#not sit in art class for another 40 minutes
how do you even tell someone theyre your fp
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adaginy · 1 year
An ode to meeting normal people in real life: I cannot do art I am looking at beautiful works selling for thousands of dollars (for prints!) But for $35 I can take a one-off class To paint a whale and some fjords And someone in my class Is asking in a panic For the teacher to repeat the instructions to make dark blue paint (I mix the blue and the black) I am not flexible or strong I am sitting in the audience at an off-brand Cirque du Soleil But at 9 a.m. there is a stretching meetup To do motions for all bodies And someone in my class Is getting assistance Because she cannot lift her leg back for bird dog (I need the mirror to find the right angle but I can do it) I do not smile with my teeth I am being shamed by a dentist who grew up with fluoridated water But about 40 minutes away is a dentistry college To get a lot of care at a discounted rate And another patient in the class Is inducing a commotion After his tooth came out in the impression goo (I am getting six fillings and replacing the broken-off cap on my broken-off buck tooth)
I am not confident in interviews I am getting cheerful, confident, impossible advice from neurotypicals But my 10-year severance package included this seminar To teach us how to write modern resumes And the teacher for the class Is gently correcting my former coworker That no, we do not need to start with "Objective:" in the 21st century (I get contacted for a lot of gig work, which isn't ideal, but it beats unemployment) I am not always not the worst person in class I am bowling a 16 and dropping physics mid-semester But I am not the worst at everything To be honest with myself I am not the worst at most things And everyone in the class Is trying and learning and improving At something they cared about enough to make an effort for (I bet I can find a sign language class now that I don't work nights anymore)
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miss-v-is-fine · 1 day
It came on very suddenly. It was about 6th or 7th period (out of 9) when I began to feel an unpleasant sensation in my throat. I drank my water and continued the lesson.
By 9th period, it felt like I had been screaming all day, but I was pretty sure I had not screamed all week. My head began to hurt. I drank more water.
The kids went home and I headed to our faculty meeting, feeling a bit dizzy. We usually meet in the library, but the book fair is set up, so we squeezed into the cafeteria. My plan was to sit away from people, but it wasn't an option, and a friend gestured for me to sit with them. We both groaned, as we are lactose intolerant, when admin announced they were giving us pizza to hold us through back to school night (6-8pm).
I don't have time to go home and rest due to my long commute. A work friend offers me extra strength tylenol. I accept graciously and refill my water bottle again.
The pizza arrives. I deliberate, but give in and eat the pizza. My throat is feeling so scratchy by now that I do not enjoy it. I become gassy.
It is 5:50 and we are allowing people into the building. I am actively coughing. I do a Dab when I cough because I am polite.
Only one family shows up for my advisory class. I let my advisory buddy handle it while I check the hallways and refill my water bottle.
Advisory period ends. I go to my classroom and log in to zoom for my grad class. I drink water and fart around until another family arrives, 40 minutes later. The Tylenol is wearing off, but I drink water and give my presentation.
The session ends, the family leaves, and I refill my water bottle. I am unwell. There is another hour left.
The next parent arrives. We have a good conversation. She can't tell I'm sick. I've mastered the art of deception. As soon as she's gone, I prep sub instructions for the next day. It is the easiest feeling in the world to call out.
One last family. I give a presentation. I talk about supports for their hyperactive child. A bell rings, signifying the end of back to school night, but they don't leave. I give several hints. Eventually, blissfully, they exit.
I print some things for the sub and leave by 8:20. The drive home is dark, rainy, and scary. I keep my eyes peeled for deer. It is past 9pm when I arrive home and go straight to bed.
I used to deliberate over taking a sick day, but I'm annoyed about the pizza and the late night demand, and a great many other things. I recall that I encouraged my mentee to call out when she is unwell and focus on getting better. I am no hypocrite. When the doctor tells me she will write a note for both Thursday and Friday, I accept and send it to my admin.
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maladaptive-jcb · 1 year
Chapter 2: Strokes of Familiarity
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Jamie x female!reader fanfic
(fluff, safe for under 18)
Click here for chapter 1 if you missed it.
Summary: Reader is an independent artist who lives on her own in a small town and meets Jamie, a musician, in an art studio where their budding relationship formed through shared interests of different forms of art.
Warning: There will be talks about trauma and PTSD from domestic abuse and dissociative episodes throughout the story.
“Helloooo? Y/n? I said there’s another stack of books coming,” Adrian, my manager snapping his fingers in front of me.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” I say apologetically.
“What’s up with you today? You’ve been day dreaming a lot.”
There’s not a lot of employees here. It’s just me and a couple younger people who are looking for extra cash. I was Adrian’s first co-worker here and we’re more like family now than just co-workers to be honest. Adrian is older than me so he has more of that big brother energy. His thick reading glasses and brown slick-back hair were the first few things I noticed when I applied for the job.
“I’m sorry, Adrian. I didn’t mean to. Alright, look! I’m focused now!” Smacking my face with both hands in front of him to prove it.
“It’s not just that, you’re a lot… smiley… today. I don’t think I like it. You’re creeping me out,” he looks at me over his now lowered glasses.
“Oh, it's um- It's nothing, okay? I'm going to unload the books now. Now may I please go or are you gonna keep interrogating me?"
He squints his eyes at me. "This is not over, y/n."
Adrian has always been protective of me, especially when he knows the whole reason I moved up here. Telling him about a guy I just talked today is probably not a good idea. Besides, what is there to tell? That I had a coffee with a guy from class? I shouldn't even be all smiley about it yet.
There’s a lot of book donations coming here surprisingly. I clean them up a little before unloading according to their categories. Mystery, fantasy, true crime, science fiction, autobiography, vampires… You get it.
I glance at the antique clock sitting on the cashier's counter. It's 5:40 p.m. so it's close to closing time. That also means that he's almost here. I pick up the broom to sweep off some dusty areas while wondering if I even have the time to change my clothes. Although, crazy as it may sound, Jamie being spontaneous also got me all excited. I look around the store and Adrian is already leaving as he lets me close up after him. I finally let a tiny giggle escape my mouth now that I'm no longer within his earshot.
He’s here.
Jamie is five minutes early. Seeing his car pulling up suddenly turns my stomach into a knot. Why am I anxious? It’s just dinner between friends, right?
Before I get to open the car, he stops me and gets out from his seat. “Wait!” He did a little jog towards me and then opens the door for me instead.
“M’lady,” in his teasing tone again.
“My, my. Mr. Gentleman.”
Of course he looks amazing right now. Grey shirt with top half unbuttoned slightly revealing his tattooed chest, paired with a leather jacket that hugs his frames perfectly. His hair swept messily to the side and subtle silver chain on his neck. I step into the car and he carefully closes it before running back to his side and gets in.
“You’re early,” I say.
“And hungry!” he exclaims back. “I know this really good Italian place, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh, yes I love Italian!” finally sensing my hunger. Apparently the knots in my stomach has more than one reason to appear.
“Perfetto!” his chef kiss motion follows along with it. “It’s kinda nice to have someone to go out with since I’m new in town. Thanks for joining me tonight,” he smiles gratefully.
“Well I didn’t really have a choice, didn't I?” teasing him about driving off before I could say anything.
“You were gonna say yes anyway though, weren’t you?”
“Well, I-“
“Yeah. That’s what I thought,” his tone in playful mocking.
“Wow, really?” I jokingly scoff at him.
He starts the car and drives off to the main highway. I usually walk around town to get from one place to another. I have never gone this far through the highway except that one time Adrian needed me to pick up some new shipments with him. I'm starting to wonder if he's actually about to kidnap me.
“You know… I’ve wanted to talk to you too. In class,” his face focused on the road. Fingers tapping on the steering wheel.
“Oh?” My train of thoughts disappear as he spoke.
“It’s just, I feel so out of place there and I’m always struggling. I didn’t know what you would think of me. I mean, you’re very talented. It’s amazing.”
He did a quick glance at me before focusing back on the road. No smile this time. Just a look of serenity… or admiration? I can’t tell. It’s getting dark and the low light is casting subtle shadows that somehow highlight his jawlines even more.
“That’s… Wow. Thank you so much, Jamie.”
He glances at me again. That same look.
I clear my throat.
“But you’ve been improving so much too! I love some of your recent work. I’m very surprised how fast you learned."
A smile curls up his lips. His eyes give a faint glimmer in the shadows. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely,” I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. His fingers stop tapping as I did.
“Will you give me some tips next time we’re in class?”
I can feel myself beaming. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Chapter 3
Seems like you have a new budding friendship with Jamie now! Wonder how your dinner with him will go next? 🤔
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
Amsterdam <3
Hello everyone!
This week has been great so far as it is officially Spring in Madrid!!! Slowly the locals are shedding their coats, the sun is out and shining, and there’s a sense of joy and relaxation in the air. Yesterday actually had a high of 71℉ which was amazing. But, let’s rewind to the end of last week. 
My parents flew back to Madrid early in the morning on Friday, and I had a full day full of classes. BUT, then comes the fun part! Saturday morning I flew out of Madrid to Amsterdam to meet my boyfriend. Amsterdam has been on my bucket list for quite some time, and it’s safe to say that it lived up to my expectations. After arriving and checking in on Saturday, we quickly decided to take advantage of the nice weather, as Amsterdam can be quite finicky in the springtime. We walked around enjoying the beautiful views of the canals and then hit our first food spot - ZeroZero. Throughout our entire trip we had such amazing food so I want to actually highlight a few places we went below. 
ZeroZero: This was a casual/quick eats place that offers up authentic Italian sandwiches. We ordered two sandwiches - one vegetarian with grilled eggplant, sun dried tomatoes, pesto, fresh mozzarella cheese and olive oil, and the other with prosciutto, salami, and a cheese spread. These were sincerely some of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had.
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Dante: This was a nicer sit-down Italian restaurant that we went to for dinner. I ordered a creamy truffle pasta and it was AMAZING. 
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Chun Cafe: I found this place on tik tok - it is a cafe/boba shop that also specializes in sandwiches stuffed into milk bread. We waited about 40 minutes queuing to get in but it was worth the wait. We got the ribeye bulgogi, garlic shrimp and egg, and bacon egg and cheese sandwiches. 
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Fable Friet: I had previously heard that this place is a must-try. They specialize in serving up fries that are covered in different toppings. We stopped by a bit later in the day when there wasn’t a line, and got fries with fresh parmesan cheese, a truffle aioli/mayo, and chopped onions on top. I actually am still craving these fries even though I’m back in Madrid. 
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Van Wonderen Stroopwaffles: stroopwaffles are famous in Amsterdam, so we had to try! We got one covered with caramel, and the other with some type of butterscotch bark.
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I truly had some of the best food ever while in Amsterdam, which made the trip so great. But, food isn’t all that the city has to offer. There were a ton of cool independent boutiques and vintage stores to shop through, and the locals were all extremely friendly! I also had the chance to meet up with one of my roommates back from Ann Arbor who was visiting, and we all were able to go on a canal cruise together. The tour offered unlimited wine and cheese which was super fun, and we got to learn some fun history about the city.
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Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, the weather in Amsterdam can be unpredictable. It was raining for the entirety of our last day there, but we luckily had planned on visiting a museum this day. We went to the Rijksmuseum, and it was so fun! It was filled with beautiful pieces of art, and also had the most beautiful library I have ever seen inside. It was a great rainy day activity that lasted for a few hours. Afterwards, we went to Food Hallen, a food hall (lol) that had a bunch of independent stalls/restaurants within it. It was similar to a food court, but a lot more fun. We spent our afternoon trying different small dishes from the vendors. 
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Overall, Amsterdam was an amazing experience, and I think it might just be my new favorite city that I’ve visited. But, I am happy to be back in Madrid, and not just because it’s a lot sunnier and warmer here. Here’s to another week of fun!
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Abbey Almeda
Industrial and Operations Engineering
UP Comillas
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milesxtan · 4 months
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[cIs-male, he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [MILES TAN]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ROSS BUTLER]. You must be the [TWENTY-NINE] year old [VET TECHNICIAN]. Word is you’re [OPTIMISTIC] but can also be a bit [OBNOXIOUS] and your favorite song is [PARTY ROCK ANTHEM by LMFAO]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it! @aurorabayaesthetic
tw: bullying.
