#note as always these are headcanons. I wrote as if it’s fact not bc I think stuff is canon
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It's the winner of my poll, so I hope you'll enjoy a nice big post about...
Yiga Clan Mask Culture and Traditions Headcanons!
The Clan adopted the practice of wearing masks fairly early on after their founding 10,000 years ago. Veils were already worn by powerful Sheikah monks as a symbol of martial prowess (being able to fight with hampered or absent sight), wisdom (being able to "see" what others could not, despite or because of a self-imposed "blindness"), and asceticism (being humble and near-anonymous). Those among the ancient Sheikah who worked as assassins, spies, guardians, and interrogators for the Crown also tended to wear masks covering at least part of the face. So, when the Sheikah who decided to defy the ancient King's genocide banded together to form the Yiga Clan, taking to wearing masks and veils to obscure their identities was a natural choice. The early Clan's face-coverings were among the first items they painted with the Inverted Eye that became the symbol of the group's defiance of their prior role as Hylia's chosen protectors and servants of the royal family.
The original Master Kohga, who had been the Chief of the Sheikah settlements around Satori Mountain, never actually wore a mask! (The practice of doing so had not fully standardized yet.) Instead, he took up wearing a veil to honor his grandfather, Monk Mogg Latan, and as a sign to those who would ask him and his people to shed their heritage, that he would not back down.
However, the First Master did provide the origin to one aspect of his successors' masks: While Sheikah who were considered masters in their chosen fields (including monks) traditionally wore a hairstyle featuring five long ornamental sticks, the First Master chose to wear six, as a symbol of a) his people's split from the Royal Family (cut an arrayed set of five sticks straight in half and you end up with six sticks--the formerly central one broken down the middle), and b) their continued claim to the power associated with the number three (note that the Sheikah monks found in Shrines (and Maz Koshia) all wear/display six golden bracelets). As you know, the current Master mask now features three horns on each side!
As time went on, in addition to providing protection and anonymity to Clan members particularly when traveling outside their main "hideout" base in Karusa Valley, the masks also became a unifying aspect of membership and family within the group. In other words, the masks are not only meant to hide one's face from outsiders, but to signal to insiders the bond between them. All within the Clan may don the mask, all may wear the same "face." All carry the symbol of the Inverted Eye. All are working together, all are playing their part. The Clan as a whole is quite a collectivist culture; the masks are one very obvious aspect of that.
The current mask designs have been in place for several millennia now, but it did take some time for the style to "settle" into this level of tradition and immutability. The Yiga have quite ancient scrolls and artworks depicting their ancestors wearing different styles of masks, including curved rectangular ones mimicking the shape of ancient monks' veils, and more complicated and demonic or deity-looking masks for Masters. During one period a few centuries into the Clan's existence, another Hylian monarch (this time, a Queen) sent troops across the kingdom to search for any remaining Sheikah (remember, Kakariko Village was "hidden" to most) to eradicate them. The Yiga began to appear "out of nowhere" to wreak havoc and sow discord among scouts and military camps, wearing masks painted with the inverted eye and large, red, smiling mouths. Quite unsettling!
How They're Made and How They Work
Masks are crafted of wood and, in the case only of the Master, an overlay of molduga bone. All those taking up the job of craft-work among the Yiga learn to make masks, but there have always been a few specially trained masters of the art who create masks and associated ornaments for the Master, Right Hand, presumptive Heir, and any spouse (Mistress or Consort) of the Master. These in particular are expected to be perfect, both in their specially-measured fit to the wearer's face and in their symmetry of shape and inlaid, painted design. And so, training to make them goes beyond the ordinary mask-maker's education, involving a great deal of practice but also meditation. A keen eye for detail and steady hands are paramount. These crafting masters are highly regarded, and often take on new names related in some way to their teachers', when they achieve their new position.
Yes, the masks are solid wood. Yiga are able to see "through" them using magic. The vast majority of current Clan members share a heritage that allows them to use magic (a subject for another post!) at least to some degree, and this Sight skill is one of the very first things Yiga are taught--whether as young children or as new additions if they join as teens or adults. As with many Yiga abilities (again, to be discussed in the future!), Sight has an accompanying rune/talisman that will keep it going perpetually. This is etched into an "active" mask when it is given to its owner. So, the owner puts on the mask, instantly starts the...for lack of a better word "spell," and then the rune keeps the ability "flowing" for as long as the user wishes.
Those vanishingly few Clan members who are completely devoid of magical ability must ask someone else to activate the rune for them. Unfortunately, their Sight through their masks is impaired by the fact that none of their own energy is being used to power the rune as it "flows." Such members do not take on/are not assigned to roles that will take them outside the Karusa Complex, as masks are absolutely required for such positions. Instead, they stay home, usually wear veils instead, and work within the Clan in other vital ways.
Current Designs
All Yiga masks save those for the Master and Right Hand share the same basic curved oval shape that contours around to cover the sides of the face, again for anonymity and conformity. Really the only difference about those two, too, is the addition of horns. All masks are marked with the Inverted Eye.
One other slightly different mask is that worn by the Heir, which is additionally marked by a curved slash of red down the sides of the face (most prominently visible in profile). This marks the Heir as one who is working to grow into leadership and one day wear a horned mask.
The horns on the Master and Right Hand's masks have that curved shape because they are meant to not only be horns, but flames. As in, flames of righteous fury against those who betrayed the Clan's ancestors, and the purifying flames of destruction they've hoped would purge the Kingdom of its ruling class! The red inlay of them of course matches the red of the Eyes, but also symbolizes the burning core of the Clan's intended vengeance.
The Master has three horns per side, and the Right Hand has one, so perhaps you've wondered: is there a two-horned mask? Why yes! I headcanon that there is! It is reserved for a Right Hand who is also the Heir. Which is not a very rare occurrence, since a Master would likely hope to rely on their Heir as their second-in-command, once they're of age and they've proven themself to be reliable, skilled, and powerful enough. (Great training to be Master themself one day!) Our current Best Guy Kohga remembers this mask as the one his father wore during his early childhood before his Nana died and Dad became Master. Kohga himself was also eventually given the two-horned mask when he became his father's Right Hand.
He was very proud to wear it.
He did not get to wear it for long.
The metal side ornaments on Yiga masks are meant to resemble fangs, and are meant to add an edge of ferociousness to the Clan's appearance. Even members who are not actively working in more martial positions wear them--a style similar to Footsoldiers', but with the subtle difference that the center ridge of their three-ridged design is red, instead of the top one.
Footsoldiers' ornaments are straighter and dagger-like, evoking their prowess with smaller, more concealed weapons and bows. The top ridge colored red indicates that they are in a martial position and their work--and if necessary, their bloodshed--protects the more "civilian" population of the Karusa Complex.
Blademasters' ornaments are curved and sharper, a show of their ferocity with larger, well, blades. Although usually hidden by their hoods when in they're in full uniform, their ornaments do still feature the three ridges with the top one in red.
The Right Hand's ornaments share the basic shape of the Blademasters', but are segmented more smoothly down their whole length, with the final, sharp segment at the tip in red. These show that the Right Hand is at the top of the martial hierarchy of the Clan, at the forefront of the Clan's protection and ready to stain their weapons ("fangs") with the blood of their enemies.
Finally, Master Kohga's ornaments' more hooked shape are similarly meant to represent curved fangs, but the more rounded, shiny red end-pieces are meant to evoke skill not only with weapons but with the special arcane techniques only a Master is trained in. The larger, round, red center of their five-ridged design shows that Master Kohga is the central figure for the Clan--not just the Chief or "top banana," but someone who lives among their people and keeps them together. Powerful, deadly, but also a unifying force.
Traditions Surrounding Masks
As suggested above, Yiga children start wearing veils and practicing using the Sight technique pretty young, so they're prepared for donning their masks when the time comes. Kids officially get their first masks at the very start of the year during which they'll turn eleven. Depending on the Clan's birth rate for a particular year there might be only a few getting masks or there might be a big group. Getting one's mask involves...
A trip to Satori Mountain with Master Kohga! The Mountain being a very important place for the Clan, it has been chosen for the children's (usually) first time leaving the relative safety of Karusa Valley. The Master takes them to the sacred spring among the sakura trees near the top, where they remove their veils and put on their first masks. This ceremonial part of the trip is fairly short, and involves a pledge to stay safe beneath the mask and to work to the best of one's ability for the Clan. Then, the kids get to have some fun exploring, doing some fun little tasks set by the Master--things like "pick four different kinds of mushroom" or "find the tree marked with the Eye." This is meant to give the children not only a chance to practice using Sight out in the open, but the opportunity to get to know the Mountain...and...well, to run around being kids rolling in grass and climbing trees, out in the world under the sky, using the basic tracking and stealth skills they've been learning through their childhoods. (This is truly another of the current Kohga's favorite days of the year. Man loves the kiddos.)
Once you've received your mask, you're also considered old enough to start doing more involved chores around the Complex and figuring out what jobs and roles you might want to start really training for. So it's a Coming of Age kind of event! Children's mask ornaments are again the same as footsoldiers' and civilians', but they have the lowest ridge painted red. Under the protection of everyone else. They'll have these until they turn sixteen--another milestone.
Clan members are expected to keep their faces covered or disguised even at home, once they have been given their first masks. I've said it before but it belongs in a post on this topic: one's true face is, after that age, reserved for one's very immediate family. Parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse, and kids/grandkids. So, when a child goes up Satori Mountain at the start of their special year, the moment between when they take off their veil and when they put on their mask may be the last time they see the real faces of their friends with whom they share an age. Honestly, it's quite poignant, a sort of shedding of one's childhood self and taking on of a new identity among the Clan.
After death, a person's final mask is kept for their family's area down in the Clan's ancestor shrine halls. Masks are cared for by family members as part of specific festivals and are brought out for various events like weddings and funerary rites within the family. Since so much of a person's energy flows through their mask over the time they wear it, it's believed to still carry a part of their essence. So it's felt that ancestors are especially "present" and watching over you, when you visit your family shrine, or when their masks are made a part of your special days.
Yiga masks are quite tough, and broken and outgrown ones are burned at home. Those who are assigned to jobs and missions outside the Valley must be adept at the disguise technique, but if one's mask is broken to the point it can no longer be worn and it is at all possible to break away from one's task, one is supposed to return home to retrieve a new one right away.
((Sooga's insistence on wearing his cracked mask is considered quite unusual and odd. It's honestly only permitted because he is the Right Hand and thus his horns and uniforms already make him stand out. He did have it reinforced and repainted after the incident. I gave his stated reasoning for keeping it in a prior post, but...it's also because he was initially ashamed at having broken the work of a master craftsman so shortly after he received it. To this day, years later, if pressed he will say that his mask is serviceable so there is no need to trouble anyone. Of course, now more than ever anyone would love to make him a new one, but...that's Sooga for you. T-T))
Married couples traditionally remove each other's masks on their wedding night, before shedding any remaining disguise. This is a profoundly intimate show of love and trust. Even within a marriage, consent must be given before taking off one's spouse's mask.
