#not blaming them really. i mean i am but it's mostly an observation)
maddy-ferguson · 2 years
the way men (including queer men) don't watch women-centric media is so crazy to me
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Based on your recent answer about why you watch BL in which you mentioned many narratives like to punish lesbians with death, I wanted to prompt you to speak on that a bit more if you're willing. I will wait here chin in hands for when/if this is interesting to you because it's a bugbear of mine and I'd love to read your thoughts!
Hello Twiggy! (can I call you that? What should we shorten your url to? t-t?) 
Anyway, I would be happy to speak more on that!
To establish my lens, I am a Westerner, I grew up with no queer elders, and did not really realize I was queer until after I graduated college, so my experience with queer media was limited at best. I know there are films and television out there where the sapphics live, and there are films and televisions where I am completely fine with a queer character dying. I am not a “if any queer character dies they are burying the gays!” kind of person. 
Now, I’ll admit that when I wrote that in my answer, I was mostly saying it based on knowledge of the tumblr discourse I’ve observed over the past decade I have been on this fucking website. In other words, I didn’t know the full extent of the issue, because to be perfectly honest, despite the absurd amount of television I do watch, seeing queer women in my shows has been few and far between. I don’t think I saw a girl kiss another girl until I stumbled upon the YouTube web-series Carmilla in high school. SO, your ask required me to do a little bit more research. 
Here is a link to an article listing 230 dead lesbian and bisexual characters and their causes of death which include toxic envelope glue in Seinfeld??? The list is so long that the article is split up in to FOUR PAGES!
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Here are a couple of names from shows I either have seen or recognize: 
Tara Maclay in Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Lexa in The 100 
Tosha in The Wire
Poussey in Orange is the New Black (which I will absolutely never forgive this show for) 
Toshiko Sato in Torchwood 
June Stahl in Sons of Anarchy
Patty O’Farrel and Veronica Cortes in La Reina del Sur
Jamilah Olsen in Black Lightining
Dani in The Haunting of Bly Manor
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I do not want to count how many times I have seen the words “died in her girlfriends arms” in this list, and I’m only a page and a half in. I do not want to count how many times I have read “Cause of Death: shot/stabbed/blown up/murdered/throat slit” I have seen three separate queer women from True Blood on this list, three separate queer women from Boardwalk Empire, four from Orange is the New Black, four from Killing Eve. The cause of death for a character named Emily in Teen Wolf is five lines long. We know how Supernatural is about killing women and killing queers, and killing queer women (there are three on this list I’ve seen so far). And there are some truly convoluted deaths in here, and unsurprising a number of the most fucked up ones are…you guessed it, committed against queer women of color. 
And there are plenty on this list from like…American Horror Story, or like Scream, or you know other shows with very obvious ‘this is kind of an everyone dies’ situation. Like I’m not surprised if multiple queer characters from The Walking Dead die, I’m not going to hold it against the television show Spartacus for killing a bisexual woman in the final battle where everybody dies. (I will blame them for systematically killing off any and all interesting, complex female characters until we were left with almost nothing, when we had such good ones in Season 1). I do not see Dani dying at the end of Haunting of Bly Manor to be a ‘Bury Your Gays” situation in the least. 
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And I am a lot more prone to being comfortable with a queer character dying if there are other queer characters in the story, as long as they don’t all die, you know what I mean?  
Hell, even in shows written and/or performed by queer people where at the end everyone lives, they’ll still sometimes kill (and then resurrect) the characters. Laura in Carmilla  for instance. 
According to a study by LGBT Fans Deserve Better, 62 lesbian and bisexual female characters had died over the past two seasons of television (at the time, which I think was like 2014-2016) and the 2015-2016 year saw the highest number of deaths of queer women in one season of television (42 characters accounting fro 10% of all deaths for scripted television shows that season)
In 2016, a GLAAD analysis was published stating “25 lesbian and bisexual female-identifying characters have died on scripted broadcast and cable television and streaming series since the beginning of 2016” and went on to say that most of those deaths were used to further the plot of the often cishet main character, and violent death was the most repeated ending for queer women in media. 
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Looking further back in time, the Hays Code of 1930, which had major influence over United States television, did not allow for positive portrayals of queerness. And those impacts linger for far longer than those rules were put in place. I’m thinking of the very obviously queer coded lobster person in PowerPuff girls (which was one of my childhood shows) named HIM who was the personification of evil. Ursula in The Little Mermaid being inspired by a drag queen. [And it is here I will put an aside to say, I love queer coded villains, I think the person that made most of DIsney’s villains in like my generation of Disney films was queer himself, yada yada I’m covering my ass from anyone who wants to engage with this post in bad faith blah blah]. 
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Hell, I’ve seen one GL out of Thailand, which was GAP the Series and even they killed off another queer female character and made Sam suffer abuse at the hands of her grandmother. I’ve heard about how The Shipper treated its lesbians. 
The TL;DR version of this is that, for a very long time in (at least Western) television, a sapphic existed in a narrative, and a sapphic died, often violently, often in their lover’s arms. And thanks to studies like the one by LGBT Fans Deserve Better, these disparities were made glaringly obvious, and rates of lesbian death in shows has been going down since 2016.
