#not so fast haz
americanbrffan · 8 months
Deep Breaths...
Everyone, please, take some deep breaths... just because Harry decided to use The King's diagnosis for some ugly PR, it doesn't mean anything.
What we witnessed today:
H flew into Heathrow and got his motorcade. Congrats, H. ✔️
Based on the length of time between H's arrival and KC & QC's departure for the helicopter, H had "an audience" with his father. An "audience" is a private 20-min meeting with the monarch. Sounds all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it?! 🤭 **That said, we ALL know H wouldn't have been allowed alone with KC. At the very least, Camilla attended as well. And I'm sure her reunion with H went down like a lead balloon. The time they were together was very public. There's NO WAY for H to spin it. ❌
KC & QC quickly left H behind as they very publicly went to Sandringham. KC obviously didn't feel H's arrival was a reason to stay in London. There was also no invitation for H to accompany them. There is NO WAY for H to spin this. ❌
H is staying at the palace undergoing construction. I hope the hammering starts nice and early. 😉 I wonder why he's not staying at St. James' Palace? Oh yeah, because Anne stays there and we all know she's one busy lady who won't put up with his 💩 ❌
William has two engagements tomorrow in Windsor and has stated his priorities are his wife, his children and his father. No meeting will occur with H AND no way for H to spin it. ❌
Harry's trip to England is as obvious as the growing bald spot on his head. He can try to photoshop the heck out of them, but the snubs from his family show exactly what they still think of him, and of his trip.
The rota can write all the speculative articles they want but don't fall for them. The BRF have made their feelings QUITE obvious.
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Oh Haz -W2S
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: angst, commitment issues.
summary: Harry freaks out and bolts when you tell him that you love him, so he has to figure out a way to make it up to you.
notes: hello loves! I have a few requests to write but I thought of this fic all by myself🙊 (for once😅). I hope you enjoy!!💘🫶🏼
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"So you told him that you love him and he just... left?" Talia asked in disbelief as we ate lunch. I nodded. "What a prick! Did he say anything?" "No. He stuttered for a second then got up off the bed, grabbed his coat and made a b-line for the front door." I replied. Me and Harry have been seeing each other for almost four months now and I've known that I love him for over a month. I decided to wait a little while because I didn't want him to freak out but it seems I should've waited even longer.
That night, after talking things over with Talia, all I could think about was him. Worried in case I'd completely fucked everything up. Eventually I decided that it wasn't my fault. If he wasn't ready to commit after a whole four months then maybe he didn't like me as much as I thought he did. I just wanted him to text me because I wasn't sure what was going on. The last time I spoke to him was the night he left, I've heard nothing since then.
The next day I got up and got ready for work. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, pinned my hair back, applied a little bit of makeup then got dressed into a matching skirt and blazer suit along with tights and some black heels. After quickly eating some breakfast I grabbed my bag and drove to the building in which I work.
The day dragged on and so I couldn't wait to get home, get into my pyjamas, order a takeout and watch some trashy tv. Once I was finally finished I said good night to my boss and headed home.
My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I walked towards the front of my apartment. My brows furrowed as I noticed something on my doorstep. Once I was a close enough I realised what it was. I picked up the bouquet of white flowers then unlocked my apartment door and went inside.
I set the flowers on my kitchen counter and walked into my bedroom to change into some comfy clothes. Once I was finished I took a closer look at the roses. A note was placed inside. I pulled it out then opened it. The note read: "I'm sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you with dinner tomorrow night? -Harry x" I smiled. He could've just sent me a text but this was way cuter and meant a lot more.
I sent him a quick message: "thank you for the flowers. Do you wanna meet at our usual spot at 7 ish?" He replied quickly, "yeah, that's perfect. See u then." I set my phone down and enjoyed the rest of my night but not before I called Talia to tell her about what had happened in the past twenty minutes and she also thought that the flowers were adorable.
After getting a good sleep I woke up in a great mood. Thankfully it was also my day off so I went to run some errands before I came back and began getting ready for mine and Harry's date. I took a warm shower, took time to do my hair and makeup then slipped into a cute dress that I had brought earlier that day. Once I was finished I left my apartment and drove to the restaurant me and Harry always go to; since we both love it and it's where we had our first date.
I parked my car then headed inside. I was quickly met with a waitress who took me to a quiet table at the back. Harry hadn't arrived yet so I sat patiently on my phone while I waited.
"Hey." I looked up to see Harry. "Hi." I stood to greet him. We shared a quick hug before both sitting down. "How are you?" He asked. "Good. You?" It was awkward, which is what I expected. "I feel awful, you know- because of the other day. I owe you an explanation." He began seriously. I smiled lightly at him since I could tell he was very nervous.
He took a deep breath. "I uh- my last relationship was really fast and it ended quickly as well. I think I freaked out because I um- I didn't want the same thing to happen with us 'cause... I love you, like a lot." He didn't look me in the eyes until he said the last sentence. My features softened. "Oh Haz, I understand. We can take it as slow as you need. And I'm really relieved that you feel the same." I replied.
The mood changed quickly and we enjoyed our night like nothing had even happened. Harry invited me over to his apartment afterwards and as we lay together on his bed, my head rested on his chest and his fingers gently playing with my hair, I felt so happy.
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reysdriver · 9 days
Growing Up | J.P.
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your daughter grows up enough to be added to a family tradition — dad!farmer!james x mom!reader fluff
warnings: none :)
words: 0.5k
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Your daughter Ivy had taken her first steps a few days ago, which was not only a joyous occasion for your family, but it was also a moment worth documenting in the name of family memories. 
The feat quickly made it into the baby book, but you wanted to give your baby girl a few days to get more comfortable using her legs before the second part. 
But now it was finally time to add Ivy into an adorable family tradition in the Potter household, and you couldn’t be happier. Once every few months since Harry began to walk, you’ve been marking down his height on the exact same door frame where your husband marked his height when he was growing up. And now Ivy got to mark her growth in that exact same way. 
Oh god, here come the tears. 
No, you can’t cry. You promised James you wouldn’t cry today… right after crying with him in bed the night before.
Right after making the family a nice breakfast with fresh eggs and fruit you and the kids picked yesterday, you sat on the floor while the kids happily stood straight against the wall and James rifled through drawers to find a pencil. 
“Do you think I got taller, Mummy?” Harry asked excitedly. 
“Of course you have!” You replied, squishing his cheeks softly. “You grow so much every day; soon you’ll be as tall as your dad!”
“Or as tall as Uncle Remus!”
As hilarious as that response was, you were glad James wasn’t there to hear that quip. 
But speak of the devil, and your husband came back to the living room with a pencil in his hand and a smile on his face that was identical to the one worn by your son. 
James spun the pencil in between his fingers and bent down closer to your kids’ height. “So, who wants to go first?”
Harry eagerly raised his hand and stood up as tall as he could manage with his feet fully on the ground, and James pencilled a line under Harry’s name and age right beside his head. 
“Look at that, mate.” Your husband announced, pointing to the door frame. “You’re almost exactly my height from when I was your age. Just a little taller, see?”
That news seemed to have made Harry’s whole day. He did an adorable happy dance and you helped Ivy clap her tiny hands in support of her brother’s big achievement. 
“You were right!” Harry told you. “You said I was growing so fast!”
Before you could say anything in response, your husband spoke up. “Your mama’s always right, Haz. Don’t ever forget that.” He punctuated his sentence with a wink in your direction, and you blew him a kiss in return. 
Then James leaned down and invited Ivy over to where Harry was just standing. “Come on, little lady, it’s your turn.”
Ivy stood up against the wall, imitating her brother in her stance, and smiling wide even though she didn’t totally understand what was going on. 
You did promise James you weren’t going to cry, but you were definitely about to break that promise. 
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theresthesnitch · 6 months
Sirius woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps running up the stairs. He smiled, realizing it meant Harry was home, but it took Remus shifting in his arms to remember exactly what position they were about to be found in.
Remus lifted his head and seemed to realize what they were hearing a moment after Sirius, but Harry's footsteps were on the landing. They hadn't talked about what they were, much less what they were going to tell Harry, and he was about to find them naked in bed together. Sirius panicked and pushed Remus onto the floor on the far side of the bed just before Harry opened the door.
“Sirius!” Sirius turned around and pat the bed next to him. Harry hopped up and leaned into Sirius’s hug. “Sleeping in?”
“Um, yeah.” Sirius pulled the blanket tighter around his hips. “Remus and I were up late last night.” He hoped Harry didn’t ask questions about it.
Instead, Harry blushed. “Yeah, uh. I was too.”
Sirius laughed. “Oh, were you? Want to tell me about it?”
