#now I need to go back and reread all of these
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revelboo · 2 days ago
We just said goodbye to my bro's dog last night and rereading your stories is one of the few things getting me through the day without completely breaking down (yay distractions) 🙏🏻 lord help me as I go to work.
Pic cause he was the goodest boy who ever boy'd.
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Oh, no- I’m so sorry to hear that. Huskies are such sweet, silly babies
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Worker Bee Pt 22
Waspinator x Reader
• Stiffening when several slightly wilted daffodils, bulbs, roots and all, including the dirt are dumped in your lap and on the book you’re curled up reading, you take a deep breath. Head tipping back to stare at Waspinator looming over you, his mandibles shift into what you’ve decided is his equivalent to a smile. “Pretty for pretty little mate,” he says, antenna lifting. Not even going to try and argue the mate bit as you wonder which of your poor neighbor’s yards he’d been digging up. You’d convinced him to drag the azalea out of the living room and even to dig a hole and plant it near the house. Of course that had backfired when he’d came back inside looking like he’d been rolling around in the mud and had immediately pounced you for a hug.
• “Gee, thanks,” you mutter, little nose scrunching. Kneeling by the arm of the couch, he rests his chin on it, mandibles idly snagging the sleeve of your covering. “Don’t eat my clothes, please.” Sitting up you gather the flowers to yourself and head into your food area. Trailing behind you, he watches you cut one of plants’s stems and drop it into a glass with water. The rest you hold out. “Want to plant these?” Perking up, he takes them, servos sliding against the back of your hands and those eyes flick up to him. Encouraging him to move closer, venting to pull your scent deep.
• Skin prickling as his head tips, wings flicking fitfully, you back up and he lets you go even if there’s something almost predatory in the way he watches you. You’d hoped he’d ease up some if you just went along with his dating attempts, but he’s much more focused than normal now. Still your clingy wasp, but something has definitely shifted. And he follows you, moving slowly. Deliberately. Like he’s trying not to spook you. “Waspinator do good?” This is new, too. Keeps doing little things for you and then asking if you’re happy with him. Pleased with him. Like he’s a junkie for praise. Needs it. “Good at dating?”
• Watching you stumble to a stop when you back yourself into a wall, he cages you there with his palms splayed on either side of you. Watches you tense. Doesn’t understand this game. Letting him court you. Thanking him for taking care of you like a mate should. Then retreating from him. Avoiding him. Part of human courting? Keeps trying to confirm that he’s doing it right. That you’re happy with him, but you still shy away. Making him anxious with the need to please you so he can stay. “Waspinator,” you whisper, voice tense as you look up at him. “You’re crushing the daffodils.” And it’s so novel to be bigger than someone. He’s always been smaller than most of the other Decepticons.
• He’s too close. Looming over you and pinning you without touching you. And you don’t know what to do with this Waspinator. With his sudden, new found confidence. His boldness. Or maybe you’re just more aware of him now that you know what he’s up to. Maybe he’s not changed, just your awareness of him. “Waspinator good mate?” Forearm sliding against the wall, the spines at his elbow scrape the drywall when he leans down. Can feel the warmth of his venting stirring your hair. Suddenly breathless, you shove at his arm and all but run into the kitchen, aware of his soft, puzzled, “little mate?” Because that’s what he’s started calling you instead of little friend and it’s one more thing you’re not equipped to deal with right now.
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marauder-misprint · 20 hours ago
Hiii! So I wanted to request a Remus fic where the reader is really cheerfull flirty outgoing physical with everybody and bubbly but her English is not that good. If her native language would be hungarian would be great. So she sorta struggles. And like fluff. I'm so sorry if I come off as rude. 🫶
Hi! Thank you for this request and I'm sorry it took me a while to write it. I really hope you like it and that the Hungarian isn't too horrible. And your request isn't rude at all ❤︎ All of the Hungarian words/phrases are translated at the bottom
Remus Lupin x Hungarian!reader
2.5k words
cw: fluff :), Hungarian from Google Translate
So many people loved you at Hogwarts. You sported a bright smile everywhere you went. If someone forgot their quill, you let them borrow one of yours. They forgot their book? You offered to share yours. When your words didn’t fail you, you were the first to compliment people when they gave an insightful answer or looked especially nice or whatever could earn them a compliment. You were also quick to offer hugs and high fives, to give someone a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, to ‘boop’ someone’s nose or ruffle their hair. 
