#not unless its silly XD
jackalopedaily · 18 hours
Jackalope Daily Day 302!
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
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the planes of existence
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ickmick · 11 months
me when i swap prompts the day after im meant to start writing: :3c
anyways erm... to go hand in hand with last weeks peskyblaze fluff, you now (on sunday) get to have fluff with tango and scar <3
(i have no idea what their shipname is... scango?? LMAO... vexblaze?? i cant really find fics or anything of them either qwq)
so anyways... I'll just drop this preview and run off now!!
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madychi · 1 month
OK i LOVE ur agony infected au, im curious & i got questions: -does oz ever have to cover up the bite mark with makeup? so his mom or dad doesnt worry, yknow? -does dylan end up getting a mask too? maybe reusing the freddy mask, unless that was what oz used for his, -what type of control/infection/etc is it? like is it more a corruption of oz's actions and thoughts that like, flows between stronger or lesser depending on the time or is it more like a total switch between the two where boz is basically a completely separate person? :3 -also semi-unrelated, hows jeff doin' in this au? like does this happen after the good or bad jeff ending, and if its the bad one is jeff alive and also agony infected or dead? -does oz/boz ever think or even end up going back to the ballpit in jeffs out of habit/instinct/etc? yeyeye thank uuuu!!! ramble as much as u want cuz i wanna hear about it !!!! also i think its funny ur aus like, keep ending up mitosis'ing (or i guess budding might be more accurate but still, u get what i mean :3) xD, i dunno how you keep track of em all LOL
Alright- imma try to answer these questions in order!
-Oswald doesn’t need to cover up the bite scar. His parents already know about it. The veiny black spreading isn’t visible to normal people. Just like how his mom didn’t see springtrap, his parents and most people don’t see anything aside from a scar.
-Yes he do get a mask! Or rather, he gets to make his own. Oswald used the old Bonnie head in the Mill’s trash to make his mask. And Dylan’s gotta make his a bunny mask. It’s part of the dress code lol.
-It’s like… hm how to put it- i had the original Vanessa/Vanny situation in mind for how it works. The type depicted in help wanteds Vanny mask+Glitchtrap plush convo. It’s a bit of corruption/coersion. Boz isn’t his own person or identity, more like an alter ego.
-Jeff is doing fine. This is after the two star good ending but don’t worry, Jeff is not dead. Pit trap didn’t get him. Jeff isn’t infected but he is aware of Oz/Boz. Doesn’t get paid enough to care. As long as he don’t kill him or scare away patrons he’s chill.
-Yup. He do be going to the ball pit. There’s not much to do there but it’s a good place to vibe. The animatronics aren’t on his case anymore due to his corruption. So that’s a plus.
-Bonus fact: Boz is just one of Oswald’s little nicknames. He can also be referred to as Rabbit Jr.!
Have a silly doodle!
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're well.
I have a request that may not be achievable and thats okay! Really, its just a thought.
What if the reader is a new recruit to the team and has the nickname 'Reaper' due to her skull Balaclava and skill (https://www.tumblr.com/men-wearing-masks/652072573328392192/skull-mask-week-day-47?source=share) from her other teams.
They're mainly a sniper but are amazing at everything. They're smaller than the rest of the team (I'm picturing an afab) but they're silent and bring death with them.
For example; Ghost is noticeable by his naturally intimidating presence but Reaper cannot be noticed unless you're actually looking for them, and when they pass, it feels as if a cold shiver has gone down your spine.
I picture this being a Ghost x reader because they're just as good as ghost, if not better, and everyone teases him about that. Making jokes about how reader is on top because a Reaper is higher up the chain than a ghost. Then I feel like on a mission reader gets sick of it, but in an attempt to be 'part of the team' they make a joke that's sexual in nature about her being on top which just sets ghost off.
If you don't do anything with this, totally understand, hope this wasn't just a silly rant though 'xD
Much love,
ok, sorry this took me so long to respond to I was trying to flesh it out but I hope it fits what you imagined
warnings: typical violence, death
“Hostiles are taken care of, you’re clear for entry” You call it in through your comms, you’re sat high on a hill, hidden from view by the dark as the team infiltrates.
“Copy Reaper, moving in”
You walk as Ghost and Soap make their way into the building, changing your sight to check in on windows.
“I’ve got eyes on two, south east window”
No response
“Alpha team I’ve got eyes on two, how copy?”
