#not to mention my brother stayed home to do homework
Finally unpacked all my boxes but at the cost of having to listen to my mom tell me how disrespectful I’m being
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januaryembrs · 4 months
Hi!! Could I please order a spicy hot chocolate for Spencer Reid? (Like you know, the ones that people put cayenne pepper in?!)
You’re an incredible writer and human!
BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND | Spencer Reid x Reader
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description: your brother brings home his dorky college classmate, Spencer
length: 2.5k
warnings: spicy, SMUT (omg Em attempts smut and even then its pretty tame but why are my hands shaking), minors dni! heed my warnings this is not for you minors!! nipple stuff, mens genitalia mentioned, Spencer and reader get horny for one another oop. I really hope this is okay I've literally written smut once and even then I second guessed myself so much. SEASON ONE GLASSES SPENCE. BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND SPENCE. smut under the cut.
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You felt eyes on you without even having to turn where you were stuffing laundry into the washing machine, your face sweaty with the midsummer heat. 
“Jesus Christ, you look like Hot Topic threw up on you,” Your brother’s voice resounded as two sets of footsteps entered the kitchen, and someone cleared their throat where you were bent over, denim shorts riding high up your ass cheeks. 
Flicking a look over your shoulder, you pulled the spoon full of peanut butter out of your mouth, yanking a headphone out of your ear to address him. 
“Don’t shit your pants, dickbrains, it’s all I have until my clothes are clean,” You snapped at Ryan, tongue dancing with the creamy, sweet spread, and your eyes dropped to his left where his best friend fussed over his sweater cuffs, a duffel bag on his back, and your eyes softened as you saw Spencer looking flushed in your kitchen, “Hi, Spence,” 
“Hi,” He peeped shyly, and you smiled widely at the obscenely tall boy who had been to your house a number of times. Ryan had met Spencer on the first day of college, or at least his first day. For Spencer, it had been six years already, his third doctorate well underway, and the two had quickly bonded over something dumb and nerdy you’d never bothered to take note of. You clicked the dials on the machine to a low setting, pouring some detergent into the drum and pressing the ‘Start’ button.
“You guys doing homework?” You asked, fixing where your shirt slouched off the side of your shoulder, exposing your lack of bra and baring your collar bones, and you were quick to catch the way Spencer’s hazel hues fell there with something fleeting and guilty in his expression. 
“We’re not twelve years old calculating how many watermelons Sally and Jess have all together,” Your brother scoffed, screwing his lips in annoyance, just as much as any twenty year old pumped full of hormones and energy drinks. “We’re writing a paper on thermodynamics; Spencer’s staying over tonight,”
Rolling your eyes at his know it all snark, you pulled a face back at him, despite the fact you were one year older. You looked to his left where Spencer stuffed his hands in his pockets, his cheeks pink as he caught himself like a fly in honey in one of your usual arguments. 
“Do you want a drink, Spence?” You offer, ignoring Ryan’s shitty attitude, heading over to the fridge and swinging the door open, your fathers bottles of beer clinking together where they lay flat on the top shelf. 
“Soda would be great, please,” Spencer murmured, trying not to stare as you leaned over, those little, black hot pants skirting up so far his face felt feverish and he forced himself to look at the linoleum tiles in a scrambled attempt to control his thoughts. 
He felt like a kid again, with a stupid little crush on the older girl who batted her lashes and called him Spence and smiled at him like you knew exactly how you made that big brain of his turn to mush when you spoke to him. 
Handing him a Coke, he tried to ignore the way your cold fingers brushed and avoided your gaze at all cost.
“Thankyou,” He said, his voice cracking in the very middle of it in a way that made him feel like a total loser, and he heard you giggle, his neck growing a prickling hot. 
Before you could say much else, his friend grabbed his sleeve, tugging him in the direction of his room where you couldn’t bother them anymore. 
Spencer was thinking about your laugh the entire afternoon, until they gave up writing and turned to watching Star Trek, the evening air quickly turning humid and dark, and he begged the tightness in his boxers to leave him be for even just a second.
Only, he found no such luck, tortured by the thought of you being just a single flight of stairs away from him. 
You were doing dishes by the time you heard him again. Assuming it was Ryan, you made no effort to greet him since it usually was only responded with a grunt or cuss anyways. 
Except you could tell by the footsteps that were too careful, the presence that was too soft, even by the way he cleared his throat nervously, that it certainly wasn’t your obnoxious brother who had come into the kitchen for a midnight snack. 
Whirling around at the sound, Spencer stood on the other side of the dining table you'd been sitting at just a few hours ago eating pasta and listening to your mom recounting her stressful day in the office. Thin, framed glasses perched on his nose, ones you’d never seen before, glinting in the light from the oven as he blinked at you behind the lenses. 
“Spence,” You said with a tired smile, eyes dropping to his shirt and plaid trousers, “Cute jammies,” 
He paused for a second, looking down to the grey Doctor Who set, a diagram of the TARDIS splayed across his chest, and he blanked when he tried to figure out if you were kidding or being genuine, “Thank you. You too,”
He didn’t know why he’d said it, maybe because that’s just what you do when someone is being kind, except only then did he look at what you were wearing, and impossibly so it was even more scandalous than what you were wearing earlier. 
A tank top, if he could even call it that with how far it rode up, and a lacy pair of blush underwear, a pretty white bow resting just below your belly button. 
Following his gaze as it devoured your exposed appendage, you grinned at him devilishly, “Sorry, it gets pretty hot in my room at night,” 
“Y-yeah I can imagine you-you’re hot,” He stammered, realising what he said when you raised a brow at him, “B-because you’re a floor up, I mean, and heat rises because hot air has a lower particle density than cool air although some physicians believe-”
“I know what you meant, Spence,” You said with a smirk, moving around the table to stand in front of him, your feet padding softly against the cold floor. Looking up at him with a tilted head, you inspected the frames you realised were a mahogany brown now you were close enough to see them properly, you peered past the lenses and right into where his doe eyes stared back at you, skittish and flustered, “Are these new?” 
Spencer licked his lips nervously, “I used to wear glasses when I was a kid but now I wear contacts,” He said, rubbing clammy palms over his trousers. He could smell your detergent from here, the same one he’d seen you pour over your laundry just a few hours earlier, ‘Blossom breeze’ or something girly and sweet and floral like that. He didn’t know the brand, but it was entirely intoxicating, except he suspected it had nothing to do with the liquid and more to do with the fact he could see your nipples pressing against your shirt when you stood so close to him, “Girls don’t really think scrawny guys in glasses are.. hot,” 
You sniggered, though your brows furrowed the slightest bit, “Who told you that?” 
“Lot’s of girls, more than once actually, it’s just kind of common knowledge,” He fumbled, his chest pricking with nerves when your fingers moved up to grip his waist gently, thumbs danced down his hip bones, the gentle touch alone stirring his cock into a painfully hard stance. He gulped, the sound loud in the sombre twilight of the kitchen, and for a guy who had aced every single test he’d ever taken, who played chess against himself for fun to guess his next five moves, Spencer had no clue where he existed outside of your body so close to his, looking at him like he was a puppy begging for treats if he gave paw. 
“I think those girls are absolute boneheads if they can’t see how pretty you are, Spence,” You said his name as if it was the only one that had ever mattered, and he couldn’t help how his chest swelled at the sentiment, even if he wasn’t so off guard as to actually believe that. You’d always had this way of making people feel special, he saw it at your family barbecue last Summer, when your cousins flocked around you like you were their Queen Bee, how you seemed to make waiters and waitresses alike flush under your preening smiles and 'please's and 'thankyou's whenever you took Spencer and your brother out for dinner. 
“T-thankyou,” He replied after a thick breath, his chest rattling as you pulled him towards your calm figure, and he let himself be guided like he were leashed, “Y-you’re pretty too,”
He wanted to tell you so much more than that, that you were beautiful like all the popular girls at school were, only humble and kind like the golden part of you glittered inside too, except before he could even attempt at expanding on his three pathetic little words he’d stammered through laboured breaths, he effectively got fully disconnected from his brain when you leaned in towards his face and brushed your nose against his, testing the waters. 
Your gaze trailed up to his innocently, so close he could feel your minty breaths fanning over his bottom lip, and he guessed you’d already brushed your teeth ready for bed. 
“You really think I’m pretty, Spence?” You asked naively, even if he knew it was just because he forgot how to speak when you were too forward, as if you were trying not to spook a deer. He nodded quickly, his eyes zeroing on where your mouth was mere centimetres away from him, one single shiver in his spine and he would be kissing you, and like you’d heard his train of thought, you pushed your lips against his softly, his body jolting with an electric shock. 
There could be sirens surrounding the entire house and he would be none the wiser, because in mere seconds his blood was rushing through his eardrums, sounding like radio static, and it was only when he felt the vibration of it against his mouth did he realise you’d whined, and his hands sprung to life, cupping both your cheeks and tugging you closer to his face as if he was clinging onto every second of the feeling. 
Spencer groaned, a sound he didn’t even realise he was going to make until he felt your fingers squeeze him lightly, and he snapped back into his body like a hair tie slinging him back into a world where the girl he’d had a teeny, tiny, maddening crush on for months was making out with him in her kitchen. 
“‘Gotta be quiet, baby, my parents are asleep,” You said, breathless as you ripped yourself away from him, despite the fact he was insistently pulling you back towards his mouth, and you smiled up at his urgency, “You ever kissed a girl before, Spence?”  
He sighed, and you’d never counted him as sassy until you heard it, almost spoiled and bratty now you’d given him a taste of heaven and held it back from him for the sake of small talk.
“Once, at recess in fifth grade, but it wasn’t like this,” He said, yanking you back towards him ravenously, and you let him devour your lips again, grinning into his desperate mouth, “Never been like this,” 
You weren’t sure whether he meant himself or what was likely a peck on the lips between kids as a dare, but you didn’t think too hard about it, as you slotted yourself back into his rough hands, calluses on the insides of his right fingertips from the years holding a pen so hard he might just break it. He felt your mouth open, and he followed your lead, your tongue feathering out with a shyness you showed nowhere else. And it was like every single statistic and number and fact about sharing saliva flew out of his head with wanton need as he dove right for the source, the tip of his tongue meeting yours with a warm nudge and he heard you mewl in pleasure. 
Spencer didn’t know what had come over him. Only moments ago he’d been too nervous to even look at you in fear of stumbled around a few syllables and calling them words. Yet here he was, his glasses slipping down his nose and pressing against the bridge of your own, your chest pressed so close to him he could feel your nipples pebbling against his TARDIS shirt, and it was like it was then he remembered you had no bottoms on except your panties. 
He hooked a hand underneath one of your legs, hiking it up to his waist and pushing even further up against you, the sudden movement making you gasp, your lower back hitting the dining table as his pubic bone ground against the ball of nerves that had been aching since you caught him shuffling around your kitchen in his damn Doctor Who pyjamas. 
Sliding his broad fingers up, your skin spread into gooseflesh and it was your turn to become putty under his touch as he bravely grabbed a handful of your arse, though his touch was still light and uncertain if he was crossing any boundaries. The change in position meant you felt yourself leaning back, your spine spreading out like a cat in warm sunlight, and he was quick to accommodate you, ever eager to please as Spencer was, moving away from the warmth of your mouth and kissing his way down to your pulse, the feeling of it making both of you hum on quietened tones in pleasure. 
“Why have we never done this before?” You asked breathlessly, your chest rising frantically as you gasped for air, a hushed moan bleeding into your airways. 
Spencer held you upright with one of his long arms, thought his mouth devoured a path over your collar bones, heading right for where your breasts lay in wait, and he didn’t even bother trying to remove your top as he kissed over your nipple with hungry, warm lips. 
“I dunno, probably because Ryan wouldn’t be too happy with me trying to fuck his sister while he’s eating dinner,” Spencer said without thinking, his tone sharp and witty as ever, like the noises you were making and the desperation in your touch seemed to rewire his thoughts into something overindulged. 
But you laughed, loud enough you slapped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from waking up the whole house, because you had no idea how you’d explain to them why you and Spencer had ended up half sprawled on the dining table as he practically fixed himself onto every inch of you. And without warning he chuckled too, the vibration blowing over your skin that was already humming with excitement. 
“Do you think we could do this more often?” You asked, raising yourself up onto your elbows as his hands spread over your stomach, riding your top up just the smallest bit so he could kiss over your stomach, his pupils blown out into planets behind his glasses, his cheeks tinged raspberry red, his gaze drunken like he was in some sort of sugar rush only ready to stop when he’d gotten his fill, though at the rate he was going Spencer thought that day might not actually come. 
You were a drug, a nectar he’d never come close to, and he felt like every kiss to your skin only made that well in his stomach dig deeper and deeper, possibly never running dry as his every thought overflowed with drops of you, and your smell, and your taste, and your tongue. 
Missing your lips, he moved back up to your face, crashing his mouth back onto yours as your fingers raked through his hair, the sensation jolting his rod like appendage into you own pelvis, the two of you shivering with the feeling of it. 
“I think we can arrange that,” He murmured, and you grinned up at him devilishly as he fiddled with the cotton hem of your underwear nervously, his boldness wearing off as he saw that glint in your eyes that spelled trouble. But he understood that nervous and excitement felt so similar it was easy to mistake one for the other, perhaps even mesh both together at the same time, and the logical explanation for his clammy hands and racing heart seemed to soothe him the slightest bit. 
He loved sleepovers at your house.
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princessofmarvel · 1 year
Business and dates
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summary | when grace leaves, it leaves the shelbys with a heartbroken thomas. polly takes this as an opportunity to get him with the girl she's always wanted him with
pairing | thomas shelby x fem!reader
word count | 2.30k
genre | fluff! with just a tad of angst! 
requested? | yes! thank you so much for your request! i had so much writing it, and i am kind of proud of this one, lol.
warnings! | mentions of bullying, and the reader not eating from being worried! and, i have not proof read this yet!
author’s note! | Hi! Thank you all for being so patient as I worked on this! Requests are open for drabbles, and headcanons only at the moment for these characters! And as always, I do I have really bad OCD that causes me to write in some random capitalization, and punctuation, But I think that we don't have to worry about that in this fic lol. And let me know if there are any mistakes, but please be kind!
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No one knew what had happened that day. All anyone knew was that Grace was suddenly gone, and that she had left the Shelby family with a heartbroken Thomas. And the person left to pick up the pieces was his lifelong best friend, who has been in love with Thomas since the day they met back when they were just small kids. 
Thomas was having a decent day, school had just let out and he was walking back home (alone because his older brother Aurther thought that it would be funny to run off before Thomas got out of class) when he saw a young girl getting picked on. 
“Stop it! This is my favorite skirt!” Thomas heard her yell to the kids that had her on the ground, kicking dirt onto her clothes while laughing and taunting her. Thomas knew that these kids were practically afraid of him, so he knew he could get them to leave the girl alone.  He also knew that his mother would scold him if she found out that he didn’t do anything to help her. 
“Oi! Leave her alone, or I'll put a curse on you!” Thomas called out as he made his way up to the group, and pulled a razor blade out of his pocket. The kids practically scattered the moment they heard Thomas’ voice. Leaving just him, and the girl with dirt on her clothes. 
“Thank you” He heard the girl say in a quiet voice as he put his hand out to help her back up. 
“What caused that?” He asked, curious as to what the girl could have done to anger the other kids so much. 
“I-I told them that I wouldn’t do their homework.” She said back to him, as she tried to get the dirt off of her skirt.  Thomas told himself that he should have known it was something like that. There wasn’t anything serious that this girl could have done to upset them so much. 
“Come on, I’ll walk you home, you live on Watery lane, right?” He said as he started walking, with the girl running a bit to catch up with him. He knew her name, he recognized her from school. She lived right across from him, but they never said anything to each other. She had been over to play with Ada sometimes, but they never spoke. 
Neither one of them said anything as they walked, it wasn’t until they got to her home that Thomas spoke up. 
“They shouldn’t bother you again, no one should.” He said as he stood outside her doorstep, seeming almost sorry since he knew his reputation, and how kids would stay away from him in fear of getting cursed. 
“It’s alright, I don’t really have any friends anyways.” The small girl said, while rocking back and forth on her heels. 
“Why don’t you come play at my house? I know my family won’t mind.” He said to her with a small smile. Truth be told, Thomas didn’t really have many friends either, and he saw an opportunity to make one. 
Ever since then, the two were inseparable. They did everything together, they were even each other's first kiss. Her family was weary at first, but soon saw how protective the Shelby boys (and the rest of the Shelby family) were over her, and grew to like them. The two were like this up until Thomas was called to war
“Tommy, this has to be a mistake.” The girl cried into Thomas’ shoulder as he held her. “All three of you at the same time? What kind of cruel joke is this” 
“The universe has a funny way of doing things.” He mumbled into her hair, his hand resting on the back of her head. “I’ll come back, sweetheart.” 
“You don’t know that, Tommy” The girl said as she pulled her head out of his shoulder, and looked up at him, eyes red and puffy. 
“You really think I'm leaving you yet? You think I'm going to leave you before you get married? Please, your future husband doesn’t get off that easily.” He said with a small laugh while trying to lighten the mood as he held her face with his hand. “Nothings taking me from you, not yet.” 
“You better come back, Shelby.” She said as she looked up at him with glossy eyes. “Or, I’ll bring you back just to kill you myself.” 
Thomas laughed and kissed her head, as the air in the room changed. He didn’t know why, but he leaned down and kissed her lips softly, all he knew was that he couldn’t leave without giving her a kiss, even just a light one. “You’ve got nothing to worry about” He said as he pulled away. 
She believed him, she tried not to worry. She didn’t worry until his letters stopped coming. After a month of not hearing from him she worried so much she got sick. She wrote him everyday, sent him a letter at least once a week, if not twice. No word of his death ever came. 
The day Thomas arrived home, she was sitting at the kitchen table with Polly. His heart broke when he saw her, she was paler, and her face was skinny, all signs to her not eating properly. Neither one of them said a word to each other for a week. It wasn’t until (Y/n) decided that she had enough, and stormed into his room. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” she shouted, growing red in the face. 
“What are you talking about?” He asked, not meeting her eyes, already knowing what she was talking about,
“You! You come back, and are completely different! You’re cold, and mean to everyone, which maybe you were that way to some people before, but never to me! Never to your family!” As she yelled at him, she started to sway as if she was about to faint. Before she could hit the floor, Thomas grabbed her and set her down on the bed beside him. 
“You need to eat something.” He mumbled, not looking at her which infuriated her more. 
“I thought you were dead.” This caught his attention as he heard her start to cry. He finally turned to her. “You stopped writing.” 
“I didn’t know how to write to you, you would ask me how I was, and I couldn’t find it in myself to tell you about how I had just watched a man die. I thought it better to not write.” He said, pulling her into his chest. “Why are you not eating?” 
“You worried me, anything I ate just came back up.” She mumbled into his chest. 
“I told you not to worry.” He said with a small laugh coming from his chest, the first in a long time. 
“Tough shit, Shelby.” She mumbled back, while pulling her head out of his chest. 
They sat in silence for a few minutes, just staring at the other, until Thomas finally spoke up. “I’m trying to get back to normal.” He mumbled, barely loud enough for her to hear, she wouldn’t have if they hadn’t been so close. 
“I know, it will just take some time.” She said while she caressed his cheek. “And, I’ll be here to help you heal.” 
After that day, nothing ever really went back to how it was before the war. But it was like that for everyone. Thomas had gone back to normal as much as he could. He had his moments, but everyone did. And, (Y/n) didn’t lie, she was there every step of the way, even in the bad times she never left. 
The two never fought again until the day Grace left. She had tried telling Thomas before that something was up with her, but he just wouldn’t listen. The only other person that seemed to notice it was Polly. 
“He’ll never go for it.” John pipped into the conversation. Polly was currently trying to figure out a way to cheer Thomas up, and the idea she had was to put Thomas with (Y/n). She already considered the girl a daughter, and she always wanted her with Thomas. To her, it was the perfect plan. 
“That's why we don’t tell him! All we tell him is that he has a business meeting at the new restaurant, he’ll show up, expecting some business man to be there, but instead (Y/n) will come in wearing the most beautiful thing I can find, that he’ll just have to stay.” Polly explained to the boys and Ada. 
“Alright, but how are you going to get (Y/n) there, dressed up, without suspecting anything?” Ada chimed in. 
“We’ll tell her a boy stopped by and asked to take her out.” Polly said, as if it was obvious. 
“Please, she’s not going to just agree to go out with someone, especially if she doesn’t even know who it is.” Arthur muttered. 
"Actually she might.” John announced to everyone. “Just to make Thomas jealous, she mentioned it back when Grace was around.” 
The Shelby’s set everything into motion that night. Polly told Thomas he had a meeting, then she told (Y/n) about the secret man that wanted to take her out. 
So Thomas sat in his suit, waiting for this man to show, when he saw (Y/n) walk through the door, dressed like a vision in her red, drop waist, beaded dress, with an old pearl necklace to match. She looked around the room, until her eyes landed on Thomas. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked him, as she walked up to his table.
“Business meeting, what are you doing here?” He asked, suddenly growing jealous at the thought of her being here for another man. 
“A date, and what business meeting? I know your schedule, there wasn’t one planned, did you make one?” She asked, wondering who on earth Thomas could be meeting for business at this hour. 
“No, Polly told me I had one, who’s the date?” He asked, his jealousy rising. 
“Not sure, Polly told me-” A look of realization crossed both their faces “Polly” The two said in unison. 