Name: miles lee tan Gender: cis-male Pronouns: he/him Age: twenty-nine Birthdate: apr 2nd ( aries sun. gemini moon. pisces rising ) Sexual Orientation: heterosexual Romantic Orientation: heteromantic Profession: vet technician. shelter volunteer Positive Traits: loyal. optimistic. passionate. outgoing. confident Negative Traits: loud. tactless. gullible. dramatic. reckless  Likes: nightwing, late nights. martial arts. dbz. music. animals ( all kinds ). parties. soccer. hockey. movies. sex. pokemon. learning new things. tarot. philosophy. sunny days. tiger king ( joe exotic ). social media. tik tok. family gatherings. sexting.  Dislikes: waiting. twitter. strategy games. opera. reading. bullies. people who go out of their way to make someone else feel stupid. injustice ( the video game…and the other thing he guesses ). seeing other people treated like shit. sad sacks. clutter. messy landscaping. carol fucking baskin. animal abuse.  Quirks: knows karate and aikido. Has a 3rd degree black belt and used to teach in college. owns and drives a moped. loves to record himself ( mtv cribs style ). is really great with kids. surprisingly organized, his place is pretty spotless. doesnt wear shoes unless absolutely necessary. has a skin care regiment.  Father: laurence tan Mother: elizabeth (windsor) tan Siblings: lewis tan (42), xin tan (40; heartborn), ??? tan (38), ??? tan (36; heartborn), ??? tan (34), ??? tan (31; heartborn) Children: none Pets? Satoshi; “foster” dog Other: phaedra windsor; grandmother
Miles was born Miles Lee Tan to Elizabeth and Lawrence Tan on April 2nd twenty-nine years ago in Aurora Bay.
His siblings like to refer to him as the family’s April fools surprise.
One reason being is he was very much an accident. The plan was always 3 biological and 3 adopted children. A large loving family blended with those born from blood and those from the heart.
While Miles was unexpected, he never felt it growing up. A family consisting of nine different personalities is bound to have disputes and there have been a lot over the years, but they’ve always loved each other deeply. Family was important, a top priority always, and Miles grew up surrounded by love.
As a kid, he was always going a mile a minute. Always jabbering on, always into something. His mother, Elizabeth, never seemed to mind. If anything she embraced it using a somewhat free range approach to raising her children. She let them do as they pleased as long as they practiced reflection and responsibility after. The consequences were theirs whatever decisions were made.
So if he wanted to take apart the toaster, fine. He had to put it back together. If not? He would be working to pay for a new one. Want to stay up all night watching anime? Fine. If he fell asleep and failed his quiz the next day? The tv was gone.
It was a process for Miles, who multiple teachers recommended that he take some form of medication for his outbursts and inability to follow directions without being distracted or derailing the entire class. His mother refused, but she did begin to focus on helping him regulate and make better choices.
Did it work? Eh. But he managed to scrape by.
But where he lacked impulse control, Miles made up in kindness. He always the first to volunteer to help, whether it involved the teacher or another student. He’d give away  his lunch money to someone he thought needed it or sit with the kids that seemed alone, talking their heads off about the latest thing he saw on late night tv. 
He was the kind of kid you dreaded and loved all at once and if you ask him, he’ll tell you his childhood was a wonderful thing.
Some highlights include, starting Karate at age 5. Martial arts was one, if not the only way, to really get Miles to slow down and focus. It was and still is a passion for him. He earned his black belt by age 9, his second degree by 11, and his 3rd by 14, making him one of the youngest in the county to have a 3rd degree blackbelt.
Began learning Japanese at age seven. It started as self teaching, but eventually his parents brought in a tutor. 
As he hit his preteen years, Miles began to play sports. Soccer was his poison of choice and he was good…but some of the other kids found him to be odd. He was the youngest of seven, so there were always jokes made about the rag tag crew or about how he spent more time talking about japanese cartoons, comics and superheroes than he did the sport or the usual topics. Small, he was picked at, but Miles? He never really noticed.
He was the butt end of jokes, but always the first to laugh. He was confident, even then, that the things his ‘friends’ did were often in good fun and never to take advantage of him or be malicious. Even when his trips to the principal’s office became more frequent and his detentions began to pile up, he insisted things were fine. He was loyal and they just had different ways of showing their friendship to him.
He was sixteen when a new kid moved to town and his friends turned their attention to him. Miles thought they were looking to welcome him into the fold, he was a bit quiet, always reading, kinda awkward, but the more time they spent with him, the more Miles started to notice the shit way they were treating him. The jokes they had used on Miles, they were funny to him, but this kid? Not so much. It didn’t take long before he began to see their relationship with this kid and their relationship with him? They weren’t harmless and in one very explosive day, Miles not only stood up for the kid, but may have broken his best friend’s jaw.
He was ousted from the soccer team. Fine. He needed new friends. Fine. He had one and that was fine with him. He took it all in stride. Stayed confident and though he had a nasty mark on his record, his parents were proud he finally stood up for himself and someone else. In the end, his dad able to make it go away, but still.
That summer, on a mission to be his own man and less of a sheep. In the three years that followed, Miles juggled a lot of different things. He began helping at his dojo as well as the local animal shelter and his partying streak started up.
The closer he got to his senior year more pressure was applied-- or rather more responsibility was encouraged. School wasn’t exactly top priority and to him, that was fine. Why did a bunch of numbers have to dictate his life?
It wasn’t until he decided he wanted to help animals for a living did he realize good grades were probably a good thing. So he tried. Half way through his junior year, he attempted to study more, did more extracurriculars and started dating his childhood and close family friend, Sloane Danvers.
It was a lot of work. Real fucking work. But he felt-- accomplished. By the time he was going into the summer of his senior year, everything was coming up Miles. So much so, he missed how much Sloane was struggling. Though to be fair, she was pretty good at hiding it.
It wasn't until he caught her cheating on him did things splinter. It was a blow, a big one, but something they kept private. He understood her and her troubles and part of him kinda felt bad for not realizing sooner. They decided to stay together at least through graduation, though it was never quite the same.
Senior year came and went and by then it was too late to get in anywhere prestigious. Which was fine. He made his bed and he was quick to figure something else out.
He decided on taking a gap year so he doubled down on volunteering and started learning aikido. Phaedra, his grandmother, and his grandfather on his mother's side are loaded and they helped him pay for his out of state schooling that following August.
One bachelor’s degree and a certificate later and he took off to see the world. Partly on his grandmother's dime and the other as a wildlife technician. he worked and lived a variety of locations over the years. He's only returned to Aurora Bay in the last year, due to his grandfather's passing.
So while she’s off jet setting to ease the pain, Miles' taking responsibility for the upkeep of her Aurora Bay home. He has no clue about home repair, but he’s more than happy to squat, make sure she’s not robbed and start work in a town that’s always been hype and home.
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k00283773 · 2 years
Gesture drawing
I was out last week because I had very low blood pressure, which was awful. So I wanted to get stuck back in after last week so I picked painting as an elective for the following weekend.
This was starting Tuesday because of the bank holiday on Monday. Once I came to the class I saw everyone setting up painting boards so I assumed we were painting or drawing a still life . I began to set up my board and asked another student what we were doing ,who responded with pointing to our modle Jeff and saying gesture drawing.
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I was s little worried because I've never really worked properly with charcoal for sketching before. I set up my board ,got my charcoal found a good spot and was ready to begin. Our art tutor had us doing 9 sketches for each page ,each sketch was randomly timed from 10 seconds to 40. I had a little trouble with the charcoal because I picked the wrong kind which took me a little while to realise ,sadly . But once the art tutor told me my mistake I began to get into the sketching mindset .
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It was fun getting to do very fast intensive sketching instead of sitting down and doing 1 drawing for a few hours which I'm used to . Our nude modle Jeff changed his gesture around every 15 minutes, I was very impressed with how still he was for the he spent gesturing.
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By the end of the first half I was a little slow with the sketching due to the fact of not really using it before , so I thought about my technique and how I could improve for the next half .
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jongrub · 2 years
Time Journal
October 19th
10:00- Class is over; the journal begins
10:20- Catch the shuttle
10:50-catch the Port authority
12:00- catch the bus to Weehawken
12:20- Arrived home, greeted the family, take a shower, play Destiny 2
3:00- go to bed
October 20th
9:30- wake up, lounge in bed, look up my phone
11:00-take a shower, eat Frosted Flakes
11:30- catch to Port Authority( Took the shuttle bus instead because the transit bus took too long), wait in traffic
12:30- Took the 197 bus, arrive at alley Road, took the 744 to Power Arts
1:30- went to the grad get-together( it started at 12:30 but still had plenty of pizza and ice cream)
2:10- catch the shuttle to Main Campus
2:20- relaxed in the student lounge
3:50- took 748 bus to Valley rd
4:10- took the 197 bus to Port Authority(Traffic back was terrible the bus took a whole other route to avoid it, and the Lincoln tunnel is just as bad)
5:30- At first I planned to visit the Mothers gallery, but it was a train ride downtown and it would’ve closed anyway at 6pm. So I tried the closest gallery near Broadway.
5:50- I visited the Metropolis gallery, it would close at six too but I managed to take some pictures of vintage comic books and buy one collectible.
6:05- I bought dumplings at the nearby Chinese store. It took 10 minutes, so at the next shop I bought Moochie donuts and bubble milk tea.
6:15- The dumplings are ready, those for my snacks before dinner.
6:45- there was another gallery I wanted to see before I close at seven I think the building was closed because there is no receptionist near the doorway.
6:50- I went up on fifth Avenue took a picture of the New York public library continue walking to 45th St.
6:55-I went down to five below and decided it’s time I need a private screen protector.
7:05-after purchase I visit Barnes and nobles scroll through the comics and Mangas, Time passes quick because I heard an announcement at..
7:45- at the store will be closing in 15 minutes I bought three books(Dorohedoro, devils candy & plus sized elf)
7:55-want to book off I could get in they were closing at eight so I couldn’t, but I visit my mom at work but the store was already close she must’ve caught the bus already
8:00-strolled around Times Square and went to New York comics
8:25-After window shopping there I went to..
8:30- Port authority to catch the bus home
8:50-I got home welcome to my mom and dad dropped my bags and took a shower
9:15- write a light novel for a half an hour before I got in the shower
9:50- finish the shower got dressed and had dinner
10:00- mom and I had carrot soup while my dad went to pick up my sister from work
10:20-cleaned my dishes
10:30- go on my bed and start drawing on my computer(also browse through the Web to read mongers post my art on Instagram)
October 21st
12:15- welcomed my sister from coming back from work
1:00- Rendered my artworks
2:00- Play video games
4:00- sleep
10:00- wake up, lounge in bed, look up my phone
1:20- take a shower
1:40- eat cereal
1:50- play games
2:30- Get dressed for work
2:40- unchained my bike, ride to ShopRite
3 PM- start work
8 PM- end work
8:05- sit by the work lounge and call my sister to tell her to meet up at Wendy’s. We will have burgers for dinner.
8:35- leave ShopRite ride to Wendy’s
8:45-meet up with my sister order in Wendy’s( #1,#7, & 2 cheeseburgers)
9:00- go to CVS get her materials for a project, ride/walk home, quick check at family dollar to get materials for my school work.
