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starbuck · 1 year ago
i say i like tragedies and everyone’s all like ‘why do you like sad stories? are you depressed?’ and never ‘how was the catharsis? was the catharsis fun?’
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aspiringwarriorlibrarian · 2 years ago
“LOL. You think your vote matters? ROFL and LOL.” Yes, I am aware my vote carries less and less relative power the more people I’m voting with, but unlike your glorious violent revolution, it actually exists.
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musubiki · 6 months ago
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balor 🥰
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dollopole · 3 months ago
Let’s take into consideration:
Arthur would rather waste precious time before an important council meeting to run around the entire castle and search for Merlin, who, in his very honest opinion is the worst servant of the entire kingdom or that he had ever known, than to call literally anyone else to help him dress (as if there wouldn’t be anyone ready to assist Arthur, their king, with clothes);
Arthur, and therefore Agravaine (which makes it all the more hilarious) knows every single place where Merlin could be, at that precise moment, or during that day in general; (EDIT: As someone pointed out in the comments, everyone and Agravaine included knows who is the “dollophead”)
The guards nod to Agravaine without asking anything, which only means that it is canon that everyone in Camelot knows Merlin by name; EDIT: It also means that the guards deal with this on a daily basis. They must be tired.
The aforementioned point implies that everyone knows how Merlin looks like, that also means Merlin is known to never leave Arthur’s side, even during council meetings;
Arthur is running around the castle in what today we would call a pyjama, just because Merlin didn’t wake him up with, “Rise and Shine”. And he’s barefoot. That’s right. The king of Camelot, everyone, has just walked barefoot in Merlin’s chambers, in the armoury, where other knights probably are, and in the bloody stables (yes, the ones where the horses and their dungs both are), without boots on, just to look for Merlin;
Arthur is more distressed in this scene than in the one where Morgana declares war in season five. He’s fretting like a mother hen. Not only he is without breath, which means he was just coming back from his checking around, but he is red in the face and almost yelling in desperation. “Does he expect me to dress myself?!” Because apparently, Arthur literally cannot do anything without Merlin by his side. The way he says, “No sign of him” to Agravaine is so endearing, and he shouldn’t be this adorable. Unfair, Arthur. Really unfair.
Arthur just yells, (and distressingly looks around) in hope that Merlin will come back to him, because he always does. *sounds of my heart breaking into millions of pieces*
And last but not least, Arthur shouts, “Last night!”, which means the actual reason he’s going around searching for Merlin, it’s because he’s worried his world will end without his quirky and clumsy servant by his side (and the love of his life). Merlin is currently out on a quest with Gwaine to look for Gaius, since he has been kidnapped, but the problem is that Arthur doesn’t know this. What he knows is that he has fought with Merlin the day before about Gaius in the council chambers, and believes Merlin is gone for good, this time, and solely for the fight they had. Arthur feels more than guilty that he can’t make it up to his best friend, the love of his life (Agravaine helped Morgana kidnap Gaius, and it explains the ending of the scene, where he understands where Merlin is.) Now Arthur is worried that his last words to Merlin were harsh. He had last seen him when he was done with his duties the night before, and then Merlin disappeared.
No wonder they deleted this scene.
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hamable · 5 months ago
Murph is a really talented improviser, actor, and comedian. He immediately switched from Barry 6, The Biggest Man, to Kugrash, The Littlest Scrungle, and it was like I was watching two different ppl on stage. That man flipped a switch and, holy shit, Barry fully disappeared and a rat man from New York took his place.
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juhnkit · 2 years ago
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Home Building & Construction, Log Cabin Notching & Chamfer Square Corners
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mkmetalindo · 2 years ago
Tahukah kamu? Faktor Penting yang Memengaruhi Hasil Bending Plat
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Hallo SobatLogam Metalindo,
Dalam dunia industri istilah bending sangat familiar dalam berbagai hal, bending plat merupakan salah satu proses fabrikasi logam dengan memberi tekanan pada bagian tertentu sehingga pada bagian tersebut mengalami deformasi plastis atau bisa diartikan juga sebagai penekukan plat metal.
Dalam proses bending terdapat faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi hasil bending sehingga menghasilkan tekukan yang sempurna. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak pembahasan berikut ...
Fungsi bending dalam sebuah proses produksi sangatlah beragam seperti contohnya membuat kerangka mesin, produk ataupun kebutuhan part produksi lainnya. Jenis bending juga sangat beragam tergantung dengan kebutuhan seperti contohnya adalah, Angle Bending, Roll Bending, Draw Bending, Roll Forming, dan Press Brake Bending.
