#not sure i really have an excuse for this other than i wanted to see noct's pretty pretty face
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spidybaby · 1 day ago
The Lucky One
Summary: Fer tries to play Cupid with you, and it ends up not being what he expected.
Warnings: name calling, cursing, secret relationship.
A/N: Hello my shaylas, how are you??? I'm finally back. After trying for days to post, tumblr allowed me to do it! Love you all. I hope you are having an amazing day ❤️
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"When are you going to let me set you up in a blind date?" Fer asks.
You roll your eyes. "Why can't I just stay single?" You ask.
Fernando hugs you by the shoulders, he laughs at how you are frowning your eyebrows.
"Vamos, there's nothing wrong with being single." He says. "I'm just worried about you."
You frown even harder. Looking at him with a confused look on your face. "Why?"
"Joder! I met you a little over a year ago, and you never introduced me or any of the guys here to a boy or talked about a love interest."
You take his arm away from you. "I'm sorry I've been busy with life." You say, walking to the fridge.
You met Fernando in a culinary course. He was the second chef in charge. You bonded with him when you asked him to help you with some recipes.
He stayed some extra time with you in the kitchen where the class was taking place. He made sure you understood everything.
You two created a nice friendship. You even invited him to your birthday. It was something genuine and very respectful.
You two were in your house, you were practicing the last dish of the course. You needed to make it perfectly to be able to pass the course.
"You are mixing the wrong way." He says, smiling at you.
He takes the bowl to his side, grabbing the spoon and showing you how to do it.
You sigh. Rolling your eyes and grabbing back the bowl.
"Who do you even want to introduce me to?"
Fernando smirks, taking his phone out of his pocket. "He's a friend of mine, I promise you are going to love him."
You shake your head no at his exciment.
"One thing, I don't do clubs." You point out. "I don't feel like meeting someone on a very crowded place."
Fer nods, texting quickly.
"What about my house?" He suggests. "My parents are not going to be there, and my brother is busy during the evening."
You nod, agreeing to his crazy proposal.
"Okay, my house, this weekend." He smiles. "Lunch will be."
"Okay, I'll do my best to not have a bitch face the whole evening."
"Great!" He says. "Now, you are mixing it wrong again."
"You are here!" Fer says, opening the door to his house. "My friend is almost here." He explains.
He grabs your wrist, pulling you inside of the house. You two walk into the house and in the kitchen.
"Ve!" He says, hurrying you to go into the backyard.
You open the door, already feeling uncomfortable. You find two boys and one girl. You say a shy greeting to them.
"Chicos, she's Y/n." Fer introduces you to them. "This is Pam." He says, pointing to a girl. "This is Adrian, he and Pam are a couple."
"Hola!" They both say.
"This other one is Mike." He points to the last one. "He's a friend from Tenerife."
"Nice to meet you." You smile.
You start a small talk with Pam. She was nice and tried to make you talk and get to know the others.
"And I study to be a teacher." She says.
You smile at her. You tell her about yourself. She was very interested and asked you some questions.
"So you think Fer is a food chef?" Adrian asks, a mischievous tone behind the question.
"I do, he's very helpful."
"He once burned the chicken." Mike says, both Adrian and him were looking at Fer in a funny way.
"One time!" He laughs. "Y/n, can you help me with something?" He asks.
You nod, excusing yourself and walking inside the house.
Fer asked you to help him with some snacks. He trusted you more than what he trusted his cousin with flavor.
You joke with him about that burned chicken. He was trying to act as if that didn't really happened and it was because his little brother distracted him.
You take the snacks out and walk back to see if Fer needed any more help. You find him texting with one hand, and the other is mixing something that is on the stove.
"Don't burn that." You say.
"One time!" He repeats. "And it was my brother's fault."
"Was he cooking?"
He was about to answer, but the doorbell interrupted him. You have a feeling on who it is. Mostly because Fernando has this smirk again.
"I'm getting it." He says, turning the stove off and rushing to the door.
You like to say that you don't care about this "blind encounter" or whatever this is supposed to be.
Yet you can't help but check your hair and check if you look presentable. As much as you hate the idea of being in this situation, you at least want to look good.
You take a deep breath, only a few hours, and then you can ghost this guy. Nice and smooth. Or maybe you are actually going to like this guy, and maybe it's going to be a nice evening.
"Ya volvimos!" Fer says, walking to the kitchen with this tall, blonde guy. You tried your best to hide your emotions.
You can't help but feel a little comical. Fer really never asked you what your type was. You definitely were not into blonde guys.
Strike one.
"This is Daniel." Fer introduces the guy.
"Hola," you smile at him. "I'm Y/n."
"Fer told me a lot about you." Daniel smiles.
"I'm checking on the others. You guys can talk here." Fer says, leaving the two of you alone in the kitchen.
You two stood there in an awkward silence. You try to think of something to say that makes a nice conversation.
"Fer told me you are a chef." He says, getting a little closer.
"Not quite a chef." You chuckle. "I'm just learning to cook some fancy dishes." You explain. "Want to go out with everyone?"
"Mmm, let's sit on the couch." He smiles.
You nod, walking with him to the couch. You act quickly and sit on the single one. Letting him sit on the large one that was next to the one you are in.
"What do you do?" You ask, trying to keep the flow.
"Not much." He says, shrugging.
"Are you in college?" You try to ask something again.
"Yeah, I do." He smiles.
You smile back, very awkward at how bad this was going. You two just seat there, the horrible silence that was created by the lack of conversation was killing you.
"I heard that you like to play basketball." You say, remembering a little of what Fernando described him to be.
"Oh, I do." He says, very monotone tone. "I think people are more focused on football these days, but I've been training since I was a kid and-"
You zone out after a few seconds. Couldn't he just say < yes, I do > and move out with the topic?
"And I really think that the Lakers are better than the Warriors."
"Yeah, I like tennis." You say, trying to change the subject.
"Oh, I like tennis too." He says in a happy tone. "Who's your favorite player?"
"Serena Williams."
He chuckles. "I mean, yes, she's a tennis player, in theory." He starts.
Don't say it, you think.
"But who's your favorite real tennis player?"
You hang your head low. "Nadal." You sigh.
Second strike.
"Let's go with the others." You say, getting up and walking straight to the garden.
The way Pam smiled at you and patted the chair next to her was so cute to you.
"Was it bad?" She asks, whispering so no one else hears.
"I mean, he still has one strike." You chuckle.
You two talk about different topics. You really got to know her and like her. Maybe that can be a consolation for the blind date thing.
You won't walk out of there with a "boyfriend" like Fernando wanted you to, but you definitely will walk out with a new friend.
"Hey, Y/n." Daniel calls you.
You turn to him, humming so he can say what he needs to say. You were eating the food that Fernando prepared.
"You asked me about basketball, maybe you can drop off at tomorrows practice."
Was that his idea of a date?
Was that even an invitation for a date?
"I'll think about it." You say, smiling lightly.
"Yeah, maybe we can go out and see that femenine tennis game at the bar that's close to where I train."
"Oh, you like tennis?" Mike asks, smiling.
"I do, I trained and played a good number of games when I was a kid-"
"She likes Serena Williams." Daniel says. "Like I asked her for a tennis player, not a lady with a racket."
Everybody fell quiet. He definitely thought that I was going to be a funny joke and that everyone was going to burst out laughing.
"I like Serena Williams too." Pam says. "I think she's the best and some of the younger girls on tennis really look up to her."
"Do you guys want more salad?" You ask, trying to change the topic. "It's amazing."
"Yeah, Fer." Adrian says. "Thank you, hermano. This is amazing, thank you for not burning it."
"One fucking time!" Fernando laughs.
You all laughed at him, and he started to say how much his reputation mattered to him, that the burned food was ruining it.
"Do you need help with the dessert?" You ask him, seeing that he got up to go back inside.
"The last you can do after ruining my reputation." He jokes.
You walk inside with him. Helping him with serving some ice cream into cups. You help him with taking them outside.
"I'll be right back." You say to Pam, who wanted to tell you something.
You notice Fer washings his hands on the sink. You had caramel on your hands also, so you needed to wash them too.
"Fer, where is your bathroom?" You ask, sticking your hands together to play with the caramel on them.
"It's the door in front of the stairs, almost at the front." He points.
You nod, walking to the entrance. You find the bathroom, but the problem now was that your hands were sticky with caramel.
You tried with your elbow, but it was no use. Try with your arm, but it was too heavy for it to open up.
"Quieres ayuda?" You hear someone say behind you. (Do you need help?)
You turn, finding a boy. He definitely was Fernando's brother because they do look alike.
"Si, please." You smile at him. "I have caramel all over my hands, and I can't open it."
He chuckles. "We all been there." He says, trying to make you less worried.
"Gracias, mmm?" You humm, trying to get him to tell you his name.
"Pedri." He says with a smile.
"Gracias, Pedri." You repeat, but this time you say his name.
He does this winking with both eyes. You can't help but find that attractive in some way. He was like a remastered version of Fernando.
A better one, you may say.
"If you need help with something else, I'll be in the kitchen." He smiles.
You nod, smiling at him. "Gracias." You repeat, walking inside the bathroom.
You wash your hands quickly, a part of you want to rush to be able to meet Fer's brother in the kitchen.
The other knows that if Fernando finds out you are trying to make a move on his brother, he will be mad.
Maybe that was the reason why he had never talked about him before. Maybe he was just nice to strangers, and was that annoying boy Fer always yap about.
You walk back to the living room. Thankfully, the kitchen was right next to it, so it was easy for Fer and Pedri to see you walking back.
"The caramel is gone." You say to fer, showing him your hands.
He chuckles, "Hey, this is Pedri." He says, turning to where pedri is, giving him a small hit on the head. "My little brother."
You nod, smiling at him. "Nice to know the one you blame for the burned food." You mess with Fer.
"Jo'er!" Pedri laughs. You can't help but find his laugh so cute. "Don't believe him, I wasn't in the house that day."
You giggle, looking at him.
He was also looking at you.
"Y/n is the one who made the lemon cake from the other day." Fer explains to Pedri. "He loved it, ate almost every slice of it."
You smile while bitting your lip. "Glad to know someone liked it." You say to Pedri.
"Buaf, liked it is not enough." He chuckles. "I broke my diet, so worth it."
"I can bake some for you."
Pedri nods, smiling like a little kid.
Fer calls your name from the backyard. You smile at pedri and walk outside.
"Your ice cream." Pam says.
You sit down, grabbing the spoon and mixing the very melted ice cream you had in front of you. You listen to the conversation, not wanting to involve yourself on it.
From your place you can see Pedri inside of the house, he was playing with the family dog. You knew the dog from Fernando's insta stories.
You can't help but smile at how delicate he is being with the dog.
"Oye," Daniel says to you. "I can give you a ride home. Fer mentioned that you didn't bring your car."
You scrunch your nose. "It's okay, I can order an Uber." You smile.
"Nonsense, I'll take you." He smiles, passing his arm around your shoulders.
You cringe at the action. Quickly grabbing the plates that are in front of you and him.
"Fer!" You say, getting up and making his arm leave your body. "Let me help you with the dishes."
"Oh si, we will help you." Pam says, grabbing some of the plates.
Daniel passed you Mike's plate while Pam had hers, Adriand and Fernandos plate. You walk with her to the kitchen.
"You really don't like him." She whispers.
"Qué?" You ask, trying to act as if you don't understand. "Wha- What are you talking about?"
"Dani, he's been all over you, and you've been so evasive with him."
You stayed quiet, making a face that makes her laugh.
"Let's just say that he's not my cup of tea." You say quietly. "He's just everything that I don't like combined in one dumb dude."
"He really doesn't know when to shut up." She sighs.
You just nodded, not really wanting to talk about it. Daniel was a little bit over himself and was the typical macho guy who thought that he's all that.
You stayed in the kitchen while the boys were outside. They were standing up, so maybe it meant that I was time for the gathering to end.
"Hey, give me your number." Pam says, taking her phone out of her pocket. "That way we can hang out."
You nod, happy and excited that you made a friend. You two share numbers and Instas.
"Party's over." Fer says, entering with the boys to the house.
You say goodbye to Adrian and Mike, giving a small hug to Pam and wave at Fer that was busy loading the dishwasher.
You notice that Daniel was in the backyard talking on the phone. You walk your way to the door to be able to get out before he gets off the phone.
You close the house front door and take your phone to order an Uber. Sadly for you, you were facing the consequences of your own actions.
You were too lazy to change your phone before getting ready, telling yourself that the charge that was left was enough for the day.
Well, it wasn't.
"Shit." You curse, trying not to be loud.
"Tas' bien?"
You lift your head and turn back to the house, finding Pedri looking at you.
"Si, I just got no battery left, and I can't order my Uber." You say, smiling to hide your embarrassment.
"I can take you home." He smiles. "I'm going out, and I don't mind dropping you off."
"I don't want to be a bother." You say, feeling a little shy. "I'll just find a cab."
"Qué va! I'll take you." He says, walking close to you. "Vamos, I left the car outside."
He places his hand on your back, pushing you very lightly for you to walk. You feel this small goosebump.
He not only opens the door of his house to you but also the door of his car. You know that's not something that needs to wow you, but it does.
"Where to, señorita?" He asks happily.
You giggle at his enthusiasm. "Do you by any chance know the Calid Apartments?"
"Si, it's close to camp nou."
You nod. "Yes, the precious Camp nou."
"Do you like football?" He asks.
You shake your head no. "I'm bad at every sport known to man." You laugh, making him laugh. "That's why I picked cooking as my skill."
"You sure are good at that one." He says. "I'm not letting you bit out of the fact that you offered me more of that lemon cake."
He stopped at a red light, head turned to you. The way he was smiling at you and the way the red light hit the high spots of his face.
You were kind of thankful that the red light was hiding your blushed face.
"I'll make you as much lemon cake as you want." You whisper.
"Promise?" He whispers back, smiling at you.
"Yes." You giggle.
The car behind you honk as soon as the light turns green. Making Pedri's eyes move from you to the street.
"Do you want to play some music?" He asks, trying to act normal, he unlock his phone and passes it to you.
You grab the phone, opening spotify and pressing play to the song that was already playing.
The rest of the drive was silent. Not an uncomfortable one, you feel relaxed in some type of way.
You got a text from Fernando, he was asking you where you were. You block your phone, you'll deal with that later.
"We are here." Pedri says, parking in front of the building.
"Gracias, Pedri." You smile at him. "You saved me. Drive safe."
You close the door of his car, waving at him. You only get to walk a few steps before you hear Pedri calling your name.
You turn back to the car, his window is now down. He has that smile that is growing on you.
"Do you want to see a football game?"
You scrunch your nose. "Well, like i said, I don't know anything about football. Why?"
He chuckles, "I have a game this weekend, it's at 2 pm." He explains. "I know that's in four days, but I was wondering if you would like to come?"
You nod quite quickly. "I might not get anything, but I would like to." You smile.
"Talking about that, I can explain some basics to you."
You nod happily. "Give me your phone." You ask, getting your hand inside his car. You pick his phone, saving your number on his contacts. "You have my number. Text me whenever you are free."
