#not just as a liar but as trump thinks the people that follow her are following her because of her race
dipstick-university · 2 months
it wasnt until this round of bizarre lie that it really clicked for me. i know hes been doing it politically for ten+ years now, but for whatever reason, this was the moment i really got it.
the point was not to convince the audience that kamala was not Black. this goes contrary to everything we understand about politics--when you speak to a crowd you pander to that crowd, you spin your message to align with their beliefs and values. you care about what they think. instead, his objective is to get the thing out there. nothing else matters in the moment. it isnt even relevant if he thought out the strategy beforehand. the only thing that matters is that everyone talks about it.
we seeing this in the first wave of initial reporting that calls it a lie, and in the second wave of thinkpieces--analysis of race in america, identity politics (tm), shock that someone would say something so obviously stupid. which it is. but its also not because now, brilliantly, when he brings it up again, most of his audience--the crowd that already believes him--is primed.
and when his followers are called out for how stupid they sound, they double down and become further cut off from everyone else who disagrees with them. and so they turn to the in-group to nurse their wounds and together they continue to dehumanize their supposed enemies while reaffirming their own credibility.
it really is a cult thats millions strong.
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frostyreturns · 2 years
There needs to be more of a culture in Christianity of openly denouncing false prophets by name. Some of these people have millions of followers but all I ever see are polite criticisms of a general type of false prophet without any names.
We need Christian leaders who will go into these liars "ministries" and start flipping tables because they are misleading and destroying the faith of millions. People are so worried about denouncing false prophets just in case they are really from God...but for every Jeremiah there are 20 liars telling you the opposite.
I keep trying to find other people renouncing scumbag liars like Julie Green, who uses surface level conspiracy knowledge to claim God is showing her things happening behind the scenes, when all she's doing is watching alt news. She figured out conspiracists knew something other people in the mainstream don't know or talk about so she reports stuff like what people like me talk about to boomers and pretends God is giving his prophetic insight. Or she'll make prophecies so vague and impossible to be wrong that it makes a horoscope look cutting and specific.
Her other smokescreen is that she's hardcore in the tank for the GOP so most criticisms leveled at her are political and attack her for her right wing views...so then all legitimate criticism gets dismissed by her followers as democrat propaganda.
This woman predicted that 5 different politicians would die in 2022 and all of them are still alive, she keeps predicting the complete downfall of the deep state she's made prediction after prediction that never come true which is amazing considering how vague most of her predictions are. I don't even believe she's even a Christian nevermind a prophet, she seems to be applying a qanon type of psy op against Christians, although instead of telling them to sit back and do nothing because Trump is going to come in and fix everything they say God is going to swoop in and fix everything...and also Trump will too. Oh yeah she predicted Trump would be president in 2020 and even today her followers are waiting for Biden to be removed and Trump installed.
Then these prophets all copy each others predictions and pretend like they don't listen to each other, so people take hearing it multiple times as confirmation.
The Bible says that anyone who claims to speak for God but does not deserves to die. That's how serious we should be taking these people and there are a lot of them and some of them have massive followings. This would not be the case if more leaders grew a spine and showed some righteous anger and openly denounced these vile false prophets.
Honestly at this point I would advise people to not listen to any preacher who's on tv or the radio I think they're all full of shit. If they weren't liars and they were actually preaching the word of God they wouldn't be allowed to have the platforms they do.
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juszar2 · 19 days
The homophobia forever and pretense to be a whit Trump voter staunch conservative swearing he'd never give the tatted up blue hair, green multi colored nails rot the time of day. All lies, if they are my enemies he'd hide in a closet with them and provide info on my life. It is a shock for someone conservative for real and very reserved/guarded and having stayed in a city state with limited opportunity for him! I do not mingle with this rot! I handle everything with almost ease as a quality/decent person minding my business and he has lied about his entire being.... Afraid to travel and Live! Maybe because of the treachery he did as a young male, but Only wanting privacy. Did Not show me Life!! And I gave him Life! Was "his world" and stayed put doing mostly what he liked and could handle!! God forbid show up in the world and present himself in courage as a man! He enjoyed the attention and since his Life is a coward.. It worked to be able to get in the closet. But would have me who is Not a coward, be pursued by my gay adolescent enemies who have been gay since then and fantasizing about being me and being in my life... Knowing I'd Never be interested in the lifestyle just to be close and emulate was enough! Get this simp conned real good! What a job one would do on a simp if his spouse was its life long interest!!! What a job. I'd felt it because God favors me. This liar forever coward forever said the following and so so much more. I do not condone demeaning homosexuality. While it is not my life, and he often says I "vote" for this and these types of folks, that is because I have no bias. I am a conservative independent but live how you want. My issue is the deviance of these lowest type of folks and largely known to be so in the community for all that they are and do. Known treacherous for the fencer.... Though they probably didnt know she was fencing. Known to be promiscuous and really no dignity do and say anything. Its also known that I do not mingle and live a private life, and that I am a positive, kind and selfless person who handles her business as best as possible. I assisted that fencer rot to benefit her career rather than saying yes to he competitors and walking right over to them and she knows it.... But then the garbage she was doing to me all along, to include involved in this trash with the Weakest ever in life toilet paper AFTER he had already proved low and failed me as I was beginning my job there and THEN stooped even lower to collude with this Rot. I'd known it was rot even its so called friends would tell me, called it a demon and more and said Why am I working to assist its career growth. That was using my skills to benefit my community which is largely underserved. I declined offers to do different and that rot knows.... Just doesn't know about all of the offers, just a few. Never is when I would Speak of anything in life. That is not me at all... But this Rot was publicly overjoyed in their efforts to harm my life after I walked away fast, but with zero conflict. Had been sabotaging my opportunities to exit prior and did not think I knew it. The fencer wanted to keep going the great success I'd been instrumental in creating so she could take another photo with a check or have another ribbon cutting or press conference. That rot can never deny that my effort solely set the trajectory of that success and sequence of events including residual success. I was energized about helping my community and had to leave it because working with someone who thinks theft and treachery is cool is Not who I am and I cannot respect that. You risk reducing yourself by remaining in company that has no standards. Not even for their self esteem or to prove your support should you stay. And so I left, and all the while the homosexual from my childhood had teamed with the Rot and was pursuing this partly white spouse. And... The fencer often spoke of how she did not like white people, isn't that something. I never told them any details of my life, but the rot homosexual stalker from my 7the grade knew...
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poppinsposts · 1 month
I haven’t written in so long I thought I’d highlight a few things I’ve been doing/thinking/observing and of course obsessing over.
First of all the Olympics were amazing and so fun! Team USA was awesome, but I love seeing all athletes reach their dreams. It’s so emotional. And I don’t understand those that wouldn’t watch because they thought the opening ceremonies had the last supper depicted by drag queens. So what if you didn’t like the opening ceremonies, that was on France, not the athletes. The Olympics has and always will be about the athletes. 🤷 Their loss. They’re just looking for things to get mad about.
My little Jazzy is getting all my love. She’s drowning in my love. It’s beautiful. I just love her so much. And she feels the same about me. She would take a bullet for me. So smart, cute, obedient, intuitive and very protective. My love.
Jazzy does have resting bitch face. And when I’m leaving it gets bitchier. Lol. I’ll call her name and she turns her head the opposite direction as if shunning me. She hates when I leave, obviously. 🤣🤣
The US politics are such a joke. I feel like the conservatives have lost their minds. It’s about control and greed. I don’t believe Trump knows what the truth is. He lies so much it’s unbelievable. And his followers don’t care if it’s the truth or not. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone most of the time. What Trump is doing is exactly what Hitler did. First make his followers believe that the media is all fake news and only believe what he says. And he’s the liar. Then he’s divided the country, Hitleresque. And the slandering of anyone who doesn’t believe what he believes. And he’s made them believe he’s a victim. It’s absolutely insane. We will be in a dictatorship if he wins. We can’t let that happen. I like Kamala and she’s doing great. Come on American people we must unite and fight this evil. I’m worried if we don’t win what his base might do. Most are unhinged and a ticking time bomb of hatred ready to explode at his go ahead. I’m truly scared of that America.
Work is good. I’m going to a beauty seminar in September with my class. It’s in Dallas, we’re excited!
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anthonybialy · 2 months
Dodging Hate with Donald Trump
Nothing deserved a soft reboot less than 1968.  Donald Trump is okay while conditions are not.  Rage doesn’t quite seem to help.  Let’s all agree to tone down.  You first.  No, it’s your rhetoric.  Project 2025 is not a threat to democracy for the next hour or so.
The craven loser who got the upper bunk in Leon Czolgosz’s eternal cell is responsible for his own actions.  But there’s never a bad time to excise baseless lunacy.  We shouldn’t need such a moment, but we may as well use it.  For one, calling someone a fascist even though he didn’t impose the rather pushy system in question when he was already president is precisely the sort of mean daftness everyone’s encouraged to avoid.  By contrast, taking down political rivals falls in line with Mussolini’s dreams.  The side that thinks hate speech isn’t protected sure says hateful things.
The media isn’t finally going to feel bad for this particular individual who was nearly killed any more than they are for their own shamelessness.  Fretting about imaginary sufferers while downplaying the real one is their take on truth.  CBS stooge Margaret Brennan was upset the shot person forgot to blame himself.  It must be the blood loss.  And professional ghoul Martha Raddatz’s self-parodic pointing at Trump’s fans just after their candidate was wounded shows her WWE referee-style debate moderation was far from her nadir.
Journalists are liberals who couldn’t get high follower counts without a network’s help.  The attempt on Trump gives them one more chance to show they’ll always blame the victim when they’re not blaming the gun.  The same people condemning violence Trump fans haven't committed accuse Israel of genocide for hunting down terrorists who attacked a music festival.
We’ve found one more government agency that doesn’t do its job.  The Secret Service puts federal work on display.  A task that’s within the government’s domain used to be performed capably by respected staffers.  Now, the inability to serve is no secret.  
The Olympics isn’t for amateurs anymore, and neither should be protecting a presidential hopeful.  If you were making a movie about an assassination on your phone and you got your book club to portray Secret Service agents, they would’ve looked like the technical real thing.  I wish we didn’t learn that everyone paid by taxpayers is universally awful at work responsibilities.  The one thing better than arresting a criminal is preventing a crime.  The same idea applies to protecting a perpetual presidential candidate.
This is the worst occasion for calculation, so expect plenty of it.  Nobody’s improving incessant poll checking by announcing how this affects just that.
The incumbent sets the tone, unfortunately.  Joe Biden’s strategy for uniting the nation was to mispronounce words to distract from pretending his party’s the casualty.  The lucky person who forgets he’s enduring his own presidency will claim he won’t remember calling to “put Trump in a bullseye”.  Stubborn liars who still blame a shooting on Sarah Palin’s map will stay silent.
The shooter is the only one at fault.  Personal responsibility triumphs again.  We need an electoral college for as long as taking a turn of phrase literally is a problem.  Those who indulge in grandiloquent flourishes can’t modify speech for fear of dreadful nitwits misunderstanding.  Blaming words of some for spurring actions of others is acceptable for meeting the progressive precedent so believers have something to rue.
Oatmeal brain is not to blame.  Biden acting like he’s not the source of the nasty bombast he purports to oppose is something he’s been doing long before he should’ve been dropped off at a nursing home.  The flunky churning out tweets under his name was no more enthusiastic despite being a quarter of his age: the initial chance at the easiest condemnation possible featured the same energy as a Wendy’s drive thru worker asking if you’d like to try new Saucy Nuggs.
The president’s boss pretends to loathe his own disgraceful mentality.  De facto executive Barack Obama’s empty condemnation was full of hypocrisy.  Meanwhile, Bill Clinton may have also been less than truthful.  I hate to be cynical.  But the consensus-builder who blamed talk radio hosts in disagreement with him about how many federal programs there should be for the Oklahoma City bombing has occasionally seemed disingenuous.
