#not only was she a child but she had not been involved in the Greek pantheon long enough to really know what she was pledging herself too
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landofgodsxmonsters · 6 months ago
My temptation to make a version of Bianca who is Persephone & Maria's daughter (well Nico is still Hades & Maria's daughter) is sO STRONG
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snoopychris · 1 month ago
three identical triplets
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in which... three identical triplets are living three absolutely different lives
warnings: very light smut
August 1 was an eventful day for thirteen Greek Gods and Goddesses. the birth of three identical triplets. three identical demigods. it was unknown just exactly whos children they were. it caused an uproar between the men. there was fighting between in every hallway and chamber in all of Olympus. even hades was involved. the last time he was involved in anything was the commotion caused by the discovery of Percy Jackson a few years prior. it was loudest the empire had ever been. between the women was nothing but speculation and rumors. when everything had finally died down enough, a meeting was held, led by none other than Zeus himself. his face was flush with anger. his expression was like none other. for somebody who had his own forbidden child, he sure was involved in other peoples business. 
“is anybody gonna fess up? Is anybody going to claim the children?” silence. complete and utter silence everywhere. theres a cough heard in the room, a sign of everybody keeping their mouths shut. the silence was broken by Athena speaking, clearing her throat beforehand. “you idiots could always… visit the mother. surely one of you will recognize her, no?” she suggests, looking around the room. the Gods all nod and agree, preparing themselves to make their journey to the human world. though they could have gone if they wanted to, most of the Goddesses kept their place. the only outlier of the situation was Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Family. she, too, got ready for the trip. the goodbyes to the other Goddesses were quick, its not like there was much to talk about anyway. most of them disliked one another for ninety percent of the year.
upon arrival to the hospital room, a majority of the Gods took a step back. theyd never seen the mother in their lives. the three who remained eyed each other, shaking their heads in disbelief. there was no way they all fell for the same woman. she was sleeping now, so there was no way to ask. scientifically, there was no possible way for one mother to have three separate fathers. unfortunately for them, the rules werent quite the same. Hell, Aphrodite could think of getting someone pregnant and it would happen. no, this was different. each God standing in the hospital room was a father to one of the babies in the room. Hera scoffs at the sight of their mindless mumbling, slapping each of the three on the back of the head. “Idiots. look at the babies and just… pick one. you’ll know.” she nods, looking at the Gods in front of her. 
the first to move is Ares. he strides over to the bassinets at the edge of the bed, eying over each small child. he reaches for the baby in the middle, the connection instantly being clear to him. he nods as he kisses the top of the babies head, looking at the name tag in the plastic looking bed. “Matthew…” he whispers, nodding once more. “yeah this ones mine.” he states, setting the infant down. 
the next to move is Hermes, instantly reaching for the bassinet sitting on the far left. he doesnt even have to pick the baby up to know. “this ones mine… Nicolas…” both Gods– and Hera– look over to the remaining God, eyes widening at the lack of movement. He sighs as he walks over to the remaining newborn, reaching in to grab his tiny hand. Much to his dismay, he nods. that is indeed his child. Hera hums at him, knowing that whether he liked it or not he would have to verbally claim the child. She groans at the silence, staring daggers into his soul. “Dionysus…” she whispers, raising her eyebrows at him.
Dionysus sighs as he nods, still holding tightly onto the baby’s hand. “Christopher… my son.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the tiny hand gripping onto his thumb. August 1. An eventful day for three gods more than others. 
but that was 20 years ago. From then on it’s been smooth sailing. The Gods— Zeus, specifically— decided it would be best for everybody to separate the triplets in fear that they’d be too dangerous if they were kept together. too easy to get caught. 
Ares managed to pull enough strings to make sure Matthew stayed with his mother. his big argument was that since Hermes was the God of Traveling and Thieves, his son would be fine on his own. Ares still doesn’t know how he won that argument. Matthew Sturniolo always knew home as his mother and (adoptive) father. Every Christmas, every birthday, every big moment, it was all celebrated. he didn’t even know how much luckier he was than his brothers. he didn’t even know they existed. 
crazily enough, Dionysus was the one to keep his son with him. it was a battle won simply by stating “i’m the director of the camp anyway, i can start training young.” from day one, Christopher Sturniolo knew home as Camp Half-Blood. every moment he lived through felt like it was preplanned for him. training, a little bit of free time, more training, then a lecture from his dad about how powerful he could be. he didn’t even know how much safer he was than his brothers. he didn’t even know they existed. 
Hermes is still upset that his son got the short end of the stick. it was unfair that both other triplets got some sort of parental figure and all Nicolas got was foster homes and broken families. Hermes did his best to keep an eye on him and keep his son safe, but it was hard when he was hardly able to communicate with him. Nicolas Sturniolo had never known what a home truly was. every moment felt like another battle that would just get him back on the streets. he didn’t even know how much stronger he was than his brothers. he didn’t even know they existed. 
twenty years changes a lot of things about a lot of people. twenty years into living, Matt was getting ready to go off to college– his dorm room was just one flight of stairs away. twenty years into living, Nick was in a random alleyway, desperately trying to break into the old newspaper box for some spare money. twenty years into living, Chris was sitting in his cabin with one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen bouncing on his cock. 
three identical triplets living three completely different lives. three identical triplets in three completely different places. and yet…
“do you think that-” the same phrase repeated in three different places. 
“-you have absolutely everything you need? i mean you’re really gonna be okay all on your own?” Marylou asks, her hand making its way to matt’s cheek. she rubs her thumb around his face lovingly, her eyes full of love for the boy. standing at the entrance for his dorm, matt nods, his grip on the box in his arms tightening. “yeah mom i’m okay.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her head. he wants to keep her with him, but he knows she has to go eventually. the goodbye is bittersweet. home is all he’s ever known. he’s never been on his own. never had the freedom he has now. he’s just kinda… there. but alone this time. Matt thinks he’s gonna be just fine.
“-breaking into that thing is really going to get you enough money to get through the week?” nick jumps at the voice, turning behind him to look at the officer he’s gotten so used to seeing. “officer pete…” he whispers, setting down his bobby pin. lockpicking was the only thing he seemed to be good at. over the years, it got him all the way through highschool when his foster homes wouldnt. “Nicolas youre a good kid… i dont wanna cuff you but sometimes you just… leave me no other choice.” the officer speaks, earning a groan and an eye roll from nick. “if i just leave empty handed we call it a day right?” a nod. Nick hopes he’s gonna be just fine. 
“-im gonna get claimed next summer?” you whisper, hands still sitting on chris’ chest as you continue to move up and down. chris sighs and throws his head back, pushing your hands gently. “you seriously cannot be riding me while thinking of who your parents are.” his cabin was quiet since he was the only camper, the only noises coming from the squelching between your legs. you frown down at him, gripping onto his chin. “we’re not all lucky enough to live with our dad.” you joke. chris chuckles as he switches the position, taking control of the situation. the conversation can be had later. looking down at you, Chris knows he’s gonna be just fine.
with each passing day, the Camp Half-Blood was getting more and more calm. the campers were finally settled in just as they were beginning to leave. there were always people like you and chris who stayed all year round just cause that’s the way it was. you sat with the other campers in the Hermes cabin, eying chris from across the dining pavilion, pushing your food across the plate. there was nothing appetizing about it anyway. an announcement was being made, something you didn’t care enough to listen to. Chris’ eyes mirror yours, widening when you hear your name called. there’s new campers. there’s never new campers this late in the summer. you lick your lips as you make your way to the front of the pavillion, meeting with Chiron and Dionysus himself. it’s evident to everybody in proximity that your voice is filled with confusion when you speak. “new campers? today? but it’s August 1.” 