Your biggest issue? English wasn’t your first language. It meant you missed things in class and in passing with other students. Maybe that was part of why your smile was so prominent. You didn’t get half of the negative things that gossiped about. You could live in your world at times and spread the positivity that you saw. 
But then Professor Flitwick held you back after class. He had your most recent essay in front of him and a frown on his face. 
“This essay is simply illegible,” he said.
You mimicked his frown as you looked at your impeccable handwriting. 
“It’s incomprehensible. Makes no sense.”
“Ah. Can I… ah, írj… write again?” 
“Yes, I was going to ask you to. With the help of Remus Lupin. He’ll meet you in the library tonight after dinner.”
He handed you the essay. You reread your work. You thought that it made sense, but apparently not. You tucked it into your bag and offered the professor your thanks before leaving his classroom. For the rest of your day whenever you had downtime in classes, you took out the essay and reread what you wrote, trying to see where you had room for improvement. Something must’ve gotten dropped or left out during your translating. It’s your main focus for all of dinner, making it easier to block out the conversations that are happening around you. 
You hugged your friends after you were done eating. You’d see them in the common room later and now, you needed to go to the library. You quickly scanned the library when you got there, trying to see if Remus was there already. You found him at a table near the back. 
“Remus, hi!” you said as you sat down right night to him, moving your chair as close to him as you could and knocking your knees together.
The look he gave you was unreadable. You were blissfully unaware of how your closeness and brief moment of touching threw him off. He was relatively closed off to anyone who wasn’t a close friend. As bubbly and sociable as you were, you didn’t qualify.
“Rewriting that essay for Flitwick, right?” he asked before subtly moving his chair away from you.
“Yes! Thank you for help.” 
You pulled out your first attempt of the essay along with your Charms book, fresh parchment, your quill and ink. Everything you needed. 
“And….” you muttered to yourself as you grabbed your Hungarian to English dictionary that you carried with you. “Okay. Where do we start?”
“May I read what you wrote?” Remus asked, slowly reaching for your essay.
You slid it toward him with your hand barely brushing his. While he took the time to read your essay and occasionally scribble notes in the margins, you opened your textbook to the section you were supposed to be using. The air was still for a few minutes. You prepared to rewrite an entire essay and handle the criticism. 
Remus cleared his throat when he finished reading. He placed the essay down back in front of you. 
“It’s not bad, but I agree with Flitwick. There are sections that, erm, I can’t read. I noted which ones.” He reached to point to what he was referring to. “But the overall content is fine.”
You placed your hand over his. “You think so?” 
“Wouldn’t have it if I didn’t mean it.” 
You read over his notes and started to rewrite your essay. Remus watched you work for a few minutes before he took out his assignments to work on. He snuck glances at you, telling himself that he was just checking your progress. It definitely wasn’t to watch you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you focused. It wasn’t to see you twist your lips as you reread your essay and his notes. And he most certainly didn’t smile at the way the candle light made your eyes shine. 
“I think… I think I fixed it? Can you read?” you asked, setting your quill down.
“Erm, yeah. Yeah, I can read it.”
Remus set aside his own work and took your essay. Without the confusing segments, the essay was much better. Remus nodded, giving it back to you once he finished reading it. 
“Flitwick will like that one. Much better.”
The smile that you gave Remus took his breath away. Almost as much as when you then leaned in to hug him. He awkwardly patted your arms as they wrapped around him from the side. You barely knew him and yet here you were, hugging him as if you were lifelong friends.
“Thank you, Remus,” you said before letting go. 
You started to pack your things away and Remus returned to his assignments. He tried to steady his breathing and heart rate. He expected that to be the end of the interaction. You stood up and slung your bag over your shoulder, pausing to look at Remus while he worked. 
“Could you help more? Essays are hard,” you said, your voice soft.
Remus looked up to see your pleading eyes.
“Yeah. We can meet here on Tuesdays and Thursdays?” 
Your smile somehow widened. 
