#not too bad though. i'll get around to watching it someday
gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi!!I have a request. So reader is watching something in bed just having a lazy day and then Gavi comes home with a bouquet of flowers 💐 and then he says happy mother’s day and reader is like but i’m not a mother lol but Gavi says you will be the mother of my kids someday and i know you’ll be a great one so i need to start giving you flowers in advance. you can add more before and after cuz this is a super specific random thought but I love your writing so i had to ask if it’s possible to write
In Advance - P.G6
Summary: Your boyfriend starts celebrating a certain date because he knows you're it for him.
°°° °°° °°° °°°
"Happy mothers day" You lifted your head from the book you were reading to see your 2 years boyfriend, stood in front of you with a bouquet of flowers into his hands and a big smile on his face
"I'm sure Belén will love those. You don't have to practice, amor" You smiled at him before returning to your book
"No. These are for you"
"¿Disculpa?" (Sorry?)
"You're forgiven" He smiles
"For me?" You ask as he nods
"Happy mothers day" He repeats as you shook your head
"Amor, I'm not a mom. I'm not even pregnant" You said shaking your head
"But you will" He said as you looked at him raising your eyebrows "In a couple of years"
"We need to get married before that, cariño"
"Yes, in a couple of years" You smiled shaking your head
"Are you really doing this?"
"La la la, do the flowers look fake? Is my love for you that bad? C'mon, linda" You stood there looking at him with a smile on your face "You'll be the mother of my kids someday and when that happens, you'll be the greatest mom ever... And wife, I know it"
You left your book aside and stood up wrapping your arms around Pablo's shoulders as his went around your waist
"Eres precioso" (You're gorgeous) You whispered in his ear "Te amo" (Love you) You kissed his lips several times "Y tú serás el mejor ejemplo para nuestros niños... El mejor esposo, el mejor padre, el mejor de lo mejor" (And you'll be the best example to our kids... The best husband, the best dad, the best of the best) You whispered against his lips pecking them a few times as you felt his smile.
"Then happy moms day, futura mamá" (Future mom) You smiled laughing, you accepted the flowers and gave him one too
"It's not fathers day but... Feliz día" You said as he smiles accepting it "I promise to give you a proper gift on fathers day though"
"You better, I'll be waiting for it"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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notgonnaedit · 5 months
Hero of Mistakes
Summery: The Chain travels to Legends home
Focus Link: Legend
A/n: I've only played half of ALttP and Link's Awakening, so this chapter is heavily based off of my theories
Master list
Legend leaned against the wall of Wild's house. It was cramped in there, so the hero wanted to get a breath of fresh air. He felt bad for causing the Champion to storm off, he didn't mean to upset him. 
Legend let out a sigh. The sun was beginning to set, making the flowers in Wild's front yard have a golden tint. He thought about what Flora had asked him. What he was.
What was he? The Veteran had told the Princess that he was a jack-of-all-trades. He was a blacksmith, mainly. But in his heart he knew he was an adventurer. Seeing new worlds never bored him. Holodrum, Labrynna, Hytopia, the Dark World, Lorule, Koholint.
Legend closed his eyes at the memory. If he focused, he could still hear the waves lapping against the shore as Marin sang. Sometimes he could even see her when he falls asleep, a painful reminder that she was never truly real. Even though it had been a few years, Legend would never forget the Ballad of the Windfish.
Sleepers wake
Dreams will fade
Although we cling fast
Was it real?
What we saw?
I believe
Lost in dreams
We sleep on
Tossing and turning
Stay with me
By my side
Never leave
What if the worst comes?
If someday this sweet reverie ends
We too
Our memories
For real
Fade us by
Dream with me
By the sea
We watch the waves crash
Hold my hand
Think of me
And I'll fly
Marin's voice rang in his ears as the Hero opened his eyes, and a small gasp escaped him. Instead of flowers, Legend saw a familiar portal. He turned to go inside and get the others, but a soft voice stopped him.
"Is that...?" Her voice was heavily accented. Wild and the Princess had returned and were examining the portal.
Wild nodded. His scars looked eerie in the fading light. "We need to go. It might lead us to the cause of these strange portals."
Flora nodded. "Right."
With Flora's help, the Chain was ready to go within minutes. She even gave them food for their journey. Wild looked back regretfully at her, but she just smiled. Legend wondered what they were talking about on the mountain.
But he didn't have time to think about it. He stepped through the portal, unsure of what has awaiting him on the other side.
Legend brought his hand up to shield his eyes. The sun was much brighter here than it was in Wild's Hyrule. But Legend recognized it. They were in front of his house. How lucky was that? 
Time looked around. "You know this place?" He must have seen Legend's recognition.
The Veteran nodded. "It's my house." He walked up to the simple home and opened the door. Inside was dark and dusty. That made sense considering Legend hadn't been home for months.
But his comrades seemed to think it was charming. They began to look into his various chests and barrels of stuff. Legend glared at them all. "Nobody touch anything!"
Twilight looked up from where he was examining a red cape. Four stopped putting on a hat. Sky grunted from a wall of shovels. "Do you really need this many shovels?"
Wind gestured to a wall of instruments with his baton. "Look at all of these! You should play something for us?"
Legend scowled. He didn't even know why he kept the Instruments of the Sirens. Because Marin would've loved them.
The Sailor moved to a box of rings and tried to put one on, but the Veteran stopped him. "No! Some of these are cursed."
Hyrule looked over a barrel full of rolled parchment. "Are these all maps?"
Legend groaned. "Yes. Look, let's just grab some gear, and get outta here." He didn't want to stay any longer than he had to.
Hyrule frowned. "Do you usually keep live animals in here?"
Live animals? Legend looked up from his chest of swords. "Huh?" He looked over to Hyrlue and saw a small white bird fluttering around. Wait... If Sheero was around that meant...
"Mr. Hero!"
Legend scowled at his purple counterpart. "Ravio! What are you doing here?!"
Twilight and Four held him a sword point, causing the cowardly merchant to stumble to the ground. "Aah! Please, I'm not armed. Or I am, but–"
Legend helped him up and turned to his friends. "It's okay, guys. This is Ravio. He's a friend of mine." He turned to his green eyed counter part. "What are you doing here?"
Ravio fiddled with his sleeves. "Well, um, since my renting business did so well, I figured that maybe I could do it again. If that's okay with you, Mr. Hero."
Legend tried to hide his disdain. He hated that name. Mr. Hero.​​ Some hero he was. Suddenly, he got an idea. Ravio traveled a lot, maybe he knew something about the portals. "Ravio, do you know anything about strange portals that have been appearing?"
"Strange portals?" The merchant asked. "No, but I bet the Princess does. You should probably go check on her. After all, she is your–"
Legend glared daggers at him, and Ravio immediately shut up. He didn't need his comrades to know about the affair. He didn't want them to think less of him. The Veteran turned to the others. "Well, looks like we need to head to Hyrule Castle." He turned to Ravio. "You wanna come with?"
Ravio shook his head. "No thanks, Mr. Hero. I've gotta set up shop here." He said the last part with a grin.
Legend sighed. "Alright, let's go." He walked out of his house, the others on his heels. Time walked up to him.
"How do you know that boy?"
"Who? Ravio? He gave me this." Legend tapped his bracelet. "This Hyrule has another side, a counter Hyrule called Lorule. Ravio is my counterpart from there."
"Do you think we all have a Ravio?" Wind asked. 
"It probably depends on the time we each live in." Said Four. 
Twilight nodded. "Is that where you turned into a rabbit?" Everyone laughed, except Legend.
"Laugh it up." He growled. "But it's complicated. I first turned to rabbit in the Dark World, and I guess over time, the Dark World became Lorule."
It was strange to think, another world just like his own. But Legend didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to talk to Zelda and get out of there.
It wasn't long before they arrived at the castle, considering Legend lived only a mile away. The guards made no move to stop him, as they should. The Veteran nodded to them before moving on.
"They sure seem to respect you." Warriors noted. 
Legend scoffed. "They're just acting on orders. They don't respect me. They despise that I bested them time and time again."
Twilight snorted. "Ha! I know that feeling."
"So how do you know the Princess?" Sky asked.
Legend bit his tongue. "I first rescued her from the dungeons a few years ago. She called to call people descended from knights. Me and my uncle included."
"Uncle?" Twilight asked. "How come we didn't see him at your house?"
Uncle Rowen. Legend figured he should probably visit him after he saw Zelda. "He lives not too far from my house. He was the one who taught me how to wield a sword."
The chain understood. Most of them were raised by extended family, or in most their cases, adopted. Warriors and Wild were the only exceptions.
Legend remembered the night he heard Zelda call him. How he snuck out against his Uncle's wishes to find her. And how he found Uncle Rowen bleeding out in the sewers of Hyrule Castle. He had given Legend his sword before uttering his last words.
Zelda...Zelda is your..
Legend shook his head. Uncle Rowen was alive and well. After the Veteran wished upon the Triforce, all of Aghinim's evil deeds were undone.
Legend felt the stone floor give under his boot, and he realized he was walking on a red carpet now. He had been so lost in his thoughts he had just went on autopilot, and was now standing before the Princess.
She was wearing her usual white dress with a pink top, her arms adorned with golden jewelry. Her blue eyes and blonde hair were similar to Legend's, except there was no pink.
Legend bowed and the others did the same. "Your Highness."
Zelda stood up from her throne and walked down the steps to him, her long cape trailing behind her. "There's no need for formalities, Link."
Legend looked up from the floor and stood. He was nearly eye to eye with Zelda, only a few inches taller. She smiled. "After all, we've known each other for a long time and have been through much." She pulled him close in a hug, and Legend felt himself relax.
"Welcome home, brother."
Immediately, Legend tensed. He could hear the others standing up. "Brother?" Hyrule asked.
Zelda pulled away, her eyes darting to the chain. "They didn't know?" She turned back to Legend. "Oh, forgive me."
Legend shrugged. "It's fine. It was bound to come out anyway."
Zelda nodded. "Perhaps we should explain. Come, you must be hungry."
In the dinning hall, Legend sat with Zelda. His comrades were seated around the table, each one eating their meal. Twilight sniffed a piece of bread before taking a large bite, and Warriors was teaching Hyrule how to properly eat soup.
"You mentioned that he was your brother?" Time asked Zelda.
She nodded. "It's rather complicated, but I'll do my best to explain." She took a breath. "My mother was the queen of Hyrule, but before that, she was the daughter of a prominent knight. She was raised in the nobility and when she came of age, was betrothed to the prince, my father."
"But," Legend said. "She didn't want to marry the prince-to-be-king. She wanted to marry my father, Rune, a knight. Well, it wasn't long before I came to exist, and the prince, now king, found out about my father. He didn't know about me, but he sent my father to the front lines." He paused for a beat. "He didn't make it."
His friends gave him sympathetic look, but the Veteran just waved them off. "I was just a baby. It's not like a knew him. Anyways, my mother gave me to my uncle and told him to keep me hidden until I was two."
Zelda took over. "And then she was married to the king, and I was born a year later. She passed away when I was twelve. It wasn't until I was taken by the evil sorcerer that I learned of my brother's existence."
Legend smiled sadly. "Y'know, I remember when the Royal Family would come through the market in their fancy carriage. The queen would always smile and blow me a kiss. My uncle told me it was because I was a special kid."
There was a long silence, until finally Hyrule spoke up. "I'm sorry for your loss. Both of you."
Zelda nodded. "Thank you."
But Legend just chuckled lightly. "Don't bother. They're already dead, so what's the point?" He stood up suddenly, feeling as if his throat was closing. "I need some air."
He took off down the hall and didn't stop until he reached a balcony. He leaned against the railing, practically gulping air. Why did his eyes sting so bad? He hadn't felt this, since...after Koholint.
Why did this always happen to him?! All he ever had, anyone he ever cared about. They all die. Marin, Uncle Rowen, his parents. He slammed his fist into the stone railing, barely registering the blood trickling down his fingers.
Soft footsteps sounded behind him. "I just need to be alone, Zelda."
Ignoring him, the Princess walked up beside him. She folded her hands and looked out at the courtyard. Up close, Legend could really see the resemblance. They had the same blond hair and blue eyes, but even more, Zelda had a light layer of freckles. Something Legend had when he was a boy.
Legend let out a sigh. "Why would anyone call me a hero?"
Zelda remained silent, ushering him to continue. "I'm not even supposed to exist, I'm a mistake! Just like everything I do. Because of me, Marin is gone!"
There was a beat of silence.
Zelda looked over to him. "When I was young, and me and our mother would ride through the market, she would always point out a little boy. He had scraps and bruises from playing outside, but he always wore this huge smile. Mother would say, 'That little boy is something special. Be kind to him, Fable, for he may one day help you."
Legend looked at her. " 'Fable'?"
She nodded. "She said that one day I would go down in history, and I would be a Fable to tell." She glanced down and saw his hand. "Oh, no." 
She reached for it, but Legend pulled away. "It's fine. I've had worse."
Zelda frowned. She bent down and grabbed her cape. She ripped a piece off and took Legend's hand. She wrapped his hand in the silk cloth, and the Veteran knew that even the softest Hytopian cloth couldn't hold a candle to his sister's. "Why are you helping me?" He asked. "We're barely even siblings. I'm only your half-brother."
Zelda smiled softly. "Half-brother. It's funny, does it mean only half of you is my brother?" She tied off his bandage and looked up at him. "Whether it's all of you, or only half, you are still my brother. We may have lost our parents, our mother to the plague, your father to war, and mine to sickness. But we have each other, and I want you to know, I'll always be here for you."
Legend swallowed hard. He felt as if he was being choked once again, but he wasn't mad at it. He pulled Zelda to him, burying his face in her neck and holding her hair. The Princess rubbed circles in his back as he cried. She was the first person since Marin he felt he could talk to.
He had tried to tell his uncle, but he didn't understand. The only person that understood in the slightest was Twilight, but he wasn't the same as Zelda. Legend took a shakey breath. "I-I love you, sis."
Zelda smiled. "I love you too, brother." Legend pulled away smiling. He sniffed and wiped his cheeks with his sleeve, soaking the dark fabric with tears. He may have lost more than anyone deserved to, but he gained something irreplaceable: a sister.
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lyx-writes · 1 year
Could we please get some general romantic relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Futaba, and Haru?
Of course, I hope it's to your liking!
I see her being pretty affectionate, unless you don’t like that.
With her, most dates would be going to dessert places!
Probably some shopping dates too
She absolutely loves spending time with her S/O, I think she’d appreciate other dates/outings such as just walking around like one of those giant gardens or going sightseeing
When you hold hands, she loves interlocking fingers. 
When it’s just her and her S/O, she doesn’t mind it quiet. She’ll maybe break the silence to ask something, but it’s always nice.
Loves leaning on your shoulder and cuddling!!! 
Genuine conversations together, it’s as if she can tell you anything.
She’s not too big on PDA, she’d rather keep that inside when it’s just the two of you.
She’ll hold you hand sometimes though, but that’s probably as far as she’ll go
She’s willing to go for about any type of date, honestly
Very inexperienced when it comes to romance, so if anything, you may need to be the one initiating.
Which, is probably why she’s up for trying anything when it comes to the relationship
Would always remind her S/O to study
Actually, normally reminds them of a lot of things and dates, so that’s nice
I don’t see Sae particularly minding Makoto having a S/O too much, would probably tease her (and maybe them) though. But if she hears anything bad? She’ll probably be all over them.
She's definitely all over you.
Also probably is always or at least often holding your hand while you two are out
Dates with her are either the two of you playing multiplayer games together or just hanging out in her room or someplace geeky/nerdy (if she can work up the courage to go out)
If you’re dating Futaba, then you definitely have to have very similar or the same interests!!
