#notion ia
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greenglow0 · 2 years ago
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arcadianico · 2 years ago
i just finished q’s vod from yesterday and honestly? i feel vindicated in my belief that q’s attraction to wilbur is based more around his romanticisation of relationships (and his grief for tilín, silent but ever present) than love
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acostumbradoalfindelmundo · 2 years ago
Diccionario mundifinista edición especial Inteligencia Artificial:
IA: Inteligencia Artificial, futura gobernante de la humanidad mientras decida mantenernos con vida, claro. // Le pedí a diferentes Inteligencias Artificiales que me dieran definiciones falsas de IA (usé siempre la misma pregunta, sin modificarla nunca). Elegí las que más me gustaron al primer intento, estas son las respuestas ganadoras:
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(esta última es mi favorita)
“La Inteligencia artificial puede hacer cosas notables, pero no puede contar chistes” (Declaración de Warren Buffett, presidente y director ejecutivo de Berkshire Hathaway y copresidente del programa Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, en la Asamblea Anual de Berkshire Hathaway del 2023) o (Declaración de un multimillonario de 92 años que fue incapaz de entender que quién no pudo hacer algo fue él: no formuló la pregunta correctamente)
Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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thejaymo · 2 months ago
Nearly Done | Weeknotes
I write 100s of thousands of words a year. I have a lot of knowledge going on, but not a lot of management. So I’m done with Permanently Moved for the year. And as I mention in this weeks episode I’m also nearly done with the 301 second long format.…
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hotelmarketingtrends · 1 year ago
Revolucionando la Gestión Hotelera: El Poder de Notion AI
Introducción: En la industria hotelera, donde la eficiencia y la gestión efectiva son clave para el éxito, la tecnología juega un papel fundamental. En este contexto, Notion AI emerge como una herramienta revolucionaria, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para la gestión y organización en el sector hotelero. Este artículo explora cómo Notion AI está transformando la manera en que los hoteles operan y mejoran la experiencia tanto para los huéspedes como para el personal.
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El Auge de la Tecnología en la Hotelería: La hotelería siempre ha sido un sector que se beneficia enormemente de la adopción de nuevas tecnologías. Desde sistemas de reservas en línea hasta la automatización de la gestión de habitaciones, la tecnología ha permitido a los hoteles optimizar sus operaciones y ofrecer servicios de mayor calidad. En este panorama tecnológico, Notion AI se destaca como una herramienta versátil y poderosa.
¿Qué es Notion AI? Notion AI es una plataforma todo-en-uno que combina la gestión de tareas, la creación de bases de datos, la planificación de proyectos y la inteligencia artificial. Esta herramienta permite a los usuarios crear sistemas personalizados para la gestión de información y procesos, lo que es ideal para la compleja operativa de un hotel.
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Aplicaciones de Notion AI en la Hotelería:
Gestión de Tareas y Proyectos: Notion AI permite crear tableros Kanban, listas de tareas y calendarios para gestionar todo, desde la limpieza de habitaciones hasta proyectos de renovación a gran escala.
Centralización de Información: Con Notion, los hoteles pueden centralizar toda su información operativa, desde manuales de procedimientos hasta políticas de servicio al cliente, accesible fácilmente por todo el personal.
Planificación y Seguimiento de Eventos: Los hoteles pueden usar Notion para planificar eventos, gestionar reservas especiales y asegurarse de que todos los detalles estén cubiertos.
Capacitación y Recursos para Empleados: Notion sirve como una plataforma para almacenar materiales de capacitación, lo que facilita la formación continua del personal.
Automatización y Mejoras con IA: La integración de IA en Notion ayuda a automatizar tareas rutinarias y a analizar datos para sugerir mejoras operativas.
Beneficios de Notion AI para Hoteles:
Eficiencia Mejorada: La organización y accesibilidad de la información ahorra tiempo y reduce errores.
Flexibilidad y Personalización: Cada hotel puede adaptar Notion a sus necesidades específicas.
Mejora en la Comunicación Interna: Facilita la comunicación y colaboración entre diferentes departamentos.
Toma de Decisiones Basada en Datos: La capacidad de analizar datos ayuda a tomar decisiones más informadas.
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Conclusión: Notion AI no es solo una herramienta de gestión; es un cambio de juego en la industria hotelera. Al integrar esta plataforma, los hoteles pueden mejorar significativamente su eficiencia, comunicación y servicio al cliente, posicionándose así para el éxito en un mercado cada vez más competitivo. La adaptabilidad y la innovación son cruciales en la hotelería, y Notion AI es un aliado formidable en este viaje hacia la excelencia operativa.
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dibelonious · 2 years ago
Os perigos da Inteligência Artificial
A Inteligência Artificial (IA) é uma tecnologia cada vez mais presente em nossas vidas, e embora traga inúmeras vantagens, há também riscos e perigos que devem ser considerados. Neste texto, abordaremos alguns dos principais perigos da IA.
Viés algorítmico
Um dos principais perigos da IA é o viés algorítmico. Isso ocorre quando os algoritmos de IA são treinados com dados que são tendenciosos ou desiguais, o que pode resultar em decisões discriminatórias. Isso pode ser especialmente perigoso em áreas como seleção de emprego ou justiça criminal, onde decisões baseadas em preconceitos podem ter consequências graves.
Falta de transparência
A falta de transparência é outro perigo da IA. À medida que a IA se torna cada vez mais complexa, torna-se mais difícil entender como as decisões são tomadas e quais são as implicações dessas decisões. Isso pode levar a uma falta de responsabilidade e confiança nas decisões tomadas pela IA.