He winks at you, saying a quick goodbye. You turn right before entering the building, waving at him.
"Hola!" You say, opening the door for Pedri.
"Hola, guapa." He smiles.
You step aside so he can get inside. He has a bag on his hands.
"What's that?" You ask, curious about it.
He hands you the bag. "For you." He smiles.
You grab it, also grabbing his wrist and walking with him to your couch. You sit and open the bag.
It was a simple bag, no indication of what was inside whatsoever. That is why when you open it, you are taken by surprise. It was a barca jersey.
"Una camisa!" You say happy. You take the jersey out and check it. (A jersey!)
"This is the black one." He explains, "we have a green one, the blaugrana one and this one."
You check the back to see which player he picked. "It's empty." You say.
He nods. "I'll let you decide which player you want."
You nod. "Cristino!" You smile.
He burst out laughing at your words. When you mentioned that you didn't know anything about football, he thought that maybe you meant the bases of the game, not that you didn't even knew the players or teams.
"I mean, he was in Real Madrid." He explains.
"Oh," you say, blushing at how dumb you must look. "Then who's on your team?"
"We got Gavi, Ferran, Cubarsi." He began naming the players. "We had Messi."
"I know that one." You smile. "But in my mind, he was a psg player."
"He was, before Miami."
You nod. "Do you want something to drink?" You ask him. "The lemon cake is in the oven." You tease.
"Fuck, can I be honest with you?"
"Siempre." You giggle.
"I trained extra hard just because I knew you would bake something."
"I promise it'll be worth it."
You notice that he has a piece of grass on his hair, you think about it for a few seconds. You decide to move your hand to the side of his head, taking the grass off of him.
"I can tell you trained hard." You joke with him, showing him the small trace of grass on your hand.
Your hand goes back to that section of hair, combing it with your fingers to make sure there is nothing left.
Pedri's eyes are running along your features, the way the natural light makes you look like a work of art.
Maybe it's because it's been a long time since he ever felt this attracted to someone. Maybe it's because you are so new to him, and that makes him want to have you around till he knows you.
Or maybe, just maybe it's because you are not like those other girls in his past. You don't care that he plays in one of the biggest teams of Europe.
You don't care that he just invited you to one big game, you don't even know who is on the team or what position he plays in.
You don't care about his money or take a picture with him to get followers and get people talking about you.
"Done." You smile. "Now, where do we start?"
Pedri clears his throat. "Okay, I know that Real Sociedad and Girona match is being replayed in about fifteen minutes, so I think that we can watch it and I'll explain everything to you."
You nod, letting Pedri get on his zone. He was happy that he got to share something he loved like football.
Pedri takes his time with you, explaining every little detail. There was an offside? He will explain to you why that happens and how to not get offsided.
Was there a yellow? Okay, now you know why you get a yellow. What about two yellow? No problem, he has an explanation.
Someone got a red? Well, now you can tell what kind of red card that is. If it was for too many yellows, if it was for a foul, for violence or any other kind of red.
You know now that Pedri is a midfielder, he explains what he does and why his position was important in the game.
"Pacheco is a defender." He explains, pointing to the player. That's why he seems more aggressive."
"Got it." You nod.
During the game, Zubimendi got tackled by Martinez feet. You frown, knowing now that it was a very evident yellow.
"Wait, why is the guy that gives the cards not giving him a yellow? That was a clear foul." You argue.
Pedri can't help the laugh. "Referee, guapa." He says. "And sometimes you'll notice that referees don't give cards or mark a clear thing. That's because they are some cabrones."
"Okay, so the match is almost done, 90 minutes completed. The referee is now supposed to give extra time that will do to make up for lost time."
"Two minutes?" You ask. "What can you do with two minutes?" You frown.
You not also learned that two minutes was a valuable time in football, but also you learned that you spoke way too soon.
"That is what you can do with two minutes." He says after one player scored. "He can even get another one."
You get up, walking to the kitchen to cut the now cold cake. You place a big slice on a plate. You grab a fork and walk back to the couch.
You handed the cake to him, who didn't even last more than five seconds before taking it into his own hands.
"This is amazing." He says, closing his eyes.
"Glad you like it." You smile. "I'll put the rest in a topper and you can take it home."
"Eres la mejor." He says with a mouth full. (You are the best)
You stayed quiet, watching him enjoy his slice of cake. You feel happy that he was so vocal about liking your food.
You let him talk a little bit more about football. You don't understand, but watching him talk and being so open about it makes him so attractive.
"I'll invite my cousin and his girlfriend." He explains. "Adrian mentioned that you two hit off very well."
"Si, she's really nice."
"Vale, then I think my work here is done." He chuckles. "I'll send you the pass information the morning of the game."
You nod, walking back to the kitchen to save the rest of that cake for him.
"Save a piece for Fer." You tell him.
"I can try." He says, shrugging. "But I might not be that successful."
"You are alive!" Fer says, exaggerating his tone.
"Never stopped." You laugh.
"Pero joder, you stopped answering my texts." He argues. "You only answer Pam's texts." He rolls his eyes.
"Don't be jealous, you are my favorite loser." You say, hugging him. "I'm sorry I didn't answer, it's just that I was busy." You lie.
"Aja. Sure." He smiles. "Also, Daniel asked me for your number the night of the party and I gave it to him."
You nod, faking a smile. "I know, he texted me." You say.
As much as you want to say that his friend is weird and that you didn't really hit it off with him, you don't.
"Subete! Let's go to camp nou." He does a little dance. "Are you excited?"
You nod, "Very much, I even got a kit." You say, pointing to your jersey.
"You finally caught onto a sport." Fer teases, knowing that you are not good at any sport.
You scuff, hitting his arm very lightly. You roll your eyes, knowing that he is right in mocking you.
You let him tell you about this movie he saw last night. He was so happy with the plot while you pay no attention to him.
Your whole focus was on Pedri's texts, he was asking if you if you were ready for the match and if you had your new jersey on.
You smile at the picture he sent you, it was him ready for warm up. You feel comfortable with him and you feel happy that he feels comfortable enough to be natural with you.
You send him a picture of the road. Updating him on where you are and that you have the jersey he gifted you.
You can't lie, a few days ago you were all < I don't need a new friend / boyfriend. I'm fine alone." But now that Pedri made his way into your life, you are enjoying it.
"Are you even listening to me?" Fer asks.
You nod. "Yes, you burned the banana bread your mother asked you to bake." You say, blocking your screen.
"Who are you even talking to?"
You feel your heart jump from the question.
You aren't doing anything wrong, but you are also sure he won't be happy to know his friend is talking to his little brother.
"Daniel." You say, not thinking enough. You mentally hit yourself because that will create a problem.
"Okay!" Fer says, smiling. "My work as Cupid is amazing, I see."
You stayed quiet, hearing him talk about other topics. You check your phone from time to time to answer Pedri's texts.
When you two arrive at the stadium, you feel kind of nervous. You never been to a game or never really been attracted to any sport so this feeling was new for you.
But you weren't just attracted to the sport, you feel attracted to the boy playing that sport.
"Adrian is inside with Pam." Fer says.
You feel happy, the stadium was really big. You remember that Pedri told you that the Camp Nou was even bigger and that it was better.
Fer and you walk over to the stand, you see that people are starting to take their seats. You follow fer to the correct seats.
"Y/n!" Pam says, getting up to greet you. "Love your jersey."
"Thank you, love yours!" You say, hugging her. "Hola Adrian." You say to the boy next to her.
You sit between Pam and Fernando. He wanted for you to sit there so he could explain som parts of the game to you.
You spend the remaining time until the match starts talking with fer and Pam. Adrian and her had an idea of going to Tenerife to have a relaxing weekend.
Fer was happy because that means visiting his family and being able to have a nice weekend with his friends from Tenerife.
"We can use one of Pedri's days off." Fer suggests. "I know he has some next month, and I think it's on the week that he will play againt Las Palmas."
"That's amazing!" Pam says. "You are coming, right?"
You shrugged. "Can I confirm later?" You ask.
"Venga, you have to come!" Adrian says.
"She will, I'll make sure of it."
The conversation got interrupted by the screaming of the people. You all turn attention to the field where the players were coming.
You see the players doing the intro and everything. To you it was amazing, you never seen that before, and you are sure you look like another young boy in the stadium seeing their favorite players for the first time.
They got in position, ready to play. Pedri turns to the bleachers, he's trying to spot his brother or cousin.
When he does, he notices you next to Fer. His smile grows. He turns back to the field, he needs to have his mind on the ball and not on the bleachers.
You try your best to enjoy the game, doing your best to remember what Pedri told you. When one of the players from the other team pushes the number 9, you quickly frown.
"But that's a clear foul." You say, noticing how the referee gives zero fucks about the in clear pain player. "Why is he not giving him a yellow?"
Fer turns to you. "Because he's an asshole." Fer says.
You turn back to the field. The 9 got up and is talking to the referee. You try to understand why it is so complicated to give a card when it's so obviously deserved.
"Espera," Fer says, turning back to you. "Did you just say the word foul and yellow card?" He asks surprised.
"I'm not that dumb." You laugh.
The first half was good. You stressed about the fact that the players of the other team were on and on over the barca players.
"I hate this game." You say t everyone. You have a pout on your face. "Why is the referee that way?"
"That's what we all ask each other week after week." Adrian says.
"Wait for them to foul Pedri." Fer says on a bitter tone. "They love to ignore how other players attack him."
You just frown. Why would anyone attack that gorgeous man?
You sake that thought out of your head. "That's fucked up." You say to Fer.
Thankfully to you, the rest wasn't that long. You hear the screams and people chanting different players' names.
The second time was somehow worse than the first. Fer wasn't lying when he explained to you that the referees hated barca.
Number 7 makes a wrong move and tackles the 11 of the other team. You can see how the yellow card shines in his direction.
But thanks to Pedri, number 3 and number 2. The game got more interesting. Pedri assist number 9 and he scores a goal.
"Only the extra time left." Adrian says. "And we are still leaders on La Liga."
"Is that good?" You ask Fer.
"That's amazing!" He smiles. "Remember, you always want for us to be leaders."
After the extra minutes the game was over. That meant three more points for barca and a clearly free way to the top.
Pedri got named motm, meaning he was leaving with a trophy. He explained that motm meant that he was the best player among the two teams.
The four of you walk back to the parking lot after waiting a while for the people to start leaving.
"Oye, we will head home for pizza and a drink." Fer says, to you. "And you are coming too."
You nod, thanking him for inviting you to go with them.
"Also I texted Daniel, he will be there in an hour. It's enough time for us to get there."
You got serious. It's not like you hated the guy, but if you had to save an ice cream cone from the sun or save him... yeah the ice cream.
Fer explained to you that Pedri has his car and he will get home after showering and talking to some players.
You check your phone when it vibrates. You had two texts, one from Pedri asking you how the match was from your pov.
And the second one was from Daniel, telling you that he was excited to see you at Fer's and that maybe you can plan an outing while you are there.
You obviously answer the first text, telling Pedri your thoughts. You even tell him that you were enow mad at that specific referee and will find him for not giving a yellow when he got tackled.
You can't help but feel bad at Daniel's text. You hate to ignore people, you answer with a thumbs up emoji.
You made your way to Fer's house. Picking the pizza and some beverages on the way. You text Pedri, asking him if he was planning on drinking something.
He answered that he won't and that he might just stick to some water because he has a recovery training tomorrow in the evening.
"Can you help Pam with the pizza while Adrian and I make the dri-" Fer was saying, but the doorbell interrupted him. "Maybe please open the door?"
You nod, smiling at him and handing the pizza boxes to Pam. You walk to the door and open it.
"Hola, mi guapa." Daniel says, smiling at you. "You look amazing on that."
"Hola." You say, very dry tone.
You turn, leaving him at the door and walking back inside.
Pam was about to talk but she noticed the boy behind you. "Oh, Hi." She says, waving at him.
Daniel was too busy with his phone to answer to her. "Where Fer?" He asks you.
You share a look with Pam, rolling your eyes you point to the patio. You then help with placing the pizzas on plates for the boys and for you.
You walk to the patio with a few plates while you see Fernando and Adrian trying to imitate a tutorial on tik tok.
"Hard much?" You ask, laughing at them. "Let's just drink it 70/30 and call it a night." You suggest.
They agree and bring the drinks to the table. You talk for a while about the match, updating Daniel on how the match went.
You get a text from Pedri saying that he was about to get home. You wanted to talk for a while with him before he got taken by Adrian and Fer.
"I'll go to the bathroom." You say, getting up. "Anyone needs more pizza? I can grab some when I'm back." You ask, trying to make it sound normal.
As if it was you saying you are going to the area 51 or something. You are just going to the bathroom.
They all answer yes to your question. You say you'll bring the box to let them grab a slice by themselves.
You walk to the bathroom just in time to see Pedri walking inside the house.
"Hola." He smiles, you can tell he is tired because of his eyes. "Having a good time?"
You nod, giving him a quick hug hello. "You look tired." You say. "I mean, obviously you are, you just played a lot. Sorry, that sounded really dumb, but also maybe you have a lot of energy because sometimes exercise gives you energy." You ramble.
He chuckles, finding cute how you are trying to remedy your words. "Buaf, a little tired, but I'll maybe go outside. I heard that there's pizz-"
"Y/n." Daniel calls. "There you are, we are waiting on that pizza." He says.
You turn to him, frown from how you were just absent for barely three minutes now. "Oh, it's on the counter in the kitchen." You say.
"Hey, man." He says to Pedri. "I know where it is, but you mentioned you were bringing out, and you didn't, so I thought maybe something happened to her."
"It's been four minutes." You say, checking your watch. "Less, I think."
You can feel the awkward silence from the three of you. Pedri, who's just there, not understanding. Daniel, who is trying to get you to come back with him and you who want him to get away so you can go back to Pedri.
"Vale, you can bring the pizza to them then." You smile. "I haven't even been to the bathroom, I was saying hi to Pedri." You explain.
Why are you explaining yourself? Just tell him to go get the pizza!
"Daniel, llevales la pizza tú." Pedri says, noticing the tone in his brother's friend. (Take the pizza yourself)
Daniel lifts his hands, nodding and going back to the kitchen.
You turn to Pedri, smiling at him. You try to think on what to say after that awkward moment, but you kind of blocked.
"Ya viste mi trofeo?" He asks, lifting his motm trophy. "Ta' guapo, eh!" He says. (Have you seen my trophy? It's cool)
You extend your hands, asking for the trophy. You checked it, and it was cool. Like, really really cool.
"Do you have more of this?" You ask, still looking at the trophy.
"I think I have five." He answers, thinking about it. "I have one that has stars on it." You open your mouth in sorprise, looking at him. "I know, so cool." He smiles.
You smile back at him. You hand him the award back. "I'll let you rest." You say. "If you want to still go out, we have pizza and some drinks." You repeat what you say to him over text.
He nods while blinking. You really like it when he does that. "Well if I don't, text me when you are ready to leave, I can drop you off."