A dastardly failure who was as bad at aim as everything else isn’t going to affect my vote.  The previous president who’s still in the running is unchanged even while undaunted.  Trump remains a self-serving game show host and big-spending president who couldn’t profit operating roulette wheels even after his miraculous dodge and defiant fist.  I wouldn’t vote for him even if, well, what happened happened.  And I’m still ticked.  See, Democrats?  That’s not hard.
The bid for nonconsecutive terms seems automatic this week.  But there’s way too much time before voting with even a monumental moment like this as a factor.  The last time a bellowing ex-president big-government Republican survived an attempt on his life during a speech, Teddy Roosevelt lost the ensuing election.
A lone wolf terror attack thwarted only by fate might not affect the upcoming contest as overwhelmingly as it feels right now any more than his arrest.  The social media era facilitates supernova-style impact that disappears as quickly.  Try to list the charges from his first impeachment to remember how easy forgetting is.
As always, Trump is helped by his most unhinged enemies.  The non-assassin did more for his personal villain than any ad buy from an alleged $10 billion fortune.  Remembering the person who the public only learned about in death offers a reminder that it wasn’t just potential harm inflicted.  The departed monster murdered heroic Corey Comperatore in the clearest distinction between villainy and decency possible.
The sole way Trump gains sympathy is by claiming to be persecuted.  His most monstrous foe made his case even more than a show trial did.  Everyone should feel mad.  An attack on any political candidate is an assault against America.  Being ticked is nonpartisan.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
I'm not married to that guy I do have a husband as Brad and that guy is such a dick he has some say stuff but I'll tell you what who cares that piece of s*** he's always been this huge dick in me and his stuff is always wrong and he's saying you like that like a hundred times every day is so gross and his stuff stupid I'll tell you what we had to stop him a while ago and now this stupid idiot is doing his stuff again he he went ahead and opened up everyone's stuff started a huge war against Max and it's kind of slapping on the wrist think a bunch of weirdos they repulsive too because of that and he's probably getting away with tons of stuff because of what everybody treats this one loser like who is against our realm and I'm talking about Trump we don't want him around he keeps coming back he's not even in the apartment and he says he's here he's annoying as hell sometimes he is without the truck but hey this is an annoying person okay there are things this guy is doing that he should be tried for and hung shot and burned really I mean come on what do we have here people want to Wallace society it's not going to happen what you're doing is educating people tell him how to get to us and all of us the guy's angry wants to get out of you doesn't say it right it won't stop with the voter s*** won't shut his mouth won't go away nothing what he's wrong and he won't ever admit it to himself or anyone and it's just terrible he's a horrible horrible person her friend here had to defend the landlord with a shovel because he hit him and he went to prison for hitting him and he's sitting here wasting his entire Fortune away and all of his hardware just to sit there and to torment our friend a little he is a huge idiot and I'll tell you what he needs to be stopped and his son that they're complete nuts they're up there at Walmart and saying stupid things and what happens to them afterwards as they get raped for whatever they have and it happens every time they make this dumb noises and people take their stuff and you know what they're easy suckers and they're ruining our future we need to pay attention to this in an hour I'll be listened to I want a meeting tonight about this topic with our people only
He causes fights and makes riffs and keeps on doing it everywhere take stuff loses it he's a huge idiot and pig and we're going to make the meeting happen I got stuff to do but he says we can have a dinner meeting and we can make food real quick and a bunch of it and it's nice and bring a notepad this is going to happen I am so damn sick of this stupid s*** and talking everyday on topic when it's illegal it's all wrong and we're getting in trouble with the guys started a war between us I don't want this to continue most of it can it comes right back to that guy and he won't stop it is not right and his name is probably leave on and nobody said he should do it the guy next door said you leave it on for a long time until you start getting the information out and what he's doing is trying to use it for his cause and blame him and he's not right cuz everybody knows what he was going to say and this guy is not following it and it's not a professional he doesn't know what he's doing and her friend is a lot younger and said it right and the guy screwed it up like completely and no one can do that except for a purpose and it just does not do what he's saying he's a huge liar he's a big huge actor from The doors songs and they're saying it's our friend here and it doesn't sound right from what the max are saying is we got the wrong guy the actor is that idiot next door and yeah Joel watts is a major thespian and that's pretty much what he is and people call him a lesbian he's acting he's going around hurting people as an actor and his his definitely doing that we have to meet and we're going to talk to other people after but we didn't talk to each other
We have to meet on this guy he he does not seem to want to move and he's wrong and just keeps me wrong doesn't seem to care and we do I've had enough
You know what I'm going to meet with my people and as soon as we can about this guy he is disgusting he is repulsive okay A friend here is writing down what time to meet me tomorrow and he's issuing tons of threats to try and stop him you should see what his life is like because of him and then it stops it makes it look like he has nerve problems some people are trying to say he does to hide the fact he doesn't but really they keep on pouring chemicals in him and it's going to be a problem I see why he's disgusted this idiot next door is some sort of asinine slave to everyone and we can't have it continue we want John remillard out I've seen our friend here sit for years without doing things he doesn't have a problem doing it it says it too this is really weird I can't stand it and it's more on next door just doesn't know what he's doing to himself it's a lot of work it makes me do but it helps us, and it really helps them this is not helping us it doesn't help any group of us
We have to have a meeting about this this guy is in that laundromat right on top of him every time he goes there he's right on top of him smack dab on top of him and he won't let him go and from from that kind of s*** right at the laundromat so what is your deal with the laundromat it says he thinks he's making great progress in the laundry it's really stupid it's not when his dad was going either but we checked what was happening and he was getting worse and he thinks she does it I'm wondering to who so check on people and it's doing it to different people and he's a loser there's really not much of a correlation there and it doesn't work and people were doing it on purpose to try and grab Arnie and they have changed Maltese because this guy is exposed everything now he won't stop and he's a child he is a mentality of a 7 year old child and he's demented it's time to put a stop to this foolishness it's an adult world a friend here lives in adults life and he has a army that is full of real adults they are extremely fast and powerful and deadly and we're facing his clan probably we're in Saturn and this guy knows nothing about it he is a loose cannon he's an ignorant person and he needs to be stopped this causing harm to us and really we should have done this years ago and have some kind of summit about it and that's the only topic because it is a huge problem it's a problem and things things happen and decisions are made to do stuff in the Senate because they come down on Superman which is weird he shouldn't be in the Senate in a meeting if it happens and we think it might but it is a response to something the Senate might do and that could be not allowing him to run for office
Mac Daddy
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
I don’t know what the RF is up to but with the amount of soft power they hold, they could easily shut Harry and Meghan down. I was shocked today to see tweets from SS of Meghan holding monthly meetings with young people from the Commonwealth. I mean, how is the palace just standing by in this day and age of SM manipulation?! Their motto of keeping their heads down & carrying on is archaic. It needs to change to a certain degree. They should even start suing for defamation. Why not? I know H&M employ a bot army on Twitter to run their PR. Yesterday when her episode launched she trended with about 6000 tweets at its peak & then the trend disappeared & was hijacked by the authentic liar & narcissistic ##. I hope the D&D new coms guy from NBC is paying attention to ALL these details & coming up with a master plan. Media is now all about who pays. It’s no longer what it used to be & it’s worse in the USA where liberal media journalists get smothered for speaking truth to black women like MM lest they get accused of racism. Thankfully, Twitter is not representative of real life but it is the weapon they’re using to attack & destroy & launch a movement of some type. The goal is clearly to undermine the monarchy & they’re persistent. In the podcast she urges her fans to use a hashtag to help spread her message on IG. Only 60 of those were posted to IG. She can’t easily manipulate IG as well as they do Twitter. Much as they pretend to have no SM, they’re both very much present on all SM platforms, incognito & helping to rally the “army.” Going by the recent social-political trends that I’ve brought great nations havoc, it all started in small corners of the web & then grew into a tsunami with SM. I am not one to laugh off M&H. Times change & it is very apparent they’re disrupters by choice & are trying to garner support, paid or not. They’re enough insanely wealthy people who hate the monarchy. When TQ dies, Charles will be on shaky ground. They will persist further. MM is not Fergie. She is another Trump in the making. If William wants to grow & strengthen the monarchy for George & his great grandchildren, he’s going to have to play very hard ball. Going by first name basis to look normal to the public will not cut it. Nobody wants a casual monarchy, no matter what the critics say. The pomp & circumstance matters a lot. The most progressive countries in the world are monarchies. Culture & tradition remain at the core of every society. Diluting it now will only erode it going forward.
@the-empress-7 has three plans for the BRF to shut her down. One is to take away his Councilor of State, I think the other is to take away their commonwealth ties.
Meghan has done her best to undermine the BRF at every turn. I 100% agree that she and her followers did their best to ruin the Caribbean Tour for the Cambs.
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
I'm gonna be petty and this is all shade to taekookers and not taekook themselves but those few minutes of jikook beside each other at the camper van in today's in the soop had more intimate chemistry than all the taekook clips combined this whole season and I just wanna know why taekookers can't just let taekook be besties in peace 😭😭
Oh anon, you’re tryna get a bitch drawn, quartered, ratioed, cancelled and snatched bald with that question —
But I ain’t scared of shit so let’s get it.
Most of the TKK community is unaware that they have been played hard by a very few savvy people. In any conspiracy theory or criminal investigation the first question to ask is “cui bono?” - “who benefits?” So let’s look at that shall we?
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Cui bono? The people making their entire living by selling lies, is who. A very few in particular. One who recently lost and regained a YouTube channel full of utter bullshit springs to mind. And she is not, I repeat, NOT a nice person. The people behind conspiracy theories rarely are.
But hey if crazy ass conspiracies can get a whole US Capitol rioted upon in the name of the Trumpmurica ship then there is definitely bank to be made on Jungkook and Taehyung. It’s disgusting and gross and awful and there are five people looking for that liar to go down so they can step in. Follow the money, follow the clout. Then be like Jin and just say
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It’s not a bad hustle if you’re good at leading horses to Kool-aid. I wouldn’t do it but clearly some people don’t mind victimizing real people to make a buck and get warm fuzzies and presents. Worked for Trump I guess.
Fake exclusivity via subscribers and “they’re out to get me so I need to verify you before letting you follow me” is a classic hook. False sources (“my k-army friend who I will never name”) is another. Mistranslation is a third. Hate in the guise of “but I love them all, I can’t help it if he acts like a whore for the company” is the worst. And all of it comes down to power and then money. It’s a long con and it clearly works. Not that Jimin is judging them but
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Meanwhile I’ll just watch Jungkook light up and sigh happily while Jimin touches his neck. They have a neck kink in that house in case you hadn’t noticed. It’s kinda cutesexy, I’m here for it. And maybe rewind to that whole Taehyung adoring Jimin enough to cook for him and make a thing about it like Jimin wasn’t deadass asleep… adorable.
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If the TKK_Liar hadn’t started in fucking over Jimin’s entire character (and JeiKei’s and Taehyung’s honestly) I’d think she was harmless but she did, she’s toxic, and a whole segment of the fandom hates Jimin for it like he isn’t the most precious person to his man and his avowed platonic soulmate.
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Fuck that bitch seriously. And her disciples who are old or smart enough to know better.
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chibimyumi · 4 years
I'm not in the Black Butler fandom but I've heard an account on this site say the creator(?) Of black butler is a pedophile and homophobic. I'm not sure if it's true or not though. They might just be trying to make the fandom look bad.
Dear Anon,
What makes this fandom look bad is the fandom itself. I am not sure about other fandoms, but the Kuroshitsuji fandom for one is filled with self-righteous, compulsive liars who make up ‘facts’ to legitimise their own ideas.
To answer your question; no, to the best of our knowledge Toboso Yana is NOT a confirmed pedophile, nor homophobic. Of course one might make a case out of how eroticising and fetishising children or homoromanticism/sexuality is a form of pedophilia/homophobia, but that’s an altogether different can of worms which I refuse to touch.
