#not teenage marauders version
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starryjax0 · 1 year ago
everyday i wake up and i miss sirius black
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 4 months ago
Lily Evans had always been on James Potter's radar. At the beginning she had been the annoying girl who followed the rules, never did anything fun, and never let anyone do anything fun. Then, she had been one of the first girls James had noticed as pretty and hot when he hit puberty. At that time, Lily Evans had been a game to prove something to his friends and annoy Snape.
Later, James had dated other girls and was sure the Lily Evans dilemma was done and over.
Lily Evans was just another girl James knew. Not interesting enough. Just another classmate he loved to compete with and piss off. That was it, right?
It was purely coincidence that James couldn't get his eyes away from her now. It was simply weird that she wasn't in the common room with her nose stuck in a book, but rather socializing. And with a boy for that matter... What was his name again?
The bloke was making her laugh like a fool. She even had her cheeks slightly pink. She seemed to be having fun. Lily Evans didn't know how to have fun, did she?
Was was going on? Penny Prefect Evans didn't socialize. Her only friend was Snivellus and that was sad because he couldn't be considered a good friend even.
Now a boy, a stupid boy was making her laugh out of nowhere?
James didn't like this. He didn't care. He just didn't like it.
"Who's that?" he asked casually to his friends.
They had been doing homework quietly, or rather trying to. It was mainly Peter playing on his Nintendo, Remus reading a book, Sirius on his lap, trying to bother Peter. And James tossing his rugby ball high and higher then grabbing it back. But homework nevertheless. A rather normal afternoon.
"Who?" Sirius asked, hitting Peter's head and distracting him.
"Sirius! I was in first place!" he protested. Sirius giggled.
James ignored his blond friend "That bloke talking with Evans" he shrugged at the end to emphasize that he didn't care.
The three boys turned to look, even Remus looked up from his book.
"Luke Gardener" the latter answered.
"He's a seventh year" Remus explained "Girls consider him cute. Shy, not hot or sexy but cute"
That wanker didn't look shy at all. He didn't stop talking. What was he even talking about?
"How do you know that?" Sirius asked with a giggle.
"I listen to girls' conversations without wanting sometimes" Remus said "They either consider me one of them or completely invisible. Whatever theory is possible"
"I'm pretty sure that's not true, Moony"
"Well, they certainly notice you" Remus shrugged. Sirius smirked.
James was not even paying attention. His focus was on the way Evans was flipping her hair back. It looked weird on her.
"Why is he even talking to Evans, anyway?" James snapped without thinking.
"I bet he is asking her for help with his homework" Peter intervened, still looking at the little screen.
It didn't look like it. Evans didn't like when arseholes wanted to ask her for help or wanted to pay her to do their work for them. James knew that. She wasn't Remus.
To confirm it, Remus said:
"Luke has top marks in everything..." then he blushed realizing what he said "So, I've heard"
What a wanker!
"Gardener, why does it sound familiar?" James tapped his chin.
"Wasn't a Logan Gardener our Rugby Captian in our thrid year?" Sirius frowned.
Yes! That was why that bloke was familiar. James remembered Logan Gardener from years ago. He was a killing rugby player, popular and had a cute blond girlfriend. James used to believe he was cool. But he didn't know he had a little brother.
"Right!" James frowned "Ha..." he hissed "It is still weird that Gardener would be talking to Evans..."
None of his friends seemed to even care.
"What do you think he wants from her?"
Remus and Peter were silent. Sirius let out a chuckle.
"Isn't obvious, Prongs?"
James raised an eyebrow.
"He wants a good snog and if he is lucky maybe a good shag"
As Remus hit Sirius's head, James was in shock. Apart from Snivellus, he wasn't aware of blokes being interested on Evans. Sure, she had grown to be prettier than she used to be. Sure, she had a nice body to look at specially when she wore a tight blouse. Sure, she even had a nice pair of boobs that James kind of stared when she wore a neckline.
But this was Lily Evans they were talking about. She was nosy, and annoying, and a teacher's pet. She was friends with Snivellus and nobody liked Snivellus. Everyone knew she was not for a snog. Worse a shag. You were more likely to get a good slap and a nice kick in the balls before getting to first base or even getting a chaste kiss from her.
Lily Evans was not that kind of girl. She didn't snog, she didn't date... Worse! She didn't shag....
James let out a nervous giggle that soon turned into a nervous laughter that sounded from an evil character from a Disney Movie. James's three friends looked at him like he had gone mental.
"Right..." he said as he continued laughing "That's ridiculous"
"Yeah," Sirius snorted "knowing his brother Logan's cute girlfriends, you would believe this bloke had better taste"
"Lily is pretty" Remus intervened "And rather nice"
"Isn't she dating Snivellus?" Peter asked, finally looking up from his console.
"They are not even talking" James responded immediately, eyes still on the weird scene "I think they got into a fight"
"That's why Gardener is taking his chance" Sirius said with a stupid smirk "Maybe he is getting better luck that you did on fourth year"
James loved Sirius but sometimes he wanted to hit his face when he did stupid jokes like those.
James had concluded that the Lily Evans Game was too difficult for him. And well, he started dating Mary and he stopped trying to get Evans's attention.
He had thought Evans was a lost case even. But Sirius was right, Luke Gardener was doing a perfect good job. And James didn't like it at all.
Call it pride, call it jealousy, James Potter didn't care.
"Well, we will see about that"
James wasn't good at thinking before acting. So he raised to his feet with determination.
"What are you doing, Prongs?" Remus asked rather scared.
James considered his answer "Giving a little enterteinment to this evening"
James knew that Sirius was going to sit up and grin in expectation. Peter even put away his console and Remus simply rolled his eyes.
With confidence, James walked towards the strange couple.
"And I even solve puzzles on my free time... You know those of pretty landscapes?"
God! This boy was a bloody nerd.
"Oh, those are lovely!" Evans was saying when James started giggling nervously behind them.
That's when they acknowdelged his presence and they weren't happy about it.
"I love puzzles too!" James lied "I even solve them with my dad all the time"
Lily wasn't even subtle when she rolled her eyes in annoyance. James ignored that.
"Potter" Gardener said "We were in the middle of something"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, in the middle of something important, Potter!"
A grin appeared on James's face as everytime Lily got cutely annoyed by him.
"Very well..." James chanted as he hit Gardener's shoulder "Bruce..."
"My name is Luke"
James raised an eyebrow "And what did I say?"
"You said Bruce..."
But Lily Evans interrupted.
"We're not in the mood for your stupid jokes, or pranks or whatever this is, Potter" Lily groaned "So why don't you just fuck off?"
"Rude!" James gasped "I was only reminding you of something you love, dear Evans..." and as he said this, he put his arm around her shoulder but she pushed him away "The rules, and how Jack here..."
"Luke..." he said under his breath with annoyance.
"Is breaking the rules by being here" James continued "It is almost carefew and no people from other houses are supposed to be in The Gryffindor Common Room"
"For your information, Potter!" Lily spat "It is barely 4 p.m and Anyway... Luke is a Gryffindor"
"Whaaat??" James frowned "You're not a Gryffindor!"
Gardener was losing patience "Yes, I am"
"How come I've never seen you before?"
The boy blinked "You have Potter, many many times..." he hissed "It's just that you didn't know I existed"
"Pfffff....." James placed his arms around their shoulders "That's funny..."
Lily pushed his arm away again.
"I knew your brother Logan"
"Yeah, I know"
"How is that old'chap?"
Lily Evans took a deep breath.
"What do you want, Potter?"
You. A voice said inside his brain. James panicked.
"Remus!" he thought fast "Remus wanted me to ask you if you'd replace him as your token Gryffindor male best friend"
James knew Remus was listening and fuming him with his eyes.
"Oh, I am not replacing Remus" Lily answered.
"Then.... Remus wants to know..." James cleared his throat as he placed his hands on his pockets "Why... Why do you hang out with this guy....Why?"
Lily snorted "Oh, Remus wants to know?"
"Then why doesn't he ask me himself?"
"Because he is shy!" James snapped "And I am a good friend"
"Is that so?"
"Yes! I offered to ask you for him"
Lily turned to look at the spot where the boys where. The three of them immediately looked away and pretended to be doing something else. Very smooth....
"Well if Remus wants to know so badly..." Lily said rather pissed "You should tell him that Luke and I are not friends..."
"Oh really?"
Luke frowned rather hurt and James was satisfied.
"No, we are not friends...." Lily added "We are dating!!"
While all the color on James's face was gone, Luke Gardener looked like a Christmas Tree.
"We are?"
Lily hestitated. "Yes. As in boyfriend and girlfriend!" then she went as red as her hair.
James wanted to punch the grin out of Gardener's stupid face,
"Yes, we are, Potter"
When Gardener put an arm around Evans and she blushed, James wanted to die.
This was a lie. They couldn't be dating. Lily Evans couldn't be dating that random bloke. She was special. She deserved someone special. That's what James told everyone who believed Snape was her boyfriend in the past.