Harry smiled. “Sure, but can we wait for Remus too? Where is he? He wasn’t in his room.”
Sirius was sure that Harry would be able to tell that Remus was in the room by the way his heart rate changed. “Uh, maybe he is in the bathroom?”
"No, it was open."
"The kitchen?"
Harry shook his head. "I flooed into the kitchen."
Sirius pressed his lips together, thinking fast. "Maybe he went to pick up breakfast?"
Harry pulled back from the hug to look up at Sirius in confusion. "You think Remus woke up early to go get breakfast after you both were up late? Remus?"
"He knew you were coming!" Sirius covered quickly. "He might have set an alarm."
Harry stopped to consider that for a moment, then looked excited. "Do you think he's getting donuts? Cause I could really go for one now."
Sirius laughed. "You know, he might be!"
Harry scooted to the edge of the bed. "I'm going to go put my bag away and then make tea. I bet he'll want a cuppa by the time he gets here."
"You're probably right. Make me one too, Haz? I'm probably going to shower real quick."
Harry looked back with a smile. "Of course. I wouldn't forget you." Harry turned and walked out of the room.
Sirius scrambled to the far edge of the bed. “Remus? Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry.”
Remus peaked out from under the bed. “You know, I’ve had some pretty bad experiences the morning after hooking up with a guy, but I think shoved out of bed and forced into buying breakfast just might top all the rest.”
Sirius swallowed hard. “Sorry, it was just he was coming in, and I panicked. We hadn’t talked about us or what to tell Harry and–”
“And now I’m going out to get breakfast.” Remus slid out from under the bed fully now, and moved to start putting on clothes.
“I’m so sorry about that.” Sirius sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll go if you want me to instead. You don’t have to.”
“And what, do you have some polyjuice sitting around so I can be you for the next hour?” Remus shook his head and pulled his trousers up. “It’s fine.”
Sirius bit his lip as he watched Remus dress. “I know we just talked last night about me fighting for you, but this is not me not fighting for you. It’s just–it’s Harry, and I’m–”
“Harry is your priority.” Remus looked at him with a smile, and Sirius felt his pulse settle a bit. “I’m not mad. He should be your priority. It was also kind of funny listening to you scramble for an explanation. I’ll go out and get breakfast now. Donuts, apparently.”
“I’ll pay for them. You can get some money out of my wallet.”
Remus snorted. “You’re damn right, you’re paying. I’m getting myself a coffee too.”
“Whatever you want. A breakfast roll, too. Or an extra donut.” Sirius grabbed his hand. “Are we alright?”
Remus stepped closer, legs pressed against Sirius’s knees over the edge of the bed. He cupped Sirius’s face, stroking his thumb over his cheekbone. “You still like me?”
Sirius bit back the retort that Remus used the wrong L word, and merely answered, “Yes.”
Remus leaned forward and brushed his lips against Sirius’s. “Then yes, we’re alright. We’ll talk about it later, when Harry is busy or whatever.”
“I’d really like that.”
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comfortficfest · 2 months
Comfort Fic Fest 2024 Masterpost
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Here is a list of all the wonderful fics we've got in the first edition.
Cuddlebug by Sun_flwr
When the call from the adoption agency finally calls, Harry and Louis are surprised to discover that they have been tentatively paired with a young pup named Rami, who suffers from a multitude of issues stemming from the abandonment he’s suffered. But no matter the challenges, they know they will do everything they can to care for and love this pup as if he was their own.
The Bear Necessities by @silverstuff50
It’s taken nine tries, and nearly twenty quid, but Louis has won the bear. Harry’s been eyeing it up since they arrived at the fairground earlier, and every time they’d walked past the shooting gallery his boyfriend’s eyes had gone all big and hopeful. Louis can never resist that look. So while Harry had gone to find the loo, Louis decided to win him the huge, soft teddy bear as a surprise for when he returned. How hard could it be? Nine tries later, with Harry now at his side to cheer him on, he eventually manages to hit all the targets with his five shots, and the massive bear is finally in his gorgeous boyfriend’s arms.
I just wanted you to know (this is me trying) by @calumsboy
Harry pulls the cupcake out of his mouth, and looks at it. Chocolate flavoured with gummy bears and coca cola bottle gummies falling off the frosting. Yum. Louis' laughing at the sight of a pink Harry, and so Harry flips him off. That just makes him laugh harder. Asshole. Harry doesn't bother wiping the frosting off just yet. He likes the sound of Louis' giggles too much to really want to end them. But what he does do, is collect some frosting on the tip of his finger and place the dollop on Louis' scrunched-up-from-laughter nose. "Cute little bunny."
Puppy (Baby, I'm Pawrfect for You) by @yoursolosong
“So… what are we naming him?” “I think ‘Puppy’ is fitting.” “Haz… that's like me calling you ‘human’” Harry pouted his cute little pout and Louis wished he could kiss it off his face. Louis let out a sigh, “Puppy it is.”
In an octopus's garden with you by @liminalkittyfics
Autistic alpha Harry, a teacher, spends an overwhelming day on a field trip to the aquarium. Luckily, his omega, Louis, knows just what he needs.
Safe Place To Hide Us Away by @lunarheslwt
Weighed down by everyday stress, alpha Harry takes up nesting in secret. It takes a load of missing clothes and unravelling lies for him to realise that his omega would love and accept him no matter what.
Always Room For Pie by @leighllbealright
Gemma looks up at Louis. “You know what I realized the other day, Petunia?” “Hm?” Louis hums, not looking away from Poppy’s face. “In just a couple of weeks, it will have been a year since the day we met.” Louis freezes. “That…” His eyes wander across the room, taking everything in. “That can’t be… That can’t be right…” “Oh, but it is, my sweet Petunia,” Gemma can’t help but smirk. “Life moved awfully fast last year.” He turns to her, shock still all over his face. “A ye-ar?” He asks, turning the word into two syllables. She held a finger up. “One year.” “One year?!” He whispers. Gemma’s eyebrow jumps. “We could say it a few more times if you’d like?” She snickers, tilting her head and looking at him like he’s an idiot.
Louis and the Very Terrible, No Good Sleep by @nooradeservedbetter
Louis had always been used to sleeping in a puppy pile back home. It was something that just happened, with all of his siblings being omegas, they just ended up in a giant nest all together, and Louis loved to cuddle in the warmth, and breathe in the familiar scent of home. He hadn’t thought much about it when, after graduating from the local uni, he got a job offer in Brighton and had to leave the family den.
You Helped Me Through The Darkness by @sandrahasfaith28
What happens when Louis, who has only been aware of his submissive tendencies for a few years and was abused in his first BDSM relationship, meets Soft Dom Harry as his therapist.
We Chase the Stars to Lose Our Shadow by 50secsoflarry
Insomniac and someone professionally cuddling with them to fall asleep....They fall in love.
Good Soup by grapejuiceblues85
Harry is sick, Louis decides to be a good husband
My Hands At Risk, I Fold by @yourgorgeouscolors28
"Sometimes, when Louis first wakes up, he thinks he’s back in the hospital, and panic hits him." Or, Harry is a famous popstar, Louis is a famous football player and one injury changes everything.
Hold Me Tight, Don't Let Go by hssattelite28
Louis walked up to the front office to submit his paperwork, having finally secured his new job as a middle school guidance counselor. That is, until he was told that when he signed on the dotted line, they negated to highlight a few key points. For instance, teachers and staff only obtain paid time off during their cycles after they’ve completed 5 years in the district. If they take the time off before that, whoever substitutes gets paid out of the teacher’s final wages. He was then gently directed to the nurses office, where he could obtain a “Suppressants and Me” pamphlet and a number to the town’s doctor’s office. Or, Louis has to go on new suppressants, and they come with some unexpected side effects.
It Must Have Been The Wind by @goldensweetmemory
A small smile appeared on Louis’ face as his thumb hovered over the perfect song to play in this situation. He wanted to make sure Harry knew that he was always going to be an open ear for him, no strings attached and absolutely no judgment. And also the song was kind of annoying as fuck. Way too overplayed. But the message was clear. Lean On Me began playing through the speaker, the volume increasing as Louis held down the side button on his phone. The smile never faded as he lit his new cigarette, bringing it to his lips. The voices upstairs quieted down, a silence stretching and wrapping itself around the upstairs apartment just in time for the first chorus to play. He heard the sliding door click shut just before the second verse. He just hoped Harry understood.