"No seas bobo, you are tired. Plus, your brother will drive me."
"The same one who's probably doing shots by now?" He asks, lifting an eyebrow. "Yeah, he's not driving you home. You need to get home safe."
You want to argue back that he really needs the rest but Fernando magically decides to scream.
"Chug, chug, chug. My turn, my turn!"
You shut your mouth quicker than ever. "Maybe I'll do text you." You say, smiling at him. "Go get some rest, you deserve it."
You say a quick goodbye to him, walking back to the garden. Finding Adrian and Fer competing over who can drink their drink faster.
"Y/n, want a shot?" Daniel asks you.
"I think I'm fine with my drink, thanks." You say, taking your seat. "What are these idiots doing?" You ask Pam.
"Adrian told Fernando he was quicker than him at drinking."
You laugh, watching them prepare different drinks and competing over who was quicker or even who got the best drink in taste.
The night was fun, you were thankful that you had all Sunday to rest.
"So, y/n." Daniel says, taking Pam's seat as she went to the bathroom. "What were you and Pedri talking about?"
You lift an eyebrow. "Does it matter?" You ask.
"I mean, I feel like I need an explanation. You say you were going to the bathroom but you are talking to him. Leaving us without pizza."
"The pizza was in the kitchen, dude." You say, getting irritated. "Why do you care if I took less than five minutes in the bathroom or if I was talking to Fernando's brother?"
"Because you can speak to me instead." He says, passing his arm around you. "I told you we can plan an outing, I might cancel that if you keep behaving like a handover." He laughs.
You take his arm away from you. "Don't worry, I'll cancel it for you. Wasn't going to go anywhere with you, anyway." You say, getting up from your seat and grabbing your phone.
You text Pedri to see if he was awake.
He didn't take much to responde that he was, telling you that he would be down in a moment. He sends you a picture of him playing a game.
You thank him and tell him to take all the time he wants. You are not in a hurry.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Adrian asks you. "Want a drink?" He smiles, lifting his half cocktail at you.
"No, thank you." You smile back. "I just got cold." You half lie, you were cold, but that was not the reason.
"Oh, I can fix that." He smiles, walking to one of the doors by the entrance. He grabs a hoodie from the closet where Pedri and Fer keep a winter jacket and a hoodie just in case.
He walked back to you, handing you a taupe Balenciaga hoodie. You thank him, putting it on.
"So, drink?" He asks again.
You laugh. "I'm good, believe me."
He dissappear back into the garden. You stayed there, enjoying the calm and warmth that the hoodie brought you.
You were dissociating for a moment before you felt a little tap on your head. You go back to reality, finding Pedri in front of you.
"Cute hoodie." He says.
"It's Adrian's." You say. "I was cold, maybe because I'm tired." You smile.
"Let's get you home." He extends his arm to you, offering his hand for you to take and get up.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" You ask him. "I can take a cab if you want to go back to your video game."
He shakes his head no. "I can't let you take the risk of going alone to your house in a cab." He says. "Plus, it was time for me to get off of it."
You nod, walking with him to the garage. He opens the door of his Porsche. You find that very cute.
"Want to do the honors?" He asks once he's inside the car, handing you his phone with spotify open.
You played some Quevedo, you love his music so you can't resist to pick it for the drive.
The drive was silent, you feel tired and he feels tired too, but won't let you take a cab and risk you out there. He prefers to take that little bit of strength he has left and make sure you get home safe.
"Te divertiste?" He asks, stopping at a red light. (Did you have fun?)
"I did, thank you for inviting me." You smile. "Even tho I'm mad that the fact that now I have an enemy on the referee." You say with a mischievous tone.
He can't help the laugh he let out. He was happy that you had a good time, and even better that they won the match.
When he stopped at the entrance of your building, he lowered the music. "Thank you for coming, it was good to have you there." He says, looking at you.
You try to answer, but the big yawn that you let out was the only thing your body was letting out.
He chuckles. "Eso pa mi es un de nada." He jokes. "Go to sleep, guapa." (That for me is a you're welcome)
You nod, leaning to give him a hug and a cheek kiss. You got down of the car, when you are about to enter the building you turn and give him a goodbye wave.
"You want me to bake you a banana bread?" You ask Pedri.
You were in your apartment watching some movie that he got recommended. You tried your best not to fall asleep.
You have been texting, phone calling, and spending time with each other almost every day since the day after the game.
You thought that it might be a short thing and that maybe the idea of the two of you was wrong.
But after you hit the four months mark, you definitely knew that his feelings were real and that he was as interested in you as you are of him.
You enjoy his presence in your life. It's was different and very nice to have him around. He also enjoys your presence. To him, it was fresh to have someone new and who gave him a new perspective of things.
"Buaf, that sounds amazing." He says. "Don't forget that we have that dinner at Adrian's." He says combing your hair.
"Do we have to?" You ask, getting comfortable on his chest. "I mean, you do because he is your cousin. But do I have to?"
"You don't, but I want you there." He says, kissing your hair. "Also Adrian wants you there."
"Aww, pepi." You say in a teasing tone of voice. "You want me there?" You smile.
He blushes a little. "Maybe you are right, you don't have to go." He jokes.
You lift your head, narrowing your eyes and looking at him. He can't help but smile, even though he is pretending to watch the movie.
"Grosero." You say, getting back to your position. (Rude)
He laughs, turning back to you and kissing your shoulder. "Toy' bromeando." He smiles. "I do want you there." He lifts his neck a little to kiss the corner of your lips.
"Pero besame bien," you pout, making his smile grow bigger. You pucked your lips out for him, he quickly imitates the action and kisses you. "So much better." You smile. (Kiss me properly)
He can't help but feel happy, the time you two have spent together was a very happy time for him.
He moves his hands to the back of your head, making you get closer for him to kiss you one more time.
You feel your phone vibrate next to you, making him separate a little to look at it. "That's probably your brother asking me about the pie he wants to take to dinner tonight." You say.
He shrugged and went back to kissing you, ignoring the phone that was vibrating next to you.
"Pero si me vas a hacer ese pan de platano?" Pedri asks as he separates.
You laugh, "I'll do it. Let's just finish the movie." You say, focusing on the movie.
But you can't quite concentrate on the movie when your phone is buzzing at its maximum. You grab it and move it under of a pillow, that way, the vibration won't bother you.
After a few minutes, the phone passed from vibrating from texts to vibrate from a call. Pedri grabs it, passing it to you.
"Hello?" You ask, the number that was dialing you was an unknown one.
"Te he estado enviando unos veinte mensajes, what are you even doing that's so important for you to not take five seconds to answer my texts?" (I've been texting you like twenty times)
You take your phone out of your ear, looking at the number. "Daniel?" You ask lifting yourself from your position on Pedri's chest. You are confused about what was going on. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?"
"I can ask you the same. Did you even see my texts?" He asks in a mad tone.
"No, I'm busy." You say. "Why is that important that can't wait? Are you okay?" You ask, thinking that maybe he was in trouble.
Pedri was looking at you confused. "What's going on?" He whispers.
You shake your head, not understanding anything. You can hear Daniel chuckling and that makes you even more confused than before.
"Check the texts and call me back." He says before hanging up the call.
You are still lost at what even happened, Pedri looks as confused as you are. You shrugged and opened your texts.
First it was a picture of him with two tickets on his hands. It was for this new movie that was having a premier today.
Then it was him asking what your favorite flowers are. He was at a flower shop, and he sent you a picture of different flowers.
And last was him asking if you like chocolate and what kind of chocolate you want. He sent you a picture of one random one next to the tickets and the flowers.
"I think he likes you." Pedri jokes, reading the texts. "Payaso." He scuffs.
"You think?" You ask, lifting an eyebrow. "Gosh, I hate to be all bitchy, like can he get the hint already?"
Pedri can't help the laugh. "He's obviously not getting the hint, preciosa." He says. "Why don't you just tell him straightforwardly that you are not interested?"
You nod. "Like now?" You pout.
"Ah vale, si quieres esperate de acá a que el payaso ese te proponga matrimonio o algo." (Oh okay, if you want, you can wait till that asshole proposes or something)
"Vale, I'm doing it." You say, smiling a little at his jealousy. "You look good when you are jealous." You tease, grabbing his cheeks and giving him a peck.
You can't lie, you have a text on your notes about what you wanted to say. You just edited some things and added other things.
You send the text and place your phone on Not Disturb mode. You really don't care to read any excuse or text he will send. You just want peace.
"Done." You say, blocking your phone. "Now help me pick something for the dinner tonight." You say, grabbing his hand and getting up from bed.
"I'm literally wearing the same thing." He says, following you to your closet.
"Good thing that you are a boy, then." You laugh. "I don't know what to wear."
He starts inspecting your clothes, finding a T-shirt that's exactly like the one he is wearing. "Mira, we can match!" He says, smiling like crazy.
"Let's match, baby." You hug him.
He kisses your cheek, "By the way, Ferran and Eric want to go to the movies. It's after dinner, and I want you to come with me so you can meet them."
"What if your friends don't like me?" You ask, worried about the possibility.
"Buaf, tas loca." He chuckles, grabbing your cheeks. "Ferran te va a amar, incluso no te asustes si te hace una broma el hijoputa." (You are crazy, Ferran is going to love you, don't get scared if he tries to prank you)
You nod, smiling. "Okay, and Eric?"
"Eric, he loves everyone." He smiles, giving you a kiss. "No te preocupes, you are so special. How could anyone hate you?"
He can't help but crashing his lips with yours. His hands are going from your cheeks to behind your neck.
"Stop, I have to get ready." You say, felling his hands go down on your back, "and you have to get that thing Adrian asked you."
He pecks your lips. "Fine, but we're not done."
You send him back to the room, grabbing the clothes and picking some jeans and sneakers. You took a quick shower, getting ready inside the bathroom.
You add some very light makeup, finishing quickly. You go back to the room, getting back in bed with Pedri, who was finishing the movie.
He snuggles into your side, giving you a kiss to the cheek. "Tell me when you are ready." He says.
"What about what you need to get?" You ask, turning the volume down.
"Fer is getting it."
You continue watching the movie, there was only twenty minutes left on the movie when you heard knocks on your door.
You frown, you are not expecting anybody, so you don't really pay attention to it. Sadly for you, the knocks come back two minutes back.
"I'll be right back." You say, getting up from bed.
You walk to the door, thinking that maybe some package ended in the hands of one of your neighbors.
To your surprise, it wasn't a neighbor with a package. It was Daniel, carrying the bouquete of flowers and the chocolates.
He doesn't even wait for you to say anything, he storms into your apartment. He leaves the things on the coffee table.
"Si, Daniel. Get inside." You sarcastically say. "What do you need?"
"You didn't answer your texts." He says, ignoring your questions. "I brought your flowers, peonies, the florist says girls love peonies."
"And I got you some chocolate, this brand is that famous one from tik tok. The Dubai one." He keeps going.
"And don't forget about dinner, I'm taking you to dinne-"
"Para!" You say loudly. "Didn't you read my text?" You ask, exasperated. He nods. "Okay, you did. Then what are you doing here?"
"I know you were just messing around." He smiles. "And that's why I wanted to get you some goodi-"
"How did you get my address?" You ask, thinking about it. "I never gave it to you."
"Oh, Fer did." He says, normally. "But don't get mad, he doesn't know about your dumb text." He laughs.
You blink a few times. Not understanding if what was happening was real or if it was a dream, a very bad one.
"Daniel, I really hate to say this." You begin. "But like I said over text, I'm not interested, and honestly, it's kind of creepy that you are doing things like this."
He laughs, but not in a < you're funny > way, in a very creepy way. "I mean, look at me. You can give me a second chance. In fact you will!"
It's your turn to laugh. You can't even believe he would have the audacity to say that. "Alright, it's time for you to go." You say, turning to your door.
He grabs your arm, bringing you closer. "Don't act all pure and shit."
You don't think twice and lift your knee, you hit his crotch. "What is wrong with you?" You say, hitting his face with your hand as he fell on his knees from the pain. "Get the fuck out of here."
Pedri hears the commotion and walks to where you are, he sees Daniel on the floor and you with an angry face.
"Qué mierda?"
"Este puto payaso que trató de agarrarme por la muñeca, se piensa que le daré una oportunidad." (This fucking asshole who tried to grab me and thinks I'm forced to give his ass a chance)
Daniel who is still on the floor, looks at Pedri with a confused look. Pedri pulls you towards him, covering your body with his own.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" He asks, mad that Pedri was there.
"Venga, pedazo de imbecil." Pedri laughs. "I can ask the same thing. Get up and get the fuck out." He orders.
Daniel quickly understands the situation. "So you are fucking Fer's brother?" He chuckles. "Okay, miss prude."
Pedri takes that as a sign, grabbing the boy by the collar of his jacket, and while he still om his knees, he's dragging him out of your apartment.
Pedri might look small, but he has some force into himself. Once he gets Daniel out in the corridor. He walks back inside, grabbing the flowers and the chocolates.
He throws it at him, slaming the door and closing it. He takes a few deep breaths before turning to where you are.
"You okay?" He asks, walking over to you. "Did he hurt you?"
You shake your head. "No, I'm just a little shaken up. But I'm okay."
He wraps his arms around you, giving you a hug and a kiss to your hair. "That chocolate actually looked amazing." He jokes.
You can't help but laugh and roll your eyes. "Let's just wait for him to go, and then we can leave to Adrian's."
He nods, holding you while you calmed down. You asked him some things, trying for him to calm himself down too.
He doesn't want to admit it but he's also very mad. You let him go, walking back to your room to get a jacket.
"I'll see you there, please drive safely." He says, pecking your lips.
"We are literally going to the same place. "Keep your hands to yourself." You joke, pushing him away.
He rolls his eyes at you. "You know you love when I do that." He smirks.
The whole drive to his cousins house was bored. You try to play some music to feel less lonely on the car.
When you arrive the first person you see is Pam. She greets you, grabbing your arm and waking inside.
"I love your shirt." She says, handing you a glass.
You click the glasses together, laughing at how silly that looked, mostly because it was soda and not an alcoholic beverage.
When Fer arrived, it was followed by Pedri. Fer was laughing at how his brother got him to bring what he needed to.
"Pedri!" Pam calls him. "Come here."
He walks over to where you two are, Pam takes a look at you, then back at pedri, then back at you and then back at pedri again.
"You are matching!" She smiles, pointing at your t-shirts. "That's so cool."
You smile at that. Even if it was planned, it felt so cute. "Buaf, we are." He smiles, finger poking your side.
"Adrian, let's match next time." Pam says, walking to her boyfriend.
You grab Pedri's cheek, squishing it. "Totally random." You laugh.
You all sat down at the table, talking about different things. The biggest topic was the famous trip to Tenerife Pedri and Adrian are planning.
"You are coming, right?" Adrian asks.
You nod, at first, you didn't want to go, but once Pedri convinced you. He asked you to come to the game that was taking place a few days before the trip.
You all talk about the trip, what you will do when you get there, what activities the boys have in mind and other things.
When it was time to leave, you told everybody that you needed to get home and do something. Saying that you might call a cab or use the bus.
