the door frame and conducts their sweep from within it (think of them as using the door frame as a "mount" for their weapon, if they have one).
These can be conducted solo, or with a wingman.
A wingman is usually one other individual who stacks beside the leading individual, and uses an over-the-shoulder vantage to provide a secondary set of eyes for cover, while also being able to cover tasks such as opening doors.
Then, there's navigating environments as teams. With teams, there comes a need to develop tactics. With CQB in particular, there are two primary types of strategies:
Dynamic - Rapid movement and clearance; Your character(s) are likely in a high-intensity/time-sensitive scenario where speed is more important than safety. In these scenarios, your character(s) is/are more likely to clear rooms by committing with their entry and flooding in if in a team.
Deliberate - Slower movement and clearance; Your character(s) are likely still in dire circumstance, but they're able to take the time and prioritize safety over speed. In these scenarios, your character(s) is/are more likely to clear rooms by framing and entering one at a time to ensure all angles are covered.
But not every room is a perfect rectangle with wider-open spaces. Regardless of the structure, dead space is an important factor to consider for characters both outside and within these environments.
Dead space simply refers to the space that has not been cleared by the individual(s) entering the space. There are a few different types, including:
Anchored - The object creating the dead space is anchored to a wall, and thus prevents flanking. This could be a dividing wall, and certain types of cabinetry or other furniture.
Unanchored - The object creating the dead space is not anchored to a wall, and thus allows for flanking. This can be… any piece of furniture, crates/boxes/shelves, even certain installation pieces such as a 360-fireplace or showcase tank/terrarium.
Low - The object creating the dead space cannot fully conceal an individual/individuals who are standing, but could if they were crouched or laying prone. This could be things such as couches, tables with cloth over them, etc.
High - The object creating the dead space is elevated above the entry point. This usually, and pretty much only, includes things like stairwells, but it could include higher cabinetry if your character(s) is/are creative enough or able to navigate that.
Moving away from specific scenarios, there is something I've seen written a lot in fanfic and in rp spaces that I think would be important to clarify:
Do. not. attempt. to. catch. a. falling. gun.
I'm serious! In active combat, this isn't as applicable because your character's goal is (ultimately) to neutralize whatever threat is in front of them. Beyond that, though, your character(s) should never attempt to catch.
"But why? Wouldn't you want to stop it from discharging?"
That is why.
Yes, the firearm may discharge when hitting the ground… but in catching it, your character(s) may also discharge it. Unless they know for a fact they will not grab the area around or within the trigger guard, it's highly likely that a finger/fingers will slip into the guard and, due to the force of the catch, end up pulling.
The best practice, especially for a character/characters who are skilled with firearms and versed in safety practices, is to put the hands up and let it fall. Step back, find cover if possible, and retrieve the firearm after it has landed.
And again, I am not responsible for what y'all do with this info. Read responsibly, and stay frosty!
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Could I request Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, and Al-Haitham, and Kaveh hearing their lover talking about how they want to spend an eternity with them?
Of course! Again oneshots to make the reactions different for all. But yeah I had lots of fun doing it so hope you like it too! <3
Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, Alhaitham, Kaveh being told you want to spend an eternity with them
TagList: @bleachtheidiot

You and Zhongli had your classic and well known date, which was simple and yet enjoyable, so called tea date! You always chatted or listened to your boyfriend's stories, and his voice was always able of calming you down~
"... and that's how it ended. I could tell you a bit about the events that happened in the meantime. Have I told you about those time or have I not mentioned them untill now?"
"I don't think you did."
You were admiring him at this point, he may've thought that it's because you payed attention to what he's talking about at first but now when it was just you responding, and you still looked at him with this dreamy gaze, he knew there was something going on.
"Is everything alright, dear?"
"Yes, I was only thinking about how much I want to spend eternity you~"
That catched him off guard but he only showed surprised expression. He was a bit flustered but he wasn't blushing. He just cleared his throat and decided to move in from there.
"Ehem, thank you. I dearly hope your wish can come true. I'd be really happy as well if it would."

It was normal for you to visit Thoma when he was doing his job or was during his break. Maybe it was to help him or to simply spend time with him. Either way, he never really mind! In fact, he was more than happy to see your face and it always gave him the boost of motivation he needed.
Even now he was just finishing watering flowers at Kamieato Estate and yet he was also planning your date out loud.
"And after that little walk of ours, I thought of treating you to some sweet! Miss Ayaka gave me good place recommendation!"
You really found it quite impressive that he could do his work properly and think of you without a problem. Sure, Ayaka did helped him but that's still something! You couldn't help but let him somehow know how glad you are for him.
"That's perfect~ I really wish to spend eternity with no on else but you."
Boy's eyes went wide and shade of red quickly spread across his cheeks, as he became to stutter. He tries calming himself down but it seemed like it's of no use in front of you.
"A-Ah, thank you... you're... very kind... that's nothing new of course! I- My wish is the same, trust me dear."

You and Ayato just had a little walk. It wasn't a date but more like simple hangout to make the bond between you stronger. You were simply holding hands and chatting, even tho comfortable silence also had it's place.
"that's why I think dates like that turn out the best for us. But I saw that you enjoy those too, isn't that right?"
"Yes. You know me so well!"
"I try my best. If we plan to spend future with each other, it's only reasonable."
"Mhm, I wish to spend eternity with you~"
These words really just slipped from your mouth but it looks like he didn't mind at all. In fact, he seemed somehow pleased by your answer as he had a little smile on his face.
"Those are bold words. But I do feel the same. As long as I can, I'll always choose you~ in any life."
Maybe he was so calm because he expected it? Or he felt the same towards you for a long time and just didn't knew how to say it? Or maybe it's the fact he comes from region of eternity? Many questions and yet so little answers. But it doesn't matter! After all both of you have those lovey dovey smiles on your faces~

Quiet dates were common thing between you and Alhaitham. Even now he was reading a book as you were doing your own things, but he also held your hand with his free hand.
But you suddenly got an idea or maybe your mind just wandered somewhere... whether was it for the sake of making him at least a bit flustered or because you genuinely wanted him to know... lovely words left your mouth.
"You know, I really wish to spend eternity with no one other than you..."
"Thank you, I'm glad we both think the same. I can't wait to see what the future will be like for us."
He says it almost as if he expected it, as if it was already so obvious to him. But you know him and you made sure to look closely... when your said those words, is eyes went wide a bit and even now he has problems with focusing back on his book, he may even quickly look your way from time to time.
He was trying his best to hide how flustered that made him but you couldn't let go so simply! So of course you added few more words to tease him~ And as you do, a faint blush appears on his face.
"It seems like my words moved you a bit~"
"Only a bit. It's expected reaction when I hear my lover say such a thing."

Kaveh and you were classically walking around while he was rambling to you about what kind of project he had in mind recently. He never liked to spend time with you in his house because of his roommate... long story short, you usually hangout outside.
But today, when you two were walking, you couldn't focus on what he's talking as you were lost in your thoughts.
"Hey! Earth to Y/N! What were you even daydreaming of?"
"Oh! Well... I was just thinking of how I wish we could spend eternity together..."
You definitely made him blush, but he also liked the idea of spending so much time with you. He was simply a bit shocked to answer you instantly.
"Mhm, I thought of how it can look... you know, our house, our life... all of that."
He definitely needed some time to calm down so you stood silent for few seconds to let him do just that. And soon after, you finally received a reply from him!
"It sounds lovely~ I think I already have few ideas on aesthetic of our house. I'm sure you'll like it!"
#genshin impact#genshin#x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#zhongli#thoma#ayato#alhaitham#kaveh#zhongli x reader#thoma x reader#ayato x reader#alhaitham x reader#kaveh x reader#genshin zhongli x reader#genshin thoma x reader#genshin ayato x reader#genshin alhaitham x reader#genshin kaveh x reader#genshin zhongli#genshin thoma#genshin ayato#genshin alhaitham#genshin kaveh#fluff#genshin fluff#oneshot#genshin oneshot
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~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 2)
Surprise! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ Another chapter already. I actually have three already written out, so I'll be posting the next one soon too. I hope you enjoy (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
SYNOPSIS: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. You come to find the kitchen is an absolute mess, and there's no help in sight. Alastor catches you working and discovers something about you that's quite captivating. Word Count: 2 k
Chapter under the cut!
It didn’t take long before you were settled and secure at the hotel. Introductions were made, papers were signed and soon all your stuff was whisked into your new room at the hotel. It all seemed to happen in a blur, but you were happy for the fresh start.
When you first came across the kitchen it… well, it needed some much needed TLC. Dried blood staining the walls, rusty, chipped knives, an oven covered in grime and the door on its hinges. It was dark, dirty, and smelled like rotting food (and maybe even rotting bodies? You didn’t want to think about it too much). Needless to say, you had your work cut out for you. But you knew you couldn’t do this without a little motivation.
After finally finding an outlet that worked, you plug in your trusty CD player. It was fraying a bit, and wasn’t in the best of shape, but it was one of your prized possessions. One of the first things you had bought for yourself when arriving in Hell. It was one of those machines that had a built-in alarm clock, and although you didn’t actually have any CD’s to play off it, it did come with a radio function that you abused more than the next person. It had soothed you many a lonesome night, and also pumped you up when you had work to do. With a fond smile, you set up your radio and flick through the channels before stopping at what sounded like a jazz station. Satisfied with the upbeat melody, you roll your sleeves up and get started on the deep clean.
You didn’t know how long you had been working for, 30 minutes, maybe even an hour or two. But it didn’t take long before a slither of a shadow snaked up the doorframe of the kitchen for the Radio Demon himself to emerge from the shadows. He had just been passing by when he had heard the sounds of a jazzy tune, accompanied by the sounds of a sultry voice. Curiosity had gotten the better of him, and he found himself here, watching you scrub on hands and knees at the tile floors.
You were covered in dirt and dust, soapy water soaking the ends of your shirt and pants. You wiped a stray bead of sweat from your forehead as your cheeks shone a shade of red from all the hard work. In short summary, you were a mess. And yet somehow he didn’t seem all that put off by it, focusing on something far more interesting.
As the radio hummed out a static version of “What a Wonderful World”, your own voice harmonized with the deeper tone that was Louis Armstrong’s. You continued to toil away, not aware of the presence behind you and actually enjoying the work, but soon the music got the better of you, and you sat up to fully embrace it. Entranced by the song, you closed your eyes and crooned along to the lyrics, sometimes singing along with Louis, sometimes choosing to harmonize and add a personal spin to it. You couldn’t help but smile as the familiar chills ran up your spine when immersed in a good song and feeling one with the original performer. As the melody began to come to an end, you soften into almost a whisper and sit happily as the remaining instruments faded. The sound track of an applause and actual clapping burst from behind you.
