#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader
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mapi x ingrid x reader. after they confirm their relationship, the public's response makes you feel like maybe you don't belong with ingrid and mapi. an international break complicates the matter, until you're barely speaking to them, and they have to figure out what's wrong; until they have to try to pick up the pieces.
“We don’t like to hide you, amor. We want everyone to know you’re ours. Please?”
The hope in Mapi’s eyes was too hard to resist, quickly transforming into joy when you nodded your head. Next to you, Ingrid whispered a promise into your ear, that everything would be okay, everything would go perfectly. You weren’t so sure. They didn’t seem to understand your hesitation. Of course they didn’t. They were them. Ingrid and Mapi. They were widely adored, together and separately.
Your girlfriends could do no wrong.
Except choose you, apparently.
It was easy to believe them, that no one would care, when you were safely tucked away in bed with them. Feeling Ingrid’s arms wrapped around your waist and Mapi’s lips press into your forehead. They made you believe them; when they told you that while some may have a negative reaction, the majority of the public would just be happy if they were happy.
You shouldn’t have believed them. Shouldn’t have trusted them, shouldn’t have given in when they asked you. A small, very hurt part of you wondered if it had been on purpose; a way for them to show you they were too good for you without actually having to say the words. Logical you knew that was ridiculous, but it was hard to use logic when you were scrolling through comment after comment about how awful you were.
Upon reflection, both of your girlfriend’s would realize the mistake of letting your relationship go public just a few days before you and Ingrid were set to go on national duty. It was a few simple posts, photos that would have previously just included Ingrid and Mapi now including you. You, asleep on Mapi’s shoulder on the plane. You and Ingrid, hand in hand as you walked through the darkened streets of the city. The posts confirmed rumors that had been simmering for months. You remembered so clearly hitting the post button at the same time your girlfriends did.
They’d smiled at you, dropping their phones onto the table without another thought. Yours was heavy in your hand, though, and it felt like every comment that slid through made it weigh more and more. The comments were worse under your post, of course they were. It was more confusion on your girlfriend’s pages than anything, but mostly vile insults on yours.
You shouldn’t have read them in the first place, but you were only human. You couldn’t help but scroll through the comments section late at night when you were supposed to be sleeping, search your name on twitter just to see what your new insecurity of the day would be. It was self destructive, yet you couldn’t stop. It ate at you for three days before you left.
The worst was that they didn’t even notice. Long used to ignoring comments on social media, neither of them saw what was happening, and what it was doing to you. In fact, it may have even been bearable if they’d noticed. If they’d been there to dispel your worries. Instead, they’d remained oblivious, and then you’d all split up for a week. You to England, Ingrid to Norway, Mapi staying at home in Spain.
You always got a bit anxious before it was time for camp, and any odd behavior on your part was attributed to that, both by your girlfriends, and by you. Because while your brain was screaming for you to show them everything that was being said and beg for them to tell you none of it was true, you refused to be that pathetic. They wanted this so badly, a relationship that wasn’t a secret, and you couldn’t ruin that.
Maybe, though, you’d already ruined everything anyway. Each of them felt the odd and unusual tension when they kissed you goodbye earlier that afternoon, but neither of them were there to see the tears that fell once you were on the plane, leaving Barcelona.
If the past 3 days had been almost unbearable, and you’d been with them, you couldn’t imagine what a week of not seeing them would do to you. You weren’t sure you could survive it.
It took Ingrid an embarrassingly long time to realize you were avoiding speaking to her. Mapi, less so. It was the 3rd day of a 7 day break, and the three of you had only facetimed once. Which, in and of itself, wasn’t odd. What was odd, though, was the fact that you’d barely been texting them. You hadn’t spoken to either of your girlfriends unless they’d called you, hadn’t reached out at all. It was unlike you, but even then, both of them just assumed it had been a busy break.
At least, until Ingrid got a text from Keira. The midfielder was wondering what was going on with you, if the three of you had been in some kind of fight or something, because you were acting completely weird. Barely socializing, looking exhausted no matter how much time you spent alone in your room. It was concerning enough that multiple of your teammates had noticed, and tried to talk to you about it, only to be shut down.
You were fine, you told them. Nothing was wrong, you were just a bit more stressed than usual.
None of them believed you, but your answer as to what was wrong remained the same. Finally, Leah instructed Keira to just text one of your girlfriends, and see if they knew anything. If they did, perhaps they could give Keira some answers on how to help you. And if they didn’t… well, there was clearly something very, very wrong.
The phone call that followed Keira’s text wasn’t very fun for you, or for either of your girlfriends. Mapi had to ring you three times before you picked up, and even then, your face was only half in view of the screen. After you’d exchanged hello’s, you fell silent. It was a heavy silence, one that told both your girlfriend’s very clearly that you weren’t okay. They didn’t know why, but they were going to figure it out if it was the last thing they did.
After a few more seconds of total silence where they waited for you to say something, Mapi gave in.
“Amor? How are you?” Mapi wondered.
“Fine.” You told her. Short answers, make up an excuse for why you have to go in a minute. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. They don’t need to deal with your emotions, just like how they probably don’t want to deal with you.
“Really? Because Keira told us you’ve been acting kind of weird.” Ingrid said gently. You forced yourself to look away from her wide, concerned eyes.
Fuck, this was hard. But you couldn’t break down. They didn’t need that. They didn’t need you.
“Yep. I’m fine.” You replied shortly, shifting again so the camera only showed half your face.
“Can you let me see you, then?” Ingrid asked. “If nothing is wrong, look at us.”
With a very forced roll of your eyes, you tilted the screen so that your face was visible. You looked exhausted, which they’d known you would, but they weren’t expecting the completely empty look in your eyes.
“Amor, are you sure you’re-”
“María, I said I’m fine,” you snapped, digging your nails into the skin of your thigh at the hurt look on your girlfriend’s face. Guilt was all you could feel, suffocating, maddening guilt.
“Don’t be like that.” Ingrid said sharply. “We’re worried, and we want to help,”
“I don’t need help. Everything is fine. God, can’t you both just leave me alone? You’re hovering and you’re suffocating me and I’m over it. I’ll talk to you later, I have to go.”
You hung up before either of them could get a word out, throwing your phone across the room once you’d done so.
Everyone was right. You weren’t good for them. You weren't good.
The text you received afterwards only reinforced that. Your phone screen was cracked from the force of your throw, but you could still see what Ingrid had written.
I don’t know what the issue is, but if you’re upset about something, you need to stop being immature and tell us what’s wrong. We can’t read your mind. You owe me and María an apology.
Mapi hadn’t even bothered to text.
It was easier than you expected to push them away, which really just reinforced what you’d been convinced of over the past several days. They were better off without you. You tried to convey that in your reply.
I’m sorry to both of you. You deserve better. Don’t worry about me, please. I’m fine.
You were pretty sure you’d never been less fine in your life.
Neither of your girlfriends liked the sound of your last text. It was self deprecating, and it just didn’t sound like the you they knew. Their frustration began to fall back into worry, and that worry only grew with every day that passed.
You wouldn’t answer their calls or their texts. None of your teammates could get a single word out of you.
Mapi almost flew out to you when Keira told her that Sarina was benching you for the friendly you had. The only reason she didn’t was because you were coming home the following day.
Keira said you weren’t sleeping and barely eating. The coaches and physios and captains had tried to talk to you, but you just kept saying you were fine.
Neither Mapi nor Ingrid were very sure what they were going to get when you came home to them the next day. No matter how much either of them thought about it, they couldn’t put the pieces together. You’d been fine before you left. Maybe a little weird, but nothing compared to how you were now.
Ingrid had barely played in her own match, too stressed over you to really focus on training. It was a friendly for her, too, and she’d never cared less about a match in her life. Never wanted something to be over more in her life.
Mapi was laying on the couch when she figured it out. Snuggling with Bagheera, maybe wearing one of your shirts, and definitely not stalking your instagram.
She clicked on the comments by accident, but the absolute vitriol caught her eye immediately. She read one comment. Then another.
She read them until she was crying, herself. Until she finally had to close the app before she broke her phone by throwing it or something, and called Ingrid.
Mapi was always more active on social media over the international break. She must have been really bored to be looking through your instagram, but that was the only explanation for the text you received with only a day to go until you headed back to Barcelona.
Amor, I think I understand why you’ve been so distant recently. I don’t know how to fix this so far away from you, especially when you won’t answer the phone, but I love you so much. None of those people know you or us. We want you, and that is all that matters. Please don’t be too unkind to yourself. Call me if you can.
Ingrid’s text followed shortly after.
I talked to María, and I went through the comments. I’m so sorry we didn't notice before now, and I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this by yourself. I understand why you’ve been distant, but I wish you’d answer the phone. I love you, so so much. More than you know.
They still cared, and you didn’t understand why.
You were nothing, and they were everything, but that’s not how they were acting.
It was incomprehensible, so you didn’t try to comprehend it. You ignored their texts, and knew that once you arrived home tomorrow, there wouldn’t be any more avoidance, for better or for worse.
Your hand shook as you tried to unlock the door, eventually just dropping the keys all together onto the door mat. Swearing under your breath, you set your bag down to grab them, but the door swung open of its own accord. There Mapi stood, her phone in hand like she’d been tracking your location. Just the sight of her had emotion splitting your chest open, tears instantly filling your eyes.
“Corazón,” she murmured, tugging you in through the door as her free hand grabbed your bag.
“Hi,” you said meekly, shutting your eyes as Mapi’s hands came up to cup your cheeks, her eyes studying your face closely. The whole time you’d been gone, you hadn’t let yourself cry. Not one tear, no matter how much you’d wanted to. You’d done everything you could to push every emotion away, focus on numbness rather than everything swirling around inside your head. As soon as you saw Mapi, though, that was over.
You sunk in on yourself, your head dropping until your chin hit your chest, and all you could see was your shoes on the hardwood floor. Tears clouded your vision, and you couldn’t help the quiet sob that slipped past your lips.
It was a testament to how poor your state of mind had gotten in the last week that as soon as Mapi kissed your cheek, you broke completely, a part of you genuinely shocked that she still cared for you. Still wanted you. She drew you in closer, dropping your bag to the ground and kicking the door shut as she did so. You pressed your face into her shoulder, hands fisting themselves in the fabric of her sweatshirt.
“I’ve got you, amor. I’m right here.”
And she was. She was right there. Even though everything seemed to tell you that it should be otherwise, she was still there. She still loved you. The comments she’d evidently discovered hadn’t lifted some veil from her eyes, making her realize how much she despised you, how much better she could do. She touched you in the same gentle way, held you so carefully. She still loved you. She loved you.
Somehow you found yourself being half carried over to the couch, still cradled close to Mapi’s chest. Once she had you comfortably resting with your head in her lap, you tried to speak.
“I’m sorry,” you cried, looking up with wide eyes at your girlfriend, desperate that she understand that you knew this was your fault, and your fault alone.
Mapi just shook her head. “No, you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t realize what was going on sooner, and I’m sorry there has ever been any doubt in your head that I love you.”
And though it still didn’t make any sense, you turned and buried your face in the fabric of Mapi’s, of your, shirt, and let every feeling that had been trying to strangle you for the last week out.
Mapi was there through it all, her hands stroking your hair and rubbing your back. Wiping away your tears as she murmured soft, sweet reassurances to you.
It was still incomprehensible, but you were tired of trying to understand why they loved you still. Why they loved you at all. You were too tired of everything, honestly, and all you seemed to be capable of was sniffling into your girlfriend’s lap, and drifting off into the best sleep you’d had in 7 days.
When Ingrid walked in through the front door, it was completely silent, save for an occasional sniffle. It had been radio silence from Mapi since the time you were due to arrive home, around two hours before her own plane landed. She had no idea what to expect upon her arrival, and the unknown made her stomach twist with anxiety.
She leaned down to pet Bagheera quickly, before making her way into the living room. If she thought she was going to find you to be the source of the quiet crying, she was wrong.
Instead, you were curled up in Mapi’s lap, your head resting on her thigh, as you dozed peacefully. The Spaniard was playing with your hair in one hand, the other reaching up to wipe away her tears. If there was anything Ingrid hated, it was seeing either of you upset; she would get this itching feeling to fix it, no matter what it took. Within a second, Ingrid was crossing the room and sliding onto the sofa next to Mapi, her hand cupping the older woman’s cheek. Mapi inhaled shakily, trying to muster a smile for the Norwegian, but it was a weak attempt.
“Hi my love.” Ingrid whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Mapi’s slightly damp cheek.
“Hi.” Mapi whispered back, her voice thick with emotion.
“Tell me why you’re crying.” Ingrid was pretty sure she had a good idea, but she wanted to hear it from Mapi.
“She’s… she’s in so much pain, Ingrid. She believes everything everyone is saying about her. I can’t imagine what the last week has been like and I didn’t do anything about it-”
The Norwegian cut her girlfriend off. “Neither of us did. She didn’t tell us. We should have checked in and we should have realized something was off before we left, but she didn’t tell us, María. She didn’t want us to know.”
Mapi nodded slowly, and Ingrid knew that the Spaniard still blamed herself. Honestly, Ingrid blamed herself, too, and no rational words could fix that. Not when you were laid in front of her, the effects of the past week clear on your face.
Knowing that there wasn’t anything else she could say, Ingrid wrapped an arm around Mapi’s shoulder, pulling the defender into her. With María’s head on her shoulder, and you sleeping in her lap, Ingrid could almost pretend that everything was fine.
In the silence, she could pretend that you hadn’t been subjected to astoundingly hateful comments that had made you doubt the entirety of your relationship with them. If she tried really hard, she could pretend everything was fine.
When the first tear slid down her cheek, though, she knew she wasn’t really convincing herself. Not with Mapi crying on her shoulder, not with you, exhausted, heart battered and bruised next to her. Nothing could erase what had happened, but Ingrid hoped, with everything in her, that it could be repaired.
When you woke, you thought you found yourself just as you’d been when you’d fallen asleep, with the environment around you slightly different. It was lighter, in the apartment, with the smell of something cooking wafting in from the kitchen. You shifted, realizing you weren’t lying on Mapi, anymore. Your head was resting on a pillow, two throw blankets tucked around you meticulously.
Low voices were audible from the kitchen, and you rose shakily, feeling weak and exhausted from your breakdown, even as you’d just woken. A part of you wanted to just head for the door. Running away would be the easiest option, because you were quite sure that going into that kitchen would bring about conversations you didn’t want to have. If you could have done anything, you would have gone back in time to two weeks ago, when no one knew about the three of you, and no one had anything to say. Back when Mapi and Ingrid had no reason to question your mental health and your very negative view of yourself. It had felt like they were fixing that, slowly but surely. The response to your relationship had destroyed what self confidence you had built back up, and it was so fragile now, you knew you wouldn’t be able to successfully convince them that you were okay.
But there was love waiting for you in the kitchen, love you didn’t understand but love you craved all the same. And if you walked out the door, you weren’t sure you’d ever find anything like it ever again.
When you walked into the kitchen, it was to find both of your girlfriends sitting at the counter, both looking at something on Ingrid’s computer.
Ingrid turned to look at the sound of your footsteps padding into the room, and any fear you had that she was still upset with you melted away at the look on her face. She got up, practically crashing into you with the force of her hug. One arm around your back, the other pressing your face into her shoulder, she held you so tightly, she hoped it would convey to you that she was never letting you go.
“My love.” She sighed, feeling you sink into her. It was such a relief to have you back in her arms, to know that you were okay and safe, relatively speaking. Ingrid had thought the worry and concern would fade a little at the sight of you, but it didn’t. If anything, it grew. Because you so clearly weren't okay, and she wasn’t quite sure how she’d missed all of this.
Ingrid and Mapi had discussed it while you were asleep; that for your response to the hatred being spewed your way to be this severe, there had to be some foundation to it already in place. For you to so readily believe that you weren’t worthy of them, that you were destroying their relationship, that you were an awful person, you must have had those thoughts before. They hadn’t known that, hadn’t ever known you to be anything but energetic and smiley and happy and loving.
You felt arms snake their way around your abdomen, Mapi’s face come to settle against the back of your head. It was a relief to you, too, to keep being reminded that they wanted you, regardless of what the little voice in your head was trying to convince you of.
They held you like that for a while. Until Ingrid’s arms started to go numb and Mapi’s began to ache from holding you so tightly. Only when you shifted uncomfortably in between them did they finally let go, allowing you to step away from them and rub harshly at your eyes.
It was just hitting you now, the full force of what you’d put them through. And now that you were with them, again, you felt a little silly for how you’d acted. You were younger than both of them, not by much, but that immaturity was clear in your actions over the past week, and you hated that. You hated that you’d made things worse for them when you’d only been trying to make everything better.
“I’m so sorry.” You croaked, desperate for them to know that your intention hadn’t been to hurt them, that you were just reacting in the way you best knew how. They both began speaking at the same time, trying to tell you that you didn’t need to be sorry, but you didn’t let them get very far. “No, I am. I put you guys through hell and that wasn’t fair of me. I should have just talked to you, I know that. I just- I don’t… I’m not-”
Ingrid interrupted you, reaching forward to grab your hand in hers, an almost painfully sympathetic look on her face. “It’s okay. We both understand that you were struggling, and that your first instinct was to shut down. I don’t really understand why, if we’ve made you feel like you can’t come to us with things that are upsetting you-”
At this, you shook your head rapidly back and forth. This wasn’t their fault, they had to know that.