Pedri offered to take you since he was going with his teammates somewhere. Nobody said anything, they all just nodded and waved a goodbye at you.
"I've been thinking." He says.
"That's new." You tease him.
"Buaf, grosera. You are meeting my parents." He squish your hand.
"Maybe when we get to tenerife, we can tell your parents that we are together."
He grabs your hand, giving it a kiss. "If you feel ready, then I do." He smile. "By the way, Ferran might or may not ask you for a cake, he loves cakes."
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"Pero venga, por qué no me has dicho que estabas con alguien?" Fer asks Pedri, offended that he found out that he was with someone because of a magazine and not because he told him. (Why didn't you tell me that you are with someone?)
Pedri rolls his eyes, he knows that if he confesses that the mysterious girl is, in fact, Fer's friend. He would be mad and won't understand.
"I was going to." Pedri says, watching his phone like nothing happened. "I was just waiting."
"When?" Fer asks, taking the phone out of his hand. "You never hide things out, what is going on?"
"Joder, can't I have something only to myself?"
Fer throws the phone back at him, grabbing his keys and going out.
Pedri and Fer are not ones to keep secrets to each other, that's why Fer was mas about Pedri keeping this as a secret.
His friends invited him to play some padel, he needed that after the fight with his brother.
Daniel was there, so it was good because they always had a chat to update each other on their life.
But this time was different, Daniel didn't wanted to talk to Fer. He barely even acknowledged him, thing that left Fer very confused.
The whole game he was trying to think what was going on for him to be ignored by his friend.
"Daniel, tio, what's going on?" He asks, patting his friends back. "You've been so distant."
"Honestly, I like it that way." He scruff. "Last time we saw each other you linked me with a fucking girl whos fucking your brother for money."
Fer doesn't have an answer for that, he doesn't even understand why Daniel is saying that.
"Qué mierda? Why are you saying that?"
"Because is true, yesterday I got her flowers, some chocolate and even invited her to dinner but when I went to pick her up she was with your brother."
"Yesterday?" He asks, confused. "I saw them yesterday, that can't be right."
"Don't believe me?" He laughs. "Were they wearing matching clothes?" He asks
Fer doesn't answer, he grabs his stuff. He drives home, hoping that his brother is still there. He needed to ask if what Daniel said was true.
He finds Pedri watching Breaking Bad while petting nilo. Was he mad? At him, no. But he was mad at you.
"Are you and Y/n, hooking up?"
"Qué?" He asks, pretending to not understand. "Are you crazy?"
"Tell me the truth, Pedro." He warns him, using his name and not the nickname. "Because Daniel just told me that he went to deliver her flowers and shit and found you there with her."
Pedri shrugged, "Maybe one of the times where I picked her up."
"Turns out that it was yesterday. At first, I didn't believe it, but then he told me you guys were matching, just like you were yesterday."
Pedri sighs, he wants to honor his word when he promised you to keep it private from the group, but he can't deal with this.
"And if I am, what about it?" He asks, turning the tv off. "It's not like is any of your business."
"Pedro, are you out of your mind? You can be fucking girls and giving them money!" Fer shouts. "Don't be fucking stupid."
Pedri can't help but laugh at how stupid Fernando sounds. "I'm not paying anybody for sex. She's my girlfriend."
Fer doesn't know how to answer because Pedri doesn't do girlfriends. He's more of the type to be with someone for a few days and then goodbye.
"She what?"
"Qué es mi novia, idiota." (She's my girlfriend, asshole)
"You don't do girlfriends." Fer says. "Look, if this isn't true and you are actually payin-"
"Me cago en la puta, que no!" He shouts. "Now be fucking useful and take nilo out for a walk."
He starts walking upstairs, not before turning back to Fernando. His brother is speechless, nilo by his side waiting to be taken out after hearing the word "walk".
"And don't say shit, she wants to announce it on Tenerife. So, you are going to be quiet and act normal." He walks two steps, remembering he needs to say something else. "By the way, if you ever insinuate that I'm fucking paying her to have sex with me. I'll beat the shit out of you."
"Y/n, are you ready to see the game?" Rosy asks, fixing something in your hair as she sets the plate of food on the table. "Hope we win."
"Yes, I'm so excited. We are going to win." You smile.
"Pedri told me you were not a fan of football." Fernando his father says.
"I'm not really that good at sports, but your son helped me with learning about football."
You were eating at their house, Pedri invited you over so you could tell his parents about your relationship.
"She's a good student." He says, placing his hand on your thigh. "She nows now I think even more than me."
You smile at him, intertwining the hand that's he has on your thigh with yours. You think nobody's noticing, but his parents are doing it.
Rosy and Fernando are trying to keep their comments, wanting you two to confirm or deny what you are.
The eyes between you and him keep being not discreet at all, even Fer, who was there just because he lived there, noticed that.
You make a nice talk with both of them, they ask you about yourself and about how you met the boys.
They also explained to you how Pedri ended up in football and how he cried on his first night in Barcelona.
Something embarrassing because without it, it wouldn't be a proper introduction.
"Pedri, tell me something." Rosy speaks.
Pedri nods, serving himself with a few more croquettes. He can't get enough of them.
"I'm sorry to ask, I just can't wait." She says. "Can you please just tell us that you are waiting so we can cut the whole weird talk?" She asks
You choke on your food, trying to help Fer pass you some water. He wants to laugh at how Pedri is all red and shy.
"How do yo-" He tries but his voice fails him. "How do you know?"
Rosy and Fernando exchange looks, they want to laugh at how funny this was. Even Fer was enjoying this a little too much for his brother liking.
"Oh, you know." His father says, filling his glass with more wine. "Parents have that instinct."
"That and the fact that we all saw you kissing on the corridor at the hotel in Gran Canaria."
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ddejavvu · 2 days ago
hi mei!! i absolutely adore your writing, you're amazing!!
could i ask you to write for reader who's touch starved and really wants a tight hug from remus, but doesn't dare ask for it for fear of being too clingy?
i am so sorry if you've written this before, i binge-read your entire masterlist a little while back but my memory is also Very Bad-
"The quiet one's brooding again."
You glance up from your notebook to meet Sirius's squinted eyes, his brows slanted at you where you sit trying to focus on your work. You're not brooding, you're just not smiling. He kicks at you beneath the table, "What's'a matter, grumpy, your essay not long enough?"
"It's fine." You grumble, "I'm just having trouble editing."
"It's late." James scrubs a hand over his face, nearly tugging his glasses out from behind his ears. He lets the hand drag through his hair, nearly wrenching strands out where they've curled into each other, "I'm fading myself."
"I can't sleep until I finish." You groan, and suddenly everything is a bit overwhelming, the press of James's thigh against yours, the way Sirius's foot is still nudging yours beneath the table, the scratch of your sweater against your bare skin.
You vault from your seat, rushing towards the common room fire with staggering steps that probably invoke suspicions of booze from your friends. Finals are stressful, and you're always worried about the looming prospect of The Future, and that's concerning enough if you pass your exams. The thought of failing them and making whatever The Future is worse- well that's what's got your hands trembling. You grasp them together like you're cold, and it helps, but the shake is deeper than your extremities.
"Y/N," Remus calls, and you hear his voice get closer, not louder, as he approaches where you stand at the fire. You stare at the flames as an excuse to not meet his eyes, and they burn your vision, but you can't bring yourself to look away.
"I just need a minute." You squeeze tighter at your own fingers, the touch stinging but calming, "I'm tired and- and I just want to be done with my work and go to bed."
"I can edit." Remus suggests, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. For all its softness you react like it's an anvil, letting it pile onto the weight already draped over your shoulders like a yoke and nearly falling back into Remus.
"Oh," Is all he manages to say before taking a leap of faith and sliding his hand from your shoulder to your waist, wrapping the other one around your hip to meet it. His hands rest on your stomach and he stands there being warmed by the fire with you, watching the way your hands squeeze each other tighter.
"I wish we could stay in school forever." You manage, your voice cracked and breaking, "I- I'm worried about getting a real job, and paying for housing, and- and never seeing my friends again because I'm too busy working."
"I know. Don't worry, though. You'll have a good shot in the job market, though, and if you're ever in need of a place to stay, you know James's mom will tuck you in like you're hers. You could live on her plastic-wrapped couch for the rest of your life if you had to."
"I couldn't sleep with all the crinkling," You laugh, even though two tears still streak down your cheeks. You sniffle, and your nose scrunches, but your face quickly widens with a yawn, "God, I'm so fucking- tired, I just-"
"Go sleep." Remus urges, squeezing you once and letting go, "I'll proofread your essay, and I'll make sure Sirius doesn't write penis on it again like he did last time."
"As the fucking title," You growl, a forgotten fury now rising once more in your gut, "You know what? I think I can manage to stay awake just long enough to change his name at the top to Sirius Balls without him noticing."
"I'll distract him." Remus promises, throwing a glance back at the man currently ignoring his essay in favor of chattering with James, "Throw in a swear or two for me, yeah?"
"Deal." You let him grab your hand before you depart, and he squeezes it much kinder than you'd squeezed yourself.
"Hey. If you get like that again, you can ask for a hug."
Instantly, you're a little sheepish, but you power through it to nod, "Thanks, Remus."
He nods once, then lets your hand go, "Hey, Sirius, you mind walking down to the kitchens with me to get some more wine from the professors' stash?"
Sirius is on his feet in an instant, plenty of years' experience with not only stealing, but stealing booze, "How many bottles do y'think we can carry?"
"Enough to make sure you don't proofread well." You suggest, grinning coyly, and James turns a blind eye, smirking, when Sirius's quill is in your hand the moment the portrait hole shuts.
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pixiexdusts-world · 3 days ago
Undercover feelings
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Hwang Jun-ho x chubby!reader
Summary: Jun-ho drops hints for months, but you’re oblivious. Frustrated, he finally confesses—only to learn you would’ve said yes all along.
Word count: 1233
Hwang Jun-ho wasn’t a man of many words. As a detective, he relied on sharp instincts, subtle observations, and knowing when to stay quiet. But when it came to you, all of that skill and expertise seemed to vanish into thin air.
You worked at the station’s records department, tucked away in an office lined with dusty filing cabinets and stacks of forgotten paperwork. Jun-ho had been finding every possible excuse to visit you lately, even if it meant pretending to need case files that he already had access to.
“Hey,” he greeted as he leaned against the counter, watching as you sorted through a pile of reports. His eyes briefly flickered to the way your sweater hugged your soft curves, how the fabric stretched just slightly over your chest before draping comfortably over your stomach. He always thought you looked cozy, like someone he could pull into his arms and never want to let go of.
You glanced up, offering him a polite smile before returning to your work. “Need something?”
“Yeah, a reason to keep coming back here,” he said smoothly, eyes scanning your round cheeks, always slightly flushed, and the way your lips pursed in concentration.
You blinked at him. “Huh?”
“I, uh—I mean, I need the old case files on illegal gambling rings,” he backtracked quickly, clearing his throat.
You nodded and turned to rummage through the cabinet, your hips swaying slightly as you moved. Jun-ho exhaled sharply, looking away before his thoughts drifted too far. He wasn’t sure why he expected you to catch on.
Every time he tried to hint at his feelings, you somehow missed it.
Like the time he casually mentioned liking people with “kind eyes, soft smiles, and someone warm to hold.” He’d looked directly at you when he said it, but you had just nodded and replied, “Yeah, those are good traits to have.”
Or the time he threw his jacket over your shoulders on a cold night, secretly loving how the oversized material only made you look smaller and softer. But instead of seeing it as anything romantic, you had just patted his arm and said, “Thanks, Jun-ho! You’re like my personal heater.”
He wanted to be more than your heater. He wanted to hold you, squeeze your plush waist, rest his head on your shoulder after a long day, and feel the warmth of you against him.
But you? Absolutely oblivious.
A week later, he finally decided enough was enough.
It was raining when he arrived at your apartment building, holding a takeout bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other.
When you opened the door, he took a moment to admire how cute you looked in your pajama shorts and oversized hoodie. The sleeves were too long, covering most of your hands, and the way the hem rested against your thighs made his fingers twitch.
“Jun-ho?” you said, blinking at him.
“You didn’t eat yet, right?” He held up the bag. “Figured I’d bring dinner.”
Your eyes lit up, and his chest warmed. “That’s nice of you. I was just about to make instant noodles.”
He stepped inside, following you to the kitchen. As you reached up to grab some plates, your hoodie lifted slightly, exposing the soft curve of your belly. Jun-ho’s gaze lingered, but he quickly looked away before you could catch him staring.
“So,” he started, “you ever think about dating?”
You set down a glass of water. “Of course.”
He leaned forward slightly. “And?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s hard to tell if someone’s interested in me.”
Jun-ho almost choked. “You don’t say.”
“Yeah. I mean, no one’s ever really asked me out directly, so I just assume no one sees me that way.”
He stared at you. “No one? Not even… hypothetically, a detective who comes by your office every day for no reason?”
You frowned, thinking. “Well, that would be odd, right? Unless he had a thing for old case files.”
Jun-ho dropped his head onto the table with a groan. “Unbelievable.”
You tilted your head. “Are you okay?”
He lifted his head, meeting your gaze. “I’m trying to tell you something, and you’re making it really difficult.”
You blinked at him, then suddenly straightened. “Wait… Jun-ho, are you—”
“Yes,” he interrupted. “Yes, I like you. I’ve been dropping hints for months. I’ve been bringing you food, making excuses to see you, offering you my jacket—hell, I even told you I was free all weekend! You’re impossible.”
Your eyes widened, mouth slightly open. “Oh.”
“Oh?” He leaned back, crossing his arms. “That’s all you have to say?”
You looked down at your lap, cheeks warming. “I… I didn’t think someone like you would…”
Jun-ho’s expression softened. “Someone like me?”
“You’re—you know.” You gestured vaguely. “Cool. Serious. Handsome. I didn’t think I’d be your type.”
Jun-ho stared at you before shaking his head. “You really don’t see yourself clearly, do you?”
You fidgeted with your sleeve. “I just didn’t want to assume.”
“Well, assume,” he said, voice firm. “Because I like you, and I’m asking you out. Officially.”
Your heart did a weird little flip. “Oh.”
A slow smile crept onto your face. “Okay.”
Jun-ho exhaled, as if he’d been holding his breath this whole time. “Finally.”
You laughed. “You really have been trying, huh?”
“You have no idea.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better,” you said, reaching for his hand, “I would’ve said yes a long time ago.”
Jun-ho let out a short, incredulous laugh before squeezing your hand. “Better late than never.”