“MARVELOUS! Bra-vo my darling!”
You jumped up so high and fast, it made you slip on the soapy floor beneath you. You fumbled and landed on your bum facing Alastor, pants now soaked and your heart racing a mile a minute. The red demon began to step towards you, still clapping and looking surprisingly impressed.
“What a performance, such talent! Who knew such a voice was locked away, just waiting to soar like a songbird!”
With a twirl of his cane, he extended the tip end to you with a smile. You looked at it for a moment before realizing and grabbing onto it. With a strength you didn't realize he had, he helped to hoist you up to your feet.
“H-honestly Alastor. You can’t keep sneaking up behind me without warning. You’ll have to find another chef to replace me after I die from a heart attack.”
Alastor chuckled at your remark, pulling a dark brown hankie from his inner jacket and giving his cane a quick wipe. “Now y/n, don’t be silly.” After cleaning his cane from the dirty soap water, he flicked the handkerchief into your direction, and gave you an amused smile “You’re already dead.”
You couldn’t argue with that. You huff out a laugh and graciously accept the cloth presented to you, using it to wipe your hands free of any dirty water.
“Besides,” Alastor continued, “Can you hardly blame me for tuning in? It’s not often I hear such a classic tune being accompanied by an enchanting voice~!” You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks flush. You tried your best not to sing in front of others, and living on your own, never really had the possibility of someone hearing you. Until now that is.
“I, well… Th-thank you” You smile, holding out the handkerchief to return. Alastor didn't move to take it. Looking down at the now soiled cloth, his lip twitched a moment before blinking, and the hankie burst into a puff of flame, tiny bits of soot and ash fluttering to the ground. Your head jolted back a moment as your now empty hand hung there awkwardly. Ohhkayyyy… You speak to fill the silence.
“I find I work better when I listen to music. Although, sometimes I find I get too wrapped up in the music… like you just witnessed.” You give a sheepish shrug, your attention going back towards the load of work you still had to do. Alastor followed your gaze and looked around the dingy kitchen.
“Hmmmm yes, quite the chore you have ahead of you,” he hummed, eye twitching at all the dirt and grime. “And where is Nifty in all of this? Surely you shouldn’t have to tackle such a big job all by yourself now, she IS the maid of this hotel now.” He placed his clawed hands on his hips, looking around as if she might be hiding in one of the pots or under the counter.
“Ah no, that’s alright,” You shake your head and smile at Alastor, making him turn his focus back to you, “I was going to ask her, but she seemed… preoccupied by a centipede, and I didn’t want to be a bother.”
“Besides,” You puff out your chest and survey the room, causing Alastor to cock an eyebrow in amusement. “I’m the one in charge of this kitchen, so it should be up to me to make sure it’s spick and span. You decided to hire me for some reason, so I want to prove I want this job. And a little elbow grease isn’t going to scare me off so quick.” You turn to the Radio Demon and catch a quick glimpse of what seems to be admiration before he straightened up.
“And I can tell you’re going to make a fine employee already,” Alastor agreed, making you feel a sense of pride. His gaze shifted back towards the mess before him. “Nevertheless, this is still too mighty of a task for just one demon.”
Faster than you could blink, Alastor flicked his hand up and gave a swift snap of his fingers. The shadows surrounding you began to shift and morph into what looked like long tendrils. You stared in awe as the shadows grew before your very eyes and began to morph into what looked like creatures. Before you knew it, 4 shadow-like goons were standing before you with stark white features.
“There we go~” Alastor chirped, taking in your look of shock before laughing out loud, “Oh come now my dear, no need to look so alarmed! My friends are simply here to help you~”
And help you indeed. While Alastor was talking, the creatures began to pick up the cleaning tools around the room, beginning to mop, sweep and wipe around the room at a speed you could never accomplish on your own. Your look of shock slowly transformed to one of awe.
“Yes, they’ll help to get the job done lickity split!” Alastor boasted, “And don’t worry, once the work is done they’ll simply disappear back into the shadows.”
You watched them work and couldn’t help but marvel at Alastor’s power. Not only was he able to conjure 4 living and working shadow creatures, but the fact that he did it so effortlessly. It just seemed to be a reflection of the amount of power he wielded, which was a terrifying thought all on it’s own. You couldn’t even imagine the extent of what his power could be; unbarred and at full capacity. It made you shiver a moment. Still, you couldn’t help but be grateful for the extra sets of hands.
“Thank you Alastor,” you smiled towards him, eyebrows tight with gratitude, “You really didn’t have to do this, I was fine to do the work on my own-!” The Radion Demon immediately shushed you, sticking one of his fingers close to your lips but not quite touching.
“Nonsenseee y/n. Think nothing of it! Let’s just say this is my way of thanking you for such a lovely performance earlier. I shall hope to hear more from you again.” He gave you a half-lidded smile, seeming actually genuine about his last remark. You couldn’t hide your embarrassment, but on the inside you were pleased.
“Now!” Alastor snapped to attention, jolting you out of your daze, “I’m afraid I’ll have to take my leave, I was on my way to a meeting with Charlie before being entranced by your song.” You felt your smile falter at the thought of being the reason he was running late. Alastor quickly caught on and fanned his hand at you
“Oh think nothing of it my dear, I’d say it was well worth my time. But before I go, I would be delighted to talk Jazz with you at a later time; it’s not often I meet a fellow enthusiast.”
As much as you didn’t want to get your hopes up, you felt a pang of hope in your chest. You had always kept to yourself during your time in Hell, and never really had the opportunity to build any friendships. Everyone you had met as of recent always had ulterior motivations, or were so toxic that you had to end it before they could harm you even further. However, since coming to the hotel, everyone had been so surprisingly friendly; especially Alastor. He helped you feel less nervous when you had arrived, given you a job, and was now helping you clean the kitchen? He’s been such a gentleman, and you both seemed to have similar passions… Could this be the opportunity for a new friend?
“Yes, of course!” You smile, “I love music, I’m always happy to talk about it.”
“Splendid!” Alastor chimed, turning on his heel and walking back towards the kitchen doors, “We’ll have to arrange a time that works best for us both. But until then,” He turned back to you and gave you a slight bow.
“I shall bid you, adieu.”
His body sunk back into the shadows and he disappeared as quick as a flash. You yelped out a panicked final “thank you” into the darkness, assuming he didn’t hear it he was gone so quick. But that was ok, you’d just have to thank him again when you next bumped into each other. You turn back to the goons and see they’ve already made quite a dent in the cleaning. You felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief for the extra help. Not wanting to waste anymore time, you crank up the volume on the radio, and run up to help get your kitchen ready.
Boy oh boy here we go~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel fanfiction#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor#alastor x reader#oh deer#leilani-lily
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!mute!Reader (she/her pronouns), set in a modern semi-fictional world
☾ Summary ➼ Due to childhood trauma, you find yourself an adult without the ability to speak. After years of working on it, you have found ways to live without a voice. Now here in your late 20s, you are 5 months in getting used to a new town. On a fateful day in late November, you and your adopted sister visit a local bookstore-café, unaware of the friendships about to blossom. Throughout the months, one friendship in particular develops into something more.
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, oblivious feelings, romance, angst, mention of minor character deaths, trauma, illness, adoption, mentions of fire, disabilities, alcohol use, very light nsfw mentions, references to child abuse, smoking and alcohol abuse mentions, domestic violence, light assault, eventual smut
☾ Author's note ➼ Heeeeyy I'm back. If you haven't had an eye on my masterlist for Unspoken Words, you might have missed that I've been working on an epilogue. SURPRISE. If you have, then here it is lol. I am OFFICIALLY done with UW and I'm so sad about it. ALSO for some reason my tumblr app hates me and any time I italicize a line, it italicizes the entire paragraph and I have no idea why. As always, the sign language lines are marked with ' and speaking lines marked with ".
Thank you to anyone who has taken time out of their lives to read my "little" story. I enjoyed writing about this little world and I could not be happier to know that most of you liked reading it. I appreciate you more than you know. Can you believe this is around 100k words? Crazy. Anyways, I'm gonna go write some more, I'll see ya around! <3
☾ Word Count ➼ ~4k
Reddish-orange leaves dance in a unique ballet number past the window you were currently staring out of. You can't keep your fingers from picking at the sleeves of your wool sweater as you wait for your speech therapist to come and get you from the semi-quiet lobby. The only noises you hear comes from the reception desk and the TV mounted opposite of the couch you were waiting on. The weather channel calls for a beautiful weekend with warmer than usual temperatures – which is good considering Halloween is tomorrow.
A side door leading to the back offices opens up, and your name is called from a stout brunette woman with large rimmed glasses and a kind smile. She holds it open as she beckons you forward, and you don't hesitate to smile back as you pick up your bag and make your way through the door and down the familiar hall on her heels.
You’ve been seeing Dr. Boreal for about almost two years now. You started speech therapy shortly after starting trauma therapy – something they had recommended. You weren't quick to decline the suggestion, but you'd be lying if you said you had ever thought about taking back your speech. Some time in your youth, you just assumed it was gone forever. That it was something that couldn't be fixed.
According to Dr. Foust, your trauma therapist, the speech block was mental. Therefore, it was something that could be explored and possibly broken through.
When he had said that, you had newfound hope and suddenly a silent goal to work towards.
It's like clockwork the way you stepped into Dr. Boreal's navy blue office, stepping over to the right and onto the plush cream colored couch meant just for patients. On the walls of her office sits multiple picture frames and motivational posters, all with smiles and bright colors. Her dark curtains sit parted, letting in the afternoon autumn sun that hits the wall next to you. You watch as she grabs the folder with your name on it before sitting in her large red chair and smiling over to you.
“So, how have you been? How was your trip with Levi?”
‘I’m doing well. And It was lovely! You were right, too. The road to Trost is gorgeous this time of year and the trees! So pretty.’ You think back at the little vacation Levi took you on just a week ago. He had taken the scenic route to the little town that you and he had rented a cabin in.
The leaves were at the end of their life and littered the ground wherever you went, crunching underneath your boots. Between the intimate moments and crisp atmosphere, it really was a magical time. Levi practically had to drag you back home.
On the way out, Levi found this adorable tea shop. It's not easy finding a place that made tea as well as he did, and of course he didn't say anything, but you could tell how much he enjoyed it. You won't soon forget the content on his normally stoic face. That reminds you of the little package snuggled in your purse so you reach down into it to pull out a small, rectangular tin.
‘I got this for you.’ You beam at her as you hand it over gently.
“Cranberry autumn tea?” She inspects the wording on the metal, hazel eyes glittering gold in the sunlight that reflects off the container. Her eyes shift to you as a grateful smile lights up her weathered face. “Oh you sweet thing, thank you so much. But you shouldn't have.”
