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munsonsboy · 6 months ago
i want to read more romance books, does anyone have any author suggestions who write similar to the fanfic authors standinginanicedress, hedwig221b, dexterous_sinistrous, oonionchiver, honeyvenom, eddywow, notevenclosetostraight ?
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writingfanficsfan · 2 years ago
Movie Night in the Avengers Tower is a weekly tradition, and so is Cookie Day. Except Bucky runs Cookie Day and doesnt share with anyone ever, even though he makes the best cookies in the world. The team tries their hardest to get their hands on Buckys baked goods, but its Tony who finally wins.
Because who can resist a sleepy, snuggly Tony?
Not Bucky
Yes, yes, I know. Do not get obsessed with fanfic writers and read all their work because it’s creepy. I know. 
I don’t care. 🤨
I just read the sweetest thing ever by @not-close-to-straight and I honestly don’t care that it’s ‘an old fic’ because it is brand new to me. 
I love the whole ‘Tony is tired and falls asleep on whoever he finds first’. And it was nice in this story that all the other Avengers didn’t mind and actually welcomed him. 
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curiouspupsicle · 2 months ago
Good Omens Fan Fiction Friday (1/10/25) - "Mixed" AU Fics
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Okay, this is a weird theme. But it occurs to me that some of my fave fics have been tales where one of our ineffable pair is mortal while the other remains a supernatural being. It's a rich starting point for fiction. And it brings some creative results.
Let's start off with The Scarecrow (M) by AppleSeeds in which a lonely Aziraphale inherits a 14th century home. One night, the scarecrow he's been talking to in the field mysteriously appears in his bedroom. It's a little spooky with a sweet ending. Also by AppleSeeds is Ghost (T) in which Crowley finds a posh ghost sharing his flat. Said ghost is apparently worried about him and makes him dinner and draws him relaxing hot baths. Imaginative story with a surprising ending.
I'll admit this next pick gave me pause. I avoided it for a long time before reading thanks to the explicit rating, presence of a sleep paralysis demon, and the dub consent tag. But when I took a chance, Be Still, My Love, Be Still (E) by @entanglednow quickly became a fond favorite. It's amazingly tender. And the writer finds a creative way to incorporate consent into a relationship where one party is paralyzed and unable to speak. I highly recommend this lovely story.
Want some demon/human fluff? Check out Blue Roses (G) by NotEvenCloseToStraight. The demon Crowley owns a flower shop across from a cute bookshop owner. He "talks" the flowers into behaving in a way that will ensure he gets a shot at making the relationship progress.
The monarch of comic asides, @wyvernquill, gives us a crossover with a famous musical in The Serpent of the Opera (T). The wily Phantom, er Serpent, kidnaps Eden Opera House's bookkeeper, Aziraphale. Hilariously oblivious Aziraphale assumes it was so he could play matchmaker for the Serpent with his true love. Loads of laughs. Fun to see the extremes to which denial can go. In 21 Grams (T) by @hakunahistata, Hell gives 7-year-old orphan Anthony the ability to see demons. As you can imagine, he's terrified. But he gets help from angel Aziraphale after praying. So thankful to @addledmongoose for suggesting this. I absolutely love it.
Aziraphale buys a cottage for a great price in @commodorecliche 's in the house we remain (M). But the books authored by a former owner, Anthony Crowley, who died on the property, keep turning up in surprising places. A sweet, ghost love story.
Crowley finds Aziraphale working in a library on earth after losing track of him a year after leaving the bookshop in Among the Stacks (NR) by MeinirRhos. But Aziraphale doesn't remember being an angel. And is apparently mortal? Of course, Crowley has no choice but to love him anyway. The opening line: "What do you wear to mourn when all you ever wear is black?" Yep. lots of angst but a happy ending.
My final choice is a fandom classic beloved by many. So if you haven't read it, I highly recommend the series, Pray for Us, Icarus (G & T) by Atalan. Crowley becomes human and reincarnates over 300 years. Aziraphale tries to restore Crowley to his immortal, demonic status but only ends up hurting them both. It will break your heart. And heal it by the end. I promise.
Did I miss your favorite tale of a mortal/supernatural pairing for our adorable Good Omens characters? Share in the comments. More recommendations each Friday--follow and reblog if you like what you see. Check out my other favorite fics on this pinned post of weekly Good Omens fan fiction recommendations.
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month ago
It's an incomplete series that hasn't posted in a long time, but Improvised Restraint by StrivingArtist is inspired by The World Won’t End if We Rest by NotEvenCloseToStraight Both of them are about Steve not doing so great post Vecna, and Eddie helping him by domming him into calming down. two totally different approaches though.