“-we want to talk more, but we want to show you something first.” Ingrid finished, tugging on your hand until you followed her over to her computer. There was a document pulled up, one they had clearly been pouring over when you’d walked in. Both of them stood behind you anxiously as you read, not sure if their idea was going to make this worse or better.
When you turned to them with tears once again pooling in your eyes, they feared they’d made it worse.
When you flung your arms around both of them, a soft thank you falling from your lips, they knew they’d made it better.
It had been Mapi’s idea to craft a statement, one that she’d checked with her agent and the club’s PR people about. Everyone had been on board, so she’d got to writing, as soon as she’d gotten the okay from Ingrid as well. She’d never post it without your consent, but she hoped that it would alleviate some of your worries.
It was quick and to the point, and you could see where Ingrid had vetoed some of Mapi’s run-on sentences. The two of them expressed their disgust with the way people had been treating you in the past week. They had really only ever been on the receiving end of love from the fans, and this was not what they had been anticipating. You were an important part of their relationship, of their lives. You deserved respect, and they wouldn’t tolerate anything else. Their priority was each other, and you. It should have all been things you already knew, but you were crying like you hadn’t known how important you were to them.
They let everything sink in, let you calm down for almost 20 minutes before they started the conversation you’d been dreading. They watched carefully as you settled yourself in the armchair in the living room, leaving the couch for both of them. The distance you were creating made them nervous, and Ingrid couldn’t help but lean forward and rest her hand on your knee. You seemed to relax a little, even giving the Norwegian a tiny smile in response.
Mapi was, again, the one to break the silence. “Amor, I don’t really understand. Why didn’t you come to us with this? We would have stopped it as soon as we knew.”
It felt oddly like a therapy session, with both of them staring at you from the couch, the spotlight very clearly fixated on you as you began to speak.
“At first, I didn’t want to be dramatic. And then the comments started to get to me and I was afraid that if I brought it up…”
“What?” Ingrid asked softly, bracing herself for whatever you were about to say.
You looked away from them, chewing on your lip. “I was afraid you’d agree with the comments and break up with me. I was afraid you were just with me because you didn’t know how to end it. I was just really scared you wouldn’t love me anymore.”
You kept your eyes fixed on the rug underneath you, even when Ingrid grabbed your hand and pulled on it, eventually pulling so hard you gave in and got up, settling in between the two of them on the sofa. Gentle fingers grabbed your chin, tilting your head up, forcing you to look at Mapi.
“How could we not love you?” She asked incredulously. Her disbelief settled something in you, and you wanted nothing more than to bury your face in her shirt and let yourself relax, but you knew you had to help them understand.
“I’m not good enough for either of you. I’ve never understood why you want me, and-”
“Stop.” Ingrid cut in, shifting so that she could look you in the eye. “How long have you been feeling like this? Longer than just since the comments?”
You nodded slowly, feeling your cheeks heat up. You knew they didn’t like you keeping things from them, and this was something rather important. “Since the beginning. I love you both, but I’ve never understood why you love me.”
Both of them were completely silent for a moment, long enough for you to get nervous. “It’s okay, really. I’ve always been like this.”
“Unkind to yourself?” Mapi asked quietly.
You turned your attention back to her. “Realistic.”
She scoffed, taking a few calming deep breaths. “That is not realistic. Not at all. We tell you we love you and you don’t believe us?”
“No, María, I believed you, I just didn’t get why. It never made sense to me because you are both so perfect.”
Ingrid squeezed your hand, pulling your attention back to her. You wished they’d sit in front of you or something, so you didn’t have to turn back and forth like you were watching a tennis match.
“The way you think about yourself is ridiculous. If we are perfect, so are you.” Ingrid said, her hand cupping your face, thumb tracing over your cheekbone. “You aren’t tricking us into loving you. We just love you. We aren’t going to change our minds about that.”
She kissed your lips gently, and you hadn’t realized how much you’d missed her kisses, her touch, until that moment. Mapi’s voice in your ear stopped you from leaning forward and capturing Ingrid in another kiss.
“I know this isn’t something you can change overnight, how you think about yourself. But I want you to try, okay? I want you to really try for me.”
You nodded, shutting your eyes tightly. You could try. For them, even if you weren’t sure you deserved it.
“I will.” You promised. “If you both promise that you won’t stay with me if you stop loving me. That if I’m not what you want anymore, you’ll-”
“We won’t ever stop loving you. There is no we without you, love. There is just us.” Ingrid told you, her green eyes boring into yours, making it hard to come up with a response.
“We choose what’s best for us. And we choose you. You are good enough, mi amor.” Mapi promised. Her whisper in your ear sent a shiver down your spine, the words filling you with the sensation of being loved. So much love, you weren’t sure what to do with it all.
“You are good.” Ingrid emphasized, her lips pressing repeated kisses onto your temple. “You are good, and we love you so much.”
It didn’t feel as incomprehensible anymore.
“We want you to love you too. Whatever it takes to convince you that you are good and loved, amor, we’ll do it. Okay?”
You nodded, turning to press a kiss to Mapi’s lips. Ingrid buried her face in your neck, and you wondered how you’d ever considered walking out the door. You belonged here, with them. They chose you, and that was all that mattered.
i have no confidence that this is good BUT🤞 i hope you all like this one. it was a labor of love... i think i like it?? who knows.
normally bailey builds up my confidence before i post a fic but she's on a very well deserved fun super cool trip and i don't want to interrupt her so please tell me this doesn't suck! lie if you must!
love to you all 🥰🫶🏻
[also as always, tell me if you find any typos 😇]
#woso imagine#woso x reader#woso one shot#woso fanfics#ingrid engen x mapí leon#ingrid engen x reader#mapi leon x reader#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader
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the wish II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader

romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | word count: 1340
summary: Mapi and Ingrid are looking for a special gift to give it reader for Christmas. requested
author's note: dear readers, we hope @briggtea and you all will enjoy the wholesome oneshot. 💜💜
You smiled when you saw the sign on the door that said they were filming for a social media post outside on the pitch. Those videos were always a lot of fun. You never knew what the question of the day would be when you walked out to training, it kept you on your toes.
You opened the door curiously, excited to answer whatever the social media department came up with.
“Bon dia, girls. I’ve a question for you. What was your favourite football shirt as a child?”
The question made your face light up immediately. Childhood memories of yourself watching hours upon hours of football flooded your brain. You wanted to be exactly like your idols, so you begged for their shirts for birthdays and Christmases every year.
Mapi who walked out in front of you didn’t hesitate and winked at the camera: “Puyol for me.“
“Any Barcelona one for me too.“, Ellie replied politely before turning towards you, “What about you, y/n?”
You thought about it for a moment, trying to find the perfect answer: “I’m afraid I don’t really have a favourite but there was one I always wanted and never got.“
“Tell us.“, Ellie demanded with a big grin.
“But that wasn’t the point of the question, was it?”, you smirked.
“Doesn’t matter, keep going.“, directed the social media manager.
You shrugged and finally revealed: “I always wanted a Marta jersey.“
As you were about to continue to walk towards the pitch, Ingrid appeared by your side. She studied your side profile with watchful eyes: “Was there a special reason? I mean to why you didn’t get it?”
You shook your head: “No, I just never got it.“
A plain and simple explanation now but when you were young, you were heartbroken about the fact. You adored everything the Brazilian did, from her skills to the way she spoke about women’s football.
She was so good that she was even recognised by male football players at a time when the sport was still target of a lot of ridicule. For you, she was the greatest football player ever back then. In fact, you still looked up to her today.
“That’s sad. Alexia, Caro, Ona? What were your favourite shirts growing up?”, the social media manager moved on to the next players that left the dressing room.
“Mine was Messi!”, Vicky yelled from behind them to which Alexia only rolled her eyes.
“Messi, of course. I loved my Ronaldinho one.“, the captain with a nostalgic smile on her lips.
Vicky frowned at her: “Who?”
“You don’t know who Ronaldinho is?!”, Alexia and you synchronously asked with dismay.
“Just kidding.“, the young player laughed.
You shook your head about her: “Can’t believe you’d joke about something like that!”
“I know. That’s why I had to.“, she smirked back.
“You’ll get that back.”, Alexia warned her with a mischievous twinkle in her hazel eyes. The captain already busy thinking about what she could do to return the joke.
While your team warmed up, Mapi bumped her arm softly into your girlfriend’s side to receive her attention. “You know what, Ingrid?”
“What?”, the Norwegian frowned.
“I think I’ve the perfect idea for y/n’s Christmas present this year.”, the older defender told her proudly.
Mid exercise Ingrid stopped moving, eagerly waiting for her lover to continue: “Tell me.”
“A Brazil Marta jersey.”, Mapi whispered because you were nearby, but luckily too focused on the training to hear what they were saying.
The taller woman’s face lit up in delight at the Spaniard’s suggestion: “That’s a great idea. I’m sure we can get her an original one even and she’ll love it.”
“I hope so.”, the heavily tattooed defender replied optimistically.
The weeks before Christmas were hectic, but at times beautiful, for example, when you strolled with the Barcelona team around Gamla stan, Stockholm’s old town which was prettily decorated for the festive season.
During the walk Mapi couldn’t stop taking photos of her surroundings including Ingrid and you. Memories forever captured on camera film.
The Christmas days the three of you spend in Norway, close to Ingrid’s family, the New Years Eve you all would be back in Spain to celebrate the arrival of 2025 with your friends.
For a moment you looked at the window, watching the snowflakes dance in front of it. Your girlfriends and you already had a delicious evening dinner.
Now it was the time to unpack the presents which lay underneath the Christmas tree. All three of you were filled with giddy excitement and couldn’t wait to see the reaction of your loves when they’d open what you gifted them.
“Okay, who’s starting to unpack the first present.”, you clapped excitedly into your hands.
A bright grin was formed on Mapi’s lips as she volunteered, she was fully covered in the warmest blanket to keep herself warm: “I’ll start.”
“This is from y/n and me.”, Ingrid explained solemnly handing her the beautifully and careful wrapped box.
Once the Spaniard glanced into the insides, she glanced up in awe. “You girls are the cutest. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. We spotted this and immediately thought that’s so Maria.”, you hummed.
In a pleasant tone the Norwegian added: “And we know you love everything coffee related.”
Both of you knew that the older defenders love for coffee ran so deep she even got it permanently inked to her skin. On a rare free day, you three loved to spend your time in trying out new coffeeshops.
“I’ll be on coffee duty tomorrow morning to try this out.”, Mapi decided cheerfully.
“We hoped you’d say that.”, you chuckled.
“Of course, you two did.”, she smiled amusedly.
Clearing your throat you quickly changed the topic:” Ingrid, you’re next.”
The Norwegian started to unwrap her present patiently, folding the paper neatly until it revealed a dainty golden necklace.
“Oh my god, girls. You didn’t need to. Thank you so much.“
“You’re welcome, amor.“, Mapi said softly as she helped her put the necklace on.
“You deserve it.“, you agreed.
“I really appreciate it.“, Ingrid beamed.
You both leaned over to simultaneously press kisses to her cheeks which made Ingrid immediately turn red.
“So I guess it’s my turn now.“, you finally said, pulling the only gift left under the tree into your lap.
Mapi nodded with excitement: “Yes, open it!”
You could feel your breath hitch when you saw a sliver of yellow fabric peaking out from the wrapping paper. It couldn’t be. There was no way.
“It’s a Marta jersey!”, you finally confirmed delighted, holding up the Brazil shirt.
Ingrid nodded, pointing at the back with your idols name and number on it: “It’s even signed.“
“No way!”
“Do you like it?”, Mapi asked impatiently.
You shook your head, lost for words. The little girl inside of you was jumping with joy and you suddenly felt emotional for her. “No. I love it. You know when we were kids, we only had male role models and Marta was the first female one for me…“
“And now you finally have her shirt.“, Ingrid concluded.
“Thank you so much. This might be the most thoughtful present I’ve ever received.“, you said as you blinked away the upcoming tears.
“Admittedly we had some help with it.“, Mapi laughed lightheartedly.
“From our fellow football friends?”, you asked.
Ingrid nodded: “Special thanks to Geyse.“
“And our social media team for asking you that question.“, Mapi added.
You couldn’t help yourself, you had to slip the shirt over your Christmas sweater. You pulled your two girlfriends into a tight hug: “Thank you, sweethearts. This might be one of my favourite gifts ever.“
“We’re glad you like it.“, Mapi smiled and gently kissed you forehead. “Look, it started to snow again!”
“This is beautiful.“, you said while staring out the window where big snowflakes fell, starting to cover Ingrids hometown in a layer of white.
Ingrid pulled you and Mapi in towards her as you stood there and watched on: “It truly couldn’t be anymore perfect than this.“
Christmas/Winter Oneshots

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Make you feel good
“Let us make you feel good,” Ingrid says as her glass clinks down onto the table, standing from Mapi’s lap. She draws you out of your chair and pulls you towards Mapi. You let her, let go of the grief you still feel for your ex, the pain of your past choices, and let yourself sink into the physical pleasure your friends are offering. The drinks are now forgotten, as you three sink deeper into the throes of the lust pooling low in your bellies.
Eyes dark with arousal, legs spread wide, Mapi watches the pair of them with a quiet intensity. Not for the first time that evening, you notice how many buttons are undone on Mapi’s button down. The curve of the woman’s breasts is easily visible, the necklace she always wears rests between them. The peaks of her nipples are visible through the fabric of her shirt and it makes you lick your lips, picturing the shape of them under your tongue.
Ingrid pushes you down into Mapi’s lap. You can feel the bulge of Mapi’s stiffening cock beneath your ass. Ingrid is kneeling between both sets of their legs. You brushes her hair away from her face, tucks it behind her ear as you drink in the arousal darkening her green eyes. The sweatshirt she is wearing leaves everything to your imagination.
“Take your sweatshirt off,” you rasps, reaching for the hem, but finding it too far away.
Winking as she stands, Ingrid says, “I’ll do better than that.”
She pulls both her sweatshirt and shirt over her head in one movement, baring her beautiful breasts. She smirks down at both of you as Mapi’s breathing picks up and she grinds up into your ass with a groan, fingers pressing into your hips as she pulls you downward. Ingrid’s pants follow quickly and your mouth waters at the wet patch on the dark underwear that are revealed.
Ingrid smiles and maintains eye contact as she hooks her thumbs in her underwear and pulls them down until they are far enough to fall to the floor, kicking them off to the side. The apex of her legs is shaved, the hood of her clit visible between her labia. You can’t wait to have it under your tongue.
“It’s incredible how hot she is, isn’t it?” Mapi says in your ear, voice low.
“Truly,” you murmur, eyes dragging back up just in time to catch a single, soft bounce of Ingrid’s breasts as she steps deliberately back toward them.
Kneeling in her previous position between both Mapi and your legs, Ingrid curls her fingers into the waistband of your jeans, tugging them down without gentleness that would have unseated her from Mapi’s lap if it weren’t for the strong grip Mapi has on your hips. The Norwegian hums when she sees you aren't wearing underwear. She pushes your legs wide, hooking her knees over Mapi’s thighs and letting her calves fall outside of Mapi’s knees. Mapi’s thighs tense as she braces her legs to hold you open before Ingrid.
“We’re going to fuck you so hard you’ll feel it with every step you take tomorrow,” Ingrid’s whisper promises, eyes locked on your pussy and you shivers in Mapi’s lap.
Ingrid cards her fingers through the dark curls at the apex of your legs before curling her fingers in them and tugging upward, making your clit stand out. The fingers on your hips uncurl and travel around your thighs until you feel those long fingers spread your labia open, your engorged clit peeking out from under its hood. Ingrid leans forward and you can feel her hot breath on the most sensitive part of her, making your pussy throb. It’s a contrast to the roughness of the jeans below your naked ass.
“I can see her clit throbbing,” Ingrid murmurs throatily and Mapi’s reply is lost on you as Ingrid leans forward and sucks your clit into her mouth, tonguing underneath your hood and licking patterns across the nub there. The sudden, firm grip Mapi has on your knees is the only thing that stops your thighs from clamping around Ingrid’s head. The first moan to break the relative silence is deep and guttural and you have needed this for longer than you cares to admit.
Ingrid uses both her hands to spread your pussy so that your hard clit is on clear display again. She sucks hard while continuing to lick patterns across the sensitive hood. The moan tears from you before you even realize it was building. It does not distract from the onslaught of Ingrid’s tongue as it licks and massages across the sensitive bundle of nerves. The force and suddenness of so much stimulation after so long without has you coming fast and hard.
You push a hand against Ingrid’s forehead after it becomes too much but Ingrid fights you for a few tortuous moments longer, sucking even harder and you have no warning as you’re suddenly cresting into a second orgasm. Your legs fight Mapi’s as they try to close around Ingrid’s head.