9:20- arrived home
9:40- dinner
10:10- clean dishes
10:20- laptop surfing
11:00- shower
11:40- post art on Instagram
October 22nd
12:00- play games
3:00- sleep
10:00- wake up, lounge in bed, look up my phone
12:00- breakfast
1:00- shower
1:40- game
2:20- send mail, help dad bring laundry to the laundromat
2:30- getting ready for work, bike ride to ShopRite
3:00- start work
8:00- end work
8:30-ride to Chase, make a deposit
8:45- dinner( Burger King)
9:20- ride home
9:45- arrive home
10:15- shower
11:00- drawing
11:30- post on Instagram
October 23rd
12:10- greet sister back from work
3:00- sleep
8:00- wake up, get out of bed, take a shower
8:20- breakfast
8:30- get dressed, get the car, family ride to church
9:00- church begins, lecture reading
10:00-after mass is finished ride back home take a nap while parents go shopping
11:20- after that get dressed for work
11:30- bike ride to ShopRite
12:00- shift starts
8:00- shift ends
9:00- leave store, go to Chase, quick withdrawal, head home
9:20- arrive home, greet the folks, relax
9:50- take a shower
10:50- dinner
11:20- surf web, post Instagram, drawing
October 24th
2:00- sleep
10:00- wake up
11:30- breakfast
12:00- shower
12:30- bus to NY
1:00- bus to WPU
2:00- go to Morrison Hall to talk about my billing statement
2:05- wait for shuttle
2:30- join Advance Sculpture class
4:30-Class ends Grab a shuttle
5:00- lunch- Rice and beans from last night
5:40- take a bus back to New York
6:40-arrive to port authority wait for my sister
6:50-visit Midtown comic
7:00-purchase Black Adam tickets
7:15-my sister arrive we go see the movies
7:30- Watch Black Adam
10:00-we take the bus back home
10:20-we arrive home welcome our family
11:00- dinner
11:30-gaming, drawing
October 25th
2:30- sleep
10:00- wake up, lounge in bed, play games
1:00- shower
1:30- breakfast
2:30- bus to NY
3:00- bus to WPU
4:00- draw renders and masterworks
5:30- Advance 2D figures class
9:55-catch the bus to New York
11:20-eat at five guys for dinner
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padayonrikay · 2 years
Title: “Papel”: A Gabay Guro Short Film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeKUW8w9frg
Multimodal approach or semiotics is a common foundation for educators using multimodal instruction. The term "text" in semiotics refers to more than just written words; it also includes other forms of communication. By subtly shifting language from its central position to coexist more equally with other semiotic modes, particularly the arts, semiotic theory broadens our understanding of literacy and communication. The study of signs, including how actions and things work as signs in relation to one another to produce and interpret meaning, is known as semiotics. We anticipate what will happen, pose questions to the text to explore meanings, empathize with the characters and picture ourselves in the story, and draw analogies to real-world events or to other stories we have read in order to better understand the text. It doesn't matter if we are watching a movie or reading a book; we just use different "clues" to support our interpretation in our heads.
Two minutes and 26 seconds long, the short Filipino film Papel illustrates a teacher's day-to-day activities and the impact she has on her students. The sound of an alarm clock signaled the start of the film, waking up the teacher who had dozed off at the dining room table after going through her students' test results. She then continued with her daily routine, which included brushing her teeth, discovering that their water bill was disconnected, riding a crowded bus in a hurry, running into someone, and realizing that test papers had fallen onto the road, until she arrived at school and ended up getting ready to enter the classroom.When the test results were announced, a student with the last name Castro obtained 35 out of 40. His teacher said, "Sabi sa'yo, kaya mo 'yon e!” Castro approached her instructor after the class ended and hugged her immediately. The teacher's sincere smile can be seen at the end of the movie as she watches Castro leave the classroom.
The film began through the sound of an alarm clock which symbolizes a start of a new day in a person’s life, specifically of a teacher. The setting was at the dining area where test papers and a cup of coffee where seen. The dining area symbolizes that oftentimes, the teacher doesn’t get a enough time of sleep due to heavy workloads. The table literally is something wherein utensils can be put on, but it connotes a deeper meaning; it reflects that it can be a teacher’s place of rest when everything becomes overwhelming. The cup of coffee is a symbol of beginning the day, gaining the energy to work hard, and a sign that the teacher was working upon something. The gesture of brushing her teeth with a towel on her shoulder signifies us, the Filipinos, of taking good care of ourselves and maintaining a proper hygiene despite the busyness that we have in day-to-day basis. The written language “Disconnection Notice, Water Bill” reflects the financial struggles of a teacher and of almost every Filipino.
The teachers wears a light pink t-shirt at the beginning of the film and then changed into her school uniform and wore a dark pink jacket. The transition of the light pink shirt to dark pink jacket symbolizes the responsibilities at home and much higher responsibilities at school. After the teacher has finished preparing, she then bid goodbye to her grandmother who sits on a rocking chair while holding a radio. She then said to her grandma, “Lola, huwag niyo po kakalimutan yung gamot niyo ha? Bibili uli ako mamaya.” The grandmother represents the culture of Filipinos being the ones taking care of their grandparents and not just putting them on home for the aged institution. The playing radio represents how we are all eager to be updated with the current news and happenings in our surroundings. On her way to school, she then rode a crowded bus that symbolizes the daily life of working Filipino people that despite the crowdedness, they need to reach their destinations on time. However, upon dropping off the bus, the teacher bump into someone and the test papers fell on the ground and was walked upon.
The teacher arrived at the school and bunned her hair. Her gesture reflects how a teacher must be prepared and presentable in facing her students. The next focus was the classroom and it emphasizes the “butterfly” posters and alphabet placards which reveals that the students were elementary. The camera suddenly shifts on one of the students who seems anxious because he was fidgeting his hands. The teacher returned their test papers and that students attained 35 out of 40. Another emphasis showed on the film was when Castro’s paper was the one that was stepped upon on the road and it was filled with shoe marks. Despite, Castro smiled genuinely, approached her teacher and then hugged her. His gesture depicts how grateful he was to her teacher that believed in him the most. The film ended with written languages: “Teachers change lives. Let’s help change theirs.”
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fevertowrite · 2 years
Hi so I was the one who sent the ask about taking requests and if you're interested here's my ask: Ok so you know how donnie disguises himself to go tech club with the purple dragons? So how about one where mikey disguises himself too so he can go to art class since he loves art. And one day he comes back to the lair looking down and all his brothers notice. He tells them that he's being picked on in class because of his art by an obnoxious classmate. And after he does so his bros look ready to throw down, with raph punching a training dummy straight in half, donnie trying to air-strike the kids house and leo ominously sharpening his swords. Just an idea I'd love to see but please don't rush if you decide to do it.
When Mikey goes up to Donnie and asks him about signing up for an art class, Donnie hesitates.
"It didn't really work out for me," Don shrugs in a monotone voice, "they're now my sworn enemies." And it's true when he did disguise himself to appeal to the humans and get into some tech club, he now cringes; the Purple Dragons turned out to be evil. So maybe it was just shit luck on his end.
"Okay, but Dee," Mikey starts, "you don't understand, I want to grow as an artist, and I feel limited with my art skills without a teacher."
And Donnie wants to tell him that his art is perfectly fine, but as someone who's into tech, he wishes he could blab about it with someone who understands – like the Purple Dragons, he thinks to himself, and maybe even learn more. But, of course, he's already good at his skill, but another opinion wouldn't be so bad. So, he gets Mikey in a way.
Maybe April can help with this, sign up for the class under her name, and he'd disguise himself.
"Okay, I'll talk to April and see what we can do."
"Ohmigosh, thanks, Dee!" Mikey goes into a hug, but Donnie doesn't hug back; he just gives him a faltered smile.
With Donnie and April's help, they manage to get Mikey into this class in her high school. April said something about how she's supposed to take art for credit but didn't actually want to, so she's happy that Mike can take it for her.
But of course, Mike has to disguise himself. He's wearing his signature orange hoodie and has the hood over his head. In addition, he has these neon green joggers and red crocs; they're Raph's and fit a little too big for him, but he has them in sports mode, and they don't look too bad on him. He's also wearing a neon orange mask like the other kids have to wear during class; thanks to Rona, he has a clip holding it back since he technically has no ears. But he's happy they have to wear masks, so he can hide from the other kids.
 He sits in the back of the class and limits himself from talking. He came to learn, not socialize. As much as he'd love to, he reminds himself he's not human, and they're not like April. The kids will freak out if they found out.
But he's slowly accepted in the class; despite being the "quiet kid," his art is excellent, and his teacher, Ms. Estrada, always puts up the kids' artwork one by one to talk and critique it.
Mike comes to find out that he does more graffiti-style street art. It's never criticized and quite accepted by Estrada. He feels more confident in his work.
"How was your class, Miguel," Leo asks behind a comic book, looking over at him.
"Good," Mike answers, pulling down his mask, "Ms. Estrada likes my style!"
"Sounds good, Hermano," Leo looks away and goes back to reading, and Mike sits next to him, having a bunch of stories to tell him in the 40-minute class.
Leo beams, setting his comic book down to listen to his brother's ramble.
Coming home from class, Mike usually has all this pent-up energy. His brothers know him very well, so when he comes home, his hand is on the opposite shoulder and sagging. Raph instantly knows something wrong.
"Hey, Mikey." Raph greets his brother, but Mikey faces away from him.
"Hi." Comes the quiet voice.
Raph looks over to Leo and makes eye contact with him, eyes shifting to Mike's. Leo instantly gets up from the couch and joins him. Donnie stays behind and, on his phone, but he's there and listening.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Raph's voice is soft and in big brother mode. He bends his knees to look at Mikey better.
Mike's heart is on his sleeve; no matter how hard he tries to hide his feelings, it always bleeds through. He's kind of ashamed; he thought he could handle this himself.
"I think a kid is being rude to me." He wants to say bullying, but it sounds so cliché.
Donnie stops and looks up from his phone.
"Who's being rude to you?" He asks before Raph and Leo can.
"I – I don't know, really. I think this kid is, but he doesn't say anything to me. When Estrada shows my artwork, he's pointing and laughing at it." Mike still won't make eye contact, and he feels the tension in the air. But he continues, "at first, I thought he was laughing with me, so I'd chuckle too, but then he'd stop. After a few times of showing my artwork, I realized he's making fun of my art, and maybe… maybe me?" He shrugs half-heartedly. He feels the tears threatening to spill, but he's holding it back, but he can't control his voice wavering.
"Mikey, hey…" Raph puts a hand on his shoulder and looks ready to say something. Leo beats him to the punch.
"Why don't we go and teach this kid a lesson?" Leo says dramatically, punching his fist on his palm.
"Leo." Raph threatens, "he's like 14; we can't just beat him up."
"No, no," Donnie interrupts, "I agree with Leon. Violence is the answer."
"Donnie," he hisses, but he wants to teach this kid not to mess with their brother.
"Guys, guys. It's okay." Mike wipes off a tear, "this is just…new to me."
"It shouldn't even be happening to you," Raph tells him, and Donnie's wielding his tech bo glaringly with a chainsaw sticking out.
"Donnie." Raph threatens again.
Donnie turns off the chainsaw, but he still has his bo in his hands. "Look, this punk kid will continue unless we do something."
"I think I have an idea," Leo says, a smile on his face.
Raph's not sure what his idea is and doesn't want to know. All he knows is that the next day, the three of them focused solely on Mike's bully.
Raph throws a hard punch at the dummy in the dojo. It swings, creaking under momentum, and comes back to him. He punches again, and this time, the dummy falls to the ground with a broken chain.
"Cool it, Hermano," Leo tells him, sharpening his Odachi; the smell of honing oil is strong, and Raph picks up the discarded dummy.
"Sorry," Raph says half-heartedly, he tries to put the chain back on, but it's broken. He sighs, frustration wrinkled on his forehead.
Leo lifts his Odachi from the whetstone, looking over to Raph. "Donnie can fix that," he tells him, "But you losing your cool can't."
Raph nods heavily; he hates seeing Mikey upset. He'd rather try and lift a school bus than see his brother sad. When Raph was appointed leader, he told himself he'd protect his brothers, but this? A grade B bully? They all are wearing their disguises, it only being 10 in the morning, Mike’s class is starting soon.
Mikey enters the dojo and sees the fallen dummy and Leo sharpening his Odachi. "You guys…" He pleads quietly, tired and over it, "you don't have to."
"Oh, sweet child," Leo looks over glaringly, "but we will."
Mikey sometimes is thankful for his brothers; it may be meddling, maybe a little petty, for the younger one to bring his big brothers to rescue him. But he's thankful. Donnie comes out of nowhere, mumbling and typing on his sleeve, asking for the kid's name to target him. Mike can barely hear what Donnie's saying, but he knows he heard something about an airstrike and laughs.
Mikey looks over at them and smiles. He knows his brothers have his back.
The poor kid doesn't even know what's coming.  
