#now all i see is little details that i would love to put in a fic
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AHH! Yes! I love all the little details and nuances you put into this! I think you so accurately characterized both Matt and Frank in this, including how their unique traumas (and violent coping mechanisms to appease their guilt, giving them a sense of control) affect those around them.
Matt is such a complicated character, and it’s true that without all the explanations and complex that come from the viewer’s omniscience- he’s a difficult book to read. He hid his powers from his best friend for a decade, he lies to everyone, and even though WE know that there are some compelling reasons for those actions- those who are living their lives alongside his own only see the results of his choices, of his traumas, his coping mechanisms, and how he hurts those around him by leaving so much of his past hurt unresolved. Festering within him, poisoning his relationships by limiting his perception to something that is ultimately selfish and self-serving.
Don’t get me wrong- taking in Matt’s experiences in life, it’s somewhat understandable. He lost his father because Jack thought he’d be worth more to Matt dead, leaving him alone and vulnerable, his world on fire. Stick trained him, cruel, cold, and ruthless- then abandoned him when he couldn’t be who he wanted him to be. Elektra, the first person Matt could be himself around 100%, had loved him- but not enough to stay. To not try and force him into being someone he’s not. That he’s worked so hard NOT to become.
I can’t imagine what it was like all those years, lying in bed, hearing every terrible thing hiding in the darkness. That one story of the day he first let the devil in him win, when he beat the father who was touching his daughter at night, after all his other attempts to help failed… How could we fault him? How could we fault him for caring? For doing something when he saw how the system failed the vulnerable? How could we not love the man who had restrained his inner beast for so long, only to snap- now balancing on the unraveling moral tight rope of a line every single night because he couldn’t lie there and do nothing.
The thing is, Matt is a hero to us because he can’t hide it like he does in his own reality. Like he does in all his relationships. So who can blame the reader for her perception of reality when it’s all she knows?
I think with Frank, he is so forthright with his motivations. With his reasoning. He doesn’t hide, he doesn’t lie, he knows who he is. Why he does what he does. And so does everyone else, especially those close enough to see the reality of his broken heart- the one of a loving father and husband. One who lost everything which anchored him. One who decided he had nothing to lose, and took on all the consequences without any hesitation. One who would take on the blame for the reader, because in the end he’s the one who is oh so willing to make the sacrifice.
I think it’s funny how Matt has so many religious themes, but Frank really is a martyr. Matt is reluctant, he can’t take the consequences of his actions, he hides his shame and his confliction behind blistering anger and stubborn pride into everything falls apart. I think it also has to do with their relationships with faith, their ideas of god.
Matt believes.
Frank does not.
Frank sees a chaotic world in an unfeeling universe, sees how the good are hurt by the powerful, and decides to bath in the blood of the unrighteous, wades steadily through as an unwavering force, an angel who smites the wicked- all with his face bare.
Because he is unafraid. He knows what he’s doing has consequences, but that won’t stop him from doing what he feels needs to be done to ease the unbalanced scales of the world we live in. One which Frank sees clearly and accepts as it is- no romanticization. Just the truth.
I think this characterization is really represented so well in how the reader perceived these two men.
Matt is a force of guilt.
Frank is a force of acceptance.
And at some point, you have to let the burden of guilt go, and fall into the loving, unwavering strength found in the open arms of acceptance.
And get a dog with him.
pairing - frank castle x reader
summary - in your darkest hour, matt doesn't answer the phone. but frank does.
warnings - blood, death, violence, attempted robbery, religious trauma, possible infidelity, matt's lowkey kind of a bitch in this but that's ok, probably deviates from canon at times but fuck it we ball, MDNI 18+
word count - 3.5k
// masterlist // send me your thoughts // comments & reblogs appreciated! //

Blood wept from your fingertips, dripping onto the asphalt.
It had soaked through the man’s shirt. Oozed from the scattered holes in his chest, pooling around his torso. His lungs breathed no air. His eyes didn’t blink, gazing sightless up towards the Heavens.
Sickness hit in a crushing wave.
You doubled over, clutching your stomach as bile surged up your throat, burning over your tongue. The gagging continued long after there was nothing left, saliva dribbling from your bottom lip.
Then there was stillness.
Not the stillness of calm, or peace. But punishment. Sentencing. The solemn gaze of an all-forgiving Father as he stands before you, stone in-hand.
[To kill is a violation of Faith—]
{—You or them?}
The gun had still been smoking when it’d clattered at your feet.
Regret felt like a wet blanket on your shoulders, suffocating in its weight. You couldn’t stand it.
Couldn’t stand.
Asphalt dug into your knees, crumpling at the man's side. Your hands had been shaking as you grabbed his wrist, searching for a pulse, praying for it in the way a sinner prays for absolution.
You found none.
No pulse. No absolution.
Still, you tried. Locked your fingers over his chest—pressing and pressing, trying and trying. Until thick ribs cracked and caved, until your palms were drenched in warmth and death and–
It was raining.
Little drops, softly pattering all throughout the alleyway. You watched, dazed, as they slid down the lit-up screen in your hands.
You didn’t remember pulling out your phone, but you remembered making the call.
In the Bible, the number seven is considered sacred. Symbolic of divine oaths and promises, of perfection in the purest, most angelic sense.
Seven times you called the Devil.
Seven times he didn’t answer.
You tilted your head back. The rain fell faster, cool drops steady rolling down your cheeks. The sky was a yawning, starless expanse. In the past, you’d always said that’s why you hated the city. The lack of stars—veiled by pollution and human selfishness, replaced by a twinkling skyline made of artificial hope.
But tonight was different. Tonight, you were glad for their absence.
At least the stars hadn’t seen what you’d done.
Blood smeared across the phone screen as you dialed your eighth call. A different tone than before; a number not saved but remembered.
A number you’d promised Matt you’d never call again.
{In case you ever need it—}
[—I don’t trust him.]
What is trust?
Once, it felt like the comfort of sunlight pouring through stained glass windows. Sitting amidst the oaken pews with a man at your side—a soft man dressed in a sharp suit, his glasses tinted red and his heart pure gold.
Now, trust felt like the relief of a call that rang only once. Of cold fear melting into the gruff warmth of another’s voice, heavy with concern as they answered: “You alright?��
You almost laughed.
No. Of course not—because why would you call Frank Castle if you were anything other than desperate?
“Are you busy?” you asked, awkward and hesitant.
In hindsight, the question felt stupid. There was a body lying in front of you, and certainly no amount of busyness took precedence over that. But then, Matt must’ve been busy. Playing dutiful layer or God’s lone soldier. That’s why he hadn’t answered.
[Elektra’s just a friend—]
{—That what we are?}
On the other end of the line, Frank urged, “C’mon now, doll, you gotta answer me, alright?” Had he asked something? You hadn’t noticed. “Where’re you at?”
“An alley.”
A rough, humorless chuckle. “Little more specific, sweetheart.”
Five blocks from Matt’s apartment, you thought.
“Off West 51st,” you said.
“Don’t move.” There was the sound of a door slamming, of boots pounding down a flight of stairs. “I’m on my way.”
Panic thrashed in your veins, anticipating the sharp click of a call gone dead. “Wait!” A cry, a plea—but for what? You had no clue what to say next.
You hadn’t told him about the man, or the gun, or the sin.
And Frank hadn’t asked. You knew this was because the Why? for your call hadn’t mattered to him.
Only that you had.
{You call, I come—}
[—Frank Castle is a murderer.]
Your eyes squeezed shut. You went to rub them, then remembered the blood dripping from your hands.
So am I, you thought. So am I.
Frank said your name. Once, twice.
Quietly, you asked, “Will you stay on the phone?”
The sound of another door pushing open, a great whoosh! of air as the city unfolded around him: sirens screaming, traffic blaring. With your eyes closed, you could almost see—shoving from his apartment building, marching down darkened sidewalks with a determined clench in his jaw.
It wasn’t a man coming to save you, nor a vigilante.
It was a soldier.
After drawing in a breath, Frank uttered, “‘Course.”
Time dragged.
Hell’s Kitchen droned around you. Occasionally, Frank would ask: You good? to which you replied: How far are you? At some point, you drifted further from the man’s body. Ended up sitting on the ground, your back pressed to a brick wall.
Your emotions were still fuzzy, as dull as the blunt edge of a knife. But your nerves… those were razor sharp.
You watched both ends of the alleyway. Vigilant, afraid. Your muscles tensed whenever a car door shut too loud, whenever a stranger passed beneath the distant, buzzing streetlights.
What if someone noticed?
Gunshots weren’t such a strange thing in the Kitchen. The Devil couldn’t be everywhere at once, and the cops were either too busy or too lazy to investigate every bang! in the night.
But if someone noticed you like this—curled on the ground, a dead man at your feet and violent red on your skin…
He started it, you reminded yourself. Self-defense is absolvable.
[To a judge? Or to God?—]
God doesn’t matter.
[—Why didn’t you call 9-1-1?]
Why didn’t you answer?
Your grip tightened around the phone. “How far now?”
“Check your nine.” In the second it took for you to envision a clock, Frank had already amended, “Left, sweetheart.” There was the barest hint of a smile in his voice. “Look left.”
You did.
Frank was little more than a formless figure approaching. He was dressed in all black, his hood up against the rain. You couldn’t see his face, but you didn’t need to. His presence was enough to ease the frantic beat of your pulse.
When he was close enough to hear, you hung up the phone. Wiped your nose on your sleeve and sniffed, “Took you long enough.”
Cool and calculating—two descriptors that fit Frank best as he scanned the scene. He took note of the discarded gun, the puddle of watered down blood, the man with three bullets in his chest.
You were the last thing he noted, and the only one to put a crack in his stern exterior.
“Smart enough to practice law,” Frank lightly joked, “but not to read a goddamn clock, huh?”
A laugh sputtered past your lips, melding into a broken sob.
“Paralegals don’t practice,” you argued, ignoring the tears wetting your cheeks. “And I can read a clock just fine, asshole.”
There was a softness to his face, one brow raising. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” So long as it’s in front of you, and you’re telling time and not direction.
Frank hummed, his knees popping as he crouched down beside you. “Well I ain’t got a watch,” he said, “so I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”
Another weak laugh faded into quiet.
Then, more hesitant than you’d ever heard him before, Frank asked, “You wanna tell me what happened?”
Something about the way he said it struck you as odd. Like it was a choice—that you didn’t have to explain. If you wanted, the secrets of tonight could remain just that: Secrets, known only by you and a man who had no voice to share them.
[Do you remember Psalm 80:9?—]
Even secret sins are exposed in His light.
{—How do you deal with it? All Red’s Catholic bullshit?}
By believing in it.
Frank took your silence for an answer. Shifted as if he might reach out, offer comfort. Instead, his fingers curled into loose fists.
“How ‘bout you go wait around the corner,” he offered, “and let me take care of all this?”
You weren’t sure what Frank’s version of ‘taking care of this’ entailed, but you knew you were comfortable with never finding out.
Frank followed suit as you pushed off the ground. His movements were precise and easy, while yours were graceless and weighted. Standing, the world seemed to shift beneath your feet. Your mind was still hazy, your bones tired.
Existence had become an arduous task.
“When you’re… done,” you managed, your arms curled tight around your waist, “what then?”
You didn’t want to go home—or to Matt’s.
You didn’t want to feel alone.
As if he understood this, Frank simply answered, “I’ll take you back to my place. Get you cleaned up, let you rest awhile.” His head tilted slightly. “You like pizza?”
The world was ending.
And yet here stood Frank—no Bible quotes or Hail Mary’s, no judgement for the sin you’d committed or the mess he had to clean. He offered only calm, only patience—and pizza of all things.
[What do you see in him?—]
{—Let me take care of all this.}
You nodded.
Frank’s apartment was bleak.
One room total—unless you counted the cramped shoebox of a bathroom, which you did not. The front door opened into a shoddy kitchenette, connected to a living room that clearly doubled as his bedroom.
He owned minimal furnishings. There was a lumpy couch, a small table with one chair, an old doormat that read Stay Awhile! except the Awhile had been all but completely rubbed off. You assumed that’s why it was inside instead of out—because even indirectly, Frank Castle wasn’t the type to ask anyone to Stay.
Behind you, Frank grunted as he kicked his boots off onto the mat. You wondered if you should do the same, but didn’t.
It felt strange to be in Frank’s apartment. Not because it made you uncomfortable, but because it didn’t. You felt fine. Still shaken, still a little sick—but safe.
Would Matt be able to tell? Would he smell the gunpowder and Old Spice clinging to your skin and know that you’d been with Frank?
That’s how you knew when he’d been with Elektra. You didn’t need super senses to smell her perfume—a heady mix of cloves and something citrus, lingering on his shirts as plain as if it were lipstick on the collar.
Unthinking, you said, “You should get a bird.”
Frank chuckled. “Yeah? And why’s that?”
You weren’t sure. It was just the first thing that had come to mind, a means of evicting Elektra from your thoughts.
“It could liven the place up,” you suggested. Though, after taking another glance around, you realized that might be asking too much of one little bird.
He’d need a flock.
Frank slipped past you, warmth crawling up your spine at the slight brush of his hand against your back. You told yourself it was unintentional—no more intimate than someone scooting past you in a crowded bar or a grocery store aisle.
Still, the warmth lingered.
“Don’t think I’m much of a bird guy,” Frank admitted from the kitchenette. Then, nodding towards the couch, he added, “Sit.”
You drifted that way and sank into the cushions. The springs were practically nonexistent, and the brown leather peeled like a bad sunburn—impossible not to pick at.
“What kind of guy are you, then?” you asked, more interested in a distraction than his answer.
Frank dug around in the cabinets, grabbed a plastic mixing bowl, and went to the sink. “I like dogs,” he told you, loud enough to be heard over the running water filling the bowl.
You pretended not to hear him anyway.
After starting at Nelson & Murdock, you’d planned to get a dog. It seemed like the right time. You had your own place, your own income—and you knew Foggy would love having something cute and furry around the office. But then you got closer to Matt, and the dream died before it ever began.
Dogs were too much for Matt. Too many smells, too many sounds, too many textures. Back then, you’d thought it was a reasonable sacrifice. No dog in exchange for an incredible boyfriend.
You knew better now.
You should’ve picked the dog.
Dragging the lone chair from the table, Frank settled in front of you with the bowl of steaming water and a thin cloth. His eyes went straight to your hand. You assumed it was because of the dried blood until he said, “You’re fucking up my couch.”
You stopped picking, dusting the flakes of leather onto the floor. “It was already fucked,” you defended.
“So you gotta make it worse?”
You fixed him with a blank stare. “Nothing could make this couch worse.” Short of setting it on fire, that is.
“That how we’re gonna play this?” Frank looked like he was holding in a laugh. “I let you in, offer you food—and you pay me back by talkin’ shit about my couch?”
“It’s not just the couch,” you stated plainly. “It’s the whole apartment.”
It reminded you of prison—a place that you, Foggy, and Matt had worked hard to keep Frank out of. Even if the trial hadn’t gone as expected, you hated the idea that all that fight had been for this: A peeling couch, a faded doormat, a lonely little chair.
Frank deserved better than that.
[Have you forgotten?—]
[Castle was charged with 37 counts of murder]
[—Why are you so attached to this case?]
With the bowl balanced on top of his legs, Frank dipped the cloth in and wrung it out as he joked, “Guess I need that bird.”
Your lips twitched. Not quite a smile, but close.
“Guess so.”
Frank held out an open palm. Without thinking, you laid your hand against his.
The water was too hot. Not quite burning, but still uncomfortable as he pressed the cloth to your wrist. But you didn’t flinch, utterly motionless as he wiped in slow, circular motions.
His touch was far lighter than you’d imagined.
Not that you ever had imagined it.
As the cloth moved down to your fingers, Frank’s focus grew more intent. He was meticulous in cleaning every line of your knuckles, the dried blood caked under your nails.
Only when the water in the bowl had turned the color of rust, the cloth stained and your skin spotless, did Frank trade one of your hands for the other.
Only then did you confess.
“He had a knife.”
Half a second—that’s how long Frank’s movements faltered before he kept on cleaning. You were thankful he didn’t try to look you in the eye. That he didn’t have to for you to know he was listening.
“Foggy has a deposition in the morning,” you continued shakily. “He always forgets to print his motion, so I stopped by the office to do it for him and… I don’t know. On the way back home, I could just feel it, you know? That someone was there. That they were following me.”
An understanding nod as Frank moved the cloth to your index finger.
“I know it’s stupid,” you told him. “But I thought if I cut through the alley, got closer to Matt’s, then–”
He’d hear it, if the worst happened. The Devil would come. Your boyfriend—if you could even still call him that—would save you.
But that had been a stupid, childish thought.
“I figured I could lose,” you said instead. “That I could turn the corner and just run in circles until he gave up. But he was fast. I wasn’t even halfway down the alley when he ran up behind me, when grabbed my shoulder and–”
Your breath caught. Frank’s touch moved slower, gentler—a feat you wouldn’t have thought possible. His eyes caught yours in a concerned glance. Only then did you remember how to breathe.
“It was just a knife, Frank. A knife—and I pulled out a gun!” A short, hollow laugh. “I should have let him rob me,” you rationalized. “At least a wallet can be replaced. But him, his life–”
Frank cut you off. “How do you know?”
Your brows furrowed in answer.
His hand went still against yours, holding the cloth wrapped around your ring finger. “That that’s all he wanted,” Frank gruffly clarified. “To rob you.”
“I don’t, but–”
“You remember what I told you? When I taught you how to shoot?”
{You or them?—}
Frustrated, you insisted, “It’s not that easy, Frank. It’s not my choice!”
[—It’s up to God, who lives and who dies.]
Frank shook his head. “That’s the Catholic in you,” he argued.
“I’m not Catholic,” you snapped, low but harsh. Frank looked confused, and you fought to keep the shame from your voice as you muttered, “Not anymore.”
Religion, you’ve learned, is a funny sort of thing. Even when you stop believing, it never truly goes away. God becomes a ghost under your skin, a divine haunting that borders on insanity. You will always think in terms of Sinners and Saints. You will always know that no amount of repentance will ever mold your soul into something more like the latter.