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a/n: new au series! percy jackson was my book series in elementary school so this is what we get. minimal percy jackson knowledge needed really. theres gonna be mentions of characters from the series here and there but you dont need to watch the show or read the books to understand my au. special thanks to @muwapsturniolo and @bernardsbendystraws and @sturnslutz and @zebonos! kiss kiss! -gen
tags(reply or message to be added): @ifwdominicfike @frankoceanfanpage @mattssslutbby @sophand4n4 @matthewsturnsgf @izzylovesmatt @m11rx @chris-hallelujah @sturniolotoast @mattsbrat @wastelandzella @le4hsblog @mattsd0llfac3 @st7rnioioss @isabellewhatt @sturnslutz @ayesha-eroticaa @freshhhloveee @courta13 @sturns-mermaid @ivysturnss @slutformatt17 @emely9274 @princessesgarden @marrykisskilled @cykss @strnilolover @13hoax @oopsiedaisydeer
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bayetea · 2 months ago
jason and hazel's beef in hoo was always way more interesting than whatever percy and jason had going on sorry. the differences in gravity and intrigue in the jason/hazel relationship vs jason/percy are only further compounded by the ways they're connected and the ways that their stories are similar
because 1. they have a HISTORY they knew each other before he went missing!!!!! they were in the fifth cohort together!!!! hazel is the ONLY person on that ship that was in jason's life before he disappeared and had his memories stolen. yes they didn't know each other well but I really think that was a bad writing choice rick made. can you imagine if they used to be friends/if jason had been a big brother figure to hazel only to go missing for months and then they have a very awkward reunion on the argo because he barely remembers her and then she's even more betrayed because he doesn't wanna save nico initially. the drama. we could have had it all man
2. beef between a son of poseidon and a child of zeus/jupiter from the grace family? yeah been there done that why are we doing this again. god I wish we had gotten a big fight between a child of jupiter and a child of pluto instead
3. their beef regarding nico was way more high stakes than the silly alpha male posturing rick was trying to force between jason and percy especially considering how mega nerfed jason is written in hoo because no one's allowed to be on equal footing with percy
4. the tacit layer of betrayal in jason being hazel's ex-centurion/praetor only to end up choosing chb (to be clear this particular conflict belongs to jason and reyna and is more impactful between them - but since hazel is actually on the argo and reyna isn't she can still be an opportunity for this camp jupiter/camp half-blood conflict to be explored with jason)
5. I'm just gonna say it - I think hazel ought to have complicated feelings about white authority figures in a military camp as a black girl from the freaking jim crow era (not that this would have ever been explored satisfactorily in the books because as far as rick is concerned hazel is colorblind and hardly ever thinks about race despite growing up segregated. which is crazy unrealistic but whatever)
6. something something about the parallels that jason and hazel have about making hard choices about their pasts in order to have a more fulfilling future
7. this isn't necessarily interesting in and of itself but I just think it's neat that they're both big three roman kids with greek siblings that they didn't grow up with. what could have been interesting is jason seeing how close hazel and nico are and feeling some type of way about everything he never got to have with thalia and some exploration into how that impacts his feelings about the rescue mission
8. they both have really awkward romantic conflicts in their pasts that intrude upon the present (whether he and reyna were ever even slightly romantically involved or not) because the jason/reyna thing is written as a initial source of conflict/uncertainty for jiper in the same way that hazel/leo (sammy) was a conflict for frazel to grapple with. this is interesting to me because hazel is connected to reyna and jason is connected to leo. like there could have been a moment of connection over letting go of pasts loves to wholeheartedly pursue new ones in the way that both of them are (were) with piper and frank
(unrelated but having no frank or hazel pov in mark of athena sucks So Bad and I hate it. it was the first time they ever have relationship problems and we only see it through someone else's pov. I am going to bring this up forever because I'm still mad about it)
9. they both died. this bullet is a joke but I just thought I should put it here
10. percy is a well-established character and hazel and jason are new in hoo. percy has 50 povs in hoo and hazel has 28. economically speaking it would just be a more effective use of your limited pages to spend more time developing important interactions and conflicts between two new characters (esp new big three kids) who already have a more interesting foundation than the one involving our previous protagonist of 5 entire books
11. beryl grace and marie levesque. that's all
imo hazel and jason are the most weirdly written new additions to the main cast but I strongly feel that rick severely underutilized the way that characters like those two could play off of each other. hazel isn't just a sweet little cinnamon roll she is passionate and contemplative and morose and guilt-ridden and jason isn't just a bland rule-follower he is kind and committed and loyal and conflicted and they're both painfully self-sacrificing and I just think it's such a shame that these two characters with great concepts on paper and so many obvious threads to connect them didn't get as much as attention as.... whatever happened in kansas did
and I mean if you like the jason/percy conflict that's fine, but I think it's worthwhile to compare the merit of them because rick chose to centralize and build up to one more than the other when he had such perfect material to expand on the other instead and I think that says something about his biases. and I think part of the issue is that rick struggles with strengthening tension and applying complexity to conflicts between male/female characters that aren't romantic or onesidedly antagonistic like clarisse/percy. we have several noteworthy conflicts between male characters but when women are involved it's like rick doesn't know how to put them on equal footing and apply platonic depth. imo this is just another reason why big three girls (hazel/thalia/bianca) don't get to be as powerful and transformative in the overall narrative as big three guys (percy/jason/nico). all this world-changing narrative weight is afforded to big three kids but hazel in particular is weirdly excluded from all of that and doesn't get to have much impactful interconnectedness with the prophecy or with other big three kids. what happened to big three kids being super dangerous when put together or when they're on opposing sides of conflicts!!!!!!!! we had impactful percy/thalia and percy/nico and jason/percy and jason/nico conflict where is the fleshed out jason/hazel beef!!!!!!
anyways tldr all I'm saying is that jason and hazel complement each other well and rick was too hung up on the Colliding Of Alpha Male Strong Dudes (that he didn't even write well) to see everything that hazel and jason could have had instead
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starless-nightz · 5 months ago
Hi! I just saw your daughter of Hera headcanons and I adored them! Can I please get something similar but instead as the daughter of Hestia? Thank you!
Being a daughter of Hestia HCs
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note -> I love Hestia so much shes one of my favorite greek gods <33
warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff, platonic! Hestia, everyone at camp likes you.
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People are surprised that Hestia has a child. The goddess of the hearth is, of course, a virgin goddess and works to keep peace among the gods, so when you arrive at Camp Half-Blood, it's something of a shock to everyone—Hestia rarely takes a direct part in demigod affairs, and the idea of her having a daughter is unexpected.
You're instantly seen as a soothing presence. The moment you enter the campsite, people notice how your presence seems to bring peace with it. Fights seem to die down when you're near, and tension just melts away. The other campers start looking to you for comfort and advice instead of seeking battle advice or quests. They come to you when they need to be heard or if they had a long day of training and want to unwind.
You spend a lot of time around campfires. You are a daughter of Hestia, and you only feel at home around the fire. You would usually busied by tending it, to keep it burning steadily. You're less concerned with combat and quests than some of the other campers. But you provide a much-needed service: keeping the camp's heart-cordial and warm.
Your cabin is a home for all the others. Just because Hestia herself didn't have a cabin, you're probably sorted into Hermes' cabin, or you've been given your own tiny spot. Whichever the case, wherever you go, your space becomes a haven to the campers. A place to lock themselves up and relax, talking it over, or just being with themselves, not judging each other. You always keep one warm blanket around, should any camper need one, or an extra mug of hot chocolate.
You have a gentle approach to leadership. You do not like to bark orders or rush into battle, yet people hold you in high regard. Your quiet wisdom and soothing way with mediation make you a natural peacemaker and the others often ask you to help negotiate conflicts among the campers. Even the more hot-headed children of Ares or Hermes listen to you when tempers flare.
Your powers are subtle, yet so very valuable. You do not yield fire in a destructive manner, as Hephaestus' children do. You can control hearth flames and bring warmth and comfort with you where you go. You can light fires that never burn out or summon a small flame to soothe someone's anxiety or stress. Your powers are more about protection and nurturing than about combat.
Older campers, especially those who have been through wars and quests, respect you. They have fought enough battles; the tranquil natured attitude is a change of scenery. You are there to remind them it's not all about the fights that make life worth living. Some even open their hearts to you, sharing with you their deepest fears and worries, knowing you'll never betray their trust.
You are attached to nature and home. Like Hestia, you find delight in simplicity and small quiet moments. You love helping in the kitchens, planting flowers, and just sitting with others by the fire. All these so-called ordinary activities happy for you, and you make other people notice the beauty of them too.
People come to you for advice and comfort. Even campers who are more inclined toward fighting or adventure will be drawn to the calmness you bring with you. Children of Athena might look to you when they're troubled by strategy; children of Apollo might come to you when they need emotional support after healing someone else. You're never too busy to listen, and people learn to rely on that.
You're often underestimated, and that's really okay by you. Most anybody who assumes that you aren't a fighter also thinks you won't be much use on quests or in battles. But when it comes to anything involving the heart, family, and loyalty, you're second to none. The way that emotional intelligence and quiet strength keeps people off guard till your role proves to be utterly important.
Chiron and the other leaders trust you highly You're one of those people whose opinions are sought often at camp morale or in case of disputes arising. Chiron values your sober-mindedness and your ability to look at things from every side. You're the one he trusts to help mediate issues between cabins, and your input is quite valued in camp meetings.
Around campfires, you are usually the life of the company. While others may sing or tell stories, you can sit by the fire, stirring and keeping it bright. You seek no attention, but your presence will be felt in the warmth of the flames and the serenity it gives. Without you, the campfire would just not be the same.
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audreyscribes · 8 months ago
do you think Ariadne accepts Dionysus's children as hers too? She is very loyal to her husband, so I only see Castor, Pollux, Dakota and any other child born to Dionysus being automatically "adopted" by her too or "I'm going to mess with my husband (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)" and claim his children as her right after him do the announcement (poor kid)
Dionysus: this one is mine, don't worry *see the sign in the kid's head* ... My grape!
(they're both extremely cute together and the kids suffers with this)
Oh yeah, I can imagine that being the case. Between her and Dionysus when Ariadne was still mortal, apparently they had a lot of demigods; so in terms of demigod children, she probably understands this is just him being a god and still loves her greatly, so it’s just probably filling a need once in a while; why else we see only a literal handful of Dionysus demigods.