Once you turn sixteen, in fact, no one is allowed to remove your mask without your express permission. Even when you're disguised under there. That includes parents and romantic partners. It's considered incredibly rude and childish especially after that age, to grab at someone else's mask to try to remove it.
That said, poking at or rapping on someone's mask is just silly behavior between friends, and caressing a masked cheek is loving. Also, touching masked foreheads together is a gesture of closeness between family, friends, and partners. Especially with a romantic partner, it's like a masked kiss. Yes. It's true. Yiga bonk foreheads like kittycats. (/silly, not really)
Because Yiga tend to spend a lot of time with their faces--even their fake faces--covered up, as a culture they tend to be quite expressive with their bodies and vocal inflections. They don't have facial expressions to rely on for communication purposes all the time, so head-tilts and hand gestures and other body language are adopted from an early age to get one's point across. Of course this doesn't mean they don't know what facial expressions are and mean (don't be ridiculous)--they know those things too, for when they're using an unmasked disguise and for dealing with other races. Just...they tend to talk with their hands a lot and can tell another Yiga's intent or emotion by how far they're tilting their head or how they're leaning their body. In fact, not gesturing as much or using subtler postures is just as much considered "reserved" or "quiet" among the Yiga as simply keeping one's volume down. There's nuance in these things, that outsiders might not realize.
Yiga doing espionage have to sort of mitigate these instincts/learned behaviors; they can sometimes come off weird or unsettling, otherwise! Think of those travelers you may have seen on the roads...how they wave and call to you a little too enthusiastically, and smile just a bit too wide... But surely they're just friendly! You should go over to them and talk. If you're lucky, they might even sell you some bananas, at very fair prices!
And the last thing you see, will be the blood red of the Inverted Eye.
And there you have it! A whole bunch of headcanons about Masks! Hope you had a good time reading!
#yiga clan#master kohga#sooga#age of calamity#breath of the wild#tears of the kingdom#legend of zelda#kidk headcanons#kidk says stuff#i made the lil' dividers again hehe!#note as always these are headcanons. I wrote as if it’s fact not bc I think stuff is canon#but bc writing ‘I think that x’ every five seconds gets annoying to do and read
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ok so here's my complaint of the day!
I wrote this during the moment I felt like complaining and I was sleepy so it MIGHT be a little dramatic 😇
every time I'm devouring a SaneGiyuu fic because I like its plot for a while, here goes a smut scene that never fails to make me sigh and mayhaps roll my eyes
most of the times I know I'll get icked but decide to read because "what if it's not that bad",, then it's almost always the same shit over and over: Sanemi topping, bonus points if there's even just slight roughness (yikes😬...), Giyuu being loud and being described in degrading terms [and basically none of this was told beforehand in tags nor notes, almost as if it was the "normal" perception of SaneGiyuu for most people...??? shut UP??😃]
respectfully, it's ass.
I'm tired, these tropes are overused and fucking inaccurate dare I say, unless there's a reason in the fanfic's AU specifically but I still find it to be too common and weird. if you want a somewhat accurate SaneGiyuu pay gorn (/hj /ref) it must be them switching AND being romantic. where the FUCK is the romance,, the last one I've read now wasn't that bad because it still mentioned adoration, kisses and love overall, but there's almost always something that icks me even just in the few fics I've read so far, and it makes my reading experience sm slower and uncomfortable afterwards even if I initially loved the fic
now, as I've stated multiple times, I hate the "rough daddy dom Sanemi" and "submissive twink Giyuu" headcanons with every single inch of my entire being in&out including my whole soul /drm,,, and not just in sex scenes but in their overall dynamic, it's so enraging I don't care if someone disagrees I'd just stare and judge??😭😭😭my main purpose when I complain abt this stuff is to look for other people with my same mindset (thank GOD I saw lots of them so far though)
the disrespect, and the fetishization of queer couples in which one "has to look/act more like the opposite gender" and inevitably the one who has more apparent feminine traits has to be the sub, bc they associate femininity with submissiveness. heteronormativity and borderline patriarchy-inducted stereotypes?? woah./neg
let Sanemi receive, it won't make him any less of a man nor threaten his masculinity I promise🥺 same goes for Giyuu if he was actually written like the manly strong man and SOLDIER he fucking is? I still wouldn't really really prefer it but I would respect the preference in that case.. heated arguments about who tops or bottoms are inherently fetishizing and stupid, however if I see a (weird) pattern I'm gonna hate it sorry not sorry😭🙏🏻
also please if someone can recommend SaneGiyuu fics with NO smut or actually well written sex scenes with them preferably switching (it's the only actual realistic trope and I stand by this fact) I'll be thankful, and I'm taking the occasion to also recommend "You And Me, Alone Together" by Katz3 (yes there's also occasional sex scenes and yes they're perfect in every possible way, the whole fic is!! I have yet to find a better fic and I know I won't, despite it being underrated); or maybe if you have fic recs in which Giyuu exclusively tops if there's NSFW scenes, out of nothing but pure spite, I would be thankful as well🥰
one last thing bc I usually get heavily misinterpreted whenever I complain abt anything: I'm NOT saying "GiyuSane is better" (even if that's what *I* personally think, due to how I interpret their writing and how I headcanon their relationship dynamic which has nothing much different from most, I just don't twinkify/overly-feminize/infantilize Giyuu nor I over-sexualize/booktok-fy Sanemi), I'm just saying it's more realistic if they switched: it's more accurate, more inclusive, less mischaracterizing, less stereotyped and therefore less heteronormative and less fetishizing...
and about the degrading and roughness and all that I mentioned, I just despise it. for every ship and every trope, whether m/f, f/f or m/m. it takes romance away imo and I won't be sugarcoating it with "oh but it's consensual so it's fine" nor negotiating it in order not to piss off the people who like this kind of content; I'm sorry, keep your preferences, but I won't be shutting the fuck up if I have to read it every goddamn time I naively think there's normal and loving sex scenes. put tags to warn readers who don't wanna read that shit so they can skip it if they still gave the fic a shot, please🙏🏻
#complaining#sorry lmao#demon slayer#kny#sanegiyuu#kimetsu no yaiba#giyuusane#sanemi shinazugawa#sanemi x giyuu#giyuu tomioka#sanemi#sanegiyuu fic discourse#sanegiyuu fics#giyusane#booktok teenage girls will be my demise#SaneGiyuu is loser x loser that's all#might delete this if it reaches the wrong audience
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/42d9afe6c880e1b390cdea75b26ce3f8/5dee92d8db44563c-ec/s540x810/84c287dfeb7f42038bf2b6c92f1ceecc96137d9f.jpg)
And now another art drawn BEFORE I've read the book of Bill. This is my old headcanon AU of 2021. + catified for convenience. Btw I did guess a few things about him right, tho my less original AU from 2017 was more correct. (And then i say GF spoilers overall + book + lore drop).
I have notes what did I guess in some txt. I can tell from memory - in my AU he also looked at the stars aka other worlds. He used his fire magic to see them through barrier and it fascinated him. And then he wanted to make everyone see it bc he was sick of all restrictions this world had, he never liked them ever since he was born. Also I always headcanoned one of his parents being red (father usually, tho now I think the name Euclid goes better with blue). Also what isn't canon but existed in my AU - he had 2 younger siblings. They weren't lore important, but existed. Also I guessed the fact he carried a piece of his universe with him. In my AU he collected shreds of each single world and creature he destroyed that held importance to him. Once his magic inventory wasn't enough - he created or took a separate world where he made huge pyramids of these shreds and got depression episodes each time he stayed to look at them. And id anyone dared to notice him being depressed - he Thanos snapped them too, bc no one must know that he wasn't as happy as he appeared to be. And I wrote this AU only knowing 2 facts - in one of the worlds similar to Bill's triangles were the lowest class, and this one Axolotl verse.:"Says he's happy - he's a lier, blame the arson fro the fire", "misses home and can't return", etc.
Now about the artwork: Here you can see Bill chatting with his first bestie after he escaped his world. Also he didn't lose one of his eyes yet.
How did they meet: Bill was alone in the outer space and was found by the group of universe travelers. They welcomed Bill in their ranks and he was happy to join bc he loved to discover new things. They traveled together and at first Bill was fine. And used his magic to better the lives of others. Until he grew sick of it bc he had no family and no home himself, so instead he would start to destroy everything and would lose his first bestie(s). And would become the canon Bill, as I thought.And wouldrun around and destroy everything that's still whole, pretending to enjoy the scenery.
#gravity falls#gravity falls fanart#bill cipher#bill cipher fanart#bill cipher art#cat bill cipher#catification#artists on tumblr#artist on tumblr#digital aritst#digital art#digital artwork#fan drawing#digital drawing#digital illustration#artwork#drawing#small artist#not canon#headcanon#bill cipher au#gravity falls au#gravity falls bill#catified
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sully kids modern!au headcanons
he/him pronouns
bi with a preference for men
loves listening to hozier and prolly dua lipa
eat your young is his song rn
runs track, but has done archery since he was younger with Neytiri
also did rock climbing for a bit
a rock climbing god
def has good grades, like a’s and b’s
super good at English and history
reads for fun and sometimes plays video games with Lo’ak
hates shooting games tho
will not play stuff like COD
for sure had braces and as soon as he got them off, all the girls started flirting with him
he lets them down easy
genuinely enjoys looking after Tûk
Tsireya is absolutely his best friend and they do face masks and listen to kpop together
a pretty good cook, but is better at making simple stuff from babysitting Tûk
got a septum piercing during senior year but doesn’t wear it at home bc Jake would be mad
Neytiri knows
she thinks it’s sick
Jake wants him to join ROTC but it’s the one thing he won’t do
is the only kid who consistently calls Jake sir
kind of looks up to Spider bc Spider is a year ahead of him in school
started dating Ao’nung junior year
she/they pronouns
pansexual(?) or unlabeled
kind of likes kpop bc of Tsireya, but like religiously listens to Sza and Mitski
doesn’t play any sports, but takes some art classes
she draws on her biology notes
takes botanical drawing classes
super good at science, particularly biology
good grades, mostly a’s and b’s
reads sometimes but prefers to hang out on her phone while Neteyam reads
is always in her sibling’s rooms
Lo’ak is always yelling at her to get out of his room
has, like, a million plants, but not a single one of them is dying
kind of a loner at school, but just hangs out with Spider and sometimes her siblings and Tsireya
Tûk used to drive her crazy, but now Kiri gets that Tûk just looks up to her
goes to visit her mom every weekend
has pierced ears but never really wears earrings
she wants a nose piercing so badly that she is considering doing it herself
she says she hates that Lo’ak sometimes calls her his twin
she secretly likes it
it makes her feel included
like she’s not adopted
is extremely aware of the fact that Rotxo likes her but refuses to make the first move
they start dating in junior year
he/him pronouns (or maybe he/they)
i feel like he might try out they/them pronouns at one point
bi with preference for women
in my bi Lo’ak era
used to do archery with Neteyam and Neytiri but kind of hated it so he stopped going
started playing basketball in middle school and is like, super good
Jake is always at his games embarrassing him by yelling at the ref
honestly pretty good at school
he just doesn’t like it that much so he doesn’t want to try
for some reason, i see him being really good at math
has mostly b’s because he has to maintain a good average to play sports
plays video games a lot but will always switch from first person shooters to something else if Neteyam wants to play
hangs out with Neteyam all the time bc Neteyam is his role model
he will never admit that Neteyam is his role model
(Neteyam knows. Lo’ak did a project in sixth grade on role models and wrote his whole essay about his older brother. Neteyam found it and keeps it in his desk.)
