#not saying everyone is like this but the morale is so declined on here and we just…let it keep going down by pointing fingers
inklore · 3 months
what’s a girl gotta do to make it less dead on here?? who do i gotta pay or give this cooch or tongue to??
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circeyoru · 18 days
The Only Reason _ Part 2
[Yandere!Sung Jinwoo x Worker!Reader - Mana Chaos AU]
*Note: I got a name for the AU!! Mana Chaos!! A bit random, but I just went with it. Here’s part 2 since the part one blew up.
Part 1 — Part 2 (here)
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“Have a safe trip, Personnel 002.”
“Be safe, please.”
“We’re counting on you.”
“Don’t let your guard down.”
As you expected everyone was treating you like you were the one going into a war zone and not the S-Rank Hunter that was doing the country a favour. You internally sighed while you maintained an expressionless face to all those around you bidding farewell or wishing you luck and safety. 
Honestly speaking, you were the safest person in the building, if not, in the world with the amount of Shadow soldiers Jinwoo has put into your shadow for your protection. Just the other day, you were furiously protected by none other than Beru, one of Jinwoo’s strongest general grade or was it higher? You can’t recall and Jinwoo did explain to you once, but your system overloaded and didn’t catch much.
Concerning how those soldiers came to be, it was simple. To raise them from the dead. With every battle, Jinwoo grows stronger and stronger, hence why you privately dubbed him a National Level Hunter. His army of Shadows could practically cover the entire country two or three times, maybe even more. Even give Thomas a run for his money, if they ever meet each other in a battle. It would be distaterous so you rather not come to it.
This is why you didn’t want Jinwoo in the facility at all. He has perfect control over his emotions and high morals if you don’t cross his line. He was overall peaceful even with his vast strength and power. Unlike Thomas, he was tamed and very very well-behaved, to put it simply. You had tried to get your seniors or higher-ups and colleague to understand, but they all brushed it aside, saying an S-Rank belongs here and under surveillance. 
Once, they agreed to observe Jinwoo’s tamed nature, to stop your insistence. However, it turned out horribly. You watched from the surveillance room when your unconvinced party enter Jinwoo’s cell. It all appeared normal until the straitjacket was removed from him and he started lashing out. The guards immediately tried to subdue him and rescue the innocent group from the clushes of the raging Hunter.
A chill ran down your spine as you froze up while the room darkened, an echoy whispered in your ear, “I heard you wanted to kick me out. So cold of you, really. I would have behaved if you had a work-life balance, but you are always in this insufferable building, so I have to decline.”
“You could have just told me…” You voice only came out as a mere mutter, but Jinwoo heard it loud and clear. Whatever controlled and peaceful image you have of Jinwoo gone to the drains, never to be recovered in that moment. Like anyone else, you were afraid. Not for yourself, but for those around you.
A dark chuckle rang and you felt like you were in his shadowy embrace with a weight lunched over from the back of your head down to your spine. “That was an option, but I wanted to show you my opposition to your idea. This was the best way I’ve come up with. Plus, it shows everyone here that you aren’t replaceable.” The weight was gone and the room returned to normal with his words beckoning you to him, “So come and calm me down, Personnel 002.”
Looking out the transport vehicle, you saw the streets practically empty apart from the guards stationed from place to place. You grimaced at the fearful citizens that no doubt went indoors or hid in their homes at the news. 
Whenever an S-Rank is let out of their cell into the streets, be it for fresh air or raiding an impossible dungeon for the country, the public would get news of it and warn the citizens to stay away from the gate and advised to remain indoors while the mentioned locations or roads would be purposefully used to transport the Hunter directly to the site. 
Bringing an S-Rank to an A-Rank gate or higher alone was practically giving them a death sentence. It was the government and people’s way of telling the strong Hunters to control themselves or they would die hourably in the raid while protecting their country. 
A case of such an instance was the Jeju Island Raid. An S-Rank dungeon that have failed for 4 times before an alliance was formed between the Japanese S-Rank and Korean S-Rank. The Japanese Government sent their strongest to offer support, but mostly to get rid of them because they have grown too powerful and influential. With the <Outrage Incident>, they couldn’t afford to take any chances. 
That raid had the most S-Rank Hunters in the same place, fighting the same battle. Originally, Jinwoo wasn’t present and you were with him in his cell doing paperwork while he watched the news. As sudden as it came, Jinwoo demanded to go there to help his fellow S-Rank Hunters from total annihilation. 
When you saw the murderous ant, you knew Jinwoo wanted to add him into his army. You did wonder if the people above would want help, since it was a sure-fire way to rid the S-Rank Hunters but when again without the S-Rank, who would clear the harder gates? This stupid EMI system and all the cautiousness of frightened people. 
In the end, Jinwoo’s wish was granted and you were also sent to the front lines in case Jinwoo went haywire. As drugs and medicine was proven ineffective to Jinwoo, the next best thing was you, since he held you in high regard. Not only did Jinwoo get his new soldier, who was later placed as your bodyguard, but he also somehow managed to control the other surviving S-Rank Hunters. 
What happened after was Jinwoo showing his dominance over the other S-Ranks in Korea and making himself at the top of the food chain. He’s stay mild and controlled because he wanted to. Not because you people —the public and the government— could control him. 
The vehicle stopped and your door was opened from the outside, a guard nodded and welcomed you while you got out. Your eyes looked over to the gigantic gate. 
“Feels like a date, doesn’t it?” Jinwoo’s voice brought your attention to him. Dressed in a causal manner, a shirt and pants, plus a long coat to complete his look, his stuck to his dark theme. You were quite used to him in a straitjacket that everytime he was dressed normally, you were always spellbound. He chuckled and ruffled your hair. “Cat got your tongue?”
“You’re looking good.” You looked away to the side, a faint blush over your cheeks. There was no use fangirling in secret when Beru or some other soldiers would report back to him and he’d have a field day the next time you visit him. You might as well be honest and tell him now to get over it.
Now it was Jinwoo’s turn to freeze up and chuckle. “Thanks.”
Amidst the careful atmosphere, you sense the guards around you two on edge with Jinwoo’s freedom to do anything and his power unrestraint. Better enter the gate before they act out of fear and trigger some ridiculous conflict. “Let’s go, do you need any gear?”
“I only need you by my side.” Jinwoo returned back to his smooth and cheeky self, smiling down at you with a soft look in his eyes. 
You physically and mentally controlled yourself so that you don’t faint from his words, reminding yourself repeatedly that you two were in public. It was hard for you to defend yourself against these attacks of his when he wasn’t in his usual dull look in the EMI. He is one handsome man. “Just say we can go…”
Jinwoo extended his hand to you and waited for you to put your hand in his, essentially you’d be putting your life in his hands because once you pass through the gate, he was your only lifeline to return in one piece. You did so without hesitation, Jinwoo will never allow harm to you and never let you out of his sight so long as he lives. You could feel the nervous and anxious glances from the guards scattered around the site from your nonchalant actions.
With a hum, Jinwoo gripped your hand in his and lead you into the gate where only he and you would be without any other humans. Truly as he said, it’d be a date where he and you could be your true selves.
“Come forth.” Jinwoo summoned his army who all appeared at his command, all kneeled and bowed their heads to him. “Like usual.” His eyes glowed a purple hue, “Leave the boss to me.”
So began the massacre while Jinwoo walked you through it all. The first time it happened, you were beyond terrified for you only knew Jinwoo was a capable S-Rank and shouldn’t be underestimated. That was the first time you’ve seen his army’s might and power. Compared to him, you and all the others in the EMI were ants, mere insects. 
How you managed to capture Jinwoo’s eyes was beyond you, but you were a lucky person to be favoured by him, to some extent. Soon, you didn’t mind Jinwoo’s little favouritism and childish acts to get you into his cell. You looked forward to it. He accepted you for who you are and given you a place, a special irreplaceable place in the world and in his heart. 
For all he has done for you, you wanted to return something for him. You even asked the soldiers in your shadow to keep it a secret from him so it was a grand surprise for him. The Jeju Island Raid that he singlehandedly cleared, you brought the island under his name with your wealth. With the help of the Shadows, you made the island habitable once more and invited some special people to live on it. 
Your hand squeezed his as you looked up to him, he momentarily took his eyes off the battlefield and stared into your eyes. “Yes?”
A rare smile spread on your face, your inner self becoming giddy and expectant of Jinwoo’s reaction. “Do you want to see your family? I’ve offered them a place to live away from all the criticism and pressure from the government and public. They’ve also been wanting to see you too, face to face.”
Jinwoo’s eyes widened. The moment he was reevaluated, he was sent to the EMI building in Korea, he was treated like an object rather than a human being. He could have lashed out, but his family was on the line and while he could use his Shadows to protect him so he has freedom, that only puts a target on his back. By then, people would want him dead for sure. 
The only solance he found in his darkness was you. The you who found out his secret and kept it to yourself, even wanting to give him back his freedom for your security, but he wanted to stay by your side instead. He thought that’s all he needed, but one day, you connected him with his family while in his cell and let him have his moment with them. 
From time to time, you’d call his family and have a video call to let him and his beloved mother and sister chat together while you work in the corner with music playing in your headphones connected to your other device to give him privacy. A luxury he never could have with the protocols of EMI.
He was grateful for all you’ve done for him. Genuinely and absolutely. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
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Note: I seriously did NOT think there would be another part. You guys liked part 1 a lot and I have no idea why. Welp, here's part 2. Not sure about a part 3, but I'll see how this one goes. Enjoy~!
Circe Y.
Taglist: (these are the people from Part 1's comment section)
@stupendouspizzacomputer @xiannars
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yapperblog · 28 days
Thought you'd hate me
but instead you called and said I miss you
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Tags: unresolved feelings, a little big of angst, she fell first but he fell harder, smut +18 only, softdom!joost, fem!reader, fingering, riding, unprotected PinV.
RPF below don't interact if you are not comfortable with that
You sigh as you find yourself in front of his door. Again. In the message he sent at 3:15 AM he told you the door will be open, but you still ring the doorbell. After no one opens it, you feel a slight nervous shiver down your spine. You decide to leave the dilemma of your weak morals for tomorrow, you are already here, might as well see where the night leads you. You reach for the handle and open it.
"Hello?" you say as you enter his apartment.
You turn to twist the lock on the door, a familiar smell envelops you. Not much has changed since the last time you've been here. More often you have been rushed past his front door, already tangled in a kiss, tearing at each others clothes. This time you weirdly want to look around and take it all in, you are still not sure if this is the last time you walk past his doorstep, but you want to remember it.
You and Joost have a messy history. It all started so simple, you met through a mutual friend and found out you two have a lot in common. As soon as you started talking, you knew something special could brew from this. It was so easy to be next to him, every bit of attention from him was intoxicating.
You also found out you live a walking distance from each other, which led to you two hanging out more often outside of the friend group. After one drunk night out, just the two of you, one thing led to another and you ended up on his lap, hands wrapped in each other's hair, having the best sex of your life. Your relationship turned into friends with benefits, never crossing into anything more even after a year. You did everything a couple would do together, but never put a label on it. Due to him traveling a lot and focusing on music, you felt he didn't want a serious relationship, so when he asked what you thought about dating, you just brushed it off, not wanting to be a burden to him.
You did this often. You were so overprotective of your feelings, you wouldn't let anyone near, in case they hurt you emotionally, which from your past experiences - they usually did. So you learnt to end things before you get too attached. You knew it was too late, he was the best partner you've had. So thoughtful, caring, funny, incredible sex, but you could just not open up to him the same way he did to you. It hurt, but gradually you made an effort to see him less, you would decline his invitations to hang out, until one day you just simply ignored his message to come over.
Until today, when you saw him again at a friend's birthday party. You knew he got back from tour already and would be at that party. You were nervous to see him again, but to skip it would be even worse. You immediately spotted him, even in a room full of people, somehow you could always tell where he was, your eyes just gravitated towards him. When eventually, after mingling with different people, you ended up in the same circle, he made it seem so easy to see you again, like it was no big deal. You felt a sting of pain, but you couldn't be upset, you were the one to push him away. So, you came to a conclusion that you made the right decision, if it is so easy for him to move on, it is better this way. You stayed until the end of the party, everyone got pretty drunk, your heart still felt heavy knowing he is close, but at the same time so far away, and it was all your fault for pushing away the one good thing you had.
You got back home around 3 AM. You were ready for bed, until you got a notification. You checked your phone and saw it was a text from Joost.
"Come in." his voice brings you back to your current situation. You notice a warm glow from the nightstand lamp coming from around the corner, where his bedroom is.
Your legs start walking as if by themselves, you don't remember making that decision. His voice just draws you in.
You stop by the doorframe, leaning against it. You take in the sight of him. Only one nightstand lamp is turned on, you remember your shared hatred of overhead big light. He is laying on the bed, his legs swaying off the side of it. His jeans are halfway unzipped, low on his hips, the belt undone and shirt half unbuttoned, like he couldn't decide what to take off first and gave up on both. He must be as drunk as you are now, he should look like a mess, but he doesn't. He always managed to look clean, one of the many things you liked about him. He turns his head to look at you and you notice a cigarette hanging from his lips.
He got into a bad habit of smoking in bed, you used to joke he would end up living in one of those houses that have yellow walls from the constant smoking.
"You should start locking your door." you say, your arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. You want to look nonchalant, like your heart isn't trying to get out of your chest.
"I don't usually leave it open." he says, his voice raspy, like it usually got when he was drunk. "Only on special occasions." he puts one hand behind his head not to crane his neck to see you better.
"Have a lot of special occasions?" you ask. You do wonder if he was with anyone in the time you haven't seen each other.
He huffs in amusement and turns to look at the ceiling. You think he looks so pretty, just laying there.
"Come here." his voice barely above a whisper, but he knows you will hear. You always do, sometimes he thinks you can hear his thoughts, his deepest secrets.
You don't move from your place, your hands crossing tighter on your chest. The distance you want to keep breaks his heart, he needs to stop this feeling and distract himself. He reaches for the lighter in the pocket of his jeans.
"Joost, open the window at least." you say softly before he lights the cigarette. It is not your place to tell him what to do, but you still care.
He smiles and remembers your joke about the yellow walls. Always so quick with a funny remark. He misses it. He sits down on the bed, his movements slow. He zips up his pants and puts the belt back on, his hands fumbling trying to put it through the loops. With his shirt still half unbuttoned, he stands up and walks past you, around the bed and heads towards the window. There is a chair next to it already, you notice a sketchbook you got him on the windowsill by an ashtray. You never saw this little routine of his, you imagine him drawing next to an open window, a cigarette in his hand. You want to flip through it.
He sits on the chair, lighting a cigarette. "Will you come in now?"
You finally walk in and head towards the bed. You prop yourself against the bedframe. His bed is as comfortable as you remember, you even bought the same duvet and pillow set he has, but you swear it still doesn't feel as good his. Maybe you expected it to come with that familiar aftershave smell, which of course it didn't.
"What did you want to talk about?" you break the silence.
"Us." he says quickly. Always honest and straight to the point.
"What about us?" your eyes focus on him. His legs are crossed, a light breeze coming from the window tussling his hair.
"You have been ignoring me and I want to know why. I really don't understand what I did wrong."
"I told you we should have ended this a long time ago." you did tell him this in the last time message you sent him. But he wasn't going to accept that, so he walked to your apartment, when you opened the door, you could barely even look at him. Very abruptly you told him you need to stop seeing each other, it's not healthy for the both of you. He was so confused at the sudden change, he couldn't even come up with anything to say in defence. He thought you must have met someone else, you haven't promised each other anything, but he felt betrayed. So he turned around and left.
"Why did you come then?" he asks, looking at you intensely.
"I knew you were drunk after the party and would pass out on the bed, I didn't want you to sleep with the front door open." you come up with an excuse. He has always been like an open book with you, however you are now doubting yourself if you've read him correctly. It was you who was scared of the relationship and deeper feelings, not him. You realise the huge mistake you made all those months ago.