Improvised (Restraint) by StrivingArtist
Rating: M
17,997 words, 5/5 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Eddie Munson Lives, Post-Vecna (Stranger Things), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hyperarousal - PTSD, BDSM as therapy, Bad BDSM Etiquette, No good options, Dom Eddie Munson, very horny, almost no sex, Angst, Trauma, Steve and Eddie are not friends, Realistic depictions of mental health, Realistic depictions of BDSM by novices, Unreliable Narrator, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, atypical self harm, not-quite-dub-con
Eddie was always good at watching. The kids loved Harrington for having their backs, for always answering if they called, for driving them around, and for making sure all of them were safe. Eddie heard enough whispers between them to know that it didn’t matter when they woke up from a nightmare, Harrington always answered within a few seconds. They loved Steve Harrington, and they’d seen some shit, but they were still just kids. Whatever the fuck was up with Harrington, it was starting to fuck with the kids, and that wasn’t okay. After that night, Eddie was watching on purpose.
The World Won’t End if We Rest by  NotEvenCloseToStraight
Rating: M
123,161 words, 14/14 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: steddie, Post-Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Lives, Light Dom/sub, Soft!Dom Eddie Munson, Submissive Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic attacks and nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Subspace, The Party Friendship (Stranger Things), Protective Eddie Munson, Shared Trauma, Healing, Mild Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, The Upside Down, Vecna's Curse (Stranger Things), Love Confessions
Post Season 4, Volume 2: The world hasn't ended yet. Life isn't normal but it's not quite terrible either and everyone is just sort of... waiting. Steve obsessively patrols the edges of Hawkins always wary for Vecna's return, always looking for monsters, always letting his path circle round the tiny trailer in the woods where Eddie Munson is alive and hiding, never daring to let himself stop and linger. Eddie wants wants wants Steve to stop and linger, wants to bring Steve in and bring Steve *down* and show Steve just how gentle Eddie would treat if if only Steve would settle and submit a tiny bit. In the tentative, tense days after the world doesn't quite end but before life is normal again, Steve learns what it means to be taken care of and Eddie learns what it means to be *needed*. But when the Upside Down surges again, nightmares and shadows and terror, is the fragile peace they've found together enough to keep them safe?
Thanks for the recs!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks!
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks!
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treasureroffelines · 1 month ago
(Pt. 4!!)
May I offer you some more fanfics of my favourite Canadian murder couple in these trying times?
[don’t leave me tongue tied by markofalover]
[Cradled Idiot by RogueFroggo]
[Rub Your Tired Limbs (And Take It Easy) by sterlingstars]
And a bonus Spideypool fanfic! (I don’t really ship but this fic literally had me sobbing THE PAIN ;-; read for Wade)
[Every Version of You by NotEvenCloseToStraight]
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stevetonyweekly · 9 days ago
SteveTony Weekly - Week 8 - College AU
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Happy Sunday! I’m spending the weekend on campus for a residency for my master’s program, which means as you’re reading this, I’m taking a final--send me positive vibes!! But because I’m in class, and college, ect--y’all get one of my favorite tropes this week: 
College AU!! 
I love college aus, because it’s just young puppy love with a hint of adult teeth to make things real. Did you know that the very first Stevetony fic I read was a college au, and a lot of what caused me to fall in love with these two adorable boys? True story. Anyway--here’s you’re list. Be sure to kudo and comment if you enjoy a fic!
Catching Lightning in a Bottle by sabrecmc 
College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
This does not go as he imagines.
Or, the Sweet Home Alabama AU that no one--well, okay, a few of you--asked for.
Fanart included.
Slut Era by BladeoftheNebula
Tony never meant to become the campus bicycle but since that was apparently what was expected of him he figured it was easier just to lean into it.
He just never expected Steve Rogers would ever want to take a ride.
Open Field in Front of Him by orphan_account
Steve Rogers's football season is functionally over after a loss to Rutgers, but he finds a distraction in Tony Stark (yes, THAT Tony Stark). A college AU Stony fic.
Bulletproof by foxxcub
At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark's fuck buddy.
falling like the stars by complicationstoo
When Tony starts at MIT, he's excited to finally be in the same city as his older brother, Bucky, again. Then he meets Bucky's roommate and best friend Steve Rogers and falls faster than he would have ever thought possible.
Lost Boy by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Steve has eight weeks to finish studying for and pass his bar exam. And its going rather well, until 20 year old boy genius Tony walks into the same library, and sits at the same table.
Steve doesn't usually go for kids like Tony- young and irresponsible, ripped jeans and eye liner, and a tongue ring that is way more distracting that it should be.
Oh, and Tony is high as a kite, studying his physics text book.
Steve should look away, but he cant stop staring, and Tony is staring right back, more than a little interested in the serious blonde with the cute glasses and big shoulders pushing against that button up.
A stand up guy like Steve could be good for a troubled kid like Tony. But maybe a punk kid like Tony is good for a guy like Steve as well.
I wanna hold your hand by sirona
No one understands what it's like growing up rich and yet more alone than anyone should be able to stand - except for people who grew up just like you, that is. In which Tony Stark goes to Oxford University and meets people and makes enemies and makes friends and changes people's minds and falls in love - amongst other tales of mishap and adventure.