And it hurt. I hurt because who was Luke Gardener to have the previledge of being Lily Evans's first boyfriend. To make her laugh, to make her happy. To be able to kiss that beautiful mouth and hold her delicate waist. To be able to be the one she whispers for at night, and be the reason she smiles in the morning. To be able to touch her skin and make her shiver....
NO! NO NO NO NO.... James, get that image out of your head.
Maybe it was the fact that fourteen-year-old James had tried so hard to get her attention without results that it pissed him that a random Jake Gardener would make her say yes.
She deserved better!
"Youcannotbedating!!" James exclaimed with a high-pitched voice. It was rather embarrassing.
"For your information, Potter" Lily snapped "Yes, I can. I can do whatever I want"
Gardener was using that i'm-sorry-mate-but-actually-not sorry-fuck-you-i-won expression.
"And... It is none of your business, anyway..."
James shrugged "I was asking for Remus" he explained
"Whatever" Lily said, without believing him.
"Remus was just worried that you won't be spending time with him because of your...because of your... " he couldn't say it "because of him... Because of Bryan..."
"My name is Luke! Luke! It doesn't even rime with Bryan"
"Whatever, Mike"
Luke groaned.
Lily ignored that.
"Whatever I have to talk with Remus, I will talk with Remus face to face!" Lily spat "Thank you very much"
"Alright! I'll tell Remus exactly that"
"Well fuck off and tell him!"
"Yes I will!"
Staring at Lily's beautiful angry face, James realized how much he wanted to kiss her right now. He was noticing the shades of yellow in her green eyes, Her freckles across her nose. Her long eyelashes and how wet and pink her lips were. Her thick ginger eyebrows and her browny shadow contrasting her pale skin.
Lily Evans was even more pretty than he thought.
She made James's heart jump inside his chest and feel something flying inside his tummy. And even some parts of his body began twitching.
What the fuck?
"I...should probably go..." Gardener interrupted the intense staring contest "I have homework to do"
Lily looked away first.
"No, Luke! Wait!" Lily said, grabbing his wrist. His wrist! "Do you want to maybe have a stroll outside...and ....talk?"
James blinked. Lily Evans didn't say no to doing homework. Lily Evans didn't blush for a boy and put a lock of hair behind her ear for a boy.
Gardener gave James a suspicious look. Then smiled at Lily.
"Sure, Lily" he said "I would like that"
James wanted to scream.
Lily gave him a nasty look before taking Gardener's hand. HIS HAND!, and walking to the door.
"Wait, Evans...."
James was going to follow them and maybe humiliate himself in the process. But luckily someone stopped him.
"Well, that was awkward" Sirius laughed. He laughed! "I can't believe Penny Prefect has a boyfriend"
James was miserable.
"I can't believe you used me for that stupid conversation" Remus tutted as he approached.
"And I can't believe...." Peter said, trying to feel included "I can't believe I lost my tournament to watch that pathetic attempt of flirting..." he laughed awkardly "That was embarrassing, am I right?"
"Years of attempts and Gardener just tried once and beated you, Prongsie" Sirius giggled.
"He didn't even try. It was Lily who asked him out so..." Remus shutted up when he saw James's expression.
"Will you fuck off?" James didn't sound offended, like they had hurt his pride. He sounded heartbroken and tired.
"It was a joke" Peter tried.
"Why do you even care, Prongs?" Sirius added "Evans Operation is far over... We don't care that you totally lost!" he grinned.
"BECAUSE I FANCY HER!" James screamed so hard that several people turned to look. His friends were in shock.
James blinked realizing what he had said and how true those words were. It wasn't about a game or a pride show anymore. He actually couldn't stop thinking about her. He thought of Lily Evans when he aced an exam, and wanted to see her angry reaction to his success. He thought of Lily Evans when he made a prank with his friends and wanted to see how pissed Lily Evans would be and how she would threathen them to tell a teacher. He thought of Lily Evans when he played rugby and he secretly wished she would be cheering from the stairs.
Everything he did was because and for Lily Evans. And dammit, he didn't care what others thought. Lily Evans was the prettiest girl in school.
"I fancy Lily Evans" he repeated more sure now "And it is real this time" he laughed "It is real"
James's friends were processing his words rather differently. Peter was openmouthed because he probably thought about all those times when Lily and James yelled at each other. Remus was smiling probably because he was a romance sucker and probably something like this happened to one of those characters from his books. And Sirius...
Sirius seemed to not like the idea at all.
"Piss off, Sirius" James said before his best friend would enlist all the negative things he could find in Lily Evans, and judging on how much Sirius hated her (as much as Snivellus), they were a lot.
"I want to be alone, right now" James added "Okay?" he smiled at the end. Just in case.
James was going to the only place he could think about his discovery. The Rugby Pitch. And probably drown himself in exercise.
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dinarosie · 7 months ago
The Rise of Snape Hate: Marauders' Rebranding and Snape's Villainization (Part 1)
I often hear people wonder why Severus Snape has become more hated in recent years, to the extent that even Voldemort faces less criticism and vitriol from fans. In the early days of the book’s release and even long after the final Harry Potter film was screened, the "Marauders" fandom hardly existed. James Potter was seen as a background character, best known as Harry's father, and did not play an important role among fans. Sirius and Lupin were mostly regarded as Harry's mentors, and their time as Marauders during their teenage years wasn't a focal point of fan attention. In the Canon, the Marauders didn’t hold much significance either, there were few details about them. They were mentioned in just a handful of small flashbacks, mainly depicting bullying, and their friendships were portrayed as rather toxic and disappointing. Naturally, these flashbacks were not only unappealing but could also be disheartening for readers. However, a new generation of fans wanted to bring something new to the Harry Potter universe that better matched their fantasies and imaginations (especially after the failure of "The Cursed Child" and the controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling). As a result, a new story emerged: "Harry Potter and the World of the Marauders," inspired by Generation Z's fantasies.
They were given the attractive looks of actors like Ben Barnes, Timothée Chalamet, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and were morally very different from their canon versions. They became a group of charming, wealthy, and popular school heroes with dynamic, platonic, and romantic relationships that captivated fans. Since there weren't many details about them in the original books, fans freely created tragic backstories and fascinating dramas (for example, the Black family using a "Cruciatus curse" on their children!!!). These factors quickly increased their popularity and caught the attention of content creators on the internet.
But what happened to Severus Snape?
These newly reimagined, charming, and beloved Marauders needed an antagonist to heighten the school drama and make their adventures more exciting. Who better to fill this role than Severus Snape—broken, lonely, and completely different from them, with none of the looks, wealth, or popularity?
"The more they improved the Marauders to make them more likable, the more they vilified and distorted Snape to make him easier to hate."
It's clear that when Snape is portrayed as a powerful, dark, and evil wizard (even at the age of 11), James Potter and Sirius Black are turned into justice-seeking heroes, making all their bullying and cruelty towards Snape seem justified and even heroic.
Now, ask yourself: Is it easier to like the James Potter from the books—Arrogant and a bully—or the James Potter who is handsome and kind, punishing an evil villain worse than Voldemort named Severus Snape to save other students and his girlfriend? This is how the Marauders became charming and popular heroes, and Snape became a evil.
Many fans don’t even know Snape. From the moment they enter the Marauders fandom, they learn that they must hate Snape, and this trend continues. They only read the books with the intent of magnifying Snape's flaws, which is why his faults are highlighted even more than Voldemort's, and wherever Snape’s name is mentioned, they feel obligated to display their blind hatred to prove their loyalty to the ideals of their beloved Marauders.
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thistlecatfics · 12 days ago
Snape Fic Recs for the Sneptical & Snurious
I mostly run in marauders-centric circles where Snape is largely ignored or treated like an incel, and eventually it gets boring. Boring! The worst sin in fandom! He's an interesting guy and there are SO many amazing fics featuring him.
(That said, I do think that Snape, James, and Sirius would all be thrilled that their beef has continued onto the internet in 2025 and that thought delights me even as the discourse grows tedious.)
These are just a few I've enjoyed in the past couple months as someone who doesn't generally read a lot of Snape-centric fics and who has zero tolerance for Lily bashing. (Sorry this basically became a @saintsenara rec list because I've been binging)
i hope this comes back to haunt you by humanveil (29k, M)
Severus Snape, from first curse to first kill. Or: The making of a Death Eater.
The first Snape-centric fic I read in years, and it's such a good starting point for my fellow Snurious Sneptics. Snape's voice shines through -- resentful, angry, hungry, curious, brilliant -- and his relationships with so many other characters (Lily, Narcissa, his parents) are just brilliantly portrayed.
Scylla and Charybdis by Asenora (64k WIP, E, Severus/Voldemort)
Severus Snape is looking for somewhere - anywhere - to belong. He makes the wrong choice.