"You know..." he takes another drag of the cigarette. "I really used to think I had you figured out. And then you pulled that surprise on me. Really took me for a spin." he points to his head with the hand that has a cigarette in between his two fingers.
"Have to keep you on your toes, you know. You always said you wouldn't like the simple life." you try to joke. The room is silent for a second, you are worried, did you overstep, will he find it inappropriate. But he laughs with his whole chest, the tension resolving a little bit. If you can joke about it, he feels he still has a chance to fix things out between you.
"So why did you come?" his voice more relaxed now.
You both know the answer, he wants to hear you say it, but you are willing to drag this game a little longer. "You've got a great view from your apartment. I missed it."
He laughs again. You realise it might be your favorite sound in the world. He blows the smoke out of the window, then turns to look back at you. "You missed the view?"
"Yeah." you try to keep a straight face.
"It is a nice view." he looks out of the window. "I don't think you see it well from the bed though." he puts a cigarette in between his lips. "You should come closer to enjoy it." he beckons you closer with his hand. He tries to act cool, to hide the fact that you also still make him nervous, like it's the first time you met and he is trying so hard to win you over, to see you smile at something he said.
You stand up from the bed, and slowly make your way towards the window, you cross your arms to shield yourself from the breeze and lean in against the windowsill admiring the view. You can faintly see your own window from here, you wonder if he ever tried to see you. You can feel him next to you even without looking at him, your legs almost touching. You can almost feel the heat radiating from him, always so warm, even on coldest nights. You miss the feeling of him under your hands.
Slowly as if careful not scare you away, like a cat, he stands up and comes to stand next to you. Neither of you speak for a while, enjoying a silent night, it feels so natural to be next to each other. The months apart and previous tension slowly melting away. He notices you shiver.
He stubs out the cigarette in an ashtray and stands up to reach for a hoodie hanging on the back of the chair. "Here, put this on."
You turn to face him and he puts the hoodie around your shoulders. His hands brushing your exposed shoulders and arms in the process. A sigh leaves you, which he catches.
"Better?" he asks.
"I think this is the first time you put more clothes on me in this room and not the other way around." you joke.
"You are probably right." he laughs and you feel him physically relax. Humour has always been a common ground for the both of you to get more comfortable.
"I missed this." he confesses, his voice quiet. "I missed us." he reaches to put a strand of your hair behind your ear. As soon as he touches you, he studies your face, trying to see if it's okay.
You touch his hand. "I miss it too." you say and turn to look outside of the window again, you feel so stupid for the way you handled things. He moves to stand behind you, slowly wraps him arms around your waist, giving you space to retreat if you want. You don't. It feels so good to have him close again. You lean into his touch. He puts his head on your shoulder, next to your face.
"How did it take us so long to find each other again?" he asks, happy you didn't deny his embrace.
"I'm sorry" you say and you mean it with your whole heart.
He moves to sit back down on the chair and you turn to look at him. "So, is the view everything you remembered?" he says with a smirk.
"It might have become even better." you say and walk up to him, he spreads his legs to let you in even closer.
He looks up at you, his eyes are so blue even in the dim light. You place your arms on his shoulders. He hugs you around your middle, and puts his face on your stomach. You slowly brush his hair, enjoying the closeness of him.
"Have you been with anyone?" he asks, afraid to hear the answer.
You tried, you had a date planned with this guy you met at work, but you didn't end up going. It didn't feel right.
"No." you say honestly. "Have you?"
He is still holding you close to him, "I kissed someone." he says.
You shut your eyes. Your confidence slightly falling apart, the self-doubt creeping back in, he can move on and eventually will.
He feels you go solid under his arms and continues "But all I could think was you. It was not long after you broke things off with me. I was mad at you, I kept looking for things to distract myself with. I was mad that you wouldn't leave my head. Mad at the light I could see coming from your window" he looks up at you, his hands on your hips. "So I kissed this girl, who seemed interested in me, and all I could taste was you."
You look into his eyes, he looks so vulnerable like this, all you wish for is to go back in time and change everything, but you can't. You wait for him to continue.
A small laugh escapes him. "I ran away from her. I ran all the way home. It's embarrassing, I never figured out how to forget you." he hides his face into your stomach again, you smell just like he remembers. If he could freeze time and stay like this forever, you running your hands through his hair and so close to him, he would.
"Joost" you let out a breath you were holding. "You don't understand how sorry I am. The amount of pain I caused both us" you voice breaks and he looks up at you. "I don't know how I can ever fix this mistake I made."
"Baby." his hands on your hips move in soothing motions. "Come here" he says and this time you do, he moves you to sit on his thigh, your legs stay in between his.
Your face is right next to his, you can't stop looking at him. His stubble has grew in a little. You put your hand on the side of his face, he immediately leans into it, chasing your touch. All the walls you both tried to put up, crumbling completely. You close the distance between you, your lips moving against his, he wraps his arms around your waist, your chest now closer to his. One of your hands is holding his shoulder, the other is on the nape of his neck. He licks your bottom lip, asking you to open your mouth, you do and his tongue explores your mouth. He missed you in his arms so much, now he can't get enough, he can still taste the cocktail he saw you drink at the party. You feel him groan into your mouth as you pull at his hair, remembering how much he likes it.
You pull apart to catch your breath. You smile and wipe his lips, shiny with your lip gloss, it makes you throb between your legs, that it is your gloss on his lips. You close your legs looking for at least a slight friction, he moves his hand to your thigh, squeezing the soft skin, which startles a moan from you. It makes him twitch in his pants, you sound so much better than the scenarios he kept replaying in his head late at night, his hand moving in a fast pace under the covers, wrapped tightly around his dick, trying to imitate the tight squeeze of your pussy around him.
He moves his hand under your knee, moving you to sit on his lap your back to his chest. He spreads his legs, moving yours apart too.
"I want you." he feels so warm against your back, you can feel an outline of his hardening dick through his jeans pocking at your lower back.
"You have me." he says leaning closer to your ear. He stays close and leans into your hair, kissing softly. You swear you can feel him sniff your hair and moan quietly. This is not the first time you notice him doing it, he denied it the one time you asked him about it, but it turns you on even more. He leans in to kiss your shoulder, placing open mouth kisses to your neck. He bites gently on your skin, you hold his bicep by your side. You need something to ground yourself or you feel like you will float away, his mouth feels so good on you. His hands move from your thighs under your top.
"Is this okay?" he asks, you feel his hot breath on your shoulder.
"Yes." you reply. He smiles and places another kiss, his hands continuing to move under your top caressing your skin. He hasn't done anything yet, but you already feel how aroused you are, your panties sticking to you. His heavy breathing so close to you, only making you even more hot. The open window next to you is of no help. You feel him everywhere, but also want to speed things up.
"Touch me, please." you plead. Your needy voice feels like music to his ears.
"A little bit of patience." his hands move to cup you through your lacy bra. He massages your tits, feeling your nipples harden, you moan and cover your mouth with your hand. "So sensitive." he murmurs. He wants to watch you unravel for him just by touching your nipples, but decides to stash this idea for another time. He hopes there will be another. He moves your bra down to reveal you fully to him and continues his ministrations twisting and pinching your nipples, squeezing your soft skin, until you are writhing on top of him. Your ass moving right against his now fully hard dick, but he can wait.
"Let me hear you." he moves your hand away, which was covering your mouth.
"But the window" your voice is weak.
"Everyone else can also know how good I am making you feel." his hands move to the plush of your thighs, makes sure to push them apart. "Keep them like this, love" he tells and you nod. He pushes your skirt up, moving his hands higher up your inner thighs, your head falls on his shoulder while you let out a soft moan. There is already a wet pre-cum spot forming in his boxers from all the sounds he is pulling from you.
He swipes a finger in between your folds through your panties. "So wet." he says quietly, sitting up straighter, pulling you up with him by wrapping a hand around your middle. He moved his neck to see his hand in between your legs better. He spreads his legs even further, your hips are so wide apart, you feel a breeze touch your wetness, as he moves your panties to the side.
"Were you this excited to see the view?" he says feeling how wet you are. You can't even come up with anything to joke back as he finds your clit and starts moving his finger in slow circles around it, applying slight pressure.
You moan holding his wrist, your head still resting on his shoulder.
"Feels good?" he asks, you can hear him smiling.
"So good." you say and he speeds up his finger pulling even more delicious sounds from you. He wonders if anyone can actually hear you, would the neighbours complain, but decides it is worth it seeing that you don't mind. His finger moves lower through your folds, collecting the wetness as he circles around your hole. He feels it clench around nothing and you whine at his teasing.
"Shh, I've got you." he puts one finger inside of you. You feel so tight around him, he puts in a second finger and starts to make scissoring motions to stretch you for him.
You start to feel the pleasure building, moving to hold his bicep for support. You turn your neck to the side trying to find his lips. He lowers his head towards yours and you collide in a heated kiss. He puts in a third finger in and speeds up his motions, swallowing your moans.
"I'm so close." you turn to look at his fingers disappearing between your legs reaching deeper than yours ever could. Your skirt bunched up, legs spread wide, his hand that is wrapped around your middle is now applying pressure to your lower stomach, you must look a mess, but this is the most beautiful sight to him. His brows are in a frown, focused on a task at hand, so lost in bringing you pleasure.
"Cum for me. Cum on my fingers" he says and you feel the band snap and release on his fingers. Intense pleasure spreading all over your body. Your back arches, as he lets you ride your orgasm.
He pulls out his fingers, shiny with your slick and brings them to his mouth, licking it clean. You hear him groan, as you are still feeling aftershocks from your orgasm. It has been so long, you forgot how good he is at listening to your body, knowing exactly what you need.
He kisses your temple, as his lips slowly reach yours. The kiss is not rushed this time, tender. His lips feel soft against yours. You leave his tight embrace to stand up. Standing in front of him you take off your top, as well as your bra, which is still pulled down, revealing your chest to him and kneel in between his legs. You slide your hands up his thighs, feeling his muscles tense under your touch and reach for his belt. You quickly undo it, unzip his jeans while looking into his eyes, he is watching your every move. You reach to take off his jeans, he lifts his hips to help you and kicks them off, leaving them in a pile next to your top.
"Take off this too." he points at your skirt as he reaches for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on the windowsill. You stand in front of him, placing your hands on the zipper of your skirt and pull it down slowly, making a show of shimmying it down your legs. Your panties are next. His eyes never leave you as he sits with his legs spread only in his half unbuttoned shirt and boxers, he lights the cigarette and takes a drag blowing smoke away from you towards the window.
"So beautiful." he can't stop looking at you.
Meanwhile you are thinking the same about him. You want to take a photo right now. He is leaned against the back of the chair, you can see an outline of his hard and waiting dick, the collar of his shirt reveals his chest hair. He brings a cigarette to his lips, the end of it glowing as he takes a long drag. You want to remember this forever.
You come closer to him, he leaves the cigarette hanging between his lips, as he puts both of his hands on the backs of your thighs and brings you flush against him and looks up at you. You can't help but giggle at how good he looks and all for you. You start to unbutton his shirt, slipping it off his shoulders. Once again you kneel in between his legs, your hands reach the waistband of his underwear and you look up at him for confirmation. He nods and you take them off, his dick springs up free and rests against his lower stomach, leaving a wet spot of his own pre-cum. He looks like a dream come true.
"Show me how much you've missed me" he says, his voice raspy from the cigarette and his arousal.
You move to straddle him. You take his dick into your hand, he sighs at your touch immediately. He needs this he needs to know you want him as much as he wants you. You spread his pre-cum around his length, moving your hand slowly up and down, twisting your wrist on his head, moving your thumb through the slit. He groans loudly. "Yes, just like this." You always loved how vocal he is during intimate moments. One of his hands is holding a cigarette, the other is on your hip, holding tight. You lean in to kiss along his jaw moving down to his neck, listening to his soft moans, as you keep touching his dick. You continue kissing his neck, he feels you start to suck on his skin about to leave a love bite, but you stop abruptly.
"Can I?" you ask unsure if he would want you to leave marks. You both know each others bodies so well, but this feels new at the same time.
"Please do." his head falls back, giving you more space. You lick up his throat and leave a few marks along your kisses. You smile at your work, this will be a fun reminder in the morning.
You decide not to tease him any longer, you want to feel him inside right this second. You lift yourself up using his shoulders for support, he is holding a cigarrete in one hand, and puts the other under your ass spreading your folds apart, helping you lower yourself onto him. You hold his dick and hover above him, swiping the head a couple of time to cover him in your slick. You are still wet from your previous climax, so it's easier to take him in. You both let out a moan as you start to lower yourself onto him, your walls stretching to accommodate his length.
"You are so tight." he puts a cigarette in between his lips and starts to circle your clit carefully aware of your recent climax, not to overstimulate you. "Relax for me baby." the words coming out funny due to the cigarette hanging from his mouth. You take the cigarette and take a drag yourself. You inhale, keep it in for a while and then blow the smoke in his face slowly. He watches you and you can feel him twitch inside of you.
You pass the cigarette back to him, when he is fully inside of you. You start to lift yourself up and lower back down, setting a steady rhythm, trying to bring him as much pleasure as you can.
His pupils are blown wide, the blue irises barely visible, he is so hard, he could cum right now. But he wants this to last. One of his hands leaves your hips, he leans on the back of the chair and smokes, enjoying the view. Your head is thrown back, eyes shut, tits bouncing, you reach to pinch your nipple and clench around him. He thinks you look so good right now, lost in pleasure, this is what heaven must feel like. He can't ever loose you again.
"Good girl. Making me feel so good." he praises you and feels you clench even harder, as you continue moaning and moving on his length. He moves his gaze from your face, down your body and watches himself disappear between your folds, a mix of your arousal pooling at the base of him.
"I'm so close, Joost." you whine bouncing on him.
He wraps a hand around your back and reaches to put the cigarette out in the ashtray. Now both his hands free, he takes hold of your hips to help you move on him. He starts kissing your neck, and matches your moves with his own thrusts.
You feel him so deep inside of you, you scream in pleasure, as he starts to move you faster on him, holding you by your hips.
"Fuck. You feel so good." he is breathing heavy against your chest, his own climax getting closer. He brings his thumb up to your lips, you open your mouth and suck on his finger. "The things you do to me" he sighs at the picture before him. He hopes he remembers this forever. You swipe your tongue around his finger and he pulls it out, wet with your spit bringing it to your clit and starts to draw fast circles.
He leans in to whisper to you. "I think you were made for me." Somehow he always knew what to say to make you melt under him. It's like he knows exactly what you are worried about in that exact moment.
Your back arches, he puts an arm on your back to hold you. He feels you clench around him rapidly and with a loud moan you cum on him.
"That's it. That's my girl." his own rhythm becoming more sporadic. "Just a little longer. I'm right there." he starts to chase his own release.
"Where do you want me?" he asks feeling himself getting closer.
"Inside." you feel overstimulated, but still it feels so good. "Please." your nails on his shoulders are bound to leave red marks from how hard you are holding on to him.
After a few more wild thrusts, he pulls you flush against him and you feel him release into you. Some of his cum spilling out of you. You put your forehead against his, breathing heavily into each other's mouths, trying to come back to your senses.
He holds you close to him. "I'm glad you read my text today."
"Me too. And I really am sorry, Joost. I hope you can forgive me."
"Let's talk in the morning. We will figure everything out, yes?" he asks bringing your face closer to him, to look into your eyes.
"Can you stay over tonight? or do you want me to walk you home?" he asks.
"I don't think I can walk right now, Joost" you laugh.
"That was incredible, wasn't it?" he laughs too.
You start to stand up with a wince when he pulls out. He cleans you up and you fall asleep on his bed. The pillow still more comfortable than your own. You will try to figure your feelings for each other in the morning.