Do you still remember feeling young by @Kleep
Harry and Louis are in the kitchen, just putting the finishing touches on dinner when Lucas comes home from work. What that really means, is that Harry is cooking and Louis sits at the kitchen island drinking a beer, watching Harry cook, happy the task is back in Harry’s hands. In the back of Louis’ mind, he knows that if Lucas was intending to talk to them tonight, dinner is his opportunity. While nervous, Louis hasn’t mentioned the impending talk to Harry even once tonight. When they start eating dinner he tries to be the very picture of cool, calm and collected. Louis has only taken about 3 bites of his meal when Lucas finally brings it up. “You know how I wanted to talk to you guys, right? Louis isn’t sure if he should put his fork down for this and give Lucas his complete attention, or just keep eating and let Lucas have the space to say what he needs to say. He decides on keeping it light, casual, nodding in Lucas’ direction.
The sign on your heart (it's reserved for me) by @darkinfinity
The one where Louis Tomlinson is a single dad and is finally allowing himself to start dating. Insert Harry Styles, a charming coffee shop owner who sweeps him off his feet.
In All Your Gorgeous Colours by @loudloudlove
Harry Styles is just your average 20-something. He followed his soul to a new town and now he works hard as a barman and lives alone in his little house. That is until he's swept off his feet... literally. When Harry regains consciousness, his entire world has changed. Everything that was once black and white is now flooded with colour. And the first person he sees is his soulmate...Liam. What Harry didn't count on was Liam's best mate...Louis. What is it about him that Harry just can't let go of? Why has his entire world been turned around? And is it really possible to walk away from your soulmate to chase a dream?
Route 43 by @elleseekeepdriv
When Louis' car breaks down, he's forced to take the bus to university every day. Little does he know that he will fall for the shy and sometimes overwhelmed curly boy who is always reading at the bus stop. The 43 turns out to be the best thing that happens to them...or is it each other?
Please Tell Me That You've Got Me by colourfulsuitmoon
A world where the nickname your soulmate will call you appears on your chest on your 18th birthday and Harry wakes up with the only name he hates.
Just a Minute More by kingofthefridaynight
“Look,” Harry said now, tapping Louis repeatedly on his thigh. There it was, the proud beam on Harry’s face, as he showed off a piece of fabric in a wooden circle. The bright yarn in the middle vaguely resembled a flower. Either way, Louis smiled, “It’s beautiful, angel.” “You recognise it?” Harry asked with a teasing smirk, wagging the hoop a little into Louis’ direction. “Or are you just being nice?” Harry knew him too well. He could read him like a book. That’s what marriage is about though, Louis figured, as he tried to squint at the flower to see what it was supposed to resemble. “I’m sorry, love,” Louis confessed after a second. “Tell me, though?” Or, a rainy day in bed, where all they do is enjoy each other’s company.
A Perfect Match by @AmITooLate2
Prompt: Louis and his best friend Zayn go on a blind double date. Louis finds his date to be Liam and Zayn finds his to be Harry. Oh, but Louis and Harry are soulmates. (Ziam can be too).
Well Versed In All Things You by Read321718
Louis has a migraine he's been hiding from Harry and Harry knows just how to care for him.
Oh, those summer nights! by unbrxkenhabits
Between sunsets, horseback ridings, waterfalls, movie nights and football matches, Louis and Harry get to feel the sweet taste of a young love.
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haileybeehappy · 1 year
Cabana Break
Word count : 1.4k
Warnining : Oral (f receiving) fingering, swearing, dom harry?
Summary : Harry eats you out on vacation.
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Harry had booked a small beach front house on an island in the middle of the Caribbean. Almost twenty four hours of travel and terrible jet lag later you crawl into the bed in the cabana wearing only your swim suit. The straps digging into your shoulders uncomfortably. Harry was still in the house showering as you dozed to sleep to the sound of the crashing waves and tropical birds in the distant trees.
Your body fully relaxed basically floating away from the mattress as your brain settles to sleep. You hear the sliding door open and close, followed but Harry’s bare footsteps walking across the pool deck tiles.
“Love?” He whispers. Checking your state of consciousness.
“Mm” is all you can get out as the mattress dips from the weight of his body climbing next to you.
“Sleepy huh?” His arm comes to wrap around your waist, his leg lazily thrown over your hips and he nuzzles his face into your neck, pulling in a big breath of air and releasing a long sigh.
“So tired,” you whine out. His weight lulling you to sleep. He starts to place lazy kisses on the pulse point if your neck. You capture his head between your neck and shoulder. “Leave me alone,” it comes out whinier than intended.
“I’m sorry lovie,” he places one last kiss against your skin before laying back and bringing his hand up to your face. “I just can’t help myself. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” a blush spreads across your face and neck. Causing your already warm body to heat up. A small smile teases your lips.
“I love you Haz,” you let out as a sigh more than words.
“I love you,” his thumb rubs across the curve of your bottom lip. “So much,” you part your lips. Slowly his thumb enters your mouth. Even with your limbs heavy with sleep and your brain fighting to stay awake your body submits to him. You can feel him harden against your hips. twitching and pulsing underneath the thin swim shorts. You open your eyes to finally look at him. His green irises are filled with lust. His sunglasses pushed up on top of his head keeping his hair out of his eyes. With that famous loose curl dancing across his forehead in the wind. A smirk splayed on his lips. “Always so good for me,” he moans as your tongue circles his thumb. He pops his thumb out from between your lips and grasps your chin bringing you in for a kiss. You hum into his mouth and his teeth graze your flushed mouth.
“Thought you were tired?” He laughs as your hands begin to roam his shirtless torso. Feeling his muscles ripple under your touch. As your fingers whisper across his skin he twitches and flinches away. "That tickles," he swats your hand away.
“You started it,” your voice croaks out. Still sleepy. Reaching out to grasp at him.
“Lay back baby,” he demands. Your back lays flat against the mattress. He rises above you. Slipping his knees on other side of you and capturing your head between his hands. He kneels over you like a lion that’s caught his prey. “Gonna make you feel good baby, okay?” You nod. He begins placing needy wet kisses against your neck and collar bones. His hands grab at your wrists and pin them above your head. He nips and sucks at your breasts leaving scarlet marks behind.
You want nothing more than to grip his curls between your fingers but his hold on your hands prevent you from moving. You pull at his tattooed ring clad binds. Which earns you a smile from him you can feel against your skin. His teeth nipping at you once again.
“You wanna touch huh baby?” He squeezes your wrists in his hands.
“Please Haz,” you whine. He lets go of your wrists.
“Only cause you asked so nicely,” he then quickly moves down your body and in one lightning fast move pulls off your bikini bottoms. You let out a yelp and grasp at the fabric covering the cushions below you to ground yourself. A chuckle vibrates through his body. Your knees instinctively fall to the sides leaving your center open for the taking. Harrys eyes devour you. Hands lightly hold your ankles and he slowly trails his fingers up your leg. With the curve of your calves. Around your knees. Pressing deeper into your skin as he reaches your thighs. Palms connecting to the soft tissue of your inner thighs as he lowered himself down so he’s eye level with your pussy.
His lips following the train of his hands. He then hooks his arms around your legs and pulls you to his mouth. Licking a slow stripe through your folds your head drops back to the bed and a moan unlike any sound you’ve made before leaves your throat. His mouth seals around your clit and sucks ever so lightly at the tense bundle of nerves. You pick up your hips and try to grind into him but his arms hold you in place. As he continues to lick and suck on you, your fingers pull at the sheet. Knuckles white and achy as you try to continue pushing yourself towards him. His tattooed arm unlatches from your leg and he grasps your hand in his and places it on your head. Your opposite hand follows in suit knocking the sunglasses off his head and they fall back into the ground with a clatter.
“Always taste so sweet,” he moans. More to himself than you. He preps himself onto his elbow and brings his fingers to your folds massaging them as he lightly blows air over you. You let out a string of whines and curses as he teases your entrance.
“Please Harry. I want you,” you moan as you pull at his hair.
“So pretty when you clench around nothin baby. Could watch you like this all day,” he smiles. As his two fingers dive into your center. Your hips quickly jump off the bed before he pushes you back down.
“Holy shit please fuck,” the words mesh together as he continues to pump into you. Attaching his mouth back to your clit. His fingers hitting the spongy place inside you and making you moan so loud the cooks in the next building could probably hear you. “Please Harry please,” you chant as you can feel your orgasm reaching closer.
“Cum for me baby. Come on. Give it to me,” you pull at his curls as a wave hits you. Your orgasm pulling away your sight and hearing and all you could do was feel. His mouth on your clit. His fingers inside of you. His hair between your fingers as you pulse against him. The vibrations of his moans as you come down from your high. Your breathing still heavy and erratic you open your eyes and look down at Harry. Relaxing your hold on his hair he drops his head to rest on your thigh. He kisses the skin he can reach without moving and his eyes catch yours. “Did so good for me baby, go to sleep,” you shake your head.