Would love talking about latest updates for a game or a recent episode of a show she’s super interested in, and if you were also interested in the same things she’d definitely make you play with her or watch her play or watch the show together!!!
Probably teases you for being bad at a game, but it’s okay
If she’s mad at her S/O she just starts sending little text faces (similar to her first conversation with Yusuke after she joins the Phantom Thieves) >:[, >:0, >:|
Probably likes to play with your hands, similar to how she’ll randomly squish Morgana’s face as a cat
Wouldn’t mind some PDA!!! Mostly holding hands, and some small kisses/a peck on the cheek
Definitely loves dates where the two of you go sightseeing, especially going to gardens!!! (sorry, I just love garden dates……)
She’d love to go during the spring, maybe early spring if there’s cherry blossoms!
She’s definitely going off about the different types of plants she’ll see
I bet she’d like aquarium or museum dates too!
Something in me sort of screams that she’s a big gift giver for you, especially since she's rich??? Like hello? For the Phantom Thieves celebration after she joined she straight booked a whole THEME PARK for just them.
But she definitely wants to spend time with her S/O, that’s for sure.
loveslovesloveslovesLOVES talking with you, just about anything.
I apologize that it isn't much, and I'm not too experienced with writing for the girls (especially Haru!! I've barely just met her unfortunately D:), but I wanted to give it a go! Someday I'll come back to this and add more.
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Best Friends? ;Woohao
Tumblr media
Wonwoo is in love with his best friend, M/N, and decides to distance himself from him to get rid of his feelings. Meanwhile he gets a new friend, Minghao, which Wonwoo introduces to M/N. What Wonwoo doesn't know, is that Minghao falls for M/N too.
Contains: male X male X male, mentions of family issues, homophobia, fighting (Wonwoo gets hurt slightly), some angst, bad words/cursing, underage drinking, alcohol, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, bullying (M/N gets bullied because it's funny),
Genre: Fluff, Angst
~Not requested but 100 follower special~
High School AU
A/N: Thank you so much again for 100 followers and maybe someday i'll get 200! Who knows? But i am so happy for this and i love you all so much for showing your love for my writing and this motivates me to keep writing! Thank you all and enjoy reading!
Wonwoo POV:
I felt my lips curl up into a smile while i was looking through my gallery. There was a certain folder for photos that i have captured. But they aren't just some random photos that i have moved to the folder, no. They are photos of M/N. So many memories of him. I keep looking at the photo where we are at the beach. He was about to go swimming and the sun hit his skin perfectly, making it shine. His perfect body looking even more perfect with his smooth skin under the sunlight.
I wish he could've stayed longer at my place today, but he had to go study for the upcoming exam. I understand him though. His grades aren't that good and if he fails this test, he might actually have to be held back. I kept looking at the photos. I wish i could hold him right now. Have him next to me, cuddle while watching movies. It would be a dream come true. If only he was here with me still...
Which made me look at the time. 1.35 am... I better get some sleep.
~The next day at school~
I was sitting in front of the door to our classroom, when i spotted Wonwoo. He was wearing his usual white headphones and he had a smile on his face as he was looking at his phone. I wondered about what he was smiling at, but brushed it off when he walked up to me. "Good morning" He said as he sat next to me and put his phone away. "Morning" I answered, but after that i remained silent. I was still a bit sleepy because i didn't get much sleep last night, but i was happy to hear that Wonwoo slept well. Or i believe he did, given his energetic looking eyes behind his glasses.
"Did you study for long last night? You look tired" Wonwoo asked, looking a bit worried. "I stopped studying at about 11 pm, but i couldn't go to sleep yet, because of my parents. They were fighting... again" I said the last part quietly, so other people around us wouldn't hear it. "I get it." He stayed quiet for a bit before speaking "Would you like to come over tonight? It's Friday so i thought you would want to" I thought about it for a moment. "Sounds fun, i'm in!" I said and smiled slightly. We walked into the classroom and sat down on our spots.
Unfortunately, when the teacher picked our seats, me and Wonwoo didn't get to sit next to each other, but i'm fine with sitting next to Joshua. He's from LA or something but he's a cool guy.
~After class~
I walked out of the classroom and started complaining to Wonwoo about everything. The previous class, the next class, the whole school.. But he seemed to be understanding and threw a couple comments and agreements here and there as i spoke. Wonwoo and I walked in the hallway towards our next class, but i suddenly felt a foot kicking the back of my knee and making me fall forward.
"What the hell?" I exclaimed in annoyance and when i turned around, i saw no one else but Lee Hae Kwan. (Just a random name, no one specific) He had been a little full of himself always and his way of thinking is that the whole world is above him, and he is the king. I think it's pretty childish, and i am not the only one who thinks that way, but he doesn't seem to get it.
He let out a laugh when i got annoyed and the rest of his "gang" laughed along. Wonwoo helped me up and looked at Hae Kwan angrily. "Oh is the little gay boy gonna cry? Maybe you can cry at your little boyfriend here" He and the rest laughed again. "This is seriously getting out of hand. You need to calm down." I said as i regained my balance, grabbing my back pack and putting it on again. "How dare you tell me what to do? If we weren't in school i would beat your ass!" He raised his voice a little "Are you afraid of getting detention?" Wonwoo questioned and shook his head slightly. "What? NO! I'm just concerned about your little boyfriend who might not be able to walk anymore after i snap his legs in half!" He said and walked away past us with the rest of the "gang", pushing me off from the way.
"I wonder when he realizes that he is the most childish person ever." I said quietly and then continued walking towards our class. "I'm sorry you have to go through that... But i'm right here for you, okay?" Wonwoo said comfortingly as he grabbed and squeezed my hand a little, before letting go. I smiled slightly at the nice and comforting action.
~Time skip, after school~
Wonwoo POV:
When i got home, i immediately ran upstairs to my room and started cleaning it up, so it wouldn't be so messy. I know that M/N doesn't mind it when my room is a mess, but i want it to look good for him, and maybe i want to seem like a clean person for him.
For him... Sounds funny when you think about it. I'm doing all this for him. I should not have these feelings for him, i shouldn't. We have been best friends since forever... I can't afford to lose him after everything we have gone through.
i stopped cleaning, and was about to grab my phone to text M/N not to come, but i heard the doorbell ring suddenly, so it's too late for that now.
I also heard my mother open the door for him, and i quickly rushed downstairs, so my mom wouldn't embarrass me somehow like she always does. As i got downstairs, i shooed my mom away. I greeted M/N and grabbed his arm, pulling him up to my room quickly. I heard him let out a laugh as i did so, and i suddenly felt embarrassed, but i didn't let go of his arm as i still kept pulling him upstairs. I let go of him when we made it to my room, and i closed the door.
"I have a surprise" M/N suddenly noted, and i couldn't help but be curious. "What is it?" I questioned as i sat down on the edge of my bed. He opened the plastic back he was holding, and it had 2 six packs of beer inside. "i was thinking that maybe we can go out tonight and have a little party of our own." He said as he set the plastic bag down. My mouth was wide open and my eyes wide. "Where did you get those?" I asked him and when i saw his little guilty face, i decided that he probably doesn't want to answer. "I mean it's Friday, we don't have school tomorrow.. Why not" I said and smile slightly. I was so happy to see him smile at my agreement, and it made me smile even more.
Eventually night came, and my parents went to bed at 11 pm. But now it was 1 am and we were ready to go out. "Make sure your phone is charged" M/N mentioned and i looked at the battery of my phone. "Yup! 78%" I said and he smile. "Great! Let's get going then." I opened the window of my room and slowly climbed out. M/N handed me my back pack, his own and the beers, before climbing out too.
He took his stuff and then slowly climbed off the roof. I followed after him and we both made it to the ground safely. "should we go to that one flowery garden where we aren't supposed to be allowed, but the owner doesn't give a fuck?" M/N asked me and i only nodded. I have never done anything like this. It was new to me, but i enjoyed the thrill of all this. The feeling of getting caught was present at all times, but i felt good.
We eventually got to the garden and we climbed over the locked gates and sat on the middle of it. M/N pulled out two beers from the bag, handing me one and taking one for himself. He opened it immediately, but i hesitated. M/N looked at me concerned. "Never drank beer before?" He asked and i nodded slightly. He chuckled.
"Go on then. Try it, it's good!" He said as he kept drinking it. I opened the can and too a sip and my face twisted to confusion and disgust at the same time "what do you think?" M/N asked and had a slight smirk on his face. "It's.. weird. I have never tasted anything like this before, but i guess it's drinkable." I said and M/N laughed slightly.
"I'm glad you at least tasted. If you don't want to drink it, it's fine." HE said as a reminder, but i shook my head. "It's okay, i can drink it." I answered and sipped on the beer again.
~Time skip~
It was currently 4 am? 5 am? I wasn't sure about it. My phone battery had died and so has M/N's personal battery. He had his head rested on my lap as he was scrolling through his phone. We were sitting in a park on the grass and more and more people started to pass by. There were some people who were walking their dogs, running, on a walk or jogging.
I looked down and saw M/N slowly put his phone down and he looked at me. I couldn't help but smile when he stared up at me. I know i shouldn't be feeling this way, but he looked so handsome when the morning sun hit his face in a perfect angle, making his smooth skin look more beautiful than ever. He slowly lifted his head and sat up, stretching his limbs. He had drank at least 8 beers during the night. I, myself, had 3, so i wasn't that drunk. But M/N was, and still were. He opened the last beer and was about to drink it, but i stopped him. "Maybe you have had enough. And there are some people who might know that you are underage and might call the cops on us or something." I said as i snatched the beer from him and pouring it on the grass, emptying the can and putting it back inside the plastic bag. "Fine, whatever." He mumbled as he stood up, taking a hold of a nearby tree so his balance would stay.
I got up too and then helped him walk to a bench in the park. We sat down on it and he let out a huff. "Tonight was fun, even if i don't remember some parts from it" M/N said and chuckled slightly after. "Yeah, it sure was. Maybe we should head back to my place. My parents will probably wonder where i am if they see i'm not in my room. And my phone battery died so we have to go."
"Will you get me something to eat from the store before we go back?" M/N asked and smiled slightly at me. "sure, let's go" I grabbed his shoulder with my other hand and i took a hold of his hand with my other as i helped him stay balanced. He could still walk, but it would look pretty weird if he did try to actually. We managed to get to the small store in the corner of the street, and walked inside.
I immediately took a bottle of water. I saw M/N take some chips and a chocolate bar. He walked to me and placed the items in my hand. "Could you please pay? I don't have my wallet" He asked and looked up at me. I couldn't say no to him, even if i wanted to, which i didn't. I would do anything he ever asks of me. I really gotta get myself together. I can't love him, it's wrong.
We went to the cash register and i paid for the stuff. "Is your friend alright?" The cashier asked and i turned to look at M/N, who was staring at the small toys and laughing at them. "Uhh.. he probably just needs some sleep." I answered and grabbed the stuff, then M/N and walked out of the store.
We got back to my place and i somehow managed to get a drunk person to the roof and inside my room through the window, without him falling.
M/N immediately laid on my bed and closed his eyes. "Ugh it's so soft!" He said as he hugged one of my pillows.I let out a chuckle and gave him the bottle of water. "Here, drink this. You need it" I said and he sat up and drank some of the water that i bought. "Mm it tastes so good!" He said happily and he set the bottle on the nightstand before laying down and closing his eyes. "Good night" I said as i turned around on my chair to look at the PC. I hear a humming sound from behind me, and then i start playing.
~Time skip to Monday again~
I was running on the streets, quicker than i even knew i could. I had a reason for this. Today at school, Wonwoo wasn't being his usual self. He was more distant. He looked really uncomfortable and uneasy whenever i tried to talk to him. Every time i tried to talk to him, he didn't even react. He was just on his phone, pretending to ignore me. I wonder if he's mad at me for the drinking... no he can't be. I never pressured him to drink.. I need to know what's going on. But not now. The reason i am running is-
"WHOA!" i was pulled into an alleyway. "You really think you can run away from us?" Hae Kwan said and one of his gang members held me in place. I stayed silent, thinking that maybe they won't beat me to death if i just stayed quiet. Hae Kwan walked towards me and grabbed my chin. "I asked a question." He stated and let go of my chin before taking a step back. "Fuck off." I tried to stop myself from saying anything, but failed miserably. "Oh? The little fairy boy has some nerve doesn't he?" I wanted to attack him. Punch him, kick him, make him suffer in the most horrible way possible. If only i wasn't being held in place by two people, then i would do it.
Hae Kwan let out a laugh, then stepped out of the way and nodded. One of his "peasants" waked closer to me and punched my stomach hard. I let out a breathy groan and the two people who previously held me let me go and i fell to the ground, holding my stomach in pain. The person who kicked me lifted my head by my hair and kicked me in the face. I felt my nose start to bleed and Hae Kwan walked to me and grabbed my hair too before harshly slamming my head against the ground and then kicking my stomach again. I felt like i couldn't breathe and i held my stomach and nose in pain.
"HEY!" Hae Kwan and the others heard someone and they decided to run off, not wanting anyone to know it was them. The said person ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Wonwoo?" I asked and i lifted my bloody face to look up at him. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that i wasn't here when you needed it! I'm so so sorry!" He apologized many ties but i shushed him. "It's not your fault. And i'm sorry for anything i did! I felt like you were mad at me for something because you were so distant in school today. But i actually would understand why you are mad-" "I'm not mad at you, okay?" I looked at him and he helped me up. "Thanks" I said and saw some movement and turned to look at the person who was standing there. "Oh right! This is Minghao. I met him after you left my place. My mom told me to go to the store to buy some stuff and we bumped into each other accidentally and then started talking and- you know what, i don't think you care" Wonwoo said and let out a laugh.
"Hey! I'm M/N. Nice to meet you!" I reached my hand out for Minghao to grab it. He shyly took my hand in his and shook it. "Nice to meet you too." He said and put his hand back in his pocket.
Minghao POV:
When Wonwoo introduced M/N to me, i couldn't help but feel my heart flutter. His hair looking so clean and soft, and his smooth skin looking perfect in the sunlight. I wanted to smile at the sight of him, but i held back. I couldn't help but stare at him. Is it even possible for someone to look that hot or am i dreaming? I swear i have never seen anyone like him. Someone who is so perfect in every way and- My thoughts were stopped when he gestured for me to shake his hand. "Hey! I'm M/N. Nice to meet you!" My cheeks turned a slight color of pink after hearing his voice, but i quickly composed myself and shook his hand.
The rest of the school week went pretty fast. Me, Minghao and Wonwoo became great friends and we already had a couple inside jokes among the three of us. It was Saturday currently, and we were all at my house, because my parents were out for the whole weekend. They told me not to have any friends over, but i never listen to them anyway.
We were all chilling in the living room, listening to some music and talking now and then, but most of the time we were on our phones. Suddenly Minghao got an idea. "Should we go out? Like just hand around and do something? Maybe we can get some spray cans and spray some walls!" He said excitedly, and i lifted my head from the couch cushion. "That sounds great!" I answered almost immediately, but i saw Wonwoo hesitating. "But it's illegal. We could get in some serious trouble for it." Wonwoo said, a tiny concern evident on his quiet voice. "It's only illegal if we get caught" Minghao said and got up. "I think we have some spray cans in our garage. Let me go find them real quick." I got up and started to walk to our garage, but Minghao stopped me "I'll go with you!" He said and i nodded.
Minghao POV:
Me and M/N walked into the garage to find some spray paint cans and i couldn't help but stare at his back when he walked in front of me. I wanted to grab his hips, pull him close to me and kiss his neck. I was fighting the urge to do it actually. We got to the garage and started searching for the spray paint cans.