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kkusuka · 3 years
Y/n and either Ushijima, Suna or Sugawara ((I couldn’t decide so you pick 😫)) put paint on themselves and then fuck on a canvas to hang up in there house. Nobody would ever know that the art they were just admiring was made by Y/n and him having seggs 😂😂
i’m gonna do Toshi and Rin because i couldn’t think of something for suga, if i do i might post something for him bc i really like the prompt lol
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ushijima wakatoshi <3
at times he hated the fact the collage required him to take an art class. he was there on a full scholarship for volleyball, not art.
most of the time he didn’t care all that much, he could draw and use the class pastels for an hour two days a week. and he was no Picasso but he was passing so that was all he could ask for.
well that’s what he thought until about an hour ago when he remembered that his midterm, what will be 40% of his semester grade, was due in the morning. it was fairly open, only had a few restrictions, it had to be on a 36’x48’ canvas and must have a single medium, he chose paint because it seemed easy at the time.
well now he was sitting in front on the white canvas, mind completely void of creative inspiration, and he had practice in two hours. making things about one-thousand times worse was that his social media was full of women painting their nudes, a trend he knew you had tried.
“toshi? you’ve been sitting there for forty-five minutes, are you ok?”
the idea hit him like a truck, his teacher said they could do whatever they wanted and that’s what he was going to do.
“y/n? will you help me out for a few minutes?” he inquired, drawing your body into the room.
you never really knew what ushijima was thinking, his stone cold facade didn’t spare you in times like this. though you could see the burning in his eyes as he waved you over where he had gotten sky blue and violet cans of paint.
without a word, you watched had he began to tug your sweats down your legs.
“whoa! what are you doing?” he just picked up some of the paint before looking up to you.
“i’m going to fuck you on it.” his stated as if he was talking about ordering lunch. not waiting for your reply he smeared the blue onto the front of your thighs along your full legs.
“take of your shirt.” doing what he said he immediately began rubbing the paint onto your stomach, throughly coating your breasts, twisting your nipples and the skin underneath, all the way up to the base of your neck.
he turn you by your waist, pressing your body to the canvas that was hanging along the wall.
you would ask him if this was appropriate, but you didn’t have a chance before he was opening your folds and pushing his tip int your cunt.
“you’re wet already? all i’ve done was put paint on you, are you that much of an unstable whore?” his words and how unfazed he sounded sent another wave of heat down your walls. snapping his hips to your sent you furthers into the now colors portion of your art.
“toshi, not— not to hard-“ a smack to your ass accompanied with a harsh thrust your your cervix shut you up.
his dick was carving its was into your walls, you’d been dating for years but he made you feel like a virgin.
you were never out that the weight of his thrusts would rip the canvas, you worries thrown from your mind as his dick hit the sweet spot in your depths, squirting your cum into his thighs. halting his thrusts you felt a cold, wet substance drip over you back. you felt the pads of his fingers rub it all over your back before moving his hands to your hips, giving you a glimpse of the blue coating his palms.
“you don’t think we’re done do you?” he mocked, pulling you off his for a split second before pressing your back to your masterpiece, the blue joining your mess of purple, “i haven’t cum yet so out painting is not completed.”
suna rintarou <3
“there you go messy slut! go ahead rub those pretty tits on the board,” suna’s mocking words were accompanied with a flick of your clit, “you want everyone to know what we did on this don’t you?”
he had brought up the idea after seeing something like it on instagram, but he really just wanted physical proof that he was the best fuck you’ll ever get.
“rin-ri- i, please!”
“oh baby, this is going to look so pretty. i’m gonna hang it in our living room so everyone can see it! they’ll have no idea but whenever you see it you’ll remember how i fucked you dumb.” he sneered, pushing your torso further into the canvas.
his cock plunged in and out of your hole garnered with the wet slaps of skin. grabbing your hair to pull your head back he forced you to look at him as you came around his cock, him following in suit.
“that’s a really cool painting where’d y’all get it?”
oh aran, why did you have to ask in a room full of people? you had decorations handing all around your house and he asks about the one thing you can’t explain without stuttering.
“me and y/n made it together, right? it was so much fun.” suna chimed from across the room where he was speaking with kita and osamu.
“yeah honey, we did!” you smiled, faking a laugh while observing the multiple disruption in the paint from where you had dropped wetness onto the board.
tags: @bakugos-cumsock
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dailybeastarsthings · 3 years
Chapter 11 - A Day In The Life Of Durham
My name is Durham. I’m a coyote student studying at the Cherryton Academy. Since Cherryton is a boarding school, I’m staying here most of the year. As you probably already know, students are accommodated in dormitories according to their diet and species. I’m in room 701 with my best friends, Legoshi, Jack, Miguno, Collot and Voss.
Breakfast is served at 7:30 AM. In order for us to get ready and have seats for everyone, our alarm is set for 6:45. I swear, waking up is the second hardest thing – right after Marine Languages.
For most of us, getting up is not that difficult. Voss is usually the first to jump out of bed and turn the alarm off. He usually does it with either a karate chop or some kind of martial arts move. He sometimes adds a little scream for making it sink in that, and I quote, “It’s time to get up you lazy giants!” As adorable as this may sound, this is a warning for us that he is about to spend a good 20 minutes in the bathroom before anyone if we are not fast enough.
Legoshi is usually the most difficult to get out of bed. He is the heaviest sleeper of all of us. You could detonate a bomb right next to him and he wouldn’t care. That’s not a surprise, though. He usually spends a lot of his time at the Drama Club, making sure that everything is according to the preferences of the lead actor, some kind of Louis, if I recall correctly.
Legoshi is usually woken up by either Jack or Collot. Jack usually just gently whispers into his ears to avoid scaring him – and any injuries that may result in. Collot, on the other hand, just straight up pulls him out of bed, onto the floor of the dorm. Our wolf roommate usually looks pretty gloomy in the morning, which is difficult to be helped and it usually stays with him until after breakfast.
The rest of us usually get up in between Voss and Legoshi.
Getting ready on time is the next big challenge for us. Having a singular bathroom for 6 male students is probably punishment enough, but there are some, who enjoy having an entire ritual in there! Yes, Voss, I’m looking at you.
After getting ready, we head to the dining area. We usually arrive at around 7:40. The day’s menu is hung right next to the entrance for all students to see. We usually have egg salad sandwiches, bean paste buns, French toasts or something with high protein value for us, carnivores. However, we sometimes take the herbivore meal from time to time, if we fancy fruits, vegetables or salads.
At breakfast, we plan our whole day. Lessons, extracurricular lessons, clubs, you name it. This is for us to know about each other if one of us needs a hand in something or gets lost. We usually also discuss the latest episodes of our favorite series, The Lost Souls of Crimes. It’s a story about a wolf police officer, who has the ability to see the spirits of the dead and help them move on to the afterlife by solving their murder cases if the culprit is still out and about. One thing we noticed is that the main character is looking eerily similar to Legoshi. He denies any relations to him but we are almost 100% sure that that wolf is somehow related to him. I think his name is Miyagi or something like that.
After breakfast, we usually disband the group, since we have different lessons, and head to our morning classes. Morning classes are from 9:00 AM to 1 PM. We usually have some more difficult subjects, like maths, languages or sciences – the ones, which require more concentration to learn. This is a practice, which benefit the students, since our brain is (supposedly) more fresh and awake in the morning and we can pay better attention to our teachers. We have language and math lessons every day, while science subjects are rotated throughout the week.
I sometimes meet with the others at some of my classes but we can’t sit next to each other. You see, students are sat in alphabetical order so none of us sit next to another. Sometimes our teachers surprise us with quizzes at the beginning or at the end of the class. They are usually not that difficult but they can have a huge impact on your final grade.
Lunch break is between 1 PM and 2 PM. Since this is not that much time to get in line and eat your meal in a normal pace, most students visit the school supplies shop, found at multiple places in the school buildings. Besides uniforms and notebooks, students can buy delicious, yet simple meals like bean paste buns, ant shakes or egg salad sandwiches. We usually meet up during the lunch break to discuss the events of the day and to share notes if any of us missed the class.
Afternoon classes are between 2 PM and 6 PM. During these classes, we have more relaxed subjects, like history, culture, art and music. I really like these subjects. Especially the music classes. I play on the guitar and I love learning about music history and instrument theory. Most of the students are allowed to leave the last class at 5:45 PM in order to avoid them being late for extracurricular activities.
These activities take place between 6 PM and 8 PM and include clubs and extra lessons for those who need a bit of extra training in a subject. The time is not set in stone, however. I remember seeing Legoshi leave the Drama Club building way later. He sometimes gets back to the dorm way after 12 AM. No wonder he is so tired all the time.
There are many clubs at Cherryton Academy. I am the member of the Music Club, for example, with Miguno, where we have a lot of friends. I play on the guitar and he’s a vocalist. As a club, we practice as much as we can, since we perform during school events all year long. With Miguno, we’re also planning on starting a new band, called COYENA. We play many genres of music from rock to pop and have already started working on our first song. Miguno writes the lyrics and I compose the melody. So far, it’s working out pretty well. I wonder if we can perform it in front of the audience at the next big school event.
Dinner is served between 7 PM and 9:30 PM. For dinner, they usually serve ramen, sushi or egg rolls with different kinds of dipping sauces. Sometimes, dessert is also served in the form of cakes or other sweets. I don’t have a sweet tooth myself, but Collot cannot resist having at least two slices when cake is served.
Before any of us gets in line to order, we wait for each other outside the dining hall entrance. Since Legoshi is often occupied with Drama Club activities until late night, he often doesn’t join us.
During dinner, we discuss what we learned during the day and try to do the majority of our homework. Thanks to the smarts of Jack, we can complete it quite fast. We also get some help with difficult subjects from him. I think it’s pretty neat of him to help us with our studies. We can definitely thank a lot to him.
After dinner, we return to our rooms, where we finish any leftover schoolwork and then get ready for the night. This, of course, means another race for the showers. Of course, any of us could use the common shower room placed at the corridor, but we just feel uncomfortable from the thought of it.
Anyway, after a long wait for everyone to get ready, we watch the new episodes of The Lost Souls of Crimes. By the time the show starts, Legoshi usually arrives at last and can join us. During the show, we usually take guesses as to who is the murderer. Whoever gets it right, the others owe him a treat of his choice. Not to brag or anything but I’m correct 6/10 times so I’m pretty good at this game. After the show, we sometimes play videogames for a bit. We have a lot of them so, in order to not spend too much time deciding what to play, we put the games in a bag, shake it a bit and then pick one out randomly. After a good session, we head to bed.
This is how my weekdays are.
During the weekends, we get up later, usually at around 9 or 10 AM, so our first meal is lunch. At weekends, we usually clean the room and make sense of the chaos we create during the week. We also study a lot for tests and play video games, too. Sometimes, we go to B-Strike and have a good session of playing fetch. We enjoy our time together there, too. Some of us enjoy it a bit more though. For example Legoshi, who is just unbeatable at fetch. I swear, he moves at the speed of light sometimes, completely effortlessly.
During the weekends, we also stay up late and watch horror movies sometimes. Voss likes to hide during those and scare the living soul out of us, screaming at us out of nowhere. It’s kind of annoying at first, but you get used to it sooner or later.
One thing’s for sure. We never know what the new day will bring us, but we always make sure to make the most of it.
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we-are-inevitable · 4 years
until forever // javid
Until Forever
some things about this fic: -davey being salty about his grades -Oblivious Jack !!! -drunk confessionsssss -jack splurges on good tequila and you Cannot tell me otherwise -they’re in university so, like, it’s automatically good
i hope u guys like this oneee !!
The front door opens to reveal a frazzled David Jacobs with a single black coffee, one bag of groceries, and an overstuffed satchel crossed over his torso.
The groceries are the first to drop to the floor. Jack knows that nothing in the bag is damaged; if something inside was fragile, then David surely would have brought the bag to the apartment’s small kitchen rather than discarding it onto the floor. As he watches the taller man set his coffee on the small table next to the front door, Jack can’t help but smile.
“Rough day, Davey?”
“You. Have. No. Idea,” David crosses the room and inelegantly drops his school bag into the chair against the wall, heading straight for the kitchen. “I’m convinced that Professor Snyder is incompetent. There is no fucking way I got less than a 90 on my midterm report, Jack, there’s no way! But no! Apparently he gave me a goddamn 86 on the paper--”
“I’m sorry, but is there somethin’ wrong with an 86? Seems pretty good to me,” Jack says as he stands up off of the couch, following David to the kitchen. “Don’t stress about it. You have, like, two months until the end of the semester, you’re gonna bring your grade up.”