The political worldbuilding! The politics! The humanity! The snarky, darkly hilarious Snape voice! This is a fic where the first war really feels like a war with complex politics -- while also completely avoiding that boring trope of 'what if the DEs were right actually??' Everyone is a human, politics is about material reality, and Voldemort is awful. Snape's desire to belong is so physically palpable as you read that it's almost painful.
The War of the Roses by Asenora (51k WIP, E, Sirius/Severus)
Sirius Black does not die. But this does not mean that it is easy for him to live. Or: a butterfly flaps its wings and Sirius does not go to the Department of Mysteries. What follows from that twist of fate is a story about the long, destructive shadow of a schoolboy rivalry; a story about surviving, and how surviving is sometimes more difficult than dying; a story about the fragility of beauty, the gentleness of hope, and the value of choice. It is also a love story.
The fic that made me start binging all of Asenora's work. It's Sirius POV so perhaps a good place to start for my fellow Sirius-obsessives, and the way his experience in Azkaban both haunts him and has deep, real physical ramifications is so painful and compelling to read. Plus because he lives he gets to have a more complex relationship with Harry! Snape has very nice hands and Sirius's fantasies about him are definitely not sexual at all nope nope nope.
Two Boys Kissing by Writcraft (7k, M, Sirius/Severus)
Sirius goes to a gay bar and meets the last person he expects. Under cloudy skies, two boys kiss and that one moment comes to define generations of want, need and hope.
Bittersweet and darling.
A Yultide Tradition by kelly_chambliss (300 words, G, Severus & Minerva)
On Christmas night, Severus Snape relies on tradition.
A mournful bite of a triple drabble.
Plus: bonuses all the way from 2006 Livejournal!
Five Fragments of an Obsidian Heart (Severus/Regulus) & the entire 7Spells series
Reading these fics as a teenager genuinely saved me I think. Very dark and includes a lot of Blackcest and sexual violence and written pre-DH as a heads up. I remember being so invested in this particular version of Snape, and then DH came out and promptly lost all interest in him when his backstory wasn't as interesting as the ones I read on LJ. There's a real old school feel which I can't quite put my finger on, but I definitely recommend them if you like dark and if you like fandom history.
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ma1dita · 12 days ago
in someone's good books
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'between certainties and doubts' installment  part of the mean!remus agenda, aka a moment from a terrifyingly convoluted teenage situationship between remus lupin and an unidentified Hogwarts student (x fem!reader)  wc: 2.4k  a/n: MDNI - smut ahead! semi-public sex, fingering (fem receiving) kind of a handjob. remus 'on company time' lupin. hit the stacks baby. finally i can be free from this. enjoy.
Remus Lupin was a typical bookworm. 
Before he warmed up to his best friends, he reckons the first-year version of him spent a straight two months worth of free-periods nestled in a dusty corner by the library window. The stacks welcomed him every time he walked through the creaky doors—books were more reliable than people after all. The endings of stories never change, and Remus liked that. Cautious to his core, he always liked knowing what comes next.
Despite the slight scent of mildew and the dust bunnies that lined the corners, he liked spending time here even as the years passed because not only was it quiet, but the boys never dared to bother him here. It was almost as if he’d cast Protego at the entrance, forming an imaginary line that they would rarely cross unless truly desperate or bored. They could find other things to entertain themselves with without causing alarm or giving Remus early-onset wrinkles. 
Usually, that is.
Plus Madam Pince really had it out for the other three (okay, maybe just Sirius and James—Peter by association, but also because he left food wrappers and crumbs everywhere), all but shining star Remus Lupin, who still helped out with sorting books whenever he had a free period. Suggesting to use the Dewey decimal system instantly made him Madam’s favorite—but actually charming the books to float into their proper sections was always a chore. 
The other boys didn’t really understand how hard it was to juggle work and school, with all of them being pureblood. There was no reason for the Marauders to be in the library—the action was always elsewhere. Also, James was frustratingly naturally gifted at everything, Peter liked studying with tea and scones in the kitchens, Sirius was purposely dancing on the line of failing to keep his parents mad and doing decent enough to make the cut to be an Auror, and well—Remus Lupin was a boy who’s used to working extra hard for what he wanted, even if he acts like none of it is ever a big deal. Even if his best friends offered to help out with the little things—he liked to have something to do with his hands, and he really liked being here.
Though a bookworm he may be, among other things, Remus was still very much a boy with…urges.
Somewhere between the summer after sixth year into seventh, he realized that you satisfy that urge quite well.
So he comes to the library to decompress from everything going on in his life, away from the noise. But when you’re around, he finds himself reveling in it. The Transfiguration essay he was going to do during his break was the last thing on his mind—doing you sounded like a better idea in his head. The whimpers falling from your bruised lips suddenly became much more interesting as he pressed you against an alcove in the bookcases farthest from the door, a few rows away from the restricted section (since Madam Pince makes a habit of patrolling it like a hawk) and away from prying eyes. You’re grappling to hold onto something—accidentally nudging a book off a shelf he was re-sorting. He’ll do that later. The only thing on Remus Lupin’s agenda for the next 45 minutes is making you come and keeping you quiet.
The hardcover book smacks him in the forehead with a thunk, and you both giggle through conjoined lips at the pained look on his face. 
You lean up to kiss the reddening mark. It matches the flush of his cheeks.
“Poor baby,” you coo, a nasty smirk on your face, and Remus rolls his eyes, making quick work of tugging your underwear down–-he likes the visual of them hanging off your leg when he fucks you. There is virtually no space between your bodies as if he’s ready to burrow you into the shelves, and honestly? It sounds hot, and so does the low growl of his voice as hikes your leg higher over his waist, “Shut up. S’your fault I’m like this. Coming in here looking like that,” Remus grumbles, fingers sliding through the buttons of your shirt so he can paw at your breasts.
“What do you mean? I’m in my uniform, and I was just trying to do homewo—”
You moan through a bitten lip as he fondles you roughly, other hand on your ass and his mouth—Godric that mouth will be the end of you. The fucker is a biter, and his tongue soothes the angry mark he’s imprinted onto the junction of your neck and shoulder. You try your best to hold in your gasp but then he’s kissing your cheek to be mean as he plunges two of his fingers into your slick warmth, probing, searching for the spot that will make you go insane. 
“Hush now, lovely girl. Be nice and quiet for me and Madam Pince, will ya?”
Remus chuckles when you slap his chest—the both of your bodies going still for a moment when the sound echoes, eyes shifting awkwardly around the stacks to see if anyone’s coming your way. The only person coming soon is you—embarrassingly quick as you can feel yourself unravel at his touch that hasn’t ceased, and Remus is printing his lips onto the swell of your tit as your standing knee buckles.
“Please…fuck, baby…” you swallow, sounding strangled as he shushes you, swirling his thumb around your gushing and hungry clit. His hand is slippery with your arousal, fingers fucking you faster—that alone enough to carry your weight and push you further against the shelf that digs into your back. 
To be honest, Remus’s fingers are cramping like a motherfucker, but he’s too enthralled with the way he takes your breath away. Only he can do this, and your desperation is for his eyes only. You sought him out, knowing he’d be working today, walking in here during his shift with your skirt rolled up and tits pushed up by God’s greatest invention, a push up bra.
He’s only human. 
Kind of. His hunger for you is otherworldly, and much of it doesn’t make sense, like how he’s fully getting off from feeling your pussy clench around his fingers. Fuck yes, the grip alone makes his arthritis flare up but like hell is he going to stop now. 
Remus is anything, if not determined, to see things to the end. Plus he really likes the face you make when you come.
“Mmm, oldest trick in the book, baby. Gotta try harder next time,” he grins, and then your face matches his. You got exactly what you wanted. His nose scales the expanse of your neck, inhaling your scent, your sweat—he wants it all as he mutters, “Like it though. You’re always needy for me.”
Before you can protest, a third finger slides home, and he lets go of your leg to instinctively clap his free hand over your mouth. You moan straight into it, eyelashes fluttering as he expected. The both of you pause to catch your breath and readjust, and he feels you kiss his palm.
“You like it. Being needed by me.”
Remus doesn’t deny it— it was bound to happen, just as he knows the next step of this rendezvous is holding you up into his arms so the momentum of your passion isn’t lost.
Closer now, with your hands encircled around his neck and thighs wrapped around his hips, he sees the look in your eyes as his fingers press further into you. Remus plays you like how you played the piano at your grandma’s house last summer—meant to invoke a feeling, to make a sound. With purpose. He remembers how it felt to fuck you on top of it too, discordant banging of keys and hips sounding like music to his ears.
“Remus!” you whimper into his ear, tongue gliding across his earlobe, and with that sound he’s convinced his name, his existence isn’t a slur. He’s good at this. He’s really fucking good at this.
His thumb nuzzles your clit in just the right way before the air is forcibly taken from your lungs and all of your senses are screaming his name.
You however, have to bite his hand instead as he looks down at your seizing form, nodding along with you as a consolation.