She decided to sit down, now laughing to herself. “You’re the date.”
“You’re the business.” Thomas responded, a small smile growing to his face. 
The two sat there for a minute, before Thomas spoke up. “You do look stunning.” 
“Polly picked it.” She said, with a small laugh.
“I bet she did.” Thomas said with a laugh, and a sigh. “She’s wanted us together for ages.” He mumbled. 
“And what do you want?” The girl asked. Thomas had always had a feeling that (Y/n) liked him, he was just never sure how much, until he looked up and met her eyes that were filled with nothing but love and want.
“You in my life.” He said, keeping his eyes on her. “I thought a relationship between us would mess everything up. I couldn’t risk losing you.” 
“Thomas.” The girl said, grabbing his hand across the table. “You could never lose me, even if we did have a relationship and it failed, I would still love you. But, I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this.” 
“I have distracted myself from you for as long as I can remember. I wouldn’t let myself fall for you.” Thomas said, standing up from the table, (Y/n) following. 
“It’s okay to fall, Thomas, who knows, maybe it won’t hurt.” She said, as she placed a hand to his face. Without thinking, Thomas leaned in and kissed her with everything in him, causing her to hit the table, his hands on the side of her face being the only thing to keep them from falling. The pair kissed until they needed air. When they pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers. 
“Let’s give this a try.” He whispered, looking into her eyes. 
The girl smiled and gave Thomas a quick peck, before they left the restaurant, her holding his arm. The walk back to the Shelby home was mostly quiet, until she spoke up. “Thank god for Polly.” 
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I have a request
So Ash is alive but Fez is in jail
So like Fez and the Reader have been dating for awhile like they're high school sweethearts (even tho he's a drop out) and before he got arrested she got pregnant.
Could you write how that looks. Like phone calls, and letters, and visits, but also write when he gets out and he gets to finally see his kid
hi love! ty for requesting🩷 idk if you wanted a little blurb but you got this big ass fic lmao, sorry i got carried away! also in this custer was never killed at Fez's house so he only got charged with drug possession and given like one or two years because he's a first time offender (i think?) ik it's all over the place but i hope you like it;)
fezco x pregnant!reader
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warning: mentions of drugs/drug abuse, murder, jail, pregnancy, throwing up, giving birth, infant care, Fez's dad is mentioned once, religious imagery/mentions of praying, lots of crying.
wc: ± 4530
a/n: this is so similar to my other fez fic but also not at all lol. I tried changing it up as much as possible but there are def a lot of similarities I'm sorry. not proofread!
gif not mine, all credit to original creator.
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You and Fez met back when he was still in school, just before he had dropped out. He sat next to you in History and the two of you would only talk briefly, often just about things like what the date was or when the next period would be. He would occasionally crack a joke or make a lighthearted comment that would always catch you off guard.
He was a normally stoic and calm person; he didn't talk much and kept to himself most of the time. This made you appreciate the rare jokes and little bursts of personality even more. You quickly found yourself talking more and more with him, and he'd start greeting you when you passed each other in the hallways. You had considered him somewhat of a friend after a while. Maybe not the closest, but you valued the little time you two would spend together.
Then he started showing up to class less and less, and rumors had begun spreading around. A few weeks before he dropped out, he had asked you if he could copy your notes that he had missed while absent, and you agreed. He told you to drop them off at the convenience store his grandmother owned, because that's where he spent most of his afternoons.
You did this every time he didn't show up to class; you'd write him all the notes neatly and bring them to him at the store, and in return he'd let you take whatever you want from the shelves free of charge. You always took the same thing (a can of Sprite, a packet of Sun Chips and a pack of cherry flavored twizzlers), and after a while he had started keeping the three items at the counter, ready for you to grab when you came around. One day he asked you if you'd like to stay a while before heading home, and you spent your afternoons sitting on the roof of the convenience store eating your treats and talking about whatever came to mind.
You never asked him why he wasn't at school, or even asked yourself why you'd go through all this trouble for him. Maybe it was because you've always been way too nice for your own good, or maybe because you had a little crush on him. One day when you were on your way to give him the day's notes, he'd told you he was dropping out. When you asked why, he only replied with, "Have to take care of my grandma."
You didn't stop visiting him after he left school, and would go to the store every other afternoon, quietly doing your homework by the counter while he restocked the shelves. He never explicitly told you, but he enjoyed having you around. You never asked too many questions and you were always nice to him. He would say maybe too nice to count as just being friendly.
As time passed the two of you grew closer and closer. You had met his brother Ash and occasionally helped him with his grandmother, who you had only met briefly before she became ill, when you were making your rounds to drop of his notes.
A few months later he had asked you out, and you said yes. You haven't looked back since.
That was years ago, and this was now. Now, you were sitting on the lid of the toilet in the dead of night with a pregnancy test clasped tightly in your right hand, while the other covered your mouth in shock. The two red lines stared back at you tauntingly as you felt your head spin with anxiety.
You were pregnant. You were pregnant with Fez's baby and you had no idea how you were going to tell him. You finished up, washing your hands and face and made your way to the bedroom you and your boyfriend shared. You hid the test in the drawer you kept your underwear in and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for your boyfriend to return home.
He arrived eventually, but you couldn't find the strength in you to tell him. You knew you had to eventually, you couldn't possibly keep this a secret for too long, but you were terrified. You had no idea what his reaction would be, and you feared the worst.
The night you finally did get the courage to tell him, was the same night he decided to almost kill Nate at a New Year's Eve Party. Your plan had been derailed once again and that night you found yourself sitting in the bathroom while you silently cleaned the cuts on his hands. You knew you couldn't tell him then, he was still on edge and filled with adrenaline from everything that had transpired. He was definitely not in the correct headspace for a revelation like that.
Everything after that night was an absolutely downward spiral.
With Faye moving in, Mouse getting killed in your house and ultimately Fez getting arrested after Custer had ratted him out, you found yourself at your wits end. He had been arrested and taken away right before your eyes, and you felt completely helpless as you watched him get dragged out of the now ruined house, with a distraught Ash clinging to you like a lifeline.
Fez was only given three years for drug possession with the intent to sell, considering he was a first-time offender. Three years may not have been much considering it could have been a much heavier sentence, but your stomach still churned at the thought that he would be away for that long. What about Ash and Marie? What about the store?
What about the baby?
You couldn't do this. It felt like the world was suddenly dropped on your shoulders as you watched the officers drag Fez out the court, and away from you.
You shot up from the uncomfy wooden bench and made your way to the closest bathroom, where you threw up the little food you managed to keep down this morning. When you finished you flushed the toilet and made your way to the sink to clean up. As you stared at your reflection in the dirty mirror, everything struck you at once like cold water being thrown in your face.
You were going to be alone. Alone and pregnant, having to look after Ash (who God willing, they don't take away from you) and his grandmother. You hadn't even realized you were crying until your reflection became blurry and your breathing erratic.
You went back home that evening, with a dreadful feeling deep in the pit of your stomach for what the future holds.
Fez had finally been approved for calls, and after not hearing anything from him in weeks you were ecstatic to finally hear his voice.
You had received a call from the jail where he was, following all the necessary steps and pressing all the necessary buttons before you got to talk with him. When you heard his voice say your name you had to stop yourself from breaking down right beside the telephone. It hadn't even been a month and you already missed him more than words could describe.
He said your name again in a questioning tone and you realized that you hadn't said anything in return.
"Fez?" was all you could force from wobbly lips as your grip on the phone tightened. "Yeah baby, it's me," he said quietly. "I miss you," you said trying your hardest not to sob. Gosh, you couldn't even think about asking him how he was doing, you just wanted him to know how much you needed him right now.
"I miss you too baby, so fucking much," he replied, "how are things going that side?" You inhaled sharply before answering. "I don't know," you answered truthfully, "I'm still trying to figure everything out right now. But okay I guess."
He hummed. "What about Ashtray, he around? Can I talk to him?" he asked. "Of course," you said before calling out to Ash, who was over the moon when he finally got to speak to his brother after so long. You saw him smile for the first time in months, and you were overjoyed at the sight.
When they were finished catching up he handed you the phone. "You still there?" you asked. "Yeah baby, but I only got like a minute left. Listen I'll call you back as soon as I can again okay?" he said. "Okay, goodnight. I love you so muh, Fez," you rushed out. "I love you too baby, so mu—"
He was cut off by the ending call and you placed the receiver of the telephone back on the wall.
You didn't know how to tell Fez you were pregnant over the phone, so you settled with writing him a letter. You told him how you were pregnant, and that you were planning on keeping the baby. A part of you already knew you were keeping the baby the moment you stared at the test in your hand. The thought of being pregnant now absolutely terrified you, but recently you had found yourself fantasizing about what the little one would look like.
Would it be a little girl or a boy? Would she have your nose, or your eyes? What would her soft hair feel like under your fingertips? What would her first word be?
You hadn't even realized you were already referring to the baby as "she". That was what made you realize you were already deadset on keeping the baby, whether Fez wanted to be apart of that or not, even though it pained you to think that way.
You nervously sealed the letter and sent it off, hoping for the best. Fez had called you the same day he received the letter.
"Hi Fez," you answered nervously.
"You bein' serious Y/N?" You knew exactly what he was referring to, so you took a deep breath before answering him. "Yes, I'm being serious," you said quietly. You could hear him sigh and curse under his breath before he spoke up louder. "How long you known?"
"From before the raid. But, before you say anything, I did want to tell you on New Years, but that shit with Nate happened and everything after that was a total shitshow," you breathed, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."
"Shit, it's alright ma I ain't mad, jus' a bit shocked," was all he said. There was a short silence between the two of you before he spoke up again. "I'm gonna be a dad?" he asked softly. "Yeah..." you said, waiting for anything to indicate how he felt about this. "I'm so sorry I can't be there wit' you for this," he said. That broke your heart. He wanted to there, wanted to be a father and the thought made your heart fill with joy.
"It's okay, we can't help the circumstances," you said. "Listen, I promise you imma be here wit you every step of the way, okay? Maybe not physically, but I want you to keep me updated on everthing alright?" he said. "Okay, I promise I will," you breathed, a smile stretching across your face. "Imma do right by you, baby, I promise. You ain't doin' this on your own."
You were sure your heart was going to explode. You were going to have a baby with Fez. The circumstances were the farthest from ideal, but you were hopeful that you were going to be able to do this. You were going to do this. For yourself, for Fez and Ash and for your baby.
The pregnancy was anything but easy, and it was even harder without Fez by your side. It helped that he showed his support in any way he could, like always calling and sending letters, checking up on you to stay updated with the condition of your baby. You were roughly at 3 or 4 months and by now the little bump was already visible.
Telling Ash was one of the things you were the most nervous about. You didn't know how he'd feel about a baby being bought into your living situation. You had sat him down and got straight to the point. When the words first left your mouth, his face twisted into an unreadable expression. He seemed to be mulling it over silently, before a small smile stretched across your face and he replied shyly with, "So I'm gonna like, be an uncle?"
The letters you frequently wrote Fez were on of the only things he looked forward to. He loved reading them, reading about how you were doing and everything that was happening with your body and with the baby growing inside you. It sometimes fet like he got to experience the pregnancy right there beside you, with the way he could clearly indicate your mood swings even in your writing.
The letter would quickly go from I saw an old couple sitting by the old park benches today and I broke down in tears to The guy at the drive-thru told me I couldn't order 'just pickels'. Imagine saying no to a starving pregnant lady!
When he received the letter with a small black and white attached to it, he nearly cried. The little ultrasound picture didn't look like much, you could barely make out the big white blob in the middle as a baby, an actual human being. He turned the picture around and saw that you had written our baby! in your messy handwriting, with a little heart at the end. That was all he needed to actually start crying.
That night he couldn't fall asleep at all. His mind was filled with a million thoughts that were consuming him. What if something happens to her or the baby while I'm in here? Will she be able to cope on her own? What's she gonna do once the baby is born?
What if I'm not a good father?
That's what was eating at him more than anything else. He didn't want to be like his own father, and his worst fear was eventually ending up like him, no matter how hard he tried not to. He didn't want his kid to hate him, he wanted to be the best dad he could be, because he already knew that you were going to be the absolutely best mother any child could ask for. He knew because he saw the way you cared for Ash, like he was your own little brother. He also knew that you had a big heart. When you loved, you loved with everything in you, so he didn't have an inkling of doubt about you being a good mother.
That was the night he had promised himself that he would be the best father that he could be for your child and that he'd give them the love and support he never received from his dad.
By now you had finally been approved for your first visit, and you were over the moon. The first time you visited you went alone, and when Fez saw you walking into the cold room, a slight waddle to your step and a cute little bump sticking out from your pretty pink sundress and cardigan, he swears he had fell in love with you all over again. You looked so beautiful, he thought, maybe more beautiful than you've ever been.
Maybe it was the pregnancy glow people would always refer to, or maybe it was the fact that he hadn't seen you in months, but he couldn't get the dopey smile off his face as you made your way to the table where he sat.
You were permitted to a brief embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of each visit, and when he wrapped his arms around you for the first time in months, and got to inhale the smell of your almost unfamiliar perfume, he didn't ever want to let you go ever again. His grip on you tightened a little bit and you had to will away the tears threatening to spill over your cheeks when you felt his warmth consume your body. It felt like home being back in his strong arms.
"You're gonna squish the baby," you said playfully, placing a kiss on his shirt over his heart. You honestly didn't mind at all; you'd let him hold you like this forever if you could. You eventually broke away when you saw the guard giving you a unhappy look from the corner of your eye. You sat down on the cold metal bench and he found his seat accross from you.
You so badly wanted to hold his hand while you talked to him. You wanted to sit next to him and feel the warmth of his body radiating off him and bury your face into his neck and hold onto him for dear life, but you couldn't.
"Y'know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" he asked. You absent-mindedly tapped your manicured nails against the metal table that separated you two, until the guard had given you a stern look from behind Fez, by now irritated by the repetitive sound. You retracted your hands, placing them in your lap and shaking your head. "No, I'm finding out at the next appointment," you smiled, "do you still have the photos I sent you?"
You were referring to the ultrasound photos as you had sent him in letters from all your appointments. "Of course I do," he smiled, "keep 'em in my cell, under my pillow." You smiled, looking down at your belly and softly running your hand over it.
"I think it's gonna be a girl," you said softly, as if it was some secret only the two of you had the right to know. "Nah, it's a boy," he replied and you rolled your eyes playfully, which made him laugh. "Of course you think it's a boy," you joked. He shrugged "I'm still gonna love 'em whether they a boy or a girl," he said, before adding, "but it's gonna be a boy."
You rolled your eyes at him once again, this time more dramatically, and rubbed at your belly. "I just know it's going to be a little girl," you said, and when you looked up from your belly your eyes met Fez's. They were filled with an immeasurable amount of admiration and love, and you couldn't help but shy away from the attention.
"If it's a girl, I hope she look like you."
The last few weeks of your pregnancy you had asked your mother to stay with you until it was time to go and give birth. By now your belly was fully formed and perfectly rounded, and you were waddling around the house like a lost penguin. Everything was hurting, from your feet to your back and pregnancy brain was truly kicking your ass. As much as you loved the beauty of pregnancy, you couldn't wait to finally get this over with.
You were on the phone with Fez when you had first felt it, the liquid running down your legs followed by a slight cramp in your abdomen. At first you were scared that you had peed yourself (your bladder had been your number one enemy recently) but it didn't take long to realize what was happening.
Without even sparing Fez another word you hung up and called for your mother. This was it, you were finally going meet your baby.
Ash was shitting bricks as he paced around the house while you and your mother gathered everything to head to the hospital. Soon enough you found yourself in the hospital, with your arms leaning on the bed trying to control your breathing. The pain felt like nothing you've ever felt before, and at some point you thought you were going to pass out.
A little while later and you had started to dilate. After what felt like a lifetime of mindless pushing and incoherent shouts, the screaming of your baby girl filled your ears. You looked next to you, to your mother who was still holding onto your hand tightly while her other hand pushed the hair out of your sweaty face. You were beyond grateful to have her with you, but your heart yearned to have Fez with you for this moment. When you got to hold your baby in your arms you cried like a crazy person. She was so beautiful, and your heart was already filled with abundant love for her.
You've had baby Eden at home for almost two weeks, when you finally got a call from Fez.
"How'd it go baby? Is she healthy? Are you okay?" he had asked as soon as he heard your voice greeting him. You pressed the phone tighter between your ear and your shoulder. "She's as healthy as can be, and she's beautiful, Fez," you said happily, as you rocked the baby in your arms to sleep. "You gonna send me a picture of her?" he asked.
"I already have a few taken, I just have to get them printed then I'll send them to you," you smiled, "she's so beautiful, Fez." You knew it was a little biased, but she truly was the most beautiful baby you'd ever seen. Her pretty long eyelashes that rested on her chubby cheeks and the pretty pink lips that would sometimes streatch into a toothless smile, or her cute button nose that would scrunch up when she yawned or sneezed. Everything about her was so absolutely perfect.
"I can't wait to see yall ma," he whispered. You could hear the slight sadness in his voice. "Me neither," you replied with a sad smile.
He had no doubt when you told him that Eden was a beautiful baby, but when Fez got to see a picture of her for the first time, all the air was knocked out his lungs.
That was his baby. His baby girl, wrapped tightly in a fluffy pink blanket and a little cap to match. He couldn't stop looking at the picture, his thoughts going at a hundred miles per hour. Fez hadn't seen a lot of babies in his life, but he was one thousand percent certain that Eden was the most beautiful baby he'd ever layed his cynical eyes on.
He couldn't remember the last time he prayed, but that night Fez found himself closing his eyes and praying. He prayed that you and your baby were kept safe, he prayed that his baby girl would stay healthy and happy, and he prayed for the patience to diligently serve his sentence, counting down the days till he got to hold you both.
You sat in shock as you read the contents of the letter over and over and over.
Fez was going to be released from jail earlier for good behavior. He was coming home, to you, to Ash and his friends and to his baby. He was going to meet his daughter.
Ever since giving birth you hadn't brought Eden along with you when visiting Fez. She was still very young, and you didn't want her driving the long distances back and forth. This unfortunately meant that Fez hadn't got to meet his daughter yet. That was changing soon though.
You were pacing back and forth in the house, waiting for Fez to come knocking at your door. Today was the day Fez was coming home, back to his family, back to you.
He had to go through several release preparations, then pre-release custody and then supervision. After he complete those steps he had a full release from the BOP system, and they arranged transportation for him to come back home.
He had asked you to not tell anyone about him coming home, he didn't want people bothering him and wanted to spend his first night in just the company of the people he loved the most. You had kept to your word and not told a soul, not even Ash, who you knew would soon be jumping out of his skin when he gets to see his brother.
You had Eden in your arms, gently rocking her back and forth to soothe her. She was a little cranky because she didn't get her afternoon nap in, and when she finally dozed off, you went to go place her in the small crib next to your bed.
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other nervously, before checking that everything was good. The food was cooked, the house cleaned and the bed covered in clean sheets.
The hard knock on the door almost made you drop the pie you had taken out of the oven. It was custard pie, his favorite. You removed your oven mits and sprinted to the door.
When you opened it, there stood Fez with a small smile on his face. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him as close to you as possible. He was here. He was back home with you finally and you got to hold him for as long as your heart desired.
By now you were sobbing into his neck, beyond relieved and happy to finally have him home. When you broke away he looked down at you, tears in his own eyes.
"Hi," he breathed. "Hi," you replied through a half sob half laugh. "You're home." "I'm home."
Ash had cried when he saw his brother standing in the living room awkwardly, and wrapped his arms around him tightly, almost as if he was scared of losing him once again. Once everyone had settled down somewhat, you decided to ask Fez the big question.
"Do you wanna see her?"
The room was dead silent as you pushed open the door and made your way inside, Fez following soon after. You could see the anxiety written on his face, evident in the slight tremble of his hands. This was a very big deal to him. He was going to meet his daughter for the very first time.
You made your way over to the crib, standing next to it and urging him to do the same. He warily moved closer to the crib, looked over the edge and down to where the little girl layed peacefully assleep. He could see the small rise and fall of her chest as she breath rhythmically, and the way her two small fists layed clenched tightly next to her body. If he listened closely enough he could hear her breathing, and the soft cooing sounds in between.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" you asked quietly, and he only nodded, not once lifting his gaze. "Would you like to hold her?" This made him look up at you. A part of him wanted to say no. He didn't want to hold something as precious as her in his hands. Hands that have done shameful and awful things, much too tainted to handle something as fragile and irreplaceable as her.
"It's okay, Fez," you said, sensing his hesitation, before reaching into the crib to pick her up gently. When she was secured in your grasp, you turned your body to him and he hesitantly reached out to take her from you.
Once she was in his arms the small tears began to fall from his eyes. You rubbed his back comfortingly as you watched him closely.
Nothing that Fez had ever achieved in his life measured even closely to this moment. No amount of money or fortune would make him trade this. This was it. This was him, being home and being able to be with you, with his family.
His grandmother had taught him the importance of family and looking out for each other. She taught him that the family he'd have would be the people he was willing to die for, and as he stood in the quiet room, his daughter in his arms and you by his side, he knew that he had found his family.
He looked over to you, and when his eyes met yours he saw the contented look on your face, behind all the happy tears.
"She looks like you," he smiled.