Lending your ask as opportunity, allow me to compose a small FAQ here.
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Kuroshitsuji FAQ
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1. Was Kuroshitsuji supposed to be a yaoi?
No. The short version of the answer is as such:
Square Enix does not publish any yaoi or explicit content.
Yana already had her own yaoi/BL associated artist name Yanao Rock. It would be very foolish to start a BL-themed manga using her official artist name Toboso Yana which she is trying to keep separate from Yanao Rock.
The rumour of Kuroshitsuji supposed to have been BL only exists in the Western fandom.
The detailed answer can be found here, here and here.
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2. Is Sebaciel canon?
No. For the purpose of marketing Yana has neither confirmed nor denied the truth of this statement, because it obviously sells. But if you study the interaction between the characters, it is clear as day that they would not be romantically interested in one another, because 1. Sebastian does not like slavery, or enjoy dating cattle, and 2. O!Ciel is too traumatised. When push came to shove (in the Emerald Witch Arc) he would not even let Sebas near him.
A thorough analysis of their relationship can be found in this post.
Although Yana has said nothing, Editor K, the second highest authority on this series, has confirmed that there is no affection between master and servant.
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“【The foundation of Kuroshitsji no. 16】 The butler is a demon and   competent and loyal. However, there is no affection for his   master. [Sebastian] supports his master in his revenge as a butler, but the nature of the contract is one where he will eat the soul after the completion [of the revenge]. The contract is the only reason [Sebastian]  works so hard, he is a perverted gourmet. #Kuroshitsuji”
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3. Is it alright to ship Sebaciel because Yana’s material endorses it?
Does Yana’s material casually portraying murder make murder less severe a problem?
An author is human too, even IF an author thinks of something as acceptable, we as readers need to consider what is right or wrong. Most classic literature/media actively promote sexism, racism, etc.; but it does not mean we should follow those ideas. “[Person] does it, so I can do it too” is Trump’s or a 5 year old’s argumentation style.
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4. Is Grell Sutcliff a man or a woman?
Grell Sutcliff is a transgender woman. Besides Grell’s own claims, Yana herself too has confirmed her statement in text.
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“Ah, but this time after the completion of the script, I had a request to Grell’s actor Mr. Uehara. “Could you please [play her] as a strong woman”, I said (laughs) In the original comics, Grell does not make an appearance between the Red Butler Arc and the Luxury Liner Arc, and therefore people often think she is useless at her job. So I asked [Mr. Uehara] to please portray her as a career woman in front of her kouhai (younger colleague, aka Ronald)” 【Toboso】
Here is an entire Masterpost on gender in Kuroshitsuji, and here a detailed history of how Yana has been owning up for her mistake of portraying Grell in a problematic manner.
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4.5 Did Yana not say Grell is male?
Yana has never said and meant that Grell is a man.
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Yana did write on her old blog: “yes, Grell is a man, but has the heart of a maiden” (Toboso, 2010).  That however, was the lack of accurate terminology in Japanese for a transgender woman from a decade ago. Transgender studies have developed entirely differently than within Euro-American discourse. As such, holding Yana’s words from 10 years ago accountable as accurate NOW in the English speaking community would be Euro-Americentrist at best.
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5. Is O!Ciel’s real name Astre/Noel/Merde?
No, Yana has confirmed that none of the three main characters’ names (Sebastian, O!Ciel and Undertaker) have been revealed yet. And indeed, Undertaker’s name is therefore also not ‘Adrian Crevan’ as has been claimed often times.
Click here for more details.
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6. Is the anime canon?
No, the only part Yana had in the anime were the first few episodes of the first season that were directly based on her manga, and the visual designs of some characters. Yana herself does not even seem to like the anime, let alone consider it ‘part of her canon’. Besides, the anime actively DEFIES her canon.
Click here and here for more details.
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7. Is the second musical ‘the Most Beautiful Death in the World’ canon?
No, just like the anime, the only part Yana played in this musical is the visual designs of the characters. The characters however, are written by the Kuromyu creative team.
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“RT @toboso_official: When I was watching kuromyu・A Thousand Souls, I really thought: “Eric and Alan are characters I could never have created from scratch…” (No offense meant!) I was responsible for the visual designs, but the characters were born from the writing by Ms. Okada, the directing by Fukuyama-sensei, and finally, by the actors.”【Toboso】 
Click here for the mini masterpost on this musical, and to understand how this musical is homophobic, transphobic, pedophilic on top of defying Yana’s canon.
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If there are other things that would belong on this FAQ list, feel free to let me know! I hope this helps.
BUT HONESTLY PEOPLE; STOP MAKING UP CLAIMS!!!!!!!! Sometimes we just don’t know things, and it is alright! If your theory does not have confirmation (yet) or is actively defied, WELL, SUCK IT UP!
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One of the current main villains in Season 2 of Superman & Lois is a woman that talks a lot of BS in such a convincing way that it makes other people actually believe in her crap and they become into her almost mindless follower drones. Could not help but to think of a certain liar that validated everything the Superclowns moaned about & commanded them to spam writers during the pandemic & is always saying how she is gonna have a big break in the industry. S&L writers are taking a jab at her? 👀
LOL, fingers crossed for that character actually paying for her bullshit.
I seriously wonder why SG team made Lobotomizer a female version of Trump and then just let it be. This bitch was a iving white privileged nightmare, nothing from it was approached. The ONLY thing they called out was what she has done to Kara BUT NOTHING ELSE. Allowing Daxamites to invide Earth. The portal made a group of aliens mentally unstable and thanks to that they destroyed half of teh city. Who was blamed? Aliens. Her illegal experiment that killed Adam and the fact she was playing a god during it, wanting to screw up entire planet and humanity, because she knew better how to deal with aliens, her support of openly alienphobic president and teh fct her serum made Agent Liberty superpowered. If the president paid shit for what he has done, why she didn't? Shooting Lex? Kidnapping Eve, Malefic and Russel? Raping Eve's mind? Putting AI into her body and making Eve a meatuit for Hope? Bascially putting Eve in jail? Wanting and trying hard to lobotomize entire planet? Supporting and helping Lex? nothing was really approached, ALL swept under the rug. It's disgusting.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
The Traitor Card (Ace of Spades Bonus Scene)- ML Requests and One shots 7
So in the original story, Alix showed anger towards Lila. Well, here's why. For the record, the Jass card is a real card. It's usually used in a game of trump and is considered the highest trump card. It is usually a jack card and is worth 20 points in the game, which is the highest value. Anyway, I thought it would be the perfect title for the traitor card. Hope you guys enjoy this is little snippet from my Ace of Spades AU. This is explains how he got all those cards :D
In a game of cards, a player always has a trump card up their sleeves. Luka had his royal flush but he also had a hidden card. One he only ever brought out when a true enemy needed to be taken down. Known to the members of the Royal Flush as the Traitor card, the role of the Jass is a special player he brings into the game as his high trump card. Given to a person who loyalties are switched, the Jass acts as the Ace's spy and is key to his enemy's defeat.
"Alix..." Nathaniel's voice made the skater turn around and face him. He looked fuming and she knew why. She helped destroy Marinette's sketchpad. Marinette had grabbed it and run, tears rolling down her face as she did. Alix felt bad but Alya insisted that she needed to be taught a lesson. Kim and Ivan had held back Nathaniel and Adrien who tried to stop it and everyone else ignored their pleas, including her. She hadn't done as much damage as Alya did. She only splattered paint on some of the papers but Alya and Lila completely blacked them out. Lila wrote horrible words and Alya poured an acid she stole from the Science Lab on the cover. They had laughed at Marinette's tears but that had passed and now it was just her and Nathaniel, who looked so disappointed and angry at her. "How could you?"
 "Marinette was bullying Lila," She stated but to her surprise, it felt wrong. 
 "Lila is a liar," He stated, shaking his head. "She lied about Marinette and she stole Marc's work. She threatened him into staying quiet,"
 "Then how do you know?" Alix retorted.
 "Because I found him crying over his destroyed notepad," He stated. "I pressed him until he relented and told me what happened. Alix... I can't be friends with you..."
 "What?!" She gasped, shocked. It had been her and Nathaniel against the world for ages. "But... you're my best friend..."
 "Not after what you helped do," He stated, shaking his head. "You need to realize what you and the rest of the class did was wrong and make it up to Marinette-"
 "But she's a bully!"
 "Even if she is, harassing her isn't going to help!" He shouted back, pinching his nose. "And it makes you a bully too! I'm sorry, Alix but we are not friends,"
 She went to argue but he turned on his heel and left the classroom, making her frown. She shook her head and continued with her art piece. If Nathaniel didn't want to be her friend and wanted to take a side of a bully then that was fine by her. She didn't need him anyway. She had more friends then she ever had before.
 "Have you heard?" Alix frowned as a girl leaned over to her friend and whispered as they walked past her in the corridor. She was on her way to lunch but she stopped to listen into this conversation.
 "Heard what?" Her friend replied.
 "The Ace is back," The original girl replied, making Alix's eyes widen.
 "The Ace? I thought he retired,"
 "He did but somehow he's back," She hissed back. "Apparently, he named Adrien Agreste as his king. Naturally, Lie-La is claiming that he's her boyfriend,"
 "Well, we all know that's a lie," The second girl laughed. "The Ace wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole,"
 "Yeah, he actually has standards," They both laughed as Alix frowned before she walked off and headed into the locker room. Nino was getting his bag and Ivan was talking to Mylene. Naturally, Kim was goofing around with Max. She walked over to them, causing them to look at her.
 "Alix?" Max asked, making her sigh.
 "Have you heard the new rumor going around the school?" She asked, making him frown and shake his head. Kim stopped goofing and the others looked at her as well. "The Ace... apparently, he's back,"
"I calculate the chance of that been true at roughly 20%,"
 "Yeah but if it is true, why would he make a return?" Mylene asked, getting a nod of Ivan.
 "Who cares why?" Kim grinned. "I wanna know who's gonna be in the royal flush this year. Hey, Alix think you'll get the jack's chair back?"
 "Maybe," She smiled but she had a terrible feeling that this had something to do with Marinette and how they had been treating her. If her feeling was right then nothing good could come from this. She followed the rest of the class into the canteen, feeling bile rise from her throat as she noticed the royal table. Sabrina was stood there, glaring at Alya and Lila as Luka sat at the front. On his left was Marinette, Marc and Nathaniel and on his right was Adrien, Chloe and Kagami. He looked up with a bored expression as they took their seats and said something to Lila and Alya before Sabrina cleared her throat.
 "Can I have everyone's attention please?" She stated, getting the entire place to look at her. Kim grinned excitedly as he looked towards the Royal table. "A new royal flush has been formed,"
 People whispered and muttered as Sabrina paused. Max pushed his glasses up as Alix frowned. If she had the Jack's chair again, she would already be up there with her card. She knew how Luka worked. He had given her the Jack of Diamonds when he last ruled but it seems he had a different line up this year.