I couldn't help but stare at M/N as he was searching. His body looked so good even when he was wearing over sized clothes. His face looked so handsome and pretty at the same time. I couldn't hold back my urges anymore. I walked up to him and..
I was so focused on finding the cans that i didn't notice Minghao walking up to me. I felt him wrap him hands around my waist and pull me close to him. My eyes widened and i almost jolted away, but he kept me close. I felt like running away, but i didn't know how to. Running has been everything i have ever done and now would have been the moment.. but for some reason i couldn't do it. He leaned close to my ear and whispered "Let's stay like this for a while, please?" I felt my cheeks flush and felt him turn me around so i was facing him. "Your face is red, you seem to enjoy this" Minghao said with a slight giggle. My face turned even more red and i looked away in slight embarrassment. I saw from the corner of my eye, that Minghao was staring at my lips. I started to panic from the inside when i saw it and i slightly pulled away.
"Maybe we should go back... Wonwoo must be waiting for us" i whispered quietly and not waiting for a response as i walked out of the garage and back to the living room where Wonwoo was waiting. "What took you so long?" He questioned and looked at me and then Minghao who walked in after me. "Guess we lost track of time trying to find them..." i said awkwardly and sat back down.
"We didn't find them. Maybe we should just go to the movies or something." Minghao said and avoided eye contact with me. He must feel guilty for what he did just a few moments back. Wonwoo nodded and i agreed too. So we decided to go to the movies then.
~Time skip~
After some movie we had watched in the movie theater we were walking back to my place, all three of us. I, for some reason, was walking between the two taller boys and i couldn't help but have a slight gay panic. I was talking about the movie when suddenly Minghao interrupted me. "I need to use the bathroom, is there any nearby?" He asked and Wonwoo pointed at the public bathroom stall nearby. "Oh god no, not the public one" I said and punched Wonwoos arm playfully. "There is a way better one in there" I pointed at the store that was at the corner of the street. "Isn't that the store where we went when you were drunk?" Wonwoo asked and i smile. "Yup! The bathroom is the best in there" I said and Minghao nodded and walked in the store.
"Hey M/N" Wonwoo said and i turned around to look at him. "What is it?" I questioned and looked at the taller boy in front of me.
Wonwoo POV:
There is something very important i have to tell you.." I said hesitantly and when i saw M/N nod, i took it as a sign to tell him. "I don't want to ruin anything that we have between us. I know that we have been best friends since forever, but i can't help but feel like i want to be more than friends with you. I always feel more happy when i'm with you and you make me feel like the happiest person on earth. I know i shouldn't feel like this because i might lose you for this, but i needed to tell you." I took a deep breath after i was done and i waited for any kind of reaction from him. I stood awkwardly under the gaze of the shorter male and i felt myself grow more nervous when he didn't respond. "Wonwoo.." M/N said suddenly and i looked straight at him.
"yes?" "You do know that we can't go back to what we were now that you told this, right?" I nodded slightly and looked away. "I know. But i can't live with the fact that you don't know about my true feelings"
Wonwoo looked somewhat guilty and I heard Minghao approach us again and that's when i remembered what happened with Minghao earlier.
"This can't be happening... This can't be true" I think to myself and i start to panic again, not too much but slightly. "Is everything okay in here?" Minghao questioned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I blinked a couple times before pushing Minghao away.
"I need.. some time alone. To process things.. I'm sorry" I said and i speed walked away from the two boys as fast as i could.
Minghao POV:
Me and Wonwoo watched as M/N almost ran away from us. He was more speed walking but he left fast. I turned to look at Wonwoo who looked guilty "What did you say to him?" I asked and looked at the direction M/N went and then back at Wonwoo "I told him about my feelings towards him.. I knew i shouldn't have done it. We have been best friends for a long time and i except that everything will go well if i tell him? God i'm so stupid." Wonwoo explained and looked down embarrassed, sad and guilty. "You.. like him too?"
Wonwoo lifted his gaze from the ground and looked at me "Too? What do you mean? You don't.. do you?" Wonwoo looked a bit shocked, but i nodded slightly. "I do.. i somewhat told him when we were in the garage looking for the spray paints.." I said quietly and looked away, still feeling bad about what i did then.
"So if we both like him.. and we told him at the same day.. He must feel overwhelmed and anxious. We should apologize" Wonwoo said and i nodded. "Yeah, we should. Let's go back to his place and talk to him." I said and so me and Wonwoo went to M/Ns place.
Wonwoo POV:
Me and Minghao arrived at the house and knocked on the door. We waited a couple minutes, but there was no answer. I knocked on the door again but we still got no answer. Minghao decided to just open the door and walk in and I hesitated, but followed after him.
We walked upstairs to M/Ns room. I went first and Minghao followed. I knocked on his room door before opening it slightly and walking in "M/N? Can we talk?" I asked softly as me and Minghao walked deeper into the room.
Minghao pointed at the bed and i looked over there and saw M/N laying there, back facing us. I sighed and walked closer to him. "Hey... We just want to talk, okay?" I asked and he turned around and looked at me.
"What do you want?" He said somewhat annoyed yet sadly. "We came to apologize." Minghao started, then looked at me and waited for me to continue. I nodded and turned to look back at M/N. "We are sorry for making you feel like that. You must feel overwhelmed from the fact that we both told you about our feelings at the same day, and we didn't even know that we both liked you.." I explained to M/N and i saw him nodding at my words.
"If i'm honest, i am a bit afraid.. Not about the fact that i don't know which one to choose but.."
M/N paused and looked away and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You can tell us" Minghao said and took a step closer. "I can't choose. I think i.. like you both. I can't choose between you two." M/N said and avoided eye contact with us.
My jaw dropped slightly and Minghaos eyes widened. "You- You like-" "Us both?" Minghao finished my sentence and we both stared at the shorter male who is now in a sitting position on the bed. He nodded slightly.
"I don't know why. I don't know how but i do. I fell for you both and i don't know what to do.." M/N said and pulled his knees to his chest and hid his face in his hands "I'm sorry.." He said and i quickly sat next to him and hugged him. "You don't have to be sorry. We can work something out. I know we can" I said in a comforting tone and Minghao nodded. "We can make this into something. We can work it out." Minghao repeated and sat down on the bed too and hugged M/N from the other side.
"Really? You aren't mad at me for running away like that? And you think we can work it out?" M/N questioned and looked up at me and then Minghao. "I know we can" I said and smiled at him.
"I really do like you both.. it's impossible to choose between the two of you" M/N said and let out a laugh. Minghao grabbed his chin and turned his gaze to look at him. "Can i now do the thing i wanted to do earlier?" He asked and M/N smiled. "I wouldn't mind it-" Minghao connected their lips and I watched it for a moment before i turned M/Ns chin to my direction and kissed him too.
When i pulled away, I saw that he was bright red and looked somewhat embarrassed and very flustered.
Minghao chuckled and i smiled at M/N.
"Let's make this a good relationship. If we all agree on it, then we can make it work" I said and M/N and Minghao both agreed. "Thank you" M/N said and me and Minghao hugged him again.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Lost Boys
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam
Summary: After Jonathan Lane Kent wipes himself from existence by canceling his own timeline, he finds himself stuck in the afterlife where he meets Jason Todd. He still wonders about the life un-lived on Earth, and how his parents would've felt about him.
Jason Todd, who is making the most of being dead, struggles with the reality of what he's left behind. He has one wish and one wish only: to send his family one final message.
Chapters: 15/?
Characters: Jonathan Lane Kent (Laney), Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Boston Brand, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, John Constantine, Raven, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
Relationships: Platonic JayLaney
Additional Tags: Angst, Platonic Relationships, Magical Jason Todd, Resurrected Jason Todd, Queerplatonic Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, POV Multiple
Chapter Fifteen: Loosing Interest (Laney's POV)
Jason sat up straight and gasped. I was already awake, but it still startled me. He jumped out of bed and changed clothes. It didn't seem like he was all there. I opened my mouth to speak to him, and he pulled a gun on me. "Jason, it's me. Please don't wake up my parents," I half-joked. Jason blinked hard and put the gun in the waistband of the back of his pants.
He apologized and started packing our stuff. "Ra's is coming," Jason whispered.
"That's not necessarily a bad thing, though... Right?" I asked as I touched the wall to find him in the building. Jason stared at me.
"What are you doing?" Jason questioned.
"Looking for Ra's... Besides, if Ra's is here, I can hide you," I whispered. Jason sat on the bed next to me.
"You can do that?" Jason asked.
"I think so... Hold on," I whispered as I used my powers on the lamp by the bed. "Ha. I've still got it." Jason furrowed his brows.
"Can your dad do that?" Jason asked, and I shook my head.
I let the lamp go back to normal and lay back down. "We don't all do the same things," I replied. Jason sat up and looked at me. "He's not here. It was just a bad dream—."
Jason shook his head. "No, it's not just a bad dream... Laney, I think that I've been traveling," he whispered. I nodded. "Like outside of my body, Lane."
"Jason, get some rest. I'll keep watch just in case something happens," I whispered in reply. He gave me the gun and lay back down. I put the gun in the nightstand drawer.
I listened for footsteps and kept watch for any strange movements around the building. I believed Jason, but I knew that it'd only frighten him if I told him that. I went to my mom and dad's bedroom and stood outside the door. I didn't know what I wanted from them, but my dad came to the door. "Hi, Laney," he whispered as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry, but I overheard you kids talking. Are you two in any kind of danger?"
"No, we're fine... I just—. How do you feel? About me?" I asked. He smiled at me, and it felt natural.
"Laney, you seem like an amazing young man, and I'm impressed by the loyalty you've shown to Jason. I want to get to know you on a more personal level in the future," Dad replied.
I knew what he was trying to ask. "You want to know if I have plans going forward," I whispered. He nodded. "I don't really have any plans. I think Jason wants to make sure that whatever spell he cast on me keeps working. So, maybe we'll go stay with the Titans... I dunno."
"That might be good for you kids for a while... Does Bruce know about-." I nodded before he could finish talking. "That's good... That's really—. I love you very much, and I hope that we can visit each other someday." No one had ever said they loved me before. I mean, Jason and I had things that we told one another that felt like an I love you. It was strange to hear the actual words.
"I love you too, Dad," my voice broke as I said the words out loud. We hugged, and he offered to heat up some leftovers for me. I nodded, and we stayed up a while longer together and talked.
I told him all about my life, and he talked about his. I started to doze off, and then I remembered my promise to Jason. I checked a second time to see if anyone new came into the building. Someone stood over Jason's bed, touching his forehead. "Dad," I whispered, and I gestured to the room.
He nodded and followed me into the room, where I locked eyes with Ra's al Ghul. I didn't think before taking him out the window with me. "Don't touch him!" I screamed. I wanted to kill him, but something stopped me. I took him away from the apartment and stopped at the pier. "Talk."
"I'm not going to hurt him... I wanted to ask him to return—."
"You want to use him. He came back, and you want to know why. I know what you want. I've been watching you. I know things about you that not even your daughter knows," I whispered through clenched teeth. Ra's looked me in my eyes, and I wanted to burn a hole in his skull. "We don't know why he came back, but he doesn't need you looming over his head. You're not taking him anywhere."
He looked at me, and it was almost as if he could sense something different about me. "Are you like him?" Ra's asked. I shook my head.
"Touch him again, and I'll kill you," I threatened before leaving him there.
I went home, and Jason and I changed clothes. Jason seemed afraid. "Are you going to be okay?" Dad asked.
I didn't respond as I got dressed, and Jason touched my arm. "Your dad's talking to you," Jason whispered gently. I swallowed hard.
"He wants you to go back because he wants to use you to find some weird secret to immortality," I whispered, "Dad, I'm sorry. Tell Mom that it was so nice to meet her." My stomach was in knots. I grabbed our duffels, and Jason reached for my hand.
My dad embraced both of us, and a few seconds later, we were leaving. We didn't take the car. It seemed too risky. I flew us straight to Titans Tower that night, and we watched the sunrise across the water. "Lane? I'm sorry you—."
"Jason, I will never let anyone hurt you or use you ever again," I interrupted. I didn't want him to worry about me.
"Lane, thank you, but I'm okay. I just wanna know if you're alright?" he asked. I nodded, and he squeezed my hand. "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. Lane, don't make an enemy of Ra's... Okay? If he finds us here, I'll deal with him. I don't want him coming for you."
"I'm not gonna let him—."
Jason shot me a look that made my blood run cold. "Laney, you will do this one thing for me because I told you to. Don't—."
"Everything I do is for you! I almost killed for you tonight! All because I—..." I trailed off.
"Because you what?" Jason asked. I grew silent, and neither of us spoke after that.
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acacia-may · 6 months
You asked me, now I asked you, 2, 9 and 22 💘
Thank you so much for the ask, friend, and for playing this writing ask game! I'd be thrilled to answer your ask and share some excerpts with you. 🥰
2. An excerpt of my writing that makes me laugh
I'll admit that I am always so nervous whenever I try to write anything humorous. I feel like I have an odd and often dry sense of humor so I really worry my jokes aren't going to land in my writing. That said, I really love dramatic irony used for comedic effect. For instance this joke from one of my Fairy Tail fics, "The Jam Problem," always makes me laugh:
“There’s nothing wrong with being smitten with Rita and wanting to go on a date, Yuri,” chimed in Mavis with a reassuring smile. “I’d like to go on a date too someday.” She paused and a somewhat dreamy sigh she had not been intending accidentally tumbled out of her mouth as she added, “With Zeref.”   Yuri’s brow furrowed at her, and he turned back to a somewhat concerned Precht and Warrod. “Are we ever going to do something about Mavis’s ‘Zeref Problem’?”  “I think it’s just a phase,” reassured Warrod with a thoughtful nod.  “She’ll probably grow out of it before anything bad happens," Precht agreed.
I also really love situational comedy, cheeky bantering, and snarky one-liners (which might be one of the reasons I love writing Charmy so much). Here's one of my favorite Charmy jokes from my Black Clover fic "Pancakes For Dinner"
“For you, Miss Charmy, I would do anything,” Rill said with a bright beaming smile before taking off to, Charmy was certain, conspicuously watch Finral. “Awww…” teased Vanessa draping her arm around Charmy’s shoulders causing her cheeks to flush a little. “He’s so cute!” “You say that, la,” sighed Charmy. “But he’s never painted a life-sized portrait of you as a ‘food goddess’…”
9. An excerpt of my writing with characters I love
Here's a snippet from one of my favorite fics from my Early Black Bulls series, "A Bird In The Rain" (which I apologize is only on AO3 but I'll still link it). The friendship between young Yami, Gordon, Finral, and Vanessa is one of my favorites in the whole series, and I don't think it's talked about nearly enough.