“What about you?” You ask pushing yourself to support your weight on your elbows. He smiles sheepishly.
“Got that covered,” his cheeks flush red. He brings himself up into his knees and you see a dark spot staining his yellow swim shorts. You smile and look back to his face. He shrugs. “The fact that you can get me off just by the taste of you baby,” a proud smile on his lips. “Fucking amazing,” he drops down next you and sheds the dirty shorts. Kicking them off the mattress.
You sit up and untie the swim top and fling it off the bed, landing next to his sunglasses. You crawl to the edge of the bed to grab the black Ray-Bans. His hand lands on your ass with a smack as you grasp the plastic. You shoot up with your mouth hung open in shock.
“Ow!” You exclaim turning to him. "Harry!"
“You can’t just dangle it in from of me and not expect me to play with it,” he laughs as he rubs his red handprint on your ass. You fall back into him and settle into his side. Tossing the glasses at him. He raises them up to look and there’s a crack across the lens. The arm crooked.
“Oops,” you shrug as he smiles and puts them on.
“Fucking always breaking my shit,”
“Such a dirty mouth styles,”
“You weren’t complaining a minute ago,” he laughs as he chucks the glasses out of the cabana. Wrapping his arms around you as you slowly drift to sleep.
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clarissesrealwife · 5 months
Sub tomboy reader x soft Dom! Abby or Hazel
Rest is up to you! 💗
Tell ur girlfriend☆
A/n - yall this MIGHT suck but js work with me okay😢😢(there's a cliffhanger but I promise there will be pt.2🥳🥳)
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Warnings - breakups, making out, cheating🌚, reader has a bf, arguing
Summary - you and hazel were originally js study buddies in relationships but things escalated...
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Last month you had realized your grades were dropping, thinking nothing of it you continued your life as normal. But last week you had failed your history test, this resulted in a hour long lecture from your parents and a long call with your best friend hazel who offered to help you with your work everyday after school.
"So we still studying tonight?" Hazel asks as you two walk to hazels next class "yeah of course!" You reply. Your about to say something else when Hazel's girlfriend(Mia) walks over, Taking hazels hand in hers while standing on her tippy toes to give Hazel a kiss on her cheek, she's so annoying I don't understand how Hazel puts up with her I just wish she would breakup with her alre-
Your thoughts are interrupted by your boyfriend hugging your waist from behind "hey babe" he says while kissing your cheek.
"oh hey! I heard you got a A on your test?" You question playfully while turning around to face your boyfriend of 7 months.
"Yeah I did and my mom said as a reward we're going out of town for the weekend so I don't think we can hangout tomorrow" you could tell he was hiding something or atleast wasn't telling you the full story but you didn't want to question him about it right now as you had to finish your conversation with hazel.
"Oh well I have to go talk to haz-" your words slow down as you turn around and don't see hazel anywhere. mia must've taken her to makeout.
"Nevermind I guess her and Mia left. Wanna walk me to class?" You ask Lucas.
"Of course babe".
After your last class was finally over you decided to go and wait outside the gym as you know she has a fight club or whatever they call it after school.
30 minutes and it's finally over. Hazel walks out and you call her over as she didn't see you.
"Hey haze! You ready to go?" You ask her while slightly tilting your head in a questioning way.
"Yeah let's go I have lots of homework to do".
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"Shit" Hazel says while searching her backpack as if she's lost something.
"What's wrong haze?" You ask as your getting worried by the expression on her face.
"I just forgot my phone in the gym" she says while leaning back into the seat. You start admiring her, wondering how some 3/10 girl who is to "girly" in ur opinion pulled a gorgeous 10000/10 women who you would let do anything to you
Your slowly processing her words as your to focused on her facial features. But once it finally hits you your quick to offer getting it for her.
"I could go get it" you say a little to fast, fast enough she giggled while saying "Yeah that's fine with me".
A little flustered, you get out the car and go back into the building as it was still open.
Walking to fast for your legs liking you finally reach the gym. After 3 minutes of searching you find the familiar phone that you've seen and used many times as you have a habit of forgetting to charge yours.
Just as your about to walk out you hear people talking. As a natural instinct of a person who has social anxiety you decided to stay there until they leave.
2 minutes have passed and they're still there. You started actually listening 30 seconds ago as you realized it was your boyfriend, Lucas and his friends.
"Shes kind of stupid I don't know why she would belive something like that" one of Lucas's friends say. Assuming they're talking about someone else's girlfriend you continue to listen.
"Yeah honestly I didn't think it was gonna be that easy. I'm just excited to hangout with Maddie tomorrow" You recognize this voice, This is a voice you've talked to many times, A voice you trust, no trusted because you realize this is your boyfriends voice your hearing.
Although tears are beginning to form in your eyes you continue to listen as you want to get the full story.
Another 4 minutes and they finally leave. You open the door to the gym slightly and look around to make sure no one is there. When confirmed you walk to the main school doors. Quickly jogging to Hazel's car.
"Here" you say bluntly as you hand Hazel her phone. "What's wrong y/n?" Hazel says as she tucks a peice of your hair behing your ear.
"Can we talk about this later?" You say as you look into her eyes. Your eyes are red so she can obviously tell you've been crying.
After a few seconds of her debating whether to drop it or not she decideds she'll just bring it up later at your house
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It's been 2 hours and hazel had just finished her last sentence for her homework. You on the other hand finished it in 30 minutes. Scrolling on tiktok waiting untill she's done. She finally says "I'm finished!".
"God that took forever" you say while rolling your eyes. "Shut up you love my company" she says while pushing ur chest away in a playful way.
It was just silent for a while after that, nobody knew what to say or maybe they were just preparing themselves for what was next to be said.
"So what happened ealier" Hazel said quietly, you almost didn't hear her, but you did which means you had to answer.
"Hes cheating on me" You say with a loud sigh.
"WHAT WITH WHO?!?" Hazel practically screams. You slightly luagh at her loudness untill you remember what this conversation is about.
"With Maddie" You slightly shift so you're in a more comfortable position on the bed
"Really? I didn't even think they talked"
"Me neither, but here we are"
It's silent.
Not an akward kind of silence though.
One that makes you want to go to sleep.
The one that makes everything okay.
You find comfort in the silence with hazel.
Untill she speaks up.
"I'd never do that to you" she whispers. Your face heats up what did she mean by that you wonder, but right now your main focus is making sure she doesn't see how red your face is.
"What do you mean?" You question while sitting up, putting all ur weight on your elbows while staring at her, trying to keep eye contact but she just won't look at you.
"Cheat. I wouldn't cheat on you" She finally looks at you. But all of a sudden your confidence dissappears and you lay back down and turn away from hazel.
Hazel doesn't like that and grabs you so you're facing her again. You're both laying on your sides staring at eachother. Your eyes flick to her lips and back up God I hope she didn't see that . "Whatcha thinking about?"
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luffyvace · 6 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
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Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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cupidsdolll · 1 month
The Feeling Came Late Chapter 2 Teaser!
hehe hoping to get this out soon for you!
It doesn't take him long to head to the campus thanks to his dorm being a short drive from the campus. He parks his car in an empty space nearest the school and he sits in the car after he turns it off. He watches her as she walks to the bike rack, her long hair flowing gently behind her as she walks due to the wind blowing. She's dressed in an olive green sweater and dark blue Levi pants that flare at the end, she'd pair it with some white Nike Air Forces, a medium sized white tote bag and a matching olive green thin belt, he can see the small shimmer of her jewelry shine when the sun hits it as she ties her bike to the small rack.
He turns the key to shut off his car and opens the door, slowly stepping outside the car as he puts on his jacket. He closes the door with a soft slam and locks it, the beep alerting the girl as she turns around, her hair briefly swishing in front of her face as she turns. He watches as she frowns in anticipation of a snarky remark but returns to normal when it doesn't happen. He slowly makes his way to the entrance, purposely avoiding eye contact with her as he grows closer. He hopes she gets the hint to leave him the hell alone, wants to keep their interactions to an absolute minimum.
"Hey!" He hears her voice ring out from behind her but his pace doesn't falter, he actually starts walking just a tad bit faster in an attempt to get inside before she reaches him. It’s a futile attempt really because for some reason she’s always walked quite fast for absolutely no reason, so of course she manages to catch up to him. He makes it to the top of the steps before he feels a soft hand grip his shoulder and a tug, signaling him to turn around. He slowly turns around, face deadpanned and he takes a deep breath.
"Any place specific you want to meet in the library?" She asks softly and he shakes his head as he turns around swiftly and starts his journey into the school once again. He can feel her presence behind him and his frown begins to form.