“Thank you!” 
Then you left. He watched you leave, curiosity about you flowing through his veins. He knew everyone loved you and with this short evening together, he absolutely understood why. You emanated joyful energy. You were beautiful. You were… fantastic. And you had just asked him to spend more time with you. Was it for homework? Yes, but Remus wasn’t going to let that deter him from enjoying your presence. 
From then on, Remus looked forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays. He had classes with you and could see you during passing or meals, but those evenings in the library? You were all his. You sat mostly in silence, but you were always right next to him. Sitting too close, touching his hand, smiling at him, hugging him. He could sneak glances at you without the risk of anyone noticing how often he did so. 
“Can you read, Édesem?” you asked, sliding him a Transfiguration essay you had been working on. 
“Of course.”
Since that first session together, Remus didn’t usually make notes on your essays. In sections when your Hungarian messed with your English, he tapped his wand to the essay to make grammar and spelling changes. The only notes he made were when the content of the essay needed edits. He couldn't help pride he felt when he noticed your essays having fewer and fewer errors. He told himself that he was part of why that was happening.
Most of the time, you busied yourself with something else while he read over your work. Not today though. You watched him read, your eyes tracing over the scars on his face, forearms and hands. Because he was reading your essay, you stopped yourself from brushing his hair out of his eyes. It had grown a fair amount since your first session. 
You sighed. “Jóképű vagy…”
“Hmm?” he hummed, not looking up from the parchment. 
You flushed and looked away. You hadn’t meant to say that out loud. And then Remus said your name.
“Mit?” you asked.
“Did you say something?” 
“No.” Did you say that too quickly? Did you sound uncertain? 
“Oh… I thought… Ah, never mind…” A moment passed. “Here’s your essay back. It’s good.”
“Thank you, Drágám,” you said with a slight smile.
“What’s that mean? Dragon?” 
You knew your blush was becoming more prominent. 
“It’s…” You couldn’t tell him what it actually meant. Your Hungarian pet names were supposed to your secret way was expressing your feelings. “It means friend.”
“Huh. Cool.” 
He seemed to believe you. You had been calling him Drágám and Édesem for a few sessions now. He had never explicitly asked what they meant until now. He assumed that they meant something along the lines of friend, but he wanted to be sure. And now he knew. 
You hugged him again before you left. Then you pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“Thanks, again, Remus. I appreciate the help.” 
As soon as your back was to him as you walked away, Remus brought his hand up to his cheek where your lips had just been. He used to think that the hug was overkill for the level of friendship you had and the amount of help he was giving you. A kiss, albeit on the cheek, but still a kiss? It felt like a lot. 
Then he noticed the small book you accidentally left behind. The Hungarian to English dictionary. He put it in his bag. He could give it back to you when he saw you in class. Remus was positive it wasn’t something you’d want to lose. He worked for a bit longer before returning to his dorm.
As he lay in bed that night, he flipped through the dictionary. He came across words he heard you say from time to time and words you mixed up for English ones. There were a few that caught his eye as he lazily scanned the pages. Édesem and Drágám were two of the big ones. The little nicknames you had called him and they certainly didn’t mean friend. 
He closed the book, setting it on his bedside table with a deep blush covering his entire face. You had been calling him terms of endearment in your native tongue. Did you call everyone that? As he observed you in the past few weeks, he noticed that you hugged a lot of people. You seemed to have a lot of love to give, not that it was a bad thing. But he hadn’t paid attention to how you spoke to others. He knew he needed to. He needed to know if these terms were your normal vocabulary or reserved for your study buddy. 
He found you the next day before Charms to give you the dictionary back. 
“You left this last night. Thought you’d like it back.”
“Remus! Köszönöm, jóképű! Thank you!”
As if to enforce his observations, you pulled him into a hug and then pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I would be dead without this,” you said as you pulled back. 
He gave you a polite smile and made his way to his desk. He knew he had interrupted your conversation with your friends and now he was kicking himself for not trying to listen to how you spoke before he interrupted or lingering after you let him go. He also regretted not having the dictionary any more. Jóképű? That was a new name. What if that one really did mean friend? 
He figured he’d just have to wait.