‘As thanks for dealing with me.’ You laugh softly, leaning back into the plush couch.
“You know it's no problem. Even if I wasn't paid, I'd still enjoy your company.” She waves dismissively after setting her gift down on the table in front of her. “So, let's see where we left off last time.”
You pick at the edges of your sleeves once again as you watch her find the right place in her notes. Dr. Boreal is one of the kindest people you've had the pleasure of being around. Though she was being paid to help you, she always did so much more. She was patient with you when you struggled to get past certain goals, and when your voice hurt after a grueling session she would bring you herbal tea with honey to smooth the pain. Levi joked that you liked her tea more than his to which you always rolled your eyes at.
“Well you have made outstanding progress. Of course, there is still plenty we still need to work on. But you're doing well.” She looks down at her papers as she talks, the scratch of her pen fills the silence after she finishes. She looks back up to you. “Have you shown anyone your progress yet?”
Those around you are aware of your long journey through therapy. They even celebrated with you after one year - Hange's idea of course. Your sister couldn't hold it in when you had told them of the progress you've made and the goals you were looking forward to completing in the oncoming sessions.
What they didn't know was that you were even in speech therapy, and how far in your speech recovery you were. Keeping it secret from Levi was getting harder with every passing week.
‘No, but I plan to soon, I promise.’ You pinch your lips together in a grimace. This has been a threat for the last 6 months but truthfully, you've been too scared to tell anyone. No, not scared. Nervous.
“Well, you know my stance on that. I’m sure they're going to be ecstatic, when you're ready to do so.” Dr. Boreal sets out a recorder to let you hear your voice the way she does, a tool you both found the most helpful when it came to fixing the areas that needed the most work. “Enough of that though, are you ready to start?”
With a confident smile, you open your mouth to speak.
A few hours later, you find yourself home and in the kitchen with your mind in another dimension. You’re currently plating up a vegetable tray on a tupperware platter as autumnal lofi weaves through the room from the speakers behind you. You’re so focused on arranging your sliced up miscellaneous veggies that you don't hear the metal key in the front door and the light footsteps of your boyfriend coming home for the evening.
“Hey.” Levi mutters from behind you, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder to look at what you're doing – not without difficulty, of course. You jump at his sudden proximity causing you to drop the chosen dipping sauces in the middle of the platter, disturbing the once perfect arrangement.
There's a soft sigh from you, but you feel the giddiness at the expected company fluttering in your stomach. Even after a few years, he still gives you that effect. You twist in his arms to face him, and his gray eyes are downturned in concern.
“Are you okay? Was therapy too much today?” He lessens his grip on you so you can pull your hands up to sign.
Levi Ackerman’s raven hair is slicked back from him running his fingers through it, and the way that it stayed put and the sheen on the strands, you can tell it must be raining. You've been so fixated on making sure it looked good that you hadn't even noticed. His gaze stares into yours as he searches for what might be bothering you, so you give him a reassuring smile.
‘No, it was actually really good. She said I've made a lot of progress.’
“That's good. Did you come home late, or have you been working on this tray the whole time?” He glances over your shoulder at the vegetables now thrown about on the counter.
‘Yes and no. I decided to run by the farmers market for more options. But they didn't have anything we didn't already have.’ You explain, shrugging your shoulders.
The afternoon sun was so nice on your face that you would have been a fool to not take advantage of it - and it's a good thing you did. Your eyes slide to the water droplets that drip down on the outside of the living room windows.
“Hm. Well we need to leave for Hange's party soon and you're not dressed. Let me finish this for you and you go get ready.” He leans in to kiss your forehead before unraveling his arms and pushing you in the direction of the bedroom. You only roll your eyes but make your way to the back as he asked.
Hange's Halloween Bash is something they have been planning for about a year. The moment the decorations went on sale last winter, she snatched up what she could. She said something about starting a new tradition for her friends turned family. Levi wasn't as excited about the prospect of such a social gathering but you were, and that was enough to get him to go.
Not only were you able to get him to go, you were also able to talk him into dressing up with you.
In front of the mirror, you finish tying up a black corset that wraps around your waist. It helps form-fit the blue long sleeve dress that drops down to your bare ankles with your pair of flats completing the look. You were almost ready – all that was left was the big blue bow that you pinned to the back of your head as best you could. You suppose for a makeshift Ariel, this would do just fine. You almost chuckle at the irony of the characters you suggested to Levi a month ago.
A girl who can't talk and a prince that loved her despite it.
You do a small twirl in the mirror to make sure everything looks right. You almost jump out of your skin at the sudden sight of the person standing in the doorway. Levi leans against the door frame, the corner of his mouth twitching into a small smirk. His hands are in the pockets of his work clothes as he watches you intently, taking in the sight of you. With a hand over your heart, you give him a small frown.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.” He doesn't sound sorry at all.
‘You are too quiet for your own good. One day you're going to scare me so bad that I'm going to punch you.’ You shake your head but smile anyways. You make your way to the closet to pull out Levi's costume for the night, making sure to grab the red waist sash that threatens to fall to the floor.
“You keep saying that.” He takes the hanger from you but not before leaning in to give you a chaste kiss. With a small laugh, you head out of the bedroom and down the hall back to the kitchen.
On your way there, you take a moment to glance at the framed photographs on the walls. Levi made sure to hang up the pictures he took from his apartment that he shared with Erwin as soon as you both moved in.
There was the one of him, Furlan, and Isabel as well as the one of him and Erwin on graduation day though Levi had persisted with Erwin to keep the latter. His blonde and blue eyed friend told him to take it as he had plenty more photos of the two he could hang up. That didn’t make Levi feel any better and it makes you wonder what photos Levi might be hiding from you.
Dispersed in between those are ones of you and Hange, and some with your shared circle of friends. The last one frames three photo strips next to each other. The first one is from your first Sakura Festival a few years ago where you sat on Levi's lap – both red faced and unaware of the extent of your affections for each other.
The other two are from the same photo booth, taken from the previous and current year. With each year, the smiles and looks of adoration grew. Both, luckily, were without the presence of your sister and Erwin. Surprisingly, it wasn't your idea to go back. As much as Levi did his best to hide his sentimental side, it was always present.
When you get to the kitchen counter, you see the platter rearranged and closed up with the matching plastic lid. It looks perfect, even better than when you took a crack at it. You also see two cups of tea on the counter, both with steam rising up and dancing in the kitchen lights before dissipating into the air.
With a grin, you reach over to grab what you can only assume is yours based on the light color of your tea then walk around the island to sit on the bar stool, leaning on the counter with the mug in both hands. After your first sip, you sigh happily. It was one of the new teas Levi had brought back from the trip because he couldn't get enough of it. Earthy with hints of floral notes, topped with a citrusy zing.
When you start to wonder if Levi was okay, your eyes catch movement in the hallway. You watch Levi struggle with his sash, the soft grumbling of his irritation coming from under his breath as he tugs on it. Sometimes you never realize how hard it is to do something with less than the normal amount of fingers until it's forced upon you. Of course, Levi was never one to ask for help even after all these years.
Without a second thought, you stand up and make your way over to him. He doesn't fight as you take the fabric from his fingers and tighten it from the back. Tucked into the sash is a white blouse, loose enough to billow in the evening breeze. Black pants and matching boots fit snug against his lower half. When you're done, you turn him to face you to inspect the whole ensemble. With his hair properly slicked back, he was the perfect Prince Eric.
‘You look rather dashing, you know that?’
“Tch.” He rolls his eyes at you, but there's not a trace of annoyance radiating off of him. As much as he hates it, he loves you and would do anything you asked – within reason.
‘Are you almost ready to go?’
“In a few, I didn't just brew this for nothing.” He makes his way to the counter to grab his mug and instead of sitting, he stands propped up against the counter like you were but with his phone in hand.
“Your sister wants to know if you want apple juice or apple cider.” He mutters, his gray eyes flicking up over to you as you make your way over to the seat you were just at to finish your own cup. “Both, right?”
‘How did you know?’ You laugh, but nod in agreement. You watch as his fingers type away, the clicking of the keys filling back empty space. There's barely any sunlight coming through the closed blinds signifying that nightfall was almost here. You just now noticed Levi had gone ahead and turned off everything for you while you were getting ready.
The gut feeling you felt last week is back. There was a moment when Levi drove through the rolling hills, the golden rays of sunset lighting up his face. A moment of peace that washed over you as his soft gaze flitted over to you in the passenger seat for only a second, one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh.
With a nervous sigh, you reach over and pull down his phone with one finger to get his attention. Instantly he looks at you with worry, his mouth downturned.
“Are you okay?”
‘I bet you love me.’
His eyebrows raise, a little surprised at your random question – at something so obvious that he worries even more that something is wrong.
“What’s this about?”
‘Humor me. I bet you love me.’
“You bet right.” He draws out, confusion lacing his tone.
‘You have to answer a question now. Since I was right.’
“What do you want to know that you don’t already?” His eyes roll at you again, but he sets his phone and mug down and leans over on his elbows to watch you intently.
‘It’s a simple but very important question, I promise.’
“Tch, okay. Hit me.”
Your eyes are suddenly fixated on the fridge to the right of you, the heat of his stare making you shy. For a split second, you almost chicken out. With your heart in your throat, you feel as if you're going to choke as your pulse quickens. Can you do this? Were you ready for this? You were quite tired after today, maybe it's best saved for another day. These thoughts race loudly in your head, but the moment you look back up to meet Levi's gaze, they cease to a quiet murmur.
No, you're ready. And you can do this.
With your fingers laced together, you rest your chin on them and continue to look up at Levi's perplexed expression. Your mouth opens and closes a few times before you're finally able to find your voice.
“Will… you marry… me, Levi?” Your voice is scratchy despite the honey tea you drank after your session. It's rough, and to you it's far from pretty. But the change in expression on Levi's face is almost worth it as he stares at you dazed. It's almost funny to see the physical reaction of his brain comprehending what just happened, like a computer crashing and rebooting.
He's reaching over the counter suddenly and cupping your face in his calloused hands. He holds you there as his wide eyes bounce back and forth between yours. You fight back a laugh, your lips pinched together and quivering.
“Do that again. Say my name again.” The urgency in his voice is palpable.
“L…” You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to find your voice yet again. It's hard, but you try again anyway. “Levi.” It comes out brittle this time, leaving an uncomfortable pain in its wake.
“How did this happen?” His own voice sounds a little higher than before, and you have to bite back another laugh.
‘I've been working on it alongside my sessions with Foust.’ You've met your vocal quota for the day. Levi's hands stay cupped around your cheeks and he pulls you in until his soft lips touch yours again. Your eyes flutter closed as you kiss him back, feeling the weight of your anxiety lift off your shoulders in an instant.