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avengetheangels · 2 months ago
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Eyes On You by FestiveFerret
take back the day by lastdream
One Date Wonder by Arukou
Lassos and Lilies by NotEvenCloseToStraight
It's all in the way you touch me by antigrav_vector
Each Coming Night by AgentBarnes616
You know why you're dying to try it by Kayevelyn
Hide A Heart Of War by RayShippouUchiha
Open Up the Door That's Shut (We Make Our Own Luck) by starknjarvis
Tell Me (What I Want) by ezazahaz
You Got the Heart of a Phoenix (So Let Them See You Rise) by iam93percentstardust
Promises, Swear Them to the Sky by elise_509
If I Had One Wish by AngeNoir
We, Three by Renai_chan
This Might Just Work by Odsbodkins
Good, Better, Best (Winter is Coming) by ohmyloki
Triple Espresso by FestiveFerret
My Normal Approach is Useless Here by windsweptfic
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xianjaneway · 3 months ago
See, this is why more women need to read smut.
They'd see that some people see a first time as an INCREDIBLE PRIVILEGE.
They'd see the experienced person should have focused ENTIRELY on HER PLEASURE.
They'd see she was supposed to be made to FEEL SAFE ENOUGH to let go of her inhibitions.
Dear God, maybe @mottlemoth stories should be required reading for all virgins--even if it's just a couple of chapters of Hell or High Water. "Sex is like a conversation," would never leave their vocabulary.
Maybe @caedmonfaith's sweet story should be required too: the one where Aziraphale is so stutteringly nervous about having sex with a man for the first time, after his wife died of cancer, & received nothing but reassurance & comfort & praise.
Maybe I could put a whole starter pack together! Let's include a couple of @summerofspock & @naromoreau fics in there, especially ones where partners LAUGH together, or are embarrassed about their inexperience & imperfections, or make mistakes, & actually talk through them.
Definitely include @notevenclosetostraight-blog. The sexual communication is so damn healthy in these stories that anything *less* feels obscene & revolting.
Fanfic writers, don't ever question FOR A MOMENT that your work can actually change a person's life. People in cultic, conservative, or comp-Het situations have SO FEW RESOURCES on what healthy sexuality can look like, that we don't even know what to look for.
I was just REALLY wanting more stories in my favorite fandom. I had no idea I was also being exposed to, "This is what real tenderness can look like."
Keep doing what you're doing.
Dear God I want to throw this entire man in the dumpster.
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year ago
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Everybody's Talkin' | 2,273 | beetlesandstars / @beetlesandstarss
Summary: "This is just– bullshit!” Eddie yells. You’re bullshit. Oh. Eddie’s face changes then. Goes from livid and scared, to something worried, regretful.
Between The Lines | 2,486 | hitlikehammers / @hitlikehammers
Summary: “We need to talk.” Wayne wonders if this is the tone of voice the kid uses to fight the monsters they don’t talk about. “Say again?”
bet. | 2,835 | starryeyedjanai / @starryeyedjanai
Summary: "You need me to, to kiss you?" the guy asks, and this was a bad idea, the worst idea Robin's ever had. There's no way he's going to agree to this. "So, my friend-" he stops, looking back at Robin - she waves at them. He's trying so hard not to blush as he turns back to the guy and says, "She bet me that I couldn't get a guy to kiss me since it's my first time here. So I was wondering if you would kiss me, so I can win the bet." He's steeling himself for rejection, for this guy to tell him to fuck off or maybe have mercy and let him down gently by telling him he's taken. But he just smiles, tilting his head at Steve. "Why me?"
Indecent | 2,991 | NotEvenCloseToStraight / @not-close-to-straight
Summary: Steve was adorable wearing Eddie’s clothes. He was stupidly sexy wearing Eddie’s clothes. Steve was unfairly breaking Eddie’s brain wearing his clothes and it was just downright indecent. “Steve.” Eddie swallowed hard and lowered his voice. “Steve, go change.” “What?” Steve’s nose wrinkled when he frowned. “Why?” “Go change.” “But I’m comfortable.” “Go. Change.” “Eddie, I don’t understand--” “PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME!” Eddie planted his feet and pointed violently at the crop top. “SO HELP ME STEVE HARRINGTON!”
Please see below for more recommendations!
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something so pretty | 3,087 | cranberrymoons / @cranberrymoons
Summary: Eddie raises Steve's hand to brush a kiss over his knuckles, then catches him around the waist again, swaying them back and forth to the rhythm of a Bangles song coming from the radio. “I said you look pretty, and I meant it. Deal with it.” Steve feels a reluctant smile pull at the corners of his mouth. “Really?”
abyss kiss | 3,145 | beetlesandstars / @beetlesandstarss
Summary: Steve stands as if frozen, letting everything churning inside simmer to a slow boil. He wishes suddenly, desperately, that he’d stayed with Robin. He doesn’t know when they’re meant to regroup. He doesn’t know anything. A shuddering breath leaves his lips, in such a rush he feels light-headed. He puts a hand on the wall, trying to plant his feet, trying to fucking think, but the world is turning too quickly, and he’s spinning, spinning, spinning–
Doing it for science (not really) | 3,181 | corrodedbisexual (mishabawlins) / @corrodedbisexual
Summary: The last thing Eddie expected to see in his life was Steve Harrington, comfortably laid back on his bed, fidgeting with a condom wrapper.