wants to be like Jake and gets frustrated when Jake can’t see that
they fight a lot, but when Lo’ak gets older they have a heart to heart and their relationship gets better
absolutely adores Tûk
pretends he doesn’t
100% listens to rap music in public but secretly loves kpop, particularly twice
him and Tsireya started dating their freshman year
is always showing up to school with his nails painted bc Tsireya insisted on doing them
wears mascara bc he likes having long eyelashes
Kiri pierced his ears in their bathroom in junior year
she’s eight so she hasn’t really thought about sexuality related stuff yet
loves her family!
always wants to hang out with Jake and Neytiri bc she thinks the adults are cool
they spoil her to no end
when the parents aren’t around, she bothers Neteyam
loves to tease Kiri about Rotxo
enjoys showing up right when Lo’ak and Tsireya are about to kiss and asks them inane questions
Tsireya thinks it’s cute
Lo’ak yells at her to go away
does swim classes on Saturday mornings and Ao’nung is her swim teacher
that’s actually how Neteyam and Ao’nung formally met
Tûk was instrumental in getting them together
also plays soccer after school three days a week
good at school, but prefers going on field trips bc she likes learning by doing stuff
begs Jake to chaperone her field trips
she is the reason that Jake and Neytiri accept Spider bc she bothered them for days to let him move in with them
genuinely the sweetest most adorable child
has an iPad and enjoys playing subway surfers and those toca boca games
she makes Lo’ak play with her bc she knows he enjoys video games and thinks that it’s a way to get him to hang out with her
(at first Lo’ak didn’t know that that was why she was doing it, but Neteyam told him and now he pretends to complain but loves the toca boca hairstyling game. he downloaded it on his phone.)
has an easy bake oven and ‘cooks’ for Jake
he pretends to eat it but feeds it to the dog
(the dog usually vomits later.)
he/him pronouns
straight, but absolutely a very supportive ally
raised by Norm bc his mom and Norm were friends when they were younger
the sullys and Norm were neighbors for Spider’s whole life so he spent a lot of time over there
at first, Jake and Neytiri didn’t like him, but eventually warmed up to him
this was bc of the kids
moved in with the Sullys when he was 14 bc Norm was moving
pretty good grades, mostly has b’s
does rock climbing and is super good at it
used to go to the climbing gym with Neteyam but now goes by himself
when his dad retired from the military, Quaritch wanted Spider to move in with him
Spider compromised and visits Quaritch every other weekend instead
tries to balance the oldest sibling responsibilities with Neteyam
genuinely cares for the sully kids so much
lets Lo’ak vent to him about Jake
Kiri is always ranting to him about her crystals and plants and stuff and he just loves listening to her
he is a super good listener in general
takes Tûk to soccer bc she practices at an indoor field and it’s at the same place as the climbing gym
plays video games with Lo’ak all the time
was homeschooled until high school
bc of that he’s pretty good at science and technology stuff bc that’s what Norm and Max know the most about
sucks at English and history and gets tutored by Neteyam
so caring and genuine
all he wants in life is to be the best big brother and be accepted into the family
the day that he goes off to college, Neytiri hugs him and tells him that she is thankful he is her son
he cries so hard
#atwow#atwow jake#avatar#avatar the way of water#atwow tuk#atwow neytiri#atwow neteyam#atwow loak#atwow kiri#atwow spider#atwow quaritch#headcanons#modern!au#modern!atwow#atwow Tûk#aonunete#ao’nung x neteyam#rotxo x kiri#lo’ak x tsireya#atwow headcanons#avatar the way of water headcanons#loak headcanons#neteyam#neteyam headcanons#kiri sully#kiri headcanons#avatar tuk#spider socorro#lo’ak sully
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Heyyyy friend! can you tell me about your favorite Dream headcanons please? :3
GOD GOD GOD YES YES YES!! I GET TO TALK ABOUT MY SILLY HEADCANONS!! (spoiler alert: they're not that silly, I love to watch Dream suffer in a blorbo way) Gonna put this under a read more cause holy damn it's getting long-
Before we start, I think it's kinda obvious at this point, considering I always use they/them for Dream, that I heavily headcanon them to be Non-binary; it makes a lot of sense to me! also to list off the self-indulgent headcanons, definitely AuDHD. Like Ink. Yeah. They're both ND as HELL, and also, since I LOVE it when people think of the sanses as having their creators' nationality + accent + knowing their languages; for me Dream's spanish, which is great cause I am spanish too! and I love Dream :3
(and also bc I think it's cute that both Cross and the twins can speak spanish following that headcanon, like they can gossip in secret teehee :3)
Now, to start, well, well, well, well... I feel like people don't play enough with the fact that Dream and Nightmare are basically just energy; like, Nightmare does use his appearance and properties to kinda scare people but he's also not the same NM under the tree, so it changes, but Dream tho!!
I wrote a oneshot once on AO3 where Dream's like very excited over very mundane technology for us, and Cross is the one to kinda explain to them how that works (and NM too, it was a wholesome platonic fic with Cross bonding with the twins), while Cross also takes note of all the very... magical qualities the twins have, fae-like even. It's kinda well-known that Core and Dream are good friends but for me, part of why they connect well is bc they're both in that strange cusp of "neither monster nor human; knowing a lot about this world but still struggling to connect with it on an organic level", bc of Dream's knowledge on the balance and energies and Core's--- whole thing.
Also, it is canon that Dream has a fear of owls bc they can turn their heads 180º and they have big eyes so Dream finds it spooky that they can always look at you, and I can't confirm if this is "100% canon" but I've been told that Dream's claustrophobic as well. Now, other things that I'd say would be hard triggers for Dream, well, people say apples could trigger them but personally? I think apples must be nostalgic to Dream, both bc Nightmare and also bc they represent their mom; I'd say Dream just gets rather extreme nostalgia around apples, probably not fond of ACTUALLY eating them tho lmao
Personally, I'd like to expand on the claustrophobia thing bc of course it'd remind them of their time as a statue, the small space with no way of connecting with the outside, that'd spook them, but I wanna expand it to them getting extremely anxious whenever they can't move in any way; so like, they heal fast bc of their healing abilities and durability but if they were to, idk, break a bone and need to lay in bed for a couple hours, that'd get them very very anxious. And that comes from both the statue and also a huge huge huge need to be "useful" and "productive". Dream was also abused before NM's corruption but their abuse was more like. Being forced to please the villagers and so and so; like, feeling less like themself and more like a tool to others.
But yeah, also while I said that apples wouldn't be a trigger in the sense of making them panic, fire surely is, since it burned the tree down and is very connected to the day of NM's corruption. Basically, I do think that they panic in a major way whenever there's a lot of fire around or something really smells like burning (so imagine the situation whenever Ink tries to cook something and forgets about it later smh) like, those memories of the Day Of Doom would come back FAST.
Also, going back on that time as a statue thing, I've written posts about this before but like, fanfics often end up describing Dream as having "perfect pearly white bones" and like, probably not!! my guy spent 493 years as a statue! stone chips and erodes! their bones probably have small flaws! nothing major, but they're probably imperfect like that!!
This is getting so long, I'm so sorry 😭, I'll just list off some other miscellaneous headcanons that don't need that much more explanation: Dream, again, has AuDHD, but also AvPD (since that includes a LOT of people-pleasing and self-deprecation); definitely a workaholic if I've ever seen one. Dream's canonically demi-aro and ace + implied to be pan (as in, said to not care about the gender of their partner/s, y'know) and I kinda share that but my self-indulgent side wants them to be ominsexual like me (in practice, they're still mspec, all good all good), I headcanon them super duper heavily to be non-binary, like, their gender isn't just "blank", but it's just nothing remotely CLOSE to "man" or "woman". I headcanon them to use they/them and ae/aer :3
And. Oh dear. Oh wow. That's a huge ramble ashjgbsjdfh!! but I mean, you did ask ME, The Dream Guy, to talk about Dream The Guy, so like, yyyyyyup yup yup. But still, I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SUCH A LONG POST 😭😭😭😭😭😭
My other headcanons end up being so self-indulgent and "ooc"-ish (smh they make sense in the context of them being other au's) that I didn't feel justified putting them in here cause they're not that justified either, some of my headcanons are just so random, like my headcanon that Killer plays the violin. Why? who knows!! not me!! I have no proof!! but!!
#long post#utmv#dream sans#dreamtale dream#dsfshgbbsdjfhbgsjdhfbg#dream sans headcanons#utmv headcanons
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favourite poe hcs??
oh anon i don't think you know what you've done
okay i'll list some headcanons and then i'll make a cut and list some further headcanons which contain spoilers for my fic that i haven't published yet, so they'll be major spoilers of what's to come!! you can decide if you wanna read them before ranpo finds these out hehe >:3
(if you don't read the fic that's irrelevant tho, enjoy the hcs ^^)
also pls note these are my personal hcs you ofc don't have to agree with them :3
ok first of all poe is absolutely unscareable, he could watch any horror movie and be deeply fascinated by it rather than afraid
exceptions are when there's a scene where many people talk over each other, he gets very overstimulated by that (also like in general not only in movies)
he can hear heartbeats more sensitively than a normal human being
he has relatives in america but doesn't talk to them a lot, especially since he isolated himself after ranpo defeated him
similar to irl poe i'd say his father left and his mother died when he was young leaving him and his siblings behind - they get adopted by their aunt & uncle, tho henry and poe move out quite quickly to get their own place
used to host big events in his mansion, he is very prideful of his deduction abilities after all and he's actually quite famous for solving multiple big crimes that got a lot of attention (like scandals and stuff)
(that's why he's so bummed out when ranpo defeats him too)
karl lingered outside his mansion before poe took him in; poe realised he was injured and took him to a vet; they bonded over that and karl just stayed bc poe got him food and was comfortable to sit on
always has candy for ranpo everywhere despite not being a big fan of candy
deals with dissociation and intrusive thoughts; has problems with idealization of people (see ranpo)
has been dealing with some sort of substance addiction in his time between his duel with ranpo and his revenge part
has issues with chronic pain bc of that as well
has a raccoon plushie for karl for when he's gone
loves writing with an actual quill but has been made fun of
has some odd knowledge about the human body that might or might not be concerning
hates swimming. i mean hates. loathes, in fact.