And he did. He waited until your next study session together. He planned to wait until you let one of the pet names slip and he’d ask you about it again. 
It didn’t take long.
“Hello, Drágám,” you said cheerfully as you walked up to your usual table. 
Remus waited until you sat down and subconsciously moved your chair closer to his, like you did every time. 
“There it is again, Drágám.”
“Mit?” you asked, tilting your head as you looked at Remus. There was something new in his warm honey eyes that made you melt.
“Drágám. The name I asked you about.”
You cleared your throat. “Right. Friend.”
Then he chuckled. 
“It doesn’t mean friend,” he said matter-of-factly. He gestured to your bag where he knew the dictionary was tucked away. “I… I, ah, I looked it up.”
Your face burned bright red within seconds. 
“You looked it up?”
“I was flipping through the pages. Curious, you know. And I, erm, I came across it. Precious? Honey? And the other one… Éde-something.”
“Édesem,” you whispered, the sinking feeling of embarrassment covering you from head to toe. You wanted to disappear into your chair. 
“Sweetheart,” he said. 
He didn’t look angry when he said that. If anything, he looked nervous.
“What was it that you called me when I gave you the dictionary back? I couldn’t look it up… Obviously.”
You bit your lip before saying, “Friend?”
Remus chuckled and then gestured to your bag. “Do you mind if I check?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Your heart pounded in your chest as you reached into your bag to grab the small book. You handed it to Remus without looking at him. 
“It was… ahem, jóképű,” you said in a small voice.
Remus flipped through the pages until he found it. Then his face was covered in a matching shade of red. Handsome. It seemed to glare at him from the page. He swallowed thickly before allowing him to look at you.
You were staring at your hands, which were clasped in front of you on the table. He slowly reached out and placed his on top of yours. 
“Do you say that to all of your friends?” he whispered.
You shook your head, not trusting your voice or your own words. 
“Édesem, please look at me,” he said. 
Your heart leapt at him using the endearment back at you. He was using it to refer to you, right? The sweet look on his face only made you think that he was. He leaned in slightly.
“Do you really think I’m… joke… ah, I can’t pronounce it…”
“I do…” 
You slid one of your hands out from under his to brush his hair out of his eyes. 
“It’s a… um, előnye… a…” You then held up a finger and reached for the dictionary. After a moment of you scanning a few pages, you continued, “It’s a perk of studying with you.” 
“And I thought I was the only one with that perk,” Remus said with a smirk.
“What do you mean?”
“Having a pretty study mate. Bit distracting for getting work done, but nice all the same.”
You gave him a confused look so he continued.
“Édesem, you’re breathtaking. And I really like being near you, working with you, helping you. It’s the highlight of my day.”
“Oh,” you breathed, your blush once again deepening.
This time it was Remus who removed a hand to move some of your hair. He tucked it behind your ear before letting his hand rest on the side of your face. 
“Can I… ah… Can…” he stuttered before leaning in more. 
You could feel his breath on your face as he kept moving closer. And then you realized what he was doing a moment after his lips brushed yours. You leaned into the kiss as your silent way of accepting it. 
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Translations from google translate
Mit - what 
Írj - write
Édesem - honey/sweetheart
Drágám - my precious
Jóképű vagy - you’re so handsome
Köszönöm, jóképű - thank you, handsome
Előnye - advantage/benefit/perk
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perseus-jackass · 24 hours ago
If you think Tim followed the bat family around on patrols since Dick was Robin, you’re wrong. I’ve been waiting to make a post about this until I would go reread a lonely place of dying and grab the panels, but I need a specific panel for an edit so I just grabbed these ones too.
In a lonely place of dying, we meet Tim Drake (may he rot in hell) and we find out how he knows Batman and Robin’s identity. Everyone knows who’s at the circus that night but for some reason, a lot of people seem to think that after Robin showed up, he started following them around at night taking pictures. This goes hand-in-hand with Jack and Janet Drake were neglectful and awful, which is also not true but not the point right now. Anyway, here’s how we canonically find out how Tim knows their identities in Batman #441
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He was at the circus and knew that only the Graysons could do a quadruple somersault and then he saw Robin do it ON TV. This nine-year-old was not following around these vigilantes through the streets of Gotham.