When he pulls away, his stare is conflicted and before you know it, he's released you and whips around the corner down the hallway. Dread inches its way into your chest where the anxiety was before as you realize he never answered your question. Did he need a moment? Did he even hear what you asked? The shock may have been too much. Your teeth bite into the inside of your cheek as you watch the dark hallway nervously.
A few seconds later, he emerges from the shadows with red creeping from his neck up into his face. He's flustered and holding something small in his hand. It takes you a moment to register what it was, and when you do, you jump to your feet to meet him halfway.
He doesn’t hesitate to open it to you though his fingers tremble ever so slightly. Inside are two golden rings, interlocked together. A small oval ruby sits surrounded by metal vines beset by smaller white diamonds in the shape of leaves. It's simple yet elegant. Your eyes snap up to his, no doubt as big as saucers.
Not only is this ring breathtaking, it's also groundbreaking to you. You've seen this ring box around since before you both had moved in together. It's been in the closet collecting dust, so of course you didn't think anything of it. He's had this ring for a long time, sitting right under your nose.
‘How long were you planning to propose?’
“For a while now. I just didn't know when would be a good time.” He carefully takes out the one with the red ruby and holds it up to you. The kitchen lights glimmer off the smooth surface reflecting red against his fingers. “I can't believe you beat me to it, though.” So he did hear you.
‘I wasn't planning to do it tonight, but I just had a feeling.’
“You never cease to amaze me, you know that?” He leans over to place the ring box onto the side table behind him, then turns to you. Then he does something you've only ever seen in movies – Levi gets down on one knee and the ring out to you.
“Um. I'm not good with things like this. But I just want you to know that I love you. And I've never been more prepared to spend my life with someone, if you'll have me. Will you marry me?” His eyes look away for a second before focusing back on you. Even though you had pretty much said yes when you asked first, he still seemed so nervous.
To see Levi in such a mess like this in front of you makes that laugh you held back burst forth, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Speechless again, you reach your hand out to him and just like that, he slides the ring on your finger with ease.
“I- uh, borrowed one of your rings to get it resized.” He mutters as you stare at it curiously. “So, that's a yes right?” Even though you took the ring, you can still hear the anxiety in his voice.
‘Of course, dummy.’ You laugh again before pulling him up on his feet by his collar and into you for another kiss, this time deeper and full of the love that you have for this man. When you pull away, you can't help but stare at the metal hugging your ring finger.
“It was my mom’s, she insisted on me having it. I think she knew.” He grabs your hand and pulls you into him, one hand on your waist and the other cupping your face. “I suppose we should call her tomorrow, yeah?”
You nod sharply, your smile hurting your cheeks, but you don't care. All you feel right now is the same peace you felt last week and excitement for the future ahead. You didn't want anyone else.
“Say it again?”
“Levi.” He leans in again, hand still on your face as he presses his lips against your once more. There have been many shared kisses since you both became official but this one felt different. You didn't have the words for it, but it was miles away from being bad.
Levi's phone vibrating loudly on the counter disturbs the comfortable silence and you can only sigh. You almost forgot that you had somewhere to be and are reminded by the caller ID flashing your sister's name. In Levi fashion, he ignores it but he does pull away to look at you with a grimace.
“So who’s telling them?”
☾ Previous Chapter: June - Part 5
#Skys blog recovery#this is ported from my old fandom blog chaotic-on-main#I did not steal these I swear lol they’re mine#attack on titan#attack on titan fanfiction#shingeki no kyojin#shingeki no kyojin fanfiction#levi ackerman#levi ackerman fanfiction#fanfiction#fluff#levi x reader#levi ackerman x reader#erwin smith#hange zoe#levi x fem!reader#aot#aot fanfiction#levi ackerman x you#snk fanfiction#long fic#snk#aot fluff#attack on titan fluff#attack on titan levi#unspoken words#modernau#levi smut#levi ackerman smut#smut
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incredibly intrigued by your sam thoughts give me more
hooooohohohohohoh *rubs together grubby little raccoon paws*
I am excited to answer this and also don't know how much more I'll be able to say about Sam that I haven't already discussed here and here (though danged if I'm not going to try!)
Something that I think is central to understanding how my brain thinks about Sam is the way I think about Gwen; more specifically-

(Gwen and Sam from @boonsandwhatever 's amazing art, found here)
While I don't truly think they're the exact same character, I believe that what we've seen of them so far suggests that we are looking at two characters who, in their heart of hearts, are very similar in terms of their inner selves and motivations, but who are nonetheless being set up to walk two very different paths.
So how are they similar? We've seen so far that Gwen and Sam are both
temperamental (Sam less openly, but it's there)
petty (not as obviously as Alice, but it's soooo there)
seeking validation for their work/pursuits/questions
not in the career/field they had aspired to be in
under tremendous pressure from their families (Gwen's has not been directly addressed, but what we know of the Bouchards and and Gwen's comments about her 'friend' circles seems to suggest this)
driven (Gwen towards power/recognition, Sam towards understanding - both of these tie into that need for validation)
barely holding it together
more sensitive to teasing than they let on
imposter syndrome? (this one may actually be a stretch but all of the above similarities strongly suggest this one)
Of all of the above traits, "curious" and "seeking validation" are the two that I feel are Sam and Gwen's strongest motivators right now - and were also the source of their conflict in episode 18. They are, of course, pursuing answers to their own questions without realizing that, in this case, they are the ants seeing separate parts of the massive and horrible mystery that is pushing into their lives.
Sam's path has him looking out as he seeks to learn more about The Magnus Institute and about the catalysts and victims of the cases they get at the OIAR. Gwen's path has her looking up, as she questions the role the OIAR plays within the government/society, how it is structured and managed, and what employing literal monsters has to do with it all.
In an ideal world, Sam and Gwen would team up to be like the supernatural Wonder Twins. If they're able to see past their misunderstandings and the walls they've put up, I think they could actually get a lot done - but I worry that their insecurities, ambitions, and lack of validation at the right times/in the right places will push them further away from the best possible allies they have: each other.
(If you're fanfiction inclined, I've actually explored some of these team/friendship dynamics in my fic "Pieces of You." Part 2 continues to explore how Sam and Gwen interact when they are seemingly in opposition)
I do think there is a very good chance that both Sam and Gwen end up in difficult, morally challenging, or outright evil situations as a result of their need for understanding, recognition, and validation. I've seen a lot of folks suggesting that Sam could become "avatar-ized" or willingly take on The Powers of the Horrors in order to finally "live up to the potential" that he perceives himself as having been denied when he was rejected from The Magnus Institute. As for Gwen, I think (hope, pray) that her own insecurities and need to prove herself could lead her right into the claws of Lady Mowbray, someone that she has already defended in front of Lena simply for being of a higher echelon, and who has already given Gwen a level of recognition that she did not expect but clearly craves (when Lady M asks about her family line). Of course I would be tickled pink if they both got over themselves, communicated, and worked together to overcome (or at least understand) The Horrors!
Anyway, I know this ended up being more of a Sam and Gwen rant, but I hope you enjoyed, and thanks again for asking!
#the magnus protocol#TMAGP#tmagp theory#TMAGP character analysis#character analysis#sam khalid#samama khalid#gwen bouchard#gwendolyn bouchard#tmp sam#tmp gwen#tmp theory#tmp speculation#Teal's TMAGP takes#answered#the magpod
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!mute!Reader (she/her pronouns), set in a modern semi-fictional world
☾ Summary ➼ Due to childhood trauma, you find yourself an adult without the ability to speak. After years of working on it, you have found ways to live without a voice. Now here in your late 20s, you are 5 months in getting used to a new town. On a fateful day in late November, you and your adopted sister visit a local bookstore-café, unaware of the friendships about to blossom. Throughout the months, one friendship in particular develops into something more.
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, oblivious feelings, romance, angst, mention of minor character deaths, trauma, illness, adoption, mentions of fire, disabilities, alcohol use, very light nsfw mentions, references to child abuse, smoking and alcohol abuse mentions, domestic violence, light assault, eventual smut
☾ Author's note ➼ Heeeeyy I'm back. If you haven't had an eye on my masterlist for Unspoken Words, you might have missed that I've been working on an epilogue. SURPRISE. If you have, then here it is lol. I am OFFICIALLY done with UW and I'm so sad about it. ALSO for some reason my tumblr app hates me and any time I italicize a line, it italicizes the entire paragraph and I have no idea why. As always, the sign language lines are marked with ' and speaking lines marked with ".
Thank you to anyone who has taken time out of their lives to read my "little" story. I enjoyed writing about this little world and I could not be happier to know that most of you liked reading it. I appreciate you more than you know. Can you believe this is around 100k words? Crazy. Anyways, I'm gonna go write some more, I'll see ya around! <3
☾ Word Count ➼ ~4k
Reddish-orange leaves dance in a unique ballet number past the window you were currently staring out of. You can't keep your fingers from picking at the sleeves of your wool sweater as you wait for your speech therapist to come and get you from the semi-quiet lobby. The only noises you hear comes from the reception desk and the TV mounted opposite of the couch you were waiting on. The weather channel calls for a beautiful weekend with warmer than usual temperatures – which is good considering Halloween is tomorrow.
A side door leading to the back offices opens up, and your name is called from a stout brunette woman with large rimmed glasses and a kind smile. She holds it open as she beckons you forward, and you don't hesitate to smile back as you pick up your bag and make your way through the door and down the familiar hall on her heels.
You’ve been seeing Dr. Boreal for about almost two years now. You started speech therapy shortly after starting trauma therapy – something they had recommended. You weren't quick to decline the suggestion, but you'd be lying if you said you had ever thought about taking back your speech. Some time in your youth, you just assumed it was gone forever. That it was something that couldn't be fixed.
According to Dr. Foust, your trauma therapist, the speech block was mental. Therefore, it was something that could be explored and possibly broken through.
When he had said that, you had newfound hope and suddenly a silent goal to work towards.
It's like clockwork the way you stepped into Dr. Boreal's navy blue office, stepping over to the right and onto the plush cream colored couch meant just for patients. On the walls of her office sits multiple picture frames and motivational posters, all with smiles and bright colors. Her dark curtains sit parted, letting in the afternoon autumn sun that hits the wall next to you. You watch as she grabs the folder with your name on it before sitting in her large red chair and smiling over to you.
“So, how have you been? How was your trip with Levi?”
‘I’m doing well. And It was lovely! You were right, too. The road to Trost is gorgeous this time of year and the trees! So pretty.’ You think back at the little vacation Levi took you on just a week ago. He had taken the scenic route to the little town that you and he had rented a cabin in.
The leaves were at the end of their life and littered the ground wherever you went, crunching underneath your boots. Between the intimate moments and crisp atmosphere, it really was a magical time. Levi practically had to drag you back home.