loves to rot away in bed and think while drifting in and out of consciousness (sameee)
is always cold (uses ranpo as a heater lol)
can solve basic code
loves bitter tasting things (tea, dark chocolate, strong coffee etc)
is insecure about his face + his body in general that's why he wears his hair like that and so many layers
ok now for the spoilers (if you don't want to read further than this, ty dear anon for letting me ramble about this and ty ty for reading :3)
i love the theory that an ability manifests as a kind of response to either trauma or a major change in their life, so - my theory or hc, whatever, is that poe wasn't an ability user before he met ranpo. obviously the first time they meet ranpo doesn't know about his ability and hasn't experienced it before. poe seems to find confidence in his ability and i think he'd have mentioned it before if he'd met ranpo in a setting that would also be in relation (in terms of mysteries and stuff) to it
i'm very sure or i'd like to think poe manifested his ability as a way of escapism but also as a way of determination (drawing people into his story i mean, you can't get further in being a successful detective writer than this ability yk)
also poe was a detective before they met, i'd guess he still wrote stuff but he switched almost completely once he was defeated by ranpo and barely solved any crimes anymore (maybe only over text or sth idk)
all this results ofc in a feeling of inferiority in poe who before ranpo came along was probably quite prideful - which leads me to believe he thinks of ranpo as a rival that has corrupted his mind but also as someone he is thankful for, which makes all of this wayyyy more complicated than it seems on the surface
poe thinks he's tied to ranpo and therefore cannot say no to him or pretend for long enough that he doesn't care; he actively puts himself in situations he doesn't like bc of ranpo and helps him when he really doesn't have to - he could just walk away. but he doesn't
he also exclusively uses his ability for or against ranpo, we've not seen him use it outside of it and tbh i don't think he's ever used it otherwise (except when it manifested, tho i don't know how it could've manifested tbh. like how do you find sth like this out?)
in my fic henry (his brother) knows at least a fraction of all this and asks for poe to get himself something unrelated to ranpo, which he does, which is why i think poe is also an artist, tho less skilled than in his writing but he finds fun in it
he keeps it a secret from ranpo (he will eventually open up tho)
yea. i think that's it for now, ty again anon and ty for everyone reading so far, i hope i'll not disappoint in putting this into the fic :D
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Hi! Sorry to bother you, could I have some romantic Bedman x reader comfort? If it matters, I'm around his age. Thank you for reading this req!
note: i wasn't sure if this was meant to be headcanons or a mini fic, so i wrote a mini fic for you, hope that's okay! please enjoy :-] (also don't worry about being bothersome, i've been eagerly awaiting requests! and i hc bedman to be around 17-19 so i personally don't have a problem writing him. i know some feel differently, though, so overall i'm keeping this a teensy bit platonic, but more soft than anything. i hope that's alright. alsooo bc i have a little au going that ive been working on we're gonna call this an awake bedman au type deal. but regardless, enjoy!)
Bedman x Reader, Comfort Me Through This Time.
The moment that you weren't feeling well, Bedman was immediately perceptive of it. With the general intelligence that he possessed, that also happened to account for his emotional intelligence as well. He knew all of your signs, practically knowing that you were feeling unwell before you could even process such a thing. As a result, something protective went off within him-- but he wouldn't say anything to you just yet. After a while, he'd realized that it had been rude to tell others how they felt, especially when they hadn't quite realized themselves.
There was only so much time until it hit you, though, your mood fully crashing. Luckily, you were at home, and there Bedman stood in the doorway to the room, with your favorite blanket under his arm. Before you could say anything, he had a hand gently resting over your own, a soothing thumb running over your slightly shaky fingers. The technique comforted you, grounding you even when everything seemed to be out of place.
When his hand disconnected from yours, he quickly worked to get your favorite blanket wrapped around you. You wonder briefly if he had taken it home with him and washed it, because it seems to carry the same smell that he always does. It's clean, comforting, and warm.. A familiar fabric softener.
"I thought you might find this comforting, as the stimuli of the familiar blanket would offer something with a positive, safe connection. Though, if there's anything else you would like me to do to help you feel better, I hope you will ask. I know many people struggle to speak when they're upset, so I don't say that with any intent of pressure." Bedman goes on, another familiar thing about him. His voice carries the workings of his mind, though an undeniable trace of gentleness pushes through his tone, whether he likes it or not. The rambling soothes you, and he finds himself quieting down when you pull him in for a hug.
"Thank you," You say, pulling him close, and nuzzling your face into his hair for a moment. He's not always the most affectionate, but right now, he finds himself shifting to wrap his arms around you carefully, giving you a grounding hug. The gentle pressure soothes you, and the warmth makes you start to forget the reason you ended up like this in the first place.
"Of course. Would I not be cruel to deny you the comfort that I can provide?" He asks, and you realize you're getting a bit too tired to process whether he really would be or not. For now, you just shrug, and find yourself comforted by him. The upset that you felt has been replaced with warmth, with the fact that you know you are cared for, and that he will be here for you, no matter what happens. He'll be there to do whatever he can to help.
#guilty gear x reader#bedman guilty gear#bedman x reader#guilty gear#guilty gear fic#ahem. sorry if this is a teensy bit rusty or too short. im still trying to find where my writing exactly lands#and i have had a very long day#but i hope you enjoy
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Woke up in the middle of sleep so it’s Sebek thoughts time! I have thoughts about his work ethic kinda; namely, him pushing himself. In Sebek’s New Year’s card, he seems to have been pushing himself in a bunch of hagoita matches. While it’s brushed over in the end, it’s a fact that Sebek and relaxing don’t typically mix lol
Knowing how seriously Sebek works, I tend to let this inform my headcanons for him! For one, I don’t think he gets enough sleep, almost on purpose. He notes that his mother is a nocturnal fae in his birthday card, and we know that Sebek wants so desperately to be like his mother’s side more. We can infer from Lilia that fae don’t need much sleep, but Sebek is only half fae. He does sleep, but only a bit at a time. It’s also a fun parallel!
Anyway: this headcanon is all because Sebek doesn’t take breaks when he should plus a few loose threads I tugged on.
I actually wrote a oneshot on Ao3 centering around Sebek being sick and just. Pushing himself. And bc I’m a sucker for Dia family they’re all present. But that’s neither here nor there (I’m not gonna say the title bc it’s easy to find if you dig on Ao3 a bit with filters in mind + it feels too pluggy despite this being a plug in itself oopsie)
PLUG YOURSELF MOTHERFUCKER I READ THAT SHIT TWICE why am i now only realizing you wrote one of the fics that CHANGED me. you contributed to me becoming a sebek zigvolt fan man
Anyways!!!! Sebek trying so hard to become more "fae-like," even when it affects his physical and mental health. Fae have always been more durable and strong than humans. If he can prove that he doesn't have any human weakness, then it'll be the closest thing he can ever get to being full fae.
There's something about inherently ignoring a part of yourself, in Sebek's case his health AND his human side, just to prove something. Whether it be to the people around him or Sebek himself. He would rather choose one over the other than accept both parts of himself because doing so would make him "alone."
It will make Sebek confront the fact that he can never be part of the fae. He can never be part of the humans either. He is both, not one or the other. Sebek keeps on trying to choose a side when there were never sides for him to begin with.
He doesn't want to acknowledge that. If shielding himself for a little while longer means ignoring his basic needs? So be it.
#twisted wonderland#sebek zigvolt#twst#twst sebek#sebek twisted wonderland#twst sebek zigvolt#my asks!
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@unpiety sent : 👫. / for four headcanons i have about our muses relationship ( currently accepting )
when visiting mondstadt , if he can find venti in angel’s share kazuha will always buy him a couple of drinks in exchange for a song or two. they’d both probably end up getting kicked out when doors close because he finds venti such an interesting person to talk to? their interests have a lot of crossover so they can bounce off of each other , but they also definitely approach things as simple as poetry from very different angles so he likes to pick venti’s brain. there’s something about the freeform storytelling venti has a talent for that can differ a lot from the strict structuring of the haiku kazuha writes that gives him a feeling he can learn a lot from venti in general.
does venti have . . . like an actual home? a place to live? sobs bc i always assumed that he doesn’t but i don’t actually know if it was ever mentioned. if not then they have definitely spent a night crashed out beneath the tree at the windrise statue after a day of drinking in angel’s share because kazuha asked if he could couch surf , as he always does , and was like “ oh. where do you sleep then? ” and of course was willingly dragged along on a little adventure because he’s definitely easily led by venti.
kazuha does ( unfortunately for venti ) have a very needy and affectionate cat named maru who is always climbing all over him and demanding attention so even though he won’t bring him near venti , kazuha himself is probably hell to be around for his allergies fjhsfjd.
kazuha really likes being in mondstadt so he does visit from time to time after that initial trip during gaa. venti is always a familiar face who he’s relieved to see and he has definitely asked him for a tour of his favourite places there before , just as an excuse to hang out.
note: the first few points that i wrote out ended up being more of a ramble about venti being an archon because i feel like that's a huge thing to address when it comes to kazuha LMAO so i added a few extra hc's and stuck the rest of my brainrot under the read more !!!
this is less of a headcanon and more of a recurring thought that i have but i just. there’s something about kazuha talking / listening to the wind that always makes me wonder? he has a very spiritual relationship with nature and the world in general and between his anemo vision and the fact that the wind is the only thing he tends to kind of personify when he speaks about it , i would honestly love to see a connection to venti there. something that really made me think about this one was their first interactions during the irodori event because venti was just . . . oddly gentle with him? that “our dear kazuha” line has lived in my head rent free for so long because it sounded so soft and it wasn’t as teasing in delivery as venti can be at times. it’s such a massive stretch and a bit of a meme tbh because it would mean kazuha has been accidentally / forcibly traumadumping on him LMAO but i think it would be such an interesting spin on their dynamic for venti to have an understanding of the feelings kazuha doesn’t always share with people and also kazuha . . . unknowingly putting his faith and trust in the hands of an archon when he’s so at odds with the very concept of divinity.
from the few times they’ve met kazuha is already very fond of venti but realistically if he was ever to learn the truth behind his identity , it would change the way he looks at him. that could be for better or worse because on one hand it would probably provide opportunity for him to reconsider his beliefs surrounding the gods , and venti would certainly put them in a better light than what he has previously been exposed to. but on the other hand he is firm in those beliefs and honestly . . . very distrustful of the archons. it makes their friendship so interesting to me.