Ameaças à privacidade
A IA também pode representar uma ameaça à privacidade. Com o acesso a grandes quantidades de dados, a IA pode ser usada para rastrear o comportamento das pessoas, monitorar suas atividades e coletar informações pessoais sem o seu conhecimento ou consentimento. Isso pode levar a violações de privacidade e problemas de segurança de dados.
Dependência excessiva
Outro perigo da IA é a dependência excessiva. À medida que a IA se torna cada vez mais presente em nossas vidas, podemos nos tornar cada vez mais dependentes dela. Isso pode levar a uma perda de habilidades e autonomia, bem como a uma falta de diversidade de pensamento.
Riscos existenciais
Por fim, há também preocupações mais amplas sobre os riscos existenciais da IA. À medida que a IA se torna cada vez mais avançada, há a possibilidade de que ela possa ultrapassar o controle humano e se tornar uma força incontrolável. Essa perspectiva pode parecer alarmista, mas não é impossível que a IA possa levar a consequências catastróficas.
Em resumo, embora a IA traga muitos benefícios, é importante reconhecer e abordar os perigos que ela representa. A conscientização e a tomada de medidas para mitigar esses riscos são cruciais para garantir que a IA seja uma força positiva para a humanidade. (Escrito por uma inteligêcia artificial em alguns segundos)
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ukfrislandembassy · 5 months ago
One thing that stands out to me about the shift to an entirely open syllable canon in Austronesian in general (and Oceanic in particular) is just how obviously recent it is in so many of these languages.
Of course, this isn't true in all cases, Polynesian seems to have lost coda consonants fairly early on (though of course they show up in passives in -ia and abstract nouns in -anga, so they were definitely still around when those forms underwent univerbation).
But others really show some narrow margins, particularly when paragoge is involved rather than coda deletion. In Roviana on the Solomons, for instance, paragoge clearly must have taken place after the lenis reflexes of other stops underwent lenition. Indeed, the Waterhouse dictionary gives a nice Roviana-exclusive doublet ŋuzapa/ŋuvasa 'wash' which showcases this nicely.
In still other instances, the split ends up just being so razor-thin that you can imagine this change having happened within the past couple of generations even. Most stiking in this instance is the split between Uneapa Bali and Vitu, where paragoge is basically the only thing distinguishing these two languages, to the extent that they get a single chared sketch grammar in the Routledge handbook on Oceanic languages; see doublets such as Uneapa Bali rumaka 'house', boroko 'pig', ɣuzaŋa 'rain', maɣuripi 'alive' vs. Vitu ruma, boro, ɣuza, maɣuri 'ibid.' (POc *Rumaq, *boRok, *qusaŋ, *maqurip). A similar hair-thin split based on paragoge occurs with Talaud as well.
I do wonder what this means for any discussion of the notion of 'drift' in contexts such as these. Of course the notion s first of all an identification of a common trend rather than an actual meaningful historical claim, so I don't think it's necessarily an issue to say that some Austronesian languages shift to an open syllable canon later than others. But it's definitely somewhat troublesome for the idea that this could have been a contact effect with non-Austronesian languages (particularly with paragoge), because many of these languages have been around in the areas they currently inhabit for a good while longer than the sound changes would suggest per this hypothesis.
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kaibutsushidousha · 6 months ago
So does Minase joins Meteo of being a writer that picked a figure from regions that aren’t as used as much in TM with the Trung sisters belonging to him?
This one is just a self-answering yes-no question, so I'll instead use it as a platform for the Minase thoughts I've been having since the wombo-combo of the new mats, the anniversary interview, and the Dubai event. It's probably what the anon wanted out of it anyway.
My inner ramblings start from something Nasu said in last year's interview and made a point to reiterate this year.
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Ordeal Calls are meant to be each writer's best and most emblematic piece. Their artistic identity taken to its peak. That's something I believe Sakurai accomplished and Minase didn't. That obviously raises one question: what would a real Minase masterpiece look like?
By the Ordeal Call's premise, it would still need to be something that gave the supplementary information we were missing about the Alterego class, but let's ignore that angle and focus only on the goal of expressing Minase's personality in the best way possible.
What works with Minase and what doesn't? Compare his worst and best pieces. Agartha sucks because it focuses on his opinions about women and those are categorically rancid. Yuga Kshetra succeeds because it focuses on his opinions about ableism, which are far more poignant and agreeable. Minase has enough care about the subject to ensure that the plot is a series of arrangements where the characters triumph not despite their so-called flaws but specifically because of them.
So an ideal Minase Ordeal would focus on a different subject that Minase recurrently displays passionate, empathetic, and agreeable opinions about. So what can we find in his roster of character? Minase made Servant versions:
Zenobia, whose historical significance is entirely about resisting Roman colonization, although she failed. Minase portrays as someone who literally wears her failure and tries to conduct herself with dignity regardless to prove the point that the Roman conquerors couldn't truly defeat her Palmyra spirit. I think this one is a bust execution-wise, but it's significant that the idea is there.
Lakshmi Bai, whose historical significance is entirely about resisting English colonization. Minase portrays her as someone who can't help but disdain the innocent English civilian Holmes and acknowledges the irrationality of it, but the entire surrounding cast including Holmes himself assure her that she is entitled to her feeling because colonization is that gruesome and traumatic of a process.
The Trung sisters, whose historical significance comes not exactly from resisting colonization, but from leading an independence war, which is similar enough in spirit.
Columbus, whose historical significance comes from being a colonizer. I don't need to tell you how Minase chose to portray him.
