#not tagging anyone and thereby tagging everyone
osterby · 1 year
WIP game!
Tagged by @ladyswillmart :D
Make a new post
Embolden the themes that appear in your WIP
Italicise those that are loosely covered
Tag people
So I've got two WIPs (under the working titles of "Ostercat Dismembers Zenos" and "Unsupervised Catboy" (which is the one where Indil'li kinda sorta does necromany to get the Elementals to give Wilred back) and I'm just going to lump them both together for this
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | desperation | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | (found) family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | fight vs compromise | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
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labutansa · 1 month
Help 2 Displaced Palestinian Students with Housing
Hello everyone, this is a campaign that my IRL friend has sent to me as she is involved as a member of the St. John’s University Coalition for Justice (instagram) and SJU Palestine Solidarity Committee (instagram).
From the Coalition’s instagram:
“Two Palestinian students have been accepted by St. John's University w/ full four-year tuition scholarships. They hope to study computer science but need your help to afford room & board in Queens, NY. ! We are raising money for their living expenses including for their rent, travel, food, and other essentials.”
The reason the Coalition is raising funds is because St. John’s refuses to offer the students room and board service, instead having their scholarships ONLY apply to being able to go to the school, thereby not treating like other students with scholarships
The campaign already has already raised $10,658 USD of $15,000 USD goal, so there’s less than $5,000 left to supply these students with the money they need to help with their education.
More information can be found from the Coalition’s instagram, which you can start with the post I’ve linked the quote from.
Please consider helping these students to be able to get their education that’s being unfairly barred from them 🙏🏽
Tags under the cut, as I’m not the most popular account and really need to get this post attention - I just put any names I could think of that spread this kind of post, so sorry if you are getting many notifications and I add to it, particularly if I have not talked with you before / you’ve never heard of me.
If anyone knows any names I should add that I didn’t, please feel free to tag people on this post
@acepumpkinpatrick @beardeddetectivepaper @ana-bananya @transmutationisms @schoolhater @saturngalore @kyra45 @marigoldcanaries @neechees @the-eldritch-it-gay @dualdeixis
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freyjas-musings · 6 months
I think its come to a point where I have to clarify a few things.
To start with , to everyone who reached out , thank you I am doing ok, I am just busy, I have a lot of work related travel in the next two weeks and I am preparing for my deadlines and dealing with real life . I promise I am fine.
As far as people who have doxxed me and have put my username on display subjecting me to bullying and harassment, the irony of the entire thing is not lost to me .
The fact that Elriels accused me of threatening to subject someone to harassment, when I specifically did not mention any username or individual .... while simultaneously displaying my username not only on several public FB groups which I have SS of, but also in several posts on both Tumblr and Twitter is baffling . Don't they see that they literally did what they accused me of "wanting" to do?
Who is the only one who is being subject to harassment and bullying ? Me and somehow I am the person who is in the wrong here ?
Now , coming to the part of character assassination, this isn't about fictional characters or books anymore , these people have written horrible things about me as a person ... twisted something I said on a post which most certainly wasn't said in a serious manner its dumb to think it was ( How would someone force someone to write an English exam ? The entire thing was exaggerated and ridiculous) and have called me different things varying from a Psychotic bitch to a creepy person aka defamation thereby posing a threat to my emotional and mental well-being.
I have been in this fandom long enough and I have interacted with enough people that it should atleast give most people that I have interacted with a general idea of what I really am like.
I have mostly kept well away from Elriels , I don't engage with them in any manner if I can avoid it and I have gone ahead and blocked as many of them and their tags. So , I clearly have no intention of interacting with them irrespective of whether they are decent people or not , I simply don't see the necessity and its not my preference. This is the reason most of my interactions usually revolve around Gwynriels and they are the only ones I usually address even in my posts.
I am a part of this fandom for myself and I commission art because I like the creative aspect of it and I love interacting and supporting artists. This much everybody knows about me.
The locus of my identity is internal to me and my circle of validation is a total sum of 2 people - My husband and my child.
So for anyone who thinks they can bully me into going away from the fandom by twisting things and saying mean things about me... you are really wrong.
I honestly wasn't feeling right about BB milking the ship war and preying on vulnerable people while also not lending their support to artists who are integral to the fandom... which is why , I literally stated 2 days back that I would be stepping back from the SJM fandom till we have news on the next book.
But .....
If this is the sort of shit people try to pull with me then it's not about BB anymore, My priority now is bullies in the fandom. My priority is people who thought they could manipulate my people against me.....
This is to Gywnriels, I will totally respect it if you guys would like to unfollow me based on the propaganda that's been in action by the Elriels. But seeing I have gained 15 followers in the last 2 days I am going to assume you guys truly understand what I am as a person and for that I am thankful and incredibly grateful 🙏. If you guys see posts of people displaying my username please report both the post and the blogger.
Now , I would like to go back to work because irrespective of who Azriel gets to fuck in the next book ... my work is what is important... its what feeds me and pays my bills.
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topgunreacts · 1 year
for the omegaverse au, who is the alpha and who is the omega?
Explain my non-standard omegaverse system, thereby clarifying important themes and plot points within my story?? Don’t mind if I do!!!!!
I was going to do this anyway at some point because I know a lot of people avoid A/B/O due to some widely used tropes. If you (whoever reading this) are potentially interested in my story but hesitant due to past omegaverse experiences, this may help you make a final decision. Here’s a quick rundown of my treatment of common tropes in list form, and THEN I will answer your very simple question.
When in heat, do male omegas feel an unstoppable, uncontrollable horniness that overpowers any reluctance to have sex?
Not in my omegaverse. Dubcon winds up in a lot of omegaverse story tags because of this trope. But in my version of A/B/O, a male omega’s heat symptoms can look like any number of things. Horniness can be a symptom, but it isn’t for everyone. And even when it is, it presents itself like more of an itch that wants to be scratched. If a male omega in heat is horny but isn’t around someone he wants to fuck, then he will not fuck. This will cause him to feel irritated, though. If sex is among his body’s primary ways to feel safe during a heat and accrue the most biological resources, he may go on to have a really bad time psychologically. But at no point will he be trying to have sex he doesn’t want to have.
Not in my omegaverse. I have no beef with it, it just doesn’t play a role in my stories. However, I would like to point out that trans, intersex, asexual, and other flavors of queer people exist within my universe. So a male person WITH a uterus could get pregnant if they were able to.
When alphas are in rut, do they possess an uncontrollable urge to mate with someone in heat?
No, and I call that out explicitly in Marrying the Hangman as a line alphas use in court to try and get out of assault charges. Do bigoted in-universe people actually believe this happens? Yes. Does it actually happen? No.
Are alpha and omega designations synonymous with ‘top’ and ‘bottom,’ ‘dom’ and ‘sub,’ respectively?
Absolutely not! Anyone could be any combination of these things, including vers/switch. A male omega in heat who experiences horniness might personally scratch that itch by way of topping in a more assertive manner, for example. I refer to being alpha/beta/omega as a biological sex, not a gender.