#sorry this took a little while hkf i'm slow#but i'm so glad u sent it because they're vvv important to me#⋆˚ ─── ⋆⋅🍁⋅⋆ ── ( interactions . ) : answered !#⋆˚ ─── ⋆⋅🍁⋅⋆ ── ( study . ) : head canon !#unpiety
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Could you possibly do one where Aemond reacts to finding out that he might have to marry Daemon’s daughter? Would he be mad or weirdly happy in a way. We all know what daemon thinks of what his brother has in store for his daughter and he is not having it.
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader au | aemond targaryen x daemon's daughter!oc
warnings: fluff(?), aemond is his own warning, cussing because aemond has a dirty mouth.
author's note: I'm truly obsessed about this bc I never thought about Aemond's reaction to being betrothed. This is going to be in headcanon format due most of it just being from Aemond's pov. Thank you so much for your amazing idea <3 also wrote this while listening to "the red means i love you" and i'm shipping alymond 😭
read this headcanon for context of this story
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 enjoy your reading.
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
"I know you're lying, Aegon. Don't you have anything better to do? Maybe some young maid to fuck?"
Aegon scoffed, "Well, if you don't believe me, go talk to father about it. I'm just telling you what I heard."
Aemond believed his brother was nothing but a drunk liar, so his word didn't actually meant anything.
But he went to talk to the King anyways.
While walking through the corridors, Aemond thought about what that meant to him.
He wanted to be mad about it, but it wasn't that bad.
In fact, it wasn't bad at all.
He knew Alyssa Targaryen pretty well. He knew how feisty that pretty little thing could be. She did took his eye, after all.
And Aegon wasn't lying.
"I don't hope you to understand, but our line must spread. She's a pure valyrian, and would make to you a good wif– Why are you smiling?" King Viserys questioned, raising a curious eyebrow.
Aemond chuckled, "Have you told Daemon?"
"I did... He was furious about it." Viserys confessed.
"Well, that's great! I'll give these exciting news to my betrothed, myself. I couldn't be more happy about your choice, father." Aemond left the king's chambers without discussing if Daemon agreed or not.
Aemond knew Daemon wouldn't let Alyssa marry him.
He also couldn't care less. His father was the king.
Aemond couldn't put in words the taste of satisfaction in his mouth once he knew how angry Daemon was about his union with his uncle's daughter.
The girl literally took his eye, the least she could do is marry him without complaining.
Oh, but she would be furious too. He knows she's just like her daddy.
"I figured I'd find you here." Aemond said with a smile.
Ever since Daemon gave her her own sword, Alyssa spent quite some time in the training yard when the boys weren't there.
Curiously, Aemond always knew when she was there.
"And what do you want?" Alyssa spat, slamming her sword towards a wooden target.
"I came to give you the great news! I couldn't believe my own ears when I heard it."
"Oh? Did your mother successfully try to kill anyone? I hope it was your grandsire. Gods, I hate that man." Alyssa chuckled and beheaded the target.
Aemond frowned and squinted. He wouldn't fall for her games. He was the one to tease, not her.
"Haha. You're so funny, Alyssa. I bet it wouldn't take long for me to fall for you." Aemond coaxed.
Alyssa blinked a couple of times, processing what he just said.
"Did I stutter?" Aemond smirked.
Alyssa took a deep breath before asking, "What the fuck are you talking about, One Eye?"
Aemond clicked his tongue, "Gods, you're just as fucking stupid as you're pretty. It means we're betrothed. I'd be treating my future husband with respect, if I were you."
"Are you crazy?" Alyssa hysterically laughed, "My father would have your head before letting me marry you." She pointed her sword towards the prince, "I would have your head before giving myself to you."
"Kinky." Aemond retorted and lowered her sword with the point of his index. "Who's your father to disrespect the king's orders?"
Alyssa swallowed hard. She had no answer for that. Even the dumbest girl knows the king's word is above everything. And she is no dumb girl.
She left him there and went looking for her father.
She thought about a million possibilities.
Maybe she could run away? They lived in Pentos for a while, she'd do well there.
No, Y/N wouldn't let her go alone.
What about Daeron? If she begged, maybe the king could call him back to King's Landing, so they could get married.
To be truthful, Alyssa didn't want to marry any of Alicent's kin, but anyone was better than Aemond.
But Daeron was the same age as her brother, Maegon. That was kinda disgusting.
"Did you know uncle Viserys wants to marry me to Aemond?" Alyssa stormed into her parents chambers.
Daemon's lips immediately left yours. You groaned in response.
"Maybe knock the next time, Alyssa?" You said in annoyance.
"Sorry mother, but I think what I have to say is way more important than you snogging with father." Alyssa answered with wit.
Daemon smirked, "It's okay, 'Lyssa. I'll talk to Viserys again. You know I'd die before letting this happen."
You rolled your eyes, "You're both being dramatic about it. Aemond is not that bad. He's a bit... violent, yes, but he would never hurt you. I promise you, daughter, violent men can be great lovers." You ran your fingers through your husband's little braids in his hair.
"Don't go giving her any ideas, Y/N." Daemon warned with a stern look, and you snorted.
"She's a grown woman, Daemon. There's a sword in her hand. I don't think you need to protect her anymore." You shrugged.
"Hello??? I'm still in the room, please stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Alyssa crossed her arms.
"Don't worry. I told Viserys you're not marrying Aemond, so you're not marrying Aemond. Is that clear?" Daemon asked, reassuring her.
"Yes, father."
read the second part to this story
#daemon targaryen x reader#daemon targaryen#daemon targaryen imagines#daemon targaryen x oc#daemon targaryen headcanons#daemon targaryen drabbles#daemon x reader#aemond targaryen x oc#house of the dragon imagines#dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader au#dad!daemon targaryen au
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general kento nanami headcanons
cw: gn! reader. there’s nsfw stuff but that’s separate from the sfw stuff
a/n: hey y’all, so this is my first *real* post here on tumblr. i’ve written fanfic b4 and have posted it before (albeit i’ve deleted everything i’ve ever posted fanfic wise) but i’ve never posted on tumblr! i wrote a small drabble and posted it to test the waters and that’s about it. since this is where i read most of my fanfic i figured lol why not writing is one of the casual hobbies i’ve always had anyways. about the headcanons, ive seen the jujutsu kaisen volume 0 movie three times already and it hasn’t even been out for a week, so i’m in a jujutsu kaisen writing mood. i have a nice one shot planned for both yuji and gojo (separately. obviously.) so if u want u can look forward to that, but for now i thought i’d start off lighter. hope u enjoy! :)
ok so
starting off strong
coming from a plus size woman herself anybody who’s ever said nanami wouldn’t like a plus size partner is completely fucking wrong????
like omfg
he would love the feeling of your soft body in contrast up against his hard and rough muscles
this man definitely tries to live a healthy lifestyle. work out regularly, eat healthy, the whole shebang
however he’s the type of man who finds it extremely classy when somebody isn’t afraid to indulge in the simple pleasures of life
and he just wants u to be happy while doing it
don’t get me wrong he would encourage u to be healthier but when u ask if that was his way of trying to politely say you need to lose weight he would be genuinely flabbergasted bc no that’s not what he meant at all that thought literally never even crossed his mind he just wants you to be healthy and live a long life
doesn’t mean he won’t also indulge himself with u tho lmaoooo
like i feel like he acts all committed to this super strict diet and routine but in reality he doesn’t stick to it that often regardless of the fact he feels like he should bc life is short who cares? certainly not nanami
anyway pls never talk negatively abt ur body bc he will ask why it even matters every single time before complimenting u cause ain’t no way ur ever gonna talk badly abt urself and him just let it slide
long story short no matter what ur body looks like he thinks ur beautiful like weight ≠ beauty in his mind
anyway on a completely unrelated note
he snores lolllllll like rly loud
and he sweats in his sleep a lot too idc
it’s cute tho
blanket stealer too and when u guys wake up and u tell him he was hogging the blankets in his sleep he gets all embarrassed and won’t look u in the eye and denys it even tho he knows he does it he just can’t admit it
which usually isn’t that big of an issue cause y’all are glued together in your sleep anyways
cuddling alllll the time deadass
he always likes the air conditioning to be set pretty cold D:
like he’s definitely the kind of person who knows immediately if someone changes the temperature even one degree
he’s a good cook tooooo omg
for some reason i feel like he excels at italian food don’t ask me why i don’t know
like nanami would make the most fire pasta
but yeah he’s a good cook
he’s also rly flexible
i mean for the record think of what he has to do for his job of course he’s flexible
but he in particular is super flexible like he can do all that cool contortionist shit if he tried (which he won’t cause he’d be too embarrassed)
also he spoils u
like duh that much is obvious ofc nanami spoils his s/o but like….
yeah he totally spoils u.
he’s not really a religious dude tbh
like if ur religious that’s cool he’ll accept that he’s not gonna shame u and he’ll happily listen to u talk about it
but most of the time he’d just rather talk about something else
most of the time he’s just calling you by your first name but on the rare occasion when he does call u a pet name that’s when u know he’s feeling affectionate and wants ur attention
he doesn’t call u very many pet names either he’ll call you “sweetheart” the most, “beautiful” too and also maybe “darling” on the days he’s feeling extra affectionate
like it’s super easy to tell when he wants to just say f everything and be all over you
he doesn’t rly like pda so he’s super touchy at home
he likes to hug you from behind
his favorite cuddling positions either consist of him being the big spoon or him laying down on your chest
like i can see after a rly long day he wants nothing more than to come home get dressed comfortably and crash right on top of you laying his head in ur chest and putting his arms around you and feeling your hands through his hair
he would find the rhythm of your breathing and your heartbeat very comforting
especially after the horrors he’s forced to witness on a daily basis
you’re a comforting reminder that he’s alive
he’s just really obvious with how much he loves you
like even b4 y’all got together it was really obvious he thought he was super badass and hid it rly well tho LOLLL spoiler alert he didn’t
the thing that sold it the most pre your relationship was the way you’d always feel and catch his eyes glued to you
+++ it’s not easy to fluster nanami, but considering even the simplest of gestures from you turned his face and ears pink? yeah duh ofc he likes u
he tries to cover his face when he blushes too but he’s rly bad at it LOL like he’ll put his hand over his mouth and extend his thumb and fingers over his cheeks to try and hide the redness but it never works
like he’ll stay composed but his body’s reactions give it all away
hear me out i feel like he’d like a friendly talkative s/o
like maybe not somebody who’s as eccentric as gojo 24/7…
but definitely somebody who’s lively as long as they know when to be serious and is capable of remaining composed in a situation that calls for it
he would appreciate it to no end if you were able to get him to lighten up a little and be less of the stick-in-the-mud that he knows he is
he’s the slow dance with you in your kitchen in your pajamas type guy
but honestly no matter who u are
just one glance at u and he’s smiling to himself thinking abt how in love with u he is
you’re his biggest motivation, after all, and no matter how long the two of you are together you never stop giving him butterflies
oof oof oof oof oof
oh to engage in the devils tango with this man
whenever mappa animates him loosening or taking off his tie it’s always so focused on and detailed like whatchu tryna say huh?