“Oh, no, I have a high A in the class,” David says nonchalantly as he reaches up to grab a bottle from on top of the fridge-- tequila. Oh. David is in one of those moods. “It’s just-- He has the audacity to give me an 86, yet he gives Morris fucking Delancey a 98? There’s no way his paper was better than mine! I just--”
“Davey, I love ya, man, and I feel for ya, but if you get any more pissed you’re gonna break the bottle and you’re gonna owe me, like, $40. That’s my good tequila.”
“Get the shot glasses, Kelly.”
“On it.”
Jack has a painting he could have been doing. Not classwork, he was pretty much caught up with everything so far, but he has a commission that needs to be sent off by the end of the next week and he's still in the sketching phase. But, really, what's the point of working on a commission when he can get drunk with his best friend instead?
After all of these years, it is still weird to call David a ‘friend.’ They had met in the 8th grade, when Jack was adopted by Medda, who happened to teach drama at the school David attended. On the first day, David had told Jack to "shut the hell up" in their science class, and the two had been inseparable ever since. They had been 13 when they met.
Now, they're both nearing 23, living in an apartment together, both in their last year of college.
And Jack still hasn’t told David that he is completely, totally, irrevocably in love with him.
Jack brings the shot glasses to the living room, while David brings the bottle and a container of orange juice to chase it. They both sit on the couch for the next thirty minutes, ranting about their days and the horrible people they've dealt with in town or at work or in class or wherever they had over the course of that week.
Thirty minutes turn into an hour, and an hour turns into two. By that time, the sun is setting, casting a glow straight into the window of the apartment. Jack tilts his head and looks over at David with a chuckle at something he had said, but all laughter was lost as he caught David’s gaze.
God, those blue eyes make him weak. And with the way that the light was directly on them… Jack can’t take the silence.
He turns his body to face David, leaning his head against the back of the couch as his arms cross over his torso. “You ever been in love, Davey?” He asks with that signature Kelly grin. There’s no doubt in his mind that he looks like an idiot. Big smile, scrunched-up nose, squinty eyes- he had been told by plenty of girls that that look was 'something out of a romcom,' and he had never wanted that to be truer than right now.
The question seems to sober David up a little bit. He gulps and glances away, cheeks flushed- though Jack can’t tell if he’s blushing, or if it’s the alcohol. “I-... Jackie, c’mon. You’ve known me for ten years, you would know--”
“Ah, ah, ah, I think you have a bunch of shit you ain’t tellin’ me,” Jack says with a smirk, though his eyes soften up a bit. All he wants is for David to say yes. If David tells him, then Jack will be able to move on. If David is in love with someone else, then Jack can finally muster up the courage to finally stop telling himself he has a chance. “What about that boy you was with last year? What was his name? Lance?”
“Luke,” David corrects him with a grimace, “And no. I didn’t love him. I… I figured out a few months into it that I… loved someone else,” He admits with a shrug, then scratches the back of his neck. “...Love. Present tense. I love someone else.”
What a kick in the teeth.
Jack sits up a little straighter, then raises a brow. “Damn, you must’a had feelings for this fella for a while. It’s been, what, near a year since you and Luke broke it off?”
“I’ve liked this guy way longer than I’ve even known Luke,” David says simply, shooting Jack a smile that made his stomach flip.
“What’s he like?”
“Well,” David thinks for a moment, then grins. “He’s really sweet. Stupid, but in a good way,” He chuckles, and Jack can’t help but let out a little laugh as well. “He’s been through a lot, but he’s the most caring guy I’ve ever met. He’d give the shirt off his back for any one of his friends, and trust me, he has a lot.”
“Lots’a friends? Is he a frat guy?”
“Oh, hell no. Far from it. He’s just… really charismatic. He’s… He’s great,” David says with a melancholy grin, avoiding Jack’s gaze as he takes a slow sip of tequila straight from the bottle.
Something about the way that David is acting has Jack on edge. He seems so close to saying something, but Jack has no idea what it is, and, against his better judgment, Jack presses on. “Tell me more. Does he go here?”
“Mhm. He’s an art student,” David admits nonchalantly, and Jack’s heart feels like it rips in two. An art student… No. There’s no way David is talking about him, but the fact that he’s into another art student who isn’t Jack makes him regret ever asking in the first place. “He’s good, too. Really good. Seriously, Jack, his art... It’s the best I've ever seen. He likes music, too, and he’s a great singer, even though he doesn’t think so. He’s a horrible driver, but he can navigate the subway system in his sleep. He’s a pretty good--...”
David hesitates. Jack watches, holding his breath.
The silence between them is so heavy that Jack feels like he’s being crushed. Suffocated. “David...”
David takes a deep breath. Closes his eyes. “He’s a pretty good roommate, too. Even if he cares more about a $40 bottle of tequila than he cares about me.”
Jack is silent for a few long moments. He’s frozen in place, trying desperately to connect the dots, and deep down he knows what David is saying, but he can’t do this and he doesn’t want to assume and what if he's wrong? What if David is just playing a cruel joke on him? What if-- “Davey, what- what are you sayin’? I-- Dave, you need to- to spell it out, I don't understand--"
"Jackie," David cuts him off as he turns to face him, a sad smile on his face. The look makes Jack’s breath catch in his throat. “I love you. Jack Kelly, I love you.”
“No, you don’t,” Jack responds instantly, his eyes widening just slightly. “No, because- because I-- Fuck, I’ve loved you for so long, but you- you don’t love me. You- you can't love me, Davey, you deserve so- so much better than me, I'm so-- Is this real? Are you-- Are you real?”
The smile that breaks out onto David’s face stuns Jack into silence. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids,” David whispers, before letting out a laugh. “I just-- Jack, how could I not love you? You're everything to me, Jackie... Everything. All I've ever wanted. I know you don’t see it, but... You're the best thing to ever happen to me."
There's a long, long pause as Jack takes in the information. He's confused, and overwhelmed, but as the gears finally stop turning and the pieces fit into place, Jack lets out a giddy laugh. “I-- Davey, Davey, oh my God, you’re so fuckin’ perfect. You’re smart, and nice, and stubborn as a mule in the best way possible, and I- I ain’t good with words, you know that, but you--... All of my best paintings, all of my best sketches, are all because you were my muse. You were… Perfect. You’ve always been perfect… David?”
“Yeah, Jack?” David answers, breathless, and he's truly a sight to behold.
“Kiss me.”
The feeling of David frantically dragging him into his lap would forever be one of the best Jack has ever experienced. He straddles David’s thighs, wraps his arms around David’s neck, and melts as soon as David pulls him into the best kiss he had ever had.
It's just this side of rough, of passionate, of needy and wanton and Jack can feel ten years worth of wanting, waiting, wishing for this moment fuel the kiss even more.
David’s hand is in his hair. Caressing him. Grounding him.
They kiss for what feels like hours, but Jack eventually pulls back for breath, forehead gently pressed against David’s. Something tells him they should have done this a long time ago, but at least they had the rest of forever.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Daily life at the Mankai Dorms [Act 1]!
A/N: another one that’s been on the folder this ones from like May this is embarrassing 💀 i never post imfhshde ALSO this takes place during act 1 so no Chikage (🤢) and no university for banju!
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- Izumi and Omi wake up at 5:40AM weekdays, Izumi showers first while Omi organizes the kitchen, making sure to prep the space so he can start cooking early for the members.
- By 6:10 the two are ready (showered and all) and starting to cook breakfast, soon they’re joined by Sakyo for a while before he goes to take a shower (he mostly pesters Izumi about schedules and money poor Izumi).
- At 6:15, on the dot not a second late, Tasuku leaves to go on his morning jogs and Tsumugi is already working on the garden, he likes giving his plants a schedule and plays them music (mostly classical (though sometimes Homare insists his CD’s be played)).
- A few minutes before breakfast is ready, the remaining Uni students (read: Kazunari and Tsuzuru) are sitting at the table watching the news or are on their phones, Kazu is updating his followers about his schedule and Tsuzuru is texting his brothers about the weather so they make sure to bring a coat.
- At exactly 6:40 Sakyo wakes up the high school and middle school students and chaos officially ensues.
- Masumi and Sayaka are the first two to shower, since they have to arrive at 7:50 and their school is notoriously strict when it comes to schedules.
- Sayaka goes first and Masumi goes second, they wake him up a bit earlier than the rest because he tends to fall asleep standing in the shower and he can and will push everyone back by an hour give or take
- Yuki is next, followed by Muku, they have to arrive at 8:20 but both enjoy having a head start since they sometimes walk to school instead of getting a lift from one of the older members.
- By 7:15 1/2 of the boys are ready and breakfast is served, Izumi and Sayaka start organizing the bags and lunches. Sayaka insists on leaving notes for the lunches for everyone, it’s very cute and at first Itaru was very against it but he warmed up to the idea the more it happened.
- Taichi makes a run for the bathroom and gets ready quickly, he does take some time with his hair but Sakyo pulls him by the ear to sit down and eat because if he didn’t he would spend the whole morning gelling his hair.
- Tenma goes in next, nothing much happens with him, he’s rather chill, yes he’ll make a mess but he’ll (try his best to) clean but overall; Tenma is a good bathroom user 20/20.
- Then, Banri strikes; he takes 20 minutes (when he’s feeling nice) to get ready because he knows Juza’s classes start earlier than his, Juza gets pissed and knocks the door open and pushes Banri (who’s probably been done for 10 minutes but stays in to piss everyone off) out- it happens almost everyday and Sakyo tried buying an alarm clock but it ended up breaking after Juza threw it at Banri’s head one morning.
- By then it’s 7:35 and Taichi, Juza, and Tenma leave- Izumi hands Juza a big lunch and snacks as a sorry gift for Banri since he often misses breakfast because of the other boy.
- During the whole chaos, Itaru wakes up and gets ready to leave for work, he crams himself in after Juza leaves the bathroom- Itaru either gives the middle schoolers or the Hanasaki students a lift (not really the others since Hanasaki and St. Flora is on the way to his work).
- Izumi and Omi will give the boys their lunches and help them with their bags, this is also the time when Muku ends up freaking out about possibly forgetting something and Yuki needs to assure him there are no missing assignments or extra cardboard to bring to class.
- By 8:30 Tsumugi joins them in the kitchen as they clean the place up. Since most of the loud members are gone by then, it’s fairly quiet but you can hear Homare ranting about his latest poem if you strain your ear enough.
- After that, the rest (aka; Hisoka, Azuma, Homare, Tasuku, Tsumugi, Citron, and Misumi.) take their mornings slowly- Izumi will be out for the rest of the morning stuck in meetings while Sakyo bounces around town doing whatever yakuza do (idk I’m not part of the mafia).
- Omi and Tsuzuru head to classes alongside Kazu at 10:30, though sometimes the green-eyed boy will leave earlier if he’s going out with friends or has a project (art students things).
- Depending on the day, Omi or Izumi will arrive and make lunch or they’ll go out to eat at one of the cafes nearby (I feel like Veludo has many cafes and bars, it makes sense since it’s a hotspot for theater and art lovers so it’s only natural a lot of places would open up).
- Tasuku can be seen walking alongside Veludo helping other troupes, sometimes Tsumugi will join him; if you wanted you could probably play a game of how many theaters can you see Tasuku in a day (Citron once claimed he saw him at 30 but Tsuzuru doesn’t belive him).
- If not alongside Tasuku, Tsumugi will be preparing the work for his students and tending to the garden, though sometimes he enjoys going out into town and visiting cafes and flower shops. He’s well liked around the elderly women population, very good with old ladies.
- Citron will spend the rest of the morning outside of the dorms experiencing Japanese culture and/or helping the vendors in Veludo, if he wanted he could help the dorm save up a years’s worth of groceries with all the favors he’s done.
- By 12:00PM most of the members are outside of the dorms and, if she hasn’t arrived earlier us to shorter work days, Izumi arrives from her meetings (though there are the odd days she’s out for longer).
- At around the same time, Misumi will start his triangle hunt, comes back with gifts and then goes to work at a circus (he has a clown card and I’m sure he’d make a good acrobat or flexible man... I think) or whatever, sometimes the schedule will change depending on what’s around the area. No one understands Misumi’s schedule but he says it’s made to be as triangular as a schedule can be (I belive him).