On the way out, Levi found this adorable tea shop. It's not easy finding a place that made tea as well as he did, and of course he didn't say anything, but you could tell how much he enjoyed it. You won't soon forget the content on his normally stoic face. That reminds you of the little package snuggled in your purse so you reach down into it to pull out a small, rectangular tin.
‘I got this for you.’ You beam at her as you hand it over gently.
“Cranberry autumn tea?” She inspects the wording on the metal, hazel eyes glittering gold in the sunlight that reflects off the container. Her eyes shift to you as a grateful smile lights up her weathered face. “Oh you sweet thing, thank you so much. But you shouldn't have.”
‘As thanks for dealing with me.’ You laugh softly, leaning back into the plush couch.
“You know it's no problem. Even if I wasn't paid, I'd still enjoy your company.” She waves dismissively after setting her gift down on the table in front of her. “So, let's see where we left off last time.”
You pick at the edges of your sleeves once again as you watch her find the right place in her notes. Dr. Boreal is one of the kindest people you've had the pleasure of being around. Though she was being paid to help you, she always did so much more. She was patient with you when you struggled to get past certain goals, and when your voice hurt after a grueling session she would bring you herbal tea with honey to smooth the pain. Levi joked that you liked her tea more than his to which you always rolled your eyes at.
“Well you have made outstanding progress. Of course, there is still plenty we still need to work on. But you're doing well.” She looks down at her papers as she talks, the scratch of her pen fills the silence after she finishes. She looks back up to you. “Have you shown anyone your progress yet?”
Those around you are aware of your long journey through therapy. They even celebrated with you after one year - Hange's idea of course. Your sister couldn't hold it in when you had told them of the progress you've made and the goals you were looking forward to completing in the oncoming sessions.
What they didn't know was that you were even in speech therapy, and how far in your speech recovery you were. Keeping it secret from Levi was getting harder with every passing week.
‘No, but I plan to soon, I promise.’ You pinch your lips together in a grimace. This has been a threat for the last 6 months but truthfully, you've been too scared to tell anyone. No, not scared. Nervous.
“Well, you know my stance on that. I’m sure they're going to be ecstatic, when you're ready to do so.” Dr. Boreal sets out a recorder to let you hear your voice the way she does, a tool you both found the most helpful when it came to fixing the areas that needed the most work. “Enough of that though, are you ready to start?”
With a confident smile, you open your mouth to speak.
A few hours later, you find yourself home and in the kitchen with your mind in another dimension. You’re currently plating up a vegetable tray on a tupperware platter as autumnal lofi weaves through the room from the speakers behind you. You’re so focused on arranging your sliced up miscellaneous veggies that you don't hear the metal key in the front door and the light footsteps of your boyfriend coming home for the evening.
“Hey.” Levi mutters from behind you, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder to look at what you're doing – not without difficulty, of course. You jump at his sudden proximity causing you to drop the chosen dipping sauces in the middle of the platter, disturbing the once perfect arrangement.
There's a soft sigh from you, but you feel the giddiness at the expected company fluttering in your stomach. Even after a few years, he still gives you that effect. You twist in his arms to face him, and his gray eyes are downturned in concern.
“Are you okay? Was therapy too much today?” He lessens his grip on you so you can pull your hands up to sign.
Levi Ackerman’s raven hair is slicked back from him running his fingers through it, and the way that it stayed put and the sheen on the strands, you can tell it must be raining. You've been so fixated on making sure it looked good that you hadn't even noticed. His gaze stares into yours as he searches for what might be bothering you, so you give him a reassuring smile.
‘No, it was actually really good. She said I've made a lot of progress.’
“That's good. Did you come home late, or have you been working on this tray the whole time?” He glances over your shoulder at the vegetables now thrown about on the counter.
‘Yes and no. I decided to run by the farmers market for more options. But they didn't have anything we didn't already have.’ You explain, shrugging your shoulders.
The afternoon sun was so nice on your face that you would have been a fool to not take advantage of it - and it's a good thing you did. Your eyes slide to the water droplets that drip down on the outside of the living room windows.
“Hm. Well we need to leave for Hange's party soon and you're not dressed. Let me finish this for you and you go get ready.” He leans in to kiss your forehead before unraveling his arms and pushing you in the direction of the bedroom. You only roll your eyes but make your way to the back as he asked.
Hange's Halloween Bash is something they have been planning for about a year. The moment the decorations went on sale last winter, she snatched up what she could. She said something about starting a new tradition for her friends turned family. Levi wasn't as excited about the prospect of such a social gathering but you were, and that was enough to get him to go.
Not only were you able to get him to go, you were also able to talk him into dressing up with you.
In front of the mirror, you finish tying up a black corset that wraps around your waist. It helps form-fit the blue long sleeve dress that drops down to your bare ankles with your pair of flats completing the look. You were almost ready – all that was left was the big blue bow that you pinned to the back of your head as best you could. You suppose for a makeshift Ariel, this would do just fine. You almost chuckle at the irony of the characters you suggested to Levi a month ago.
A girl who can't talk and a prince that loved her despite it.
You do a small twirl in the mirror to make sure everything looks right. You almost jump out of your skin at the sudden sight of the person standing in the doorway. Levi leans against the door frame, the corner of his mouth twitching into a small smirk. His hands are in the pockets of his work clothes as he watches you intently, taking in the sight of you. With a hand over your heart, you give him a small frown.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.” He doesn't sound sorry at all.
‘You are too quiet for your own good. One day you're going to scare me so bad that I'm going to punch you.’ You shake your head but smile anyways. You make your way to the closet to pull out Levi's costume for the night, making sure to grab the red waist sash that threatens to fall to the floor.
“You keep saying that.” He takes the hanger from you but not before leaning in to give you a chaste kiss. With a small laugh, you head out of the bedroom and down the hall back to the kitchen.
On your way there, you take a moment to glance at the framed photographs on the walls. Levi made sure to hang up the pictures he took from his apartment that he shared with Erwin as soon as you both moved in.
There was the one of him, Furlan, and Isabel as well as the one of him and Erwin on graduation day though Levi had persisted with Erwin to keep the latter. His blonde and blue eyed friend told him to take it as he had plenty more photos of the two he could hang up. That didn’t make Levi feel any better and it makes you wonder what photos Levi might be hiding from you.
Dispersed in between those are ones of you and Hange, and some with your shared circle of friends. The last one frames three photo strips next to each other. The first one is from your first Sakura Festival a few years ago where you sat on Levi's lap – both red faced and unaware of the extent of your affections for each other.
The other two are from the same photo booth, taken from the previous and current year. With each year, the smiles and looks of adoration grew. Both, luckily, were without the presence of your sister and Erwin. Surprisingly, it wasn't your idea to go back. As much as Levi did his best to hide his sentimental side, it was always present.
When you get to the kitchen counter, you see the platter rearranged and closed up with the matching plastic lid. It looks perfect, even better than when you took a crack at it. You also see two cups of tea on the counter, both with steam rising up and dancing in the kitchen lights before dissipating into the air.
With a grin, you reach over to grab what you can only assume is yours based on the light color of your tea then walk around the island to sit on the bar stool, leaning on the counter with the mug in both hands. After your first sip, you sigh happily. It was one of the new teas Levi had brought back from the trip because he couldn't get enough of it. Earthy with hints of floral notes, topped with a citrusy zing.
When you start to wonder if Levi was okay, your eyes catch movement in the hallway. You watch Levi struggle with his sash, the soft grumbling of his irritation coming from under his breath as he tugs on it. Sometimes you never realize how hard it is to do something with less than the normal amount of fingers until it's forced upon you. Of course, Levi was never one to ask for help even after all these years.
Without a second thought, you stand up and make your way over to him. He doesn't fight as you take the fabric from his fingers and tighten it from the back. Tucked into the sash is a white blouse, loose enough to billow in the evening breeze. Black pants and matching boots fit snug against his lower half. When you're done, you turn him to face you to inspect the whole ensemble. With his hair properly slicked back, he was the perfect Prince Eric.
‘You look rather dashing, you know that?’
“Tch.” He rolls his eyes at you, but there's not a trace of annoyance radiating off of him. As much as he hates it, he loves you and would do anything you asked – within reason.
‘Are you almost ready to go?’
“In a few, I didn't just brew this for nothing.” He makes his way to the counter to grab his mug and instead of sitting, he stands propped up against the counter like you were but with his phone in hand.
“Your sister wants to know if you want apple juice or apple cider.” He mutters, his gray eyes flicking up over to you as you make your way over to the seat you were just at to finish your own cup. “Both, right?”
‘How did you know?’ You laugh, but nod in agreement. You watch as his fingers type away, the clicking of the keys filling back empty space. There's barely any sunlight coming through the closed blinds signifying that nightfall was almost here. You just now noticed Levi had gone ahead and turned off everything for you while you were getting ready.
The gut feeling you felt last week is back. There was a moment when Levi drove through the rolling hills, the golden rays of sunset lighting up his face. A moment of peace that washed over you as his soft gaze flitted over to you in the passenger seat for only a second, one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh.
With a nervous sigh, you reach over and pull down his phone with one finger to get his attention. Instantly he looks at you with worry, his mouth downturned.
“Are you okay?”
‘I bet you love me.’
His eyebrows raise, a little surprised at your random question – at something so obvious that he worries even more that something is wrong.
“What’s this about?”
‘Humor me. I bet you love me.’
“You bet right.” He draws out, confusion lacing his tone.
‘You have to answer a question now. Since I was right.’
“What do you want to know that you don’t already?” His eyes roll at you again, but he sets his phone and mug down and leans over on his elbows to watch you intently.
‘It’s a simple but very important question, I promise.’
“Tch, okay. Hit me.”
Your eyes are suddenly fixated on the fridge to the right of you, the heat of his stare making you shy. For a split second, you almost chicken out. With your heart in your throat, you feel as if you're going to choke as your pulse quickens. Can you do this? Were you ready for this? You were quite tired after today, maybe it's best saved for another day. These thoughts race loudly in your head, but the moment you look back up to meet Levi's gaze, they cease to a quiet murmur.
No, you're ready. And you can do this.
With your fingers laced together, you rest your chin on them and continue to look up at Levi's perplexed expression. Your mouth opens and closes a few times before you're finally able to find your voice.
“Will… you marry… me, Levi?” Your voice is scratchy despite the honey tea you drank after your session. It's rough, and to you it's far from pretty. But the change in expression on Levi's face is almost worth it as he stares at you dazed. It's almost funny to see the physical reaction of his brain comprehending what just happened, like a computer crashing and rebooting.
He's reaching over the counter suddenly and cupping your face in his calloused hands. He holds you there as his wide eyes bounce back and forth between yours. You fight back a laugh, your lips pinched together and quivering.
“Do that again. Say my name again.” The urgency in his voice is palpable.