So yeah, I can imagine Ariadne accepting Dionysus’ demigods as her own in a way, much like Poseidon’s godly wife, Amphitrite, being very cool to his demigod children. Heck, Amphitrite made cookies for Percy! So it’s not out of the question.
Thus insert the amount of godly shenanigans just between this husband and wife that the Dionysus’ demigods are subjected to. It's also been confirmed by Percy that Ariadne has a strange sense of humour, so yeah I can see that scenario happening a few times, which is practically all the time
What’s also nice to know is that Ariadne is the Cretan Goddess of Labyrinth and Paths, right before she was absorbed into the Greek pantheon. So you can imagine there’s some connotations…afterall, if you’ve ever been in a Labyrinth before, you probably have gotten mad trying to get out…but most importantly, just imagine getting minor blessings or gifts from Ariadne, especially those that involve weaving because of her iconic magic ball of yarn, she is considered the goddess of weaving in a sense. Prepare to get a lot of blankets/quilts, sweaters and socks for Winter Solstice/Christmas from her. There’s also a stretch to say Ariadne is to connected to her roman counterpart, Libera, is a minor goddess of wine with chthonic attributes too, so like can you imagine seeing the floating grape floating above the kid’s heads, and people thinking oh Mr. D is straight up claiming them normally, and him inwardly sighing at his wife’s antics. So very, “MY GRAPE!” 
It’ll be a very confusing but fun times ahead. 
Thanks for the ask and I hope you have a nice day! ヾ(•ω•`)o
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aliciavance4228 · 7 months ago
Here Are A Few Things From Greek Mythology Which Not Only That Make Sense, But Are Actually Quite Briliant
1. The children of Ares (war, combat, bloodlust) and Aphrodite (beauty, sex) are: Eros (love), Anteros (requited love), Himeros (uncontrollable immediate desire), Pothos (longing desire), Harmonia (harmony), Phobos (fear) and Deimos (panic/terror); which are all of the emotions that can happen in a relationship between the foul-tempered abusive jock and the pretty girl. The ancient Greeks understood relationships.
2. Perseus is the son of Zeus. Why didn't Hera go after him or his mother? Because they're from Argos, and she's the patron of that city.
3. The story of Heracles states that Hera tricked Zeus into saying that the next king of Argos shall be the next male born. Of course, she manipulates events to happen so that Heracles's cousin Eurystheus is born first - thus making him the rightful king. But wait - Heracles has a twin. (Iphicles) So why go for his cousin, and not his fraternal twin to really rub salt in it with Zeus ("Hey, Alcmene's son is the next rightful king - Ain't no rule saying it had to be Heracles, haha!")? It makes a bit of sense actually - by making Eurystheus the next born child, she ensures that it's not Heracles. If she induced labour in Alcmene, there was still a chance Heracles could have been the first one born - and not Iphicles.
4. Why would the relatively amiable Hades kidnap Persephone to make her his bride? Well, according to some sources, he did that after asking Zeus for relationship advice. Given the fact that Zeus has raped and/or kidnapped plenty of women (and poor, minor Ganymede) just 'cause he felt like it, it isn't surprising that his advice would involve something like that.
5. Every source and most people tend to think Hades got the worst and Zeus the best of the deal when they divided up the world, but actually it's kinda balanced because all three of the brothers' domains come with some great perks. Zeus' is obvious, but consider this: Poseidon got the element that covers about two thirds of the planet, with earthquakes to boot, and for Greeks travelling by sea was something of a necessity, while Hades got all of the minerals and gemstones, and as many point out, the one biggest flaw of humanity is that the dead have always and will always outnumber the living.
6. Most stories of Andromeda mention that she was supposed to be eaten by a monster because her mother Cassiopeia blasphemed and made Poseidon mad by claiming Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereids. All nice and good as the Nereids were supposed to be extremely beautiful, including Amphitrite, Poseidon's wife herself, but the thing comes in when you remember that the Nereids had a brother called Nerites, who was even more beautiful than them, and who was Poseidon's first serious relationship besides his wife. No wonder he got pissed off, she was badmouthing both his wife and his boyfriend!
7. There's some poetic justice in the fact that Narcissus, who saw himself as an unattainable treasure, got transformed into a flower — something that literally anybody can take and do with as they wish.
8. The anger the Olympians felt when they discovered Tantalus' crime makes even more sense when you remember that at least Hera, Poseidon, Hestia and Demeter (Hades wasn't present at the time) all know how it feels to be eaten by your own father.
For Hades' part, it certainly explains why he'd give Tantalus such a torturous punishment in the afterlife.
Made worse by Tantalus being the son of ZEUS.
9. Why are all the gods (save Hestia) prone to so much hypocrisy, violence, sexual assault, and abuse? Well, each god is typically associated with either an aspect of nature (such as the oceans, plants, weather, etc.) or emotions and biological reactions (bloodlust, love, sexuality). As such, the gods are less like people, and more akin to forces of nature; the gods, like nature, are indifferent to humanity, so sometimes they’ll harm people when they’re angry, reward people when they’re happy, etc.
10. Some of Typhon and Echidna's offspring, such as Cerberus, Ladon, the Caucasian Eagle and the Colchian Dragon were utilized by the Olympians in some way despite the fact that they were the offspring of their Nr. 1 Enemy. Sounds odd...but when you think about it, it's actually genius. It's an excellent way to prevent the monsters from running wild and destroying stuff, whilst simultaneously taking advantage of their destructive tendencies.
11. Why is Hades such a faithful husband (Leuke and Minthe were later Roman additions) when both of his brothers are pretty unfaithful? Well, Hades has a very important job that never seems to end. He’s in charge of the Underworld and since someone is always dying, Hades is always very busy which means that he didn’t have time nor interest in having affairs. Also many couples were likely to be together in death. Perhaps Hades saw through those couples what it means to be a good husband. It does help that Hades is also far more mature than his brothers.
12. Nyx is one of the few beings Zeus is too afraid to face, having let her son Hypnos get away with messing with him since he went to his mom. Why's he scared of her in particular and not other primordial deities like Gaea? Depending on the myth Nyx is the mother of many personified concepts, and that includes the Fates...aka the one force even gods like Zeus can't overcome. Imagine how outclassed Zeus'd be if he had to fight their mom!
13. Why is Hestia the least problematic deity out of all Olympians? Cronus ate five of his children, and she was in there the longest. Perhaps the reason Hestia is the sanest and nicest of the six Olympians is because she as the oldest was forced to mature faster in order to take care of her younger siblings while they were trapped in their father's stomach. Hades being the second oldest and first son similarly assumed this role as well. Then we have Demeter, then Poseidon, then Hera and Zeus. While not a perfect graph, you could graph 'reasonable behavior' as being tied to 'who spent the longest in his stomach'.
Credits: TV Tropes
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months ago
You can ignore this if it's too much, but I remember you writing a small request involving a Percy Jackson crossover with Record of Ragnarok? One where a child of Loki falls into the Ragnarok dimension? Well... can I request something similar?
Like instead of just the child of the god falling through a portal alone, their mortal mother gets dragged along.
Like a child of Hades or Poseidon, since in the books (excuse me my knowledge on PJO is a bit faded) Neither of these gods are supposed to have kids because of an oath. So, when Zeus found out, he tries to kill the demigod child along with their mother, only for the pair to fall through a portal into Valhalla... where a different version of their father lives.
Neither Hades or Poseidon are prepared for the sudden fatherhood, but they're charmed by their new child... and the child's mother.
-It had been a chance encounter, running with your mother, the two of you trying to get away from the enraged Zeus, while your ‘father’ did nothing, not willing to stand against his brother.
-It wasn’t your fault that your father, Poseidon, had ignored the rule set by the Greek gods in not having anymore children, making demigods like you. It wasn’t your fault that you were born, and your mother raised you on her own.
-However, Zeus was not to be reasoned with, not willing to listen to your words or your mothers, as the two of you were more easily taken care of compared to his brother.
-You were desperate for help from anyone as you clutched your mother’s hand, trying to flee from a god, and by the grace of someone merciful, a swirling portal appeared in the pond you were hiding near, glowing brightly with sparkles.
-You hesitated, only for a moment before holding onto your mother, “Let’s go mama!” she was scared too, but held your hand as the two of you leapt into the portal which closed instantly behind you.
-You landed hard on your rear and your mother behind you, landing a bit more gracefully before you opened your eyes and froze, seeing Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon there, but they were different, they weren’t like the ones from your world.
-You immediately stood, standing in front of your mother to protect her, your eyes sharp as Zeus approached, an amused look on his face, “Oh ho~~~ seems like this is another one of the demigod children from another world. It looks like you two have had a rough time.”
-You were distrusting of these three before Hades came over, offering an explanation on how a few portals had opened from your world to this world, for the children of the gods, bringing them here where it’s safer for them.
-Your mother put her hand on your shoulder, listening to them, “Are we truly safe here?” Hades nodded softly, seeing her concern and she relaxed, sighing softly.