The biggest reason why I chose to piggyback this info on that ask submission is because the answer to the question of who is alpha and who is omega is loaded with assumptions due to the nature of commonly seen tropes. So when I say
Maverick is the alpha and Ice is the omega
that does not impact their characterization in the ways you [general You] might think. I saw a post a while ago scoffing at the idea of Iceman being an omega, and that is almost certainly because ‘male omega’ generally amounts to the following overpacked suitcase of assumptions: passive, helpless, sex-obsessed, ditzy. None of those things apply to Ice. While we’re here, none of those traits are inherently Bad, either. It is our treatment of our assumptions and not merely the assumptions themselves that speak to our biases. They just don’t apply to MY story. Ice IS omega. He’s also still Ice.
The big question, then:
So what is the purpose of heating and rutting?
In my verse, each of the six ‘standard issue’ biological sexes come with their own niche to fill. It’s not just about steamy smut. There are Reasons, god help me, why humans evolved four distinct hormonal/pheromonal types. And sex makes up but one piece of a massive evolutionary tapestry.
We humans are strongest in groups, yes? We form communities. We specialize so that no one has to do everything. We protect our own. My omegaverse reflects that. Heats and ruts, as a result, are all about creating and maintaining those social bonds. And sometimes, that involves sex.
For plot purposes, I focus the most on male alphas and male omegas, but here is a rundown of all six sexes.
Typing Characteristics
Male Omegas
0.001% of male population
In-universe stereotypes that are based on bias, not fact: ditzy, impulsive, irresponsible, unintelligent, weak-willed, slutty, high-strung
Average sperm count
Produce slick
Throw out a LOT of Find Me pheromones during a heat—sex was one of evolution’s many great ideas on how to attract and subsequently recruit nearby alphas/betas as protection and (ideally) long term partners.
Evolved to be community leaders. Their hormones are very chatty, always reaching out pheromonally to make connections with other types. The thing that makes them unique is their ability to synthesize pheromonal bonds between individual people. In the same way periods will sync up among people in proximity who have them, a male omega’s pheromones get all of their People on the same heat/rut schedule to maximize group power and efficiency. When they heat, that ability becomes especially strong.
A male omega’s heat is driven by an external goal. Once a month, their bodies release a stockpile of hormones that compel them to identify and carry out ‘missions’ that strengthen their community. They take more risks (with success) during this time, relying on their sharp senses and protectors to balance out any dangers. [see notes for more clarification]
Their biologically-driven goal is to become the center of a community that helps nurture and protect their unique gift. Because they are so singularly focused on their goal during a heat, they need protection. Alphas and betas offer them that protection.
Heats can go ‘bad’ for a number of reasons. The two main triggers for heat sickness (toxic hormone accumulation) are (1) failing to have their personal heat care requirements met and (2) catastrophically failing to achieve their goal.
Male Alphas
30% of male population
In-universe stereotypes that are based on bias, not fact: sexually aggressive, domineering, always horny, can’t think too horny!
Higher than average sperm count
Somewhat more likely to produce more male alpha children
Strong instinct to provide for and protect their People
American taboo: male alphas don’t bottom. It just isn’t done! That’s for wimmin and gays [male omegas]
Have the ability to knot during a rut
Four types of ruts!
Unbonded annual rut: without the influence of pharmaceuticals, this will happen every year for a male that is not part of a stable community, ideally one with a male omega at the center. For a period of about a week, his senses will magnify, especially his sense of smell, and he will feel an extremely powerful urge to roam. This is Finding Mode. He wants to find a community to protect and nurture.
Bonded annual rut: without the influence of pharmaceuticals, this will happen every year for a male that IS part of a stable community. For a period of about a week, his body will completely flush his alpha hormones, effectively hitting a reset button. During this time, it is critical that his community support him; he will feel vulnerable, his protective urges will magnify beyond what is sensible, and that can turn into paranoia and even psychosis at the extreme end. Make him a pillow fort or something and he should be fine.
Unbonded pseudorut: the US military gives alphas pills to trigger these for combat. This version of the pseudorut is a dumbed down version of a bonded male’s heightened sensory period with feelings of purpose. The military becomes a stand-in for a true community leader, and the male alphas will become more aggressive and intent on following orders.
Bonded pseudorut: these are naturally triggered in an alpha male’s body every time he is around a male or female omega he is bonded to, who is also in heat. His senses heighten, and he becomes completely focused on seeing to his community leader’s needs, whether that means following them into combat as their wingman or getting them more snacks from the fridge.
The other groups see less screen time, so I will shorten their descriptions.
Female Alphas
In-universe stereotypes that are based on bias, not fact: basically every sexist thing that haunts corporate women—bossy, mean, not a team player, etc
15% of female population
Average fertility, slightly more likely to produce more alphas both male and female
Experience ruts functionally identical to those experienced by male alphas
Charlie is an alpha female in this story. She is also an ace lesbian.
Female Omegas
In-universe stereotypes that are based on bias, not fact: stupid, obsessed with babies, always want sex
High fertility rates
15% of female population
During a heat, they become even more fertile. Their bodies throw out copious amounts of protect-me, find-me pheromones. They will feel varying levels of desire to reproduce, and that desire can manifest in various ways. It is a spectrum. Some of them will conform to the stereotypical Horny Time model, while others may not care about sex itself so much as the mechanical act of fertilizing their eggs. Still others may feel little to no sex drive, but they are a minority.
Likelihood for twins, triplets, etc very high
Natural partners for male omegas in terms of community leadership. Working together, they both gain full benefits of being surrounded by dedicated protectors. Taboo in some cultures for them to be sexual partners as well.
Female and Male Betas
In-universe stereotypes that are based on bias, not fact: boring, dispassionate, genetically useless, The Other Guys, mediators
The stabilizing factor of every chemically/hormonally bonded community. They keep the balance when they’re bonded to a group by naturally assisting with pheromonal equilibrium.
Their bodies can produce rutting or heating chemicals that don’t trigger their own ruts or heats but instead “keep the peace” in terms of making sure the core team’s train doesn’t go flying off the tracks
Will play more of a role in the sequel
Other Notes
The term “heat” is used for both omega males and females due to various scientific misunderstandings that happened across many cultures many hundreds of years ago. Throughout history there have been periods of activism where researchers advocate for a more nuanced naming system, but how successful those efforts were are highly dependent on culture. American culture likes its three types, six sexes model. Makes bigotry so much easier! You fit in this box, you act this way. Step outside of it and you will be punished. The ‘It’s Complicated’ models are the ideal.
But I said earlier there are four true hormonal types, not three, and this is how: because male and female omega heats are based on entirely different hormones and evolutionary purposes, they really should not be classified together at all. The four “true” types are: male omega, female omega, alpha, and beta.
On the subject of male omegas’ heat missions: those come in various forms, and various levels of intensity. It all comes down to what the individual male omega wants to do (or is told to want to do). That could look like any number of things: a big hunt or agricultural project, leading a military unit, or starting a new company initiative. It could also look like one male omega, one female omega, three alphas, and three betas (they’re using the trunk obvs) driving to a paintball place once a month to annihilate everyone present and then leave. It’s not all about blood and sex and drama. A group of teenagers who live in a culture that eschews pharmaceutical hormone control could form a hormonal bond around a male omega that is really into skateboarding, and they all come together to built a non OSHA compliant skate park in someone’s backyard. Groups can also shift in membership over time, too. Six months later and the group’s membership and ‘missions’ could look totally different.