Frank wasn’t the type to pry any further.
Instead, he adjusted your hand. Carefully dragged the cloth along the curve of your fingernail. The water had cooled, now too cold where it was once too hot.
“It doesn’t matter what he was going to do,” you decided. “It only matters that I killed him.”
This time, it was Frank’s breath that hitched.
“No you didn’t,” he said, and you had never heard someone tell a lie so matter-of-fact.
“I did–”
He looked up. A muscle feathered in his jaw, and when he spoke, it was with the steely resolve of a no nonsense Marine.
“No. I did.”
You blinked at him.
“I gave you that gun,” he continued. “Gave you that goddamn advice, too. That no matter what, you always gotta pick you. And see, I don’t regret that shit either because all that? It kept you alive. Kept you breathing. And if some no-good prick’s gotta so you get to live? Fine. Good.”
You couldn’t speak. Couldn’t do anything but stare at him.
“But if someone’s gotta bear the weight of that guy’s miserable life,” Frank told you, “then let it be me, alright?” His gaze fell, lingering on your lips a moment too long before he uttered, “‘Cause I ain’t gonna let it be you.”
[You care about him—]
[—Don’t you?]
Do you care about her?
[Elektra’s just a friend—]
[—Can you say the same about Frank?]
You studied the man before you.
Frank Castle. The Punisher.
The one you shouldn’t call, shouldn’t trust. A murderer and a felon, a crack in your already crumbling relationship. Someone you tried to stay away from, tried to forget.
A number not saved, but remembered.
No, you thought, and wondered if Matt already knew. I can’t.
Swallowing, you looked down at your joined hands. The blood was almost all gone now, washed away by someone far more damned than you.
“Okay,” you said. There was no need to say anything else, no need to keep bearing the crushing weight of your newly acquired sin—not when God was a ghost and the Devil had abandoned you, not when a Soldier was so willing to bear it for you.
“You know,” you said, deftly changing the subject, “my brain’s a little hazy, but I’m pretty sure you promised me pizza.”
Frank fought the subtle curve of his lips. “Did I?”
You nodded, and he chuckled.
“Fine–” he refocused, back to cleaning off the last of the blood–“but you’re placin’ the order.”
You mocked him, Fine!, while sliding your phone from your pocket. The screen lit up with two missed calls and one text.
Matthew: Sorry, got caught up with something. Everything OK?
Your thumb hovered over the message.
In the Bible, the number eight is symbolic of many things. Resurrection is one of them; something dead brought back into eternal life. Once, you would’ve seen Matt’s text—a string of eight words—and wondered if that meant something. If maybe there was something left of your love to be resurrected.
Now, you stole a glance at Frank—your eighth call—and thought of new beginnings. Of choosing your own path.
You cleared Matt’s message.
Tapped on the Safari icon and asked, “Do you want somewhere specific?”
“Ever been to Lombardi’s?” suggested Frank.
You shook your head. “Is it good?”
Frank cut you a look. “‘Course it’s good. But knowin’ you, you’ll probably shit talk it the same way you did my couch.”
A smile tugged at your lips. “Keep it up,” you teased, already typing the restaurant into the search, “and your only company’s gonna be the couch and the bird.”
He chuckled. “I ain’t gettin’ a bird.”
You'd just pressed the phone to your ear, already listening to it ring when you built up the nerve to ask, "What about a dog?"
Frank set the cloth in the bowl. Gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Maybe a dog.”
a/n - this has been sitting in my drafts literally since january. i can't decide if i like it or hate it, but i've gotten into too much of a habit of writing, overthinking, and then never posting---so, here it is! thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it <3
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you thought? / park sunghoon

how dare you think your boyfriend could ever forget your anniversary? he may be seen as a 'tsundere' but he'll never make you doubt his love and care for you.

you didn't even get the chance to overthink, to wonder, or god forbid, to shed a tear over whether sunghoon had forgotten your anniversary.
because from the moment he woke up that morning, he was already in motion. carefully detangling himself from you, he slipped out of bed with a determination that was rare for someone who usually clung to sleep like a lifeline. but today was different.
he moved quickly, yet as quietly as possible, flitting around the room as he hung up decorations, carefully arranging balloons, and scattering little celebratory touches throughout the space. every detail had to be perfect. satisfied, he rushed downstairs to prepare breakfast, moving with a frantic sort of excitement. give him credit where it's due... he was really excelling at this boyfriend thing.
with a tray balanced in his hands, he returned to the bedroom, setting it gently on the bedside table. he took a step back, scanning everything one last time, his heart pounding in anticipation. would you love it? would you smile at him with that soft, sleepy expression that made his chest tighten?
but first, he had to wake you up.
crawling back into bed, he hovered over you slightly, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he admired your peaceful face. and then, with gentle affection, he began placing kisses all over your face, each one lingering just a little longer than the last.
"sunghoon?" your voice was groggy, thick with sleep, as you stirred beneath him. your brows furrowed in confusion before your eyes fluttered open, immediately locking onto his. but then, something else caught your attention. your gaze drifted past him, scanning the room, now noticeably decorated and filled with little surprises.
"happy first anniversary, beautiful," he murmured, his voice thick with fondness.
his smile… that damn smile.
your heart swelled as he pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead, his lips warm against your skin. when he finally pulled back, he gazed at you like you were the most precious thing in the world... because to him, you were.
"you did this?" your voice was barely above a whisper, still caught between shock and admiration.
he scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully. "who else, dummy?"
before you could pout, he pinched your cheeks, grinning at how easily you reacted to his teasing. then, with careful hands, he helped you sit up against the headboard, reaching over to grab the tray of breakfast he had prepared just for you.
"now, let me spoil the hell out of you," he said, his voice laced with nothing but love.
as you settled against the headboard, sunghoon carefully placed the tray on your lap, watching your reaction with anticipation. the plate was filled with your favorite breakfast. though slightly unevenly plated, and the eggs were just a little overcooked, it was obvious how much effort he had put into making everything just right.
your heart melted.
"you really did all this?" you asked again, still in awe as you picked up the fork.
"i already answered that, dummy," he teased, nudging your shoulder before leaning back against the pillows beside you. "but yeah. you deserve it."
your face warmed at his words. sunghoon wasn’t always this openly affectionate, his love was usually hidden behind teasing remarks and playful jabs but moments like these, where he stripped away the smug exterior and just adored you? they made your heart ache in the best way.
"so... does this mean you love me or something?" you teased, smirking as you took a bite.
sunghoon scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "ew. don’t make it weird."
you laughed, almost choking on your food, and he reached out to pat your back while shaking his head. "see? this is why i bully you. keep talking like that, and i might just take all this back."
"you won’t," you said confidently, grinning at him.
"no, i won’t," he admitted, unable to help the fond smile that tugged at his lips. he leaned in, stealing a piece of your toast before settling in next to you, watching as you continued eating.
for a moment, there was only comfortable silence. the kind that came when two people just existed together, no words needed.
but then, he shifted, resting his chin on your shoulder, his voice softer now.
"seriously, though," he murmured, fingers lightly tracing patterns on your knee. "happy anniversary, baby. i mean it. i don't say it enough, but i really… really love you."
your breath hitched, heart swelling at the rare, unguarded confession. turning your head slightly, you met his gaze... no teasing, no smirk, just pure sincerity.
"i love you too, hoon," you whispered back, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
he hummed in satisfaction, squeezing your hand before snuggling closer.
"good," he mumbled against your shoulder. "now hurry up and finish eating. i have an entire day planned for us."
"oh? and what exactly are we doing?" you asked curiously.
he grinned, eyes twinkling with excitement. "not telling. it's a surprise."
#enhypen#enhypen imagines#enhypen au#engene#enha#enhypen x reader#sunghoon#park sunghoon#sunghoon au#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon enhypen#sunghoon fluff
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Hidden Secrets
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: Life with Jiyong is good, but it has a way of throwing curveballs
Warnings: Slight angst, it's not too intense though. Mentions of a missed period and brief mention of possible abortion. Not detailed but like it's there in so many words. Please read at your own discretion. Some parts were harder for me to write so if anyone wants a summary of what happens comment or inbox/dm me, I don't mind explaining it.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy the chapter! <3
Chapter 7
Hidden Secrets Masterlist
Chapter 8- New Beginnings
Life couldn’t have been more perfect, you and Jiyong were together again, happy and content with each other. The last few months were bliss.
You’re getting dressed for the day when Jiyong comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He notices his arms don’t fit quite the same as they did a few weeks ago. His mind wanders where it came from, especially since you had been getting sick more recently. It was hard for you to keep food down, throwing up at least once a day.
“You feel ok this morning?” he murmurs in your ear. You shrug.
“So far, I don’t know why I’m getting so sick. And now some of my clothes aren’t fitting.” You whine with a huff.
“Too small?” he asks and you cut your eyes.
“You trying to say I’m fat?” You lift your brow accusingly in the mirror.
“No, jagi, no, I’m just asking.” He throws his hands up in surrender. There were times he noticed you’d get a little more sensitive than others lately.
“You look more beautiful every single day,” he says with a gentle kiss to your cheek. You sheepishly look at the floor.
“I’m sorry,” you rub your face, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“It’s ok, baby,” he smiles, “Out of genuine curiosity,” he says slowly. You look at him.
“Is it time for you period?” he asks hesitantly.
“I don’t know,” you say as you grab your phone to check. The app says your period should be starting any day now.
“Huh, yeah it is. Maybe that’s it.” He nods and walks out of the room. You felt a nervous pit in your stomach. You had missed your period last month but you hadn’t thought much of it, that happened to you every now and again. You go on about your day, going to the bathroom multiple times checking yourself. You notice some light spotting and sigh with relief. Thank God.
The week comes and goes your period only lasting a few days and the bleeding is light. You don’t mention anything to Jiyong, although you can't shake an unsettling feeling. You buy a test from the store just to see what it would say. You get home from the store; Jiyong’s out at rehearsal for Big Bang’s upcoming tour and you figure now is as good a time as any to take it.
You wait for the results, biting your nails the whole time with a shaky leg. Your heart going a million miles a minute. It was crazy, I mean you and Jiyong were so careful, protection was used, you were on the pill and he pulled out, this kept your chances extremely low. The moment came when a single pink line showed up on the test. You breathed a sigh of relief. Not Pregnant.
You throw the test in the trash feeling relieved but also, just a tiny bit disappointed. He wouldn’t be the worst guy in the world to have kid with. I mean, he loves kids. He’s great with them too. But you also knew you weren't ready, not really. You two still were figuring things out and enjoying where you are in life. A baby would complicate that.
“Baby, you’re pale, you feeling, ok?” His face scrunches into one of concern as he gets up off the couch. You feign a smile, pushing the anxiety away.
“I’m good,” you meet him halfway and put your arms around his neck kissing him passionately. His arms wrap around you and you smile against his lips.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you more.”
“You got shampoo and conditioner?” you call out to Jiyong from the bathroom.
“Yeah,” he answers. It’s the night before he has to leave for the airport, you hated the fact that he had to leave, but it was part of the whole deal of dating the infamous G-Dragon.
“Ok, here’s some extra clothes,” you hand him a couple of extra shirts and underwear.
“Just in case,” you wink. He smiles and packs them away neatly in his suitcase.
“Oh, and in case you miss me too much,” you hand him a small sample size bottle of your signature perfume.
“You can spray this on the hotel pillow.” He takes it and tucks it away in his carry on. He walks over to you, embracing you tightly.
“It’s going to be hard, not having you with me,” he says during your sweet hug.
“I’ll be with you before you know it. I’d leave with you in the morning if I wasn’t being paid to sculpt.” You respond.
“I know, I know.” He sighs. You both climb into bed that night, passionate kisses and memorable touches being exchanged; ecstasy and thrill coursing through both of your veins. You lay beside one another for just a moment chests heaving. Jiyong pulls you close, both of you covered in a thin layer of sweat. He chuckles to himself.
“What if we ended up having a baby,” he laughs to himself while you freeze. He feels you stiffen and peeks down at you.
“Hey, hey, I’m not saying we should plan it,” his pulse quickens and he fears he’s scared you.
“I’m just, I don’t know, it’d be interesting.” All you can do is nod in agreement.
“Anyway,” he says with a yawn, “We should get some sleep, early morning and all,” he says as he shuts off the lamp beside you both.
“Goodnight, Jagiya,” he whispers in your ear as he holds you tight.
“Goodnight, Oppa.” You say, your heartbeat not slowing down.
The next morning Jiyong wakes up before the sun, stretching and carefully peeling himself away from you. He goes into the hall bathroom to wake himself up and grab a quick shower when he see’s something in the trashcan.
He starts the shower and bends down slowly picking up the discarded test you’d left in the basket. His eyes widen when he see’s it, a blaring single pink line, and a faint, barely there, pink line beside it. He stares at the test for what feels like hours.
He gently sets it on the counter as he forces himself to shower, the hot water scalding his skin, he rubs his face trying to figure out what to do. Does he wake you up and confront you? Why didn’t you say anything last night? Did you want to keep it? Were you going to just get rid of it without him ever knowing? He didn’t want to go straight to conclusions without asking you anything but at the same time how do you bring that up? He washed himself off and stepped out. He decided he was going to take the test on the road with him. It's not like you'd miss it.
He puts in it a Ziplock baggie and stuffs it in his suit case. He pours himself some coffee and sits at the island for a moment, letting the weight of the world rest on his shoulders while you’re blissfully unaware of the new reality he’s facing.
Just as he opens the door to leave, the bedroom door is opened.
“Hey, give me a kiss before you leave,” you yawn. His face is slightly pale, not just from the lack of makeup. He walks over to you, his lips devour yours as if he’ll never see you again, as if his life depends on this one single kiss. You can’t help but giggle at his sweet gesture.
“I’ll literally see you in a weak,” you mumble.
“You know, you can tell me anything, right? No matter how big or how hard, anything at all. I’m not going anywhere.” He says as he rests his forehead on yours.
“Yeah,” you say with inflection in your voice, answering him but sort of questioning him at the same time. You give him an awkward smile as you’re trying to figure out what he’s getting at. He doesn’t press the issue.
“Let me know when you land in Paris,” you say before shooing him out the door so he isn’t late.
At the airport Jiyong quickly spots Taeyang.
“The guys will be here soon,” Taeyang says as he notices his friends stressed out state.
“Dude, what’s going on?”
“Y/n’s pregnant,” he blurts out.
“Woah, congratulations!” he puts an arm around Jiyong.
“Right?” he asks awkwardly.
“She didn’t tell me; I found a discarded test this morning.”
“Oh,” was all Taeyang could say.
“I want a family with her, but I don’t know how to ask her about this. I mean, I even made a joke about us having a kid last night and she tensed and I think she freaked. That has to be why. She knew this and didn’t want to tell me. Oh God,” he rests his face in his hands. As he has his mini freak out Seunghyun and Daesung walk up.
“What’s going on here,” Seunghyun asks.
“Y/n’s pregnant,” Taeyang informs his friends. They repeat the same song and dance as Taeyang just a moment ago.
“Shit, I mean, does she want a kid?” Seunghyun asks
“I always assumed one day we’d have them, but we hadn’t exactly talked about it. Things were finally settling down and we were in a great place, both of us working on ourselves and on our relationship. I, I just didn’t want to ask.” Jiyong explains.
“What are you going to do?” Daesung asks.
“I have no idea, for now I guess just focus on work and hope and pray I can at least talk to her before she decides anything.”
He lands in Paris and in the limo he calls you on face time. You answer quickly with a cheerful, “Hey!”
“Hey, aein, we just landed, say hey to the boys,” you see their faces all in the screen and wave with an enthusiastic smile.
“Hey, guys,” you sing.
“The sculpture is looking great, baby.” He compliments. You hold the phone up to show him what all you’ve finished.
“It looks I’ll be done sooner than expected. So I might be able to come out sooner and see you guys,” your grin is large and Jiyong feels the knot in his stomach.
“Yeah? Well, just be careful. Make sure you vent the room well, stay hydrated, and make sure you rest if you need it. Oh and don’t forget to take your vitamins!” he reminds you. You chuckle in response to him.
“I will, dad,” you joke.
“Hey, that’s Daddy to you,” he smirks and you shriek hiding your face from the camera.
“Jiyong!” you scold playfully.
“Ok, I gotta go,” your face is beet red as you try to sign off.
“I’ll see you soon, I love you!”
“I love y’all too,” he says absentmindedly and he see’s the confusion on your face.
“Huh,” you ask. His eyes grow wide as he realizes his small mistake. In his peripheral he can see the boys looking at each other with wide eyes.
“You and the uh, the-the cats. Give my furbabies my love,” he covers. You nod still finding it odd but you don’t push it.
“All right, bye baby,” you end the call and he sighs putting the phone down.
“Dude, you’d be devastated if she got rid of it, just be honest with yourself.” Taeyang says.
“It’s ok to having feelings about it,” he tries to assure his friend.
“What if she does?” Seunghyun asks.
“What are you going to do?” Daesung asks.
“I’ll stand by her, I guess. I mean, I don’t want her to but, it’s not up to me.” He says slightly sounding somber.
“I guess I need to prepare myself for the fact that she may never bring it up.” He sighs and rubs his hand down his face. The rest of the day Jiyong goes through the motions and finally, after a successful show he’s back in his hotel room, calling you for the final time that night.
“Hey, jagi,” he says exhausted.
“Hey.” You’re laying in bed, exhausted too. You’d gotten sick worse today than the others.
“I’m going to have to go to the doctor tomorrow,” you inform him. His heart rate quickly picks up.
“Why what’s wrong? Do I need to come home? I’ll get a ticket,” you giggle at his anxiety.
“Jiyong I’m fine, I’m just feeling worse. I threw up four times today, I’ve been exhausted too. Plus I’ve noticed I’m using the bathroom more, so I just want to make sure I’m good before coming out there.” You explain.
“Ok, well just keep me updated, all right?”
“Of course, nae sarang.” You say with sleep climbing into your voice.
“I’ll let you get some sleep; I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He says with a nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Goodnight,” you yawn and click off. He lays on his back in the hotel room staring at the ceiling. He didn’t want to sway you either way, but he was silently hoping it wasn’t to get rid of it, but he also knew either way he’d stand by you and you'd figure it out.