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awkness · 3 months
Serial killer!Platonic!Yandere Older Brother & Genderneutral Teenage Reader (Part 1)
(Part 2)
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You don't have the best home life. With your father being a violent drunk and your mother out of the picture, there's little to love about your home. The only silver lining is your older brother, Ben, who's practically raised and protected you your whole life and makes living in this household easier.
But in a surprising turn of events, your father is declared missing, and Ben is granted temporary custody of you. As time passes, you grow more concerned with the circumstances of your father's "disappearance", Ben's behavior, and just how safe you are in your own home.
Content Warnings: murder, gore, isolation, manipulation, physical violence, briefly mentioned child abuse, child endangerment, and general yandere shenanigans. If there's anything I forgot to list here, let me know :3
Authors note: first time posting my writing, hope you like this! This is a bit of a slow burn and features a slightly amoral!Reader. Readers age is left ambiguous
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You'd like to think you were good at sneaking around the house. Years of having to creep around at night as your father slept had taught you a lot about the right way to hold yourself, which floor boards to avoid, how to open doors so that they didn't make noise. Tiny bits of knowledge and skill that all seemed to have been in preparation for this moment.
There's a full moon tonight, and you can see it shine through the curtains on the back door window, the only light in the house. Socked feet carefully move through the kitchen floor as your heart rate picks up. Your shoulders slowly hunch in on yourself as you close in on the door.
You haven't felt terror like this before. It's so much different from the horror movies you used to stay up late and watch as a child, or even the fear you felt when your father came home from his business trips. This was different. It twisted your stomach into nauseating knots and sent your heart up to your throat, making its terrified, rapid beating the only thing you could hear. You were beginning to feel lightheaded, and everything around you had this strange and distant quality to it, like the whole world had shrunk down to only two things: the backyard door, and your brother.
Was he still looking upstairs? There hadn't been any noises from there in a while. Now that you thought about it, you haven't heard anything in a while. The thought causes tears to start to form in your eyes, and you swallow hard and try to blink them away. Not now. Not until you're out.
Clammy hands grasp the cold metal of the doorknob, and you almost let out a sob in relief. Shaky, you begin to undo the lock, the sound like a gunshot in the quiet house. You cringe as the door opens and lets out a long, loud creak, breaking whatever illusion of stealth you had.
Distantly, you recall a memory of you complaining about the noise to Ben. He had told you that he wasn't going to fix it, that it was better to keep it that way, just in case anyone tried to break in, he would hear it. You wonder if he ever thought about someone trying to break out.
For a brief, horrible moment, everything stops. Your mind, your lungs, your heart, they all seize up in fear at your name. You were never supposed to be afraid of his voice.
Your lungs squeeze painfully, and you take in a sharp breath, chest heaving. Legs tense, instincts desperately urging you to leave, but your mind kept you rooted to the spot, running through the scenario in your head. Even if you sprinted now, full speed, you would have to stop to undo the latch at the gate to leave the backyard. It would only take a few seconds, and that might be enough for Ben to catch up to you.
"(Y/N), look at me."
If it were anyone else, you would have bolted by now, legs tearing across the lawn as you made your escape. But it was him. Your brother, the same man who cooked your dinner, who helped you do your homework when you didn't know what you were doing, and would then help you cheat when he couldn't figure it out, either. The same voice that would tease you, scold you, nag you, and encourage you, and now kept you from leaving. Against your will, you turned around.
He was standing in the kitchen entrance, bathed in shadow. You could barely see his bruised face, the moonlight only outlining his features just enough for you to see the crazed, panicked look in his eyes, and his chest heaving like he was the one being chased and not you. If you hadn't seen it when you stumbled upon him in the basement just ten minutes prior, you could have missed the blood on his shirt.
But you hadn't, and it was all you could stare at.
For a moment, it's all you do. He stares at you, while you stare at the blood between you two, not a sound to be heard as you both stand, as if under a spell.
He finally breaks the silence.
"Close the door."
You look up to meet his eyes, and the brief act is enough to snap you back to your senses.
You run.
By all means, you tried your best, you really did. But whatever edge that the adrenaline gave you was no match for Ben's superior speed. He was taller than you by nearly a foot and used to run track when he was in high school, of course he would catch up to you.
You were halfway to the gate when he snagged your arm. A short, abrupt shriek leaves your mouth and then his other hand covers your face, smothering any noise you were trying to make.
In one quick, fluid motion, his arm lets go of your hand and then firmly locks around you, back pressing against his chest, the same blood-covered chest you saw before, stained by the body of your poor, mutilated father in the basement you saw only minutes ago, the body hardly recognizable as he had began hacking his limbs into small, easily disposable pieces. His decapitated head lay carelessly on the floor, empty eyes that seemed to plead to you for help as you watched numbly, stricken dumb until Ben finally noticed you staring.
And now he's dragging you back. Back to the house, down the stairs, to the basement, where he'll pin you to the table and do the same thing he had done to your dad-
You lost control of yourself. There was no thought behind what you did. You thrashed and kicked like a wild animal, screams trying to rip through your muffled mouth. You struggled like you had never struggled in your life, and it meant nothing. He was almost at the back door, and you hadn't slowed him down a second. In a fleeting moment of lucidity, you think to hook your leg on the door and to try and slow him down. It works, but only for a moment. With a sharp pull, your leg gives and suddenly you're back inside, helplessly watching the back door swing close. The sound of the lock latching breaks you out of your fit, and dread sets in, stilling your body as you finally realize you can't break free.
As your breathing starts picking up, you finally hear your brother talking, who seems to have been speaking to you for a while. His voice is the same gentle, calming tone one would use on a skittish animal while trying to get them to calm down. It makes you feel ill.
"Shhhhh, it's alright (Y/N), you're fine, you're fine. I need you to relax, alright? C'mon, kid, deep breaths, just like that, you're doing good. Breathe with me."
You feel his chest move against your back as he begins to breathe deeply. The slow, rhythmic movements bringing back emotions from memories of him calming you down from previous anxiety attacks and similar situations begin taking over and give you a false sense of security. Against your better judgment, you relax, if only slightly, against him.
"There we go, that's it. Just take it easy."
And for a second you both stand like that, completely still, as the weight of everything sinks into the both of you.
"Okay, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to let go of you and I need you to promise me you're not going to try anything. No screaming, no running, no nothing. Is that clear?"
It takes you a second to realize he expects you to respond, and you nod quickly, hoping it doesn't seem too enthusiastic.
He sighs and lifts his hand from your mouth. When he doesn't hear your yell, and releases you from his grip, only for him to take your hand.
"This is... going to be a long talk. Let's go sit down in the living room."
Without waiting for you to acknowledge him, he drags you towards the living room, and sits down, having you take the seat next to him.
Enough moonlight peaks through the blinds for you to see Ben. He's hunched, leg bouncing a mile a minute, bruised and bloody hands clasped together, as he shifts in the seat, trying to get comfortable. You don't think there's much of a point. This isn't going to be an easy conversation, there's no point in stalling.
You're reminded of a similar conversation you two had on this couch. Years ago, he sat you down (albeit, under much less distressing circumstances) and told you how mom wasn't coming back home. That she was divorcing dad and leaving you both with him. At the time, you thought it was a little silly how nervous he was. Of course she was leaving. She hadn't been home in months, and even before that, she hadn't been involved enough for you to care about what she did. Her being out of the house for good was a relief to you. A strange stab of guilt runs through you as you remember hoping your dad would leave your life permanently, too.
Ben's leg hasn't stopped bouncing, you see he hasn't looked your way since you sat down. If he's waiting to figure out how to start the conversation, you know you'll be waiting all night, and that's the last thing you want to do. You're going to have to be the one to break the silence.
"You killed dad."
Not the most elegant opener, but it's simple and to the point, so hopefully the bluntness will make it easier for Ben to talk.
He takes a sharp breath and glances down, bouncing becoming quicker. You hate how you feel guilty for making him uncomfortable.
"Yes." He replies, "I did."
He unclasped and clapsed his hands again, and then stared into them, like they held the answers he was looking for. Time passes, and for a moment, you think you're going to have to speak again, but he beats you to the punch.
"He was drinking again. I mean, he always drinks, but it was a lot more than usual. It was the only reason I came down there. He's always making noises down there, but this time, with all the beer he was going through, I thought he finally kicked the bucket, you know? Just a crash and then nothing. So I went to check it out."
He takes a breath and shifts in his seat again, and you can only sit there and watch as he struggles through his story.
"I come down and he's on the ground and his eyes are closed, so I go to check his pulse. That's when he springs up and grabs me, starts yelling in my face about God knows what."
That part is true. You remember hearing that a couple of hours ago, but hearing dad yell is a fairly common occurrence. Common enough that the neighbors wouldn't think much of it, anyway.
"I try and get him off me but he starts hitting me. I can't get him to stop, so I start hitting back. But he wouldn't stop, he..."
He pauses for a moment, a shadow passing through his face. You don't want to interrupt him this time.
"When I realized what I was doing, he was gone."
He sighs and wipes his hand over his face, the shadow recedes and it returns to its previous anxious look.
"If I had called the police and told them what happened, they wouldn't believe me. And even if they did, they would have taken you away from me, and I..."
His face pinches in a way you've never seen before, almost like he's in pain. His eyes glisten with tears.
"I don't know what I would do if you were gone, (Y/N). I couldn't live with myself."
You look down, face heating up with a shame you don't understand.
"If I could hide his body, wait a couple of days, and report him missing, it should be fine. Not like he has any friends, and the neighbors don't care about him. They know he's a drunk who takes off for weeks on end, so it's not like him going missing this is suspicious. And while he's missing, I should be able to get custody of you. Not like there's any other relatives to take care of you. I've got a steady job, I'll be able to take care of you. It shouldn't be a problem."
You look up, and you're taken back to see him staring at you, with a sad, almost pleading look.
"I didn't want you to see that, (Y/N). You weren't supposed to be involved. I honestly thought you'd be asleep by now. I knew I should of locked the door, I should of..."
As he spirals, you start to zone out as you consider everything he's said. You know he's lying. Maybe not about everything, but there's either parts that he's purposefully leaving out or making up. Perhaps, given some time and some well thought out questions from your end, you could parse together the real story, but... did you want to?
Your father is dead. There's no fixing this. You also don't have any other relatives nearby, and the ones you do have you either haven't seen in over a decade or haven't seen at all. If your brother isn't the one taking care of you, that means you'll be put in the foster system. Considering your age, you know your chances of being adopted are slim to none, and the horror stories you've heard of other kids going through the system are enough to make you shudder. You don't know if you could make it.
Yes, he killed your father, but it's not like you ever liked the man anyway. And watching Ben dismember him was... horrific, to say the least, but you can understand it, from a logical perspective. In order to move him, it makes sense that he had to take him apart, even if he seemed a little too emotionless and callous during the whole process.
That only leaves one thing left to consider: do you think Ben will hurt you?
You stare at this grown man, this murderer, your one and only brother, as he sits in front of you, talking himself to the almost to the point of tears, trying to convince you that everything wasn't as bad as it was.
That's been your whole childhood, hasn't it?
You barely remember a time before mom left, and dad would be out most of the time, so it was Ben cooking you breakfast and walking you to the bus stop, making sure you had a lunch already packed in your bag. He would be the one to ask you how your day was, to make you dinner, and to watch whatever movies you wanted, even if he was a little too old for your shows. He would smile and play along with you, just because it made you happy. In those moments, you could pretend you had a normal, functional family, and you were grateful for him.
When dad was home, Ben was the one who made sure everything was safe. And when dad was too drunk and wandering about the house, you would sleep in his room, and if dad ever tried to get to you, Ben would put himself in between you two, protecting you at the price of a broken nose and a handful of bruises. And then when it was over, and you would go over to him and tell him how sorry you were, only for him to put on a brave face and tell you that he was fine when he was clearly not. If you insisted, he would placate you by letting you bandage him, but he would do it with a smile on his face, making little jokes as you patched him up that would have you both coming out of it with a smile.
Everything he did was to make your life easier. This isn't any different, isn't it?
You reach out and take his hand, and that's enough to stop him mid-sentence.
"It's okay, Ben. I understand."
He blinks at you owlishly, clearly not expecting you to say that.
"You do?"
The disbelief is evident in his tone, but you don't blame him for it. You can hardly believe yourself, but it's the truth.
"Yeah, I don't blame you. Besides, what's done is done, we can't change that."
You take a breath, readying yourself for what you need to ask next.
"What do you need me to do?"
This shocks him more than your previous words, and he shifts, looking visibly uncomfortable with your question.
"I don't want you to be involved-"
"But I am." You interrupt. "I know what happened, so I'm a part of it. I need to know what I need to do."
You see him swallow, and you watch his face as he slowly takes in your words, the weight of them sinking in, his face morphing from anxious to somber.
He takes his hand out of yours and puts it on your shoulder.
"The only thing you need to do right now is to go to sleep. We'll need to go over our cover story soon, but that can wait until tomorrow. It's late, and I know you're tired. I can take care of everything from here."
He squeezes your shoulder and makes a motion like he's going in for a hug, before jerking back, thinking better of it.
Instead, he looks at you, a sad, grief-stricken look on his face.
"Goodnight, (Y/N). Sleep tight."
"Goodnight." Is all you reply before he lets you go. He gets up and makes his way to the basement as you watch from your spot on the couch.
You know you both won't be able to sleep well tonight.
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You stumble down the stairs, still half asleep, grumbling while trying not to trip over your own feet.
It had taken you a while for you to fall asleep, yet your body had refused to let you sleep in. As soon as the sun rose, you did as well. Unusual, given that it was summer and you always slept in, but you suppose the stress of last night and your upcoming talk with Ben wouldn't let you rest for longer than a few hours.
As you make it downstairs, you enter the kitchen. The first thing you notice is Ben, newspaper in hand, reading at the dinning room table. Or at least it looked like he was reading. After watching him for a moment, you noticed his eyes unfocused as he stared off into space.
In broad daylight, you're able to take a better look at his injuries, and it's much worse than it had seemed last night. He's got a busted lip and bloody knuckles, with several bruises across his arms. It makes your stomach twist in the familiar way seeing him hurt always does. The dark circles under his eyes are more prominent than usual. Did he stay up all night?
At least he changed his clothes. The blood from yesterday is gone, replaced by the familiar sight of him in old, ratty pajamas.
"Good morning." You say, more to announce your presence than anything else.
He jumps in his seat, newspaper crinkling in his hands, seemingly taken completely off guard by your arrival. Yeah, he definitely didn't get any sleep.
"Good morning." He finally replies a little too quickly, folding the newspaper and laying it down as he got up. "How did you sleep?"
You shrug. The banality of the question contrasted uncomfortably with its context, making you not want to linger on it. "Better than I thought I would. You?"
He awkwardly shuffles in place, obviously not having any idea what to do with himself now that he was standing, but refusing to sit back down. "Uh, couldn't get any. Was busy."
The weight of the words brought an uncomfortable lull in the conversation, and your eyes wandered as they tried not to look at his.
"Well, uh, you gotta be hungry, right? Why don't we go out to eat? I'm sure there's some restaurants still open, we can sit down to eat, or swing by that doughnut shop you like."
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out, given you look like... well, that." You gesture to his injuries.
He looks momentarily confused before the realization hits him. Self-consciously, he hides his wounded knuckles behind his back and looks towards the ground.
"Breakfast at home is fine, too. My pancakes are better anyway." He says a little too tensely, the joke not quite landing right.
The next thing you know, the kitchen is alive with the sounds of cooking as he quickly whisks the ingredients together, and then begins pouring them into the pan.
You walk over to the pantry, scanning the shelves.
"We don't have any syrup."
Ben lets off a soft groan, and you wander over to the freezer.
"Well, pancakes without syrup aren't the worst, just a little dry." He grumbles, more to himself than to you.
You open the freezer, inspect its contents, and announce your discovery.
"We have ice cream."
You turn back just in time to see the questioning look he shoots you.
"Ice cream? For breakfast?"
"Well, considering the night we had, I figured we could use a little pick me up."
He sighs, and his brows furrow as his cheeks heat up, his face a strange mix of irritation and shame. Under normal circumstances, you would never be able to get away with this, but considering everything that's happened, you can imagine it won't take him too long to cave.
"Hm, well- fine. Just this once."
You nod and grab the tub of ice cream. You suppose there were a few perks to watching your brother dismember your father in front of you. Maybe later, you could ask for that game you've had your eye on...
A plate of fresh, hot pancakes is put in front of you before you can fully finish that thought, and you search in the cutlery drawer for the ice cream scoop.
"Leave the tub out for me."
"Will do." You reply.
You prepare your plate and set it down at the dining table, digging in as he finishes making his pancakes. When he finally sits next to you, you're halfway through your stack, already getting full. You watch him pick up his fork and knife, ready to cut off a piece, but instead, he just stops, eyes empty as they focused on the vanilla scoop slowly melting. Seconds tick by, and he still doesn't move, unaware of the time passing, or you watching him.
You suppose you could blame your lack of sleep on what you did next, or perhaps that innate sense of mischief that all little siblings are born with, but in your heart, you know better. Nothing could be as disturbing as watching your brother silently stew in whatever internal misery he was in.
So, without thinking, you scoop up some of the melting ice cream on your fingers and smear it on his nose.
His eyes went wide in shock and his body tensed when he realized what you had done. The rapidly melting dessert threatened to drip down his nose as he sat, and another painful moment of tension passed between you two.
Maybe that wasn't the best idea.
Before you can apologize, his face cracks into a small grin, empty eyes filling with much-needed warmth. You let out a breath as your shoulders relax, relieved at the familiar sight. He takes a small dollop of now melting ice cream from his nose and tastes it before he speaks.
"Didn't I teach you not to play with your food?"
"Not well enough, it seems." You quip back.
Then, with a mounting sense of horror, you watch him pick up a much bigger glob of ice cream off his plate as his smile turns into a devious smirk.
"I guess I was never the best role model, was I?"
Before he can smear the food over your face, you jump out of your chair and run to the opposite end of the kitchen where he gives chase. The two of you run around the house, carefree laughter filling the air, without a thought to anything that transpired the night before. Ben always had a way of making you forget your worries.
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Everything after that was pretty simple. Ben talked you through the cover story and what your part would be, which basically amounted to "I was asleep when everything happened." That suited you fine, anything that minimized your time talking to the police was welcome. Ben handled most of that as well, spinning a tale about how your father was binge drinking more than usual, and then had up and left in the middle of the night. The only reason Ben hadn't stopped him was that this wasn't out of character for him to just up and leave with no car, no phone, or anything but whatever drink he had.
Which was true, it was a rather annoying habit that had your neighbors side-eyeing your family and complaining to your brother whenever they got the chance. It all seems to have worked out, though, as they provided great testimony when asked by the cops if this was unusual behavior for him.
Where the story differs from reality is that your father always managed to wander home. The way Ben tells it, he left and simply never came back. He had waited so long because he was sure that the man would return sooner or later like he always did, and didn't want to cause trouble when it wasn't necessary. Given your father's reputation, the cops believed him easily.
Soon after, your father was declared missing and your brother was appointed as a consevator on behalf of your missing father, allowing him to manage the house you lived in and pay the bills. He was also granted temporary custody of you, given that he was the only family you had in the area.
As for your home life, things were surprisingly normal.
In terms of your routine, very few things changed after those first few days. Sure, Ben often had to work late now and was more busy filling out paperwork to make sure everything was fine, legal-wise, but it had little effect on your life outside of those first few weeks. You settled back into the routine you had before: wake up late, and spend the day doing whatever you pleased. If Ben wasn't working late, you would both eat dinner before winding down and going to bed. Except now, there was no more waiting for your father coming home, or having to hide in your room and count the days before he leaves again. The peace you felt while openly sitting in the living room, with no obvious threat looming over you, was both exhilarating and disconcerting.
The neighbors seemed to act differently towards you. You would go out to pick up the mail and see them either out walking their dog or sitting on their front porch, taking in the summer sun. You would make eye contact with them and the look they gave you wasn't annoyance, or that vaguely pained look they gave when your father was being particularly loud the previous night. It was odd, some cross between pity and something you couldn't put your finger on at first until you finally connected the dots: suspicion. What if they knew, or at least suspected, that he hadn't just wandered off? Even without any clear evidence, it doesn't take a genius to see why you and your brother would want your father gone. After that, every time a person looked your way, you could feel their hidden disgust at you. They knew what you were and what you had abetted, even if they never said it out loud. Slowly, you stopped going outside, preferring to stay cooped up in the house instead.
Ben didn't mind much, even encouraging your hermit life style. But in all fairness, he didn't seem to mind much these days, always in high spirits, no matter the circumstances. The bad days were good, and the good days were amazing, especially when you both spent them together. The best day for him, though, was when he was appointed temporary custody of you.
After court, he had taken you out to a fancy restaurant in the good part of town and told you to order anything you wanted. It was the first time you held a menu that had lobster on it.
He even has a framed photo from the day hanging up in the hall, like it was some sort of celebratory adoption event, and not the day he was granted temporary custody of you because your father is missing.
But isn't it technically adoption? You know your father isn't coming back, so it only leaves Ben to take care of you. And that's a good thing, right? When you were a child, you had always fantasized about what life would be like if it was just you and your brother living in this house, no parents around. Child you would be jumping for joy, ecstatic about the turn of events. You should be happy, so why is it you can never look at the framed photo without feeling odd?
There was just one questionable development from this event, and that was your brother's habit of visiting the basement more often.
The only reason you knew was because you noticed the door was sometimes left open, and the occasional muddy footprints that would lead down into the basement. They would be cleaned up before you could see them again, leaving you wondering if you had only imagined it.