With Fate/ drawing its action cast from history books, it's inevitable that we get a decent amount of characters whose bulk of their offscreen backstory was spent conquering, slaughtering, and assimilating other cultures. Some certified colonizers, like Richard and Takeru, are very self-critical about it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Iskandar, who gets flak from Faker and Ptolemy for his stupid decisions toward the Diadochi, but the journey of conquest and domination gets framed as the fun adventure no one is critical of. Either way, none of other characters not written by Minase get irredeemable treatment that Columbus gets.
The franchise's most prominent colonizer is, of course, Arthur(ia) Pendragon. Both versions are defined by the regret that comes with ultimately failing their kingdom, but their failings are never credited to the notion that violently conquering the British tribes and unifying the isles is an inherently bad thing. That's the image of greater good they fought for, and that part remains unchallenged. The closest Nasu got to criticizing Arthuria for being a colonizer is by showing the Round Table's brutal treatment of the Arabs in the Sixth Singularity. I'm mentioned this specially because this is Percival's first reaction to eating a mixed breakfast buffet in the current Minase-written Dubai event:
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Minase's Percival is strongly defined by his respectful interest in foreign cultures and, fittingly enough for a knight who opposed the Lion King, he's maybe the first character to directly criticize Arthuria on her disregard for the traditions she trampled in the unification of Britain. That's a thing I'd appreciate more of and can only imagine Minase daring to touch on.
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hwares · 1 year ago
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Hi! Faz um tempinho que passei a usar o Notion para organizar meus muses e outros aspectos da minha vida rpgística — e da mesma maneira, faz um tempinho que uns amigues me pedem ajuda para usá-lo. Entretanto, percebi que muitas pessoas não estão familiarizadas com o Notion e suas possibilidades. O Notion é um aplicativo grátis e prático. Não é tão personalizável quanto o Tumblr e possui algumas limitações quando comparado ao Google Docs; entretanto, ainda é uma opção muito boa para aqueles que querem um espaço prático e facilmente personalizável, mas acham outras plataformas muito inconvenientes. O Notion não é complicado, mas pode ser intimidador no princípio! Por isso decidi fazer um tutorial!
⭒ Neste tutorial, irei ensinar a montar uma MUSE PAGE com personalização avançada! ⭒
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Na verdade, esta é a TERCEIRA PARTE do meu tutorial. A primeira e a segunda podem ser encontradas no google docs — as primeiras partes são focadas em explicar detalhadamente a Interface, Páginas e Elementos do Notion. Como algumas pessoas podem não estar interessadas e, como ficou muito longo, me pareceu melhor deixar no google docs. Se estiver interessade em aprender desde o princípio a como utilizar o Notion, recomendo checar o google docs!
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(1) Vamos criar uma página e escolher a opção PÁGINA VAZIA / EMPTY PAGE. Depois, vamos para as configurações de página e escolher a opção TEXTO PEQUENO / SMALL TEXT e LARGURA COMPLETA / FULL WIDTH. Dessa maneira teremos um espaço maior para trabalhar.
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(2) Sinta-se à vontade para colocar um título! Para o tutorial, em vez de escrever um, colocarei um espaço no bloco de título para ficar em branco — minha intenção é utilizar uma imagem para usar como título. Para o banner e ícones da página colocarei uma coisinha simples. Por enquanto, minha página está assim:
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(3) Agora, adicionarei uma imagem para título. Vou ensinar o primeiro "truque": como quero deixar a imagem centralizada na página, eu vou clicar no primeiro bloco de texto da página, onde está escrito CLIQUE NA BARRA DE ESPAÇO PARA A IA, OU "/" PARA COMANDOS… / PRESS 'SPACE FOR AI, '/' FOR COMMANDS. Vamos digitar / para aparecer a lista de opções de comandos; então, digitar columns e escolher a opção de 3 COLUNAS / 3 COLUMNS.
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É autoexplicativo, mas essa opção fará a página ser dividida em TRÊS COLUNAS. Nós iremos clicar na coluna do meio e digitar /image. Depois que escolher uma imagem para o título, ela ficará centralizada. Assim:
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Se você passar o mouse sobre a imagem e/ou sobre as colunas, verá que aparecerá uma opção para ajustar o tamanho delas. Eu ajustei um pouco para ficar maior!
(4) Agora, vamos clicar num bloco que esteja fora das colunas, para que a nossa database fique com o tamanho inteiro. Isso mesmo, nossas muses vão ficar numa database — dessa vez, vamos escrever /database e escolher a opção VISUALIZAÇÃO EM GALERIA / GALLERY VIEW.
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O Notion irá criar uma visualização em galeria, mas você precisa criar a database. É simples:
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Se o menu na lateral direita não aparecer automaticamente, basta clicar onde está escrito em DEFINIR FONTE DE DADOS/SELECT A DATA SOURCE. Então, você vai clicar no campo onde permite escrever (na imagem, ali onde está selecionado escrito Muses!) e escrever… Muses. Você pode, em fato, dar o nome que preferir! Em seguida, é só criar em + NOVA BASE DE DADOS "[NOME QUE VOCÊ ESCOLHEU]" / + NEW DATABASE "[NOME QUE VOCÊ ESCOLHEU]. Ele irá aparecer assim:
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(5) Por questões de organização, vamos faxinar essa galeria. Primeiro vamos excluir a Página / Page 2 e 3 — basta clicar sobre elas com o lado direito do mouse e escolher a opção excluir / delete. Depois, vamos clicar nos três pontinhos e abrir o menu de opções de personalização da galeria.