The next morning you wake up early and head to the doctor, but not before getting sick once again after eating a quick breakfast.
You sit in the doctor’s office anxiously waiting, keeping Jiyong in the loop.
“Ok, Ms. y/l/n, what exactly is going on,” she asks and you explain the symptoms. Along with the way you’ve had more mood swings and tender breasts.
“Have you been sexually active?” the doctor asks and you answer honestly.
“Yeah, but I took a test last Thursday and it was negative.” You reassure the doctor and she nods.
“Well, for good measure we’ll give you another test, just to rule it out,” she says and you oblige. You take the cup to the bathroom and let them run the test. The doctor walks back in not too long after the test has been run.
“The test says negative but I’d like to run a blood test too. Just to be absolutely sure,” you huff but comply with her wish. They take your blood and let you leave as it could be a few days before your results are back.
“If it’s negative, I’ll call you in something,” the doctor mentions as she walks you out. Your heart races once more, being pregnant wasn’t on your bingo card for this year, that’s for sure. You get back home and can’t sit still. You decide to work on your sculpture for a bit.
You don’t receive a call from the doctor that day, but on schedule you get a call from your adoring boyfriend.
“Hey,” he seems happier, more upbeat after the show that night.
“Nice to see you excited.” You grin.
“Jagiya it was great,” he sighs as he flops on the bed of the hotel room.
“The crowd, the energy, I fell, but I’m ok.” He says quickly.
“Jiyong,” you whine feeling suddenly emotional, “how’d you fall?”
“I was dancing and my foot slipped,” he says sheepishly.
“You have to be careful, Oppa. I don’t want you getting injured again. You just got completely back to normal,” you lightly scold your boyfriend.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he hides his face.
“What’d the doctor say today?” Both of you had the same thought, ‘Here we go’.
“They gave me pregnancy test and it’s said negative she said. But she took a blood test too. I’m waiting to hear back for the results.” Relief floods his features and he releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“How-uh, how do you feel about it?” he asks tentatively.
“I, I don’t know honestly. I mean, a baby isn’t something I’d given too much thought about,” you search his face, his expression is neutral.
“If you are, do you know what you want to do?” You furrow your brows.
“I mean, I always thought I knew, but honestly, no I don’t.” his heart sinks a little but he covers up any feelings he has with a nod of his head.
“Just, um,” he looks off to the side, “Just keep me in the loop either way, please. I want to be sure you’re ok,” his voice cracks slightly.
“Of course,” you say as you yawn.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You say and he nods.
“I love you, I mean it.” He says seriously.
“I love you too, Ji,” you click off once more. Neither of you sleeps well that night, the few hours you both get are from pure exhaustion.
The next morning you get up, the usual routine, a healthy breakfast with puking to follow it. You decide that today you are going to take it easy, just relax in bed with movies and a lazy day. Around noon you get a call from the doctors office.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” the woman on the other end asks.
“Speaking,” your voice is shaky now is the moment of truth.
“Your blood test results came back and you are indeed pregnant! Congratulations.” She says and time stops.
“T-thanks,” is all you can mumble. “You’ll need to see your ob within the next two weeks,” you hang up on her as you sit back against the headboard of the bed as the weight of the words hang in the air. You feel tears well up in your eyes, stress, fatigue and moodiness all being apart of it. How are you going to tell Jiyong?
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Tags: @loveesiren @natalicss @mashtatosworld @kjydrgnnnn @multifanxtvshows
Chapter 9
#g dragon#g dragon x reader#kwon jiyong#kwon jiyong x reader#bigbang x reader#kpop#gdragon x reader#bigbang#kpop fanfic#kpop fanfiction#king of kpop#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#masked crawford#choi seunghyun#t.o.p#daesung#taeyang#kang daesung#dong youngbae#big bang#big bang x reader#x reader#x y/n#x y/n angst#angst
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Could I please request Ronin with a reader who got a stalker after their book got popular? They don’t really see the stalker as a threat, they’ve dealt with the devil after all.
But what if he gets a little too close and it forces Ronin to do something about it, but the reader beat him to it?
Have a great day!

Your first mistake was underestimating the appeal of a killer.
The book—your book—was never supposed to blow up like this. A bloody, intimate little crime novel, loosely inspired by the slasher-flavored chaos you’d somehow made a life out of. It was supposed to be niche, a cult hit at best. But now? Every other day, there’s a new notification about someone thirsting after your fictional killer. Reviews drool over his sadism, his devil-may-care attitude, the way he breaks his victims like it’s a love language.
They have no idea he’s real. That he kisses you with the same mouth he uses to threaten lives.
Ronin thinks it’s hilarious.
“‘The Devil’s Butcher could get it, tbh,’” he reads aloud one night, cackling over a tweet on your phone. “Aw, sweetheart—why didn’t ya tell me I had fans? Coulda started a damn fan club. Goreboy Nation. Merch n’ everythin’.”
You roll your eyes, shoving his face away from your screen. “You’re already insufferable. If you start selling t-shirts, I’m out.”
Ronin just hums, teeth grazing your neck—playful. Sharp. “Nah, ya ain’t goin’ anywhere, darlin’. Face it: ‘m the only devil who’s gonna put up with ya.”
You let him think that. Let him croon against your skin like the world itself belongs to him—like you belong to him. (He isn’t wrong.)
But the thing is, while the fans are fun and the money’s nice, you know better than anyone that obsession isn’t cute.
So when you first notice the messages—subtle at first, just a little too knowing—you don’t think much of it. You’ve been stalked before. Hell, your boyfriend is a stalker if you squint a little. What’s one more weirdo with boundary issues?
But then your inbox gets weird.
The stalker doesn’t ask normal fan questions. They pick apart the details—the parts you shouldn’t know, shouldn’t be able to write about. Things only Ronin would recognize. Things you shouldn’t have access to.
They know too much.
“You think it’s a cop?” you ask one night, lounging on Ronin’s ratty couch while he sharpens one of his knives.
He snorts. “Please. If the cops were that competent, I’d be in cuffs already.” He tilts his head, glancing at you through dark lashes. “You worried, baby?”
Worried? Not exactly. Not when your boyfriend has a body count higher than his IQ.
You shrug. “I can handle it.”
Ronin grins, wolfish and bright. “I know ya can.”
The first time you mention the stalker, Ronin laughs.
You do get it now..
"Aw, c’mon, darling," he drawls over the phone, voice honey-sweet with a razor’s edge. "You’re tellin’ me some pencil-idiot creep thinks they can rattle you? After all we’ve been through? Cute."
He’s not worried—why would he be? You’ve survived him, after all.
To Ronin, there’s no comparison. Some obsessive fan sending you weird, clingy emails and waiting outside your apartment doesn’t rank high on his list of threats. Not when you’ve faced worse and walked away with your heart still beating—his, too, if he’s feeling sentimental.
You’re not worried either. Not really.
You’ve danced with the devil and kissed him in an alley soaked with blood. Some guy with a parasocial complex doesn’t exactly make your skin crawl—not in the way it should. But it’s annoying. Persistent. And starting to piss you off.
At first, it’s small things. A note on your windshield after a signing. Flowers sent to your P.O. box with no return address. Emails signed Your biggest fan that come in the dozens—rambling, incoherent praise. Nothing that feels threatening, not really. Just… there.
You don’t mention it again for weeks. Ronin’s busy, anyway. Uptown’s been keeping him occupied—more bodies in Purgatory, more sinners to crucify. You don’t blame him for being distracted. If anything, you like that he’s got bloodier things on his mind.
Still, when he catches you laughing over a particularly unhinged email, he makes a sound low in his throat. Dangerous. Interested.
"That your little stalker again?"
"Yeah," you say, spinning lazily in your office chair. "Dude thinks we’re soulmates or something. Poor guy has no clue what he’s up against."
"Mm." A pause. His voice dips, velvet-soft. "They better not touch you, baby."
You smile, tilting your head. "What, you gonna rip their heart out for me?"
Ronin chuckles, low and indulgent. "Only if ya let me."
The first time the stalker crosses the line, it’s almost funny. Almost.
You find the package outside your door one night—a plain cardboard box, taped neatly shut. For a second, you think it’s something you ordered. But there’s no address. No label.
Inside is a photograph.
It’s you.
You, sitting at your favorite café last week—head down, lost in thought, writing notes for your next novel. Taken through a window, your face blurred slightly by the glass. Beneath the photo, there’s a single line of text.
"You’re even prettier in person."
"Jesus Christ," you mutter, tossing it on the counter.
Ronin doesn’t find it funny.
"You didn’t tell me they were that close," he says when you send him a picture.
"It’s fine," you reply. "They’re harmless. Just desperate."
"Yeah? Let’s see how harmless they are when I wrap my hands ‘round their throat."
His protectiveness is hot—obviously—but you don’t want to wind him up too much. This isn’t his mess to clean. Not yet.
Besides. You can handle yourself.
The next time, they get bolder.
A text pings your phone at 2:47 AM. No number. No name.
I saw you tonight.
You glance toward your window. It’s locked—has been since Ronin waltzed into your life and made paranoia a love language. Still, your skin prickles.
"Still harmless, darling?" Ronin asks the next morning.
You know what he wants—to unleash that wicked temper, to make a statement in blood. It’s sweet, in its own fucked-up way. But you tell him the same thing as always.
"I’ve got it under control."
He hums. Doesn’t argue. But there’s something sharper in his silence.
It escalates three days later.
You’re walking home from a late-night grocery run—plastic bags heavy with cup noodles and the cheap, trashy snacks you practically live on. The city hums around you, neon lights flickering in and out of focus.
And then you feel it.
That creeping sensation of eyes on your back.
You don’t panic. Panic is for people who haven’t kissed a serial killer and walked away grinning. You duck into a side street instead, cutting through a back alley to lose them.
Footsteps follow.
A thrill rolls through your stomach—part fear, part excitement. If this idiot thinks you’re an easy target, they’ve got another thing coming.
"Y’know," you say casually, turning on your heel, "if you wanted an autograph, you could’ve just—"
They lunge.
Wrong move.
Your elbow slams into their ribs before they can touch you. The plastic bags hit the ground, scattering instant ramen everywhere. You twist, slamming your knee into their gut next—hard enough to make them stumble.
The guy isn’t much—skinny, twitchy, desperate. He gasps, scrambling back as you advance, heart hammering with adrenaline.
"You’ve been watching me for weeks," you murmur, stepping closer. "Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?"
He doesn’t answer. Just wheezes.
Pity. You were hoping for more of a fight.
Ronin shows up at your apartment less than an hour later, eyes bright with anticipation.
"Where’s my new friend?" he drawls, cracking his knuckles.
You tilt your head toward the bathroom. "Tied up. Not much fun, though."
His grin sharpens. "Fuckin’ knew ya had it in ya, baby."
When he sees the guy—slumped against your shower wall, wrists bound tight—Ronin practically purrs. He crouches low, brushing a blood-specked thumb across the stalker’s cheek, and laughs.
"Oh, sweetheart," he murmurs, eyes flicking to you. "Ya really are somethin’ else."
"You’re disappointed I didn’t let you have him first," you tease.
Ronin leans back on his heels, gaze lingering on your face like you’re his favorite kind of crime scene. "Ain’t disappointed. Proud of ya."
It’s the truth—you can feel it in the heat of his stare, the way his smile curves sharper. He’s proud. Because you didn’t need him to save you. Because you’re just as much a monster as he is.
And God, if that doesn’t make him love you more.
By the time Ronin’s finished with the guy, there isn’t much left. Nothing that’ll be missed.
"Y’know," he muses later, lounging on your bed with his bloodied hands behind his head, "if anyone else so much as looks at ya funny, I’m takin’ their eyes as a souvenir."
You roll your eyes, crawling onto the mattress beside him. "Possessive much?"
His smile widens—feral and unrepentant. "Always. Ya like it, don’t lie."
And maybe you do.
Because the devil doesn’t share.
And neither do you.
#killer chat#killer chat x reader#kc#killer chat ronin#killerchat#ronin beaufort#ronin x reader#kc ronin#kc ronin x reader#killer chat ronin x reader#killer chat ronin beaufort#ronin killer chat
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Beyond Plus Ultra! – The anatomy of falling in love
Chapter 5: Re: I Am the Main Character?
wc: 2836 words, aprox 11 pages
The familiar bell chimed as she stepped inside, the cool air a relief from the lingering summer heat outside. She was wearing a cute off-white blouse and a mini denim skirt, mentally cursing herself for proving Jungwon right and dressing cute thinking about Soobin.
The shop wasn’t busy—actually, it was almost empty. Except for three guys currently looking at her like she had just glitched into their dimension.
Beomgyu was sprawled over the counter like a cat in direct sunlight, a half-finished soda can beside him. Heeseung sat on a stool nearby, flipping through a manga but clearly not paying attention. And Soobin—poor Soobin—had just frozen mid-action, a stack of books in his hands, as if movement might scare her away.
Y/N hesitated. “Uh, hey?”
Soobin, in all his social grace, nodded stiffly. “H—” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat. “Hey.”
Beomgyu blinked. Then blinked again. Then leaned in toward Heeseung and whispered, "Is this a mirage?"
Heeseung, deadpan, whispered back, "If it is, it’s way too detailed."
Y/N smirked. “You guys know I can hear you, right?”
Beomgyu gasped dramatically. “Oh no, the mirage speaks.”
Heeseung sighed. “If this is our collective hallucination, it’s a pretty cool one.”
Soobin, still stiff as a board, set down the books and finally spoke. “Didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
Y/N shrugged, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. “Yeah, I, um… just felt like dropping by.”
That was a lie. Well, not entirely, but it was only half the truth.
The real reason she was here—again—was burning a hole in her conscience. She still hadn’t paid him back for the manga.
She had realized it half way home last night, her stomach sinking later as she stared at the book lying innocently on her desk. She hadn’t even opened it yet because every time she looked at it, she was consumed with the mortifying thought: I literally stole from him.
Okay, maybe "stole" was a bit dramatic. He gave it to her, sure. But he worked here. That was still technically theft, right? And what if Soobin had noticed and just… didn’t say anything? Maybe he was too polite. Maybe he was internally raging about it.
The thought made her stomach twist even worse.
Therefore, she had one goal: pay Soobin back for the manga. That was it. A simple, reasonable, easy task.
So now, here she was, with sweaty palms, standing in the shop for the third day in a row, trying to muster the courage to bring it up.
Beomgyu narrowed his eyes. “On a Friday night?”
Y/N gave him a look. “Why does that sound illegal?”
Heeseung raised his hands in surrender. “Not illegal, just… unexpected.”
Soobin elbowed him lightly, giving him a subtle shut up look.
Y/N crossed her arms. “What, am I only allowed to come in on weekdays?”
“No, no,” Beomgyu backtracked. “It’s just—people usually have, like, plans on Fridays. Your phone is going crazy”
Y/N huffed a small laugh, checking her friend's group chat, where they were currently asking her if she was on her way to the bar –which, of course she wasn't and had no plans to ever be tonight. She quickly put her phone on silent mode and smiled. “Well, maybe I just think this is more fun than whatever else I could be doing.”
That shut them up real quick.
Soobin stared at her, brain buffering. Beomgyu slowly turned to Heeseung, who just raised an eyebrow like, are we in a fever dream?
Soobin, meanwhile, was spiraling for an entirely different reason.
She didn’t even realize she hadn’t paid for the manga, did she? If she had, she would’ve said something by now. Right?
Or maybe she did know and just… didn’t care? No, that wasn’t it. She didn’t seem like the type.
Maybe she just forgot.
He had thought about saying something when she left yesterday, but the words never left his mouth. And now? Now it felt way too late. If he brought it up, would she think he had been silently keeping track, waiting for her to return? Would she think he was weird?
Besides, he didn't even tell his friends Y/N dropped by last evening, again, couldn't bring himself to. He was so happy with how his afternoon went, despite being stolen from, that he decided to be selfish and keep the moment they both shared yesterday to himself. Treasure it, as if it was a once in a lifetime thing, and, for all he knew, it could've been.
God, why was he like this?
Beomgyu cleared his throat. “Well. In that case. Welcome to our extremely cool and exclusive Friday night club.” He gestured dramatically to the empty store. “As you can see, it’s very hard to get in.”
Y/N chuckled, leaning against the counter. “I feel honored.”
Heeseung smirked. “We might let you stay. If you pass the vibe check.”
“Oh, I don’t know…” Beomgyu rubbed his chin. “What do you think, Soobin? Is she cool enough?”
Soobin, caught off guard by suddenly being included, panicked. “Uh—uh, yeah. She’s cool. I mean—” He shut his mouth immediately, ears turning pink.
Y/N tilted her head, amused. “That was convincing.”
Beomgyu snickered. “Bro, blink twice if you’re being held hostage.”
Soobin glared at him. “You literally just asked me a question.”
“So defensive,” Heeseung mused.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. She liked this—how easy it was to joke with them. It was different from her usual dynamic with her friends, but in a good way. “Alright, then. What do you guys do for fun around here?”
Beomgyu grinned. “Oh, you just opened Pandora’s Box.”
Heeseung cracked his knuckles. “I hope you’re ready for the dumbest conversations of your life.”
Soobin just exhaled, already regretting letting these two talk freely. But when Y/N shot him a little smile, as if saying don’t worry, I like it here, he felt something in his chest lighten.
Maybe, just maybe, this Friday night wasn’t so bad after all.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
Y/N was trying really, really hard to act normal.
She had one goal and couldn't bring herself to speak up. What if Soobin hates me? What if he's texting the cops on me right now? Can we text them now? But he's so cute and clueless, I'm just crazy. No, I'm just a dirty thief who stole from the sweetest boy on Earth.
And yet, somehow, what started as a quick drop-in turned into Y/N leaning against the counter, laughing more than she had in days, without actually mentioning why she was there.
At first, the conversation had been all over the place. Beomgyu, as it turned out, had way too many strong opinions about anime adaptations, and Heeseung delighted in egging him on.
"I'm just saying," Beomgyu argued, flailing his arms dramatically, "if Hunter x Hunter had one more remake, I’d probably watch it again. And I’d like it. What does that say about me?"