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emeraldxphoenix · 4 months
there is much to apologize for. much that he has wished he could say, over the years. knowing where to begin is impossible; he settles for one that often occupies his mind. it is late, quiet. hours have passed since that teary eyes reunion. if life has taught thor anything, it's that leaving things unsaid is never wise. he chooses not to waste another second, when right now is all he has. "do you remember when we left asgard for svartalfheim, to face malekith?" curiously, his head tilts, though he doesn't look at his brother. "the things you had said about jane, about me. . ." now, all these years later, he understands it better than he had in the moment. "i. . . am sorry that i never quite knew how to help you through the loss of her, brother. i am sorry that i never tried to understand it. mostly, i am sorry i left you to wade through it alone. you were right; it's. . . unbearable."
Realistically, Loki doesn’t know how much longer they have left on the timeline for this visit. They can only ever approximate – it really doesn’t help that they experience time differently now – and even then, they could easily be called away at a moment’s notice. They are beholden to the branches now, their whole being thrumming with the evergreen seiðr of the tree that gives life to everything around them; Yggdrasil cannot last long without it’s heart, and Loki must heed the familiar call when it comes.
For now, though, they sit with their brother in the afternoon hours. Leia rests in their lap, beautiful eyes wide, fingers grasping for the gold rings that adorn their hands. The rattle Loki had originally summoned to entertain their niece lies discarded on the floor, the toy far too noisy for either adult to want to retrieve it once the child had flung it on the floor. The silence ever since then has been heavy.
“Hmmm…” A hum of agreement and recognition. Thor knows that Loki wasn’t there themselves for anything beyond New York, but that they have observed the rest of the story from their lonely throne – so the trickster doesn’t correct their brother’s choice of words, and focuses on their meaning instead. “I remember.” You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you. “Those were not kind words on my part: I apologise.”
Who would ever have guessed: Loki Friggason, choosing to apologise? Even now though, such a sentiment is easier to dwell on than the memory of the person Thor speaks of. Golden hair, woven through with fresh blossoms. Sapphire eyes that saw to his core without even needing to try. Gentle touches, kind words; healing spells and parchment scrolls. Truth to their lies, faithfulness to their capriciousness. Goddess of Fidelity to the end.
Gaze remains fixed on their niece’s dark hair. “Thank you.” They don’t speak of the timelines where Sigyn lives, where her love transforms the god of mischief into another person entirely; content, seen, loved. At least, not yet: there is time enough for that. “There was a great deal you did not understand in those days, brother. Most of that was not your doing.” Words tread the unfamiliar line of acceptance, forgiveness, understanding. They both know the man responsible is not present to bear the blame. “I am sorry that you experienced something similar.”
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wearelondonhq · 4 months
Time for a meme! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to those who also do. Meme lasts from today (17/02) to the next Friday (22/02)! As always, please have fun and happy meme day!
MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE SENTENCE STARTERS: featuring quotes from deadpool, venom, ant-man & the wasp, thor: ragnarok, wandavision, doctor strange, ant-man & more. credit for some of these goes to @scotchymemes
Go back to whatever cave you ever crept out of!
What is grief, if not love persevering?
The world has taken too much from you for you to still be considered innocent.
I love you. I love you in every universe.
Where once you were nothing, now you are something.
Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed.
We were good together, weren’t we? Maybe it’s time to reignite that flame...
I love you 3000.
You still owe me a dance.
Every good family film starts with a great murder.
Kiss me like you missed me.
You’re a lot smarter than I look. You can’t really live until you’ve died a little.
You are not judge, jury or executioner.
You’ve let me down for the last time. What did I do to piss off a grumpy old sucker with a Winter Soldier arm?
You shut your trashmouth!
Sorry, I tend to process traumatic events with dad jokes. 
The only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense.
I make grave mistakes all the time. It all seems to work out.
You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love.
Good morning! Are you ready for your hot fresh cup of bodily harm?
You’re not seriously thinking of going back, are you?
Piss off, ghost! I have to get off this planet.
It’s an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping.
We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them.
I’m expendable. That’s why I’m here.
Some of the best love stories begin with a murder.
You ever feel lost? Just look into the eyes of the people you love.
Do I have to figure out my whole future before lunch, or is there, like…?”
He’d rather lose this fight than lose you.
I’m gonna have to rain check that dance. 
Don’t do anything I would do, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little gray area in there. That’s where you operate.”
Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful until it makes you bleed.
Someday I’m gonna make great machines that fly. And me and my friends are gonna go flying together, into the forever and beautiful sky.
There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t regret having said yes.
I just want a chance to prove myself. Because that’s what heroes do!
You know what I like about being upset? The blame.
You’re just using me to get to (...). That’s so gross, you’re not even my friend.
You don’t have to fight anyone, but we’re in danger so we have to move.
Your hair looks nice. What did you do to it? Did you change it, maybe wash it?
He is as dishonourable as he is attractive.
Where do you store all this useless information?
Good is not a thing you are. It's a thing you do.
You know you didn’t have to humiliate him in front of everyone.
House blowing up builds character.
I’m just a bad guy who gets paid to fuck up even worse guys.
Motherfucker, you’re the world’s worst friend.
Less talking, more kissing.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
I know what you’re going to say, but this guy/girl/person is all the way bad.