“L…” You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to find your voice yet again. It's hard, but you try again anyway. “Levi.” It comes out brittle this time, leaving an uncomfortable pain in its wake.
“How did this happen?” His own voice sounds a little higher than before, and you have to bite back another laugh.
‘I've been working on it alongside my sessions with Foust.’ You've met your vocal quota for the day. Levi's hands stay cupped around your cheeks and he pulls you in until his soft lips touch yours again. Your eyes flutter closed as you kiss him back, feeling the weight of your anxiety lift off your shoulders in an instant.
When he pulls away, his stare is conflicted and before you know it, he's released you and whips around the corner down the hallway. Dread inches its way into your chest where the anxiety was before as you realize he never answered your question. Did he need a moment? Did he even hear what you asked? The shock may have been too much. Your teeth bite into the inside of your cheek as you watch the dark hallway nervously.
A few seconds later, he emerges from the shadows with red creeping from his neck up into his face. He's flustered and holding something small in his hand. It takes you a moment to register what it was, and when you do, you jump to your feet to meet him halfway.
He doesn’t hesitate to open it to you though his fingers tremble ever so slightly. Inside are two golden rings, interlocked together. A small oval ruby sits surrounded by metal vines beset by smaller white diamonds in the shape of leaves. It's simple yet elegant. Your eyes snap up to his, no doubt as big as saucers.
Not only is this ring breathtaking, it's also groundbreaking to you. You've seen this ring box around since before you both had moved in together. It's been in the closet collecting dust, so of course you didn't think anything of it. He's had this ring for a long time, sitting right under your nose.
‘How long were you planning to propose?’
“For a while now. I just didn't know when would be a good time.” He carefully takes out the one with the red ruby and holds it up to you. The kitchen lights glimmer off the smooth surface reflecting red against his fingers. “I can't believe you beat me to it, though.” So he did hear you.
‘I wasn't planning to do it tonight, but I just had a feeling.’
“You never cease to amaze me, you know that?” He leans over to place the ring box onto the side table behind him, then turns to you. Then he does something you've only ever seen in movies – Levi gets down on one knee and the ring out to you.
“Um. I'm not good with things like this. But I just want you to know that I love you. And I've never been more prepared to spend my life with someone, if you'll have me. Will you marry me?” His eyes look away for a second before focusing back on you. Even though you had pretty much said yes when you asked first, he still seemed so nervous.
To see Levi in such a mess like this in front of you makes that laugh you held back burst forth, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Speechless again, you reach your hand out to him and just like that, he slides the ring on your finger with ease.
“I- uh, borrowed one of your rings to get it resized.” He mutters as you stare at it curiously. “So, that's a yes right?” Even though you took the ring, you can still hear the anxiety in his voice.
‘Of course, dummy.’ You laugh again before pulling him up on his feet by his collar and into you for another kiss, this time deeper and full of the love that you have for this man. When you pull away, you can't help but stare at the metal hugging your ring finger.
“It was my mom’s, she insisted on me having it. I think she knew.” He grabs your hand and pulls you into him, one hand on your waist and the other cupping your face. “I suppose we should call her tomorrow, yeah?”
You nod sharply, your smile hurting your cheeks, but you don't care. All you feel right now is the same peace you felt last week and excitement for the future ahead. You didn't want anyone else.
“Say it again?”
“Levi.” He leans in again, hand still on your face as he presses his lips against your once more. There have been many shared kisses since you both became official but this one felt different. You didn't have the words for it, but it was miles away from being bad.
Levi's phone vibrating loudly on the counter disturbs the comfortable silence and you can only sigh. You almost forgot that you had somewhere to be and are reminded by the caller ID flashing your sister's name. In Levi fashion, he ignores it but he does pull away to look at you with a grimace.
“So who’s telling them?”
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☾ Previous Chapter: June - Part 5
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Wind and Truth Chapter 25
“We’ve found Restares,” said the floating, glowing head. “He told us, and Shallan, the details. Mishram’s prison is hidden in the Spiritual Realm.” Storms. That was Felt. One of Adolin’s soldiers. Coldness enveloped Shallan, accompanied by an overwhelming sense of disconnect. Felt was a spy. Felt was a Ghostblood.
I’m re-reading ROW right now and knowing that Felt was a Ghostblood this entire time has completely changed my perspective on so many scenes. Shallan spends her entire time in Shadesmear thinking “Who’s the spy? Beryl's the spy! Pattern's the spy! I’m the spy!” all the while Felt is right there working for the Ghostbloods. 😏 Shallan, Adolin, and Dalinar had no clue that Kelsier was spying on them this entire fucking time.
“We should be working on our plan,” Icy Tongue said, “to transport Stormlight offworld, now that we know it can be blanked of Identity and transferred between realms. How does chasing down some ancient spren further Master Thaidakar’s orders to provide him a renewable source of Investiture?”
We've had hints that the Rosharn Ghostbloods have their own motives that differ from Kelsier, so I'm very interested in discovering the answer to this.
“I don’t mean losing your presence,” she said. “I mean losing you—your love, your humanity. I don’t want to be selfish, and we will do what the world needs. But I have to ask. What will it mean, Dalinar? And does it have to be you?”
Important questions to ask. Dailnar needs to think about this long and hard. Yes, Honor needs a vessel, but I don't think Dalinar should be so eager to take up the Shard. It was easier for Sazed to do because it was literally the last moment of the world. Also, he didn't have any familial ties or responsibilities to Scadrial. Dalinar needs to thoroughly consider the long-term implications of Ascension.
“I am scared of this step, but I want to provide answers again regardless. I feel that something has been guiding me all this time. Something I can’t explain, something beyond Honor. I know someone has to step up and do this. The contest isn’t enough. There’s more, and I think I’m the only one who can find out what it is. I spent a great deal of time searching for how to become a stronger Bondsmith, and I think that was a step toward a greater truth of what I actually need to become.”
I’ve wanted Dalinar to Ascend to Honor ever since Oathbringer. Dalinar’s journey felt divine or cosmic in that book. So, I've quietly hoped he would Ascend. I didn't think he'd Ascend so soon though. Moreover, I've wanted Kaladin to become the King of Urithiru since ROW. So, you'd think that I'd be excited about where the narrative appears to be heading, right?
Honestly, though, I’m a little worried. This storyline feels too good to be true. There's no way I'm getting my two biggest desires in book 5. I'm just not that lucky. So, I have this sense of foreboding. As though Brandon is setting me up for something dark . . .
I feel like Charlie Brown to Brandon's Lucy van Pelt.
That said, as long as Kaladin doesn't die, I'll be satisfied however this turns out. I'm expecting a bittersweet or costly victory at the end of this book. So . . .
“But we have only eight days before I need to face Odium, and I’m certain the Stormfather is hiding things from me.” “The Sibling agrees,” Navani said. “They keep pointing out the Stormfather’s inaccuracies and our incorrect understanding of historical events.” “The goal,” Wit said, “is for you to relive those events. So you can find out the truth of Honor’s death, and uncover secrets even I don’t know.” He frowned. “I don’t know why the Stormfather would lie though.”
The Stormfather has always been a shady motherfucker. Wtf is he up to?
She nodded hesitantly. “But I ask again: Do you have to do it, Dalinar? Why must it always be you?” “I can’t trust this to anyone else,” Dalinar said. “You learn, as a general, when to send your best lieutenant—and when to go yourself.”
I wonder if the Bondsmiths’ 4th Ideal is about delegating responsibility, trusting others with authority, or giving up the need to control everything. Because Navani is right – Dalinar always makes it his duty to solve the major problems. Kind of like how Kaladin made it his duty to protect everyone all the time from every danger . . .
If, after the contest, the power is changing me too much, I will find another and give it to them.”
Oh, really? Huh. Okay. So, that option is on the table.
Who would Dalinar trust to Ascend? Kaladin? He trusts him enough to make him his adopted heir. . . 🤨🤔
Wit grew distant, a faint smile on his lips. “Once. It wasn’t a full Ascension, but a mortal did give up the power once. It proved to be the wrong choice, but it was the most selfless thing I believe I’ve ever witnessed. So yes, Dalinar, it is possible. But not easy.”
Aww. Hoid thinks Vin giving up Preservation was the most selfless thing he’s ever witnessed.
I love how every character who knew Vin holds her in the highest regard.
Epigraph: I continued on my way, contemplating dust and the nature of desertion. For I, as king, had walked away from my duties, and it was different for me. Had I not renounced a throne the Almighty had granted, and in so doing, undermined my very own words? Was I abandoning that which was divinely given me? – from The Way of Kings, fourth parable
Now that's an interesting epigraph given the discussion about Dalinar Ascending in the previous chapter. Am I on to something about the Bondsmith’s 4th Ideal? We’ll see.
Also, I'm wondering if one of the Tanavast/Nohadon theories* floating around is correct . . .
*I've read theories that Tanavast & Nohadon are the same person or they swapped places.
Shallan needed to push. She needed answers. She found herself speaking in a whisper. “Thaidakar’s purpose.” “Master Thaidakar will see eventually,” Iyatil said. “He is smarter than you give him credit for. He works to protect his homeland above all else, but once we find Mishram for my purposes, he will see. Master Thaidakar can only protect his land if the Shards can be controlled. Will this fit your plans as well?”
Your purposes? What are Iyatil's purposes? What does she want with the shards?
She focused on Shallan, eyes widening behind her mask. Shockspren exploded around her. Damnation. That was it. Iyatil lunged, and Shallan caught the hand, expecting a knife—but Iyatil wasn’t attacking. She was reaching for Shallan’s hood, and in her deflection Shallan knocked it aside, revealing her wig. Iyatil hissed, then shouted, scrambling backward, “Radiants! We are discovered!”
I knew Shallan would be discovered. I knew this would go sideways for her. I didn’t think it’d be this soon though. 😂
Keeping my fingers crossed for some Kaladin or Adolin scenes next week.
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Distant Sparks Part 6 (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)
Okay so I totally did not want to wait to write this until I got home so I wrote this in the middle of my algebra class LMAO I COULDN'T HELP IT. So, I totally got huge motivation out of nowhere and ngl I think this part is my favorite and I think it will be your favorite too, I hope you enjoy!
wc: 1.2k (NOT PROOFREAD)
sidenote: there's mention of a food named chilaquiles. It is a traditional Mexican breakfast that I just got to try recently (mama cooked em) and I 100% recommend them even for people who don't like spice <3 alright I'll be quiet now, enjoy pookies <3
You arrived at Miguel’s place around midnight and looked through his kitchen for a snack. The pantries were full of Mexican spices, snack foods, and a couple boxes of cereal. As for the fridge? There was a bag of apples, a case of beer, some Jarritos and the freezer was no better. You placed your hands on your hips and sighed. You knew he didn’t come home very often but this was still a sad sight.