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cuppajj · 3 months
How would the Ancients react to the Beast Ancients and how would the Beast Ancients react to the Ancients?
Ok so I’ve gotten a lot of asks for this, initially I was waiting to make a big post about it but to satiate everyone’s curiosities:
White Lily would pale at the grim reflection of Midnight Lily. She sees the darkness in her other, the freedom in its most toxically extreme form. The unsettling factor is that they both still adamantly hold similar values, so who knows how she came to be this way? Midnight Lily on the other hand would simply pity the other. She sees White Lily as weaker and more fragile, but understandably so. She’s yet to truly realize how she can save herself by making the world bend to her. She’ll learn soon enough.
Golden Cheese is interesting because I see her understanding Celestial Cheese and even kinda seeing through her. She’s understanding of the kingdom she lost, but at the same time wishes it were back; deep down I think they share the same sentiment. However, Golden Cheese would disagree heavily with Celestial’s actions; greed and abundance are practiced by both, but Cheese was selfless to some degree while Celestial victimizes those around her. There’s a difference between abundance and horrid gluttony.
The cacaos… I think Dark would be both disturbed and disgusted to see that he could decline the way Frigid did. Taming the Licorice Sea was an awe-inspiring feat not even he has done, but neglecting the kingdom he built with his own hands and the citizens who care for him deeply, letting them freeze underneath the ice? If only he knew what caused the Beast to become the way he is… unfortunately, Frigid wouldn’t give him any time or mind. The solitary king is so kept to himself that his thoughts of the other are also unknown.
On the surface both Berrys would respect the other for their intense desire for glory, their enthusiasm, and their adventurous spirit, but once Hollyberry learns of how she became obsessed with dragons to the point she imprisoned one of her closest friends, the horror quickly seeps in. Dragonberry wouldn’t take her seriously when she argues that what she’s doing is wrong, simply because she sees her uncorrupted self as weaker and uninspired. I think Dragonberry would be itching to fight her, so if she wants to prove that her Passion is stronger than her own Pride, be her guest. Let’s see who’s the real warrior here!
Poor, poor Pure Vanilla, faced with the utter nightmare that is Saint. A version of himself where his morals of love and peace have been amplified to such a horrific level that he views himself as a messiah, a savior who wants to exterminate every soul on Earthbread under the pretense of salvation… it’s worse than he could’ve ever imagined; and the worst part is that he knows Saint truly believes in everything he says. A soul who believes the world is too far gone to continue as it is, that there is too much irreparable suffering for anyone to live on. Pure Vanilla wishes everyone could live in peace, but not like this—not when everyone is dead. Curiously, purifying his other wouldn’t be on Saint’s mind if he sees him. There’d be an underlying curiosity, almost solemnly so, in the way he looms over him. Does he see Pure Vanilla as his weaker self, or his better self?
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writerze · 1 year
author’s note: i haven’t posted anything on here in a longgg time. apologies if the story is all over the place i’m writing this at 2-4am !!
warnings: none, except for my corny ass writing
summary: you’re new at school and instantly gain miles’ attention.
part 2
e!42 miles morales x fem!black!reader
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He admittedly had a small crush on you the first time he noticed you.
You were new to the school and you already stood out from the rest of the students. The way your looks and personality gained not only his attention, but as well as your new peers, was almost like a magnet.
Just his luck, the two of you shared a class together.
You sat a few seats to the side of him, unintentionally giving him the perfect view of your profile. Once the class started he tried paying attention, but it was stuff he already knew and had no interest in relearning.
He got distracted, deciding it was more interesting to look at you than whatever the teacher was saying. Miles didn’t notice that he was staring at you for that long, but you clearly noticed the heated gaze from someone nearby.
When you finally looked at him, he didn’t freeze like you expected him to do but only continued staring you down. You broke the eye contact first, leaning so that your braids covered the side of your face. If you could blush, you’d definitely be red right now.
Miles finally put his attention back on the teacher, but his mind only continued to go back to how pretty you looked.
It’s been a few weeks since you started your new school and since you noticed Miles’ stare. Neither of you had made any direct contact, but in class or brief instances in the hallway the two of you always made some type of eye contact.
Your teacher’s voice discussing the new project they were assigning the class disrupts your thoughts. You were currently sitting in the class you shared with Miles’. Ever since you first caught him staring at you, you always made sure to look good in class or wherever at school you thought you’d see him. You were hoping that he would make the first move, but at the speed the two of you were going it was never going to happen.
“For the project you need to at least be a group of two or three. No more than that or your project will not count.”
The class echoes with different sounds of content or displeasure, people knowing exactly who their group would be or not having any idea.
You couldn’t help but glance at Miles, who just so happened to be looking at you.
“Begin searching for your partners. Move your desks together if needed.”
The dismissal of your teacher caused the students to rush to get up to find their desired partners.
“Hey! Y/N, do you want to work with me? This seems easy.”
“Y/N!! Work with me, you can come over my house to work on it!”
People you knew of in the class started coming up to you, asking if you’d want to work with them. Most of them being boys that were trying to get at you and a few being girls that thought you were able to get them more popularity.
You weren’t fully aware, but ever since you came to the school you were almost always the student’s main topic. People always had something to talk about when it came to you. It was either the fresh set of nails you had or the new braids you wore or the new pair of jordan’s you had on. One way or another, you were always talked about.
You quickly declined everyone’s offers. “I already have a partner! Maybe next time?” You quickly stood and walked towards Miles’ desk, who had been watching the whole ordeal.
“Hey..,” you took a moment to glance at him up and down. His fresh braids, cool fit, and of course his handsome features made him look so good. You were always confused on why you rarely see him talking with anyone.
“You don’t have a partner yet do you?”
His eyes stared into you, a passive look on his face, as he took his time to respond.
A slight smirk came across his face as he looked you over. “Nah, why? You tryna be mines?”
You couldn’t help but feel as if he had a double meaning behind his words.
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
Dissecting the Jaku General Hospital Disaster and MHA's failures with complexity
Ahhh, The Jaku Hospital Raid. The point where MHA's story went from it's ever increasing decline to throwing itself right off a cliff.
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I think most can agree this event was a travesty writing/plot wise, but how about all of those in regards to MHA's setting. Well that's what I'd like to discuss.
Point 1: A Goal Without a Plan is a Dream
The plan summed up is "fuck around and find out".
The heroes came in to uncharted enemy territory relying soley on brute force, broke a bunch of equipment that did God knows what (for all they knew, it could have been lethal*).
Then they proceed to shoot themselves in the foot by getting too cocky, despite knowing that Shigaraki was undergoing some sort of procedure. X-less shoots a machine that for all he knew could have been a bomb or generator. Why?, because he had a "bad feeling".
* I'm talking potential toxic fumes, gas leaks, accidental combustion, etc
Now let's focus on the evacuation effort...
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That's it!?. A couple hundred dozen heroes and a select handful of first and third year's.
One of whom, mind you, is strictly combat oriented by the (extremely niche) capabilities of his quirk. What can Bakugo actually do here?, in the worst case scenario (being Shigaraki's awakening) he's limited to one arm and two legs (maybe his mouth?). That will further drag him down due to his quirk relying on both hands to be viable.
And we see this!
Moving along.
Another thing they didn't count on was outside help. The moment Gigantomechia arrives, it throws another curve ball. With the only reason for their survival being Dues-Ex-Machina Best "Dirty laundry" Jeanist.
They failed in the end anyways because a large portion of the LOV+ the MLA escaped.
Point 2: Organisms Used for Nefarious Means
I will keep this section brief
Nomu are in my opinion one of the biggest wastes of potential MHA produced. Going from being unnatural goliaths capable of striking dread into the hearts of even the long standing No1 Hero, to being undead cannonfodder that heroes can beat up so the audience doesn't question their ethics or (lack of) morality.
It is a sheer miracle that the Nomu didn't leave the heroes worse for wear. This is again more due to Hori relying too heavily on "convince" and not enough on in-world solutions, but I digress.
The Nomu should have been the biggest threat and again, the heroes failed to account for this. They had no way of knowing, sure.
But they should have accounted this early on. What about the civilians, evacuating them isn't enough as seen in Hosu. I mean they were walking into a lab and they had dealt with Nomu facilties before (Kamino)
Were there inpatients during the raid? and if so were they evacuated or did the Heroes say "fuck it." Given what eas allowed at Central Hospital I wouldn't put it past them.
Point 3: A civilians point of view.
I want you to imagine for a moment: You're a civilian and your whole life, you've been told how wonderful heroes are and how they'll always be there, after all they're heroes.
Sure, they may dictate what quirks are "in" and maaaybe they have a tad to much influence over your average person but they're licensed and your not.
Why question it?
Then one day everyone and everything you've known is just blown away. Heroes barge into your house and begin scrambling to get you and your family out of your house before something happens, they dont tell you what.
It is a sloppy and hurried effort, your life's belongings tucked into a small carryon if you're lucky and some plastic bags if you're not. They tell you it's probably only temporary and you'll be back to normal shortly.
Then the nearby Hospital blows up. You and your family can only watch as heroes flee from the scene, some rising into the sky, others sprinting like hell. You barely make it out alive yourselves.
Within minutes everything is gone and it's not until the fightings iver that you hear it. You hear people (you think it's your neighbors) pleading in pain underneath the rubble, a little girl can be heard sobbing somewhere in the torn landscape.
Everything's been torn upside down.
And the heroes, the poeple you've depended on your whole life...
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They quit. They say they need to find another line of work.
Is that what you are to them!?. Just another line of work, a number on a tally!?.
Worse still. The NUMBER ONE HERO has just been exposed by his presumed to be dead son for being a child beating, wife trafficking, eugenist with an implication that some, if not all of his children were made against the mother's will.
The current Number 2 murdered a man for the "greater good" (what even is "good" anymore).
The people who were supposed to protect you are quitting in droves, leaving vast portions of city to fall to villains and are refusing to take any responsibility for their negligence and poor planning that made an already bad situation worse.
Oh, also the single most dangerous villain in history has broken out of Tartarus and multiple prisons have been destroyed leading to further destruction.
This is then followed by a "blackout" period. Heroes give zero insight into what they're doing or what their plan is. Mutant discrimination is running wild, support gear is flooding the streets and any protests are being silenced.
So I'll ask you again, how do you react?.
Point 4: Hubris
Over all the entire operation was a complete and utter failure. I see alot of people giving the civilians flack for their strong reactions, but honestly I can't blame 'em.
The issue is Hori paints the narrative to minimize the damage towards the heroes. (For example he characterizes one of Enji's critics as a snobby shut-in surrounded by trash bags). We only ever see the worst aspects of the civilians because Hori has consistently failed to delve into anything beyond surface level emotion/themes.
Eri is a good example, she should be a very different character. She should be allowed to show her trauma and all the "ugly" emotions and baggage that come with that, we as the audience should see the lasting impact being killed repeatedly has had on her.
For example, Eri should be very adverse to touch. A problem that started with her father and was worsened by Kai.
She should be expressing her trauma through play (think reenacting her "surgeries" on dolls)
She should be distrustful and even cold (especially after Mirio abadoned her).
Her inability to smile might stem from a lack of viewing her self as equal to others, viewing herself as more of an object than human being.
But do we ever see this. No.
Because Hori doesn't let us. He simply as a writer, cannot appropriately handle or even seem to grasp complexity and every part of the story suffers because of it.
With the civilians it's no different and as a result Hori whether intentionally or not, twists the narrative to make them seem unreasonable.
This doesn't help when from what we've seen a shocking amount of MHA's main cast are drenched in hypocrisy. The only experiences we've had with the civilian population is through Shigaraki's backstory (bad) Toga's parents (very bad).
It's just not a good look.
Over-all, the Raid and by extention the war was a mess in every aspect and I personally think the story would have been better off doing something else.
The time wasted here could have gone to any number of things (how about fleshing out the non existant world building) but I honestly believe that it would have been subpar regardless, it's all to apparent Hori had no idea where he wanted the story to go. That can be seen as far back as everything post MVA.
Just, what a mess.
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sissa-arrows · 1 year
This tweet says it all… translation below.
(Repost because I wanted to make it into it’s own post instead of a reblog)
Banning the abaya is not a back-to-school "diversion". It is part of a plan.
Islamophobia is not an epiphenomenon. It is at the heart of a political project.
Racism is not an accident. It's a system.
There are absolutely no surprises in France.
The only "surprise" is that leftists and observers are still surprised by the repeated attacks against Black people, Arabs and Muslims in France.
No "red line has been crossed".
It's been going on like this for decades. It's just that depending on the mood or the privileges it touches, an opportunity arises where you "find out" what your fellow citizens are going through every day. It's there, too obvious for you to ignore, so you give it a tweet, an indignation, a passing concern. Then it goes back in the back of your mind filled with stuff that you don't live, while waiting for the next buzz that will occupy you.
The racist, sequenced, destructive and methodical harassment that targets Muslims in France varies only in its seasonality and its modalities of expression, but it is constant in its objectives as in its structures:
Muslim women are targeted in summer for the burkini, at the start of the school year for long dresses, on sports grounds because they want to play, all the rest of the year for their headscarves or their simple existence in public spaces. .
Muslim children are targeted at school for their beliefs, in the playground for their children's games (1), in the canteen for their "bismiLlah" and their diet.
Muslim men are targeted in their expression, treated as a security risk, criminalized in the public space.
Muslim associations and executives are targeted in their organizational methods, subject to political and ideological control by the prefectures.
And it just gets annoying to have to remind you of this with every controversy targeting Muslims, about twice a month.
The truth is simple:
France is filled by endemic Islamophobia. Racism is structural here. Antisemitism is structural here. Antiblack racism is structural here. The criminalization of migrants is structural here. Police violence is structural here.
And only racists deny racism.
Only those who don't experience it think it's a subject up to debate.
The "attacks on secularism" are as much shame on the French flag as the abusive reports that compose them, from the simple innocuous religious expression to the clothes police that are set up against young Muslim girls, as they are targeted with racial profiling to distinguish, by "use/purpose (2)" (the level of creative hypocrisy of racists) between the proselytizing use of a Zara dress (for Arabs and Blacks) and the admissible Republican use (for the others), while the handful of truly believable incidents are resolved with a simple warning and explanation.
The only attack on secularism is the establishment of a system of registration, denunciation and surveillance of Muslim students on a large scale. This is the count of students absent for Eid (3). It is the progressive decline of an educational institution which, since 2004, has gone from one moral panic to the next, with the same targets and the same results: the deterioration of teaching conditions and the systemic, slow and methodical stigmatization of some of the students. It is the silence that has become the choice of the majority of teachers and unions when their mission of inclusion and benevolent education of all children is ridiculed, that’s when they do not add their voice to the chorus of calls for the exclusion of students, calling for "clear rules" that invariably result in penalties and bans. It is the constant civilizing and post-colonial injunction to be free only according to modalities chosen by others than ourselves.
To people who still care about the fundamental freedoms of everyone (and in particular the young women targeted here for their clothing choices), I say: you are losing more than a battle, not to fight with all your might a fight which is already engaged, is tipping France into an authoritarian, racist and totally assumed oppressive posture.
To those Muslim men and women who minimize what is happening or blame young girls for their treatment, I say: you deserve what is happening to you. If you are humiliated in this way, it is because you allow it. To them their honor and to you your shame. They only wanted to study, without asking for the slightest preferential treatment or exceptional regime, while you found all the reasons in the world to defend their oppressors, out of unconsciousness if not out of cowardice. Those who already accepted the exclusion of young girls in 2004, those who looked elsewhere when imams were criminalized, those who believed in the promise of a state sanctioned Islam that would leave them safe if they remained docile to the exclusion of their brothers, those who allowed the associations which defended them to be dissolved and the mosques which welcomed them to be closed. If not out of modesty, at least for your own salvation, be silent and do not add your voice to those who make our children enemies of a republic which, rather than respecting them for what they do, chose to exclude them for who they are.