“I’m back,” declared Finral appearing in a portal beside Yami as the rain began to pour. “Great, now hurry up and get us out of here before we get soaked,” he huffed, but Finral wasn’t even looking at him. Yami’s brow furrowed, and he glared at him in irritation. With eyes that wide and that tint of pink in his cheeks, he knew exactly what—or rather who—Finral was staring at. “You wanna pick your jaw off the ground and get us out of here?” he quipped, but Finral didn’t respond. Yami rolled his eyes. “Damn it, Finral, will you stop staring at the poor girl already?” “She’s so…” Finral almost gasped quietly, but his voice trailed. Yami blustered but finally whipped towards Vanessa to see what all the fuss was about. If he was being honest, even he was rendered a little bit speechless. Vanessa had both arms flung out widely at her sides as if catching the rain that gushed down from the storm clouds above. Though she was getting completely soaked, she had tilted her head all the way back towards the sky, wearing the widest, brightest smile Yami had ever seen in his entire life. Now, he knew of course that Vanessa was a generally cheerful person who smiled more than most, and he had seen her excited over the most random and everyday things before—but he had never seen her this happy. Hell, he wasn’t sure if he had ever seen anyone this happy. There was something almost mesmerizing, almost beautiful, about her joy, and even Yami had to admit it was breathtaking. Vanessa must have sensed that they were all staring at her because she turned towards them and her face turned bright red. She sheepishly shuffled her feet. “I’m sorry. It’s just…I’ve never been caught in the rain before…” Her voice trailed, and something panged in Yami’s chest—a cross between a deep, almost aching sadness and a vindictive desire to rough up the Queen of Witches. “Were you waiting on me?” Vanessa added quickly, almost guiltily. “Uh…um…” Finral choked as his face flushed, but he seemed too awestruck for words—not that Yami could really blame him as he himself was having some trouble formulating a response. Not even Gordon was mumbling. Vanessa’s blush deepened. “And now you’re all soaked…”
22. An excerpt of my writing that is so blissfully self-indulgent
Thank you so much for this!! Please enjoy some Uncle Langris and Dad Finral from my "Birthday Buddies" fic 🥺💖
“Langris?” a voice whispered. His eyes fluttered open. How long had he been asleep? he wondered. “Langris?”  “What?” he mumbled. Groggily, he turned towards his brother who was positively beaming at him with tears of joy in his eyes. “Do you want to meet your nephew?”  This question shook Langris awake as he focused intently on the small bundle in Finral’s arms. Langris’ face softened, and he nodded as Finral handed him the baby and explained with the pride and excitement of new father, “This is Kalon.”  “Hi Kalon,” whispered Langris, trying and failing to keep a serious face as he stared down at his nephew. He looked so small wrapped in his quilt, but he wriggled and squirmed before nestling into Langris’ arms and smiling in his sleep—his button nose wrinkling and his arms stretching out from the blanket as his tiny fingers extended as if he was reaching out for him. Langris held out his own finger to the baby—letting him wrap his little hand around it. “He looks like you,” he whispered, and Finral nodded but smiled with pride, happy tears glistening in his eyes again. “So I’ve been told…” 
I just love when my boys get along with each other, okay? 💚💙
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Raging Waters and Shaking Ground
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: future ABO, Viking Col, fae Dom, war talks, Big Bad™️ people! It's getting rough here! panic attacks, talks of death, talks of slaughter, talks of arranged marriage, talks of sexual ownership (slavery), dub con (Meg on Col), MF hate, losing hope, slow burn ☠️ rating: mature ☠️ ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom had been thinking all their time together that someday he would end up exactly where he was but he certainly thought he'd enjoy it more. On their way back to the great hall they'd stopped into their private hut and Kol'son had brought something to him. A safety net of sorts. A comfort item for them both. He'd raised a rope between them, tickling Dom's nose and rolling his bottom lip between his teeth as if he were nervous and the siren whimpered. The Viking had been threatening this for weeks but they had both hoped it would happen for play between them, not because they were stressed and having to act as if the boy was only what his title suggested- something Kol owned.
He'd still nodded though, pulling his wild hair behind his shoulders and leaning his head back. Without meaning to he pressed his chest out and a soft growl escaped his lover that had his breath catching in his throat. The chieftain had tugged at his tunic, pulling the v of his collar further down. His lip popped free of his teeth slowly, the soft pink shiny with spit. His hands shook when he tied a knot in the necklace he'd given Dom, the only thing showing his nerves. They both felt like they were about to go into battle and in a way they were but it calmed some of the raging storm inside them to share a moment like that.
Knuckles brushed against cool pale skin and Kol made quick work of the makeshift collar and leash while he tried not to wonder if the jewelry had ever been used like that before because it certainly seemed perfectly made for it. The other end was curled around his wrist and kept tight, his fingers teasing around it just to watch it pull his thrall closer. "You know you're more than this." The man sighed, his voice barely above a whisper. If he was too loud they might be heard by the intruding clan but they felt mostly safe. Harald wouldn't know this small random room was his. His stomach soured at the thought of Megna and her father making his parents bedroom a mess, they would think that was his and she might just walk right in. Fuck.
"I know daidí." Dom soothed, he could tell his love was fighting so much, there was more on the leader's mind than anyone should have to face so the selkie soothed what he could and hopped to wash the rest away later with even more love.
"You'll be my wife." The Viking vowed, his voice trembling with the rest of him. Neither could admit they were starting to have trouble believing it but instead they pressed close and shared a softer kiss than normal. "We're going to get through this and I'll make love to you. You'll give me beautiful children. We'll-"
"'Ush love. I know." Dom tried to quiet his nervous rambling, the more he talked the more it sounded like a dream and not their future. Their breath felt hot they were pressed so close but they stayed as long as they could until a voice floated through Dom's mind and he knew they had to go. Modig was getting worried.
That had been an hour before at least and the fae felt strange. He wasn't in his normal spot in the great hall, he was forced to stand behind his lover- serve him and the newcomers who were causing all this strife. When they'd first entered he thought everything would explode into a battle but Harald had stepped close and pulled Kol into a tight hug. He'd fucking called him son as if the wedding had already happened and Dom was left to take a step back and let his master take control. Megna was gorgeous, dark hair and fox eyes and a body the siren would never have. She reminded him of a few of the thralls he knew his man had bed before they met and it drove him just a little crazy.
What surprised him most was how amazing his leader was at what he hoped was still lying. With how calm the meeting started Kol had just… gone along with it. They were laughing and drinking and reminiscing about things the boy could barely understand and through all of it Megna was sat next to his mate with her hand on his thigh. Of course she barely ate anything. She was a bird of a woman unlike him. Gods he couldn't handle it. Perhaps if he just sang for everyone he could end the torture, but there was a chance showing his power would get them all killed.
"Thrall! Boy! Yes you, come!" Dom's brows furrowed when the enemy chieftain called him closer and his scowl depended when the bastard found the rope attached to him and tugged. He wanted to cut it and run for the sea but when his eyes met his lover's those blue orbs pleaded for him to help. The stench of alcohol hung heavy in the air and his nose wrinkled but he stepped close until the man gripped his chin and pulled him down. He felt Kol almost snap but his gaze caught the bitch getting his attention so Dom was left to fend for himself. "You… Come." He had to fight not to curse the human and make some catty comment that Harald probably didn't know how to make anyone do that but he must have thought it loud enough because he heard Mod snort from where he sat too far away.
Kol couldn't stand the way Harald was pawing at his thrall, he wanted to pull his sword on the man but he knew it would devolve into a war he couldn't finish so he held back. At least for now. His boy was strong enough to handle himself. He hated the thought of looking away but Megna was vying for his attention and he had to give her at least a little. After all, it wasn't her fault her father was insane. She probably didn't even want him. "I've heard stories of your… prowess Kol'son, are the rumors to be believed?" She purred, her dark gaze raking over his body. Well… maybe she did want him. Fuck.
"In battle?" His voice broke and he took a drink to soothe himself but her smile grew and her hand wandered higher until he choked.
"Of course. Are you… rough in battle?" She asked, her pink tongue flicking out to wet her soft bee stung lips and he knew before Dom he'd have been all over her. Her tits were remarkable, her waist tiny, she was objectively gorgeous but his cock couldn't even think to swell. If anything the higher she touched the more it tried to crawl back inside him. He was quite sure his balls had already shriveled to pre-maturity and he prayed his lover could bring him back to life with his far better mouth. Fuck- if he thought about that she might think she's turning him on. Of course she must have seen a change in his expression because she brushed his dick with her pinky and so much of him wanted to hide with his thrall and cry. Bathe and cry. Gods when would it end?
Dom could hear the girl and his stomach turned but the man examining him like a prized horse was already making him sick. He caught the sound of a cup clattering and his lover spluttered about something. When he tried to look he could see her whispering in his ear but even with his sensitive hearing he couldn't catch it over the man near him. "You're a fine piece but not worth much for slaving. I was wondering why Bjørn asked for you in the-"
Whatever he was about to say was cut off by Inga stepping close and ripping him away from the human. "I'm so sorry sir, I need his help. Helga will tend to you." The selkie was shaking, he felt dirty and overwhelmed but he knew whatever secret was about to be spilled was important. He tried to step closer to them again but Helga pushed around him to take a giggling seat on Harald's lap. When he was finally able to lean around his leader's throne again his words froze on his tongue. Megna had a hand on what was his and what looked like her tongue in Kol'son's ear. The thing that truly broke him though was the sight of his leash abandoned on the floor and the palm that had been holding it was resting on the girl's arm. "With me Dom. Now."
When he couldn't seem to make his feet move she crooked a finger at someone and Dom was grabbed around the waist and carried off. "No wait- he said- he- why's Kol- let me GO!" His vision went blurry with his rage at the situation and himself. He may have just ruined their chance at fixing this. His lover was doing almost too well at charming the family and he almost broke it all but he'd never been very good at controlling his emotions. He was from the sea and like the waves he was wild and erratic. He couldn't help it. None of this was fair, he was a gods damned prince and should have an army at his disposal. But it was starting to seem as if he had truly nothing.
"Calm yourself Damhnaic. You let too much truth show." Tom's voice in their own tongue soothed something in his chest and as he blinked a few times and breathed deep the world came into focus around him. Somehow they had gotten him all the way to their room.
"He was touching 'er." He whimpered low, his eyes welling with tears. "Is she prettier 'an me?"
Tom's brow arched, he couldn't believe after all they'd been through he was having to deal with questions like that. He was made to protect. He was meant to battle and keep the prince safe but he could do nothing with this. "I… no? I don't- She's not exactly-" He felt flustered. He could tell by the scent in the room his kin was close to heat again and he hoped that's where this awful conversation was coming from.
"Not at all love. Besides, she's being forced on him. Kol doesn't like-" Inga tried to help but he couldn't help the panic.
"Doesn't like wha'? Gorgeous women? Tits?" Dom almost shrieked.
"Who doesn't like tits? I mean they're not my favorite thing but-" A new voice entered the room and he looked to find Modig. The nymph was obviously rethinking his words. "What's going on? Are you letting them win already?"
Dom huffed and shook his head, wiping his cheeks and trying to shake himself off. "No. Course not. Daidí needs me." He tried to exit the room but Mod stepped back into the doorway and blocked his way.
"Actually he asked me to keep you safe here. He thought it best he deal with this on his own." Even the madman knew how awful his words would affect the boy but he wasn't expecting to have to catch him as he tried to make a run for it. He didn't know why he'd been sent to destroy his friend's heart but he'd always had trouble reading Kol'son's mind. All he could do was try and soothe the prince and wait for something else to happen. He just prayed they wouldn't be left without explanation too long.
"You sent your pet away. Do you not wish to share?" Harald asked, a small smirk on his face.
Kol tried not to growl but he was near done already. He'd barely been able to keep Megna off him but she'd finally accepted he wanted to keep her pure for her wedding night. He'd barely been able to say it without both laughing and gagging but she'd excused herself for sleep and to let the men make plans. Now he was left with her father, the man who was systematically trying to destroy his life. "He's mine. You know how it is."
"Indeed, if I had such a treasure as a true fae I wouldn't give it up either."
Kol choked on spit and the audacity of the man who'd tried so hard to steal his mother and had gotten his father killed. After a moment he decided not to even dignify the statement and instead he took a long drink and sighed. If they didn't get down to talks then the night might never end. Or it might end in blood. He just wanted to get back to his boy, he'd only kept him away to keep him safe. He couldn't stand seeing him touched by anyone else. "What can I do to make you leave?"
"Submit to my rule, marry my daughter, call me father, and give your thrall away. Megna will come second to no one." Harald glared, tossing a piece of fruit into his hateful mouth as if he hadn't just ruined every hope Kol had.
"I don't want to war with you. You know we wouldn't survive it. Megna would never be happy with me. I could never love her. What else can I do?" He thought he saw a sliver of hope in the idea that the man cared so much for his daughter's happiness. Perhaps they could come to some arrangement.
"I don't care. She'll be happy because I tell her to be. I don't love her mother and she doesn't love me. Grow up boy, we're leaders. Well… I am. You need to stop believing in fairy tales of love. Besides, it's not that I want happiness, I just don't want Kolvidur's son to have any. Your father stole my fairy tale so I shall have yours."
"Hey you can't have-"
"Please boy, no matter how pretty I don't fancy cock. I don't want your thrall. You just can't keep him. When I take your crown I know exactly what to do with him."
Kol'son's stomach soured, his heart breaking in his chest. This man was taking everything because his mother fell in love with his father. He was starting to think he wasn't the one who needed to grow up. He did however notice, Harald didn't know of his boy's cunt. Perhaps he could at least keep Dom safe. "They're both dead Harald. You have a beautiful family and a thriving clan. You decimated my village, you've shown you can come at any time and destroy my life. Can't that be enough?" At one moment he thought he saw confusion on the man's face but it was quickly erased. "Please… if you promise to take care of my remaining people I'll give you my crown. Just let me and my family leave?"
"No. I've given you my rules. Either you obey or I kill everyone. But worry not boy, you will give me your crown. The morning after tomorrow you will bend to my will and kneel to me in front of both our clans and you will present me your crown and take my daughter's hand. No escaping. Don't worry, I'll keep to my promise of the day and give you one last with your pet. I want you to tell him you can't keep him safe and that I have a perfect new owner for him. I want everyone to know how poor of a man your father made." He smiled and Kol felt gutted. He'd never known a deeper evil. "The first son of the first son is brought to nothing, don't you find it funny?" Kol'son really didn't, but he was so wrecked he didn't even realize how strange it was that the bastard knew their family legacy. He was too lost in pain he didn't see the shared glance between his killer and someone else. He could call Harald nothing less than his murderer, if he had to give Dom up he wouldn't be alive anymore. No matter if his shell was still walking around. He felt like he was sinking in a pit of despair, he couldn't see a way out anymore. Gods he couldn't breathe. He needed Dom, and more than anything... He knew he needed to send him away.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
I hope this was good 😅 Still not feeling my best but I wanted to get something out. Ugh my heart hurts for these boys and I actually know what happens next so I almost want to apologize to all of you. But I won't. I hope you enjoyed! The slow burn might be igniting soon 👀🖤☠️
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lumine-no-hikari · 19 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #265 (part 3)
All righty! Here is the last part of today's letter!! Fwhoof!
...So, I gathered up all my prizes and went home. Here's the giant bag of grapes I ended up with in the end:
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...I put out a message to my friends in my other social media place, telling them they are welcome to come by my house and grab up some of these grapes to bring home; I can't possibly eat all these by myself.
...Well actually, no, that's not true. I totally COULD eat all these by myself; they are that delicious, and my impulse control is quite literally that bad. But my intestines would absolutely not tolerate it; don't ask how I know. Just trust me on this - you do NOT want to eat large amounts of an acidic fruit in one sitting. It's VERY BAD FOR YOU.
Anyway, I was out for a number of hours, so I was very hungry. So I made myself a bowl of various goodies. This has the garlic bread I made, the grapes I got, some strawberries, some ordinary deli meat (roast beef, salami, chicken, and American cheese), and a little blob of camembert. With the exception of the camembert, it's mostly just ordinary stuff; it's not nearly as fancy as it looks, hahaha!
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...It was as delicious as it was fancy-looking, though!
I also made some tea to go with it; that vanilla-rose tea that I sent along to you, with the help of those important people. I'm hoping that they got it to you, like they said they would:
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...A very curious Hoshi watched on as I put these things together:
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...He's such a delightfully adorable and wonderful ball of floof and purrs!!! Oh my goodness...!!