 "This year, we have the Ace of spades, the King of Diamonds, the Queen of Spades, the Jack of Hearts, the Ten of clubs and two Jokers," Sabrina stated, reading from a scroll. "The royal flush member are as follows. Ace's chair: Luka Couffaine, King's chair: Adrien Agreste, Queen's chair: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Jack's chair: Chloe Bourgeois, Ten's Chair: Marc Anciel, Joker's chair Alpha: Kagami Tsurugi and Joker's chair Beta: Nathaniel Kurtzberg. This is the royal flush. Anyone who goes against them will be considered traitors. You all have your cards as well. If you have a card that is a 6 or higher then you may talk to the Ace and his subjects but if you have a card with a value of 5 or less then you are peasants and are not worth of talking to any of the royal flush! His highness has some words to say,"
 At that point, Luka stood up and looked around as the students gasped and whispered. He narrowed his eyes, causing everyone to go quiet. They lingered on Alix for a few seconds and she looked down as she saw betrayal in them but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
 "Firstly, I want to say why I decided to retire and why I have come back," He stated, placing his hand on the tables. "I wanted to experience life the way other people did so I stepped down from my throne and joined the common rubble. I got to experience life as a normal student or as normal as I could. As you recall, I asked everyone to treat me normally. Not to show fear or to ask permission to speak to me. While this was enjoyable, I officially retract that statement. As of now, I am no longer part of the common rabble. I take my throne back and you will treat me as royalty as well as my royal flush. Anyone who does not do that will be punished. Now for the reason, I have come back. It has been brought to my attention that there is a liar among my people, who has corrupted a number of students and have been tormenting my loved ones. I will not stand for it so I will say this once. This Liar and their followers have one week to retract all of their lies, remedy their wrong doings and apologize to their victims. If they do this by the end of the week, all will be forgiven but if they don't, I will unleash a fury like nothing they had ever seen on them and anyone who allies with them,"
 All of the students gulped and whispered as Luka glared at all of them but her class felt especially scared. Alix knew it had to do with Marinette and her sketchpad.
 "Now as I have taken rule again, I will reinstate the rules I expect you to follow," He stated. "Respect each other and no bullying are the most important but I expect you to follow the others too. If you don't know what those rules are, ask Sabrina or Aurora, who I name as the royal advisers. If you want to arrange anything, talk to them and they will arrange a meeting with myself and the royal flush and finally to the liar, I'd appreciate if you didn't spread rumors about me or my friends. I am not dating anyone right now and I have no intention of 'bringing you under my wing'. That's all,"
 Alix instantly got up and left as she felt sick. She quickly went to the bathroom and gasped. She should have known better. She should have just been a neutral party. In the back of her mind, she knew hurting Marinette was bad but she never expected Luka to come out of retirement but it made sense. Everyone knew that Luka and Marinette had been friends forever and they knew he would do anything to help or protect her. Marinette could take a lot but destroying her sketchpad must have been the final straw. She must of have gone to Luka and told him everything. Alix felt sick again. Hell hath no fury like a Couffaine. He had told her that way back and now he was going to destroy them. Taking a deep breathe, she made her way back to the locker room and opened her locker. She took out the card tucked into her locker and looked at it. A frown crawled onto her face. Two of Diamond. A mockery of the card she once held. She pocketed it and walked to class. Marinette was sat next to Adrien and Chloe but she wasn't looking for them. She walked over to Sabrina and cleared her throat.
 "Yes?" She asked, making Alix a little nervous.
 "I need to speak with the Ace,"
 "Two of Diamonds," She sighed, making Sabrina look at her with a look of disbelief. "But I invoke the right of Honor as a previous member of the royal flush,"
 "You understand that Honor only grants you audience with his highness once?" Sabrina asked, getting a nod of Alix. "Very well, I shall ask him if he will honor it,"
 "Thank you," She mumbled, sitting back down as Sabrina took out her phone and began to text Luka as Lila and Alya came in. Lila tried to point out to Miss Bustier that Sabrina shouldn't be on her phone but Miss Bustier completely ignored her and continued with the lesson. Her fear of Luka's wrath was much greater then anything Lila could provide. Kim leaned over to Alix as she took notes.
 "Do you think he'll agree to see you?" He whispered, making her frown but nod. Luka was many things but he placed honor above all else. The least he would do is see her even if it was only for a few minutes. However, she couldn't be certain that he would see her today. In fact, she suspected that he would be busy for the rest of the day, given that today was his official return. She remembered how busy it was when she was by his side. Everyone constantly going to him for approval. Students, the class representatives, the art group, the science club, the teachers and even the principle. As the Ace, Luka controlled the whole school so it made sense that he would be busy.
 ~Three Days Later~
 Alix frowned as she sat in the classroom, next to Kim and Max. Alya was chatting with Nino while Juleka and Rose were acting all loved up. Marinette had her phone out and was texting someone as Adrien smiled and laughed with Chloe. Alix had noticed that he seemed happier, despite been away from Lila. Chloe, Sabrina and Marinette had took it upon themselves to keep him away from her. Earlier, Alya had tried to confront Marinette about been a bully, only to be brutally shot down in true royal style. The real shocker was the words that came from Adrien. He had questioned if been friends with Marinette and Chloe made him a bully too. When Alya tried to argue, he shot her down and told her that it didn't matter what she thought. Alix couldn't help but feel a little proud of him as he stood up to Alya. He had even quit been a model as well. That had an annoying effect as Lila cried all lunch, claiming that Marinette had stolen Adrien away from her but if Adrien was with Lila, why did he look so much happier been away from her? Alix frowned but before she could come to any conclusion, the door to the classroom slammed open and Lila stormed in. She took her seat next to Alya and sniffed to herself, making Alya gravitate towards her.
 "Hey, girl... are you ok?" She asked, gently placing her arm around her shoulders for comfort. Lila sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes. 
 "Oh, Alya... it's awful..." She sniffed dramatically as Nino handed her a tissue. "I just tried to talk to Luka about Marinette's true nature-"
 "Ahem," Sabrina cleared her throat, making everyone look at her before she slammed down a detention slip, causing Lila and Alya to gasp as she walked away.
 "What the hell, Sabrina?" Alya gasped, making the red haired girl look back at her.
 "Miss Rossi had an unauthorized meeting with the Ace. She singled him out to have a 'chat' with him. This chat took up his time and the time of other students, therefore Miss Rossi is to be punished as it states clearly in the rules that you need a card with a value of six or above to gain his audience and as par his instructions, Miss Rossi did not receive a card as and I quote he 'does not care to entertain an audience with a liar'... his words, not mine," Sabrina stated before looking directly at Miss Rossi. "The detention is with Mrs Mendeleiev so I highly suggest you do not skip. She has already been informed that you are to attend and to ignore any argument or suggestion you might try,"
 "B-But I'm not a liar," Lila gasped, tears in her eyes. Alix frowned as Sabrina looked over at her coldly.
 "Maybe you are, maybe you aren't," She stated in a professional manner. "That doesn't change the fact that you met with the Ace without a card and his permission. Now if you excuse me, I have notes to take,"
 She sat down and began talking to the other royals, who looked over at Lila and smirked at her. Marinette in particular was smirking more then the rest, causing Lila to want to strangle her until she noticed the phone in her hand. Lila went to open her mouth but decided to close it as Kim shook his head and mouthed 'leave it'. Alix frowned as Alya moved closer to Lila.
 "So what did you tell him?" Alya asked, wanting to get the scope. 
 "I tried to warn him that Marinette was only using him to get his power," Lila gasped, sniffing again. Alix frowned even more as she listened. "But he didn't believe me. In fact, he threatened me to stay quiet but I just-"
 "My brother would never do that," Juleka suddenly stated, making everyone look at her as Rose nodded in agreement, causing Lila to frown but to Alix's surprise, it wasn't one of fear but one of annoyance, like she wasn't expecting anyone to question her.
 "Yeah, Luka is kind and fair. He may rule the school but he is a kind ruler," Rose piped in but Lila sniffed.
 "But he threatened me..." She gasped. "He's a bully... just like Marinette,"
 "It's one thing saying Marinette is a bully but Luka isn't," Juleka added before lowering her voice. "But even if they are, they're royalty and you can't do anything about it,"
 "What do you mean she can't do anything about it?" Alya gasped, outraged. "We can take this to Mr Damocles and the school board. Once they hear-"
 "They'll do nothing, Alya. Luka practically knows everyone in Paris because of his job. He works part time as a delivery boy for the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, which has some of the most famous clients. He also works with Jagged Stone and the Kids+ studio. You guys have heard of Bob Roth right?" Ivan stated, making everyone look at him.
 "Yeah, wasn't he a music producer who got sued and charged with Thief and Copyright infringement?" Alya asked, frowning. Alix frowned too as she remembered that. "Last I heard his record company went bankrupted as he couldn't get anyone to work with him,"
 "Yeah, that was because he stole one of our songs. Luka sued him for the thief but he dug up every bit of dirt he could on him and used it to destroy him. Bob Roth is currently serving a sentence for Fraud and was sued by six other artists. Seven if you include Luka," Juleka gulped as Lila listened. How the hell did he have the very connections she lied about?! "Luka is a kind soul until you hurt him or someone he loves then he'll destroy you, regardless of who you are,"
 "Surely, he can't be that powerful," Lila stated, making everyone look at her as they frown at her. "And it doesn't change that he threatened me,"
 "But there is nothing you can do about it," Ivan stated, making Lila frown but again, it didn't look like sorrow. It looked like she was annoyed. Alix frowned even more but again before she could think about it, someone knocked on the door.
 "Come in," Miss Bustier called out, causing the door to open. Aurora walked in and smiled brightly at her.
 "Can I borrow Miss Kubdel please? The Ace wishes to see her," She stated, making everyone but the royal flush whisper. Miss Bustier nodded, allowing Alix to get up from her seat and grab her bag. The lesson was nearly over anyway. She walked over to Aurora and followed her out but she didn't miss the glare from Lila as she did. Aurora didn't speak to her as she walked over to the art room and stopped outside of the door. "The Ace is in there. Please be respectful while talking to him,"
 "Of course," Alix replied before opening the door and walking inside. To her surprise, Luka wasn't alone. She had noticed that Nathaniel hadn't been in class earlier but she didn't expect to find him in the art room with Luka, who was playing a song on his guitar as Nathaniel was drawing and Marc was reading out a new script for the latest comic. The three of them stopped when Alix closed the door and cleared her throat. To her surprise, Nathaniel and Marc were glaring daggers at her but Luka put down his guitar and walked over to her. "Ace,"
 "Miss Kubdel," He stated before pulling a chair out and sitting down. She played with her hands as she wasn't sure where to begin. "Miss Kubdel, you were the one who invoked the right of Honor and yet you don't say a thing. You, of all people, should know not to waste my time,"
 "R-right..." She mumbled before looking at him. "I think you should reconsider your royal flush, especially the knave,"
 "Really?" He asked, amused by her boldness. "And why would I do that? And more importantly, who would I replace with whom?"
 "Well... most of your royal flush can't be trusted... obviously, Adrien and Nathaniel are trustworthy but the rest aren't..." She mumbled, feeling small as he continued to walk her. She noticed Marc crushing his pen. "I would suggest replacing Chloe with myself as I have served as your knave before. Marc could be replaced by Nino or Max and Marinette... I would suggest your sister or even Lila... she has a lot of connections and Kagami isn't a good wild card.... Alya would be a good replacement,"
 "You're boldness amuses me," He stated as she licks her lip. "But allow me to explain why those who you have suggested are far from worthy to be by my side. Let's start with Ten... you suggested Nino or Max as a replacement for Marc. Now I chose Marc for his gift and his kind heart. He is a wonderful writer and very talented with words,"
 Marc's face flushed with red at the compliments.
 "And he is extremely compassionate. Nino, on the other hand, is a weak, spineless fool who can't even stand up for him to his control freak of a girlfriend. As for Max, he has no common sense nor real compassion for people. Sure, he has talents but he is not suited to be given a card higher then a four. Anyone who believes a napkin is a threat to their eyes, especially when they wear glasses can only be described as a fool," Luka stated, making Alix frown. "Let's move onto Kagami. Kagami has a strong sense of justice and is skilled with combat. She also had access to resources and certain celebrities. Why would I replace her with Alya, who is nothing more then tabloid trash and a gullible idiot,"
 "Alya has a strong sense of justice and is tr-"
 "No, Alya's sense of justice is warped. She believes that 'revenge' and justice are the same things when they are not. She is pushy and obsessive to the point where she puts herself and in turn, others, in order to get the 'scope'.  She posted Lila's interview, despite the fact that it could have put a target on Lila and her family's back but Alya doesn't care about that. She only cares about the views. She has obsessively bothered Ladybug about her identity, despite Ladybug stating that she can't tell her and she puts targets on people's back. She never fact checks and she is arrogant, refusing to admit when she is wrong. After all, in the name of 'justice', she became the very thing she was trying to fight against. She became a bully," He pointed out, making Alix frown. "Regarding my choice for Jack, I chose Chloe because she's actually trying to be a better person, unlike you. You once held my confidence but that changed the moment you turned on Marinette. You know Marinette would never hurt or threat anyone but you didn't listen to her. The role of the Knave is to protect but you lost that role the moment you began to bully Marinette,"
 "But Marinette was bullying Lila?!"