-Zeus felt a bit sheepish when you told him how that Zeus had been the one chasing you two, trying to kill you despite it was your father, Poseidon who broke the rule.
-When Zeus heard that Poseidon was your father, he was quickly on the ground, dying from laughter, pointing at Poseidon who looked surprised to learn this, that you were his child from another world.
-Poseidon knew it was karma for being kind of a pain all these years when he agreed to take you both in, as you were his child, that you were a sassy pants, not trusting him as you hated the Poseidon from your world for abandoning your mother.
-You were a bright child however, full of life and personality, despite it being a rough personality at times, but Poseidon could see so much of himself in you, as you were determined, and you loved the ocean.
-Surprisingly, your mother warmed up to Poseidon pretty quickly, as she was witty and sassy as well, being able to take the god by surprise a few times in their conversations and it was hard for him not to fall for her.
-You were, not surprisingly, a little salty about this, as you didn’t fully trust this Poseidon, thinking he was like your real sperm donor, but your parents took it all in stride, letting you cope in your own time but not forcing you.
-It took time, as well as meeting some of the other kids from your world who came to this world, to learn that these gods were not the same as the gods back in your original world. They were willing to be parents to the children who were abandoned.
-Poseidon took you out one day, on a suggestion from your mother, for ice cream and as the two of you sat on the beach together, you turned your head away from him, “Thanks dad.”
-He almost dropped his ice cream but when he looked at you, you were still turned away, your face bright red, showing that you were a bit shy with showing emotion, just like him. He just lifted a hand to your head, ruffling softly, as the two of you enjoyed your treat.
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sibbydoo · 2 months ago
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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn my Camp Half-blood OCs! Meet Danny, Cherra, and Zeno <3 there’s more info on them below the cut +my first proper sketches of their redesigns from last year!
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CHERRA [❄️🎸] — Child of Boreas
“I don’t think we really stop being afraid. We learn to be braver about it, though! No one ever tells you that.”
Cherra is not a half-blood, but more an actual spawn of Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind, and of winter. Her father is known for his cruelty. Tangled between a curse that Boreas plans to unleash into the world, and being made as the catalyst to make that happen, Cherra did the only thing she could think of: she fell from the sky, and away from her father’s domain. No one in Camp is sure how she ends up a few miles from the borders, but she awakens with no memory of the fall, nor the destiny that was forced upon her. Will an eternal winter come for the world after all?
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ZENO ADARES [🌊🏹] — Child of Apollo
“The sun’s gonna explode at some point, but it won’t happen tomorrow. Breathe. Think of now—whad’ya wanna do?”
Growing up a surfer kid and being an absolute geek about all-things-ocean, literally everyone thought that Zee was Poseidon’s kid before he revealed the god that claimed him. Zeno is a charming, sprightly young demigod who stayed in Camp since he was eleven, and in the years since he proven himself to be good at many things; mainly being a great archer, an even better, and being, I quote, “Camp’s Best Brother”. To those who hated the sun, he had a way of getting to you. Kinda like sunbeams peeking through a heavy curtain. Heck! Not even Hecate’s kids are safe from the guy’s…weird ability.
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DANIEL FALLON [🌙🔮] — Child of Hecate
“Oh, please. The cards only tell me what’s ahead. But my choices? All mine. These cards’ got nothing on how I choose my future.”
From a long line of witches came this fella, with his stacks of weathered books, cool cards, and a resting bitch face that could…possibly rival Ares’. Children of Hecate tend to follow a ‘trifecta’ of knowledge, possibly due to the trio nature of their mother goddess: Maiden-Mother-Crone, Three torches, Three moons. Daniel leans toward divination, the Mist, and necromancy. He has a cat who can talk—well, more like he can hear her. It was an accident involving communing with the dead, and now a spirit possessed her. Her name is Sabrina.
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crookedghosts · 1 month ago
these mfs have been haunting me since my failed attempt at the lost trio week godswap au prompt (I'll put what I know of it under the cut)... cabin10!Leo and cabin9!Piper live rent free in my mind and they actually still refuse to reveal their dynamic to me...
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this is truly just a ramble now but believe me when I say I did my best to throw this together over lost trio week and then liper got ahead of me:
Piper McLean is the daughter of Hephaestus and a set designer, who practically raised her in design workshops. Neglected by her mother and actor step father, she's prone to skipping class and picking up side projects, including stealing cars from set and fixing them up with swapped out (and probably illegal) parts to get them working again.
She gets attacked one night (there was particularly strong half-blood smell around, and no mortals in sight) and a fire starts around her in defense. Unfortunately, it gets out of control, and half of the set is burned down, with footage pointing to Piper's trespassing. In this mess, the production team finds out about her makeshift workshop built out of their property, and she's sent to Wilderness School for both the arson and the stealing.
Oddly enough, hours before this, news broke involving a vintage car she had fixed up that got stolen from the set and was used for a drunken teenage joyride.
She didn’t know it at the time, and they wouldn't know for the entire beginning of their friendship/relationship, but the rebel teenager responsible was none other than Leo Valdez, who was also sent to Wilderness School for the trouble he caused.
To be fair, he wasn't trying to go as far as he did—he just wanted to know what the limit was for what he could get away with. A son of Aphrodite and an actor, Leo's often facing unintended consequences with his charmspeaking.
Leo had always been in some sort of boarding school. He also always managed to get kicked out. Wilderness School was his last straw after he'd convinced his classmates to leave a school dance, break into a nearby movie set, steal a car, and get drinks from the gas station—all by asking.
Piper's more mysterious at Wilderness about her past, but Leo connects the dots that they're from the same set.
Leo's in awe of her sharp mind, and Piper sees through his facade, because his curiosity is genuine and he's clever in his own ways, too
Eventually they make it to camp and there's a lot of grappling with their powers. I.e. Leo "do ppl actually like me or am I tricking them" Valdez and Piper "did I ever actually connect with my mother and am I talented at all or is it just my dad's powers" McLean.
They eventually find their footing and are besties (quite possibly, they're so confused at some point that they don't know where they stand w each other and go through stages of changing their relationship lol) to the point of being honorary members of each other's cabins. Leo braids Piper's hair etc etc headcanons.
Jason joins later. He's a son of Zeus, and now we can imagine like... a BotL era, pre-Great Prophecy (#1) group forming where the trio is like 15 and everyone is afraid of Jason and The Implications so it's really just Liper showing him around. (Annabeth and Percy aren't around for this, but when they get back, Jason is grateful to speak to this 'Annabeth' that Piper keeps saying 'will explain it better later'.)
I've not yet decided what this means for the Grace siblings or for there to be a Greek Jason with Percy being the child in prophecy's question (or is he?) but I do think Leo and Piper are the only ones who could get Jason through it. They'd be the most open to this mystery kid, I think.
Thematically they'd still be these misfits who happened to have overlapping/questionable pasts. (cars and Hollywood, man....)
Leo I think particularly would know the dark side of the acting industry from his community and his dad. all 3 of them trauma bond <3
Jason doesn't know who's who for a minute there (re: honorary cabin members) but eventually the Blob of them all are considered honorary cabins 1, 9, and 10
Ppl joke that he's not the prophecy kid bc he's not a child of the big 3. He's obviously from Aphrodite's cabin bc he's with Leo all the time etc
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demigodsanswer · 3 months ago
I love your writing soooooo much !!! I just NEED to read more about that modern royalty AU you posted yesterday
started sweet and flirty. got smutty. so it goes. touches of d/s dynamics, but pretty much all in vague terms. smut stars under the ~*~
part one here
Percy made her tapas. Annabeth was pretty sure that was the Spanish equivalent of her taking him to the Ikea food court.
Knowing Percy, he'd probably really enjoy that date, actually.
Either way, they were delicious. He spread them out on the coffee table in his private room, and they ate on the couch like Roman emperors. Annabeth appreciated the choice; it gave her a better opportunity to show off her legs, and Percy seemed more than willing to look.
He'd brought a bottle of Spanish wine, but neither of them had reached for it. She wanted to see if she liked him as much sober as she had tipsy.
Annabeth had had a crush on him once. They crossed paths at an Easter garden party when they were twelve, and she and Percy got up to some trademark mischief. The press was quick to name Annabeth a "wild child" despite her being very literally a child, but those youthful rebellions (stealing extra deserts and seeing who could get closest to the Queen of Spain without being noticed) had solidified her as "Sweden's sweetheart" to her people at least. That mattered much more to her.
They were kept apart after that.
Until they met on opposite ends of a mock trial case involving bribes, police entrapment, and a briefcase full of money. Yale's team always was better than Harvard's, despite her best efforts. But she and Piper were a rock star attorney-witness pair that constantly knocked Percy out of the top awards spot.
It was a testament to her skill that she even managed to stay focused when they went up against Yale. Because the cute twelve year old she'd once crushed on hard was now a very hot man. And the six years that had passed since their college days had only made him hotter. Strong jaw, Roman nose, dark hair, light eyes, muscular but not too much, well-done tattoos ...