I assume the following around and taking pictures thing comes from 2 earlier parts of a lonely place of dying. Were Tim is shown taking pictures of Bruce being needlessly violent in Batman #440 and when Tim follows Dick to the circus to show him the evidence on why he needs to come back and be Robin again in The New Titans #60
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When you compare the first page where Tim is taking the pictures to the second page with all the pictures, you can see that the pictures Tim took himself are only of Bruce being violent. It’s only the pictures he’s taking so he can give them to Dick to convince him to come back. The pictures of Batman and Robin are all from the newspaper. Tim did not take them. 
And then in The New Titans, when he finds Dick at the circus, he gives him the pictures.
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Tim doesn’t respond when Dick asks him where he got the pictures. But he also doesn’t say that he’s been following them around for years like some people seem to think happened in this interaction. Because it’s insane to think that this child has been following them around for years.
Anyway, Tim stans maybe read his introduction comic. Or shut the fuck up either one works 
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i-hate-peas · 5 months ago
The Old Guard Fic Recs
So I've been a long time lurker within the fandom without ever getting particularly involved, but I wanted to show some appreciation for some of the super talented people who go here, because I have read a lot of incredible TOG fic.
Most (probably all) of these authors have loads of other amazing fics, but I've tried to just chose one from each, to keep the list a vaguely reasonable length. Although then I cheated and did some honourable mentions.
** just a note to say I started this list year (s) ago and forgot about it until literally today when I saw fic recs going round. Any of these fics I haven’t put a description for it’s because I didn’t do it at the time, and if I go back to reread them all this would never be posted, not through any lack of affection or enjoyment **
If any writers want tagging/ untagging etc please let me know! (i knew/ could find some blogs more easily than others lol)
Within Canon
Old Olives by aeli_kindara
Garden of Gethsemane mention = instant tears
Death in Her Hands by superblackmarket
Nile's growing relationship with Joe and Nicky. All of their fics are so beautifully written, but I especially love Nile's relationship with the boys and her facing her own immortality.
Honourable mention: Station to Station
Between the Hour and the Age by hauntedjaeger (@hauntedfalcon)
Andy! Nile!
Ouroboros by CypressSunn (@cypresssunns)
Set after the film, literally just read it.
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience by Jack_R
A pair of early days Joe Nicky fics that reminds me of 'my wife is a bitch and i love her so much'
let's give them something to talk about by lacecat
When The Cherries White With Blossoms, Be Ready & Be Brave by chapstickaddict
Unearthed by merle_p
I think this is one of the most kudosed fics in the AO3 tag, but it deserves the hype!
Kidnapping for Dummies by Amiril
Similar to above, already very popular, but great and very funny!
The Last Man on Earth by Survivah (@optimismology)
I will admit I don't normally go for Booker/Nile, but this fic sold it to me. Looking at them and their developing relationship as the newer immortals.
Canon Divergent
Retrograde by Pinkninja
I mean this fic is the Big Bitch of the fandom for me, if you haven't already read this, where have you been? But also if you haven't already read this I am so jealous, read it and take your time with it and bawl your eyes out over it and appreciate the joy of reading it for the first time. The level of detail and planning in this fic is indescribable. It follows Nicky trapped in a Time Travellers Wife style life where he jumps back and forth throughout his own timeline, whilst Joe lives his life in chronological order. Exquisitely written.
If Never Again, If Every Day by gallifreyburning and takiki16 (@gallifreyburning, @takiki16)
Another absolute Titan of the genre. I know you’ve already been recommended this 500 times, what more can I say.
though I'm dying to (fall in love with you) by yusufsmoon (@babygirlyusuf)
Travellers from an Antique Land by kaydeefalls (@kaydeefalls)
Andy, not Quỳnh, trapped under the sea. I love all their fics.
Makes Me Want You More by Sixthlight (@sixth-light)
Perhaps not the typical favourite choice from Sixthlight, one of my absolute favourite TOG authors, but one that is funny and lovely and sweet that I keep coming back to. Shorter than many of theirs but perfectly formed.
pumpkin gnocci verse (series) by Liadan14 (@bewires)
I mean it's got estranged family, suspenseful chronological structure, cooking, spies, intimate and honest sex scenes, hilarious misunderstandings involving keeping halal, lovely found family moments, and the actual recipes used. What more do you want.