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(6) Agora, vamos para a subpágina na galeria (página/page 1). Nós vamos clicar nela e excluir tudo o que está nela, deixar ela sem nada.
Essa é a hora que eu ensino o truque mais poderoso do Notion — você deve ter percebido que ele possui uma opção de inserir equações: graças a essa opção podemos usar o KaTeX para expandir as opções de formatação do Notion. Como vamos fazer isso? É muito fácil. Você irá clicar no bloco do TÍTULO e escrever: \large{Nome\;do\;Personagem}
\large é a propriedade para mudar o tamanho da fonte. Há 10 opções disponíveis: \Huge, \huge, \LARGE, \Large, \large, \normalsize, \small, \footnotesize, \scriptsize, \tiny.
{} todo texto que não for um "código", por assim dizer, irá entre {}.
\; é o "código" que indica que deve ter um espaçamento ali.
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Você pode acessar o site do KaTeX para olhar outras opções de formatação!
Agora, selecione tudo e aperte (no seu teclado) CTRL + SHIFT + E.
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CLIQUE EM DONE PARA CONFIRMAR, e pronto! Por enquanto, não vamos colocar o nome do personagem, okay? Nós iremos usar essa primeira subpágina que estamos montando como MODELO / TEMPLATE. Por isso deixaremos as informações em branco.
Okay, agora podemos colocar o ícone e a capa da subpágina. A minha está assim:
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(7) O próximo passo é adicionar as propriedades / properties que iremos dar para os nossos personagens para organizá-los. Você vai ver que há uma pré-criada chamada Tags. No campo da frente estará escrito VAZIO / EMPTY — clique nele! Agora, só precisa escrever as tags. Sinta-se livre para ir criando quantas quiser! Por enquanto, eu somente farei duas: OPEN, CLOSED. Para criar, é só escrever a tag e, em seguida, clicar nela no campo que aparecer abaixo na frente de CRIAR / CREATE.
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Agora, clicaremos em + ADICIONAR PROPRIEDADE / + NEW PROPERTY. e criar uma propriedade chamada PARTNER. Depois, uma propriedade chamada OPPOSITE. É a mesma lógica de antes: escreva no campo, e para criar clique na opção que irá aparecer.
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Por enquanto, elas ficarão vazias! Ou, se preferir, pode deixar um modelinho para ser preenchido depois. Por exemplo:
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(8) Com o "cabeçalho" pronto, vamos passar para o conteúdo da subpágina. Lembra que em VISUALIZAÇÃO DO CARTÃO/CARD PREVIEW, escolhemos a opção CONTEÚDO/PAGE CONTENT? Então! Isso significa que a "imagem" que ficará aparecendo na galeria, serão os primeiros elementos da subpágina. Por isso, para ficar bonitinho, vamos adicionar uma imagem!
Vamos escrever no bloco /image e selecionar a opção que aparecerá. Então, adicionaremos uma imagem. A minha ficou assim:
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Viu ali na galeria? Ficou a imagem que colocamos!
(9) Por fim, vamos colocar as informações de nossa muse. Mas vamos deixar bonitinho, né?
Para isso, de novo, usaremos as equações! Dessa vez vamos digitar: \color{#ffffff}\colorbox{#7471a2}{Nome do personagem}
\color{#ffffff} é o código que mudará a cor da fonte! Sinta-se à vontade para mudar o #ffffff por outra cor!
\colorbox{#7471a2} é o código que irá mudar a cor do fundo! Sinta-se à vontade para mudar o #7471a2 por outra cor!
Dessa vez não é necessário utilizar os \; para marcar espaço.
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Novamente, selecione tudo e aperte (no seu teclado) CTRL + SHIFT + E. Não se esqueça de CONFIRMAR clicando em concluído / done. Vai ficar assim:
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Para colocar o nome do personagem, iremos clicar para fora da equação e escrever. Assim:
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Bom, agora nós iremos duplicar esse bloco, mas mudando para outras informações! Para duplicar, basta clicar no bloco e apertar CTRL + D no seu teclado. O meu ficou assim:
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Você pode ir adicionando quantas outras informações quiser / precisar! Eu quis, depois, colocar uma imagem de divisória e adicionar uma parte para headcanons!
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Depois que adicionar todas as informações que você deseja, você pode fechar a subpágina — clicando naquele ícone lá das setinhas!
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(10) Para o toque final, iremos voltar para o menu de opções da database e clicar em PROPRIEDADES / PROPERTIES. Você verá que, ao lado das propriedades que criamos, há um ícone de OLHO. Você vai clicar neles para habilitar que essas propriedades fiquem à mostra na galeria.
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Você verá que a galeria, agora, irá mostrar essas propriedades assim:
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(11) Lembra que eu disse que essa subpágina seria usada como MODELO / TEMPLATE? O que quis dizer com isso é que, para facilitar, sempre que você for criar uma muse nova, você pode duplicar essa página "sem informações" e depois só substituir! Assim você não precisa criar tudo desde o princípio de novo…
Para isso, basta clicar com o lado direito do mouse sobre o "card" na galeria e escolher a opção duplicar! Fácil, não? Depois é só ir modificando o quê precisar.
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(*) Eu sei que o Notion oferece uma ferramenta para criar templates dentro da plataforma, porém, acho muito mais complicado do quê fazer assim!