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rumpelree · 3 days ago
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💕Ennard Michael (before he rots) design for my FNAF AU!! As always I’m late to post these from YT. Copy and pasting the massive lore dump for these below!! X3
Michael would absolutely HATE his look here bro does NOT wanna look like his dad whatsoever, and here Liz is dressing him up like him- so, like many other things in my AU, I’m going very canon divergent here. Liz doesn’t think Michael was William, so that’s not why she scooped him. She loves her dad, had a great relationship with him! What happened with Circus Baby? She SHOULD be blaming him but, she blames herself. Like a “I didn’t listen to my dad and look what happened” situation, because he tried to keep her from Circus Baby while she was alone. (Had preventative measures built in too like recognition, so that CB specifically WOULDNT scoop his daughter but. Yk. That failed bc his animatronics are JANK)
Anyways, the Funtimes were coded to be more friendly with her, not kill-y like CB when she malfunctioned and did what she was supposed to do to other kids. Liz blames herself, even if she shouldn’t, her dad shouldn’t have been building child/teen/whatever human would fit murder bots. And even though William kinda like, eventually just straightup left her in there because he couldn’t stand to face what he’d done- she’s stuck, physically AND mentally. Blaming her father is a huge ask, for her. She can’t see her dad being that cruel, because she never knew that side of him. She feels upset about scooping Michael but it was a mix of desperation to get out…and also having never witnessed him growing as a person, only remembering him as her okay/often jerk older brother who got Evan killed. So, she and her band of misfits steal his body,
And when they get out there into the world, obviously, everything’s different. Her immediate family is gone. Initially, Scooped Michael ends up dressed like William as a weird coping mechanism thing. She misses her dad, a lot. And what’s really important for me to portray is that, she’s not evil, nor is any other who kid died and stuffed in an animatronic suit. Imagine going through that, as a kid. She’s not like, 5 years old or something but she’s young, twelve years old when she dies, and I know when I was that age, there was times I’d break down and want nothing other than the comfort of my parents(still do!!), and I wanted the little comic doodles to show some of that! There’s no excuse for the things she does, or the person she becomes(murder-y too), but there IS reasonings, which is very different. (Clarifying since sometimes ppl think I’m excusing what these characters do ack)
💕Additional notes: The gray hairs were a very new addition and a suggestion from my friend, so future drawings will also have it! I was very minimal with the shading on this guy cuz I just needed a design ref for an animatic I’m working on! Though the way I shaded his skin here makes him look a little plastic-y, which is fitting I think! Cuz he’s dead.
I did try to make him vaguely a little blue in the face with purplish/blue lips because Elizabeth at least gives him the mercy of strangulation to death, so he won’t have to. Yknow. Get gutted AS consciously, he was still a bit conscious tho. (Also the tooth gap is from pliers eek)
Also- I wanted to make sure it’s also clear she missed her mom, but her dad was her main source of comfort. So, just wanted to take a peek into that psyche; just a kid, who ended up doing some really horrible things, wants her parent back and cannot- rather, refuses to- fathom the type of person said parent really was.
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masoncantthinkofaname · 3 days ago
A day in the life of Mason, httyd edition
Considering our days can be wildly different, rather than an average routine, I'll describe actual day from my last shift there💚
Most importantly, my coffee picture of the day
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Reminder: our dr is based on how to train your dragon, none of the original cast exists there, we don't live on Berk, and there are likely many dragon species that don't exist in the movies!
We woke up, around an hour before sunrise. Which would have been a little before 8am (winter). The fireplace in our room was almost burned out, and I was laying on my husband's chest. We woke up from the sound of children's feet running around outside of our room, for a moment just laying there and enjoying the last bits of our slumber and peace.
Our twins (and in that reality our only sons), were whispering rather loudly, clearly trying not wake us up, and I remember hearing Daeron chuckle quietly. We had our guess what they were doing, they like to sneak in their dragons into their room, especially now that said dragons sleep besides our house.
Eventually I told my husband I'd go check on them, if he could put some logs in both the fireplaces, and we shared a kiss before getting up. I walked into the living room, and my own dragon, Flicker was sleeping curled up near the fireplace. He opened one of his eyes like usual, and just grumbled a bit. I knew exactly why.
Surprise surprise, I walked into the boys' bedroom, to find them and their counterparts there, all with wide, guilty eyes. We went through the usual excuses like ''It's already morning, they didn't sleep here,'' and ''They were lonely outside.'' Honestly I wasn't really mad. We don't mind dragons in the house, Alcae and Stig are just a bit young still, and they have a tendency to chew on things that shouldn't be chewed on.
Made sure the kids, Soren and Oisin got themselves dressed, and it was cute to see them help each other with their hair. Daeron and I also got ready, all while Flicker (my dragon) was still sleeping (he's not a winter person- or well, dragon, which is unfortunate because it's almost always winter). By the time we were ready it was starting to get a little lighter outside, and we had made a plan for the day.
Rather than our usual breakfast, we proposed going out for an early flight, and visit one of the nearby isles. The twins absolutely love flying, and they soak up every bit of practical teachings that we show them. Theory? Not so much, but that's also not what vikings are known for.
Daeron went off to let Bjorn known we would be gone for a little while, and I helped the boys get their dragons ready. Considering their dragons are still growing we take off their gear every time we get home. A lot of people leave it on their older dragons for a few days, because well fitted saddles are not in their way, but can be a bit time absorbing to strap on every time. I also said hello to Frostfang, Daeron's dragon, who usually sleeps outside, as he's quite big and doesn't fancy the warmth that much.
Right before leaving we had to go back inside because the kids didn't dress warmly enough, and were stubbornly set on not being cold until a breeze hit them. When Oisin gave in, Soren folded as well, and they finally listened.
We went in the direction of Haste, watching the sunset on dragon's back. Although cold, it cleared up pretty quickly and it was a beautiful day to be out. I think all our dragons enjoyed getting some freedom, and we spent some time chasing each other, snatching the children off their dragons and practicing their balance, before going to a small bit of land for a break.
Or that's what they taught. Survival day means that we're gathering our own food. I explained to them how to find fresh water, and know you can safely drink it. And then we spent a while catching fish, making a fire and roasting them. Probably half of the catch got eaten by the dragons, but that's fair since they helped us.
They wanted to know some more tricks regarding balance. Their dragon riding is really good, but they're still learning how to keep their balance without being seated or using their hands. We spent some more time practicing, bothering Flicker by walking all over him, considering Alcae and Stig stopped sitting still after 10 minutes.
It was a lot of fun, definitely peaceful. And, I think if anyone is interested I'll have to make a part two because I just realised how ridiculously long this has gotten. If you came this far, thank you for reading, my apologies for yapping!💚
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 3 days ago
Fantasy 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Curtis Everett
This AU is called Watcher Anonymous and will include different series for different characters. This is our introduction to Curtis and Whimsy.
Summary: the bookshop window holds intrigue for both buyer and seller.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Jake always says Curtis should go outside more. Coming from Jake, it could be an insult. He takes the advice that day. It might not be that dumb.
It's an excuse really. He's 'cleaning' the windows. Busying himself as he waits. For her, of course. Like he does every day.
He gave up trying to pretend a while ago. Seeing her pass by helps him track the time that drags by. He should be happy. He's no longer standing out in the sun, getting burnt as he holds a sign or lays tar. He has his shop but it's just not enough. It's lonely.
Jake laughed. Well, he typed LMAO when Curtis said so. A lone wolf like him, lonely? Don't call me that, Jensen.
He pulls the squeegee down. The sun might be a little less cruel if he wore anything lighter than black. He never pays much attention to the forecast.
He checks the time through the window, that old clock hanging behind the counter. She should be there soon--
Something wet splashes his leg and a squeal cuts through the air. He was so distracted trying to predict her, trying to look busy, that he hadn't heard her. She's kicked over the bucket. She stumbles over it and he turns to catch her, dropping the squeegee as he does.
"I'm so sorry," she braces his arms as she holds herself up. He feels big. Strong. She feels tiny. Especially with the bruise around her eye. "I wasn't looking--" She gently draws away and the emptiness returns. She bends to pick up the bucket and retrieves the squeegee to hand it back. "I was trying to see the books."
He looks at the window, "I'm in your way."
She stares at him as he dares to glance back. Her eyes as pensive. Does the recognise him?
"You work here? That must be wonderful."
"I... I own it." He answers.
"You own it?" She turns back to the window. "That's so cool. I always wanted to work in a bookshop. But I suppose you don't get to read all day or whatever."
"Well... I do," he tilts his head.
"Oh," she utters dreamily. She goes rigid and looks around him. She gulps. "I'm going to be late."
"Sorry," his chest pits. "I didn't mean to get in your way."
"No, I should've looked," she smiles but it's not quite that. She looks forelorn. "I gotta go."
"Sure," he says. "Be safe."
"Yeah, get dry," she says back. "Sorry again."
She flits past him. He's sweating and for more than the sun. He puts the squeegee in the bucket and sighs. He looks down, only then feeling the moisture up his leg and in his soles.
He retreats inside. He puts the cleaning stuff in the back and goes back to his seat. He can't focus enough to pick the book up again. He balances the till. He'll get the after work rush and have to do it again. He doesn't mind.
When he sees her again, her head is down. That man she's with walks ahead of her, stomping. She follows, hugging herself as she hides from the sunlight. He remembers how it shone in her eyes. Now she's cast in gloom.
It makes him mad. How can someone have her only to make her miserable? She deserves better.
His chest churns. He thinks of those meetings. He thought the others were a bit pathetic but they aren't so different. And they aren't entirely wrong.
He's doing her harm by not doing anything. He's as guilty as the man who makes her cry. The same one who put that swell in her cheek. He balls his fists.
He doesn't think. He grabs the copy of Wuthering Heights from the window. The one he painted himself in hopes she'd stop and admire it.
He doesn't know what he's doing. He locks the door. It's like before. Prowling like a cat in the shadows but it's still so bright he feels exposed.
The way home is made longer by the racing beat of his heart. He watches them go inside. The curtains are drawn. Fuck.
He paces around her balcony. Go back, Curt. You're being stupid.
Fuck it.
He climbs the tree. He drops onto the balcony just before a pair of pedestrians turn the corner. He catches his breath as he frees the book from under his arm. He's still not sure what's next.
He listens at the door. The man is yelling. She cries out and there's a thump. He winces.
He knew it all along but that's the proof he needs. More than he should have waited for.
He opens the screen door. The inner door is unlocked. He lets himself in.
"What the fuck--" The man doesn't finish his confused holler as Curtis hurls the book at his head.
The woman squeals from the floor. Curtis has his hands around the monster's neck. He can't think. He sees red. Literally. He sees himself smashing this man's nose to a pile of mush.
Something snags his arm. It's her. He stops and falls off of the other man, heaving as he shakily wipes his face with his bloodied knuckles. She keeps a hold of him.
"Please, don't do anymore," she pleads.
He looks at her. The bow of her lips is traced in her own blood. He snarls and closes his fist again. A few more hits and he'll dislocated his ring finger. He doesn't care.
He gets to his knees as the other man snivels and scrambles over the floor. She tugs his back.
"No," she uses all her weight to hold him back. He lets her. "Who--" she pauses and looks at the book near his foot. His lips part. How does he explain this?
"I'm sorry," his hand shakes as he lets it open, resting it over his knees. "He hurt you--"
"How... how..." she babbles.
The man approaches and Curtis is quick. He moves between them. He deflects the man's weak punch and shoves him so he sprawls.
"It doesn't matter how," he snarls as he reaches behind him, clasping onto her wrist. "You're leaving. Now."
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sparkbirdmusic · 14 hours ago
I understand if I'm crossing a boundry but i was wondering how you knew you were non binary? I really like titles and the one given to me feels like it doesnt fit quite right. I understand if you dont respond because thats really personal.
I'm comfortable talking about it!
Part of it is that words like "man" don't feel accurate when applied to me. I used to think that was because of my sexuality, because for so long sexuality was kind of the focal point of queer identities.
Then I did this project for a queer studies class where I studied an online community project called Genderfork. Because Genderfork was a photo-based project, for the creative component of the assignment, me and my group took our own photos playing with gender. For the photos, my AFAB (assigned female at birth) classmates dressed in more masculine-presenting ways, and for some reason I (an AMAB person) found myself doing the same.
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(I had always been clean-shaven up to then. Later I had facial hair for a while, and for a while that felt right, but now it feels strange to me and has for several years. idk, we're all in flux!)
As a kid I loved everything "girly," I wore body glitter, I played with dolls, everyone thought I was a girl, I absolutely wanted to be a girl... if I'd grown up with different parents, I'm 95% sure I'd be a trans woman. (And I know it's never too late, but I'm fine with where I've settled. For now! Who knows.) BUT I think I would still have come to the conclusion that gender is a social construct, and ended up nonbinary eventually. I think there's something in me that sees the ambiguity in everything.
Other aspects of my childhood seem like clues to my being nonbinary. I got along well with other kids who weren't gender-typical, especially tomboys. And my favorite stories were ones where girls cut off their hair and pretended to be boys (the Alanna series by Tamora Pierce, The Gentleman Outlaw and Me—Eli by Mary Downing Hahn, Mulan, etc.). I think I related so hard because it felt like what I was doing.
Several years into my relationship with my partner Adam, he started exploring his gender identity and presentation. He dressed very femme for a while, and it led me to confront aspects of my sexuality and my own gender identity. Eventually he settled back into identifying as male and dressing in ways that are more male-coded, though lately that's evolving again. (again, we're all in flux)
Somewhere in there, amidst my obsession with Steven Universe and a nonbinary storyline in the show Transparent, I started seriously questioning my gender identity. Then one day, at a moment when I was actively questioning my gender identity, Adam asked, "Have you ever questioned your gender identity?" And I screamed, "WHAT?!" because his timing was so uncanny.
From there I very quickly started using they/them pronouns. And I knew it was what felt right for me, but I was super nervous about being accepted by other trans people as Trans Enough. I decided to be brave and go to a meeting of a trans group on my college campus. When we went around the circle introducing ourselves, I told them my pronouns were they/them, adding, "That's the first time I've said that to anyone but my partner.”
Afterward, I nervously went up to the group leader (a binary trans woman) and said, "I hope it's okay that I was here." And she looked thoughtful and said, "Hmm. I don't know. I'll ask people and see if they were okay with it."
I went home crying. I'm totally fine now (this was 2017), and I only share this aspect of my coming out as an excuse to say: YOU ARE TRANS ENOUGH. If you don't exclusively identify as the gender you were assigned at birth, you are trans enough. People (especially in trans circles) are thankfully way more familiar with nonbinary as an identity now than they were in 2017, so I pray this doesn't happen as much now as it did then. But if it does (to any nonbinary person out there), please know that Sparkbird says you ARE indeed trans enough to go to the trans group.
Anyway that's a condensed version of my nonbinary story! 💚
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thezombieprostitute · 2 days ago
Tech Tuesday: Steve Rogers
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Summary: Steve and Newbie are still nervous around each other, but for different reasons now.
A/N: Reader is female. No physical descriptors used.
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
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You're talking to your brother-in-law, Foggy, about the video you took of August's attack on Sweetie.
"Oh yeah, no worries about the video getting out. Matt and I are professionals, after all," Foggy reassures you. "But when the client is ready, we'll have some follow up questions and whatnot. Get ourselves ready for you to leak it."
"Thanks so much, Foggy!" you reply. "I owe you big for this one."
"Keep in mind, we will have to have some kind of answer for why you and your friends didn't call the police."