Okay I’m done. For now.
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rocketturtle4 · 9 months
The Sign and it's Magic and some WILD arse theories
This is not meta this is me cataloguing my brains current tracking of The Sign and it's magic - plus some wild ass theories I AM SO EXCITED (I also know nothing about the mythology/stories on which any of this is loosely based) (If anyone has done or does meta on this, particularly the magic stuff I am SUPER curious but not the best at scrolling tumblr rn so feel free to tag me)
Okay SO
So green eyed stabby boy got green eyed RIGHT AFTER Phayas necklace broke off so it's reasonable to conclude these thins are connected
He ?wasn't a willing vessel, did the Mors essence somehow sneak in with the purpose of killing Phaya
Then we had Tharn use magic while grasping HIS necklace (his necklace which I have NOT been paying enough attention to)
Phaya burned green eyed Mor (revealing his green eyes) AFTER the necklace got put back on, but I am PRETTY SURE Phaya has touched him before then, so that suggests something happened to awaken his powers, presumably the same thing that awakened Tharns (what is that thing? Stress? Proximity? Time?)
@plantsarepeopletoo pointed out we had water dream for Tharn and FIRE dream for Phaya which is FASCINATING especially with the reveal of the giant (?fire?) bird at the end of the ep that is presumably Phaya
Has the necklace been suppressing their powers? - things changed when Phaya's got broken and then Tharn ripped his off to throw that punches
Random Thoughts
Okay so we have been repeatedly told that Tharn did very bad things in his past life and the Karma of that means he should have died as a child, and is still constantly in danger (and maybe even his parents paid the partial price with their deaths...).
We know Green Eyes is possessive of him and currently the doctor, and presumably has always been the doctor and presumably knows who Tharn was. (Abbot seems to know this?)
Tharn is a ?water spirit, I know nothing. Seems to be not disimilar from a siren who lures men to their deaths
We had the cop dead in the second ep (I think) in the ocean, still not clear if suicide but that Phaya investigated and was then lured out to sea - siren links
Green Eyes is the water dragon
and then Phaya is a fire bird? pheonix?
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Wild Ass Theories
OKAY SO lets assume Past Tharn and Past Doctor are both water spirits/gods, they were bound together in some way (married? or the mythological inter-being equivelent?).
Past Tharn lured men to their deaths (siren thoughts, linked to the man who died and the fact that Phaya got lured out into the ocean - also might explain the bad karma)
Past Tharn lures in Fire spirit bird who is injured, something something something they fall in love.
Green eyes isn't okay with this for a multitude of reasons shit goes down and ?everyone dies
Details unknown, looks like we're getting backstory next ep
We do know that Past!Phaya is also someone past!Tharn wronged right? so maybe past!tharn betrayed his love in the end, and that is how they died... or maybe past!Tharn killed himself after his love died as a result of Tharns betrayal...Maybe even swearing that in his next life he would give his own life before letting him die again (thereby explaining the focus of the visions)
Did green eyes die at all then or has he been living on, waiting for his love (Tharn) to reincarnate?
Phaya seems to be getting at least some memories back, more than Tharn so far. Phaya remembers him as a siren and now he remembers his past self too at least a little. Of course this is a dream, it may well be only half remembered when he wakes.
Other Thoughts
Of course this show also has a whole crime thriller thing which I am loving and I have thoughts and questions about that too, but they're mostly magic related... (why the vision of Tharns dad at THAT moment? was the truck vision of his dad, cause the show seemed to imply it was though his visions are normally future. Although he also saw that girl die which was in the past and seemed to be about proximity and perhaps the strength of her emotions idk. So what about that proximity triggered the vision)
I think that's emptied my brain, thankfully, GOSH I LOVE THIS SHOW
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jew-flexive · 11 months
Izzy Hands was the abuser, actually. And Izzy Hands wasn't poor or working class (but Ed was). And Izzy Hands sold people out to the cops. And Izzy Hands was homophobic and femmephobic. And you would know all of that if you had watched the show, instead of listening to a bunch of izcels talk about a character they did not understand using traits, plots, and quotes that they literally stole from other, usually POC characters. But I see you're a zionist. So I'm not surprised you're a stupid piece of shit.
....Whose kid is this? Why are they in my backyard?
Anyway, yeah, let's get into it! Edward Teach historically owned and sold slaves and engaged in broad-scale corruption by bribing public officials (including early modern police forces). He also murdered hundreds of people, and was generally an all around Certified Bad Dude. In OFMD canon, from what I understand, he physically mutilated Izzy multiple times and psychologically and physically abused People of Color, on top of the regular list of Pirate Crimes. So your fav, just like everyone's favs, is also problematic.
But Izzy Hands is also...not my fav? I don't watch OFMD? I made a tiny text post because a lot of my mutuals were upset, and I wanted to comfort them because I know what it's like to dedicate a lot of time/effort to a show and feel let down. It wasn't that deep. As I said in my properly tagged post, I don't watch OFMD because I wasn't able to separate the historical figures of Stede Bonnet and Edward Teach from the characters in the show, who were both very bad people in real life. That was a personal choice, and I don't judge anyone who watches OFMD--not even you, Anon!
(I judge you for other reasons!)
(Also, I could make a point about how because you like the character of Edward Teach, you're a supporter of slavery and a racist piece of shit, but I'm not going to do that because I have media literacy and also I'm not going to try to derive someone's political beliefs based on which characters they like in a TV show and nothing else. Because doing that is stupid. And childish. And pathetic.
Sound like anyone we know?)
I could dig into your whole "Izcel" comment and how you are ascribing onto a majority queer audience a term that has caused that community tremendous harm, thereby undercutting whatever progressive values you are trying to promote by attacking fans of a character you personally don't like, but if you aren't brave enough to come off anon to send me hate, you aren't worth my time of educating you. I encourage you to read some actual queer theory, and not just watch the TikTok summaries. I am more than happy to send you a reading list if you DM me!
Finally, I want to address your final point. I guarantee I have done more work to ensure Palestinian sovereignty than you have. I donate regularly to Palestinian NGOs and peace projects in Israel and Palestine. I attend rallies and protests, uplift the voices of Palestinian activists, organize in my community, and support organizers in the region itself. I am, as the majority of American Jews are, extremely anti-Bibi. I'm in charge of the office pool for the Palestinian Red Crescent, and I helped register voters for municipal elections in Israel to promote shared cities and a greater public voice for Arab citizens of Israel. I am committed to the cause of Palestinian liberation and self-determination because I am committed to the cause of Jewish liberation and self-determination. All liberation is connected, and I have spent five years dedicating myself to promoting a shared vision of hope, peace, and safety in the Levant. You have no idea what kind of Zionist I am, or if I even identify with that word. All you saw was that I made posts decrying the violence of Hamas and the hateful response by the rest of the world. All you saw is that my handle has the word "Jew" in it.