“Mmmhm. Give it to me, lovely girl. Like being desired by you,” he breathes heavily. One would think that he’s the one who had the mind-numbing orgasm. Your legs are shaking still when you grab onto him for support, and his hand is stiff and slick as it slides away from your opening, juices dripping down the inside of your thighs.
“Is there any difference?” 
Gulping down air, he looks at you with a heady smile, “You’re needy for me. But you don’t need me.” His lips suckle on his pruned fingers, savoring the taste of you while he can, and he watches you blink slowly.
“And how do you feel about me?”
There’s no surprise on his face; you ask this often. Reassurance from Remus always seals the deal you’ve made, ever since last summer, whether you have to ask for it or not.
His lips quirk upward, pressing a sodden thumb against your lips, making you taste the euphoria he made you feel. 
“Easy answer right here for you,” he says sweetly, but his actions are the opposite of that—he’s dragging your hand over the hefty bulge in his trousers, heavy and firm as you stroke it.
“Too easy,” he mumbles, checking his scratched wristwatch. There’s enough time, if you’re still down, but then he notices you’re pouting with swollen lips.
“M’not easy, Remus.”
“Course not, baby. But your reaction says otherwise,” he mutters against your cheek. Still, you’re pulling his fly down, sticking your warm hand and cupping his cock as if it’s a life or death decision. Remus takes a deep breath, and you stare up into his eyes with your brows furrowed and your grip tightening by a fraction that he feels deep in his balls.
“You know the answer, cariad,” he chuckles tightly, chewing at his lip, “you’ve got all of me in your hands.”
Good enough for now.
You drop to your knees with a thud, and Remus looks at you like he’s won the lottery watching you reach between your drenched thighs to wick up some of your arousal and spread it on his. Fuck, maybe he isn’t that much of a fuck up then, and maybe he did something so right in his past life to warrant the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen enjoying his cock like this, whenever he wants.
Remus Lupin counts his blessings, but of course, they never last long. He’s jinxed himself—swears he’s about to bite his tongue off when your thumb swirls around his cockhead and your plush lips barely touch the tip when the sound of the heavy double doors slam open across the library, with his three best friends yelling out, “MOONY!” in purposefully grating voices. There’s a few minutes to spare—the three of them wouldn’t know their way around here even with wands to their foreheads so with wide eyes, the two of you sort yourselves out and tuck everything back in (unfortunately for him). There’s a twitch in his eye when his favorite people round the corner, bumping into one another like the three blind mice.
“Whatcha doin in here, Moons?” James says in a voice that’s definitely not meant for inside. 
The mentioned boy swallows, shrugging his shoulders and running a damp hand over his hair. You cringe, turning away to look for a book. 
“Nothing important, lads. Is it time for lunch already?”
“Hurry up or they won’t have any more of the good rolls!” Peter says worriedly, easing up when Sirius pulls him into a headlock, “There will never be enough if you’re around Wormy. Save some for the rest of us!” He grabs Remus by the scruff of his neck like a pup, all three of them turning to walk back down the aisle now, and then James spots you. The Head Boy has to promote goodwill with all students of Hogwarts after all, and he’s been trying to prove it these first few weeks of term.
He calls your name, grinning, “Find what you’re looking for? Or you reckon they should fire my boy?”
Stiffening, you swivel on your heel with shaky legs, “No, uh… he did great! Finally got my copy of uh…” you pick up the book that hit him in the face earlier, staring down at a brand-new copy of Magical Pest Control: Keeping Gnomes Out of Your Garden.
Your glance at Remus says only two words. 
Kill me. 
“Well….alright! See you in class!” James says awkwardly, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and the motherfucker who left you hanging is stifling his laughter. You hope his dick stays hard just to spite him. Jerk. 
“Bet she has trouble keeping gnomes out her garden,” Sirius waggles his eyebrows—you can hear it in his voice, not having to see him. Remus isn’t laughing anymore.
Your underwear is nowhere to be seen—you’re crawling around for it like a jackass for about five minutes before Remus pops his head back into the aisle after giving the boys a shitty excuse of having to remind you when your book of choice is due. None of them remember that the books Accio themselves back to the library.
He’s grinning again at the agitated look on your face, still hard like you expected when he presses you against another shelf, kissing you with the intention of easing your mind. 
It works like a charm, both of your tongues wet and warm, dancing so fluidly that you get whiplash when he drags his mouth away, almost taking you with him.
“Pick this up later?”
“You couldn’t resist, could you?” you groan, your knuckles knocking against his clothed shaft, and it makes him hiss, especially so when he realizes you’re trying to reach for the scrap of lace he tucked into his pocket.
“Can’t resist you,” he mutters, succumbing to the taste of your lips once more, and pulling your hands away daintily, “never can. I’ll find you later, Something you need to return that’s overdue.”
“Haven’t even checked out my book,” you say with a quirked brow, teasing him—and he looks back at you several times as he walks away, a stupid smile on his face.
You barely hear Madam Pince clear her throat behind you moments later—asking why you have such a strong interest in garden gnomes.
i don’t do taglists anymore! follow @ma1dita-mail and turn on post notifs :)
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masivechaos · 7 months ago
home again!
── ☆ sirius black x fem! reader
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── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: Sirius is back from Azkaban, longing for your touch again
── ☆ Warning/content: my English
── ☆ a.n.: 1k words-
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
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It was weird falling back into a routine with the man you first considered your friend, then your boyfriend, your fiancé even at some point, but also the man you thought had betrayed you, had been responsible for your best friends’ deaths.
Spending thirteen years apart, during which you thought he was guilty of a crime he didn’t commit, built a wall between the two of you that was difficult to destroy. You spent so many lonely nights slowly carving into your heart that he wasn’t the man you thought he was, only for that idea to be shoved away too when you discovered he was innocent.
Your world was falling to pieces a second time. All this mourning, gone for the wrong person. All this pain, unnecessary.
But when you saw him now, analysing the features you hadn’t seen from so close in such a long time, your heart felt like it was back at peace. Your eyes scanned over the soft eye wrinkles he didn’t have yet as a young man, thirteen years ago, the beard he decided to keep when he spent his youth shaving meticulously. It was almost hard to imagine he was the same man.
You smiled, in moments like this, it felt like before, like when you just got engaged. You could feel the warm sensation in your stomach that you had missed so much, only the nickname he gave you could make the butterflies fly again.
“Yes, Sirius?”
Sirius sat next to you on the sofa, you had moved to Grimmauld Place for obvious reasons. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, trying to appear casual about this new (re)found proximity.
But you knew, of course, you did. Even after all this time as strangers, you knew him like the back of your hand. All the stolen touches when he stands next to you while you cook, his cold fingers around your wrist when you’re walking, his body sitting unnecessarily closer to you when you’re reading in bed…
He did this as a teenager, too. Seeking for solace in your touch without asking for it. He preferred stealing a few brushes of your skin against his, here and there, until you initiated the hug.
And apparently, this habit hadn’t disappeared. If anything, it was only stronger now. All these lonely years in a cold cell had only made him long for your touch even more. There was just something about the softness of your embrace that made him feel like he could finally breathe and rest.
You leaned into him, slowly snaking your arms around his torso to pull him closer. He didn’t hesitate a second before curling up by your side, if he could crawl under your skin and melt into one identity with you, he would have.
You rested your cheek on the top of his head, “I’m here,” you whispered, and it felt like he was the 16-year-old boy who woke up from nightmares in the middle of the night again. Your lips brushed his forehead as he managed to snuggle closer, his head tucked in the crook of your neck.
How much he had missed this. He couldn’t count the hours he spent in Azkaban, with his eyes closed, when things got hard and the memory of your hold was his only comfort. He breathed in your scent.
It wasn’t the same perfume as when you were a young woman, he knew that, for you, scents held memories, but at this moment he longed to smell the perfume he loved and cherished. He remembered the flower notes on your scarf that he would steal borrow from you. He could see himself closing his eyes as soon as he got home, knowing you were already there by the scent of you lingering in the room.
He breathed in a second time, adapting to this new perfume of yours, this new version of you. The one with smile lines and wider hips, the one with an ever so slightly deeper voice and a darker hair colour.
Maybe it was because of how much he missed you, but he might like this version better.
But your touch, the one he was starving for for more than a decade, hadn’t changed. You had the same grip on his shoulders, the same safe hold of his body, the same gentle breathing on his forehead.
He couldn’t express how much he had missed this, so when his lips parted but no sound came out, your arms tightened around him “Shh… You don’t need to say anything, I can feel it.”
Was it your voice? Was it the feeling of your warm skin against his? He didn’t know, but he started to cry. A silent tear fell down his cheek until it hit your wool jumper. Once he started, he couldn’t seem to stop.
He had cried in Azkaban, of course, he did and more than once. But these cries were different, they weren’t desperate and heartbroken. They were tender and needed. This moment with you felt like a safe harbour after years of hopelessness and restlessness.
