#not posting on twitter bc I just want to rant about it
mokeonn · 9 months
I'll make a post about it later but I swear the WORST advice I see being passed around in art circles is that art is a popularity contest and the only possible way to make money off of art, especially online, is to get popular first. Like that is BLATANTLY false.
The art community CONSTANTLY has to remind artists how damaging the numbers game is, and I think a huge reason why is because of how common a misconception it is that you have to be popular to make a living. It feels like the second I leave my specifically curated tumblr art community, I am bombarded with this idea.
#simon says#rant#delete later maybe#i made this bc I was watching a youtube video about how harmful fast fasion is for artists#and in the comments someone was talking about how they gave up on commissions bc no one ever bought them even though their prices were low#and someone responded by saying that the artist had to do youtube bc making a living was a popularity context#and I quote: 70% popularity 30% talent#and the first person said they were fucked because they had autism and social anxiety and couldn't do youtube#i instantly jumped in and made a long ass comment correcting this#giving advice on how to get more commissions and build an audience for themselves#while telling them that the person telling them it's about popularity is SUPER wrong#I now understand why there's ALWAYS a post about ignoring the numbers game getting popular#I totally fell into the same pitfall where I thought I had to get famous first before making a living#working with an artist as a studio assistant and deleting twitter has helped me stomp that mindset out#it's just not true yall. you don't need popularity you need passion#anyways I wanted to rant about this because I never realized that people were like... ACTUALLY telling young artists this#I thought that it was a mindset folks naturally fell into (like me) but it turns out people are just... blatently saying it#you're actively discouraging artists if you say shit like that btw#that's kinda why I decided to rant it just made me so mad like bro you are being a dick rn and preventing someone from creating#like the numbers game totally stops a lot of artists from creating what they like bc it won't do well#when you spread that idea that popularity is what makes an art career you are hurting so many artists#like I understand HOW the misconception starts and I understand where it comes from (once again been there done that still unlearning)#but don't spread that idea yall. it's just so shitty#anyways rant over uwu
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roger-paladino · 1 year
making that WF video was like. reminding me how much and how deeply Mo cared for Lee it hurts soo so so bad
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frafool · 10 months
@ lrb so true twitter oomfie but also that person puts so much discourse on my tl lmao. Girl stick to what you said come on. I mean I still follow them bc they're normal most of the time but. Thin fucking ice
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Alright, I once again, generally don't make posts like this but i'm going to go ahead and say it.
If you are only talking about or caring about the trans community when talking about how horrible JK and the new video game is; and you are ignoring/glossing over the jewish community, when the entire point of the game is genociding a race of jewish caricatures because they did blood libel, i fucking see you.
You are not our friend, and you are not our ally. Yes, the trans community needs help and deserves to be angry, and yes, rowling is also a TERF. But jewish people told you she was stinky well before rowling was outed, and to see us being written out of the narrative that is quite literally about us is incredibly shitty and gross.
I implore everyone on both sides to look up common jewish stereotypes and caricatures, and statements used against them.
When you write your posts discussing how bad she is, or why you shouldn't support the game, or decry a streamer for playing the game, don't JUST make it a trans issue. Make it BOTH a trans and a jewish issue. We are both being hurt by this, so don't fucking erase us. I'm getting really annoyed seeing all these posts online and games media only discuss that she's a terf and using that as the only reason to not play, when there are other very good reasons to never touch it!
The only people i see mentioning that this is also harmful to jewish people, are other jewish people. And i see that. I recognize that. I will remember it. Y'all say that if you had lived in X time period you would have done Y, or you're such a great ally to marginalized groups, but when push comes to shove, you pick one group who is hurting over the other. You choose to help and be angry for the group that gets you the most ally points and internet clout.
I'm not asking for much. All i want is that in discussions about JK, and the shitty wizard video game; you include jewish people in the discussion and in the list of people being hurt by this game. It's not fucking hard.
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orcelito · 2 years
oh god i hate some fanon akechi interpretations so fucking bad holy shit
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molusca · 3 months
hey sorry if this is a pain but do you mind posting/pasting the whole thread to tumblr? ppl without twitter accounts can't see it
sorry for the wait, i forgot about this detail. i added almost everything under a read more in the post. thanks for pointing this out
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thefabelmans2022 · 7 months
There aren't enough Jews to do anything about antisemitism, and gentiles historically have been uninterested at best, and that's not better today than historically. When they say without Israel there's no place safe for Jews, they mean there is no place safe to run to when your country turns on you. No place safe to raise your kids without fear of them having to flee again. No place that is guaranteed to take in your family instead of turning you away if you do have to flee. No place safe to be Jewish publically without the risk of gentiles beating Jews in the street or murdering Jews in synagogue. No place where Jews are fully accepted instead of treated as "other" regardless of how many generations they've lived there. Israel has a lot of problems but there is a reason roughly half of all Jews wound up living there.
hi anon, i don't feel super comfortable responding to this as again i'm not jewish so i can never truly understand the perspective you're speaking from and i can't speak from it myself. my post was echoing what i've heard from other jewish people and how that phrase comes across to me when it's used by non-jewish people. i'm still going to publish your message because i feel like i should respond somehow and you're offering another jewish perspective i haven't really heard or considered before and i think are valid, like considering the near constant history of jewish persecution and genocide it makes total sense that jewish people feel unsafe in many if not most countries, and you're right that anti-semitism is a huge problem that's really difficult to tackle. i still don't think the solution is to take land from another group of people and commit genocide against them, but other than education and awareness (which would lead to change but very slowly) i truly i don't know what the solution is.