- Hisoka and Azuma stay in the dorms until work starts for both of them which is often later than most, Homare comes back at this time from his meetings with publishers but will leave again. He likes going to museums and art expositions often, might take Azuma out with him if the silver-head isn’t busy.
- By then it’s 2:40-3:00 and Omi comes back, normally without Kazunari (who’s out with friends) or Tsuzuru (who’s working part time somewhere).
- Izumi and Omi will start making snacks for the students, first come the St Flora boys at 3:30, then Hanasaki high 3:45, and finally the remaining students at 4:00. Normally at the same time, Tsumugi will go to his students and start his classes.
- Misumi pops up, now done with his job, with some triangle gifts, he also manages to somehow cram some other part time job during his absence (like truck loading). It’s very weird but he brings in money so no one can really complain, he seems to enjoy it too.
- Sakyo arrives and makes sure the students (uni or not) have done their homework and lets them spend the rest of the afternoon practicing if they’ve got a performance coming up or doing whatever as long as they aren’t too noisy or do anything dumb (his wishes are almost never fulfilled).
- By the time all the students have worked to Sakyo’s standard (aka finished all of their homework for the next month basically), it’s 5:00 and Tsuzuru and Hisoka will come back home.
- Hisoka tends to work around the evening instead of early in the morning, it’s an odd time to work (especially since he works odd jobs mostly) but it keeps him busy and with a steady income.
- At 6:00 Kazunari and Tasuku come back, Tsumugi and Azuma will follow a few minutes later.
- By then, most of the dorm is back (excluding Itaru, the household desk worker), and practice starts with the whole troupe- depending on who’s practicing Izumi will make dinner with either Omi or Tsuzuru.
- Official full-troupe pratice starts at 7 and ends at 9 during weekdays, though it’s not rare to find people practicing during the day/outside of the schedule.
- Depending on if the Spring troupe has a performance or not, Itaru will arrive at 8 or 6, if it’s at 8 he’ll go straight to his room and play games, if it’s at 6 and he’s got a play he’ll head to the practice room and play mobile games during breaks; the grind doesn’t stop when your Itaru Chigasaki and there’s an event going.
- By 9:15 dinner is ready and the whole dorm comes together and eats like a family!!
- Once they're done it’s 10pm and the students are sent to their rooms to get ready to sleep unless they’re on cleaning duty (20-26 plates don’t clean themselves and Sakyo refuses to buy a dishwasher he says it’s too expensive), it takes 30 minutes to clean the place up and by 11PM Izumi and Sakyo are making rounds to make sure the high schoolers are in their room sleeping.
- By 12PM the whole mankai dorm is asleep, except Itaru who’s probably gaming… and Homare who could’ve gotten an inspirational rush at 1AM… or Tsuzuru while he works on a script… or Misumi who’s stuck trying to take out a triangle sticker out of some magazine he found.
- It depends on the day of the week, the moon cycle, and if Misumi prayed to the triangle gods.
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sundancetarot · 4 years
“Red Lights and a Suit” Kirishima x ENBY Reader // SFW COMFORT FIC
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Hey Guys!! This is my first fic- I quite literally wrote it for my partner but if you want some of that comfort Kiri love, THEN COME GET YA’LL JUICE LMAOO
Description: After recieving news at school pertaining to a school dance, Kiri helps lift your spirits.
Pairing: Non-Binary reader x Eijiro Kirishima
Word Count: 2279
Includes: Loving relationship, affection, pet names, hugs, and appreciation.
"Grab my hand and keep your eyes closed tight, I don't want the surprised spoiled!".
Hesitantly, you grab a shaken Eiji as he steers your blind eye somewhere you've never experienced but, it feels familiar... somehow, but how? Two steps turned into four, four into six, six into nine, and so on.
"Okay- one more step... watch out for the step.. another... a third- OKAY! Open.".
You want to see wants behind these hands but your brain is having trouble communicating with your bones. You're not nervous but... envious, in ways. Finally, after your self-to-self speech, your hands lower to come in contact with a foggy image of-
"SHIT-" That was all that could leave your lips... well, there was also FUCK, DAMN, ASS, and your personal "I've been awakened into a frightened state" favorite- CUNT!
You turn over to your phone to finally shut off the constant ringing of your most recent anime binge watch's opening credits song- not your favorite- your most recent.
After, the all too familiar urge of procrastination, you finally manage to shut off the CORRECT alarm this time. Even so, shutting off an alarm has never had many benefits besides reducing the antagonizing screech of above the volume music... however, until now, you have never been greeted by a sleeping Kirishima on your screen behind the alarm window.
That's right... we fell asleep on Facetime together.
You're not surprised that eventually, you'd have these moments- you find the idea of him next to you somewhat comforting.
His blood red-like hair falling onto his pillow has always been a pretty sight to you. His pointed teeth exposed to you, no one knows what he dreams, as he tends to forget but- the way he smiles, even in sleep... No, especially in his sleep, is behind adorable.
You could see from the angle of the phone he had his red LED lights on the highest setting, (typical, was your immediate thought), he has self-drawn art of him in his Red Riot costume with "MANLY" written in comically large lettering under, above, or to the sides of each portrait, this is too cute.
Eiji mentioned last night that he sleeps without a shirt on, he decided to give you this information the moment you started to dose off. Fortunately, waking up before him grants you the pleasure of finally witnessing his rock-hard exterior (I'm so sorry.).
"CUNT-" told you. Once again you mistake snooze for the off option. You pick your phone up off the carpet, after launching it several feet in the air. Luckily, your side of the facetime's audio is off and Eiji didn't hear the exaggerated explosion of sounds.
Picking your phone up off the ground which was disconnected from your charger immediately, makes your gut sink deep into your ass, your brain catches up to what you're seeing and pushes your body to practically fly into the bathroom seeing as you only have 40 minutes to get ready now.
That seems like plenty of time if you would have actually showered the night before. Rushing back into your room for your towel, you place Kiri on the sink's counter.
Starting up the shower was a difficult task when you're removing your clothes at the same time, you eventually set it to the right temperature and successfully remove your oversized hoodie with boxer briefs underneath with ease.
After washing your body, you manage to carefully launch yourself back into your room to moisturize and get dressed- you place Kiri on your dresser with a view of you after putting on your underwear.
"Well- aren't you glowing Bubbles?". That humbled cockiness in a person's tone can only come from one person and only this person can make you jump out of your skin in excitement. You turn to face him putting on his shirt because, unlike you, he takes a shower the night before to avoid a rush.
"fuc- don't scare me like that Red!". You definitely miscalculated the emotion there because that was NOT fear, it was a sentiment of emotions on how what he said made you feel inside. Nearly dropping to your knees you tighten up your composure and continue with your routine.
"Sorry babes, you do look unbelievable this morning though." Blushing was definitely out of the question, ain't nothing burning through that melanin babes. Instead, your stomach burns in butterflies as you muster up the words...
"You missed a button on your shirt, Red.". Cool, that was cool.
No, it wasn't.
You can see he wants to make another remark but you notice the new arrangement of numbers on your clock.
[7:27 AM]
Eiji notices your expressions and the faster tempo in your steps as you go from rushing to being quicker than the speed of light. As you reach the door you hear Kiri clear his throat in a way to tell you about the one thing you forgot... HIM! Nearly, slipping under your bed you grab your phone in one swift motion and bolt downstairs.
You don't have time to eat the breakfast your parents teamed up to make so you grab toast and a Capri Sun, hug your parents, pet Rubble; your St. Benard, and bolt for the door.
You hear Kiri's radio in his car blare indistinctive lyrics from his favorite genre "Rock-N-Roll" (I'm so sorry.). You finally start to make your way to school where you pass the place you and Kiri had your first date.
As you ponder the thought of the first time you ever saw him cry, the moment you saw him smile, and the day he said he's his happiest with you casts an unbreakable spell around you. A spell you would never want an antidote for.
After a handful of minutes, you pull into the parking lot across the street from the UA entrance and began the new day. You walk past your classmates greeted with the usual "Hey, Y/N!". From Shoji, "HEY KISSES!". From the always bubbly Uraraka, "Alright boo, heyyy- AH, mwah!" from your favorite person in this school (besides Red of course) Mina.
Speaking of favorite people...
"Guess who?" A pair of hands appear over your eyes and an obviously forced high pitched voice lets you know exactly who it is.
"Hmm... Koda!"
"YE- wait, huh?" Kiri stands there confused arms unraveled from you. You turn with a gigantic smirk plastered across your face, eyes slanted, with defined smile lines signifying your humorous poke at him.
"Oh- haha, laugh out loud- super manly of you." You can hear his sarcasm bursting through his lips. You quickly place your arms around his waist giving him the tightest squeeze letting him know without words how much you miss him. Almost as if without any effort, he grabs you and lifts you into the air, wrapping your legs around him you give him an even tighter hug.
This day, like most, was pretty uneventful so, you zone out... as usual. When you finally come to, you find yourself wrapped around Ojiro's tail, who doesn't mind the immense affection. After your third class period, you meet up with your friends in the cafeteria.
Like any other day, you offer to pay for Uraraka who happily accepts; even when she has enough for a meal you still insist. I mean- why not? Kiri always has your bill.
[2:38 PM]
We finally reach last period and the class president Tenya, announces the school's annual Sadie Hawkins dance. [Brief Sadie Hawkins dance explanation: A dance in a tradition where the girl asks the boy out.]
"Well- what are Y/N and Eijiro going to do?" huh.
"How is Y/N going to ask out Eijiro- they're not a girl therefore how will they find a date to go?" Stupidity graced this one early but, embarrassment graced you immediately.
You couldn't form your words properly to explain or defend, you could only leave. Eiji tries to come after you but you signal him to stay there.
"You're such a douche you know that, right?" Kiri says dropping his almost permanent grin.
"LANGUAGE!" Iida screeches while flapping his limbs completely missing his faults.
[8:13 PM]
You sit in your room foolishly stumped by Iida's uncalled for questions. It doesn't make sense, honestly, you would never let Iida's "no thoughts, just speak" way of speech get to you.
You pause your binge of "Criminal Minds" to go down to the kitchen for a quick snack when you see a bright flare of red pass by your kitchen window wrapping around to the front of your house.
Your immediate thought is that this must be a police car making its way to a crime scene- being a hero in training gave you the instinct of potential bad around every corner. So, this was not a threat nor surprise to you.
{My Red Riot❤️ one (1) new message}
You were wondering where he's been all day. You haven't spoken to him all day, you even tried texting him, and you were left on read by red (I'm sorry once again.) with no response. You are curious as to what he has to say though.
{My Red Riot❤️ : Come outside.}
I won't say I'm nervous but I am definitely confused. I make my way to the front door and take a deep breath while turning the knob...
"Hey, Bubbles." standing there in a grey suit with a red tie, red handkerchief in the left chest pocket, maroon shoes accompanied by burgundy calf socks, and a rose pinned to his suit to top it all off next to his Jeep Wrangler with modified red headlights was your Red Riot.
"We don't need a school dance to strengthen our relationship when we have each other to look at and each other to embrace- I promise to never have this become a rocky relationship..."
You chuckle at the very thought-provoking joke. "... I love you Bubbles." How could anyone be so lucky? You can feel the tears forming already as he walks towards you.
Lifting your chin up to face him he asks you one question...
"Can I kiss you?". You meet his eyes, you feel equal.
"Yes- Of course, you can Red...". He lifts your face up higher and your lips meet he has just confirmed that you are equal- more than partners, but lovers.
You don't know where to put your arms, what to think, or what to feel but it doesn't matter. You feel safe, you feel protected, you are loved.
You pull apart from each other for a moment before getting another quick peck before a grin paints his face, it resembles The Cheshire Cat's smug grin. You don't know whether to be comforted or genuinely terrified by the devilish stare.
"Well- aren't ya gonna get dressed?"
"For?". What has he planned?
"For our Sadie Hawkins- Bubbles, DUH!"
"Oh- I mean, um, YES; of course! Our Sadie Hawkins!". You don't know what he's talking about but, You trust what he does. You rush back inside to my room... time to do the damn thing.
After a while of searching for combinations, You walked out the front door in a black turtleneck, burgundy blazer with black buttons and lining, matching dress pants, and black Doc Martens for footwear to a stunned Kiri.