The Reality of Everything by Marbletopempire
One of the fics I desperately waited for each instalment for. Very funny, lots of sexual tension, plenty of Cate Blanchette spotting opportunities.
sine qua non by mellyflori (@werebearbearbar)
One of the first of their fics I read, with a very sweet build up of misunderstanding to friends to lovers, involving growing up, discovering sexuality, trying to be nice about your best friend's bad boyfriend, and a long suffering sofa.
The Brooklyn Verse (series) by GayLittleEarring, yusufsmoon, nicelytousled (@marwankenzarisgaylittleearring @babygirlyusuf @nicelytousled)
I saw the creation of this on Tumblr before it was a fic, and it lived up to every expectation. Very sweet and sincere, with lots of great discussions about art, whilst also very funny (Lamp the free loader, Joe sending thirst traps out of irritation) and hot. ItalianAmericanNickyfromBrooklyn and Joe my beloveds.
a good (eighth) impression by deaniker
I love a good hook-up to 'oh shit I have feelings' fic, and this is even more entertaining because Nicky is Lykon's ex, and Joe has very much seen him at his worst.
You do not have to be good by emjee (MerryHeart) (@emjee)
At one point a tumblr post about Joe the Professor and Nicky the Priest got very popular, and I'm not sure if this fic was inspired by that, but is one of the great fics with similar concepts. Such a lovely, gentle fic about love and also identity, featuring also Nile and a very sweet snail.
it's such an almighty sound (series) by raedear (@raedear)
A secret service AU that goes full enemies to lovers, with lots of tension, plotting, betrayal, frustration, and tenderness.
Honourable mention: take my hand (you got me rockin' and rollin')
fight 'til the day that i die 'verse by incurableromancer
Suspenseful, noir, super hero AU that has such a great writing style and is very atmospheric.
if you do take a thief by knoepfchen (@knoepfchen)
Cluedo style AU with lots of fun twists and slow building of backstories, with the whole gang.
Honourable mention: life is not the things that we do (it's who we're doing them with)
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impossiblefeat · 20 days ago
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Espio opens his mouth so wide compared to everyone else... He's so happy to surprise Sonic!!!
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meownotgood · 4 months ago
i think we as a society don't acknowledge boxer!aki from ch. 46 enough
when he gets animated..... huuu...... uuuuu... godddddd I can't muster a single coherent thought like JUST LOOK AT HIM......
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and the way aki fought this guy who looks way more buff than him but aki didn't even break a sweat!!! aki doesn't even look tired!!!!!! he's so lean and tall and pretty in that one panel like what if I just died fyfucikkkk
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brutal-nemesis · 27 days ago
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after all these years i have a fucking Rock Job im so so hyped oh my fucking god i will have money
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beaulesbian · 11 months ago
I was only today years old when I realized that Trafalgar Law's names are probably references to two battles that led in our real life history to a certain emperor (Napoleon)'s defeat.
*arrives 10 years late with a meta post because of a realization*
uhh Dressrosa spoilers, I guess.
Trafalgar and Waterloo... Water Law.
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In One Piece world that emperor being Doflamingo, who suffered two major loses thanks to Law's existence:
First being cca 13 years ago from the main storyline - at the Minion Island where Corazon managed to get the Op-op devil fruit for Law and saving his life from Doflamingo. On that island, Doflamingo lost both Corazon and the devil fruit he wanted to much to get his hands on, as well as Law, someone who he wanted to use as the sacrifice to get the immortality via the devil fruit's powers.
Tbh I haven't really heard about the Trafalgar battle before today. When I first heard about Trafalgar Law as character while I started to read One Piece only cca 5 months ago, I only thought "huh, isn't that a square in England, I was there on a trip once" but didn't look more into it now.