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meulia · 2 years
why do social media sites like making their sites as hard to use as possible as if i love going to a tag i follow and then being shown posts that don’t have that tag
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hannie-dul-set · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS. the saying “never meet your idols” exists for a reason. you just didn’t expect the reason to be because said idols would end up declaring that you’re their alleged lover from a past life (past lives, rather). now you have three big celebrities vying for your attention, and it’s not as dreamlike as you imagined it to be.
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PAIRINGS. choi yeonjun, choi soobin, choi beomgyu x female! reader. GENRES. reincarnation! au, celebrity! au (soloist! yeonjun, actor! soobin, rock band member! beomgyu), slight college! au, slight historical! au, rom-com, angst if you squint, reverse harem woohoo. WARNINGS. swearing, secondhand stress HHAHAHAH. WORD COUNT. 2.9k.
TAGLIST. @seokgyuu @spjhyn @bat-shark-repellant @writingmeraki @lotties-readings @jenodreamer @gyuspeach @lexawoah13 @dvalitaes @agustdiv1ne @enhacatalog @soobs-things @tocupid @wonsays @kgneptun @sarang-ae @peaceout97 @outrologist @prettypei @luv4cheol @captivq @kueey @matcha-binz @loveherrschxr @haechology @bitehee @laylasbunbunny
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NOTE. and so it begins!! grabbed seventeen’s “second life” and gave it to beomgyu’s band, by the way. future chapters will be a lot longer bcs this one is sort of just an introduction. please lmk what u think so far!!
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CHAPTER 1 — the consequences of working with a choi.
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“I told you I won’t do any romance dramas!”
Choi Soobin isn’t usually one to throw tantrums. He’s gentleness itself, says the media. The loveliest, most humble and soft-spoken angel to have ever graced South Korea’s entertainment industry. Interviewees praise him for being so kind and warm. Award-winning actor Lee Minyuk decided to adopt him the day they first met while working on a drama just a year ago.
He’s so nice, so sweet, so lovely— a stark contrast to the roles he usually plays, but that doesn’t take away from the songs of praise that articles and Twitter posts usually string along with Choi Soobin’s name.
All of this is true of course. As long as you’re not contractually obligated to babysit his whiny, picky, six foot tall ass every single day.
“Soobin, why don’t you give it another—”
“This is ridiculous,” he huffs, crossed armed on the sofa with a tattered script sitting on the low coffee table before him. Manager Lee feels a headache kicking in. Why is this bastard acting up when the interns are in the office? Those two simply wanted to deliver the scripts for Soobin to pick from, but they are looking at his actor’s surprising behavior with wide eyes. Now, it’s going to be his job to make sure that they don’t run their mouths about the nation’s alleged first love actually being a spoiled brat.
“Soobin,” Manager Lee exhales for the nth time. This script is from Writer Kang. The Writer Kang! She wrote this script with you in mind as the lead. Can you at least maybe reconsider—”
“I’m not doing it.” Soobin won’t budge. He’s got a visibly troubled and offended look on his face and his manager wants to smack him upside in the head. How could he not understand that this is an opportunity of a lifetime? “Hyung, you know the reason why I even signed to this company in the first place. I’m not doing it. Absolutely not.”
He picks up the script like it’s a dirty rag— disgusted expression to match— only to reveal a page that suddenly prompts him to throw the entire thing across the room. The two interns flinch. Manager Lee feels his hair turning gray by the second.
“There’s a kissing sce— agh! Gosh! What will my soulmate think if she sees me kissing another woman?!”
“Soul...soulmate?” unfortunate intern number one voices out hesitantly.
“Is...Choi Soobin seeing someone right now?” asks number two, and Manager Lee wants to retire early. His actor is still ranting on and on about how there’s no way in hell he’s taking on this role. He doesn’t really wanna deal with that right now.
“No. He’s not seeing anybody. He’s never been in a relationship before.”
Manager Lee knows this because he’s been Soobin’s manager since the young star was still seventeen, when he was still as nice and well-behaved as the tabloids made him out to be. That same kid is now a grown adult and shuddering over a possible kissing scene in a screenplay. “Ahh. I can’t do this, I seriously can’t do this, hyung!” Fame does change people. Manager Lee wants seventeen year-old Soobin back.
“Then...then who is his soulmate…?”
It’s hard to imagine that an A-List star like Choi Soobin is suffering from unrequited love. “A woman from his past life,” answers Manager Lee. “Or so he says.” The interns look at him. Come—come again? their expressions seem to say. Manager Lee lets out an exasperated sigh. This one’s even harder to comprehend.
“Hyung,” Soobin finally calls out for him. Lee returns his attention to his artist, who’s now flipping through the other scripts on the table with an even more disgruntled expression. “Hyung, are these all the offers I have? They’re all romance! Don’t we have other options?!”
“The CEO wants you to expand your roles, Soobin,” Manager Lee flatly replies. “Your fans too. You can’t keep doing action-mystery-thrillers forever. It’s a waste of your visuals. They want to see you in lighter things too.” He walks over to pick up the first rejected script from the floor, dropping it in front of Soobin, who is currently a deflated balloon.
He’s changed. But sometimes it feels as though his artist hasn’t grown up ever since they first met.
“If you take Writer Kang’s drama, you’ll get even bigger, Soobin.”
“I’m not interested in fame,” Soobin mumbles, shoulders slacked and dejected. “I just want—”
“If you gain ever more fame, expand your reach, won’t that mean your soulmate can find you sooner as well?” Soobin takes the bait. He flinches upon hearing the word he’s been chasing after ever since, a glimpse of consideration flashing through his expression as he nips down his bottom lip. Manager Kim lands a hand on his shoulder. “Think about it, kid. You shouldn’t waste opportunities like this.”