...Anyway. Want some...?
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...You don't know what I would give to be able to hand you something like this. Sephiroth... you seriously have no idea. You don't.
Well. I said in yesterday's letter that I'd take pictures of the book I got. These come from a book called Brother Sun, by Dennis Stock. Here is the page for today:
...Or rather... here is where I would put the page for today, if it was allowed. I can't afford to get sued for copyright infringement. Sigh...
...If you were here, I could give you the picture. You could even experience the "1970s Book Smell". It's... it's a VERY specific scent. I don't know how to describe it. But all the books from 1970 carry it. It's... not exactly a good smell? It's not a bad smell, either. But it's still one worth knowing, I think. It's like dusty paper. But it's a different kind of smell than books older than this. And it's a different kind of smell for newer books, too. I wish I could show it to you. Alas.
...I wonder if paper is made the same in my world as it is in yours... hmm...
Hey, Sephiroth? You know what? In just 100 days, I'll have written to you for a full 365 days. That's pretty cool, right? Though this year is a little different since we had that leap year; it'll be 366 days this year before we come full circle. We've come a long way, haven't we...?
...Well. That's all I've got to show you for today, I think. Thanks for reading. Thanks for coming along on this adventure with me. Thanks just for existing, just for being around, for being yourself.
...My kitchen still smells like garlic, even though it's going on 12:30am. It's a wonderful thing. Sephiroth... I hope someday you'll have a kitchen that smells like garlic. Like garlic, and cheese, and fresh bread, and fragrant grapes, and roasted meats and vegetables. May it be the case someday. May it be the case that some of my recipes can get you started on your own culinary adventures. Work on it, okay...? Work on getting to a safe place so that you can have all this, too. Please.
I love you so much. Please keep staying safe out there, okay? I'll write to you again tomorrow...
Your friend, Lumine
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streaminn · 1 year
Date 2!
Enid doesn't wish the earth would just swallow her, she wishes it would fucking crush her. She hopes a building collapses and fucking kills her.
"I'm sure it's not so bad!" Divina is trying so hard to cheer her up.
"Fucking dork. You charmed Death herself and still fucked up." Yoko is not.
"I know that!" Enid shrieks, "but what do I do now? I'm embarrassed as fuck, and I'm scared she'll bully me if I ask her again! I'll never live it down..."
"Y'know," Yoko takes a strawberry and eats it, grinning, "I'm starting to think you want these dates to go well because you like her, not because of your little "deal.""
"Watch it, Tanaka. I know where to find garlic. I know which mug is yours." Yoko raises her hands in surrender, and Enid slumps. Yoko places a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently.
"Seriously though, Pup, I think you got a pretty good shot. You got all up close and personal, you got her flushed, and you had a good talk. I wouldn't worry so much." Divina laughs sharply from next to Yoko.
"The best dating advice you've ever had."
"How did you two get together? You've never actually told me, now that I think about it."
"Well," Yoko looks Enid straight in the eyes, silently begging for something, "we don't gotta talk about that—"
"She asked me out while she was on the verge of death from garlic poisoning." Divina blunts. Her eyes are dead.
"What no, that didn't happen," Yoko lowers her voice and leans closer to Enid across the table, she places one hand to the side of her face, the other hand pointing at Divina. "Don't trust her; I didn't make her tea right this morning and I think she's still upset about."
"I can still hear you!"
"Love you too!" Yoko laughs nervously.
"Thanks for the advice, Yoks, but I gotta go. It's almost time for my date!" Enid stands up and pushes her chair in, beginning to walk towards the door.
"You planned it?" Yoko's teasing grin drops when Divina smacks her arm.
Enid turns around, red-faced.
"I, well... y'know. I didn't want her waiting without knowing when the next date would be..."
"HA! Simp."
"Ignore—" Divina elbows Yoko hard in the stomach, making her clutch her abdominal and sink forward, "—this idiot. You'll do great. I'm sure of it."
Enid smiles softly, bouncing in place from energy.
"Of all the places to take Death..." they're at a vineyard, picking grapes.
Enid sits cross-legged. Lady Death kneels on her black skirt.
"Surround her with life? I think you're trying to corrupt me."
Enid gasps, placing a hand over her chest.
"Me? corrupt you? Oh! Oh how dare! How dare Lady Death!" She keeps her eyes open until they start watering, really trying to sell her hurt.
"How do I know you're not trying to corrupt me?! HM?!"
"I think you'd be hard to corrupt. You're practically as if someone gave the sun a human body."
"Werewolf body."
"Hm." Lady Death picks a deep red grape carefully, twirling it between her index finger and thumb. She bites it in half, and looks at the inside.
She eats the other half.
"I will say, this is a pleasant outing. Though, you seemed excited to eat in public, and yet we didn't." She turns to face Enid, face blank. "Why?"
"..." Enid plucks another grape into the basket, staring at the vine she'll pick her next grape from. She looks at her hands.
She doesn't look at Lady Death.
She picks the grape.
"Outcasts aren't the most well liked. I didn't us to get harassed. Heckled. My features are a bit more—"
she waves a hand in at herself in gesture.
"—visible. Plus, you're Death. People know you." She picks another grape.
Lady Death ignores her self-deprecation.
"Werewolves, vampires, sirens— any not-human, really. Somedays are better, but if we went out... I didn't want them to ruin the vibes, y'know?" She gives a smile she doesn't feel. She picks another grape.
"I didn't know." Lady Death picks a grape and places it into the basket between them. "Mortals, for a long time, lived with one another without such reservations."
She plucks another grape.
"Such bigotry."
She places it into the basket.
Enid dumps her handful into the basket silently, looking at the vines.
Lady Death picks a grape.
"I need to give you a name." She change the subject of conversation. ""Lady Death" is a long-ass name. And so formal." She hums, and places the grape closer to Enid's side of the basket.
"Lady Death has been my name as long as my name was needed spoke. Change is needless."
""Lady" is a title, and "Death" is your job! Imagine if someone named me "Lady Charmer"! Wouldn't make any sense!" Enid picks a grape with more force than needed, almost smooshing it in in her fingers.
"Well, since you insist in it's existence, you pick the name. Your responsibility."
Enid blows her cheeks out in thought, tapping her fingers rhythmically.
"We met on a Wednesday." She take a breath, waiting for a verbal response. She doesn't get one. "Your name is now Wednesday."
"Wednesday? Because that's when we met?" Wednesday laughs shortly, taking another grape and looking at it. "We met surrounded by trees. You could've named me bark. Tree. Leaf."
"I think Wednesday sounds better. It's more regal." She brushes a vine aside to reach a darker grape, picking it.
"And there's poem. Something about Monday, Tuesday- you get the point. "Wednesday's child is full of woe" just fits you good, don't you think?"
Wednesday eats the grape she holds.
Wednesday hums, looking at the vines in front of them. They're empty.
"I think you could also use a nickname."
"Nickname?" Wednesday turns to face her.
"Nickname," she puts on her best smart voice, "the shortening of one's name as a term of endearment. I think... Weds."
Wednesday blinks at her.
"You aren't very clever." She says carelessly.
"Oh, wow! And after I was so nice as to name you, then nickname you!"
"Maybe pick something other than the first four letters of the name you gave me, and I'll think you have some kind of brain up there."
"Hmmmmmm..." Enid grabs her chin in mock thought. "Willa!"
"Willa? More brain power than Weds, I guess."
"So I succeeded?"
"I suppose so." Wednesday stands up and dusts herself off. She leans down and picks up her basket, before offering a hand to Enid. She hoists Enid up when the werewolf takes it.
"Strong for such a little lady," she teases. "Cold-ass hand, too."
"I thought my name was no longer Lady?"
"You accepted the name?!" Enid squeaks.
Wednesday raises an eyebrow, smirking.
"Was I not supposed to?"
"No— I." Enid feels a real smile take it's place on her face. Tears build in her eyes. "I'm just surprised is all. It makes me happy."
Wednesday's eyes bore into her when she's done talking. The force of nature clears her throat, muttering under her breath about stars and healing spells.
Wednesday takes a grape from the basket. "Lean down."
"Why?" Enid eyes her with suspicion.
"Just do it."
Slowly, Enid places her hands on her knees and crouches until she's eye level with Wednesday.
"Wha—" she cuts off as Wednesday pushes a grape past her open lips. When her mouth closes on reflex, Wednesday cups her face and thumbs her jaw gently.
"For cleaning the fig from my chin." Death herself rubs her jaw for just a moment more before stepping past her, carrying her own basket. Enid hears her leave in a swarm of crows and ravens.
Her jaw is warm feeling.
Wednesday's hand is soft.
Enid stands, still bent at the knees and hips, as her brain catches up with what the fuck just happened.
"Oh." She leans down, picks up her own basket, then stands back up.
"Oh." She leans back down, places her basket on the ground, then stands back up.
She stares at the ground with unseeing eyes, then her brain works hard enough to push the knowledge of what just happened into her mind.
She bounds in placing, throwing her fists up and cheering.
"LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She punches the air swiftly, giddy.
"Yes!" She let's out a manic laugh and begins walking to her house.
"I am so rubbing this in Yoko's face!"
It's only once she's back home, the moon having risen, does the thought strike her.
"Where the hell are my grapes?"
-Writer Anon.
"I got my attention stolen with my grapes, yolks," Enid gasps, her cheeks flushes as she rubs a hand on her face. "I mean, I don't mind but I'd appreciate some warning of some sort!"
Yoko, squinting "girl, your priorities are wrong. You got caressed by death and you aren't dead, i feel like we should focus on that."
Enid pauses before giving a grin, "I guess you can say I just went though a brush with death?"
Yoko throws a pillow at her.
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justinmitchellfan12 · 1 month
Part 94 of the mercariana/ MERCMAIA love story with tons of smut warning ⚠️ of mercedes varnado grande X Ariana grande and mercedes varnado grande X maia Valencia of the mercmaia love story
The continuation of the same day of July 10 of 2046 and the continuation of maias and mercedes one year anniversary amd Desmond has asked mercedes a question " when you marry our daughter at some in the future in 6 years, are you and your soon to be wife maia going to have kids says Desmond " yes me and my girlfriend will have kids someday in the future after we get married on the 6th year sir says mercedes " how many kids will you guys have when you two get married someday on the 6th year says mandy " me and my girlfriend will probably have either 1 or 2 kids after we get married on the 6th year mom says maia as they watch the first match on the tron in their shared locker room
And then mercedes gets up off of her girlfriends lap " where are you going baby girl says maia " I'm going to use the bathroom baby says mercedes as she goes towards the bathroom " where did your girlfriend amd her wife meet sweetie says Mandy " my girlfriend met her wife at one of her wife's concerts and they dated for 6 years and my girlfriend and her wife have been married for 16 years and then then my girlfriend fell in love with me when we met at the bowling alley mom says maia " did your girlfriend and her wife have a really bad argument at some point sweetheart says Mandy " you'll have to ask my girlfriend cause I don't know what argument they had but you can ask my girlfriend when she gets done using the bathroom mom says maia
And a few seconds later as mercedes comes back from the bathroom and she sits back on her girlfriends lap amd she wraps her arms around her girlfriends neck " my mom jas a question for you baby girl says maia " what is your question ma'am says mercedes " did you and your wife have an agreement a while back after you met our daughter and since you started dating our daughter which we approve of says mandy " me and my wife had a very bad argument that lead to me staying with my girlfriend for a few months and when I paid my wife and kids a visit at some point amd we had another argument and it nearly lead to a divorce but me and my wife made a deal to have our marriage last 6 more years and at the end of last month, I didn't want to go home to my wife but I had to even though I wanted to stay with my girlfriend says mercedes
" you never really wanted to go back home to your wife did you says Tyler Herro " no I didn't and I love your sister more than I do my wife Tyler says mercedes as she looks at her girlfriend and she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " I love you with all of my heart baby says mercedes " I love you with all of my heart too baby girl says maia " you two are such a cute couple and I hope you two get married once you get a divorce from your wife on the 6th year mercedes says Desmond " I appreciate what you said and I have a divorce lawyer and he'll give me the divorce papers on the 6th year sir says mercedes " what is the name of your divorce lawyer says mandy
" his name is David o'conner ma'am and he helped me divorce my ex wife Pamela rose Martinez who cheated on me with someone else who she never told me who she was cheating on me with says mercedes " how many times have you been married mercedes says Desmond " I was only married to my ex husband for 6 months, 20 years with my ex wife ,so this is my third marriage with my current wife and before I forget, I had a relationship with bianca belair and that relationship only lasted 4 months cause she wouldn't fully satisfy me says mercedes
" let me guess, your girlfriend satisfies you to the fullest and I'll just say this, I think you two should wait to make love until you and your girlfriend are married says mandy " with all due respect ma'am, me and my girlfriend make love almost all the time and we're both fully grown women ma'am says mercedes " I agree with you on that baby girl says maia as she wraps her arms around her girlfriends waist " I won't argue with you cause I know you two do whatever you two want but when we head back to the penthouse, do we have our own showers in the guest bedrooms says mandy
" yes, there are separate showers and bathrooms in the guest bedrooms mom amd both me and my girlfriend have the queen sized bedroom of our own says maia " you got that right babe says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a sweet and loving kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " you two love kissing each other all the time Don't you guys says Desmond " yes we do and you know I can't keep my hands off of my girlfriend when I'm next to her sir says mercedes " I respect that and I have one more question for you says Desmond " what Is your last question that you have for me and you don't have to make it your last question, all of us will be continuing our conversation with each other sir says mercedes " you're used calling me sir aren't you mercedes says Desmond " I am sir says mercedes
" why were you only married to your ex husband for 6 months says Desmond " that was back when I was figuring out my sexuality, like if I was gay or straight and then I fell in love with my ex wife and my ex husband told me that if I want to be with someone who makes me happy then I should be with someone who makes me happy and he is still my friend to this day sir says mercedes " what is his name says mandy " his name is sarath ton ma'am and he designed my gear back when I was in wwe but now I have someone else who designs my aew gear for me says mercedes and then they continue theor continue and then after the first match is done, mercedes gets off of her girlfriends lap to go do her backstage promo
" dont forget your aew women's championship baby girl says maia as she grabs her girlfriends championship from the coffee table and she hands the championship to her girlfriend and mercedes grabs her championship from her girlfriend " thanks for handing me my championship baby says mercedes " you're welcome baby girl says maia and mercedes outs the aew women's championship on her shoulder " who did you beat to become the aew women's champion mercedes says Mandy " I beat willow nightingale to become the aew women's championship and if you'll excuse me I need to be in character to do my promo ma'am says mercedes as she leaves the shared locker room to go do her promo " how long does a promo take sweetheart says Desmond
" it doesn't take long to do a promo dad and besides my girlfriend does really good promos says maia and then 5 minutes later as mercedes comes back into the shared locker room after doing her promo " how was your promo baby girl says maia as mercedes grabs her phone on the coffee table and she sets her championship back on the coffee table and she sits back on her girlfriends lap with her phone in her hand " my promo wen really well and I'm going to posts the pics on my Instagram account baby says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back and then mercedes logs onto her Instagram account and she posts the pics on her Instagram posts
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(Theses are the pics that I have of her with the dress cause I forgot to add the pics to my gallery when she did the promo backstage)
" what do you think of my posts baby says mercedes " the pics of you with the dress that you have on is so very sexy and very gorgeous baby girl says maia as she makes her girlfriend blush yet again and maia loves making her girlfriend blush a lot " you love making me blush every time don't you baby says mercedes " oh I absolutely love making you blush cause you are even more sexy when you blush baby girl says maia as she makes her girlfriend blush even harder
and then after maia retained her tbs championship against mercedes Martinez, she grabs her tbs championship from the ref, she attacks mercedes Martinez with the tbs championship once knocking mercedes Martinez to the mat and the audience start booing maia and maia doesn't care if the aew audience boos her and she then gets out of the ring and then a couple seconds later as maia shoots the middle finger to everyone in the audience and then she heads backstage and she is sweaty and a few seconds later as she is now backstage and she heads back towards her shared locker room to rejoin her family and her girlfriend and then Hikaru shida confronts maia