You are so pathologically self-observed
Love the optimism, but in my experience, when it looks bad, it’s usually worse.
I do not understand the intricacies of social interaction.
What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?
I told you that when I was drunk, why are you bringing this up?
Please tell me nobody just kissed me.
There’s a shawarma place two blocks from here. I don’t know what it is, but I want to try it.
If he ends up being evil, we’ll just kill him.
Trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life.
! Do you ever feel like your life is one monumental screw-up?
You people have no shame! What does the FBI even stand for? Forever Bothering Individuals?
Ninja Turtle, you better stop poking me.
I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy.
I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, sir, looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness saying to yourself, ‘You know what would be a really kickass name? ______!’
I told you, I don’t want to join your super-secret boy band.
Look, I’m going to be totally honest with you:
I forgot you’re here. Well, I was in the neighborhood so I thought I’d save you the hassle.
So are you two…do you…fondue?
You call me _______ again, I’ll shove my foot up somewhere it’s not supposed to be.
Don’t drink fountain water, you idiot.
That’s disgusting.
We'll be okay. You can rest now.
I do some dumb things and it ends up hurting the people I love the most.
Maybe you need a partner, someone to watch your back.
You can do it. You can do anything.
Together, we’ll figure something out.
Missed me, missed me, now you gotta- You know what, forget I said anything.
I’m not one to be judgemental, but you, sir, are an extremely disturbed man.
Lie is such an ugly word. I prefer misdirection
I just conned the hell out of you and here you are trying to save me. How can you be so damn nice all the time?
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As a follow-up to my let people use fanfiction as narrative therapy post I would also like to state for the record:
Ain’t nothing wrong with self insert fanfiction. Or Mary Sue OCs that are basically self inserts. Also nothing wrong with people writing ‘bad’ fanfiction that has nothing to do with the canon really. I don’t give a shit. People are making art and that’s awesome. I may not read stuff that isn’t to my personal tastes, but I am Glad people are making their art regardless. Especially young people. Especially people who are otherwise new to writing. Hell yeah, Make Art.
One thing I have noticed about fandom on tumblr is that in very large fandoms with mass appeal, there are often a lot of kids and youths and young folk watching or reading and thus wanting to create transformative art about it. This also means that a high concentration of fic may tend more towards having less to do with the actual canon of the thing and being more focused on whatever those kids really wanted to write or read about it. To discuss one specific example, the largest subsection of fandom that currently exists around the DC batman franchises on this site is the batfam fandom, a fandom comprised mostly of younger fans who are fans more of the platonic ideal of batman and his adopted kids and close associates that only really exists in their own works and also the webtoon**** For most of those people the appeal is the found family aspect, and that’s what they want to read and write about. Hell yeah. Good for them. At least they’re writing. At least they’re making art.
****I know there are a lot of people in the batman comics fandom that have serious issues with the webtoon and the way that dc comics publishing agendas have begun to reflect more what people on the internet are talking about and less coherent storytelling that makes sense based on past canon. And this is a very fair criticism.
But this is not a problem limited to dc. This is a problem of all major production companies who produce art for mass release. TV shows being written in response to what people say on reddit has been ruining creative endeavors in an obvious way at least since Game of Thrones was airing. Books being published based on what will be popular on tiktok derived from the popularity of some frankly terrible novels (yes I do mean acotar) leads to some absolute drivel on the best seller list. Of course the comics industry is also fucking things up the same way.
Your enemy there are not the young fans new to fandom who are just discovering writing fanfiction and doing so by writing about whatever interests them most. Please stop blaming kids and other people who aren’t writing fanfiction close enough to your concept of canon for this problem, it is far bigger than that.
Let people make their maybe bad art in peace. Everyone has to make bad art on the road to learning how to make better art. I am glad they are making their art regardless.
Also no shade meant to those fans this is just an observation and I wish you all well, but I do find it a little funny that the people who Are experts on the dc comics canon who I have seen criticize the existence of the batfam fandom on here are also usually like ‘this is my favorite character, I hate every single run this character has ever been in except this one from 30 years ago and five panels of this one run that got cancelled early.’ Like, you don’t really like most of the canon you wish other people would familiarize themselves with right? Give new fans a chance to want to learn more about it. Most of the fans in that circle are pretty young, they’re gonna have kinda bad taste sometimes and that’s fine and good actually. They’ll grow out of it and maybe some of them will come to know the comics canon more closely.
This is also why even though I am vocal about personally disliking the works of SJM (acotar my beloathed) and its impact on the publishing industry, I am honestly happy for anyone that read those books and enjoyed them. Same for every other book I don’t like. If you read it and get something out of it hell yeah good for you. I was unironically into twilight for many years as a teen I am not here to pass judgement on teens or anyone for that matter for what they enjoy.
Most big fandoms I have dipped my toes into have this same problem. If there are a lot of young people in that fandom, there’s gonna be a lot of fanfic that is written by people just learning to write, and that’s great, I love that actually, good for them. But those are always the fandoms where I see people being perhaps more vitriolic than necessary towards other fans for not being up to snuff. Let people make art that you don’t think is good, please. It’s fine actually. If you don’t like it you don’t have to read it. Just be glad someone is making art that makes them happy and move on.