"I think a genuine answer would be that we were so fraught with worry for her that we could only think about getting the her the hell out of there?"
"That's a good one, so long as you do some careful editing of the punch. That guy in the video is huge and people won't doubt he was in charge of the situation at that point."
"Yeah, he's really impressive," you giggle.
Foggy pauses. "Is he the guy you've been seeing?"
"Yeah," you smile.
"Well I'm glad you're with someone who can keep you safe," he chuckles.
"Thanks, Foggy! Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get ready for our date tonight!"
"Have fun!"
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The dress was so much more revealing than you were used to and it still wasn't even as showy as the one Ms. Scarlet wore in the movie. You could've gone for Mrs. White's whole getup but you were feeling needy for some attention from Steve.
You loved that he was a gentleman, you really did! But it's been a few months and it hasn't gone past some making out in the car. It encouraged that little voice telling you you're not pretty enough for someone like him. He doesn't find you attractive, and doesn't want to see more. Considering how often you ended up shivering like a leaf, maybe you weren't actually ready for more and he was picking up on that? No, that little voice insists. It's because he finds you disgusting. Letting out a small groan you finish getting ready for the date.
The local theater had finally gotten the rights to show Clue! It was one of the movies both you and Steve absolutely loved. To make things more fun, the theater promised only one of the original endings, chosen at random! It was such an occasion the two of you decided to dress up for it. Easier for him, of course. He just needed a blue suit, a red tie and some glasses and he made for a very handsome Mr. Green.
Again, you adjust the cleavage of your dress, making sure you're not actually showing too much. The bright, shiny necklace essentially enhanced your cleavage. Probably the point. Kudos to the costume designers, you think.
There's a text from Steve saying he's at your apartment building. The temptation to chicken out is strong, but you trust Steve and you've been looking forward to this!
Okay, let's do this.
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Steve stood outside his car, eagerly waiting for you. He wasn't used to wearing a suit and tie let alone glasses but he was happy to join you in dressing up for the movie. Hell, the fact that you still wanted to keep seeing him made him giddy, and nervous. He was so scared of being a disappointment.
He desperately wants to make you happy. You're a sweetheart who's never once expected him to be cool and confident like a man of his size apparently should be. You welcomed his dorkiness and dumb sense of humor. He was never "not enough" or "too old fashioned" or any of the other things his past dates have complained about. He knows he shouldn't be so scared that he's going to ruin everything but he just can't help it.
He's certain you've expected him to go further than kissing, to ask if he can join you in your apartment, in your bed. But he hasn't had much experience and what he's experienced hasn't been great. He wants to dote on you, to give you everything, but he's scared it'll be a deal-breaker if he isn't amazing in the bedroom.
His thoughts grind to a halt when he sees you in the Miss Scarlet dress. He goes slack-jaw for a second before catching himself. As you approach he feels his heart in his throat from how stunning you look.
Your smile falters as Steve keeps staring. "Do I look okay?"
"You, you look stunning," Steve breathes. Heat rushes to your cheeks as he kisses the back of your hand before opening the car door for you.
"Thank you."
Steve has to put all of his attention into driving. Every time he looks at you his heart flutters and he's scared of being distracted and crashing the vehicle. He's never dated someone who'd be willing to dress up for a movie like this. He can't help but be amazed at you.
His silence has you second guessing every decision about tonight. Sure he was complimentary, but what if he was covering for how ugly he thought you looked? For a second you'd thought his shock was because you looked good. You feel silly about that now. Clearly he's disgusted and is just being polite.
Steve pulls into the parking lot for the theater. As soon as the car is stopped you unbuckle and step out. Steve frowns; you always wait for him to get the door for you.
"Is everything okay?" he asks as he joins you.
"Yeah, just...just...really excited for this," you smile weakly.
"Please don't do this," Steve says, his eyes going full sad puppy. "Something is wrong."
Your heart melts at his facial expression. And he is right.
"I was...I'm...relationships aren't my strong suit. I'm very much a newbie when it comes to romance," you explain. "So I'm worried I'm doing something wrong."
"I don't have much experience with them either," Steve admits. "But why would you think you were doing something wrong?"
"I mean...this is going to sound dumb, but...aren't we supposed to um, have had sex by now?"
Steve's cheeks turn pink as he struggles to find the right words. It takes a few tries, each moment filling you with dread that he was about to confess.
"I'm not...I just...I'm scared," Steve finally gets out. "I'm scared of disappointing you."
"You are scared of disappointing me?"
"Yes! You're gorgeous inside and out. An angel who is currently looking like the most tempting devil! I've had relationships before where there were...expectations that I would somehow be great at sex, even though I have so little experience."
"I thought you despised how I looked."
His eyes widen and he's quick to reassure you. "No, no, no. I meant it when I said you look gorgeous."
"You couldn't even look at me in the car."
"Because I'd end up crashing the car because I couldn't look away."
"You...you mean that?"
"Yes. I will swear on my knees if you want."
That gets you chuckling. "No need for that. I'm sorry I'm such an insecure mess."
"I'm not much better off," Steve chuckles. "But...if you want...after the movie we can...if you're ready..."
"Do you think you're ready?"
"I...I don't know."
"Then, how about, after the movie, we go out for dinner and dance? See how things go from there?"
Steve's face brightens, "that sounds perfect."
"Just, please, if it's not too much trouble, tell me I'm pretty?"
"Pretty? You're gorgeous," Steve smiles and brings you in for a kiss.
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The rest of the night is spent sharing laughter, smiles, and even a dance at the diner you went to. Steve kisses you goodnight, reminding you that you're the prettiest woman he's ever met. You return his kiss and tell him he's handsomest man you've ever seen.
For the first time since you started dating, it doesn't hurt you that Steve isn't coming up to your apartment. You've both had a fair amount of emotional vulnerability tonight, but it also led to both of you feeling much more comfortable with each other. Maybe there was something to being honest and going at your pace.
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Tagging: @alicedopey; @darsynia; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @irishhappiness
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ozwriterchick; @ronearoundblindly; @thiquefunlover63
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hulknussen · 1 day ago
imagine a fic where kevin comes to races in between wec rounds and is nico's guest in the garage and they're just. doing everything together all weekend and everyone notices but no one works out that they're dating and have decided to stop actively hiding it... delicious
hello anon this got out of hand and ended up not really what you sent in but alas... 600 and then some words of kevin visiting nico at sauber
“Better than the Haas garage, right?” Nico asks, looking down at Kevin. He’s sitting in one of Sauber’s—admittedly outrageously comfortable—armchairs, littered all throughout hospitality. There’s even one in the corner of the garage. Nico’s never seen it get used so far, but it’s there.
Kevin’s hand moves back and forth across the armrest. He looks lost in thought for a moment and then mutters a soft “Yeah.”
It is better than the Haas garage. It’s better than the Haas hospitality. And Nico thinks he gets what’s weighing down on Kevin, just a bit—it’s better than Haas. But it’s not Haas.
It’s not theirs.
Nico swallows.
Come to Sauber with me. (An innocent suggestion. A selfish one.)
I can’t. (Not a rejection, not to Nico. An excuse. A sign of being scared of what they could be.)
Why not? I talked to Andreas, he would, he will, I swear. He’s considering it, for real. (Nico doesn’t want Carlos. Nico doesn’t want whatever Formula Two prodigy they can fish out of the sewers that is lower Formulae.)
I already signed somewhere else. (Said after a sigh, said with guilt. Resignation. Said with something else, too, that hurts so much more than the admission itself. Said with hope. Said with relief.)
World Endurance. (Two words that are not ‘Formula One’. Two words that are not what Nico wants to hear.)
“Well, I still have time before FP2,” Nico says next, and tries not to sound too desperate. He can see it tear Kevin out of his daydreams. Can see that it didn’t work, and that Kevin is indulging him.
Kevin smiles up at Nico. His smile isn’t heavy, isn’t imposing. It’s gentle. It’s reserved for Nico.
“Sure. What did you have in mind?”
Anything you want. Whatever you want. “Uh, dunno. We can just hang out, right?”
Like he’s seventeen and not thirty-seven. Having to keep from wringing his hands, so tightly lodged into his pockets.
Kevin’s smile widens, and it makes his eyes crinkle. “Yeah. Of course we can.”
How are you liking BMW? ( say it’s bad say it’s bad say it’s bad. say you want to come back to me )
It’s great. The guys are awesome.
That’s nice. Yeah. That’s good.
How’s Sauber?
(Lonely.) It’s good.
That’s good.
Nico closes the door to his room in hospitality quietly. He’s not sure what they’re going to be doing here, the room small, offering little, but he hopes-
Kevin is just a bit too close, his hand reaching out to take Nico’s. Fingers against each other, playful, so useless and aimless. Just to touch.
And Nico sees his invitation there, leaning down to press his lips to Kevin’s. His other hand moves to cradle the back of Kevin’s neck, the side of his face.
The feeling’s familiar, it’s comforting. Nico doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of it.
And Kevin is slow, is measured about it. Making up for all the time away with patience that Nico doesn’t have. No, Nico always wants more. He wants to crawl into Kevin’s chest to curl up there, surrounded by the beating of his heart; wants to watch the world through the gutters of his ribs.
Not that Kevin would ever let that happen—would never think to cage Nico like that. Nico knows this. Nico appreciates this. Appreciates that Kevin is there to bring him back down, stomp his overeagerness and just hold him gently, for what he is. For what he is without coating himself in Kevin’s blood.
“I miss you,” Nico admits quietly.
“You don’t have to,” Kevin responds, his fingers massaging the nape of Nico’s neck. “I’m right here.”
And he is.
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cosmic-dust-poltergeist · 3 days ago
Someone wanted a dp x dc version and how can I say no? That's my favourite crossover.
Tim Drake was panicking. He usually wouldn't be, but this gala had some up and coming business CEOs from outside of Gotham that he really wanted to pick the brain of. He's an atheist, but he's literally been praying for this to go well for weeks. But NO. The fucking Joker of all people had to crash it AND HE GRABBED THE KID OF LEADER OF THE OUTSIDERS!! Needless to say, Tim is PANICKING. There's no way any of the outsiders will ever even speak to him again if their kid gets hurt.
"Did Brucie get a new kiddo? Naughty, naughty" The Joker crows in the kid's face. The kid surprising doesn't look as panicked as Tim feels like he should be, but he is cringing away from the clown.
"Ew, no. I have a family. I don't need another rich fruitloop trying to adopt me." Well, that's concerning. "Also, I hate clowns. Let go, Pennywise."
"Ooo! Spiteful little spitfire!" Is all the warning before Joker sprays the kid in the face with Jokervemon. Tim can literally see his business deals go down the drain before the kid once again surprises him. He sneezes and coughs for a few short moments, but not once laughing, before a demented switch is flipped and the kid bites Joker's arm so hard blood starts pouring out and Tim could swear he heard teeth meet bone. There's a short violent scuffle that has Tim frozen in bewilderment.
"So sorry, Mr. Drake. Danny's teething right now and keeps biting things he shouldn't." Tim turns to look at Ms. Jazz Fenton, who looks more embarrassed than concerned about this whole situation.
"Teething?" Tim asks lightly.
"Yes, we believe he has a new set of fangs growing in." Ms. Fenton explains before she tenses at the sound of a taser and a yelp from her ... brother? Son? He's not really sure. She's old enough to have had him in her teens, but he's pretty sure he's heard Danny call her by her name, so there could have just been one hell of an age gap between siblings. They look too similar to not be related.
"Ow" Danny sounds pitiful, "I'm so not inviting you to my birthday party."
That's such a weird threat to hear from a kid around Damian's age, but Tim is more fascinated by the way Ms. Fenton seems to turn to stone. It's like seeing a sleeper agent hear a trigger phrase. A subtle glance shows that the other two adults of the outsiders are reacting the same way as Ms. Fenton.
"Please excuse me. Danny hates being electrocuted and is done playing with the clown. I shall only be a moment." And just like that, the three outsiders are smoothly taking out all of Joker's goons and extracting Danny from the Joker with extreme prejudice. All the outsiders are apparently metas. Mr. Foley seems to be turning into golden that he uses fight goons in tandem with Ms. Manson, who uses powers similar to Poison Ivy. Ms. Fenton's hair starts flickering like flames as she brute forces herself to the Joker, she's almost gentle when she moves Danny out of her way, before proceeding to seemingly work on breaking every bone in the Joker's body. Mr. Foley extracts himself from the fighting to pick up the kid, completely ignoring the ice building up wherever the kid touches him.
"Danny, deep breath, you don't want to freeze Sam or Jazz, do you?" Mr. Foley is almost teasing, and Danny is definitely pouting about it.
"No." And Tim misses whatever else is said as realizes he remembers that this kid likes stars and space and etc. He sprints down the hall to one of the family rooms, grabbing a star covered blanket and an astronomy textbook, before sprinting back. He slows down and approaches the duo awkwardly, completely ignoring the Joker screaming for mercy and Ms. Fenton promising not to kill him as she breaks more bones.
"Hi, um, I remembered you liked stars? Would these help calm him down?" He holds the items out, and Danny's face lights up. Mr. Foley chuckles and shifts so Danny can grab them.
"Thanks, Mr. Drake!" Danny is literally purring as he's wrapped in the blanket and flipping through the book. Tim is surprised that a 13? 14? year old is content with still being held like a small child, but shrugs it off. Danny's ice dissipates as the kid starts chewing on the blanket.
"Danny. Don't chew on that." Mr. Foley lightly scolds. "It's not yours."
"It's fine. He can keep it." Tim snickers. "I might have chew toys upstairs? Ms. Fenton said he's teething?"
"Yeah, he is. Unfortunately, normal chew toys tend to break or shatter in less than an hour." Mr. Foley looks exasperated and fond, "We just forgot to bring one of his specially made ones."
Before Tim can get more info, Red Hood and Nightwing burst into the room ready for a fight, only to freeze at the chaos. Tim can only imagine the picture they all make. The rest of the guests escapes towards the beginning of the smack down. Ms. Manson just finished taking out the goons and Ms. Fenton looked up at the vigilantes mid bone snap before cold cocking the Joker into unconsciousness. While Mr. Foley is still kind of sandy and holding a slightly glowing burritoed kid while talking with their unharmed little brother in the middle of it all. Tim is so going to make copies of their cowl footage later, if only to see Ms. Fenton punch the Joker over and over again.
"Huh? Uh... the PD will be here in 7 minutes to arrest the party crashers. What happened her-?" Nightwing is cut off by Red Hood.
"Are you single?" It's obvious he's asking Ms. Fenton, and realizes how stupid he sounds now that everyone is gawking at him. "Oh! Uh! Forget I said anything!"
Tim and Nightwing start snickering while Ms. Manson looks like she's going to murder Red Hood herself, Danny looks delighted, Mr. Foley is stunned, and Ms. Fenton herself is blushing and surprised.
"Oh my ancients! Do you ride a motorcycle?? Please tell me you do!" Tim is pretty sure Jason's face is as Red as his helmet, even if he can't see it, as he nods. "Jazz! He's totally your type!"