The comms are silent, you don’t think you just move, sprinting down the hill before you’re in front of the target building, you can hear the echoes of gunshots.
“Soap I’m at the entrance, what’s going on in there”
You hear someone inside yell, deciding to rush in to cover, you make your way through the rooms, clearing them before heading up the stairs to follow the noise. You see muzzle flashes at the end of the hallway, you slowly make your way down before turning into a room, Soaps backed against a wall struggling with one of the men, you raise your gun to fire but your arms are quickly pushed away,
“Reaper, on your left”
You struggle against the man in front of you, using your foot you kick at his knee knocking him down, your knife raising to plant in his neck before you pull it out, throwing it across the room, it lands in the shoulder of the man strangling Soap, he screams in pain and Soap is able to push him off to kill him.
You nod your head, “Where’s Ghost?”
“We split down a hallway, comms went dead a few seconds after”
“Why do these always turn into rescue missions”
“Maybe he likes being saves by you”
You roll your eyes at him, picking up your gun and advancing around the building, there’s no sign of Ghost in the rooms.
“Stay inside, I’ll search the perimeter” You say
“Stick to the shadows” Soap winks
You make your way outside, creeping around the dark spots of the yard as you slice through the few remaining hostiles, you come across Ghost in the garage, he’s focused on some computer as you approach.
“Thought you went missing”
Your presence surprises him,
“Clear the building?”
“No thanks to you”
“I did my part” He gestures towards the two dead men on the opposite side of the room, “Got what we came for, let’s go”
You meet back up with Soap at the front of the house, making your way to the rendezvous point,
"You better thank your God that Reaper was here to save your ass LT"
"I was fine"
"Not counting the hostiles swarming you" You jump in
Ghost glares at you as the three of you make your way onto the heli for evac. Arriving back at base Ghost is practically silent, sparing you few words during your ride while Soap talks your ear off, there's something off about Ghost but you can't place it, you decide to leave it be.
The base is bustling when you arrive, people running everywhere, your attention being drawn all around until Price shouts for you,
"Reaper, need you on the next car out"
"Just me Sir?"
"Just you, need the best" He nudges your shoulder, you turn to see Ghost standing behind you, fists clenched at his side,
"You've got competition LT" Soap jokes running past you, Ghost walks away without a word, leaving you standing alone.
Your mission was a success, in and out, just you with Price covering from the sky. You managed to clear the building without being detected, sticking to the shadows as you dropped hostiles one by one.
Your muscles ached arriving back, simply wanting to shower and sleep except Soap had forced you invited you to join the team for a drink, figuring it was an easy way to fit into the team you accepted.
The team was already a few drinks down when you arrived, Ghost catching your attention as he sat in the corner, leaned back in his chair.
"There ya are" Soap shouts from across the pub, hollering you over to their table, you sit and he hands you a beer, you feel the cool glass against your warm palm, eyes darting around the room.
"So is there something about the masks that the rest of us don't get?" Soap asked, pointing between you and Ghost, you tilt your head in question,
"No, no correlation"
"Just coincidence?"
"Just coincidence" You nod
"Well just seems that LT's been knocked down a peg since you showed up, no longer the scary lad in a mask compared to you"
You glare to your side, you can see how Ghost's face contorts under his mask, fumes practically coming from his face,
"Ghost is just as good as me"
"Ghost can't do what you can believe me," Soap laughs, taking another sip of his drink
"That'll do Johnny" His voice booms in your ears,
"You think you're better than me Ghost?" You say, suddenly filled with courage, he doesn't afford you a response, he simply stares back at your masked face.
"You do" Your words are cut off by Johnny
"Is it that mask?" He turns to Ghost,
"S'that why you're always buggin' Reaper, you like them, some sort of mask kink?"
Your eyes go wide at his words, your chest suddenly feeling tight,
"You like a strong woman LT?" Soap laughs
Ghost's next movements are quick, he stands from the table practically knocking over everyone's drinks before his hands are at Soap's throat, Price jumps to pull him off but it's no use.
"Keep your fuckin mouth closed Sargeant"
Soap sobers up instantly, nodding under Ghost's grip before being released, there are murmurs around the pub as Ghost exits, the air is thick with tension.
The rest of the night was quiet, the men keeping their jokes to themselves out of fear of Ghost somehow hearing. The next day on base was even more awkward, strange tension between the team had unfolded as Ghost barely spoke a word to anyone all day.