He chooses to ignore her as they walk, the chatter of the other students in the hall filling their ears as they continue. One of Harry's friends, Alex, walks up to Harry with a big smile as he pays his shoulder and glares at Y/N.
"How you doin' Haz?" He asks and Harry's frown only deepens at the unwanted conversation.
"Not now Alex." He shakes his head as he heads to his locker. He can hear Alex scoff as he walks away but he can still feel her presence behind him.
He scoffs lightly as he gets to his locker, one ringed hand reaching up to twist the little knob to the correct numbers and opens the door. He quickly grabs a textbook and slams it shut and he walks away, leaving a hurt and confused Y/N standing at the locker.
— — —
She can't help but frown at Harry's more than usual grumpy behavior as she heads to her own locker, true enough she was the main reason why he's so grumpy but honestly how was she to know he’d still be sleeping? It’s not her fault that she just loves helping people! She should know better than to assume they'd be friends simply because she's tutoring him, but she assumed they'd at least be better than this. She hoped he would be somewhat tolerable, a very silly thought of hers because when is he ever tolerable? She doesn’t know how it came to be this way. She can remember a time where the two of them were cordial and even dared to say the best of friends, but then something changed and she wishes she knew what it was.
She wishes she could just go back in time and watch the two of them under a microscope to see what went wrong, to figure out why he hates her. She misses him terribly, but that’s kept locked away in a box of her feelings and emotions never to be seen again alongside her favorite childhood memories.
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didishawn · 1 year
More Pedri x Ferran x Reader??
Teaching lesson (Pedri x Reader x Ferran) smut
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Warnings: Pedri teaches Ferran how to get you off without having to use his cock, smut, use of a dildo, reader squirts, lots of Spanish
You laughed when the Valencian showed up to the lesson with some paper and a pen
"Sabes que no ese tipo de clase, ¿no?" (you know its not that type of lesson, right?)
"Solo quiero estar seguro de que me acuerdo de todo" (I just want to make sure I remember it all)
The Canarian joins you two, laughing at his friend "Mira que eres tonto, anda, ponte cómodo, que solo tienes que mirar" (you are so dumb, come on, get comfortable, you only have to watch)
Your back is against Pedri, sitting in between his two legs, he is completely dressed- so is Ferran- you are completely naked.
Your favorite dildo is next to you -a blue and red piece of plastic, thick and long, prominent veins, Pedri's hands massage your sides softly.
"Le gusta suave de primeras" the Canarian explains "Nada de ser brusco, le puedes hacer daño, esta es su parte más sensible, haz pequeños y suaves círculos" (she likes it soft at first. Don't be rough, you can hurt her, this is her mist sensitive part, do little soft circles)
The older boy's eyes are set on your middle, your little clit as the Canarian stimulates it as he say, you squirming on his hold, his legs on top of yours to keep you in place.
You are so wet, he can see that, hips following the pleasurable touch.
"Mira a ver que este bien mojada, así todo es más fácil" he raises his hand, showing how wet his middle finger has become, taking it into his hand, moaning at the sweet taste "Prueba tú" (make you she is real wet, like that everything is easier. You try it)
The Valencian hesitates for a moment, hand then reaching towards your middle, enjoying how you moan when he makes contact with your sensitive clit, finger going down to your slit, then up again, he takes it off, he too moans at the taste.
"Debes probar con un dedo primero, luego vas añadiendo según sus reacciones" he looks down at the toy, his hands on your breasts, teasing you "hasta que este preparada para lo que de verdad le gusta" (you must try with a finger at first, then keep adding by he reactions until she is ready for what she really likes)
Ferran nods, middle finger teasing your entrance as you whimper, slowly plunging it, groaning at how hot and tight you are.
"¿Bien?" he asks, you furiously nodding and lowly moaning. (good?)
"Otro" Pedri says, his own hand back to your clit, tight pleasure circles on it, enjoying your squirming, your head falling down to hi shoulder sighing, he knows you like it too. (another one)
Ferran does as told, scissoring the two fingers, wanting to open up space for a third one, you hand grasping his hair, begging him for more.
He doesn't wait for Pedri to guide him as he thrusts in the third one, he likes how your hips rise off the mattress, the midfielder once more putting his weight on his legs to keep you down, one hand on you waist, a warning whisper into you ear reminding you to behave.
Ferran's fingers are long, filling you up real good, but it's not enough, Pedri notices, his own hand grasping the other boy's wrist and taking his fingers off you.
He reaches for the dildo, giving Ferran a look "No sabes como adora esto, se pone a gemir como una putita al tener este trozo de plástico llenándola" (you have no idea how much she loves this, starts moaning like a little whore when she has this piece of plastic inside her)
The toy teases you entrance, circling it, yet not entering, Pedri sure knows how to keep you up your toes.
"Esto es lo contrario, le gusta fuerte, que le llegue hasta el cervix, rápido, profundo, como si fuera tu polla dentro suyo" (this is the opposite, she likes it hard, that it reaches her cervix, fast, deep, as if, it was your dick inside her)
Pedri doesn't wait a moment, Ferran's eyes widening up as he instantly slams the dildo all the way inside you, fast pace from the go, going in and out so fucking fast, so rough, destroying your insides.
It fills you up completely, has you crying out, tears on your eyes, it's painful, yet it isn't, it's so good, an incredible pleasure, the inanimate object hitting your cervix, your sweet spot, so fucking big, it feels so good.
Ferran watches you completely enjoying yourself, how you even trty to fuck the toy deeper into you, harder too as it completely disappears inside you. It's a true sightful, so pretty, you are a trembling mess, Pedri's lips attached to your neck as he fucking destroys you.
The Canarian gives him an amused look, yet his words are demanding "Usa tu boca" (use your mouth)
He doesn't have to say it twice, his lips instantly around your clit, sucking softly, yet demandingly, Pedri's hand keeping him in pace by a strong hold on his hair, he moves him, let's you grin into his face.
You are in heaven, being fucked so good, the soft stimulation your clit receives completely amazing, the feeling of his tongue makes you want to build him a statue.
You are close, they both know it, sounds getting higher, being unable to keep still, Pedri doesn't try to stop you anymore.
Your orgasm is a true explosion, juices pushing the toy out from you, wetting Ferran's face entirely, Pedri too doesn't save himself from your juices.
He has yo push Ferran off you -the Valencian enjoying himself way too much, the wet patch on his trousers a proof of this, kissing your cheek as they help you down from your high.
"¿Te sirvió esta pequeña clase?" Pedri asks, the other nods. (did this small class help you?)
Of one thing Ferran is sure, he can't wait to try this all once again as he watches your flushed cheeks, his cock hard.
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speakofthedebbie · 2 months
some things of varying importance (<- my fav colour btw)
came for one. singular. fucking. post by @elsa-fogen, stayed for the hazbin brainrot
names debbie (read about why here), nicknames are any variation that suits you
not sure about a lot of things regarding myself, but almost certain im she/her
no clue about my orientation but it sure aint straight (one look at my pinterests "hear me out-" board could tell you as much)
minor (not saying majors [literally why arent 18+ called that] cant interact, but watch yourself)
in regards to above: ♐ (december 14th)
no comm beggars
#1 luci defender
started shipping radioapple as a joke but it becomes less of a joke each day (while i am now radioapple inclined, i am still a multishipper at heart)
priestess of @cali-and-chaos' radioapple cult
almost certainly some flavour of neurodivergent
hazbin hotel (wow who wouldve thunk it)
helluva boss (somewhat)
mystreet (may return when s7 comes out)
hermitcraft (im way too behind to catch up now)
percy jackson & the olypians (left of on titans curse)
murder drones (now that its done [?] might come back to)
the promised neverland (i still like it, but i finished the manga)
unique tags:
#debs is a yapper (i talk about shit. usually hazbin shit. intersects way too much with-)
#debs is an memer (i make memes. usually hellaverse memes. intersects way too much with #debs is a yapper.)
#debs is an artist (i make art occasionally. so far 100% hazbin art. seriously hazbin haz [heh] inspired me to get into art like no other muse has before.)
#debs is a responder (i respond to the rare ask or two [used to be #debs is an answerer but it sounded too weird lol])
#debs is an original poster (i make original posts. opposite of-)
#debs is a reblogger (i reblog usually hellaverse shit, which for my apprehensiveness about it at first has become [more than] half my blog. opposite of #debs is an original poster.)