Your father... the corpse couldn't still be down there, right? What other business could he have down there?
You tried not to think about it too hard. It haunted you anyway.
One night, you had a dream. You were descending the stairs to the basement, flashlight in hand, trying to find something. As you opened the door, a pungent, rotting smell burned your nostrils. For whatever reason, your dream self had continued on, scanning the area, stopping once the frail, white light landed on a dismembered corpse.
You struggled against your dream self, trying to will them to run back up the stairs, but they continued, creeping ever closer to the foul, bloated pile of flesh, until the soles of your shoes were covered in the liquid runoff from the gore.
Suppressing a gag, you bend over, trying to get a better look at the corpse's face, only to see yourself.
That dream left you as scared as you were confused.
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The stairs to the basement have always intimidated you for as long as you can remember. The lighting was poor and the stairs were worn, as if they were older then the rest of the house, letting off a creak with every step. The door itself was in bad shape, with paint pealing and a doorknob that couldn't lock half the time. The inside was bare and damp, only functioning as storage for whatever possessions your father, and now your brother, owned that they didn't mind mildewing over.
Though the fear lessened with age, you never had any reason to go down there, so you never had to fully confront it. You had mostly accepted that there was always a small, childish part of you that would be apprehensive of dirty, dark places like basements, and you were mostly fine with it. Unfortunately, recent experience had made it a full blown fear again.
Yet here you were, standing right at the edge of the stairs, debating on whether or not to go down.
You worry your lip, mentally sorting through your options.
On one hand, you had no business going down there. Ben said he would take care of it, and you trusted him, there's no reason to doubt him. But on the other hand, there was no reason for Ben to be going down there so often in the first place. If the body had been removed from the house, then what was he doing? Where was the body? Why had you never seen him enter or leave the basement? Could you just be making this up? But you know you saw the footprints going down there. And yet...
You startle and quickly turn around only to see your brother behind you, a nervous smile on his face.
"Everything alright?"
Your gaze lowers as you continue to bite your lip. You taste blood. You know you should quit, but a little blood has never stopped you before.
You hear a small sigh before he walks over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. His attempt at being reassuring, you assume.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me, (Y/N)."
If you weren't so consumed by your anxieties and fears, perhaps you would have thought over your words before blurting them out, but that wasn't in the cards for today.
"Is dad down there?"
You still hadn't looked up, eyes glued to his feet, but you could feel the mood sour ever so slightly. Or maybe you were imagining that too.
His voice came out hushed, but earnest.
"Of course not. What makes you ask that?"
"You've been going down there a lot lately, and you never have before, I just assumed..."
Your voice had gotten quieter as you spoke until it finally died out at the end, the ridiculousness of the statement seeming obvious when you said it out loud. You were making a problem out of what, exactly? Your brother going into the basement a couple of times? Is that really all it took to make you suspicious of him? You feel a lump form in your throat.
He speaks to you, tone even, slow and reassuring, like a parent to an upset child. Your face heats up in shame.
"The water heater hasn't been working right. I've been down there trying to repair it, but I haven't been able to keep it running hot water for more than a couple days at a time, so I have to keep going down to fix it. Do you remember yesterday when you told me something was wrong with the shower?"
You easily recall a memory of yourself taking a shower, the water suddenly going cold. You had got out to go complain to Ben about it. Why hadn't you connected the dots sooner?
You nod, and he gives you an encouraging smile.
"You've had this on your mind for a while, haven't you?"
You nod again, more vigorously as the lump in your throat turns painful, and your lip begins to wobble. You tried to swallow it all down as you began to speak, voice wobbly and frail.
"I've just been so worried, all the neighbors keep giving us funny looks, and I had this dream-"
Your throat closes as you choke over your tears. Without thinking you cover your face, shoulders bunched up as you try to hide yourself. This was stupid, why couldn't you stop crying?
Warm arms wrapped around you, comforting and firm, as put your hair
"It's alright, kid, you're okay."
Without thinking, you hug him back, the comfort too tempting to resist.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I didn't think it would be an issue. If I had known you would of been this upset, I would of told you about it before. I should of known better."
You struggle to repress your sobs as you shake your head and push away just enough to look at him.
"It's not your fault. I was being stupid, I should of said something."
He smiled and nodded, seemingly content with your answer.
"Why don't we go sit down and watch a movie? You can pick it out."
You nod back, and that's enough for him to give your shoulders a squeeze as he moves to let go, but you don't let him.
He looks back, expression encouraging as he waits for you to continue speaking.
"If he's not in the basement, where did you put him?"
His smile stays on his face, but it looks strained. His eyes lose that warmth they had before, an empty quality entering them. You're painfully aware of the fact that you and Ben are the only two left in the house, and how close you are to the basement. A chill runs down your spine.
"Do you really want to know that?"
His hands were still gripping your shoulders, and you had a feeling they would stay there until you gave him the right answer.
"No." You lie.
He lets out a breath, and so do you, both of you relaxing at your submission. His hands fall from your shoulders, going to your back as he guides you away from the basement.
"That's for the best." He says. "You don't need to be worrying about that, alright? That's what I'm here for."
You nod, at a loss for what else to do as he guides you towards the living room.
The next day, you notice a new lock on the basement door. Neither of you comment on it.
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ummmlife · 1 year
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Yandere Teen!Nanami
warnings!: yandere!Nanami ; teen!Nanami ; nanami×reader ; nsfw (not 🌽 but gore and violence / mention of cannibalism) ; death scene ; obsessive Nanami ; jealous Nanami ; toxic Nanami ; not JJK au ; story + headcanons ; AGAIN this is a not very friendly post for sensitive people. you've been warned ; 1824 words
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Being an introverted and highly asocial person since the first years of childhood brings its consequences, and that's something Kento Nanami knows very well. In his short 17 years of life he hasn't even had anything close to a friend, but that's okay, the kids at his school are annoying and stupid anyway.
But the day you, the new student in the class just transferred from another high school, paid attention to him, oh honey, something awakened in him…
If you decide to ignore your classmates' jokes about getting close to Kento and decide to befriend the boy rejected by everyone thanks to his unfriendly way of being, Nanami won't walk away from you at any time. You are his first friend! How could he stay away from you? Besides, you treat him with the minimum decency a person deserves, that makes him feel special and loved for the first time.
For before Kento consciously realizes that she has fallen madly in love with you, he starts to, slowly but surely, become obsessed with you…
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Yandere Teen!Nanami who has started collecting things you touched or used. That napkin you used to wipe your smeared lipstick, the hair tie you use to tie your hair, a band aid, the gum you chewed, the straw you used to drink bubble tea....
Yandere Teen!Nanami who makes you company while going home just to find out where you live.
Yandere Teen!Nanami at night she will spy on you by watching you through your window while you walk around your room, change your clothes, do your homework and even when you decide to indulge your most lustful desires while alone.
Yandere Teen!Nanami will take any opportunity to touch you, be it your hair, hand, cheeks. Whether it's accidental or if you hug him.
Yandere Teen!Nanami who likes your scent and will offer to wear your jacket when you are tired, just so that when you don't see him he can smell it. He also gently approaches you to fill his nostrils with the scent of your perfume from your neck or the shampoo in your hair.
Yandere Teen!Nanami who likes to spend time with you, secretly recording your voice and editing it later only to hear you say his name.
Yandere Teen!Nanami takes pictures of you from every angle, even your panties, and has all his bedroom with the walls full of photos of you like wallpaper.
Yandere Teen!Nanami who keeps videos of you in his laptop and watches them when he's alone. He specifically uses the most suggestive ones to play with himself.
Yandere Teen!Nanami who feels sickeningly upset when you talk with your other classmates. Why spend time with people who have made his life hell? What if they put ideas in your head about him? What if you start to pull away? Kento doesn't want to lose you.
Yandere Teen!Nanami could start trying to isolate you when he feels that you're getting away from him, although that's only something that he feels.
Yandere Teen!Nanami will go crazy if he confesses to you and you reject him. No matter if you think about him as a friend, or as a brother, or as a classmate. Kento will go crazy to the point of hurting you and hurting himself.
On the other hand, if you decide to accept him and you start dating… Well, you better be ready.
Yandere Teen!Nanami as your boyfriend will be very clingy and touch starved. He will touch you more than before and won't even ask for permission, after all, he's your boyfriend.
Yandere Teen!Nanami is gonna try to convince you to live with him and you better accept it, for your own good.
At this point you're probably starting to realize that he's getting weird with you. — "Don't be silly, I'm just trying my best to be a good boyfriend for you".
Yandere Teen!Nanami will expose you to graphic gore content (videos, photos, books, mangas) just to make you like that content as much as he does.
Yandere Teen!Nanami is starting to lose his sanity, all because you are getting along too well with your friend.
Yandere Teen!Nanami who feels sick and desperate when he notices that you're spending more time with your friend than him. He knows that you're starting to get away from him.
— "I just… I don't know, it doesn't feel right anymore. I kinda want to break up with him now". You were talking to your friend and Kento overheard the conversation. Are you really considering breaking up with him?
Yandere Teen!Nanami will spend whole nights crying and panicking all because of what you said to your friend. His first and only love is trying to leave him, like everyone does.
Yandere Teen!Nanami who had enough and can't bear the fact that you want to leave him, to abandon him. Kento simply doesn't want to be alone anymore, it hurts, it really hurts him.
Yandere Teen!Nanami will invite you to a date to fix all the problems in your relationship. Of course, you accept thinking that he realized how wrong he was the whole time.
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Kento takes you for a walk around Tokyo, treating him like his savior. You have ice cream together, hold hands, laugh together and even kiss.
He tells you that he has a surprise for you. — "Could you like to see it?". Are you really going to refuse now that your boyfriend seems to be changing for the better? Absolutely no.
Your boyfriend takes you to a neighborhood near the outskirts of the city, he takes you to a house, a nice house. — "A neighbor of mine asked me to take care of his house while he's abroad". He takes you inside. The house is a bit empty for being the house of a neighbor of his. You start feeling unwell.
Holding you from behind to start kissing you. — "Kento… Can we just leave? I wanna go back home…". Oh dear, how do I tell you this?
You're doomed.
He takes a rope and wraps it around your neck to keep you still. — "Darling… please. I don't want you to leave…".
He turns you around to kiss you but you start to push him away. Who might believe that your boyfriend would be able to do something like this. You can feel your heartbeat beating faster as your anxiety starts rising up, this must be a joke, right? Unfortunately no.
He tighten the grip of the rope on your neck, depriving you from breathing. — "You don't get it… You don't. You're my world, I can't be happy if I see you flirting and laughing with others". You can tell the pain and rage in his voice as he talks to you, holding you tighter, taking all possibility from you to escape. — "You're mine, darling".
No matter how much you fight or beg, he wants to keep you there, captivating. This could be easy for you, this could have been so easy but you decided to condemn yourself by simply saying: — "I hate you…" You… hate him?
He opens his eyes wide, he can't believe what you said… But surprisingly he looks pretty chill… suspiciously chill.
He stays in silence, thinking about what you said and all that he has done. — "... It's okay, darling". He smiles at you, gently and calmly as he holds your face with one of his hands. He drops the rope and caresses your neck and the marks the rope left.
— "Darling…". He kisses you softly, not caring about your fear or disgust. — "If I can't have you, no one can".
Before you can even react, Kento is already strangling you. His warm hands holding your neck in a deadly grip. You can see his eyes full of resentment and desire.
Not satisfied enough and in a trance of anger and jealousy, he stamps your head against the wall violently. You feel the stinging throb on the back of your head, it makes you feel dizzy and numb. But it doesn't stop there, he keeps banging your head against the wall, all while his hands are still strangling you.
The commission is immense, immeasurable to the point you can't even think about fighting and escaping. You're completely petrified. Kento seems to be possessed by something or someone that is blinding his reason and your own pain.
The minutes keep passing and your boyfriend is beating you to death. The pain isn't unbeatable anymore, it's even comforting now that you realize this is the end and you won't escape.
You think about your family, about your friends, about the warnings that your classmates made about him but you decided to ignore. You think about your life, a short one but full of nice moments that you maybe didn't appreciate enough. You think about all your struggles, triumphs, goals and dreams.
You start feeling extremely tired, just like if you were about to faint. In your last moments of life, you apologize, in your mind, to your family and friends for not being able to go home ever again…
Even when your body succumbs, he doesn't stop hurting you until some minutes after when he snaps out. He just killed you with his bare hands. — "Wha… What?... Darling?". The blonde guy is in a state of shock when your body falls inert to the floor. How could that possibly happen? He doesn't remember using so much strength, he wasn't even hitting you so hard… Why is there blood on the wall and a hole on your head?
He killed you.
He's a monster, no. He was protecting you, yes. Absolutely yes. He was protecting you from the people that hurt him and was trying to take you away from him, now no one will ever touch you again. It was an act of love and because he loves you so much he's going to bear all your sins in him
Next morning, Kento woke up in that house, brushed his teeth, washed his face and went to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich for breakfast.
Today's breakfast is a sandwich, a roast beef and cheese sandwich.
— "I will always love you, you know?" Nanami was talking alone and eating his sandwich with a pleased smile. — "I know it will take some days but that's how commitment is. Just like marriage where we become one with each other…"
He peacefully eats his sandwich slowly, taking note of all the flavors and sensations he's having. It's delightful, fulfilling. After finishing his sandwich he thanks his love for everything, for making him happy. Then his expression darkens and he looks for a second at the fridge to then look once more at the empty plate.
— "So this is how you taste, darling…"
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it took me fuckin forever! *sweats* not sure if im gonna post something this explicit of dark for a time 🫠 it was hard to write. thanks god our real nanamin is just an emo boi ‹𝟹
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Heyyy! Ok so hear me out..can I request a Modern AU! Aegon x Fem! OC fic. The OC is neighbors with Aegon, Helena, Aemond, and Daeron. She’s always had a bit of a crush on Aegon but he’s always too busy drinking, smoking, having sex ( the OC’s and Aegon’s windows are directly across so the OC can see everything going on in Aegons room and even sees him fucking a girl), etc. to notice. So, the OC gravitates towards Helena and becomes Helena’s best friend. There’s also one rule the OC can never date or have sexual relations with any of Helena’s brothers. Years later (cut to Tom Glynn-Carney’s Aegon), the OC and Helena are still best friends but the OC goes to a frat party and sees Aegon, obviously oblivious to her because he sees her as his little sisters weird friend/neighbor but he accidentally OD’s. The OC manages to save him by rushing to him and getting him to a hospital. Aegon wakes up and is majorly thankful. Aegon and the OC start to become friends and then very quickly secretly date. Things get out of hand and the OC gets pregnant, and she has to tell Aegon. Aegon starts freaking out not wanting the responsibility and basically tells her to literally get rid of it. Helena finds out about the pregnancy and starts freaking out and gets super mad at the OC and leaves her. The OC tells Alicent but Alicent is way more forgiving and is shoot to have her first grandchild, and tells the OC that she is always welcome to stay if she wants. The OC feels abandoned and scared, etc. That’s all I have for this idea, it sort of just poured right out of my head lol. If you think of an ending or anything extra for the story please feel free add it, I sort of lost momentum of inspiration behind the idea towards the end ( ass you can see lol).
Aegon Targaryen*Neighbour
Pairing: modern!aegon x f!reader
Word count: 2785
Warnings: sad aegon, drunk aegon, high aegon, substance abuse, addiction, over dose, hospitals, flirty aegon, mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy, fighting parents (nothing graphic or descriptive), one bed trope, angst
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Your stomach tied itself in knots as your parents’ car stopped behind the moving truck. “Ready to see our new home?” your mum asked but your six-year-old legs were already flinging you out of the car to run up to your new front porch.
“Its huge!” You yelled as you barrelled up to the front door, your dad not far behind with keys in hand so you could run inside to go place dibs on your room.
“I pick the back room!” you called as you ran back down the stairs however your mouth quickly tightened closed when you saw the woman in the doorway. You made your way behind your dad’s leg as he laughed, placing his hand on your head.
“This is our neighbour Alicent sweetheart,”
“Hiya, its nice to meet you,” she smiled before glancing behind her and sighing, “Come inside Aegon. Show our new neighbours what we brought,” You grabbed onto your father tighter however your grip relaxed as the nine-year-old blonde boy walked in with a plate of cookies. “Why don’t you give them to the girl?”
Aegon outstretched the plate to you, and you gladly accepted the wrapped-up treats, “Thank you,” you grinned a toothy smile at the older boy who looked like he was itching to get back to the ball he’d been forced to leave behind to come say hello.
Aegon was your first crush however as you grew up you realised how wrong that was. When you were 12 and he 15 you became a little bit obsessed with him however you also experienced your first heart break. Your window was directly opposite from Aegon’s and one night while doing homework you looked up to see him kissing another girl. Sure, you were 12 and he barely knew you apart from you being his little sister’s best friend however you were heart broken still.
It didn’t help that the older you got the dumber he seemed to get. You were privy to all his dirty little secrets because he never remembered to close his blinds when him and his friends all shared three beers or when they passed around their first joint. It got a bit better when he went to college however the summer, he came back you had to race to close your blinds nearly every night when he’d bring a girl over.
By 18 you were completely over your crush and desperate to go to college and get away from Aegon. However, the summer before your first and Aegon’s last year of college you spent a lot of time with Heleana at her house.
Alicent had finally convinced Viserys to add a pool in during the spring and it was nice and ready the day summer break rolled around. In preparation you and Heleana had went swimsuit shopping and had even picked up pool games to play with Daeron who was now 7.
Aemond, who was 19, returned the day before Aegon and greeted you with a warm hug and an offer to fetch you a shirt, “That thing barely covers you,” he rolled his eyes as all four of you tested out the pool.
“Perv much?” you joked as you relaxed into the water as Heleana cannonballed in for the seventh time.
“Stay back Aem,” Heleana said as she swam to your side, flinging her arm over your shoulder, “She’s mine,”
You laughed at her joke, even playing into it as you always did, but Aemond scoff, “Don’t worry about me. Its Aegon your gonna have to worry about,”
“Yeah right,” you scoffed back, “he barely knows I exist,”
Heleana rolled her eyes at both of you, “Yeah right. Besides I already told her that if she gets with either of you, I will murder you both,”
You laughed at her, but Aemond decided to swim up to your side to annoy her more, “But what if she’s my one true love?” he dramatically swooned back but you decided to take it a step further and push him back into the water. Aemond came floundering back to the surface with a scowl as you both cackled, “I take it back. You can keep her,”
However, what you didn’t realise was Aegon decided to come home a day early and as you and Aemond were sat at the side of the pool, exhausted and wet, watching Daeron to make sure he didn’t drown Aegon was watching you through the kitchen window.
“Holy fuck,” he murmured when he saw you in your bikini, something he didn’t think you even owned. Then again, he also didn’t know that you had a figure apparently cause right now all he could think was oh damn and to make a mental note to burn all your sweatshirts.
However, Heleana had just decided to go to the kitchen for juice when she saw her brothers’ stares. “Oh, hell no,” she snapped, swatting at her brother’s shoulder.
“Hey! The fuck?”
“You are not fucking my friend- “
“I wasn’t going to- “
“Uhuh, keep it that way,” she scowled as she grabbed the jug of juice Alicent had prepared for you all, “I swear to god Aegon if you even try anything I will kill you. kill you dead.”
That summer was a newfound torture for Aegon. Seeing you at his house near every day in a bathing suit was a sick twisted punishment from god. Especially since even when you weren’t there you were lounging in your room in a tank top and shorts with the window cracked open. In a way it was payback it was just a shame you never caught his stares.
When college rolled around, he thought he was saved but that was until he saw you around campus. Yep, just both of your luck. While you did your best to look the other way anytime you saw him the longer, he saw you around campus the harder it was for him not to stare. Glow up didn’t even describe the change you had. He was mesmerised. So, in typical Aegon fashion he decided to dive into a bottle blondes’ bed and close his eyes pretending it was you on their knees in front of him.
One night you decided to kick back and relax. you had just handed in your last assignment before winter break and thought your first frat party would be a great way to celebrate. You and Sansa, your roommate, got all dolled up and headed to her older brother’s frat, Sansa figured it meant at least this way you knew you were both safe since Robb would be there.
The music was already blaring, the drinks flowing like waterfalls, and the dancing was questionable at best. You and Sansa had met up with a couple friends and were half dancing half talking when you felt a strong arm sling its way over your shoulder, “Look who it is!” Aegon slurred in your ear. “My favourite little neighbour,” he said, his drunken hand moving to squish your cheeks.
You pushed him off of you as you turned round while your friends shared a concerned look. Youd never told them you knew the best tight end of the football team after all. “Hey Aegon. You all good?” you asked, eyes squinting when you saw how bloodshot his were.
“Yeah totally,” he said, his eyes searching the room at a million miles an hour, “Hey I was thinking you should- “he started to say, putting his arm around your shoulder again when Robb came over, “Hey man!” he said, leaving your side to bear hug Robb.
“Hey buddy,” Robb said as he pushed Aegon to arms distance, “You are doing, okay?”
“Never better,” Aegon said, his body now swaying. Robb pulled him in, whispering something in his ear with a stern face before helping him to walk towards the stairs.
Sansa looked to you with a disgusted face, “What a riot,” she said, all the girls agreeing with her, “Can’t believe you need to deal with him,”
“Yeah. He’s a good guy though. Deep down I think,” you said, remembering all the time Heleana told you about their parents screaming matches where Aegon would take them into the basement to have a movie night. Or how his father locked him outside after he failed an exam. Hell, you’d seen the sleeping around and drinking get worse ever since Viserys had died five years ago.