"That you have no self-control?" Heeseung deadpanned.
Y/N snorted. "No, I think it just means you're emotionally attached to your childhood trauma."
Beomgyu pointed at her. "SEE? She gets it!"
"I literally never said I agreed with you."
Soobin just watched, equal parts amused and overwhelmed. He wasn’t used to this—watching someone new fit in so seamlessly with his friends. It was weirdly easy. Almost too easy.
But his awkward self couldn't shut his brain off.
He knew she hadn’t paid for the manga. He knew. But every time he thought about bringing it up, his brain short-circuited with thoughts like: What if she forgot on purpose? What if reminding her makes me seem weird? What if she feels bad about it? What if I spontaneously combust before I have to say anything?
And she was so pretty, so well spoken, and for some unknown reason she got along so well with his friends, that he had to focus on not passing out.
And so, the standoff continued, unspoken yet painfully obvious, as Heeseung and Beomgyu happily led the conversation into complete chaos. Now, they seemed to argue about the most disappointing anime endings of all time.
“I’m just saying,” Beomgyu insisted, leaning dramatically on the counter, “the fact that Tokyo Ghoul had all the ingredients for greatness and still fumbled? It physically pains me.”
“Oh my God, right?” Y/N groaned. “The manga is a masterpiece, but the anime? Absolute betrayal.”
Soobin nodded. “It felt like a speedrun of disappointment.”
Heeseung smirked. “What about Promised Neverland season two?”
Beomgyu placed a hand over his heart. “You didn’t have to bring that up.”
“I still haven’t recovered,” Y/N muttered.
“I think I blacked out halfway through,” Soobin admitted.
Beomgyu turned to Heeseung with a deadly serious look. “You know what? Let’s just erase that from history. From this moment on, it never existed.”
“Agreed,” Y/N and Soobin said in unison.
They locked eyes for a second before quickly looking away, both feeling a little too aware of the easy rhythm between them.
Soobin felt… oddly comfortable. That was rare for him—talking to someone new without wanting to immediately disappear.
And at some point, Soobin realized something.
He was having fun.
Like, actual fun. Not just tolerating social interaction, not just sitting quietly while his friends did all the talking. He was participating. And Y/N wasn’t just being polite—she was genuinely engaged, laughing at their dumb jokes, throwing in her own witty remarks, and even making him laugh more than he had in a while.
It was strange. But… good.
For once, he wasn’t just watching from the sidelines. He was part of it. And that? That felt pretty damn nice.
The conversation continued, jumping between anime, video games, and chaotic childhood memories. At some point, Beomgyu launched into an animated rant about how Skyrim was still one of the greatest games ever made, and Y/N, naturally, challenged him.
“It’s great, sure,” she said, “but the amount of bugs and glitches? Unforgivable.”
Heeseung grinned. “Oh, she’s a gamer.”
Soobin, who had been quietly watching her the whole time, blinked in surprise. “Wait, really?”
Y/N shrugged, sipping her drink. “I grew up with a brother who hogged the console, so I had to fight for my gaming rights.”
“Respect,” Beomgyu nodded solemnly. “What’s your go-to genre?”
“RPGs, mostly.”
Soobin perked up a little. “Do you like story-driven games?”
“Of course! I love getting way too emotionally invested in fictional characters.”
Beomgyu wiped away a fake tear. “A true kindred spirit, like Leehan last Dungeons and Dragons session.”
Y/N laughed before something clicked in her mind. “Oh wait, do you guys play Dungeons and Dragons?”
Soobin froze.
Heeseung, unfortunately, did not.
“Oh yeah, we play every Saturday.”
Soobin shot him a why would you say that look, but it was too late.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Wait, really?”
Soobin braced himself for the judgment, but instead, she just looked… curious.
“You guys have a campaign?” she asked. “Like, an actual long-term one?”
Heeseung nodded proudly. “Yep. Been running it for almost two years now.”
Soobin, still expecting some kind of teasing, added hesitantly, “It’s, um… pretty nerdy.”
Y/N grinned. “Obviously. That’s the appeal.”
Soobin blinked. “Wait. You don’t think it’s lame?”
Beomgyu gasped. “Lame? Do you even know how powerful I am in-game?”
Y/N laughed. “Please, tell me more.”
Beomgyu dramatically cracked his knuckles. “I am a bard—the most dangerous class known to man.”
“You literally almost died to a chair last session,” Soobin muttered.
“It was a mimic,” Beomgyu shot back. “And I survived, didn’t I?”
Heeseung smirked. “Because Soobin saved your ass.”
Beomgyu waved him off. “Details.”
Y/N giggled. “So what do you guys play as?”
Beomgyu leaned in, excited. “I’m a bard, obviously. Heeseung’s our druid—”
“The best druid,” Heeseung corrected.
Beomgyu ignored him. “And Soobin’s our half-elf.”
Y/N turned to Soobin with interest. “Oh, a half-elf? That actually suits you.”
Soobin, whose brain had short-circuited again, just managed a weak, “Huh?”
“I mean, you have the calm, nature-loving energy,” she explained. “But also, I can totally see you summoning a giant bear out of nowhere.”
Heeseung laughed. “Oh, he has. And the amount of times his animal companion has done more damage than him—”
Soobin groaned. “I hate you.”
Beomgyu smirked. “No, you don’t.”
Y/N leaned on the counter, intrigued. “So how does it work? Do you guys just make stuff up?”
“Pretty much,” Heeseung said. “It’s all storytelling, but with dice.”
Beomgyu nodded. “We have a Dungeon Master—aka, our lord and tormentor, Taehyun—who controls the world and makes sure we suffer. He used to play as a monk, but being able to control our fates got into his head.”
Soobin finally relaxed a little. “It’s a lot of improv and problem-solving. You can do pretty much anything… if the dice are on your side.”
Y/N’s smile widened. “That actually sounds really fun.”
Beomgyu gasped dramatically. “Are you saying… you’d be interested?”
Soobin’s stomach did a weird flip.
“I mean, I’d love to see how it works,” Y/N admitted. “I’ve never played, but it seems cool.”
“Yes,” Heeseung fist-pumped. “Finally, a potential recruit.”
Soobin cleared his throat, trying not to overthink what he was about to say. “If you ever wanted to try, we could… um, show you?”
Y/N tilted her head. “You wouldn’t mind?”
Beomgyu threw an arm around Soobin, in shock his friend managed to ask the girl. “Oh, he’d love to.”
Soobin shoved him off, ears red. “Ignore him.”
Y/N giggled. “I don’t know, I think I’ll keep listening.”
Heeseung grinned. “Smart choice.”
Beomgyu drummed his fingers on the counter. “Alright, so if Y/N were to play, what class do we think she’d be?”
“Wizard,” Heeseung said immediately.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Why wizard?”
“You’re sharp, a little chaotic, and probably way too powerful once you get past level five, just like our friend Leehan”
Soobin, before he could stop himself, muttered, “I think she’d make a good ranger.”
Beomgyu smirked. “Oh? Elaborate.”
Soobin fumbled. Oh my god she is so pretty. “I—uh—just, she seems independent. And quick. And she probably has good aim.”
Y/N gave him a curious look before smiling. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Soobin nodded, suddenly feeling way too warm. He couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.
Beomgyu grinned. “Alright, it’s settled. One day, Y/N joins our campaign.”
Y/N laughed. “We’ll see.”
But something about the way Soobin’s eyes brightened at the possibility made her think… maybe she really would.
Y/N casually leaned over the counter, and something shifted in the back of her brain. She had to do it now, grasp the faintest glimpse of courage she had in herself and speak up. Her heart was beating alarmingly fast and she could feel droplets of sweat running through her back. Fuck, she was so embarrased. You can do it, she thought, just open your stupid mouth.
“Oh my god.” She straightened up. “Soobin.”
Soobin, who had just barely managed to relax, tensed immediately. “W-what?”
She squinted at him. “I never paid you for the manga yesterday.”
The three boys blinked at her.
Beomgyu let out a wheeze. “Wait, you STOLE from us?”
Soobin’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh, no–”
Y/N smacked her forehead. “I swear it wasn’t intentional! I was just so caught up talking to you that I—” She groaned. “Wow. I am that person.”
Heeseung leaned back in his chair. “Soobin. How does it feel to be so powerful that people literally commit crimes in your presence?”
Beomgyu nodded solemnly. “You must be the protagonist.”
Soobin, still slightly pink, shook his head. “It’s really not that big of a deal—”
“It is!” Y/N insisted, already digging into her bag. “I am an upstanding citizen, I refuse to let this slide.” She pulled out some cash and dramatically placed it on the counter. “There. My criminal past is erased.”
Beomgyu picked up the bill, inspecting it like it was a priceless artifact. “You know, you could’ve just kept the manga and fully embraced the delinquent life.”
Y/N gasped. “I am not a delinquent!”
“That’s exactly what a delinquent would say.”
Soobin, despite himself, let out a laugh. Y/N turned to him, narrowing her eyes. “I’m glad you’re finding this entertaining.”
Soobin rubbed the back of his neck, his lips twitching. “It’s… kinda funny.”
She sighed dramatically. “This is it. This is my villain origin story.”
Heeseung leaned in. “So what’s next? Knocking over a convenience store? Running a black-market manga trade?”
Y/N crossed her arms. “You guys are ridiculous.”
Beomgyu smirked. “And yet, you came back.”
She had no argument for that.
Soobin just watched as she shook her head, laughing softly, and thought—not for the first time—that maybe this was his new favorite version of Friday nights.
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profiles: d&d saturday mass group | bling bling losers
author's note: part2 of the double update!! what do you guys think? please i'd love to know!! y/n's first conversation with Soobin's friends and she's sooo awkward it's cute. ngl, i think i'm mastering the art of fluff hehe. stay tuned for the next part!! <3
taglist: @heejamas @mingyustar @wintereals @mimimiloomeelomi @wonderstrucktae @delirioastral @gomdoleemyson @i03jae @irishspringing@bunniwords @kirbrary @sirenla @saladgirl @beomieeeeeeeeeeees @uvyuri @imlonelydontsendhelp@lostgirlysstuff@lilbrorufr @haechology @sanriwoozzz @stormy1408 @soobinieswife @ijustwannareadstuff20 @soobskz@jkeydiary @imnotsureokay
#txt au#txt#txt fluff#txt x reader#soobin#choi soobin#txt x female reader#txt smau#soobin smau#soobin x reader#soobin x you#txt fake texts#txt imagines#soobin imagines
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Heyy, I really wanted to say how obsessed I'd been with your DCA Slasher Au! I LOVE the designs, the little things you tell us about them and all of that. It's really really cool. I also like A LOT your art style🫂
Also I wanted to share from here some doodles I'd been doing because I'm really embarrassed to share them in my blog but whateverr. As I say.. loved the designs and obviously I had to draw them with my baby (He has seen the horrors)

Also I'm not really sure if you already answered this (feel free to ignore it if so) but..
- Are you planning to make it a fic? Like in Ao3 or some sort of. Or maybe comics or short chapters?
- Are you telling us/showing us more of The Glamrocks in the story?
- What is the relation between Vanessa and Star/y/n?? Friends, It is casual? I really really like Vanessa and if you are ok with it could you tell us what does she thinks of Sun and Moon?
Anyways thank youu you are so cool yay people cheered🫂🫂👏💚
omg you like my style?? No I like your style dude. It’s feels so down to earth? Genuine? You got some great gesture happening in your lines. And you make me laugh 😝
I am planning on doing a fic! But I don’t have the full plot figured out 🤔. I have this fear that if I start writing and publishing chapters without knowing all the details, later on I’ll find out there’s a big plot hole. And then I sweep the rug out from people by going back and needing to change what I’ve already written.
I know though that my own perfectionism often holds me back so I should probably just slap myself on the ass and get to writing at least the first two chapters. I have a very clear idea of how they’ll go.
Yes it would be going on AO3 (as soon as i figure out the tagging culture over there). I will ofc be continuing to do short comics and illustrations alongside any writing.
I’m actually in the middle of doing some design exploration with the Glamrocks rn! Hopefully I’ll be able to share some sketches with you guys by the end of the weekend~~ They are side characters but I want them to be more than just fluff or cameos, ya kno what I mean?
Ahh~~ and Vanessa, nobody’s asked about her yet :3c. I do in fact see her and y/n Star as becoming aquatinted, perhaps to the surprise of both of them!
Vanessa is a cop! Disappearances around town have put a lot of pressure on her small department and she’s had to pay the arcade a visit more than once to take routine statements on a couple of the missing people.
Her presence around the arcade puts Smoon on edge for obvious reasons, though she has no idea why. For now she chalks it up to the general anxiety people get around police and… they’re just… strange men.
#my spanish is a touch rusty—couldn’t quite decipher the second word? ‘today’ smth ‘in pieces and packed in bags’#i get the idea tho lololol 😂#all i could hear in my head was the twilight scene when i read ‘i know what you are’#‘say it’#‘outloud’#‘gay 🫢’#help but ur guy is so cute#he look so sad 😭#he’s got hamster face in the last one#fnaf#other’s art#dca slasher au y/n#dca slasher au fanart#dca slasher au#i see vanessa as a very tragic character and i am excited to explore her story within the au#even repeat questions are appreciated cause it give me the chance to update you guys on the state of the au
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Please tell me about your vacation boyfriends 🥺
I also wanna know what you’d want to teach as a professor!
I'm going to answer the second question first, cause it's a shorter and easier answer: when I was in undergrad, I really wanted to pursue a PhD in Social Psychology and be a college professor. Funding for the field is scarce in the US, but the prospect of ending up where funding for it does exist -- mostly the UK and Australia -- did not bother me in the slightest. The idea of moving far away and being a professional teacher and paper writer seemed amazing.
I did not do it because I felt that the competition in the field was stiff and that the most likely outcome would be that I end up a professor of Psych at a community college somewhere, or an adjunct to three different schools, making no money and living out of a car with 150,000 miles on it. While I don't exactly fault the logic of younger me, I do wish that the dream was more feasible, because I think I would have really enjoyed it!
As for the first question: I have been lucky enough to have three vacation boyfriends over the course of my life. Put some details under the cut.
I was in Maui for a work trip. It was a resort where we had villas and a budget of like $300/person/day for incidentals, so we were not exactly struggling. This is definitely top 3 for all the crazy, extravagant things that my company paid for. It was an excellent time.
And I really really wanted to escape and get laid while I was there, so I found a local who lived on the other side of the island from the resorts and started chatting with him every chance I got. Eventually, I snuck out of the work socializing I was supposed to be doing and met up with him for a walk around a beach on the far side of the island from where my colleagues were. Then we went to dinner, and we went home together afterward.
He was a former parks employee who had ocean creature themed tattoos all over his body. He was built like a swimmer, which made sense -- he swam or surfed basically every day, sometimes for hours on the weekends. He loved orchids and had an entire little homemade greenhouse of them in lieu of a garage in his small house on the island. Since he lived on the rainy side of the island, there was an evening rainstorm while we had sex, and it felt, well, romantic.
I was smitten, I must admit. I looked to see if there was any work I could do on the island -- I didn't tell him this because i was worried he'd think it was insane -- but there wasn't any, so the fun time ended when I left a few days after.
I messaged him out of the blue a few years after our initial encounter just so basically say that I thought he was amazing and to thank him, and he was super gracious and said similar nice things. Truly, just a gem of a guy. He is only still single because of where he lives -- if he moved to any place with civilization he'd be snapped up in a second, and rightly so.
2. Oahu
I had planned a trip to Waikiki with two friends for right around the winter holidays back when it was still summer and we thought to ourselves "it'll be nice to get to Hawaii when it's grey and rainy here every day." Plus, if you can believe it, it was actually very cheap to go to Hawaii at that time. Since the pandemic, everyone's figured out that the best thing for the winter blues is tropical sunshine and I think there's a boom in tourism in the winter now, too, but that didn't used to be the case.
I almost didn't go on the trip because about a month after we'd booked it, I lost my job, and I didn't have anything on the horizon at the time I went to Hawaii, which was nerve wracking. Unemployment runs out, after all -- and then what, you know?
Anyway, I wasn't really expecting to meet anyone while I was there, and I had the thought of like "even if I do, I'm sharing a hotel room with two girls so what exactly will end up happening?"
But I met someone who was in a bar nearby while I was out shopping, and he was just gorgeous. Also a traveler, like me, but he worked for a European airline and was based out of Malta. Big bear of a man with the second most well-groomed beard I've ever touched (best beard is its own story -- weird guy but great beard).
He was not gentle and he didn't lie to me -- I talked to him about being unemployed and he gave me good advice. I talked to him about my insecurities (being alone, being overweight, etc), and he gave me good advice that I still think about now, almost a decade later.
The sex was also absolutely fantastic, and we took the Lanikai Pillbox Hike together, which was one of my favorite memories of that trip, and there were a lot of good memories!
We did not meaningfully stay in touch. I got a job shortly thereafter and started working like crazy. By the time I thought to reach out, my old phone had died, frying all my contacts, and it had been nearly two years. It was very much a ships that pass in the night situation, but I'm very grateful that we passed near one another.
3. Taiwan
My work took my to Taipei semi-frequently for a period of about two years, and I met this guy there on my second trip. Every trip I was there was between 7 and 18 days, and since I was there to manage vendors, I would occasionally have time to myself, and not necessarily when you'd expect: mornings were usually reserved for meetings, and evenings for vendor dinners, but I often had afternoons to myself if I was smart about getting my work done quickly, and I was typically on my own after about 10 PM, and that was the perfect time to go on dates in Taipei. It's very much a late night city, like New York or (I'm told) Tokyo, with a whole culture that doesn't really get going until about 8 PM and stops at like 2 or 3 AM.
I met a local pretty quick, on maybe my second trip there. Like many young people trying to figure out their direction, he did a little bit of everything: he was a dancer, he did choreography, he served as a local guide/translator for when non-natives came to the island, and he was in school. He was also funny, and smart, and very understanding about my frankly insane and constantly changing work schedule.
So he became my Taipei boyfriend, for a while. When I was there, I'd go out to dinner with him, give him presents, hang out with him, watch movies with him, etc. I'd let him know when I was going to be in town, and we'd usually see each other 2-3 times per trip. We'd talk sporadically on WhatsApp when I wasn't there, but mostly we saved it for irl.