Soobin lets out a breath. “I’ll...I’ll give it some thought.”
Dear god, finally. Manager Lee ushers out a sulky and troubled Soobin out into the hall with the script hugged against his chest and tells him to relax for the day. “Don’t overthink it. Just do what you want to do,” he says, after gaslighting him into positively considering the role. Still, Soobin needs this. He’s been stagnating since his last project, Study Group. He needs to switch up genres if he wants to improve.
“Wow,” intern number two exhales the moment Soobin leaves the premises. “You really are a veteran, sir. But does Choi Soobin’s soulmate really exist? Who is he looking for?”
Manager Lee shrugs and drops onto the sofa with a grunt. “Beats me. He doesn’t even know her name.”
“Yeonjun! Choi Yeonjun, look over here!”
“Choi Yeonjun, you look good today as well!”
“Please give a heart to the camera!”
“Fuck! Choi Yeonjun, you’re so fucking hot!”
That last one made Yeonjun’s mouth twitch into a smirk, and the screaming instantly became louder. Unintentional, but he relishes in the attention, anyway. He flips down his sunglasses to block the flashing lights from the cameras (causing another unintentional pandemonium), and his manager (Kim Noona, he likes to affectionately call when she’s about to yank out his hair roots for misbehaving) quickly ushers him into van before his rabid fans break through the bodyguards’ defenses and jump him.
“Good work today,” says Manager Kim as they start to drive away from the fansign venue. Yeonjun has his window rolled down and is blowing air kisses to the crowd. Ignorance is bliss, Manager Kim decides. “However, you don’t have time to run a catwalk on the way to the van tomorrow since you have another schedule immediately after the fansign. Try to strut for two minutes max tomorrow, please.”
“‘Kayyy,” Yeonjun hums, rolling the tinted windows back up and leaning back into the car seat with a satisfied groan. They’re on the way back to his apartment now. Time for him to start his routine. “Noona, do you have all the letters I got today?”
“Look to your left.” 
And there it is indeed— a stack of notes and envelopes and perfume-drenched messages of love and adoring affection. He flits through each one, skimming over every note and every letter like he’s looking for something. “Sleep early tonight,” Manager Kim tells him as he knits his brows, nearing the end of the stack. “You have a shoot in the morning, in case you forgot.” 
Yeonjun is back at the first letter he started with. Nothing, he lets out a sigh. Not one that he’s looking for.”
“Noona,” he calls out. “I’m going live right now.”
There’s a bump on the road.
“No, wait—”
[🔴 yawnzzn is live].
“Hehe. Yeonjunnie is here—!”
Manager Kim abruptly stops the car. Thank fucking god the road isn’t too crowded. She watches Yeonjun from the rearview mirror as he smiles at the outstretched camera and makes casual greetings and hello’s to the viewers, heart racing in fear. “Right now? I’m on the way back home. Can’t wait to get a nice shower once I get back.” Okay, she lets in a deep breath, starting the car once more. Yeonjun isn’t doing anything weird yet. Better to drop him off as soon as possible.
“Nooo, I haven’t had dinner yet, I’ll order once I get home. What do you guys recommend?”
He’s being normal. He’s acting fine. This is good.
“Ramen? That sounds good. Kimchi jjigae is also yummy.”
Maybe he just wanted to interact more with his fans, yes. He’s always been like that. Maybe he won’t say anything rash this time.
“Oh! The video with Mark Lee from NCT? Did you see us hugging? Hehe, Mark and I look good together?” They’re almost at his apartment building. They’re almost here. Once they arrive, Yeonjun will turn off the livestream and Manager Kim can finally fucking retire for the day. “That’s cute. But it’s too bad. I’m already interested in someone else.”
The car stops. “Yeonjun.” But Yeonjun’s live stream is still ongoing. “Turn off the live.”
Yeonjun is smiling at his phone in painful ignorance. Manager Kim doesn’t miss the one second glance he spares at her. One second. One mere second before he starts inciting chaos even more. “Who? That’s a secretttt. I don’t want to tell you.”
Manager Kim’s phone starts buzzing. “Yeonjun, turn it off.” The buzzing won’t stop. Her personal phone starts going off as well
“Ah. Should I give you a hint?”
There’s an incoming call now.
“Choi Yeonjun, turn off the god damned—”
“Okay!” Yeonjun suddenly exclaims. He flashes a knowing smile to the camera, but his dearly stressed and overworked manager knows that it’s directed to her rather than the thousands of people witnessing the artist she’s in charge of stirring his third rumor of the week. Her phone won’t stop buzzing, it can be used as a fucking vibrator at this point. Choi Yeonjun is lucky he rakes in most of the agency’s profits— otherwise his contract would be terminated by now. “I have to go. My manager looks like she’s about to fire me, hehe. See you all tomorrow! Mwah!”
Just like that, the live stream ends, but Manager Kim’s phone is still incessantly ringing and beeping and giving the signal that Choi Yeonjun will once again go trending on Twitter— not in the way the company wants. Again. “Kim Noona?” Yeonjun calls out. “The light is green. The cars behind are honking at us.”
Manager Kim’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. “Yeonjun.” And they start moving again. “What are you gonna do once you get home?”
“Post a damage control photo. Got it.”
He knows. He knows yet he keeps pulling the same shit every week.
“Good...good— just,” his manager lets out a sigh, and they arrive at the front of his building. “No matter what I tell you, you won’t stop pulling these stunts, aren’t you?”
“Nope.” Yeonjun flashes her a grin, unbuckling his seatbelt, ready to slide the door open. “Thanks, noona! See you tomorrow!”
With that, Yeonjun leaves with a bounce in his step right after the mess he just made.