To my sisters, in skirts, dresses, jeans, sweatshirts or abayas, I want to (re)tell how proud we are of you. I don't know how to express the hope and sincere admiration I have for you when, in a toxic period like the one we are going through, I see the good you are doing, the projects you are planning, the enthusiasm and commitment that you display, in class, at home, on the soccer field or in associations, to respond to offenses with dignified words and smiles, to hold firm when we give up, to give us comfort in a world upside down, to pay the price for what is going wrong in our society and which should nevertheless concern us all. Rock in everything you do. Do not let yourself be locked into the image that some want to give of you, because you are not defined by any other voice than yours and by any other choice than yours. Please hold on tight. Be happy, make your plans and let others talk.
Maybe what angers them so much is to see you shine...
1: Children love to see lay pretend and imitate adults. Some Muslim children (all below 10) pretended to pray at school. Some white kids eventually joined and instead of explaining to the kids to not play that way the teachers made a report. It ended on national news, they started acting as if it was super common and as if kids were forcing their non Muslim classmate to convert to Islam. It was a mess. To the point where the parents of the Muslim kids were so scared they pulled out their kids of all activities outside of schools… Some of the white parents actually had to get involved to ask people to calm the fuck down that it was just kids playing pretend. The end of the year school party was even canceled so no child would get attacked…
2: Teachers and schools were reporting and expelling Black and Arab girls for wearing long skirt or headbands. Those are obviously not religious clothes. People rightfully complained and said that it was racial profiling. Instead of telling schools and teachers to calm down the government changed the 2004 in 2022. Now clothes can become religious “par destination” so by purpose or use. Basically it means that depending on who (white or people of color) wears them clothes can become religious. If a white girl wears headbands very often that’s okay if a Black or North African girl does it then her headband is a symbolic hijab and she must remove it.
3: In the south west of France and in other regions the police asked schools to provide a list of all the children who did not come at school on Eid. For the record children are ALLOWED to miss school for religious holidays.
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jeyneofpoole · 9 months
you’re a customer at Bookstore you turn a corner there’s a 5’2 dyke with pink hair shitting herself trying a alphabetize a shelf. she’s me. you ask do you work here. i point to my name tag. you ask if we have acotar i say yes but i take you to the grrm shelf and say you’ll like this more. you politely decline. i ask you how you feel about doomed polar expeditions and you start looking for a way to exit the conversation. i pick up on this social cue (because i am so good at my job) and tell you to like better books and then everyone clapped and i exploded the store. no moral to this story i just want to go home. this also didn’t happen btw. in case you couldn’t tell.
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Transfem Stevie who figures it out when she goes to a gay bar with Robin (post s3?) and meets another transwoman and has a Huh, you can do that? moment.
i sort of Went Off on this one lmaoo. bc im incapable of not steddifying everything this is now T4T Steddie 2: This Time They're Lesbians- with trans girl eddie cracking stevie's egg
PLEASE NOTE: this is set in the 80s, so they use kind of outdated terminology for trans people. also there's a d slur used in a positive, self-ID way. overall the vibes are good but the language is questionable. do with that what you will lol
When Robin asks Steve to be her ‘emotional support heterosexual’ (her words) for her first visit to an Indianapolis gay club, Steve prepares himself for a night of ‘hey, have you met my friend Robin’, pointedly not hitting on any girls, and politely declining offers of drinks and dances from guys until he’s buzzed enough to admit he’s curious. And so far, that’s exactly what he’s been doing. Robin’s off dancing with a girl after Steve assured her about ten times that he’d be fine on his own. He’s just debating whether or not his inhibitions are lowered enough to go dancing when his thoughts are interrupted by a voice to his right.
“Steeeeeeeve Harrington.”
Steve turns, already cringing. Anyone who says his name with a tone like that is someone who is not going to be thrilled with seeing him in a gay club. The thing is, Steve has no idea who this person is. Can’t even really tell if they’re a guy or a girl. Their features are fairly masculine, all lean muscles and square chin, but they’ve got long, wild hair and heavy eye makeup. The cropped muscle tank with ‘Massive Dyke’ printed in lurid red muddies the waters even further.
“Oh, hey… uh…” Yeah, Steve’s pulling a complete blank. They look kind of familiar? He’s definitely seen them around. Somewhere. 
They roll their eyes. “Not surprised King Steve doesn’t recognise me. Especially looking like this. What are you doing here?”
Steve sighs a little. “I’m here with a friend. She was nervous to come alone so I’m here for moral support and wingmanning.”
“Yeah, sure,” they scoff, and Steve frowns even more.
“Look, I know I was a dick in high school. And I’m genuinely sorry if I was a dick to you. But that was four years ago. I’ve grown up, and I’m here to be a good friend. Can you let me do that?”
The person blinks, and then looks a little sheepish. “Okay, yeah, that’s fair,” they say, before extending a hand. “And it’s Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
Steve smiles and shakes the offered hand. “Oh, yeah! You ran that club my kids went to- dungeons and dragons, right? Cool to see you again, dude!”
Eddie’s face does a complicated little wiggle before- “Uh, not a dude, man.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m a girl, now. Still Eddie, though, it’s just short for Edith now. Have you heard of transsexuals?”
Steve shakes his head. “I’m pretty new to this. I know, like. Five words.”
“Well, easiest way to put it is that I was born a guy, but I feel more like a girl, so now I’m, like, switching.”
“Switching…” Steve says, trying his best to look genuinely interested and confused. He generally doesn’t struggle too hard to look confused, but he’s a little worried Eddie will think he’s being a dick about it. “You can do that?”
Eddie snorts, gesturing down to herself. “Clearly.”
“Huh,” Steve says. Frankly, this is blowing his mind. “Why doesn’t everyone do that, then? Like, no one likes being a guy.”
“Ye- wait, what?”
“Like, the sexism of being a girl would suck, obviously. But everything else sounds great! Like, you get prettier clothes and you can wear makeup- and girls are so nice to other girls, I've always been kind of jealous of that.”
Eddie looks shocked, but Steve's on a roll now, almost forgetting she's there as he continues thinking aloud. “And like. Girls’ bodies are just. Better, y'know? Like what do guys have, muscles? Girls can have muscles too, but girls are just so… like, everyone wants boobs, right?”
Eddie has a strange look on her face. “I mean, I do. Because I’m transsexual.”
“When you’re transsexual, do you get boobs? Like, do you- wait, is that rude? I feel like I wouldn’t ask another girl about her boobs.”
Eddie’s silent for a moment, looking at Steve in bewilderment, before she seems to collect herself. She takes a swig of her beer and then smiles at him. It looks both welcoming and like she’s in on a secret, and puts Steve at ease. He can see why the kids were so obsessed with her in high school.
“You know what, ordinarily it would be kind of rude, but I have a feeling this conversation is… not what I thought it was gonna be,” she says, and Steve tilts his head a bit in confusion. “So yeah, I do have boobs. You can take estrogen as a little pill, and it basically does puberty for you again. You get boobs, a little extra fat on your hips and thighs, and your skin gets softer. Here, feel.”
And then Eddie takes Steve’s hand and slides it up her shirt. His brain immediately turns off. And yeah, there’s definitely a gentle swell there. They’re small, but Steve can feel the squish of them. Her nipples are pierced. Steve thinks he might die.
“Wow,” he squeaks, about five embarrassing octaves higher than his normal tone. “Cool!”
Eddie grins as she removes his hand from her tit. “Yeah, cool. I’d let you fondle them a little more, sweetheart, but they’re still growing. Kind of sore.”
Steve blushes, rubbing his hand on his thigh and desperately trying to will his boner down. “Man, I wish I could grow boobs,” he sighs, a little wistfully.
“You can, y’know,” Eddie says, with a little chuckle and a soft smile. “What’s stopping you?”
That. Steve hasn’t considered that. A hundred things come to his lips- he’s not like that, he’s not one of those- a hundred things that he knows are absolutely terrible reasons. If Robin were here she’d either be whacking him upside the head or giving him that really sad look she does whenever he’s mean to himself.
“Hey,” Eddie says, speaking softly and laying a gentle hand on Steve’s knee. It shocks him out of his spiral as he looks up into her big brown eyes. “Y’know, I’ve got some makeup in my van. If you wanted to try some things out. No one here will judge you.”
“I- yeah,” Steve is breathless. “I’d like that. Uh- my friend-”
“Oh, is she real? I’ll be honest, I kinda thought you were doing the ‘oh I’m not gay I’m just here for a friend’ thing.”
Laughing, Steve looks out over the crowd. “No, she’s real. Let me just let her know I’ll be gone for a moment- honestly she’s probably halfway to third base with some girl anyway-”
And sure enough, Robin is more than ready to let Steve wander off once he peels her off a pretty girl on the opposite side of the club. He rejoins Eddie, who leads him down the street towards her van and helps him into the back. She takes out her makeup bag, cracking jokes about their wildly different styles while she delicately brushes powder over his face. She generously refrains from threatening to take his eye out with the eyeliner pencil (more than once at least), and apologises for not having anything more ‘babygirl’ than her bright red lipstick. Steve can definitely say this is the most fun he’s ever had in the back of a van.
Finally, masterpiece done, Eddie rummages in her bag for a little compact, presenting it to Steve with a dumb little bow. Steve takes it with a roll of his eyes, and prepares himself with a deep breath.
The person in the mirror is beautiful. Glowing skin, huge doe eyes lined with smokey eyeliner and lashes a mile long, practically sinful lips. Steve almost doesn’t recognise himself, except that he does. He really, really does, in a way he now realises he never really has before. It’s the first time he’s ever looked at his face in the mirror and not wanted to change anything.
“You’re a really pretty girl, Stevie,” Eddie says with a gentle smile.
Steve can’t look away from the mirror. “Yeah,” she says, a red-lipped grin stretching across her face. “I really am.”
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lolhex12 · 1 year
shin soukoku brainrot
disclaimer: all i know abt BSD is from watching the anime and countless tiktoks full of manga spoilers. that being said, i have no idea what's canon and what isn't or the details of what's happening in the manga.
in which atsushi can fully transform in tiger form at will (bc i'm a sucker for that)
- at the end of the current arc, the ada needs to give a member to the pm so, in a meeting where all ada and pm members are present, mori is looking directly at dazai bc as much as he would've preferred to have yosano, he can't bc of her agreed immunity.
dazai is distraught bc "why does only yosano have immunity? why would fukuzawa only protect her and not him? he'd rather die than go back to the pm!" everyone is shocked to see such a strong reaction from dazai bc that's the guy who can't be fazed by anything.
atsushi, seeing his mentor's distress, stands up: "uhm, i offer to switch over"
everyone's focus and shock shifts to him. why would sweet innocent atsushi want to switch to an organization that kills ppl (among other things)?
mori, with a raised eyebrow: "you....'offer'?"
atsushi: "i offer under one condition"
mori, intrigued: "do tell, kid"
atsushi: "i'll join the pm but i get to work only with akutagawa; join him on all his missions, like a permanent +1"
akutagawa's standing behind mori like 'wtf'. mori, amused, turns to akutagawa: "what's your opinion on this?"
akutagawa, composing himself with a cough: "ahm, his prospects look promising in terms of ability and skill. and... previous teamwork between the two of us has proven... effective..."
mori squints at his hesitation when chuuya butts in: "sir, if i may"
mori gives him the go-ahead. chuuya: "sir, i believe the white tiger would be a better pick than dazai, seeing how much more willing and cooperative he seems than someone who's deserted us before. if he left us once, what stops him from doing it again? all due respect and consideration, i believe we should opt for fresh blood here"
mori hums, thinking abt chuuya's words. he turns back to atsushi: "why are you offering to join the mafia, kid?"
atsushi: "to annoy akutagawa," he says with an exaggerated smile. mori starts laughing while everyone there's just like 'what? srsly?'
akutagawa, eye twitching: "sir, i take it back. his ability is shit and he has no skill at all"
mori: "declined. i've already made my decision. i feel like this will be as entertaining as the old double black, so i'll allow it." he turns back to atsushi: "welcome to the team, kid"
the meeting wraps up, atsushi goes to akutagawa to remind him how they're stuck together now and how he'll make sure akutagawa keeps his promise to him (abt not killing ppl for six months).
before mori leaves, he turns to dazai: "that kid may have saved you today, but next time i'll be more insistent on what i want and make sure i get it." a chill goes down dazai's spine at those words, as if he didn't already feel bad that atsushi basically sacrificed himself for him. the ada misses their tiger boy while said tiger's having the time of his life making akutagawa's life harder.
(the main reason atsushi insisted he exclusively worked with akutagawa is bc he knew he wouldn't have to kill anyone due to their promise. akutagawa is the safest option for atsushi to keep his integrity and morals clean if he had to join the pm)
- sskk who work together show up at meetings with akutagawa riding on atsushi's back in full tiger form. atsushi kneels when they reach akutagawa's chair, akutagawa then dismounts his tiger and waits for atsushi to de-transform so he can pull atsushi up and draw him a chair next to his. akutagawa makes sure atsushi sits down before him despite being his personal transportation method. (bc we love equality and respect like that) akutagawa rides his tiger only when he feels more sick than usual or when he wants to prove a point (that they're a power couple, as 'work partners' ofc <- #denial)
- once atsushi comes to prefer his full tiger form rather than human form, he'll go into meetings with akutagawa and sit down next to his leg with his head on akutagawa's lap, who will in turn pet him through the entire meeting and even when atsushi starts purring, no one dares comment on it bc they don't want to get their tongues cut off
- after a hard fight, akutagawa has a coughing fit and is so exhausted he passes out. atsushi then fully transforms into the white tiger and picks up akutagawa like a cat picks up her cub and places him on his back to get back to safety
- akutagawa sleeping curled up around his tiger. cuddly and comfy and warm
- someone, probably gin, hearing a bad coughing fit coming from akutagawa's room but when they go check they see atsushi sitting on akutagawa's bed, rubbing his back with a glass of water in his other hand, waiting until the cough subsides so his partner can drink it [after the current arc, ppl suspect akutagawa's cough would go away bc of the regen powers or whatever but i love angst so i left it in :) ]
just,,,,sskk being a power couple and atsushi having full control of his ability. he's just a big cat to me (and to akutagawa, who absolutely loves his feline partner)
again, i know very little abt the story and characters so pls don't come for me ><
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idolatrybarbie · 1 year
odd couple
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pairing: established francisco "frankie" morales x reader
word count: 2.5k
rating & summary: explicit, mdni! | frankie can't cook, to put it lightly.
tags: no trigger warnings needed for this one, porn with (little) plot, rated e like woah, frankie needs a win, very unedited as of initial posting, stubborn!frankie, premature ejaculation, handjobs, cumplay, overstimulation, sub!frankie moments, multiple orgasms, spit kink/drooling, #petnames4frankie, praise kink, slight dacryphilia, reader calls frankie "wet" in this idk that might not be your thing i guess. look man it's been a hard week.
notes: it's not wednesday and i am struggling a lil' bit (might make a personal life update soon idk ?) but i am being such a brave little toaster about it! writing this definitely made me feel better. when it comes to music, this weezer song is a little generic within their discography but whatever, i like it. hope you enjoy! also everyone go read @wannab-urs sub!max phillips fic because i say so and it's awesome.
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You listen to Frankie move around the kitchen from your spot on the couch, trying your very best to ignore the occasional clang and clattering noise that flows out from the distant doorway. Tonight, he has taken on the task of making the two of you dinner. Or trying to, anyway. You don’t cook much either. Your job, like his, doesn’t lend much time to it. Takeout is more than often what’s on the menu—Burger King, of all things, is his favourite.
You know how to cook though. Every once in a while you have the spare time to whip together something truly delicious; slow-roasted pork belly, or maybe a nice pasta with garnish. Frankie doesn’t seem to know his ass from the oven.