"Danny! Shut up!" Ms. Fenton's face is blushing hard, and her hair starts flickering again. Danny struggles out of Mr. Foley's arms and trots up to what Tim is pretty sure is his sister at this point.
"Come on, Jazz! Red Hood is cool! He's your type AND the ghosts like him!" Danny whines.
"Danny, you're not supposed to bring up ghosts in front of normal people." Mr. Foley sighs and Danny slow blinks at his family before frowning.
"But they're not? I'm pretty sure Red Hood even died? I can practically taste the weird ectoplasum wafting off him. Mr. Drake and Nightwing are also kinda liminal? Sort of?" This has all Gothamites sputtering.
"How did you know I-??"
"What's a liminal?"
"Goddammit Danny" Ms. Manson growls.
"I meeeean, I kind of am one." Danny jokes.
"Not to us, you ain't." Mr. Foley says fondly, and Danny sticks his tongue out at him.
"Now, if everyone has calmed down, to explain, a liminal is someone who has been exposed to a substance called ectoplasum enough that is becomes part of them." Ms. Fenton stands up and straightens her dress as she explains. "There's different levels to it. Most of our hometown are liminals, but most of them are just slightly more durable than a normal person. But the more exposure the weirder you get. Tucker, Sam, and I had the most exposure because of my parents being walking OSHA violations, but I know a couple of our classmates also got some weird powers."
"Wes basically has Cassandra's curse from greek mythology!" Danny laughs.
"You only said you, Ms. Manson, and Mr. Foley. What about Danny?" Tim stares Ms. Fenton down with a stare he knows freaks people, but she once again doesn't react accordingly, just smiling sadly at him.
"I'm a halfa!" Danny proudly proclaims.
"A halfa?" Nightwing asks.
"Yeah! I had an accident and now I'm not really human anymore!" Danny's grin fades as he continues, "Mom and Dad are really bad at lab safety. We can't see them anymore because they keep making weapons that target us and then try to exorcize us as if we're demons or something. Which isn't fair. They made us like this."
"We've talked about this, Danny," Ms. Fenton says, pulling him into a loose hug. "We can't change their minds if they're not open to it, and it's not our responsibility to make them better people."
"I know... it's just hard." Danny buries his face in her shoulder and sniffles. "They still haven't realized I died, and it's their fault! It's not fair!"
Ms. Fenton ignores the gasps as she continues to comfort her baby brother. Mr. Foley looks so unspeakably sad while Ms. Manson looks ready to go nuclear.
Tim thinks he kind of wants to hug the Demon Brat, despite knowing the kid would shank him for even trying, because, fuck, this kid is only a little younger than the Brat and he doesn't know how to deal with that. A quick glance at his brothers reveals they're probably in the same boat. Nightwing's hands twitch like he wants to reach out to comfort the kid, but holding back. And Red Hood is the kind of still Tim associates with Jason fighting off the pit.
They don't get more time for questioning, though, as cops flood the room. Tim and the outsiders are pulled aside by police to file the report. Ms. Manson frees the goons from her plants and makes angry growls if someone hurts her plants, which freak the Gothamites out because it's like Poison Ivy 2.0. Tim manges to get Ms. Fenton and Mr. Foley to agree to talk with him at his office at Wayne Enterprises next week before they all split their ways.
Tim then has a 3 day research bender of looking into everything he can get his hands on about ectoplasum, liminals, Amity Park, the three outsiders' past, and the Dr.s Fenton. He's very horrified.
Okay, but what if Danny Fenton just stops aging? Like, he's forever 14. Now imagine that "I won't invite you to my birthday" becomes his go to threat to his friends and family when he's not in the mood and it slowly branches out to everyone. Just:
Danny, pouting and eepy: If you don't stop, I won't invite you to my birthday.
Some overpowered ghost: Why the fuck would I want to go to your birthday?
Pandora, CW, Frostbite, a now grown up Sam, Jazz, and Tucker: *Appears and breaks the stranger* YOU DARE????
Like, Danny is just forever a child and behaves like it, while the rest of the cast become more parental over time. So his childish threat cuts deep to his people and if not to his people, means his adult people are now on high alert for why their "baby" is upset. And don't misunderstand, childish doesn't mean naive or stupid. He's still an overpowered witty fucker that can problem solve better than most adults.
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byoldervine · 2 days ago
so is there a reason you dont respond to dms orrrrrr
Okay you probably didn’t mean to open the floodgates but I need to VENT about this and an anon ask is there perfect excuse to do that without calling any particular individual out, which I do not intend to do
I have exactly one person in my DMs that isn’t someone asking me to commission them, and we only had a brief exchange a few months ago. For the most part I don’t respond since it always seems to follow a formula
Pretty much all my DMs start with someone saying “Hi” with no further context or elaboration, and from that alone I know where this is going but also don’t want to just make an assumption and come off as rude, so I respond in kind. The response is usually “How are you” or something like that; a pleasantry that doesn’t really do much to explain what’s up. So again, I just respond in kind. About 95% of the time they just respond with an “I’m good thanks” and, once again, nothing else
I don’t know how common this is outside of people asking you to commission them, but I honestly don’t like when people DM you but still somehow expect you to make the effort to start the conversation. I don’t know why you’re here, you came to me; what do you want me to say at this point? Maybe I’m just too antisocial to realise this isn’t abnormal behaviour and I’m just being rude, but it really winds me up tbh
And more annoying, when done in this context at least, is when they start asking further questions and trying to start a conversation - still without explaining why they’re actually messaging. Not because I don’t want that, but because, when it’s done to get commissions, it feels kinda manipulative to me, but at the same time it always makes me doubt myself; on the off chance this actually is someone wanting to talk and be friends, I don’t want to shut them down and be rude about it. So I’ll usually answer a question or two to see if it actually goes anywhere, but it of course never does
I end up asking “Is there any particular reason you wanted to DM me?” and the response still never gets straight into it; it’s almost always something like “Do you like art?” or “I see you like drawing” or things like that, like they’re looking for a prompt to continue. Again, no clue why this is. At this point I’m just dreading it because I know what’s coming but at the same time I think stuff like “What if they’re just wanting tips? What if they’re just a bit awkward? What if I assume and it’s wrong and I look like a presumptuous asshat?”, so I usually just go “Yeah?” instead
And THEN they finally mention that they do commissions, and I’m pissed off at myself for getting to this point again. I end up saying something like “Thank you, but I really enjoy creating my own artwork and so I’m not looking to commission others for it. Best of luck though”
The best response I can hope for is just a “No worries” or something, or even to just get no response at all. But the vast majority of the time, it’s something like “Oh, okay then…” or “Are you sure? I do X Y Z, you should look at my posts” or even “That’s fine I guess, I just wasn’t making enough money off of commissions this month so I needed to go around and ask”. Things that feel a little bit passive-aggressive or pushy to me. Though I also get ‘lovely’ messages like “I see you’re drawing X, I can help make it better”, which even I can’t excuse as anything but
So at this point, I don’t typically respond to DMs that don’t explain why they’re messaging. I’m more than happy to chat with people and make friends, but too many people do it just to get the commissions and then ghost when I don’t bite. It really upset me the first few times because I thought I was about to make some artist/writer friends, only to find out that they only wanted business from me and they weren’t going to talk again if I didn’t give them that
Please don’t let this deter anyone from reaching out and DMing with the intention of just having a chat; I would be more than happy for it. I just wanna know upfront what you’re looking for rather than getting a sinking feeling when I see that dreaded “Hi” pop up again
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starmocha · 9 hours ago
Ok I'm gonna throw this plot bunny here but feel absolutely free to ignore it
I was wondering when the kids are a older, maybe around 8 or 10, and say they get themselves in done serious trouble, maybe they go somewhere they know they shouldn't because it's dangerous, lots of wanderers sights there and they end up getting hurt, which of the dads would get super mad--after the initial panic and eventual relief once they make sure their kid is alright--who do you think would get so mad they'd be shaking? Of course it's all because they're scared, they could've actually lost their kid...
I'm basing this on my own experience cause my dad's very calm and rational so whenever he got really mad it was lowkey scary 😂
In my opinion, Raf losing it and scolding his kid would be scary cause he's probably the kind of dad who's always finding excuses for his baby and saving him from MC's scolding, so him being so mad would be unsettling. He's already the most emotional of the guys, so afraid of losing MC, I can't even imagine how terrified he'd be in that situation, almost losing his little treasure, he warned him so much to be careful...
And Zayne who's always keeping his cool and being very rational--seeing him being distraught and mad at the same time would be scary too. You know when he yelled at the prisoners in his card during tomorrow's catch 22?? that took me out, never heard him so angry, he never raises his voice...(and I loved it very much, holy shit)
Anyway, this is just something that popped in my head and I value your headcanons and writing a lot so I thought I'd ask ♥️
Love this prompt. I'm incapable of simply yapping lol but while thinking about their reactions, I ended up imagining little scenes instead oops <333
Zayne –
His father is yelling at him. His father never yells. Ever.
He had messed up completely. There was a lockdown in Linkon due to an influx in wanderer attacks, and as per city order, all residences should remain at home, with only a few exceptions allowed. His mother is a hunter, and with a shortage of manpower at the Association, she has been working around the clock. Likewise, his father is on active duty at the hospital as both civilians and hunters are rushed into the wards nonstop.
His father had left him with only one instruction: Stay home.
He couldn’t sit still. He just had to go outside. He wanted to go to the arcade, wanted to see his friends, eat his favorite desserts, and do all of the things that he usually did prior to the lockdown. It was only for a few hours, he had said to himself. A few hours out and he would be back home and neither of his parents would ever have to know he had disobeyed them.
This district is safe, he had thought. There hasn’t been an attack here.
There was a sudden scream. Human.
And a screech. A Wanderer. Two wanders. Three, four—
It had all happened in a flash, but the last thing he had remembered was suddenly seeing his mother’s shocked face as she shielded him from an attack.
And now. Now he is sitting on an exam table in a private room, bandaged up, and hearing his father screaming at him.
There are such dark, heavy bags under Zayne’s eyes. The little nine-year-old boy couldn’t help but wonder when his father had last slept. His mother had also looked slimmer than normal. They are both worn down, sacrificing their own wellbeing for the sake of others.
And he was selfish, wanting to play some arcade games. There are games at home. He wanted to eat desserts. There are desserts at home. He wanted…
“I’m sorry…”
Zayne pauses.
“Dad… I…” He isn’t sure what to say. Normally, so quick-witted and sharp-tongued, this tense moment has robbed him of all words. He just looks down at the white tile floors in shame. He knows he deserves his father’s beratement.
A minute passes before this awkward silence is broken and Zayne sighs. He walks over and hugs his son gently. He presses his lips to the top of the boy’s head.
“Your mother and I… had thought at the very least, you would be safe at home, and we wouldn’t have to worry about anything in our absence.”
He feels even more guilty now.
“When this lockdown is over,” Zayne says, “you are volunteering at the hospital after school for three months.”
“Th-three months?”
“Do you want to make it four?”
“N-no, sir…”
“Good boy.”
Zayne hugs his son again, feeling the embrace returned much tighter.
Rafayel –
The ocean could be calm and playful, but within an instance, it could also do a switch, turning violent and unforgiving.
To the little nine-year-boy, that’s what he saw happened in his father. He is knelt on the shore, wet and cold and shivering as his father is yelling at him. His father is bleeding after sustaining a wanderer attack while protecting him, but it seems Rafayel isn’t even fazed by the injury.
His eyes are dark and stormy, bearing so much rage, the little boy actually feels fear.
“Even if there wasn’t a wanderer in the water, a storm was coming in!” Rafayel is yelling, his mind racing with all sorts of scenarios that could have happened, and none of them were good. “You could have been swept away by the waves and just—”
He pauses, seeing his son was trying to hold his tears back.
“Dad… your shoulder…”
Rafayel blinks, his rage momentarily forgotten. He glances at his shoulder. He’s still bleeding.
“We’ll talk at home—”
Rafayel gasps when his son stood up and ran to him, hugging him tightly. “Y-you…” He sighs helplessly and kneels down to his son’s height, returning the hug immediately. “My little fishie… are you hurt anywhere?”
The boy shook his head furiously, but he quickly points at Rafayel’s shoulder. “Dad…”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s head back,” he says, suddenly picking his son up, to the little boy’s surprise. “I’m sure your mother will have some words to say to you as well.”
Xavier –
Xavier doesn’t even raise his tone, but there is a clear edge in his voice that leaves the little eight-year-old girl trembling. She is his little princess, his whole universe, and while she has never been the exact definition of a daddy’s girl that Xavier hoped for, she is still his everything and up until now, she could do no wrong in his eyes.
This time it’s different. Even he couldn’t look past her recklessness.
In the midst of his reprimands, he stops suddenly when she hugs him, crying and apologizing profusely.
“I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m sorry, please don’t be mad, please, I’m sorry,” she’s crying nonstop, because she has never seen her father mad at her the way he is now. He’s not yelling, but the steadiness of his voice, the way his words come out so clipped and terse made her more scared than if he was screaming at her in anger.
Xavier sighs helplessly. He hugs her back and picks her up in his arms. “I know you’re sorry,” he says, “But… but we can’t let this go unnoticed… What if something had happened and I wasn’t there to protect you?”
The girl nods in agreement and buries her face in her father’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, princess, but… this time I am siding with your mother.”
She kisses his cheek.
“Nope,” he responds, “Kissing my cheek will not get you out of your mother’s punishments.”
She kisses his cheek again, in quick successions.
“It won’t do any good. If your mother finds out what you are doing, I’m sure she’s going to double your punishment.”
The girl sulks, her pout disappearing when her father kisses her cheek back.
“Let’s go home, princess.”
The girl smiles back when she sees a little bunny made of light sitting on her father’s shoulder next to her cheek. She hugs him back tighter, and Xavier sighs in relief.
Sylus –
She was confident she could take on any wanderer. Her father had been training her to box since she was three, began using a firearm at five, and with a mother who is a skilled hunter, it’s in her blood, right?
No. She’s only nine, and her first sighting of a wanderer has left her frozen in fear much like a deer caught in headlights. She shouldn’t have entered this no-hunt zone. It was a stupid dare from her classmates, saying they didn’t believe she knew how to fight. She’s just a spoiled little rich girl who was lying for attention.
Am not!
Then prove it. Film yourself taking down a wanderer. It can even be something stupid like Lemonette.
Except this isn’t Lemonette.
It was a swarm of six Elysian Lupulus, and they were in a frenzy.
One charges at her and she drops her phone, the device instantly crushed under a heavy paw. She’s shaking on the forest floor, all thoughts gone as she stares into soulless eyes, and when it lunges at her, she screams.
Nothing happened.
She opens her eyes, shocked to see…
The mechanical crow she has known all her life is shown to be more than just a long-suffering over-glorified babysitter. She watches in fascination as it takes down one of the wanderers. Suddenly, she hears a branch snap and realizes the other wanderers are closing in on her. She scrambles to her feet and as she runs in the opposite direction, she recognizes the approaching swirls of red and black mist rushing at her, gasping as it engulfs her and within seconds, she is safe in her father’s protective embrace. In just mere seconds, he has dissipated the remaining wanderers, and when she tentatively looks behind her, she only sees the remnants of red particles floating in the air before disappearing entirely.