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dr-xanders-diary · 3 days
Our beginning.. loving you..
At first, it was doing the little things for you, learning who you were, what you've done, your past, your history, about your friends, family, how to make you happy-. And every other little detail that made you who you are. Getting you to trust me, to like me, to enjoy our time together, to confide in me, to rely on me, to get you to share your deepest secrets and to love me.
Your secrets are things were nothing new for me, because I already looked into every single little detail about you. I knew you, I know you.
Then it was getting to know who all your friends, family and acquaintances were. Finding out what made them who they were, how to appease them, to make them trust me; at least enough for them to get their nod of approval and not bother us. Things were easy, peaceful, comfortable, we were happy, content, things were perfect. Too perfect.. and that's when-, well we had our first run in. Our first mis-step. John.
God, John was a creep.. and he was only the beginning of our many run ins with misfortune, with our peace being disturbed. God he really was a big problem. Who would have known he would have been missed that much.
During the next few months of the incident with John, everyone in your group of friends, and family and his, were investigated, questioned by detectives. Including-, me. Things had taken an unexpected turn, unfortunately for John. Fortunately despite the intense investigations, things turned from a missing persons case to a murder case when someone in Cancun, reported the several boxes of John. That wasn't helpful, because the police started to dig, they questioned if I knew, he had a collection of your things. If that bothered me.
Of course it did, of course I knew, but I wasn't going to let them know that. I acted surprised at the mention of the collection of your things. I played the part.
For half of the case they assumed all the men in our circles that hung out regularly and not so regularly were to blame, of course they came out empty handed with our group. Finally the police started to looked outward from our humble circle, but the case ended as a cold case, a freak mystery murder. His family had a service for him, people cried and spoke words over an mostly empty coffin and then life continued as it had before.
Seeing you conflicted with hurt, grief, and confusion over his death and motives hurt me; you shouldn't have found out about his obsession, his death was one thing but the obsession added a rather complicated layer for you. I should have protected you better from this. But later much more concerning things began happening, one of your once friends came back into the picture and one night while everyone was drunk, she accused me. While she and I sat on the couch, you and your friends were in the kitchen of your apartment laughing and drinking. She accused me of getting rid of John, and she wasn't wrong but jesus. Even you didn't have such a twisted imagination. She painted me as a monster while we sat alone on that couch.
And maybe-, maybe she wasn't wrong. Maybe I am a monster.
I wasn't going to admit anything, I laughed it off as best as I could, I acted hurt at that accusation. But that wasn't the end of it. She was very observant, she mentioned how she thought she saw a face in Johns apartment window, when you all were in the cab, how my fist was cut and bruised the next day, how I was sore the next day.. How the police mentioned the broken mirror in Johns bedroom, and his sick obsession with you.
Fuck she's onto me. She's too smart, too observant.
And then.. she laughed and shook her head, "As if you could have killed him, I mean look at you, you're not that strong." I raised my brow a bit, "I'm not very strong, I can barely lift ***** (you)" and we laughed. I knew she played off being drunk and non-observant, but I knew better, she was on to me. My options were limited, darling. You have to understand. Either I play it off, and make sure I change her mind about me, prove I'm innocent.
Even though I'm not.
Or, prove her right, and kill her. And since that night at Johns' apartment, I have had a rushing bloodlust. Now now-, I make sure to keep myself in check. I only get rid of people that are dangerous to you, to me, to us. To keep you safe. To keep us safe. Now I know, not everyone is smart enough to figure it out. But she was. And she was a threat to us, she proved it, trying to seduce me, trying to play it off as bringing me along with her for errands to her apartment. Saying she had surprises for your birthday. The way she cupped my cheek when she walked me back to the front door of her apartment, leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I know you ******* (X). We're the same.. And **** (y/n) will never, make you happy."
This bitch.
I turned my face away as she leaned in to kiss me, dodging her attempt as I turned away to get out of the apartment. And then she said it. "I know you killed John. I know you were the face in the apartment window. I know that you beat him and sent him in those boxes.. I know because, we're the same. You and I. So you're going to do as I say, or I tell everyone." That snap from that night, something clicked in me again. My hands shook, adrenaline began flowing into me at her words as I turned to face her. My voice came out shaky and hoarse as I spoke. "No.. you're wrong. You and I, are not the same. And you wont be telling anyone." We came to an agreement of sorts after that. A very violent agreement. "Sorry Beatrice, you can't make me happy, how ****(y/n) does".
I had no other choice. You have to understand, darling. She was dangerous, too dangerous. You see, it isn't like someone, like me, can't co-exist with someone else like me. It's that we can't co-exist if we are after the same person, or they're after me when I have you; and they're dangerous. I wont allow anyone to come near you, when I am in the picture, they would have to kill me, first. And that has proven to be a difficult task..
Hours later that day I finished wiping any trace of me being at Beatrice's' apartment. I made sure I took her phone for a run, for her GPS' tracking. This time, I was much more careful, I made sure that nothing would be traced back to me, or anyone. It will be a freak accident- really. After all, how did she end up where she did?
Interesting route to take for a run, Beatrice.
The following months after her services, things finally began settling down. Our life began to become normal again, finally. But our sex life, it was struggling. You just started to change. Was it me? Was it our routines? Then I remembered something I saw in your history that you've been looking at, and I couldn't help myself, I had to hold in my excitement.