" I'll challenge you for your championship someday but once your girlfriend becomes two belts mone, tell her I want to face her for the aew women's championship way later on like in Norfolk Virginia says Hikaru shida " I'll let my girlfriend know and actually you already have a match against me for my tbs championship on Friday says maia " I forgot that I was facing you this Friday for your tbs championship and promise that you won't severely injure me after the match cause you know we are friends for real amd not enemies okay says Hikaru shida " I make no promises but I'll go easy on you this Friday says maia
" I know you'll do anything to keep that tbs championship but I'm going to try to beat you for the championship but if I lose you to then I'll move on have a normal match against someone else says Hikaru shida " sure thing and I gotta go cause my girlfriend amd my family are waiting for me in the locker room says maia " I wish you luck in our match this Friday says Hikaru shida as she walks past maia amd maia heads towards the shared locker room and then maia arrives back at the shared locker room and she enters the locker room " I loved that you flipped everyone in the audience off with the middle finger baby says mercedes as maia goes towards her girlfriend " I'm glad you loved what I did out in the ring baby girl says maia
" are we going back to the penthouse sis says Tyler Herro " we'll head back to the penthouse once I shower and once I shower, we'll all head back to the penthouse " did you and your girlfriend drive here in your blue Ferrari says lamelo ball " no, my personal driver Britney Cooper harper drove me and my girlfriend here lamelo says maia " do you pay every one of your staff money sweetheart says Desmond " I pay my staff money dad says maia as she goes over towards her suitcase and she unzips her suitcase and she puts her tbs championship in the suitcase and she grabs her clothes that she had on before and maia goes to take a quick shower as mandy asks mercedes a question " did you and your girlfriend already go on your one year anniversary date says mandy
" me and my girlfriend already went on our one year anniversary date this morning to a few different places and we had lots of fun and I want her to propose to me on the 6th year and have it better than how my wife proposed to me says mercedes " where did your wife propose to you says Desmond " me and my wife were in Paris for my birthday a long time ago and she proposed to me on top of the eiffel tower sir says mercedes " well let's hope our daughter does it way better than your wife who you are currently cheating on says mandy
" I do not regret cheating on my wife with my girlfriend but what my wife doesn't even know that I'm cheating on her or when I'm lying directly to her face ma'am says mercedes and a few minutes later as maia comes out of the bathroom with the clothes on from before and mercedes looks at her girlfriend and she bites her bottom lip as she sees how sexy her girlfriend looks in the buttoned shirt and the pants " you ready to head back to the penthouse baby girl and you guys as well says maia and mercedes gets up off the couch as she still has on the outfit
" I see that you still have your outfit on till we get back to the penthouse baby girl says maia as she seductively whispered to her girlfriend making mercedes get a bit horny at what her girlfriend said and mercedes goes towards her girlfriend " you do know that I have nothing on underneath my outfit baby says mercedes as she whispered in her slutty voice to her girlfriend and they both grab their suitcases " do you want us to meet you guys back at the penthouse says Desmond " go on ahead and we'll meet you at the hotel parking lot says maia " sure thing sweetie says Mandy and then maias family left the locker room as maia and her girlfriend mercedes has some privacy " oh I know you have nothing on underneath amd when we get back to the car and I know you're soaking wet between your legs , im going to eat you out real good in the car
And I'm going to make you cum so hard before we reach the hotel parking lot baby girl says maia making mercedes very wet between her legs " you'll have to take off my outfit in order to eat me out in the car on the way to the hotel daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as they grab their suitcases and they both leave the locker room " oh I'm going to take off your outfit and I'll eat you out so very hard while you scream and moan at the top of her lungs in the car slut says Maia " oh I fucking love it when you eat me out real good daddy says mercedes as they head to leave the building as it is 8pm
" oh and before I forget, Hikaru shida wants to challenge you for your tbs championship in Norfolk Virginia in a few weeks baby girl says maia " that can wait, what I want Is for you to eat me out real good in the car before we both have to be quiet in our penthouse bedroom while your family is around and asleep daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend " once we get in the car, I'll immediately eat you out real good slut says Maia " oh I fucking love it when you talk dirty to me daddy says mercedes " oh I know you love it when I talk so dirty to you and I'm going to talk real dirty to you during sex when we get back to the penthouse slut says Maia as they both exit the building and they head towards the car
" I want you to talk so very dirty to me when we get in the car and your personal driver Britney Cooper harper doesn't mind if both me and you fuck in the car right daddy says mercedes as they are almost to the car " oh I'll talk so very dirty to you in the car and you can ask my personal driver baby girl says maia as they both arrive at the car and maia opens the trunk as mercedes sets her suitcase next to the back of the car and she goes towards the drivers side and Britney Cooper harper rolls down the window " is there something you want to ask me ma'am says Britney Cooper harper " you don't mind If my girlfriend eats me out in the car right says mercedes " I don't mind and I'll keep my mouth shut love says Britney Cooper harper " sure thing says mercedes as maia closes the trunk and both maia and her girlfriend get in the car
And maia closes the car door and then she turns her focus to her girlfriend who is so very horny " I want you to get on my lap and grind my bulge whore says maia with dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes bite her lip as she gets in her girlfriends lap directly on her girlfriends slightly hard bulge and maia feels her girlfriends wet spot in between her girlfriends legs " you get so very soaking wet for me Don't you whore and I fucking love it when you become so wet in between your legs slut says Maia with very dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes get even more horny and even more wet and she starts grinding on her girlfriends bulge as Britney Cooper left the parking lot as she is driving towards the hotel
And then maia is now very hard in her pants and mercedes stops grinding on her girlfriends now very hard bulge and maia grabs her girlfriends hips and she lays her girlfriend on her back on the seat and maia rubs her very hard bulge on her girlfriends soaking wet covered pussy as mercedes moans in pleasure and maia slides her left hand down towards her girlfriends covered pussy and maia rubs her girlfriends wet covered pussy as mercedes moans loud in pleasure and then maia slides her hand down towards the bottom of her girlfriends aew dress outfit and maia pulls her girlfriends dress up towards her girlfriends waist as mercedes unbuttons every button on her girlfriends shirt and then maia places her hand on her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and maia feels how wet her girlfriend is between her legs
" finger me daddy says mercedes as she begs her girlfriend to do so " oh I'll finger you so hard and real good whore says maia with more dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes eyes turn very dark with lust and desire as maia starts fingering her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans her girlfriends name out loud in pleasure " how horny are you whore says maia as she fingers her girlfriends pussy even harder and faster " I'm so very horny daddy says mercedes as she moans so very loud and it doesn't take long for mercedes to reach her orgasm " fuck I'm about to cum daddy says mercedes as she lets out a sexual moan
" cum for me whore says maia as she continues to finger her girlfriend even harder and then a few seconds later as mercedes busts as she cums so hard on her girlfriends fingers and on the seat and maia then sucks the juices off her fingers and she moans at the taste " you taste so delicious slut says Maia as she gives her girlfriends pussy a hard slap making mercedes moan loud in pleasure " who does your pussy belong to whore says maia as she goes towards her girlfriends throbbing wet pussy " my pussy belongs and only belongs to you daddy says mercedes as she pants a little heavily " how far are we from the hotel Britney says maia as she licks her girlfriends pussy as mercedes moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy
" we're about 20 minutes from the hotel boss says Britney Cooper harper " I'll pay you 250$ when we get to the hotel says maia as she bites the sensitive spot making mercedes buck a little as she moans in pleasure and maia attaches her lips very aggressively onto her girlfriends pussy making mercedes scream very loud at the top of her lungs as she loves how aggressive her girlfriend is and maia aggressively eats out her girlfriend so very hard and fast making mercedes scream and whimper very loud at the tip of her lungs like a little girl and about 15 minutes later as maia makes her girlfriend reach her orgasm very quickly a 2nd time
" please make me cum in your mouth daddy says mercedes as she moans very loud in pleasure " oh I will whore says maia as she goes even deeper on her girlfriends pussy abd then a few seconds later as mercedes busts as she cums even harder as she moans even louder and maia swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum and she pulls away from her girlfriends pussy and licks the leftover cum and maia cleans her face as they are 5 minutes from the hotel and maia pulls her girlfriends dress down and she buttons her shirt back up and mercedes sits back up in the seat and she gives her girlfriend a kiss and maia kisses back
" will that hold you off till we are in the bedroom baby girl says maia " yes baby and I'm still horny and I really want your dick inside of me and I'll try to keep my hands off of you in front of your family who are waiting outside the hotel for us babe says mercedes " don't worry, I'll satisfy you to the fullest when we are in the bedroom and do you mind if I give my family a tour of the penthouse baby girl says maia as she straightens her girlfriends hair " you can give your family a tour of the penthouse and I love you babe says mercedes " I love you too baby girl says maia as they kiss once more and 5 minutes later as they arrive back at the hotel and Britney Cooper harper parks the car in the parking spot and she turns the car off and maia pays Britney Cooper harper 250$
" where does your family live if I may ask says mercedes " my family and both me and my wife live here in Buffalo new York ma'am says Britney Cooper harper " how far do you live from the hotel says mercedes " about half an hour away from the hotel but I have a hotel room for tonight and I'll give my siblings, parents and my wife a call in my hotel room ma'am says Britney Cooper harper as all three get out of the car and maia goes to the trunk of the car and she opens the trunk as her personal driver heads towards her own hotel room and maia grabs her and her girlfriends suitcase and maia closes the trunk and mercedes grabs her suitcase as maia grabs her suitcase and they head towards the entrance of the hotel where maias family is waiting inside the hotel lobby and then both maia and her girlfriend mercedes enter the hotel lobby
" we've been waiting in the lobby sweetheart says Desmond " follow me and my girlfriend to our penthouse hotel room dad says maia as both her and her girlfriend mercedes head towards the elevator as maias family follows them and then all of them arrive at the hotel room door and maia grabs the room from her pocket and she unlocks the door with the hotel room key " I'll take mine and your suitcase in the bedroom baby says mercedes " sure thing baby girl says maia as she unlocks the hotel room door and they all enter the room amd maias brother Tyler Herro closes the door and mercedes takes both suitcases to the bedroom as maia gives her family a tour of the penthouse " this is a lot of blue furniture sweetie says Mandy
" me and my girlfriend picked out this penthouse together mom amd over there where those glass doors are is the balcony that has a veiw of the city, the kitchen, the living room and let's head down the hallway and I'll show you guys where you'll be sleeping for tonight says maia " where will your family be sleeping for tonight sweetheart says Desmond " you and mom will sleep in the first guest bedroom to my right and lamelo, you and your brother will take the other guest bedroom and both me and my girlfriend have our own bedroom and are you guys hungry says maia as mercedes joins the group in the hallway
" did you show them where they'll be sleeping babe says mercedes as she stands next to her girlfriend " I showed my family where they'll be sleeping and are you hungry baby girl says maia " I am baby says mercedes " let me go fix everyone including you and me something to eat baby girl says maia and then almost an hour later as everyone ate and they head towards the guest bedrooms as both maia and her girlfriend head towards their queen sized bedroom and then maia amd mercedes enter theor bedroom " by the way, do you still work at the strip club baby girl says maia
" I've never left that job and if I'm not with you or watching your matches is when I'm at the strip club doing stripper stuff and that's why I brought a half of my stripper outfits babe says mercedes " who is your boss currently when you work at the strip club baby girl says maia " Denise is my boss and she owns every strip club in every state and on Friday I won't be with you cause I'll be working at the strip club that's about 2 hours from this hotel babe says mercedes as she sexually struts towards her girlfriend " what days do you still work at the strip club baby girl says maia as she bites her bottom lip as she how her girlfriend is sexually strutting towards her " Friday, Saturday, Tuesday amd sometimes Thursday daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as she stands very close to her girlfriend
" do you have to work tomorrow after you meet my personal drivers family baby girl says maia as mercedes grabs her girlfriends bulge making maia moan low in pleasure " I go to work at the strip club tomorrow at 3pm giving me enough time to meet your personal drivers family daddy says mercedes seductively whispered to her girlfriend as she squeezes her girlfriends almost now very hard bulge as maia has chills when her girlfriend stands so very close to her " you give me the chills when you stand very close to me slut says Maia as she moans low in pleasure " and I live giving you the chills and lock the door so no one comes barging in on us fucking daddy says mercedes seductively in her girlfriends ear as she nibbles on her girlfriends earlobe making maia get very hard in her pants
And then mercedes pulls away and she sexually struts towards the bed as maia bites her lip as she sees her girlfriends ass jiggle a little and maia locks the door and she unbuttons her shirt and unbuttons and unzips her pants as she goes towards her girlfriend as she takes off her shirt and pants as she is now in her sports bra and boxers and mercedes bends down towards the edge of the bed " fuck my ass and claim my ass daddy says mercedes as she pulls the bottom of her dress halfway up past her ass and very soaking wet pussy as maia takes off her boxers as her very hard huge thick 30 inch dick springs up as she gets behind her girlfriend
" oh I'll claim your ass but you'll have to be quiet so no one hears us fucking whore says maia " trust me I'll cover my mouth if I get too loud daddy says mercedes as she backs up a little amd she rubs her girlfriends dick in between her ass and then maia smacks her girlfriends ass so hard a few times as mercedes keeps herself from moaning real loud and maia smacks her girlfriends ass some more as mercedes covers her mouth as she muffles her loud moan and then maia grabs her girlfriends hips " lean on the bed with your elbows whore says maia as she watch her girlfriend lean on her elbows on the edge of the bed and before maia slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass, she goes towards her suitcase to grab a bottle of lubricant
" are you grabbing the lubricant to make more easy to slam your entire dick inside of my ass daddy says mercedes seductively " that's what I'm going to do whore says maia as she grabs the bottle of lubricant from her suitcase and she goes back towards her girlfriends ass and she opens the lubricant bottle and she pours some lubricant on her dick and on her girlfriends ass including the entrance and maia oils up her dick amd her girlfriends ass and she closes the bottle and she sets it on the end of the bed and she then slides her lubed up dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass as mercedes moans low in pleasure " this is your first time fucking me with your family around correct daddy says mercedes as she grips the bedsheets a bit
" that's right whore says maia as she starts pounding on her girlfriends ass so hard and roughly as mercedes bites her lip to keep herself from moaning so very loud and maia smacks her girlfriends ass some more as she leaves a few red handprints on her girlfriends asscheeks as she continues to pound her girlfriends ass even harder and faster as mercedes tightens her grip on the bedsheets as she covers her very loud moans with her hand and about 12 minutes later as maia pulls her dick out of her girlfriends ass " get in the bed and I want you to give me a real good blowjob whore says maia as she watches her girlfriend get fully in the bed " oh I'll give you a real good blowjob daddy says mercedes seductively as she motions for her girlfriend to get in the bed and maia gets on the bed
And maia leans back on her elbows and she spreads her legs apart to give her girlfriend access to her huge thick very hard 30 inch dick amd mercedes goes towards her girlfriends huge thick dick " I love how huge your dick is daddy says mercedes as she kisses the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia bites her lip to keep her moans real low as her family doesn't hear them fucking during sex and before mercedes sucks on her girlfriends oiled up dick, she leans further down towards her girlfriends balls as she grans her girlfriends dick with her hand
and mercedes licks her girlfriends balls as she strokes her girlfriends oiled up dick as Maia moans low in pleasure and then a few seconds later as mercedes licks her girlfriends dick as Maia moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her dick " your tounge feels so fucking good licking my dick whore says maia as she moans low in sensation once more and then mercedes sucks on the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia almost moans loud in pleasure but not loud enough for her family to hear and mercedes starts sucking on her girlfriends dick at a fast pace as maia bites her lip to keep herself from moaning so loud as she watches her girlfriend give her a real good blowjob " I fucking love it when you give me a real good blowjob whore says maia as she moans slightly loud in pleasure