The problem is, Manager Kim can’t tell him to stop either after knowing exactly why he’s doing all of these scandal-bait, potentially career damaging things. It’s not something she can believe in, and it’s definitely not within the realm of reality. But after seeing the look on her artist’s eyes when he said— how many more headlines must he make until you can finally find your way back to him?
Well. All Manager Kim can do is work PR to their deaths for damage control.
“Why don’t we kick it off by listening to your latest single?”
Studio lights burn the set. Five seats are settled in place, four against one for an interview with one of the hottest K-Rock groups of the generation. Yeong-Il released a new single just earlier in the week, and it’s topped the charts ever since release. 
If I am given a second life I may live and breathe differently compared to now
Lee Heeseung looks happy to be here. So do Yang Jeongin and Lim Jimin. Choi Beomgyu, on the other hand, looks like he’d rather be anywhere else but here right now, complete with the faraway look on his face as he’s clearly not paying attention to the comments the host is making, instead drowning in melody and lyrics hummed by the speakers.
Among the streets we’ll walk past each other without knowing
“It’s quite different from our usual music, no?” Heeseung laughs.
I hope we remember each other
“Right!” Jeongin chimes in. “But I think we should hear from the man who produced and wrote this.”
Even in our next life Even at that time, I’ll go to you
“Choi Beomgyu!”
Even in our next life Even at that time, I’ll go to you
“Beomgyu, are you awake?”
Even if a second life That’s different from now comes to me The one thing I can say is That I’m going to be by your side
“Ah.” Beomgyu finally wakes up. He catches the concerned and nervous glances of his friends-slash-bandmates. Beomgyu takes the microphone from Jimin, tapping it once, before saying, “What do I do? It’s a little embarrassing to talk about this by myself.” Jeongin fails to hold back a snort at his lack of sincerity. Jimin sends him a nudge with his elbow. 
“Hey, this isn’t the first time you’ve written a song. Quit acting coy,” Heeseung manages to salvage the conversation, invisible sweat dripping down the side of his face. Beomgyu finally decides to stop stalling and answers the question.
“Well, anyhow, I think you can tell from the lyrics. Second Life is about a love that extends beyond lifetimes— promising that even after we’ve lived, died, and reborn as different people, there is still no one I’d love but you.” There’s some coughs from his bandmates. Beomgyu presses his lips into a smile. “That’s it.” And passes the microphone back to whoever reaches out for it first.
This kind of behavior from Yeong-il’s guitarist and vocalist isn’t new. 
The problem is, even though his team and fans are used to it, not everyone is, so the show’s host is taken aback by Beomgyu’s complete lack of care, unaffected and impenetrable. He stifles out a cough, flits through his cue cards. “O—oh, how romantic!” he exclaims. “I’ve noticed that a lot of your other songs that Choi Beomgyu-ssi has written seem to have a similar theme. Isn’t that right?”
“Yeah, it’s not really a secret, and it’s honestly pretty obvious,” Beomgyu answers, earning another nudge from Jimin. 
“He doesn’t seem like it, but Beomgyu is the biggest romanticist out of all of us,” Heeseung saves the day once more. Choi Beomgyu has been once dubbed as the biggest hurdle in every interviewer’s career. Nobody knows if he’s doing it on purpose, or if he really is just like that.
“We—well, can we ask what your inspiration is for writing this kind of music?”
It’s not a new question. It’s a question asked interview after interview to Choi Beomgyu whenever they release one of his songs riddled with his signatures of reincarnation, second lives, and first loves. But he’s always avoided answering them, sometimes going as far as outright telling the host that he doesn’t want to answer.
Though his bandmates are indeed both dreading and looking forward to the day Beomgyu would finally make a public answer to that million dollar question—
—they certainly did not expect him to answer with the truth.
“The tracks were inspired by myself,” he says, face flat, free from any sign of humor or jest. “I’m still waiting for my first love from my first life. There must be a reason why I still remember her and the life we shared. Doesn’t that mean we’re both destined to meet again?”
Silence washes over. Everyone on set is looking at Beomgyu, waiting for him to laugh or smile or crack a joke or some shit just to give an indication that he wasn’t at all serious with that statement. Their managers are frozen. They’re all looking at Heeseung to finally and neatly wrap things up before the mood gets worse.
Heeseung gets the signal. He quickly snatches the microphone from his friend and starts making bullshit up and praying to god that this part gets edited out. “Aha—ahaha, Beomgyu really likes to remain in character! That’s how much he takes his music seriously! Anyway—”
The rest of the interview turns up normally. No unexpected backstory reveals or trauma-dumps. No mentions of possible supernatural phenomena whatsoever and that’s mostly because Beomgyu decided to keep quiet for the rest of it.
He’s seriously a ticking time bomb, all but him share the same thought upon exiting the studio, until Heeseung finally confronts him about it when they reach the van.
“Dude, what the hell was that?”
“I know, I know. You don’t have to nag me,” Beomgyu groans. “We can ask them not to air that part, anyway. I’m just getting impatient.”
That’s a mutual feeling shared by all three of them. 
Twenty years. That’s how long they’ve been waiting. Centuries, if you count the period in between their previous lives and now. But when the person they’ve been waiting for finally shows up— patience will be a virtue that they’ll need to learn to strengthen. Patience. They’ll need to be a hell of a lot more patient if they want to take back what they lost.