#debbie's never ending rivalry with her own fucking brain (i wage psychological warfare against my own brain. no one wins.)
top 10 all time speakofthedebbie posts to start you out (via here) (needs to be updated waaay too much)
individual follower shout-out (always updated) (well its supposed to be but yall show up too fast lol cant put my life on hold to write 3 new names every hour)
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hlficlibrary · 3 months
Do you have any more football (soccer) fics? Like one of them, so Louis, is a professional footballer or just playing as a hobby… I’m kinda in a football fever these days haha
Hi, anon! The "so Louis" made me laugh lol! But yes, I do!! And here are some fics for you!
Caught In Your Gravity by @lululawrence
It felt like the blood froze in Harry’s veins even as he got a bit lightheaded. He hadn’t even made it two practices, only one of which he was remotely in charge of, without giving it all away and now he and Liam were both absolutely fucked.
“Shit,” Harry breathed out. “Who all have you told? Does everyone know? I thought I covered it better than that…”
“No, no,” Louis said quickly. "They’ll figure it out soon enough, though, because they’ll get used to you changing things up, but you’re only going to trip over your so called Americanisms for so long before they realize it’s because you don’t actually know fuck all about football.”
Harry sighed. “Yeah. I figured. I just need to bullshit for long enough to allow Liam to get the situation figured out from his end.”
“Right, which brings me to my entire point. I think we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement with all of this.” Louis leaned forward. “You need to learn the ins and outs of the sport incredibly fast. I can help you with that.”
“What do you want in exchange?”
Or, an AU inspired by a 30 second trailer of Ted Lasso that doesn't actually have much in common with the show at all.
burn this flame by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowtitania
“You’ve played keeper before?” Tomlinson asks suspiciously, hands on his waist.
“Er, yeah,” Harry coughs. “Loads of times.”
“Alright Popstar, if you’re sure,” Tomlinson tells him with a shrug, his professional expression already curling into laughter. Harry tries not to read too much into it. After all, how hard can goalkeeping really be?
When Harry gets invited to play in a celebrity charity match with Louis Tomlinson, Manchester United's star player, he's determined to impress him with brilliant football skills. The only flaw in Harry's otherwise foolproof plan? He has absolutely no football skills, brilliant or otherwise.
Eat Your Vegetables by @bananaheathen
In which Louis is a celebrity footballer and Harry is the new team nutritionist.
Or, the one where they have to go to Marks & Spencer and Waitrose.
“I’m not a child, Haz,” Louis says, trying to sound offended and not quite sticking the landing.
“No,” Harry chuckles, looking down over his notes. “You’re a big professional sports boy with perfect stamina and an excellent heart.” He blinks back up at Louis. “And I’d like to take you shopping on Sunday. May I please?”
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d3adgayw1zardwr1t3r · 4 months
Jegulus / Jegulily Microfic (can be read as both)
TW: flashback/panic attack (it's not super clear which)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, toddler Harry Potter, everyone lives/no one dies, Jegulus, Jegulily, if you squint, Lily is fantastic, Jegulily co-parents Harry
Summary: Regulus is recovering from a flashback/panic attack, Harry, James, and Lily all help take care of him <3
Rating: Teen for paniced themes
Word count: 1.3k
It was quiet. It wasn't a bad quiet, it was a sort of quiet that felt like what home should be. Comfortable. Safe. Tense, at times. It was a homely quiet.
Regulus Black had been having a shit day, a really, inevitably, utterly shit day. He's spent the Saturday doing all the unfun errands, alone nonetheless.
Lily was having afternoon tea with her girlfriends (platonic? Maybe not? He wasn't sure on the current crush status, he might ask tonight if she was 'round the house.) James was with Harry for the day, presumably at home, Regulus wasn't sure.
It wasn't a sunny day. Atleast not when Regulus was on his way home. It was raining, pouring, and the thunder screaming. He was a half block away, he could see Harry in his little red boots and a slytherin-green Pancho (it's a multi-house family, ofcourse Harry doesn't choose a team, what is the 4 year old? The sorting hat?)
Regulus can see James on the front stoop, under the over-hang 'Finally' Regulus thought, he gets to see his sun.
Regulus is 3 houses down when the sky decides to roar louder than a crashing plane. Regulus is 3 houses down when he suddenly cannot breathe. Regulus is 3 houses down when he feels like his lungs are filled with water and he's drowning again.
James Potter is standing outside, playing with Harry in the rain. Lily had gotten home a few minutes ago, she was inside getting clean clothes and making Harry a little snack as a surprise for the fawn. James Potter sees Regulus when he's half a block away, and he's excited to see his bright star again.
Regulus was a fast walker, he'd be home in a moment. James directed his attention back to Harry, who was splashing in puddles, and definitely was going to need a bath tonight
A sharp crack of thunder and lightning tore through the sky.
"Hey, little love, let's step inside and get dried off, Papa's right down the road!"
Harry giggled excitedly, "Yay!!" He turned to look down the street, and surely enough, his papa was right there. Something didnt look right, was papa crying..? "Dada, what's wrong with Papa?"
"What do you mean, little love?" James looked up the street, and 3 doors down, Regulus was frozen, face pale and hyperventilating, 'shit'
"I see little love, I don't think Papa is feeling very well, can you go inside and find Mama to help you with your rain clothes? We'll be inside shortly, okay Haz?"
"Okay Dada" Harry said nervously, he wanted to help, but he wasn't sure what was wrong, so he listened, pulling open the storm door and disappearing inside.
Regulus black was in James Potter's eyes within 30 seconds of sky's war cry.
"Love, it's me, you're okay, you're almost home, you're with me love, it's alright." James frantically reassured
Regulus could slowly ground himself, he was okay, he was almost home, he was with James.
"C'mon love, let's get you home, it's alright"
Regulus nodded, but he did not move. Thunder shook the sky, and Regulus jumped each time.
"It's okay love, I'll bring you home, I've got you, you're here, with me."
Regulus barely registered getting picked up, one of James arms wrapped around his lower back, and the other supporting his entire body under his legs. Regulus tucked his head in the curve of James neck, eyes closed.
"We're home, love"
'I'm home'
"We're safe, it's alright"
'I'm safe'
Regulus could see again, but he kept his eyes closed. It was too much to register right now. All he needed was James.
A moment ago, Lily had heard a tiny Harry potter crash into the house, rain boots being tossed to the floor, she set down her book immediately to find her little guy. When she stepped out of the living room, she saw a disturbed Harry, frantically trying to tear off his rain coat. The zipper caught.
"Hey little love what's wrong?" She tenderly asked. Harry got upset like this sometimes.
Harry just made a high-pitched, frantically sad noise
"Here Haz, let me help you" Lily zipped the coat back up a little to get it uncaught, and them back down and right off. Harry sniffled as small tears fell under his foggy glasses.
Sometimes it was hard to talk when Harry got upset, and all the adult new this, so it's best to stick to simple questions
"Uppies?" Lily offered, Harry nodded. As she picked him up she glanced out the storm door and saw Regulus in James' arms, and she peiced together the situation as best she could.
Lily carried Harry to the kitchen and set him on the counter as she spelled the kettle on. She walked to the fridge to pull out a small container, grabbed 2 spoons from the drawer, and walked back to stand next to Harry, handing him a spoon and giving him a little kiss on the head.
If Regulus had opened his eyes, he would have seen Harry and Lily eating sugar covered strawberries on the counter of the kitchen island. Regulus kept his eyes closed, he was fighting his own battle right now.
James carried Regulus to his room, dark and peppered with books and pens. Carefully, he placed Regulus on the floor in the back corner, Regulus's favorite place to sit, and sat down next to him. They shuffled around for a moment amongst the pillows and blankets, James wrapped Reg's favorite blanket around him, without a word. Did you need a word when you were home?
Regulus opened his eyes as soon as they reached his room, and as soon as he was on the floor wrapped in a blanket, he curled up all the way against the walls in the corner, protected by his sun.
James wrapped a comforting arm around Regulus, and pressed a loving kiss to his forehead. An unspoken 'you'll be alright, you aren't alone, I'm here with you, and I love you'
It was unclear how long they spent huddled in the corner together, but time didn't matter when they had the rest of their lives together.
A gentle knock came to the door, Regulus flinched but didn't jump. Lily cracked the door to peak inside. "Hey loves, if it's alright, Harry would like to come and bring you something?"
"Yeah, c'mon in fawn" Regulus quietly stated.
Harry stumbled in, holding a large mug that was only half full (a negotiation with no spilled fluids) and in dry clothes, although the scent of rain proved he still needed a bath tonight. His eyes were a little red, James felt a pang of guilt when he'd realized Harry had been crying, but he seemed alright now, and that's what matters.
"Hi Papa" Harry sniffled, holding out the mug of tea
"Hey, small star" Regulus took the tea and gave it a curious sip 'mint with just a little sugar' he thought, it was perfect.