Flagging Your Attention | 3,391 | starsdontsleep
Summary: Eddie spots a scrap of material sticking out the back of Steve’s pocket during a party and he has to know; is the guy he desperately wants actually flagging?
Black Dog Sin | 3,668 | grumpyhedgehogs
Summary: Vecna raises Eddie to bring about ruin to those left in Hawkins. Things don't go as planned.
Your skin and bones turn into something beautiful (You know I love you so) | 4,209 | ChristinMKay / @transmascsteveharrington
Summary: Steve Harrington is born with a scream on his lips and so much love in his being that his body is covered in it. An abundance of moles, freckles, and birthmarks are speckled across his skin, painting him in constellations and stardust and affection. The nurses and doctors are congratulating Steve’s parents as they place him in the arms of his mother. They say he is blessed. Lived so many lives filled with people who loved him so much that the press of their lips against his skin had to echo through time and leave a mark.
and i don't want the world to see me ('cause I don't think that they'd understand) | 4,499 | mcdynamite
Summary: Steve Harrington has had a lot of sex. He's not, like, trying to brag about it, or anything. Frankly, he's not even sure it's something he would want to brag about in the first place. It's just an objective fact. The sky is blue. The Earth is round. Water is wet. And Steve Harrington has had a lot of sex. Which is...well, a little bit bizarre, considering the fact that he's not entirely convinced he actually enjoys it most of the time.
Apple Pie (Baked Just Right) | 4,635 | ParadimeShifts / @paradimeshifts7
Summary: Outside, Eddie is standing on his front step, his hair tied loosely back in a knot, clad in nothing but a pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt. And balanced in his hands is…Steve guesses it’s supposed to be a pie. The crust is all fucked up, looks a little like the puckered expanse of Eddie’s hip. It’s the most beautiful pie Steve’s ever seen.
color me in danger | 4,755 | SolariaLunar21 / @likewolveswerunwild
Summary: The first time Eddie remembers a major change in the color of his meter he’s 11 years old. For most of his life the bar on his wrist has sat firmly in the green sometimes on very rare occasions darkening to a green blue color. That is until that day when he’s 11 and he watches it change to yellow for the first time.
Play It Cool | 4,972 | BoudicaMuse / @spinmewriteround
Summary: The title of the video reads “CORRODED COFFIN AT LIVE NATION ARENA COVERS…” The band name sounds vaguely familiar, and he thinks they might be some mid-level rock band, or maybe they're punk. Not Steve’s thing at all, he couldn't name one of their songs with a gun to his head. Whatever they’re covering is cut off, but he can guess. "I'm really not in the mood for this." “Trust me, you’re going to love it.”
breakfast in bed (kisses for me), love can make you sing | 6,307 | luxeberries
Summary: The first thing he registers is Eddie. The second thing he registers is Eddie is wearing his sweater. The third thing is Dustin Henderson, sitting on the kitchen counter. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
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Bad News First, Eddie | 9,618 | alittleoff
Summary: "Bad news, good news? I don't know man, the news is I could have loved you." Steve talks to Eddie Munson's headstone in the cemetery. Life goes on, sorta.
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The Courtship of Eddie Munson | 10,437 | AnnetheCatDetective
Summary: After a couple of terrifying but illuminating trips through the Upside Down, Steve is determined to be the best boyfriend ever to Eddie. Sure, there are complications-- Eddie's recovery is going to be a long road, and it's not easy to court a guy who's unconscious. They never actually got to have a first date or even talk about their expectations for their new relationship. Eventually they'll have to figure out how to come out to the people close to them about it. But he knows he has Robin in his corner, and Eddie's uncle Wayne is surprisingly accepting, so he's confident they'll get through the bumps in the road. They've dealt with worse, right? The complication Steve didn't account for? Eddie's got no idea they're together.
exeunt ; enter stage | 10,576 | stardustcoral / @stardustcoral
Summary: Nancy inhaled slowly as she took a meaningful step towards him. Steve's eyes flickered back over to her instinctively, and he got a firsthand view of how her face had crumpled, eyes wide and shining and worried. "Steve," Nancy said, slow, gentle, quiet, like she was trying to calm a cornered wild animal. "None of us said those things." Steve's mouth opened, words piling on the tip of his tongue: what, so I was just hallucinating, then? he wanted to ask, nearly did ask, and then he realized—heart stopping in his chest and the floor very suddenly feeling like it had been ripped out beneath him—that was exactly what was happening. Steve's jaw shut with a click. "Oh," Steve breathed shakily. Oh, fuck.
Anywhere, Anytime | 10,853 | AidaRonan / @aidaronan
Summary: Eddie wakes from a nightmare about the bats. Again. About a week ago, Steve Harrington gave him his number with instructions to call if he needed anything. Said number is tacked on Eddie's wall under his Anthrax poster. 555-9878 -Steve H. But it's 3:17 a.m. and Eddie probably shouldn't call. Definitely shouldn't call.
It's Not a Big Deal | 11,708 | AidaRonan / @aidaronan
Summary:Eddie survives, but his entire life is locked away in the Upside Down forever (his books, his DnD stuff, his guitar.) Everything that wasn't on Eddie when Steve carried him into the ER, gone. So naturally Steve starts giving him things. Handing Eddie back those little outward markers of who he is.