A few hours later you make your way to the gym, completely surprised to see the Lieutenant there you eye him as you enter, setting up on the large mat in the centre of the room.
You watch as he moves to stand in front of you, his stare pinning you down,
"Ready?" He asks, you nod before lunging at him, your arms wrapping around his waist as you dig your feet into the mat trying to push him backward.
You grapple for a few minutes, both of you refusing to tap out, intent on proving you are better than the other, you manage to trip him and he falls with his back flat on the mat. Your legs move to straddle over his torso, your arms pinning him down as you cover his form, your heavy breaths filling the air.
"Guess I really am on top" You laugh
Without a second thought, he thrusts his hips, throwing you off him so he can flip your form, pinning you against the mat, you're caged under his form as he pins you flat, there's no chance of getting out. You writhe against his grip but he doesn't falter, simply staring you down,
"Give up?"
"Not a chance" You continue to struggle against his grip,
"You're just gonna tire yourself out"
"Using weight against your opponent is cheating"
"It's smart, you're small but quick, and I'm more than double your size"
"Get off" You huff
"Tap out"
"Admit I'm better than you"
He laughs at your words, releasing his grip before standing, he lets you get up, your hands rubbing at your wrists as you move across the room, you turn around and he's in front of you. He forces you back his strides pushing you back until you collide with the wall, you tilt your head from him, his mouth inches from your ear, you can feel his breath ghosting over your skin.
"You may be better in the field" He pulls back to face you, his dark eyes glued to yours as your body stands still, "But I'm always on top" You can see his smirk under his mask as he leaves, you're frozen in your spot, his words replaying in your head.
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diminuel · 2 days
psssss long time not bothering u xD
today i bring questions about ace. more specifically, your au where ace wants to be a girl sometimes!! and i know that unless im remembering it wrong its from tje same universe where luffy was raised by his dads, but luffy being luffy i assume he wouldn't tell his crewmates about his family just like in canon. so like, when they get in alabasta, im not sure the whole croco arc would still happen, but the point i want to focus on is the crew meeting ace!! and to me genderfluid ace would be chill being called by both brother and sister and luffy just switches on it randomly and wanna know what ur think the crew's reaction would be. i know they wouldn't mind ace genders and sexuality, i just mean their reaction to luffy general mess with mentioning family members and explaining anything. in my head ace would have to pull them aside for the info bit that "oh yeah i dont mind any pronouns and im sometimes a boy and sometimes a girl" bc luffy would leave them all confused
sorry if this ask is a mess i hope it makes some sense
Hello hello!
The issue with the silly universe where we get girl Ace sometimes is that nothing would quite happen like in canon most likely because the stakes are drastically lowered. How exactly I don't know *lol* But it doesn't really matter for the question at hand.
A part of me believes that Ace wouldn't feel the need to explain anything that wasn't important. So the only question that would be relevant to him in particular might be "why does Luffy keep calling you his big brother" with the implication being that to them it's obvious that Ace is a girl.
He would probably explain that their Auntie Iva has devil fruit powers and can change people's gender. Ace has been Luffy's big bro for over 10 years before he first asked Iva, so it stuck. He changes based on what he feels like (and if he can get to Iva, because it's a bit of a journey).
As to reactions of the crew. I think Zoro would probably just take note of it without comment (though me being me I think we should send Zoro to Iva too *lol*), Nami and Usop would be quite amazed, Chopper would be very excited about what Iva can do and how to combine medicine and devil fruit powers to help people. Sanji's probably heard that Iva is the Queen of a kingdom of maidens and passed out with a nosebleed.
Vivi might know Ace already if this was an AU where the Monkey kids sometimes hang out in Alabasta. (They might even be (sworn) siblings. So maybe she could fill them in if they want more information.)
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allastoredeer · 6 months
How independent do you think Alastor's shadow actually is?
It's seems pretty independent in the show. It's still attached to him, and is very much a part of him, obviously, but we've also seen it move around a lot on its own, of its own free will (unless Alastor is mentally directing it where to go, which seems like a lot of work), but overall, it looks like it's doing its own thing most of the time, so long as its in Alastor's proximity.
In my personal fanon, Alastor's shadow is also quite independent.
For me, Alastor's shadow is more honest about Alastor's feeling than he is. It slips up and reveals his true emotions if anyone is fast enough to catch it.