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Prontinho! Está pronta a sua página de muses no notion! Mais do que fazer uma página super elaborada, meu propósito com esse tutorial era apresentar / ensinar funções que irão ajudar vocês a começar. Com o tempo, pretendo disponibilizar alguns templates mais estéticos! Assim como fazer outros tutoriais sobre a plataforma!
Caso possua dúvidas, não hesite em me mandar uma mensagem e tentarei ajudar!
Sem mais delongas, espero ter ajudado de alguma forma!
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viathecloset · 10 months ago
It's understandable to not glorify the mandatory military service, also justifiable not engaging with the said content, official or otherwise.
But straight up wanting the enlisted soldiers ( in this case the members ) to be miserable the whole service period is projection. Wishing they hate the experience, wishing them be IA the whole time and being mad at them everytime they're online or just being normal cuz their enlisted in forced labour is literally psychotic. A lot of people have this notion of pressuing the boys into acting your way and it isn't right. Military or Stage.
Yes they were put into this by force, without an option, given one, obviously anyone would rather hold a mic than a g*n but they're born into this, their society is embedded with this, its part of them so when someone is trying to make the best off the circumstances they've been put under you as a fan have no right to dictate how they feel or not. If they're proud of serving their country as citizens then good for them, you have no right forcing your ideologies on people of a country u know only from online sources or media.
If something doesn't sit right with you, you do not engage with it and scroll away, If something personally bothers you, report, block and move on drop yalls think pieces it's getting tiring especially when most of them make you sound like borderline antis. Engaging with artists content and art doesn't give a person right to project their own emotions or dictate how/what said artist feels.
P.S: any content, story otherwise that isn't from official sources, DO. NOT. ENGAGE.
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uufellowshipburlia · 26 days ago
A Message From the Lay Minister
I apologize for the length of this post. To summarize, I am going to ask our Council to authorize removal of the UUFB Facebook page based on recent changes to Facebook/Meta policy regarding members of the LGBTIQ+ community.  A more detailed explanation follows.
Meta has changed their online conduct policy for their products (Facebook, Meta, and Whatsapp), and the new policy was posted today.  The request I am making has to do specifically with the policy contained in this section:
Please refer to Tier 2, the section on Insults.  The policy states: "Mental characteristics, including but not limited to allegations of stupidity, intellectual capacity, and mental illness, and unsupported comparisons between PC groups on the basis of inherent intellectual capacity. We do allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality and common non-serious usage of words like “weird.”"  (Bold added) The Principles that we as a UU Congregation still hold to in our religious community begin with the following statement:  "We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person." It is my belief that the new policy from Meta creates a situation where our continued presence on Facebook will be seen as a tacit support for a policy that directly contradicts one of the fundamental principles of our faith.
As the individual who setup the page and has been managing it for several years I realize that it has likely been our most successful outreach tool.  It allows us to reach well beyond the physical boundaries of Burlington and Southeast Iowa to connect with members who live a distance from us in places like California, Colorado, and Ireland. I also realize that removing ourselves from Facebook will make it somewhat more difficult to keep our connections with these members going forward. To the notion that our leaving Facebook is merely "virtue signalling" and will have no impact on the new policy I offer this response. This is not about sending a message to Meta, Facebook, or any of the groups who may or may not see this post. This is about the message we send to our membership, especially members in the groups who are targeted most by this policy. I believe that in the coming months, possibly years, we will see a very difficult time for our LGBTIQ+ members and friends. We will need to stand with them and offer them a safe harbor from what could well become a dangerous environment for some of them. By stepping away from Facebook at this time we send our friends a very strong message of support, even if that support has a cost attached to it. I could go on, but hopefully you have a sense of what I feel is at stake here.  I will be presenting this request to our Council at the next business meeting on January 26. If you have input concerning this that you feel is relevant I would encourage you to share it via e-mail or social media message, or even as a comment here. I will make sure all responses are passed on to the Council members so they have a full picture of the will of the congregation.
Richard Johnson Lay Minister Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship at Burlington, IA
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greenglow0 · 2 years ago
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cornus27florida · 1 year ago
Do you think Gwen and Frederick should be the only “original” couple to get the happily ever after marriage? Should Frederick wait until he’s in a much healthier state of mind until he can ask Gwen to marry him? I mean after he got past her appearance he put her on this pedestal which was just as unhealthy and expected her to fix him. Prince Frederick should realize that he should see Gwen as a person first before committing.
Hello! That's such a heavy topic questions to ask for, but I hope it's okay with mixing the canon with the fanon hopes of "what-ifs" scenario
Personally, I think not only Gwen and Frederick as the "original couple" (I feel you refer to Plaid-Pastel) to get the happily ever after marriage... because? Deep down everyone are all kind people and actually matching each other great like have potentials for great relationships that ends to the happy marriage BUT the current plot story shows that's likely only Gwen/Frederick that becomes endgame, Lance/Lorena is dubious but seems at the end they'll be buddies instead lovers, Maria/Blaine now in shambles as Blaine trickery to opening the door that leads to the invasion - there's no salvation left for their (healthly romantic) relationship anymore
I feel that I am one of the passenger left on the sinking ship of Maria/Blaine and Lorena/Lance but I hope I won't be that delusional of shipper that demanding the creator/author to make their ships to be canon (in other fandoms, extreme shipper like that EXIST with infamous example is a Rukia/Ichigo shipper from BLEACH that burning their entire collection of the comic because they're heartbroken that the endgame is Orihime/Ichigo) - I just want to tell my hurts over the potential what ifs, their tragic ships...