You naughty- ***
You had started to look into BDSM, and k!nks. My oh my, your interests have changed, darling. How exciting, how exhilarating. One thing that didn't excite me as much, was your interest in being dominant, but- because it's you, I'm willing to open up. We can talk about it after all. I'd never turn you down, after all I love you. I took things into my own hands and began learning and researching everything I could, for you, for us. And finally brought up our-, stalemate in our sex life. You were shocked, you were embarrassed, you were shy.
"Hey, no no. It's okay darling, there's no need to be embarrassed. There's no reason to be shy. Everyone goes through their rough patches, sex is no exception." "I mention it so we can check in, so we can figure out what we can do less of and more of, so we can see if something else will put that spark back." "We can spice things up, we can go slow-" I have to make you comfortable, I need you to be able to open up. Of course I noticed you weren't enjoying sex as much, of course I noticed you weren't as perky as before. And I want to help, you are my world. I would do anything to keep you happy.
We talked in depth about your issues, about things that bother you, and about our sex life. How recently it's been harder for you to get off, how the excitement has slowly dulled. How you want to bring back that excitement. And so, we began our journey into k!nk. We started slow, easy, came up with a safe word: star.
Our safe word is: Star. Do NOT forget it, darling.
We started slowly, sitting your bed, facing each other. Your hands on your knees as I blind folded you, your breath shallow as you calmed your nerves. "You're doing just fine darling. Slow breaths in and out.. There you go". I'd say as I reached out to slowly trail my fingers and nails along the bare skin of your thighs, trailing up along your sides. My nails grazing along every inch of your body ever so lightly, as I take in the very view of you sitting in front of me.
God you are a fucking masterpiece. I would burn the world, for you.
Leaning in close to your neck and ear, letting my warm breath tingle down along your neck, watching you shiver lightly as your nipples grew hard. So little has happened, and you're growing ever excited.
God I am so in love with you.
Trailing my fingers up along your chest, tracing small symbols into your skin, spelling out the word; MINE. Before slowly pressing the palm of my hand to your throat. Wrapping my fingers around your neck, one by one, as I carefully guide you onto your back. Excitement is filling us both, neither of us can contain ourselves. But we said we would try new things, and that's what we are doing. That's why we bought; wax candles, a whip, a feather, ropes, handcuffs, and a blind fold. I can't let myself lose control now. Not now, not yet. We've only just begun. And god I have never been happier that you are mine, than in this moment as I tie your wrists together and loosely hook them to the bedframe.
I took my time with you, carefully trailing the feather against your bare skin, with differing pressure. Dripping the candle wax onto your skin, watching it splatter along your abdomen and chest. Watching your chest heaving; rising, as the warm wax hit your skin and you let out low satisfying moans. And finally we got to the main course as I kissed your lips, and littered kisses and soft bites down your body, down your abdomen, and down to your thighs- oh. Trailing my hands along your body, sensitive from the wax- oh. Before lifting your legs as I kiss along and bite your inner thigh, making my way to your- oh. Your breathing hitching as you slightly squirmed beneath me- "Please".
God this is the best, you are the best. And you look so fucking-. Mmm.
Occupying my mouth as I wrapped my lips around your- oh. Flicking my tongue along your- oh. Trailing my hand up along your stomach and chest, only to wrap my hand around your neck- mm. Slowly squeezing to apply pressure. Your hips grinding needily as I squeeze one of your thighs with my free hand. 'I don't think I've seen you as excited as you were in that moment'. Unhooking your tied wrists from the bedframe so you could wrap your arms around my shoulders. We spent hours after that, groaning, moaning, and experimenting, until our limbs tangled with each others. Thrusting and grinding against each other until we were both worn out. Drained of every orgasm in us.
As we caught our breathe laying in bed, I took off your blindfold, and untie the rope about your wrists. Grabbing us cool water to sip on and some wipes to clean you, and myself up. I wrapped an arm around you, and pulled you in close as I thread my fingers through your hair.
"You did so well, my darling. I love you more than you can know. Feel my chest rising and falling as I breathe, slow." "I am so very proud of you." "Was it everything you had hoped? Better? I'm so glad." "It was amazing for me. You were fantastic." "Such a sweet, perfect *** you are" "My darling" "You are such a good- ***" "Anything for you."
We took our time cuddling before your legs stopped shaking, so you could use the restroom and we could shower together. We had dinner, and laid back in bed after, watched a movie before you fell asleep in my arms. Life is good when I have you. Things are perfect when you're mine.
This was just the beginning of.. loving you.
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The 23rd September marks Bi Visibility Day. I’m bisexual, and I’d like to talk about what bisexuality, visibility and inclusion mean to me.
A word on language to start with. Language is dynamic, and dictionaries are descriptive of usage rather than directive. In my case I use bisexual to indicate that I can be attracted to more than one gender (or sex). It doesn’t mean that this attraction is always the same, or that it’s equal. My bisexuality, however, is trans, non binary and intersex inclusive. Pansexual is another word which is often used to describe people like me. There are many (many!) nuanced definitions of both words and anyone who tells you they can tell you what any of these words absolutely mean is, well, at it!
