#play SEEC games but for specifics
jackalopedaily · 19 hours
Jackalope Daily Day 302!
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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My Puppy Fiance (Mobile)
Created by: SEEC Inc.
Genre: Otome
My Puppy Fiance is very cute and SEEC makes pretty good short games that just so happen to have yandere endings to them. The yandere in this one is the butler who has one yandere ending (though it is also fairly dark, which caught me off guard.) but the story itself is actually pretty cute all things considered. You can watch most of the scenes here or here, though it is missing some extra endings.
The story starts with Mikoto recounting that as a child, she was obsessed with a book about princess and wanted to be a princess thanks to it. She would show the book to everyone, specifically a boy around her age. Fast foward to right before Mikoto's 18th birthday, her dad wants her to get married as he's worried that she's alone and that when he was their age he and Mikoto's mother got married. He sets up a meeting with this suitor, but Mikoto butts in, lying about a boyfriend that she has. Her dad, amused, plays along, stating that he is happy to meet them in a month. Mikoto talks about her situation with Maki, her butler before seeing a homeless kid hanging outside of her house. The boy begs Mikoto to take him in, promising to be her dog, whatever so as long as he has a place to stay. Mikoto accepts this and decides to train him to being her perfect boyfriend. Pochi agrees to this so as long as he gets food.
Throughout the story Pochi is trained by Mikoto to do various things, from exercising, to going clothing shopping, cooking, ballroom dancing and karate/judo. Pochi is very much like a dog, whining about doing hard work but happy to be with Mikoto in general. Over the course of the story, we learn that Pochi seems to dislike rich people, thinking that they don't really know how to do anything since they have servants to do everything. He becomes in awe of Mikoto because while she does come from a rich family, she's taken it upon herself to learn all she needs to so she can be an independent. Pochi while useless in some endeavors (like cooking or running) but is far better at ballroom dancing and judo. The entire time, Maki is jealous over the attention that Pochi is getting from Mikoto. Mikoto's dad reveals that they were suppose to have a meet up with Mikoto, to which both Mikoto and Maki try to figure out who it could be. In the best ending, Mikoto does actually find out the person that she was suppose to be arranged married was Pochi, or better known as Kei- the guy that she shared the story of the princess when she was younger. Overall, despite all these complications, the two start to date.
In the yandere ending, Maki tries to convince Mikoto to drug Pochi with a love potion. Rejecting this will lead to Maki getting jealous that he cares so much about Pochi despite the fact that he and her know each other longer. We get a flashback afterwards about how Maki came to become Mikoto's butler when she was younger, since she was so shocked that Maki lost his cool. Maki later informs Mikoto that the arrangement has been called off at the last second and that Pochi has been sent back to his family as a result. While Maki serves Mikoto tea, he talks about how hard it was for him before he was adopted into her family. He always worked hard so that he could have Mikoto praise him, which is why he always serves the best tea. Mikoto ends up getting drugged by Maki with the love potion. A few weeks later, we see a conversation with Maki and Mikoto's dad about how they are madly in love with each other. Mikoto's dad mentions that he always seemed to treat Mikoto differently, being more harsh with her as compared with others. Maki mentions that despite his harsh attitude towards her, he loves it when he praises him. Her dad leaves, and Maki returns to see Mikoto again, who he believes after she wakes up, will remember him only as her boyfriend. Maki happily holds Mikoto's hair, knowing that as long as the potion keeps her in love with him, that he will be happy.
SEEC makes some pretty good short games that happen to have a yandere in there time and time again. My puppy fiance is actually very cute and while most of it is built upon misunderstanding, I surprisingly didn't find it particularly annoying. I actually quite like Mikoto as a protagonist since despite the fact that she could just live a life as a rich person, she learns to be self sufficient due to drive to become a princess, which in this case is defined as someone who leads and takes care of others. While she does lie to her dad about having a boyfriend, she does put in the effort to teach Pochi a lot of skills including cooking, exercising and various other things. Personally I think she also comes off as very independent as well, despite having Maki as a butler, she doesn't rely on him to the point of not knowing anything and for the most part her reactions seem pretty understandable (especially when Maki ends up drugging her).