Your friends laughing snapped you out of your thoughts. “Ill be back guys,” you said, heading to the stairs to try find him.
As you searched the corridors you knocked on each door and received a “occupied,” called back at you. that was till you got to this door. you knocked but no one replied. Something didn’t feel right though so you knocked again, “Aegon?” you called but there was no response. Something inside you wouldn’t let you leave so you took a deep breath and tried the door handle.
The door slowly crept open, and you felt your skin flush cold, “Aegon!”
You weren’t sure why you got in the back of the ambulance or why you stayed at the hospital while the doctors took him back, but you almost cried in relief when they said you could see him. He looked as white as a ghost, his lips dried and cracked, dark red rings around his eyes, as he laid in the hospital bed.
“Aegon?” you whispered, half wondering if he was dead since he defiantly did not look alive.
“Where am I?” he murmured, his eyes struggling to open, “What happened?”
“Careful,” you said, moving to stop him from sitting up. Aegon’s eyes finally opened, and he stared up at you in shock as you sat on the side of his hospital bed, “You’re in the hospital. You had an overdose,” you told him, figuring it was best to tell him sooner than later.
A million thoughts looked like they were buzzing behind his eyes, but he only asked one thing, “Did they call my mom?”
Aegon begged you not to tell his family. apparently, he’d deliberately changed his emergency contact to his father’s number when he fell into a coma so that no one would ever receive a call. This of course made you press on how many times things like this happened and you never seen him look so ashamed.
“Let me help you,” you begged, “We can get you into therapy and- “
“I don’t need it- “
“Damn it Aegon!” you snapped, “You’re lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of you and you don’t think there’s a fucking problem?” his head dropped, his eyes welling with tears, and you felt your heart drop. You sighed, your own tears building, “I’m sorry Aegon I just-I just worry about you. I want you to be happy and healthy and just- I want you to get better,” you said, reaching for his hand.
Aegon took yours, squeezing it gently but you knew it took way more strength than you could imagine, “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and threatening to break, “for coming to find me. If I was you, I wouldn’t have,”
“It’s a good thing you’re not me then,” you joked, and you saw a tiny smile crack onto his lips, “but the only way I won’t tell your family is if you do something about it. otherwise, you’re gonna leave me no choice,”
Aegon took your words to heart and with a little push from you and help from the hospital he had a therapist within a couple of weeks. Turns out when he’s not out drinking and whoring, he’s actually a pretty chill guy. You began to hang out and even when you went back home for winter break, he kept texting you nonstop. While Heleana found it weird her brother was suddenly so close with you, she was also just relieved to see him sober.
Still, you tried to take a step back, but you found yourself weirdly missing him. You ended up going back to college together in his car to save your parents the trip and took turns driving. The whole way you were both scream singing Taylor swift or giving dramatic renditions of Lana del ray songs. Then you realised the sun was setting.
“There’s a motel 3 miles up. Do you want to just stop? I hate driving at night,” you said and Aegon agreed before turning cruel summer back up to full blast.
You both grabbed a couple things out the car before heading into the classic movie run down looking hotel. The receptionist was halfway through her cigarette and the whole room screamed the 60s with faded orange polka dot walls. “Hey, can we get two rooms?” Aegon asked as he fished out his credit card.
She tapped her long red nails at the ‘cash only’ sign before turning to the computer as you know both pulled out whatever cash you had. “Sorry Hun we only half one room,”
You felt your cheeks tinge as Aegon awkwardly cleared his throat, “Is it a twin?”
“Nope it’s a double,” she said as she peered over her glasses at you both, “Is that gonna be a problem?”
Aegon glanced at you but the idea of driving any further as your eyes were barely staying open made you grab his cash and slam it on the counter, “We’ll make it work,”
The room was as nice as you could expect. Though you did make Aegon triple check it for murderers as you guarded the door. “All safe. So…” he said, words trailing off as he looked at the bed.
You sighed as you dumped your stuff on the ground, “So,” you said as you plopped on the bed.
“I could sleep in the car- “
“Just get in the bed Aegon,” you sighed as you pulled off your trainers, “I mean we’ve known each other for years,”
He nodded but paused for another moment before asking once more, “Are you sure? Cause I get if you want me to sleep on the floor,”
You laughed a little at his words as you finally kicked off your shoes. “Its fine. Promise. I trust you,” you began to take off your jumper when you realised, he hadn’t said anything, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he said as if snapping out of a daze, “Just can’t think of a time someone said that” he said it like a joke, but you could see in his eyes it wasn’t.
As tempting as it was to make a joke to try lightening the mood you just gave him the best smile you could before excusing yourself to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Aegon went in after you and as he was sorting himself out you took off your bra and jeans and slipped under the sheets in just your shirt.
Aegon came back a couple minutes later as you scrolled your phone. Silently he took off his shirt and you did your best not to stare or even look but it was near impossible. Him slipping under the covers however snapped you out your daze when you felt his almost bare, bar his boxers, legs brush against yours.
You glanced over at him and saw his cheeks tinged a bright pink as he cleared his throat, “You tired?” he asked, staring at the ceiling.
You smiled a little at him. After all it had been you acting like that for years without him ever noticing. “A bit. You?” he just hummed in response. You sighed before rolling onto your side facing him, “Aegon?”
“Yeah?” he replied as he turned to face you, his nose accidentally brushing yours in the process. You could feel his breath fanning your face as his eyes bore into yours. up close you could really see the lilac in them.
You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but you felt his soft lips press against yours as his hands trailed up your sides. Your hands found his white, blonde hair, admiring how soft it was as your mouths mixed. You knew your best friend would kill you if she ever found out but suddenly that didn’t feel important.
Dating your best friend’s brother in secret at a university across state was wrong. You knew it, Aegon knew it, if Heleana knew about it, she’d scream it, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Suddenly every waking moment was spent with Aegon. Everything was going perfectly bar the little white lie you kept from Heleana.
That was until the two pink lines showed up in the bathroom.
Part two here
General taglist: @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-josie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate @justtilly @jjkjbhj @clairacassidy @valeskafics
HOTD taglist @jmii722 @hypocritic-trash-baby @starkleila @jacesvelaryons
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 21-Something Good Coming
Jon and Damian sat at their usual seat in the cafeteria. Jon was looking at his phone and laughing.
"What?" demanded Damian.
"Something good is coming your way." Jon stated with a smile.
"Is it my brothers in their own home?" the Wayne heir asked.
"Nope." Jon said, broadening his smiled, "Love."
Marinette was looking for a place to sit in her new school. She had hard she could take her food outside and was heading towards the exit, when she heard two boys talking about love.
"Love is a waste of time, money, and there is only so many times you can look at someone, before you want to punch them." She interrupted.
Jon looked at her in shock.
"Please, sit." Damian offered.
Marinette scrunched up her nose and started turning back towards the exit door.
"I agree!" Damian exclaimed, "I have never met anyone who shares my opinion."
Marinette turned back and looked towards his friend. He immediately scooted over and smiled.
"Who broke your heart?" Jon asked.
"I know I left two broken hearts in Paris." Marinette declared.
"Why?" Jon questioned.
"They couldn't understand that I want bigger things than to be a stay at home mom." Mari grumbled, "They both seemed nice at first, but they also wanted to do their own things and have me take care of kids. Don't get me wrong; I love kids, but I don't want them any time soon."
"What do you want then?" Damian inquired.
"I'm a fashion designer." She answered, "I already have several clients."
Damian nodded, "My family is in business so I am knowledgeable on how distant and hard it is for family to be together during certain events. Something always comes up."
"My family are reporters." Jon declared.
"So, if I say I can't ell you anything?" Marinette prodded.
"We would not press." Damian stated.
"Finally, someone who understands!" Marinette smiled, excited.
Jon laughed, "Damian's family is full of 'shut up and look the other way'."
Marinette giggled, "I come from a family of bakers. I love them, but they are expressive and pressing."
"How pressing?" Damian asked.
"I brought a boy home, at fourteen, to do homework. We had a paired project. Papa invited him for breakfast the next day. There was heart shaped everything and he asked how he felt about kids."
Jon started laughing. Damian just stared at her in shock.
"I don't think I ever talked to that kid, again." Mari said, shaking her head at the memory.
"I think our families would get along, perfectly." Jon smiled.
Marinette just rolled her eyes and started eating her food.
At the end of the day, Damian sat in his car, thinking of Marinette. Something good had come his way; a new friend.
'Jon's weird app had predicted someone new. Although, it mentioned love. We did meet because we spoke about love and how frivolous it is. Perhaps, that is what it meant.'
Neither, he nor Marinette, knew what lay ahead.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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yparkwrites · 3 months
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Pairing: Mafia Sunghoon x Female reader (Y/N)
Content warnings: explicit content (smut), mentions of abuse, bruises, blood, etc.
Word count: 18k+
Synopsis: When Sunghoon, the son of Mr. Park meets a fearless girl everything will change around him as he tries to fight for his freedom from his father's nest.
Note: this is my first ever Enhypen ff, it is published on Wattpad as a complete story.
© 2024 Y. PARK WRITES. All Rights Reserved.
Part 10 - 12
Follow me for more
PART 7 - 9
CHAPTER 10: First Night
“Sunghoon,” Y/n moaned in Sunghoon’s mouth. 
“What time will your mom get home?” Sunghoon asked, pulling away from the kiss, making Y/n whine.
“I’m already home, kids, dinner’s ready, Sunghoon have dinner with us,” Y/n’s mom said coming out from the kitchen. 
“Why are you home so early?” Y/n asked, pouting.
“It’s 12am, it’s not early anymore,” her mom responded.
“Then I’ll get going, Tristan is supposed to be having dinner with us,” Sunghoon said, turning to leave when Y/n stopped him.
“No, please stay,” Y/n said. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll snuck into your room again,” Sunghoon said, pecking her forehead.
“I heard that,” Y/n’s mom said, making Sunghoon chuckle.
“I know you like him that much but remember what happened you don’t want it to happen again,” her mom said, reminding her of what happened in the past.
“You’re late,” Mr.Park said. “You missed dinner,” he added.
“Caught up doing homeworks,” He responded, going upstairs.
“You sure you’re not hanging out with a girl?” His father making him stop on his tracks, Y/n’s right his father has eyes on the university. 
“Son, I hate lies, stop hanging out with that girl or else this time it won't be you getting hurt it’s gonna be her,” Mr. Park said as he headed towards his office.
Sunghoon headed towards his bedroom and he clenched his fist seeing Tristan.
“The fuck you doing in my room?” Sunghoon asked as he grabbed Tristan by his collar before throwing him on the floor.
“Whoa there, is that how you greet me?” Tristan said standing up.
“Get out of my room.” Sunghoon said coldly.
“You know, Y/n is pretty, I bet she’s prettier when naked, or prettier when I fuck her in her bed tonight,” Tristan said.
Sunghoon grabbed him by his collar before punching him hard on his face making him stumble. 
“Don’t you dare touch her, or I’ll fucking kill you like how I killed your brother,” Sunghoon said pushing Tristan out of his room.
Sunghoon sat on the edge of his bed as he ruffled his hair in frustration.
Mature content !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunghoon decided to snuck out of his room and to snuck in Y/n’s room.
“Sunghoon what the fuck it’s 3 in -” Y/n said but was cut off when Sunghoon started kissing her sucking her bottom lips as she opened her mouth letting Sunghoon’s tongue explore her mouth. 
“What happened?” She asked in between their kisses trying to figure out what’s going on with him.
Sunghoon pulled away from their kiss as he sat on the edge of Y/n’s bed pulling Y/n in his lap.
“You’re mine,” Sunghoon said as he started planting kisses on her neck, making her moan.
“What happened?” Y/n asked again. 
“I don’t like Tristan, I never did, I hate it how he fucking bad mouths you with his filthy mouth,” Sunghoon said before flipping her on the bed, Sunghoon now hovering above her.
Sunghoon started kissing Y/n hungrily again, as his hands started traveling in her body, putting his hands inside her shirt as he squeezed her boobs. “Fuck” Sunghoon moaned as he’s getting harder. 
“Do you want it?” Sunghoon asked and Y/n nodded as an answer. Sunghoon continues kissing her, grinding his clothed area on her.
“Stop me,” Sunghoon said before taking off her shirt. “No,” Y/n responded. 
Y/n helped Sunghoon remove her clothes and waited for him to remove his.
Sunghoon covered both their bodies with her blanket as he hovered over her again. “Do you really want it?” Sunghoon asked, making sure she’s fine with it.
“Yes,” Y/n responded as Sunghoon aligned his c**k in her entrance, Sunghoon started kissing Y/n before pushing in his length inside making her gasp feeling him pushing in slowly. Sunghoon let Y/n adjust to his size before moving.
“Fuck,” Y/n moaned. 
“You like it?” Sunghoon asked as he started moving faster, making Y/n moan louder causing Sunghoon to seal her lips with his. 
“Fuck Sunghoon, go faster, I’m close,” Y/n moaned, as Sunghoon moved faster, torturing her spot making her moan louder. 
“God, Y/n, you’re so fucking tight” Sunghoon moaned, kissing her as Y/n’s moan became louder.
“Fuck I’m close,” Sunghoon said, before they came together,  filling her up with his seeds.
Sunghoon collapsed on top of Y/n hugging her tightly.
“I love you,” Sunghoon said, pecking her lips. 
“I love you too,” Y/n responded. 
As they both fell asleep together ready to face what’s gonna happen next.
“He really snuck in her room,” Y/n’s mom said from the other room as she tried getting more sleep pretending she didn’t hear her daughter being dicked down by the mob’s son. 
The next day, Y/n woke up without Sunghoon beside her. Finding a note on her nightstand: Sorry, had to leave, your mom woke me up to tell me I have to go back home before they find out I’m not home. I love you and you look cute in my shirt. Y/n smiled while reading the note. 
Y/n went downstairs after cleaning up to meet her mom with a teasing smile.
“How was your night with Mr. Sunghoon?” She asked.
“Maaaa,” Y/n whined.
“Go have your breakfast” her mom said laughing. “I’m leaving, and your lover boy will be here to pick you up,” Her mom said as she left for work.
After Y/n ate her breakfast, Y/n grabbed her stuff to go to the university.
“Good morning,” Sunghoon greeted seeing Y/n came out of the house.
“Morning,” Y/n greeted back.
Y/n hopped in his motorcycle before Sunghoon started the engine. 
Sunghoon and Y/n arrived at the university together, gathering attention from the students in the parking lot. 
Sunghoon held Y/n’s hand as they walked together towards the university entrance. Sunghoon stopped walking, making Y/n stop too, as Sunghoon tightened his grip on Y/n’s hand. 
“What’s wrong?” Y/n asked, confused.
“Sunghoon, your father will hate this, you’re not allowed to have a girlfriend,” the guy in front of them said.
“Mind your fucking business,” Sunghoon replied, clenching his jaw as he tightened his grip more on Y/n’s hand, hiding her behind him. 
“Sunghoon, you’re getting brave, you know your father will kill this girl once he finds out about her.” The guy in front of them replied.
Sunghoon approached the guy in front of them as he held his collar with his free hands. “I dare you blabber about this and I’m gonna end you with my bare hands, like how I ended your brother’s life with my bare hands, don’t fucking try me Tristan,” Sunghoon warned.
“Sunghoon, stop it, let’s go,” Y/n whispered from behind Sunghoon as she tried pulling him away from Tristan. 
“You won’t do a thing, you’re weak since your fucking girl is here,” Tristan replied smirking. Without wasting any second, Sunghoon landed a punch on Tristan making him stumble as he landed another punch on him. “Shut your filthy mouth,” Sunghoon said, landing another punch on Tristan.
“Son,” someone said from behind him. He knows this voice, it’s his father.
Turning around, his world almost collapsed seeing his father holding a knife in Y/n’s throat as she tried to stay still.
“Let her go,” Sunghoon said, looking directly into his father’s eyes.
Seeing his father smirk, he slit her throat.
“NOOOO!” Sunghoon yelled, waking up.
“What happened?” Y/n asked as she woke up hearing Sunghoon scream. 
“Just a bad dream,” Sunghoon replied, Y/n hugging him tight, Sunghoon sighing in relief. 
“What was your dream about?” Y/n asked as she handed him a glass of water while her mother prepared for their breakfast. 
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” Sunghoon responded, giving her a smile to assure her it’s nothing. 
“You know you’re bad at lying,” Mrs. Kim said, turning around as she placed down their plates. 
“It’s really nothing,” Sunghoon muttered, smiling at them. 
“Fine, it’s nothing, go eat before your food turns cold”. Mrs. Kim said, looking at them. 
After having their breakfast they both went to the university together. Walking inside the campus hand in hand, gathering attention from everyone, is Sunghoon back to old Sunghoon, that question lingered in everyone's mind. 
“Why did you suddenly change your course to a different one?” Sunghoon ask, as they sat down on their seats.
“When you left, I just felt like I don’t want to be in that class anymore, the class where I met you, where everything started,” Y/n responded.
“Y/n, after we gather all the informations we need about my family history, I don’t want you involve in it, I want you safe, neither I want any of them helping me further, don’t do anything stupid and just do as I say,” Sunghoon said, making Y/n look at him.
“But I promise to help until we end everything,” Y/n said.
“I know, but I don’t want to put your life in danger, more than I’m putting it in now, and whatever happens I’ll make sure you’re safe.” Sunghoon said, making Y/n sigh in frustration. “I know you want to help me, but I want you to promise me that you’re gonna keep yourself safe from danger, away from my father and our family,” Sunghoon added. 
“Will you promise me that you’re coming out alive?” Y/n asked worried about what might happen.
“I promise, now will you promise me that you won’t get involved in any of this?” Sunghoon said. 
“I promise.” Y/n said. 
“What do you mean you don’t need more help?” Jake asked, looking at Sunghoon as he put down the book he was reading. 
“I don’t want to put any of your friends in trouble, especially Y/n.” Sunghoon responded looking at Jake. 
“Please don’t tell me you’re planning on leaving her again, don’t do this.” Jake said. 
“I’m sorry, I really love her, I love her so fucking much that I don’t think I’ll be able to live without her, and if I have to leave just to keep her safe, so that I don’t lose her, I’ll do it.” Sunghoon responded.
“So when are you planning on telling her you’re leaving?” Jake asked.
“I won’t, and you’ll keep her safe, you’ll stop her from looking for me, I’ll come back after all this, and after that, I won’t leave again.” Sunghoon responded. 
“Sunghoon” Y/n moaned as Sunghoon hovered over her. 
“God, I love your lips,” Sunghoon whispered in between their kisses, as they continued to make out, Sunghoon’s lips moving down to her neck, leaving marks on it. 
“Mhhm Hoon” Y/n moaned, her hands traveling on his chest, down his abdomen. 
“You like it when I do this don’t you?” Sunghoon asked, removing some of her hairs out of her face. 
“I love it,” Y/n responded before pulling Sunghoon into another kissing session. His hands traveled all over her body. Removing her shirt carefully before he started leaving kisses on her chest, making her moan. 
Y/n’s moan got louder feeling him rubbing her cl*t. “Tell me what you want princess” Sunghoon said, slipping his fingers inside her making her moan louder. 
“Tell me what you want me to do,” Sunghoon whispered in her ear. 
“Fuck me.” Y/n said her hands were traveling on his pants as she helped him remove his pants. 
Sunghoon aligned his c**k in her entrance pushing inside her making her moan. “Fuck.” He started kissing her again, as he let her adjust on his size, feeling a tap on his biceps he started moving slowly in and out of her. 
“Sunghoon” Y/n moaned, feeling his finger on her cl*t, she arched her back as she felt him go deeper inside her, hitting her spot. “Fuck, faster,” Y/n moaned. 
“Fuck, I’m so close,” Sunghoon moaned as he started moving faster and deeper making her moan his name in pleasure. 
“Fuck, I’m c**ming,” Y/n moaned and with a few more thrust they came together, Sunghoon collapsing on top of her.
“I love you so much,” Sunghoon said, pecking her forehead as he pulled her closer to him.
“I love you too” Y/n responded as she cuddled onto him, burying her face on his chest. “Please don’t leave me again.” Y/n added before falling asleep in his arms. 
Y/n woke up the next day without Sunghoon beside her. She got up and saw a note on her desk, as she smiled thinking he might’ve left early to go home, but it faded when she read it. I’m sorry. I love you, my love. 
After reading the note she started panicking. Calling him but his phone is off. 
Arriving at the university she started looking for him frantically. She's going crazy. She couldn't find him, he had left her. Again. 
She went on the rooftop hoping he’s there but he isn’t, making her break into tears holding her chest as she cried.
“You said you won’t leave me again,” Y/n whispered as she kept crying. 
Looking up she saw her friends looking at her, worriedly. 
“He left me, again.” She said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Jake hugged her, her cries became louder, her friends stood watching their friend break into million pieces. 
Waking up earlier than Y/n, Sunghoon stared at Y/n’s sleeping figure, face buried on his chest, leaving a kiss on her forehead, questions going through his mind. The other day he called Lorenzo to meet up, surprisingly he’s back in the country, agreeing to meet up with him. 
Sunghoon stroked Y/n’s messy hair, fixing it, hugging her tightly. “I’m sorry if I’ll leave again,” he whispered, unsure of any of his plans. “I want you safe like this, even if it’s not me in the future, I want you safe like this.” He whispered again.