"Wow- you look... stunning, Y/N." You haven't heard him say my name since we started dating, it's such a genuine feeling. Kiri pauses and rushes back to the car, in a hurry he returns with a small box... this isn't a- right?
Kiri falls to his knee and lifts up the box to a petunia corsage that he slides onto your wrist, completing your look. He picks you up and carries you towards the car door where he reaches out his right arm to open it and places you inside with his left.
The car ride is smooth, no bums in the road and if there were you didn't notice- you could only pay attention to Kiri's presence. You feel a breeze sweep your hand and look down to Red's hand comfortably resting on yours.
He's warm and his hand is incredibly soft definitely the opposite of his Unbreakable form. Being with him in this car feels almost sheltering to you, like a second home of love.
While you were off daydreaming, the car stopped in front of Kiri's house. Your door opens to fully red Kirishima, clearly embarrassed by his blush, you don't react to it much. A sharp feeling strikes your brain as soon as his hand gently grasps yours... you've lived this before.
"Grab my hand and keep your eyes closed tight, I don't want the surprised spoiled!".
Right- your quirk of future vision. It feels dreamlike but as soon as it's put into motion you can pinpoint everything that'll occur after the first stage, it helps with catching villains in the act of their crimes.
"Okay- one more step... watch out for the step.. another... a third- OKAY! Open.".
You let down our hands to a bundle of streamers, lights, and a painted canvas of you and Kiri with a message written on the bottom of it "RED RIOT'S REASON TO RIOT". You don't even give yourself time to process before leaping into his arms with a kiss, you both fall back onto his lawn where you spontaneously combust into laughter.
This night has been the greatest you've ever had- he knew your favorite movies to watch, shows to binge, and music to dance to the entire night. He knows you.
"I love you, Red."
"I love you, Bubbles."
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draco-kasai · 3 years
Hero Collaboration Program
Summery: High School Hero Collaboration Program! Helping Sophomore hero students connect with others around the world! Come join us for a two-week-long trip to one of our schools for an amazing once in a lifetime experience with students of Yuuei! Only a lucky 40 students will be selected for this program. They will be split into two groups of 20 and sent to different schools to have completely unique experiences!
A/N: AKA, A very ambitious fanfic I started because even though I have another fanfic in progress my brain decided to give me an idea and I just had to do it. These are all characters I adore and I even did lots of reasurch on them to hopefuly get them down right. I also too many backstories and threw them into a meat grinder to remold them in a way that would make them fit into this universe.
I love Class 1-A, but like they need to be taken down a peg or two, and I want to see them get their asses handed to them.  
Ch. 1 part 2 of 3 Program Sign-Ups -->
Chapter 1 Part 3
           Chapter 1 Part 1
The sound of wheels rolling against concrete and mild chatter flowed around the skate park. A small group of friends all joked about as they took turns going down the vert ramp. A tanned girl with dark brown hair, dark purple horns and pointed ears. Laughed as her brown haired friend almost slipped off his board when he landed beside them. His dark blue eyes glared back over at her, making her snort at his attempt to be intimidating. 
“Stop laughing, Paloma, it’s not funny.” The boy huffed, straightening out his T-shirt.  
With another giggle, she kicked off the top of the ramp with her scooter. Getting some air over at the other side, she gripped the handle bars once she landed and moved to the other side. Performing a tail grab, she smirked, “yes it was.” she spoke quickly, her own tail poking the boys' forehead, before landing back on the ramp and rolling to the other side. Noah blinked a few times in surprise before frowning. The sound of a giggle had him turning to a girl with long red hair that was tied up in a ponytail.
“Bettyyyy!” He whined, making her giggles turn into laughter.
“I - I’m sorry, Noah! It - it’s just… your face!” She covered her lips in an attempt to stifle her laughter. The boy besides her pouts. 
“Ouch, my own girlfriend.” Noah dramatically slapped a hand over his chest, “Well, it was a good two months while it lasted.” 
Betty snorts as she pokes his cheek, “Stop it, I’m just messing with you.” 
“I’m gone for three minutes!'' The two turn to see Paloma smirking at them. The couple glance over at one another before laughing. Rolling her brown eyes, Paloma gestured towards the ramp, “Your turn, Betty. We’ll meet you on the ground.”
With a smile, the girl tightened her ponytail, “Gotcha.” giving her boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek, she adjusted her board and rushed down the ramp. After performing a few tricks, she slowed her descent down and made her way off the ramp to her friends. “Hey Regeena, hey Chaz.” She greeted the other two that joined her group.
“Sup Betty.” they both responded in unison. Opting to get out of the way of the other skaters, the group of friends made their way to sit at a bench. 
“I still can’t believe she’s still in the hero course after that.” Regeena along with everyone else chuckled.
“I keep telling her she should just stick to photography, but she’s so obsessed with proving herself better than Betty.” Chaz sighs, “You’d think she’d stop doing that already.” 
“I mean, she’s gotten better.” Noah pats his friend's shoulder reassuringly, “at least she’s not flaunting her money and wealth around anymore.” 
“Or getting me into trouble.” Betty adds 
“True that.” Regeena nods, “You know, if she wasn’t so obsessed with being better than you, I think she’d make a great rescue hero.’
“Gasp, praise? For Penelope? Regeena I’m shocked.” Paloma jokes, making the girl slap her shoulder. 
“Yeah, oh, hey, Betty, are you signing up for the uh, hero thing program?” Chaz asked, “Penelope came home complaining about the program, I read through the packet though, it seems like fun.”
The redhead smirked, leaning back in her seat she crossed her arms over her chest, “Of course I am. I’d never miss an opportunity to better myself and meet new people.”
“Ahhh I’m going to miss you.” Noah pouts as he lays his head on her shoulder. Green eyes roll skyward as she gently pats her boyfriend's cheek.
“I haven't even gotten accepted yet, Noah. I still have to fill out the packet and get through the interviews.” 
“He’s not wrong, though,” Chaz pouts, “when you do get accepted, cause there’s no way you won’t be, you’ll be gone for two weeks.”
“Wha - two weeks!?” Paloma and Regeena gasped.
“Oooo girl, I’m already missing you so much!” Regeena rose to her feet to walk around the bench and hug her friend. 
“Make sure to text us if you can!” Paloma knocks Betty back into Noah’s chest with a hug. 
“Agh guys! You’re suffocating meeee!” Betty laughs. Noah and Chaz exchange a look before developing them all in a hug, making the girls squeal. “You guuuuys~! Common! Let go! Let’s go skate already!”
“No way! Let me carve this moment into my memory where I will forever look back on it fondly!” Paloma laughed 
“Awe, guuyys” Betty giggles as she does her best to hug who she can.
Betty Barrett. Age 16. Seat 7. Student Rank 6. Hero Name: Atomic Betty. Quirk: Self Gravity 
Can control the gravity of her own body, making it lighter or heavier. She is able to single out any part of her body with her quirk for a stronger attack. With enough concentration, she could manipulate her body’s center of gravity, allowing her to walk on walls.
Hand to hand, Karate, Jujitsu
A tall boy walked into the large house in silence. Setting down his backpack on the counter, he began taking out any homework he had been assigned. He paused when his eyes landed on the packet his school had handed out to anyone in the hero courses. If he remembers correctly, his older cousin had taken part in the program years ago, too.
Setting the packet down, he let out a heavy sigh. Walking into the kitchen, he prepared himself something he could snack on while he worked on homework. Wondering back over to the table, he set down the plate and began homework. Once he was finished, he eyed the packet once again. 
Maybe if he got in, his parents would come home and congratulate him. 
He shook the thought off immediately. His parents want him to be a performer, not a hero like he wants to be. They never supported his dream, and yet they're proud of his cousin Zatana. Maybe it’s because she’s a daylight hero, and not an underground hero like he wants to be.
Would Zatana be happy for him if she knew he had applied?
Silently, he wondered if she’d tell her old mentor, his hero; Constantine, and what he would think. 
He bit his lower lip at the thought. His family is never home, they're always busy with putting on shows. Would they even notice him gone for two weeks? No... Probably not. With a heavy sigh, he turned the packet to the page that had to be filled in. Even if nobody is proud of him or supports his dreams, he will be a hero and this program sounds like it would be beneficial for him.
Zachary Zatara. Age 16. Seat 1. Student Rank 7. Hero Name: Mage. Quirk: Magic.
With magic, he can do various unexplainable things. 
Staff fighting, hand to hand, martial arts.
A tanned girl with glasses hummed as she took a sip of her drink, “So, what do you guys think of that program, Mlle. Bustier told us about?” She asked as she brought a hand up to play with the bright strands of her hair.
“Oh, the exchange program, right?” the boy next to her wearing a hat and glasses smiled, “I heard Kim and Alix might sign up.”
“Of course they would. But knowing them, they're going to struggle with those essays.” A blond with cat ears, that turned black at the tips, chuckled softly.
“What about you two? You and Marinette are in the hero courses, right?” The ombre haired girl asked as she leaned forward in curiosity.
The blond smiled sheepishly, “Yeah, I’m applying. It sounds like fun and all, but I, um, I was hoping to get in just to get away for a while.” Everyone at the table exchanged looks before turning to the blond with a reassuring smile.
“That’s fine, Adrien, you definitely deserve some time away from Paris.”
“Yeah, you can’t keep blaming yourself for that, Adrien. You didn’t know, he kept pushing you away and making you work. You couldn’t have known.”
“Yeah dude, after everything that happened this semester, with your dad being arrested as a super villain and all- ow!” He turned to the girl next to him, who was shooting him a glare. Realizing what he said, he was quick to correct himself, “N- not that any of us blame you! I mean, like, how were you supposed to know!? He kept you locked up and- I mean, You deserve a vacation from Paris! Yeah! That! You deserve to have fun and do things you were never allowed to do!” He smiled sheepishly.
Adrien’s smile widened at his best friend’s antics, “Thanks Alya, Nino, Mari. That means a lot. What are you planning on doing, Mari?” He turned to face the blue haired girl that sat next to him.
“Oh, I’ve been planning on applying ever since Luka told me about it.” Marinette smiled as she played with the straw of her drink.
“Luka told you about it?” Nino asked.
“Mhm, He took part in it last year. We would video chat and he’d send pictures. It looks like a perfect opportunity to make connections with possible partners. Maybe It’ll give me new ideas for designs, too.”
“Wha~ I’d definitely apply if I were in the hero course, that’s for sure!” Alya smiled brightly.
“It's never too late, Als.” Marinette rose a brow. “You’re already taking some hero course classes. You could always just…”
Her friend waved her hand about as if to dispel the thought, “No way, I’d rather get footage and interviews of hero fights than be a part of it! You know I’m taking those classes in case I need to protect myself.” She smirked, “Besides, I could say the same for you. An aspiring fashion designer and hero, yet you refuse to make hero costumes.”
“I’d rather make clothes for fashion and not something that would probably need repairs a few days later.” Alya and Marinette giggled.
“Wha- don’t look at me like that, Adrien. I’m in the same boat as Alya, just because I want to be a DJ doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to jump in to protect people. Gotta make use of Shelter after all”
Adrien sighs, “Carapace and Rena Rouge will never happen now.”
Alya snickers as Nino gives his friend an amused smile, “Carapace and Rena Rouge?” Marinette giggles
“Yeah! It came to me in a dream where we battled magic evil butterflies and used magic jewelry to fight crime! I even had their hero costumes all drawn out and everything! We could have been a quartet!”
Alya covers her lips as she laughs, “That's one heck of a dream. I appreciate it, Adrien, but we’re fine. Besides, Ladybug and Chat Noir are going to be the best duo when they debut!” The two friends looked at one another and smiled.
“Oh, You two are signing up as a duo, right?” Nino asks in curiosity, raising an eyebrow. Marinette and Adrien give one another a knowing look.
“No, actually, we’re not.” Adrien smiles
“W - what?! Why?! I thought you two were planning to debut as a duo!” Alya asked, sitting up, she looked between her two friends in confusion.
“We are, but we agreed that we can’t always rely on each other, so we’re going to sign up and, hopefully if we get in, end up in different groups.
Adrien grins, showing off his fangs, as he gives his best friend a half hug, “Being apart for a while is going to be great for us. Divide and conquer! When we meet up again, we’re going to compare notes and talk about our experiences!” 
“Oh… I… I guess that’s not too bad of an Idea.” Alya thought out loud. 