I didn't expect for his shadow to be so sassy when I was writing it, but now that's all I can think about it being LOL. If it could talk, I have a feeling it'd give a lot of sass, not just to Alastor, but everyone. It also just comes off as very goofy to me. Its a very silly little shadow.
But I also think its VERY much connected to Alastor. It's still a facet of himself. It's still HIM. Just a looser, more independent part of himself with a touch more sentience than you'd expect XD
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 month
Was reading through old winged au, and I can't help but think of that idea where Blue tells his family about his real job and how they might change things between them and how they perceived Blue. Like, he goes from the sweetest, kindest, and most fragile skeleton in the whole Underground, the guy everyone needs to protect, to potentially one of the strongest being in the entire universe and beyond! Someone who rubs shoulders with gods and dieties, who is comfortable scolding a pack of serial killers like they're children, who has actual coffee dates with the embodiment of Death himself!
But he's also just Blue. Silly old Blue who wouldn't hurt a fly (proven not true anymore but he's still rather Pacifist unless pushed), and likes puzzles and tacos. Blue who has so much energy but is also clearly overworked with keeping up with the rest of the multiverse if the many times he gets called for help is an indicator.
Jsut saying they'll all have soem feelings about the matter. I can guarantee Temmie would be pissed he missed something so big and potentially Frisk too.
Ironically, I, too, have been rereading some of the winged au fics XD
He’s going to have to tell them eventually! Without resets, that’s kind of an impossible secret to hide. I’m sure he’d wait for everyone to get properly settled on the Surface before having that conversation, but that’s assuming it doesn’t come out before that on accident…
Ink just kinda... appearing in front of Alphys absolutely has happened before. It’s not unlikely for it to happen again lmfaooo.
But you're so right! It would be such a dramatic view shift for them all. It's not a secret Blue is strong - his wings are too big to doubt that. They just don't see him use it with any actual intent! Especially Chara and Alphys, they would know. And not only that, but suddenly all his “naive” morals are proved to be respected and powerful in its own right. What they saw as a weakness, the Stars and many universes see as a strength.
Everyone doubted his ability to befriend the bad guys and see the good in the world, and he goes out there and befriends the Destroyer of worlds, probably the biggest mass murderer in existence, and leads the way to bringing balance and some sort of peace to the multiverse, bridging the dark and the light together…
My dude was really just massively underestimated.
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bleue-flora · 2 months
tbf its hard to tell whats lore in exile and what isnt cuase it was the ccs having fun like tommy making fun of dream eating ice cubes, and talking about fanta and dreams merch. also kinda related but isnt it funny that cdream canonically taught ctommy about climate change like did that converastion happen off screen in exile lmao
I mean I take as much of it as canon as possible, because I think the fourth wall breaking and the silliness at times is part of the lore. It’s impossible to entirely not accept the two. In addition, regard of cc reasons for things I like to look at why it might make sense for the cs. Like I said in a different response, I have a feeling Dream coming up and hanging out is for the audience. It’s be very boring to watch Tommy mope around and Dream is obviously going to make excellent thumbnails lol. But story wise, unless specifically retconned, in my mind it should still be considered lore in some sense. Sure maybe it doesn’t make sense for Dream to be selling merch, but them talking and bonding I think should still be canonical. The fourth wall breaking ya know is just kinda apart of the story.
Does Techno actually play golf one the dsmp? No. But that doesn’t mean that that conversation isn’t canon if that makes sense. Did they mean for the cat or dog to magically appear in the cell? I don’t think so, but it became apart of the lore. The Prime Church is a canonical place so can we really write off that stream? If getting primes or subs or members ended up becoming so canon they had to get a god to give them a bell in prison…
Anyways… see now you got me thinking about Dream in Exile just standing there with a cup of ice in his hand, munching away while watching Tommy lol XD… Look lets be honest climate change is super depressing, are we sure he didn’t build the tower because of that ;D lol
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scrunglepaws · 3 months
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So, I've been watching/listening to TOS while I ink/color drawings lately...