Meet-Cute in the Metal Pit | 14,926 | pez_the_platypus
Summary: "You were in theatre in high school, weren't you," Steve said, but he was charmed nonetheless. "Was it the eloquent prose or grand gestures of chivalry that gave me away?" Eddie simpered. "Actually," Steve reached out without thinking, wrapped the one loose tendril of Eddie's hair around his finger, and gave it a sharp tug, "It was the hair."
All That You Ever Wanted From Me Was Sweet Nothing | 15,283 | t1red_gay
Summary: “'I’m in love with you,' Eddie says, so casual, like it isn’t 3PM on a Tuesday in the middle of a Family Video in Bumfuck, Indiana. Like they’re somewhere else, like he’s someone else. Like it’s nothing extraordinary."
The Worst Mixtape Ever Made | 17,999 | nbfutureboy / @futureboy-ao3
Summary: “It’s a gift, so you gotta listen to the whole thing, okay? I think-- I think it’s got what it takes.” There’s an art to making a mixtape - and Steve Harrington has decidedly ignored all semblance of art in creating a mixtape for Eddie Munson. Too bad Eddie’s fascinated with how impressively terrible his song choices are.
and it all comes down to you | 18,638 | heartofwinterfell / @nancywheeeler
Summary: Eddie Munson’s no hero. Too bad the universe—or whatever’s gonna be left of it—didn’t get the memo.
November Paramedic | 25,662 | BackyardOwl
Summary: Eddie has had his fair share of fantasies, but none of them involved fucking a paramedic. Until two years ago. That's when the "sexy men at work"-calendar got added to his porn stash and orgasms as he knew them changed forever. All the men in the calendar are hot, but none of them hold a candle to the paramedic. He's got this look in his eyes, this slant to his mouth. Like he knows he's the hottest guy in it. And everything is fine. Everything is great. Eddie's been single forever and he has no idea where he's headed in life, but he's fine. At least until he's collateral damage in a bar fight after a gig, and none other than his sexy November-paramedic arrives to treat his wounds.
hold me now, i need relief | 25,805 | ToEdenandBackAgain
Summary: It’s probably going to go down in history as the worst kiss Steve Harrington ever got, but Eddie doesn’t give a fuck. He isn’t going to get another chance so he’s working with what he’s got. It’s less of a kiss, and more of a slide of lips, wet with blood and tears but he feels Harrington’s grip tighten on the back of his shirt and he pulls back. He reaches up with the hand he can still feel and pushes back a strand of hair that had fallen in Steve’s face, smearing blood along his temple as he does. “Sorry. Couldn’t die without knowing what that felt like.”
I've seen your face before, my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am | 26,952 | HMSLusitania / @hmslusitania
Summary: At the end of it all, to fix everything, the Hawkins crew had to go back to 1983 and prevent the first gate from ever opening. After that, they've got a chance to lead normal lives -- from November 1983 onward.
Blood on My Name | 28,448 | VTHX (V_Haley)
Summary: Tuesday, November 8th, 1983: Steve un-dies in hell.
The Enormous Upside to Losing Everything | 35,886 | Stressed_Depressed_Lemonzest
Summary: “Oh for fuck’s sake,” that mysterious someone cursed, “Why don’t you watch where you put your goddamn feet-” They seemed to recognise him and stopped in their tracks. Brown eyes blinked owlishly at Steve as he in turn took in the sight of Eddie Munson. “Harrington,” Eddie greeted, voice a mixture of surprise and suspicion. “Munson,” Steve returned.
don't go wastin your emotions | 51,650 | kissesforcas
Summary: "Steve 'the Hair' Harrington, a rage-filled barbarian, who knew?" Eddie says, like its a compliment, like Steve has ANY idea what that means. "Uh, I knew. Obviously." Steve says, wisely, even though he clearly didn't. "Anyway, do you think we could eat a demobat? Or would we turn into some kind of monstrous freak? I'm starving, and Dustin's cheese crackers are not enough to get me on my feet again." "What difference does it make to me if I'm a human freak or a monster one?" Eddie shrugs, and Steve butts his shoulder up against Eddie. It's meant to be brotherly, maybe friendly, but it's too soft. Felt like something he might have done before slinging an arm around a girl's shoulders. "You're not a freak." Steve says, and finds he means it. Eddie's eyes, when he looks at Steve, are curious. "No?" "No."
Call My Number (and Call Me Yours) | 53,663 | novacorpsrecruit / @novacorpsrecruit
Summary: “Fire department is on the way. Stay on the line with me, okay?” A buzz of a radio came over the headset. “Fire station 3 responding.” “Damn,” Eddie whistled. Chrissy looked over at Eddie. “This guy’s voice is hot.” Chrissy’s eyes grew wide. The voice cleared his throat. “Just wait until you see my face. It’s not too bad either.”
the lathe | 82,547 | palmviolet / @palmviolet
Summary: "This time, do it right. This time Eddie won’t bleed out in his arms, in anyone’s arms. This time, Steve will do it right."