The two of you have had this conversation hundreds of times. You stating that he can’t cook, and him pushing back, insisting that he can. Or he could, before the service stuck him with single meal MREs for a number of years and he lost most of the culinary knowledge given to him by various tías, his abuela, and of course Mrs. Morales herself.
His stubbornness spurs the occasional urge to throttle him. It’s fine you can’t cook, you always tell him. Not like he can’t still learn. Still, he insists, and insists on insisting on top of that.
Honestly, you couldn’t be more of opposites. Even excluding skills of domestic labour, he and you are a bit of an odd couple. Frankie’s an early mornings guy, always, while you enjoy a sleepy Sunday—or just about any day that ends in Y. He hates the horror movies you fawn over, while you can’t stand the nature documentaries and sappy celebrity biopics that he eats up year over year. Frankie is highly detail-oriented, the engineer instinct in him always angling towards rigid preparedness; you’re a bit more goal-focused, letting any plan morph and adjust according to the situation.
Another such cooking conversation had taken place on the drive home after declining Frankie’s offer of McDonald’s for the fourth night this week, and now here you are: listening to the man curse under his breath, muttering complaints from the kitchen as he tries his hand at homemade spaghetti.
The kitchen is silent for a moment. You go back to channel surfing, clicking past reruns of Golden Girls and M*A*S*H*. Stopping at a channel playing the cinematic masterpiece Grease 2, you focus your attention on the open doorway behind you again. It feels almost too quiet…
A string of hushed, panicked curses from Frankie confirms your suspicions. Getting off the couch, you use the soft overhead light to guide you through the dark apartment. Frankie is standing over the stove when you see him, quickly moving away and towards the sink. Water splashes into it, surely scalding as steam rises into the air. Or maybe that’s coming from his ears?
You clear your throat in the kitchen doorway, and Frankie turns to you. His face is slightly red, a silver pot held in his grip by the towel-covered handle.
“Is everything okay?” You already know the answer to that question—aggravation rolls off of him in waves, permeating the space between the two of you like a mirage in the Mojave Desert.
Frankie opens his mouth to respond, but the words never come. He does this a few times, wracking his brain for the proper way to put it as he parts and pleats his lips, living up to his call sign.
Eventually, he settles on, “No.”
He heaves a deep sigh, tossing the pot onto the counter. Getting a closer look at it, you see the charred spaghetti noodles stuck to the shiny bottom.
“Don’t, okay?” Frankie says before you look up again.
“I know what you’re gonna say. I told you so, blah blah blah. I know. You’re right. I can’t fuckin’ cook.” The words are rushed, like he’s half-embarrassed to even say it.
You frown, reaching an open palm out to him as you shake your head. “That’s not what I was going to say.” You motion for him to come closer and he does, slipping into your arms as you hug at his tense shoulders. “It’s okay. You can take a class, or we can work on it together. I think that’d be kind of fun,” you say.
Picturing making something with Frankie—maybe bowties and broccoli, something simple—has you smiling into his shoulder. For his birthday last year you made red velvet cupcakes with sour cream frosting. The recipe is a little more complicated, but baking them with him this time is a pleasant idea. You already know he’s the type of person to lick the batter off the beater.
“I don’t want to do that to you,” he says.
You pull back from the hug to look at him, those big brown eyes of his crinkled at the far edges. “You’re not doing anything to me,” you say. “At least, not right now.”
A small smile comes to his face then, creeping and dopey before Frankie gives you a soft kiss at the tip of your nose.
“They should really give you a Netflix special or something,” he says.
“Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all night,” you muse.
Still in your arms, Frankie glances over at the pot of blackened, noodle-shaped mush. “What are we gonna do for dinner?”
Right now, he’s in the closest proximity to you that he’s been all week. At least, while you’ve both been conscious. Work has you staying later and later at the office these days, while his shifts handling flight operations have him drained, in bed and fast asleep well before you even get home. Tonight is special even if it hasn’t gone the way either of you planned.
You hum, dipping your head to nose at the patchy beard along his jaw. “I’m thinking we skip dinner.”
“Come on, seriously,” Frankie says.
“I am serious.” Leaving a wet kiss on his cheek, you whisper, “Don’t you want your dessert, Francisco?”
A hum rumbles low in his chest. “Of course, but—”
“But nothing.” You move your left hand to cradle the side of his face, his skin smooth under your touch. He leans into its warmth. “I’m hungry.”
You know that he is too. At your words, Frankie practically jumps you, a kiss pressed to your lips hard before your brain can catch up with what’s happening. He holds you in his arms tight, like if he loosens his grip even a bit, you’ll float away. The pair of you move out of the kitchen and back into the living room, the horrible 80’s movie still dancing across the pixels of the TV.
Frankie falls onto his back, bouncing against the couch cushions. The remote is underneath him, the mute button conveniently hit upon his landing. The cheesy show tunes cut out immediately. You move to straddle him as he lays horizontal. Frankie cranes his neck a bit to watch you as you settle over the crotch of his sweatpants. He’s half hard under the fabric already.
Frankie pulls you down into another bruising kiss. You hunch over to meet his lips, his hands circling around your waist. You’ve decided to take the Frankie approach to tonight’s activities; cool and calculated in your plans and decisions on how this is going to go. Grinding your hips down, you watch his face carefully. He huffs out a breath, soft and peppery like the cinnamon gum he keeps in his car.
You reach between your bodies to feel him in his pants. Frankie kisses at your face, quick and sporadic as you palm at him. He moves to lift your shirt off your body and you let him, raising your arms to help him. He tosses the thing to the floor and lets his hands rove over your skin. Continuing your ministrations, you slip your hand beneath the elastic waistband of the grey sweats. Frankie has no underwear on, a pleasant surprise.
“Fuck,” he groans, nosing at your neck.
“What’s wrong, honey bun? Doesn’t that feel good?” you ask, slowly pulling your hand away.
“Yes, please. Do it again?” His voice strains deliciously, the muscles in his arms held taut.
Frankie relaxes only slightly when you return your palm to where he’s hot and achy, cock wet at the tip. You run your thumb along the head of his dick as he pushes his hips up into your touch. You slide the pad of your finger along his shaft, spreading the dampness.
“Aw baby, you’re already a little wet. Isn’t that sweet?”
You start to stroke him in earnest, the tight circle of your hand moving up and down his cock. The movement is a little dry, your skin dragging against the sensitive velvet of him. You push his shirt up his belly, pulling his pants to his knees easily. Then you spit into your palm, jerking him off easier this time.
“Fuck baby. Just like that,” Frankie pants. He’s moving his hips with your hand now, fucking up into it on every down stroke. With your free hand, you prod at the small dip at his hip, feeling the muscle tense beneath the skin.
“Bet you feel so good, baby. Nice and easy for me,” you coo.
“Don’t stop,” he whispers.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, honey.”
You twist your hand at the end of every movement upwards, fingers rubbing over Frankie’s tip as he leaks steadily onto himself. The glide is easy now, lubed with your saliva and his precum. The squelch makes your mouth water as you watch his cock disappear and reappear in the shadow of your fingers.
He puts one of his hands over yours, urging you to go faster. Your hands move together over Frankie’s dick, picking up the pace as the sticky noise turns into a slap with every thrust of his hips.
Frankie breaks pace, stuttering on a caught breath before he spills over your hand and onto his belly. You pause to watch his chest tense and then loosen, his eyes shut tight as he comes down. Raising your hand to your lips, you lick a bit of his cum from the edge of your fingers. It’s the first thing Frankie sees when he opens his eyes again, making him groan. The noise sounds almost painful.
“That was—”
“Amazing?” you supply.
Frankie wheezes a laugh. “Something like that.”
“What about a second helping?”
He furrows his brow, then looks down at his dick. It lays limp and spent on his stomach. “I don’t—”
“Please,” you implore oh-so-sweetly. Frankie sees big eyes batting at him, a twinkle of adoration. The intent behind it is a little more Kubrick, but he doesn’t know that yet.
He can’t say no to you, doesn’t want to anyway. Frankie nods, mumbling a yes at you. His cock twitches with interest when you drag a finger through the pool of cum on his belly and pop it in your mouth. You smile at Frankie as you take him in your hand, strokes slow as he hardens again.
Leaning into his body, you flick your tongue against the shell of his ear. “So, so wet honey. This all for me?”
“Yeah, shit—I can’t,” he mumbles.
“But it feels so good,” you say. “Wish you could see your cute little face. I love seeing you like this.”
Frankie’s face waivers between tightly wound and relaxed in pleasure. You’re using his own cum as lube now, hand practically sloshing across his cock. He tries to keep his eyes open, watching your movements as you sit patiently in his lap, jerking him off.
Your underwear is ruined, the cotton soaked through as you discreetly rock yourself against the rough seam of your pants. You’ll take care of yourself later. Right now, all of your attention is on Frankie. This reward is his punishment. It’s the slightest bit petty, but you can’t let his stubborn behaviour go quite yet. You aren’t an I told you so type of person, but this? This is perfect.
You stroke at him on autopilot, watching the middle distance between the fine thatch of hair at Frankie’s pelvis and his skin coated milky white. He comes with a flinch before you even realize, still moving as he hisses. He’s still hard when he’s done, solid under your touch, so you continue.
“You’re doing so good for me,” you say softly.
“Oh god,” he whines, eyes rolling back.
“Does it hurt baby?”
Frankie doesn’t speak, can’t, nodding frantically up at you.
“You want me to stop? All you have to do is tell me.”
He doesn’t—not with words or the shake of his head. He likes this, and both of you know it. Frankie gets off on the pain, a pleasure so hot that it burns; water blazing to the point that the sensation runs cold, delicate skin held close over a candle flame.
Frankie starts to squirm. You hold him down by the shoulder with your free hand, fingers spread over his overheated skin with a firm press. His whole body is sweaty, soaking a runway down the front top half of his t-shirt.
“Please, please, please.”
He breathes your name, barely getting the syllables past his lips. You never find out what he’s begging for. He probably doesn’t quite know either.
His dick and his mind can’t seem to agree on what they want. You watch this war play out, a losing battle. Every few seconds he presses his hips to the couch, trying to stay out of your reach. Then he slots his hips forward again, seeking out your hand directly.
Finally, Frankie seems to find his words. “Fuck, please. I can’t, I can’t. I’ve got no more, baby, please.”
“One more, honey. You can do that, can’t you? Just one.”
“Mm, shit. It’s—it hurts. It hurts,” he says.
“I know, baby. You’re so sweet for me, so good. I know you can do it,” you assure him.
Leaning down, you position your mouth over him. You let the spit sitting in your mouth pour past your lips, drooling onto his throbbing cock. The saliva slides down his length slowly as Frankie moans at the sensation.
The added slick makes everything wetter, truly soaking as you jerk him off faster. Frankie starts to babble nonsense between short, tripping moans. A split-second decision, you breathe hot air over the head of his dick. The slightest change in contact pulls his third orgasm of the night from him. Frankie cries, groaning loud as fat, wet tears roll down his cheeks. You hunch over him to give his face a kitten lick, collecting them with your tongue.
You let him go when he finishes coming, letting his dick flop against the plush of his tummy. Dragging your own shirt off the floor, you wipe at his skin and clean up your hands before tossing it back down.
Frankie finds the strength to tuck himself back into his sweatpants. He pulls at your elbow, sending you crashing gently into his side on the couch. It isn’t really big enough for the both of you to lay down. You squish yourself against his chest and shoulder, feeling his arm rest over the length of your back.
“How was that?” you ask after a while.
“A five course meal and then some,” he says. Frankie scoffs at himself, like he can’t believe what just happened. “Jesus Christ.”
You kiss his chest through his shirt, his body warm and solid against your cheek. “Nope, just me.”
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seangelfish · 7 months
hii Hii this may sound strange but I would like to ask for TWC (separately) reaction headcanons when they see their mc getting what she wants in restaurants, stores, etc thanks to her "pretty privilege" a double edged sword that helped her survive working as a model but at the same time she was treated as an object when she was a minor unu .
thanks in advance and also thanks for opening requests /hugg
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Featured characters: Naoakira Saimon, Yohei Kanbayashi, Ryu Natsume, Shiki Ando ♡ Tags: Headcanons, established relationships, casual romance, she/her pronouns, not proofread! ♡ Word count: 1,269 ♡ Synopsis: As stated in the request, you have pretty privilege. You could get anything you want for free! But there are limits, and not everyone sees what you see when using this to your leverage. ♡ A/N: I actually enjoyed writing this even though I wasn't really sure how to write it. It was an interesting request though, so I hope you like it~ (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
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Saimon tells you with sincerity that this is morally wrong. He doesn't condone this, lecturing you that this might backfire on you one day.
And for the first time in forever, you feel at ease at these words. You weren't sure why, but it was probably because when you usually get stuff given to you for free, the people around you encouraged it.
It was expected that people only befriended you for your beauty and the privileges it offers. Though, at one point, it was too much, too suffocating.
That's how you ended up with nobody.
Until Saimon, that is.
When you explained why this happens to you, Saimon isn't taken aback because he knows how beautiful you are and it does make sense that these people would offer you all these things for free.
"But do you truly like it when they do?" he asked.
"Well, I can't say I don't," you replied honestly. "I guess sometimes I do feel like I'm doing something wrong though..."
He nodded and smiled. "Then you know what to do," he stated, caressing your hand.
Therefore, the next time someone offered you something for free, you tried declining. However, it was hard, it felt odd to decline their offer after this being a part of your life for so long.
"You don't need to do that," stated Saimon. "I will be the one paying."
You looked up at him, relieved. The server quickly understood the situation and let Saimon pay.
"I guess this will take getting used to," Saimon said with a lighthearted chuckle. "But I will be here for you when you need me."
You thanked him with a warm smile. Over time, you learned how to reject these offers. It truly felt like you were a part of society now, not an object that needed to be worshipped, and Saimon supported you all the way.
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When the bill for the meal you had with your boyfriend was completely discarded, Yohei gets extremely suspicious. But he lets it slide until the second time when you actively ask for a discount with the use of your beauty.
He tells you to stop it immediately, that he can pay for it. However, you don't give in since this was your normality for such a long time, it would be weird to finally pay something in full.
So to Yohei's dismay, you keep accepting the generous offers. Your beauty was your strong point and you were going to use it to its fullest extent. Shouldn't Yohei be happy about this? He didn't even need to use his money on you! You could get everything for free!
But Yohei hated it. He hated seeing men succumb to your charms, to offer you a meal on the house. He hated seeing their eyes fall on your pretty face, their fingers to their lips as they shush you not to tell anyone about this.
"(Y/N), stop this now," he repeated. "Stop doing this."
"But why? Isn't this great? We can get anything we want!"
"Argh, that's not the point. (Y/N), you may think you're taking advantage of your pretty privilege, but one day, you may have to repay that."
You didn't understand what he meant by that.
He sighed. "Listen, one day someone will want something out of you for providing you with free things, and it isn't going to be pretty. So stop it now."
You were quiet. Yohei was right, but what did that mean for you? This was your life leading up to now, and you were just going to stop all of that? Yet again, using your beauty to survive in this world had always made you uncomfortable especially when you were young.
"And anyways," Yohei continued, cutting you off from your flashback. "I want to provide for you... as a boyfriend should."
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As expected, Ryu is going to indulge in this privilege of yours because that means he can get free stuff too!
He doesn't question why people around you are offering these things to you nor does he really care, he just thinks this is neat!
But when you start batting your eyelashes and twirling your hair at the servers, the smile on his face quickly diminishes.
Why are you doing that? he wondered.
Yet those simple acts always result in luxury that he completely disregards it.
For a few times at least.
One day, he asks you the reason why these people are giving you free things. When you explain to him it was because of your pretty privilege, Ryu goes unusually silent.