I don't know what you wanted to accomplish by sending this ask, Anon. Did you want me to recant my previous post and send a big "Fuck You!" to my mutuals who liked Izzy Hands as a character? Not going to happen. Did you want me to watch OFMD and start liking Edward Teach? Also not going to happen. Did you want to make me look like "a stupid piece of shit"? I assure you, I'm not the one who looks stupid right now.
Did it make you feel big? Did it make you feel powerful? Did it give you catharsis to send hate to a Jewish person, knowing there is no way for you to be truly held accountable? Does the idea of me reading this message excite you? Are you giddy at the idea that you might upset me? That you might scare me? I've had groups of grown men follow me out of work threatening to rape and kill me because I'm Jewish. I promise you, Anon, you don't scare me. You make me laugh. Imagine caring so much about a mediocre TV show you just have to harass a Jew about it.
Fuck you, you cowardly and antisemitic prick. You, like everyone else who hides behind anon to send hate, are so fucking small.
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Zionism is not welcome here no thx!!! Judaism is a religion and israel is occupying Palestinian land they are literally living in apartheid but sorry you don’t have your “representation” in a cringe amazon ya novel movie. Grow up.
Okay. First off, nope.
Secondly, no.
Third, this isn’t a blog for the I/P conflict and I’m not making it one. But let’s break down this anon’s post, shall we?
1. Where did I mention Zionism anywhere in my blog? Automatically attaching the conflict and the negative view of “Zionism” to Jews is antisemitic
2. Judaism is a religion, which is the only true thing in this entire ask. Being Jewish is also an ethnicity, a culture, a people with such a history going back since forever. The religion part, is simply a part of it all. Not even the biggest part.
3. “Let’s relate this to RWRB, why would a Jewish character from Vermont not be allowed on screen due to a century old (and longer) Middle Eastern issue? How does Nora impact that? She doesn’t. Warning: Satire and sarcasm to make a point, I don’t agree with the following: By your logic, anon, we can’t show Americans onscreen since they fully did commit genocide on indigenous tribes. Or wait, what about Christians and Catholics? We definitely can’t show them! They’ve been murdering people of all races and religions since the 0s, like hello, Spanish Inquisition? They also run the US government and things are shit. Guess we can’t have anyone even remotely attached to a possible negative past in a movie. Guess we’ll have to read more books. Jews are not a conflict happening in the Middle East. Jews are Jews.
4. Here’s why cutting Nora’s Jewishness out, and thereby the representation, is so harmful. You get stuff like this. Jews are not a middle eastern conflict! Jews are not the politics of a nation they may not even live in! Jews are not killing babies and drinking blood! Jews are fucking cool and because we so rarely ever get any cool Jewish representation, people never learn a thing about who we are.
I’m assuming this person came from the Jewish or jumblr tag, since they’re calling the book/movie cringe. But good to know they’ve read my stuff, right? Erasing powerful Jewish representation can kill Jews because people don’t get to see who Jews really are, and because of that, we’re villains at all times to everyone.
Yes, this is a real Ask I just got. Wow.
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jung-koook · 10 months
Just wanted to pop in and say that I totally feel you when it comes to all the shit going on with the boys, but it seems to affect you a life negatively and it makes me sad and anxious to see 😞 ever since I stepped away from Twitter and just get news from the Bangtan subreddit, my life has improved 100000% and I just want to recommend the same to you. Just not having negative things thrown in your face every time you open the app has been so good for my mental health, and I’m even considering leaving tumblr to be able to avoid it fully since I always see people talk about it here… yes it’s awful that bad things are happening to the boys, but they are adults and have people around them who work full time to keep them safe. I’ve realised that feeling upset about these things and look them up actively is a waste of energy that I could spend on things I actually enjoy. I hope you find that peace as well some day ❤️ I really hope you don’t take this in a bad way, I just wanted to share my experience since I can see myself in your reactions and it makes me anxious and sad ❤️
I'm so sorry you feel like that. and if you want to unfollow me so it doesn't affect you here too, please do, ok? there are a lot of things I don't talk about here because I prefer not to talk about these things or just comment on them in private with my friends. I agree with you that there are things that we could not comment on publicly, especially because we are giving more attention to it, right. but unfortunately there are things that I need to comment on here and to show what is happening or to show how disgusted I am or just to vent. and yeah, this affects me a lot because we had everything to be a beautiful fandom. of course we have a lot of beautiful people in our fandom but unfortunately the bad side is often louder. the bad side is completely contrary to what bangtan has been showing us, the messages that bangtan has been bringing. the bad side is literally everything that bangtan has been against since the beginning. they are never welcomed here by anyone, so why are they here trying to dirty our image and thereby dirty bangtan's image. because our image will always be linked to bangtan like bangtan image will always be linked to armys. and unfortunately, disgusting behavior will always be linked to everyone. for example, someone who declares themselves as army bullied someone online, unfortunately people will start saying "armys are bullying" they will put us all in one group and that is so unfair. especially because one of the messages that bangtan has and that armys has is all about anti-bullying. we don't accept that. I had many armys who were here with me from the beginning and who literally left the fandom because of what it became. so yes, I will always want to speak out against these behaviors. maybe I could start using a tag to make your life easier 😭like for example "tw: negativity" thats good, right?
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ferromagnetiic · 1 year
massive kid backstory spam soon.
⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝ // hello i am alive. it is me.
I'm insanely sorry for vanishing for a while. My gf has been staying over, and we got caught up watching OPLA, and we wanted to finish playing pokemon sword/shield while she was here because scottish and we had a bunch of trips planned so we've been really busy. But!!! we've also been working on Kid's carrd. every. single. day. for literally about. more than two weeks? because his backstory is immensely dense and long. his backstory is literally the most lengthy thing I have ever written for any of my muses in my life. Oda gave him the absolute bare minimum so I had to write him his own spinoff novel.
The problem was that we kept reaching the word limit on his carrd. So we tried to condense it. The condensed version also hit the word limit. So we tried to condense it a third time, and cut out some major plot points for the sake of his carrd. and that ALSO hit the word limit. The only way we could make it fit was to take out all of his portrayal notes, make them into separate posts, and then link them in the card. Because it just would not fit otherwise.
Now we actually have to post all these portrayal notes so we can put the links in the carrd and thereby finish the carrd. Which means we have about 20 headcanon posts ready to go (or very nearly ready to go, some are like 90% done) and we can't post his carrd until they're up so like. there's going to be a huge amount of kid heacanon posts coming soon, and I wanted to give everyone on my dash a heads up because I don't want anyone to get angry at me for spamming his content. I will completely understand if you want to temporarily block my headcanon tag. I will try my best to space them out a bit.
That being said, we really poured so much time into making his backstory sound good. Gf stayed up for many nights editing everything to make it sound pretty.
There's so, so, so much more that we haven't even started on, but if we try to get everything done now then it'll literally take months to finish, so we've decided to go with what we have so far and just keep posting updates to it every so often.
Anyway. In summary, lots and lots of Kid posts coming soon. And I'm very sorry for being gone for so long. My activity will still be a bit slow for the next few days, but I should be back to replying normally soon and start catching up on everything I missed while I was busy.
thank you for waiting! and huge thanks to everyone who dm'd me while i was away, i felt very loved and happy to see people hadn't forgotten me.