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writingfanficsfan · 2 years ago
Fanfic 16 of 2023
Steve Rogers is not a typical Dom and Bucky is a Switch choosing to submit for his Captain. Together they have a love that breaks rules and flaunts expectations, and when they see a beautiful sub being mistreated by his Dom, Bucky and Steve break another rule and interfere.
Tony is a sub bound to Old World protocol-- seen but not heard, there for Ty's pleasure alone, regarded as half a person without his Dom--and Tony thinks that life is normal.
Or at least, he thinks its normal until he meets Bucky and Steve.
Bucky has more freedom than Tony could imagine and Steve's only wish as Dom is to take care of his subs, and when both Dom and Switch fall for Tony, they make it clear there's room for him in their arms and hearts.
First they have to deal with Ty though, first they have to free Tony from an abusive Dom and a history of hurt, and that won't be easy.
But Tony's ready. He's ready to move on and reclaim his life, ready to take a chance on something new, and ready to learn the beauty of willing submission with Bucky, and the truth of a caring Dom in Steve.
I should probably try some fanfics by people other then @not-close-to-straight but she just has stories that sort of push all my buttons in a good way so I don’t feel too guilty for sort of stalking her AO3 account.
I knew about Alpha/ Omega but Dom/Sub is something I haven’t read that much stories of yet. I think all the ones I have read are from Kara. 
Have to say, I love this story so much. I love Bucky when he’s just a little bit on edge and a little bit unsettled. I love how in control Steve is and how he can bring Bucky back from that edge. I love how gentle Steve is with but Bucky and Tony but I REALLY LOVED how protective Steve was and how he defended both his subs against Ty. That chapter and that scene was just *chef kiss*. 
5 stars for sure and if anyone has any suggestions for me, based on this story, either from Kara’s works or your own or someone you know, please share them with me. 😊
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aziraphales-library · 1 year ago
Hello!!! I'm looking for fics that are coffee shop AUs, florist AUs, and tropes along the lines of that; except, instead of them being humans, they're still beings from heaven / hell
If there aren't any like that, that's fine. Thank you very much!! <3
Hi. Here are some non-human au coffee shop and florist fics...
heraldry, and other omens by starklystar (G)
Two days ago, the shop was called SLICE OF HEAVEN, in bold, yellow neon letters above the window’s tartan awning. Yesterday morning, the letters had read out ARSE OF HEAVEN, but by evening, residents reported it had changed to a more subdued BAKED BADS. It shouldn’t be possible to change neon signs so quickly, but today, upon entry, the bakery had been called DEVIL’S ADVOCAKES. ---------------- Or, there’s a new bakery in the South Downs area, that’s also maybe a flowershop, a coffeeshop, and an animal clinic. There's a chocolate scone that costs six thousand pounds. For orders, kindly contact [email protected].
Safety in Falsehood by enjolras_lexa (T)
The florist!Crowley AU no one asked for and everybody probably already wrote. Aziraphale’s bookshop burned down and now he needs a new cover job, ends up being hired by Crowley. Neither of them knows the other isn’t human. Cue romance.
Blue Roses by NotEvenCloseToStraight (G)
Hell’s Bells Botanicals was the most successful flower shop in all of London and in no way could that success be attributed to excellent customer service or the owner being the sort of chap who was friends with everyone. In fact, Hell’s Bells Botanicals was the most successful flower shop in all of London DESPITE having the worst customer service imaginable and an owner that obviously enjoyed making every moment in his shop as unpleasant as possible. Anthony J Crowley was surly and ill mannered, impatient with potential customers and downright aggravating with repeat customers, and underwent transactions as if it irked him to his very soul to sell the plants he raised. Hell’s Bells Botanicals was the best, its owner quite literally the worst, and seeing as how Crowley had been around since the dawn of time and had seen any and everything the world had to offer, he didn’t see anything about his attitude changing anytime soon. But then the empty bookshop across the way was purchased by a blonde man in an old fashioned sort of suit jacket, and life as Crowley knew it changed quite a bit.
What the mind forgets the heart remembers by IggysBunny (T)
The apocalypse did NOT happen. It was not supposed to NOT happen, as far as Gabriel and Beelzebub were concerned. Since their first attempt to punish their respective Earthly representatives (read: get revenge) didn’t work out, they decided to go bigger. Obviously, the best way to do that was to split the two. Aziraphale and Crowley would not remember who they are, lose their powers, become human. A patisserie and a flower shop would be involved. Of course, the plan was rather big, they needed the approval of God herself. Well, The Almighty agreed to it, under one important condition- in case the (now both) former angels fell for each other, everything would be back to normal. Naturally a demon in nature would never love an angel, and vice versa. Right? 
I'll Be Seeing You by Magnolia822 (E)
Mr. Zachariah Fell, purveyor of fine candies and ice cream, lives a comfortable life in spite of his hazy memories and troubling dreams. When a red-haired, handsome, and oddly familiar stranger takes over the shop across the street, Zachariah is forced to confront the possibility that he might not be the man he thought he was. In fact, he might not even be human at all.
Big Cup of Espresso by justsimplymeagain (M)
It turns out - when you lose your memories you can find yourself in a job position unlike anything before. Too bad it didn't stay simple as old faces got involved.