"So you're entertaining them?" he said coldly which was unlike his super bubbly attitude. "What more have you done with them to get these things?"
This hurt you more than it should have. Why was he being so mean? Was it that big of a deal?
"Ryu, I don't really appreciate that–"
"Neither do I."
But before you could retort back, Ryu had snapped out of it. He recognised the sullen look on your face and asked you what was wrong.
"Do you think what I'm doing is wrong?" you asked him after the long, unbearable silence. He tilted his head like a cat, unsure of what you were talking about. "Of me getting stuff for free..."
"Oh..." he murmured. "I don't know, but it is kindaaa weird!"
"Haha, you think...?"
You didn't think he'd listen, but you clarified the reasons why this happens to you.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry," he said sadly.
"N-No, it's okay! That's all in the past now, but I guess old habits die hard. I'll try to stop it; if not, at least minimise it."
Ryu smiled, engulfing you in a big hug. He stroked your back like the way you'd do for him, reassuring you that all he wanted was for you to be comfortable with what you do, that you didn't need to do that anymore. After all, you were a person, not an object.
But it wouldn't hurt if you did use your pretty privilege once in a while~
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Shiki gets extremely scared when you accept the free meal. He quickly rejects it, stating to the server that he’s already paying for everything. He doesn’t understand why this just happened even when you explained it to him.
He knows how beautiful you are, but this feels wrong. Should he even condone this? Whenever someone offers you something for free, their eyes look longingly at you and it’s something that Shiki fears.
He feels incredibly guilty now that this keeps happening, but he notices from the corner of his eye that you feel a little guilty about it too.
"(Y/N), it's okay to decline their offers if it makes you uncomfortable..." he spoke up. "B-But I know you've survived this long with your looks, so I don't expect you to stop! It's your decision after all..."
It just worries him that one day you’d be the one being taken advantage of. It scares him to think that someone would want something in return for their ‘generosity.’ Moreover, he thinks that the two of you would get in trouble for this, and he doesn't want to be caught up in that!
Due to his anxiety revolving around your pretty privilege, you decided to stop accepting the free gifts.
Sure, people are still going to goggle at you, but you no longer worked as a model who needed strangers’ generosity to survive. Now you can afford these things yourself like a normal person.
Shiki calms down, apologising for the fact that it was a great privilege to be this pretty to get free things. However, he just couldn’t have others gift you with free stuff when he was the one who wanted to do that for you.
"(Y/N), I'm going to work harder to afford the things you want!" he said triumphantly.
"Hehe, you don't need to do that, Shiki. You're all I need."
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hellcheer-heaven · 3 months
I Was Her Love, She Was My Queen (NSFW)
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Summary: Chrissy wants to be alone in her room. Eddie decides to comes over for a surprise visit.  She's more than happy to see him! Chrissy suddenly has a little idea in mind to make their evening memorable and Eddie is definitely going to reciprocate. 
Chrissy has her days where she just wants to be alone in her room after hours of classes and cheer practice. Of course being the good girl means that she must be a part of mealtime, which means she must listen to her mother talk. Same subjects, different day. It was always about Hawkins and the U.S. losing their morals and values. Everything and everyone else is to blame for the decline of the west. Things were clearly “much better” in Laura’s youth: Women cared about themselves, men were civilized, and children listened and obeyed. Chrissy was so sick of hearing these constant ramblings, but she has to stay put and agree. Once she’s finished, she can finally be away from people. 
Quite frankly working on her assignments, as boring as they are, gave her some semblance of peace.  Rather than reading a chapter of her assigned novel, she decided to change into a baby blue tank top and soft panties  Breathing in slowly as she lets her mind wander to anywhere but here, holding on tightly to her frilly pillow. . Even in the confines of her room, she can still sense her mother’s presence right behind the door. Chrissy sighed as she watched the twinkling stars dance just outside her window. If only she could be amongst those stars as well.
Suddenly she heard the sound of light tapping, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she looked at her Kit-Cat Klock: 2:00 a.m.  Her attention went right back to the noise, noticing small particles gently rapping the glass. She hurried over and saw the pebble tossing culprit.  Eddie waved at her, she quickly opened her window and smiled at the sight of her lover.
“Eddie you came,” she says with such happiness and relief. “Hurry and climb up here.”
The lone knight scaled the suburban castle walls to be with the banished princess.  They held on tightly to each other as they shared a beautiful and loving kiss together.
“I’m so happy to see you Eddie,” she whispered.
“Oh Chrissy, baby,” he groaned in between pecks.
Chrissy held on tightly to the mess of curls, tugging and grasping for dear life as she kissed him. His taller physique overshadowed her form, finding herself cornered by the metal head against the bright pink wall of her room. His hands squeezed the warm surface of her thighs, so soft beneath his calloused fingers.  God she tasted so delightful, strawberries mixed with cream, with just a hint of vanilla. He smelled of cigarettes and very cheap cologne, yet his mouth was as sweet as cake batter.
He was surprised at her strong grip around his neck as she attempted to deepen the kiss with her needy tongue. Yet he accepted it nonetheless, their wet appendages battled in an enticing dance of twists and twirls.  He held her up, she instinctively leaped and wrapped her legs around his body. How they managed to find the bed while locking lips was a mystery, still what matters was that they found it. She looked so soft and sweet laying upon her pastel covers, surrounded by her adorable plush toys. Eddie stuck out like a sore thumb in her room. A lump of darkness surrounded by bright pastels, posters of pretty boy heartthrobs, and fluffy friends. She needed him badly and she needed him now, tugging at the combination contraption of his belt and handcuffs.
He nervously smirked, “C-Chrissy right now? Here?”
Her fingers moved faster than expected, jaw dropping into an affectionate open smile, “No underwear, Eddie?”
He was that easy to read, “Well… I mean… it’s um… laundry day?” He wasn’t fooling anybody, “Okay, no that was a lie.”
She easily tugged his jeans off, “Lying isn’t good, Eddie.”
He played along, “Oh no, is there anything I can do to make up for it?”
She sweetly giggled as she slowly pulled on his cock, wow already a bit hard and all they did was kiss.  He felt so warm in her hand, fingers tracing the veins along his shaft. Eddie couldn’t hold back his moans, but he suddenly remembered where he was. Neither of them could risk themselves getting caught, especially here of all places. Yet the possibility excited them both, Chrissy proceeding to test out the waters again as she slowly pumped him. His moans were like music, so lovely and so welcoming to her ears.  Chrissy gingerly held on to him and batted her eyelashes.  Eddie bent down and licked at the hollow of her throat, his tongue trailing up until he reached her mouth again.  His attempts to kiss her failed the more she tugged and pulled on his member, fingertips softly caressing the pulsating head.
“Oh- Oh fuck- Chrissy,” he mewled against her neck.
“Shh, shh, keep your voice down, Eddie,” she purred, easing him onto his back.
He looked positively pretty upon the frilly blankets, it suited him well.  She laid beside him and nuzzled into his warm neck, cooing his name and how much she missed him.  Holy shit, this felt like a dream come true, this was better than what his fantasies could have conjured.  He had to touch her, his eyes drifting down to her lovely breasts hidden with her tank top.  His hands pushed up the material, making little circles along her belly.  Her chest bounced when she giggled at the cold, ticklish feeling of his rings and fingers.
“S-Sorry, I just love you so much.  Can I touch you? P-Please?”
How could anyone say no to that face? Before she could blink, her eyes widened when her room had suddenly rushed before her eyes, bouncing upon her mattress after Eddie pushed her down.  That little bastard! He knew which trick to play and she fell for it. Damn him and his chocolate button eyes! Still Chrissy certainly wasn’t complaining, especially from her angle.  Her vision was overtaken by the most erotic sight the moment he prowled towards her. His eyes never left hers even as he stripped himself of his jacket and band shirt, his nude chest glowing a soft shade of red.  Her fingers reached up to touch the bundle of hair growing along his breasts, so soft and inviting; she just wanted to get lost in that jungle.  
Like something out of a fairytale, he pecked the back of her hand, mumbling her favorite pet names, “My lady.  My princess.  My Queen.”   
If her heart could soar any higher, it would reach the stars, “I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you, Chrissy.”
He removed her last article of clothing and leaned down to kiss her once again.  Sliding down to embrace her supple flesh, delicately nibbling it before swiping it with his tongue.  Chrissy sighed blissfully, running her lithe fingers through his spiraled locks.  He fondled her breasts, caressing and cradling them in his large, ringed hands. His thumbs circled the shape of her up taut nipples, softly pulling on one while he slowly flicked the other. Chrissy stared at the beautiful fingers, tightly curling her toes as a little yelp fell out.  She needed more skin on skin action, pressing her bosoms together, looking at him with nothing but love in her eyes. Eddie followed her cleavage with a single digit, admiring the shape for a bit before letting his tongue finish for him.  The warm pulsations between her thighs heightened, especially when his curious tongue lathered up one breast, lapping and circling the shape to his heart’s content. Chrissy groaned, pushing up into the plush lips. He took initiative and captured her nipple, suckling on it slowly and delicately.  Pulling on it with precise suctions and prodding it with that snake like tongue of his.    
“Oh, ooh… fuck, Eddie…”
He moaned against her delicate and sensitive skin, offering her a tiny bite and then shushing her when she squealed.  
“Shh, shh, keep your voice down, Chrissy.”
His tone was like hers, playful and a little mean.  At any other moment, repeating her words would have made her mad; right now all she cared about was getting it on.  She pushed his head back down to her chest and reveled in the delicious ways his mouth and fingers finely tuned her.
She got on her hands and knees, rubbing her covered backside against his cock.  Wiggling the wet spot upon the weeping tip, coyly winking at the struggling metalhead.  Fuck, she looked so goddamn appetizing.  The man’s impatient cock was centimeters away, all that stood between him was a cotton barrier that he could easily tug down.  Still Eddie decided to hold back for just a little more.  Chrissy shamelessly continued to tease him, only to stop when he grabbed ahold of her panties.  She quickly turned and witnessed the way his strong hands tore at her panties like the material was made of tissue paper. She licked her lips, her squeals shifted to groans at the touch of his tongue licking her from her puffy petals to her tight hole.  His mission was to ensure that she was well taken care of, wanting to do nothing more than pamper and spoil her.  Her taste was better than any meal he’d ever ingested. Better than any post dinner cigarette. If he could survive on her essence, he would never worry about hunger again. He would be full and Chrissy would be satisfied.
“Ed-Eddie!” She whined, pushing back against his slowly swirling tongue. “More!”
Even with her heightened register, he just loved the way she demanded him. Whatever his Queen wanted, she shall have it. Chrissy could feel that smug smile upon her labia as he embraced her second pair of lips. Her jaw dropped when the tip of his tongue painted the shape, wedging itself into the crevices of her form to get a better sample. An illicit moan leaped from her throat the further he explored, wiggling and squeezing itself further in; all while a single calloused fingertip traced her clitoris. His wet chuckling was like a vibrator, resonating deeper the more he devoured her appetizing cunt.
His middle finger snuggled inside, pumping and squeezing her as his pointer continued to rub her hot button. Every sound from her squelching pussy to her heated moans went straight to his cock. He had to resist the urge to pump himself, as difficult as it was he had to wait; he wanted her to enjoy herself first. It didn’t matter which position they were in, seeing, feeling, and hearing her was his source of pleasure. He enjoyed the sensation of her and the way he denied himself. As long as she was happy, then he was happy.
Chrissy looked over her blushing shoulder at the mop of swaying dark curls. Flashing him a cute, little smile when he looked up at her briefly. Shutting her eyes when his tongue quickened its flickering and his long finger massaged her aching walls. Her beating heart and his disgustingly sexy sounds were in competition with her ear drums.
That deep voice of his smacked against her weeping petals, “You like that? Mmm, baby. Sweet baby girl.  Mmm, cum, ooh cum Chrissy.”
Her body had already responded to his touch, lovely spurts of her nectar had been and continued to emit and cascade down his throat. Chrissy leaned back even further, positioned in a downward manner so her hips and ass popped out. She was used to this kind of posture thanks to her daily dose of morning stretches. Still, Eddie wanted to ensure that her comfort was prioritized, and so he shuffled a pillow beneath her face. If Chrissy wasn’t already blushing with lust, her flushing would have been that of adorable admiration.
Eddie watched the way her lithe fingers wiggled her twitching nub, her voice like a siren’s call to the wandering sailor. She felt no shame or guilt, only a strong need to be loved and desired. He returned to tasting her once more, slowly sliding two fingers within her. She felt so incredibly warm, the icy touch of his rings on her labia was like a pleasant sting to her hot flesh. Chrissy rubbed her clit faster, a pleasing contrast to the slow thrusting of his long digits. All of her luscious ambrosia collected on his palm, so enticing and alluring to his taste buds.
“Oh! Eddie! Eddie!” Chrissy mewled as she shoved her body back, only to end up whining when he backed away, “Eddie, no, no! Why did you stop?”
She sat up and gazed at him with the sweetest, little pout that she ever mustered. Eddie was solid like a fucking rock, his rocket was ready to launch. She licked her lips at the sight of his angry colored dick before meeting his eyes again.  His fingers followed the curvature of her beautiful back, pecking the nape of her neck as he whispered her name again and again. Chrissy tried to sound annoyed, but she could not mask her eagerness. Sighing quietly as he planted many kisses along her shoulders and spine. Eddie moved her locks aside, his voice sounded so delicious in her ear.
“You such a sweet girl, Chrissy.”
“Eddie, I need you,” she whined.
His hands eased her back into her precious position, her heart hammered loudly as her face pressed into the pillow. Eddie gave her pussy one more tongue filled kiss before repositioning himself as well. He stood tall, knees firmly planted to the mattress as he brought himself closer. He kissed the end of her spine once more, easing himself into her pulsating crevice; going in all the way. Chrissy yelped, begging for him to motion himself faster. Eddie retreated and then stuffed her, a nice gentle pace, but still she demanded more.
He gave her ass a cute squeeze, letting out a playfully mean chuckle, “Someone’s being a brat tonight.”
She emphasized each word in a hushed and firm command, “Edward Munson, fuck me.  Fuck me now.”
His Queen ordered it, then he shall follow through, “Yes, your majesty.”
Chrissy’s fingers gripped tightly at the ruffled up pillow, burying her blushing face into the soft cushion. Even with her muffled voice, she could not contain her moans and screams. The imprints of his nails and his rings would surely look lovely along her hips. His hardened cock mercilessly thrusts into her glistening pussy. Eddie held out long enough, he needed to fuck her and she wanted to be fucked. Every plunge felt like a dream to them, getting her at just the right place at this angle.  She was a free woman.  She could be herself, she could actually enjoy sex and what it entailed. She could be pleasured and not have to fake it. Chrissy no longer had to pretend just to get it over with. No matter the position and no matter the speed, her needs were always met. She was pampered with pretty kisses, touched by considerate hands, and happily screwed until she saw stars.
It took so much patience for him to take himself out, his cock still so stiff and oh so glistening. Chrissy did not hold back her adorably pathetic whine. Why? Why must he deny her again? Was he that mean? Did he take great delight in making her wait? Or was he close? Whatever the case was, he looked absolutely delicious. Skin glowing pink, parted plush lips huffing, and the kind of mischievous look in his eyes that only meant one thing.
He curled his finger, a deep chuckle emerging from him as she crawled between his legs. He held the back of her head, painting her plush princess pink lips with his natural gloss. It didn’t take any verbal exchange for Chrissy to know that she had to open her lips and stick out her tongue. Eddie wobbled and spanked her tongue with his cock. Only letting the tip slide along the surface, allowing himself to paint all over the moistened muscle. She did not want to be teased anymore, she knew what she wanted and she took it for herself. A delectable combination of him and her. A decent size within her oral cavity, textured and a little veiny between her hollowed cheeks. Long lashes fluttered as she gazed up at the wild man trying to keep control. He didn’t want to impale her throat the way he did with her cunt, so she figured that she could pick up the slack instead.