Standing from the bed, Y/n groan in sleep feeling Sunghoon’s warmth gone, “don’t leave,” Y/n mumbled. “I’ll just have to pee.” Sunghoon whispered. Noticing she’s fast asleep, he grabs a shirt from her closet, puts it on her, puts a pillow beside her, tucking her in the bed.
Grabbing a small paper after putting on his clothes, he grabbed a pen before he started writing a small note, a note that will break her the next day. 
Going downstairs he found her mom, sitting in the living room. “Mrs. Kim, you're up early.” Sunghoon greeted Y/n’s mom. “I couldn’t get back to sleep.” she responded to him. “You’re leaving early?” Her mom asked, to which Sunghoon nodded. “At Least have some coffee before leaving and I insist so you can’t say no.” Y/n’s mom added before standing up with Sunghoon following behind her. 
Sunghoon sips his coffee, made by Y/n’s mom, as her mom stares at his blank face. 
“Don’t leave my daughter.” Mrs. Kim said, making Sunghoon look up at her, she knows.
“It’s just for a while, I just have to work on something.” He responded to her.
“I know what you’re up to, please don’t do it. I’ve seen Y/n miserable when you disappeared and I don’t want to witness it again.” Mrs. Kim told him. 
“What did she do?” Sunghoon asked, curious about what had happened after he left that night. 
“The night you left her, Jake drove her back home, he’s with his sister. They told me everything that had happened, I felt bad. She stopped coming to class. She stopped eating. She locked herself in her room, crying herself every night to sleep.” Mrs. Kim told. “She’s unstable for a month, we had to bring her to a psychologist that suggested to us it's better if she stays for at least a week in the psychic ward, Jake refused, he got mad, he told the psychologist that his friend is not crazy. I agreed. She was there for a week, but weeks turned into months, but after being there for 4 months she was sent back home. Mrs. Kim added. 
“What happened after she came back?” Sunghoon asked. 
“She’s the same, still miserable but better. She dropped out of her current course and the next year she enrolled in another course.” Mrs. Kim responded.
“I’ll come back.” Sunghoon said, looking at Y/n’s mom. 
“You’re not sure.” Mrs. Kim said, smiling sadly at him, knowing that there’s a big chance he won’t come back ever again. 
“If I don’t come back please tell her I love her so much, and I want her to love again, I want her to forget about me.” Sunghoon said, standing up from his chair looking at Y/n’s mom. “Thank you for taking care of me.” Sunghoon added.
Sunghoon arrived back home, it’s empty. He got upstairs and went inside his room. Grabbing clothes from his closet he went inside his bathroom to freshen up, to get ready and meet with Lorenzo. 
He put on his leather jacket, grabbed his gun, tucking it on his holsters. 
Sunghoon went to their meeting place, his mansion, he’s never been to Lorenzo's place, as he only remembered seeing him in a public place with his father as they fought about money.
Arriving outside at the mansion, Lorenzo’s guards guide him to the garden where he saw him drinking wine early in the morning. 
“I thought you’re not showing up.” Lorenzo said with a smug look on his face.
“I’m a man of my words.” Sunghoon responded to him.
“You sure? You just left your girl.” Lorenzo said, smirking as Sunghoon balled his fist. 
“I know everything but don’t worry, your girl is not my concern, my concern is, why do you want to see me.” Lorenzo said, trying to ease Sunghoon a bit. Lorenzo might hate his father but not him, for Lorenzo he’s just an innocent guy dragged into his father’s mess. 
Sunghoon took a seat in front of Lorenzo. “Wine?” Lorenzo asks. “No.” Sunghoon responded.
“I don’t remember everything, the only person I remember is Y/n, she’s my only memory now.” Sunghoon said. “I need help.” Sunghoon added. 
“Help?” Lorenzo asked, smirking. “Help to remember your past?” He asked again, chuckling.
“No, help to destroy my father. I don’t want him near her, nor her friends.” Sunghoon responded, making Lorenzo put down his glass of wine. 
“Son you’re too late, your father is already on his way to take down your girl and her friends, maybe not today but very soon, you should’ve come to me earlier.” Lorenzo said, standing up. “You, leaving Y/n is not gonna keep her safe. Heeseung. That’s Tristan’s step brother. Lorenzo added. 
“Then we need to do this fast.” Sunghoon said. 
“What if you get killed?” Lorenzo asks him.
“I don’t care, I want Y/n safe.” Sunghoon responded to him.
“Fine then, let’s plan it.” Lorenzo said.
Sunghoon parked his motorcycle in front of the university, waiting for them to come out, it’s lunch time. Looking at his phone, he has 10 missed calls from Y/n. And a text from Jake. “You better come back you motherfucker, if you don’t get your ass here I’m hunting you down.” Sunghoon chuckled at Jake’s message.
Coming inside the university, the hallway is packed, it’s lunchtime. He started looking for Jake until he saw him outside the nurses office with Jay, Jungwon, Yura and Heeseung. That motherfucker. 
“Sunghoon.” Yura called out to him and he approached them, and he’s about to speak when he received a tight slap on his cheek. 
“Yura, what the fuck!” Jay exclaimed as he held her back from hitting Sunghoon again. 
“It’s fine, I deserve it.” Sunghoon said. “Jake, I need to talk to you alone.” He added looking at him. 
“What is it?” Jake asks as they walk away, far from them. 
“Keep Y/n away from Heeseung and from you,” he said.
“Damn jealous much,” Jake responded, chuckling.
“No, Heeseung is Tristan’s stepbrother and I need him away from Y/n.” Sunghoon told Jake.
“What?” Jake asked, shocked.
Sunghoon dragged Jake with him away from the crowd. 
“I met up with Lorenzo, and he’s nicer than my father, he’s gonna help me keep you all safe from my father.” Sunghoon told him.
“Did you ask him about my father?” Jake asked.
“No, you can ask him that, if you want.” Sunghoon said. 
“So what’s the plan?” Jake asked.
“Kill my father.” Sunghoon said.
“Are you fucking crazy? You’re gonna keep yourself killed.” Jake whispered-yelled. 
“I'm crazy, and I don’t want Y/n finding out about this.” Sunghoon retorted.
“What do we tell her if you get killed?” Jaked asked, worried.
“Lorenzo knows what to tell her.” Sunghoon said. The bell rang indicating the lunch was over. 
“I’ll go and watch Y/n a bit.” Sunghoon said.
Y/n woke up in the nurse's office alone, getting up from the bed. Glancing to her side, she found a small note. My love I was here, I’ll watch you from afar from now, don’t cry. I love you. Tears pooled in her eyes, looking at the chair beside her bed, she found Sunghoon’s favorite leather jacket, standing up from the bed she grabbed the note stick onto it. Love if you’re cold wear this, don’t worry I’ll send more of my jackets and hoodies for when you miss me.
Y/n grabbed the jacket hugging it tightly as she sobbed. 
Turning around she saw Jungwon there. “Was Sunghoon really here?” She asked, sobbing. “He was here and he still is here.” Jungwon responded to her. 
Looking at the door she saw Sunghoon. “I told you not to cry anymore.” Sunghoon said, approaching her, wiping her tears. 
“You promised not to leave.” Y/n said, sobbing. 
“I’m sorry.” Sunghoon said, pulling her on his chest, now understanding what her mom meant. “I was gonna leave now, but Jake told me, if I don’t wait for you to wake up and talk to you before I leave he’s gonna kill me before my father does.” Sunghoon said, chuckling.
“Where were you gonna go?” Y/n mumbled, face buried on his chest.
“I have to keep you safe, away from my father, don't worry I’ll be with you after everything.” Sunghoon said.
“Are you gonna leave?” Y/n asked, looking up at him. 
“I’am, and I’m coming back.” Sunghoon said, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes.
Y/n buried her face again on his chest as she hugged him tighter.
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months
being back in in your old house has brought so many memories. you had just stepped foot back. it smelled the exact same but the decor was very different. it felt inviting. you missed being home.
aaron helped you carry the kids inside. the plane ride and the ride back home caused the kids to fall asleep quickly.
you and aaron discussed on buying a bigger house. he wanted the kids to have space to move around. currently you lived in a three bedroom apartment.
“sorry it’s a mess. when i left home i didn’t expect to be gone too long.”
you shrug your shoulders.
“it’s not messy, aaron. you’re just a clean freak.” you joked.
he chuckles. “yeah! but don’t act like you’re not either.”
the two of you stayed in silence for awhile. you and aaron had put the kids in your shared bedroom. well—you had no idea how the sleeping arrangements would go.
of course you’d love to sleep in the same bed as your ex husband—but you didn’t want to overstep. If he wasn’t ready for that yet you’ll respect his decision.
“does jack know im here?”
aaron hums. “yeah. but he doesn’t know he has siblings. with everything that happened i forgot to mention them. it was just so nice hearing his voice.”
“cant believe my babies ten now.”
aaron nods in agreement. “gotta lot of catching up to do.”
your heart broke when he said that. you knew it was a dig the way he said it. you knew aaron needed time to forgive you completely. you just hoped in the end the two of you would work things out.
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when jack gets home he runs quickly into the house. he missed you so much. he just needed to see you to believe you were home.
he hears music in the kitchen. he carefully walks in and spots you cooking dinner.
you turned and gasped. your little boy not so little anymore. you wanted to cry.
“oh? my baby’s all grown up.”
jack runs to you and hugs you tightly. “i miss you. please don’t ever leave again.”
you kiss the top of his head. “i swear it. gonna make this family work.”
jack nods and he lets go. you gently grab each side of his face before kissing his forehead.
“there’s something your father and i wanna tell you.”
“what is it?”
just as you were about to speak you see tiny little feet coming your way. it was your oldest daughter.
“brudder, mamma?”
you nod your head.
“when i left i found out i was pregnant.”
“i have a sister?” jack asked excitedly.
“two actually! and a little brother.” aaron makes himself known.
jack was super excited to have siblings. he always wanted a little brother or sister. now he has three siblings.
“jack meet isabella, theodore, and aurora.”
“hi! im your big brother.”
“brudder?” theo grabs jacks hand.
aaron walks over to you and grabs your hand. it was the first physical contact the two of you had.
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it’s been three months since you’ve been home. aaron had still been cold to you. you understand and you tried to keep patient.
but it was very frustrating. almost as if he didn’t trust you. and maybe he didn’t. but you came this way to try and work out your relationship.
just felt like you were doing it alone.
aaron was currently out on a case. you kept the house in order while he was gone. you cooked, cleaned, made sure jack did his homework, kept the triplets entertained, went shopping. everything you could think of.
when aaron arrived home you greeted him with a simple smile. he had his signature scowl on his face before spotting the kids.
aaron picked up each of the children and kissed their cheeks. aaron adapted well to having four kids. it was tough but he made sure his children were happy and healthy.
you knew by just looking at them what you were going to suggest would break his heart a little. but you thought it was best. just until he was ready to work on your relationship.
“i missed you so much.” aaron tells his kids.
“miss you, daddy.” aurora states.
“hi, jackster. miss you too bud.” aaron hugs jack gently.
“did you catch the bad guy?” jack has been asking him this question since he found out his dad put bad people away.
“sure did bud!”
“cool. mom? what’s for dinner?”
“ordered a pizza. mama is tired today.”
jack nods understandably before heading back upstairs to his room. you watched as aaron play with your kids.
when dinner arrived you all ate at the table together. mostly you feeding the kids while aaron and jack eat as well.
once everyone was finished it was time for bed. you and aaron made sure jack took a shower as you started to bath the triplets.
when everyone was in there respective beds you sighed before walking to your shared bedroom with aaron. although you two weren’t sleeping in the same bed.
for the last three months he had been on the couch. only coming into the room before the kids woke up.
“may we talk?”
aaron turned to look at you. he hums. you sit down on the bed.
“i think i should move out.”
“i said i think—”
“i heard you! why?”
“aaron, you barely even look at me. i get it, you’re upset i left, but—”
“you think that’s why im upset? because you left?”
you frowned. “well, yeah.”
“yn, im upset because i hurt you. im upset because you left without even telling me about your pregnancy. im upset because i wasn’t there for the birth of our kids.”
“so, you’re mad at yourself? i don’t get it. what’s with all the snarky remarks then, aaron?”
aaron sighs. he sits next to you and grabs your hands. it felt good to have him finally touch you. you miss him deeply.
“im just—im projecting i guess. im hurt that i hurt you and instead of admitting my faults im hurting you even more. im sorry, love.”
god you missed that. him calling you his love. you’d do anything to keep this relationship sacred.
“where do we go from here?”
“ive been looking into counseling. i think we both suffered a lot the two years we were apart. especially you baby. with losing two dads and learning your mom had been held hostage all this time. i think you need to talk to someone and i need to get my shit together.”
you never considered therapy. mostly because you had someone to talk to. rather that be your parents, aaron, your siblings, emily or penny. there was always someone there. but as you think about everything, aaron had a point.
aaron kisses the top of your head.
“but could i make one suggestion?”
aaron nods. “can i sleep in the same bed as my husband. i just want him to hold me at night. i miss that.”
aaron smiles and nods.
“let me take a shower. then ill be right back to hold you, love.” he kisses your forehead once more before getting up and heading to your shared bathroom.
you watched him and smiled. knowing that the two of you would be okay. that’s all that mattered to you. him and your four beautiful kids.
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like i said, slow burn but not too slow!
i thought this was cute!!
aaron opening up to us in the end. he’s such a man 🤤
if you wanna be added or unadded to the taglist please let me know
@ivebeenthearchersstuff @slut4ethan @shergoretzxx @rosiehale23 @madesavage05 @whotfskai @vodkori @zaddyhotch @14buddy22
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bitbybitwrites · 1 month
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It's been awhile again since I've done any of these - lately computer issues have kept me from writing, but here's a few snippets ( one Klaine and one FirstPrince WIP) that I was working on before my computer decided to be a pain in my ass.
Thanks to the following people for tagging me for WIP Wednesday and Six/Seven/Several Sentence Sunday in the past few weeks ( if I forgot anyone in this list below I'm sorry!):
@taste-thewaste @thighzp @porcelainmortal @getmehighonmagic @littlemisskittentoes
@thesleepyskipper @alasse9 @stratocumulusperlucidus @softboynick @sophie1973
@sheepywritesfics @onthewaytosomewhere
Snippets are under the cut.
1.) From If I Can Make Your Heart My Home ( Klaine fic) cc @datshitrandom
“But you never came by when I was awake.”
“I . . I was too afraid to hear what you’d say if you saw me.”
The blood began to pulse in Blaine’s ears.  “What did you think I would have said?”
Kurt sighed.  Now he was the one averting his eyes.
“That you never wanted to see me again.  That you hated me. . .” he murmured.  “I . . I hurt you, Blaine.  I can’t change how badly I fucked up.  I know I did.  I know I did big time.  And . . it was . . it was horrible of me to do everything that I did. Because you are right.  You deserved so much better than that.”
Kurt stood up and began to pace nervously.  “Look.  I was afraid. Hell, I still am a bit.  Afraid that maybe Sebastian was right.”
Blaine sat up straighter at the mention of the younger Smythe’s name. “’What?  What did Sebastian say to you?”
 Kurt flinched at the sharpness in Blaine’s tone.  “He . . he said . .” Kurt wrapped his arms around himself, sinking back into the other end of the couch.  “Sebastian said that . . I was nothing but a novelty to you. A joke . . basically some sort of low brow entertainment for you on the side.  I wasn’t anything that was worth your time. And there was no way I could be able to keep up with your . . lifestyle . . .”
Blaine paled.  “Kurt . . I would never . . you. . .you don’t really believe I felt that way . . .”
Kurt let out a wet laugh.  He shrugged his shoulders.  “No . . but . . Blaine, come on.  What could I possibly give to you?  I can’t take you to fancy restaurants or trips out to the Hamptons. I don’t own a penthouse or a limo.  I don’t even own a restaurant.  I’m just this  . .  this nobody from a rural town in Ohio. . . You’re . .”
“Don’t.  Don’t say it.”
“You’re an Anderson, Blaine.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I might have to disagree.” Blaine muttered
Kurt shook his head, his expression sofenting.  “Look, if you take your father out of the picture, the Andersons are pretty amazing.  They are caring and selfless. They are philanthropic and so loving and open-hearted.  You. . . your brother. . . your grandmother.  You’re all the same.  And it's wonderful.”
2.) From Puppy Love (FirstPrince fic) - cc @omgbarbiegurl
“Now do you have all of your stuff?  Remember you’re at Tia Nora’s tonight.”
Raf nodded.  “I packed everything.  Even a ball so I can play with Tia Nora’s next door neighbor.”
“That’s nice.” Alex said as he hustled around his apartment, shutting off lights.
“He’s adopted and he’s really nice. Sometimes he’s allowed to come over and play with me if I stay over.”
“You finish your homework first, right?” Alex asked
Raf sighed and rolled his eyes.  “Yes.  Tia Nora won’t let me do ANYTHING until I finish my homework first.”
“That’s good.  Glad you made a friend over at Nora’s.”
Alex  hummed as he started flicking through his phone , partly to see if there were any new work messages from Liam or June, partially to see if Henry had texted him. “Yeah, mijo?”
“Are you sure we can’t have a dog?”
“Raf . .”
“I’d take care of it really well, I promise . .  .” the little boy pleaded.
Alex knelt down as he could be more at eye level.  “Hey, I know you want one.  But it wouldn’t be fair to a puppy to be left alone so much - with my work schedule and then you not even being home at at Tia Nora’s place.”
“But we could bring it there.”
“Tia Nora is doing me a HUGE favor by watching you when she can.  It wouldn’t be fair if I gave her 2 kids to look after - a human one  AND a furry one.”
Raf pouted, crossing his arms.  “I don’t think she’d mind.”
Alex pulled his son into a tight hug.  “Once everything kind of slows down and we can get things settled so we’re home more, we’ll look into it.  Until then, you always can come with me to the rescue and help out playing with the animals who don’t have homes yet.  They get pretty lonely there sometimes.”
A small dramatic sigh erupted from the small frame in Alex’s arms.   He had to bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. 
“OK . . but can I do it soon?” Raf asked.
“I’ll check the schedule with Tia June and we’ll see what we can do.”
“¿Prometes? (You promise)” Raf asked as he held out his pinky to his dad eagerly.
“Si.  Lo prometo, mijo.(Yes, I promise, son.)” Alex said with a smile.
And for anyone who may want to play . . a BIG OPEN TAG . . but also:
@myheartalivewrites, @gleefulpoppet @wowbright @14carrotghoul @iboatedhere
@itsmaybitheway @little-escapist @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @sarkyblueeyes @tailsbeth-writes
@rmd-writes @cha-melodius @madas-ahatters-world @kirakiwiwrites @shegoestoeleven
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kmgkmg · 2 years
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word count: 3.3k...
pairing: wonwoo x gn!reader
synopsis: you finally interact with the ever so famous ice prince of your campus and he wants you to be in a fake relationship with him?!
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, college!au, fake relationship, strangers-to-lovers
warnings: alcohol mention
rating: pg-13
a/n: a submission for k-vanity's cupid arrow event. golden arrow: fake relationship to falling in love. fic title is based on the song stay with me by sole and wonstein! ty @kimchicollardgreens for helping with the ending!! <3
“You hate me, don’t you?” Chan sulked, wiping an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye.
 Both of you were finally finished with your final class of the week. You were glad that the class was over. Although you both loved dance, Chan even having it as his major, your professor somehow managed to drone on and make it boring enough to make you both sleepy as hell. The course description enticed you and when Chan showed interest as well, you knew it was destiny to register for it. 
You planned for it to be a chill weekend, full of homework, but your best friend had other plans. Normally you would 100% support him, that’s what friends are for after all, but the start of this semester had been harder than expected. Less than three months into your new courses, yet you felt like you were desperately trying to escape from the bottom of the pile of coursework thrown on top of you. 
“Fine, I’ll skip getting the FREE sandwiches that my department offered. It’s not like they were getting them from the newly opened restaurant. That, may I remind you, is close to campus. It’s not like I could’ve reported back to you on the taste to decide if we wanted to go there in the future,” You ramble, making sure to emphasize the free aspect of the deal you were missing out on. You usually did attend Chan’s shows, but you told him before class that you wanted to grab a sandwich and head home to finish your readings for next week’s courses. 
Chan kissed you on the cheek, “You love me after all!” 
Most are thrown-off by his touchiness but you became friends with him before orientation and quickly bonded with each other. He was like a brother to you, and he viewed you as a sibling too. With his kiss of appreciation placed, he headed towards the practice room to finalize his choreography for tonight. You shouted out for him to be careful since he was prone to running into things or people when he was excited. He waved his hand in recognition of your warning and you started heading to the campus library to study while waiting for the showtime to approach. 
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You were now walking to the old main building that the show was going to be in. There was one course you took as a first-year student in it, so luckily you knew how to find it since your campus could be confusing at times. Since it was an old building, the main floor was marked as 000 instead of 100. So even though it was on the first floor, Chan’s performance was in Studio 011. From the distance, you could see that the door had been propped open with... a tiger-patterned door stopper?
Why do tiger-patterned door stoppers exist? 
No, more importantly, how did Soonyoung manage to think of buying one? Laughing at the dance team leader’s fondness towards tigers, you entered the building. 
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Although Chan’s performance was taking place on the main floor, he had hilariously begged you to bring him an energy drink to hype himself up. It was the first performance of the semester, of course he was excited but the firsts are always mixed with nervousness as well. It didn’t bother you that he asked. Really. But, what did bother you was the location of the vending machine. The fifth floor.