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STAR STUDDED BAGGAGE. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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ganondoodle · 9 months
i did a mini rant about it on twitter, but i want, and need, to say this here as well
it is sickening to see all media everywhere parrot israeli propaganda and lies while actively ignoring what they are doing to palestine, but especially so seeing it all being done just as much in germany, it feels even more personal bc shouldnt WE be the ones MOST critical of anyone enacting genocide?? a lesson to take from our awful, shitty, horrific history isnt we cannot criticize jewish people ever at all but that genocide is BAD
its seems like they are afraid of being called antisemitic by some people who dont know shit about whats going on so much so that theyd rather support a full blown genocide of 2 MILLION people, and it just
it scares me
i feel like a stranger in my own home, im avoiding news on radio and TV bc it feels like they are trying to brainwash me to cheer for the oppressors; we were responsible for a 5+ million genocide and now the media and politicians want us to support one of 2 million more??? what the fuck???
"well there are some evil people in this country we have been colonizing for years, guess we are gonna have to wall the entire region off so noone can leave and kill every single human life there, sorry, we had no other choice, dont look at us openly bragging about pulverizing a hospital filled to the brim with people seeking shelter from our 6000 mega bombs we dropped within a few days on this region, then calling palestinians 'children of darkness' and us the 'children of light', delete those posts, then change who we want to blame it on every few minutes bc people are starting to see through our lies, but dont you see? the bad people could have been anywhere, we had to, that hospital wasnt the first and wont be the last tho, so sad uwu"
how insane do you have to be to hear that and go "ah yes, that is very logical and justified and totally not obvious lies, heres a billion of currency and a metric fuckton of weapons to kill them all more efficiently, have fun and good luck"
if you think supporting palestine and wanting isreal to stop bombing them means you automatically support hamas you have no fucking idea what you are talking about actually and you need to educate yourself right about now, urgently
if you think the acts of one terror organisation represent an entire country and thus everyone living in it deserves to die for it, what the fuck is wrong with you there definitely are some horrible fascist, violent cults in the US, there absolutely are some in germany as well, do they represent the entire population of either countries and thus every single thing alive within its borders needs to die horrificly???
why did i have to sit in school trying not to cry my eyes out looking at fotos of piles of tortured, dead people, visit whats left over from concentration camps with all its looming feeling of doom, not even being able to stomach going into the building itself bc it made me want to vomit just being there and learn about every sickening detail of our awful history when im now here seeing and hearing it all over again, but this time im supposed to cheer for the oppressors?
i am appalled of so many countries being so complicit in supporting yet another genocide, but i am especially ashamed of my own. again.
free palestine.
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rant/vent post bc im exhausted and my brain won’t stop buzzing about this:
you know i find it mildly infuriating that tim had time to address the karaoke scene debacle bc of twitter fans, but he doesn’t have time to addresss the fact that since the start of s7 there have been fans who have been spouting hateful rhetoric about poc cast/characters and sending death threats to other fans, crew members, and journalists for not supporting their lukewarm ship, and he also for some reason is trying to remain on this high horse of “representation” when that is probably one of the weakest character sexuality storylines i’ve seen, and not only that but he decided to make the entire second half of the season practically dedicated to the pain of poc, as well as exploiting racial stereotypes for cheap drama….. all of this while these fans are acting like this guy who came out of nowhere (something that has literally been admitted by tim) is somehow this holy grail of a character when his emotional range is less than the “😐🧍” emojis, and tim is simultaneously ignoring the hate and blatant racism from the fans, but also promoting and giving a storyline to a racist character— even going as far as to brush that racism under the rug narratively, as well as allowing the actor to rile up controversy and division amongst fans
this is why it is so hard for me to trust tim anymore because that man has not shown to ke that he actually cares about good storytelling, he just cares about money going into his pocket.
now, no i don’t believe he is out here DM-ing fans s8 spoilers because the man is a moneymaker not an idiot, so before you try to say anything about me saying i believe bree, i most certainly do not— but unfortunately i don’t trust tim to handle any of the storylines he’s set up for s8 well until i see it.
and most of all i feel awful from ryan and oliver who want nothing more than to tell such a beautiful story but they are constantly being mowed over by tim, by the network, and now by the fans… oliver really wanted to do something with buck’s story, and all it’s done is caused a group of batshit fans to spread hate to other fans for not jumping ship after 6 years. ryan is so exhausted of having to rehash the shannon shit every season even though we’ve been given plenty of evidence to show that he has moved on from her— this storyline wasn’t necessary (and especially not the way they chose to tell it).
and lastly— oliver and ryan have wanted the fans to be happy. they want buck and eddie to be happy. and right now, neither of them are in a narratively satisfying spot, and until the show actually cuts the bullshit and starts doing something with their storyline and not just exploiting it, I’m not gonna support it by watching. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by making half of a popular ship canon by bringing back a former character who was literally racist and misogynistic just to serve a character arc, and haven’t gotten rid of him despite having an entire half of a season to do so. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by giving the bisexual main character a sexuality arc that lasted 0.2 seconds narratively and had him end up with the first guy who kissed him, despite there being zero chemistry or build up to imply there were ever actually any feelings of interest. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by once again putting the show’s two black queer women through the same storyline they’ve had before, rehashing their trauma once again in an arc that didn’t even carry over because it was mostly resolved after 3 episodes. they’ve shown they don’t care about queer rep by saying that they wanna “do the story naturally” if they make eddie queer, yet they ignore every opportunity they have to do do by (literally) digging up his ex wife at every turn despite having written numerous lines of dialogue in which he blatantly admits to not actually loving her romantically, and stating that their marriage only happened because she got pregnant.
season 7 had the potential to be something great. it turned out to be mid.
season 8 also has the potential to be something great. until it starts looking like it im not gonna waste my time, energy, or sanity forcing myself to watch- especially if they’re just going to continue the blatant fan service bullshit after telling buddie fans for 6 years that they “don’t wanna do fanservice”….. well what the fuck do you call this dumpster fire, tim?
we may get some more information once filming starts that will change my mind, but right now it’s really not worth it after spending 7 year watching this show to just continue to be spat on and slapped in the face by the creators.
sincerely, an emotionally and physically exhausted fan who just had a long day and desperately needs to take my anxiety meds and crash
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siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
Kiko’s Masterlist
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This is a Master for the important links for my stories 😊
*We are not spoiler-free here, so please block the JJK Manga Spoilers tag if you don't want spoilers!*
Some of my posts contain mature content, and I try to mark them with proper community labels. If you're not seeing them, you'll need to make sure your settings are updated to display content marked as mature. Please consume mature/explicit content at your own discretion!