Eddie’s moans were like his music, loud and melodic, so perfect to Chrissy’s ear. She got him in as far as her throat would allow it, humming a loving tune all around him. Oh god it was happening! Oh fuck he had to think fast, but clearly the second head was in charge.
“Chrissy! Baby lay down!” he said, grabbing and getting her on her back.
If he wasn’t on the verge of fucking exploding, Eddie would have been graced by the gorgeous sight of the wonderful woman that laid before him.  Droplets of sweat formed on her forehead, strands of hair wildly sprouted out, her cheeks presented a faint pink glow, and her legs coated in her addicting cum.  She coyly covered herself with her hands, smiling up at him as she fluttered her eyelashes. Her smile only grew when he moved her hands aside and held her wrists down.  Eddie growled against her neck as she let herself laugh, wrapping her legs around his waist only to end up groaning when he found the spot that made her feel very, very good.  He was relentless with his hips, lunging back and forth with both determination and empty headedness.  She too could no longer think, only able to comprehend the hot, sweaty, and incredibly moistened concoction stirring between them.  This sense of amorousness and vulnerability allowed for the two of them to feel so safe in each other's intimate embrace.  Their breathing had quickened, voices lost in a mixture of sudden gasps and quiet whines.  Their bodies were as close as humanly possible, mouths trying in vain to share another kiss, only to falter.  Earthy brown fell deeper in love with ocean blue, unable to look away the more they moved.  
Imagine the scandal if they were seen like this.  Just the thrill of knowing that he, the freak, was here with Hawkins’ most beloved citizen made this night all the more enticing.  Neither of them could speak, all they could manage were whimpers and moans.  Finally, he could no longer hold on.  Eddie’s fingers tightened up around Chrissy’s wrists, her cunt trapped his cock in the most glorious manner.  Filling her completely, her lower half closing in all around him.  The night kept them safe, only they had witnessed the incredible orgasmic bliss of one another.  Reaching the highest mountain of pleasure at its most erotic peak.  His grip weakened and he collapsed on top of her, her arms lazily wrapped around his back.  Eddie held her as well, the two of them moving over so they could enjoy the sweet glow of their miraculous endeavor.  Everything from the ticking of the clock, the symphony of crickets, and the hooting owl in the nearby tree could be heard.  They nestled up and laid there without a single ounce of care or regret.  This was truly the most wonderful feeling that they loved dearly, sharing a moment like this where the world simply stopped turning; even if it was only temporary.  All was well and peaceful.   
She nuzzled into his neck, “Eddie?”
He couldn’t resist that loving voice, “Yes Chrissy?”
“You owe me a new pair of panties.”
He chuckled, “Well, the mall opens in about seven hours from now.  So I’ll pick you up at 9:00?”
“It’s a date!”
“Cool, but you owe me lunch.  Deal?”
Chrissy smooched his cheek, “Deal.”
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glade-constellation · 4 months
Long ass text post here we go. All my thoughts and feelings on the current TSAMS lore.
Just a warning, there are 2496 words under the cut, lmao.
(Warning, there is a brief mention of suicidal ideation in this section.)
First off, the whole thing with Moon. I’m personally not the biggest fan of how the fandom is handling his situation, considering he’s most likely dealing with some form of psychotic PTSD. Solar literally died in his arms. That is going to have repercussions on his mental health. He’s not crazy or insane, he is severely traumatized. And it’s not like this was a sudden change in how he behaved, he’s been showing signs of decline since Solar’s death. Monty literally saw Moon hallucinating three weeks before this confrontation happened, and just decided not to tell anyone about it. Jack heard Moon mumbling about his plans for Ruin, but Jack is young and didn’t know how to handle the situation. Moon’s computer saw the signs and also told no one. It’s not like he just snapped. This has been a steady decline built up over months. People were either too scared to share, or saw the signs and just wanted to believe nothing was wrong with him. Moon got this bad because no one tried to help him. It doesn’t help that people are viewing Moon’s self destructive actions at his literal feelings on certain things. Sun literally told Earth that Moon will say rude things to get out of an argument quicker. Everyone is so upset about the things Moon told Earth, but they aren’t understanding that Moon very likely meant absolutely nothing of what he said. He was trying to run, but Sun and Earth were standing in front of the door. He was currently running on the mindset of “hurt someone enough and they will just let you leave”. Earth has every right to be upset that he even said those things, yes, but Moon is not thinking rationally right now.
Some of the stuff he kept repeating really shows how far he’s fallen into his depression. He doesn’t care how much his family currently hates him. He doesn’t care if Solar hates him after he brings him back. He doesn’t care about pretty much anything that isn’t directly related to bringing Solar back. He even said he doesn’t care if he himself dies. He has one goal in mind and is completely blind to everything else. This is suicidal ideation. He may not want to die, but he doesn’t care if he does.
That being said, Moon has crossed so many lines. His morals have been skewed way past what most people consider wrong and right. He’s hellbent on getting Solar back, no matter the cost. He’s genuinely not thinking of anything but his end goal, which is going to, probably literally, blow up in his face. The whole point of why he’s doing this in the first place is to make his family happy, and he’s putting in a lot of effort to make it happen, but isn’t liking the real reaction he’s getting. His family isn’t just upset with him, they are scared of him. Moon may not have heard this, but both Earth and Lunar’s first question when hearing about Moon’s current state was “Is he safe to even be near right now”. Which is a valid question considering how physically violent Old Moon was. Lunar even states remembering these reactions when they used to share a body, and how much it scared him. For being so dead set on reminding people he’s not the Old Moon, it’s almost funny how far he’s crossed the line of what Old Moon did.
Even worse, Moon is using Old Moon’s sacrifice as a way to push his own current ideals. He feels he has a legacy to live up to, considering Old Moon gave his life to save Killcode, and also feels he is failing miserably at it. Killcode still ended up dying later on, Solar died in his arms, his family is still going through hell. He blames himself for everything going wrong, even if we as an audience know none of it is his fault. He won’t stop until he feels vindicated of these “failures”. Eclipse had a comment in a recent episode about how all Moons run on a hyped up sense of ego, and that’s very clearly showing with what Moon’s feeling right now. Moon takes extreme pride in being the protector of the family, and feels he has failed in every way imaginable.
( I would also like to point out how Moon keeps saying he’s getting back a Ruin for what he did, but that’s not even his plan anymore. When Bloodmoon took Ruin, Moon sent Molten after them and said he could have Ruin. Ruin was the whole reason Molten even showed up in the first place. Moon changed trajectory and decided to use Bloodmoon to bring Solar back, because he agreed to let Molten have Ruin if he could find where the two had gone. Bloodmoon may be a reoccurring villain, but he had nothing to do with Solar’s death. He’s honest in mourning as well, over his brother that Moon helped kill. Bloodmoon is a bystander in this situation that is being dragged in unwillingly. Yeah, maybe that’s a good idea considering Bloodmoon is going after Monty, but this feels morally wrong. )
Sun :
This episode showed a lot about how far Sun has come in the past two years. Back when the show first started, Sun would have immediately caved in an argument like this. He would have made a point to get his side across, but his voice would shake and he’d stutter over his words and physically cower away from Moon. Now he faced Moon and very clearly spoke his side of the argument. He walked right up to Moon while talking too. It’s almost got this bittersweet feel, because he’s grown past his trauma with Old Moon, but like. It’s sad that his reaction is what it is in the first place. The moment he learned what was happening with Moon, he acted resigned. Like he knew he was going to be the only one to be able to deal with it. He never should have needed to learn this reaction in the first place.
Eclipse comment about Sun being the most stable in this situation is so sad to me, because it’s true. Sun has spent his entire life dealing with Moon. Most of Sun’s problems that he’s had to deal with, for his entire life, have been due to Moon. It’s the sad truth. Sun woke up, then Moon appeared and straight up told him that he would make his life a living hell. When they finally began functioning as siblings and decided to split bodies, Moon created Eclipse. On top of Eclipse, Moon still acted out and would both verbally and physically berate Sun. When Moon was reset, he then had to deal with Moon misjudging his grief over what he had lost. He’s had years of experience handling Moon and his outbursts. Sun may not be perfectly fine, but he is currently the most equipped to handle this situation.
There’s something poetic about how this current situation parallels Sun’s past. He also dealt with a psychotic episode after he killed Bloodmoon, and was locked in a box as Moon’s attempt to stop him from killing Eclipse. There’s a lot of similarities. I think the biggest difference is simply how Sun is handling this versus how Moon handled it. Moon trapped Sun in a small box that he could barely move around in and stripped him of his magic, leaving Sun completely defenseless. The fact that the box was invisible was probably also not helping with Sun’s hallucinations. Sun was left alone in probably one of the most defenseless positions he could have been left in, and didn’t seem to be planning on ways to help him after Sun was trapped.
Sun is going in with a plan, something Moon didn’t have. He also has help from the rest of the family. What I’m hoping is that Sun won’t do the same to Moon, and that the containment room that gets built is an actual room. I’m hoping Sun plans for after Moon gets captured. Earth probably won’t want to hold a therapy session with Moon after what Moon said to her, but that doesn’t mean they give up on giving him therapy. That doesn’t mean they give up on getting him help. (With the luck of the TSAMS characters, this probably won’t happen, but I wish.)
Earth :
Earth as a character in general is probably the most relatable to me besides Lunar. It sometimes makes talking about her situation hard for me, so I apologize if this section doesn’t do her justice.
It’s obvious that Sun isn’t the only one dealing with revisiting old trauma. Earth has brought it up in many episodes how much she can’t bring herself to trust her own family due to the Creator. She wants to, so badly. She makes excuses for her brothers when she sees signs of them not being truthful, because she wants to believe they would never hurt her that way. She wholeheartedly did not want to believe something was wrong with Moon until Eclipse brought her irrefutable truth.
She’s stumbling. She already deals with a heavy amount of self doubt, and now she is dealing with everything Moon said to her. A lot of who she is is built around this idea of needing to be perfect, to be good at what she does. That was the whole point of why the Creator made her. She is the Better Daycare Attendant. Moon calling her a fake therapist and telling her that she’s bad at what she does tore down that already wobbly sense of perfection. She’s been trying to logic her way through every time she feels herself become imperfect or inadequate, but she can’t work past what Moon told her using the same tactics. Not only is Moon someone whose opinion matters a lot to her, he was blunt in the way he worded things.
Her trust is shattered, her pride is destroyed, and it’s bringing up a lot of past trauma she hasn’t fully worked through. She’s also still dealing with Solar’s death on top of this. The only person who will sit down and listen to her problems, that she is comfortable talking to about them, is Eclipse. He’s one of the most unqualified people to help deal with these problems, in all honesty. Everyone else is either busy or dealing with too much of their own shit. There’s a lot she needs to work through, but there isn’t a clear or easy way to do that. There never really is, but this situation is definitely terrible circumstances for it.
I do think we might see an argument between her and Monty soon. Learning that they kept Moon’s condition a secret did not make her happy. In my opinion, a valid reaction. I don’t really care how good Monty and Moon’s friendship is or used to be. They absolutely shouldn’t have kept this information to themself.
Lunar :
There isn’t much to say for him as he didn’t have a large part in the episode (understandably on Reed’s part). He honestly has so much going on right now that I’m not really surprised by his reaction. It’s just one more thing going on. He’s stressed constantly and can barely handle what’s happening just with his own stuff.
It’s interesting to me that he said the situation would make him cry. Currently, I feel like Lunar hasn’t really cried since he was revived. He’s more prone to bursts of anger nowadays, or just some form of dissociation. Him saying he would cry and talking about his past when sharing a body with Moon feels like falling back on old trauma responses.
I’m interested to see if we get his reaction to this situation in future episodes.
Eclipse :
Obligatory Eclipse mention on my part. I’ve already talked about him recently, but I will always take any chance to talk about my guy.
I absolutely love how he keeps trying to tell himself he doesn’t know why he’s helping. He obviously knows why he’s doing it, he’s just too prideful to admit it. I’m still not over the “I’ve come to learn with Moons, they’re really egotistical. Reminds me of myself.” He is so overly self aware, and finally seems to be at the point of realizing that.
It’s upsetting that there’s a real chance he’s going to leave once Solar is back. Dark made it sound like he was going to have to die in order for Solar to live, which is even worse. Despite Moon saying that no one will ever love him, I do think Earth will mourn him when he’s gone, regardless of if he dies or leaves. There’s a slight possibility Lunar would as well, considering Lunar still has a part of him that wishes for the brotherhood they could have had. After that one conversation in the atrium, Lunar seems to have calmed down a little, and Eclipse has definitely grown a little past where he was.
Solar :
This section is pretty speculative, and more about stuff I couldn’t really fit in Moon’s section that related to Solar. (Warning, this section briefly talks about suicide.)
I am still reeling over what Moon said about Solar’s reaction when he brings him back. The whole line about letting Solar die again if he wants. Like, there are several layers of “fucked up” to that statement.
First, I don’t believe Moon one bit on that statement. I don’t truly believe that Moon would ever, under any circumstance, let any of his family willingly die. He is much too prideful of his role as protector, and he cares far too much for his siblings to let them get that far. He’s also grieving for Solar, I don’t think he’d ever let go of him if they’re able to bring him back. He didn’t let Killcode die when they separated, there’s no way he’s letting Solar right after he gets him back.
Second, that’s not how that works. If Moon brings Solar back, he is then responsible for the life he brought back. Willingly letting Solar die again because Solar wants it is literally enabling suicide. That’s just, no. I wouldn’t ever be able to look at Moon the same if he allowed that.
But I doubt Solar would want that if he was brought back. As much as he’s probably going to hate what Moon’s doing right now, I highly doubt he would throw away another chance at life. He would absolutely respect the effort put into getting him back, even if he didn’t necessarily like the actions taken. I don’t think Moon’s plan is going to work anyways. I really do think Eclipse is going to be the one to pull it off, probably after Moon tries, which is going to cause a lot of things between them.
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idk6123 · 2 months
Man Of The Past (Kaidan Alenko X Male Reader)
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The mission didn’t need to become as drastic as it did. Shepard’s crew just needed to collect some equipment at a human colony. Out of nowhere, some rogue bandits ambushed them and thought they could defeat them. Luckily, Shepard and his allies saved the colony and all of its people. However, it isn’t only Shepard’s crew who saved them, as a third party helped them. The commander notices the biotic man and his abilities and decided to talk with him. Together with his crew, Kaidan and Garrus, they greet the stranger at the side of the town.
“Nice work out there. You live here?”
As the stranger turns around to greet the man, he notices the other man. Both of them locks eyes to each other, recognizing the other person instantly. “Long time not seen.”
“Not long enough.” Kaidan responds back with some snark.
Shepard raises an eyebrow towards his teammate. “You know him?”
“Sadly.” Kaidan says back with some snark.
“Don’t mind him. He’s still salty he lost to me so many times.”
“Do any of you mind giving us some context?” Garrus requests, done with their vagueness rather quick.
“He’s Y/N.” Kaidan introduces him. “We met at Brain Camp.”
“Biotic Acclimation and Temperance Training. BAaT for short.” Y/N says with a smirky smile. “Though after that got shut down thanks to a certain someone.” He looks back at Kaidan, who frowns at him. “I studied with different Asari camps and now I’m known as just a humble merc. Whether it’s for protection, an extra hand or committing war crimes, I’m your guy.”
“Sounds like you got experience.” Shepard is intrigued by the mercenary.
“I wouldn’t get excited.” Kaidan stops his friend. “This is a guy who throws his morality away if he gets money… or just some fun.” He gives a cold gaze at him.