He let out a ragged breath, his heart was sore and swollen but he could feel it slowly healing by your touch. He was a wizard, he had known magic since he was born, but nothing was as magical as the effect of your embrace on his soul. Like a calming balm and a band-aid. A glue keeping all the pieces of his wounded self together.
“I…” he tried “Thank you”
You smiled tenderly at his broken whisper “You don’t have to thank me. I’m here now… I’m not going anywhere… I’m not letting go” 
You closed your own eyes too, savouring the moment while it lasted. You felt like crying too, but it wasn’t the moment, he needed you to hold him. You both couldn’t be puddles at the same time, could you?
Sirius pressed his face further to your neck, his wet cheek against your skin. He felt it in the warmth in his chest, in his slow heartbeat and gentle breathing.
He was finally home again.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ sirius back taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @loveeharrington @lesbianjackies @elenatries2write  @juneberrie  @f4iry-blush @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @oncasette @locke-writes @maddipoof @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @etanordiesbullshit @sageskisses444 @kieracassette @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi @lovings4turn @ravisinghs-wife
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maxdibert · 12 days ago
Why is everyone freaking out about Lily on your page? You're allowed to like and dislike any character on the planet ? Just like everyone else. Also about Lily:
We barely get know her, besides being a mother that died for her child ,any somewhat decent parent would and should do that l, we don't really know her as a person besides being friends with Snape till SWM and then marrying James. I know the fanon version of every Marauder is really chefs kiss and easy to fall in love, but we forgot how far away that is from canon sometimes .
I wished the writers of these fanon characters and fanfics would start writing their own stories because honey you're doing a better job than the actual author, start using your talent. You made me fall in love and cry about characters that are mentioned twice in a whole series.
Lily is like one of the untouchables in the fandom, or at least one of those characters you can never criticize. A lot of Snape fans support her because she’s a fundamental part of his story, Marauders fans adore her because she was James’s girlfriend, and then you have the Golden Trio fans who love her for being Harry’s mother. Everyone adores her for a different reason, but they all have one thing in common: she’s the complement to a male character they actually love. They don’t love Lily for who she is, but for what she represents to each of the men she influenced—and that is misogyny.
We don’t know much about Lily, but what little I do know, I don’t like. When I read the fifth book and the whole SWM thing happened, I wasn’t even a Snape fan, but she still came across as a complete idiot to me, half-smiling at James while he ran around stripping some guy half-naked. And then, when we see The Prince’s Tale and she refuses to forgive him?? I was a teenager at the time, and I still wasn’t a Snape fan, but I thought that was just pure asshole behavior?? Like, you’ve known this guy your whole life, you know he’s been bullied since day one, you know he comes from a shitty home, and you know he said that in a moment of absolute stress—yet you refuse to even listen to him?? Fuck off. Seriously, she seemed incredibly cynical to me.
Like, you can’t call out a guy for hanging out with future DEs but then turn around and marry a literal bully you’ve seen being a piece of garbage your entire life and still act like you have some kind of moral high ground. And what also really annoyed me was how Rowling tried to sell her as a moral example—like… a person like that is just a jerk. I’ve already said I view friendship very differently, so as far as I’m concerned, Lily can stay six feet under with her trash husband—they were two peas in a pod. And I know this is an unpopular opinion even in the Snape fandom, but I don’t care—I cannot stand her. I’ve made an effort to analyze her more seriously, but if you ask for my subjective opinion? She was a total asshole, and that’s why she fit so well with another total asshole.
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mrkeatingsblazer · 2 years ago
I hate how everyone shits on soft! Remus Lupin like as if canonical he isn’t the biggest sweetheart ever.
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This TikTok post from @theonottineedusobad made me so happy and sad bc Remus is just so good™️ and I think the fandom forgets this for the new bad boy version of Remus that to me seems so forced and off putting
Let Remus be soft again!!! Let him wear his jumpers and read his books without smoking weed or stealing. Let him play pranks without being cold, let him be nice and gentle and sensible while also being a smart and mischievous teenage boy. 
Let Remus be the glue of the marauders!! Not James or Sirius, REMUS!! Bc he literally is! Explore why James and Sirius, who probably were more rude and pretentious when they were younger, admired him so much that they broke the law for him. Explore the dynamics of the 4 boys as a group not just as best friend duo james and Sirius with a side of wolfstar relationship and a forgotten Peter.
As much as wolfstar shaped the fandom I really wish we could get a canon accurate marauders fic to see more of the friendships. 
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trippingontheescalator · 1 year ago
Snape Headcanons
He's bad at geography. Sure, he knows this super rare, obscure potion ingredient can only be found in this one area in Laos, but ask him to find Laos on a map he won't have a clue. There was a time he dreamed about seeing world, but he quickly realized he would never get the opportunity and so doesn't see any purpose in learning geography.
A lot of the Marauders' claims about him, like knowing curses as a first year, are exaggerated, but the one thing they're right about is Snape was very nosy. Part of it was because it was useful; knowledge is power, after all. He could trade gossip with his fellow Slytherins, or use it to keep one step ahead of the Marauders (or taunt them with it). But most of it is just his natural curiosity. He's a people watcher. He doesn't often understand people, is bad at human interaction, so he watches from a distance.
Severus knows half the first years think he's some sort of vampire and he revels in it. He knows exactly the kind of image he creates, dressing up in those long black, swishing robes, the spooky dungeons with the jars full of animal body parts. His taste is 33% Mad-Scientist-Run-Amuck, 33% Sad-Victorian-Boy-Dying-of-Tuberculosis, 33% Tacky-Post-Halloween-Discounted-Decor, and 1% Lucius's-Increasing-Despair-to-Make-Severus-Into-a-Functional-Human-Being.
In addition to potions and reading, Severus also does a lot of writing. He's been working on-and-off on a novel since he was fifteen. At this point, it's almost 500,000 words long. One of the few ways he's able to express his thoughts and feelings is through fiction. The main character was heavily based on Lily, especially in the early stages when they were still friends, but as he grew older he put more of himself into the character and now she's become the version of himself he wishes he could be. The night before he kills Dumbledore he burns the entire thing.
Severus knows the DADA position is cursed. Everyone knows it's cursed. He still asks to teach it every year because he also knows that it's the only way he can escape Hogwarts, and he's willing to risk death to do it.
His feelings for Lily have gone through the entire spectrum. At times, she was a sister to him, especially the years before Hogwarts. He used to be incredibly jealous of Petunia, wished he could be Lily's sibling and live in their house and have their parents. It became romantic as a young teenager, especially since she was the only person he felt safe enough with for his pubescent mind to fixate on and explore his budding sexuality. Later, as he became friends with the other Slytherins in his year, it was strictly platonic but nonetheless a very deep friendship. They were both trying to control the other, and Severus was especially worried that Lily would end up like Eileen if she gave into Potter's charms. After his failed apology, he grew angry and resentful and he tried very much to hate her (but he couldn't, not even after she married Potter). And then, after her death, it circled back around to brotherly. He liked to remember those early years best of all, and his devotion to a better cause after her death parallels that of Dumbledore's after Ariana died.
Look I know there's a lot of confusion about godparents, and HP didn't help by being coy about religion, but a godparent isn't a legally appointed guardian. Like, they definitely can be if the parents want that (as it appears to be the case with Sirius Black), but that's not the default. A godparent sponsors a child's baptism and is in charge of their spiritual upbringing, making sure they know their catechism, etc (hence the god part of godparent, its a Catholic/Anglican thing). And the most widespread religion in HP does seem to be Christianity with Christmas being celebrated and whatnot (though I do headcanon the purebloods have their own Druidic/Christian hybrid religion going on). With that being said-- Severus Snape is Draco's godfather. He's also Merula Snyde's godfather. And Pansy Parkinson's godfather. And, like, the godfather of 10 other kids of former Death Eaters. Severus Snape climbed the Death Eater ladder; he was one of Voldemort's favourites during the First War and these other Death Eaters were like, "Damn. I got to get on his good side. Please sponsor my child's baptism."
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theblack3stday · 1 year ago
BELONG TO ME — Remus Lupin | part one
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Pairing: Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Summary: You always felt like you didn’t belong in your universe. One day, you find yourself in 1977 and you meet there the Marauders.
A/N💌: Hey! I was trying something different, I hope it’s not that bad😭 I wanted to do series, but if it’s bad I won’t continue it.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: depression, mentions of anger attacks and etc
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You find yourself in a place of never-ending movement, you were still a teenager, but you've already lived through so many experiences that it's hard to keep track of it all. You've seen so many places and met so many people, yet none of them seem to feel like home. You felt like you're always on the move, and even when you do settle down for a while, it's hard to feel comfortable. Instead, you find yourself filled with frustration and sometimes anger, even at the smallest of things. You've always been judged harshly, and it's left you feeling insecure and doubting yourself. Your life has been a string of disappointments, and you find yourself feeling more and more like a burden to everyone around you. You were always the second choice or felt unloved, and even though that was never true, the feeling has persisted and eaten away at you. You find it hard to build true friendships or relationships because you feel like they will always leave you, so you often keep people at a distance and refuse to let them get close to you. Even though this isn't the case, the idea that it will always be the outcome has become so deeply ingrained in you. Maybe it was crazy, but it always felt like you didn’t belong in your universe. You have this sense of not belonging in this world, like you are somehow separate from it. Like you don't quite fit in. Perhaps you feel more at home somewhere other than here, or perhaps you just don't seem to gel with the people around you. Whatever the reason, it feels like you don't quite match this world around you and that makes the feeling of alienation and isolation even stronger.