yeah he ties your wrists together with his tie lolllll
like ok listen
i don’t think he’s sex dungeon level kinky
but i also don’t think he’s completely vanilla either
he’ll blindfold u, tie ur wrists together, maybe your ankles if he’s rly feeling it
he can be reallyyyyyyy rough too
generally he tries to be gentle but if he’s ever really pent up or angry or frustrated abt something he wants to rid himself of that anger in a healthy way and sexual release is a go to for him
those are the circumstances where he’ll be rougher with u
he usually apologizes after though
and if u were the one to ask him to be rougher he’ll do so with pleasure but he’ll definitely still seek reassurance afterwards and ask you if what he did was to your satisfaction
he’s generally the more dominant one
he likes obedience
he’s okay with you taking the lead too but he prefers if it’s nothing too extreme
he feels bad asking u but god he loves getting sucked off so much :(<3 sweet baby
especially after work when he’s feeling especially exhausted and he’s had a bad day and he’s lazing around he loves nothing more than some good ass head and then cuddling to sleep
he’s a giver too don’t think anything less
he’s always between your thighs before he’s actually inside of you whether it’s his mouth or his fingers
he’s cool with using toys on you too, he actually really likes it
he doesn’t see sex toys as a threat he sees them as his best friend god healthy masculinity is so hot
u can use ur imagination to think about how he’d use them on u >:)
also nanami isn’t a one night stand guy
like hear me out i don’t think he sees sex as some crazy sacred act or anything
it won’t take all that long after you guys get together for him to be okay with dicking you down
but he doesn’t fuck anybody he’s not in a stable relationship with
meaning that, yeah, he isn’t a virgin, but he probably has some awkward first time story with somebody he slept with once and since then he’s only slept with one other person he was in a relationship with
like… he has experience, but not a lot of it
don’t get me wrong tho his stroke game is crazy
he 100% puts in the effort to figure out what you specifically like and don’t like
it’s definitely always a focus of his to first and foremost please you
he teases u but also praises u
like full on degradation? no not his style
but teasing yesssssss he loves it he loves seeing you squirm from just his words
like god just imagine his chest up against your back with his arms running down your sides and hips while he’s whispering teases into your neck goddddd i wish i wish
he also likes it when u scratch up his back hehe
he likes it when you leave marks on him and he leaves marks on you in places people can’t see
he doesn’t think it’s classy when people walk around with hickeys and such on full display however knowing he has marks/you have marks on your bodies that only the two of you know about is something that turns him on
also, if you’re fem bodied, he’s a hardcore tits man. i will die by this.
boobs in his face yesssssssss
#nanami kento#kento nanami#jujutsu kaisen#jjk nanami#jjk headcanons#headcanon#nanami x you#nanami smut#nanami fluff#nanami x reader#jujutsu kaisen nanami#nanami headcanons
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One of the most annoying 'Snape was obsessed with Lily' assumptions is that he only likes potions to impress her, and that everything written in the Prince's book was in fact Lily's own innovation and he was obsessively looking at her brewing them and noted what she did. It's so stupid bc it assumes Snape was an idiot at potions and he was an obsessive incel. Immediate nope-out bc they like to strip him of ANY good traits he has because he cant possibly be intelligent. The only theory worse than that one is the 'James was the real HBP' that one hurts in its idiocy.
I’ve noticed that Snape antis constantly say that “Snape apologists only like Snape because of the reveal about him and Lily in the last book” and claim that we ignore what he’s done in the 6 previous books but then they go and make every single fucking thing he’s done about Lily. Even when she has nothing to do with it (Snape bullying Neville, for example).
Snape did this? Because of Lily. Snape said that? Because of Lily. *insert random fact about Snape*? Oh, because of Lily, Snivellus only *insert the most completely-made-up-random-ass—crazily-popular-bullshit-headcanon-ever-that-gets-treated-like-canon* because of Lily. It’s either that or “because *insert random-ass-motivation.*” LIKE CAN Y’ALL STOP WITH THAT?
His personality does NOT revolve around Lily or James. Stop trying to twist motivations and strip characters (ayo) of their canonical talents and abilities in order to glorify another. I’m certain Marauder stans would get angry if people started saying that “James only liked and played Quidditch just to impress Lily” and that he had no legitimate talent (or smth like that), and rightfully so.
But honestly, no matter how much that “James is actually the half-blood Prince” infuriates me, I just love how Marauder stans realise Snape’s creativity and skill and they can’t stand greasy meanie Snivellus being so talented to the point where they transfer his traits to James. Their lack of material is genuinely pitiable. Severus’s skill is canon, where did they even get the idea that he did it for Lily? Did they not hear Slughorn’s words in HBP?
Plus, there are two more problems with the situation:
James was most likely at best mediocre at Potions, if he was at least good—good, not extraordinarily talented—he 100% would’ve gotten invited to the Slug club; he was a wealthy, popular, pureblood Quidditch star. That would’ve been enough for Slughorn to invite him. If James was at least good at Potions, Slughorn would’ve invited him, but he didn’t. And Slughorn only ever brought Lily up when talking about Harry’s talent in Potions, never mentioned James.
They’re basically admitting that they’re alright with horrible things being done if it’s their faves doing it. The whole “James is the half blood Prince” theory is just stupid, but if he was the one who wrote all the notes into the book then he was the one who created Sectumsempra, Levicorpus and all the other spells. They eat Snape alive for creating Sectumsempra and Levicorpus but it’s totally fine and even cool for James to have done it. I’ve even seen some make excuses and say “Oh well James probably did it for a good reason” 1. Oh yeah? like he did with Levicorpus… aka the spell he used to sexually assault another teenager? 2. then why doesn’t that same logic apply to Snape? Why is it only your fave, and not my fave who *gasps* isn’t a sex offender?🫢 One of Marauder stans’ most common arguments to defend James’s actions in SWM is “well Snape created the spell (Levicorpus)!” (as if that justifies SA but that’s not the point), so if they’re saying James created the spell then….. 😗
They always find the weirdest ways to play themselves it’s actually so hilarious.
I’m sorry for ranting, anon, those two claims just really bother me.
#istg they’re so stupid#anti james potter#anti lily evans#anti lily potter#anti lily evans potter#anti marauders stans#anti marauderfen#anti marauder stans#anti snaters#harry potter#hp#severus snape#pro snape#pro severus snape#snape#ask#asks
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spending valentines day with them ☆ various genshin characters 🧸 (´・` )♡
♪(o´▽`o)ノ currently playing .. ! ♡
love like you by rebecca sugar ! 💌🌸🍓
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d1791c78b4dfcfa807755b9a1bed285d/42880cdfa833395b-0e/s540x810/c8247442cc252c4c4c361cae63bd339362656396.jpg)
special notes: GN!READER ♡ headcanons and a short scenario of you and them spending valentines together <3 !! i made this post longer than my usual ones to make up for the few days i was gone, i've been so drained bc finals is next week n' my schedule has been packed, i'm so sorry ! (ノД`) but on a different note, i wrote for eula too ! i'm very much open to writing female characters as well c:
♡ ah, this man !! you're very lucky that he has reserved patience to deal with you and your antics, especially because he has minimal patience and a very short temper .. (´._.`)(‘́⌣’̀ ) !
♡ he does seem to not bat an eyelash at you at all, head held high all the time, his seering dominance taking over the room. his eyes are burning holes into your skin when you brush your hands against under the table during one of his meetings, but the color on his cheeks say otherwise (¬_¬'')ԅ( ̄ε ̄ԅ) ! he always claims to not care about you at all.. zero zip nada!
♡ and yet, why does he seem to be reduced to a blushing mess when you're all dressed up in a pretty suit or dress, suggesting you go somewhere private to celebrate valentines ? (งಠ_ಠ)ง σ( •̀ ω •́ σ)
♡ scara is flustered. to the max. and he hates feeling weak, or vulnerable to those around him, so he puts up a front - even despite the fact he does kind of want to share a box of chocolates with you .. ! Q(`⌒´Q) his ego won't let him though ..
♡ he was the one who was supposed to make the plans, he was the one who was supposed to make your heart flutter, he was supposed to be the one who had his chest puffed out in pride as you swoon over what stupid surprise he got for you ( that you claimed couples give each other during said occasion ! ) ヘ(´-`;)ヘ
♡ you pout and facepalm at the way he turns his head away from you, a curt and short, " no. " coming from his mouth. ( he's being childish, don't mind him, ) he asks you to leave, but you note how he takes a second glance when you leave with one of his subjects (●´□`)♡
♡ he does make up for it though, a knock on your door and 2 seconds later, three of his servants are there at your doorstep carrying various bouquets of flowers, a huge stuffed animal, and a banner that had a beautifully written " happy valentines day, i'm sorry " in cursive writing (◠‿◠✿)
♡ you snicker at how sappy and cliché it was, but for someone like kuni, this was already a huge step and a rare occurence of him showing you how much he really loves you, despite his harsh words sometimes (⺣◡⺣)♡*
♡ that doesn't mean he's still not salty though, he's practically fuming when you're cuddling the stuffed bear he bought you tight, its head under your chin, arms all snug while you sigh in comfort (`⌒*)O-(`⌒´Q) 🧸
♡ doesn't he deserve a reward? that bear was supposed to be him ><; he wanted to be pushed up against your chest, or have his arms encircling your warmth, or being able to rest his head on your lap - not that damn bear ! (T_T) really.. after what he did for you ..