He clearly found it very fun to do super touristy things with me, like go to the 101 building or go to the bougie shave ice places that charge 3x more than the street vendors, and he was gorgeous and funny and fun and I liked having the arm candy, if I'm being honest. The sex was nice, but kind of beside the point. I just liked hanging out with him.
At some point, we transitioned to just being friends and the sex stopped, but it wasn't really weird or awkward -- that phase of the relationship just ended, and the rest remained.
I stopped going to Taipei during the pandemic when there was a travel ban, and I've never been back. I did talk to him during covid, though, and found out that he'd emigrated to Australia, where he was dating a former rugby player and was very happy to be out of Taiwan.
So there you have it! Sorry it took so long for me to write all this, and I hope it was worth the wait. Thanks for asking me this question. It was a ton of fun to write about.
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Not really a request but imagine braiding Dae-ho’s hair during the games (or outside of it) to keep it out of his face. I bet it’s so soft ..
Bad hair day
Dae-ho x Reader
Summary: As above.
A/N: This is very very short, just a little something i drabbled when i was getting bored to death at work 🫠
Dae-ho always had his hair tied half up with a hairtie, but this morning his hairtie snapped and became unusable, forcing him to keep his hair open.
You had noticed that Dae-ho was constantly brushing his hair off his forehead during the game.
"Can i braid your hair?"
"What?" he asked, even though he had heard you loud and clear. Dae-ho hadn't been prepared for a suggestion like that from you.
"I could braid your hair to keep it away from your face. It's clearly bothering you," you suggested, looking at him with a sincere and kind expression on your face. You wanted to do his hair?
"Yeah, of course. It's no problem."
"Oh, well, alright," he nervously chuckled.
Dae-ho sat on the floor, his back against the edge of the bed while you sat on the bed behind him, your legs crossed on the mattress.
You started dividing his brown hair in a few different sections. The strands of his hair felt so soft against your fingertips that you had the urge to ask what kind of products he used on his hair but kept your mouth shut.
Dae-ho loved the feeling of your nails gently scratching his scalp and fingers brushing through his hair. He secretly wished he would have longer hair, just to keep you brushing his hair at least a few minutes more.
"Has anyone ever braided your hair before?" you asked to fill the silence lingering around you.
"No, not that i'd remember." The only person touching his hair had been his mom when Dae-ho was a little kid and a hairdresser in his adult age. "It feels nice though."
Dae-ho had an urge to close his eyes but he didn't want to look like he was enjoying this too much in case other players looked in your way. Your touch on his head sent chills down his spine. Dae-ho let out a quiet wince, making you stop for a second.
"Did i hurt you?" you asked, worry in your voice.
"No, it's alright," he assured you, wanting you to just keep going.
"Tell me if i'm pulling too hard, okay?"
"I can tolerate a little pain."
"I don't mean to make this a painful experience, alright?" You didn't want to give him a headache when you'd be done with him.
You continued braiding his hair, concentrating more on the amount of force you were putting on his scalp, sure that Dae-ho would just stay silent even if it started hurting.
"Alright, all done," you said when you were finished. "Go have a look."
Dae-ho went to the bathroom to check himself out in a mirror and see your handiwork.
"You must be a trained hairstylist, right?" Dae-ho asked when he had arrived back to you, impressed by your detailed work. He would have never been able to do his hair so well and now he would never want to untie his hair again.
"No, i just have three little sisters. Our dad can barely do a regular ponytail on a girl," you explained, letting out a laugh. You were mostly raised by your father, only occasionally meeting your mom every other weekend, but you weren't going to start explaining all that to someone you hadn't known long.
"I see," he replied. "I have sisters too but they never did my hair."
"How thoughtless of them," you scoffed, keeping your hand on your chest.
"Right?" he agreed, acting all excited that someone finally understood the mistreatment. "I was feeling so left out."
"Looking good there, Dae-ho," Jung-bae commented and nodded his head in your way as he walked past the two of you, shooting a quick thumbs up to you.
Dae-ho couldn't help but blush a little, a flattered smile creeping on his face.
"So, if i mess this up at night," Dae-ho started shyly. "Will you do it again before the game?"
"I'd be glad to," you promised, smiling. "I just wish we had some hairspray here but no can do i suppose."
"Do you ever braid your own hair?" he asked, only having seen you with a simple ponytail while being here.
"Oh, i can't do anything fancy on myself, i don't really care either," you replied and shrugged. "I just like to style other people."
Dae-ho wanted to do a favor in return and braid your hair as well but he wouldn't even know where to start – it would only end up looking horrendous, making you undo everything he tried to pull on you.
"Well, i think you'd look really good with a braid too," he suggested. "You should practice it more."
"You think so?"
"Of course," he agreed, giving you a smile.
"I'll keep that in mind."
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re: ears. thoughts on chris kreider’s or jakob chychrun’s? very elfy To Me and i have a sensible chuckle every time i see them
are there any ears in particular you have seen and immediately thought i must draw these right now?
if i thought it would work my search results all morning wouldve been chris kreider ear chris kreider side profile chris kreider no helmet ear showing hair pushed back -> variations with chychrun. my beautiful wife getty images comes through as always.
kreider's ears are so fun i think i could put a small rubber duckie in there. tuck it right in. and the sorta bend where his antihelix meets his antitragus... wow <3 L-shaped !

as for chychrun I quite like how red they get !! circulation WIN! they're much rounder in profile than front facing pics would suggest... ears as 3D objects are so wonderful... poking my fingers in his ears . yanking the lobes. I wanna put an industrial piercing in that cartilage i think it would suit him <- no clue about piercings tbh i just have a lot

didn't do too much digging so you'll have to forgive me if these aren't the most representative of their ear situations - i would've tried harder but honestly the idea of an angry person in my inbox talking about stolen ear shape valour was REALLY funny so you could say i'm keeping the door open for some laffs
as for paintable ears... i think about ears beyond structure a lot. like how hair falls around them, how they sit in relation to the face, (low, high, if they stick out, their size compared to other features). I love when light shines through ears from behind and you see the blood inside.. like its orange and pink and stuff <33
I really liked mackenzie blackwood's ears in a media avail bc of the way his wet hair fell around it and obscured it.. here :3

the noise filter i put it through post-paint hides it some but u can tell the planes of this ear were rather lovingly rendered -> then i panicked a little because the rest of the face is not so detailed
thank you for informing me of these new ears this was such a fun little exercise :3
#aint no way im tagging the players or teams in this. it will find its target audience its meant to#asks#user moon-honey-31
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Hi! Happy birthday! (If it still is in your timezone, and if it's not - happy belated birthday!)
Seeing your latest post, i wanted to tell you how much your fics, comics and art in general changed my life.
Reading your fics got me through the hardest times of my life. It's written to a degree so high it's astonishing. No fic i have ever read has made me feel the way yours did. Each and every one of them - even the unfinished ones - are so important. To me and so many others who have read them.
The things you write about, the angsty, sad and angry parts of life many are afraid of - they make processing the accidents that happened in your readers' lives so much better. Reading the characters letting their feelings out, reading them talk about the harsh truths, is what makes doing it in real life so much easier. It makes it less frightening.
Through your fics i learned how to communicate so many problems and difficulties in the last two years of my life, i genuinely don't think i would be alive today without them.
Your art has made a place in my heart at least 3 years ago. Your art has been a lighthouse in a dark, dark ocean. Always saving the lives of so many.
Your art-style, your comics, are some of my favorites. It's so beautiful, and it's so delicate - every detail perfected to a fault. The plot in your comics is, in my opinion, on par with the plot of your fics. Every plot twist is masterfully crafted, each word impactful. The characters never lacking in any way.
Your effort is showing in ever comic page, in every new chapter of your fics. It's been a pleasure to follow your art for so long, seeing the new things you tried. It's never invisible, never wasted. The thought you put into every single piece of any form of art is appreciated, and very viable.
Your art is never going to be replaced as long as people buy and read it, and i know it's never going to be replaced because i am one of those people. I will always be exited to see your url on my notifications, never mind the state i'm in or how uninterested i am in the fandom at that point in time.
Your art saves lives, and it's not going to stop doing that. Never.
Thank you for continuously putting out your art, even at times when you felt like giving up on it.
I hope this made you feel a little better about yourself in that regard. Your existence itself, and not just the art you put out, is important and appreciated. By many. Please never stop doing what you love as long as it's not hurting you.
I had to sit on this message for a bit just to process it.
Now, I think I want to say three things in response.
This is incredibly meaningful and the fact that you took the time to type this all out means the world to me.
I hope that you are okay. Obviously since this is posted anonymously, I cannot reach out to you directly or privately, but learning how to process emotions and communicate issues is such a tough road sometimes. It's one I'm learning to do, myself, and I am so happy to hear that you are learning what works for you. Progress might not feel like it's there at times, but it is there, I promise.
Everything that's been written here should be validating for anyone who writes or reads fan content. Personally, I have always written stories that hold personal importance to me, and I know I am not alone. A lot of people use fanfiction as not only an escape but as a means of catharsis. It feels more personal, in a way, than some traditionally publishes books or widely available shows/movies. And it makes sense because people aren't writing about things that will do well in the market at the time, they are writing about things they truly want to write about. Things that often hold deep, emotional meaning to them, and they are simply using the form of already established characters to convey those things. Creating fanfiction can often feel like something not to be taken seriously (and, to be fair, there are those who truly just do it for fun). But I know I need to remember — and others probably need to remember, too — that you never know who might find your story at the exact time they need to read it. You never know how much these things might stick with someone, or what they could mean to someone other than yourself. Thank you for reminding me that even though these fan creations aren't taken seriously by so many, the chance that they might actually have an impact on even one person is the thing that matters.
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finishing writing a fic is all fun and jokes until you realise you don't have a purpose in life anymore
#the drafts are now empty#how am i supposed to live laugh love in these conditions#obviously i don't mean all those random drafts that i KNOW i'll never finish#i miss being a writer#i miss being a poet#now all i see is little details that i would love to put in a fic#but my brain wont let me#it's like i'm drained#someone pls help#writers on tumblr#writing#ao3#writeblr#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#ao3 writer#writers#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#writing struggles
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minor details, but in chapter 68 of trimax we do see this bit:
the items that vash kept in his coat.
a "funbari doll" (which i cant find anything definite online about what that is with just a cursory look, so im going to run under the assumption that theyre some kind of collectable in-universe) & it's a red one, which is apparently rare. he still has the same pen radio that connects to his earring that's used waaay back on the sandsteamer. a swiss army knife, a random key, a used tissue (?), and...
a lighter? blow torch? i still cant tell what that last bar thing is tho. & i guess he had some kind of (normal) coin too? but Only One.
love the characterization implications for this lol. definitely the kind of pocket contents i'd expect from a silly immortal with a big coat
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#fanny's trigun analysis#trigun#just. hm. for Fic Purposes this is pretty useful.#it's cute that he has the doll. very vash.#overall tho it's very utility-driven. swiss army knive + blow torch. Yeah those would be useful to just have.#gotta wonder what that key is to. maybe i'll keep my eyes peeled in my official reread to see if it's mentioned.#otherwise i might have to just accept it as an unknown. & perhaps make smth up for Fic Purposes lol#he got the pen back from Kaite. which is a very interesting detail. not exactly useful for my fic bc he does not have that pen anymore lol#unsure if the coin is currency or some other thing. if it Is currency then lmfao @ vash being flat broke before all of this.#but THEN AGAIN early on he does say a lot of money gets in his way traveling east to west (i think it was) so What's The Truth Vash?#anyways im still looking for a new icon. got a few possibilities but im still undecided.#in the meantime U guys can have this lol. im fascinated by all the little details that are put in like this.#i really do love that he carries a swiss army knife & a blow torch. would they still call it a swiss army knife?#he does refer to the french language so obvs he knows about old earth stuff. for ease's sake id probably just call it a swiss army knife lo#bc yes now that i know he carries a swiss army knife it will Possibly come up in my fic. this is a tool i can use for my Purposes heheh
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okay so i realized there’s honestly no way in hell magpie would let illario walk free. because what i’ve realized about magpie is she gets angry when she recognizes herself in someone else and doesn’t like what she sees. and she is in soooo many ways such a mirror of illario that there’s no way she doesn’t see it. and in her mind she MUST prove she isn’t like illario. that she could never do what he’s done. that she’s loyal to her family and that whatever power or influence she now has (for better or for worse) she has earned without hurting the people she loves. and the best way to do that is to kill that man dead. she’s honestly surprised when lucanis *doesn’t* kill him despite it being obvious from the jump that he was never going to LMAO. she’s so fixated on proving she’s different from him and that she can NEVER be him that the idea that lucanis will show mercy is beyond her. because once again Crow Business is like a black hole where much of her higher reasoning goes to die in favor of lessons taught to her through torture and bloodshed in her youth <3 yay <3
#i rly loved the little detail that had rook turn to watch viago lead illario away while lucanis steps up to accept the toast#because that’s really their next few years in a nutshell huh?#lucanis going through the motions of being first talon#while magpie is stuck always waiting for illario or someone else to put a knife in his back.#also like only semi related but i think also the fight with illario is perhaps where viago begins to finally internalize that things will#Never Be The Same#there was a time when the only person magpie would fight for like that was him. and that time is over.#hes seen her fight for no reason plenty of times it’s not like it’s special that she’s risking her life for someone else#she would risk her life for a few gold probably. at least viago thinks so.#but the ferocity in her is different when viago’s life is on the line. and now he’s seeing her extend it to lucanis (and neve)#and he. idk. i think because viago he goes Well I’m Not Thinking About That.#and also she’s making his life a living hell by dating lucanis fucking dellamorte and he unforch has to deal with that happening in front of#him. awful all around.#漫言#oc. magpie#datv spoilers#z plays da
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Simon "Ghost" Riley is the kind of man who:
In your shared home, always sits with his legs spread. Manspreading king. Adores it when you cross your arms and give him a disapproving look, saying there's no room for you. "Course there is, luv. Jus' sit between my thighs."
Refuses to let you do simple tasks around the house, like making tea, folding his underwear, or putting away the dishes. One might think it's a sweet, husbandly gesture - but he's just super picky. You made tea in the microwave once, and now you're banned from ever touching his tea stash. Likes his underwear folded in a specific way, and you don't understand the importance of it. He got tired of you stuffing his underwear in his drawer, so now he folds it himself. And the dishes? Couldn't stand how you put them away. "There's no rhyme or reason to 'em." "I didn't think there had to be, Si-" "Just gimme the damn bowl." Fewer chores? You aren't complaining.
Looks like he's always on edge - and he is, kinda. When he's out with you, he can't help but be alert and watchful, and extremely protective of you. You've tried to get him to loosen up - it's the supermarket, what could happen? - but have just come to accept it as his nature. Plus, you get that giddy feeling when you see other men look straight down at the floor, avoiding Simon's stare as the two of you pass.
Is the grumpiest, poutiest, and most indignant man ever when he gets sick. Doesn't want you doting on him in case you catch whatever he has. But, wait - where are you going? "Get your ass back in this bed - 'm cold." Grumbles like a child when you force him to let you get up to grab him soup, tea, or medicine. And no, he doesn't care how sick he is, he's not wearing that stupid, floppy ice pack hat.
Brings Johnny over unannounced, and you've grown used to it. The moment you hear that Scottish yapping out the front door as the key unlocks, you grab a third plate for dinner - he insists you don't need to feed him, but you always make extra for Simon's lunch the next day regardless, and the last time he'd said that, he ended up grabbing an extra fork and picking from Simon's plate. Which, of course, had Simon up at 1 am making instant ramen because he was still hungry, but didn't have the heart to ask you to make him a decent meal. So, yes, Johnny would be fed.
Loves spoiling you on your birthday. What is a man if not someone who spoils his partner rotten? Orders in food from your favorite bakery, sets all your presents neat and nice on the table (the excellent wrapping job done by yours truly, Gaz), flower petals sprinkled on the ground and the table top (also Gaz's idea), and a seat on his lap so for you while you open your presents. Loves watching your face light up, and each little "you remembered?!" fall from your lips as you open each gift. Scoffs and shifts in his seat. "I's not that much of a fuss, luv..." as you squeal excitedly, but you know he's biting back a proud smile. The blush, he can't even attempt to hide.
Is somehow a magnet for your young nephews. Every time he comes along to your sister's place, he's either making conversation with her husband in the living room, or he's interrogated and cornered by her two sons. And, lord help him, he doesn't understand it either. He'd always expected kids to look at him like a monster, but, especially with these two, that was never the case. They'd ask him for stories about "being in war" - half of the time, he'd make up some not-too-gory adventure, sparing them the details of real war. The rest of the time, he'd talk about "Soap, my mate who blows everything up." And they'd listen with wide eyes and jaws on the floor.
Has scared you unintentionally, more than too many times. He'd come home at three in the morning from a mission, and all he wanted was to quietly peel his dirty uniform off and slip into bed with you. His main intention was to avoid waking you up, because you'd force him to shower before joining you in bed - and he was too tired for that. However, you'd been rounding the corner, up for your 3 am glass of water - you screamed as you saw the hulking, dark figure by the front door, launching your phone at him. He'd caught it effortlessly and shoved it into his back pocket. "What've I told ya 'bout using the bat?" "I was just getting water!" "I coulda been anyone." "Well you're not." "Missed ya, luvie." "Missed you too- but you're grimy. Go take a-" "No." He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your protests as he hauled you back to bed.
#simon ghost riley#simon riley#ghost#simon ghost riley x reader#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost riley headcanons#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#simon riley headcanons#ghost x reader#ghost x you#ghost headcanons#call of duty#ghost call of duty#ghost cod#cod x reader#cod#cod blurbs
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holding you , holding me ✿ bllk men
﹒postscript : when they realise they’re in love, with you. ɞ feat. nagi, reo, rin, karasu, shidou, sae, kaiser ɞ cw fem reader in a few, banter, suggestive
nagi realises he’s in love with you when the late night calls start getting more frequent. he had started craving your presence more and more. hell, he felt lovesick.