Please do not copy, imitate, or recreate any of my works. If my works inspired yours, please give proper credit.
twitter | ko-fi ☕️ | AO3 💕 | Vocal
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Another Level Masterlist
Status: Complete
“You’re a Zenin.”
More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her. - Kurisaki Rinko was born an unwanted bastard child to the Zenin clan, having since grown into an unwanted bastard adult. Her stubborn refusal to be discarded resulted in a display of strength that many would call (they had, many times to her face, in fact) an unhinged lack of self-preservation. But lucky for her, that unhinged display caught the attention of a particular blue-eyed menace who happens to be more fun to rile up than anyone she’s ever met.
Read Another Level on AO3
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Physical Paradox Masterlist
Status: In Progress
How they went from: “I’m kinda impressed,” Gojo stated, sliding his sunglasses onto his face. “Didn’t expect a psych major to know this much about philosophical theory.” Rinko blinked at him slowly, raising her eyebrows as she scoffed. “I’m sorry, mister unresolved childhood trauma,” she said, stepping closer and poking a finger in his chest. “But I don’t really give a fuck if you’re impressed.”
To: “Your professor is leading the world of cognitive and behavioral research,” Gojo told Rinko's students, chest swelling with pride. “And she’s really pretty-” “Oh, she’s fucking gorgeous!” he agreed. “She has it all. Smart, funny, beautiful. She’s honestly perfect. It’s incredible she-” “Married you?” Touma interjected. “I know. I thought the same thing when I first met you.”
Read Physical Paradox on AO3
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Gokudō Masterlist
Status: On Hold (I will finish this eventually, though)
Gokudō (極道): the extreme path. A term used to refer to members of a Yakuza syndicate.
“Now, why is a pretty girl like you in an ugly place like this?” “Some might say the contrast is tragically poetic,” she replied easily. “Yeah, well,” he drawled, a smirk pulling at his lips as he stepped up to stand beside her. “Others would say it’s tragically idiotic. What’s your name, pretty girl?” “Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” she asked, her pulse jumping at his quiet chuckle. “You already know who I am.”
She never asked to be part of this world. A world filled with greed and violence and revenge. She never asked to be part of the world where life was as meaningless as dust. The world stained red by the blood that pooled beneath her mother’s body after she was forced to watch her die. She never asked to be part of the world driven by hatred and bloodlust, but she never asked to leave, either.
Read Gokudō on AO3
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Before I Love You - (angsty Gojo/Rinko AU, hopeful ending) - Part 2: Broken Lens | Author's Discussion
Fight Me? - (Nurse!Gojo shoots his shot with a grumpy patient)
For Your Health - (College!Gojo just wants to help his girlfriend stay healthy)
Untitled Unfinished Angst (very angsty Goinko bc Kiko is not ok)
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Random Asks and Kiko's Rants
Ask: Advice for AO3 writers and when you're in a creativity rut
Ask: How Do I plan the plot for stories?
Rant: The issue with meaningless angst
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Kiko's Original Work
Sample: Summary and blurbs
Sample: Blurbs 2
Meet some characters
Another Life - Short Story
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chubs-deuce · 30 days
Okay I recently said that I really don’t like the idea of Alastor being shipped with anyone but now I think I’m starting to backtrack on what I said. I recently just read your fic “If you piña coladas.” AND IT WAS SO AMAZING I AM LEGIT ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT WAITING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. Everything about it is great! The writing, the art, the humor, Fredrick’s rivalry with Al. It’s all so great! I honestly really like how Alastor is written. It’s interesting seeing his point of view. It’s usually the girl’s pov in a romantic fic so it was a nice change. Also your fan kid, Dawn, IS LEGIT SO GREATTT, I love her design and her relationship with her parents/other hotel staff. I always have kinda shipped them since the pilot just didn’t want to admit it since I was scared of the fandom hating on me for it. I legit don’t use twitter for the amount of hate that Radiobelle gets on there. I really like their dynamic but of course there is the elephant in the room, Alastor being Ace (also probably aromantic) and Chaggie. Don’t get me wrong I like Chaggie I just find Chalastor’s dynamic more interesting. Vaggie is a character with so much wasted potential. Her personality revolves around being Charlie’s girlfriend and nothing more. She does whatever Charlie ask of her. While Alastor on the other hand is much more anonymous with his relationship with Charlie. I also love the fact that Alastor and Lucifer hate each other’s guts and Alastor just continues to be with Charlie I just think it’s funny. But as a person who has been on the ace and aro spectrum I personally find no problem with people shipping fictional characters. Ship what you want!!! (Unless it’s problematic ew). I just wanted to rant or whatever lol.
dude you are so so so valid for all of this!!!