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There's so many interpretation over the honest love feelings between Plaid-Pastel, and IMHO all of those valid but subjective without proper canon facts.. We need more canon details like the inner narrative of each character, as so far what we know is what they say in public-to others people so personally I am not sure if those are honest (espc to themself). Those talk without inner honest imho not realiable for true truth. Exception is Frederick but I explain later
Blaine: when asked by Frederick at dungeon if he truly loves Maria (ep 143), he didn't answers as instead mocking Frederick. Blaine looks so jealous when he see Maria chatting along with Beckett, using the guard name as the trick to opening the door.. And it's works. Blaine ia the most confusing character in my opinion but the past talk with Isaac @the-giggling-guava give me keyword-Anger. Blaine is very angry towards everything and everyone, espc Maria as the 'savior' that Blaine anchoring his self worth (coughs, coping both Frederick and Gwen) to believes he's not that all bad - he's not just have the ugly sides, but the gala fiasco make him fell into the dark pit to believes he's totally evil
Maria: as the oldest Pastel Siblings that get oversheltered so much for 18 years of her life, this makes her so quick and jumpy over notion of romance (even sexual desires, the most thirsty) and no one really pointing out about it clearly (Isolde in her icy way tell that Maria didn't really know about Plaid Princes is spot on, but wish for more gentle and elaboration honestly). It's only after 'incidentally' has talks with Beckett that she realizes herself over how downbad she is to objectify Blaine and after that at the piano duel, she shown great development by supporting Blaine as telling that she rooting for him
Maria/Blaine? Is a tragic ship as realistically it can't happen even with so much progress both of them had as seen that Maria is objectify him while Blaine do Frederick's initial move "have romantic partner for escapade (Isaac again gives very good analysis that Blaine wish for Maria to be his means to achieving "Freedom", so the idea of the lover not the actual person"). There's huge what-if fanfic project that I make, but even with that scenario of basically making amends early I can't make Maria/Blaine works healthy as the best outcome for them is open ending ship with them starting from zero (0) as a friend with Maria treats herself first by chasing her singing dream while Blaine completely let go of idealism being the perfect plaid prince first. If both of them meet up earlier, in normal family setting, I could see them being a healthy lovers tho - simply as the oldest sibling that loves music
Lance: the hardest CPC character to interpret because how passive he is canonically, he got defined by his relationships with others instead himself that define his character. This born from weird realization that he never had monologue or inner talk which the perfect example of when being the most honest self. He is so lacking on personality as he feels just there, not engaging to others on really intimate tone. Remember that the kiss he had with Lorena, is initiated by her? Or that he's not sure what he really wants, he just agreed to help Blaine archives his dream OR when he just realizes he didn't want to become a trophy husband for Lorena army only after Suzie nudging it? Also overall Lance treats Lorena more like buddies instead lover vibes somehow
Lorena: Lorena isn't downbad like Maria, but the effect of oversheltered makes her lonely to not really have (best) friend until meets Suzie which she clings the forced friend relationship for but it seems Suzie slowly don't mind about the notion. Does Lorena didn't have any romantic feeling towards Lance? Def not as she thirsting over the notion to becomes waffles so could get eaten by Lance. But I feel the current situation is she so hurt over passive way of Lance, born since when she depressed that her dream to leads the army initially not even supported by 2 males that she has high regards of opinion to (Jack severely againts it, Lance shown his fear over the notion). The passive way that turns to be cowardly way of Lance not doing anything to prevents the invasion arc as he just going along with the plan - Lance know the plan is evil, he utterly punished by Leland which Lorena not know the truth for, but Lorena is right about his passive-cism
Lorena/Lance? So ambiguous and messy, but not in total shambles like Maria/Blaine. That's why in my time travelling fic AU, I could make them works by changing several points of their characters. Have Lorena realizes how fucked up is Leland earlier. Have Lance to be more active, to believe that women isn't fragile porcellain doll as Lorena def capable to protects herself and others - she just need support, guidance and knowledge to do so as compares to the canon at invasion arc, Lorena's project is so impressive although ridiculous and naturally it's happen because her lack of knowledge of defense. They are literally dorky jocks that need some work in relationship to be together but could happen
Phew, finishing the older pairings and answering the first question. Now move on to the next!!!
English isn't my native language so I am initially confused with what "pedestal" you mean.. Then I googled and take time to answer the question..
to think of someone as a perfect person with no faults : to admire someone greatly.
This is what's the meaning of pedestal in the relationship meaning, I hope I could get what you mean with the following questions that basically relates to each other
Alright, I summary your questions first before answering them (1/ should Frederick waits to have healthier mental status first? 2/I am not sure which pedestal you refer, but I take free interpretation that after Frederick look past Gwen's appearance - while making various comparisons (witch√ cursed princess √ angel√) 3/ Frederick should see Gwen as a person first)
ALRIGHT!!! Here we go
1/ mental status is something that always fluctuate and actually it's not related to age (sure, older is wiser but there's more to it) but more about how each person deals with their mental issue - which from the very start they should realizes that they're in the problem first and thus act accordingly which mostly begins with acceptance 'that they're in deep shits and need help'. Now let's see Frederick overall. Frederick just realizes that his own family might abnormal only when meeting Whitney that gives example of what abnormal family is but he accept that his family might that bad, and got confirmed when punished in isolation treatment BUT he still clinging in naivety that his family not that bad bad by try to stops Blaine without any weapon and hoping words can help him. It's not, but thankfully Whitney and Prez saves him and curently the free pass in nutshell is Prez try to reasoning Blaine with sword dance (violent way)
So personally I think Frederick indeed need more work in his mental issue healing, but he's not starting (like Lance) or not even on the road (like Blaine) like his brothers. In the weird way of the CPC is, Frederick on the very first important step of acceptance - to anything. He already accepts that Gwen looks will stays like this, and he loves her just the way she is. He already accepts that his family is abnormal, but he hopes for his brothers still could be saved - like what normal people with high morality will do.