 "So that makes it ok to become a bully as well?!" He shouted, making her step back in fear. "No, it doesn't and where was your proof? Did you see Marinette steal her designs or push her down the stairs?! Where were her injuries huh? You should have known that no one could fall down the stairs without been hurt and why would Marinette even have her number? Did you even try to compare it to the one in your phone?"
 "N-No..." She mumbled, looking down.
 "You knew Marinette for so much longer then Lila. She is the kindest, most selfless person and you tormented her, along with most of your class because some new girl told you that the girl who you had known for years and who wouldn't even retaliate to the likes of Chloe was a bully. I saw the texts and the bruises. I saw her shatter into pieces and I was the one who picked them up, Alix. That's why I chose her to be my queen. This way I can protect her and let her know she is important. She was always going to be my queen if I decided to return. As for your 'choices', Juleka has become someone I barely recognize. My sister is caring and gentle, not someone who joins in with bullying and as for Rossi, I have no time for a liar,"
 "Lila isn't a liar," Alix argued but Luka didn't try to argue back. Instead, he took out his phone and pressed play.
 "You can't prove it," Lila's voice stated in a manner that made Alix's blood run cold. "People just love hearing what they want to hear. It's not my fault they're too dumb to question my stories. Anyway, it's not like anyone will believe you if you claim that I'm lying. I have everyone wrapped around my little finger and there is nothing you or your stupid royal flush can do about it. This school is mine! Now I was hoping you could come willingly with me. Clearly you're not as smart as you think but since you're not as dumb as the rest of this useless school so I'll give you one more chance. You're either with me or you're against me but mark my words, Ace, if you're against me, I will destroy you. A few well placed bruises, a few tears and some ripped clothes and everyone will think you're the bad guy and I'm the poor innocent victim. So you better what do what I say,"
 Luka stopped the recording and looked up at Alix, who looked like her whole entire world was crushed.
 "Lila tried to confront me, Alix and I knew she would try and spin it to make me the bad guy so I recorded the talk," He stated, making her look at him. "Marinette isn't the bully. She is the victim, along with Adrien and Marc. She's been sexually harassing Adrien for months,"
 "B-But she said he was dating her," She gasped.
 "And how many times did he tell her to stop and she didn't? How many times did he look uncomfortable or told you guys that he wasn't dating her?" Luka asked, making her mind flash back. She saw him push her away from him. She had commented how how cute they were together and he told her they weren't dating but Lila said he couldn't tell anyone. She saw Lila grabbing him arm and him flinching. She covered her mouth as she realized. Luka didn't look at her with sympathy though. His eyes were cold and his expression was harsh. "And how many times did you brush off his concerns or ignore his discomfort?"
 "I didn't know..."
 "No, you didn't want to know. You saw it and you chose to ignore it," He stated, making her frown. "And Marc... you've been friends with him for two years yet you believed Lila over him, despite the fact that he had the original manuscript. You even read it before Lila even mentioned it but No, instead of believing your friend, you helped burn it because Lila cried wolf and claimed he was stealing from her,"
 "Marc stealing someone else's work is ridiculous and you know it," Nathaniel piped in. Tears rolled down her face as she felt to her knees, the truth finally getting through to her. She had betrayed her friends for nothing more then a liar, who had shiny but empty promises. Luka walked in front of her and looked down at her as she sobbed.
 "W-What can I do to make this right?" She gasped, looking up at him. To her surprise, he took out a card and handed it to her. She took it and looked at it. "J-Jack of Diamonds... but you already have a Knave?"
 "You're not the Knave, Alix," He stated, making her frown. "I'm giving you the role of Jass,"
 "T-The Traitor Card?" She gasped, looking at the card before looking up at Luka. "As you wish, my lord,"
 "Good," He stated. "Your instructions are as follow. Act like you still believe Rossi and continue with the act but when you get a chance, sown seeds of doubt about her. You will also report anything she said about me or the others to Sabrina. I will contact you when I need you. I believe it goes unsaid that what you learnt here today stays between us or you will pay a penalty. Understood?"
 "Yes, your highness,"
 ~The Night Before Lila's take down~
 Alix's phone vibrated, making her frown as she picked it up. She saw it was a message from Luka. She had wondered when he would get in contact with her but she had played her part perfectly. She pretended to believe Lila but whispered seeds of doubt in the others' ears. She also reported the rumors and claims she made against Luka and the royal flush. She provided them with a link to Alya's interview as soon as it was released. She unlocked her phone and checked the message.
 From Unknown Number:
The time has come.
Go to the school asap.
I've arranged for it to be unlocked.
You will find your instructions there.
Follow them exactly.
 Alix got up and climbed out of her window before making her way to the school. It didn't take her long to get there. She tried the door and found it unlocked. She slid inside and walked over to the courtyard. To her surprise, Sabrina and Chloe were there with a box. She had been expecting Luka to be there himself but it seemed he chose not to come. She couldn't help but wonder why. Chloe had her arms folded and looked bored while Sabrina was tapping her foot. Alix walked up to them.
 "Jass, excellent timing," Chloe smirked. "Sabrina, bring the little traitor up to date,"
 "Yes, your highness," She smiled before turning to Alix. "The Ace has a plan that he intended to put into action tomorrow but for it to be successful, he requires the help of the Jass. As you know, he has a flare for the dramatic so he has provided you with two spray paints. One red and one black,"
 Alix nodded as she took them from her before checking them. They were good quality spray paints.
 "He wants you to use those on Alya's and Lila's lockers," Sabrina explained before gesturing to the box. Alix looked over and saw it was filled to the brim with the same card. The Ace of Spades. It was different designs as well. Some look handmade and others looked like they were from a normal pack. "The Royal flush have provided you with these. You are to put these in their lockers,"
 She handed her a handful of Ace cards and a list.
 "These are the Aces for the rest of your class. You will place them in the lockers of Nino, Kim, Mylene, Ivan, Max and of course your own locker. Not only will that keep your role as our Jass uncovered but you still must pay the penalty for betraying your friends. Understood?"
 "Yes, Miss Sabrina but what do you want me to spray onto Lila's and Alya's lockers?" She asked. "And what about Rose's and Juleka's?"
 "We've taken a much more personal take for those two," Chloe replied, looking at her nails as Sabrina took out a piece of paper. Alix took it and looked at it. It had a riddle on it, completely with a message and a diagram of the two lockers that explained what he wanted her to do. On the inside of both Lockers, she was to spray paint an ace of spade and write the message. On the outside, she was to spray paint a huge spade across both lockers before writing 'tabloid trash' in red on Alya's locker and 'liar' on Lila's. She put the picture in her rucksack and put it back on her back before taking the box with the cards. She headed into the locker and found the lockers she needed. She opened Lila's first and began to work on that then moved onto Alya's. While she let them dry, she placed the other aces in the rest of the lockers before returning to Alya's locker. She filled it with half of the cards and slammed it close before repeating her action with Lila's. Finally, she completed the task by adding the spade and the writing. She took a step back and nodded before packing the paints away and grabbing the box. She walked outside back to Chloe and Sabrina. 
 "All done," She stated as Sabrina took back the paints. "Gotta ask though. How did you get some many cards?"
 "Nathaniel and Marinette made some, Marc ordered a couple of packs, along with Luka and me, Adrien and Kagami provided the rest," Chloe stated. "Now your job is done. Head home and get some rest. Tomorrow, you have one last role to play. Lila will more then likely try and make out that she's a victim in this. Your job is to make everyone question it. Got it?"
 "Yes, your highness," She bowed, making Chloe smile.
 "Excellent," She smirked. "The Ace will be happy,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Alix had to hide her smirk as she walked into the locker room along with everyone else. Lila was near the door and was pretending to sob. She had been trying to spread a rumor that Luka had threatened her again but hardly anyone believed her. In fact, Alix was certain that only Alya did. Kim and Max had been questioning it, along with Nino and Ivan. Not that they showed it though. Alya rushed over to her, along with the rest of the class but no one else made a move. Alix could feel the rest of the room glaring at all of them. 
 "Hey, are you ok?" Alya asked, gently placing her hand on her shoulder. Lila did a dramatic flinch.
 "Oh, I'm still frightened," She gasped, wiping her eyes. "I'm scare he'll come and threaten me again,"
 "Don't worry. I'll protect you. Come on, let's head to our lockers," Alya smiled, getting a smile of Lila but as soon as they walked over two girls stopped and stared at their lockers in surprise as did everyone else. Everyone instantly began to whisper as both girls stared at their lockers. Alix clenched her fist. It took a lot of willpower not to smirk at her handiwork. Someone had sprayed painted an spade sign across both of them. The words 'tabloid trash' was sprayed in red across Alya's locker, making her growl and the word 'Liar' was sprayed across Lila's in the same paint. Of course, that someone had been herself. She was proud of her work but knowing she still had a role to play, she tried not to let it show. Her heart came to a stop as she saw Lila looking at her but thankfully, she didn't question her. Instead, she began to sob a little as Alya frowned at the vandalism before glaring at Marinette and Chloe. Alix had noticed them and wanted to say hi but again, she couldn't reveal herself. Not yet. Both girls were grabbing their stuff, along with Nathaniel.
 "Should we ask them if they did it?" Mylene suggested but Alya shook her head.
 "No, we'll confront them about it in front of Miss Bustier. That way they'll be forced to tell the truth," She declared as she unlocked her locker but stepped back as a number of cards poured out of them. "What the hell?!"
 She frowned and leaned down as she picked up one of the cards. She turned it over and frowned as she saw it was the ace of spades. She picked another card and turned it over. The Ace of Spades again. Frowning to herself, she turned over several, revealing them to be all the Ace of Spades. Once again, Alix had to resist smirking.
 "A-Alya..." Nino whispered, looking at her with horror before he backed away from her and Lila's lockers as he pointed at them. The two girls looked at where he was pointing and gasped. An ace of spades had been sprayed painted on the insides of their locker doors, along with a riddle. Alya frowned as she looked at it.
 "Kings and Queens can cling to their powers and the Jokers have their call but as you will soon discover, the common one outranks them all. I hope you enjoyed the peace I gave you. It's over now and I'm coming for you both... sighed Ace..." She read out loud as everyone backed away from her and Lila. "What the hell does that mean?"
 "He's given you the ace of spades..." Nino whispered as if someone had died. Alya and Lila looked at him confused as Ivan opened his own locker. He jumped back as a card fell out of his. The class looked at him as he picked it up. Alix moved across to hers. She would have to act surprised to get one as well.
 "Ivan?" Mylene asked as he shook. He looked at them and showed them as Alix unlocked hers and took out the card. "Oh no..."
 "It's just the ace of clubs!" Alya gasped, confused as Lila frowned but the others checked their lockers. Mylene let out a sob as she held another ace of clubs in her hand, Alix shook as she also held an ace of clubs, along with Max, who also got the ace of clubs. Nino and Kim didn't receive the Ace of clubs but instead got the ace of hearts and the ace of diamonds. "What the hell does all this mean? And why did we get the Ace of Spades?!"
 "It means he's coming for us...." Mylene muttered as tears rolled down her face as Ivan held her. Nino clearly his throat.
 "The Ace of clubs means you broke someone's trust, the ace of diamonds means you broke a promise and the ace of hearts means you broke a heart... if anyone gets any of these three aces, it is a warning to change your ways or he will come to punish you..." Nino muttered, making everyone frown deeply. Of course, Alya had no idea what they meant. She wasn't here when he ruled.