“what a hassle..” nagi’s head flops against the bed sheets, his gaze constantly shifting to his phone to see if you’ve replied to his text yet.
the nagi waiting for your texts? not to mention texting first, call a man whipped!
”i only take a few second’s to reply..” nagi picks up his phone again, grumbling when his notifications are empty. if he replies as soon as you do, why do you have to spend the next 3 decades replying back?
nagi’s usually the one who replies and then logs on minecraft for hours. him replying in mere seconds at your texts—you’re definitely special. very special in his eyes, oh. there’s something else that caught his eyes.
nagi’s phone lit up with a notification, from you.
sure! it’s a date then :))
cool, :x. 7PM?
reo realies he’s in love with you when his pockets really start to hurt.
i mean really. he’s been spoiling you relentlessly for the past few weeks. even if you insist you don’t need a new shirt, by tomorrow your closet is filled with them.
you just can’t seem to escape his mind. whenever he walks by the street and spots a store, his first thought goes to you, that maybe you’d like this. that maybe he should buy it for you—of course he will.
“you know.” reo smiles at you as you try on the new necklace he bought for you. “i booked a dinner for us, just us.”
“oh?” you hum, still struggling with the hook. “can you help me?”
“sure.” he’s more than happy to help you hook your necklace—a chance to put his hands on you? he’ll take it gladly.
“so about that dinner..” his hands swiftly clasp your necklace around your neck. “are you coming or what?”
“i don’t know… the mikage reo taking me out?” you grin up at him. “im a little shy.”
you and reo laugh soundly, well, looks like you’ve got a date tonight.
rin couldn’t believe it.
he’s in love with you, playback—he’s in love.
it started off with smaller details, like how he would leave his soccer practice or gym earlier than usual to see you. and also how his messages app slowly started to become his most used app.
soccer wasn’t everything anymore, he had you too now.
“don’t make me waste money on this lukewarm shit ever again.” rin gruffed as he watched you sip the drink he had bought you from the convenience store earlier.
normally, he’d never waste his money on some useless milkshake from the store, that’s not even good for your body. but seeing you contentedly gulp at the fresh taste of your drink, he can’t seem to hold himself back.
“give me some.”
the words slip out of his tongue before he can control them.
“you wanna try?” well he’s definitely colored you surprised now. “come here then, rinnie.”
rin could feel his face slightly heat up at the nickname. he scoots closer to you, snatching the drink from your hand with no warning.
“hey!” you glare at him as he drinks the entire thing in one gulp, definitely not what you anticipated. “that was mine, you were supposed to take a sip.” you huff at him.
rin only rolls his eyes. “i paid for it. ill buy you a new one later.” your eyes sparkle at his words.
“fine, you win.” you smile. “im going to get going before you become grumpy and tell me to shoo.” you give him a teasing wink, about to get up from his couch when suddenly he grabs your arm.
“wait.” he grits his teeth, biting back words. “don’t go.”
“just, don’t.”
“you missed me, huh?” karasu smirks. he had his hair down, for once not put up with an insane amount of gel—karasu in all his glory.
“i didn’t.” you huff at him. “you look even uglier with your hair down.”
“yer’ comparing my beauty to your birds nest?” karasu crosses his arms, leaning against the door.
“oh, we can see them split ends girl.” you roll your eyes.
karasu has always loved bantering with you, but nowadays, it seems as if his heart has been telling him thats not the only reason his heartbeat speeds up whenever he’s around you.
he loves bantering with you, he loves you.
there’s a prolonged silence, karasu’s anticipating if he should say what he’s about to say. he usually isn’t this nervous—you’re the exception to that.
“you think you wanna go out sometime, yeah?” it’s the way his sharp eyes soften that makes your heart start doing flips.
“yeah, i do.”
there’s a moment of comfortable silence, your brain ingraving the memory in the back of your head. which of course, quickly gets ruined by his cocky smirk. he wasn’t the best at dealing with these moments
“even y’can’t resist my charm.” karasu sticks his tongue out at you. “ill pick you up at 9.”
“you… get back here!”
shidou could feel a wide grin on his face as he read your message—“sure, i’d love to go sky diving with you!”
anybody would of said that is a crazy idea for a first date, but you? you can say you definitely match his freak.
his heart explodes into a burst of enthusiasm whenever you’re around him. he can feel a rush of serotonin whenever you accidentally brush your hands against his.
oh he was so in love. he is definitely wifing you up when you deploy the parachute- how could he not when he feels like he’s going to explode with all these bottled up feelings.
he in fact had a very disappointed pout on his face when you said it was far too soon for marriage, so what if you’re not dating yet? you can start now!
your betrayal will not be forgotten. but hey, he can try again next year.
sae realised he’s in love with you when you started becoming an avid figure in his daily routine.
it was like muscle memory for him to wake up and check for your good morning text, never failing to emit an amused scoff from his lips.
of course, he acknowledged the fact that he was in love with you. but would he dare entertain the thought and risk the beloved friendship you already have? never.
“nobody’s looking.”
this was dangerous. he has you trapped against the wall in the locker room, his lips tantalisingly close to yours. he wasn’t suppose to be doing this—but how could he resist when you came to see him at practice?
“sae…we can’t here.” you try to be rational, but your breathing is just as heavy as his.
“just shut-“
footsteps. someone was coming. sae pushes you away behind a locker so nobody see’s you, leaning against the wall nonchalantly.
maybe next time he’ll get you.
kaiser took some time to notice his feelings, but even he started getting self conscious of all the excuses he started making to touch you, and the flirting was starting to cross a few boundaries as well.
maybe he’s just lust-driven, that’s all he thought for a while. he chose to distance himself, and you didn’t miss the change in his behaviour.
he thought distancing himself would help ease his feelings.. not make them worse.
he can feel his heart throbbing, mind full with only thoughts of you—is it love or is it lust?
he doesn’t know, he’s never felt like this before. what even is love? thats stupid.
“hey.” he smirks, grasping your hand, a habit of his by now. “what are you up to, schatz?” the light-hearted pet name rolls off his tongue smoothly.
“michael.” you look at him, eyes widening a little. “i haven’t seen you in forever.” his expression slightly wavers at that.
“oh i’ve been.. busy.” he lies, smiling. the truth is, he hasn’t been busy at all. he’s been avoiding you, you and your precious smile.
“its okay.” you pat his shoulder. “i just missed you.”
“i missed you too.” he blurts out unknowingly, slightly flinching at what he said. “i’ve been avoiding you.” he confesses.
your eyebrow’s slightly raise at that. “…why?”
“because.. i don’t know.”
your hands hesitantly reach out. you knew how he was about physical touch, but maybe just this once he needs it.
he bents down a little, his face hitting your shoulder as he reciprocated your hug.
“Ich liebe dich.”
apologies, some parts aren’t as long as the others. i got lazy ( and have favorites… ✌️) only 7 chrc bc i had no ideas for isagi
#fay 3:16AM 🧸ྀི#blue lock#blue lock x reader#bllk#bllk x reader#nagi seishiro x reader#nagi seishiro x you#reo mikage x reader#reo mikage x you#rin itoshi x reader#rin itoshi x you#karasu tabito x reader#karasu tabito x you#shidou ryusei x reader#shidou ryusei x you#sae itoshi x reader#sae itoshi x you#michael kaiser x you#michael kaiser x reader#blue lock fluff#bllk fluff#sae fluff#kaiser fluff#rin fluff#nagi fluff
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pairing: hyunjin x afab!reader
synopsis: you feel lonely and buy a new sex doll on the market, not knowing what you got yourself into.
genre: smut, fluff, sci-fi
word count: 10.3k
warnings: alcohol, multiple sex scenes, unprotected sex, oral (f and m), squirting, creampies
a/n: spooktober continues🤭🫶🏻 if u love black mirror, these are vibes for u! also i'm sorry if the ending seems rushed but i have two more things to write for hyunjin before i continue with my spooktober🫠
!!! this fic has an ambiguous ending
~ divider by @bunnysrph
~ Masterlist
~ Dolly masterlist
Your cursor hovers over the 'continue to payment' button.
Are you really doing this?
It's embarassing enough that you can't get a date lately, and everyone around you keeps bugging you about it, asking when you're going to find a partner already.
Like you need one. You were perfectly fine alone.
But everyone has needs, and the ad for the new sex dolls that have just come out on the market looked enticing.
Each one of the new models was a unique one, only one of them made as it was sort of a trial run for them and your attention was captured by Hyunjin, the romantic doll.
It was expensive too, but you had money saved up on the side and thought, why not get something for your pleasure and try something new as well.
'Fuck it!', you thought and clicked on the button, purchasing the doll; there was no going back now.
Eagerly, you awaited the day it would be delivered to your door and three weeks later, there was a big box in the middle of your living room.
Biting on your lip, you stare at the box as your heartbeat quickens.
In the pictures, it looked so real. Like it was a real human being and to say you were a bit disturbed was an understatement.
But as freaky as it was, you were still so curios about it so you opened up the box slowly, your eyes wide for the peculiarity of it all. There were covers neatly placed over the doll, and bubble wrap just about everywhere, but on top of it all was a letter.
You opened it up and it read;
my name is Hyunjin and I am your romantic doll.
I love art, good food and wine, long walks on the beach and heartwarming movies.
Please, treat me with great care as I am sensitive, and no matter what you do with me, always end it with cuddles.
Hope you come to love me as much as I already love you.
As you read that, you couldn't help being a little freaked out by the doll professing his love to you, but you had to remind yourself it's just the creators of it who wrote the letter, making the concept more real and human to give some kind of comfort to the buyer and personality to the doll.
Taking a deep breath, you remove all the bubble wrap and slide off the cover.
"Oh." you gasp loudly, your hand slapped on your mouth as you finally see the doll.
He looks too real to be just a doll and for a second you just stare into his eyes, unmoving but somehow warm, his facial features chiseled to perfection, his lips plump and inviting.
Your eyes travel down to see he was dressed in a nice button up, intricate flower patterns sewn into the material, coupled with nice pants and even some very expensive looking shoes.
The doll had jewelry on, his nails were painted, there was so much detail on it; he even had a mole under his eye. You marvelled at the dedication of the people who made it and obviously put a lot of though into Hyunjin.
You notice then that there is a note sticking out of the shirt's pocket and you carefully pick it up.
My love!
I got dressed for our first date!
Hopefully you like it and enjoy our first romantic night together.
"Wow, they really went all out with this." you say out loud as you look at the doll, the next question forming in your mind.
How heavy is the doll?
You spend a few more minutes just examining it with your eyes, too nervous to touch it and you can't get over the way it looks just like a real human being.
You rest your hand on the box, your fingertips gently grazing the doll's cheek.
"Oh!" you gasp, retracting your hand. It feels like real skin and with wide eyes your hand moves closer to his face again, your palm pressing slowly against his cheek.
"Are you alive?" you chuckle to yourself but the doll doesn't answer or move at all, just as you expected.
Your fingers slowly explore the doll's face, his lips are plushy and they seem actually kissable, the material they used, whatever it was, made it seem like they were real human lips.
You lean in closer to take a better look into his eyes, your hand coming up to play with locks of dark hair, which again, seems like real hair, the little curls are soft to the touch and bounce back as you pull on them gently.
Now you're leaning so close to him, and you can smell the nice, comforting scent radiating off of the doll. You've no idea what they used, but he smells fresh and flowery.
"Okay, let's get you out of the box." you lean back and hook your hands under the doll's arms before making it sit up.
His head falls to the side a little, making you feel a bit creeped out because it really seemed like you were handling a dead person instead of an actual doll, but the only indication that it wasn't a dead human is the lightness of it.
He wasn't as light as a feather but he wasn't as heavy as dead weight either.
"Maybe the couch?" you talk to yourself as you look over to your comfy couch, the pillows fluffed up already and a soft blanket thrown over it.
Somehow, thankfully to your regular exercise, you manage to lift the doll into your arms and carry him to the couch.
The way he slumps when you put him down, again freaks you out a little, but for some weird reason you're even more interested in how you can actually use the doll.
You prop him to sit nicely and turn on the tv to some art channel, remembering how the doll 'said' that he likes art.
"I hope that's what you enjoy." you shrug and throw the fluffy blanket over the doll's legs, folding his soft hands into his lap, before you go back to the box to find the manual.
"Here it is." you dig out the booklet and start reading.
They listed the materials but you still had no idea what they were so it flew over your head. There was also a page with pictures of the other dolls and the makers' letter to the customers, thanking them for purchasing the doll.
Flipping the pages, you find what you were looking for.
Your face becomes red as you read the doll's 'abilites', including that his thing can vibrate and cum, he reacts to your touch and that he has a usb charger that gets plugged into the back of his neck.
"W-wow." you nod to yourself as you keep reading until you flip to the last page.
If there are any malfunctions with any part of the doll, please contact our services.
The doll can bathe in water except the charger opening so be aware of that.
Please do not disfigure or mutilate the doll.
Do not throw the doll into the trash.
Do not break, bruise or cut the doll.
If you're not satisfied, you can always return it to us and get your money back.
If you've purchased our Hyunjin doll, do not be too harsh on him considering he's sensitive.
Hope you enjoy the romantic soul you chose!
Bruise? The doll can bruise?
Why are they talking about it like it's alive?
You gulp and turn to look at the couch but the doll is unmoving, turned towards the tv, same position as before.
You peek back into the big box to find another, smaller box inside it, that was beneath the doll's feet earlier.
You carefully take it out, putting it on the floor and opening it curiously.
Inside, you found a change of clothes, more casual looking ones and something to be used as sleep wear. It was like getting a Barbie doll with all her outfits when you were a kid.
So bizzare, yet it made you feel excited in a way.
After getting up, you decide to clean up the mess you made with the bubble wrap and put the box away in your closet, just in case, if you ever wanted to return him.
"Okay." you nod and come back to peek at the doll.
The television screen reflects in his eyes, his hands crossed in his lap, just how you left him and relief washes over you.
Why are you even scared?
You shake your head and decide to prepare lunch.
You're in your kitchen, listening to some slow music as you cook, completely forgetting about the doll sitting in your living room.
That is, until the volume of the tv suddenly increases making you jolt and gasp.
Your back straightens as you turn off the stove.
Slowly turning around, you stare at the direction the sound is coming from.
You swallow and make your way to your couch, you don't know what to expect but the doll is still in the same position you left it, the tv remote is out of his reach, down on the coffee table.
You grab it and decrease the volume before looking back at the doll.
"If that wasn't you, we have ghosts in this apartment. But if it was you, you're obviously wanting my attention." you cross your arms as you stare at him.
"Fine, I will eat lunch with you." you declare before going back to the kitchen to get yourself food.
You mostly eat in front of your tv anyways, not caring about any rules since you live alone, enjoying the freedom it brings you.
Settling down next to Hyunjin, you pull the blanket over your legs too and start eating.
You chuckle to yourself, if someone saw you right now, they'd think you're absolutely insane, sitting down next to an inanimate doll that looks eerily human.
You take a peek at Hyunjin, sighing as he sits still.
"You do look alive. But I'm literally talking to myself." you say and of course get no answer.
Shrugging, you continue about your day, washing dishes and doing laundry, enjoying your selfcare routine after getting your apartment in order, your Hyunjin doll observing your movements from the couch.
In the evening hours, you finally come back to him.
"Are you tired of being in the same position?" you ask, knowing there will be no answer.
"We can have dinner now." you add and leave to the kitchen to bring out some food and a bottle of wine.
"This is insane. Top 5 weirdest things I've done." you talk to yourself as you look down at your black satin nightgown, with lace details on the top, perfectly resting on your chest. "Maybe it even takes up the first place."
You settle next to Hyunjin once again, changing his position a little as you fill up two glasses of wine.
"Our first date, I guess?" you sigh with a chuckle before drinking the wine.
His glass stands full on the coffee table, untouched as you start eating next to him once again.
"I guess I should tell you a bit about myself. I work in an office. I hate my job but it pays the bills." you say, "I always wanted to be in a band though. Played guitar in high school. Never got too far with that. I love art too, you know, any shape or form of it. Maybe that's why I chose you. You seem like an artist. Or you would be if you were real, ha." you chuckle, yapping away as you keep drinking the wine, the doll listening to you without moving.
You keep pouring the wine into both his and your glass but it's only you drinking from both glasses.
It gives you a nice buzz, warmness that spreads through your body and manifests itself between your legs.
Usually, you'd play with your vibrator or dildo but seeing as you got a literal sex doll, you thought you should use him for the purpose he's made for.
"Now, what do I do with you?" you smirk, your hand coming up to play with the doll's hair, twirling the lock in your fingers.
"I mean, I can do anything I want." you nod, scooting closer to the doll.
"I feel fucking crazy." you laugh, pulling the covers off of Hyunjin.
Your hand is pressed on his thigh as you touch him gently through his clothes, your mind still marvelling at the fact that he feels like a real human being.
"I'm curious." you whisper, your fingertip playing with the button of his shirt, wanting to see what he looks like underneath the nice clothes they made him wear.
Slowly, you start unbuttoning the doll, taking your time with it, as anticipation builds up, creating a swirl of excitement inside you.
When you pop open the last button, you open up the shirt and gasp.
"Wow." you lick your lips at the sight, the doll's nipples look aroused, his stomach is toned, it looks like there's a vein leading down into his pants making your eyes fall down at his crotch.
You still have no idea how they made him look so real but you're eager to explore, planting your hands on his chest, running them up and down to his stomach, tracing the vein with your fingertips.
You run your hands back up to his nipples and flick them gently with your thumb before pinching them experimentally.
Gasping, you notice a growing bulge in the doll's pants.
"Am I pushing the right buttons?" you chuckle at your own joke as you continue playing with his nipples.
Your impatience however doesn't let you stall for too long, so your hands make their way down to the hem of his pants.
"Let's see." with a smirk you unbutton and unzip his pants, pulling them down with a little struggle as you have to lift him up a little.
You place your hands on his thighs, squeezing the flesh a little, watching as his cock twitches like he was really alive.
"You really do react to touch." you gasp in wonder, what kind of technology was this?
They even put underwear on him which you think is a nice touch but at this point, you were too curious not to slide them off immediately.