I'm so glad you're liking our fic, @hazbinhobo and I are having such a genuine blast working on it :D
I feel you about chaggie, they're cute and I have genuinely nothing against them!!! I just feel like being cute is kinda all they have going for them and it simply doesn't interest me enough to crave exploring further ^^"
I'm on the aro/ace spectrum too! (demiromantic and demisexual) A lot of people within the charlastor fandom space are actually!!! I also know that a large amount of us tend to headcanon him more grey too, which has been amazing for me bc I see so much of my own "I didn't think I was plagued with feelings of this kind until they hit me like a fucking truck" kind of romantic/sexual awakening experience in him in many of these fics <3
That is actually also why I always find Alastor's POV in charlastor fics so fascinating! I find a lot of fics written from his POV in this pairing too actually, it's been one of my favorite things in the ao3 tag to find :D
Watching this man go into the hotel with a plan and the ruthless willpower to execute it to a T stumble ass-first into feelings he never wanted and believed himself above of and having his plans fall apart is such a fucking joy to read sometimes <3
Also I get you about feeling scared of admitting it, I was soo fucking nervous when I posted my first charlastor art of this year on here, but the community has been so lovely that the few rare haters I *have* had felt like barely even an inconvenience - I learned you just gotta know when to block, stick to your tags and not confront anyone needlessly; then you're gonna barely have any trouble with them haha
Thank you for dropping this in my ask box actually, I appreciated reading it <3
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kpopnstarwars · 9 months
listen to me rant about predebut unwhitewashed ateez:
firstly, i apologise for this absolute shitpost, and i don't know where any of the photos are from so apologies if they're acc urs or smt.
secondly, i apologise for the fact none of this is in order because this originally started as predebut yungi and then descended into ot8 chaos.
thirdly, i apologise for the huge rambles about whitewashing and fine men.
lastly, i apologise because i have no clue how to change size of pictures in tumblr so some are massive and some are tiny (send help)
just look at this:
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OK FIRSTLY LIKE MINGI'S ACNE?? i never thought i'd find acne attractive (like, i don't mind it, but my view on it has always been pretty neutral, it's just a thing that happens sometimes). erm like first of all thank you for debunking that stupid 'glass skin' thing because for the people who actually don't have glass skin it's such an expectation to live up to, and secondly you're fine as fuck. LIKE SHUT UP RN I WANT TO KISS HIM AUBAUVVFASIKYFSAA. and then there's that picture of him in the car which i can't find rn and he's like looking to the side and he highkey looks like keeho from p1h like um mingi u had no right to look that fine predebut like have you seen skz predebut they literally looked like infants?
everyone else under the cut
ok, onto exhibit b, yunho.
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LOOK AT HIM. i actually don't know if this is predebut yunho because he looks damn good but the twitter post said so, so idk but like??? he was either 19 or sub 19 here like???? I DO NOT SEE 19 YEAR OLD MEN OUTSIDE ON THE STREET LOOKING AS FINE AS THIS. and if this picture isn't predebut well my arguement is still valid because the other pictures of him which i can't be bothered to add rn still look cute asf.
i love the predebut pictures of seonghwa because he's so unwhitewashed it's beautiful.
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im pretty sure this is a picture of him from the third kq fellaz thingy, so that counts as predebut, but OMFG HIS SMILE??? AND HIS SKIN IS SO NICE AND LIKE UNWHITEWASHED?? LET MY BOY'S SKIN BREATHE OMFG-
here's predebut hongjoong:
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LIKE????? HE'S SO CUTE I WANNA PUT HIM IN MY POCKET?? i know this post has disintegrated from me saying predebut ateez were fine to me just fawning over them being cute teenagers but like i would a hundred percent have fallen for them if they had been my classmates or anything so um yeah.
so onto yeosang:
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like... the sass? the visuals? from day one? I SEE YOU BROTHER. also ignore how the pictures are getting like younger and younger ok finding predebut pictures is hard. oh yeah and did i mention whitewashing in this post like thank god the predebut pics aren't whitewashed.
ok now san:
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LIKE EXCUSE ME???? I HAVE MANY WORDS TO SAY?? like umm he was a hundred percent a twig back then but like one look at his unwhitewashed face and i would have d i e d. he'd have been one of those guys i saw across the street and had to do a double take because he's highkey FINE. also it doesn't help that i acc know a guy who kind of looks like a mix of predebut san and predebut seonghwa who i highkey had a crush on last year but um tmi.
so onto wooyoung:
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i acc had to look hard for a good picture where i wasn't about to start cracking up over his bowl cut so we're just gonna accept this one. as you can see he already had the 'i am a kpop idol with trendy shoes on' thing going on so his fate was already destined. also more appreciation for no whitewashing like THANK YOU THANK YOU AAAAAH. also another guy i'd probably have a crush on if they were in my class.
last but not least jongho:
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i know there were many funnier pictures i could have put on but like um i just really love this photo bc he just looks so... jongho. erm and let me mention one more time that his skin is breathing!! he's not whitewashed!! what a man.
congrats if you made it to the end of this absolute batshit crazy post
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jennilah · 2 months
i woke up and chose violence today
rant below!! an actual soapbox rant about some shit that annoys tf out of me
but still under a cut and unrebloggable bc im still a coward just an annoyed coward
"_ fandom is dead"
"the tumblr/twitter fandom is dead"
"any variation of a fandom being dead"
Im about to be under your bed
Is it really dead?
well considering im still following some moots of over 10+ years that still regularly reblog new art and fics for fandoms Ive seen called "dead" many times in the past, fandoms that havent had new content in years, it's probably not
also, the older the fandom, consider how much more ridiculous your claim is. if the media is from fucking 20 years ago and still getting art and fic in any capacity, I dont wanna hear shit about shit being "dead" because there was a slow month of content on tumblr.com
What is really happening?
well if its for an ongoing fandom and there's a noticeable slow period, ask yourself... are we in-between episodes? in-between movies? in-between games? the fandom is not dead, sheesh. everything naturally slows down a while after canon content stops being made. doesn't mean it's dead.
what is happening is that artists and fic writers and other fandom enjoyers that are still out here making plenty of "content" for you (to absorb in 2 seconds and then demand more like they're machines, btw) see your dumb little comment and look around like ???