Aaand I thought of a bunch of goofy things. I'm sure there are much better fits for these characters (other than Scotty!Tails- that's a given), but I just went with my first silly thoughts. And also characters I just like, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Tails as Scotty (will throw hands for his invention/ship's honor) - Blaze as Kirk (was really just thinking of her as a leader in general, but you know what... yeah. I can see it. Cool action hero. Random alien ladies all falling for her and everything- why not. xD) - Chao as Tribbles (they're cute silly things and uh... they also bud to reproduce, right? *knows nothing about chao*) - Eclipse as a secret Klingon (because I was going to make him Shadow, but-) - Shadow as Spock (it doesn't really fit, BUT they're both mixed species AND I originally had Sonic as the captain, sooo...) - Amy as Uhura (Amy is good at bringing people together, being in a leadership role, ect- so I feel like communications fits for her) - Kit as Bones (bro, there are like... no healer/medical type Sonic characters, unless I'm missing something...? So I just went with someone I like. Kit being a snarky lil turd is fun. Most everyone is a pointy-eared bastard, tho, sadly.) - Surge as the salt monster alien (pure silliness, slightly because of its connection to Kit's past so I could draw funni picture) - The Tornado as the Enterprise (eeeeeeh, sounds kinda weird as a name for a spaceship, but...)
Lastly, I quickly booted Sonic from being in Starfleet at all because... No way that free spirit would be enlisted in a uniformed organization. He's some freelance whatever doing his own thing. Maybe visits now and again to check on his lil bro and/or help out with something that aligns with his morals. Alas, lost the good ol' Kirk/Spock sonadow parallel, but oh well.
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whispering-coffee · 9 months
I’ve been holding this off for a while mainly cause I was afraid of doing it but I finally pulled through and now I have a story to share with ya’ll explaining what happened during my hold at the mall!
I went dressed in black leggings and a sweater, bummer that it wouldn’t show I know but i was nervous! I had drank some before leaving my house so by the time I had arrived at the mall i was already feeling the need.
To make sure I was going to suffer (I know i know im a masochist bite me) i drank an entire water bottle i brought with me in the car before actually heading into the mall. So yada yada time passes and im trying to figure out what to do at the mall and I go get myself a drink at the food court then i head off to look around the stores.
About an hour in the mall and its starting to feel pretty urgent but not bursting so i decided hey, why not play a game with myself, and got into a bathroom line. However once i actually went into a stall i just sat there fully clothed not doing anything, still holding it in then shortly after left. Trust me i was getting pretty bored here to have to do that.
I got another drink and finally after finishing it I was getting antsy, crossing my legs and shuffling my feet while i sat at a table.
So i go back to looking around stores, feeling my bladder ache each time i take a step and now im actually like, nervous because like its dawning on me that Im really doing this in a public place. Let me say its pretty crowded, its not like the mall barely has anyone in it. So here i am standing around in the corner of a store thinking to myself if I really wanna do it, i was thinking for like a good 5-10 minutes walking back and fourth till i decided i was gonna pull through, after all i made a promise that i would post something interesting and different ;p
I leave the store and about another hour passed and im pretty desperate, like constantly moving around wanna put my hands between my legs desperate. But since it was a public place i couldnt really just do that unless i had to go REALLY bad (foreshadowing haha).
Did i mention it was really cold in the mall, only made everything worse xD
Anyways so Im pretty desperate, i take a seat at the food court again and get ONE MORE drink, and as im sipping on it im squirming in my seat cross legged, im sure anyone who’s into omo would immediately catch on if they saw me.
Just a little bit later im scrolling through my phone with my other hand on top of my lap (not between my legs just yet)
Now Im REALLY anxious because its getting to the point where I know im going to have an accident soon so i get up and just start walking around with my chest aching from nervousness. I even stared at the bathroom in contemplation before walking away.
A couple minutes of aimless walking and i end up having to sneeze.. needless to say a little bit escaped but i stopped it albeit i looked a little silly. My heart dropped during it too.
About ten or twenty so minutes and i have to go REAAALLY bad and im super anxious, i even entered a bathroom line thinking i didnt want to actually wet myself but after a couple minutes of waiting in line i felt another leak which automatically prompted a hand to crotch response, you can imagine my embarrassment.
After the leak I was honestly horrified but also having a LOT of fun, i was close to having an accident so I decided to try to find a secluded area in the mall to hang around in for when i lose control. Each step i took was agony to take but i kept movin, slightly bent over too.
Eventually i found an area where not alot of people were, there were still some but it wasnt as crowded as the other areas. It was like this dead end section with nothing of interest other than a few benches and stores.
I stayed here for about a couple minutes, mild panicking, hella anxious, and kiiiind of excited. Thats when i started losing control. I was kind of in a little corner where a protrusion of wall was blocking me but if you’d still be able to see me if you walked closer to the dead end.