"Woah!" you gasp as his cock springs free of its confines.
You think it's the biggest and most beautiful cock you've ever seen, framed by a neatly cut bush, a visible vein running up the whole length.
You stare at it for a little while before you wrap your hand around it, your other hand fondling his balls.
It feels real once again, like he's throbbing and twitching, hot and heavy on your palm, a bead of precum at the tip.
"What in the hell?" you mumble, your finger swiping at the tip as you gather the liquid and bring it to your lips.
You suck your finger into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and tasting the sweetness of the doll.
How he tasted so sweet was beyond you.
"Fuck it." you chuckle, pulling off your nightgown and tossing it aside, which leaves you completely naked like the doll is.
"I didn't even kiss you. Not very romantic of me." you smirk as you throw your leg over Hyunjin, sitting in his lap, your wet folds pressed against his cock.
You lean in and press a kiss to his lips, and of course the doll doesn't kiss back but his lips move with your movement and it feels good as you grind on his hard length.
"Look at you. Letting me do all the work like all the rest of them." you scoff with a smirk and at that, the doll's cock twitches a little too hard against you, almost pushing inside you.
"Wow. Someone's excited." you stare at the doll's eyes but there is nothing in there to indicate that he was in fact listening to you.
"For how much you cost, I hope this is worth it." you shrug and grip the base of his cock, guiding it inside you.
Sitting down on his length has you gasping as he fills you up perfectly, like his cock was made exactly for your pussy to take.
Your grip the doll's shoulders and use it for what you intended to when you clicked on that purchase button.
No matter how turned on you are though, staring at Hyunjin's almost expressionless face proves to be a turn off so you lean forward, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you press your chest to his and continue bouncing on him.
Save for the fact that his hands lay limp on the side, his skin feels human and he feels kind of warm, like there was something inside the doll, warming it up.
"F-fuck." you whimper as the head of his cock brushes against the spongy spot inside you, it's like the more wet you get and the harder you fuck on him, his cock responds to you.
"R-right hand for activation." you repeat the instruction from the manual, as you blindly search for his right hand, sliding your fingertips on his wrist to his palm, your head leaned on his shoulder as you slowly gyrate your hips.
Your fingers interlace with his and it feels almost like Hyunjin grips your hand back, making you jump a little but before you can move away, his cock starts vibrating inside you.
"A-ah!" you moan loudly as your other arm curls around him, holding onto him while you fiddle with his fingers, your legs clamping around him as you start falling apart.
"G-gonna cum!" you whimper, burying your face in Hyunjin's neck and he smells so nice, feels so good as his cock keeps vibrating against your spot, bringing you to your high quickly.
The ecstasy you feel as the vibrations persist, prolonging your orgasm, overstimulating you while you ride the feeling makes you miss the single blink that Hyunjin's eyes make before returning to their original glassy and unmoving state.
"Too much." you whimper, squeezing his thumb and the vibrations stop.
You know that the left hand brings a happy end to the doll but you're not sure if you're done with it yet.
Leaning back to finally look at his face has you a little disappointed as you don't notice any kind of change on his face.
"Kinda wish you were real." you whisper, hugging the doll as you start bouncing on his hard cock again, bringing yourself easily to another orgasm.
You squeeze the doll's left hand after that, and feel spurts of warm cum shooting inside you as his cock twitches, the head bruising against your spot violently as he fills you up with copious amounts of the sticky substance.
You're pretty sure the neighbors can hear you moan as you cum again, the feeling of being filled up to the brim satisfies you and has your eyes rolling in the back of your head.
"Wow." you breathe hard, your cheek leaned on Hyunjin's shoulder as you grip his wrists while you come down.
You lean back to look at the doll again.
Were his lips slightly upturned before?
In the fogginess of your orgasms, you couldn't tell or think straight.
"Be right back." you slide off of him and make your way to the bathroom, taking a quick five minute shower before you grab a wet cloth to clean the doll up.
He sits how you left him, and you kneel between his legs to clean him up carefully.
His cock is not completely soft nor hard anymore, it's somewhere in the middle, but as you touch it gently, it seems to react and twitch again.
"You came already." you smirk and experimentally pinch the tip of Hyunjin's cock, but nothing happens except the member twitching again.
You stand up with a sigh, covering him with the blanket again before you leave for the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Just as you turn on the water to wash your mouth out, you hear something akin to a sigh coming from your living room.
You freeze, turning off the water and listening closely but you only hear the quiet buzz of the lamp above your mirror.
Maybe you were just imagining things.
You shake your head and finish your business before going back to Hyunjin.
"I'm too tired to dress you now, but boxers should be enough." you say and struggle to get him dressed, almost giving up during the process.
"I should just keep you naked in my bed to avoid the hassle." you say, lifting him up and carrying him to your bed.
"Cuddles, right? I do love me some cuddles too." you say with a tired smile as you adjust Hyunjin in your bed.
You join him under the covers and lean on your elbow as you lay sideways, staring down at him.
"How'd they make you look and feel so real?" your hand is on his cheek, and you trace his eyebrows, his nose and lips.
Fingertips travel to his ears, down to his neck and his chest.
"Don't come alive and scare me while I'm sleeping, Hyunjin." a shadow passes in his eyes as you say his name but you're too busy caressing his toned stomach to notice.
"Night." you kiss his lips before turning off the lamp and laying your head on his shoulder.
Somehow, you adjust his arms so that it seems like he's holding you and you throw your leg over his, your hand tracing patterns on his chest and side.
It was like hugging and kissing your pillow in high school, except this one took the shape of a human being.
With thoughts and questions about Hyunjin swimming in your head, you fall asleep quickly, not noticing how the doll's arms tighten around you ever so slightly.
Early in the morning as your alarm starts blaring loudly and annoyingly, you groan and stir, almost forgetting about Hyunjin being next to you.
"Oh!" you gasp. "Good morning, dolly." you say after turning the alarm off, as he stares at the ceiling.
"Sadly, I gotta go to work and leave you here alone. You better behave while I'm out." you lift a finger up menacingly, but there's a playful smile on your face.
"Man, I'm crazy." you shake your head before leaning in to leave a nice, wet smooch on Hyunjin's cheek.
"I'll come say bye before I leave."
And you do so, after eating breakfast and getting ready, you're back in your room.
"Should I put you in the living room so you can watch tv?"
The doll never answers.
"Maybe, yeah. You'll be bored lying in bed all day." you nod and carry Hyunjin to your couch.
You make him comfy, cover him with the blanket, card your fingers through his messy hair and then turn on the tv, leaving the remote in his lap.
"Gonna be late because of you." you sigh and lean down to place a kiss on the doll's lips.
"Be a good doll."
And with that you finally leave your apartment.
All day at work, you can't help but wonder if your Hyunjin doll somehow came alive, and for some reason you were looking forward to seeing him even if he didn't.
"What's got you so happy? Finally got laid?" your coworker chuckles as you stand in the office kitchen making yourself some coffee, you know she always gossips about you behind your back so you don't wanna give her the time of the day.
"Mind your business, Amanda." you answer quickly, turning to leave back to your office.
"Okay, you didn't then." she calls behind you with a giggle but you decide to ignore her.
"Fucking bitch." you mutter to yourself as you close the door.
The rest of the day goes by uneventfully and you can't wait to drive back home to Hyunjin.
"I'm home!" you yell out as soon as you step inside, hearing that the tv is still on, nothing out of the ordinary.
You make your way to your living room to find Hyunjin in the exact same position as you left him almost 9 hours ago, the remote still next to his right hand, the same channel you turned on this morning on the tv.
For some reason, your shoulders slump.
"Well, I guess you've been a good doll and took my warning literally." you shrug a little.
"Still, I want to reward you. As soon as I eat and take a nap that is." you add and go about your routine, eating lunch, taking a shower and of course changing into your comfy clothes, which at this time of the year consisted of an oversized t-shirt and panties.
"Let's take a nap together, dolly." you say to Hyunjin as you lift him up and move him to your bed again.
You lay him on his side, then mirror his position, taking his arm and wrapping it around your waist, the other comfortably under your neck.
Tracing patterns on his stomach and chest again, you start talking.
"Your life is so easy. From the couch to the bed, you don't even have to work or go anywhere. Meanwhile, I have to endure fucking Amanda every day at work. Do you have any idea how bitchy that woman is?", you talk as you cuddle your doll. "She has to know eeeeverything about eeeeeveryone. Soon, she'll crawl up my ass just to look at my insides."
You look at Hyunjin's face and for a moment it seems as if his eyes moved.
"Are you listening to me, perhaps?" you whisper, your hand on his cheek. "I know I'm probably crazy. But I'm glad I got you. Even though you're a bit creepy, you bring me comfort." you add, tucking your head into his neck.
"I'm gonna sleep now."
Slowly blinking your eyes awake, you feel warmness enveloping you that's not coming just from your blanket but from Hyunjin.
Quickly, you realize that somehow his thigh ended up pressed against your core, your leg thrown over him as you scooted closer to him in sleep.
"Oh." a little sound escapes your lips as you grind against his warm thigh, feeling wetness on your panties.
Before looking up at him, you press a kiss to his collarbone and it seems like his thigh moves against you once, making you jolt.
"Hey." you look up at him, but his eyes are unmoving as always.
You observe his face but the throbbing between your legs makes you grind against him again.
"F-feels good." you whimper, leaning in and kissing him, letting your tongue dart out and lick at the plump lips.
You feel his erection press against your other thigh, the one flush against him and you chuckle a little.
"Someone likes me a lot." you say, leaning back to look at him.
It looks like there's a small smile on his face that you swear wasn't there before.
"Hm." you squint your eyes as you stop your movements.
"Gotta try something." you declare after a moment of silence, lifting up and removing the blanket.
You push Hyunjin on his back, hooking your fingers in his boxers and pulling them off of him.
"Aw, you really do like me a lot." you smirk at the sight of the doll's cock, twitching and leaking again like it did yesterday.
"I'll give you some attention, you deserved it."
You spread his legs, adjusting them so you can kneel between his thighs and you lean down.
"I haven't done this in a while. You can't complain though." you chuckle a little as you grip his cock and let your tongue dart out, catching the sweet tasting precum with it.
You don't understand how he tastes so sweet, it's hard to put your finger on what exactly the taste is but it makes you want more so you swirl your tongue around his head, your moans muffled as you swallow the sweet liquid.
"Mm. Fuck you taste good." you whine and put your lips around him again, slowly taking more of him in as you bob your head up and down.
Sucking cock like that is not your favorite thing to do, sometimes it makes you feel uncomfortable but having Hyunjin be so still and so tasty has your arousal pooling on your panties and you keep wanting more.
You take as much as you can, coating his cock in your saliva, your tongue pressing along his vein as you fondle his balls has him twitching inside you.
You smirk and grip his left hand, spurts of hot cum hitting your throat and it tastes even sweeter than before as you whimper and swallow everything.
"Damn hot." you whine, quickly getting rid of your shirt and panties, before you take his now completely wet cock in your hand and start jerking him off to make him hard for you again.
It doesn't take long to excite the doll and you decide to turn your back to him and fuck on his cock like that so that you don't have to look into his lifeless eyes while pleasing yourself.
You sit on him and push his cock inside yourself, your warm cunt engulfing his entire length easily.
"Mm." you gyrate your hips as you close your eyes and enjoy teasing yourself, your wet pussy coating his navel and balls.
"God, you're perfect Hyunjin." you whine and start fucking on him.
In the deep throes of passion as you bounce on him, your nails digging into his thighs for support, your eyes closed in pure bliss, you don't notice anything.
You don't notice Hyunjin blinking, his lips opening to speak but nothing comes out.
He can't move no matter how hard he tries and once again his eyes go back to the glassy state they're always in.
"Gonna cum." you whine loudly, gripping his right hand and he starts vibrating inside you, pushing you over the edge and making you scream as you squirt all over him.
"Fuck." you whine as your eyes focus, noticing you have left red marks in his thighs.
"Oh. Did I hurt you?" you gasp, your fingertips gently running over the marks.
"Didn't mean to." you look back at him but he lays still.
His cock twitches inside you and you grip his left hand, making the doll fill you up as you slowly ride him.
You lift up slowly, his cum sliding down your inner thigh together with your release.
"Made a mess of you, dolly." you look at the state of him.
"Maybe a bath?" he doesn't answer but still you prepare a bath and place him in it, careful of the usb opening on his neck.
You get inside after him, settling between his legs and leaning your back on his chest.
"Why are you so warm, Hyunjin?" you caress his arm as you hold it, his other one thrown over your stomach.
Sighing, you lean on his shoulder and close your eyes, trying to relax in the warm water, as Hyunjin 'held' you.
You still couldn't understand how they made him, but you were willing not to think about that, as he brought you a kind of comfort you didn't expect, making you wanna indulge in that feeling for as long as you could.
It's been exactly two months since you've gotten your Hyunjin doll, and ever since then you've loved spending every day with him.
You talked to him like he was alive, you watched movies with him, you read him books, you slept next to him every single night, you brought him to the kitchen so he can watch you cook, you even took him on late night drives sometimes, feeling bad that he was locked up in the apartment all day.
Sometimes, you thought you saw a flicker in his eyes, a slight smile on his face, or his fingers twitching against his thighs.
Some nights, while you're half asleep, you could swear that he tightened his hold on you or his chest lifted up and down like he was breathing.
Some days, as you'd come home from work you found him in a slightly different position than you left him.
One time, you sat him next to the window so you could watch rain together, and when you came back from making some tea, there was a heart shape in the fog on the glass.
"Did you do this dolly?" you caress his hair and look at him closely but he doesn't react.
You sigh, tracing another heart next to the first one before you sit in his lap, bringing the warm cup to your lips and observing him.
You thought you were going crazy in the beginning but as time passed by, you were becoming sure that there was more to Hyunjin than you initially knew.
"Just say something if you can hear me. Or squeeze my hand." you try for the nth time as you sit on your couch with Hyunjin but nothing happens.
"Fine." you huff. "Maybe you want something first. What would you like? I bought you new clothes. Maybe you want something else like... like something to do with art? We can paint together, if you'd like."
Hyunjin doesn't answer.
Nevertheless, you bring your art supplies and a bottle of wine.
You make yourself comfortable on the floor, next to Hyunjin's legs as he sits on the couch.
You end up being the one painting and drinking, Hyunjin's eyes move to look down at you, the look in his eyes softens, unlike the glassy one he always has.
He wants to talk, he wants to lean over and caress your hair, he wants to taste the wine off of your lips and feel the paintbrush between his fingertips.
But he can't. His eyes become glassy again as your phone rings, jolting you out of your peaceful activity.
It's your mother.
The conversation starts as always and it escalates into a fight of when are you settling down, why aren't you married, why are you closing yourself off, why are you such a failure?
As soon as you hang up a sob escapes your lips and you fall into Hyunjin, seeking comfort as you wrap your limbs around him, your face buried in his neck and your hot tears sliding down from your cheeks to his shirt, soaking it up.
"No one would understand." you cry. "They'd say I'm crazy and maybe I am. But I don't give a fuck."
Your body trembles against Hyunjin as you hiccup and sniffle, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, your leg thrown over his thighs.
His body seems warmer than before and you squeeze him a little.
"Maybe I'm fucking crazy for loving a doll. But I love you Hyunjin." you sigh, closing your eyes as you lean against him.
His eyelids flutter a few times. He blinks.
A deep breath through his nose and you almost miss the way his chest moves up.
You place your hand on his chest, and feel it.
A heart beat slowly forming, at first almost too slow to be normal until it becomes steady and then speeds up.
He's breathing, his lips are dry as he licks at them, his hands clutch onto you and you scream.
You jump up quickly, your eyes wide as you look at him.
Hyunjin looks back up at you, his eyes wide and filled with fear and shock, mirroring yours.
He opens his mouth and a series of coughs escape his lips.
"Wh- How? Am I hallucinating?"
"Y- y/n." is the first thing he says, weakly and quietly as he reaches out for you.
You stay still as a statue, not sure what the hell is happening before your eyes.
"P-please, don't be scared." he begs as he tries to get up but his legs give out and he falls to the floor with a thud.
"Ugh." he whimpers, his hands grabbing at the coffee table.
You're slow to react to him falling from the shock of it all, making your way back to him cautiously.
"Did you hurt yourself?" you ask quietly.
"N-no, I don't think so." he says as he looks up at you.
"Who- who are you?" you don't know what else to ask, because the doll you used and played with was now a human with a heartbeat and he was looking at you, even knew your name.
"What do you mean? I'm- I'm Hyunjin, your romantic doll." he answers like it's the most normal thing ever.
"How are you alive? Why now all of a sudden? I don't get it." you say as he sits back on his legs.
"You... You love me. Your love brought me to life." he swallows, his cheeks rosy.
"Oh... There was nothing about this in the manual." The fucking manual. The doll's actual purpose. Everything you ever did to him. Embarassment washes over you and you feel absolutely mortified.
"Do you... did you hear me all this time? And um, see and feel what I was doing?"
"Y-yeah." he nods, his cheeks becoming even more red.
"Fucking hell." you whine, covering your face with your hands as you sit on the couch.
"Hey, it's okay. I- I was made for that." he says, his hand on your knee in an attempt to comfort you.
You peek at him through your fingers.
"And you were so nice to me. So... warm and loving. You made me feel so good. You never mistreated me even when you knew very well you could do whatever you want with me. I'm thankful for that. And I- I love you too, y/n." Hyunjin talks, his thumb gently caressing your skin.
"Are you programmed to say stuff like that? Are you a robot?"
He chuckles.
"I'm not programmed and I'm not a robot. Didn't you feel my heart beating?"
"I did but... I don't understand. How were you made?" you finally remove your hands from your face.
"I don't know. I wish I could answer your questions but I'm as clueless as you are. I just know I was conscious the whole time while I was with you but I couldn't speak or move. Like I was paralyzed. It was horrible. I tried giving you signs, I tried to talk multiple times but it's like something would hold me back, like there was a wall and I couldn't break through."
"That does sound horrible. I'm sorry if I ever did something you wouldn't agree to." you say quietly, your face burning in embarassment.
"No, no, I liked everything you did." he says with a sheepish smile, averting his eyes. "Wish I could reciprocate." he looks up at you through his lashes.