So I just skimmed throught the wiki pages of those battles, I don't know all the details, I don't want to compare it too much, but some maybe similarities/parallels that piqued my interest:
The Battle of Trafalgar were the spanish-france forces against english navy, and Donquixote/Dressrosa arc including all those spanish themes, as well as Law being from the North Blue (where Sanji and Mont Blanc Noland are/were also from) being a bit influenced by France, plays interesting role when this happened in North Blue as a prelude to what would 13 years later happen in Dressrosa (the birdcage, Doflamingo's rule, the puppets, etc).
This part of the Trafalgar battle describing the british was at first outnumbered, that the spanish had more ships along with one of their biggest one:
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reminded me of how Corazon himself faced with the whole Donquixote family, including Doflamingo:
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and some more interesting similarities how the "hero" of the battle died even before it ended:
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but thanks to his informations, the Navy later arrived, and Law got away.
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(even on the wiki of the Trafalgar battle there were mentions of some false informations, previous pursuits of the ships and admirals etc, so that vibe kind of fits.)
I haven't read much about the Waterloo battle, except how known it is for being the final defeat of Napoleon, by Coalition armies - which would nicely parallel to Law and Luffy starting their own Alliance during Dressrosa, and thanks to that it caused for Luffy to be there to beat Doflamingo once and for all.
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Some other small details I noticed:
The Don Quixote book was apparently first published in two parts, one in 1605 and the other in 1615.
The battle of Trafalgar happened in 1805, and the battle of Waterloo in 1815.
I found one person even connecting the date when was published the chapter of Doflamingo's deafeat in Dressrosa - 18th of June, 2015, which is the same date only 200 years later after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.
I love that in some sense both battles have in common water, and for the One Piece world that is connected with pirates and ships - with the historical aspects the battle of Trafalgar being a naval battle, and Waterloo for the Water in Trafalgar D. Water Law - he concealed his full name from Doflamingo for all those years, his secret name as well as the will of the Ds. - for our world a possible reference if one looks more that he really was meant to be Doflamingo's downfall.
There's just something beautiful about Law's whole existence to be a sort of a foretelling of the fall of one of the emperors of the sea, just by having these names. And it's not just the names of his, but the parallels to the situations and results of the incidents taking place at those locations.
It's literally a middle finger to Doflamingo:
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moongothic · 4 months ago
Kinda started rereading Dressrosa and... Although I always chalked up the similarities between Crocodile's plan to take over Alabasta and how Doflamingo took over Dressrosa as nothing but Oda reusing similar plot elements but in a slightly different way (just to show us what could've become of Alabasta had Croc gotten away with his schemes, what Luffy helped prevent from happening to begin with)...
Robin's reaction to hearing the story of Dressrosa and HOW Doflamingo took over the country, that simple little "...!!", actually does kind of speak volumes
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Like if you wanted canonical evidence to Crocodile having been "inspired" by Doflamingo, then yeah, Robin would be The Person who would pick up on that, she'd be the person who'd be like "hey, that story sounds awfully familiar to what Crocodile did", since he was her boss
Do want to note that, timeline-wise, Doflamingo only took over Dressrosa 10 years ago, where as Crocodile had been Scheming and establishing his position as the Hero of Alabasta for 16 years. Like Croc's intent to obtain Pluton and create his military nation utopia absolutely pre-dates Doffy's takeover, so that wasn't and can't have been inspired by Doflamingo at all. It's more just the plan and method Crocodile ended up going with (framing the king (through a bloodbath) and putting the country in a position without a ruler where he could just yoink it for himself with ease) where the similarity becomes more obvious. But it is also kind of where it ends. Doflamingo wanted Dressrosa because he felt like he was entitled to the island (as his family had been its original rulers and he was a Tenryuubito), and was using the island for his own gains (Smile manufacturing etc, for his dealings with Kaidou), all while having a great distain and hatred of the world and how he had been "wronged" (=Tenryuubito rights revoked). Meanwhile... yeah, Crocodile wanted to create a "utopia", only targetting Alabasta because he believed Pluton was there and because Pluton would be needed for his ideal military nation. That minor difference and Crocodile's clear and great distain and hatred of Doflamingo combined...