It was a mix of terrified excitement when i tried to stop the flow but couldnt. The sounds of my pee hitting the floor wasnt helping. I dont think anyone actually noticed plus since I was wearing black leggings it wasnt super noticeable. I promptly rushed my way out of the mall keeping my head down leaving behind that puddle.
When i got back to my car i put out the towel i had stored in my trunk over my driver seat so i wouldnt ruin my car seats and kind of just sat in the car thinking about what happened. At the end i actually found the experience really enjoyable and might do it again ;)
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theygotbitchesinmedia · 3 months
ask dump
i have a couple dozen unanswered asks on this blog, most of which i believe are media recommendations, so i'm going to go through those now in a batch!
if you haven't seen it already We Are Lady Parts would be a fantastic recommendation for this blog. I started it last week and really love it. It's about a struggling punk Muslim girls band who recruit the extremely anxious, goody-two-shoes Amina to be their lead guitarist. It balance its moments of drama really well with the comedy and all of the women in the band get to be deeply weird in different and endlessly charming ways. My favorite is Amina because of her very relatable habit to have elaborate silly daydreams about anything and everything. Good show with some really good women!
I've heard good things about this one! Adding it to the list
I can't remember if you take recs for things in progress or not but the webtoon Katlaya Rising is currently the high point of my week, the art style POPS and it is jam-packed with girls and girls who love girls
I will always read things in progress 👍 I honestly in some ways prefer getting into stuff before it's finished. Like an animal with one of those food bowls that stops you from eating too fast. Added to the list.
Please read Villain Initialization!!!! The female characters are really good!!!!!!!!!
Looking at the cover and description for this one it seems like most of the female cast is gonna be side characters. i'll add it to the list but itll probably be reallllly back burner unless someone wants to go to bat hard for it and sway me
if youre taking recommendations bittersweet con panna is a cute yuri manhwa and hacks is an insane tvshow about millenial comedy writer who got cancelled on twitter and a beautiful old standup comic about to lose her vegas residency.
added both! never heard of bittersweet con panna but my sister has been going really hard for hacks and i feel like i owe it to her to watch that sooner rather than later because of all the media im always trying to force onto her
"Kevin Can F*** Himself" on AMC is fantastic and has some really interesting female protags, I recommend. Might be a similar vibe to On Becoming a God in Central Florida actually!
Already on the list!
i'd like to second the rec for no home, probably one of the greatest webtoons of all time
one moth ago anon i can safely say you were correct about this it is certainly one of the greatest webtoons of all time. i do think its not really About women but i get why you all wanted me to read it enough to push it
@whatasmoothgardener Reccing a short manga I've been reading recently called Is Kichijoji the Only Place to Live. Its a manga about twin girls who run a small real estate company in Tokyo from the POV of their clients. It has a unique art style, its female character focused, and it teaches you about the different places in Tokyo. However its kinda episodic.
I don't mind episodic at all. Cool to see female manga protags who arent stick thin! added to the list
@phoenixfangs i got into a webtoon the other day called nevermore and considered recommending it to u, but i second guessed myself like oh what if its not worth recommending and its stupid actually, BUT i had a dream last night that u were talking about it so i think i have to at least put it on ur radar, if it isnt already xD what happens if u take edgar allen poe stories and make it about lesbians? u get the webtoon nevermore ❤️ theres an actual Plot to it too im not trying to sell it based on tropes, i just cant describe it better than the actual synopsis/description on webtoon, so id say its worth a glance!
At first glance i'm not sure how to my personal tastes this owuld be but i feel like i have maybe been unfairly biased against popular webtoons in that front. added to the list !
@counttwinkula listen i know your "media to get around to" list is forever long but i reread the haunting of hill house (the book) for my podcast and eleanor and theodora just. won't stop touching each other. some of the most classic toxic yuri imo. also the 1963 film adaptation (the haunting) is so good
ill always appreciate a horror recommendation from one of my learned Horror Mutuals. added both!