“What the fuck,” you moans. The obscene popping sound Ingrid makes pulling off your clit makes your oversensitive pussy clench even as it still flutters through your orgasm.
Hands find purchase in your hair and Ingrid pulls you down into a kiss, rocking you forward in Mapi’s lap and bringing your bare pussy in full contact with the roughness of Mapi’s jeans and you mewls, breaking the kiss as you grind down on the woman underneath you. Mapi’s now fully hard cock creates the perfect bulge to grind yourself against as you kiss Ingrid.
The vibrations of Mapi’s dark chuckle vibrate through your back. Mapi slouches further down in the chair and pulls you up in a feat of strength that shouldn’t have surprised you after the display of keeping your legs open mid-orgasm. Mapi reaches between your thighs to undo her own jeans, fingers continuously brushing against your sensitive pussy. Ingrid’s hands run the length of your thighs as she watches, waiting. While Mapi is busy, you pull your own shirt off, followed quickly by your bra.
When Mapi gets her cock free, she presses and rubs the length of it along your pussy, moaning when Ingrid’s tongue finds her quickly, licking a long stripe up the underside of Mapi’s cock to your clit. This draws moans from both of you under her ministries. Ingrid curls her tongue around the head of Mapi’s cock, pressing it into your clit, licking patterns around them both. Just as you start to rock your hips into Ingrid’s mouth, pushing Mapi’s cock down, Ingrid takes Mapi’s entire length down her throat, nose dragging across your clit.
“Are you ready to take her cock while I lick you?” Ingrid asks after she pulls off her lover’s cock with a gasp, a devilish quirk to her lips as she pants for air.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whine as Ingrid starts rubbing the head against your entrance. You wiggles your hips as you try to shimmy down far enough to take Mapi’s cock inside you drawing a chuckle from Ingrid and an amused huff from Mapi.
You stand and, after Mapi adjusts the chair she is sitting in, resettles yourself. Ingrid holds Mapi’s cock in position at the entrance of your pussy. You sink down with a moan, taking Mapi inch by inch. Her cock is impossibly wide, stretching you with just the right edge of pain to the pleasure. Mapi isn’t particularly long, but she is thicker than anything you have ever taken. You steady yourself as you work your way down to the base, savoring the pressure against your cervix as you sit fully down.
“Legs on the table,” Mapi directs from beside her ear. “Let us do the work.”
Mapi starts rolling your hips as soon as you are in position, dragging her cock in and out by inches, but it makes you groan deeply and throw your head back on Mapi’s shoulder. “Your cock is fantastic. Holy fuck.”
“I can feel your pussy throbbing around me.”
“Love being stretched open,” you start saying but it devolves into a moan when Ingrid starts licking where you’re stretched tight around Mapi’s fat cock. When she gets to your clit, Ingrid’s thumb pushes the hood back before pressing her lips to it and humming, sending shock waves of pleasure through your body centered on that one point.
Your moan at the sparking pleasure on your clit, the stretching drag of Mapi’s cock as they work together to make you feel good, losing yourself to the sensations being teased out of your body. Ingrid’s tongue is sinful as it curls and licks, mouth sucking at just the right intervals that you never know exactly what to expect while Mapi’s cock is a steady drag and stretch, over and over.
Your moan cants sharply into a keen when Ingrid slides her fingers into your already stretched pussy. Those fingers twist inside of you and Mapi lets out a pleased sigh. Mapi is still rocking her hips, cock sliding in contrast to the fingers curled and pressing at all the best spots inside you.
“Please,” you hear yourself say, not entirely sure what you’re asking for. “Please, please.”
You are full, so so full but you groan when Ingrid adds another finger all while her tongue rubs patterns across your clit, curling beneath the hood in a way that makes your fingers clench. Somewhere it filters into her awareness that someone, probably Mapi, is kneading your bare breasts in her palms, short nails catching on your hard nipples occasionally. You can feel your pussy clenching, squeezing painfully on the cock and fingers stuffed into you.
It’s almost too much, so stretched your pussy can’t clench tight enough to tip over that edge into your third orgasm and you’re on the verge of sobbing with it. Time is lost on you as you swim in the pleasurable pain of it. Then you feel the fingers inside of you twist again at the same time Ingrid sucks on your clit, and your pussy clenches harder than you thought possible, so incredibly full, before exploding into your next orgasm, a rush of slick wetness making the stretch and slide easier even as your walls spasm.
You’re not sure if you blacked out, but the next thing you know, is that you are staring at an unfamiliar ceiling and it’s dark. Ingrid and Mapi are curled on either side of you, around you, in you, you startle to realize. Your pussy clenches around the fingers Ingrid still has stuffed inside of you, even after they had moved to the bedroom and clearly fallen asleep.
You don't want to disturb any of this, don't want to lose the feeling of Ingrid’s fingers stretching you even as you sleep, but you have to pee. You pull Ingrid’s hand away from you pussy, a breathy moan leaving you as Ingrid’s fingers slip free. The burning at the entrance of your vagina while she pees tells you, you will certainly be feeling it with every step tomorrow, too stretched, for too long, with little prep, but a part of you is already looking forward to it.
When you step back into the bedroom, Ingrid is staring at you, eyes half-lidded as she watches you crawl back into the middle of her and Mapi. Mapi curls against her back, still asleep, while Ingrid rolls on her side to face you.
“You’re welcome to play with us anytime you want. This doesn’t have to be a one time thing.”
“Maybe,” you answer, with a light chuckle. “You definitely made good on your promise.”
Ingrid’s fingers stroke along your pussy, pressing at your entrance, teasing the sore muscles. “I did, didn’t I?”
Your hand comes down and presses Ingrid’s fingers inside of you again while letting out a breath and snuggling back into Mapi. “Keep them inside again while we sleep. Feels good.”
Ingrid nuzzles beneath your chin as she curls her fingers into you more firmly, whispering, “Let us make you feel good.”
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𝑾𝒊𝒔𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒉
Pairing: Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x reader
Words: 1366
Warnings: blood, drool, mentions of sex? Idk
Summary: you get your wisdom teeth out. Chaos ensues.

The world around you was a fuzzy haze of colors and sounds, and the strange tingling in your mouth had you more than a little bewildered. You tried to move your tongue, only to realize it felt like a giant, numb blob taking up most of your mouth. Somewhere in your groggy brain, you remembered you’d just had your wisdom teeth removed, but nothing was quite making sense.
Blinking, you saw two faces peering down at you, one with a halo of dark hair and green eyes full of concern, the other with blonde hair and dark roots, her brown eyes glinting with amusement. You blinked harder, trying to focus. The sight of them together made your heart swell, and you felt an urge to ask the one pressing question on your mind.
“Who… who are you?” you slurred, staring at them in awe.
Ingrid’s mouth curved into a gentle smile as she rubbed your shoulder, her soft voice filling your ears. “We’re your girlfriends, sweetheart.”
Your jaw dropped, as much as it could with the gauze and numbness. “Both… of you?” you whispered, eyes widening in absolute wonder.
Mapi, who was standing beside Ingrid, let out a giggle. “Yes, cariño, both of us.”
You looked from one to the other, a giddy smile spreading over your face. “That’s… that’s amazing.” You sighed dreamily, staring at them as if they were the most enchanting thing you’d ever seen.
In your dazed state, your gaze wandered down to Mapi’s exposed midriff, her crop top showing off her toned abs. Without thinking, your hand reached out, fingers outstretched to touch the mesmerizing sight before you.
Mapi, sensing what you were up to, swatted your hand away with a playful glare. “Ah, no, no. Hands off, cariño.”
You looked up at her, betrayal clear in your glassy eyes, and your lower lip wobbled. “But… I wanted to touch…”
Mapi’s eyes softened, and she shared a glance with Ingrid, who gave her a slight shrug. Mapi sighed, muttering something under her breath in Spanish that sounded like, “No puedo con esto,” before relenting and grabbing your hand, gently placing it on her abs.
The moment your fingers made contact, you beamed, eyes closing in bliss. “They’re so… perfect.”
Ingrid chuckled softly beside you, and you lazily leaned against her shoulder, basking in the comfort of being surrounded by both of them. But as quickly as your happiness had arrived, it faded, another question nagging at your addled brain. You tilted your head up toward Ingrid, squinting up at her as the realization dawned on you again.
“Wait, who… who are you guys?”
Ingrid sighed, her patience unending, and she brushed some hair out of your face. “We’re your girlfriends,” she said with a soft chuckle.
Your face lit up all over again, a broad, giddy smile spreading across your face. “Both of you?” you repeated, utterly enchanted.
They both nodded, and you let out a little squeal, so delighted that you puckered your lips for a kiss. But the gauze was making it impossible to keep your mouth closed, and you could feel the unpleasant sensation of saliva dribbling down your chin.
You waited, eyes closed, for a kiss, only to feel nothing. Opening your eyes, you saw Ingrid and Mapi exchanging an uncertain glance. Mapi’s brow creased, a little grossed out, while Ingrid looked as if she were weighing her options.
“Why aren’t you kissing me?” you wailed, hurt flashing across your face. The tears in your eyes were instant, your lip trembling as you looked at them, crushed by the rejection.
Ingrid sighed, and Mapi leaned over to plant a quick kiss on your lips, her nose scrunched up adorably. You were ecstatic—until, just as your lips touched, you tried to sneak in a bit of tongue, which made Mapi squeak in surprise and pull back, laughing and wiping her mouth.
“Cariño, no!” Mapi laughed, while you pouted, devastated. “You know you’re a little messy right now…”
You sighed heavily, your emotions swinging from blissful to heartbroken in an instant. “I’m sad you won’t let me kiss you properly,” you murmured, sniffling.
Ingrid gently stroked your cheek, attempting to calm you, but then something terrifying hit you. You tried to move your tongue, but it felt like nothing more than a numb, foreign object in your mouth. Panic gripped you, and you looked at Ingrid with wide, horrified eyes.
“Baby?” she asked, noticing the alarm on your face.
“I… I can’t feel my tongue!” you whimpered, the words barely intelligible through the gauze.
“Oh, love, it’s just the anesthesia,” Ingrid assured, trying to soothe you, but you were already spiralling.
“No, no! They took my tongue! I’m never gonna be able to eat you guys ou—”
Ingrid clapped her hand over your mouth, her cheeks flushed red as she glanced at a snickering Mapi, who found the whole scene utterly hilarious. “Cariño, shhh!” Ingrid tried to whisper, stifling a laugh, but you were insistent, your muffled words trying to escape as you continued to voice your distress.
“Cariño,” Ingrid interrupted again. “I promise, it’s just temporary. You’ll be fine.”
“I was just saying,” you whined when Ingrid finally removed her hand, only to have her cover your mouth once more. This time, though, your eyes welled with fresh tears, upset that they weren’t letting you speak. “You’re not letting me say anything!” you cried, breaking into sobs again.
Mapi snorted, laughing so hard she had to wipe a tear from her own eye. “Ay, Dios mío, Ingrid, I can’t take this. She’s too much.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, sulking as you reached your arms out to Ingrid, mumbling, “I want your face.”
Ingrid leaned forward, obliging, but the moment her cheeks were within reach, you clumsily cupped them, tracing your fingers over her soft features. You stared at her in awe, marveling at her beauty. But then, in a moment of misguided affection, you leaned in and licked her nose, leaving a smear of blood and saliva.
Ingrid pulled back, trying her best not to grimace as she wiped her face. “Oh, sweetheart,” she said, doing her best to stay patient, but you noticed the hint of disgust, and it was enough to break your heart all over again.
“You don’t want me to touch you!” you sobbed, your head dropping in disappointment.
Mapi, trying to hide her smile, moved closer and rubbed your back, finally deciding that you were too upset to be left alone. “Come here, cariño,” she murmured, helping you up so that she could pull you against her. Your head rested against her abs, and a contented sigh escaped your lips.
You closed your eyes, practically melting into her, a blissful smile overtaking your face. “So perfect,” you mumbled, your voice slurring as you absently let your hand wander toward her backside, unable to help yourself.
Mapi caught your hand just in time, a playful smirk dancing on her lips as she shook her head. “You just don’t give up, do you?”
But the rejection made your heart plummet, and tears welled up in your eyes all over again. “Why won’t you let me touch you?” you wailed, completely dejected.
Ingrid, seeing that Mapi’s teasing was only making things worse, gave her a look before lifting you into her lap and settling you down. She rubbed your back soothingly, wrapping her arms around you as she whispered, “We’re here. It’s okay. You can relax.”
Your head drooped onto Ingrid’s shoulder, and you let out a tiny hiccup as you clung to her, finally feeling a little bit of peace amidst the chaos. “I just… I just wanted to be close to you,” you mumbled, sniffling into her shirt.
Ingrid held you tighter, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “We’re here. You’re with us, sweetheart,” she murmured, stroking your back as your breathing started to slow.
“Promise?” you whispered, your voice growing soft, drowsiness starting to tug at the edges of your consciousness.
Ingrid’s eyes softened, and she shared a tender glance with Mapi. “Promise, love. We’re not going anywhere.”
With that reassurance, you finally let yourself relax completely, nestling into Ingrid’s arms as your eyes fluttered shut. A blissful smile played on your lips as you drifted off, wrapped up safely between them, your heart full—even if your memory was a little fuzzy on exactly why.
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Special Instructions || María León & Ingrid Engen

warnings : smut, body writing, cunnilingus, strap-on, double-ended dildos, biting, choking, anal, and our dear friend, double penetration.
summary : you've left some detailed instructions on your person for your lovers to find and follow.
“Brand new sharpies…check,” you mutter, “more lube…check.”
Mapi and Ingrid were at training and it was beginning to be a bore to stay in the house all alone. You’d been doom scrolling on X when you stumbled upon some interesting content.
Already very thoroughly satisfied in the bedroom, you were eager to bring in more activities that you were certain the girls would enjoy wholeheartedly.
Picking up a coffee and pastries for snacks, you head home and happily bring your new toys into the house. Dumping the food on the counter and ripping the sharpies open, you take one and practically run into the bedroom to steal a shirt from Mapi.
Your best lingerie was air-drying in the bathroom while you took a warm shower to clean up. You stood in front of the mirror stark naked, marker in hand. You shook a little, a light blush growing on your cheeks.
“What do I write?” you wonder to yourself, grabbing your phone off the counter to check your bookmarks. This was going to be fun.
Ingrid scolds Mapi as they walk into the house, the jingle of their keys sends a shiver down your spine. You’re all set by the bedroom door, heart swelling with love as you hear the two of them bicker.
“Ingrid, you have to be diabolical to enjoy mint chocolate chip ice-cream when there are so many other flavors to enjoy?”
“Mapi, if I cared, I would argue. But I don’t. Especially when you’re the only adult in the world who likes cherry.”
“Excuse me, don’t you dare- what do we have here?”
You’re sitting on your knees, hands neatly folded in your lap and a hilariously big t-shirt falling off your shoulders. They stand at the door, Mapi’s eyes looking slightly concerned while, to your surprise, Ingrid’s look almost predatory. She slowly circles you, eyes trying to undress you. Mapi kneels before you, tilting your head up to look at her. You take your shirt off and they both audibly gasp, sending a shiver down your spine.
“What’s this amor?” Mapi asks, finger touching the black ink that glowed on your milky skin.
You giggle and bite your lip, head spinning. You watch as Ingrid’s eyes take in all the words that spell out detailed descriptions about what you wanted her and Mapi to do to you.
“Breed here?” Ingrid asks dismissively, finger pointing right at your core as she stood above you.
“Si,” you nod, “want you two to use me however you want.”
“However we want?” Mapi asks, in a little disbelief. You remain solid in your decision.
“Yes,” you say confidently. You look Ingrid in the eyes when you say the next bit.
“I want you to fuck me like you mean it,” you stand, “and i’ve told you where and how i want it.”
A smirk appears on Mapi’s face, eyes lit up like a child’s on christmas day. Ingrid on the other hand, remains stone faced and tough, leaning in to whisper into Mapi’s ear.
You stand a little far from them and can barely hear the whispers when Ingrid clears her throat.
“On the bed, on your knees, not a fucking sound, got it?”
“Yes Ingrid,” you mutter, scrambling to the middle of the four-poster bed. You settle on your knees, knees spread like Ingrid likes while keeping your mouth shut. You stare at the sheets, keeping your eyes closed for good measure.
There’s rustling and bustling, along with sharp whispers and mentions of your name like you weren’t in the room. It made you embarrassingly wet at the mere idea that they were about to use you like some “thing” they had lying around.
Ingrid climbs onto the bed first, eyes examining the instructions you’ve so kindly left for them. She reads one out loud, the effect of her words make you feel light headed with pleasure.
“Bite here,” she reads off your right breast, “suck here,” on the left. In the middle, you wrote “kiss here,” you smile up at Ingrid and watch as she takes in all the other words you’ve left your girlfriends.
Mapi gets right behind Ingrid and looks over her shoulder, hands coming around to graze the words along your inner thigh that she found extremely hot.