Annabeth was cooked.
She had hoped she wouldn't find him as appealing when she was sober, but no. If anything it was worse.
"Bit old school to go with another royal, isn't it?" Her dad had asked her that morning when he showed her The Sun. (After about 15 minutes of ranting to staff about what an invasion of his daughter's privacy, that was).
All Annabeth could do was shrug and say, "He's barely royal. And we aren't going steady. He hasn't pinned me on the back of the school bus, or anything."
"I'm not that old," her father said with a laugh.
Annabeth reached for another bite. "I never asked. What did you study at Yale?"
"Oh, classics," Percy said, wiping his hands on a napkin. "Did a master's too."
"Really?" Annabeth asked. It seemed so impractical. She'd been pushed to do all sorts of pre-law, history, and international relations courses, despite her real passions for architecture and design. But she figured that was the trade-off to being born into the most extreme generational privilege.
Percy nodded. "I'm thinking about applying to Oxbridge for a Ph.D."
Annabeth smiled, and asked again: "Really?"
"I'm not just some big, hot, dummy," he said.
"I don't think you're dumb, Percy," Annabeth said.
"Thanks," Percy said. Percy had his charmer smile -- it was a bold, straight on, smile that was a little cocky, but mostly communicated that you were the center of his attention in that moment. And then he had a real smile, one that betrayed him and communicated real affection. It was softer, smaller, closed-lipped, and he usually looked away as it happened.
This was one of those.
"Do you know Greek?" Annabeth asked, resting a hand on his knee.
"Ancient," he said, before reciting a few lines Annabeth recognized. The roll of his tongue as he spoke the ancient language made her warm.
He paused right when the poem was getting good. "That was --"
"Goddess, sing of the cataclysmic wrath of great Achilles, son of Peleus, which caused the Greeks immeasurable pain and sent to many noble souls of heroes to Hades," Annabeth finished for him.
Percy smiled. "Didn't know you knew Ancient Greek."
Annabeth shrugged. "I'm hardly fluent, but I know the heavy hitters. I always preferred --" she recited a few lines in Greek herself. Percy was biting the inside of his lip and the tops of his cheeks had gone a bit pink.
"Tell me about a complicated man," Percy translated. "Muse," his gaze bore into her as if she were the muse, "tell me how he wandered and was lost when he had wrecked the holy town of troy, and were he went, and who he met, and the pain he suffered on the sea."
He rested a hand on her face, brushing her cheek with his thumb, before pulling her in. The kiss was soft, curious, almost romantic. She hummed as they pulled away from each other.
"I always thought you'd be more of an Odyssey girl," he said when they pulled away.
"What does that mean?" She asked, ready to be teased or insulted.
Percy just leaned back against the couch. "It means I think you have good taste and correct opinions," he said.
Well, he'd certainly figured out the right things to say to get her into bed.
Annabeth crawled onto his lap, straddling him, before pushing her loose blonde curls back and away from her face. Percy's hands settled on the backs of her thighs.
That Iliad thing only worked like ... 40% of the time. He couldn't believe it'd worked for her. But Percy should have guessed she'd know at least some of the classics. It was the kind of thing kids in their position got taught. It still worked though. And now he had Sweden's sweetheart back in his lap, short skirt, bare legs, grinding up against him.
"Can I touch you, princess?" He asked.
She nodded, and Percy's hand slipped under her skirt and pushed her panties to the side to get at her cunt. He smirked a little. Oh his little Iliad stunt had worked.
"Do you -- ah -- want to take them off?" Annabeth asked. "Or do you just think I'm so hideous you prefer if I keep my clothes on?"
He'd asked her to keep her gown on last night for at least the first round. It was deep, royal blue, strapless, glittery, and it was driving him wild all night. He asked her to ride him in it, and she had. It was an image Percy would never forget, even if they had ruined some of the inner layers of fabric.
"God, no, Annabeth," Percy said, pulling her in for a kiss. Hideous? Even as a joke it was an outrageous thing for her to say. "I just like messing you up. Getting you wet and rumpled. I like making this perfect princess do a real walk of shame back to her castle."
Annabeth's cheeks were flushed, but that might be because he'd found a spot that had her back arching, and had her grinding her clit against the heel of his palm.
"I'd have to be ashamed first. And I don't walk to my castle. I have a private jet," she said.
"And a callous disregard for the environment," Percy teased.
"I'm too important for business class," she said. But that was where her teasing ending. She pitched forward towards him, her lips pressing against his neck as she kissed and nipped at the skin. "Percy, talk to me," she whispered in his ear.
"Talk?" He asked.
"Talk dirty."
Percy panicked. He usually had a little dirty talk up his sleeve, but he'd used it all up on his little walk of shame spiel. He was, in reality, painfully earnest and romantic. It made for a great wedding toast, but not for dirty talking a hookup.
She spoke ancient Greek. What were the odds she also knew Spanish. Pretty high, he figured, probably pretty high. But ...
"[You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,]" he tried in a lusty tone. He'd spent his years in New York learning a more Latin American accent. It pissed his pretentious family off, but the Spanish lisp simply wasn't very sexy in his opinion.
"I like that," Annabeth said. "Am I supposed to know what you're saying?" She asked.
"No, that's part of the fun," he said. Thank god.
He went on. There were some dirty things in there, like how he planned to eat her out, and how he loved being inside her. And then that slipped so quickly into praising how beautiful and smart she was. How happy he was that she was here. How he'd wanted her for years. How she passed every expectation.
Corny and painfully honest shit like that, until she was gasping his name, thighs trembling, and getting impossibly wetter around his fingers. He simply kissed her as her orgasm finished, before slipping her panties back into place, swiping his finger over her now-covered cunt, to make sure they were a proper mess.
Annabeth was breathing hard in his lap, her gray eyes fixed on his. He expected her to say something. Something witty and maybe a little mean (he liked when she was mean. If she bullied him enough right now, he might just cum).
But she just leaned forward again, and captured him in a hot, desperate kiss.
"Should I return the favor in Swedish?" She joked between hot kisses.
She'd settled down into his lap, grinding her ruined panties against his clothed hard cock. He needed her, she could tell. She'd given him head this morning before they parted ways and before The Sun exposed their hookup. She'd become well acquainted with what a desperate, needy Percy looked like.
Really, she wasn't going to speak Swedish to him unless he asked. She knew it wasn't the hottest language out there.
She hadn't meant to, but she'd set Percy up for failure, and herself up to be insulted.
"That's alright," he said. A good start. "It makes you sound like a muppet." Horrific ending.
Jokes about meatballs and flat pack furniture? Fine, respectable even. The Swedish Chef? A joke she heard enough at her all-girls boarding school.
Annabeth frowned and got off his lap.
"Wait --" he said. She just stood and walked away from the couch, choosing to instead snoop around his room while she decided what her next move was. "Annabeth, I'm sorry. That was too far."
"It was," she said.
There was a large, blue velvet box on his dresser. She knew what boxes this size usually held. She opened it. She knew it was the Prussian Diamond tiara that belonged to his aunt, but she played dumb.
Annabeth held up the tiara (carefully). "How many other princesses join you in here?" She asked.
Percy stood and walked over to her. He took the tiara out of her hands. "It's my aunts. My cousin asked me to make sure it made it to the event so she could wear it, and then she canceled. Said she had some punk concert at a Berlin leather bar or something."
The Spanish princess was so much cooler than she was.
She thought Percy would move to put it back, make sure this heirloom of his country stayed safe, but instead, he placed it on her head.
"You're the only princess, I promise," he said. "Sorry for making fun of you and your national language," he said, before kissing her gently. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that."
Annabeth decided to forgive him, and pick up on their little game.
"It doesn't seem like you respect my country very much," she said, the confidence in her voice returning.
"I do," he promised, pressing his body up against hers, and pressing her back into the dresser behind her. He buried his face in her shoulder, kissing whatever skin he could find.
"Prove it," she said. "Bow."
She felt a slight shift in Percy's demeanor. He was going to yield to her, and just like that, too.
Percy stepped back, held his back straight, and dropped his head quickly.
"Better than that," she said.
He rested his forearm across his torso, before bending at the waist.
"Lower," she instructed. He hinged at the hips. Still not right. "Get on your knees," she told him. Percy dropped.
He watched her from his spot on the floor, big green eyes empty of anything but desire. She would have fun with this, she was sure.
Annabeth unbuttoned her shirt before tossing it aside. Then her bra. she shimmied out of her skirt, and then dropped her panties, kicking them towards the pile. She left the Spanish queen's tiara on. Annabeth had always liked breaking the rules, and she had never been a fan of Percy's aunt.
Annabeth hooked a leg over Percy's shoulder, getting his head between her legs.
"Please," Percy begged.
Annabeth smiled. "Go ahead."
Annabeth was wise enough to return the tiara to the box before Percy tossed her on the bed to eat her front to back. She'd never had anyone play with her ass in any way, so when his tongue slipped back there ... well, she was surprised he enjoyed it so much, and really surprised she enjoyed it so much. Annabeth was also pretty sure Percy nearly came from rutting against the sheets as she came on his face a third time.