On the elevator, the repetitive melodies of the music persisted, until getting to the third floor. A man with square frame glasses was breathless, carrying a box full of unknown objects, all you could tell is that it looked heavy. Another box was at his feet, barely staying closed with flimsy tape in an attempt to seal it. 
“I lost rock paper scissors, so I’m their errand boy for the day,” he explained as you uncrossed your arms to hold the elevator open with your hand. 
You nod in understanding, still surprised that the elevator wasn’t as full as it usually was. 
“Do you need help with the other box?” You inquired, eyes drifting to the box at his feet. 
“No, no. I couldn’t bother you to do that,” he refused, kicking the box into the nearly vacant elevator. 
You again nod silently, extending your arm out to hit the button to close the doors. 
“This isn’t going to the first floor?” He asks, perplexed since he could’ve sworn he hit the button to go down.
“I mean, it will eventually. I’m going up to grab some drinks for the dance team,” You told him, still unsure of who he was.
His ears perked up, “Oh? Are you friends with any of the members?” 
“Yeah, I know almost all of the team. I’m closest to Chan!” You replied, a smile beaming at the mention of your best friend.
“Oh, I’ve interacted with Chan a couple of times. He’s such a sweet kid,” He smiles back at you, before the elevator doors open once again.
“Yeah he is! But this is my floor so I have to go fetch them drinks. Do you want anything for the performance…actually what’s your name?”
“I’m good, thank you for offering. But my name’s Wonwoo, you?” Wonwoo introduces himself.
“Y/N. See you in a bit, Wonwoo,” you wave at him, removing your foot from the elevator’s threshold.
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“You DMed the ice prince, Jeon Wonwoo?” Chan squealed, drawing attention to the two of you near the busy coffee cart. You hurriedly shushed your friend, shoving his croissant sandwich in his mouth as he still looked at you in bewilderment. 
“What is up with that old-fashioned nickname? Are we in a drama or something? And it’s not that big of a deal,” You shrugged, attempting to move on from what you had accidentally let slip. 
“I mean, but why? What does Y/N L/N have to say to Jeon Wonwoo?” 
“Well, after I bumped into him he seemed like an interesting character. What do I have to lose by asking him out to dinner?” 
“Dinner? Y/N, that’s like the mealtime for dates!” Chan exclaimed, not even attempting to hide his excitement at his best friend potentially going out with one of the school’s most popular guys.
“Who says?”
“Literally him. He said that one time when we were giving Soonyoung advice for how to ask out Soohyuk.”
“Shit,” you sighed. 
“That’s what I thought,” Chan triumphantly replies.
You shake your head to his response, “No not that, I just spilled my smoothie on the table,” you explained, reaching for napkins to wipe up the mess. 
“You’re really not affected by this?”
“If he sees it as a date, then it’s a date. I don’t really have any objections to going out with him,” you shrug, relaxing in the seat across from your best friend once again. As if Wonwoo could sense your conversation, your phone vibrated alerting you of a notification. You looked at it, momentarily forgetting you were in the presence of your overbearing best friend.
“It’s him, isn’t it? Let me see!” Chan giggles, nearly snatching your phone from your hand.
“It probably isn’t,” You groan, finally looking at your screen to reveal it was indeed, Jeon Wonwoo.
I would love to catch dinner, but I’m sorry I’m busy after my classes.
Well, he was called the ice prince for a reason. You quickly started messaging him back, fully aware of Chan’s presence in front of you.
Don’t worry about it, I know I asked super late notice!
“Well?” Chan asked, eyes full of curiosity.
“He’s busy,” You shrug.
Chan’s excited self visibly deflates as he goes to throw away the box that his sandwich was in.
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Class was going like usual with Chan dozing on your shoulder with his hood on over his head. 
This professor must have a supernatural ability to suck all the fun out of learning. It’s scary that this was the same Chan trying to steal your phone not even an hour ago. 
“We will continue our analysis of this reading on Friday, enjoy the rest of your day,” Your professor concludes class, signaling for students to pack up their things. It was evident every single student wanted to escape the lecture hall as soon as possible. 
“Chan, wake up,” You groan, pushing his head off of your shoulder.
“Mm, five more minutes,” He whined, attempting to lean his head on your shoulder again.
“Go sleep in your bed, dumbass,” You scolded, pushing him away from you as you got up to pack up your things. 
“You hate me, don’t you?” 
You roll your eyes at Chan’s go-to rhetorical question, “Not going to work today, Chan. Make sure you get home safe though, yeah?”
He sleepily nods, waving you goodbye. You hoisted up your backpack, starting to head out of the lecture hall. Chan liked sitting in the back, a prime place for his naps, but you regretted it every time class ended. Not only did it take way longer to leave since the only exits were at the end of the stairs, but you always had to somehow avoid confrontation with your ex, Joshua. He was the TA for this course, an issue that usually didn’t bother you, but since Chan had overslept more students had already cleared out. You were almost at the end of the stairs, dreading your impending interaction with Joshua. To your surprise, as you glanced at Joshua’s usual spot, he wasn’t there. 
Instead, Jeon Wonwoo was? Was he in this class the whole time? Why was he in Joshua’s spot? Before you could ask him, he stood up and started making his way over to you.
“Hey, I know I said I was busy, but could you help me out tonight?” He asks, making you raise your eyebrows at his genuine request.
“Depends, but why are you in Joshua’s spot?” You responded, needing to satiate your curiosity. 
“Oh, he’s sick and I’m the preceptor for the next class so I said I could just come an hour earlier and fill in his spot,” He started to explain, his eyes asking you to make him elaborate on what he needed help with.
You noted the urgency of his body language, making you smile at how his nickname did not suit him at all. “Why do you need my help?” 
He starts twiddling his fingers, looking down at them. He's so cute.
“Well there's this banquet tonight and um, I told my friends I had a date so they couldn't use my plus one, because I couldn't pick just one friend,” He looks back up at you and you nod to confirm you're still following his story.
“And, well, they somehow asked around to all get added as plus ones by other people invited. So, um, I was wondering if you could pretend to be my partner? Just for the night!”
“What’s in it for me?” 
He was clearly flustered at your question, not expecting his proposal to make it this far.
“Um...free catered food?”
“Good enough, I was just going to grab cafeteria food tonight anyways,” You grab one of his hands to stop him from fidgeting and shake his hand, “We have a deal then.”
You walk away from him with a smile on your face. Even if it was fake, the upcoming date excited you.
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“You're wearing that?” Minghao, your roommate, judges you as you showed him your outfit for the night.
“What's wrong with it?” You frown, you thought it was a cute business casual outfit.
“Y/N, this banquet is for the students handpicked by our school's president and elite alumni. You need to be more formal with your outfit,” Minghao calmly explains, getting up from your couch to make an outfit from your closet himself.
The bell rang, indicating Wonwoo was at the complex's entrance. You hit the button to talk to him, “Come on up, I'm almost done!”
You desperately look at your roommate, “He said he was going to be here at 6, this is too early!”
“Y/N, the clock...” Minghao trails off, making you look at the time to see it was five minutes after 6.
You sped back into your bedroom, throwing on the outfit that Minghao put together. Having a fashion design major roommate came in handy at times.
Wonwoo was awkwardly waiting on the couch sitting next to Minghao. He knew Minghao and Chan were on the dance team with Soonyoung, but Minghao intimidated him too much to ever approach him. After a few more seconds of unbearable silence, he decided to get up from the couch and head towards the door.
“You know, I can just wait for Y/N outside,” He tries to flee, only for you to open your bedroom door, perfectly ready for the night ahead of you.
“Sorry it took so long, but let's head out! Minghao stop intimidating him,” You scold, grabbing your keys and heading out of the apartment with Wonwoo.
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“You look so…” You begin, approaching Wonwoo who was clearly zoning out. You had excused yourself a little while after arriving, noticing a professor that had been avoiding your emails.
“Hot?” He answers almost immediately. 
“...bored.” You raise your eyebrows at his attempt to finish your sentence. “Now, Jeon Wonwoo, I know you’re the ice prince and all but have you really let that get to your head?” 
His face turns pale realizing you were the one talking to him. “Oh, it’s just- I thought- most people comment on my looks so I thought you were going to as well and I just..um yeah,” He mentally beats himself up for the way he was acting, what happened to his cool facade when he was with you? 
“So, it has gotten to your head?” You nod, teasing him more. 
“No! I-” 
He’s interrupted by your laughter, turning his head to see you cracking up at his reaction.
“Loosen up a bit Wonwoo. I won’t bite,” You manage to say in between laughter, handing him a glass of champagne. 
He smiles at you, grabbing the glass of champagne before silently taking a sip. Did you call him the ice prince or did he mishear you? “Wait, how do you know my nickname?” 
“Chan told me, although I have to admit it really doesn't suit you.”
“Why's that?”
“Well, you're nothing like ice. If anything, you melt people's hearts,” You say, mentally beating yourself up at what you randomly just spewed. He melts people's hearts?
Wonwoo could feel his ears turning hot at the unexpected compliment, but couldn't miss out on the opportunity to tease you back.
“I melt people's hearts, huh?” He grins.
“I know, not my best work. I cringed as soon as it came out of my mouth,” You agree, but your conversation is cut short by a trio of guys walking towards you.
“Shit, my friends are coming over,” He tells you through the gritted teeth of his artificial smile.
“So, this is your hidden partner? You weren't making them up after all Wonwoo!” One of them cries, resembling a puppy with his excited demeanor. He resembles Chan.
“Come on, leave the poor guy alone Mingyu,” Another friend chimes in. “I'm Choi Seungcheol, it's nice to meet you...?”
“Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet all of you as well! Wonwoo has talked about you all before, especially Jihoon!” You point at the shortest friend of the group, thankful Wonwoo had texted you with a rundown of his friends with photos that would be at the banquet earlier.
“What did he say about me? Hopefully nothing bad,” Jihoon speaks up.
“No, nothing bad! Just that he likes having a friend around who has similar energy to himself,” You make up, praying that Jihoon really was similar to Wonwoo. You looked at Wonwoo for approval of what you said, to which he softly smiled back at you. Does this mean you were right in your deductions?
“That does make sense! They're both super reserved,” Seungcheol replies, confirming you were spot-on.
“Enough talk about Jihoon, Y/N, what made you melt our ice prince's heart?” Mingyu pries, shifting the attention back to you and Wonwoo.
You look at Wonwoo, his eyes briefly meeting yours as you both recall the cringy line you used earlier. The odds of Mingyu saying the exact same thing made you both giggle, making his friends confused at the cause of shared laughter.
"Sorry, it just made us think about a conversation we had earlier. I'm not sure what made me melt his heart, but I know that I liked him first. We met by riding the same elevator and he seemed so stressed, but didn't want to bother anyone else. His quietness also made me want to know him more, so I asked him out," You summarize, trying your best to play the part of Wonwoo's loving partner.
Seungcheol, Jihoon, and Mingyu especially Mingyu had been doubtful when Wonwoo announced he had a partner, but seeing you with him made their doubts wash away. The way Wonwoo looked at you, it was clear that he cared for you.
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The winter air had froze the rain from earlier to ice. The banquet had finished without a hitch, all of his friends buying that you were dating Wonwoo. Walking back to your place was more of a struggle than you imagined it to be, with him having to save you from slipping every couple of steps.
“I could say that I'm usually less clumsy but that would be a complete lie," You laugh, unaware of how he was looking at you.
“By the way, you looked amazing tonight. I mean not that you don't always look amazing, but I missed the timing to tell you earlier,” Wonwoo hesitantly compliments you.
“Thank you, Wonwoo. You look criminally attractive right now as well,” You mumble, becoming shy from the unexpected compliment as well.
You turn towards him after he hadn't said anything in a while, “Wonwoo?”
“Would you maybe stay with me in this relationship?”
“You want me to be your fake date again? I mean as long as free food is included-”
“No, Y/N. I mean I really enjoyed tonight and would you maybe go out on real date with me?”
“Oh,” You pause, “yeah, I would really like that.”
Wonwoo links his arm with yours, making you doubt that he was timid just moments ago. Your quizzical expression must've been noticeable because even in the dark of the night, Wonwoo's face could be seen gradually becoming flustered.
“This way I can keep you from slipping,” He looks away from you, too shy to maintain eye contact any longer.
“Is the ice prince shy?” You grin, teasing him once again. It was impossible to refrain from teasing Wonwoo when he it was so easy to make him blush.
“I can't help it when I'm with you, Y/N-” He turns to you, only to be met with the sensation of your lips on his. He reciprocates the kiss, deepening it by supporting the back of your head with one of his hands and the other hand around your waist. You stay like this for a while, unaware of how much tension there was between the two of you. Soon enough though, you were at the doorstep of your apartment complex.
“You said I melt people's hearts, I didn't know that you were included in the people. And I definitely didn't expect you to melt my heart,”
“You're so corny. Goodnight, Wonwoo,” You wave.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” He waves at you from the bottom of the icy steps. You smile one last time at each other, closing the door as you watched him put his hands in his pockets and walk back towards campus. You hummed out of excitement back to your apartment.
The ice prince wasn't as cold as the rumors made him out to be.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
One of the girls starting their period and jack is the only parent home
The triplets were supposed to be doing their homework while Jack was deciding what they would do for dinner. You were currently with Maggie and having a girls day while Jack stayed home with all the kids.
Just then he heard a blood curdling scream from upstairs which startled him and soon after he heard the voice of his oldest daughter.
Jack took the steps two at a time and when he got to the top of the stairs saw Autumn holding a band-aid in her hand.
"What's the band-aid for and where's your sister?"
Autumn simply pointed to the bathroom before responding.
"She said she was bleeding but won't open the door."
"Where is it coming from? Did you cut yourself with something?"
"Ivy, bubs, I can't help if I don't know what's going on."
"I…. Umm… I need mommy for this."
Just then Jack had a realization.
"Oh fuck." He said quietly but Autumn still heard him.
"DADDY! YOU CUSSED AND I'M TELLING MOMMY!" Autumn yelled as he rolled his eyes.
"Autumn, not now!"
"Now would be a great time to call your wife who I know is my mother."
"I can handle this."
"How can you handle a period when you're a boy like Axel?"
"What I do now?" Axel asked while coming out of his bedroom.
"Nothing, Ax. Autumn being extra as usual. And Autumn obviously you can't either since you want to be handing out band-aids."
Axel simply shrugged before going back in his room.
"Well I thought it was a good idea at the time and I thought it was a cut. It's your fault that we're girls anyway. The dads determine the gender."
"Make yourself useful and go get the pads and tampons from under our sink."
"Me telling you to call mommy was me being useful. We need the expert and not the amateur."
"Are you and daddy just going to argue or help me?" Ivy said while letting out a defeated sigh.
"We're coming, Ivy. Hold on." Jack answered as Autumn did what she was told.
He then heard the front door open and Clay's voice.
Clay took the steps two at a time before he heard Ivy's voice.
"What the? What the hell is going on?" He asked while looking over at his older brother.
"She got her period and her mother is with our mother."
"Yeah, about that. I went to go check on them since neither one of them is answering their phones and both of them are drunk off their asses. All I saw was Y/N thanking her for giving birth to the best husband that she could ask for and then that led to them both crying saying how proud they were of you. So you’re on your own with this one."
"CAN I HAVE TEN DOLLARS?" Jack heard her yell and he simply sighed.
"I…. It's like seeing your wife grow up all over again." Clay said before laughing while all Jack did was shake his head.
"I can't even imagine how she's going to be as a teenager."
A few hours later, Jack had finally put out the multiple fires surrounding your children when you had walked through the front door and greeted him.
"Oh goodness. Yes, baby? Did you have fun?" Jack asked while leaning down to kiss you.
"Yes, all we did was talk about you and Clay the entire time with the occasional mention of our children. I took a nap in your old room and slept some of it off but I definitely need another one."
"Well your oldest thought she was dying earlier."
"Why!? What's wrong with my baby?!" You asked as the two of you were now in the kitchen as you opened the fridge to find a bottle of water.
"She got her period, but I handled it. Even with the side comments from Autumn."
"So, she's okay? And you should already know Autumn and how she is." You answered while trying not to laugh.
"She's fine. Finally got her to calm down and helped her. I gave her a crash course so you might have to brush up on some things. I thought she was going to jump out the window when I told her it would happen every month."
"Not going to lie, I had the same reaction too."
"I just pray all of you don't have your cycle at the same time every month." Jack said while running through different scenarios in his head.
All the chocolate, hot chips, sprite, cupcakes, and care packages he would have to make.
"Baby? Didn't Clay tell you I was crying and drunk off my ass earlier?"
"Yes, why?"
"It's the seventh of the month."
Jack did a double take and looked at you in disbelief.
"Lord, help me."
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And I'll watch || Regulus Black
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Summary: When their seventh year comes to an end, Regulus wants nothing more than to live his life with the woman he's loved for years by his side. Fate has different plans for him, despite his wishes.
CW: angst, mentions of suicide (very brief), French!Regulus, depressed!Regulus, a hint of emotional abuse/dependency, just Regulus being very sad about life, sad Black!brothers talk because they are my boys that constantly hurt my heart and they deserve better than they ever got :(
Word count: 2k words
Hello!! I'm back with an angsty Regulus one-shot. I have to say, I'm not really good with angst, but I tried my best, and I think it came out quite well. I might have gotten a bit teary-eyed towards the end. This was requested, so I hope you liked it, anon! Thank you! Let me know what you think and on what wip I should focus on next!!
Request are open
Regulus watches on as a stampede of students moves swiftly through the corridor. Everyone carries a smile, clearly elated that their seventh year has come to an end. He sees people laughing and smiling as they hug their close friends; some look sad at the prospect of leaving the place they have been calling home for the last seven years but excited nonetheless.
He looks through the crowd, searching for her face. She is easy to spot for his watchful eyes. She stands off to the side, hugging one of her roommates, a big smile plastered on her face as her friend's tears wet her school robes. Even if he cannot hear her words, he knows what she is saying, reassuring words leaving her lips as she promises to keep in contact. Regulus waits for her to finish her goodbyes, a small smile on his own lips. He stays on his spot, even as his roommates and friends go over to him to say their goodbyes, exchanging pats on their backs.
She turns around in the sea of people looking for something, or rather someone. As soon as she locks eyes with his, a smile spreads on her face. Regulus returns it, excited at the mere prospect that she was looking for him. He raises his hand in a wave, beckoning her to get closer. She starts pushing through the crowd to get to his side.
A puff of air escapes her lips when she reaches him. "Ready to get out of here?" She smiles and grabs his hand, pulling him away before he can answer.
They make their way through the crowd until they reach the big entrance doors, where fewer people are gathered to say their goodbyes. Despite how easy it is to navigate around the small groups, she doesn't let go of his hand. Regulus smiles as he soothes her skin with his thumb.
Today is the last day of their life as students, a coming of age of sorts. They will no longer have to worry about homework or quidditch matches. It is easy to spot in the air how many mixed feelings there are, some happy, excited, others sad, perhaps even dreadful. Regulus feels invigorated; his life is about to change. It already is changing, and as he looks at the young woman holding his hand, he can feel the nerves rising through his chest and up his throat.
"Can you believe it's over?" Her voice calls out as they thread through the grass, leaving behind the noisy voices.
"It's weird, but yes, I can believe it." She picks up her pace, making both of them go faster, her goal to reach the Black Lake before anyone else.
"It's just… everything is going to be so different." She sighs, a mixture of dreaminess and doubt. "I mean, Pandora is engaged, Barty is ready to work with his dad at the Ministry, Susan is moving abroad… Everything is changing so fast."
"I know, but we knew it was coming."
"Yes. Doesn't make things less difficult, mostly when I don't know what I'm going to do now. My only option is going back to my parents and working at their shop, it seems."
"It's not your only option." His voice is soft as he stops in his tracks, letting go of her hand.
"What? Should we go and travel through Europe? Maybe you'll finally teach me some French." She stops a few steps ahead, turning to face him.
His face is solemn, an earnest look in his eyes. Regulus shakes his head, opening his mouth. No words seem to come out, his throat drying and his stomach flipping with nerves. The looks in his eyes, the hopeful, loving twinkle, must give him away as a knowing look takes over her features.
"No." She shakes her head as she moves backwards, turning to get away from him. "No."
"Please." His steps are quick as he catches up to her, getting in front so she cannot keep moving forwards. "You have to hear me out." His hands gesture to his chest. "I've loved you since the moment I saw you. You have to understand. I've tried to stop, to give you space, but it isn't working."
"No." She looks past him, trying to avoid his face, which has more emotion displayed on it than ever.
"Please. I've done everything. I've tried to let you know many times. But, but you wouldn't let me, which is fine." Her gaze turns to the floor as his voice fills with even more emotion. "Please, I just need you to consider it. Just once, please."
"Stop, please." Her voice is almost inaudible.
"I've done everything. I've worked so hard so you would see me. I've changed so much for you, which is fine, I'm happy I did." His knees start bending, trying to get her to look into his eyes. "And I did everything because… because I figured you'll love me." Her eyes close as if she is feeling pain from his words. "And I know, I know I'm not good enough, and I'll never be this wonderful man of-"
"Yes, you are. Reggie, you're a wonderful guy, too good for me." Her eyes look directly at his, her hand grabbing his arm, bringing him close. "And I wish that I could love you the way you want me to, but I just-. I can't."
"Yes, you can." His voice wobbles as the tears pool in his eyes, threatening to fall. "You can." It's just a whisper.