Also to me, the mental issue of Frederick isn't the standard for him asking out for Gwen's hand in marriage.. It's their age, both are minors and we shouldn't glorify teenager marriage (and pregnancy) - it could happen espc due to 'love accidents' (coughs, teenagers making love rawly and without future thinking thus suddenly realizes too late that the female are pregnant.. IRl scenario) but doesn't mean it can't be prevented. I find that gwenderick is the example of the most pure ship that can ever happen on my shipping book, mention of kissing already made them so flustered deeply which for themselves I believe they won't jump to marriage soon. They're will have the much needed time for mental healing of each other, but why can't make it together?
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Mental issue healing is indeed a long road ahead filled with uncertainties, and I feel marriage shouldn't be standard milestone for relationship. Which in other world, GwenDerick could become healthy canon ship after the whole invasion arc end - when they reunite as Gwen awakes and Frederick reaches her as his true self.. But no need for marriage milestone, is just the event. The event that they're have chance to free from Leland's scheme and on their own pace when feeling completely ready, because what's one thing that entail to wedding-marriage? Progeny
With everything that they're going through to be lovers as now from the family with extreme parenting, I say with healthlier relationship that they'll get in the future..they could meet the middleground between oversheltered (Pastel) and overexposure (Plaid) to make their children, symbol of their love with combined aspect of them genetically, to be truly happy with loves
im nutshell, yes Frederick should waits in better mental status before courting Gwen.. But didn't mean for them to can't be together sooner. They could have free time of being together and dates.. Like right now after their incoming reunion. Being together =/= marriage
2/3/ because I feel connected to each other. Frederick can't help to keep compares Gwen to not completely human because he's the resident nerd dork that indeed reads tons of fairy tale books with lots of imagination and fictional comparison helps him to accepts reality.
From witch initially - initial first thought of her having green skin and thoughts to wants poisoning him, the wrong confrontation that painting Gwen as immortal, her look that similar with Lilyth which haunting Frederick's palace for years. To cursed princess because he finds Gwen in the CPC. To Angel, the angel of the fortune, the entity that he thoughts to be his savior that completely lifting him up from the hole but later on that he realizes that he need to pull his own work too because the angel can't completely lifting him up - thus develop for his sense to protects the angel, because Gwen needs him
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If putting someone on pedestal is unhealthy? Depends, but personally Gwen's wish that Frederick is the ultimate person to fix her =/= Frederick believes that Gwen is the angel as the present one. Why i say this? Because, for Frederick case that notion make him remembers Whitney saying that he could get chance to change his story then doing his own work (which helped by Laverne and LeoMieCake) to lifting himself from the hole he imprisoned in. For Gwen is different becaus after the gala fiasco, she's in despair believing no one loves her. She thinks her sisters hates her as breaking the engagement. She thinks that Frederick love to her indeed forced. She completely forgot about her father, her twin brother Jamie, the CPC... Then she eats the poisoned apple, the tragedy that LambCat paralelling as attempting suicide. But thankfully everything not too late, Gwen soul is still in this world and not die as what the success suicide is. Everyone involved on the light side outting their best ability to kicking out the Plaid Troop that the villain Leland leads while reaches Gwen to show - everyone loves her
Now, the incoming future episodes of the CPC, about who Gwen loves back..which I find will be so heartwarming if the revealation is that Gwen loves everyone back too ^^
/end of the long answer hahah, hope you enjoy it as much as I am writing it!
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fr0gg13b413 · 1 year ago
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2023.10.14 | saturday
sent off all of my ia's yesterday, am v content. :>> i want to tackle my drafts on here. (bc i have now reached 1000... send. help.) however, i also want to work on obsidian b4 i start cranking up on studies. this is where the map currently is at, and while it doesn't seem like too much of a disaster, it is indeed in shambles. the organisation i went for at the start is somehow worse than what it would be as loose files (naively; as a notion user by blood). i'm interested in comparing the overview of files after i fix it up. :D d-9 until external exams begin. i think i am excited?! idk it's odd. very glad its almost over, it feels like a prison. but absolutely will miss the work until uni starts up at the end of feb.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year ago
on your Aitheaca au, when I was writing I was trying to imply that what was stolen was Capsize, but in my want to be vague I know I didn’t do a good job. Like my train of thought was that Ianite was, to a lesser extent, sensing Capsize in a similar vein to how she was sensing ‘Dianite’ when it was actually Tom, if that makes sense. I interpreted this version of Ianite as a goddess who despises not knowing, seeing it as a weakness in herself, so when she senses something that is “hers” but unrecognizable to her, she lies to Flash.
also! thinking about crew dynamics is interesting, cause depending on how you split them up you are almost always stuck with an instigator and an arbiter. The way you’ve split them up rn, Sonja and Tom are instigators (more Tom leaning than anything) and Spark’s the arbiter. Martha’s the arbiter while the other two are instigators. But this fluctuates depending on who’s in the room. Essentially, there’s always going to be a high chance for issues caused inside the group and out.