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egginfroggin · 1 year
Since I have other fics in progress, I feel like this is a good time to finally talk about the other other version of WTST that I mentioned here.
There is no difference to what Emmet goes through in Hisui, but what goes on with Ingo is. Uh. Worse than in the main fic.
Okay, first, to prevent confusion:
The Future Will Be Special, the Past Was Not (named after the extra stage theme, "Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not," from Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith) is the companion fic to the main, original Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple fic; it has not been completed yet, unfortunately, but it essentially tells Ingo's side of the story, much in the same way that WTST tells Emmet's side of the story.
A Promise Broken Is a Lie Told is the version of things alluded to in the above post, where Ingo handles Emmet's disappearance... very badly. This is the version of things that I'm talking about in this post.
Fic talk below the cut -- be warned of themes such as self-blame, self-hatred, bad coping mechanisms, and self-isolation. Please let me know if I should tag anything else. Thank you.
Little changed about the incident -- Emmet's disappearance -- itself; it was really more of a hypothetical scenario where Ingo did not handle his grief well at all, taking his twin's disappearance worse than in the main scheme of things, and it leads to him making some very bad choices.
Bad choices include:
Taking all of the blame for Emmet's disappearance upon himself, even though there is really nobody to blame and it was, as far as anyone can tell, a freak accident. However, in the wake of tragedy, it is human nature to want to pin the event on somebody -- Ingo just happened to pin that blame on himself.
Isolating himself from his family. In the original companion fic, his family -- Drayden, Iris, and Elesa -- is a huge well of support for him. They still are in this version of things, but he spirals just a bit too far and, in his desperation to remove himself and his problems from them so as to not be a burden, he keeps them at arms' length, denying himself their support.
Applying value to himself based on things beyond his control. When he and Emmet were little, they lost their parents, and in an effort to comfort both Emmet and himself, Ingo promised that they would always be there for each other. Naturally, that was derailed, and even though it was a mutually-kept promise -- Emmet had insisted that it wasn't fair for Ingo to be the only one upholding it and that it was his promise, too -- he views himself as the one at fault.
As a direct result of the above point, Ingo considers himself a failure because he couldn't keep Emmet close -- whether something stole Emmet away or Emmet left of his own accord, it isn't 100% certain, but what matters is that he's gone.
Coping by "replacing" Emmet with something else to be protected. A way to prove that he does still have value in that he can keep something close to him, or that he's competent in being able to protect something. This is also a way for him to feel somewhat in control.
The replacement feeds into the points about denying himself familial support and keeping himself away from loved ones so as to not be a "burden." How? The last point:
"Proving" himself -- to himself -- by taking the title of Champion And chooses to remain in the Pokemon League, at the end of Victory Road, as much as possible, making it harder for anyone to get to him in the first place.
Surprise, Champion Ingo AU! He gets a coat.
As an aside, to pursue the Champion title, he resigned from Gear Station, thereby also cutting himself off from the Depot Agents -- also known as his family away from home because they are all fantastic beans who care for each other and very much, like a good little healthy work unit.
Speaking of healthy things, Bad Decision number... 6? 7? Number x:
Neglects himself in favor of looking for Emmet in his free time. Of course. He doesn't give himself any time to relax. This worries literally everyone he comes across, because it shows. In multiple ways. He does not look in a good way, even if he's all prim and proper for a challenger. Everyone can tell. Everyone.
He leaves Gear Station about six months after Emmet disappears, traumatizes the Elite Four and Alder, and becomes Unova's Champion. And then proceeds to near-murder every challenger who reaches him.
Politely, of course.
He may be drowning in self-blame that's bleeding into hatred and waging his self-worth on how well he can defend his title, but he's still polite!
Anyway, that's the basis of the fic. It's really an excuse for me to be mean to Ingo, much like how Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple was -- and still is -- and excuse for me to be mean to Emmet.
There is a happy ending. And therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.
Thanks for muddling through this! It's a bit nerve-wracking to post, like Pandemonic Planet, because apparently I am extremely self-conscious about posting self-indulgent things. And frankly, this particular flavor of WTST isn't fundamentally super different -- it's just hypothetical.
But also the urge to justify my hypotheticals is strong, and I... don't have much of a justification for this beyond "hehehe sad train man go brrrrrrrrrr." Sorry.
This is all still in progress, of course, cooking on the back burner behind all my other fics, but some things are subject to change in the future. Things will probably be added or removed as the idea develops.
Have a good day! And please take care of yourselves! <3
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tri-punisher · 1 year
I want you to know that every time you post art or just a good take on media etc i feel like that one Eminem rat throwing meme and i do not know how to explain it further than that but- i got to ask I noticed in your tag that Lesley is one of the only people razlo lets loose around is there any special reasoning for that? Did they go through anything together? (other than the general eom experience) or has lesley just "proven" herself that she doesnt want/need anything more than razlo friendship
this wasn't my intent initially bc i just wanted to give razlo more friends, which was also the reason for lockjaw's conception, but lesley becomes a sort of refuge for razlo as their friendship progresses and razlo and sid's continues to do a death spiral into destructive codependency. a lot of the time when razlo's with lesley he has to mimic livio in order to get sid off his back, because sid is a possessive, vindictive little cunt and would have nothing positive to say about lesley if you asked him (which is funny to me now considering i had also conceived lesley as sid's friend too) and will usually leave livio alone if he knows it's him. when lesley joined the eye she was a lot older than sid and LR were when they were first brought into it, sid i'm imagining being the youngest and thereby being with them the longest, and not in quite as dire circumstances so her head was screwed on a little better then theirs were, meaning she's generally capable of acting somewhat more mature and levelheaded. the way lesley reacts to sid and all his bullshit is the first inkling razlo gets that there's clearly something wrong with the way that he treats him. not that he has a whole lot to compare it to, under chapel's rules and restrictions and expectations and punishments, but it's obvious with how much lesley despises sid's behaviour that something is up. lesley can largely get along with everyone else because she's not one for starting trouble, she's usually the one who ends it. even if she doesn't like a lot of other people she has the capacity to at least pretend to be cordial as to not make trouble for herself. she keeps her head down a lot, though she does go to bat for razlo more than she would anyone else because razlo does the same for her. she has a lot of trouble tolerating sidney though. their personalities are too incongruent and she thinks his behaviour is outrageous and over the top on the best of occasions. similarly to razlo it takes a lot for lesley to actually get angry--razlo i believe is quick to respond, to retaliate, not quick to anger--and unlike sid violence isn't her first option when things don't go the way she wants. her temperament is a lot milder. but sid has a knack for getting under her skin and 9 times out of 10 it's because it involves razlo.
so summarily: lesley is someone razlo can go to when he wants a break from everything and everyone. like i mentioned in those tags, lesley does not expect anything from him and does not want anything from him, except his company. he does not need to perform for her, or be a hard example of durability and strength, or dutifully uphold expectations placed upon him, or, where sidney is usually concerned, expect him to be baited by every spiteful rapid fire shotgun attempt at conflict that's thrown at him. when he's with her he can just be. it's not an opportunity razlo is afforded often.