“You say that, but let the guy say his offer.” Y/N looks back at the commander. “I heard of you, ya know? I know your cause, and whatever alignment I have, humanities, as well everyone’s sake, can’t be allowed to cease to exist. And since you need every men, I doubt it can’t hurt to have an experienced biotic soldier join you on the field.”
Shepard thinks about it. Kaidan notices this but doesn’t raise his voice. If anything, how could he give an argument to decline Y/N’s slimy offer.
“Let’s discuss the price.”
And so, Shepard’s squad got filled with one more member. With another biotic on the team, their strength greatly increases. He manages to fit well with the team. He often chats with Garrus, EDI and Tali. Workout with Liara and James. And because of his powers, often got picked as a squad member by Shepard. The only person who doesn’t like him is Kaidan, who keeps his distance to him. Being observant as he is, Shepard notices this and decided to confront him about it.
“You alright?” They’re sitting at living area, where Kaidan is eating his lunch.
“Sure doesn’t seem like it.” Shepard responds. “You’ve been quieter ever since Y/N joined.”
“Does it matter what I think? Whatever I feel towards him, he’s still a valuable ally and a strong squad member. I can’t demand to you he gets kicked out.”
“Kaidan, you know me. You’re free to talk to me.” Shepard assures.
The man sighs. “We’ve been both at Brain Camp. Conatix was quick to notices Y/N’s natural abilities, despite him joining later then me and many others. And so, he got treated favorable. With his quick learning, he manages to beat the rest of us. He was a quiet kid at first. Shy, modest, never having the guts to speak up. We were friends… at first. And then Vyrnnus came. He saw his talent quick to the point he offered some kind of high station where he works at.” He let out a sad chuckle. “I remember how happy he was. He was so proud of himself he managed to get recognition from his work.”
“You two sounded close.” Shepard comments. “How did it all fall apart?”
“My friend Rahna… once disobeyed an order from Vyrnnus. That’s when he tried to break her arm. Things escalate, and I lost control of my power… That’s when BAaT shut down, thanks to me. And so there goes Y/N chance for what he considered a better life. He blamed me for it, and like you can see, he still does.” Although still looking down at Kaidan, he wished things could’ve went different. “I have no regret protecting a friend, Shepard. And he doesn’t have any regrets of wanting to walk the path he wanted.”
Shepard hums. “Sounds like a rough past.”
“You could say that again.” Kaidan frowns, remembering the past all too well. “I won’t let my grudge take a hold on me. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I won’t.”
Seeing his new recruit working out at the hangar, Shepard decided to join him.
“Want a sparring partner?”
Y/N looks up from his sit-ups. “Sure.” He stands up. “Gotta earns some respect from the boss.”
And so, they face each other and spar with each other. While doing so, the commander hopes he can learn a thing or two about him.
“I talked to Kaidan.”
“Did you now? Did he talked about us?”
“Yes.” Shepard responds.
“Figured. Was only a matter of time.” Y/N sounds like he doesn’t care. “Anything else you wanted to know?”
“Not that I think of it.” They continue to talk as they share some punches. “I respect your decisions. I just want to know there won’t be any problem between you two.”
“Nothing unprofessional, no. Personal though, can’t promise. It’s not easy to see your ex.”
“Ex?” Shepard is surprised to hear that. He thought Kaidan was talking about an old friend, not a boyfriend.
“Yeah, ex.” Y/N says. “We two used to be a thing back at BAaT. …Until we didn’t.”
Shepard hums. “Do you miss him?”
“Nope.” Shepard thinks he can hear some doubt in his answer. “He thought I was being ridiculous. I thought he was an asshole from ruining my chances. I doubt we get together any chance soon.”
“If you say so…”
“I really think we should stay out of it.”
“Nonsense.” Tali says with a hiccup. “This could be the love story we needed.”
While having a little R&R at the apartment Shepard got, the entire team is relaxing around the place. While at the bar, Shepard is chatting with Tali, Garrus and Liara.
“We only will be involved with business we aren’t even a part of.” Garrus continues sharing his doubt. “Besides, we all enjoy when the two roast each other.”
“Do I?” Liara questions. “I don’t think they have to be a couple, but they can at least bury the hatchet.”
“With looove.” Tali sounds cheery. “We just have them realize their true feelings. Aah, I know! This is the time for a drinking game!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say no to that.” Although still doubting in Tali’s intention, Garrus is more than happy to watch some fools drinking their asses off. “You two in?”
“I think I pass.” Liara respectively declines.
That’s when Garrus looks at Shepard, who can’t help but smirk. “Let’s get those idiots get back together.”
“That’s the spirit!” Tali cheers.
“What are we? High schoolers?” James asked, as he and the others sit around the living room. In the middle, there is a bottle.
“I saw this in a human made movie a long time ago.” Tali explains. “Such strange customs… but it seems fun!”
“Who even thought spinning a bottle and kissing someone else is a good idea?” Garrus asks.
“Who thought spinning a bottle and barely having any girls is a good idea?” James notes, as he just sees Tali. “Let’s me get some.” He stands up and walks around.
While waiting, the group chat with each other. Tali, however, who sits next to Shepard, whispers his name. “Shepard… Shepard…”
“I rigged the bottle.” She shows off her system that is on her arm. “I can make it stop. Don’t tell anyone.”
Shepard chuckles. “I won’t.”
Soon, James came back with EDI, Jack and Miranda.
“Seems familiar, cheerleader?” Jack taunts Miranda.
“This seems more something you’re up to.”
“Girls, girls, chill.” James assures. “Let’s leave the passion for the game.”
Jack frowns. “Can’t we make it to punch each other?”
And so, the crew sit around the living room. It takes some time to until it’s Kaidan’s turn. Meanwhile, the remaining group members spin the bottle, with the one landing on it taking a shot. Tali manages to land on Garrus, though they kiss barely, since the lack of lips and an helmet. Shepard manage to land on Miranda. Jack lands on James, who opted for a punch instead and takes the shot. Then it’s finally Kaidan’s turn, who spins the bottle. Tali, despite really drunk, manage to time it right and lands it on Y/N, who smirks.
“Looks like fate decided for us.”
“And a dreadful one that is.” Kaidan frowns. “Can’t I take the shot?”
“Nooo, you have to kiss him!” Tali pleads.
Kaidan raises an eyebrow. “And Jack didn’t?”
“She gets a pass.” Tali answers.
“Why does she-?”
“C’mon, kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Tali chants by herself, with the rest awkwardly looking at the scene. Kaidan merely frowns, not wanting to do it, causing Y/N to roll his eyes.
“You’re such a pussy.” Y/N stands up to walk towards his ex, causing him to look surprised.
“Wait, you’re seriously-?” That’s when he shuts up when he gets the other man’s lips on his.
“YAY!” Tali cheers. “I did it!”
After kissing, Y/N pulls back. Kaidan, however, looks back at the Quarian. “What did you do?”
“I put you back together.” Tali sounds proud of herself.
Garrus shushed her. “You aren’t supposed to say that.”
“Oh…” Tali then realizes she screwed up. “…Oops.”
“You set us up?” Y/N questions. He then looks at her equipment and then the bottle. “You screwed with the bottle, huh?”
“You got to be kidding me…” Kaidan sighs. He then stands up and walks away.
Y/N, however, doesn’t look upset and merely sit down. Shepard though is the one who follows Kaidan. Once upstairs in the bathroom, the commander sees his friend putting some water on his face.
“You alright?”
“Try kissing your ex after being set up. Then you know the answer.” Kaidan says with some snark.
Shepard leans against the wall. “She had good intentions. We all thought it was good for you two to settle things.”
Kaidan looks back at him. “You knew about it?”
“Yes. Sorry.” Shepard says with honesty. “But we thought it was better you two figure things out, because right now, you aren’t. Despite what you two say to each other, I can tell there is something there. Something that tells me you two care for each other.”
Kaidan let out a sigh. “You think the same applies to Y/N?”
“Yes. He just shows it… more like an asshole.”
Kaidan chuckles. “He sure became one. And for whatever reason, I feel like he’s still the same guy.” He stays quiet for some seconds, thinking off what to do. “I talk to him.”
Eventually, Kaidan gets back downstairs. There, he sees Y/N talking with Garrus and Wrex. After requesting they can speak with just them two, and some teasing, they go upstairs and back in the large bedroom.
“So? Whaddaya want?”
“I think it’s time we talk things out.” Kaidan sits down on the side of the bed. “We both grow up and had plenty of time to think about it all.”
Y/N hums. He remains standing, standing against the wall. “What’s there to talk about? We’re both unhappy how things went.”
“Yes, but I’m also unhappy to lost someone I loved.” Kaidan says, with Y/N remaining quiet. “I can respect your decision for wanting to get a better life. You understand what I did and why, right?”
“…Yeah.” Y/N responds. “You wanted to protect a friend… even then at the time, you didn’t realized it was the end of my chances to become one of the upper biotic soldiers.”
“And yet, that chance didn’t end.” Kaidan points out. “Your with Shepard, the guy who will defeat the reapers. Our names will be set in stone as heroes for the rest of entirety.”
Y/N remains quiet. He walks over to Kaidan and sits down next to him. “I guess that makes things alright… It just seems stupid to think about, us breaking up after what happened.”
“You know what it’s even more stupid? Realizing what happened, but stubborn enough to not fix it.” Kaidan comments, with his voice sounding assuring. “But now, we have the chance to fix things.”
“You want us to be together again? After all what happened?”
“Yes.” Kaidan grabs Y/N’s hand. He gives his old lover a smile. “We worked so well years ago. And now we’re alright, we might as well catch up and be together.”
Y/N hums. “You’re such a weirdo.” He then smiles. “Fine then. Let’s be a couple. That way, you always have a boyfriend by your side who’s willing to beat anyone in the way.”
“I didn’t expect anything less.”
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hasufin · 2 months
You've probably seen clips from this. This is Sen. Josh Hawley's speech to the RNC, in which he directly calls for Christian Nationalism.
I watched the entire thing. It's... it's a ride.
The weird thing is, sandwiched in the middle of his ahistorical bullshit and his Christian Nationalism, is an economic proposal which would fit right in at the DNC. It's weird.
Anyway, below is my complete reaction to it:
So, against my better judgement, I did listen to the speech.
Now, I’ve been reluctant to do so. It has been my experience that American Rightwing Christians tend to speak in a sort of dialect; that they tend to say things which – to an outsider such as myself – seem terribly incendiary, aggressive, and deeply unpersuasive. I’ve had Christian friends explain to me, of preachers “Yes, I know that sounds horrible to you, but that’s just how they talk in the Church”. And thus, I did ask this question [on Quora] to among other things give those within that community an opportunity to explain his words. I have, I confess, been disappointed: what I’ve received instead has been dismissal; just refusal to acknowledge that the things being said would reasonably be interpreted as threatening to one not steeped in that culture. Dismissal, I will say, serves to affirm our concerns: it’s like how Kavanaugh claimed that Roe was “settled law”… until he voted to overturn it. We don’t trust dismissal, because it has been a lie in the past and we expect it to be a lie in the future.
Now, the first few minutes of Hawley’s speech present me with a conundrum.
You see, he gives a brief historical recount of the fall of the Roman Empire, and of the Puritans (whom I have never before heard referred to as Augustinians, but again, I’m just not fluent in this particular patois.)
And the problem here is, his narrative is simply false. I mean, he pinpoints the early 400s as the fall of the Western Roman Empire – fair enough – but that’s also when Christianity became the majority religion of that empire; characterizing them as pagans as that point, and “paganism” as the cause of the fall of the Empire is quite ridiculous. But I’ll come back to that later, and why it’s deeply disturbing to me.
And then the Puritans. Again, I’ve never really heard them called Augustinians but that’s reasonably an oversight on my part – I’m of the opinion that their influence on the American colonies is somewhat overstated, but that’s just my opinion. His characterization of them is I think somewhat lack in nuance and reality, but the how and why of that seems important.
So I’m left with a bit of a conundrum. Do I assume his actual knowledge of history is that of a disinterested high schooler? Do I assume he just plain doesn’t know what he is talking about? If that’s the case, I – and everyone else - really ought to disregard whatever he says of policy: he is a fool, and we oughtn’t be led by fools.
But, perhaps he does know better? Yet, that’s worse. If he knows that the Roman empire did not fall due to “Paganism”; that the Puritans were a particularly intolerant sect of Reformationists who found freedom overly threatening and ultimately declined largely due to the infighting which is characteristic of rightwing authoritarian groups. If he knows this, and offers an ahistorical alternative instead, then he is a liar, and should be directly opposed.
One can slice that Gordian knot by realizing he offers these not as history, but as mythology. It’s not whether they’re true, but what they’re meant to communicate. However, as a non-Christian, that’s… that’s actually worse.
His decision, then, to attribute the downfall of Rome to corruption, to loving pleasure and self-indulgence, is important. Now, I think we all know that Rome did not fail because their soldiers were just too busy drinking and having sex. But that claim appeals to a disgust-based morality: it indulges in a visceral hatred of those excesses. And that same disgust-based morality can be used to justify any number of horrors. It’s a disgust-based morality which ties a gay man to a fence and leaves him to die; that beats a transwoman to death; that decides Jews are baby eaters and condemns them to ghettoes and them to death.
His ahistorical account ignores the entire history of Christian internal warfare. It pretends that the Puritans were an inclusive society – rather than one which executed their own on the mere allegation of them being people like me.
And I’m hearing him proceed further, to claim all things good… indeed, the utter ridiculousness of claiming specifically secular achievements as Christian. This is a fact-free speech, which is intended to appeal to a particular audience of which I – and any other non-Christian – is not a member. He proclaims that as a non-Christian I should embrace Christianity… after having lied and said many of distinctly non-Christian things are Christian. I mean, if you define Christian as “the stuff I want to claim” and non-Christian as “everything else” then sure… but that’s not what those things mean, and we’re back to that conundrum: is he a liar or a fool?
And then he gets back to his disgust-based morality, his appeal to hatred, his lies about his opposition, and just outright about what is going on right now.
Ah, and here we are: “the left” is evil, “the left” wants to destroy. And… wait, did he just claim that liberals like Ayn Rand? What??? And Milton Friedman? How… how does anyone buy this? I’m sorry, what the hell is this?
He is literally saying that the left is against god. This speech very literally demonizes his opposition. He lies about people, and and paints them as simply being against good. I wonder how anyone considers this as acceptable at all. This is Blood Libel.
Now, wait, he’s deriding other republicans? And saying that it was republicans who spearheaded DEI? I’m just confused here. Basically, it seems like he’s saying literally anyone who opposes him is evil, and he will make up Any Damned Thing to paint them that way.
Being honest, I’m not sure I am all that interested in the second half of this. Hist first half, in which he very literally calls everyone who isn’t on his side evil; in which he says the left is against love and god. I recognize that he doesn’t directly say “let’s put all the liberals in camps and kill them”, but this is the rhetoric which is used to justify these things. The policies he puts forth afterwards are less incendiary – and it’s kind of weird that he had to open a policy proposal which matches rather well with the liberal platform, with demonization of liberals, and I don’t know how anyone can reconcile that. But, y’know, he also claimed that liberals like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman, so there’s a lot of contradiction there.
Oh, wait now he’s directly speaking against religious liberty. He’s saying directly that religious liberty is only valuable because it lets us all practice the same religion, and that Christianity is our national religion. So we’re back to Deeply Disturbing here. “More civil religion, not less”. Atheists are evil, they hate Christianity, this other not-religious thing is religion, trans people are evil… yeah. And he wants direct endorsement of Christianity. Now, I don’t think that taking down a pride flag is directly oppression, but I definitely see it as a first step: establishing that not-Christianity is a religion, and should be supplanted with Christianity by the state. So, having listened to this… I would dismiss him as a madman if he weren’t giving a speech at the RNC. But he is. And I see what he’s saying as setting the foundation for much worse. There’s nothing good to come of defining Everyone Else as being evil.
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