♡ anyway, please do comfort him, validate him, just show that you appreciate his actions and spoil him with affection .. (he doesn't say it out loud, but he's dying just to get a taste of your lips again, he misses the familiar strawberry on his tongue, yeah ?)(>﹏ <)
♡ + scara would definitely love to take you somewhere isolated, a place where he could declare his love for you with no one else present, he's 100% not a fan of pda, and he feels it's more heartfelt and meaningful when it's just you two <3
♡ maybe on a ferris wheel, or a rented out space at the rooftop at one of the most expensive buildings in your area there are .. he would spend his money just like that just to see how the city lights reflect in your eyes, and as he holds you close, and no words are muttered, you could see in his amethyst ones that he loved you (>‿-) !!
the moon was long up in the sky, the wind blowing through your hair and kissing your skin. besides the soft glow of the stars above you, the candlelight that sits at the center of the round table serves as a light source. you gently smile at the view of the city nightlife just below you, allowing you the temporary illusion that you were on top of the world. you then suddenly feel the caress of a familiar hand from the man sitting a chair from you, relishing in the feel of the top of your fingers - and yet despite such a bold move, he still manages avoids your gaze. you softly smile at his actions, giggling at the irony. outside, he always made sure he was a strong and unmovable figure of power, moving with poise and words always stamped with conviction. but here, with you, he was not scaramouche, but he was him. he was kunikuzushi. he clicks his tongue at your loving watch, heart fluttering with the solemn whispers of the wind. "you're lucky i love you .. "
# (🌊) CHILDE !
♡ no. 1 biggest spender.. must i say more? ヽ(^Д^)ノ
♡ valentines is his time to shine and flaunt just how perfect of a boyfriend he could truly be <3 he wouldn't miss the occasion for the world ! ゚(*^ワ^*)
♡ i mentioned this in a previous post, but he would buy out multiple flower shops and definitely your favorite clothing shops, even the branded ones ! your eyes are popping out of their sockets when you notice the price of one wool sweater that you even felt guilty having in your closet (⊙▽⊙)
♡ childe would ask you to have a mini fashion show of the various articles of clothing he brought home, telling you this could serve as your " thanks " - and his cheeky grin said it all (´・_・`) .. he would lounge on the couch with a glass of wine urging you to check what were in the bags, sigh, get ready for a long night ! (⌒ω⌒)
♡ would bug you about every single thing during valentines, would nag you and drown your phone in messages about his plans and reservations for you both - you appreciated it a lot, but you didn't need to go restaurant hopping at 9 in the morning !! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
♡ treats valentines like it's his birthday !! steals every opportunity to ask for cuddles and kisses - hugging you from behind all of a sudden, putting his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling into your neck - a goofy man who loves his s/o so much basically.. ( ̄З ̄) if you thought ajax was overaffectionate already, just imagine him during an occasion that allows him the go signal to up the level to maximum ?! his eyes are metaphorical love hearts, pumping with desire and admiration for you, you're starting to think your kisses are his only cure >< !!
♡ the kind to play these old 70's love songs that he could sway you to, or lift you up in the air to - making you both feel like an old school couple as you laugh in sync in the living room to the melody (*/ω\)
♡ slowdancing is a must - being in love just puts him in such a high, and having you close like this makes him feel like he has the world in his hands o(>< )o
♡ matching formal wear, matching pajamas, matching rings - a power couple move !
♡ makes sure everyone knows you're his and he's yours, shamelessly introducing you as his significant other to everyone you bump into on the streets, whether that be a food vendor or a prestigious business partner, absolutely makes sure they put you on a pedestal and view you in good light (つω`。)
♡ he's just making sure you both make the most of this special holiday, not wanting this once in a year opportunity to go to waste <3 if you want love, he'll give you love ! best bf award goes to.. ヽ(・ω・ゞ)
soft music plays through the speakers of your shared home, sunlight filtering through the curtains as the local birds sing a tune to compliment the soft rock in the background. you and ajax are lounging on the couch, snacking on the chocolate covered strawberries he brought home. you're popping one into his mouth, his eyes shaped like crescents while chewing - and you wipe the crumbs on his lips with a smile. the previous song playing soon ends, and a new rhythm starts resonating around the room. the man beside you perks up, scrambling to his feet and swallowing the fruit in a hurry. he's pulling you up, laughing with mirth, " it's our song! it's our song, babe! " the familiar tune of edison lighthouse playing as he twirls you around under the ceiling fan in your living room. god, you're both in love.
# (❄) EULA !
♡ this woman !! aaaa !! she is a complete angel and ure super lucky to call her yours <3 !!
♡ she strongly believes in her ideals, and set a high standard for herself whether that be as a knight or a protector, so she also makes sure she applies this aspect when it comes to your relationship <3
♡ and by that i mean, she doesn't leave any space for disappointment, she works quick and prepares you a gorgeous valentines day outfit from her connections, adorning you with accessories - making sure you look like you emerged from a painting, or maybe a materialized form of what a walking fairytale would look like ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ !!
♡ she is particularly soft for you, and very compliant as you ask her to open her mouth so you could feed her this new pie recipe you tried out !! she gives you honest criticism, praising you as she demands (yes demands,) you to prepare the pastries for her everyday after training snack - for vengeance, of course ♡(。- ω -)
♡ takes you on café dates, opting to order a cold unique drink from the must try menu - as you do the same, her eyes sparkling at your decision >< don't worry, the warmth emanating from your hand in hers supplies just enough to sate the chilly nature of the drink (⌒▽⌒) !!
♡ she LOVES bringing you on a shopping spree.. and must i tell you.. she would love the idea of matching corsets even more, the calm and collected eula reduced to a frozen deer in headlights when you come out of the fitting room all snug in beautiful lace and leather σ(≧ε≦σ) !!
♡ takes the time out of her day to ask amber to assist her in preparing an intimate candlelit dinner, ordering a warm sticky honey roast and your favorite dishes too !!
♡ would stand up from her seat, gently gesturing for you to take her hand. she invites you to dance afterwards, pink tinting her cheeks as she confidently places your hand on her waist, guiding you under the glamorous chandelier. flickering candlelight plays in the background, eula flawlessly twirling you around and executing her steps perfectly so they sync with yours (っ˘ω˘ς ) graceful as can be !
♡ you would go at this for hours, eula teaching you how to move your feet. and as she exudes pure grace, you couldn't help but feel like you see her in her element, where she wasn't weighed down by the pressure given to her by her family, she felt home with you :<
♡ she handles you like a fragile vase, guiding you and making sure you're comfortable. that is, until you trip over your own feet and tumble into eula's arms.. she catches you immaculately, bi-colored eyes widening in surprise, gazing into yours ( ˙꒳˙ )
♡ you suddenly feel a rush, heart pounding and pulling her closer, locking her lips with yours .. and as cold as eula was, the way her icy heart bloomed with lovely heat sent her into lockdown mode - kissing back in fervor, she allowed the hot sensation to engulf her whole.. love.. for the first time, she understood what it meant. (つ﹏⊂)
it was four o'clock in the afternoon, the town bustling with people as the sun prepares to set for the day and color the sky in purple and orange hues. the afternoon heat just the perfect motivation to move your feet and scout for a food place that'll refresh you and your girlfriend and wake you both up. you bring her into a local coffee shop, the bell chiming above the door. you both tell the cashier your orders settling for two cold blueberry drinks and a warm moon pie, eula's eyes sparkling just like the crest on her cardigan. you both point out the interesting little people you see walk past the store's front window, eula making up quaint stories about each individual and their possible lives. as you feed her a forkful of pastry, she locks eyes with yours and a knowing smile makes its way to her lips. " i appreciate what we have.. and i hope you acknowledge the fact that i, eula lawrence, is fond of the feeling in my chest whenever i go on these.. dates.. with you.. ahem. but don't go around thinking i'm going soft or tender.. alright? "
#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#childe x reader#scaramouche x reader#eula x reader#genshin fluff#genshin x you#genshin impact x you#genshin imagines#gn reader#ajax x reader#kunikuzushi x reader
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a discussion of jabberwock with team interaction hcs + deeper nash analysis
for anon who asked "Can we get some headcanons for jabberwock members or like headcanons when they're together? (its okay if it was jason or nash only)" and made me realise it's about time i get these guys' personalities down
note before we start: cause i didn't know their names until i wrote this
zack is the bald one, allen is the one with a headband, nick is the other white guy apart from nash.
team hcs
nick gets bullied for being under 6ft, but not by jason
nah good old jason teases all of them for being short fucks, emphasising that they’re all 5ft tall in comparison to him
he 100% lifts things out of the others' reach and then laughs for ages after when they try get them
unfortunately though, they’re all used to this and now just ignore him. either that or nash stares at him so intensely jason actually repents and hands it back
zack’s another one with a very good glare, but he’s used it too often on jason and it’s since stopped working.
also jason gives me ‘straightens his back as much as possible when getting measured so he’ll measure in as 7ft’ vibes
oh and he thinks he could wrestle a gator and win. i’ve got no explanation for that except for the fact you can't tell me it's ooc.
allen’s very protective over his white headband - it’s his lucky item - but he’d never let anyone know that
he’s confident in his abilities like the rest of them, but there’s nothing wrong with wearing a headband just in case
(nash knows anyway)
they watch nba matches together and do not shut up once throughout the entire match - lots of jeering, booing each other if someone criticises a player they like, lots of “i could do that”, lots of “get your fucking hand out of my popcorn do you want me to punch you in the face” etc
they used to all live together, but nash has since moved out. he was sick and tired of trying to make people do chores, as the only one who kept their room clean.
yeah the others’ house looks like a heap of trash but also very much “where’s my toothbrush?” “it’s in the third coke can by the orange peel behind the sink” *silence* “yeah thanks” *a minute later* “who the fuck has been using my toothbrush”
they’re all “bro your dribbling sucks why are you on this team loser” to one another, but also very protective (aka arrogant for one another) if anyone else Dared to criticise one of their teammates
then again, what kind of person would criticise jabberwock
half of the time he spends with jabberwock, nash is a Single Mother TM trying to get a bunch of man children to behave; the other half of the time, he's just as bad as the rest of them
i talk about this a lot but i get the feeling nash is an exceptionally hard worker, but at least he gets to let his hair down around his teammates sometimes
nash is also the only person jason thought was truly ‘strong’ at first sight
and nash is also the only person who can beat jason in a fight, and also the only person who can get nash to train, and also the only person who can.. [etc. you see my point].
(n.b jason calls himself the ‘almighty me’, nash says that ‘even god can’t beat me’. point made.)
you know how jason silver’s motto is “I have never thought”
imagine him proudly stating that, before zack adds with a straight face, “yeah cause nash does it for you.”
in short, the team would fall apart without nash.
although the team’s communication and coordination is very fine tuned, nash is the guy who keeps everything in order off the court to prevent what is essentially a team of aces ('main characters', if you will) from falling apart
they hang out together a lot, but do all have other friend groups that do not overlap
team bbqs
unofficial rule not to criticise anchovies on pizza because the one time nick did, nash snapped
however pineapple on pizza is fair game, even though zack quite likes it
more than once, jason has brought a girl home and nick has stolen her attention away with effortless trick shots, funky ball manoeuvring etc
more than once nick has had to trek to nash’s place (with a black eye) at midnight to have somewhere to sleep
do you see a correlation?
oh and everyone in the team has been walked in on by nash when they were naked with some girl
nash has absolutely no shame
he apologises to the girl with a charming albeit insincere tone, and then remains standing in front of the bed/couch until his teammate does what he expected of them
usually it involves not having come to practice
allen learnt a few (emphasis on ‘few’) words of japanese before they travelled to japan and was disappointed that he never got to use them
that said, one of those words was hentai
and now a quick analysis of some panels
a) so there's at least one player who wasn't underestimating vorpal swords. if i were to overanalyse, i'd add that nick's wearing a hoodie (possibly athletic wear) whilst nash has a 'fancy' shirt on; perhaps nick wasn't expecting them to be going to host clubs instead of chilling/training?