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yeonchi · 11 months
Kisekae Insights #34: One Country Two (Naming) Systems
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If the woke left wants places and cities to be known by their traditional Indigenous names, then I’m allowed to do this shit. In other words, if the left wants Melbourne to be known as Naarm, then I'm allowed to call it Hong Kong.
After coming back from a trip to Hong Kong in 2005 (that I missed 3 weeks of school for), I started giving places and suburbs in Melbourne counterpart names, thereby shaping Melbourne into my version of Hong Kong. I got so into it that even my parents got annoyed at me for doing this, particularly on Facebook (back in the day, there was a map you could access from your timeline of all the places you tagged in your photos, so having a lot of pins in Hong Kong and Japan was something that looked really cool to me).
Of course, in Year 8, I shared my system to the world as part of a “personal best” project, first to my class and then to a bunch of people who were the parents of those selected by each class to present their projects in front of the school principals (I only got selected since nobody else in the class was willing to do it presumably). Naturally, barely anyone understood and maybe a few people laughed, but I imagine everyone there thought, “oh, he’s a bit of a travelled boy for someone with so much free time lol.” I never thought about naming it One Country Two (Naming) Systems until 2016.
Over the years my names for places have changed, particularly after my first trip to Japan in 2011 that brought a big shake-up to my system in the way of establishing prefectures the size of suburbs and naming most of Melbourne after cities and towns in Japan. I’m a fucking weeb, aren’t I?
What does this have to do with my personal project, you might ask. Well, this version of Hong Kong is where a majority of my stories are set. I’ve been keeping the location settings of my stories vague for privacy reasons, but it’s not like some people don’t know what city I live in already. The rest of Australia is also divided into and named after provinces in China, but that’s not important. In this filler instalment of Kisekae Insights, I want to introduce you all to each region of my Hong Kong along with the prefectures and their major cities. Let’s get right into it.
Hokkaido 北海道: Mount Dandenong region
Tohoku Region 東北地方
Aomori 青森: Craigieburn
Akita 秋田: South Morang
Yamagata 山形: Hurstbridge
Fukushima 福島: Epping
Tung Chung 東涌: Broadmeadows
Hokuriku Region 北陸地方
Kanazawa 金沢: Heidelberg
Toyama 富山: Greensborough
Nagano 長野: Preston
Fukui 福井: Essendon
Kōbō 港防: Coburg
Tōkai Region 東海地方
Gifu 岐阜: Eltham
Tsu (Mie) 津 (三重): Templestowe
Nagoya (Aichi) 名古屋 (愛知): Doncaster
Niigata 新潟: Doncaster East
Fo Tan 火炭: Warrandyte
Taiwan Region 台湾地方
Tai Po 大埔: Lilydale
Sha Tin 沙田: Ringwood
Ma On Shan 馬鞍山: Croydon Hills
Hsinchu 新竹: Croydon
Hualien 花蓮: Mooroolbark
Accessible through the Archangel Tunnels are Taipei/New Taipei 臺北/新北, Taoyuan 桃園, Keelung 基隆 and Yilan 宜蘭.
Popei Island 浦北島, Parris Island ぱりすあいらんど and Minato-Sugaru Island 港携島 are administratively part of this region.
Kantō Region 関東地方
Ho Man Tin (Yau Tsim Mong) 何文田 (油尖旺): Nunawading
Maebashi (Gunma) 前橋 (群馬): Box Hill
Utsunomiya (Tochigi) 宇都宮 (栃木): Vermont
Mito (Ibaraki) 水戸 (茨城): Glen Waverley
Sham Shui Po 深水埗: Clayton
Kwun Tong 觀塘: Wheelers Hill
Yokohama (Kanagawa) 横浜 (神奈川): Knoxfield
Hanzhong 漢中: Ferntree Gully
Hung Hom (Kowloon City) 紅磡 (九龍城): Rowville
Zhongshan 中山: Bayswater
Yuen Long 元朗: Boronia
Sendai (Miyagi) 仙台 (宮城): Wantirna
Accessible through the Archangel Tunnels is Tin Shui Wai 天水圍.
Shutoken Region 首都圏地方
Accessible through the Archangel Tunnels are Tokyo 東京, Saitama 埼玉, Chiba 千葉, Sao Paulo, Cardiff and Shizuoka 静岡
Kyontong Island 洪東島 is administratively part of this region.
Kōshinetsu Region 甲信越地方
Morioka (Iwate) 盛岡 (岩手): Balwyn
Kofu (Yamanashi) 甲府 (山梨): Camberwell
Chengdu 成都: Malvern
Chongqing 重慶: Prahran
Hong Kong Region 香港地方
Hong Kong 香港: Melbourne
North Point (Hong Kong East) 北角 (東區): Richmond
Aberdeen 香港仔: South Melbourne
Repulse Bay (Hong Kong South) 淺水灣 (南區): St Kilda
Kinki Region (Kansai) 近畿地方 (関西)
Ōsaka 大阪: Footscray
Kyōto 京都: Sunshine
Kōbe (Hyōgo) 神戸 (兵庫): Deer Park
Wakayama 和歌山: Williamstown
Nara 奈良: Maribyrnong
Ōtsu (Shiga) 大津 (滋賀): Werribee
Chugoku Region 中国地方
Hiroshima 広島: Caulfield
Okayama 岡山: Cheltenham
Takamatsu (Kagawa) 高松 (香川): Braeside
Matsue (Shimane) 松江 (島根): Carrum Downs
Tottori 鳥取: Chelsea
Yamaguchi 山口: Sandringham
Shikoku Region 四国地方
Matsuyama (Ehime) 松山 (愛媛): Cranbourne
Kwai Chung (Kwai Ching) 葵涌 (葵青): Narre Warren
Sai Kung 西貢: Pakenham
Kōchi 高知: Frankston
Tokushima 徳島: Springvale
Tsuen Wan 荃灣: Dandenong
Kyūshū/Ryūkyū Region 九州地方/琉球弧
Fukuoka 福岡: Mornington
Kumamoto 熊本: Dromana
Nagasaki 長崎: Rosebud
Kagoshima 鹿児島: Portsea
Miyazaki 宮崎: Flinders
Ōita 大分: Hastings
Saga 佐賀: Rye
Naha (Okinawa) 那覇 (沖縄): Cowes
Sheung Shui 上水: Wonthaggi
As a bonus, here are some cities outside Hong Kong in the provincial enclave I call Guangdong Province. A lot of these place names are even vaguer and not entirely fixed because I’ve had to rename place names to fit in the names of other places where they are closer to their original counterparts in China. Because there are so many places I can name before I run out, certain place names are taken from neighbouring provinces, and those counterparts in my personal project can cover areas between two states in Australia. At the same time, Australian states can fit several Chinese provinces.
Guangdong 廣東
Magadan: Healesville
Shenzhen 深圳: Geelong
Yangjiang 陽江: Warrnambool
Zhanjiang 湛江: Port Fairy
Foshan 佛山: Ballarat
Yunfo 雲浮: Ararat
Zhaoqing 肇慶: Maryborough
Qingyuan (Guangzhou) 清遠 (廣州): Bendigo/Castlemaine
Hengyang 衡陽: Swan Hill
Shaoguan 韶關: Echuca
Heyuan 河源: Seymour
Heping 和平: Shepparton
Longyan 龍巖/Yongding 永定: Albury/Wodonga
Dongguan 東莞: Warragul
Changping 常平: Traralgon
Jieyang 揭陽: Bairnsdale
If the name Guangdong had to be Westernised to fit the original state’s English name, I’d rename it Guangtoria. Anyway, thanks for making it through this post. If you’ve managed to get to this point without getting a migraine, then congratulations, you’re as crazy as I am. See you all next time when I write something more interesting.