In the last class of the day, the English teacher started talking about the existence of another universes and dimensions. You've always been interested in the concept of other universes and are fascinated by the idea that there could be other realities and dimensions beyond this one. Especially, you loved thinking that there is a universe where you are happy and don’t feel like you don’t belong there. This is the first time you've heard anyone talk about it in a school setting and are eagerly paying attention to what the teacher has to say.
"So as I was saying, the multiverse is the idea that there are endless universes out there. Each one has its own unique characteristics, with different versions of us and different laws of physics." he continued talking
"So you mean we aren't the only us out there?" one of your classmates asked him.
"That's the idea. The multiverse theory states that every decision you make spawns a new universe. So there's a universe where you took the other route home, one where you picked up a different book, and so on. Every possible choice creates new realities."
Everyone started whispering and discussing the idea. "It's kinda mind-blowing, huh? There's a whole multiverse out there, and all these different versions of you. And here's the crazy part: they're all real. Even tho' they're happening out there in other universes, they're just as real as our reality. So basically, you're co-existing with an infinite number of other you's right now." he chuckled to his students reaction.
As the teacher talked about the multiverse, it hit you – there might be other versions of yourself in different universes. The idea that somewhere out there, there's a version of you who feels happy and at home gave you a glimmer of hope. It was like a light at the end of the tunnel, suggesting that things could be different in another universe. You always thought of that.
You are walking down the streets of London, headed home from school. Everything seems normal and familiar as you make your way through the city. However, after a while, something feels odd. You feel like you're walking in circles and suddenly realize you don't recognize where you are anymore. You begin to panic slightly, but after a few moments of struggling, you spot a familiar landmark and know that you're on the right track again. You find your way back home, but the experience leaves you feeling unsettled and confused. You were still confused from your encounter in the streets and couldn't fully take in the differences in your house. When you try to open the door with your keys, they don't fit. After a few tries, a redhead girl opened the door. You feel stunned and disoriented as she stares at you with a confused look on her face.
"Hello, can I help you?" the redhead's bright emerald eyes were staring at you with a look of curiosity.
"Um, I think maybe there's been a mistake. I thought this was my house." you raise your eyebrow, baffled by the situation.
"I live here. This is definitely my house. Are you sure," the redhead asks, unsure of your answer.
"Yes, very sure. But the key doesn't fit, so..." you raise the possibility of a mix-up.
"Maybe you got it wrong? Check the number." the redhead suggests a simple explanation, unsure of this whole situation.
You look closer at the number and double-check to make sure you hadn't gotten it wrong. Suddenly, a wave of dread washes over you as you realize that’s the same number as your house. But how was that possible?
"I think maybe I did get it wrong. Sorry to bother you," you begin to back away, with dismay. You find yourself walking down the street, stunned by the situation and trying to process everything that has just happened. You're feeling a mix of disbelief, confusion, and fear, unsure of what has just happened or how you got here. You try to think back on what could have happened, but your mind is drawing a blank. Nothing makes sense and it feels like anything could have happened. A rush of adrenaline floods your body. As you walk down the street, you suddenly feel drawn to a date that has been written on a sign outside of a nearby store. Your eyes hone in on the date and your heart skips a beat as you read it. It says 1977. You couldn't believe your eyes and had to pause for a moment to process what you were seeing. Could it be possible? Was it really 1977? You stare at the date for what feels like minutes, but it only lasts a second. Your mind races with the possibilities. Were you somehow thrown back in time? Was this some sort of alternate reality? What was happening? Your curiosity was building and you found yourself wanting to explore more of this strange world. It felt surreal to see that it was 1977, and you were suddenly filled with wonder and curiosity. As you continue to stare at the date written on the store, you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see the redhead who had previously spoken with you, standing behind you.
"Are you alright?" the redhead asks, with a look of concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply, trying to mask the fact that you time-traveled or change your reality. “I’m sorry that i came to your house like that. I’m new here and my aunt lives in your street. You know all the houses looks exactly the same, which is creepy, and i was confused.” you lied, trying to not look so weird.
The redhead chuckles at your response, finding it amusing but also empathetic. It seems clear she understands the confusion and bewilderment that you must be feeling. "I can't say you aren't right," she laughs, finding the situation humorous yet also relatable. She continues to stare at you with a sympathetic smile “I’m Lily, by the way. Lily Evans.”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” you smiled at her.
Lily’s eyes light up as she mentions, “You know, we’re heading to the park later to meet up with some friends. Would you like to come with us? It’s always great to have new faces around.”
A mix of hesitation crosses your face as you contemplate the offer. You were homeless and in different place, whatever it is called.
“Okay you’re coming.” she grabbed your arm and started walking you with her.
“Actually-“ you tried to stop her.
“It’s gonna be fun, you’ll love them.”
As you walk together towards the park Lily, noticing your initial hesitation, leans in and whispers, “I’m really glad you came. Trust me, you’re going to love hanging out with this bunch.” Her genuine enthusiasm puts you at ease, and you start to feel a sense of camaraderie with this group from a different era.
Lily introduces you to her friends, The Marauders. As you walk together towards the park, Lily introduces you to her friends, the Marauders. She points to a dark-haired boy with mischievous eyes and a playful grin, calling him as Sirius. Next, she indicates a boy with messy dark hair with glasses as James, her boyfriend.
“Then there's Marlene and Mary." she continued. Mary smiled at you kindly. Marlene, was more playful, but she smiled at you too.
“And this is Y/N, guys.”
As she introduces you, a quiet and serious-looking boy with brown eyes and brown hair, an air of wisdom about him, came towards you. When he was close enough, you realised his scars on his face. You can't help but feel mesmerized by his beautiful eyes, as you notice the depth of intelligence and wisdom in his gaze.
"And this is Remus," Lily says, as the boy approaches. She introduces you formally. "This is Y/N, my new friend." The boy stares at you intensely, his dark eyes piercing into yours as he tries to understand who you are and what you're doing here. He stares for a few moments, considering his next words carefully. "Welcome," Remus finally says, his voice low and almost a whisper. "I'm Remus and it's....nice to meet you." He pauses, his deep, brown eyes studying you as he considers what else to say. It was a bit awkward, but nobody mind it, everyone went back talking. There was something different about Remus, you felt it.
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conangray-marauders-fest · 7 months ago
Reveals Day 7!
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Happy Reveals Day 7!
As a reminder, please keep in mind that a lot of Conan's material (and the Marauders Fandom) can be angsty, so please mind all ratings and tags!
Teenage Werewolves Don't Dance With Posh Boys - by whoopsiesnodaisies
High School is hard when you're the new kid in town. It's harder when you're a werewolf.
Walking Alone into the Darkest Night - by HuntersWithCellPhones
After being informed that Narcissa will be taking the Dark Mark and ending her Hogwarts education early to express her devotion to the Dark Lord, she breaks everything off with Alice, but, at her parents' blood purist dinner party, she finds a moment to escape and see Alice one final time before they both fight seperate sides of a war.
Inspired by Conan Gray's 'Found Heaven'.
i can't turn away a wet dog - by lilacfiresoul
“I’m sorry, Moony,” Sirius repeats. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just … I didn’t know who else to go to. James is— he’s in Cornwall, and I don’t know where— I don’t know where his holiday house is, and I didn’t mean to come here, um, unannounced, I just …”
Realisation lands heavy on Remus’ shoulders with every word Sirius stumbles over, eventually trailing off. It’s his parents that have done this. His mother, most likely. Always his bloody mother.
Wales is hit by an awful storm, and Sirius appears, bloody and covered in mud, without warning in Remus' house.
Someone Who Loves You Wouldn’t Do This - by lunasky2491
family~one of the closest forms of bonds, unconditional love, two parents joined to you by blood.
the blood of the convent runs thicker than the water of the womb~ blood runs thicker than water
two very different things, yet mistaken for the same. one offering freedom while the other entrapment.
yet blood is what seems to define you, no matter how hard you try to change, how far you try to run, it’s the one thing you will always be remembered by.
the one thing always enslaving you
the reason why they were both trapped, only a wall apart. a Slytherin and a Gryffindor. An Order member and a death eater. The best friend and the brother.
both fucked over by a world which didn’t seem to care.
left to rot in a god forsaken cell in Azkaban
The Eyes of the Night's Guard Dog - by raiynstorm
It’s 1982 and war is over, at least for most people. Remus, reeling from the deaths of his closest friends and the betrayal of another, returns to his hometown to grieve in peace. He takes solace in visiting his friends' graves but soon enough begins to notice that the dog that wanders the cemetery isn’t quite what he expected. So then, what is it?