b) i know what you're thinking: "how can you say nash is a hard worker when he didn't want to practice for the match". i reckon he was still pretty high on the complete and utter success of their previous match, that plus being around girls, encouraged him to have a more 'jason-y' personality. (either that or fujimaki didn't want to add too much depth/realism into nash's character bc he's unequivocally the villain, right? and obviously this helps with the plot and the jabberwock bad geniuses gom good geniuses rhetoric.)
earlier, i mentioned how nash is the only one that could keep the team together, and is thus the undeniable head of the team; here's a clear example. you can see both jason and zack have no interest in continuing - if anything, there's disgust in their faces, kinda just saying "we spat on all of japan, now we can go home". whereas nash won't allow for the slightest of possibilities that there might exist a team stronger than them, and hence agrees to the match. the key thing here is that the others do as he says without too much fuss.
another thing to note is nash's reference to harakiri. now what can we make of that, alongside his proficiency in japanese, in relation to his character? the way i see it, he's either a weeb or possibly has some japanese lineage. (you could spin that even further and say his mother was japanese, taught him the language, then abandoned him, and hence his almost excessive hatred/mockery of the japanese people.) (is that why he wanted to do another match in japan..?)
just a quick point. "thanks to him" - jason isn't so superior as to think that he could win this match effortlessly without nash's support. links pretty nicely with my earlier idea about how nash is the only person jason has always considered 100% strong.
yet another point about how nash is the strongest of the team in pretty much every way you can think of. you know how scary/powerful you have to be to shut jason up (after he's getting real pissed from being prevented from scoring?)
i personally think this is a pretty important panel, though i've never seen anyone mention it before. did nash grow up training in a professional basketball training situation, as opposed to growing up playing streetball like i suspect the others did? well, to answer that question, imma bring in another panel.
here we see visible rage on nick, zack and jason's faces - they can't accept their loss, which is fair enough. but i'd argue that nash's face seems to depict sadness more than it does anger like to rest of them, look at how downturned his mouth is - and he's looking away from the 'camera', as if hiding his shame.
when you combine that with what he says here, i have no doubt that this is someone who has experienced some proper lows in basketball - as would be expected from someone who's played 'properly'. he's possibly not even a prodigy like the rest of them - compare jason's motto with his. "i have never thought" versus "do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door".
there's various lines of thinking you could design with this - he might have been trained by alex (hence, himuro having heard of jabberwock, though he should have known of a team as popular of jabberwock regardless), he might have grown up with professional basketballer parents etc. but here's my own little theory:
nash received serious basketball training from early on - maybe because his parents were living vicariously through him, or maybe he always loved the sport and wanted to be no1. so there he was training away, but, as he grew older, it started getting all a bit too much.
he didn't want to dedicate his entire life to basketball. after all, his hobby is water sports and his speciality is boxing; that's a lot of different things to be keeping up with, whereas the pipeline for promising athletes demands people focus solely on basketball. as a result, nash become bitter: stopped attending practice regularly, got in trouble for trash talk of increasing severity, etc.
result was he was kicked out of the program.
only when he was no longer playing basketball again, did he realise how much he missed it. and hence he got into streetball, where he was tremendously successful as someone with so much training, 'elite skills', and the overly confident attitude to boot.
then, one fateful day, he met jason and the rest is history.
#jabberwock deserved some love and they got it!#i wasted too much time on this but happy jabberwock sunday everyone#but i did like rereading extra game#it's all about those little details man#jabberwock#allen#zack#nick#nash gold jr#jason silver#knb#kuroko no basket#kuroko no basuke#kirisaki daichi scenarios#hcs#headcanons#extra game#knb extra game#imagines#scenarios#manga panels#mangacaps#character analysis#team interactions
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so, i've finally got time to write this.
dear @prince-simon , i've got a bone to pick with you.
i wanted a short, cute wilmon fic after i've finished yrs2 and i landed on your fic. i'm currently chapter 9 i think and here are some facts i'd like to state beforehand:
- i started learning spanish again because of this fic - and it makes me incredibly happy
- i fell in love with simon/omar and i can't decide whether i want to be with him or be him (omar too bcs from what i've guessed simons personality is somewhat based on at least his public appearances)(and being queer is the best thing that has happened to him - have you seen the 2018 pics??)
-i managed to read smut again for the first time in a really long time because it was just so loving...
-everything that has happened is not just headcanon, it is a reality now indeed. as i've told you before, it makes this reality a little easier to live in. a little less disastrous.
when i first started reading i sent L a picture of the wordcount and caption it "death, torture even" and this is the best torture i have ever endured. my soul has left my body a milion times after the first chapter but when i was reading ch1 it made me feel happy. truly, overwhelmingly happy. (is it important to state i'm a burned out law student with mental illnesses?) the characters are witty, funny, nice and real. the things happening are heartbreaking YET here they are, working though it together. that is probably what has been hitting me the most.
not to mention how funny and relatable and shocking the entire thing is - it's like you took my dreams and you wrote them down. if i could, i'd write love letters to you for this.
i can imagine you typing the words, but can you imagine how the words soak into my skin and shape me into a hopeless romantic? can you see my heart shifting a little every time your fingers type out an unlikely, heartwarming scene? how my eyes light up when reading something you smiled at when you wrote? how i break a little inside every time something happens to them? to you? what if i never get to see your words grow old with you? what would my life look like, even more incomplete than it is now?
apart from the fact that i 'm bisexual myself and i relate to a lot of things wille is going thru, this fic has transported me into a world where i can be with the person i have been in love with for some time now - we're not princes indeed, but i always wished that even if the circumstances are against us, we could be together. thank you for giving me hope that it can work out. (consequently, i am now waiting for a breathtakingly beautiful spanish person to swoop me off my feet, learn czech for me and will fight for me and everything i stand for too.)
i now know to take the chances, to keep on hoping. that true love is only for the brave. but it's also incredibly hard to not take anything into the real world with me - because i can't face that life is hard and the likelyhood of my fairytale ever coming true is nonexistent basically. you filled the hole in my heart with rose petals but they are slowly drying out and fading away; and the empty space suddenly seems bigger than it was before.
but now on the more funny note cuz you've been crying enough. here are some of my headcanons:
- for some reason, marisa tomei is my fancast as HRH queen Linda bcs idk don't ask
- simon now obsessively calls his mum about the plants - he would rather die himself than let them die
- gatorade curls up into a ball in simons bed after he's left, because he misses his warmth - they're both stubborn idiots who don't know how to approach each other
-simon practiced ballroom dancing for the sole purpouse to dance with wille at a ball - which he didn't get to do yet
- wille practices his spanish in front of the mirror just like he used to do with his presentations and he hates everything about it, until he says something in spanish and simon totally melts - that's when he finally appreciates his own hard work
- HS and simon shopping for clothes together (consequently gucci ha ha ha ft. his royal gayness -> best collection ever created)
- the necklace simon got for his bday is only to be taken off (optional to a certain extend) and put back on by wille and wille only - fifty years from now, it is their morning ritual to put it back on and if willes hands got a little clumsy with time, simon doesn't mind because it gives him some extra time together before he has to go see to his duties
i got plenty more but i'll keep some for now so that i can sprinkle them on here later :)
so yes i have a bone to pick with you, your highness. you gave my life an entirely unexpected rush of serotonin and now it's really difficult to live. best believe i will continue contacting you in regard of whatever has been written... hope you won't get sick of me
sincerely signed,
k, Crown princess of United States of Desperation
#i dont feel like our love is brand new#prince-simon#idflolibn#ao3#i am crying#nothing matters rn its just this fic and me#loveletter to my fav author#i know you told me your grocery list is messy but i'd eat that shi up#i admire you
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💢🌌🎭🎵📎💧❄️🌪💚 (anger, milky way, masks, music note, paper clip, droplet, snowflake, tornado, green heart). Okay friend, this is for any OC(s!!) your heart desires! I know went nuts with the choices so feel free to pick your favorites 💖😬
omg omg ok ty so much for the ask and sorry it took me a second to think through everything bc i loveeee to ramble!! i picked my faves for my inquisitor/darth imperius, unayah (who btw is really slaying kotfe with the color crystal you gave me! thank you again!!):
• 🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Not so much inspiration I guess, but part of why I gravitate toward the Inquisitor storyline so much is because I really like characters who’ve been betrayed or taken advantage of people they thought they could trust (esp people who were in a position of authority over them), and how they grow and assert their independence from that. So pretty much from the beginning, I knew that because of her background, Naya would be pretty skeptical and independent. I have a really hard time picking the mean options in video games lol so I also kind of knew all along she would end up mostly light side but I think that’s consistent with her character—she’s always been more motivated by freedom than power. The power is nice if it’s on offer but she’s not going to lose herself to attain it.
• 🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Definitely. It’s a survival mechanism, and one she takes pretty seriously, as she knows that any perceived weakness is dangerous when dealing with other Sith. I think she definitely shields the kind of impression she gives in the Force to hide her use/acceptance of the light side and doesn’t drop that for anyone (except Ashara, to gain her trust, and Lana, because she trusts her) until well after she’s escaped the Empire and established a life as a member of the Alliance. In terms of general demeanor, she definitely lets her cold and snarky side rule when she’s dealing with other Sith. Andronikos sees the softest and most thoughtful sides of her, though he quickly realizes the snark is 24/7 and not an act, which is one of the things that initially drew him to her.
• 🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
I didn’t expect to have such a hard time with this one!!! I’m not sure what kind of music she would be into, but I think the #1 song I associate with her is La Paura del Buio by Måneskin, especially the chorus (I don’t speak Italian and it also obvi sounds better not translated but you get the gist):
And so take me, bite me, strip me of everything I still won't be afraid of the dark When I'll be on the ground, shattered I still won't be afraid of the dark And so spit on me, tear my clothes off of me I still won't be afraid of the dark And so buy me, sell me, do everything to me You're the only one afraid of the dark Not us, not us, not me, me
• 📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
She was very close to Darth Marr and was gutted by the death of someone she saw as a parental figure. She definitely felt his death in the Force when it happened. (Ok maybe I should’ve put this under angst headcanon lol)
• 💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Omg ok I hate myself for this but I think about it a lot… Naya isn’t my canon Outlander but I did have an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone for a while so I wrote a little bit about it—she’d had a baby a few months before Arcann iced her so the reunion with Andronikos and her daughter would have been really fraught and emotional in that alternate, angsty universe.
• ❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
People who don’t know her on a personal level definitely consider her cold, but not thoughtless—she’s always scrutinizing different angles to a problem to find an advantage. Those close to her know that the coldness is mostly a front, and if she does carry it into their interactions, it’s because she’s trying to cover for something that’s actually troubling her.
• 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Ooh this is so interesting. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head but I did actually stop playing through her class story for a bit to make a sorc (before the combat style changes lol) and I thought that new character was going to be Thee Inquisitor but once I switched back to finish things up with Naya, I ended up really getting attached to her!
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