“Do as our princess says Ingrid, hasn’t she been such a good girl lately?”
“Yes, I think she has,” Ingrid answers, tilting her head back and kissing Mapi. You watch as your pussy gets wetter and wetter at the sight, a desperate whine just waiting in your throat.
Ingrid kissed slowly up your toned stomach, before taking your right breast in her mouth to bite. Her teeth sink into your soft flesh, nipple taut in her mouth. You moan softly, feeling her hands caress your slightly numb thighs.
She moved to the other side swiftly, sucking hard on your nipple. It’s sloppy and wet, exactly how you had imagined it going. She pulls away, hands hovering over your slightly chilly chest.
“Can I fondle them, darling?” Ingrid asks formally, hands seemingly hard to hold back from touching without asking.
“O-Of course you can Ingrid, you d-don’t have to ask,” you stutter, before she uses her most humiliating tone. You think you gush onto the sheets and make a mess as she degrades you.
“Oh but kjæreste you didn’t write that down for me to do, so how can I without asking? Wouldn’t that be rude?”
Your brain goes blank, eyes filling with subby tears.
“R-Rude? You’re not r-rude Ingrid, you can touch how you want!”
Ingrid gives in as she coos, hands kneading your aching breasts soothingly. She kisses your forehead and wipes your tears away, hands caressing your clammy skin while being careful to avoid the ink so it doesn’t smudge.
Mapi on the other hand, had her phone out to collect documentation. She was sure you would enjoy the pictures she was taking as much as she and Ingrid would after all this was said and done.
Ingrid kisses down your chest as per the instructions, hands still kneading and smacking your breasts. She stops right in front of your cunt, fingers gently rubbing the words you had left on the insides of your thighs.
“Breed here,” on the left and “eat me!” on the right.
“Good girl,” Ingrid praises, “you were so clear with what you wanted elskling, I’m so pleased.”
Mapi appears by your head suddenly, wearing her strap and slipping something underneath Ingrid’s pillow. She kisses your chest and leaves a smack on your right breast just as Ingrid’s lips wrap around your clit. Mapi pulls your head into her lap and you feel her cock press right up against your lips.
“No instructions for me here, so I’ll help you there amor,” Mapi pulls a sharpie out from the sheets and tilts your head to the side. She carefully writes “for sucking,” right on your cheek. The cold ink and familiar scent only makes your head so much more fuzzy, eyes blurry as Mapi throws the pen to the side and angles her hips to your mouth.
She presses in just as Ingrid slips two fingers into your pussy. Your thighs thrash around a little, chest huffing as the air in your chest gets blocked by Mapi fucking your throat.
Ingrid eats you out hungrily, fingers pushing in and out of you roughly. She glances up momentarily and she sees a flash of black when your neck pushes up. She pulls away, eyes narrowing as she licks her lips tasting you.
“What does that one say?” Ingrid asks, shuffling up onto her knees. Her hand inside you pulls out and rubs circles over your clit, free hand wrapping around your neck as Mapi begins to pull her cock out of your mouth.
“Choke me, Ingrid,” it says, in the finest letters.
“Is that what you want, elskling?” she teases, bony fingers wrapping gently around your neck tighter.
“You want me to choke you?”
You’re nodding, lips puffy from how much you’ve been biting them.
“I need words, pretty thing.”
“Yes Ingrid, I want you to choke me please!” you say, screaming a little. Ingrid pulls away completely as you settle against Mapi, her slightly soaked cock resting right between your shoulder blades.
Ingrid pulls a little surprise out from under her pillow, graciously left there by Mapi. Your head pops up and you smile deliriously, desperately blinking away tears to see the toy Ingrid was holding.
Double ended dildo’s weren’t all that common in your household but this one? This one was on everyone’s wishlist for a while now.
“Wanna fuck you with this so bad,” Ingrid begins, before turning her attention towards Mapi, who was starting to feel a little left out.
“But I also want to take Mapi’s cock like a good girl.”
“We can do both, princesa.”
Ingrid’s eyes seem to widen at the thought but she soon becomes eager and almost reeling with excitement. Scrambling to get between your legs, Mapi bends over and begins to kiss you, hands grabbing your cheeks tightly. You’re unsure of where to focus on, the feeling of Mapi’s hands so close to your neck while Ingrid lubes up one end of the toy and is starting to push it into you all becomes deliciously overwhelming.
You feel your cunt give in to one side of the toy, the tip resting nicely against your sweet spot. Ingrid grabbed a hold of it and gently rocked it into you, your hand grabbing Mapi’s hand that slowly crept towards your neck.
“Is this what you wanted, amor?” Mapi teased, fingers pressing right up against your windpipe.
“Sì,” you croaked, air slowly leaving your system. Just as you were getting a little light headed, Mapi pulled away. Words to argue began to leave your lips when a weight added itself onto your thighs.
There Ingrid sat, penetrated by the other end of the toy. She grinned from ear to ear, hips gently rocking themselves on top of you. Mapi watched Ingrid eagerly before stepping off the bed. Ingrid pulled your hands to rest on her hips, fingers immediately grabbing them to guide her.
“Fuck, that feels so good baby,” praises Ingrid, hands grasping your breasts for stability. She was using you for her own pleasure, like a mirror or book for a suction dildo. She rode you hard, feeling the toy rock steadily with each canter of her hips. She was an expert, watching her hips move in ways you didn’t know possible.
As you were enjoying the gorgeous sight in front of you, Mapi had climbed in behind Ingrid and looked over her shoulder. Her tattooed hands reached around and caressed Ingrid’s breasts, you watched as Ingrid melted into your other lover's arms, hips never slowing down for a second.
“Does she feel good, princesa?” Mapi asks, hands gliding over Ingrid’s flawless skin. They stop right above her cunt, a finger reeling out to circle around her neglected clit. Ingrid slows down just a little, taking in the feeling of Mapi finally touching her.
“Ja,” Ingrid gasps, “she feels so good.”
The cap of the lube clicks and you’re frustrated you can’t see all that was going on behind Ingrid. You watch as Mapi whispers into Ingrid’s ear and she speeds up on top of you, bouncing on the toy more to get it to stimulate both of you.
The frustration adds to the pleasure, almost like they were ignoring you as though you weren’t in the room with them. As though you weren’t being fucked by Ingrid.
“She’s so pretty on top, isn’t she amor?” Mapi asks you and you break out of your daydream, nodding hard when Ingrid leans over and begins to suck on your breast. Mapi comes into view and you swear you could die happy, right in this moment.
She’s got three fingers inside Ingrid’s ass, muscles straining as she takes her time opening up your girlfriend. Ingrid, the slut she was being, rolls her hips back onto Mapi’s fingers, pussy stretched tight around the toy. As she rocked them forwards, you felt it press your sweet spot and you gasp, pulling a devious grin on Ingrid’s face.
She begins to ride hard, feeling her pussy swallow up the toy as her ass took another one of Mapi’s fingers.
“If only you could see how pretty she looks like this amor, you’d be as crazy about it as I am.”
“She’s taking it so well, hm?”
“She’s perfect, aren’t you Ingrid?” Mapi whispers as Ingrid sits back up. Ingrid nods deliriously, a tired smile pulled on her face.
“So perfect,” the Norwegian whispers, whining when Mapi pulls her fingers out. Mapi hands you the lube and you stroke her cock wetly, Ingrid’s hips cheekily grinding down on you.
Mapi settles in behind Ingrid and your thumbs rub her hip bones as Mapi slips into her ass. You watch Ingrid’s eyes close shut and you lean up to kiss her. She kisses back desperately, hands cradling your head.
The thing with this setup was, with every thrust of Mapi’s hips, it drove the toy inside you and Ingrid deep. You were sure you could feel it in your guts, but you saw it in Ingrid’s guts. Mapi felt it. Her hand was pressed right over the spot it bulged out from and her eyes go dark with every powerful fuck of her hips.
She speeds up, the sounds of all your moans meld into a single harmony. Ingrid becomes boneless as the pleasure fills her body, and Mapi pulls out for just a second as you sit up against the backboard.. The toy fucks deeper into you and Ingrid as you hold her in your lap. Mapi slips back into Ingrid and she screams, feeling both of you fuck her.
“Fuck!” Ingrid screams, “I’m gonna cum!”
“Me too!” you gasp, kissing Ingrid hard. She kisses back and pulls away, hands wrapping around your neck. Your head thuds against the wood, hands grabbing her waist tighter. She fucks herself and you with the toy harder, feeling Mapi’s hips also alternate into her at the same pace.
Ingrid goes stiff when she comes, falling back into Mapi. Your eyes roll into your head when the high hits, and Ingrid releases the pressure around your neck at the perfect moment to boost your pleasure.
Mapi kisses Ingrid’s shoulder softly as she gets everyone untangled. You take deep breaths when Ingrid tries to climb into your skin, legs tangling right into yours.
She lets Mapi clean her but insists on wiping you down. She’s gentle as she scrubs the ink off your skin, kissing each spot you wrote on.
“Can we try this on me next?” she asks quietly, playing with your hair. Mapi nods behind her, caressing Ingrid’s thigh under the sheets.
“I’ve bought more sharpies especially for you, my love.” you whisper, thanking the algorithm gods for sending you that video.
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read my lips (mapi león x ingrid engen x deaf!reader)

You've had a long day, and the last thing you want to do is meet your friend at a busy café after work - until two women show up and ask if they can sit at your table.
a/n: based on this request, i hope you like it! i'm sorry it's not super long but i might do a part 2 x (also i have the same shirt as the one mapi is wearing in those pics so i had to use them)
The day started out like any other. You got up, showered, got dressed, had a quick breakfast and headed off to work. That’s when things started to go downhill. Somehow half of your files were missing, so you had to spend hours trying to recover them, and when that didn’t work you had to contact the IT guy, who didn’t seem to understand that exaggerating all of his words and shouting made it harder to understand him than if he just spoke normally. Then you realised you’d forgotten your lunch at home, so you had to spend half of your lunch break going to the shop down the road - and they didn’t have the sandwich you wanted.
By the time you’d finished work, you wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up in bed. Unfortunately, you’d planned on meeting a friend at a nearby café, and you hadn’t seen each other in months, so you really didn’t want to cancel. With a sigh, you packed your things and headed to the café.
It was busy, and the noise was draining - the clanking of cups, the hiss of the coffee machine, the sound of cutlery scraping against plates. Your friend wasn’t there yet, so you ordered a drink and found an empty table tucked away in a corner. You sent her a quick message, telling her where you were sat, and turned off your implants with a breath of relief. You were looking forward to seeing her. She was Deaf as well, and it got tiring talking to people all day. It would be nice to just be able to sign away to someone, someone who spoke the same way you did.
As you waited, you scrolled through your phone. You could make out muffled sounds behind you, but ignored them, knowing that when your friend arrived she would just sit down, rather than trying to get your attention.
The sounds quieted down, but then came back after a minute. You kept scrolling through your phone until someone stepped into your line of sight. Looking up, you saw two young women. One had dark brown hair and piercing blue-green eyes, and the other had lighter brown hair with blonde tips, and a tattoo across her neck. They were both stunning, and it took a moment for you to register that they were trying to talk to you. You quickly focused your attention on the dark-haired girl’s lips, watching her mouth move.
“Hey, would we be able to sit here? All of the other tables…” her mouth kept moving, but she turned her head, gesturing to the rest of the café, which was packed. You frowned as you tried to read her lips, but it was hard when she wasn’t facing you directly. Guessing that she was saying something about nowhere else being free, you nodded. It was a table of four after all, and it wasn’t like you had to worry about them listening in to your conversation.
“Yeah, sure. My friend should be here soon but there’s still space,” you said, trying not to get distracted again by how gorgeous the women were. They smiled gratefully and sat down. You went back to scrolling on your phone as you waited, wondering where your friend was.
“Are you from around here?” the woman with the tattoo asked, sitting down next to you. You didn’t see though, and hadn’t even realised she was talking to you. She waited a minute for a response, and when nothing came she raised an eyebrow at the other woman, who just shrugged.
Your friend arrived a few minutes later, rushing over to your table then stopping when she saw the two women. She waved at you, then glanced over at the women.
“Who are they?” she signed, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know, they just wanted somewhere to sit and this was the only place left.” you signed back quickly.
Your signing caught the eyes of the two women, who watched in surprise. As your friend sat down, the dark-haired woman moved over a little, making more space.
“Sorry, do you want us to move?” she asked, then cringed as she realised she’d just spoken to you, when the two of you were clearly using sign language. Still, you’d spoken to her earlier, so you must understand some spoken words.
“No, it’s okay,” your friend said with a smile, and the woman looked relieved.
The woman next to you tapped you on the shoulder, and you sighed inwardly, but turned to face her. All you really wanted to do was chat to your friend, not answer some stranger’s questions about being Deaf - which happened more often than you would think.
“Hi! My name is M-A-R-I-A,” she signed. The signs looked different to the ones you knew, and you guessed that it wasn’t British Sign Language.
“Where are you from?” you asked, and she looked disappointed that her signing hadn’t been received well. “Your signing looked good, I just don’t recognise it. Are you from a different country?”
“Ah, yes, I’m from Spain,” she explained, smiling apologetically.
“That explains it. There are different sign languages in every country. That must be Spanish sign language.”
“Can you hear?” she frowned, tapping her ear.
You could see the dark-haired woman frown and hiss something at the woman sat next to you, but didn’t see what it was.
“No, but I can lip-read,” you told her, tapping your lips. “What were you signing?”
“That’s so cool!” she exclaimed with a wide grin. “I was signing ‘Hi, my name is Maria’. Actually, everyone calls me Mapi, but I only know how to sign Maria.”
“Ma-pi?” you asked, watching her mouth closely.
“Si- uh, I mean, yes!” she nodded, smiling, and grabbed a pen from her pocket and wrote it on a napkin. Mapi.
The other woman chuckled and shook her head fondly, catching your attention.
“I’m sorry about her. She likes meeting new people,” she said, looking at Mapi with a warm look. “I’m Ingrid. I’m sorry, we’ll let you get back to your friend now.”
Mapi nodded, looking slightly bashful, and you tried to ignore the disappointment you were feeling.
“How do you end up sat with two of the most attractive people I’ve ever seen?” your friend signed to you, eyes wide.
“Luck, I guess?” you signed back with a shrug. “They really are ridiculously hot, though, right?”
She nodded, stifling a laugh. The two of you chatted for a while, catching up on each other’s lives, when her phone vibrated on the table between you. Her eyes flew to her phone and she grimaced apologetically.
“I’m sorry, I have to go, I forgot that I-”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, you can go,” you signed, rolling your eyes teasingly. She was notoriously forgetful, and if anything you were surprised that she’d even made it to your meeting. She apologised again and was out of the café within minutes, leaving you alone with Mapi and Ingrid once again.
You sat for a moment, contemplating whether to stay a while longer and read or whether to just leave. Deciding that, really, all you still wanted to do was get into bed, you packed up your things and left, waving goodbye to the two women.
Except, when you got outside, you realised it was raining. Not just raining, but absolutely chucking it down. Rummaging through your bag, you had a sinking feeling that only got worse as you searched, realising that you had, in fact, forgotten your umbrella at home.
Fuck, you thought to yourself, wondering what to do. Normally you’d just walk, but in this weather and without an umbrella you definitely didn’t want to. There was a bus stop not too far, you supposed, but you weren’t sure what time the next bus was.
With a sigh, you turned your implants back on, bracing yourself for the sudden noise and winced at the sounds. As you started to pull out your phone to check the bus timetable, the door to the café swung open behind you, loud chatter and the clanking of plates catching your attention. You looked up to see Mapi and Ingrid, who were frowning at the sky.
“The weather here is so bad,” Mapi grumbled, but there was a smile in her eyes.
You nodded with a chuckle, and opened your mouth to reply when a car sped past, honking its horn, making you jump.
“Fuck, that was loud!” you exclaimed, clapping your hands over your ears. Mapi looked at you in surprise.
“I thought you couldn’t hear?”
“I can’t, but I have implants,” you explained, lifting your hair to show her the device. “I don’t really like using them though, the noise can be so overwhelming. I had them off in the café, but it’s safer to have them on outside.”
“Oh, that’s so cool!” Mapi grinned. “I wish I could turn my hearing off sometimes.”
“María,” Ingrid admonished her, looking slightly embarrassed. “You can’t say things like that.”
“Why not?” she asked, turning to face the Norwegian. You tuned them out as you looked at your phone, remembering that you’d wanted to check the buses. Okay, there was one in 20 minutes, that wasn’t too bad, you supposed.
Or… you could wait, and see what Mapi and Ingrid were doing. Yeah, you wanted to go home, but it also wasn’t every day that two women this interesting just fell into your lap like this.
“Hey, you said you’re from around here, right?” Mapi asked, tapping you on the shoulder to get your attention again.
“Yep,” you nodded. “Born and raised here.”
“Great! If you’re not busy, do you want to show us around a little?”
“Oh!” you said, surprised.
“If you’re busy, that’s okay,” Ingrid quickly interjected, mistaking your surprise for hesitation.