 "And the Ace of Spades?" Alya asked. "What does that mean?"
 "It means you've done all three of those things or worst and unlike the others, it is not a warning. It is a promise," Nino frowned, deeply as Alya gave him a confused look. "It's basically a death sentence... but why would he give it to you two?"
 "Because he hates us," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her cheeks. Alix bit her tongue but she knew it was her time to shine so to speak. Chloe's instruction was make them question her claims of been a victim. She knew exactly how to do that. "This is because I rejected him and tried to stand up to Marinette..."
 "Then why hasn't she got an ace?" Alix asked, making everyone look at her. Everyone here, apart from Alya and Lila, knew how Luka worked so she could easily make them question Lila. "Everyone knows he only ever gives the ace of spades to bullies,"
 Lila frowned deeply as people were muttered and beginning to question why she got it. Alix held back a smirk at the look of panic on her face but before either could do any more, Juleka entered the room, looking extremely pissed off and followed by an equally pissed Rose. Her eyes moved across the room looking for something. Lila gulped in fear as Juleka looked fierce. Alix couldn't help but think to herself what Luka had told her before. Hell hath no fury like A Couffaine.  As soon as Juleka's eyes landed on Lila, she stormed over to the girl and slapped her across the face.
 "What the hell, Juleka?!" Alya shouted as everyone else, including Alix was too shocked. Juleka never got violent with anyone.
 "Stay the hell away from my brother!" She screamed, shocking everyone. Alix felt her blood boil. What had Lila done to get such a reaction from Juleka? Is that why Luka had sent Chloe in his place?
 "W-What?" She gasped, fake tears in her eyes but she did seem genuinely surprised by Juleka's reaction. "W-what did I do?"
 "You fucking assaulted him, you bitch!!" Juleka screamed as Rose held her hand. Alix gripped her hand into a fist.
 "How could you?!" Rose gasped, looking betrayed. Alix noticed Lila looking around, panic clear in her eyes. She was obviously trying to think how to get around this, especially since Alya was actually glaring at her. "Because of you and your lies, both me and Juleka were given an ace card each!! I broke my promise because of you and Juleka, she became the very thing she hated and it broke Luka's heart!! How... how could you lie?!"
 "L-Lie?" Lila gasped, panic settling in. "I didn't lie!! H-he... he's the one who lying! He assaulted me and is trying to make me look like the bad guy when I'm the victim!!"
 "Liar!!" Juleka growled, shoving Lila who looked surprised by the sudden attack. "He was absolutely terrified when he came home yesterday!! He told me about how you assaulted and threatened him twice!! Fucking twice, Lila!! He didn't want to tell me about the first time as he was too afraid to do so!! It was only because Mum pushed him to tell us if it had happened before!!"
 "N-no, you've got it all wrong!!" She gasped, tears in her eyes as Rose glared at her. Alix wondered what had occurred. Was Lila really stupid enough to assault Luka? "H-he assaulted me, Juleka. I swear!! I didn't want to say anything because I was scared"
 "Really?!" Juleka growled, not buying a single word. "Then explain to me why the fuck there were fucking claws marks on his arms and on his face as well as bruises marks on his stomach and his shirt was torn?!"
 "It was self defense I swear!" She gasped. "H-he tried to assault me and I hit him in self defense!"
 Juleka and Rose weren't buying it and Alix couldn't blame them. Luka was many things but he would never hurt a woman, even in self defense but it seemed Alya and the others were looking doubtful. Lila smirked when she thought no one was looking but Alix saw it. However, she knew Luka wasn't stupid and she was certain now that Lila had confronted him. However, last time he had recorded her and he was definitely not going to talk to her without a back up plan. Chances are he did the same thing with this 'talk'.
 "He showed us the fucking recording of you threatening to scream rape if he didn't do what you wanted!!" Juleka screamed, making go Lila go pale. Alix wanted to laugh as Juleka confirmed her theory. Of course, he had fucking record it, the smart bastard. Alix smirked a little before morphing her face into a look of horror as Lila quickly looked around. Everyone else looked at her with horror. Almost instantly, she began to cry.
 "H-he faked it to make me look like a bad guy," She cried but Juleka was having none of it. She punched her again. "I swear, Juleka, I didn't assault him!!"
 "You fucking liar!!" She screamed, tears roll down her face. "I can't believe that I actually believed you!!"
 "I'm t-telling the truth!!"
 "Then where's your injuries!?!" Juleka screamed again. "If he assaulted you, why aren't you hurt?!"
 Lila couldn't answer that. Alix knew it and so did Juleka. She gulped as Alix glared at her, along with the others.
 "It... it was Alya's idea!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. Alix almost broke character. Lila had literally just dug her own grave.
 "What?!" Alya screamed. "I didn't tell you to do that!!"
 "Y-you told me to try and prove that Luka wasn't who he claimed to be..." She sniffed.
 "So you tried to accuse him of sexual assault?!" Alya screamed. "And then try to blame me when you get uncovered!!"
 "Not cool, dudette!!" Nino gasped.
 "Nino, Alya is the one in the wrong here!!" Mylene scolded but frowned when Alix snorted.
 "Alya would never do that!! This is Lila's fault!!" Rose gasped, tears in her eyes.
 "No way, Lila was just following her terrible advice!!" Ivan gasped, clearly still believing Lila.
 "I never gave her that advice!! She's lying!!" Alya growled, clearly pissed off.
 "I'm not lying about that, I swear!!" Lila sobbed.
 "You also swore my brother assaulted you!!" Juleka growled, making everyone look at her. Alix saw the perfect chance to make them fully doubt her.
 "Guys!!" She shouted, getting everyone's attention. They all looked at her. "If Lila lied about Luka and Alya's advice, what else did she lie about?!"
 ~After the Take Down~
 "S-She lied about everything..." Mylene gasped as tears rolled down her face. Despite knowing that she had been lying, Alix was shocked at how bad it really had been. What kind of psycho tried to get Ladybug killed or drove people to have mental breakdowns. She felt guilty as they had put Marinette through that but now most of the class was trying to apology to her. Alix was leaning against the wall as Kim gasped for forgiveness while he was on his knees. Nino had taken off his hat and bowed his head low. Rose and Mylene were crying and Ivan was looking guilty. Marinette had her arms crossed but said nothing until Luka walked over. He gently placed his arm around her and led her towards Chloe before the two girls left. He turned to the rest of the class and narrowed his eyes. They all went silence as they waited for him to speak. He looked at Rose, Mylene, Ivan, Kim, Nino and Alix.
 "You all have one more chance. If you step even a toe out of line, I will personally destroy you," He stated, making them gulp. "You will be suspended for three weeks and I expect you to treat Marinette and the rest of my royal flush with the fear and respect they deserve. If I think you have earnt your right, I will grant you a new card. It will not be a court card but it will be a value higher then 6. I also expect you to pay back Marinette every single penny you owe her. Anything she made you, anything food brought from the bakery, anytime you convinced her to be babysit for free. Is that understood?"
 "Y-Yes, your highness," The students whispered, shaking with fear. He dismissed them, expect for Juleka, who was playing with her hands and Alix. Alix felt bad for her. She gulped as he looked at her.
 "Alix, you will face the same penalty as the rest of the class but I want to thank you for your help. However, I revoke the role of Jass for you as it is no longer needed. Like the rest of your class, you will gain a new card but given your current action, you will probably be the first to get yours. Now, you're dismissed. I need to talk to my sister," He stated, turning to Juleka. Alix nodded and left but decided to wait for Juleka. She hid beneath a pillar and looked over. Luka had his arms crossed but he didn't look angry. He looked hurt and disappointed. Juleka looked up at him.
 "Lu, I'm sorry... I-" She started but he held up his hand.
 "I'm not going to lie to you, Jules. I'm extremely disappointed in you," He sighed, making her frown. "You have known Marinette as long as I have. You have seen what she is like with people and how she is. Hell, we both have met Ladybug and we personally know Jagged. And you know how I feel about bullies. You know what it is like to be bullied. Remember Xavier?"
 She flinched at the name.
 "So I'm going to ask you one time and I expect you to answer me honestly. Why did you believe Lila when literally everything you know could tell you she was a liar?"
 "S-She... I...." She gasped, looking down. For a minute, she was silence. She felt tears form in her eyes because when she really thought about it, nothing Lila said made sense. Marinette was like her. She knew what it was like to be bullied. She had put up with Chloe for years and other bullies. Luka had done his best to protect her from the mayor's daughter but she was clever and never went as far as Lila did. Juleka hung her head in shame. "I don't know..."
 "Allow me to enlightened you then," He stated, making her frown. "You believed her because she promised you the world. I know how she offered to get you to meet Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois. I know that she promised to get Kitty Section a record deal and tried to pass the songs you gave her as her own work. What I don't know is why you didn't question her and you followed her like a blind idiot. You became a bully because of her!"
 "I didn't mean to..." She gasped, looking down. "I thought she was telling the truth,"
 "Have I taught you nothing, Juleka? If it sounds too good to be true or it sounds out of character for someone then it probably is,"
 "But... she was so nice..."
 "And so was Dad!" He snapped, making her flinch before he pinched his nose. "You will have the same punishment as the rest of your class. You're also grounded until Mum says otherwise and Kitty Section is disbanded until I say so. I expect you to learn from this, Juleka. I know that you're better then this but you're gonna have to prove it,"
 "I will, Luka..." Juleka muttered. "I promise,"
 "Good," Luka muttered as Juleka walked away. However, he sighed and leaned against the wall, finally dropping his guard. Alix frowned as she had never seen him look the way he did. He looked hurt and that's when she realized a damage that no one saw and the final straw that caused Luka to destroy Lila the way he did. Sure, Luka had a flare for the dramatic but looking at him now, she realized this had hurt him. Lila hadn't just isolated his best friend and almost destroyed her. She had poisoned the mind of his sister and tore apart his life. In one simple move against Marinette, she had awoke a monster that he had been fighting all his life. Alix stepped out from her hiding, making him look at her with a harsh look. "You better have a damn good reason to be spying on me!"
 "I... I wanted to say I'm sorry..." She muttered, making him frown.
 "You should give your apologies to Marinette,"
 "I know but I also think you deserve one," She stated, making him narrow his eyes. "Lila may have been trying to hurt Marinette but she ended up causing you pain and I never realized it. Your sister became the very thing you hate and your best friend could have been pushed over the edge. God knows what it must of been like for you seeing her broken or watching your sister turning into a monster. I can't even imagine it so I'm sorry. You're right. If it's too good to be true then it probably is... but I've got to ask... what if Lila comes back or gets away with this?"
 "Alix, I promise Lila will never be coming back," He stated before turning on his heel and walking off. She stood there for a second before she smiled and went back to her class. She knew now that Lila would never be back in their lives. After all, the Ace always kept his promises. 
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adorpheus · 4 years
on fujoshi and fetishization
Lately, more and more, both here on tumblr and on other sites, I keep seeing people spew unfiltered hatred at fujoshi - that is, women who like mlm content such as gay fanfic and fanart featuring men with other men. And I don’t mean like a specific type of fujoshi, like the ones who are genuinely being weird about it, but just like a general hatred for girls (but especially straight identifying girls) who express love for gay romance.
I hate to break this to you all, but women (including straight women!) actually are allowed to like mlm fanfiction and fanart, even enthusiastically so. A woman simply expressing her love of gay fanfic, even if it is in kind of a cringey way or a way that you personally don’t like, is NOT automatically fetishization.
I’ve been on the receiving end of fetishization for my entire life, from a very young age, as many black and brown folx have, so I consider myself pretty well acquainted with how it works. Fetishization isn’t just like, being really into drawings of boys kissing, or whatever the fuck y’all are trying to imply on this god forsaken site. 