“If you learn any new fighting moves, you can just show each other too, pretty smart.” Nino nods.
“Of course it’s Pur-fect! Our ladybug came up with it!” Adrien laughs at the groans he received. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Age 15. Seat 12. Student Rank 8. Hero Name: Ladybug. Quirk: Lucky Charm.
Can create items to help her with any situation. The items that are created are random, leading to weird and elaborate plans that somehow always work. When she has finished making use of the item, it disappears in a swarm of ladybugs that fix any damage made after she has summoned the item.
Acrobatics, Hand to Hand, Made up fighting style with Yo-yo
“But Ah-Mah pleeeease~!” a girl with long black hair and a pink streak whined
“Juniper, I said no.” an older woman shook her head as she worked her way around her office. 
“But why? Dennis got to apply in his sophomore year!” The young teenager pouted.
“Juniper, you know I need you here to help take care of everything around the house. Dennis has just graduated from the academy and has been busy making a name for himself as a hero, and Ray Ray is still too young to be left alone.”
“But Ray Ray is 12 -” 
“Juniper.” The young teenager fell silent at her grandmother's tone. The older woman let out a soft sigh, “I know it’s not fair.” She walked over to her granddaughter and gently cupped her cheeks, “but it’s always been just us four, ever since you were 8. I’ve worked harder than before to not lose you kids. I can’t retire until Dennis’s work is more secure, and he’s able to help support us better... I need you here, baobei. I’m sorry. Maybe next time…?” 
It’s a once a year thing only for sophomores…” Juniper let out a soft defeated sigh, placing her hands over her grandmothers she gently pried them away, “It’s okay Ah-Mah…” The young teenager walked out of the office, her head hung low. The older woman watched her go with sadness in her eyes. 
“You should let her at least apply…” Her eyes flickered to the open balcony, where a young man with spiked up black hair stood leaning against the door. 
“Dennis!” The older woman smiled tiredly as walked over to the young adult, “Hello, my little bèndàn.” She greeted warmly as they hugged. 
“Ah-Mah you really need to stop calling me that…” Dennis spoke in an annoyed tone, the smile on his lips betraying his true feelings. 
“I thought you wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.” The older woman chuckles softly as she goes back to her desk.
“The mission ended early.” The older boy shrugged, “So, about June -”
“Hey, Ah-Mah, why does June look so sad?” A younger boy asked as he poked his head into the office. He paused upon seeing his older brother. “Dennis!” He cheered, running over to his brother, “You’re back early!”
The young adult lets out a hearty laugh as he picks up his brother in a hug, spinning them about. Delighted giggles escaped his younger sibling's lips. “Hey there kiddo. Yeah, our mission ended early.” He sets the younger boy down and ruffles his hair, “Everything went smoothly.”
“So cool!” Their grandmother smiled fondly as she watched her two grandchildren interact. Her smile soon fell upon remembering the middle child and what had upset her. 
As the young boy spoke with his brother, he was suddenly reminded about his sister. She looked upset as she walked back to her room. “Ah-Mah, do you know why June is so upset?”
“Hm? Oh…” The older woman snapped out of her thoughts, “She wants to attend a sort of exchange student program for hero students. I want to let her apply, I really do, but if she gets in, Dennis and I work and we can’t leave you home alone.” The younger boy's face fell. It sounds like he’s unintentionally holding his sister back.
“I’m a big boy! I can be left home alone for a few hours!” Ray Ray puffed up his chest.
“I know baobei, but grandma has had this business trip scheduled for a while now. It took us months to get this meeting scheduled… I looked over the packet… My trip lines up with the first week that the program starts.” 
“I can always stay home that week till you get back.” Dennis offered.
“Would your work allow that? You had just recently started, I don’t want to place you in such a spot-”
“Ah-Mah, it’s fine. I’m sure my boss would be fine with it if I explain the situation. Not to mention, I’ve saved up my vacation days.” the boy gives a cocky smirk. 
The older woman's lips grew into a large grin, "Juniper will be very happy to hear this, and to see you back home. Come, let us break the good news to her." 
Juniper Lee. Age 16. Seat 3. Student Rank 9. Hero Name: Fāxiàn. Quirk: Detect.
She receives coordinates to a location to find anyone she needs to find. To do so, she must have made eye contact with the person she plans to keep track of at least once. She can keep track a single individual for three hours, has a limit of 5 people at a time for an hour. Her eyes turn purple as she focuses on tracking anyone. 
Parkour, hand to hand, karate. 
“What do you think, sis?”
“I think it’s a really good opportunity. It sounds like it’s a fun little vacation too. You should definitely take advantage of it, Virgil.” An older woman with her dark hair in pigtails nods as she hands her younger brother the packet back.
“Yeah? You think dad would be cool with it?” Virgil asked, black eyes roaming over the packet once again, flipping to the other pages. 
“I know dad can be… strict, but I’m sure he’d understand. You just gotta ask.” His sister placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder before flicking his ear, “Now go get the table set up. Dinner's almost ready.” She grinned, walking back for the kitchen
“Ow, okay, jeez.” He lifted his hand.
“And NO using your QUIRK.” Virgil dropped his hand with a frown. By the time dinner was ready, the sibling's father arrived home. 
“So, Virgil, Sharon, how was school?” the older man asked as he served himself more of his drink.
“College is college, dad. Nothin’ special really happened.” Sharon responded
“Oh? And how are things with Adam going? Well I hope.” 
Sharon blushed slightly at this, a soft smile gracing her lips, “Yeah, things are going really well, actually.” 
Her father smiled fondly at his daughter, “That’s good to hear. Invite him over for dinner soon, it’s been a while since he’s been over.” His daughter’s smile widened as she nodded. Turning to his son, he raised a brow in silent question.
“Oh, uh, heh, school was pretty alright, I doubt the school system has really changed.” Virgil smiled sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. Glancing at his sister, he spotted her pointed look. Clearing his throat, he turned to his father, “Uh hey dad, I have a question…” 
“Um, well… There's this program, erm, the High School Hero Collaboration Program to be exact, and basically it's a two-week-long exchange program for hero students. I, uh, I want to know if it’s cool with you if I apply.”
The older man let out a soft sigh, lowering his fork. The young teen felt his shoulders tense at the sound. "You really are dead set on becoming a hero, aren't you?" 
Virgil blinked at the sudden question, "Uh, um, yes. Yes I am." 
"I really wish you would just do something safer like your sister…"
"Dad, the reason I want to be a hero is to protect you guys. I want to protect people who are struggling and need help."
"Then become a police officer or a firefighter."
"... Dad…" Virgil slumps back in his seat, "we always have this same argument…"
The older man gave out a tired sigh as he lifted his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I know son, I'm sorry… It's just… it's hard to support such a dangerous profession. Hero's around here… things are just…"
"I know dad… but I honestly thought I had proven myself enough during the field studies.” Virgil spoke up softly. Looking over to his sister, she nods and gives him a reassuring smile, “I want to make the city a safer place. Hero’s around here are already small in numbers and if I can help, even if just a little, I want to do that. Maybe even try to inspire more kids to take the hero course electives.” 
Robert was silent for a moment. Looking at his son, he could see the determination and resolve in his eyes. Letting his posture slacken a bit, his eyes softened, a soft smile on his lips, “You’re just like your mother with that passion to help others.” Virgil blinked in surprise, “Very well. You can sign up for the program.” 
“Yes!!” Virgil jumped up as he threw his fist in the air, “Oh man, Richie is going to be so excited! He’s been coming up with support gear and a new costume design and wouldn't leave me alone about it all day!” 
Robert let out a full belly laugh, “Alright, alright, sit down, son. Let’s enjoy the rest of your sister's delicious cooking first.”
“Yeah, you can call Richie later.” His sister smiled.
“Right, sorry.” Virgil gave a sheepish grin as he sat back down. 
Virgil Ovid Hawkins. Age 17. Seat 20. Student Rank 10. Hero Name: Static. Quirk: Electromagnetism.
Can generate, manipulate and absorb electrokinetic energy.
Hand to hand. 
"So, how was school, everyone?" An older woman asked as she and her large family all started eating dinner. All the kids at the table softly answered in unison, making the two adults chuckle in amusement.
"Come on guys, one by one." The older man said firmly. 
A boy with his dark brown hair waving in soft curls spoke up first, "Everyone in the hero course got a packet for an exchange program!" The boy next to him with black hair groaned softly. 
"Really? What's it about?" An older girl asked in curiosity. 
"Dude, that's awesome!" A younger girl bounced in her seat excitedly
"When is it?" One of the boys asked in a soft tone. 
"Will you be working with pro hero's?" A younger boy asked, tilting his head in curiosity. 
"Tell us Billy! Tell us!" The younger girl chirped happily. 
"Dude, Freddy, it was supposed to be a secret." Billy glared at the glasses wearing boy next to him. 
"A secret? Why?" The older man asked curiously. 
Letting out a sigh, Billy explained the program, "- it was supposed to be a secret because I wanted to tell you guys after I got accepted." He glares at a sheepish Freddy, "but I guess it's not anymore." 
"Don't worry! We're still surprised!" Darla says with a nod. Placing her palms on her cheeks, she makes a surprised face. Eugene nods in agreement and drops his jaw, eyebrows shooting up as he also made a surprised face. Everyone at the table laughed at the youngest's antics.
"She's not wrong. We are pleasantly surprised. I'm sure you'll get accepted." The older woman smiled 
"I hope so. It's basically a worldwide thing. From what the teachers said, it's really competitive. Only 40 students get accepted. That's why they have such an extensive application process." he smiled sheepishly, a hand rubbing the nape of his neck. His cheeks flushed red as everyone in his mismatched family shot him words of encouragement. It's been a whole year since he’s landed himself with his family, they’ve already been through so much together. He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. 
Billy Batson. Age 16. Seat 15, Class Rank 11. Hero Name: Captain Marvel. Quirk: Shazam
When saying the word ‘Shazam’ he is transformed into a version of himself that is at their prime. 
Hand to hand, Stealth, street fighting. 
“What is this?” A pale hand grabbed the packet that was handed to her. Black eyes quickly scanned through the front page, an older woman with white hair sat across from her on the table. 
“It’s a program I think you’d enjoy, Jenny.” the older woman smiled softly, “I know that you feel trapped here, being homeschooled and all, so I thought you might want to join the program.” 
Jenny looked up at her mother in surprise, “Y - you mean it? You'll let me apply for this? If I get accepted, you’ll allow me to go!?”
Nora let out a soft chuckle, “Yes, I'm allowing you to go. Actually, I’ve been planning on enrolling you into school next Semester.”
“That’s right. Once the paperwork is complete you’ll be in school starting January and if you do get into this program, you can think of it as a small break from school, to give yourself a breather, I think it would help you adjust to school better.”
“Oh my gosh, mom! You’re the best!” Jenny grinned widely, her eyes sparkling in excitement as she stood to her feet. 
“Yes, yes, this will be a wonderful opportunity for you to make friends too.”
“Mom, I have friends -”
“Online friends don’t count.” 
“... Social anxiety is hard to deal with.”
“Jenny, you came home late yesterday because you stopped by Miranda’s place and spoke with her for three hours.”
“She’s a sweet old lady. She just needs some company sometimes~” 
“And yet when the neighbor boy said hello to you this morning, you activated your skates and rushed inside.”
“... So it may be a selective type of anxiety…” 
The blue haired girl let out a sigh, crossing her arms, “Yeah, okay, fair.” She paused before speaking again, “Are you positive online friends don’t count?” Nora sent her daughter a raised eyebrow, amusement radiating off her in waves.
Jenny sagged her shoulders, “Right. I’ll get started on this now.” 
“Good. Make sure to email any of your teachers for those recommendation letters.” Nora rose out of her chair, “I’ll get started on dinner for us.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jenny Walkman. Age 17. Seat 6. Class Rank 12. Hero Name: XJ9. Quirk: Cyborg 
Although born like any other, her body is very obviously modified. 50% of her body is organic, containing the most important organs for essential survival. Her skin is smooth to the touch, has the ability to remove appendages to modify or replace. Has the ability to connect herself to electronics and is able to download information directly to her brain. 
Extensive knowledge in mechanics, Hand to hand, martial arts
Chapter 1 Part 3
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