You gathered any ingredients you could find to make something for Miguel to heat up as leftovers. You worked for about an hour in the kitchen as the aroma of spices swirled through the air. You felt so calm and relaxed in his home and couldn’t remember the last time you had the chance to cook something. As you finished up the food you carefully transferred it into a tupperware container and used a sharpie to label it, “Miguel’s chilaquiles” you wrote the date underneath and also the date when it should be finished by or thrown out.
After putting the chilaquiles into the fridge to store, you went and cleaned yourself up in the bathroom. You spent the rest of the night cleaning up and finally sleeping. This had been the most peaceful you had ever felt.
Miguel stood in front of his monitors, the soft yellow glow just barely illuminating his face. Miguel had lost track of what he was doing at least 3 times now and that frustrated him. No matter how hard he tried to focus his mind kept wandering to the thought of you, intrusive thoughts slipping into his mind imagining how peaceful you might look while sleeping.
Miguel grunted in annoyance at the intrusive thought and shook it from his mind as he sighed and looked into a screen on his far right. A video of his daughter played on the screen, no audio to accompany the bright smile on the little girl’s face. Miguel felt his heart sink at the thought of his late daughter and found his mind wandering to you again.
Maybe just tonight he would go home. Just to see how you were doing.
You were snuggled comfortably under the covers of Miguel’s king sized bed as you slowly felt yourself slipping into a peaceful sleep. Just as you were about to pass out a click sounded and a quiet squeak echoed through the halls and you jolted awake, sitting straight up in bed. Someone had come in through the front door, surely no one would have the guts to break into Miguel’s house, he would rip them to pieces if he found out.
You subconsciously leaned closer to the bedroom door as the creaking of the floorboards echoed closer to the room. He sat stiff in bed until a shadow cast under the door across the floor and the door handle rustled quietly. You quickly laid back down and closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep. Whoever it was, maybe they would leave you alone if they thought you were asleep.
As Miguel opened the bedroom door he saw you sprawled out on his bed and caught a smile forming on his lips. He quietly walked closer to you, kneeling by the side of the bed your face was facing toward. He whispered softly and you felt yourself hold your breath as you realized who it was.
“Hey… I’m home. Are you sleeping?”
Miguel questioned to see if you would answer.
You pretended to just be waking up out of a deep sleep, rubbing your eyes and blinking them slowly open, looking across the sheets at Miguel. This interaction felt… different. Yes, on one hand you were laying in his bed but Miguel had actually come home. And he had told you that he was home too. It almost made your heart skip a beat.
“I am now…”
You mumbled and he pursed his lips.
“Sorry if I woke you up… I was worried…”
His sentence catches you off guard. He was worried about you? That wasn’t like him.
“Worried? Are you sure you’re Miguel?” You carefully sit up and he watches you closely with his eyes and nods to you.
“I was watching videos of Gabriela and it made me think of you… I think… you remind me of her and my wife…”
The room is filled with silence after he shares that information with you. Is that why he had begun to spend more time around you at work? Moreover, you weren’t sure how to feel but it seemed like your body had already decided that for you as you felt your cheeks and ears heat up and your heart practically thumping out of your chest. Miguel could hear it through the silence. He’d always had great hearing since he had become spider-man.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
You quickly intervene.
“No! I’m not uncomfortable! I just didn’t expect you to say that… it caught me off guard, that was really sweet of you…”
Miguel studies your face a while longer before looking down to the floor.
“There’s something about you that has been keeping you on my mind… no matter what I’m doing I can’t stay focused… I don’t know what it is…”
It takes you a moment to process what he said before realizing what those feelings typically mean.
Miguel O’Hara was falling for you.
Before thinking you blurted out your thoughts.
You quickly pause and his eyes shoot up to meet yours as he understands what you’re getting at. He thinks about it for a moment before nodding slowly, processing the things he’s been feeling and deciding that made the most sense.
“Yeah… I think you’re right…”
You gaze into his eyes, noting the mixture of red and brown swirling in them. Had you noticed that before? You notice that both of you seem to only have inches of distance between eachother as you continue to study his face.
Miguel knows he’s moving closer to you but he can’t seem to stop himself as he brings a hand carefully to hold your cheek. His hand is so big compared to you and it intrigues him. Before he knew it his face was just centimeters away from yours. He seemed to be looking deep into your eyes for so much as a hint of permission to go further. You give him a small nod and he locks his lips into yours, his hand wandering to the back of your head, your hair loosely tangled around his fingers.
Miguel shifts himself, keeping his lips locked onto yours as he carefully makes room to get in bed next to you. As he lays next to you, you pull your lips away to breathe and you give him a dazed expression. He smiles at how boggled you look.
“Is that a confession…?”
You breathe the words out almost inaudibly and he places a gentle kiss on your lips in response.
“Yeah… I suppose so…”
Miguel pushed his face into the crook of your neck and breathes in your scent, his body visibly relaxing as he does so, his eyes closed and his breathing slowing. You realize that he’s falling asleep and gently pet his head with a small smile, placing a gentle kiss to his head and closing your eyes aswell, falling asleep with your arms wrapped around him.
It couldn’t get better than this.
#spiderman 2099#atsv miguel#miguel o'hara#miguel spiderman#miguel spiderverse#miguel x reader#fluff#tooth rotting fluff#spiderman atsv#atsv x reader#across the spider verse#into the spider verse#spiderverse#atsv fanfiction#atsv fandom#miguel 2099#miguel o hara#spiderman across the verse#spider man 2099
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Your blog is so neat and honestly really inspiring as a teen considering going into medicine. So much of what I’m exposed to involving doctors is very focused on like how you need to be super smart and always have good grades and money and ambition and which all feels very alien to me. It’s really nice to see someone just talk about what happened in their job and all the really cool parts of medicine and anesthesia, because it feels like something I could maybe do one day. I’ve started to have a lot more motivation to get better at school and figure out how to work with my adhd now that I feel like I could actually go into medicine someday. Genuinely thank you so so much for inspiring me to not give up.
Hi anon
Thank you so much for the ask! I do try and show the good parts of medicine because a lot can be negative and it obviously isn't perfect (especially in the UK there's a lot of political and systemic challenges)
I know plenty of people who are doctors with ADHD, some diagnosed and on medication, others who have found out later on so it's possible.
You will find people who are gunning and seem to be working all the time and honestly at school I was a bit like that but I probably didn't need to be, and throughout med school I was very much average
It does take work and there were a lot of points that I had to remind myself what I was working towards (and I'm sure I'll have to again when I start revising for the anaesthetics exams) so I hope it goes well for you anon!
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Ooh, I love tumblr ask games, and writing ones even more!
I hope you feel like answering:
9, 22, 25 (which is such a great question. I’m not gonna ask after a specific fic but more if you ever felt like this (and if so, is it something that happens rather seldom or often to you?), 29 and 35: What kind of comment do you most like getting?
Have a great day 🧡
Thank you for asking!! I love answering these, and I apologize in advance because my answers are... not succinct.
How did you get into writing fanfiction? Like so many other folks, I've been reading fanfiction and interacting with fandom for a lot of years. Like... 20 or so years, now. I didn't start writing fic until April of 2023, and really it was just that moment where "hey there's a fic I want to read but isn't written yet" and "there are characters whose dynamic I can't stop chewing on" and "hey maybe I could do that" all combined. In my first three months of writing I wrote a little over 350k and the habit just... stuck. Not sure how much of an answer this is, really!
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? Truly my reward when I finish a long fic is often just... getting to let myself dive into whatever the next idea I've been tossing around with friends is. I struggle to juggle multiple multi-chapter wips at a time, so I try to be as strict as possible about not letting an idea move past the "hey I want to do that" stage till I'm done the last one. What's nice about it is that it provides great motivation to finish a fic, and makes me all that more excited for the next.
Are there any moments that feel "blurry" to you? Is this a stylistic choice, or would you go back and clarify the descriptions if you were given a chance? This question has multiple answers for me, I think. There are a lot of sections in my writing that are intentionally vague, dreamlike, or hazy. Visions of the Hereafter has a lot of this, as does Virga(e). My style tends towards the poetic, and in doing that I'm often looking at showing people what's in the spaces between words, rather than giving everyone a very concrete image. That said, I also have moderate to significant aphantasia (I can't picture faces at all, and I struggle to make clear pictures of anything else in my head) so this is something that I think also shows up in my work some. Over time, I've come to rely more upon other sensory description, and worked at it a fair bit, so what's left I don't really mind! I think it's something that can make my work fairly stylistically identifiable.
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? I generally write an entire chapter chronologically/as it appears in the final posting. Then I go back through it one time for editing. When I'm writing a one shot, or working on a longfic that will be posted all at once (like Virgae which was for a bang), I'll often revise a few times just because I have the time. When I'm collabing with @molgars I've found that by the time we put up a chapter, we've both been through it 2-5 times either separately or as a team.
What kind of comment do you most like getting? God, truly, beggars can't be choosers. I love comments in general - something as simple as a heart makes my day. But, like many authors, I have never in my life gotten a comment and thought "wow that was way too long." There's a special sort of gratitude I have for people who go through a work pulling out lines and themes, guessing at meaning, drawing parallels, etc etc etc. I find it so joyous to read, and I find myself going back to those comments often when I am hitting a wall with writing or feeling a bit of imposter syndrome.
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2025 Blog Plans
Hey hey everyone! Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone is doing well. First, I wanted to say thank you for a great 2024! Even if I didn't do much on here last year cuz of school work and life getting in the way, but hopefully this year, i can bust out new art for you guys.
I have some stuff I wanted to address of what I want to do this year, as well as some upcoming posts (all under the cut cuz there's a lot):
Remember how i said i was gonna redesign my Winx Club OCs? Well, great news! All of them have been redesigned, revamped, and all that jazz! I am aiming to post them sometime late-January maybe (don't hold me to that) I had completed these during 2024 but quite literally had zero time to post them, and with how my schedule is this semester, hopefully I should have enough time to post them by late-January.
For my fics with my OCs, I would love it if you guys could give me ideas for what I should write! I have a lot of OCs and I really want to start writing more tickle fics for them, but motivation and inspiration is rather low. I'd love and appreciate it if you could give me ideas! All of my OCs can be found here! And if it's an idea specifically for my Fire Emblem OCs, their tickle tier list is right here!
Speaking of tickle tier lists, let me know what characters you want to see for it next! Some of the fandoms I have done art/OCs for have a good amount of characters, so I would love to know what characters you want to see on the tickle tier list next!