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like ok what am I, chopped liver? I'm still out here making plenty of content, am i dead to you?
what are you doing to keep the active community alive and motivated? are you actually liking and sharing their art? reading their fics and leaving nice comments?
orrrrrrrr do you only care when its your favorite artists making content?
its like. very obvious when its the biggest artists who arent making art anymore cause they moved to a new fandom or whatever and suddenly here come the "the fandom is dead" posts
i know from experience that it just makes everyone else feel like they dont "count." theyre just the backup "favorite" artists when the real "favorite" artists are away, because you don't have a choice anymore.
it feels so god damn disrespectful and dismissive. like thank god i will draw whatever tf i want whether it gets 1 like or 3000 but whenever i see that kind of comment I cant help but go "well the fandom is dead apparently so I guess I'll just throw my ideas and wips away huh???"
and most people are kind. i dont think those big artists would be very happy to hear you're dismissing an entire fandom's worth of creativity just because they havent drawn for it in a while
i keep saying artist but this goes for anyone who contributes to fandom in any way. even just posting headcanons and stuff is participation. and those fics need people to read them, after all.
ive yet to see any fandom actually die. but you will kill your creators' motivation if you keep saying its dead
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ac3-76 · 2 months
Kai Smith Headcannons
warnings: none😊
Idc what anyone says he can cook
like him and Nya were on their own for most of their childhood and bc Kai is the oldest he insisted on cooking
also because he grew up poor he gets really creative in the kitchen
his body temperature is constantly at 102° Fahrenheit
he does well in colder climates and doesn't struggle with feeling cold or freezing, but in hotter climates he gets heat exhaustion fast
He pretty much refuses on taking rest days
like he has to work out every single day or else he gets really insecure
He has the largest social media following out of all the ninjas(if you don't include Lloyd's graffiti account that no one knows he runs)
his body insecurity stems from growing up skinny and underweight
He LOVES Supernatural and sees a lot of himself in Dean Winchester
He has 3 tiktok accounts, one for fashion, one for thirst traps, and one where he just talks, rants, or does vlogs
he also has a YouTube channel that does really well, it's mostly vlogs, pranking the ninjas, doing challenges, trying things
his YouTube channel is kind of a mix of Jake Webbers channel, Kalogeras sisters, and the Sturniolo Triplets
He only has 1 Instagram and he mostly posts pictures of him and the other ninjas hanging out and having fun
He has a public and a private Twitter
the only thing he posts on his public account is i❤️my partner type stuff and dates for things
He definitely did a tweet about how exited he was for A Good Girls Guide To Murder TV show to be released
His private account has tweets for literally everything he does and thinks
"ate a fire cookie🔥🔥"
"just took a narly nap"
"you guys"(with absolutely no rhyme or reason, everyone was responding to that one really confused)
"just watched Teen Wolf, Chris Argent is such a dilf"
The crazy thing is his private account has over 4 million followers, he accepts literally everyone that requests to follow it
He's extremely good at math, put any math problem in front of him and he can solve it in his head in 15 seconds
He's also very financially literate, he's got all of his money related things in order and is a millionaire by season 10 bc he got into investing and stocks
No one knows abt him being a millionaire tho bc he doesn't buy things that look expensive and he doesn't flex his money
He totally buys expensive things tho
it's mostly high end clothing
he has a huge shoe collection that costs at least $2,813
He's an absolute fiend for cosmic brownies
He's a huge car guy
His favorite car brand is Koenigsegg and he owns a black Jesko Attack
He also owns 2 motorcycles
He's hispanic and fluent in Spanish
If his S/O doesn't speak spanish he'll tell them things in Spanish and won't tell them what if means
He does this all the time
It's bc Spanish is his first language and it's easier for him to say things in his mother tounge
(Yk in Modern Family when Gloria says that no one knows how smart she is in spanish, yea Kai totally feels that)
(he's also a chronic Modern family watcher and he relates to Gloria and Hailey so hard)
If his s/o speaks Spanish he prefers talking to them in Spanish
(he also loves if they speak it bc its also Nya's first language which means they can talk to Nya better)
He absolutely adores physical touch and cuddling
Hugs from behind.
Neck kisses.
he loves his hair being played with
if his S/O wants their hair braided, he can do it
French, Dutch, typical 3 strand, box, godess, cornrows, triangle box, twist, micro braids, fulani, Havana
whatever you want and whatever ur hairtype, he can do it
He can also do any hairstyle on any hair type like it's the easiest thing ever
He def does a soft launch at first
once your relationship is public, he post you all. the. time.
he just loves showing off his lover
However, he makes sure that while ur relationship is known, it's private
he's not gonna post any fights or issues that you 2 have, he works those out in private
he let's you steal any of his clothes(as long as you give them back)
He's the right amount of jealous and possesive
if someone else if flirting with you he'll just walk up and put his arm around ur shoulders or waist
he pretty much never introduces himself when someone else if flirting with you, he let's you do that
He's very secure in his relationship, he wouldn't cheat on you and he knows you wouldn't cheat on him
BUT, as mentioned above he struggles a lot with body insecurity so you'll have to reasure him that you love his body
He's been cutting meat for people his whole life(first Nya then Lloyd) so if you don't wanna cut your meat he'll totally cut it for you
He's so they fell first, he fell harder coded
also unexpected love trope, but it's unexpected for you two, everyone else knew the second you guys met that you were gonna be together
Nya and Lloyd had a bet on how long it would take for you two to get together(Nya won)
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