if it changes anything, you can find the main stories of arknights and limbus company here and here respectively without downloading the game: [retcons dot github dot io slash limbus-storylogs] [akgcc dot github dot io slashcc slash story dot html hashtag main] (sorry it wont let me send links) i totally understand if u think its too much trouble, but i do think both games have very good female characters
I'm sorry... i just cant go down this road.... it's a path i'm not willing ot walk. if i was going to read the stories for a gacha game i wasn't playing i would just go read shoujo kageki revue starlight re:LIVE. which i havent been able to make myself do. so its just not gonna end up happening
have you heard of tangle tower… it’s a relatively short murder mystery click and point game about two families & their secrets. the art is gorgeous + the game is fully voiced, and the protagonist + his assistant have a dynamic that reminds me of the classic ace attorney ‘lawyer + weird girl’ duos. the majority of the cast are women, and the game features some of the Girls Of All Time. highly recommend, esp since you’re an ace attorney fan
Added to the list!
if you’re trying to flesh out the book section, i’d like to recommend three parts dead by max gladstone! admittedly it’s been a hot second since I’ve read it so i can’t speak on the quality of the writing itself, but the plot and the worldbuilding had some interesting stuff. the novel follows tara, a necromancer in a world where doing magic is more akin to being a lawyer, who’s hired to resurrect a god. the book is the first in a series, and the books that follow have some other interesting female protagonists + canonical queer women if you enjoy it o7
Sounds neat! Added to the list
ok i still have some more from back in fucking April that i didnt manage to get to. but im getting distracted now
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somer-writes · 8 months
What is synesthesia like for you? You mention colors (seafoam?) smelling bad but it is just generally bad or do they smell like something recognizable?
its weird! i did not realize its not a thing for a lot of other people (unless it is maybe???) until i was telling my friend about his cheesecake-ness.
usually things have a smell attached to them. seafoam smells like silly putty but specifically the real cheap foamy kind of silly putty that leaves That Smell on your hands yk. Royal blue is A Lot and honestly just hurts my eyes to look at anyway XD
GARDEVOIR THE FUCKING POKEMON smells like someone with very dirty hands pissed all over their fingers and shoved it in your face. I HATE IT.
but not all smells are things i can describe! red has a smell. couldnt tell you what it is but its got one.
sometimes people sound like things??? like i had a high school teacher who sounded like the word 'soup'. idk why. just did.
and sometimes people have a texture like my friend who is Cheesecake Incarnate. like a slice of plain new york style cheese cake when you cut into it and theres that little sound and then also its like coldness and thickness??
also not everything does this or if it does its not in a noticeable way!
seafoam, royal blue, and gardevoir really are the main 3 things that i cannot STAND for aforementioned reasons. and sometimes i dislike someone upon meeting specifically bc of the sensation they give me.
idk if this makes things make more or less sense.
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ch0cocrave · 22 days
i am yet to finish pressure (my dad only lets us play games on weekends, so the last time i played it was last sunday), so i still dont know too much about sebastian
im pretty sure you've finished it which is why im askin this
if i were to make a self insert oc that "works" with sebastian (from what i know, he works in some sort of lab?? or something???? idk dont correct me), like helping him with files or helping him guide the player etc, and this oc is kind of a handful --- talkative, curious, kinda touchy (but respects boundaries), but isnt too known for taking things seriously (unless people are literally dying) --- would Sebastian be the type to tolerate her, or would he secretly murder her and go on with life
try to give me a spoiler free response teehee (i wanna find all the secrets of the game MYSELF, without any help from videos or other people or anything, so yeah try to keep it as spoiler free as u can)
Lmao its kinda funny XD Ive actually never played the game, I just know a lot about it, like watching lets-plays and stuffs.
But the idea of your character is actually so super cute T^T I wish there was a silly that helped Sebastian with all of his duties around the shop and stuff! ^^ idk I would kinda imagine her being a sea serpent kinda gal that admired his work through the windows of the facility , and Sebastian kinda got tired of the constant staring, so he took them in lmao
Based on his personality, I would think that they would take some getting used to, cause like in the game he gets more and more annoyed when you enter the shop. But I think this saying goes for everyone, if you respect them, they will respect you.
Adding things along based on whatcha said earlier I think sebastian runs a makeshift shop not sure if he works in a lab. Then again, I am a dumbass XD
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strontiumsun · 9 months
My secret obsession with a Netflix animated preschool show
I have kept this secret close to my chest... but no longer. It's time to let the people know about the weird relationship I have with a Netflix show that I am not the target audience for.
I’m a little embarrassed so I’m not tagging the show… XD check it out under the read more
It's called Spirit Rangers, and it's a show about Native American kids at a national park in California who can turn into magic animals! Of course I was going to watch it. It premiered early last year and has aired two "seasons" (though I suspect they're one season, broken into two batches).