Ada berbagai aspek yang menentukan proses bending bisa berhasil ataupun tidak, tak sedikit juga ditemui kerusakan pada proses bending plat. Berikut dibawah merupakan beberapa faktor yang menentukan kualitas dari hasil bending yang bisa memperkecil resiko kegagalan.
1. Ukuran Material Material dengan ukuran besar apabila ditekuk dengan radius yang kecil akan dengan mudah mengalami potongan yang tidak presisi dibandingkan material ukuran yang kecil dan radius bending yang besar.
2. Ketebalan Material Ketebalan material dapat memengaruhi radius yang dapat dibentuk dan kapasitas material untuk dapat mengalami peregangan tanpa terjadi pemotongan yang tidak presisi. Proses bending akan mengakibatkan penarikan pada sisi luar dan pengkerutan pada sisi dalam diameter kelengkungan. Ketebalan material akan berpengaruh pada radius bending dapat dibentuk dan kemampuan material untuk dapat mengalami peregangan tanpa terjadi distorsi.
3. Metode Penenukan yang Dipilih Metode yang tepat dalam proses bending akan berpengaruh pada kualitas produk dihasilkan. Jika metode tidak tepat maka hasil pun juga akan tidak baik dan maksimal
4. Pelumasan Setiap mesin pastinya akan butuh pelumasan. Pelumasan dibutuhan untuk mengurangi efek gesekan dan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses pembentukan. Tanpa adanya pelumasan mengakibatkan mesin akan cepat aus dan juga rusak.
Nah, kini SobatLogam sudah pada tau kan hal apa saja yang mempengaruhi kualitas hasil bending. Jangan lupa untuk kasih like, comment, dan share disetiap postingan kami yaa :)
MK (Multi Kreasi) Metalindo adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang menyediakan jasa untuk berbagai fabrikasi metal seperti salah satunya adalah bending sheet metal. Dengan tim yang kompeten siap untuk membantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan kalian. Sudah banyak perusahaan yang berkolaborasi bersama dengan MK (Multi Kreasi) Metalindo untuk melakukan jasa Fabrikasi Logam.
Untuk kalian yang berminat berkolaborasi bersama kami silahkan langsung WhatsApp pada klik tautan ini untuk konsultasi dengan tim kami mengenai kebutuhan jasa fabrikasi metal anda.
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guusagi · 3 months ago
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Frank Iero - Projekt Revolution 2007 in West Palm Beach, FL
This video of Frank makes me go au au auuuu! Had to share it with the masses.
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shrugsinchinese · 3 months ago
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We finally got Verin!!! Love him so much
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egg-noodle · 2 months ago
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He is so pretty!
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justaz · 7 months ago
stumbled across that deleted scene of merlin complimenting the knights and forcing arthur into jealous sparring to impress merlin and i just. god. they are so gay. that scene was straight out of a fanfic. since we treat the sigil scene as canon despite it being deleted, i move to motion that we address that scene as canon as well. all in favor, read this post. oh look at that, its unanimous.
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merrysithmas · 3 months ago
I dont think people give enough credit to Elijah Wood for the utter sincerity, innocence, and resolve he gives the first hobbit we EVER see on screen - Frodo. the dedication to giving him the childlike innocence & purity of hobbits yet ancient exhaustion and eldritch agony of a ringbearer is seriously worthy of note. lots of people rightly commend Sean Astin's work on LOTR (he was Oscar nommed) but Frodo really blows me away.
he presented us with the first image of a hobbit, and along with the other hobbit actors literally astounds me with how perfectly they crafted such endearing and fairytale-like creatures, the living breathing definition of Innocents which you come to cherish and completely understand why every other race of peoples on Middle Earth (and members of the Fellowship) come to head-over-heels adore them and protect them with their lives.
it's so believable & the seriousness with which Wood depicts Frodo's deeply inhuman sweetness and fable-like wholesomeness obviously took so much effort and concentration. it's a role i don't think a lot of people could pull off without it coming off as paper-thin or (for lack of better word, forgive me) "cringe". especially with Frodo being the MC and having so much screentime he does a phenomenal job.
hobbits, like dwarves and elves have physical markers to distinguish them from the race of Men in LOTR but the way they developed their outlooks, personalities, mannerism, and behaviors to so UTTERLY stand apart from Men seemed more difficult than with the dwarves or elves yet comes across CRYSTAL clear.
and Wood's Frodo is a HUGE reason for that.
giving him mad cred.
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napping-sapphic · 1 year ago
tbh if a girl fell asleep on me she’s getting the full cat experience like i’d die before disturbing you “oh just wake me up” like stfu no i will sit there with my locked up joints for hours making this face at you🥺
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years ago
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so this episode is off to a smashing start
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mebis-art-dump · 2 years ago
The truth behind charm notches
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