For the past 4 months, I have been working diligently on a Minecraft fanstory using one of my favorite mods, Iron's Spells & Spellbooks! This story's primary focus is on this mod as well as When Dungeons Arise's Keep Kayra, sprinkling in some other mods, like Biomes O' Plenty, Better Structures, Mowzie's Mobs, etc. This story will be a series with 4 books! The series is called Kayra's Magic Academy (taking account of When Dungeons Arise's Keep Kayra but adding huge twist on it) My friends from college have been helping menmake this story and magical adventure engaging as possible and not to not be mistaken for a Harry Potter rip-off. So, hopefully soon after I post all of my new Winx Club OCs, I'll start posting these characters, as well as the map I made for this story (not the actual Minecraft, sorry, just a visual of what this world looks like. Wish I could but IDK how to do that) Once the story is done and posted, I will add a link to it here!
Speaking of the previous link, I will be restructuring it just a bit, but no major changes to it.
As for my new art series, Sona Color Swap, I will be getting back to that shortly; I just need to ask some other artist friends of mine with Sona, cuz some of them don't have them, so.... yeahhhhhhh. But with the artists I've done sonas for already really liked them, and I'm glad. So, for right now, Sona Color Swap is on a mini hiatus until I ask other artist friends if they're interested.
To kinda summarize all of this: All of the things I wanna post and change on my blog is not gonna happen overnight. I know I say I want to start posting towards the end of January, but even as I say that, I have doubt that I won't be able to do that. Do I want to post during that time? Yes. Funny enough, one of my new years resolutions is to be more on top of my work, both for school and personal; this blog included. A goal I want to set for myself for this blog in particular is to post something every month, if not, every other month. I wanna keep this blog going and active. The only time I will ever be on hiatus for this blog is if I'm working on important school assignments, family emergencies, burnout, or if I'm on vaction. Of course, I will keep you all updated and will annouce if I'm taking a short leave to work on stuff within my personal and school life.
This post is gonna be long as fuck, but these are the real desires I want for this blog, and it'd mean a lot if you guys could help me out. I know there's only a small handful of people who really interact with my blog, and I am eternally grateful, but I want to give you guys more to interact with. So, if you guys are willing to send me asks, sugestions of fics or tier lists, along with maybe art of some characters, that'd be so so great, and I'd be very appreciative.
Okay, I've yapped long enough. Once again, thank you all for an incredible year! Here's to a great, fun-filled, blessed, and productive new year!
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Playlist- Chapter 6: Freedom (90s Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90s Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: mention of PTSD and blood but nothing else
Words: 1720
Summary: You are healing. You pack your things from your ex's, travel with Oasis and give Noel a history lesson.
A/N: I AM BACK MOTHERFUCKERS ! I'm a bit late I know, but re-education lasted a bit more than said. Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for ! I now have a work again so instead of being published on Fridays I try to publish the fanfic chapter on weekends but can't tell if it will be on Saturdays or Sundays. I also said that a new character would make its appearance in my masterlist. And now I can tell you who it is... Let's welcome Ville Valo ! At the moment I won't take requests about Ville because I have a lot of requests for the other three, but I'll let you know when you can !
At the moment, enjoy the new chapter lovies !
Ahhh it's good to be back !
“I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I told you so
There's something deep inside of me
There's someone else I've got to be
Take back your picture in a frame
Take back your singing in the rain
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes
Do not make the man
All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow
All we have to see
is that I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
May 1992:
After a whole month of feeling like shit, being scared, and hurt, I finally decided to take control of my life again.
Noel was motivating me, giving me hope. I was feeling like a free woman again, but I still was scared and Noel had to sleep with me practically every night because of my atrocious nightmares.
I decided I needed help for this, and having Noel sleep next to me with his arms around me would miss me. I wanted the nightmares to stop, but I didn’t want to let go of him.
The past month, I realized that even if I still was in love with him, I was still falling more an more in love with him everyday. I didn’t know it was possible.
This day was the day I had to fight my demons. I was going to go back to the apartment I shared with Kenneth. It would be hard considering what I endured back there. But happily, Kenneth wouldn’t be there. He was in jail for what he did to me.
Everyone with here with me: Liam, Guigsy, Bonehead, McCarroll and of course Noel. They all wanted to help. And they all would be useful because Kenneth had in fact just got out of jail.
Liam opened the door, and at the moment him and Noel saw him, they stood directly in front of me, their arms protecting me.
Y/N, don’t come any closer! Liam exclaimed
I freeze on spot, seeing Kenneth, who acted as if nothing happened in front of the boys.
Oh hey love, ye’re coming back to me! I missed ye so much!
Kenneth started to approach.
Don’t! Stay away from me you degenerate! I shouted, afraid
Oh come on love, ye know ye shouldn’t have filed a complaint against me. Ye’ve made a big mistake. And who would believe all this bullshit? I never touched ye. Ye know… I have some friends in the justice system and stuff… Why’d ye think I got out after a month? My criminal record is as clean as the Virgin Mary again. He said with a threatening tone as he continued to approach
Oi ye bastard, she told ye not to approach so ye don’t and ye shut the fuck up! Liam answered, pushing Kenneth back
Ye think yer bodyguards scare me? Ye think ye scare me Gallagher? Kenneth pursued
Come on Y/N, let’s get yer things and we’ll be leaving, it’s starting to smell like a sewer in here. Noel said
I walked past Kenneth and towards the torture room aka my old bedroom, Noel’s hand glued to my back, still offering me protection, as the boys made sure Kenneth didn’t move an inch.
I expected to see the room as it had been left when Noel found me there, tied up. But Kenneth had cleaned It up, so that no trace could be found. No evidence, no crime. And yet, the police and paramedics who had seen the room had evidence. But as Kenneth had said, he had connections in the justice system. Maybe there was no evidence and therefore no crime.
I collected my belongings and heard the boys shout.
Panicked, I ran to the living room, followed by Noel, and found Kenneth lying on the ground, and Liam held back by the other boys, his nose bleeding.
Don’t worry Y/N, this motherfucker passed out. He said
Liam for fuck’s sake!
He deserved it sweetheart. I never like when Liam uses violence, but he was probably right for doing so. Noel answered
And both were right. So right.
So I took my things and we left.
A new life could start. My new life could start. Freedom.
May 31st, 1993- Glasgow- King’s Tut’s:
A year had passed, and thanks to the boys and my therapist, I was gradually rebuilding myself. I didn’t have nightmares anymore. I did tell Noel, with whom I was still living. But I insisted that he kept sleeping with me. Firstly, because it was his bed I was squatting in, secondly because he had the right to sleep in his own bed and get a good night’s sleep, and thirdly, because it made me feel safe.
But mostly, the reason was I loved and wanted to feel his arms around me.
By his side, he had insisted that I stay in bed with him too because “A gentleman would never let a young woman sleep on the couch” and it wasn’t for me.
Even when we were away, we were sleeping in the same bed. And we were inseparable. It was like we never broke up, but there weren’t just any kisses nor sex. Just hugs and holding hands.
Hugs helped him a lot when he was about to go on stage. AT least, at the beginning, because when Oasis became famous, he was more self-confident.
But this day in Glasgow, he needed it. And we were swaying together while he was taking deep breaths. And Oasis went on stage, slaying it I stood backstage, having fun.
After the gig, Noel hugged me again. Suddenly, we heard a man clearing his throat. Our bodies separated as we both looked at him.
Hi? I said
Hi! I wanted to congratulate the band and I found the guitarist first. This was some good stuff ya got here! He said, handing his hand to shake
Thank ye man, and ye are? Noel answered, shaking the man’s hand
I’m Alan McGee. Could we join the others? I’s like to congratulate them as well and there’s something I’d like to talk about with y’all.
Huh yeah f’course, are ye someone important? Noel asked
The other man smiled.
Actually, I work for creation records.
Fucking hell! I said, smiling at Noel
Fu… Yea, of course, follow me! Noel answered
Can I join you? I asked
What a stupid question, of course ye’re coming love. He said, handing me his hand to take
I smiled and took it, walking fast with them.
Now that creation records had noticed Oasis, everything went pretty fast. The label signed them, and they started recording the songs Noel had written in studio.
At first, they kept touring to make themselves known around the country, even supporting The Verve. Then they had their own tour, introducing songs that hadn’t been recorded yet. Of course, with Noel’s insistence, I was following them. I quit my job, being with the band but by my side, I insisted to play the roadies so I wouldn’t feel useless.
A bit less than a year after, problems started in the band. Because except Noel and I, everyone fucked up. It was during a particular day in February 1994, on a Ferry on our way to Amsterdam for a gig.
February 17th, 1994- The ferry to Amsterdam:
Noel and I were in a cabin reading books on the bed. I was reading something about the Tudors when Noel was reading a book about the Beatles. And we decided to play a game: we decided to test each other’s knowledge about the books we were reading.
Okay, me turn now. Who was John Lennon’s hero? Noel asked
Elvis. I answered
Fuck, how did ye know this?
We grew up together and we dated listening to the Beatles you dumbass. Can’t you remember this documentary we watched about John Lennon?
Oh yea, my bad.
Now, how many Tudors monarchs were there in total?
Hmm dunno… five?
Almost. You remembered our history classes?
I remember this particular era because we studied the Tudors on a Valentine’s Day, and on the walls of the high school, there were effigies of Henry the eighth, with a stall with volunteers handing out roses for the girls, and the effigies were saying “Do ye want to be me Anne Boleyn for this day?” It’s pretty funny, considering he had her beheaded afterwards.
No way! So you really remember then?
Yup. So how many were there?
Noel was unsure about what I was saying and started counting.
No, I’m sure they were five.
I am the one reading and holding the book in my hands Noely.
Noel put his book on his knees and counted again.
Henry the seventh, Henry the eighth, Edward the sixth, Mary the first and Elizabeth the first… No, they were five!
What about Jane Grey?
Oh come on, she was only there for nine days, and she wasn’t even a Tudor.
Huh she was, considering she was Mary Tudor’s granddaughter.
Which one?
Henry’s sister.
Forgot that part. But still, she was there for only nine days and wasn’t even crowned. Does it still make her a queen?
And at the moment I was about to answer, someone banged at the door. Noel and I looked at each other, and I went to open the door. It was a cop, with a very strong accent asking if Noel was there. As you all know, the rest of the band got into trouble. They drank a lot and fought with football hooligans, turning themselves into hooligans. Bye bye to Amsterdam gig, welcome back to England.
Noel and I went to find them at the back of the boat. They were handcuffed. And I never saw Noel in such a rage, shouting at the guys, but especially at Liam. I was trying to calm things down even though I was disappointed as well.
That’s when Noel called McGee. And we heard him shout at the other end of the corridor:
What’s fucking brilliant in that?!
#liam and noel#oasis#oasis band#noel gallagher fluff#noel gallagher x reader#noel gallagher smut#noel gallagher fanfic#90's liam gallagher#liam gallagher x reader#noel gallagher#Spotify
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