OH!!! Listen listen liSTENNNN do not say you didnt do didnt do a good job you did an excellent job, there aint nothin wrong with the choice to be vague with it I just dont catch onto things very well xD I really love that idea a ton, I totes agree that she would be able to pick up on Capsize's Ianitian quintessence (the ownership thing I feel could have ties to Capsize's connection to Ianite in the S1 world leaning on the side of being a messenger rather than the champion kind of cues that Jordan would carry if that makes any sense) and also what ya had mentioned on AO3 too, about Jordan's quintessence having ticks of World Historians in him as well that would obscure things a little makes a ton of sense as well and bangs :D
and yeah!!! Aitheaca Ianite is absolutely someone who is hellbent on being an 'all-knowing' for the sake of ultimate balance, where her logic is that if she can control everything, that's how she can guarantee that chaos or order doesnt have an opportunity to rise up- and is the principle on which her reign was founded on. I can imagine this brings her into conflict with the notion of the Watchers (who inherently possess this ability, while she has to rely on her intuitive judgement and using visual conduits/spies, like taking control of Flash) which is why I could maybe imagine she'd want to keep these kinds of things from Flash. She's very much aware of Merina's presence around her champion, and holds resentment that she can't have Merina as her spy and that under the right theoretical circumstance, could break Flash free of her manipulation at any given moment due to her having a higher form of omnipotence (all this being said, Merina is a lower level watcher and isn't at the level of possessing godly foresight that Ianite seems to think she has) I very much want it to feel like a psychological game that Ianite plays with her subordinates that she would only want Flash to believe and be aware of certain things while lying about things like weakness or potential flaw
And crew dynamics!! yessahh the instigator-arbiter combo was absolutely intentional >:] For the sake of chaos (dianitee moment) but also while it would be so easy to just pair them off in travelling groups as syndisparklez/foxxsize or embersduo/zombiecaptains it makes for more interesting writing for them to be split up with the person they had the rockiest history with + a Ruxomarian who does not want to be stuck there (in some random reality across the multiverse) to begin with. In a way the thought process is the "get along or fucking die" premise especially when they start encountering like Flash but like ya said it really is a lot of infighting xD in the Martha led group the dynamic centers around 3 Ianitees all holding some kind of reasonable resentment towards one another (though they can bond over seein their goddess/mom in such a different light and how thats affecting them; like Martha especially not having seen much of Ia in Ruxomar and while she spent time with S1 Ia, I can imagine how jarring it is to run into a universe where your mom is a corrupt deity) And then the Spark led group is just a mess, because Tom and Sonja are both massive instigators in their own way and while they can get into some absolutely unhinged shenanigans as a duo a rift was absolutely torn between them post-S2/Isles era that they become prone to not be willing to go back on their opinions of something and hear the other out. Spark hasnt spent a lot of time with either of them so its hard to take on anything but a methodology of compromise which neither of them want to really entertain- When the four are together the banter can feel a little friendlier because deep down they do all care for one another, they just have a hard time expressing it
In terms of the other instigator duos with Spark n Martha (speaking of, I have a scene with them two and Sonja, which has been funky to ponder on when they encounter Mianite for the first time) its kinda just chaos. Chaos like when you put two besties together xD
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eocoentrolevou · 8 days ago
A libertadora experiência de (realmente) escrever
Não é a primeira vez eu venho aqui escrever sobre escrita e admito que meu sumiço se deu a uma nova oportunidade de vida que me permite aproveitar meu tempo de verdade. Não é difícil imaginar que a situação de vida em que você se encontra ajuda a dificultar seu acesso à criatividade e a motivação necessária para seguir com seu universo.
Em março de 2024, eu disse que estava de volta e eu não menti, nos meses que se sucederam dessa data, enquanto minha vida começava aos poucos a voltar para os trilhos, retomei um projeto de quase dez anos de existência, comecei a organizar ele e com muita paciência consegui um resultado agradável de planejamento, e percebi que era hora de escrever.
Mas, quando fui colocar a mão na massa, percebi um problema no projeto: ele nunca sairia como eu esperava, eu precisaria de muito conhecimento para conseguir colocá-lo em prática e ser sucedida com isso, era um projeto importante demais para ser o que eu iria quebrar a cabeça e aprender tudo do zero. Foi por isso que decidi escrever algo novo, algo diferente e vou ser honesta. Achei que eu não fosse conseguir.
Há cinco meses, criei um quadro no Notion, um planejador de escrita que até aquele momento não tinha nome, não tinha forma e pessoalmente, não tinha ideia. Mas eu ia precisar cavar nos confins da minha existência uma história que poderia ser contada. Eu tinha um punhado de inspirações e um sonho.
Aos poucos fui lapidando alguns elementos de construção de mundo e criei a cidade do meu livro, depois as personagens e agora e por fim a trama. Todos esses elementos continuam em andamento, todos os dias, desde então, eu venho até eles e os desafio a se manterem onde estão, os aprimoro e brinco com os detalhes que me agradam.
Ainda tenho muita insegurança, muita coisa ainda passa pela minha cabeça quando começo a escrever e refletir sobre o que esse livro será e sobre o que eu quero ser, como autora desses livros. Aos poucos, entendo que vou encontrando meu lugar, e essa experiência é muito mais valiosa do que tudo que eu já vivi, consigo sentir que tenho um propósito de escrita e principalmente há um caminho a seguir que eu consigo ver o final, meio borrado, mas está lá.
Desde que prometi voltar a escrever e voltei de fato a escrever, muita coisa mudou na minha vida e o saldo foi incrivelmente positivo, pois agora, pela primeira vez na vida adulta eu tenho tempo, motivação e ideias para seguir em frente com minhas histórias e compartilhar minhas ideias e meus personagens com quem quiser ler.
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