And mercedes continues to give her girlfriend very fast and rough sloppy blowjobs and maia is loving every bit of it and maia pushes her girlfriend even further down on her dick as mercedes sucks even deeper on her girlfriends dick as she still continues to give her girlfriend a sloppy blowjob as she sucks even faster and harder on her girlfriends dick and maia gets closer and closer to her orgasm as she covers another one of her loud moans with her hand and mercedes goes even deeper on her girlfriends dick as she now has her girlfriends entire dick in her mouth
and mercedes motions for her girlfriend to deepthroat her so hard and fast and maia grabs the side of her girlfriends head and she starts deepthroating her girlfriends mouth and throat real hard and fast as maia continues to bite her bottom lip to keep herself from moaning too loud and about 4 minutes later as maia reached her orgasm and she tries to hold on a bit longer but she busts as she cums hard in her girlfriends mouth and throat and mercedes swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum and she pulls away from her girlfriends dick and she licks the leftover cum from her girlfriends dick
" I want you to eat me out so hard and claim my pussy daddy says mercedes as she lays on her elbows and she spreads her legs wide apart giving her girlfriend more access to her very soaking wet pussy " oh I'll claim your pussy whore and I'm in charge this time says maia " yes daddy says mercedes as maia leans towards her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and she bites her girlfriends sensitive soaking wet pussy Making mercedes moan her girlfriends name real low and maia slaps her girlfriends clean shaven and very soaking wet pussy Making mercedes moan slightly loud in pleasure
" let's fuck till 3am daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as maia slaps her girlfriends soaking wet pussy once more a couple times " oh we'll fuck till 3 in the morning whore says maia as she licks her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy " your tounge feels so fucking good licking my pussy daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure as she slightly grips the bedsheets and mercedes puts her legs on her girlfriends back as maia aggressively attaches her lips onto her girlfriends pussy making mercedes cover her very loud moan with her hand and maia aggressively eats out her girlfriends pussy at a very rough and fast pace and mercedes continues to her her mouth as she is loving how aggressive she us being eaten out by her girlfriend
" you eat me out real good daddy says mercedes so good daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " oh I've gotten real good at eating you out whore says maia as she eats out her girlfriend even harder and rougher as mercedes reaches her orgasm as she covers another loud moan with her hand and mercedes feels her stomach start to tighten due to the build up of her orgasm " fuck I'm about to cum daddy says mercedes as she moans slightly loud " then cum for me again whore says maia as she goes even deeper on her girlfriends pussy while eating out her girlfriend even harder and faster and then mercedes tries to hold on a bit longer but she busts as she cums so hard as she covers her very loud moan with her hand and maia swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum yet again
And maia pulls away from her girlfriends pussy " just how horny are you for me whore says maia " oh I'm very horny for you daddy and I want you inside me daddy says mercedes and Maia gets to her knees and she puts her dick real close to the entrance of her girlfriends wet pussy " how badly do you want me inside you whore says maia as she makes her girlfriend beg to be inside of her " I very badly want you inside of me daddy says mercedes as she begs to her girlfriend and after 4 minutes of mercedes begging her girlfriend, maia aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips making mercedes slightly moan loud yet again but not loud enough for her girlfriends family to hear and she is loving how aggressive her girlfriend is during sex
" I am loving how aggressive you are with me daddy says mercedes as maia slams her entire dick inside of her girlfriends pussy and maia covers her girlfriends mouth to cover her girlfriends loud moan successfully " oh I know how you love it when I'm aggressive with you during sex and who do you belong to whore says maia as she pulls her hand away from her girlfriends mouth " I belong and only belong to you and you only daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " that's right cause you belong and only belong to me whore says maia as she leans down towards her girlfriends as she still has her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends pussy as they do the Modified coital alignment technique and mercedes wraps her legs around her girlfriends waist as she has her hands on her girlfriends back
And maia smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge as maia pounds on her girlfriends pussy at a very hard and very fast pace as mercedes moans through the kiss as she digs her nails in her girlfriends back as maia continues to pound her girlfriends pussy at an even much faster and harder pace as mercedes successfully holds in her moans as they continue to aggressively French kiss with tounge and about 20 seconds later as mercedes scratches her girlfriends back as maia continues to dominate her girlfriends pussy even much harder and much rougher as maia gets closer to her orgasm
" do you want me to cum inside of you whore says maia as she thrusts even faster and harder inside of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes holds in one of her very loud moans as she scratches her girlfriends back even harder " I want you to cum inside of me daddy says mercedes as she continues to hold in one of her loud moans and then a few minutes later as maia quickly reached her orgasm, she busts and she cums real hard inside of her girlfriends pussy and then maia calms down from her orgasm and she then flips them over making her girlfriend be on top of her in the cowgirl sex position " I want you to bounce on my dick while I grope your tits whore says maia as she gropes her girlfriends tits " with pleasure daddy says mercedes as she starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick at a very fast pace as maia moans in pleasure
" bounce on my dick even harder and faster whore says maia as she sexually grabs her girlfriends nipples and sexually pulls her girlfriends nipples as mercedes moans in pleasure " as you wish daddy says mercedes as she bounces even harder and faster on her girlfriends dick as they both moan in pleasure and then mercedes leans down towards her girlfriends lips as maia squeezes her girlfriends tits real hard making mercedes hold in a loud moan and mercedes smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge once more and maia aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips as mercedes moans in pleasure through the kiss
then a few hours later as it is now 12:30am as they both cummed so many times in many different sex positions as they both are now very sweaty with very messy sex hair as they both fuck for 3 more hours till 3 in the morning and they do the reverse cowgirl sex position as maia has her hands on her girlfriends shoulders as maia has her hand on both sides of her girlfriend and mercedes slides her girlfriends entire dick all the way in her stretched out and very sore amd swollen pussy and mercedes then starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick once more at a very fast pace and mercedes still continues to bounce on her girlfriends dick
as Maia gropes her girlfriends tits once more and then a few minutes later as mercedes gets off of her girlfriends dick and she does the rider sex position and she she sticks her girlfriends entire very hard huge thick dick all the way inside of her ass as they used up half of the lubricant bottle and then mercedes starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick yet again as maia watches her girlfriend bounce on her dick as she moans in pleasure " keep bouncing on my dick till you make me cum in your ass whore says maia as she holds in a loud moan then 2 hours later as it is now 2am as they have an hour left as they both cummed a few more times
as they do two more sex positions and they do the doggy style sex position as maia grabs the bottle of lubricant and she pours what's left of the lube on her dick and on her girlfriends ass as well as the entrance and then maia throws away the empty lube bottle in the trash can next to the nightstand and then she arches her girlfriend down towards the mattress " do you love how I am dominating you but very quietly whore says maia " I am loving how you are dominating me daddy says mercedes as maia slaps her girlfriends very sore ass yet again making mercedes muffle her moans into the mattress
so no one hears both her amd her girlfriend moan during sex and maia slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends very stretched out ass and she immediately starts pounding her girlfriends ass at a very hard and fast pace as mercedes bites her lip as she holds in a very loud moan as maia continues to pound her girlfriends ass even much harder and faster as her balls slap so hard against her girlfriends very sore and swollen pussy as mercedes moans slightly loud in pleasure " fuck my ass even harder and faster daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " oh I'll fuck you so hard and good whore says maia as she pounds on her girlfriends ass even much faster and Eben more harder as mercedes bites the pillow to keep herself from moaning so loud
And then a few minutes later as mercedes hits her orgasm as she busts as she cums so hard on her girlfriends dick and her legs and maia feels the warm juices on her legs as she continues pounding her girlfriends ass very rough and very hard as she slaps her girlfriends very sore ass a few more times making mercedes hold in another one of her loud moans and then they both get on theor side and maia lifts up her girlfriends leg and she slides her very hard huge 30 inch dick all the way inside of her girlfriends very sore pussy and then lots of thrusting later as they both cum one last time together and they both finish having sex as they are both even more sweaty and they both catch their breaths
And they both cuddle as they passionately kiss " I love having almost quiet sex with you with your family around and you know I'm used to moaning so very loud and screaming at the top of my lungs babe says mercedes " I know you love it when I make you do that but we had to be real quiet tonight and when my family isn't around, you can be as loud as you want baby girl says maia " that's what I want to do when we have sex again maybe later on at the strip club when I go to work at 3pm baby says mercedes " what is your boss's last name baby girl says maia " her last name is Richard's and do you want me to show you a picture of what my boss looks like babe says mercedes " show me a picture of what your boss looks like baby girl and how many strip clubs does your boss own in the united states baby girl says maia
" she owns about 3,950 strip clubs and she's worth about 20 billion dollars and let me get my phone show I can show you a Picture of what my boss looks like baby says mercedes as she gets up and she grabs her phone from the nightstand and she goes to the gallery to find a Picture of her boss Denise richards amd mercedes finds the picture and she shows her girlfriend a picture of what her boss looks like
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" what do you think of my boss baby says mercedes " your boss is so sexy but not as sexy as you baby girl says maia as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and mercedes kisses back " good Save and I'm always a very sexy person to you and only you babe says mercedes " is your boss married baby girl says maia " she's married to a guy named Aaron phypers and she's been married to him for 25 years baby and do you want me to introduce you to my boss when you come to work with me in a few hours at 3pm and I have enough time to meet your personal drivers family baby says mercedes and about 4 minutes later as they both catch their breaths " let's go take a shower and head straight to bed after cause we'll only get 5 hours of sleep baby girl says maia
" um babe, we've gone the whole day with sleeping cause we have sex almost the whole day to the next day baby says mercedes " that is true and since you'll be going to work in 12 hours, we'll both get a few hours of sleep baby girl says maia " sure thing and I love you babe says mercedes " I love you too baby girl says maia as they both kiss once more on the lips and they both get out of the bed amd they grab some clean clothes from theor suitcases and they head towards the bedroom " can I tell you something baby says mercedes " what do you want to tell me baby girl says maia
" it was so hard trying to keep my loud moans in when your family in both of the guests bedrooms and I don't want to do that again babe says mercedes " I know baby girl and we won't fuck when my family is around again at some point amd will that work for you baby says maia " I can work with that baby says mercedes as they both enter the bathroom and about 14 minutes later after their shower, they both get out of the shower and they do their Hygiene and skin care routine and maia puts on a clean pair of boxers and a sports bra and mercedes puts on one of her girlfriends hoodies and they both leave the bathroom and head back into the bedroom
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wickedapostate · 3 months
for the DA oc ask game: What made your OC pick their specialization? | Does your OC want or have children? How do they feel about kids? | How good are they at lying? How much do they lie? all 3 for any oc you'd like!! (from @alistairkisser)
Meme / Accepting!
I'll be answering for Garrett Hawke!
What made your OC pick their specialization?
Garrett is a templar/reaver, and is someone who seeks power. Not in the traditional power hungry way, but instead because if he's the one with power in a situation, he can protect the people that matter to him. He got raised feeling like he had to protect his whole family, and that only got more intense after Malcolm's death.
It was the Templar specialization that came first. Garrett was someone who played friendly with the Order, who played to respectability politics to try to stay under the radar, and who spent a lot of time making connections with the people that could hurt him and his family most. All this to say, he had watched their tricks a fair bit, and frankly the Order terrified him. He figured being able to use their powers for good, that it could maybe be a reclamation of that terror, that it would be a good way to take their weapon from them so to speak.
It was only a couple days later after he made the decision to commit to it, and took his first dose of lyrium, that the crew met Samson, and he realized the price he was going to pay for the power to protect people. And indeed, over the years it's something he struggles with, and that nearly kills him with withdrawal once he's trapped in the Fade. However his templar abilities also were one of the things that kept him alive.
As for the reaver specialization, the crew had killed the dragon in the mines and Garrett recalled the myths related to drinking their blood. Figuring it couldn't be too bad, and given they'd soon be in the deep roads, it'd be worth it if even half of those rumors were true. Ultimately it was a good choice, he takes a lot of damage as the tank of the crew, and hanging on while injured is why he was able to finish the Arishok fight.
So in short, Garrett keeps fucking ingesting stuff without fully understanding what he's doing /half-joking
Does your OC want or have children? How do they feel about kids?
Garrett kinda has a kid, Taavi Hawke! Who Fenris took in while Garrett was in the Fade and assumed dead. I need to work out more about Taavi but in short about him: Qunari Cowboy
That out of the way, Garrett would love to have a kid. He is highly family oriented, and would love to be able to settle down into a domestic life with the people he cares about safe. He'd love to put down the sword. And he'd love to be able to give a kid the things he lacked: a sense of safety, and a sense of being unburdened.
Garrett is a trans man, and would be comfortable with being pregnant. Though doesn't have a preference between having a biological or adopted child.
As for kids not of his own, he likes them and likes joking around with them. He gets a kick out of coming off as cool, and kids find a lot of stuff cool.
How good are they at lying? How much do they lie?
Garrett is a very good liar, since he was young he's been lying. Telling the locals the fire they saw in the woods must have been from a camper. Acting like he'd like to be a Templar someday to endear the local knights. Telling his sister it didn't bother him how their father didn't spend much time with him. Say whatever it was that someone wanted to hear from him if it meant keeping them from hurting him or his family whether they meant to or not.
It almost became a compulsive thing. Usually when asked how he was doing he'd say good, or brush it off. Sometimes it would be a bad lie for the stake of a joke, or to sneak a later lie past the person. But for the most part, he had people well and fooled. Sometimes even he couldn't tell how he actually felt or what he thought of something.
The habit breaks though, in act 3, there's no pretending any of this is fine. It's never been fine, and Garrett can actually admit it at this point. Too late to avert anything that happens next, but enough to stand firm alongside his sister, and Anders, for what's right.
In the years since, he's still a very good liar, but the frequency has toned down a lot. Only when there's a very specific goal in mind.
Funnily though, he did lie a decent bit to Zinnia due to not fully trusting them and not knowing how she'd react to knowing the truth of what happened in Kirkwall, and not just the version Varric told.
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dreamboundedstar · 1 year
Flips Whitefudge Headcanons:
So um, since I decided it be really interesting to ship Flips with my BB oc, Willow I thought it would be fun to list some headcanons. The more I can develop his character, the better it is for hypothetical shipping art. So here we go! 1. Flips Whitefudge's is not his legal name, only his rapper name. His legal name is Philip J. (James) van Tripp
2. He's 29 going on 30 soon. Hip hop became his and his mother's whole thing when he was 11 1/2 years old. 3. His favorite snack is white chocolate covered pretzels (big shocker I know!)
4. Flips lives with his mother until his dancing and/or rapping career takes off. He's not a complete slacker though and does try to help around the house when he's not completely distracted with his hip hop aspirations (which is admittingly almost all the time).
5. He's desperate for dance battles during his mom's hip hop classes because any time he's tried to enter a dance battle on the streets, no one takes him seriously.