Pochi himself is pretty cute too, despite pretty much just wandering in the front door and living with Mikoto. You kind of get it pretty quickly that he is a rich kid considering he doesn't know how to do a lot of basic skills, but knows how to do things like ballroom dancing and considering how much he complains about how rich people don't know how to do anything, he himself is likely pretty rich. Still, his personality comes off as sort of a cute himbo, with him being very dog like, enjoying being praised and just generally following Mikoto around. While he doesn't always understand what's going on and complains, he still does end up going through with it thanks to his love for Mikoto. In the end, we do find out that Pochi is the one that Mikoto was suppose to end up with in the arranged date, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.
Maki is actually the one that threw me off despite me knowing that he was a yandere. For the most part he comes off as pretty blunt and rude towards Mikoto, but also is generally pretty jealous, like when he exchanges spots with Mikoto when she's trying to teach him karate just so he won't touch her. In the good ending, it seems he lets him go, but in any ending that involves the love potion, Maki will attempt to insert himself in, which includes the threesome ending with Maki and Pochi. In his ending though, he is angry that despite all the time that he and Mikoto have been together, she still prefers Pochi, which does make sense for a butler. I have no idea who or where he got the love potion from, but he does basically seem to continually drug Mikoto with it until she believes that the two are in love forever, and with Mikoto's dad just wanting her to fall in love with someone, it does make sense that he can keep in under wraps since he is basically the closest person to Mikoto. He moves really fast too, so it makes me wonder if he was biding his time and started to panic when he saw that Mikoto and Pochi were getting so close to each other in such a short amount of time, thus why he ended up trying to get Mikoto to drug Pochi with the love potion. Still, his ending is pretty chilling having successfully drugged the person he loves so that she will always love him back.
Overall, this was a fun game to watch. The premise is generally pretty cute with a fairly darkish yandere ending that somehow I was still not expecting. I think I'm just not used to tsundere-yandere hybrids as much since I don't normally see them. If you are interested, please give it a try, or at least give it a watch.
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muffmusings · 9 months
18 yrs old
SFW/NSFW allowed
Only x Reader (no use of Y/N)
Will write for:
!! = my favs
Genshin Impact !! Honkai Star Rail !! Alchemy Stars !! Wind Breaker !! Demon Slayer !! Yugioh !! Vocaloidverse (aka. stories within the universe of a song) !! Yotsume God + SEEC Games !! Misc. Gacha/Otome Games (I play way too many so just ask) Identity V Jujutsu Kaisen Ikemen Revolution (literally only Luka tbh LOL) Twisted Wonderland (only for specific charas) Lovebrush Chronicles Various manhwa/manga
X Reader
Alternate Universes
Disturbing/potentially triggering topics (WILL ALWAYS BE LABELED) Suggestive/smutty content
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
okay so i am going insane with tap games and playing 30 at once.
there are three different developer teams making tap games; lady wizard, SEEC, and agali.
SEEC has their own distinct stye of tap games that they've maintained in every tap game of theirs i've seen, but i begin having questions when i notice... a lot of similarities in lady wizard and agali's works. like the works are too similar for it to be a coincidence. it's not just that they're making games in the same genre and they're bound to be similar. entire layouts are identical across the games both have made.
my first assumption is that one is ripping the other off. i think at first that agali is copying lady wizard, because theirs are... like, worse. they don't have the quality of life features that lady wizard made sure to include in every game of theirs, and i think that this is because they're copying lady wizard but cheaper and faster. but when i start to check the release dates, all of agali's games came first. agali's games came out from 2014 to 2015, while lady wizard's first game was released in 2016
i start to wonder if lady wizard was the one who copied off of agali, but then i remember that several of lady wizard's games were remakes of previous versions of older versions.... from the same year agali's games started coming out. i try and investigate further and end up on agali's twitter--
only to freeze.
because their fucking header.
is an image compilation of different games they did
and for some reason, one of lady wizard's games is on there.
i go through their posts.
four different games by lady wizard keep being advertised as one of their own works
the games that were specifically remade by lady wizard later.
i go back and check the four games in question
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suddenly everything makes sense.
lady wizard used to work for agali.
OOOOHHHHH!!!! good for them in making their own games now then!!!
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