“No, no, I’m not busy,” you smiled. Fuck it. “I can show you around. Maybe we should go somewhere dry, first?”
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More then enough 🦽
Mapi León x reader x Ingrid Engen
warning : disability 🕶🦻
Summary :
Being a wheelchair user, you're afraid your girlfriends will love you less.

The sun dipped low over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the pitch. The girls had just finished their training session, and Mapi and Ingrid stood by the sidelines, both laughing and chatting as they packed up their gear. The atmosphere around them was warm and light, hearted, despite the hard work they’d put in. But their eyes constantly flickered over to the stands, where you sat, watching with your usual gentle smile.
You had been in their life for a while now, ever since you met Mapi at a charity event she attended a few months ago. You were disabled, using a wheelchair after a car accident left you unable to walk, but that never stopped you from living fully, embracing every moment with joy and a sense of adventure. Mapi had been drawn to that strength in you, the way you approached life with so much heart despite everything you'd gone through.
The three of you had clicked almost immediately. Mapi's fierce energy, Ingrid's calm, soothing nature, and your own witty humor and zest for life had created the perfect dynamic. Mapi was fiery and protective, always making sure you felt included and cared for, while Ingrid’s gentleness brought a comforting peace, like a calming wave that soothed all your worries.
Today, as you waited for them to finish their session, you couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. Though you tried not to let your disability affect your confidence, there were days when you wondered if you were enough for them. Two incredible athletes, constantly moving and living in ways you could no longer do.
As you looked down at your hands, lost in thought, Mapi’s voice pulled you from your reverie.
- Holà, cariño, what are you thinking about?
You glanced up, finding both Mapi and Ingrid now standing in front of you, their eyes full of concern. Mapi knelt down to be at your eye level, while Ingrid took her place beside you, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. You hesitated before answering, biting your lip.
- Just… wondering if you guys ever feel like you’re missing out, being with me. You’re always on the go, always so active, and I—well, I can’t do the things you do.
Mapi's brows furrowed, and her hands found yours, gripping them tightly.
- Don’t say that. You’re never a burden, cariño. We don’t want you to be anyone else. We love you exactly as you are.
Ingrid nodded, her voice soft but firm.
- It’s true. We’ve never thought about what we’re missing because you’re everything we need. You bring so much light into our lives.
Tears welled in your eyes, but you blinked them away, laughing softly.
- You two are too much. I don’t deserve you.
Mapi shook her head, a playful smirk on her lips.
- Nonsense. You deserve everything. And you’ve got us, so you must be doing something right.
Ingrid smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your temple.
- We’re a team, remember? We’re in this together.
You let out a breath, the weight on your chest lifting slightly. With them by your side, things always seemed brighter, and you never felt alone. You didn’t need to be anyone else but yourself, they loved you for who you were.
As the three of you sat there, the cool breeze brushing against your skin, Mapi suddenly jumped to her feet with a mischievous grin.
- Alright, enough of this sappy stuff. How about a game?
You looked at her, confused.
- A game? What kind of game?
She pointed to a nearby soccer ball.
- We’re gonna play a little football.
Your eyes widened.
- I can’t play football, Mapi.
- Why not?
She challenged, already grabbing the ball.
- We’ll modify the rules. You will be a goalie so you can stay in your chair, and Ingrid and I will try to score. First one to five wins.
You couldn’t help but laugh at her stubbornness. You rolled your eyes playfully.
- You are impossible.
Mapi kicked the ball gently toward you.
- Come on, love, show us what you’ve got.
And so, the three of you played. It wasn’t about skill or competition. It was about fun, about laughter, about being together. You quickly realized that it didn’t matter that you were in a wheelchair. Mapi and Ingrid didn’t care about what you couldn’t do. They only cared about spending time with you, making memories, and showing you just how much they adored you.
As the sun set, and the last goal was scored (you might have let Ingrid win, just for the look of joy on her face), the three of you collapsed onto the grass, breathless from laughter and exertion. Mapi lay beside you, her arm slung across your lap, while Ingrid rested her head on your shoulder.
- See?
Mapi said between breaths.
- Told you you could play.
You smiled, looking down at her. As the night settled around you, you realized that in their love, there was no place for doubt. With them, you were whole. You were perfect. And most importantly, you were loved just as you were.

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All eyes on you
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Fridolina Rölfo x Reader
All eyes on you II
summary~ Three of your teammates have an eye on you. And they aren’t shy to show you that they want you either.
!warnings! 18+ smut, making out, fingering?, explicit language

They made it obvious, they wanted you. They kept giving you signals and hints but somehow you were just oblivious to their actions.
It started when you joined the team a few months ago. Frido started taking interest in you and helped you move in, putting your furniture together. Mapi and Ingrid took it on them to show you around the city, in the hopes to show you their bedroom eventually.
The move from England to Barcelona went a lot smoother than you would've thought. Your Spanish was still shit but most of the girls understood you and tried to talk back in their broken English. Keira and Lucy were still trying to master the language so there weren't much of use. Frido and Ingrid however were almost fluent in both so they helped with the translating. Mapi was trying to teach you some words but that wasn't going great.
Mapi and Ingrid were and item, everyone knew that and it wasn’t like they tried to hide it either. The couple almost always sat infront of you in the bus. Frido, Ingrid and Mapi took you in and offered you the empty seat in their four seater. Frido sat next to you and even though she preferred the window seat, but she’ll never admit that because she knows you do too, she offered you it.
While you and the Swede were watching a series, sharing EarPods with your head resting on her shoulder. The couple infront of you were having a heavy making out session. You couldn’t help but look up. And maybe you stared a bit too long, okay you definitely did. Ingrid pulled her girlfriend into the rough kiss, she was more dominant than you would’ve thought. Lost in your thoughts you hadn’t noticed how the couple had separated already and their eyes were now focused on you.
“You like the show?” Frido whispered in your ear. Waking from your trance you noticed how all their eyes were on you. You got caught red handed. With red cheeks you mustered a response, “Yeah- i mean like the uhh the blonde actress is really.. pretty and good right?”. The Barca players laughed at your embarrassed state.
"So you're into blondes eh?" Mapi commented looking at Frido and then you again. "Yeah- No, i like all. All women, blonde, brunette, both uh everything?" you rambled, eyes focused on the protein shake infront of you. "Good." you heard Ingrid say.
When you finally dared to look somewhere other than your shake you met Frido's eyes. And just when you ou thought your cheeks couldn't get any redder “We both know that i didn’t mean that show.” Frido smirked. You tried to hide your face into your hoodie but that only made her laugh harder.
All three of the women were getting more affectionate with you too, but that’s just how the Spanish culture is right. Frido would get you to sit in her lap on movie nights, her hands placing themselves on your thighs. Ingrid would walk next to you and place her hand on the small of your back and sometimes her hand would drop lower, to your ass. To say you didn’t like it would be a lie. All three of them were beautiful and just very hot, you couldn’t deny that. You honestly were flattered by all their attention.
When you scored your first Barca goal, all of the girls were over the moon for you. They knew you had a bit of a rough start, not scoring any goals in what felt like months. But now you’ve broken through that barrier with not only one but two goals in one game. Frido, assisting your first goal ran towards you with open arms. “You’ve done it!” she kissed your cheek.
Walking through the tunnel after fulltime Mapi approached you, her hand resting on your hip. “Scoring looks good on you amor.” she grinned. You hadn’t really processed the compliment and her seductive tone when her girlfriend joined you. “Quite a performance you put on out there. Wanna come over for a movie night later? Just you, us and Frido, you can choose the movie.” Ingrid asked expectedly. It sounded nice and you got to choose the movie, why not.
“Yeah, i’ll be there.” you agreed. “Perfect!” Ingrid kissed your cheek and took off with Mapi who sent a cheeky wink your way. With the couple still in your mind you walked towards your car.
"Be ready at eight, You just look pretty and i'll pick you up." you heard behind you. Frido was stood by her car, her hair still wet from the quick shower she just had. "Okay, thank you!" you yelled back waving goodbye to the blonde.
Frido kept her promise and picked you up. You were debating on what to wear, comfy or classy. Frido said to look pretty so a black dress would do. It wasn't exactly comfortble, it was short and tight but atleast you looked good. So good that even Frido couldn't help but comment on it. "You look fantastic. Don't know how i can keep my hands to myself all night when you're sitting next to me like that." she muttered under her breath, taking you all in. Her eyes traveled from head to toe, stopping at the hem of your dress.
"Well, thank you.. you look very good yourself" you said feeling like a some artpiece hung up in a museum. Frido hummed at that and her eyes met yours again. "Let's go beautiful." Frido placed her hand on the small of your back, closing your front door.
She walked you to her black car, one that suited Frido. It was a matt BMW and you could see that she took pride in it, she drove through the car wash atleast once every few days. Opening the passenger door for you and walking to the drivers seat she sat down. Frido wasn’t one for very loud Spanish music like the other girls in your team enjoyed, she liked background music. A little RnB or Jazz was her go to so that's what played on the background of your conversation.
“Are you excited?” she asked, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear stick, her eyes were focused on the road. You didn’t immediately answer and she took her eyes off the road to take an expecting look at you. “Are you gonna be a good girl and tell me or?” the Swede raised her brow.
“Uh yeah, i’m excited. I’ve already got a movie picked out.” you said smiling. Frido grinned at that and placed her hands reassuringly on your thigh, squeezing it. "I'm sure Mapi and Ingrid are excited too." she hummed and began to move her hand higher. "They've been dying to get some alone time with you, away from all the girls you know" that was new to you. "Oh didn't know that." the blush creeping up on your cheeks betrayed your cool answer.
The car ride felt like an eternity to you. Frido kept her hand on your thigh, sqeezing or moving it when you said something to her. Your teammate was wearing black trousers and a white top, showing off her abs and tits. She was insanely goodlooking, there was no denying that. But now that she's sitting next to you holding the steering wheel like that, focused on the road and one of her hands teasing you, she was beyond attractive.
When you finally arrived she reached over you, stretching for a piece of gum. You could see right into her top, not that you minded, at all.
Both of you stepped out of the car and got into the lift to your teammates apartment. Frido took your hand in hers like it was something she's always done. Leading you to the couples house Ingrid opened the door almost immediatly. "You both look very good. Come inside." she greeted you. And while you walked inside where Mapi waited for you, you saw Frido whisper something to Ingrid.
Mapi was standig behind the kitchen island pouring herself a drink. "There you are amor, been waiting for a while now" she smirked at your flushed state. "Sorry, Frido told me to be ready at eight." you tried to apologize. "Don't worry, the wait was worth it" she walked over to you. "Would you like something to drink?" the Spaniard asked taking a sip from what you assumed was a martini.
The two Scandinavian girls joined not much later, both of them opting for a glass of red wine. They let you choose the movie liked they promised and you settled down. Ingrid pulled you inbetween her legs, you head resting on her chest. Mapi and Frido were sitting to the left of you.
Everything was fine, well you were turned on by the women but it wasn't something you haven't felt before around them. Whenever Ingrid went to take a sip from her glass she bent over, hold you by your hips and her hands stayed there. About an hour into the movie she started to play with the hem of your short dress, you obviously should've wore something more comfortable.
Tracing paterns on your thighs she whispered in you ear, "You wore that dress just for us, right.". Processing her words you turned your head around. "Frido said to look pretty, so yes?" Ingrid hummed at that, mostly satisfied with your answer. Ingrid never stopped teasing you and you couldn't help but rub your thighs together. Unbeknownst to you the three women exchanged glances at the action.
You excused yourself to the bathroom. Ingrid was doing this to you on purpose. They were open about their relationship and sex life but you didn’t know they were so open.
Going back into the living room Ingrid was filling her glass in the kitchen and Maria and Frido were having a conversation. You leaned against the kitchen counter next to the Norwegian, “Can i help you?” you asked. “You can be a good girl and go sit all nice and pretty next to Frido for me.” her hands were on your hips turning you to the couch where the two were sat.
Going to sit down next to Frido you got pulled into her lap, waiting nervously at what they had in store for you. “Are you enjoying yourself bebé?” the Spanish defender asked you curiously. You nodded furiously. “I think you could enjoy yourself a bit more tonight, no?” Ingrid said walking towards Frido who she gave another glass of wine. “You definitely could baby.” Frido took a sip of her drink.
Your eyes followed Ingrid who straddled her girlfriend. Mapi leaned in for a kiss when Ingrid stopped her, whispering something in her ear. The dark haired woman teasingly kissed the Spaniard behind her ear and down to her neck, leaving marks along the way.
Yet again, too caught up with the show infront of you you didn’t see the blondes hand creeping up under your dress. “Hmm do you like watching them?” Frido breathed. She pushed your dress up and teased you over the fabric of your panties. Feeling the wet spot on them she pressed harder. “So fucking wet already, haven’t even touched you.” she kissed up your neck.
You shut your eyes, the teasing they've been doing becoming too much. The woman behind you slowed her movements. “She’s getting all hot and bothered, don’t think she can wait much longer.” she talked to the other women. “Oh, she can wait just fine. You’ll be a good little girl for us, right.” Ingrid more stated than asked. Opening your eyes you nodded.
“Say you’ll be a good girl for us.” Frido kissed your neck, her hands starting to grope your tits. Lost in the pleasure you didn’t answer, “Say ‘i’ll be a good girl for you’ or i’ll stop and you won’t get anything at all.” the blonde demanded. You whined at her dominant tone “I’ll be good. I’ll be a good girl for you, just give me something.” you begged.
Frido took that as her sign to slide her hand inside your panties. “She’s so fucking pretty like this.” you heard Mapi say. Frido didn’t slide her fingers in yet, just teasing and lighty brushing past your clit. “J-just give me more please.” you said trying to get more.
You heard the three women laugh at your state. “Haven’t even started fucking you yet and you’re already gone, god you’re desperate.” Ingrid commented from across the couch. Her girlfriend was still under her, both set of eyes fixated on you. “Can’t wait to taste her.” Mapi kissed Ingrid.
“Maria why don’t you get her ready to take a cock then. I’m sure she’d appreciate that, don’t go easy on her though. You know how we want this evening to go.” Ingrid instructed Maria. They’ve been fucking planning this.
A/N setup done, next chapter will be a bit more Mapi and a whole lot more smut so don’t you worry. Feedback would be appreciated :) Got anything you want in the next fic, let me know!
#woso x reader#woso fanfics#woso community#engwnt#barca femeni#barca women#barcelona femeni#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader#ingrid engen x reader#ingrid engen#mapi leon x reader#mapi leon#maria leon#maria pilar leon#fridolina rolfö#fridolina rolfo x reader#woso imagine#woso smut#mapi x ingrid x frido x reader#all eyes on you
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(None of these works are mine, they are just some of my favourite reads) Contents: WoSo, F1, Doctor Who, House of The Dragon, Bridgerton, Ted Lasso
❅ Leah Williamson | Part 2 | Part 3
❅ Alexia Putellas | Part 2
❅ Kyra Cooney-Cross
❅ Ona Batlle
❅ Aitana Bonmati
❅ Sam Kerr
❅ Katie McCabe
❅ Mapi Leon
❅ Ingrid Engen
❅ MapIngrid
❅ Arsenal
❅ Lionesses
❅ Barcelona
❅ Alex Albon
❅ Charles Leclerc
❅ Max Verstappen
❅ Oscar Piastri
❅ Carlos Sainz
❅ Sebastian Vettel
❅ Lance Stroll
❅ Mick Schumacher
❅ George Russell
❅ Franco Colapinto
❅ Liam Lawson
❅ Jenson Button
❅ Polygamous
❅ Lando Norris *no longer read*
Doctor Who
❅ Nine
❅ Ten
❅ Eleven
❅ Twelve
❅ Thirteen
❅ Fourteen
❅ Clara Oswald
House Of The Dragon
❅ Aemond Targaryen
❅ Jacaerys Velaryon
❅ Daemon Targaryen
❅ Rhaenyra Targaryen
❅ Aegon Targaryen
❅ Cregan Stark
❅ Polygamous
❅ Benedict Bridgerton
Ted Lasso
❅ Sam Obisanya
❅ Jamie Tartt
❅ Dani Rojas
#Masterlist#leah williamson x reader#alexia putellas x reader#kyra cooney cross x reader#ona batlle x reader#aitana bonmati x reader#sam kerr x reader#mapi leon x reader#ingrid engen x reader#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader#arsenal wfc x reader#lionesses x reader#barcelona femeni x reader#matildas x reader#woso x reader#alex albon x reader#charles leclerc x reader#max verstappen x reader#oscar piastri x reader#lando norris x reader#carlos sainz x reader#sebastian vettel x reader#lance stroll x reader#mick schumacher x reader#george russell x reader#lestappen x reader#landoscar x reader#benedict bridgerton x reader#sam obisanya x reader#jamie tartt x reader
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 + 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
~ 𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 ~ 𝐛𝐲 @flem17ng
𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
~ 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 - 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 ) ~ 𝐛𝐲 @kamotecue
𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘵 !!
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 , 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘭
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵 , 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 , 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 + 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 , 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 + 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 , 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ,
~ 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐𝘐 ~ 𝐛𝐲 @woso-dreamzzz
𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 𝘹 𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ,
𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 !!
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IngridxMapi Fic List
(the list won't be updated and i think you know why. I might write more for Ingrid though)
#woso x reader#ingrid engen x mapi leon x kid reader#mapi leon x ingrid engen x teen reader#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader
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always want you
ingrid x mapi x reader
with mapi injured, and ingrid running herself ragged with the team, r does everything she can think of to take some of the stress of them. she neglects herself in the process though, until an injury forces her to slow down. she doesn't take it very well.
You'd truly never been so stressed in your life. Your to do list felt never ending, and it was your own doing. Obviously, you'd taken on more at home, cleaning, laundry, and cooking, when Mapi had gotten hurt. She was still on crutches weeks later, and still incredibly needy. It had been manageable, with Ingrid helping you take care of her. The teams demands had a huge impact on Ingrid, though, as she tried to figure out her new role in the squad. She'd been doing amazing, something you and Mapi reminded her everyday, but she was so tense all the time, constantly thinking about how she could improve. She wasn't used to being relied upon at this level by the team, and she was struggling to handle it, you could tell.
You'd taken more and more chores off her hands, unable to sit back and watch her fight through tears cooking dinner after another long day, until you were insisting on her doing the same amount that Mapi was allowed; nothing. It was completely self imposed; either one of them would be happy to help you, but you wouldn't let them.
They were aware of how much you were doing, trying to help you with it all, but the more they pushed, the more you pulled away. They needed you, both of them, and you couldn't let them down. You couldn't need them back, not when there was so much to do.
You were having a rough time playing too, not that you'd ever admit it. You felt like you weren't playing well enough, not scoring enough, not good enough. You were training more, exhausting yourself. It was inevitable, really, that you would get hurt. You were overworking yourself, and you weren't invincible. Realistically, it should have happened sooner, and it should have been muscular. You'd taken a shoulder to the head during the last game, ending up with a concussion. You were more angry with yourself than your team had ever seen you, convinced that you should have avoided the body falling on top of you.
Half the team had tried to make you feel better after the game, and none of them were successful. It was a home game, so Mapi was in the stands, and Ingrid drove the three of you home. You were completely silent the whole way, Ingrid and Mapi talking quietly in the front seat while you sat in the back, fighting dizziness and pain in your head. You were spacing out, thinking about the laundry that really needed to be done, not even noticing when Ingrid pulled into the driveway.
You turned your attention forward, seeing both of your girlfriends anxious faces looking back at you. It was obvious that it was not their first time trying to get your attention.
"We're home, corazón," Mapi said, eyes searching yours.
"Right, yeah." you mumbled, moving to get out of the car. They followed you, Mapi taking longer with her crutches. You'd barely taken a step when you wobbled, dizziness taking over.
"Easy, elskling," Ingrid said, holding you upright.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you insisted, shrugging out from her hands. She looked like she wanted to disagree, but the dizziness had passed, and you didn't look at her as you grabbed both of your bags out of the back, heading inside. You held the door for her and Mapi, lost in your thoughts, missing completely the way both of their eyes lingered on you as they passed.
Both you and Ingrid had showered in the locker room, and your girlfriends were looking forward to a lazy night on the couch. Both of them collapsed onto the couch once inside, looking expectantly at you to join them. You wanted to join them, you really did. Snuggle up right in the middle, in your spot. It was so appealing, Ingrid's curly wet hair, smelling of coconut, Mapi's warm sweatshirt. You wanted to bury yourself in between them, and never come out. Of course, you didn't. Instead, you put your bags away, eyes scrunched as you tried to get used to the light, heading into the bedroom to get a load of laundry going.
"She's going to make herself sick, Ingrid, especially with this concussion," Mapi said quietly.
"I know," Ingrid sighed. "I don't know how to get her to listen, though, you know how off she's been recently. She won't let me help."
"Try Stern Ingrid, that usually works," Mapi suggested. Ingrid schooled her features, throwing Mapi a glare, making her snort. "Perfect." She assured the Norwegian.
You're heading back out of the bedroom, laundry basket in hand, when Ingrid rises from the couch and stops you in your tracks, a soft hand resting on your shoulder.
"Leave the laundry, love, come relax with us. I'll do it tomorrow." Her words are kind but her tone leaves little room for argument. You're the most stubborn person she knows, though, and she's not surprised when her first try is unsuccessful.
"No, I got it," you said, attempting to move past her. Her hand tightens on your shoulder, and you roll your eyes, again trying to shake her off.
"I'm serious, elskling, you don't need to do that tonight. You need to rest."
"Listen to Ingrid, princesa, come relax with us," Mapi chimed in, peaking over the edge of the couch at you.
"I don't have time to relax," you said, finally pulling free of Ingrid and stomping towards the washing machine. She's faster than you, no doubt in her mind that you're reaction time is slower with your concussion, grabbing the laundry basket out of your hands, and holding it behind her back when you whirl around, scowling. The fast turn ends up being a mistake, as the world tilts and spins around you. You sway, squeezing your eyes shut. Ingrid drops the basket carelessly, reaching out to steady you. You allow it for only a moment, even briefly leaning into the contact, before you pull back, a frustrated noise leaving your mouth.
"You need to sit down, y/n, now." Ingrid says, moving closer to you.
"NO!" you yelled, startling both girls. Mapi's never hated being so immobile before; your face is scrunched in pain, hands clenched tightly into fists at your side, and you look so exhausted, it makes her chest ache.
"I don't need to sit down, I need to get this done. I don't have time to relax, do you not understand that? There isn't enough time in the fucking day for me to do everything I need to, and you guys are only making it harder," you shouted, voice still raised.
Ingrid and Mapi stare at you for a minute, stunned. You never yelled. Ever. Neither of them were really sure how to respond. Ingrid took a chance, walking forward and grabbing your wrist, before pulling you towards the couch. You fight her grip again, but it's unrelenting, and she points at the couch, looking at you with one raised eyebrow.
"-No. Lay down. I'm not asking."
Your tears finally escape, sliding down your cheeks as you give up, sitting on the edge of the couch, spine completely straight, as if afraid to let yourself relax. Ingrid is grabbing your legs before you know it, pulling them up on the couch, while Mapi guides your head into her lap. She's in the corner of the sectional, and you fit perfectly against her, both of you able to recline.
"I can't-" you try again, although you don't try to move.
"Yes, you can. Don't move." Ingrid warns, before disappearing into the kitchen.
Mapi ran her fingers through your hair comfortingly, occasionally wiping away the tears falling from your eyes. Ingrid returns with some pills and a glass of water, and you follow her unspoken instructions, swallowing dutifully, before sinking back down into Mapi's lap. Now that you've laid down, you aren't sure you'd be able to get back up, even if you wanted to. It's quiet for a couple moments, none of you quite sure what to say.
"Let's go to bed, yeah?" Ingrid says quietly, and you shrug noncomitally. You move off Mapi, allowing her to slowly make her way into the bedroom, sitting up with your head in your hands on the couch.
"Can I just have a second, please?" You whisper, resisting Ingrid's insistent attempts at eye contact. The Norwegian hesitates, before leaving a kiss on the top of your head, and following Mapi down the hall.
You feel horrible, wracked with guilt. They were just trying to help you, and you'd shouted at them for no reason. They needed space from you now, you're sure. Being around them is intoxicating, almost always makes you fold, makes you break. The distance now, though, allows you to refocus, and you force yourself to pull it together until you can be alone again. You take a few deep breaths, wiping your face off on your shirt, and walking down towards the bedroom. You stop in the doorway. Mapi is laying on the bed, eyes on you, while Ingrid has her back to you, rifling through her pajama drawer.
"I'm gonna sleep in the extra bedroom," you say, unsuccessfully trying not to let your voice crack, showing the emotion you are valiantly attempting to hide.
Both girls' heads snap to look at you, and they speak in perfect unison. "No, you are not."
You can only shake your head, biting down on your lip, not willing to cry in front of them, not when you were in the wrong.
"Princesa," Mapi coos, holding out a hand towards you. "Please just come get in bed."
"No, it's okay, you guys need space from me, you definitely don't want to be around me right now," you say, beginning to ramble. Ingrid silently moves closer to you, taking your face in her hands. Her thumb delicately swipes a tear off your cheek. She feels her own eyes welling with tears as she takes in the agonized expression on your face.
"We never need space from you, my girl. Come get in bed. Please." Ingrid states, tone almost begging, not that she cares. You don't move, and Ingrid takes the opportunity to guide you over to the bed, sitting you on the edge, before tossing you some pajamas. You change into them mechanically, both your girlfriends watching you closely, watching the way your eyes stay stuck on the doorway, as if you're about to bolt any second. You stay on the edge of the bed, until Ingrid climbs onto her side, and gently tugs the back of your shirt. You turn towards her, eyes still downcast.
"Are you sure?" you mumble.
"Yes," they assure you, again speaking at the same time. Your body is stiff as you scoot up the bed, sliding under the covers in between them. You make yourself as small as possible, curling up on your side facing Mapi. It's quiet in the room, the only sounds audible being the occasional uneven breath, occasional sniffle from you. You've kept your eyes shut, not feeling capable of looking either of them in the eye right now.
Ingrid moves slowly, at first just splaying a hand across your back. You're so tense it looks uncomfortable, and she moves closer, curling herself around your back, larger body enveloping yours.
"Relax, baby." she whispers in your ear. The contact is pushing you closer and closer to the edge of a breakdown, one you aren't even sure you don't want anymore. You relax slightly into Ingrid's body, and only then does Mapi move, sliding down and propping herself up on her elbow, free hand tracing lightly over your cheek. She leans forward after a minute, lips lightly leaving a kiss on your nose, then one on each cheek, one on your forehead, and finally, one on your lips. When she pulls away, you grip onto her shirt, taking a deep, stuttering breath.
"I can't," you start, trying to get them to leave you alone. Don't they understand that if they keep being so soft, so kind, you'll break?
"Yes, you can. You don't need to be strong all the time. We're here, you can just let go." Mapi says. You shake your head stubbornly.
"Come on, love. You don't have to pretend around us," Ingrid promises. "We want you even when you are sad."
You aren't sure if you just reach your breaking point, or if her last sentence pushes you over the edge, but you let out a harsh sob, pressing your face into the pillow under you. Ingrid clings to your back, feeling your body shake under her. Mapi moves forward again, allowing you to bury your face in her chest. Your cries are muffled now, squished between your two favorite people. You have no control, no ability to stop yourself from falling apart in front of them.
They're support is unyielding, though, neither of them moving away from you for even a second. You're soaking Mapi's shirt with tears, but both of them are whispering soft reassurances to you, ones you try to let yourself hear. You cry for a while, long enough that your head is pounding, though that might be from the concussion, and your throat feels raw. You don't really remember stopping, either. You must, pathetically, have fallen asleep whilst crying.
Ingrid and Mapi hear your breathing even out, tears having finally stopped falling down your face. The Norwegian looks up at your other girlfriend, then, looking devastated, and Mapi sighs roughly, reaching a hand over to cradle Ingrid's cheek.
"It's not your fault, Ingrid,"
"I shouldn't have let her do everything, and I should have noticed she was struggling." Ingrid whispered, looking down at you like you're the most precious thing in the world, and she's broken you.
"Then I should have too, but you don't blame me, do you?"
"You have one working leg, María, I'm completely fine, yet I let her go crazy taking over everything in the house." Ingrid argued miserably.
"Don't pretend you haven't been stressed too, Ingrid," Mapi said sternly. "You don't get to blame yourself. That won't help her, and it won't help you."
"How do we help her?" Ingrid asks after a minute, looking between the two of you.
"We get her to talk. Something is going on, or she wouldn't be acting so weird. And I've never seen her cry this hard." Mapi swallows thickly. "We get her to tell us what's bothering her, and we fix it."
Ingrid gets the impression that if you told Mapi that going to the moon would make you feel better, the Spaniard would find a way to do it. She softens at this thought, heart overwhelmingly full looking between the two of you. Even though your face is stained with tears, and Mapi's leg is wrapped in white gauze, there isn't a more beautiful sight. Not to her.
"Sleep, princesa," Mapi tells her, leaning over you to kiss Ingrid softly on the lips. "Te amo." She leans down to you, kissing your forehead as you sleep, whispering the same thing against your skin.
Ingrid does the same, pulling you closer into her body as she gets comfortable. It's harder for Mapi, but she manages to shift so that she's on her back, head tilted so her face is pressed into your shoulder. You wake up, just slightly, at the movement around you.
"Love you," you mumble, deciding that both of them are going to have to make do with not being addressed specifically. You relax back into them, the stress and anxiety that had been plaguing you for weeks unable to touch you while you slept, completely surrounded by your girls' love.
You're confused when you hear the sound of an alarm, and are then shaken awake what feels like only a couple hours later. Grumpily, you crack your eyes open, seeing Mapi's face above you, hidden by darkness.
"Why?" You groan, shutting your eyes again. Mapi laughs quietly.
"You have a concussion, amor. Just needed to check on you."
"Hmph," you grumble. If you were more awake, you'd marvel at the fact that they remembered to wake you, even after the way you'd acted. Even with Mapi's knee messed up, definitely needing rest, her first thought was always you.
"Are you feeling alright? Nauseous? Dizzy?"
"I'm fine. A little dizzy."
"Promise you are okay?" She asks, smoothing your hair back.
"Promise." She nods, satisfied, and you roll into her, keeping a tight grip on Ingrid's shirt on your other side, drifting off again.
They wake you a few more times throughout the night; each time you are annoyed at first, and each time they are so gentle, so kind, you feel like a wave of love is washing over you.
The next morning, when you blink your eyes open, seeing light flooding in around the curtains, you hear them speaking lightly to each other over you. The light is making your head pound, and you let out an involuntary groan of pain, pulling the covers over your head. They're conversation cuts off, and you can picture them exchanging looks.
"Amor?" Mapi asks, concerned.
"Too bright. Hurts." you say, having woken up only seconds ago, unwilling to really form full sentences.
There's some shuffling, and then someone is pulling insistently on the covers. You allow them to be pulled off your head, and frowning up at Ingrid and Mapi through half shut eyes. They're both fighting smiles at your disheveled hair, and the grouchy expression on your face. Mapi slides a pair of sunglasses onto your face, and you thank her quietly. Ingrid moves to slide out of the bed, but your hand pulling on her shirt stops her.
"Stay. I'm comfy."
"You don't want coffee?" she asks, expecting you to relent.
You shake your head though, and she looks at Mapi briefly, before climbing back into the bed, and pulling you into her. You sigh contentedly, burrowing in.
Something has changed, your girlfriends can tell. Your breakdown last night has left you clingy- not that they mind. It's just worrying, as you rarely act that way.
"Princesa," Mapi begins. "Can we talk about last night?"
You stiffen noticeably against Ingrid, rolling away from her chest to stare up at the ceiling.
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you guys, there's no excuse."
"Thank you for apologizing, elskling, but that isn't really what we're talking about." Ingrid chimes in, her voice quiet and low, as if she's talking to a cornered animal.
"I'm sorry I lost it, I don't know what happened."
Both girls shake their heads. This time it's Mapi that responds.
"Please do not apologize for having emotions, amor. You needed that, and we were happy to be there for you."
Your eyes shift to hers. "What is there to talk about then?"
Ingrid rolls her eyes, as your attention is on Mapi, at how little weight you put on your emotions and wellbeing. If her or Mapi had broken down like you had last night, you'd be worried sick.
"You're taking on too much. You need to let us help you, it's too much for one person, and both of us are completely capable of doing chores."
"You guys have a lot going on, I'm barely doing anything." You argue weakly.
"You know that isn't true. This has to stop, it's not sustainable. You're exhausted, and now you're hurt. We're putting you on bedrest for the next week." Ingrid says. It has an air of finality to it, but you try anyway.
"-No arguments." Mapi cuts in.
"You guys need me." You say quietly, trying to get them to understand why you needed to do this stuff for them.
"We do. We need you happy, and healthy. And you need us too, love. It's your turn to let us take care of you."
"I've been in a horrible mood, I wouldn't even want to be around me. And I don't deserve- need to be taken care of. I'm fine." You pause briefly, biting your lip, trying to decide if you should voice the thing thats been bothering you the most. "If anything, I need to work harder, I've been playing so badly."
Your voice breaks on the last word, and you shut your eyes again, reaching under the sunglasses to furiously wipe a tear away. A hand grips your chin, turning your face towards Ingrid. She has a intense blazing expression on her face, one of anger, and you're honestly confused.
"First of all, we always want to be around you. Second, you absolutely have not been playing badly. You've been working so hard, darling, and it's been paying off." You scoff in disbelief. Ingrid's jaw clenches, and she looks at Mapi almost helplessly, as if she isn't sure what to say. The Spaniard is turning your face towards her now. Mapi's warm eyes bore into yours through your sunglasses, begging you to listen.
"You always deserve to be taken care of, princesa." You winced, you'd been hoping they wouldn't catch that slip up. "Even if you had been playing badly, which you absolutely haven't, you still deserve our love, amor. Always."