"I lied to you before," Annabeth said with a giggle as Percy washed his face and mouth before she finally let him inside her. "My dad is furious about the pictures, and demands you marry me to preserve my honor."
Percy stepped out with a smile on his face. She'd peeled his clothes off at some point, so he was all tattoos, muscle, and hard cock.
"You enjoyed that so much you're going to marriage trap me Bridgerton-style?" He asked with a grin.
Annabeth pulled him back into bed. "I just might have to. Where did you learn how to do that?" She asked.
Percy paused and tilted his head side to side as he decided what to say, before landing simply on: "Gay sex, mostly."
Annabeth offered a shocked, open mouthed smile. "Oh!" she said.
"Is that okay?" He asked, twirling a curl around one of his fingers.
"Perfectly fine," she promised, "I just didn't expect you to be so frank."
"Frank and I did do that a lot," he said. She didn't know who Frank was, or if he was even real, or just a character he made up for the joke. "You're sure it's fine? Being with a bi dude?"
Annabeth giggled. "I went to an all-girls boarding school, Percy, I've had gay sex too." More than straight sex probably.
"I had a feeling you and Tristan McLean's daughter weren't just very good friends," he teased.
"Well, duh," Annabeth confessed. She and Piper were very good friends now. College was a different story.
Annabeth rolled onto her back and reached a hand out for him.
"What is it, princess?" He asked.
"You've been very patient," she said. Percy nodded. "Do you want me to blow you or do you want to fuck me?" She asked, offering him the choice.
Percy crawled on top of her before kissing her. He'd made such a sweet submissive, and she wondered if she could draw that out of him more. She'd be willing to bet it wasn't uncharted territory for him.
But he seemed different now. He held her wrists in her hands and pinned them over her head.
"Oh," she whimpered. Percy smirked down at her, as if to say gotcha. How he'd clocked her submissive streak too, she couldn't be sure.. But it was all an added bonus. The government wanted her to find a husband. She really just wanted a talented switch to take the edge off at the end of the day. She figure out romance some other time.
With each passing moment, Annabeth became more and more sure she needed to marriage trap this man, Bridgerton-style.
But while he rocked himself inside her, he started speaking Spanish again. So many sweet and lovely things about how beautiful she was, how much he adored her, how long he'd desired her. She might not have to marriage trap him. She might just have to date him, old school royal-on-royal style.
She'd confess to speaking Spanish in the morning. Right now, she just wanted to know what he said to her when he wasn't worried about winning their little games.
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tsartistry · 2 months ago
I think something we overlook a lot is the fact that Greek male gods can get pregnant and it is canon in Percy Jackson. It is literally canon that Apollo Mpregged Kayla (knowing pjo Apollo I always feel like it’s him that did it)
That means that before the battle of manhattan there is a good chance at least 1/3 of the kids there COULD have been from MPREG. Meaning brother could have been pregnant the majority of the books and we just didn’t know bro….
So imagine Apollo/lester learning about themselves after being brainwashed and that’s one of the things they find out they can do…
(Yes I am running on lack of sleep when I type this and in the morning I will regret talking about MPREG once again)
Listen buddy when you're in both the Venom and TOA fandoms, mpreg just comes with the territory 🤷‍♀️ Actual discord experience I have had:
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It is VERY funny to imagine and I hope every fanfic that involves Lester & Amnesia will always bring up Kayla's parentage for that exact reason.
In the actual Niobe fic I think it will just be a quick throw-away joke, buuut as long as it's on my mind I might as well think aloud about it somewhere.
Under the cut I will be turning your silly jokey ask into a sincere character analysis & discussion about generational trauma, please stand by
Putting aside the humor for a moment, it's worth noting that early on in the story, Niobe keeps Lester isolated and that affects him deeply. Not only that, he's literally missing pieces of his soul. There is a profound emptiness inside him. I think if Lester could get past the body horror of pregnancy, that there might be a part of him that finds it appealing? There is a void in his life and he's so desperate to fill it that he'd be willing to place that responsibility on the shoulders of a hypothetical baby who doesn't get a choice in the matter -- the same way Niobe is using him to fill HER emotional needs. It's generational trauma, babey.
Luckily, Sadie does a Flynn Rider and roundhouse kicks her way into his life and puts him on the path to healing, so he is not at risk of becoming that kind of parent. And when Meg eventually reunites with him you KNOW she's putting her own experience with parental abuse to work untangling the mess Niobe created in his psyche.
As long as we're on the subject, I think the reason the Apollo cabin had the most kids pre-TLO is that Apollo sees each child as a unique and beautiful collaboration with someone he adores. The mortals he falls for all bring something new and exciting into his life, and he wants to create something together with them, to bring a whole new person into the world and see what they become and how they invent themselves.
See this is what happens when you bring silly jokes into my inbox, there is a risk that I might talk about it seriously.
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averagecontentenjoyer121 · 5 months ago
This is the first chapter of my take on the Epic Musical story :D The main idea of a banished Athena story being inspired by Coqeuxari.
I hope whoever reads this enjoys it as this is really the first narrative writing I’ve done for myself, so I can put all my writing effort into it.
Feel free to talk about in the comments whether you liked it or not and why that is. Also I have ideas for the entire story I just have to flesh it out so if you want to ask anything about the story go ahead and I’ll try answer unless if it’ll spoil any surprises I want to add
Decided to post this directly here for right now as I had a AO3 account but forgot the password so I have to make a new one.
One war
One decision
One Man’s desire
Chapter 1: Troy
During the late hours following the Greeks retreat from Troy its citizen came forth. Stepping out of gates for the first time in ten years was a strange feeling to these men and women. As they exited a strange sight lay before them. A construct of grandeur, of worship, of deceit. They gazed upon the giant brutian horse at its feet resided a being in a drunken stupor. Sinon proclaims the being as its consciousness breaches the blockade of alcohol surrounding his brain. He slurs his words into a barely understandable statement, “Da rest ov a men eft me ear o ells yeahs dis orse is to orgive oos for da estruction of yeas atue ta atena.”
“Good sir care to repeat what you’ve said.”
“Ifa’s ant oondand meh den ja shupid.’
“Appears the god of wine kissed his lips sir.”
“Clearly, perhaps whatever he’s said could be true?”
“I dunno sir, we’s can’t understand a word he’s said.”
“Get the prophet. If he can read the stars then surely he can read the contorted mouth of this man.” A man is usher forward by the crowd. Still bitter from the death of his child by the Greeks, he begrudgingly kneels before the man who’s liver had been battered as if punctured by acid. “A izah guy dat Ager megnom iled ah kyled ov. Erphaps oos ain’t ain amaged,” the man repeated the phrases that he told the other men in the crowd through breath that suggested his insides smelt only of fermented grapes. “ The Greeks have left this equine as a peace offering. It is meant to replace the statue of Athena they’ve decimated.” The crowd of men responds with an inconsistent mermer of, “ I knew that’s what he was saying.”
As the victors drudge the pine stallion inside their walls that repelled all attacks the Greek threw will now be the prison of 4000 men, women, and children. As twilight encroached upon the land the noise of praise, feast, dance, and victory filled the coffin. Inside the horse sat the Greeks finest executioners. The 10 year drag left them desperate enough to sit within the humid and damp body of the wooden structure in a ploy to inter the city and break out allowing for a festive slaughter. This disparate act was conjured by the very goddess whom claimed to value the Trojan no more than 12 hours ago.
However atop to mount in the throne room of the great olympians a pitiful scene unfolded. “Father!” Roared Ares whilst clutching his bleeding side as golden droplets fell to the floor, “Can’t you see? That pompous child of a step sister whom I share dominion with has caused a mortal to injure me! By her hand through his, she punctured my flesh! She must be cast down for overstepping your declarations! No god is to have involvement within this war, is that not what you’ve said!” Ares lashed about whilst spitting and hissing these words.
“Correct my adulterine brother,” snarled Athena through her beaked lips, “how strange, you enter the palace exclaiming woes of which you blame me. Yet you’ve overlooked the shortcomings within your plea. For how could you have been injured by a mortal partaking in the war without being a part of it as well, or perhaps you were,” said Athena as a snide smirk etched itself upon her face. “ How dare you! I wouldn’t have had to fight your lousy champion if he hadn’t speared my dears hand as she attempted to save our child-“
“There you go again speaking without thought. You’ve now admitted to your wife having been part of the war too, uxoricide through stupidity-“
“How dare you feathered lout proclaim that I’ve harmed my dearest!” Ares shouted as if it were a war cry.
“Perhaps I could get you to come forth with the names of the rest of your posse. Would save me time having to present evidence,” laughed Athena. Ares stood his armor rattling with a rage encased within his godly flesh. The rage of all the fallen in hades. A rage that if released on a mortal or army would be more devastating than any split atom. He stood there in silence as Aphrodite rushed to him having sensed his peril of which she had never felt before. “ My great boar what ales you! What’ve you done you unrequited orinth,” hissed Aphrodite. “ Why not ask your doltish pig, of whom I’m sadly related.”
