#not gonna change anything
locamotivednp · 4 months
I love living alone 🤝 living alone is terrible for me
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bioshzrd · 8 months
this random ass guy who’s entire bit is that he can move like this is the only good wesker fan ever
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month
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ok i drew both of them now
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egophiliac · 10 months
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messing around with techniques! I...like the foxman and the catboy a lot okay
also, a couple of quickies that honestly don't deserve any more effort than I've already given them:
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puppyeared · 5 months
so a few things
my brother and i have our rooms facing each other he recently got a mood light installed and he can change the color his favorite color is purple
which would normally be. FINE but every time i walk to my room its just been this
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solroskajan · 4 months
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More "human" AU (more like manticore AU). Just having fun with character design, I'll probably draw N and Uzi later, maybe J and Cyn too.
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Slightly late to the party, but happy Timberniversery and also Tim-bi day!!!
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bet-on-me-13 · 3 months
Amanda Waller is the Daughter of Tucker Folley
So! Amanda Waller has always been an interesting person.
She was born the daughter of Tucker Foley, one of the world's most intelligent men, and had high expectations her entire life (though her father never pressured her)
She was raised in Amity Park, a town that existed on the borders of the Living and Undead Realms, alongside the Ghosts of the dead children and children that never got born at all.
She was told stories of the corrupt government agency that terrorised the town in its early days. Of how her Father and his friends managed to push them out of town and get the Acts that empowered them abolished.
She was raised by one of the men who paved the way for the Metahuman Protections Act to be implemented. She was raised alongside metahumans and non-humans. She was raised on stories of Heroes and Villains. She grew up not trusting the Government for the crimes it committed to her Family and Friends.
So how did she ever end up like this?
How did she end up as the Leader of one of the Government's most shady and unethical branches? How did she end up being known as an enemy of Metahumans everywhere? How did she end up so far from how she started?
Well that's a question only one man could ever answer. Her father, Tucker Foley.
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radiance1 · 3 months
"May I help you, mister...?"
Pariah Dark paused, slowly looking the old (by human standards) butler up and down before slowly sheathing his sword and crossing his arms. He looked the butler up and down once more, before glancing at the mansion and back at him.
"May I come in?" The king asked calmly, voice kept carefully lower than he would usually speak with. He was aware that his normal tone of voice was 'loud' in human standards. The butler stared at him for a moment, before slowly stepping to the side. "Of course, sir. Though I am certain I have not yet gotten your name."
He pushed his foot forward, soon passing through the threshold as fire wrapped around his body as he shrunk. Armor being exchanged for more 'comfortable' clothing besides his cape as he stepped through the doorway and grunted. "You may refer to me as War."
The butler nodded, not batting an eye as the sudden shift in clothing or size. "You came at quite the convenient time. Would you like to join us for dinner, sir War?"
Eat mortal food?
"If you would have me and it's no further effort on your part, I could make such an arrangement." He fell in step easily behind the butler, hands folding behind his back in a similar if not a bit more extra way as his cape and hair swayed behind him with his every step.
"I believe I can arrange something to your liking," There was a sliver of mischief in the butler's tone as he led the king to what he assumed to be the dining room. "So far, all of my guests had only good things to say about my hospitality. I do so hope you're among them as well, words of praise from one of your station is quite hard to come by."
"I trust that your hospitality be nothing but kind." The king said, coming to a stop at a door the butler soon held open.
"Please, make yourself comfortable while I go inform those who will join you and make something more..." There was a slight twinkle in the butler's eyes. "Attuned, to your pallet."
The king chuckled. "I look forward to it." Then stepped inside.
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aychama · 4 months
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Crossing paths.
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cheesomancer · 4 months
What are you waiting for? I'm totally ready, I tell you.
Full art (with close up!) is here!
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dvnieldraws · 8 months
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acau & chunsik! [qsmp]
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the-woman-upstairs · 5 months
It’s very funny how Patrick throws out the comment about Art being Tashi’s lapdog as some kind of dig at her and how she treats people when it’s like, sir, you’re just mad Art’s no longer *YOUR* lapdog.
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c6jpg · 8 months
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Well? Have I convinced you yet?
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luhman16 · 4 months
Saw a post earlier about software and hardware (slightly edited)
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marsoid · 22 days
happy Friday the 13th IT'S LUCKY'S BIRTHDAY 🎉🎈
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