- Mod D
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theweirdspacejellyfish · 5 months ago
Peter x Wade fic recs
You stay on my mind:part 1 by harrytipotte - 481,280 words and 50 chapters/complete
Pay attention to me! By PrincessSunflower - 1,357 words and oneshot
Weak spots by ImpassionedWriter - 5,035 words and oneshot
Chikan by Spideypool is my weakness (CinnabunAngel) - 2,256 words and oenshot
Your ass is mine (Spideypool) by BloodthirstyMerc - 3,810 words and oenshot
Cherry lips by chewysugar - 5,142 words and oenshot
Attention, please! By orphan_account - 2,174 words and onehsot
Surviving the zombie apocalypse by TheMadKatter13 - 7,692 words and 2 chapters/compelte -little dark but not much
The web weaved in the sisters bar for your above-average mercenary by khryseraph - 21,773 words and 13 chapters/incompete
One reason why by NotEvenCloseToStraight - 149,647 words and 27 chapters/compelte
The case of the tux in the night by orphan_account - 4,497 words and onehsot
Fall out, boy, so I can fall in (to you) by TheMadKatter13 - 81,041 words and 6 chapters/complete
When I’m inside you by Spinning_In_Infinity - 3,086 words and oneshot
One more time with feeling by anastasiapullingteeth - 7,087 words and 3 chapters/compete
The woes of sex pollen by PinkGlitterDragon - 2,747 words and oneshot
Naughty nurse by HaveMyWeedCookies - 3,246 words and oneshot
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kandisheek · 6 months ago
Here are all the fics I recommended this week. If you want to see my actual review of these fics, the posts are all linked as well. Please enjoy, and remember to leave comments and kudos!
MON: long fic (50k+)
As Sharp As Any Thorn by RurouniHime
TUE: mid-length fics (15-50k)
The Heart of the Temple by CSHfic, VSfic
Armistice (The Nothing Else Matters Remix) by Sineala
Tony Stark and the Sentinel of Liberty: A Marvels Adventure by Sineala
WED: series (with 3+ fics)
Tiny Spy Assassin Steve: Series by copperbadge
THU: long fic (50k+)
Buried by NotEvenCloseToStraight
FRI: short fics (>15k)
One Hell of a Wild Ride by missbecky
absence makes the heart by fantalaimon
isolated system by isozyme
If I Die Young by MusicalLuna
What You Don't Know by Sineala
SAT: author spotlight
Only Teamates Left Alive Stealth Mission Keep Me Warm At Night A Nice Rock Something Rich and Strange
SUN: short fics (>15k)
What You Bring in From the Cold by navaan
Mining and Misadventures (The Pirates! In Space! Remix) by Woad
Behind the Mask by gottalovev
Tony Stark and the Amazonian Adventure by valdomarx
Like A House on Fire by Neverever
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stevetonyweekly · 5 months ago
SteveTony Weekly - September 22 - Week 38
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Hi, friends!! I hope you’re having a good week and reading lots of excellent things. Quick note that MTH is back! So if that’s your jam, sign up as a creator, or get ready for auction week coming at the end of next month! Ok, here we go with this week’s recs: 
rutted old road by meidui
It’s his loneliness screaming, out here in the mountains where nobody else is, begging to know—are you like me?
my thoughts: i didn’t know that this was @meidui’s work when I started reading it, which was very late at night and very very silly of me. It’s all the things I love about her stories, angsty and sweet and lyrically gorgeous. Read it. 
Buried by NotEvenCloseToStraight
When Howard Stark demands Tony work at a dig site in S.America one summer to "build character" and "learn about life", Tony is furious.
But then he meets soldier/archeologist Steve and falls in love with blue eyes and a perfect smile. Just as they are ready to move forward together, Steve leaves abruptly with no explanation and breaks Tonys heart.
Ten years later, Tony stumbles across the file for the old dig site. He's determined to visit and shut it down, but discovers that instead of a village, the dig has unconvered a temple and actually needs MORE money to stay open. A security team is hired to protect the staff and the artifacts they find, and Tony comes face to face with Steve Rogers all over again– except Steve is bearded and BIGGER and way more dangerous than he used to be...And Tony likes it.
When the camp is attacked, Steve jumps into action, snatching Tony and running into the jungle to escape and work their way towards safety.
But long days and nights together bring back old feelings, and one day Steve takes a risk and asks Tony to give them another chance.
Will Tony say yes? Or is his heart buried too far for the soldier-turned- archaeologist-turned-mercenary to find it?
my thoughts: i’ve read this before but I’m a sucker for trapped together life or death situations, and NCTS does it beautifully. 
The Tchotchke Cha Cha by Arukou 
What started off as one impulse buy souvenir snowballs into a constant flow of knickknacks from all over the world, and Steve is starting to wonder if it's more than just Tony being nice.
my thoughts: tony showing affection through random gifts is never not gonna hit. Steve being sweetly besotted and just a tiny bit jealous? Perfection. 