One word was spoken. One word with range like thunder. One word which held the force of the greatest storm. One word which was spoken from the one that the trio was annoying, “SILENCE!” Zeus thundered, “Daughter, who might the rest of the guilty be?”
“The children Leto father,” chirped Athena. “Thank you, I’ve heard enough of your insolent bickering. It was giving a headache equivalent to the one that birthed you,” said the now tired and defeated sounding Zeus, “ You all have crossed a line I clearly set. Of which the punishment Ares suggests is fitting until you’ve each proven that you deserve to reside within this palace, as currently I see three pups arguing over the corpse of a rat.” The trio stands there in silence as they accept what will happen to them next. “Hermes!”
“Yeah pops?”
“Inform the twins of Leto of my decree so that they don’t question why they’ve been stripped of divine power.”
“Alrighty,” Hermes exclaims cheerfully, seeing this only for its hilarity. He then zips through the archway leading into Olympus. Following soon after a bright golden light fills the throne room. Once the light fades only Athena remains, “why have you left me father?”
“I expected better from you Athena. You are my most prized offspring, and yet you’ve fallen to the same height as mortals. Perhaps if I gave a visit to your favorite human you’ll understand that we’re not like them.”
“ Father WAI-,” the same light surrounds Athena as she is cast from Olympus to the base of the former Greek camp.
(Now watch Horse and the Infant then just a man)
Odysseus approaches the camp ground he slept at two days ago before tonight, as he heads towards where Eurylochus had landed his ship. As he passes through the charred ground he can’t help but think back to what he’s done. Then suddenly a hand jets towards him. He unsheathes his blade and readies it to strike whoever was foolish enough to sneak up on him. Right before he strikes he sees the face of his mentor. Before he can stop Athena throws him over her shoulder out of reaction. Odysseus now puzzled and with a dirt covered cape asks Athena what she’s doing here. He then realizes that she looks different. Less feathers, and lacking her distinct beaked lips. Also, she’s now missing her giant owl wings. He moves to speak when Athena reaches out for his shoulder. As her hand makes contact he’s shocked to feel its warmth, its weight, its mortality. He shutters as he croaks on his words. Athena explains her situation to him after which Odysseus wraps an arm around her shoulders which are a head taller than him and says, “ You can ride with me and crew back to Ithaca! It’s the only right thing to do when your life long goddess friend is now mortal and now requires the same as me,” he smiles with the dorkish grin he wore when she first met him all those decades ago.
“ I. . . Uh saw what my father had made you do from here, do you wish to speak of it or. . .”
“Nope I’d rather move past that as soon as possible.”
“Alright little man,” she says while staring down at Odysseus who’s 3 feet shorter than she is.
“Aight Atty,” Odysseus says through a smile of a kid annoying his mother.
“I thought you agreed never to say that again,” she says, scowling at him.
“And clearly I’m no little man anymore.”
“Hard to tell from up here,” she says smiling as they approach the bow of Odysseus’ ship.
Odysseus boards the ship followed by the giantess which caused confusion among the men on the ships until Odysseus interjected that she was an Amazonian warrior who he’d been friends with for years now. Eurylochus Examined her, unsure of her presence being Odysseus’ right hand. Polities ran up to Athena grasping her hand and eagerly shaking it, “ I’m so happy to meet you, any friend of my best buddy Odysseus is a friend to me,” polities said with a somehow even more dorkish smile surrounded by the stubble of a beard, as his head band covered his forehead.
POV: how it feels to post 1500 words of a fan story
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random-sparks-98 · 2 years ago
Sunlit Gotham Universe Notes
Batfam Notes:
- Due to moving around the batfam timeline a bit, Jason is the only one who has died who has been fully buried and then revived (Steph’s heart stopped for about three minutes when Black Mask captured her, and Damian has not been killed.)
- Damian came to Gotham earlier than canon, and is currently 10 years old and in 4th grade at Gotham Academy
- Jon Kent is also going to be the same age as Damian in this AU
- Jason Todd is going be announced as Legally Alive before the beginning of the story (Yes, he is still Red Hood, but he doesn’t kill anymore (most of the time))
- Bruce will NOT be going missing in time
- This means that Tim never drops out of high school, gets emancipated, and becomes CEO of a company at the age of 17. It also means that Dick will not have been Batman
- Selina and Bruce are dating - he’s gonna probably propose soon, but big life events keep happening (like adopting new children every few months) so he hasn’t yet. He claims he’s waiting for a time when everything is calm. His children call bullshit and say he’s just scared she’ll say no
- Selina totally knows that he already has the ring and is honestly just teasing him and stressing him out more by making comments and jokes every so often
How does Wonder Woman not know about the demigods?
- When the Greek Amazons went to live on Themyscira they became cut off from the rest of the mortal world. This means that they weren’t aware of Camp moving around to follow Olympus
- Diana was born WAY before the First Great Prophecy, and technically isn’t a true demigod because she was sculpted from clay - therefore not really part mortal
- By the time Diana had left the island, demigods had gone underground and general society forgot that they existed. Both camps are kept secret so that the demigods are safe, so Diana hasn’t heard about them and assumes that the demigods are just no more
- Due to the Mist, Off World League Missions, Rescue Ops, and the fact that she lived in Paris for a while, Diana hasn’t been around during any of the major battles - or her focus was elsewhere
- Donna Troy might show up at some point, and the same logic about leaving Themyscira works for her too. We’re going with the Magical Duplicate origin story for her, so again, doesn’t quite count as mortal enough for the prophecy
- Cassie Sandsmark originally used magical artifacts to help Diana fight crime and was later ret-conned into being either a daughter of Zeus or a granddaughter of Zeus. The ret-con is going to be brought up in the story and we can all thank the Flashes for messing up the timeline. But basically she doesn’t become a proper descendant of Zeus until after the Titan War and therefore the prophecy doesn’t apply to her either
Children of Apollo have the following abilities According to the Riordan Wiki:
- They can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off (depending on strength and number of people in the spell)
- They are expert archers, inherited from their father. However, the children of Apollo who are healers tend to be less skilled with this (as seen with Will Solace)
- They also excel at anything involving throwing or shooting stuff, like shooting hoops or shooting firearms or other missile weapons 
- They are skilled in physical contests and games
- They excel in the arts
- They are skilled musicians
- Vitakinesis: As the children of Apollo, they are natural healers. They can heal people by singing a hymn to their father (in Ancient Greek).
- Audiokinesis: As the children of Apollo, they have the ability to control sound waves and music
- It is extremely rare that a child of Apollo can possess complete photokinesis, as only Apollo himself and the Titan of Light, Hyperion, and the Titan of the Sun, Helios, have been known to use the ability
- From what can be gleaned from The Demigod Diaries, it can be presumed that some, or even all of Apollo's children possess a limited form of precognition
- Thanks to a curse, all the children of Apollo have a terrible fear of snakes
In this AU, souls have auras that are unique to each soul. Demigod children with parent’s who deal with light (ex: Apollo or Iris) can see the auras if they focus really hard. Children of Apollo will often use it as a way to check how well a patient is healing as the brighter the aura the healthier the person.
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talonabraxas · 9 months ago
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The Goddess Sophia Talon Abraxas
“Allegory of Divine Wisdom”
In Gnosticism, the “Fall” didn’t occur through Adam and Eve – it happened before the world’s creation, through a mistake made by a heavenly being called Sophia (whose name is Greek for “Wisdom.”
The story of Sophia’s fall (which was part of the Gnostic creation myth) is told slightly differently in the many Gnostic texts that discuss it, but the various versions of the tale all share the basics in common.
Sophia was one of the “aeons” – divine entities who were descended from God the Father and who were roughly equivalent to angels. Of the many aeons, Sophia was the last to arise from God.
Like the other aeons, Sophia was the child of a male-female pair of aeons that had come before her, who had given birth with the Father’s blessing. Sophia and the rest of the aeons formed the “Pleroma” (Greek for “Fullness”), the Gnostic name for Heaven.
Sophia wanted to have a child, too. But she went about it in the wrong way: she conceived without the involvement of her male partner or the approval of the Father. Her child was the “demiurge,” a misshapen, belligerent creature that was utterly unlike the other heavenly beings.
Sophia immediately realized her horrible mistake and cast her child out of the Pleroma. The demiurge, now alone, believed that he was the only being who had ever existed, and created the material world out of his ignorance, foolishness, and malevolence, trapping sparks of divinity within Adam and Eve along the way.
Because of her fall and its dire consequences, Sophia became a flawed being. Her deficiency rendered her unable to remain in the perfect “Fullness” of the Pleroma, so she was placed just outside of the Pleroma, in a realm above that of her malevolent son. In anguish, Sophia repented, and the Father agreed to bring her back to the Pleroma once what had become lacking in her was restored to its natural fullness.