Fetishization is complicated imo, and can encompass a lot of things, such as (but not limited to):
1 - dehumanization, e.g. viewing a group of people as sexual objects who exist purely for entertainment purposes, rather than acknowledging them as actual people who deserve respect and rights
2 - projecting certain assumptions onto said people based on their race/sexuality/whatever is being fetishized. These assumptions are often, but not always, sexual in nature (like the idea that black people in general are more sexual than other races, etc etc etc).
I’m going to use myself as an example to illustrate my point. Please note this isn’t the best or most nuanced example, but it is the most simplistic. A white person finding me attractive and respectfully appreciating my black features as part of what makes me beautiful is not, on its own, fetishization. A white person finding me attractive solely or mostly because I’m a PoC is now in fetishization territory. Similarly, assuming I’m dominant because of my blackness (like saying “step on me mommy” and shit like that) is hella fetishistic. 
That being said, theres definitely a difference between how fetishization works in real life with real people, and how it shows up in fandom. 
Fetishization manifests in many different ways in fandom, but most commonly on the mlm side of things, I personally see it appear as conservative (or centrist) women who love the idea of two men together, but don’t actually like gay people, and don’t necessarily think LGBT+ people deserve rights (or “special treatment” as its sometimes dog whistled). These women view queer men as sexual objects for entertainment rather than an actual group of people who deserve to be protected from systemic oppression. I’ve noticed that they often don’t even think of the men they “ship” together as actually being gay, and may even express disgust at the idea of a character in an mlm ship being headcanon’d gay. In case its not obvious, this is pretty much exactly the same way a lot of cishet men fetishize lesbians (they see “lesbian” as a porn category, rather than like, what actual LGBT people think of when we read the word lesbian). There’s a pretty popular viral tweet thread going around where someone explains seeing this trend of conservative women who like mlm stuff, and I have also personally witnessed this phenomenon myself in more than one fandom. 
The funny thing is, maybe its just me buuuut.... The place I see this particular kind of fetishization happen most is not in the anime/BL fandom, from which the term fujoshi originates - I actually see these type of women way way more in western fandom spaces like Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Hannibal. I can’t stress this enough, there’s a shocking amount of people who are like, straight up trump supporters in these fandoms. If you want to experience it, try joining a Hannigram or Destiel group on facebook and you will probably encounter one eventually especially if you happen to be living through a major historical event. Like these women probably wouldn’t even be considered “fujoshi”, because that term doesn’t really apply to them given they aren’t in the BL/anime fandom, yet they’re the ones I personally see actually doing the most harm.
Of course this isn’t the ONLY kind of fetishizing woman in the mlm/BL world, there are other ways fetishization shows up, but this is the most toxic kind that I see.
A girl just being really into BL or whatever may be “cringe” to you, or she may be expressing her love for BL in a “cringey” way, but a straight woman really enjoying BL is not, on its own, somehow inherently fetishization. Yes, sometimes teenage girls act kind of cringe about how much they like BL and that might be annoying to you, but its not necessarily ~problematic~. 
That being said, IT NEEDS BE REMARKED that a lot of the “fujoshi” that you all hate so deeply, are actually closeted trans men or nonbinary people who haven’t yet come to terms with their gender identity, or are otherwise just NOT cishet. I know because I was one of these closeted people for years, and I honestly think tumblr and the cultural obsession around purity is one of the many reasons I was closeted so deeply for so long. STORYTIME LOL!!! In my early adolescence, I was a sort of proto “fujoshi”. I identified as a bi girl who was mostly attracted to men, or as most (biphobic) people called it, “practically straight”. I wrote and read “slash” fanfic and looked at as well as drew my own fanart. We didn’t use the term fujoshi back then, but that’s definitely how I could have been described. I was obsessed with yaoi, BL, whatever you want to call it, to a cringe-inducing degree. I really struggled to relate to most het romances, so when I first discovered yaoi fanfics (as we called them at the time), I fell in love and felt like I finally found the type of romance content that was made for me. I didn’t know exactly why, I just knew it hit different. LGBT+ fanart and fanfiction brought me an immense amount of joy, and I didn’t really think too hard about why.
At some point, in my early 20s, after reading lots of discourse™ here on tumblr and other places like twitter, I started to get the sinking feeling that my passion for gay fanfiction was ~problematic~. I had always felt a sense of guilt for being into mlm content, because literally anyone who found out I liked BL (especially the men I dated) shamed me for liking it all the fucking time (which btw is literally just homophobic, like can we talk about that?). In addition to THAT bullshit, now I’m seeing posts telling me that girls who like BL are cringey gross fetishists who inspire rage and should go die? 
Let me tell you, I internalized the fuck out of messages like this. I desperately wanted to avoid being ~problematic~. At the time, I thought being problematic was like the worst thing you could be. I was terrified of being “cancelled”, before canceling was even really a thing. I thought to myself, “oh my god, I’m gross for liking this stuff? I should stop.” I beat myself up over this. I wanted so badly to be accepted, and to be deemed a Good Person by the internet and society at large.
I tried to shape up and become a good ally (lmfao). I stopped writing fanfic and deleted all the ones I was working on at the time. I made a concerted effort to assimilate into cishet culture, including trying to indulge myself more deeply in the few fandoms I could find that had het content I did enjoy (Buffy, True Blood, Pretty Little Liars, etc). I would occasionally look at BL/fanfic/etc in private, but then I would repress my interest in it and not look for a while. Instead I would look at women in straight relationships, and create extremely heterosexual Couple Goals pinterest boards, and try to figure out how I could become more like these women, so I, too, could be loved someday. 
This cycle of repression lasted like eight years. Throughout it all, I was performing womanhood to the best of my ability and trying to become a woman that was worthy of being in a relationship. I went in and out of several “straight” relationships, wondering why they didn’t make me feel the way reading fanfic did. Most of all, I couldn’t figure out why straight intimacy didn’t work for me. I just didn’t enjoy it. I always preferred looking at or making gay fanfiction/fanart over actual intimacy with men in real life. 
Eventually, I stumbled upon a trans coming out video that someone I was following posted online, my egg started to crack, and to make an extremely long story short, after like 3 years of introspection and many gender panic attacks that I still experience to this day, I realized that I’m uh... MAYBE... NOT CIS..!? :|
I truly believe if I had just been ALLOWED TO LIKE GAY STUFF WITHOUT BEING SHAMED FOR IT, I probably would have realized I was trans way way sooner. Because for me, indulging in my love of gay romance and writing gay fanfic wasn’t me being a weirdo fetishist, it was actually me exploring my own gender identity. It is what helped me come to terms with being a nonbinary trans boy.
Not everyone realizes they are trans at age 2 or whatever the fuck. Sometimes you have to go through a cringey fujoshi phase and multiple existential crises to realize how fucking gay you are AND THATS FINE.
And one more thing - can we just be real here? 
A lot of anti-fujoshi sentiment is literally just misogyny. omg please realize this. Its “women aren’t allowed to enjoy things” but, like... with gay fanfics. Some of the anti-fujoshi posts I see come across my dash are clearly ppl projecting a caricature they invented in their head of a demonic fujoshi fetishist onto any woman who expresses what they consider to be a little too much enthusiasm for gay content and then using their perception of that individual as an excuse to justify their disdain for any women, especially straight women, ‘invading’ their ~oh so exclusive~ queer fandom spaces.
 god get over yrselfs this is gatekeeping by another name
idk why i spent so long writing this no one is even going to read it, does anyone even still use this site
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peachyteabuck · 3 years
I know that this aroace Yelena topic may be tiring (as an aroace person that has been seeing this discourse all over my Tumblr and sometimes on TikTok, I am lol)
I have a problem where I can see the two sides of this, on one side i know that it is fiction, if I don't like it, i won't read it (personally I don't read Yelena smut because i don't feel comfortable for example) BUT as was said before, when you take a lgbtqia character, gay, lesbian, and turn them straight, most people would NOT take this very well, and the writers, fans that would headcanon and write them as straight would continue doing it anyway, the same ive been seeing with Yelena
My main problem is with the reaction twords the fact that Yelena is canonically Aroace, and everyone is trying to erase this by saying "that's not even explored in the comics" or *hoping* that in the MCU she "hopefully won't be Aroace" and that's so frustrating u know? If it was a gay or lesbian character with a chance to be canon in the MCU, people would celebrate, demand that marvel and Disney would make them gay, but just the thought of one Aroace character and suddenly it's all questionable? "Oh maybe she isn't"
I know that at the end of the day I can't control anyone's writing or headcanon, and that's alright, just don't be an jerk and put a whole community down just so you can fuck the character in ur head, or ship them with anyone
And about the "oh but aro and ace people can date and have sex" yes they can, but are their experience being written the way a asexual would deal with it? The way a aromantic person would feel? Most of the time I'm sure that it would be a big no
Again I'm not trying to attack you and I'm sorry if I sounded rude or anything, i follow you and I love your writing, but I've seen this discussion so much and it's like when we (Aroace people) talk about it, no one is really listening and it's frustrating sometimes
Sorry if it's too much and if my way of though didn't make sense lol
prerequisite context: i am never and will never deny the power of fanfiction to be morally abhorrent, and i have never and will never claim that fanfiction writers are never responsible for the context we produce.
so I guess there are a few main reasons people are claiming writing yelena within sexual and romantic contexts is bad, according to the people in my inbox:
1) unequal fan backlash
2) unequal fan celebration/comics = mcu
3) improper representation of ace/aro people who do engage in sexual/romantic contexts
in regards to those:
fan backlash and celebration are exceedingly poor reasons to do/not do something. mostly because, especially in the MCU, there are fans who are homophobic, they're conservative, they're trump supporters. several actors are those things. there's no reason to use fan response (whether backlash or celebration) as a motivation to do something, because fans are sometimes wrong. additionally, "fans" is a pretty wide term. are people who prefer comics fans? young teens? people who don't write fanfic? those who only make edits? tik tokers? cosplayers? whose opinions should we listen to? whose shouldn't we?
plus, as i've canon compliance in the MCU is a pretty massive beast. characters are whitewashed left and right, their origin stories changed and plotlines are plucked out of thin air or altered heavily from the source material. yelena can be aroace in one comic run and not in the other. what i've also seen are post-production comments, which are often made to pander so that directors can say they made "MCU's first ace character" without putting in the work. is that something we should listen to? it brings up the golden question: are fanfic writers responsible for fixing broken media?
i don't think so. we're often people doing this for free (or close to it). we're broke, we work other jobs, we have other hobbies. we don't have sensitivity writers or editors or researchers. why are we responsible for fixing massive canon mistakes in a 2k fic about pet play, and why aren't the creators of the media we're writing fanfiction about the center of the backlash?
lastly, the line "are their experience being written the way a asexual would deal with it? The way a aromantic person would feel? Most of the time I'm sure that it would be a big no" is exceedingly odd to me. who says ace people can't want to be werewolves? or engage in omegaverse? or fuck in hallways? or engage in BDSM?
what does it mean to write an aro/ace character in these contexts? what doesn't it mean? if a creator thinks aro/ace people are liars, and that ace people need to go to conversion therapy, but writes a fluffy yelena fic where her and reader have a movie night with no sexual/romantic context, is that good aro/ace representation? why or why not?
all in all, i understand if there's some frustration. but every time someone takes the "writing yelena in sexual/romantic contexts is Always Morally Wrong" side, all i see is misplaced and uninformed criticism. it's 100% better to either write the fics you want to see or support creators who do, than come into inboxes of people who don't.