"Then why don't I feel like I do?" you whisper.
"Oh, love," Ingrid says sadly, leaning in to rest her lips on your forehead, leaving several pecks there. "I don't know why, but I promise that you do."
"We'll just have to remind you more, hmm? That you are our niña bonita, and we always love you. We always want you, and want to give you what you need. Okay?" Mapi finishes.
Hesitantly, you nod. Their anxious faces break into smiles at your agreement, and they both lean in, pressing simultaneous kisses to your cheeks. You laugh, feeling their matching grins against your cheeks, and wonder how you possibly got so lucky.
I tried to end this like 16 paragraphs ago but I was unsuccessful.
#woso#woso x reader#woso imagine#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader#mapi leon x reader#ingrid engen x reader#mapi leon x ingrid engen
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taste II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader

masterlist I word count: 1018
a/n: dear readers, this short, a little silly but cute oneshot was inspired by this request here, happy reading. 🫶🏻 🐈⬛
Autumn has finally arrived in Barcelona. Leaves painted in red, orange and yellow started to fall from the trees for one last dance. Baghera was entranced by what nature did and watched everything from her favourite spot in the living room close to the window.
Every year you both were falling in love with that season of the year, as it might be an ending to a summer you fully lived, but also the beginning of something fresh and new.
The champion’s league was about to start and games under the lights were always something special, alone the thought of it filled you with giddy excitement.
“Girls, I invited Esmee for dinner. That’s alright, right?”, you asked your girlfriends who were already in the kitchen.
“Yes, of course, kjaerste.”, Ingrid nodded friendly, standing in front of the stove. While Mapi was launching around in one of the chairs in a sitting position which screamed gay, and parents would judge because of bad posture.
“She was so sad that her parents left again. I thought she could use the distraction.”, you continued. The sad face of the young player was still fresh in your memory.
As a foreign player yourself you knew that being separated from your family for such long periods of time was hard especially when the nights got colder and the daylight shorter.
When you first came to Barcelona at Esmee’s age you were glad that Mapi and Ingrid welcomed you into their home with open arms, the appartement you began to share with them turning into a home away from home soon.
“That’s very sweet of you.”, the Norwegian commented, her forehead covered in frowning lines, looking concentrated at the recipe ahead of her.
“What’s for dinner?”, Mapi questioned smirking.
“I’ve something delicious planned.”, Ingrid announced delighted.
The Spaniard and you took a curious glance at the cookbook before exclaiming, faces formed to disgusted grimaces. “Pumpkin soup?!”
“Why do I have two children, one who has no patience and the other has the taste bud of a toddler?”, the dark-haired women groaned in response.
“Excuse me?”, you replied, pretending to be offended.
“I said what I said.”, Ingrid declared who tried her best to suppress a smile.
“Can’t you make some chicken nuggies?”, you asked your girlfriend, giving her puppy-eyes which you hoped would warm her Scandinavian heart. Often this worked out perfectly fine.
“Please, please, please.”, Mapi supported your suggestion loudly.
“Girls, seriously?”, Ingrid sighed, the defender and you knew from her sigh alone that you both had won in the question of what’s going to be for dinner.
A knocking on the door interrupted the discussion. You opened the door for Esmee and led her into the kitchen.
“Hi everyone. Ingrid, what are you cooking? Can I help you?”, the young player asked politely, peeking over the shoulder of the tall Norwegian.
“I’m making pum-…“, she started, one last attempt to get someone on her side.
“We’re having chickie nuggies!”, Mapi and you announced simultaneously.
Finally, Ingrid gave in: “Yes, we’re having chicken nuggets…“
“Thanks, love.“, you thanked her, beaming.
A small smile appeared on her face as she nudged your side: “You’re lucky I love you two so much.“
“We love you too, amor.“, Mapi replied, kissing Ingrids right cheek while you got on your tiptoes to kiss her left.
Esmee cleared her throat, making sure you hadn’t forgotten that you had a visitor.
Blushing, Ingrid pushed the two of you away and got to work.
You grinned at Esmee: “Hope you like nuggets, Esmee.“
She nodded happily, looking a bit relieved that it wasn’t pumpkin soup: “I do.“
“Then sit down while Ingrid shows us her cooking skills.“, you joked.
Ingrid rolled her eyes next to you. Of the three of you, she was definitely the best cook so making chicken nuggets was beneath her actual cooking skills.
Still, she managed to present you with a batch of perfectly crispy nuggets, a homemade dipping sauce and a bowl of fresh salad. You were all athletes after all.
“This is…“; Esmee said between two mouthfuls of salad.
“Delicious as always.“, Mapi completed the sentence for her, gleefully biting into a nugget.
Ingrid smiled across the table, seemingly happy that you all enjoyed her food: “Thank you, girls.“
“You’re the best cook.“, you agreed with the others.
“I’ll try the pumpkin soup another time though.“, the Norwegian warned you jokingly.
“I promise we’ll try it then.“, you assured her. It was only fair that she would get her pumpkin soup.
“Appreciate it.“
The food was quickly gone, leaving the table cluttered with empty dishes.
Mapi leaned back in her chair with a yawn: “Now time for a nap.“
“Thanks for the dinner, girls.“, Esmee said after she made sure that Ingrid didn’t want any help washing dishes.
“No worries, you’re always welcome here.“, you assured the young player and pulled her into a quick hug before she left.
You smiled to yourself as you closed the door behind her, you loved providing a safe space for the young players, making sure they had everything they needed even if it was just dinner.
“Y/n, Ingrid, hurry up!”, you heard Mapi call from the living room.
Ingrid left the kitchen, rolling her eyes: “That kid has no patience.“
“You still love it.“, you laughed as the two of you entered the living room where Mapi laid sprawled out on the sofa.
“Come into my arms, my loves.“, she laughed, making space for both of you on each side.
You didn’t even think twice as you launched yourself onto the sofa: “Coming!”
“All here.“, Ingrid smiled as she took the other side of the sofa.
Mapi sighed with content, wrapping one arm around each of you: “That’s how I like it.“
“Sandwiched on the sofa? We know.“, you teased her.
Ingrid chuckled lightly, reaching over Mapi and intertwined her fingers with yours: “Me too. With my two favourite children.“
With her eyes already closed, Mapi mumbled something unintelligible, already snoozing.
You cuddled closer into her side.
There was nothing better to do on your free day.
#ingrid engen#ingrid engen imagine#mapi leon#mapi leon x reader#mapi leon imagine#ingrid engen x mapi leon x reader#woso x reader#woso#woso fanfics#woso imagine#woso community#woso one shot#woso oneshot#barca femeni#mapi leon x ingrid engen x reader#ingrid engen x reader#mapi león#barcelona femeni#fcb femeni#esmee brugts#esmee brugts x reader#barca femeni x reader
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Mapi + Ingrid, "Don't you hide that thermometer from us!" (Reader is adamant they're not sick)
Also, Happy New Year!
downpour II m.león, i.engen
it had all started the night before, with what was supposed to be a lovely date night out had ended with the three of you soaked to the bone and mapi in the doghouse.
the tattooed defender had insisted on driving despite both you and ingrid offering, snatching the keys and zooming out the door calling for the two of you to hurry up as ingrid was still sat down trying to get her shoes on.
swearing under her breath in norweigan you grinned knowing exactly what she said, your calls out for the energetic girl already waiting at the elevator falling on deaf ears as mapi simply shook the keys with a jingle and you hovered in the doorway.
"at least one of you knows the meaning of the word patient." ingrid rolled her eyes as she stood and grabbed her bag from the table, pressing a grateful kiss to your lips before you moved out of the way and she pulled the front door closed with a click.
you snickered as mapi puckered her lips expectantly in the elevator, ingrid ignoring her and instead pulling you into another kiss as the shorter girl gasped.
only it seemed now her protests fell on deaf ears as the doors opened and ingrid pulled away, taking your hand and tugging you out of the elevator as your head swam a little from the kiss, mapi huffing and puffing after the pair of you into the car park.
"ven aquí mi amor."
right as ingrid let you go you felt a body press into you as you were backed up into the car, grunting a little in surprise as your other girlfriend pounced, tangling a hand in your hair you'd just spent half an hour straightening and latching her mouth to yours.
you let out a small gasp at the slight tug at your roots which had your chin angled upward, the defenders tongue sliding past your lips as her body heat pumped against yours and her spare hand slipped up your shirt.
it was only ingrid clearing her throat three times which had the spaniard pulling away, your head positively swimming now as you blinked slowly and mapi pushed away from you with a satisfied grin.
"was that supposed to make me jealous maría?" the norweigan smirked rounding the car and slipping into the back, unbothered by the display of affection as the shorter girl scowled in response.
though her face softened as it caught your still stunned expression, a slight smile pulling at her lips as she opened your door for you, murmuring for you to get inside as you did so wordlessly.
"tan bonito." mapi hummed, leaning down to press a much softer kiss to your lips than before before closing your door and jogging around to the drivers side.
"very pretty." ingrid leaned forward to kiss your cheek in agreement, rolling her eyes as your other girlfriend stuck the key in the ignition but made no move to turn it on, tapping her cheek with her finger.
"you are such a baby maria." ingrid chuckled making you grin as she kissed the defenders cheek, leaning forward even more to kiss her lips next but the pair of them were interrupted at the loud growl of your stomach.
"well you heard the girl, she's hungry. vamos!"
dinner itself was lovely as expected, the three of you stuffed full of some of the most delicious food barcelona had to offer, finally getting a table at a restaurant you'd all had your eye on for weeks now, your cheeks flushed red from the singular glass of wine you'd had.
however when you finished up dinner and exited the restaurant, gone was the soft pink and yellow sunset that had waved you off, replaced instead with a jet black sky and the thunder of rain, the crack of lightning not too far off in the distance.
"ehh, we will have to run for it." mapi winced having parked two streets over as ingrid mumbled something inaudible, all three of you at least grateful you'd worn some variation of flat shoe, the rain only seeming to get harder and harder the longer you waited.
so with that in mind, counting down from three, you sprinted.
however finally reaching the car, disaster struck as your girlfriend who'd once again not only insisted on driving but also keeping the keys on her, couldn't find them.
so with ingrid yelling at her mapi raced off back to the restaurant and the pair of you did your best to shelter under a nearby tree to try to avoid the downpour, which considering the two of you were already soaked, was really a pointless task.
needless to say once your girlfriend returned, indeed having left the keys on the table, it was a very wet and silent drive home.
the next morning you could instantly tell something was off, absolutely sweltering despite the fact it was the middle of the cooler season in spain.
carefully moving ingrids arm from where it was draped across your chest, the norweigan not even stirring as you slipped out of bed, quickly stripping yourself of the hoodie which was encasing you.
but when that did nothing to help the sweat beading across your forehead you made a beeline for the bathroom, splashing a little cold water on your face and wincing as a bolt of pain shot through your head.
a quick check of the medicine cabinet turned up nothing as you left your girlfriends behind and headed for the kitchen instead, hoping mapi had just misplaced the advil after being too lazy to put it back where it belonged.
a rifle through the relevant drawers and you sighed in relief as you found it, popping two small tablets out and filling a glass of water, downing them and rinsing out your glass.
your head feeling a little stuffy and your skin still prickling with heat you trudged back to the bedroom, quickly checking both girls tucked up in bed were still asleep and quietly stepping back into the bathroom.
you had a terrible feeling you already knew the answer but none the less you bent down and grabbed out the thermometer from its case under the sink, popping it into your mouth and sitting on the edge of the bath waiting a moment, a spell of dizziness hitting you suddenly.
"mierda." you mumbled under your breath, tugging it out and seeing how high your temperature was, and now you were hyper aware of it you could feel your nose getting running, grumbling in annoyance under your breath.
"baby. are you okay?" you jumped in surprise not having heard the brunette come in, quickly holding your hand behind your back. "i am fine amor, go back to bed!" you forced a smile, the norweigans eyes narrowing.
"what is behind your back?" ingrid asked with a curious tone, eyebrow raised as you shrugged. "my hand." you answered with a shrug, your girlfriends face clearly mirroring she didn't believe you.
then her gaze drifted, spotting the open case for the thermometer sitting by the sink before her eyes darted back to you. "qué está pasando?" mapi questioned groggily, woken up by the profound lack of bodies in bed with her and coming to investigate the reason she'd woke up alone.
"she is sick." ingrid pointed at you accusingly as you scoffed, trying not to wince at how all of a sudden you could feel your throat tighten and become a little itchy.
"i am not sick!" "don't you hide that thermometer from us." "what thermo-"
only your own body betrayed you as you interrupted yourself with an abruptly aggressive sneeze, accidentally dropping the thermometer in question into the bath behind you with a clatter.
"that thermometer cariño." mapi chuckled in amusement, ingrid shooing you out of the way and plucking it out of the bath as you sighed, marched right back to bed by one girlfriend as the other quickly cleaned off the thermometer in the sink.
"maría mi amor-" you tried, silenced with a finger smooshed against your lips, rolling your eyes as the defender shook her head. "you know maría none of this would have happened if you hadn't left the keys!" ingrid huffed, shoving the thermometer into your mouth before you could even blink.
"me? this is not my fault!" "yes it is." "no it is not." "yes it is!" "no it-"
once more you interrupted with a sneeze, wincing at how it ripped through your body and your throat, making you shiver as both of your girlfriends fell silent.
"i will make soup." "i will find the cough medicine."
they both spoke in sync with a nod, and as they rushed off you pulled the thermometer from your mouth, wincing at the high temperature and quickly stretching over to dunk it in a glass of water on the side table, interrupted by someone clearing their throat and a pair of sharp eyes glaring at you from the doorway.
"don't even think about it kjære"
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Three’s a crowd
Pairing: Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x reader
Words: 3389
Warnings: swearing
Summary: You accidentally tell Ona about your relationship with Ingrid and Mapi despite promising them you’d keep it to yourself. Their reaction is nothing like you expect.
Notes: I’m sorry I’m advance for the terrible Spanish. Also, this may not flow smoothly and I apologise for that. I tried my best!

"I mean, I'd make out with them but like -platonically, you know?"
"You can't make out with someone platonically, idiota."
"Of course you can! We've done it like, so many times before already. I mean, maybe it was platonic at first, anyway. But it's definitely not now." You wave your hand dismissively. It takes promptly three seconds before you freeze in the midst of shoving your belongings into your back at the words that had just escaped your mouth without meaning to. Eyes widening, you turn to face Ona who was staring at you with a look of pure shock on her face. Her mouth was agape, hands frozen mid air in the midst of pulling off her jersey.
"qué?" Her eyebrow raise.
You panic. "Uhh, nothing. I said nothing," you scramble to collect the rest of your things, hoisting your kitbag onto your shoulder before slowly backing away from her. "You're just hearing things, Ona. I didn't say anything."
You see, this...relationship, or whatever was going on between Mapi, Ingrid and yourself was new. So new, in fact, it didn't quite have a label. In the privacy of their home, you were like any typical throuple. You kissed. Cuddled. Held hands. They'd dote over you and you craved their attention and affection. In public, however, they tended to stay away from you. Not in a mean way. A least, you didn't think so anyway. Sure they'd speak to you. Pull you into he occasional side hug if you did particularly well in training. Soft, subtle smiles would be shared between the three of you.
But that was it, and that was okay. It was just easier that way anyway. Nobody questioned you; talked you into thinking that maybe joining their relationship wasn't the best idea. You were already going a good enough job of that yourself, after all, and the rumours and speculations that would surely appear if started being affectionate in public certainly wouldn’t help.
It wasn't like you didn't want to be with them, because you very much did. It was just...they were perfect together. Had been together for years before bringing you into the mix. What did you bring into this...relationship that they didn't already have?
The answer was nothing.
Perhaps that train of thought wasn't fair, you thought. It had only been a month, after all. A month was nothing. It was why you'd chosen to remain silent. That way, you wouldn't cause any issues.
"ey ey ey, no," her hand grabs your arm, preventing you from making your escape. "You are not going anywhere chica. Sentarse." She all but demands, pointing your cubby.
"No, Ona," you futility attempt to free your arm. Ingrid was going to kill you. Literally murder you before bringing you back to clean up the mess. Both she and Mapi had asked you to keep this to yourself, and you'd broken their trust before talking without thinking. You and your stupid big mouth.
"Really. I have to go. I said I would-"
Ona shakes her head, effectively cutting you off mid sentence. "Sentarse." She says again, sounding less amused than she had before. It has you shrinking in place, but yet, your stubbornness has you once again shaking your head.
"No. I'm not a dog." The door was just there. Your eyes desperately flicker around the room in hopes of finding something that would distract the defender so you make a break for it.
"Y/n, I swear-"
"What is going on?" A new voice fills the room, and both your heads turn at the sound. At the sight of Mapi standing before you, tanned, tattooed arms crossed against her chest, your eyes wide almost comically. Oh shit. Shit shit shit. You were dead. You were so dead.
Mapi's eyes flicker from Ona's face to her grasp around your arm, prompting the defender for sigh heavily before dropping it. She turns and sits, bending down to begin removing her boots. The knowing smirk on her face was hidden. She knew it.