Harry dug into his cargo short pocket and brought out a small bandage "I brought you a bandaid because you looked hurt, and I saw Dada carry you through the kitchen so it had to be bad, and bad boo-boos get band-aids"
Regulus lightly giggled at the sweetness and gratefully accepted the bandaid, "That's very kind of you, thank you, little star"
"You're welcome Papa, I love you!!" Harry said, as he scooted in with his dads, between James' legs as he played with Harry's still damp hair.
Lily looked over lovingly at the pile of human in the corner. She was perfectly content with this life. She silently closed the door as Harry sleepily lay against his Dada's chest.
Harry's bath would have to wait till tomorrow.
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skippyv20 · 4 months
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Hi Skippy & Friends Pilgrim checking in early Saturday morning…what a total wreck of a show so far.  The posts here have been great uncovering the nonsense from the Harkle’s epic, tawdry, gaslighting trip.  I guess those eyebrows looked great at 35,000 feet after lots of wine.  I feel for the innocent ones used in their charade like the young lady who had probably waited hours in excitement to give this trollop the gift.  I bet the two girls chosen were top in their class to get such an honor.  That is what nasty narcissists do so they can always be the supreme one…put down a nice person!  The student was so upset as seen in the photos afterwards.  Haz has switched to the local accent I observed when having that awful one-sided conversation with the amputee before he stomped off in a huff! Monstrous behavior.  Too much, too fast, too fake.  The tensions and stress are showing cracks on their phony veneer.  Pass the popcorn!  
I agree….i think we will be hearing a lot more of what went on…..great artwork!  Thank you dear Pilgrim!🙂❤️
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haileybeehappy · 2 years
Fuck Buddies - Harry Styles
Harry and Y/n are college friends. With benefits, rules set in place to keep each other at arms distance keep getting broken. What happens when Harry drops a bomb on her?
Warnings: none really. No smut yet. Some fluff I guess? Cute soft college Harry. Golden retriever Harry.
Word count: 2.9k
THANK YOU FOR 400 FOLLOWERS <3 I love you all so much and this really gave me the kick in the butt to finally finish this piece. Though I’m posting it from my phone cause I’m on vacation and don’t have my laptop with me so it’s a lil wonky <3 love you guys so much thank you.
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(I fuckin love prince Harry era. Almost as much as long hair Harry soooo that’s what we’re going for here. Just sayin)
Friends with benefits with no feelings doesn't really work. Not with Y/n at least. She caught feelings fast. Especially when the friend she’s fucking is the hottest. Cutest. Sweetest man she has ever met. Harry Styles. Haz as she calls him. And as seniors in college it’s not like they have much time for relationships anyways. But here they are three months into their arrangement.
If she ever told Harry about her feelings he would end the arrangement right away because that was rule number one. No feelings. Along with no dates. No sleep overs. And no cuddles. But they broke the no cuddles rules all the time. So here she was laying in bed after a very satisfying go around and he fell asleep. She wanted to savor the feeling of laying next to him before she woke him up. She traced the scratches across his back that she had just put there a little while before. His slightly longer than normal hair was swept in curls at the base of his neck. She ghosts her fingers up the center of his spine to the dark chocolate curls. She runs her fingernails along his scalp. A whispered groan leaves his throat.
“Haz you gotta get up, go home,” she whispered. He began to mumble and whine
“I’m so tired, go away,” he grumbled.
“No Harry. Now come on I have to get ready for my shift at the coffee shop,” she whips off the covers and expose both of their naked bodies. His body tenses at the cold he turns to look at her but his eyes are still closed. He slowly opens his eyes. The soft green makes her heart skip a beat.
“Just go I’ll sleep here,”
“No sleep overs,”
“Rules are made to be broken Y/n,” He chuckles.
“You better be gone when I get out of the shower,” He gives her a chuckle and wiggles back under the covers. She gets out of bed and drags herself to the bathroom. Closing the door behind her and clicking on the lights in one fluid motion. She stands in front of herself in the mirror and examines her body. Little marks scatter her skin. Barely noticeable but she sees them. Feathered kisses that turned into sloppy open mouth breaths and then to light bite marks down the length of her torso and down in between her legs. She lets out a sigh.
“Shoulda made no marks a rule too,” she laughs. Once she’s standing under the hot stream of water she hears the door click open and shut. She doesn’t look but speaks. “You better be in here to be taking a wee,” she mocks his accent. His arms then envelope her waist.
“That was going to be the excuse but I got distracted,” he hums into the skin of her shoulder.
“Mmm, well Mr.Styles,” she turns to face him and he immediately places a kiss to her lips causing her to quiet. He pulls back only to plant another one on her. He finally pulls away for real after a few more pecks.
“Got I love your lips,” her heart jumps at the word love. Like it’s telling her to say ‘HEY! HEY! HARRY I LOVE YOU TOO!! She runs her hands from his sides up to chest crossing over his inked skin. Coming to the back of his neck to bring his face to hers. The words at the tip of her tongue. His mouth collides with her causing her head to clear and make the need between her legs grow. His hands scoop her up and bring her to the edge of the shower. A yelp escapes her as she makes contact with the cold tile. Which sends the both of them into a fit of laughter.
“Holy shit that’s cold,” she laughs. He sets her down and smiles through the kisses he continues to press against her skin.
“Sorry baby,” the nickname sends shivers down her spine. She is now back in the spray warming her body. She then pushes him away from her. A frown etches itself into his face.
“I have to actually shower before I work so get outta here,” He goes to grab at her and she slaps his hand. “No, go home you horny bastard,” He just smiles and stays where he is.
“Shower then,” when he still didn’t move she just turned around and continued her shower routine. By the time she started to rinser her the shampoo from her hair he had left the bathroom.
. . .
Once she was done with her shower and dressed she made her way out of her single bedroom into the living area. Harry was standing in her kitchen wearing just boxers and socks. Music blasting in the sound system Harry said you just had to have. He is using the whisk as a microphone in between stirring the pancake batter.
“I have to open the coffee shop, Harry. I can't stay for breakfast,” she laughs.
“I know, these pancakes are for me,” He smiles.
“Well why are you making them in my kitchen? With my ingredients?”
“I don’t have any,” He points at her with the whisk. Flinging batter in a line across her body. The white of the batter contrasted against her black outfit. Harry holds back a smile.”Shit I’m sorry Y/n.”
“Harry!” she gasps. “I’m already late,” She whined. His lips are rolled into his mouth concealing a smile.
“I really didn’t mean to do that,” he clicks off the stove and puts down the whisk. She is just standing there with her arms frozen where they were when he doused her in batter. He grabs her hands and brings them down to her sides, not letting go just letting their intertwined hands hang. “I’m sorry, let me go get dresses and you can change and I’ll drive you so you don’t have to use the bus?” she makes her thinking face. “I know you like using the bus but this will save you time,”
“Okay fine,” she didn’t like Harry offering to drive her anymore because she hated to seem like a burden. Also why not use public transportation when you can? They made their way to her bedroom and began changing clothes. As she looked over at him buttoning and zipping his pants and her undoing hers his eyes caught hers and he raised his eyebrows with a smirk?
“You like what you see Y/n?” She catches her bottom lip in a smile. Shaking her head.
“You’re so annoying,”
“That’s not what you said last night,”
“Oh shut it Styles,” She laughs. She goes to her closet and grabs another simple outfit. Jeans and one of her band tees. Well it used to be Harry’s but he left it here one night after their escapades and she has since claimed it her own. After the fabric falls over her torso Harry comes up behind her in the mirror, his eyes finding hers in the reflection. He then eyes her up and down.
“Seeing you in my clothes gets hotter every time,” he places a kiss on her shoulders. His hands coming up to hold her waist. “Makes me feel things I shouldn’t want to feel,” He continues kissing up her neck. Her head falls and meets his shoulder revealing more skin he greedily attacks. Her heart skips a beat as the words leave his lips. Could he like her? Was he just talking dirty? She had no clue and didn’t wanna hurt her feelings if it was just talk. She pulls away as his hands were nearing her chest.
“I have to get to work Harry,” she groans. His shoulders slump as she pulls away. They shuffle out of her room. Out of her apartment and out into the parking garage to Harry’s car. An older camaro that he has been working on for years. His baby. The ride to her work is quiet and boring. As he pulls into the parking lot. He grabs her arm.
“Gimme your apartment key,” he grabs at her purse and she snactches it.
“Why?” she gives him a look.
“I wanna go clean my mess and make my pancakes?” she rolls her eyes and takes the key off the chain.