Alley Rose - Rosekiller version - by astronomythOO
Please feel free to reblog, comment, kudos, and otherwise encourage the participants! They worked so hard!
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elysianymph · 2 years ago
my unpopular marauders opinions
(i'm scared 😟)
'nothing is ooc bc we know nothing about the characters!' might work with the girl characters and the lesser known ones but it does not fly when we are talking about the marauders and other characters like barty, regulus, etc. we have so much (biased) information on these characters and you can't erase all they were in the original text bc you want to make an oc in the marauders era.
sirius is literally one of the most interesting characters in the fandom and i hate how he's been dumbed down to regulus' brother or remus' boyfriend depending on who's pov we're reading. what happened to cool sirius and why has he become a loser who follows remus around like a lapdog??? what happened to casanova sirius who all the girls were into but he never paid them any attention??? what happened to the sirius who risked his life and ran away bc he refused to become like his parents??? and why has been reduced to a whimpering mess who cries bc remus is mean to him (ooc on remus' part too). you're lying to yourselves if you think sirius wouldn't start throwing hands the moment remus insulted him. i need to write an entire separate post for this bc it makes me viscerally angry when i see him portrayed like this. who decided that giving remus all of sirius' main character traits was a good idea??
similarly, remus has become so boring. he has literally become the toxic love interest in a werewolf story please STOP IT. i'm tired of remus constantly yelling and calling other people (specifically sirius) worthless or hitting their deepest insecurities but it's all justified bc it's the full moon and he's angry and emotional. it's overdone, it's toxic, it's boring and i don't want to see it. my remus will forever be a an old sweater-wearing, bookworm people pleaser who wanted nothing more than to have friends who loved him despite who he was and he treasured them so dearly when he found them. he carried extra pens and quills in his bag because he knew peter always forgot his, he always came to james' games to cheer him on despite not being interested in quidditch. idk what you people find appealing about remus thinking sirius is a nuisance or annoying when they're dating but it's not <3 he spent years staring at sirius' back during class and being satisfied to just be in his presence because he didn't think he deserved any of it. how could he wish for more when sirius was wrapping an arm around him and whispering the plan to their newest prank? you want me to think the shy boy who looked away anytime sirius made eye contact with him was a smooth talker who found sirius annoying?? at this point he's an oc with remus' face be fr
sirius >>> regulus any day. cry about it
speaking of regulus i hate how the fandom has characterized him. you've created sirius 2.0 with his storyline (while simultaneously slandering sirius' character) and then made him an emo version of remus' already awful characterization. he's not an uwu victim who begged his brother to come with him, he was a blood supremacist who was probably overjoyed that the stain on his family tree was gone. 'i hate you but i love you' describes the black brothers perfectly but that 'but' doesn't undo the hatred they feel for each other. sibling relationship are so complex, especially in a family like theirs, and their relationship would've been turbulent. by the time sirius had ran away i fully believe the hate they felt for each other was bigger than any love they had left. regulus who is a manipulative asshole, regulus who is actively trying to get rid of sirius so he can get to be the heir he thinks he deserves to be will always be more interesting than the way regulus is written in most jegulus fics.
also james would've literally bullied regulus. it's the truth
also, let james be an asshole! let james be a bully! he was a teenager for fucks sake let him be mean and cruel! give him an ego the size of the sun and nothing else to 'make it better'. he was an only child raised in a pureblood family, i would be more surprised if he didn't turn out to be a narcissistic teenager. he was talented and spoiled and wanted everyone to agree with him bc he had never been brought down to earth from his high horse. let him be messy. i don't understand why the fandom has such a problem with complex characters
this fandom hates on severus too much while babygirl-ifying characters who have done the same or worse than him. was he an asshole? yes. was he also a really interesting character that people choose to ignore or push aside bc he's not conventionally attractive? yes. you've idolized barty and evan and regulus, characters who are also canonically death eaters and have done unforgivable things, yet you continue to hate on severus because?? i don't like him either but commenting 'stan bambi' on every single severus edit is a bit too much effort for a character you claim to not give a shit about :/
remus would NOT be friends with barty, evan and regulus. he's a loser and those three would bully him to death
'i wish people would make more marauders era girls content-' 💥💥💥make it yourself. there is PLENTLY of girls content all you need to do is look in the tags (but oh wait you can't look in the tags bc no one in this fandom has apparently heard of fandom etiquette and they're all tagging every ship under the sun on a post about jegulus. trust me, if i wanted to see jegulus content i would go in their tag. now stop tagging it with dorlene and marylily)
idk if this one is that unpopular cause i've seen it around quite a bit recently but the lupins are literally one of the best families and they are so underrated. the relationships between hope and remus and lyall and remus and the effects that remus' lycanthropy has on them is always on my mind fr. you don't need to give every character mommy/daddy issues to make them interesting or complex ❤️
the prank is SO overdone. like every post prank fic is the same shit and i'm tired. sirius felt no remorse, remus called it an unfunny prank, get over it. it can be interesting to explore (especially sirius' thoughts during it and how remus deals with the consequences of one of his best friends betraying him) but so many times the prank has just been used to justify writing remus being so so incredibly shitty to sirius and poking at his every insecurity that at this point i don't even want to read about it anymore. remus had every right to be mad but once again you're ignoring the canon characterization just to make him seem like a badass when he would absolutely not confront sirius about it.
'[girl character] is just the female version of [male character]' literally makes me want to bite someone's head off. how is it that you have time to create whole new personalities for james, sirius, remus and every other male character under the sun but lily, mary, dorcas or marlene don't get that treatment?? slapping sirius' old characterization on marlene or remus' old characterization on lily doesn't make for compelling characters but none of you care enough to actually flesh these women out and make them something more. it's no wonder people complain about them being boring when the main fanon is just slapping on a guy's personality onto them but make it misogynistic. if you can give regulus an entire backstory and justify his every action then you can give the girls some interesting character traits in your works be fr.
rudy solos grant chapman 🫶🏻
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saintsenara · 6 months ago
do youthink james knew sirius had a crush on him? if yes, how did he feel about it? also, could they have worked?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
the view i'm taking in the war of the roses is that james never realises that sirius' feelings for him are romantic. he understands, instinctively, that sirius loves him - and he loves sirius profoundly, and the two are emotionally open [and enmeshed] with each other - but he assumes that this love is fraternal.
sirius doesn't correct him largely because of the huge sack of internalised homophobia he's been carrying around - which builds on the expression of casual homophobia we see on the canon page in both the teen marauders' and the adult sirius' treatment of snape.
this is also why my version of james never seriously wonders if his best friend is something other than straight. outside of light and fluffy escapism - which this fic very much is not - i don't really vibe with the fanon that the twentieth-century wizarding world is considerably more enlightened when it comes to sexuality and gender than the muggle one. a society which places such emphasis on the value of blood and lineage, and which seems to have social conventions surrounding sex, sexuality, and gender which are extremely conservative, just wouldn't have been - and james is a straight cisgender teenage boy living in this society during the 1970s.
so sirius spends his time at school struggling to make sense of his attraction to james, while james remains cheerfully oblivious - he was a one woman man the second he clapped eyes on lily, and that was that.
in other contexts, though, absolutely i think the pairing can work, both as happy-ever-after and as something darker. james and sirius are each other's ride-or-die - sirius is the only person who can get james to stop showing off, lily thinks that his presence in godric's hollow will cheer up a james who's growing frustrated with life under lockdown, sirius would never have gone anywhere other than james' when he ran away from home, they love each other so much they couldn't even bear to spend a single detention without talking - but they're also incredibly co-dependent, and mutually encourage each other in several of their negative, self-destructive traits. wherever a fic wants to fall on the scale, this will slap.
but i prefer it - as i've said here and here - unrequited.
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siriusblackdevotee · 1 month ago
why do you hate regulus
I'm sorryyy, regulus didn't actually do anything, I lovee canon him and a few fanon versions of him but...it's more how the fandom talks of him that makes me despise him. So I just hate, most fanon versions.