I'm much too old to think Spirit Rangers is the best show out there. I don't watch it because it's amazing. That would be a logical reason to be obsessed with a show! No, this show just crawled into my brain and it's all I think about when I boot up the Netflix app every Friday to see if a new season dropped.
This show is 3D animated, and while I'm always going to be biased towards 2D animation, I do think the show uses its medium really smartly. One of the hardest things to draw consistently in 2D is a character with complicated patterns. You have to account for how those patterns move as the character moves. Spirit Rangers' animal spirit characters stand out with their colorful and whimsical fur/feather/scale patterns. 3D is the perfect medium for these designs.
As for those characters... Summer IS the best character, hands down, no changing my mind. Nothing beats turning into a bird. NOTHING.
Tumblr media
what does this mean? I dunno, I watched too much of this show
I hate to say it, but I think Eddie's turtle design is ugly. The big eyes and little mouth just don't do it for me. But it feels wrong to insult a character who is literally a baby. Cody is fine. Totally middle of the pack design-wise.
Now the Ocean Rangers... those designs all rule. Orca Eddie >>>> Turtle Eddie. Summer was blessed with an octo form. She's my girl, she gets TWO amazing animals, hell yeah. Sting Ray Cody I actually care about! Wow!
Those are my secret thoughts on this silly show. Do I recommend it? I don't not recommend it, but it's a show for preschoolers. Temper your expectations. If you're a furry, you'll probably enjoy it on premise alone. It's made by an all Native American team, which may be another reason people might want to check it out.
Let me know if you've watched this and what you think (unless you 't think Summer isn't best girl >:p).
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piracytheorist · 1 year
I've recently migrated to Tumblr from the blue bird hellsite and I'm really enjoying it, a big part of it is due to all the extra fandom content and that includes your blog, so thank you!
You've probably answered this somewhere (apologies if so) but how come you don't read the manga? I really enjoy the anime and the second season and movie can't come quick enough!
Hi and welcome, hope you have fun in this silly little hellsite XD I'm glad I'm one of the people that make your stay enjoyable <3
I did mention in a post some time ago about why I don't read the sxf manga but I think you're the first one to ask me about it so don't worry ;) my quick answer is that reading manga from the small screen of my laptop ruins my immersion (especially in comparison to reading in printed form), and that in general I don't like spoilers and I prefer experiencing a story without knowing anything about it.
While watching the anime I feel fully immersed and I can properly enjoy it because anime is meant to be watched from a screen. I love the story, but as I said I prefer going in on a story almost completely blind, I like not knowing what's going to happen, and I have actually tried reading a few manga chapters before they were animated, and while it was a fun experience, it ended up lessening my enjoyment of the episodes slightly. I was comparing stuff a lot. It's like reading a book and then watching a film that was based on it, you usually spot what is missing and make way too many comparisons. On the other hand, I did not make such comparisons when I read the manga after watching the anime, I could instead enjoy it just as much. That was like reading the book after watching the film, in which case, for me, the film isn't ruined and the book provides cool little details that the film omitted.
So, after I compared my experiences and saw what was more enjoyable to me, I decided to not read further into the manga and only read the chapters after I watch their respective anime episodes. I have full respect for Endo's work and the effort and dedication he's put into it, I've been slowly buying the manga volumes and will continue to do so unless a scandal arises or the story goes full downhill both of which I hope never happen and I neither suggest everyone should do it my way nor do I take pride in it. It makes being in the fandom very hard (since I cannot engage in pretty much any discussion nor interact with most other fans) but I really really really love this story and its characters, and I want to give myself the chance to enjoy it in the way I know will be most enjoyable to me.
I am so jealous of people who like or don't mind spoilers, or who can get fully immersed by the manga alone. I know there's so much of the story and development I'm missing and since my main reason for being on tumblr is a) meta analysis and b) talking about it with other fans, being anime-only is almost contradictory to that. But it's a story promising enough to make me believe the wait will be worth it :)
I've already put a countdown widget on my phone for the movie, and I can't wait for the season 2 premiere date to be officially announced so I can add a countdown for that too! I'm so excited to get more of the story, as well as new stuff with the film! From some spoilers I've gotten for the following chapters, it seems to be an arc with great story and development so I can't wait to experience it for myself :D
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