“Don’t leave a mess and just leave it in the doorframe spot when you leave,” he smiles at her.
“Thank you love,” she can’t help the smile that breaks across her face.
. . .
Her six hour shift was never ending. She got yelled at far too many times. She messed up far too many orders and got far too little tips. So when Harry came in when she had twenty minutes left of her shift she felt like she was gonna break down. His presence just does something to her. She had to take a minute before getting back to the rush. Harry got his black coffee and sat at the table closest to the counter. She could feel him watching her and it made the hairs on her neck stand on end.
“You okay Y/n?” her co-worker asks. “You seem like, on edge or something,” she just shrugs.
“I’m just feeling off, I don't know,” she shrugs again.
“Adriane just got here so you can head out a little early if you want?” Y/n nods and reaches up to untie her apron.
“I think I’ll take you up on that thank you,” you let out a breath. Make yourself a coffee before clocking out and you are in front of Harry.
“Whatcha doin?” she asks.
“Coming to pick up a friend,” he smiles at her.
“Oh really?” He nods and stands. Grabbing her bag off her shoulder and walking out the door. He slips the strap over his shoulder. She follows behind him grabbing at his coat sleeve when squeezing in between patrons. He reaches out from the fabric and laces his fingers with hers and her heart skips a beat. She suppresses a smile with a nose scrunch and squeezes his fingers. Once they escape the flood of people feening for their caffeine she takes a deep breath of stinging cold air. The tension releases from her shoulders and she sighs.
“Long day?” Harry asks. His hand was still wrapped with hers.
“Never ending,” she has the urge to lean into him and warm her body with his but fear of rejection stopped her. It’s always what stops her. He pulls at her hand dragging her down the sidewalk.
“Well talk about it,” he pulls her close to him causing the length of their arms to touch. “I couldn’t park anywhere close so we gotta go around the block okay?” she nods.
“Well I was yelled at like a million times. I fucked up way to many orders and we have been so busy all day i only got like one ten ish minute break,” she let out a big sigh. “I just want to crawl into bed and sleep for like a year,” he huffs out a laugh.
“Well we can do that,”
“We?” she asks
“I may have lost my keys. I have no idea where they went,” he held up her key between his pointer and thumb. “But I still have yours,” he smiles cheekily. She snatches the key from his hand and tries to put it back on her key ring. The cold caused her fingers to shake and made her unable to get the key on the ring. Harry’s hand comes over hers and grabs the key from her. “I got it,” his hands are warm and unshaking, letting him slip the key on the ring easily.
“Thank you,” he slips the key ring into his pocket and grabs her hand and slips both of their intertwined fingers into his pocket.
“I guess you can stay at my place until you can get into yours,” she shrugs.
“Good because Lord knows I don’t have anywhere else to go,” his cute dimpled smile can always coax a grin out of her. Usually complimented by a blush across her cheeks.
“What about Mitch’s place?”
“He just got a girlfriend and they,” he pauses and cocks his head slightly. “Have been going at it like rabbits,” causing both of them to chuckle. “I swung by the other day and they were just fuckin right on the couch. So I just turned around and walked out,” she slowly moves over and presses herself into Harry’s body. The cold chills her to the bone.
“Ah okay,” she nods. “You can sleep on the couch cause you’re a blanket hog,” he pushes against you and laughs.
“Yeah, so says the bed hog. You had me smushed into the corner all night. What self respecting adult has a corner bed?”
“I have a tiny room okay?” They had finally made their way to the car and Harry was opening her door for her.
“Well we will just have to see where we fall asleep love,” and with that he closes the door with a smirk.
“Honey.” she whispers to herself as he makes his way over to his door and gets into the car. He turns the key in the ignition and the air blasts sending a shock down her spine.
“It’ll get warm I promise,” He quickly pulled out of the parking space and off they went. The ride back to Y/n’s apartment is quiet but comfortable. The heat finally starts to kick in right as Harry pulls into the designated parking space for her apartment.
“So. I may have cleaned up the apartment a bit. Um,” he awkwardly twitches his neck. “I started with my mess and it just kinda spiraled from there,” he shrugs. She rolls her eyes at him.
“Why can’t you just leave my mess alone,” she laughs.
“Because I’m at your apartment more than mine and it drives me crazy,” the pair had made it out of the car and to the back entrance of the complex. Y/n unlocks the door and makes her way into the building Harry slowly trailing behind her. She stops at the wall of mail boxes and searches through her never ending key ring to find the mailbox key.
“How did you manage to lose your keys but still drive?” She asks as she finally finds the key and inserts it into the lock.
“I took it off to get a copy. Made the copy. Lost both keys,” he shrugs sheepishly.
“Why did you need a copy?” She closes the mailbox locks it up and starts sifting through the mail. They make their way up the stairs.
“I lost my spare,” she rolls her eyes.
“You know. You’re kind of a dumbass,” Y/n scoffs.
“Yeah but I’m your dumbass right?” She gives him a look.
“I mean I guess,” Harry shrugs. Once they’ve made it up three flights of stairs she lets them into her apartment. Once the door is open she can smell the pine-sol and cleaners.
The floor basically sparkles and not a stray piece of clothing around. All the dishes are tucked into the small kitchen. The dingy old couch has VACUUM LINES?!
“Harry what did you do? How long were you cleaning?”
“Your place was a mess Y/n. I had to do something,” he says as he dumps himself into the couch limbs flopping everywhere.
“I would've gotten to it!” She says. Which causes Harry to let out a laugh.
“When?! When your lease is up?” He smiles.
She grabs a pillow off the armchair and throws it at him. Then makes her way to the kitchen. Harry watches her open the fridge from his spot on the couch. She opens the door to a fridge stocked full of food.
“HAROLD!” She groans. “Why did you do this!” He smiles and drops his head back on the couch.
“So. Um,” he coughs. “We need to talk?” He asks more than commands.
“Harry?” She says. In a way that condemns him to speak. “What is it?”
“I may have been kicked out of my apartment yesterday,” she doesn’t say anything. She stands there with her mouth agape and her eyes wide. “Fuckin Chad,” he laughs at the nickname you had given his roommate at the beginning of the year. “He took my keys. Packed my shit and left it in the hall with a note saying. Sorry bro. Gotta find a new place,” he shrugs.
“Did you tell the RA?! That’s not okay! He can’t just kick you out of your dorm room. It’s not his to kick you out of?!” She has since closed the fridge and is now pacing the kitchen floor.
“No I just took my shit and put it in the back of my car and now I’m here,” he stands himself up from the couch and makes his way to her. Grasping her arms in his hands and stopping her from wearing a hole in the floor. “I mean I figured since I basically already live here I could crash with you for a bit?” She freezes. Her eyes stare into his. He can almost see her brain running one hundred miles a minute thinking about it. After what feels like a lifetime of silence he sighs.
“I’ll just go stay with Mitch then,” he lets go of her bus she grabs his shirt just before he’s out if her reach.
“No, you can stay here,” he looks at her with a raised brow. Almost like he’s asking ‘but?’ She sighs and rolls her eyes. “But we’re not fucking,” she lets go of him and walks to her bedroom. He rolls his lips into his mouth and breathes out of his nose. As her door closes behind her he shrugs and lets out a little.
“We’ll see,” and smiles.
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It is once again Wednesday! Thanks for tagging me, @onthewaytosomewhere, @tailsbeth-writes, and @suseagull04. This week I've been poking at my Holes AU that has been more or less abandoned for months, so you get 1890's Schoolteacher Henry today. TW for period-typical homophobia, snippet under the cut
Philip settles on the edge of Henry’s desk – he knows it without even turning back around. “What is it now, Pip?” “When are you going to settle down, Haz? Find yourself a wife?” “Three days ago, you were concerned about my occupation, now it’s my love life?” “All I mean is–” “No, I know what you mean,” Henry says sharply, finally moving to face his brother again. “You couldn’t give a rat’s arse about my love life. You’re more concerned with my sex life right?” “Don’t be so bloody crass, Henry.” “I’m sorry I’m not making babies fast enough for Gran, but I don’t think it’s exactly fair of you to be pointing fingers at me when you’re not even settled yourself.” Philip huffs and stands to pace. With his hands resting on his hips and his strong shoulders squared off like that, Henry thinks for a moment that he almost looks like their father. “It’s got nothing to do with that. I’m concerned about what the other men are saying about you.” “And just what in God’s name are they saying about me now?” “That you’re a fucking homosexual, Henry!” Henry freezes, stunned. Philip looks away. The silence permeates the room, leaving Henry feeling unbalanced. “Right… I see.”
Open tag to whoever but also @thedramasummer @cactusdragon517 @louikazooie and @materassassino
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