You only need to leaf through the pages of any national newspaper to see why trans, non binary and intersex rights and inclusion is something I will never tire of shouting from the rooftops. But I’m not trans, intersex or non-binary so I would suggest reading Codi’s blog to find out about their experiences as a really good starting point.
Back to my sexuality. As a bisexual, cis (i.e. ‘not trans’) man, married to a woman, my sexuality is not immediately obvious. To the casual observer we are look like a cisgender, heterosexual nuclear family, with a dog: in many ways normal, but that all depends on what normal is for the observer.
Why is that an issue? Well, I’ve spent most of my career (and unless I live to a ripe old age, most of my life) never quite being ‘out’. It’s not that I’m ashamed or secretive about my sexuality – it’s just that I’ve just been in more relationships with women than men, so many people assume that I’m heterosexual. Most of these assumptions are silent, though. I can correct what I know, but if the assumption is in someone else’s head, it stays there uncorrected and unchallenged.
I like to think of it as being Schrödinger’s Bisexual. If I’m observed in a relationship with a man, the observer thinks I’m gay. If I’m observed in a relationship with a woman, the observer thinks I’m straight. This analogy breaks down a little if I’m observed in a relationship with someone who isn’t a man or a woman, but the point stands, that what the observer sees leads them to draw a conclusion which isn’t correct. I don’t blame them – they may not have (knowingly) met many bisexuals before, and they’re very unlikely to have ever really discussed it. I’ve been guilty of making similar assumptions – being part of the LGBT+ community doesn’t make you any less susceptible to this kind of thinking.
I first came out to friends in the mid 1990s. I knew at that time I wasn’t ready to tell my parents, but I didn’t think that nearly 30 years later I’d still be in the process of coming out. A good example of this is the fact I only recently got round to coming out to my parents last year. Between their increasing age, and COVID’s increasing spread, I became aware of their mortality and mine, and I didn’t want to leave things to be the fodder for future regrets. I had the real privilege of knowing I wouldn’t be shunned our outcast (a comfort many LGBT+ youth don’t have, even now). If anything, my sibling coming out as queer years ago stole my thunder! My mum was lovely, as expected, but my dad’s reaction was mostly confusion – why this big announcement now after so many years of marriage? He was fine – in his own way – just perplexed. I decided that I could probably leave enlightening him about non-monogamy for another day.
While I don’t make a big secret of my sexuality these days, many people assume my wearing of the Scottish LGBT+ Police Association lanyard and badge is me trying to performatively show how ‘woke’ I am. I am happy to talk about it if it ever comes up, and I can’t deny that there is little bit of fun in collecting confused looks when I confound expectations in conversations about the attractiveness or otherwise of celebrities (Dan Levy, I’m looking at you!). That approach is limited though – while joining in a conversation about the various reasons why Schitt’s Creek was the best lockdown discovery ever... constantly engineering conversations where to go on about people you find attractive would get very creepy very fast. I’m just fed up with feeling I must come out. I can’t drop my boyfriend or my husband into the conversation as subtle indicators. It’s not that I want a bigger fuss – there’s no need for a full-page ad in press. It would just be nice if people didn’t always assume that I am their version of normal.
To be able to come out in a safe and secure environment is something that too many people in the world today cannot take for granted. For too many people this decision would expose them to violence, to abuse or to homelessness. In some jurisdictions it would place them on the wrong side of the law – risking state-sanctioned violence, imprisonment and even death. I know I’m very lucky in my suburban straight-passing relationship to have the choice to come out safely.
Bisexual erasure (the opposite of bi visibility) is real too though. Research by Stonewall shows that bisexual (and pansexual) people experience unique challenges – including prejudice from within the wider LGBT+ community. While an encouraging 74% of gay/lesbian people are out to all their friends, that figure shrinks to 36% for bi people. From the same research 57% of gay/lesbian people were out to all their colleagues – only 22% for bi people. I can really understand those figures. Even in our values-driven workplace, being out – being your authentic self – isn’t always an easy choice.
There are simple things you can do to help, though. Firstly, try not to make assumptions – and challenge them when you notice that you have done. Believe people who tell you they’re bisexual – it’s all-too-often written off as being a phase, or indecision. Watch your language too! Prejudice isn’t just about throwing insults and slurs at people. Language can cause harm when it’s not inclusive. Straight/Gay are not the only two options – so be careful not to make it seem that way in the language you use. Finally, remember that a person’s sexuality is unique to them, and private to them. Your words and deeds can help to make your friends, family and colleagues feel more comfortable talking to you about their sexuality, but that’s their choice not your right. Pointed questions aimed at trying to work out someone’s sexuality will rarely be welcomed.
Ultimately while I do want us bisexuals to be more visible, whether the person (colleague or customer) who sees me wearing my rainbow-festooned lanyard assumes I’m gay, I’m bi, I’m trans, intersex or non binary, or if they think I’m a straight ally… what matters is that they know to expect a supportive and understanding response if they speak to me about LGBT+ matters. Whatever your authentic self looks like, make sure that’s your vibe.
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azertyrobaz · 2 years
Mandomera Week 2022: Day#7 - Forgiveness
Yay, the final prompt, I made it, and only a couple of days late! :D
You can read below or on ao3.