You're biting on your lip nervously, his hand reaches for you and you accidentally snatch yours away, not used to your doll talking to you and trying to touch you.
"A-are you gonna abandon me now?" he asks quietly as he eyes your hand.
"What?" you look back at him to see that his eyes are watery and you gasp. "No, of course not! I always wished you'd come to life. Didn't think it would actually happen so I'm still processing and hoping that I'm not dreaming."
"Oh, thank god." he exhales and you let him grab your hand. "I- uhm... I'm very hungry and thirsty. Could you help me with that?"
"Oh! Of course! I will make some dinner for us." you say and help him sit up on the couch, noticing that now he's heavier than he used to be.
"I guess I still need to get feeling in my legs and arms." he says as you bring him a glass of water.
"Mhm, probably you need to have blood pumping properly through your body. Don't worry." you pet his hair as he drinks and he looks at you.
"Here, you'll be warm like this." you wrap him up in your fluffy blanket and notice a change on the back of his neck.
"Oh!" you exclaim, your fingertips touching the skin there, making Hyunjin shiver a little.
"The usb opening is gone." you declare and he brings his hand to touch it, your fingertips grazing against each other.
"That's weird." he says absentmindedly.
"All of this is weird." you chuckle and he chuckles with you, making you look at him.
God, he's even more beautiful with a smile gracing his face, you think to yourself.
Without thinking your hands gently cup his cheeks.
"You're really alive." you whisper, your thumbs gently stroking his face, his eyes flutter as he pushes into your hands.
"I am. Does that make you happy?" he asks with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Very happy." you nod with a smile, leaning closer to him.
"Good. I want to make you happy. When you're happy, I'm happy too."
"Hyunjinnie." you whine against his lips and kiss him gently.
Having him kiss back as he clutches at your shirt is the sweetest thing ever, you think as you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"Okay, I don't want you to starve now that you came to life." you lean back with a chuckle as he chases your lips.
"Yeah, please, I need food." he nods and you make your way to the kitchen, whipping up a quick dinner, checking constantly if he's okay.
You bring two plates as soon as you're done and Hyunjin's eyes seem to get bigger as soon as they land on the food.
"Be careful, it's still hot." you warn him.
"Okay." Hyunjin nods.
He eats happily, asking for more which you of course bring to him.
"Are you feeling better?" you ask when the two of you finish eating.
"Yes, much better. But I feel very tired now."
"You need sleep. Let's go to bed. Do you think you can walk now?"
"I think so." you grab his arm and help him become steady on his feet.
You lead him to the bathroom and he looks at you.
"Now that you're alive, you need to brush your teeth and wash up before bed."
"Right." he nods.
After a whole ordeal of getting ready, you finally plop down under the covers.
"Can I- Can I hold you?" Hyunjin asks sweetly and you chuckle, rolling your body into his.
"Of course."
"Always wanted to do that." his limbs wrap around you as he holds you tightly, your face buried in his chest.
"Good night, Hyunjin. Please be there when I wake up." you nuzzle into him, inhaling the familiar fresh and flowery scent of him.
"I promise I will. Good night, y/n."
It wasn't a dream.
Your eyes flutter open and Hyunjin smiles at you fondly, his hand gently caressing your cheek.
"Morning, dol- Hyunjin."
"You can call me dolly if that's what you like." he smirks and you chuckle.
"Eh, well you're human now. It feels like I'm degrading you." you gently touch his chest.
"I don't mind." he shifts and you feel his erection press against your thigh.
You gasp a little, your core throbbing with want.
"I'm sorry." his face is red instantly. "It's just- when you touch me... I can't help it."
"It's okay, Hyunjinnie." you slide your hand down to cup him through his boxers.
He whimpers, leaning into you, his eyes fluttering shut and you press your lips on his in a heated kiss.
His tongue licks at your lower lip and you let him in, eager to finally feel his kisses how you craved to.
Hyunjin kisses you messily and hungrily, grinding into your hand, grunting against your lips.
As soon as you slide off his boxers, automatically your hands lift up to push him on his back but he grabs your wrists gently to stop you.
"My sweet girl, let me take care of you how you deserve now that I'm able to." he rasps, his eyes hooded as he looks at you with lust.
"O-okay." you whisper and lay down on your back, letting Hyunjin slide your panties off as you pull off your shirt and toss it somewhere aside.
"I've spent so much time receiving. I want to give, my angel. My hands hurt when I couldn't touch you and make you feel good. That's all I want to do." he sounds desperate as his lips attach to your neck, leaving wet kisses on your skin, his hands roaming on your body and settling on your breasts.
"Mm, make me feel good, Jinnie." you whimper as he squeezes your breasts, massaging them and moaning against your skin like it was more pleasurable to him than to you.
He mumbles sweet praises as he leaves more kisses that lead to your nipple, his tongue darting out to swirl around it, making you arch into him.
His eyes are dark as he wraps his lips around it and starts sucking, his other hand sliding down to grip your inner thigh.
Fingertips ghost on your skin, both his hands now spreading your legs apart.
"Do you know how much I longed to taste your sweet nectar? Will you let me drink from you, my angel?" Hyunjin asks, his finger gently pressing into your clit, circling it.
"Yes, please, oh my god." you whimper, your hips lifting up into his touch.
He smirks, trailing kisses down to your core.
He stops for a moment to admire you and you don't even have time to feel self-conscious as he spreads your pussy lips apart and leans in to stick his tongue inside you.
"F-fuck!" you jolt as he starts moving it before he leans back a little and licks at your sensitive clit.
"Taste even sweeter than I imagined." he moans, his lips wrapping around your clit as he sucks on it, his thumbs gently caressing your pussy lips.
"H-H-Hyunjin!" you whimper as he sucks harder, your hips lifting up in pleasure.
"Could be here for hours. Eating this sweet pussy out." he moans, pushing his tongue inside you again, this time fucking you faster, his nose giving the perfect pressure on your sensitive nub and driving you crazy.
Your hand grips his hair, pushing him more into you as he skilfully moves his tongue, his lips pressing into your lower ones as he makes out with you.
Your orgasm washes over you quickly, coating Hyunjin's face and he laps it all up greedily, his eyes shut as he whimpers into you, sending vibrations right into your core.
You feel crazy with desire the more he continues eating you out like a man starved and you have to grip his hair and pull him away after he gives you two more orgasms.
"H-Hyune, please, I need your cock." you whimper, feeling like you're falling apart.
He licks at his red lips, his eyes crazed with lust he feels for you.
"Anything my angel needs." his voice is husky as he leans over you, the tip of his cock pressed against your wet, messy cunt.
He pushes in with ease, after all, you've been fucking on him for the last two months, your pussy was used to the stretch.
"Mm, Hyunjin!" that doesn't make it feel less pleasurable when he fills you up, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix.
"Move, please." you whimper, already feeling out of it.
Hyunjin grips your thighs and starts fucking you at a steady pace, his cock dragging against your walls deliciously, sliding easily through your wetness.
"Feel so good. So warm. Just for me." he whimpers, his eyes fluttering shut before they open again and look down where his cock disappears inside you.
"Just for you, Jinnie." you moan and he looks up at you, a smile on his face.
He leans closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and in turn you wrap yours around his shoulders, bringing your bodies flush together as he buries himself deep inside your heat.
He ruts into you desperately, your lips meeting in messy kisses, spit dribbles down your chin and he licks at it, kissing your jaw and your neck wetly.
"P-please tell me you love me." he whimpers in your ear, holding you tightly as he fucks you harder, only taking a little bit of his length out and shoving it back in with force that has your mind spinning.
"I love you, Hyunjin. I love you. So much." you cry happy tears, making him cry too as you clutch onto each other.
"My angel, I love you more than anything." he says as he kisses you, his tongue playing with yours.
He brings you to another orgasm, his fingers on your nipples, pinching and pulling as he keeps rutting into you desperately.
"C-can I cum?" he whimpers, his hands gripping desperately at your waist.
"Yeah." you nod quickly and he gives you his left hand to squeeze and as your fingers entwine, he cums, filling you up endlessly, more than when he was just doll and you whimper as your legs clamp around him, lifting your middle into him and cumming with him again.
Both of you breathe hard as he stays inside you for a moment, before pulling out and watching his cum drip out of you.
"D-do I still have to squeeze your left hand for you to cum?" you chuckle a little.
"No, just... force of habit, I guess." he says sheepishly like he didn't just fuck your brains out.
"What about the vibrations?"
"You really liked that, didn't you?" he smirks, his hand sliding up your thigh tentatively, before his fingers slide between your folds, playing with the wetness.
"Shut up." you say embarassingly, swatting his hand away.
"Don't worry, I can vibrate if you want." he bites on his lip as he looks at you.
"I'm too sensitive now." you whisper and he chuckles.
"I know. Usually you don't go above four, five orgasms in one sitting. Maybe six if you're extra horny."
"It's embarassing to me that you know this in such detail." your face becomes red as Hyunjin chuckles, shaking his head.
"Nothing you should be embarassed about. I'm happy to please you." he says and leans down to kiss you gently.
You pull him into your embrace, hoping that from now on, he stays human, and keeps loving you because in this moment you can't imagine your life without Hyunjin in it.
"Thank you for letting me use your painting supplies." Hyunjin smiles up at you as he sits on the floor of your living room, like you always did when you painted.
"Don't thank me, Jinnie. What's mine is yours." you smile as you sit next to him and lean in closer.
"Let me see." you say as he looks down sheepishly.
He pushes the sketchbook towards you and you gasp.
"Hyunjin, this is amazing! How did you manage to paint so well?! And you painted me! That's so sweet."
"I- I don't know. As I started, it's like I got déjà vu, like I already did this before and many times so."
"Really? That's peculiar." you say.
"Maybe we should call the company I got you from." you add, tapping your chin.
"P-please don't!" Hyunjin panics, gripping at your thigh. "I'm scared. I don't know why but when I try to think of that place, it feels bad. Please don't call them. I don't want them to take me away from you."
"Hey, hey, it's okay. No one will take you away from me. I won't call them." you quickly grab his face to calm him down.
"You promise?" his pupils shake as he looks at you.
"I promise." you nod and kiss him sweetly to let him know he can trust you.
Hyunjin visibly relaxes with your touch, wrapping his arms around you and tucking his face in your neck.
"Um... could we go outside? We only ever went on night drives which is understandable but now that I can walk and stuff, we could go out on real dates and maybe visit museums?" he looks up at you with a smile.
"Of course! Anywhere you want to go." you smile back at him, and he leans up to kiss you.
For the next several weeks, you take Hyunjin everywhere.
To the park, the movies, museums, to a club, to different restaurants, to a mall, anything that comes to your mind, the two of you decide to visit, even going to a little town nearby for a day trip.
You don't remember the last time you were this happy and had someone next to you who made everything look so easy and sweet.
Hyunjin had taken an interest in capturing all the pretty moments so you got him a camera, deciding to surprise him for your 6 month anniversary.
As you came home from work, you called out to him but there was no answer.
"Jinnie? Are you sleeping?" you pushed the bedroom door open but the bed was vacant.
A heavy feeling settled in the pit of your stomach as you searched your entire apartment and couldn't find him.
Frantically, you looked for him again, knowing that he didn't suddenly become Barbie sized and hid somewhere.
He was gone.
You ran out of your apartment to knock on your neighbor's door.
"Tony! Did you see Hyunjin today maybe?" you asked him as soon as he opened the door.
"No, I didn't, sorry." he shook his head.
You didn't know what to do so you went back to your apartment and burst into tears.
Hyunjin didn't have a phone you could contact him with as he never had the need to use one so you had no way of reaching him.
All you could do was sit and wait, biting your nails as every single scenario runs through your mind.
He will come back, you reassure yourself as you fall asleep from exhaustion.
And he does, around 10pm the door clicks open and you jolt up from your nap on the couch.
"Hyunjin?" you say into the dark space and he turns on the light, standing in the middle of your living room with two gift bags in his hand and an apologetic look on his face.
"Oh my god, Hyunjin!" you jump to your feet, running to him and throwing your arms around him, squeezing him tightly and almost knocking him down as the bags fall out of his hands and he wraps his arms around your waist.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. I should've left you a note. I-I went out to get a gift for our anniversary tommorow."
"Please, don't ever disappear like that again. Do you have any idea how scared I was?" you cry and Hyunjin gasps, his hands on your face as he wipes away your tears.
"I'm really sorry. I will never ever do something like this again." his eyes water too.
"I should get you a phone." you shake your head. "Hey, how did you even manage to buy a gift? You don't have any money." you chuckle, wiping at your cheeks.
"I went to the park and painted portraits of people for money, then got the gift."
"Oh, Jinnie, you sweet fool. Just don't give me any more scares."
"I promise I won't." he nods and your lips seal in a kiss.
Despite having so many options to choose from now, Hyunjin and you decide to have a nice dinner at home for your anniversary, where it all started.
You even took out the most expensive plates and silverware you owned, adding some candles to create a more intimate atmosphere, some light romantic music playing in the background.
"Y/n, I um- got you something I'd like to see you wear tonight for me."
"Oh, you did?" you smirk. "Show it to me."
Hyunjin grabs one of the gift bags and reaches it to you with an excited smile.
You chuckle and peek inside, seeing that he got you black and red lacy lingerie as well as a dress.
"Do you like it?" he asks.
"Very much so." you take out the dress and touch the silky material. "This dress is very revealing." you notice the opened back and the deep neck line that would definitely almost make your breasts fall out.
"I was counting on the fact that we celebrate here because you in that dress is for my eyes only." his eyes darken suddenly.
"Oh yeah? Let me get ready for our dinner then." you chuckle and make your way to the bathroom.
Hyunjin decides to wear the clothes he arrived in, since those were the only fancy clothing items he owned, and he thought it was kind of symbolic to put them on tonight.
You walk into your bedroom to find Hyunjin dressed and staring at the big box he was packed in, one you still didn't get rid of.
"Jinnie?" you call out as he seems to be deep in thought.
"You kept the box." he says, still looking at it.
"I did. I had no idea what I was getting into so I left it just in case. I was gonna throw it out, it's just really heavy." you explain, making your way to him.
"When you arrived, two men had to carry the box in, and somehow the box seemed heavier than you. I barely managed to get it into the closet. Had to push it and stuff. Sorry I didn't have the chance to get rid of it."
"It's okay, y/n. You don't have to apologize." he smiles as he turns towards you.
"Oh." a gasp leaves his lips as he sees you all dressed up for him.
"You like?" you smirk, winking at him.
"Mhm." he nods quickly. "You look stunning, my angel."
"Thank you, Jinnie. You look handsome."
His cheeks seem to become more red with the praise as he mutters, his eyes darting left and right.
You enjoy your dinner together, romantic music playing in the background, the tv mute, left on just from the habit of it.
After you finish eating, you migrate to the couch to cuddle and drink wine, some stupid show playing on the screen and the two of you jokingly read from the character's lips, making up nonsensical conversations and laughing.
After some time and some more wine, Hyunjin becomes even more handsy than usual, grabbing at your thighs, sliding his hands on the silky material of the dress.
You melt into him, kissing him as your arms wrap around his shoulders, your tongues languidly massaging each other as your core throbs with need.
Hyunjin caresses you gently, his hands worshipping you, sliding down your throat, to your collarbone, to the swell of your breasts, down to your stomach and waist, landing on your hips.
His lips attach to your neck as he leaves wet kisses on your skin, licking at it and sinking his teeth in.
"Mm." you moan, playing with his hair as he kisses your collarbone and the flesh of your breast, leaving another love bite on the soft skin.
His hands travel under your dress, roaming around on your legs and your eyes open, landing on the tv, making you gasp.
"Hyunjin, that's you!" you jolt, pointing at the screen.
"Huh?" he mumbles, already drunk on you.
You quickly grab the remote and turn on the sound.
"...seemingly the dolls have some kind of malfunction that the company does not wish to reveal to the public. All eight of the purchased dolls are required to be returned and the buyers will get their money back, guaranteed. The customers will be contacted accordingly..."
"M-my friends. I vaguely remember them." Hyunjin breathes quickly, you can see that he's getting upset quickly. "They wanna take me away from you."
"I won't let them." you quickly shake your head.
"What are we gonna do?" he asks, clenching his fists and you gently grab his hands, trying to soothe him.
"We're gonna... leave."
"Yeah, I have a house my aunt left me up in the mountains. I don't think they can find us there. For now, until we think of where to go next." you start planning immediately.
There was no way you would let anyone take Hyunjin away from you.
"But, what about your job? And your things?" Hyunjin bites on his lip.
"I don't care. All I care about right now is making sure you're safe." you smile at him, your hand coming up to caress his cheek.
Hyunjin smiles, leaning into your touch and wrapping his arms around you.
"Thank you." he whispers into your hair.
You get a call from an unknown number the next day, but one quick google search tells you it's the company Hyunjin came from.
You packed one bag of a few essential things you'd need, leaving most of your belongings behind.
"Y/n! There's a black van posted outside. It's been there for hours. They're looking at the building right now." Hyunjin announces and you make your way to the window, half hiding behind him.
"We need to use the fire exit." you declare and Hyunjin nods as he turns to you.
"I won't let them take you. I promise." you hold his hands.
"I trust you, my angel." he smiles and you kiss him gently before the two of you exit the building, quickly entering your car.
You step on the gas, and reach out to hold Hyunjin's hand in yours.
As you speed off into the sunset, hoping for a better tomorrow, a black van rounds the corner, following you from afar...
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz @porangporangmeong @laylasbunbunny @laughatdanger @jeonginslefthand @sapphirewaves @simpforleeknaur @s3ungm1nxxl0ve @lixies-favorite-cookie
#stray kids x reader#stray kids#hyunjin x reader#stray kids smut#skz smut#skz x reader#hyunjin smut#skz scenarios#skz imagines#hyunjin scenarios#hyunjin#hyunjin fluff#hwang hyunjin smut#hwang hyunjin fluff#hyunjin x y/n#hyunjin x you#hwang hyunjin x reader#hwang hyunjin#hwang hyunjin x y/n#hwang hyunjin x you#hyunjin skz#ozzy's spooktober
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