"Qué está pasando?" Mapi asks again, dropping her arms and making her over to you. You instinctively take a small step closer to her, staring at Ona with pleading eyes when she looks up and makes eye contact. She stares right back at you for a few moments before sighing lightly and shaking her head, rising to her feet and tugging off her jersey.
"Nada," she finally speaks, and you let out a subconscious breath of relief as feel your heart beginning to settle in your chest. Crises averted. For now, anyway.
Mapi eyes Ona for a second before nodding and turning to face you. You don't seem to realise the look of concern still etched on your face, but the Spaniard decides that for now, she'd drop the subject in an effort to prevent furthering your impending panic.
"Are you ready to go?" She asks instead, and you nod, allowing her to place a steady hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the locker room. You glance back at Ona who just so happened to be staring right back at you. She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head slightly to the side in question, and you nod, the defender mimicking it before focusing her attention back to her kitbag.
"Ingrid is in the car already." Mapi tells you in her heavily accented English as you make your way outside, her hand absentmindedly trailing up and down your back in a subconscious action of comfort.
You hum does little to comfort her.
"What happened, amor?" She gently pulls you to a stop, her hand on your hip gently coaxing you to face her. You comply, albeit a little hesitantly, eyes focusing on the tattoo on her neck. Looks can be deceiving. They could be indeed. A small part of you admittedly wants to tell her, but you figure doing so and spilling your guts and in the middle of a car park with all your teammates surrounding you wouldn't be the best idea.
"Later?" You plead instead, and though the Spaniard hesitates, she nods her head and once again starts guiding you back to her car with her hand on the small of your back. The remainder of the walk was completed in silence, Mapi opening the trunk of her car allowing you to dump your kitbag in the there along with Ingrid's and her own before opening the back passenger door.
You slip inside with a tight smile and without your usual kiss to her cheek in thanks, and the defender finds herself frowning as she closes the door and makes her way round to the drivers side, completely missing your less than enthusiastic greeting to Ingrid. You settle in the back with your headphones in, perhaps a not so mature response, but one you deemed necessary to get your thoughts together before the inevitable conversation ahead.
"Is she okay?" The Norwegian questions, glancing back a you in concern. She doesn't normally like talking about you with you in such close proximity, but she figures due to the loud music currently emanating from your headphones that you wouldn't be able to hear them. Besides, she was only doing so out of concern.
Mapi shrugs, "no sé. Ona said something, I think. Said something she did not mean to, maybe?" Her eyes follow Ingrid's for a second before she starts the car, pulling out of her parking space with relative ease. The plan had been for you to stay with them tonight, so she purposely misses the turn to your apartment and continues straight to theirs.
"Ona said something to her?" Ingrid frowns.
"Sí. She look like, how you say..." Mapi tightens her hands around the steering wheel, "como un ciervo atrapado en los faros?"
"A dear caught in headlights?" Ingrid responds, and Mapi nods.
"Sí." The Spaniard confirms.
Ingrid reaches out and places a steady hand on the defenders thigh, giving the bare, tanned skin a soft squeeze. "Did you ask?"
Mapi nods as she eases the car to a stop at a red light. "Talk later, she said. So obstinada." She grumbles.
Ingrid couldn't help but smile, "Like you, you mean?" She teases, earning herself a playful punch to the arm.
"She is worse." The Spaniard grumbles, and Ingrid laughs softly.
With a quiet sigh, you place your AirPod back into your ear. You were stubborn, she was right. But it wasn't like you weren't willing to talk about it. You just didn't want to do so where there was a risk somebody would hear.
The looming conversation ahead seemed way more daunting now.
"Go shower, bebé," Mapi finally breaks the silence as Ingrid closes the front door and locks it behind her, and you nod mutely as you kick of your shoes and make your way down the hall to their bathroom. Their bathroom. Ingrid and Mapi's. Not yours. That thought alone makes your eyes burn with tears.
You miss the look of concern shared between both women share as you close the bathroom door behind you.
"I need to text Ona." Mapi murmurs as she pulls out her phone, a gentle hand resting atop of her own stopping her in her tracks.
Ingrid shakes her head, "I know it's hard, but you need to let her come to us. It's obvious that she doesn't want us to know what happened with her and Ona, and we need to respect that. Forcing her to talk will only end badly."
Mapi sighs, knowing her girlfriend was right. Still, she couldn't help but push.
"But, what if-”
"No, kjære," Ingrid takes both Mapi's hand in her own and squeezes. "Let her come to us."
"Sí, mi amor."
Both knew the topic of conversation between you and Ona had evidently been about them. If not, you would have come to them. Just like you had when Lucy had said something to upset you. It wasn't like you to push them away. Mapi knew that. She also knew Ingrid was right about letting you come to them, despite her reluctance to do everything possible to figure out what was going on.
"Okay. Go find us a movie to watch. I'll make a start on diner." Ingrid places a soft kiss against the Spaniards cheek before disappearing through to the kitchen. Mapi watches her go before letting out a quiet sigh and curling up on the corner of the couch, picking up the remote to turn on the tv.
You finish with your shower long before Ingrid finishes with dinner, and you appear in the threshold of the living room clad in both their clothes. Ingrid's sweater, and Mapi's sweatpants, your hair wet and hanging down by your face.
Mapi gestures you over with one of those smiles that makes you melt, "Let me do your hair, amor. Sit." She opens her legs and pats the spot in between them. Your reluctance was evident as you comply, placing your hands on either of the Spaniards thighs as you settle and allow her to start combing through your hair.
"Dinner smells good." You finally find it within you to talk as you feel Mapi's fingers beginning to part your hair with the intention of braiding it. You didn't like leaving your hair down to sleep, and you found it endearing that Mapi had somehow remembered that fact despite it being weeks since you’d told her.
"Mhh," Mapi hums, "huele deliciosa." She agrees.
After tying off your hair with a hair tie, Mapi's tattooed arms loop around your waist, her hands clasped together against your stomach. You expect her to talk. To push you into opening up about what had happened earlier. But she surprisingly does neither. She simply rests her chin against your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek before once again picking up the remote.
"You pick." She mumbles into your ear, and you nod, eyes skimming over the screen.
Ingrid makes her way into the room just as you'd decided on the lion king, carrying a plate in either hand. She hands one off to both you and Mapi before once again disappearing and returning with her own.
It was pasta. Your favourite.
"Gracias." Mapi grins, settling back against the couch with you still between her legs and shoving a large forkful of food into her mouth.
Ingrid stares at you with a smile, one you couldn't help but mimic as you both watch the Spaniard stuff her face. Knowing you were in the way, you shift yourself over Mapi's leg and settle on the couch between them instead.
You ignore Mapi's playful pout at the action.
"Thank you." You whisper, and Ingrid smiles again as she gives your thigh a squeeze.
"You're welcome, elskling."
It didn't take long before dinner was quickly demolished, three empty plates sat on the coffee table as the three of you lay comfortably on the couch. You were in between Ingrid's legs now, your back to her chest with one of her arms wrapped securely around your waist. Mapi was curled up next you both, her head on Ingrid's shoulder as the Norwegian combs her fingers through her hair.
The defenders arm was thrown lazily over your stomach, tattooed hand resting on the gentle curve of your waist. Your own hand settles on top of her arm, the pad of your thumb trailing over warm skin.
The silence between you was comfortable. You were comfortable. So much so you almost want to bring up the elephant in the room. It couldn’t be that bad, right?
You sit up suddenly, yanking yourself out of both woman's grip. Mapi whines unhappily, but Ingrid nudges her softly as she shakes her head and sits up too.
Understanding, Mapi sighs lightly and forces herself to sit in front of you, her rear end perched on the edge of the coffee table. She tries to take your hands, but frowns when you gently push them away.
"I told Ona." You blurt out.
Ingrid's eyes widen, but you didn't need to see it to know she was disappointed. You could tell by the way an alarmed Mapi meets her gaze over your shoulder. You desperately try and fix your mistake.
"Well, I didn't tell her. We were talking, and it just slipped out. I didn't mean for it to happen. I swear. It was just a joke. I mean, it wasn't a joke. I was just trying to tell her a joke. That's when it happened. Please don't be mad. Or well, you can be mad. I betrayed your trust. But please don't be mad. It was an accident, I swear." You weren't aware that you had started crying until you feel Mapi's hands cup your cheeks and wipe away your tears.
Her hands were warm, and you relish in the feeling as you force yourself to take a few breaths. Ingrid's arms, you now notice, were tight around you too, her hands beneath your shirt resting on the bare skin of your stomach. You inhale and exhale, feeling her hands move with you.
"It is okay," Mapi was the first to speak, scooting a little closer and moving her hands to rest on either of your thighs. You desperately cling to to them with your own. "I am not mad. And Ingrid is not too, right?"
"Right." The Norwegian murmurs in your ear, her chin hooked over your shoulder. Her hair tickles your cheek.
"But I told..." You whisper, your voice breaking slightly, leaning back into Ingrid as much as your body would allow.
"Sí. You did," Mapi agrees. "But it was an accident, no? You did not mean to."
"Mapi's right, elskling."
"I always am." Mapi smirks, and you couldn't help but laugh when Ingrid playfully kicks her with her foot.
"She is right,” Ingrid repeats. “We are not mad at you. Being mad at you for something you didn't mean to do would be stupid. And besides, it's about time we start letting people know, mhhh?"
You blink, craning your head to the side so you were more or less looking Ingrid in the eye. She stares down at you, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your nose. It scrunches up at the action, and both she and Mapi share a look when you flush and bashfully stare down at your lap. When Mapi reaches out to take your hands again, this time you let her.
"You want to tell people? About us?" You murmur.
This was not how you thought this conversation would go.
"Mhh," Ingrid nods. "Sí." Mapi agrees.
"But, what if..." you trail off.
"What if what, amor? Talk to us, por favor." Mapi coaxes, squeezing your hands again. You look up at her, and she smiles oh so gently at you it has your mouth opening before you could give it permission to do so.
"People will talk. About us. And that won't bother me, not really. But I don't want you guys to change your mind. You were perfect before, and I don't exactly bring anything to the table." You admit.
"Baby, no. Do not think like that. This is new, yes, but that does not mean we have any doubts," Ingrid starts, her frown identical to Mapi's whose eyes have grown shiny at your words. "I can almost guarantee people will talk. That's just what they do when they see something that they're not used to. But that doesn't mean their opinions matter."
You nod, feeling something inside you slotting into place.
"My opinion, yours, Ingrid's are what matter amor. If we are happy, then that is all that matters, sí?"
"Sí." You nod.
"You are happy?" Mapi pushes, and you nod with a genuine smile. "Bueno. Now stand, por favor." She holds her hands out for you to take, and you place your own into them allowing her to easily pull you to your feet. With a kiss to your forehead, she takes your place in between Ingrid's legs and tugs on the material of your sweater to pull you closer.
You yet again comply, ending up sat on her lap with your legs either side of her hips atop of Ingrid's thighs. Mapi's arms loop tightly around your waist, holding you tightly to them both, and you melt in their embrace as you rest your head against her shoulder.
Ingrid's face was just millimetres away from your own, and you smile when you feel her lips press softly against the top of your head.
"Something to the table. What does that mean?" Mapi settles back into Ingrid when she feels the Norwegian secure her arms around both herself and you.
Your eyes rip open. Damn. You hoped they wouldn't bring this part up. When Ingrid remains silent, it becomes clear she expects you to answer Mapi's question. So with a sigh, you do.
"It's an idiom. It means to do something that will benefit others." You mumble, less than happy.
Mapi's eyebrows furrow.
"You do not think you benefit us?" She places her hands on each of your sides and gently tugs your upper body away from her. You let her, but not without a pout and refusing to meet her eyes.
"Bebé, look at me por favor."
You shake your head.
"Elskling." Ingrid's warning voice echos around the room along with her fingers tapping gently under your chin, and you sigh heavily as you comply with the Spaniards words. Mapi's eyes immediately meet your own, but they didn't hold the stern look Ingrid's did.
"You do not think you benefit us?" She asks again, and you hesitate to shake your head.
"Por qué?"
"I don't know. I just...your relationship was perfect before me." You fumble with the chain hanging from Mapi's neck.
"No relationship is perfect, my love." Ingrid cuts in, Mapi nodding in agreement. "We love each other, yes. But all couples have their issues. Including us."
"If anything, being with you only makes us stronger. Because now there's three of us, instead of two. Meaning there is lots more love and time to go around." Ingrid hand grips your thigh and squeezes. You rest your own on top of it, gripping her fingers and squeezing hard.
Mapi nuzzles her nose with your own for a second before dropping her head back onto Ingrid's shoulder. "You make us better, sí?" She reaches up and cups your cheek, her thumb grazing gently over the still damp skin.
Your lips quirk up into a hesitant smile.
"There's that smile." Ingrid coos, and you flush slightly as you fall forward into their arms, hiding your face into the Spaniards neck. Mapi grins as she cups the back of your head, and Ingrid mimics is as she presses a kiss to her cheek.
"Our girl."
@ktgoodmorning @goldenempyrean @girlgenius1111 @alexias-putellas @mapis-russo @wileys-russo
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Loud II
Mapi León x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: You really need to stay quiet
*TW: light sexual content*
You whine into Mapi's mouth as she kisses you, tongue slipping into your mouth easily as you try to get even closer to her, sat atop her lap and rocking.
"Don't be too loud," Ingrid warns from her sport on the armchair in the corner, a light flush to her cheeks as she watches, chest heaving with pants," Or we'll have unwanted visitors."
You and Mapi don't really listen though.
You're usually good listeners, to Ingrid at least, but your noise levels can never be policed.
Especially if you're unbuttoning Mapi's shirt and gently running your fingers over her bare skin.
She gasps into your mouth, head tipping back to moan when you move to attach your lips to her neck.
"Another hickey?" Ingrid asks from her spot watching you both, legs thrown over the arms of the seat casually like she's watching her favourite show.
She probably is.
"Make sure to really mark her up," She continues," So she remembers what's going to happen tonight."
Mapi's hips jerk upwards when you suck at a particularly sensitive part of her neck. Her moans turn more into a whine, high pitched and loud as you bite down with a smug smirk.
"Don't make me come over there and gag you," Ingrid warns, eyes flashing with something deliciously dangerous at the threat.
It wouldn't be the first time she'd threatened to do that. It wouldn't be the first time she'd followed through either.
She'd have to be creative though. She certainly hadn't packed what she usually uses at home for this trip but you'd always enjoyed when Ingrid got a bit creative.
Especially when you could watch her get creative with Mapi, who threads her fingers through your hair to keep you at that sensitive spot.
"You...You try to be quiet when you've got an angel sucking at your neck," Mapi pants out, whining when you grind more firmly onto her lap.
"An angel?" You grin against her skin," Clearly, I'm not doing this right if you think I'm an angel." You look into her eyes and wink. "After all, I'm just warming you up for Ingrid."
You go back to sucking on her neck, littering Mapi with hickeys as her head raises to look at Ingrid, completely relaxed and only a little flushed from her seat in the corner watching.
She's cut off though by the sharp rapping of knuckles on the door and you both freeze, heads trying to strain around the corner like you suddenly gained x-ray vision to see who could be waiting on the other side.
"Why did you stop?" Ingrid asks, elegantly getting to her feet with a smile.
"We..." You say," There's someone at the door..."
"Yes. That doesn't explain why you stopped."
"But the door-"
"I'll get the door," Ingrid waves a dismissive hand. "And I want you both suitably warmed up for me by the time I'm back." She winks. "You two will just have to be very quiet."
It doesn't sound like a difficult task but the moment Mapi's lips are on yours again, you know both of you are struggling to choke down the moans and whines threatening to spill out.
"Ingrid." It's Alexia's voice that you hear when the door is finally swung open.
"Alexia?" Ingrid replies and you can just tell she'll be wearing that confused face that she's perfected so well just for situations like these. "What is it? I thought we were done for the day. Have we missed a meeting?"
"No," Alexia says," No, nothing like that. Listen, I have no issues if you're going to let Mapi and y/n play cards but, please, can you tell them to quieten down?
You clumsily grind down against Mapi and she bites at your lip to force herself not to let a moan slip out.
"I can try," Ingrid lies," But you know how they get when they're playing cards. I can't always keep them quiet."
"So long as you try," Alexia agrees," Even just a tiny bit quieter? The walls are thick so it's not terrible but even just a little less noise will be appreciated."
"I'll make sure they're quieter," Ingrid promises, drumming her fingers on the door just as you drag Mapi into another heated kiss," Is that it?"
"That's it," Alexia says," Thanks."
"No problem."
The minute you hear the door swing shut, Mapi moans into your mouth, hands on your hips trying to guide your grinding exactly where she needs you.
"So," Ingrid says as she crawls onto the bed behind you, hooking her chin over your shoulder and pushing you and Mapi a tad more firmly together," It looks like you two might really get gagged after all."
#woso x reader#mapi leon x reader#mapi leon#ingrid engen x reader#ingrid engen#woso community#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso
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