Din had the strange feeling that everybody was looking at him a little oddly when he landed with Grogu on Sorgan. It wasn’t his face, because the novelty had worn off already. And it wasn’t the boy because there again, people were used to his quirks by now. No, they were staring at him, and Din wondered if they were angry with him for some reason. Sure, he hadn’t visited for a while, more than six months, but this was sadly nothing new.
It made him feel a little uncomfortable, as he was more used to a warm welcome. They weren’t mean to him, and most still nodded their head at him and Grogu or said hello - no, it was just that look in their eye. The one that made him want to apologize immediately, even if he didn’t know what he was apologizing for.
Yet, anyway.
Because when he reached Omera’s hut, he understood immediately what all the looks had been about and what they meant.
“Oh, good, you’re here!” Winta exclaimed. “Mom wants to talk to you,” she added needlessly, as Grogu jumped into her arms, sensing an escape was for the best. The children exited the house and Din felt very much tempted to follow them but knew it wouldn’t be welcomed.
Omera busied herself preparing caf, something she always offered him when he arrived, and he hoped that was a good sign. She took her time and he observed her home without saying anything, noting the few changes. Eventually, she poured him a cup and sat down at the table with a long sigh. Din took it as a cue to do the same. They stared at each other but no one knew how to start the conversation.
“Why didn’t you comm me?” he asked in a soft voice, eyes fixed on the caf cup instead of her.
“And say what?” she replied. There was weariness in her tone but not anger.
“Hurry back?” he suggested, and she shrugged.
“I can handle it on my own, it’s not the first time,” Omera reasoned, but she also had a hard time looking at him.
“I know you can,” he agreed. “But given the welcome I received from the villagers, it doesn’t seem to be the most popular decision.”
“They gave you a hard time, huh,” she said with a teasing smile, looking more like herself, and Din felt comfort in that.
“I can handle it,” he parried back.
“I know.”
Silent stretched between them again and Din took a tentative sip of caf. For a fleeting moment, he wondered if she had been tempted to add something in it, but he shouldn’t have worried – it tasted wonderful as usual. In the dark depths of his cup, he tried to find the right words to say, and explain her behavior. But they had never talked about it, so he couldn’t very well blame her.
“Were you afraid I was gonna say no?” he asked with trepidation, stealing a glance in her direction to see her reaction.
“I don’t know,” she admitted after a few tensed seconds as she pondered her answer – it hadn’t been an easy one, but he could tell it was the truth.
“I wouldn’t have,” he assured her, hoping she could similarly read the honesty in his words. “And I’m so sorry I wasn’t there sooner.”
“I’m sorry too, I know I should have commed,” she exhaled deeply, taking strength in her admission, when she had nothing to apologize for as far as he was concerned. But they were finally able to look at each other directly, and a relieved sigh escaped him as she grabbed his hands over the table.
“How are you?” she asked, and he chuckled because this was such an Omera thing to do.
“How am I? How are you?” he countered, shaking his head.
“Mostly good,” she said. “But I can’t wait for it to be over.”
“And when is that gonna be?”
“Depends, how long are you staying?” she wondered, and he squeezed her hands harder.
“I’ll stay for as long as you want me to.”
“Well, let’s see how tomorrow goes, then,” she joked, and slowly stood up, her very pregnant belly making it more difficult. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I really need to pee, and then maybe we can go tell the villagers I’ve forgiven you, because I certainly wouldn’t say no to a welcoming feast, I’m starving.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he agreed, helping her up. He had to sit back down heavily once she’d left the room. Hopefully this bout of dizziness would stop soon, but this was a lot to take in.
Grogu was going to be so happy, he realized, his smile wide.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
“I have always felt that Amanda sees Liv as weak but that is another post”
Wow I never thought of that. I would love to read your thoughts on that IF you ever make a post about it.
I am wondering tho: do you think there is a real possibility of either a kiss or love confession (both?) in these finales between EO?
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Since two of y'all asked for this I'm gonna do this first and then circle back to your second question lmao
It's the eye rolling, the exasperated sighs. Mocking Liv's dinner parties with Nick and rushing to get away - never seeing what those parties were about, only resenting the way it intruded on her life. She can't wait to leave Liv's ceremony when she makes Sergeant; she doesn't care about Liv in that moment, or what that moment means to Liv or how few people she has to share it with (admittedly that particular incident is at the height of Amanda's gambling problem). "I don't have to pay people to listen to me talk about my problems." The whole thing in part 33, where she is exasperated by Liv's internal struggle - where she is once again blaming an abuse victim for what she's suffered, refusing to see things from the victim's perspective, insisting that the whole thing is black and white and frustrated that Liv has any doubts. And she only backs down bc Liv throws Lewis in her teeth - crucially it isn't that Liv has made such a strong argument that Amanda now has changed her perspective. Instead Liv is now emotional and has essentially pulled a trump card Amanda can't argue against. The way she hides things from Liv, acts like Liv's attempts to check in on her/care for her are so annoying that she goes out of her way to avoid Liv's care for her. There is a dismissiveness to her responses; she doesn't agree with Liv and she doesn't really hear her. There are times, of course, where they comfort one another, and she knows that Liv survived Lewis, but the therapy line in particular smacks of like...she thinks Liv should have survived it better.