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furrypersonturtle · 3 years
Guo Wengui's words about chicken investment, always a nonsense
Guo Wengui's words about chicken investment, always a nonsense Near the collapse of the staged gesture, warriors should think twice Recently, Guo Wengui live big talk, nonsense of the general, as in the past. Of course, the focus of the explosive brother is always not away from the world's hot news, rubbing the sky and rubbing the air, the nature always remains unchanged. At the same time, Guo Lao deception always do not forget the chicken series, happy coins, crazy to encourage investors to buy buy buy buy, while the victims of the uncovered cheating yell three or four, gangster attitude, disgusting to the full. In order to entertain the public, but also to wake up the dreamers, I do not speculate shallow, but would like to analyze, one by one, and all of you to share. Taliban forces drove straight into Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, through the U.S. training, armed by American equipment, 300,000 government troops faced with more than 70,000 Taliban soldiers immediately collapsed, without even firing a shot, that is, surrender, and President Ghani and other former senior government officials with a huge amount of money, fled in haste, eyebrow-raising. Whenever there is a hot spot in the world, it is bound to be rubbed by Guo Wengui's sparks. A few days ago, Guo Wengui rubbed the heat again, this guy said that a Taliban buddy he knew decades ago is now the absolute boss of the Taliban, "his name I can not say now, in the future will definitely tell his comrades. I don't know how many times Guo Wengui has said déjà vu, and how many people he has named. In Guo Wengui's made-up mouth, there is no celebrity who cannot be his friend. Guo Wengui is a member of the Trump Club and a friend of Trump. Guo Wengui is a friend of Putin, who accompanies him on fishing trips. Guo Wengui is a friend of Kim Jong-un's father, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un calls him uncle. India's Modi boasts that Guo Wengui is a friend of the Indian people. And, since it is the absolute boss of the Taliban, all of you melon congregation, break your fingers can be calculated, still need to deceive brother you tell, pretend to be a god to do what? The purpose and intention of Guo Wengui's nonsense is obvious, is to act as a big card in front of a group of ignorant comrades, in order to bluff a piece, this is the first step. The first step is to bluff a group of ignorant comrades. Guo Wengui said that the absolute boss of the Taliban called him to tell him that he wanted to use the tens of billions of dollars captured from the U.S. military to buy the currency, and in Guo's words, "I told him no at that time, I said the share of the investment in the currency was reserved for my comrades, not for you". The seeming bullishness and the difficulty of finding a coin is actually self-contradictory and not worthy of scrutiny. The Taliban member is a brother, and the ants are also brothers, the heart and back of the hand are flesh, give the Taliban brother some share of the happy coins and why not? The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. What's more, tens of billions of dollars are at hand, and the country is in need of money, so why not accept it and include it in your name? In a thousand words, Guo Wengui's sky is the limit, is to catch the ants' appetite, so that the latter eagerly jump into the pit they have dug. According to Guo Wengui, hi coin has been listed on April 21, G coin has been the end of life, but the question is, how to exchange the invested G coin into hi coin, or return to investors, this Guo Wengui is tight-lipped, not to say, the implication is that the chicken coin is gone, deception brother swallowed alone. The US-approved coins are not available on the US Treasury's official website, while Bitcoin is clearly visible. Once the comrades find out that they have been cheated and ask for a refund, Deception is a meal R, rogue rogue probable full of paper full of screen. A few days ago, Guo Wengui is to intimidate investors, "the United States does not have jurisdiction over G series, class action lawsuit G series that is organized by the Chinese Communist Party". If according to Guo Wengui's thinking, the U.S. law enforcement agencies have no jurisdiction over chicken series, then why would the SEC investigate more than GTV since July 2020, why would the FBI follow the investigation of Luther and Yan Limeng, why would the SEC issue a fine order to GTV and VOG, and why would the small claims make significant progress. Guo Wengui cheat money when the generous, seemingly decent gentleman, was asked for a refund when, just like a black-skinned scoundrel. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. In short, whether it's chicken coins, hi coins or other chicken series, all are tricks to hoodwink people and harm them, none of which are believed. The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. Now, many investors who have woken up have taken up legal weapons to collect their debts according to the law. Summer in South Korea has already gotten back $10,000 of her investment money, and COCO in Washington is suing Washington DC farm owner Ah Bing. It can be predicted that under the step of the U.S. judiciary, after many investors take up legal weapons, Guo Wengui, a paper tiger with a weak heart, will eventually be unable to fight. The inconsistent and contradictory words of Guo Wengui are the manifestation of his extreme anxiety. The closer to the end of the twilight, the more frantic the liar, the more obvious the bluffing move will be. Based on the situation judgment, at this moment, it is the darkness before the dawn, such as warriors and investors to have a clear perception, otherwise it is a lost cause.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
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And yeah you look exactly like him and we mean the character in the movie and the governor newsom. It makes sense people think that you have some ships here or offshore that are Tommy F or other so everybody's going after you right now you should have shut up you're a pig you're an a****** you're a loser you're a moron all that stuff over and over is not working you up at all now you're sick we're finding out and you can't stop and we have to stop you because you're a huge a****** and loser and you won't let go of him and you're all over him and every time you do something you get nailed lose all your stuff is not enough we see all these businesses and they're going away and we need them in your huge prick and a loser I can see all that everyday you don't understand what I'm saying why is that
John Gallagher
I understand what you're saying and I see your cues and when I say is I don't understand why I'm acting this way have a plan to be a dick and he says so what every kid from the streets of Calcutta has one your job is to stop them not to become them so you'd be a big loser like you are and he says that and I still don't understand it
Donald Trump
You're supposed to be a sharp guy and a whiz and we point out that you died and you got shot and you think you're invincible or something and you're mentally ill
John Gallagher
What are you trying to say is I should slow down try to heal myself so I can think about what I'm doing wrong and I don't think I can I don't have enough time to and all that good stuff that people say when they're sick someone has to help me and I can't do it myself
Donald Trump
I suppose we're responsible because it doesn't have any reason to give anybody anything when he's not sick he's very sick and it's dangerous and it's worse and we don't know what to do we can't live with him he doesn't let anyone have anything he's a massive prick to our friend and you should have some of the stuff and turns out that you're working for the empire and I can't stand you but then again and he wanted him to explain he he understood right away and he explained it and is looking at he says I get it now and it made a lot of sense the money went away and it's come back and they're going to use it now so I look at you and I said did you research that at all because you won't let us do anything and then he says I'm in the way and he said you're a liar and I know what I'm doing so it's true too he's a real fathead he's stubborn and stupid and he's going to die
You know your name stupid argument is getting you hit you're arguing with her whether she's guilty of your crimes and stuff like that everybody knows what you did you're you're a steam bag of s*** Trump
Zues Hera
I have to tell you something it's going like this I have an argument yeah I'm trying to shake it off but it really people say it's ridiculous I'm actually in trouble and I keep doing stuff people but you're saying is you should not nuke New York City it's an inane thing to do people in people in that City are killers with and Itheyll Tommy f it cuz they want to kill him too. That was starting to see something if they want to get us by doing that why don't they just do it I'm trying to follow something else everybody up there is pissed off at me and including my people and I have to go up there and you keep saying you have to take a week or two and heal are you going to be this more on that you hear before you and it happens all the time people get sick so I guess I should probably go try and heal somewhere but I don't know I see how that goes
You should be stuck to me you're never going to heal you get sick all the time you get hit all the time and there's your son does too
Zues Hera
We're going to call to order now and was sitting in troops and specialists to handle the situation these idiots think he's being nice because he's saying for them to go away I have to tell you something they're very sick and it's true we're going to take action momentarily
We are too I can't stand their battle this is insane letting it happen other people forcing to happen with it's really just beyond anything that I can imagine of being stupid it's really beyond stupid you you boys if you are doing this you're really really wrong
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onisiondrama · 3 years
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"Onision Rant (live)" May 1, 2021, Speaks
Summary Part 1
James says he wants to rant about why everyone is obsessed with pedophiles. He says every other thing Keemstar and Nicholas DeOrio tweet about are 15 year old girls and pedophilia. He asks if they jerk off to this in their head. He said these guys have semi defended him in the past, but it's creepy to constantly tweet about these things. He doesn't want to think about predators every day. He says maybe it's because he had issues with his dad.
A fan in Discord says they have a right to report on it if they want. He says if there was a guy who was obsessed with bank robberies and had bank robber merch, you would think they fantasize or have a kink about being a bank robber.
He says Keem and Nick decided to make fun of a chick who made a cease and desist to the entire internet, but they gloss over the part where she talked about debating killing herself over the accusations against her. He says the accusations could be false and they could be making an innocent person suicidal while acting like heroes on Twitter.
James thanks someone in chat for saying he helped them with cutting. He says the new Gen Z thing to say is he caused their eating disorders, but they don't show the video or quote that cause them ed's. A fan says they've seen that on TikTok. He says it's another thing the idiot mob obsesses over when it's not a thing. He told people who were borderline diabetes to eat healthy and people who were borderline going to die to eat food.
Someone says how could you blame someone you never met on the internet for giving you a disease? James says unless you tell them to eat unhealthy or starve themselves. [Funny how his narrative changes when he's the one being accused compared to when he would say Eugenia was killing her fans.]
People keep coming in chat and telling James to kill himself. He points it out every time so he and his fans can dunk on them. He says he if was the one telling people to kill themselves, he'd be lynched. [He used to say it all the time. Just Google image search: "onision kill yourself tumblr"]
He says Keem and Nick bully people because they are accused of something. He says he's never seen that chick confess or was found guilty in court. He says bullying her is like Nazi shit, they harm people who they see as lesser and not human. He says Keem, Nick, and all the commentary channels are fucking pathetic because they are judging people without evidence.
He says he had a conversation with Nick on twitter and Nick had a rational response to everything James said. Nick still keeps what he said up.
James says of course this chick is trying to get people to leave her alone. God forbid somebody tried to get people stop saying they are something without evidence.
He says the internet community was great in 2006. Now we have Gen Z morons and dipshit, fucktard, inbreed commentary channels who point fingers and say they are better than other people. They can justify doing anything to people. They jerk off in a circle and talk about how great they are while someone hangs themselves in their basement because they can't take the rejection from society anymore.
He saw Keem pointing at H3H3 the other day saying H3H3 and the hate mob was after him and he might lose his Youtube channel. James says he literally saw Keem retweet this chick 20 minutes ago and send his own hate mob after her. She only had 100 followers and he has almost a million.
James says he unfollowed Nick because what he did on Twitter was so disgusting. Nick asked if bikinis are sexual and James said anything could be sexual to anyone. Someone said they were sexual and Nick said 15 year olds and 9 year olds wear bikinis. James asks how did 15 and 9 year olds enter the conversation. He asks why do you have to make people think of 15 and 8 year olds? [Lmao Start at 1:15 - censored by me.]
James says he has a theory there are very few pedophiles out there and people use this to monetize fear. They make everybody think about the scary pedophile next door, there is no pedophile next door.
James notices RealStream in chat and invites him to the conversation. He says RS was an accused rapist turned vindicated. James says some dumb fucking whore lied about RS and James went to bat for her and defended her. Turns out she was a dumb fucking bitch who decided to ruin someone's life because women lie too. Women are just men without dicks. Someone points out women could have dicks and James apologizes.
James said he was sure Nick would show up to the stream.
Someone make a Shane Dawson cat joke and James says Shane made a statement that sounded like a full confession. He later on said he was joking, but it was pretty elaborate. He says Shane should have used a disclaimer, like announce he was playing a character. Someone says they thought Shane always used shock humor. James says it's typically like a character, like when he did blackface. Someone says Shane shouldn't make jokes the same as his other videos. James says he made his meltdown videos without telling people they were fake, but he would put subtle hints that we was acting like dumbing kombucha on his head. Before he recorded the video, he thought that was the punchline. He planned the bottle and where he was going to pour it. He says he did chorography in his mind to wind up where the bottle was at the end of the video.
He said he released the bloopers of the meltdown videos to prove he was acting. Someone points out he would stream after he would upload and discord would laugh about how everyone thought the videos were real. James says commentary channels don't cover that shit because they want to keep people in the bubble. People don't realize how deep the conspiracy goes with them.
Today he saw someone accuse him of transporting minors. He asks when? He says he saw a police report that said someone (Shiloh) was in Philadelphia for training like he said they were. He says the police report doesn't say anything wrong happened.
First thing liars and frauds do is deplatform people so their narrative can't be threatened. He says it's like if Trump didn't letting Hillary have the mic
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