Precedents for Sophia in Jewish Literature
In the genre of Jewish (“Old Testament”) writing known as “wisdom literature,” Wisdom (Hokma in Hebrew was personified, and she gave monologues describing her great deeds and articulating her perspective on the world. Since Hokma, like the Greek Sophia, is a feminine noun, Wisdom was cast as a female figure. In the words of Nicola Denzey Lewis, Wisdom is “God’s active feminine principle, at once a part of God but also separate from God,” as in Proverbs 8, Job 28, and Sirach 24. In this regard, she’s much like the Gnostic aeons, who are also semi-independent extensions of God. They act, whereas God himself simply is.
Here’s an example of one of Wisdom’s monologues, Proverbs 8:22-31:
The Lord created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of long ago. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth— when he had not yet made earth and fields, or the world’s first bits of soil. When he established the heavens, I was there, when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside him, like a master worker; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the human race.
The Gnostic depiction of Sophia was surely heavily influenced by this earlier Jewish depiction of Wisdom, both directly and indirectly through the works of thinkers such as Philo of Alexandria, a first-century Jewish intellectual who worked personified Wisdom into a rationalized cosmological system that sought to synthesize and harmonize the Jewish scriptures with the works of Plato, another importance influence on the Gnostics and early Christians more generally.
Sophia and Non-Gnostic Christians
Some texts from the Valentinian school of Gnosticism connect the story of Sophia’s fall to the fate of non-Gnostic Christians – that is, Christians who have the baseline Christian virtue of faith but not the higher mystical insight of gnosis, the root of the word Gnostic.
For these Valentinians, those with gnosis will ascend to the Pleroma after their deaths to partake of its perfect “Fullness.” Christians without gnosis will still be saved, but will have to spend some time in the place where Sophia was put after her fall, so that they, like her, can continue to advance in perfection until they’re worthy of being admitted to the Pleroma. You could say that Sophia’s realm is much like Purgatory in this view.
The existence of Sophia’s celestial waiting room of sorts enabled these Valentinians to have their cake and eat it, too: to preserve the special privilege that they believed gnosis imparted to them, while nevertheless being able to reassure other Christians that they, too, would ultimately be saved. This was surely a socially advantageous view, since it placed the Valentinians within the wider Christian fold rather than apart from it.
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iz-star · 7 months ago
LaDS random thoughts.
I've seen players saying that they can't see Zayne as a romantic interest cause he resembles or reminds them of their dads or older brothers that are involved in the medical field... Funnily enough, these players always tend to be Rafayel girlies in most cases, and I find it funny cause in my case is kinda like this but opposite places? Rafayel sometimes reminds me to my dad!
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Like not only personality wise but also, my dad used to be quite the artist when I was a child. He was a musician and also painted, I remember seeing him paiting a whole ass scene of a guy holding a dying woman in his arms in one of the walls of our rooms, kinda like a greek sculpture style. I think to see him paiting was that inspired me as a kid to learn to draw, altho I have to admit that I've been quite inconsistent about it, especially cause these were always just hobbies and not something that we decided to take professionally; my two brothers dedicated themselves more to music, while I went to the art route just to pass time.
Anyway, the thing is that I've always had this thought in mind and my mom ended up confirming it lol. My family knows I play L&DS cause I have no shame and they hear me yap about it all the time (They don't even know the name of the game or how... Spicy it gets, however), and my mom knows how much I love Zayne, so one day I showed her the three guys (it was before Sylus debut) and asked her to rate their looks from 1 - 10; I showed her Zayne and she said "I give him 100!" (cause she knew he's my favorite ❤️), then I showed her Xavier and she said "80, he kinda looks childish" (he was wearing his hoodie tho, so I suppose for her he looked too young), then I showed her Rafayel and she said without a second thought "200! He looks cool!"
And I was like... "Really? He's your favorite?" She just shrugged her shoulders and said "He's the one I like how he looks like the most"
And listen, is not like Rafayel resembles to my dad physically... Maybe there are some slight similarities, especially with the hair (and I think that's kinda important lol) but I left it like that. After some time, the devs released the lastest outfits of the three guys (The outfits used for 4 stars cards and that were recently released with Sylus debut, I don't remember their names rn, sorry lol) I showed my mom their outfits because I was drooling for Zayne and asked her which one she liked the most. She said Zayne looked nice, Xavier looked like a prince but of course, she liked Rafayel the most, and I was surprised again and asked her if she was being serious, like the previous time, she didn't comment on Xavier but dismissed Zayne cause he looked like a "Mister or Sir" I don't know if these terms fit with what she meant to say tho, cause words in our native language are different, but what she meant to say is that he looked "Too old for her taste" and the way my jaw dropped... I literally told her "You're older than me! You should probably notice him more than me!" We laughed a lot.
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At the end I told her that it was curious and funny how she always chose Rafayel cause out of all the guys, he's the one with the role of the artist; my mom laughed. It was probably his vibe, idk but it's clear for me that my mom has a type and if she were to play the game, she'd definitely be a Rafayel girlie ahaha.
To finish this story, unfortunately my parents divorced years ago, you know things irl are more complicated than games and even tho my dad shares some similarities with Rafayel, they're not exactly the same, they have a lot of differences too so It's not complicated for me to see Raf as someone different and not feel weird when I get cute messages from him, however, I think after this is easy to sense how unserious my parents are, no wonder why Zayne's seriousness got me wrapped around his finger since I first interacted with him xD
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writing-for-life · 5 months ago
Hi my dear, I hope you're doing well.
I've been thinking about TLOS (SPOILERS)
and about Morpheus' "relationship" with Iris. I was shocked for a moment, but then I was like "ok".
What was it like writing this? Where did you get this idea from? It's a bit risky, but it's also amazing haha. Was it always Iris or did you think of other gods/creatures for this?
Haha, of course it’s risky, that’s how I roll 🤣
So in case people haven’t read The Light of Stars and don’t want any spoilers, this is the exit sign…
But first of all, I’ll give you Pierre Narcisse Guérin:
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I mean, how could you not? 🤣
So that painting was somewhat of an inspiration. Morpheus and Iris have a short history, but they were never an item (who knows with Greek gods though, right? 😉).
Where to start? The easiest way in is probably authorial intent. I needed some hook to make Morpheus believe that Thalia was special in some way. Well, to him she is anyway, but as in, “Why can she transcend certain rules?” Of course everyone who read it until the end knows that nothing is quite as it seems, but that revelation comes fairly late, and up until then, we do believe this is a possibility. And that’s a way in, because if he has a past with Iris, it’ll of course make him think.
Then, I obviously very heavily played on Psyche in the Underworld before you-know-what happens. There are many parallels, many Easter Eggs peppered all over the story that people might only recognise in hindsight, or only if they know their Greek mythology fairly well and recognise the references to Aphrodite’s tests, but Thalia’s path is not unlike that of Psyche (and the butterfly references are also because of that of course). I can’t possibly pick out every reference now because I’d recount the whole novel, but there are many.
Now, what does Psyche have to do with Iris?
Eros fell in love with Psyche, that was obviously the whole reason for her eventually falling asleep (the Stygian sleep was brought on by opening Persephone’s box, and I just took the liberty to spin enough yarn to say that Hypnos/Morpheus/Dream has to be involved in that. Because—sleep 🤣). And generally, Eros is assumed to be the son of Aphrodite. BUT there are a few retellings that make him the son of Iris and Zephyros. And how utterly terrible would it be if
a) Iris had a child that she fears might not be Zephyros’ but Morpheus’? And she she then gave the boy away to Aphrodite to bring him up as her own so Zephyros wouldn’t find out?
b) That child was Eros, who later fell in love with Psyche, and Morpheus played a part in them nearly not getting together (all’s well that ends well of course) without knowing he nearly ruined the love life of his potential son (which is totally something that would happen, he’s just not very good with his kids 🙈).
c) Millenia later, Dream’s own mother uses this to play a slightly twisted game.
d) That c) was exacerbated by the fact that Iris had a twin called Arke who sided with the titans during the titanomachy and hence lost her wings. And I just turned her into Dusk, Night’s handmaiden. Bold move, don’t care, my fic, because it made sense for the premise 🤣
When I wrote TLoS, I probably already had plot bunnies for a The Pillars of Creation (the sequel) without intending to ever write it (that has obviously changed). Suffice it to say, and as people will probably expect from me 🙈, nothing is quite as it seems, and there will be many twists and turns, but it’s a good side plot for the bigger issues at hand.
That probably all sounds super complicated and like blasphemy for Greek mythology lovers, but the Greeks retconned their own gods and their stories so many times that I felt no shame to make it work for me. I just love playing around with Greek mythology, and it made a lot of sense if we assumed that some Greek gods were really aspects of the Endless. And that people only believed they were gods like [Hypnos/Thanatos/Teleute, Nyx etc] while others gods were truly separate beings.
And even without that background, the story still worked. I hope 🙈🤣
Because quite frankly: There’s also something that hearkens back to Eros and Psyche in Morpheus and Thalia themselves, and how their story ends (for now). In more than one way. IYKNYK 🖤
@morpheusbaby3 ask answered
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