"I can't change how I feel."
Regulus turns his face, looking towards the floor, avoiding her eyes. His lips parted, ragged breathing as if she had just knocked the air out of him. In a way she has; he has imagined this day, this moment thousands of times and even when she said no in his thoughts, he never felt like this. He never felt the sharp pain in his chest, the way his throat is closing on him, how his tears are almost spilling down his face as the woman he wishes to spend the rest of his life with crushes his dreams.
"I can't do it, Reggie. I'm so sorry." Her voice is a whisper, emotion taking over her as she tightens her grip on his arm. "I'm so, so sorry, Reggie."
He takes a deep breath and steps back, needing to create distance between them. Needing to breathe anything other than the lingering scent of her shampoo on her hair.
"I can't love anyone else. I only love you." His voice is monotone, the words feeling foreign in his mouth.
"Reggie…" His eyes don't meet hers, he can't bring himself to do so. "We'd make a horrible couple. We-"
"No, we wouldn't. It would be-"
"We would be a disaster, Re-"
"We wouldn't be a disaster, we would-"
"I tried! Reggie, I tried and I can't." She raises her voice, making his words die in his throat.
He finally meets her eyes. They shine with intensity and love, just not the love he wishes she felt for him.
"Then why does everyone expect it?" New emotions make his voice louder. "Evan expects it, Barty expects it, Pandora; everyone expects it!" His hand extends to grab hers. "Say yes and let's be happy." Her hand moves out of his reach, she steps closer and grabs his arms.
"I can say yes, truly, so I'm not going to say it." He gets closer to her face, wanting to touch her lip with his but not doing so. "And you'll see that I'm right eventually, and you'll thank me for not saying yes."
Regulus steps away, momentarily looking at her. "I'll be dead before I thank you for it."
"Reggie." She steps closer, trying to grab at him once again.
"I'll kill myself before that happens."
"Reggie, don't say that!" She watches as he walks away. "Reggie." She starts walking, trying to catch up to him. "Reggie! Listen, you'll find someone." She reaches his back, putting her hand there, taking hold of his hand. He swiftly brushes her off. "You'll find a lovely, pure-blood woman, that your parents will approve of. And she will adore you." She keeps her pace with his. "And she will make the perfect wife and mother, and daughter-in-law. She'll be everything I could never be!"
"Yes, you could." He stops and turns to her. "You could."
"Look at me! I'm awkward-"
"I love you."
"And I'm not a pure-blood-"
"I love you."
"I'm weird and you would be ashamed of me,-"
"I love you."
"We would fight constantly, I could never meet your parents' expectations." She reaches closer to him, pointing to her chest. "I'd hate elegant society." She points her finger at his. "You'd hate that I don't fit in. And we would be unhappy, and we would wish that we had never done it and everything would be horrible." She pants as her words die. Regulus' jaw ticks as he looks up from the floor.
His lips wobble.
"Anything else?"
"No, nothing else."
"Alright." His voice is breathy and defeated as he turns away from her once more.
"Except that," He turns back around, nodding to her with his face tight. She pauses, looking around before she meets his eyes again. "I don't believe I was made to be in love." He pushes out a breath. "I'm happy as I am. I love living in my own little world too much to give it up."
"I think you're wrong about that."
"I think you'll find love. I think you'll find a man that you want to share your world with, and you'll love him with everything in you because that's the way you do things." He pauses. "And I'll watch." A stubborn tear finally runs down his cheek.
Regulus turns around, defeated, and continues to walk away from her. She stays, watching his back get further and further away from her. Both of their happiness stripped away with just a conversation. Her frame falls to the floor with a thud, curling her legs into herself as she cries sour tears.
With quick steps, he marches back into the castle and down the stair to the Slytherin dorm. He gathers his belongings that he packed the night before, when he was still hopeful. Before his life came crashing down, before his dreams of twinkling eyes and beautiful smiles turned into nightmares. Everything is his fault, he knows. She has never owed him anything, and she doesn't now either. She has happily given him her friendship for years; that should be enough for him. But it is not. Nothing that she could ever give him would be enough for him, he realises. Because Regulus knows that she, no matter how hard he tried, would never allow him into her dreams and passions. The knowledge of it doesn't take away the pain.
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hannyoontify · 1 year
seventeen as your older brothers
warnings | mentions of food/snacks, implications of alcohol consumption (not the reader), friendly insults (pls lmk if i missed anything)
notes | this has been a brain rot for a while now, so i’m glad that i have this writen down now lol. This was like a brain dump for me LMAO like i was js writing whatever came to mind when i imagined each member as an older brother. oh also this has no correlation with any of the members' siblings/lineage. pretend it’s in an alternate universe where you’re their only sibling
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for other people, it was always ‘sorry my folks won’t let me’ to hanging out with friends. but for you? oh no no no it was ‘... seungcheol said no’ and everyone knew there was no refuting it bc once cheol makes up his mind, there was no changing it. he’s like your third parent, always calling and making sure that you’re where you’re supposed to be. on days when you come back late at night, it was seungcheol who’s patiently waiting for you in the living room, not your parents (he had convinced them to go to sleep and swore to stay awake until you got home) but like he would be such a sweet, protective older brother :(( if he’s out grabbing snacks or groceries, he always makes sure to grab a bag of your favorite snacks and when he gets home, he js silently drops it on your bed and leaves your room. and omg sometimes he would help out with your math and chem homework, and nine times out of ten, it led to both you and your dad getting yelled at by cheol at 10 pm at night at the kitchen table bc neither of you could understand cos, sin, and tan 
having jeonghan as your older brother would be so interesting omg like when you guys were younger, you were able to count on one hand the number of times you’ve won a game against him. he always said that it was bc he was js better than you but everyone and their mother knew that the little shit eater (affectionate) was shoving uno cards up his sleeves whenever he could. as you guys get older, he would probably cheat his way out of doing chores and leave you to do the dishes all on your own. he would only come back later bc he felt bad and he would help you put away the cutlery. he would randomly come into your room and stand by the doorway for 3 minutes before he js leaves LOL omg and when you were in middle school, he packed your lunch everyday and occasionally wrote a note that reminded you to do drink water bc you never fucking drink water and it pisses jeonghan off
DUDEEE i think you would be that friend who has a cute older brother. like that one time shua gave you and your friends a ride to the beach, your friends were all giggling and shit in the backseat whenever he smiled. at one point, you had to scold joshua bc his friendly behavior had all of your friends crushing on him and told him to stop being so nice but he js laughed and ruffled your hair. but i feel like having joshua as a brother would be so nice. like if you were in a bad mood, he always left food and water outside your door and texted you smth like ‘there’s food outside if you want any. you can do so much better than that jerk anyway’ AHHH AND AND when you were still in school, there were some days where shua comes home at 5 am, covered in glitter and smelling like alcohol and sweat. he would go into the kitchen, where you’re eating breakfast before going to school, and he would js grab a cup of water, ruffle your hair as a greeting before disappearing into his room. the first time that happened shua made you swear up and down that you wouldn’t tell your parents (you didn’t and you never have)
JUN WOULD BE SUCH A FUN BIG BROTHER LMAO LIKE he would conjure up the most random food concoctions in the kitchen at 2 am and then force have you be the taste tester. 8 times out of 10 it was edible, but once in a while, you would have to spit out the lump of… burnt charcoal?? you spit it out and complain that it tastes disgusting and junhui would js laugh at you. it was disgusting, but you considered it some of your favorite memories with jun. and you guys would have like an unspoken kind of connection like you guys can stare at each other and js understand how the other person’s feeling it’s rlly nice actually, to have a brother who js knows how you feel without saying a word. OH and you guys would def watch comedy shows together late at night and you guys def have inside jokes from the shows you watch heh
oh my god imagine hoshi as your older brother holy crap. i feel like he would either be a super protective older brother or an older brother who acts like a younger one. like your parents genuinely questioned how hoshi could be older than you sometimes. but having him as your older brother regardless of either would be so fun. like the mafia game is def 100% banned from family gatherings bc last time it happened, soonyoung was doing cartwheels around the living room, screeching and accusing your great aunt of being the mafia LMAO LIKE bro takes mafia a little too seriously LMAOO but seriously like you probably started his horanghae agenda. when you guys were younger, he was obsessed with tiger patterned things and so you started calling him ‘tiger’ as a joke and it js kinda stuck (woozi hates you for that btw) oh but he would be so annoying like if he sees you with your crush, later that day he’ll be like ‘oooooo was that one person you were talking-’ and you have to throw a handful of lettuce to shut him up
the most chillest older brother EVER. like if you randomly walk into his room and ask for a ride to the mall for you and your friends, he would put down his book and grab his car keys without a second thought. and if your parents said no to hanging out with friends, you knew that wonwoo would find a way to sneak you out later. i feel like when you guys are hanging out together, you would each be doing your own thing. he would send you a meme via messages instead of js showing you on his phone since you were on the other side of the couch and then you guys would js laugh about it together. i feel like wonwoo would be like a ‘silent but deadly’ kind of protective brother. like he doesn’t stop you from going out and trying out things but if you’re ever in trouble, he’s always one call away. like he is such a supportive and understanding brother i love &lt;3
jihoon as your older brother would be so interesting. like he’s always staying up and working until the crack of dawn in his studio but if he sees you awake past 12 am he would be upset that you weren’t getting enough sleep. ‘go to sleep, it’s past your bedtime’ ‘IM A GROWN ASS ADULT JIHOON’ ooo also i think jihoon would be like a little more serious older brother. like if you ever had any worries or concerns, woozi would immediately put down whatever he was doing to listen intently to what you had to say. whether you wanted advice or some comforting words, jihoon always has something to say that would make you feel better. he would also randomly stop by your room to make sure that you’re doing alright and that you were taking care of yourself. ooo and if you’re into music, he would be your #1 supporter and critic LMAO like right after your piano recital he would go up to you and say ‘you could’ve worked on the dynamics a little more’ before handing you a big ass bouquet of flowers ‘good job today, you did amazing’
meditation sessions together!! if hao notices that you’re looking a little too stressed, he would force you to get out of your room and have you meditate with him in the living room. he still kinda thinks of you as his baby sibling. he gets worried that you’re overdoing it sometimes and makes sure that you’re taking it easy. he’ll randomly text you throughout the day to make sure that you’re doing alright and if he’s making himself a cup of tea, he always asks you if you want some too. oh and he would definitely help you with your homework when you need it. OH OH OH AND ALSO i feel like he would be a rlly good listener. like you can vent to him all you want and he won’t judge you at all, just listen and nod his head until you feel better
mr gyu!!! lowkey tho i feel like he could be an annoying older brother LMAO like kinda like jeonghan he’ll come into your room, knock over something and then just leave. you thought it was annoying but you knew it was his way of showing that he cared about you and making sure that you were doing alright. and if he makes food, he always makes sure to leave some extras in the fridge for you so you could never stay mad at him for anything. oh my god and if you ever start dating someone get ready for the older brother interrogation!! his bigger, physical build would scare the living crap out of your partners LMAO ‘touch [Name] and you’re done for’ kinda vibe and it’s true but he’s also like ‘new friend!!’ but he’s gonna make sure that he intimidates them first before befriending them lol also i feel like when you guys were younger, despite being the younger one, you got mingyu into trouble more than you did lolz
dokyeom is like a 2+1 deal lol like he’s your older brother but he’s also your best friend. you’re somehow always looped into his dumb antics but he’s the only one that gets in trouble for it. oh oh oh and if you’re in a bad mood, he’ll burst into your room with his portable karaoke machine and disco lights to cheer you up. omg and he would like change the lyrics of the song ‘why is my little sibling crying~~~ don’t you know you get 100 times uglier when you cry~~~ that piece of shit wasn’t worth it anyway~~~ stop crying and join me in my singING~~~~~’ it always manages to cheer you up and before the tears have all dried up, you’re already laughing while you’re singing with dokyeom (you really appreciate how hard he works to cheer you up)
okay bc why is arguing with him lowkey funny LMAO LIKE seungkwan will be chilling in his room and you’ll barge in, yelling at him for leaving the toilet seat up LMAO or not cleaning up all the hair he sheds after a shower and he’ll start yelling back in his defense LOL and omg we all know how much seungkwan loves his mom so in most cases, if you ever do anything, seungkwan’s gonna immediately run to your mom ‘MOMMM THEY’RE DOING IT AGAINNNN’ but yea you guys would def get into immature fights abt the TV remote control or who gets to sit in shotgun lol but also i feel like seungkwan would be kind of like subtle in the way that he shows that he cares for you. like he’ll always make sure your favorite snack is stored in the pantry and restock it the day that it disappears, and he knows you’re sensitive to the cold, so if you ever fall asleep with your window open, he’ll come in and close it so you don’t wake up the next morning with a sore throat. you both dance and sing to wonder girls together whenever he visits home and he’ll throw his slipper at you if you get a single dance move or lyric wrong ‘i can’t believe i’m related to you’
NO BC VERNON WOULD BE THE SWEETEST, BEST OLDER BROTHER EVER :(((( like when you guys were younger, he would read you bedtime stories and if you were crying, he would silently hold your hand while you get consoled by your mother until you feel better. i can imagine hansol walking you and dropping you off at school before going to his own, and he always makes sure to see you enter the building before he leaves to go to his own school (stop this is making me so soft) and when you guys are older, similar to wonwoo, he doesn’t really intervene in your life and the choices you make unless it’s smth really dumb and a bad ending was inevitable. like he doesn’t pry about your personal life but he occasionally checks in to make sure that you’re feeling alright and he always lets you know that he’s always there if you need to talk to someone abt anything. he kinda joins in whatever nonsense you do, like you have an extra concert ticket? vernon is your ride + concert buddy. you wanna go to the beach? vernon already has his sunscreen applied. you’re running away and joining the circus? you guys can be a duo act
omg literally thing 1 and thing 2 like i feel dino would also be a sibling that you would get into petty arguments with. ‘stop calling me your younger brother, i’m literally [insert number] of years/days older than you’ ‘then maybe you should start acting like it- STOP I DIDN’T MEAN IT I’M SORRY HELP’ (he started tickling you) LMAO LIKE lowkey you guys can argue but you know it’s over if you guys ever get into a physical brawl, cuz bro knows how to FIGHT. he can throw a mean punch and you’ve witnessed firsthand what his fists could do (he beat up a school bully in 7th grade) i feel like you two would get along like 2 peas in a pod tho (secretly when no one’s looking) like you guys are always on the same wavelength and have similar habits that you guys picked up from each other. and despite being the younger sibling, chan often fell victim to your pranks and jokes (poor boy save him) and similar to dk, it was like having a best friend and a brother all in one and you can bicker with him all you want
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rrenzwrld · 9 months
secreto de amor VIII
chapter 8! read chapter 7 here!
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although jean did say people would come by everyday, he didn’t mention anything to you about connie and giving him a key to the apartment.
“i only did it to keep a man in the house for you. so if anything goes wrong, you can call him and he’d be there since he’s more accessible than our parents or elliot.” you’ve never been to his house but you were told connie also has an apartment up the street from where you lived so compared to everyone else, it was closer. but then you remembered how jean came into your room to ask about connie when there was nothing between the two of you.
“you act like i’m some damsel that needs saving. you’ll be home in a few days right?”
“yeah i come home monday.” it was currently wednesday so it had been a week since he left and he had another 5 days to go. you’d probably be okay with connie for 5 days.
jean laughed. “don’t tell me you’re tired of him already?” you found out about the key on monday of that week but you barely saw him after that. he’d probably stop by before work then leave and maybe call if you’re lucky. he wasn’t doing the whole babysitting job well but you really didn’t care. you barely left the house anyways.
“he’s barely here.”
“oh you miss me? that it?” you rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see.
“no. i’m hanging up now.” and that’s what you did. you’d talk to him some other time, he’d be fine. as if on cue, you heard the front door open so you left your room.
“sorry i was… working.” connie said as he took his shoes off and plopped down on the couch. he had a duffel bag with him and you found it odd.
“what’s that?”
“a bag, duh.”
“don’t get smart. what’s it for? what’s in it?”
“clothes and stuff. i wanted to tell you earlier but i was way too busy—“
“to stay here?”
“yeah, jean literally asked me to.”
“tonight?” you held your nose as he stood up and got closer.
“yeah—“ you put a hand in front of his chest to stop him.
“you’re loud… again. take a shower, please.” even though you were asking him to shower because you didn’t like how he smelled, all he could focus on was the sound of your voice. he didn’t know if it was the weed or you making his heart beat with haste.
“you got it.” he grabbed his bag and went to jean’s room.
“wait he said you can sleep in there?” you watched him.
“uh yeah? i wouldn’t be if he didn’t.” you turned around and went back in your room as connie got undressed and went into the bathroom. things were fine and you nearly forgot connie was there until you heard music blasting from jean’s bedroom and you were reminded that you weren’t alone.
“this nigga bro…” irritated from the noise, you got out of your bed and walked over to jean’s bedroom and knocked on the door. normally you’d just barge in because you were used to jean staying there but you didn’t know what to expect with connie so you knocked this time.
“you do realize the music is really loud right?” you crossed your arms over your chest, appearing as intimidating as you possibly could but it was hard because it wasn’t affecting connie at all. plus you were losing focus with the random man with little clothes in front of you. your eyes couldn’t help but comb through connie’s body. the way his black tank top and basketball shorts attracted you to his build. you liked that he wasn’t too buff with muscle but he wasn’t too slim either. looking at him was satisfying to you, even when you didn’t mean it.
“my bad, i’ll turn it down. you doing homework or something?” you weren’t but you enjoyed peace and quiet.
“no. just kept it down, please.”
“what if i don’t? you’ll tell your brother on me or something?” you hadn’t thought that far.
“just don’t do it and there will be no problems.” you started to walk back to your room.
connie smiled a bit. “you got it.” surprisingly he did what you asked and you hadn’t heard a peep from him for the rest of the night.
when you woke up in the morning, you were desperate to see if connie had left.
but when you were walking into the kitchen, you heard the sound of keys from the other side of the door.
“good morning!” he greeted you with both hands full of groceries.
“you need help?” it was a habit of yours to offer yourself to people. sometimes you were okay with it, sometimes you weren’t.
“nah i got it.” he said as he sat everything down on the island.
“are you cooking?”
“yeah, breakfast.”
“for yourself or..?” you watched as he searched through the cabinets for what he needed.
“i didn’t buy all this food for no reason, y/n. c’mon now. and yes, jean does know i’m cooking in his house.”
“okay~ well i’m going back to my room. let me know when the food is ready, i guess.” he didn’t say anything in response.
after some time, the house was filled with a lovely aroma. you expected to smell smoke and burnt bacon or something. you couldn’t even wait for connie to come to your room so you went into the kitchen yourself. the food on the two plates looked amazing and you were fairly surprised.
“pick up your jaw. didn’t think i could cook, did you?” he was pouring two glasses of orange juice.
“i didn’t.”
“are you even like, a breakfast person? i know i am so i’m sorry for assuming if you aren’t,”
“no, it’s fine. i just don’t be thinking about breakfast sometimes.” connie nodded in understanding before placing a glass down in front of you.
the two of you got to eating and talking in between bites. connie asked most of the questions so you were really just replying because there wasn’t really anything that you absolutely wanted to know about him if he hadn’t already said it.
“so i see you like to stay home a lot.”
“yeah, i said that.”
“you said you weren’t a party person. you didn’t tell me you were a homebody.”
“is that a problem?” connie shook his head.
“no, just observing. you got work today?” you told him about your job and how you also wanted to take online classes.
“no but i do have a hair appointment—“
“oh? can i go?” you looked at him like he had two heads.
“why? i can’t let you out of my sight, part of the job.”
you rolled your eyes before finishing the last of your juice. “you’re never here.” connie could barely argue with that.
“i work.”
“anyways, what hairstyle are you getting?”
“just regular knotless. just so i won’t have to deal with my natural hair for a while.” in your free time, you looked up videos of on how to do braids yourself not only for your own head but to try to eventually make money from that too. but you were scared to go out on a leap so you opted for paying for styles until you weren’t scared anymore.
“why? i like your natural hair.” once again, you looked at him like he had two heads. your hair wasn’t unhealthy or unmanageable, you just were too lazy to style it yourself if it wasn’t a ponytail.
“sure.” you picked up your plate and was gonna throw it in the trash but connie took t from you and did it himself. “thanks.” he smiled.
“you sure i can’t go with you? i ain’t got shit else to do today.”
“umm, go home? don’t you sell drugs?” he quickly covered your mouth.
“shhh. i never told you that.” he whispered. you yanked his hand from your mouth.
“ain’t nobody here! and you did so, i’m a great listener. i’m sure i’m not the only one who knows though.”
“i told you i was selling, didn’t say what.”
“i’m not stupid. i know what you meant.”
“whatever. can i go with you or not? you keep bouncing around my question.”
“i did answer your question. i said no.”
“i don’t wanna hear that. say yes so i have something to do. i’ll even take you.”
“just for you to forget and leave me there for the rest of the day? i don’t think so.”
“i won’t leave you! i’ll stay the whole time, please?” you laughed at connie’s begging.
“are you begging right now?”
“…no, just let me go with you.” you had figured out that connie was a very persistent man and unless you wanted to keep hearing his mouth, you had to give in.
“okay whatever. it’s not until 12 and i need to wash and blow dry my hair so you have time.”
“okay~ i’ll clean up the kitchen and stuff.” you went to the bathroom to start on your hair.
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