It's the versions that make him out to be this badass, smart, over powered, traumatized, hot character that makes me go...yikes. because I do not like that. (Same goes for Gryffindor casanova, academic weapon, tall and muscular Remus, just yikes) Everything we know of canon Regulus is that he's kinda stupid, not at all powerful, well he is a bit badass actually, I'll give him that, but he's not traumatized, definitely not that hot. I wished people kept some of his lesser characteristics but most of the fandom prefers describing as this misunderstood untouchable divine being 😔
But also I get where it comes from. All fans of pretty evil characters do this, where they invent stuff to make them a misunderstood evil character, or when the character is their favorite, make them out to be really badass. This is average fandom behavior I guess but that doesn't mean I like it 💔💔
I... honestly this is just a preference but he's also depicted with a twink model and I ddonnttt like thattt. He played for the Slytherin Quidditch team!! Yeah he's described as uh, smaller than Sirius? But Sirius is constantly described as this macho guy (despite being malnourished) so I don't think you need to pay attention to that all that much. (Same goes for... actually twink Sirius is okay)
Especially on the misunderstood part. I hear people saying that Regulus became more nuanced or multi dimensional (??) when they started giving him other motivations for becoming a death eater (ex: took Sirius's place) but honestly imo, he just became less interesting because he "was a good guy the whole time". Canon him is more interesting, he was fully on board with Voldemort's ideals and this was during a time where Voldemort was gradually gaining power so they were probably terrorizing, killing the muggles. He agreed with all that but he draws the line in uhh extremely dark, taboo magic? Or protecting Kreacher? That's interesting!! I don't get this guy's morals!!
He was much cooler when he was apathetic to muggles getting killed, probably supportive of it, but then hates when death/magic is cheated or if a belonging of his comes to harm. I love that guy.
....well he's not that cool either. Having your kpop Voldemort shrine discovered by a bunch of teenagers is just....ha
especially in defense of Regulus, a lot of his fans get... irrational. I hear "everything we know of him came from biased sources (Sirius&Kreacher) so we actually know nothing!!" which like...jkr wouldn't be depicting him in such a horrible light if she wasn't trying to tell you that he is a horrible person. It's just like...why do they have this need to turn him into this misunderstood, innocent angel...I really hate that. (James fans do this too, a lot of marauders fans actually, with SWM, again JKR wouldn't just show James & co being little shits if she wasn't trying to say they are little shits!!)
So in general,...fanon Regulus is just, sigh. I think canon would hate him. But I don't completely hate him. Zars's Regulus is literally my 💞💞💞. I really want. Flawed Regulus. SO MUCH.
WAIT. And I'm talking about canon universe? Canon divergent? Canon compliant? Those types of regulus..es. I don't care about Regulus in another au, like a coffee shop. He's just a guy there so. We're chilling.
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thistlecatfics · 1 month ago
lily + 1, 2, 5, 7!
Lily! my imperfect (I insist with love) darling.
1. what i most like about them
well we do love someone who haunts a narrative.
I also love her having such a complex relationship with Petunia and this weird and probably very unsettling experience of being a golden child in a family and gradually growing apart because they just can't understand anything you're experiencing and you're so far away from them for so much of the year. She's on a pedestal in the narrative, but she was also on a pedestal in her family system, and that's a difficult, dehumanizing place to be.
2. what i hate about them
There's not enough of her canonically to hate I think! I guess I just hate how little of her we get.
5. a headcanon i have
She and Snape got up to using dark magic together. I think as a muggleborn she wouldn't have had such a clear aversion to it that some of the kids raised wizarding would. Part of why she maintained her friendship with snape for so long, well past when anyone else would think it was rational, was not just personal loyalty to a childhood friend but because she loved doing magic and making potions with him and knew that they had something unique there in their shared magical power that shouldn't couldn't find with another person.
also, she and Sirius drink firewhisky together (James is too much of a lightweight), and it's something they first bond over while building their friendship which ends up being quite deep.
7. my unpopular opinion on them
I see people heacanoning her as very politically conscious, and I just don't. I think she fell for being the exceptional muggleborn for a long time - way longer than she should have.
I think her experience as a golden child in her family system + her genuine friendship with Snape + Slughorn welcoming her into Slug Club + her exceptional magical talent made her believe that she genuinely was special and deserving of everything and that maybe other muggleborns should try harder -- instead of seeing her place as the token muggleborn in Slug Club as a release of a pressure value on a system of blood supremacy at a time of escalating hostilities. (Look! We're not prejudiced! Here is our token muggleborn! She makes Potions so well!) (We love respectability politics!)
It's SO tempting to believe things like that -- especially as a young teenager. I feel so much sympathy for her.
After her friendship with Snape finally blew up, I think she started to see things very differently. I also think that other muggleborns at Hogwarts did not trust her (because of her clear friendship with Snape and Slughorn's favoritism), and it was only in her final few years that she was able to deepen those friendships and gain more political consciousness.
oh! also that she was closer to Sirius than to Remus (though it took longer to develop). I don't consider the movies canon. I love her friendship with Remus in fics, but that's not how I think of her.
BONUS: a headcanon that other people have that I hate
when people headcanon her as fat/curvy/chubby/whatever and say that she just couldn't believe James Potter was asking her out because of that. ugh. I hate it. I love chubby Lily as a headcanon but I hate that version.
marauders ask game
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
Naomi Alderman’s ‘The Future’
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Naomi Alderman burst onto the scene in 2016 with The Power, an explosive and brilliant feminist apocalyptic parable. Now, seven years later, she's back with a chunky, propulsive second novel about a very different sort of apocalypse: The Future:
The Power was a thriller about a mysterious force that gives women the power to administer violent electric shocks – even lethal ones – from the palms of their hands. As this power races around the world, the status quo is abruptly shattered. Abusers get nasty surprises. The Saudi government topples. Parents of teenaged boys demand sex-segregated classes to protect their sons from vicious girls:
In The Future, we get a very different kind of apocalypse: the imagined apocalypse of the prepper. At the core of prepperism is a fantasy: that the world will experience a cataclysm that requires the special skills and supplies of the prepper themselves. Water chemists who turn prepper fantasize about attacks on the water-supply – not because there's any special reason to expect one, but because if terrorists attack the water supply, then water chemists become civilization-rescuing heroes:
(And of course, if the world ends in such a way that marauding bandits rove the wasteland, eating their former neighbors, then macho, AR-15-obsessed musketfuckers get to reinvent themselves as warlords who defend the sheeple from "bad guys.")
This is what makes billionaire prepper fantasies just so weird – for most of us, it's hard to imagine how the skills of a billionaire are the one thing we'll need to see us through a crisis. But for billionaires themselves, the necessity of billionaires in rebooting civilization is so self-evident as to be unquestionable.
What's more, billionaires are convinced – more than any of us – that the world is about to end. As Douglas @Rushkoff puts it, these guys want to earn enough money to outrun the consequences of how they're making all that money. This is #TheMindset, the idea that your own position has jeopardized civilization itself, but that also, you must survive the cataclysm, because only you can survive it.
Rushkoff chronicles the real-world fantasies of luxury bunkers patrolled by mercenaries locked into explosive discipline collars in his book Survival of the Richest:
But billionaires don't just suck at running civilization, they also suck at making up stories about its collapse. One thing that's striking about Rushkoff's ethnography of rich people preparing to outlive the end of the human race is how banal their eschatological fantasies are.
It's not that there aren't any exciting stories to tell about billionaire survival fantasies. The granddaddy of these is, of course, Edgar Allan Poe's 1842 "#MasqueOfTheRedDeath":
I published an updated version with the same title in 2019 in my novella collection #Radicalized:
In The Future, we get a cracking, multi-point-of-view adventure novel about billionaires prepping for the end of the world. Three billionaires, the lords of thinly veiled analogs to Facebook, Google and Amazon, each getting ready in their own way. Stumbling into their midst comes Lai Zhen, a prepper influencer vlogger with millions of followers.
When Zhen becomes romantically entangled with Martha Einkorn, the top aide and chief-of-prepping for one of these billionaires, she finds herself in possession of an AI chatbot that is devoted to protecting a very small number of people from incipient danger. This chatbot determines that Zhen is being stalked by an assassin at a mall in Singapore, and guides her to safety.
The chatbot is a closely held secret among the tech billionaire cabal. It is designed to monitor world events and predict when The Event is imminent, be it disease, war, or other cataclysmic disaster. With the chatbot's predictive powers and its superhuman guidance, the billionaires, their families, and their closest confidantes will be able to slip away before the shit hits the fan, fly by different private jets to one or another luxury bunker, and wait out the apocalypse. Once the fires raging without have died down to embers, the chatbot's billionaire charges will emerge to assume their places as wise and all-powerful leaders of the next human civilization.
As you might imagine, not everyone who finds out about this plan – including various members of the billionaires' families who are fully aware of these rich, powerful people's fallibility – is enthusiastic about it. As we build toward a looming crisis, we cycle between these family members, Zhen and her hacker buddies, and members of an online prepper community where Einkorn is a kind of provocateuse and eminence grise.
Alderman skillfully maneuvers all these power players and blocs into position before detonating the crisis that sets off the book's second act, where we get into some damned fine Masque of the Red Death territory, but clad in Tony Stark mecha survival suits and against a backdrop of total disaster.
I won't give away any spoilers here, except to say that there are lots of twists (that won't surprise readers of The Power, which had its own excellent surprises). But without delving too deeply into the fake-outs, crosses, and turns that Alderman lays, I will say that this is a fantastic and incredibly satisfying comeuppance novel that gets very deep into the ideology of wishing the world would end, and dreaming that when it does, you will finally matter.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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