She hears the sound of wings flapping, which is immediately followed by her father’s deep voice, “Well done, Mephisto.”
And then, his attention directs to her. That same voice now carries a different tone. Fury.
“What were you thinking? What would you have done if Mephisto wasn’t watching over you?”
She flinches. Sylus didn’t raise his voice, but he had never spoken to her like this before. There was this uneasy tranquil fury in his voice that didn’t sit well with her. She doesn't like it.
He is still berating her, the calmness slipping away the more he spoke, until he’s nearly shouting now, “Your mother and I were panicking looking for you! Do you know how many children your mother had witnessed killed by wanderers? If I had been just a few seconds lat—”
She starts crying and Sylus pauses, realizing he had lost control. He could see fear in his daughter’s eyes, something he’s not used to. She has never feared him.
He drops to his knees and just wraps his arms around her. “My little birdie, I didn’t mean to rais—”
She hugs him back tighter, surprising him, and she is just apologizing over and over again, completely word-vomiting about everything that had led to this moment. “I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m sorry, I won’t do this again, I won’t disobey you or Mommy. Daddy… I want to go home…”
He sighs and easily picks her up in his arms, just like when she was a toddler. He hugs her back and nods. “You’re safe now,” he whispers, kissing her temple, “We’ll discuss this later. Let’s get out of this place now.”
All actions have consequences, and for the darling of Onychinus, Sylus has decided to start off with her doing 50 laps around the bases’ gym. Every day, for three months straight.
Caleb –
For as long as Caleb could have remembered, his son has always had a restless, adventurous spirit, getting into many different reckless situations again and again, except this time, the eight-year-old boy had soared too close to the sun and it nearly costed him more than just a few broken bones.
“What am I going to do with you?” Caleb is shouting. “I’ve been too lenient with you, is that it? And now you think you could go wherever you want and do whatever you want?”
“Dad—” the boy’s voice is more feeble than normal. He had messed up big time. His father had never exploded at him the way he is now. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know there would be wanderers in that fores—”
“You weren’t even supposed to be in that forest!”
The boy flinches. “I… just wanted to be like you… Be strong like you… And… And…”
Caleb pauses, his anger disappearing suddenly. He looks at the little boy in front of him, seeing his head lowered in shame.
“C’mere,” Caleb says softly, keeping his temper under check this time. With one hand behind his son’s head, he gently pulls the boy to him, hugging him in comfort. “You’re already like me in so many ways—just ask your mother, it annoys her so much, you know—you don’t need to get into dangerous situations to prove anything.”
His son relaxes.
And then he freezes again at his father’s next comment.
“Since my little co-pilot wants to be like his good ol’ dad so much, then starting tomorrow, you are waking up at 4 AM and running 5 miles with me.”
“F-four AM?! F-five miles?”
Caleb nodded, grinning. “For six months straight.”
“Let’s go, you little rascal, your mother will have her own punishment for you.”
“What was that?”
“N-nothing, sir!”
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captainpriceslilwife · 11 hours ago
Oh, Darling (Price x pregnant wife!reader)
Just a little thing for my first ever work. Trying to pretend I'm not nervous as hell to post it teehee. Anyway...just a quick little imagine abt price and his pregnant wife who just wants to help :(((( but he's not having any of it! 18+ even though it's pretty clean! MDNI! TW: pregnancy, afab reader with she/her pronouns, Price being a tiny bit manipulative if you really, really squint, gets a bit suggestive towards the end but nothing happens, one bad word, and uhhhhhhh...and I don't think there's anything else! Feel free to let me know! ┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
"Darling?" You could hear his gruff voice call out from the living room. The sound that normally made your heart pitter in excitement only made you begin to panic, hands scrabbling to try to hide the fact that you were trying to assemble an entire crib on your own. Hiding a half-built crib from him? Honestly, what were you thinking? Obviously, the evidence of your crimes was laid about the room when he walked in, with your swollen, pregnant form standing in the middle of it all like a deer caught in headlights. "Hello..." You squeak out awkwardly, a small smile adorning your face as you tuck the screwdriver behind your back. "You're home early." The trepidation in your voice is clear, but that placating smile is wiped right off your face when you hear the deep, exhausted sigh that rumbles from his throat. "Y/N..." His voice is calm...level. It only serves to make you more nervous as you shift on your feet hesitantly. He takes measured steps forward, fixing you with a disapproving look that would be hot if it wasn't aimed at you. You couldn't help but feel like a little girl being scolded, and your head bows down slightly in shame as you stutter out a lame excuse. "I-I just...wanted to take something off of your plate-" "I told you I'd handle it." He cuts off firmly, stopping in front of you as he rests his hands on your upper arms, letting out another exasperated sigh as he takes in your appearance. His eyes linger on your swollen stomach peeking out from underneath your big t-shirt before he brings his gaze back up to meet yours. His eyes soften only slightly when he sees the guilty look plastered on your face, but you could tell that he was holding back a lot more than the light reprimand he's giving you. But he couldn't bear to yell at his pretty wife, and certainly not when he was nearly eight months pregnant with his baby. But guilting you wasn't necessarily off the table, especially if it got you to sit your ass down and relax like he's been begging you for months now. "Sweet girl...c'mon. You don't trust your man to get the job done?" You deflate at that, soft lips jutting out into a pout as you look up at him, shaking your head quickly. "I do!" You protest gently, resting your hands against his chest with the screwdriver still in hand, which he promptly takes and places on the dresser with a look of barely restrained disappointment. "I do, John. I promise." You stand up on your tippy-toes, placing a soft kiss to his lips in apology as you continue to pout up at him. "I just wanted to help you...you've been so tired lately from working so hard..." "Working hard so that you don't have to, love." He reminds you as he pinches your chin between his fingers gently, reaching his thumb up to swipe over your plump bottom lip. "I don't want to come home to find my pregnant wife putting together a bloody crib. Or anything else for that matter." His other hand trails down to rest on your stomach, rubbing tender circles into the soft fabric of your shirt as he continues to gently scold you. "You think I want you doing this, sweet girl? Putting yourself and the baby at risk just to cross something off my to-do list?" "No..." You mumble quietly, shaking your head gently as your remorseful gaze meets his. "I made sure to be careful, though...I made sure not to do the heavy parts...." Another sigh escapes him as he tuts softly at you, but he can't hide the loving look in his eyes as he looks down at you. "I understand that, love. And I'm proud of you for being so careful. But I need you to relax, sweetheart, alright? Don't go giving me a heart attack right when I come home, baby. I'm getting too old for it." He gives you that small quokka smile that you've come to love so much, and you melt into him as you admire the way his eyes crinkle at the corners. "Ok, honey...I'm sorry." You murmur as you wrap your arms around him, pressing yourself as close as you can despite the roundness of your belly. "I'll just lie around and do nothing all day long...just waiting for you to come home."
“That’s more like it.” He grunts as his hands slip down, one curling around your back as the other one slips behind your knees to lift you up into his arms. He chuckles gruffly when he hears you squeak in surprise, and he can feel his heart warm in his chest as you wrap your arms up around his neck and giggle softly. “John, what on earth are you doing? I’m too heavy for this.” “Nonsense.” He replies firmly, shaking his head a bit as he fixes you with a playfully stern look. You squeal softly as he pinches your thigh gently, another giggle escaping from you as you lean your head on his shoulder. He walks into the living room with your pregnant form wrapped in his arms, carrying you like you weigh nothing to him before he deposits you carefully on the couch. “I’m going to give my gorgeous, pregnant wife all the pampering she needs.” He hums gently, brushing your hair away from your warm cheeks as he shifts onto the couch with a handsome smirk gracing his lips. He can hear your breath hitch as you stare up at him, all wide-eyed and eager as your thighs clench together.  “And once you’re all soft and spoiled like I want you to be…” He murmurs as he climbs on top of you, spreading your legs to fit himself between them before running his hands up your thighs and over your sides as he dips down to whisper in your ear.  “…I’m going to finish that fucking crib.”  Author's note: Ok so this is my first work literally ever. Guys I'm scyyyaaarreeedd!!!! I don't really know what this is???? Imagine??? Drabble??? Merely a thought that I had that I wrote down without proofreading or planning??? I'm dipping my toes in the water of writing, ok? 😔 Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy! If not, then.....🧍‍♀️I'm sorry.
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lokisasylum · 1 day ago
Getting this off my chest real quick:
Y'know what's really laughable? That on more than one occasion since Solo Era began, its been proven and exposed that those who call themselves "OT7s" and go around harassing anyone who tries to define themselves anything BUT that, are the first who hate, ignore, shade on and discourage EVERYONE who wants to support Jimin.
But are also the first to come around and STEAL credits of our hardworking Jimin fanbases when Jimin wins or achieves a new milestone.
We've seen the chatroom SS, read each and every word laced with bitterness when Jimin surpasses another member or the group in records.
Any member reaching a milestone:
Versus Jimin reaching the same milestones:
Armys: "Omg not that fucking song again". "I can't wait for it to reach 1B so that it finally freefalls and disappears--", "I'm sorry I love Jimin, but I'm so sick of seeing him everywhere". "Think of how the other members must feel.", "Its probably fraudulent again.", "He's so privileged and fake--"
Jimin topped No.1 on DEEZER thanks to his solo fbs organizing a streaming party for it? Oh no, can't have DEEZER's official account praising Jimin or pjms for that milestone. Better go s*xually harass the admins until they're FORCED to write that "Army" did it, even though not a single army knew wtf DEEZER was.
If there's a voting where the category is "The most charitable angel", guess who the fandom choose to support? The one member that NEVER donates to charity OVER Jimin who's been giving money silently to those in need for years.
And the iHeart Radio Awards were no exception. Last year the fandom had NO problem winning ALL the fan-voted categories FOR MULTIPLE MEMBERS, but THIS YEAR? Not a single motherfucker even tried because in most categories it was JIMIN who got nominated. Hell, they didn't even vote for "Are You Sure?"
And these fuckers were SO FULL OF SHIT a month ago trying to make it seem like it was "jimin solos/pjms" who weren't voting/were sabotaging the votes, when the reality was that pjms were voting 24/7, even for AYS.
So what happened, babes?
What's ya'lls excuses now?
And before you do, we got receipts of "ot7s" voting for taylor and celebrating when she won over Jimin in the fan-votes. But were quick to claim victory over the "K-Pop Song Of The Year" which WASN'T fan-voted.
So save it.
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itsmyfix · 2 days ago
Draco huffed, cheeks burning red as stupid Potter got in his face after the two had shared some snarky remarks in the hall after their Transfigurations lesson.
“You seriously expect me to believe you’re not up to something?” Harry snarled, warm breath brushing over Draco’s lips.
“And just what, pray tell, has led you to that conclusion, Potter?” He bellowed back, chin held high, refusing to back away.
“You’ve been scribbling in that precious little notebook you’re always carrying around with you,” Harry eyed the leather bound journal Draco held tightly under his arm.
“You spent the whole class scribbling away in it— and don’t think I didn’t notice you staring at me all throughout class! I know you’re plotting something against me, and I’m going to find out what.” Harry glared fiercely into his eyes; Draco just stared back, unimpressed and feigning boredom.
“Always so full of yourself, oh Great Chosen One. You really mustn’t worry that pretty little head of yours, I’m sure you have much more important things that require your attention than the notes I take in class.” Draco sniffed, attempting to slide past and free himself from this impromptu interrogation session.
Harry blocked his path, eyes never leaving his, before they quickly darted down to the notebook tucked under his arm. Just as fast as Harry reached to snatch it away, Draco pulled it to his chest, crossing both arms over it. Not discouraged in the least, Harry dove again, reaching for the top of the notebook that peaked out over Draco’s crossed arms. Draco twisted his body around harshly, bringing him face to face with the wall as he tried to break away from the firm grip Harry had on the notebook, but he held tight.
The back of his fingers pressed against Draco’s chest as he reinforced his grip over the top of the notebook, wrist curved, and arm bent at a ninety degree angle at the elbow, resulting in his chest being pressed to Draco’s back.
“Give me the notebook, Draco.” Harry growled low against his ear.
“No!” He chided stubbornly, pressing his body forward, trapping Harry’s arm between him and the wall.
Harry pressed closer still, adding to the warmth that spread across Draco’s increasingly reddening face.
“If it’s just notes, then why can’t I see it?” Harry hissed impatiently through gritted teeth.
Draco floundered for a moment, before preparing himself to deliver a quip about how Harry should’ve been taking his own notes instead of watching him all class, but was interrupted before he had a chance to voice this sentiment by a shrill voice.
Harry quickly looked over his shoulder, then let go of the notebook, stumbling backwards and trying to straighten out his robes, as he looked up sheepishly at a leering McGonagall.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” She demanded.
“Oh I um-”
“He was trying to steal my notebook! Most likely to cheat on his homework, no doubt!” Draco announced, shooting a glare at Harry.
“No I-”
“Harry Potter! I expected better from you.”
“But I-”
“No excuses! Ten points from Gryffindor! Now hurry along, I don’t want to see any more trouble out of the two of you.” She dismissed them with a wave of the hand.
“Yes, ma’am.” Harry grumbled, turning to catch up with Ron and Hermione who waited ahead.
Draco sighed a breath of relief and hurried away in the opposite direction back towards the dungeons to the Slytherin dormitories. Fanning himself with the notebook, he thought to himself, wow that was a close one, merlin that sure was hot the way he had me pinned to the wall, I’ve never been so glad to have worn my long robes… I have GOT to put that in the next scene of my fanfiction.
Finally back in the privacy of his own room, checking to make sure the other boys were gone still, he giddily pulled out his notebook and a quill, opened it up and read “Transfiguration Homework and Notes: Lesson 15, How to Turn a-”.
Draco snapped the journal closed, eyes wide, cheeks a deep crimson as the following sequence played through his mind as though watching a moving picture:
Draco stood in line, impatiently waiting for his turn to drop off his homework booklet so he could hurry back to the dorms to work on his writing. A bright laugh made his heart jump as he turned to see Harry laughing at something Ron had said. Gazing fondly, he continued to step forward in motion with the moving line until he nearly bumped into the person in front of him who just tossed him a funny look before dropping off their homework and heading out the door. Shaking himself out of his daze, he quickly threw his booklet on the desk and speed walked out of the room to see if he could catch up with Harry enough to sneak one more peak at him before they split in different directions.
“Ohh no!” Draco cried out. “If this is my homework, then…”
Somewhere in McGonagall’s Office:
Drarry (A Draco x Harry Love Story by Draco Malfoy Potter)
Harry’s soft pouty pink lips brushed sweetly over Draco’s sensitive neck, sucking lightly on the skin, marking him as his own, before licking his way up to his ear and whispering breathily-
“Oh my!” McGonagall giggled, kicking her feet up on the desk and turning the page.
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berrydoodleoo · 2 years ago
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once, you were almost a ghost
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