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starspanner · 2 years
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I posted 1,023 times in 2022
That's 237 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (5%)
970 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,007 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#levi - 146 posts
#tlt - 105 posts
#this is all true - 82 posts
#how cute is that? - 48 posts
#ninth house - 44 posts
#gundam wing - 41 posts
#tumblr ftw! - 39 posts
#star wars - 39 posts
#sixth house - 38 posts
#nice - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#i've only known spoogie for a day and a half but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
My Top Posts in 2022:
That was lovely. I would like to read more books with tumblr, thank you.
11 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
The John Verses from Nona the Ninth
Mostly using the New Oxford Study Bible, a Catholic edition, double checked with other editions. 
20:8 -- Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed.
5:20 -- The Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing; and he will show him greater works than these, so that you will be astonished.
15:23 -- Who-ever hates me hates my father also.
5:18 -- For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because he was not only breaking the sabbath, but was also calling God his own father, thereby making himself equal to God.
8:1 -- while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Some editions kind of mush this with the end of 7:53 -- And they went back, each to their own home.
5:1 -- After this there was a festival of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
19:18 -- There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.
3:20 -- For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so their deeds may not be exposed.
9:22 -- His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.
1:20 -- He confessed and he did not deny it, but confessed, "I am not the Messiah."
5:4 -- Is a verse NOT FOUND in some modern Catholic bibles. The Oxford simply ignores its existence. My New American Bible Fireside Study Edition says: "Toward the end of the second century in the West and among the fourth-century Greek Fathers, an additional verse was known: 
'For [from time to time] an angel of the Lord used to come down into the pool; and the water was stirred up, so the first one to get in [after the stirring of the water] was healed of whatever disease afflicted him.' 
This verse is missing from all early Greek manuscripts and the earliest versions, including the original Vulgate. It's vocabulary is markedly non-Johannine." Ronald Knox retains it with almost that exact wording in his translation, and merely adds in a footnote, "This verse is omitted in some manuscripts."  My King James bible includes it.
25 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
2-2-22! It’s Duo’s day!
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30 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Where did they find that child? She is amazing! It took about ten seconds to 100% believe that she was indeed Leia Organa and 30 seconds to 1000% love her.
Yet another fantastic surprise from yet another awesome series.
63 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So happy about Razer getting...well...not closure per say, but an update on Young Justice.
But seriously, hope fueled by rage? I’m not sure I’ve related to anything more in my entire life. 
Hope for the best, destroy everything when it’s worst.
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88 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
Like, is the gist "Real life pedophilia/incest/rape is bad, and stories saying these things are good are bad, but including these topics in a story isn't inherently bad, so the people being like 'hey, maybe Ao3 shouldn't have so much kiddie porn there's an entire category called "Underage"' are just overreacting and making things worse?" Because it feels like you're saying, "your negative reaction to this stuff is valid, but also you're annoying and prudish and bad and really you aren't valid."
So here’s the thing: it really does not sound like you're asking this question because you want my answer, it sounds like you want to be angry with me and have a fight. And fair enough! I'm not terribly interested in a fight, but apparently this is my day to dive into this topic as thoughtfully and honestly as I can be. Maybe I'll say something you haven't already heard from other people before. Maybe not! Only you, anonymous asker, know that.
To begin with, you got part of the gist right. Real life rape (including child abuse/child sexual abuse as well as incest) is bad. Stories about rape, about underage sex, and about incest, are stories.
They're stories. They're pixels on a screen. They're not real. Whether they claim that rape is good, or bad, or sexy, or melodramatic, or life-destroying, or a normal Tuesday afternoon. They're stories.
And having a negative reaction to them is valid. Stories can stir up powerful emotions in people. It is absolutely, 100%, fair and valid and even normal for there to be certain tropes, plot elements, events, and kinds of content that make you upset and that you never want to see in a story you read, ever. You don't have to want to read about sex. You don't have to want to read any of it. That doesn't make you bad.
There are tropes, plot elements, events, and kinds of content that upset me. There are stories I won't read. The same is true of literally everyone else I know. Even though I know the stories aren't real. Even though I know the things happening in them are happening to fictional characters, who do not exist, who I cannot protect and who also cannot be harmed because they're not real. Even then, I can be made sad and scared and upset and hurt by reading those stories. And that is okay and that is valid and I am not bad or wrong for being upset about the story I've read, and neither are you.
But that doesn't mean the story doesn't have value to somebody else. That doesn't mean the story isn't important to somebody else.
What I see most often coming from antis, possibly even including yourself, is an overwhelming desire to protect. They want to keep themselves and others--possibly people they know, possibly hypothetical people they may never meet--safe from being hurt by these stories. And that desire to protect, also, is normal. It's even admirable! The problem, though, the thing that does more harm than good, is when that desire to protect drives people to lash out against things that matter to other people.
There is a difference between actual rape and stories about rape. There is a difference between a story that could theoretically hurt somebody, someday (which is all stories, always), and a story that hurts you personally. And there is a difference between a story that hurts you personally, and a story that is inherently poisonous to everyone who touches it.
We know--absolutely, scientifically, incontrovertibly--that stories about rape do not make people rapists. Yes, even the stories where the rape is there to be sexy. Even stories where the person being raped is a child. Even then. Fiction is not the same thing as normalization; again, there are far smarter people who have written far more extensively on that topic than I, and next time I come across something that goes more into detail on this point I promise I will reblog it. If this really is the thing you're afraid of, I may not be the right person to convince you that this is an unfounded fear, but I know someone out there can elaborate on it.
(Unfounded, which is not the same thing as invalid. My mother's claustrophobia is unfounded; it flares up in many situations where there's no physical threat whatsoever, where she has plenty of space to move and air to breathe. It's still real. It still chokes her. It's still valid, she is not bad or broken to feel that way, and she still can't drive through certain tunnels. The fear is real. But the thing she's afraid of can't physically hurt her, and that is worth knowing in terms of how she deals with it.)
We know, absolutely, scientifically, and incontrovertibly, that stories about rape and many, many, many other things can hurt and even traumatize their readers. Even though the situation you're reacting to is not real and you receive no physical injury, you can still be hurt by it. The key word there, though, is readers. The fact that the horror genre is out there terrifying people who enjoy being terrified for fun does not damage me unless I do something stupid and try listening to the Magnus Archives again and end up tense and miserable and paranoid for the rest of the week. The fact that guacamole is apparently delicious to everybody else in the world does not hurt me unless I do something stupid and order the wrong thing at a restaurant, and end up itchy and miserable with a little trouble breathing for the rest of the night.