You and Me and Him by navaan for magicasen
If you live in the same house, it’s really hard to keep your secrets. Especially if you are good friends. He doesn’t mean to watch as closely as he does, but it’s obvious to Steve that Tony and Iron Man are in a relationship. Right?
my thoughts: identity porn!!! Who doesn’t love it. 
Dancing With Your Ghost by LunaStories
Tony never thought he'd be here, getting his wings groomed by Captain America of all people. It was too intimate, but Steve had offered and he was too weak to resist.
my thoughts: grooming as caretaking and steve neglecting himself and taking care of tony? Perfect. 
you're a bandit like me by Areiton
He feels, sometimes, like a junkie, waiting for the needle to slide in, for the poison to hit his veins, and then--
The portal clears, and Tony grins up, laughing at something Steve can't see, and the air rushes out of him.
Staring at his husband, a version of him--Earth 21982, he reads absently--Steve feels almost lightheaded with relief, and he whispers, "Hey, sweetheart."
my thoughts: a little morally grey Steve and grief? Sounds just about right. 
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avengetheangels · 2 months ago
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If you enjoy Alpha/Beta/Omega fics and Steve Rogers, these are the fics for you. Heed the tags.
Object: Matrimony by BladeoftheNebula (Steve/Tony) [Alpha!Steve]
honestly thought i’d be dead by now, but what you can trust is that i need your touch by orphan_account (Steve/Bucky) [Omega!Steve]
Two-Point Perspective by FestiveFerret (Steve/Tony) [Omega!Steve]
Storm Over Still Waters by LeisurelyPanda (Steve/Thor) [Omega!Steve]
The Sins of the Father by 16woodsequ (past Steve/Howard) [Omega!Steve]
Sergeant Hot Pants by cleo4u2 (Steve/Bucky) [Omega!Steve]
Side Effects May Include by jellybeanforest (Steve/Tony) [Omega!Steve]
Locking Up the Sun by cobaltmoony, eyesofshinigami (Steve/Bucky, Natasha/Sam) [Alpha!Steve]
Six Times Steve Felt Out of Place and Two Times He Didn't by kimboo_york, u_spelaeus (Steve/Clint/Phil) [Omega!Steve]
A Real Alpha by Jaune_Chat (Steve/Bucky) [Alpha!Steve]
take back the day by lastdream (Steve/Bucky/Tony) [Omega!Steve]
The Ties That Bind by Odsbodkins (Steve/Bucky) [Omega!Steve]
Lassos and Lilies by NotEvenCloseToStraight (Steve/Bucky/Tony) [Alpha!Steve]
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thechangeling4 · 4 months ago
Fanfiction recommendation:
I just need to gush about a fic for a moment. I don't have a profile(yet) so I can't comment on it on ao3, but I've read this fic 8 times now since i found it in late august, and while it's far from unusual for me to read a fic more than once in the same month, 4 times in 1 month doesn't happen often. It's The Risk in the Kiss by NotEvenCloseToStraight, 50+k, harringrove, a/b/o, E-rated, but unless you hate one of these it should be considered a must-read
There're many good things about this fic
• main thing that made it stand out to me is the descriptivness and missing unnecessary filler words. i'm pretty sure it's not grammaticaly correct but i'm also pretty sure that sensory and emotional impressions don't use the same grammer as spoken/written language, which is why it's so damn hard to express them right that way. now, i've never had problems putting myself in a character's pov, but this fic made it easy;
"....Steve’s voice dropped a register commanding...."
"It was nice to feel red tinted angry for a change, instead of always blue shaded lonely miserable sick...."
"....could only take being pushed away, rejected, dismissed, unwanted for so long...."
"The Alpha’s scent crackled thrilled, cherry bright and bittersweet chocolate pleased...."
"....protectively comforting in a way that tinted his rose scent purple...."
"....Steve wrinkled his nose when the Alpha’s scent plummeted sympathetic...."
"....Billy cursed cursed cursed his way through the front door of the school...."
"....leaning in anxious and looming over protective and staring at him worried...."
• one of the advantege of tropes like a/b/o is that you don't just relay words and body language, you can also use smell ect. to communicate, but this fic doesn't just use it form smut, no no. people growl, show teeth, click and trill, they basicly behave like cats, and it's for everyday non-sexual interaction.
• animaniacs reference, in the 80's
• fangs
• everybody's bullshit being pointed and often called out.
• fluff. there's SO MUCH fluff and softness and cuddles in this fic and it is wonderful
• max and billy being siblings
• pining. SO MUCH PINING
• billy starting a foodfight because he can't deal with how much he's pining and that's after they get together
• steve threatning neil with the bat
• alphas having stretch marks from getting muscle fast
• semi grafic reference to omegas maiming alphas who enter their heat space uninvited or don't act corretly and isn't that just a refreshing take!
it's stated that billy's car, in the 80's, needs to be turned on in order for the windows to be rolled down and it's during a fairly serious scene but, apologies NotEvenCloseToStraight, but that always makes me laugh.
could have called nancy out harder, but i'm a die hard nancy critic, and the gorgeous happy ending skips right over s3 so there's a sad sad sad lack of robin, but those ARE my only critisisms of this fic.
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