Yeah, I dunno, this is just interesting to me. God I need Robin and Crocodile to have a lil reunion chat
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kyouka-supremacy · 4 months ago
#(I'm back)#It was. Uhm. A chapter#First of all: I'm ENDLESSLY GRATEFUL to the person who sent me the translation basically as soon as the chapter came out.#I even did like 90% of typesetting but didn't finish it because I had to go out#(aka with my friends were literally knocking out at my room and I couldn't make it any more late lol)#Mixed feelings about it? Mostly because there's so much exposition... I'll need to reread it another three times before it sinks in#The color page is AMAZING 10000000000000/10 I love my sskks so much they're so cute I love them so much they're so cute.#Easily the best part of the chapter.#The color page was? Very very pretty too? Like a lot more than usual if you ask me! I can't wait for the volume cover 🥺🥺#It should come out soon shouldn't it? Usually color spreads / pages open the volume...#Akutagawa fake dying again is funny. Like it isssss but also. Idk it's a little lame how we're changing the pov from ss/kk again :/#I can't even tell if I'm being biased or if it's an actual storytelling critique. I don't care right now I just want to see Akutagawa–#being cool rather than. You know. Dead on the ground.#That said! It's also very funny and touches my sense of humor precisely.#Like yeah Akutagawa being like the second strongest pm member and overall one of the most powerful ability user in the world–#that everyone fears (and I know he is! He is indeed for real!)#And yet he always ends up face to the ground 😂😂😂 Like if we don't count the ss/kk fights he literally only ever won against Hawthorne.#And even then he failed to kill him and Mitchell. It's so funny to me. I love him. He's so pathetic#“Wow! Akutagawa is so cool and invincible now!” *ends up biting the dust not even two chapters later*#It's okay because I love him. He's very very powerful and he's also very very pathetic I love that for him#That said :/ I don't really care about Fukuzawa :/ Idk :/ Like :/#Don't get me wrong I LOVE Fukuzawa (I don't. I'm mostly neutral towards him) but this is the ss/kk moment man :/ Whatchu doin#That's about it. Let's see what the next chapter brings!#Everything accounted for I'm glad there wasn't like. A ss/kk kiss or any other big big ss/kk moment#(although Atsushi admiring Akutagawa and thinking about his eyes has its fair share of neatness to it!!)#Because with everything going on this evening I really would have been let down to miss it#But I keep hope for the next chapters!! Please...#random rambles#Had tons of fun typesetting! Even though I don't think there's a point in posting it now. But would love to do it again in the future!#bsd spoilers
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everyfandomever · 24 days ago
Being awake at 1 am never leads to good decisions
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hollowflight-propaganda · 11 months ago
It's that time again where a random song makes me think of a wof character, this time it's Homesick by Noah Kahan with Flame
Do what you want with that information
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 11 months ago
it’s missing takaba hours
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subarashiihibi · 1 year ago
i've already written about these quotes in my own drrr novel notes but i have to post about it here too just because i need to speak about it again but
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narita describing izaya as 'very difficult to grasp or classify' here in his first real appearance and introduction is so UGHHHHH it's so fucking good. izaya is like an enigma and he is so complex and he's got all these things going on with him that all work to make him so so so beautiful and so i just really like that narita worded it like that. i love to observe izaya like he's a specimen under the microscope.
the other things i highlighted were also very important to me i think the 'anything that wasn't himself' is also a good glimpse into izaya's personality and the way his mind works. 'equally pleasant face' i just like that one cause i like when they call him beautiful in the story . <3
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this also made me feel like i was going to ascend from my couch first time i reread it a while back. how interesting is it that narita describes mikado's feeling as though his 'entire existence would be denied' by the very man who so obviously struggles with facing his own humanity and instead chooses to see himself as an omnipotent figure. i just idk i'm not even going to try and get further into it bc i'm already like just feeling like i need to start rolling around and pulling my hair out but my god i love izaya orihara so much he truly is the goat he is MY goat 🙏🙏🙏
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kroosluvr · 5 months ago
idk how to word this rlly but you are so good at drawing Soft expressions like I can see the love in their eyes and every line of their face
WAAH BLUSHES THANK YOU SO MUCH ;-; <3333333 that makes me so happy... i love drawing affectionate/soft/melancholic/etc expressions so this means a lot to me.... thank you so much anon!!!! ;o; <33333333333
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knightzp · 1 year ago
finally on winter break yayyyyyyy
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