6. Whitefudge was originally an insult from his younger years that made fun of his cringy attempts at being street that Flips reworked to being part of his identity in a positive way.
7. Even though hip hop dancing is his main passion, he also dabbles in beatboxing, rap battles, and is a graffiti appreciator.
8. Shelly is a single parent and got her son and herself deeply invested in hip hop 18 1/2 years ago as a trauma response to Flips' father leaving them (can't decide if I want it to be abandonment or death though). That's right, I'm making the cringy humor of Shelly and Flips linked to angst. Why can't I let just things not be that deep?! 9. "Malibu's Most Wanted" is Flips' favorite so-bad-it's-good, guilty pleasure movie to watch every now and then. He will deny any resemblance to him and the main character though. (Any time I see Flips I think of that movie even though I haven't seen it in years. So I might as well connect it to him.) XD
10. Shelly and Flips love watching "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and "Living Single" together. (Full disclosure, I never seen "Living Single" I just picked 90s sitcoms that were centered around a hiphop/rap artists. I love Fresh Prince though.) In general, their tv majority of the time stays on the BET channel or MTV (though they still mourn the lack of music videos on the channel). 11. Shelly bans Flips from practicing any breakdancing moves that involves his head being upside down to avoid potential neck breaking. She will lift the ban when she sees her son be able to do other intense break dancing moves without literally breaking anything. 12. Flips often thinks about joining Jairo's capoeira classes to help improve his hip hop/break dancing skills but has yet to have fully commit and finally join.
13. Flips and Shelly are one of those people that unironically dab, unfortunately. 14. Flips tried to be a disc jockey a few times in his life but he never got passed doing more than small events like school dances. 15. Despite appearing confident and charming, Flips is not so great at the dating game. Most potential partners find him way too extroverted or too focused on hip hop that it's basically his only character trait, which makes him annoying. He tries not to let it get to him though because he likes himself and that's all that matters. Someday someone will be able to handle all of him, he hopes so anyway. Okay, that's all the headcanons I can think of for him so far. I hope you find them amusing or potentially useful. Maybe I'll edit this post later to add more headcanons. Only time will tell. Thank you to all who read my ramblings. lol
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jimmycarterghostland · 6 months
Here's someone's(alcalde) Reddit comment from the Fear The Walking Dead subreddit. He or she has a theory that Madison had incestuous feelings for her son and daughter, Nick and Alicia. I disagree. I took screenshots of the comment, and I want to discuss it.
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I've only seen seasons three through eight of Fear The Walking Dead, but I can still debunk some of what this person is saying.
I'm sure Madison had a good reason for opening the bathroom door while Alicia was in the shower. I think I saw that scene on YouTube before, though. I might be wrong, but I believe Alicia was wearing a towel when it happened. Not actually naked. Even if she was naked and Madison walked in on her on purpose, it was probably because the situation was urgent. Not because Madison wanted to ogle her naked daughter.
Alcalde mentioned Madison being in Nick's hospital bed with him. The fact Alcalde sees this as wrong proves to me that their incestuous feelings theory is nonsense. Because there's nothing wrong with a parent sharing a bed with their child, especially when it's just for a temporary amount of time. Nick had gotten hit by a car, and he was hospitalized. Of course Madison would want to be close to him like that. It's natural for someone to want to stay near a loved one after they almost lost them. Here's a picture of the hospital bed scene:
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I can't stand when people sexualize normal affection between family members. I see people doing that in the comments all the time on social media, or on YouTube. I won't go into detail, because I'm not trying to make this post too long. But just know that I've seen plenty of instances where typical family affection is seen as a bad thing by weird morons.
There's nothing sexual about cuddling. Like kisses, even lip-to-lip ones, cuddling can be platonic. Alcalde doesn't think so, though. They even mention how Madison decided to lay in bed with Alicia in Mexico. I actually watched a scene of that on YouTube recently. While Chris picked up that knife in the hotel room, Madison was cuddling Alicia from behind in the bed. Both asleep. That's still innocent affection. It's also pretty sweet. Here's a screenshot:
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Here's the screenshot cropped, without the blackness surrounding it:
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Alcalde mentioned the deleted scene. I believe I watched that, too. Alicia and Madison were on a bed and facing each other in that scene. Nothing wrong with that, either. How is two people laying on a bed together and talking a bad thing? Especially when they're mother and daughter?
As for Madison following Nick around, I haven't seen that scene, but I'm sure it wasn't anything sexual on Madison's part. Alcalde is seeing incestuous desire where there isn't any. It's best not to take whatever they say into consideration.
Alcalde is thinking too deeply about this. And their sexualizing of normal family affection angered me, so I had to make a post explaining why they're wrong. Madison didn't have sexual feelings for her own children.
Also, about the hospital bed scene with Madison and Nick, I remember seeing a real life picture of a mother sleeping in her hospitalized young daughter's hospital bed. While the daughter was in it and sleeping too. Is someone going to tell me that mother had forbidden feelings for her daughter?
Fear The Walking Dead was a really great show. The seasons before #4 anyway. I'm still hoping I'll get to watch one and two someday.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
nannying a ceo
a/n: Imma be real this one is short but I wanted to post so bad today. plus with work and school worse case I'll add more chapters if I feel like it isn't completed yet.
tag gang: @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi
In the coming weeks, Shuri realized how good Riri was at watching and caring for Toussaint. The short woman was able to pick up ASL pretty fast. Based on what Shuri could see the woman adored the little boy. She couldn't help but feel something about the new hire, Riri was sweet, kind, and funny. Who wouldn't fall in love with her? Shuri thought to herself.
Somedays she would watch Riri and Toussaint play from a distance. It was like the pair were in their own little world.
And Riri became confident in her relationship with the young boy and his guardian. Riri sometimes thought Shuri still didn't trust her; she always lurked around the hallways or have Toussaint's many bodyguards talk to the CEO about Riri's ability to take care of her nephew.
The small boy, even though mute expressed his wants and his needs through his hands and eyes. Riri learned quickly what the young boy liked and disliked. He loved green grapes and distasted tomatoes. He likes when they take walks to the parks and do child-friendly experiments; he dislikes when he watches his friends he would make in the park leave with their parents.
"Will it ever get easier?" Toussaint signed out to his nanny. Riri had to think about it for a moment, she could recall the grief and despair she felt when her dad and her close friend were killed in a driveby.
Riri took a deep breath before signing, "It won't. You still feel sad when you get older the easier it is to hold that weight. But until then if you ever feel sad or lost come to me or your aunt okay?"
Toussaint gave a nod as he slipped his hand into Riri as they start their way home. Some time later Shuri came back to the townhouse, she move quietly knowing that it was past Toussaint's bedtime. She didn't want to disturb what little sleep her young nephew could get. What she didn't take into account was Riri being in the kitchen. The woman was in her own world as she worked on scrubbing a dish. Shuri couldn't help but like how domestic it made her feel. Is this what her brother felt when he looked at Nakia? Shuri thought. Before Shuri could make her presence known. Riri jumped a couple of feet in the air when she saw Shuri, "Jesus! you need a bell around your neck."
Shuri couldn't help but laugh at the poor woman's freight, "Now why would I do that if I live here?"
"So you do want to send me to the grave early," Riri muttered as she went back to finishing the dishes.
“Did you draw this?” Shuri asked one night as she picked up a drawing. Riri gave a sheepish smile, cutting the water off.
“Yeah,” Riri chuckled, “What can I say, I’m more musical arts than actual art.”
"Oh good that you know you're strengths and weaknesses," Shuri commented as Riri gave a fake laugh, "Who knew a CEO was a comedian. when's your next stand-up?"
The pair not realizing how close they were with each other, were far too busy ribbing each other. Shuri was the first one to realize how close they were to each other. Her nose could smell the hint of coconut and lavender on Riri's head. Shuri had to keep her groaning to herself.
"I'm sorry what?" Shuri asked not realizing Riri asked her a question. Riri's almond-shaped eyes looked at her again, "I said do you want to come with us to the zoo tomorrow?"
Riri put space between them, causing Shuri to feel a hollow longing in her chest. Riri was slowly grabbing her stuff, Shuri not thinking what she had to do tomorrow nodded, "Yeah I would love to."
Riri gave a warm smile as she open the door, "Great, then it's a date."
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Ok, I'll do your game!
☆ What nickname would you call your lover?
Well, I think I would call smth simple, like, "my love" or smth like "my dove"
☆ What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are reading, playing games, studying, listening to music, singing, etc
☆ What's your perfect date idea?
Well... I think maybe just me and my s/o alone, maybe a picnic and after watching the stars? Or some simple date, at home, like, me and my s/o just sharing quality time. If my S/O likes it, I would like library dates though
☆ What's something you hate in the others?
I don't like people selfish, and people who judge everything. Maybe people who bully others too
☆ What are your main personality traits?
Well, I'm introverted, with the people I like don't, but with the other people I look stoic 😭 (like, someday a kid thought I was mad, but I was just with my normal face </3), I'm airheaded (in the innocence sense), I'm intelligent, I'm quiet, and with affection things I may sound weird </3, oh, and I'm polite with people, I never curse or may be rude (sometimes I look rude, but it's not my intention)
☆ What hobbie/activity you like?
Reading, playing games, studying, listening to music, singing, etc
☆ What hobbie/activity you dislike?
I dislike physical activities 😭 mainly with balls, idk why, I'm bad at it... Idk if I have smth more that I dislike tbh
Is that!
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Of course! I noticed you saying that you prefer boys so that's what your pair is!
So I paired you with...
Toya Aoyagi!
⊱ okey so first, "my love" or "my dove" suit him and you cannot tell me I'm wrong
⊱ and now you literally enjoy every one of your hobbies! You both like playing games, singing, listening to music, reading and even study dates are an option for you!
⊱ he literally enjoys all of your dates idea, he'd gladly watch the nights sky with you or have home date where you just cuddle. He also loves library dates when you enjoy your book and each other's company at once
⊱ you don't really have to worry as he's not selfish or mean so you'll only receive gentleman treatment from him~
⊱ and finally as for your traits, you two kinda match! You're both a bit quiet but it doesn't stop you from spending quality time! People are scared to come up to you even tho you're sweethearts-
⊱ finally, he won't force you into any sports either! If anything, he'll try his best to do it for you if needed and if he would have this option.
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You and Toya were right laying on grass, under starry sky. He had his arm wrapped around you to keep you a bit close to him and you two just tried to notice some constellations. And you had fun doing so even if both of you knew very little about stars. But even tho stars were pretty, it seems like he was focused on someone prettier because he immidietly noticed your little shiver even if it wasn't because of chilly temperature.
"Love, you're shivering... Let's get you a blanket."
And so of course he wrapped a blanket around you, he didn't wanted to go yet but if you'd want to, he was ready. But if it's not needed, he'd rather to stay with you and just adore the beauty of this night. Or yours for that matter~
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
1, 6, 7, and 9 about your current fave fic of yours (I'm not familiar with what midgexlenny is, but tell me about it if you want to!)
Lol oh I do sometimes feel bad for my poor Sherlolly mutuals putting up with me while I lose it over a different ship ❤️ they're different but the venn diagram of pairings does overlap in places.
First off, this is Midge and Lenny from Amy Sherman Palladino's The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. They're two foul mouthed stand up comedians in the late 1950s/early 1960s and they're soulmates.
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If you enjoy Gilmore Girls level fast paced dialogue but with more f bombs and so so so many pretty dresses I definitely recommend at least bits of the show.
Being that Lenny is a fictionalized version of real life comedian Lenny Bruce (originally intended to only appear in the pilot but they brought him back as part of the show because the chemistry was just too good. The actors are friends in real life and the joy in working together comes through in some really beautiful performances) the final canon of the show was a bit handcuffed on just how far the creators decided they could let the ship sail but that's where the fanfic comes in 😂
Which brings me to my fic Guess Who's Coming to Yom Kippur!
*What is your favorite thing about this fic?*
This was my first dive into writing for this fandom and it has been so much fun. Truly delightful! So many things I've enjoyed with this one. But my favorite thing I think is that it really is an ensemble piece. The characters of the show are all very nuanced, often delightfully flawed, sometimes wacky individuals and I love giving them all a seat at the table and getting to know them. Sometimes quite literally within the fic (it centers around a big family dinner for several chapters). I've had to think of scenes cinematically and it's stretched my dialogue writing in a really enjoyable way. There's at least one scene I wrote visualizing it as a long tracking shot with characters moving in and out, very high energy and lovingly chaotic. It's a fic that has a lot to do with family both found and blood related and how love can show up and show through in a lot of humorous ways.
*Were there any alternative versions of this fic?*
Yes! I originally came up with the idea a season prior to my actually getting around to writing it (wrote it after watching season 4, thought of it watching season 3). The original vague concept for it was much shorter and ended with Midge and Lenny in more of an ambiguous but hopeful "maybe someday" where as the current fic has them very much endgame. And I'm quite happy with that. I feel like I discover more about the story and the characters the longer I work on it. I'm eventually going to write a sequel because I'm having so much fun (another first for me!)
*Favorite line of narration/ Favorite bit of dialogue*
So this fic is currently sitting at over 62k words and counting (it comes with trying to emulate Amy Sherman Palladino levels of dialogue) Easily the longest thing I've written 😅😅😅 I'm not sure I could pick any specific favorites without reading through the whole thing again. And maybe not even then. There's a lot of moments I'm very fond of. Though most probably require more context than would make it easy to share. I'll include a snippet of the tracking shot arrival scene I mentioned since that doesn't require a ton of context from the show other than knowing the names mostly.
In this bit they're arriving at a party hosted by Midge's ex in-laws and Lenny is meeting her older brother Noah and his wife Astrid for the first time. Esther is Midge's two year old daughter. Noah is canonically a secret agent. Lenny is known for getting arrested for things he says in his stand up (a proponent of free speech in a red scare era).
They arrived at the Maisel residence as dusk began to settle in over the sleepy suburb.
"Hi everyone! Sorry we're late. Esther needed to make a pit stop," Midge called out as they let themselves through the front door.
"Us too! We just got in," Noah said from somewhere deeper in the house.
Midge set the kids loose and made her way towards the kitchen. "Mama, Shirley, what can I help with? Oh, Esther sweetie, I don't think Grandma wants you touching that."
"Hi Midge," Astrid greeted, coming in holding little Chaim.
"Hey Astrid! One second," Midge called over her shoulder, rushing to corral Esther away from the more breakable tchotkes. "Esther. Esther put that down!"
Lenny smiled, collecting the kids discarded shoes into a pile by the door.
"Oh hi! You must be Midge's friend." Astrid gave him a welcoming smile.
"Lenny," he supplied.
"Lenny. So nice to meet you. I'm Astrid. This is Chaim." She held her son out for him to hold, passing him off. "Would you mind?"
"Oh I–" Lenny took Chaim in hand on reflex as Astrid didn't wait for a yes or no.
She gave him another quick smile before dashing out the front door and wretching over the porch rail.
Lenny held Chaim at arms length, both too stunned by the transfer to know how to proceed. 
"Hello…" he attempted, looking the child in the eye.
"Astrid, honey?" Midge's brother's lanky limbs carried him into the foyer in search of his wife.
Midge returned with a rescued porcelain figurine in hand. "Hey Noah, how was traffic–oh my god."
She stepped out immediately to check on Astrid the moment she saw her, leaving Lenny with Noah and his offspring.
"Yours, I believe," Lenny said finally, handing Chaim to Noah.
"Yeah…" Noah replied, taking his son while glancing after his wife and sister in concern.
The two men stared each other down for a moment, neither one quite sure how to react to the other.
"I'm Lenny."
"I know."
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