The fact that there are, yes, tens of thousands of fics on AO3 in which characters under the age of 18 have sex? It can't hurt you. Those fics do not hurt you by existing. They can only hurt you if you read them. They can only hurt anyone who reads them. That's why there is an 'Underage' tag--and it's worth noting, 'Underage' is a warning, not a category. Nobody wants you to get hurt reading the wrong fic, any more than the sushi chef wants my throat to swell up because I ordered something with avocado. Literally nobody wants that.
The flip side, of course, is that you hating each and every one of those fics individually and as a group doesn't actually hurt me, or anyone else who writes, reads, or enjoys them. By itself. You can hate anything you like, and fic writers can write anything they like, and it all comes out in the end, more or less. Except.
Except that reading fic is always, entirely, 100% opt-in, and online harassment isn't even opt-out. Some antis have a nasty habit of going after writers whose content they don't like; climbing into inboxes and comments sections, calling those writers nasty names, throwing around cruelties and aggression and insults. I know that's not the same thing as simply disliking a genre, or even passively disagreeing with its existence (although disliking a genre and disagreeing with its right to exist are also very different things). I know not all antis do that. I don't know you, anon, but based on the speed and aggressiveness of this response to my last post, I can't help but wonder if you would do that.
And that does hurt people. Just like it might hurt you if someone threw a bunch of content that makes you uncomfortable into your inbox. Including the harasser, actually--because getting into fights with strangers on the internet about things that make you angry, sad, defensive, and upset isn't good for anybody. Including both you and me.
Anyway, after yet another lengthy ramble, let's get the tl;dr response to your ask here: nobody is ever bad or wrong for disliking certain content in their stories, no matter what that content is. You and your emotions are valid. The "overreacting and making things worse" part isn't about what you feel, but what you do with it. Constantly engaging with places where the thing that upsets you will probably show up, even to argue and try to fight it, will make things worse in the sense that now you're spending way more time thinking about this thing that makes you upset and angry, thereby leaving you more upset and angry. Getting together with a bunch of your upset, angry friends to make your feelings everybody else's problem? Makes fandom a more toxic place for everyone else involved.
Don't read stuff that's going to hurt you. Don't make other people read stuff that's going to hurt them. That's the whole thing, really.
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Pete: Front Stage and Back Stage
I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, but Ep 13 really drove it home for me so I’m back on my social theory meta bullshit bandwagon! JOIN ME. 
Today’s theorist is Erving Goffman, who did work in the realm of social psychology; basically how individuals interact with society and social groups. 
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[Special Skills: Accidentally invented postmodernism?]
One of his big theories was dramaturgy, aka the idea that individuals have social ‘personas’ that they act out in everyday life. These performances are intended to convey a certain impression to a given audience. They allow us to manage how others see us. 
A big part of this is the concept of front stage/back stage. 
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Front stage is the show that we put on for the audience; the intentional impression that we act out and work to provide. The audience, we are aware, is judging this performance and evaluating what kind of person we are. 
Back stage is the relaxed, core, true self. It’s the parts of ourselves that we hide, disguise, and choose not to show to an audience, thereby managing their impression of us. 
A classic example is customer service, where a helpful friendly persona is put on so that customers feel at ease and accommodated. The workers true feelings towards the customer are hidden in the backstage–the act may or may not be genuine, but the IMPRESSION is given that it is. 
The back stage normally comes out when the audience is not perceived as being present to judge an individual’s performance–but what happens if the audience never leaves? What happens, say, if you’re a bodyguard under literally constant surveillance or threat of surveillance? 
You might put on your front stage ‘mask’ all the time, to the extent that NO ONE gets to see your back stage. It might seem, even to yourself, that you don’t have one any more. You’re permanently in customer service mode. 
You have become the mask, the cardboard cut out version of you that you put in front of your true self. 
This really hit me with Pete when he’s breaking down in Ep 13 after Vegas threatens him. 
His assertion that he “has no feelings” and even no humanity…
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( Image @vegastheerapanyakul )
…is quickly replaced by an equally strong pleading statement to Vegas that he’s human and has feelings.
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(Image @liyazaki​ )
So why the quick turnabout?
My front stage/back stage take is that Pete’s initial statement that he has no feelings and no humanity is all about the front stage that Pete has constructed. 
Everyone around Pete (us as the audience included) sees him as relatively one-dimensional for the first ¾ of the season. Pete is friendly, happy, silly, maybe a bit naive, and he lacks depth. 
However in the arc with Vegas we learn that this is all a show–Pete has trauma, and soul-deep sadness, and complicated emotions. He’s a fully realized person, but no one ever sees that Pete; he never SHOWS that to anyone (except perhaps Porsche in little doses?). 
I think that when Pete says he has no feelings/humanity, he’s referring to the act, the mask, the cardboard cutout version of Pete that is so firmly in place at all times that Pete is afraid that’s who he has BECOME–so afraid he’s ready to die rather than go back to that.
And Vegas threatening him, going back to their earlier dynamic, is shoving Pete back behind that mask. Denying that Vegas has SEEN Pete’s back stage and should KNOW that Pete is more than he first appears.
Pete’s asserting that he DOES have feelings and is human is a reclamation of the fact that he has a back stage, he has depth and complexity and trauma and darkness, and finally, FINALLY someone (Vegas) has seen all of it. 
Pete is begging, pleading with Vegas to confirm that–you see me, right? You see that I’m a full, true, complex person. I’m not just your pet, your cardboard cut out version of me. 
Don’t make me go back behind the mask–I half believe that’s all I am myself, don’t you believe it too. Not after you’ve seen otherwise, and reminded me to see it too.
(tagging fellow KP social theorist @yeetlegay​ and my muse @stormyoceans​)
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5ummit · 3 years
Important HTP Fandom Announcement
One of the tags that’s now banned under tumblr’s newest censorship mandate is #hydra trash party.
This means that anyone using the iOS app can not only NOT search that tag anymore, all posts tagged as “hydra trash party” (either by the reblogger or by OP) will NOT show up on your dashboard. The only way you will be able to see it is if you have post notifications turned on or if you visit a blog directly.
As mentioned in my previous post, this is extremely aggravating and counterproductive because that tag is very well-established at this point and is specifically used by the HTP fandom as a way to let people who don’t want to see that content filter it out. By choosing to ban this tag, all they’re doing is encouraging people who want to share that kind of content to use an alternative less well-known tag (or no tag at all), thereby making it more likely for someone to encounter it when they didn’t want to.
I originally considered switching to #HTP since the abbreviation is a common term that people are likely to search or block. However, it’s used for quite a few other random topics that are entirely unrelated, which means our garbage would end up mixed in with the search results for other fandoms. This is obviously not ideal. With this in mind, myself and many of the other HTP blogs have decided to switch to #hydratrashparty going forward. Please block this tag if you do not wish to see HTP content! The transition is going to be a little awkward at first, but the more people we can get on board using the same tag, the better it will be for everyone in the long run.
Unfortunately I can’t tag this as “hydra trash party” or the people who need to see it the most won’t see it, so I’m just going to rely on you all to help spread the word to the rest of the fandom. Feel free to reblog this post if you want, but remember, do NOT put “hydra trash party” anywhere in your tags because even reblogs tagged with banned words will be blocked.
UPDATE: It seems “#hydra trash party” has been unbanned so you are free to use either tag!
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