She does respect Liv, but it's a respect with caveats. She respects Liv, but she doesn't like it when Liv gets touchy-feely; that's soft, and Amanda doesn't respect soft. Doesn't like it when Liv comes to a different conclusion, like she doesn't think Liv is hard enough/realistic enough to see things as they really are (to see them Amanda's way). She looks uncomfortable nearly every time Liv is warm/kind to her.
And I'm not saying like "this is bad character work", bc it all fits neatly within Amanda's known character. Amanda is a lil mean and standoffish and self destructive and fucked up over her childhood - as are they all, really, fucked up over their childhoods, and Liv can be a lil mean and standoffish and self destructive, and Amanda has seen some of that but she had more of the 2.0 hand-on-heart retconned Liv than anything else, and she didn't react positively to that a lot of the time.
I could probably come up with more specific examples given more time, but I am observing Sammy/Henry time rn and this is what I have off the top of my head
As to the first anon's second question - I do think that both a kiss or an I love you are very possible, but I won't say likely mostly bc I don't wanna jinx anything 🤣🤣🤣 anything could happen anon life is chaos!!!
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julymarte · 2 years
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REPOST CAUSE I MESSED UP THE  TAGS  REAL BAD i apologise for the typos  you might  find in the post too, i’m terrible at  typing  and my  brain is to tired to type  check atm Aside from the mostly exterior  analysis  me and my friends did  for the tweels au  i promised to myself i would have not meddles with the EN fandom but here i am making a post with my 2 cents on the  Jade wish episode..... I’m making this  cause  due to misunderstandings  i’ve seen people on various socials blaming Idia  for  being mean to  Jade when he truly wasn’t, Idia  was righ, he’s  not  bullying Jade not to mention Jade has  said he  doesn’t  care about people’s opinions/judgement so him crying here is clearly crocodilw tears he’s not really offended or  sad cause Idia  let’s  say, “assumed” his wish was insincere....it’s like the situation where bohoo poor  baby everyone mocks his  hobby, he   doesn’t  give a  shit anyways, he  enjoys it  and  will enjoy it  no matter  what. He  doesn’t  care what people think so he’s not sad and miserable about it the  same  way he  doesn’t  care idia  thinks he was being shady...and let me say again, Idia IS right. But  why  was Jade’s  wish ACTUALLY insincere? He might  be sincere in wanting Azul and Floyd’s  wish to come true as he might  as well benefit  from that (not cause he loves and cherishes them) but  the insincerity lies  in  the  fact that that is not his TRUE wish, we may never know his true  wish  cause as he and azul said  at the  beginning of the  event the starsending can be an extremely profitable and   exploitable event where knowing people wishes, desires, needs can be later exploited to bribe and blackmail and if that can be done to others it can be done to you as well... a wish could be a weakness, something that can be taken advantage of and  Jade doesn’t  want to be on that side of the knife, he  wants to be the one in control Idia wasn’t bullying him he was just expressing his opinion out loud,he does have his swings of low confidence and smugness and can come off  as rude sometimes but he’s very observant  and yes often plays on the  defensive stance but  while coming off too straightforward or offensive he does tell the truth most of the times with this i retire back in my  cavern now BEFORE I GO THO I just want to say i respect your  cutie baby jade headcanons, i  don’t  agree with them and sometimes I wonder if  we are reading the same thing, but who am i to stop you? everyone should be free to enjoy things  how they see fit  but it  just  sucks  when mischaracterization of  a characters spreads into other characters putting them in a  negative light  when they did nothing wrong (in this case ofc, most  twst  characters  did  wrong things and  are dysfuctional in their own way), that being said PEACE!
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erikageiger · 2 years
I'm curious, what are your thoughts on how the companions in the game would react to the events of Sim Settlements 2 if they could. (I mean, it's mighty impressive what the team already managed to do with them, but I am asking the queen of this niche fandom to feed our endless hunger.)
Yes, Sirick did an amazing job with the companion comments! I was quite surprised when both Nick and Piper had brief interactions with The Ron! And Preston recognizing Aiden, an ex-minuteman, was a really nice touch!
I wish I knew all the comments he used so I wouldn't have anything contradicting something they actually say, but what the heck. Here's how the "queen of this niche fandom" would fill the gaps. :D
Damn, this took a while! Pardon if anything feels out of character, it's been a while since I traveled with most of them.
Oh, and SPOILER WARNING for chapter 2, obviously.
F4 companions react to SS2
Cait: the biggest change of opinion
Being one of the two who dislike helping settlements, she would scoff and taunt at first. She doesn't trust Jake, thinks he's hiding something since he's "too nice". But since the player won't let that stop them, she backs off to observe and to mostly just help out in the fights. She won't show interest until the new plot types are found, since those plots give a much clearer improvement to the settlements, like a bar and a proper place to work out.
When the trouble with the Gunners starts, she absolutely hates the idea of the Gunners getting the sensors and now doesn't mind spending so much time in the settlements (heck, she's probably made a few new friends by now! ...like Sneake!). However, deep down, she is rather scared of their odds, knowing just how many Gunners are out there and what they're capable of.
I don't think she'd like Aiden much, especially when he tells the player to leave their "cheer squad" behind. Like "you afraid I'll steal your kills or something?". No matter how it gets done, she's quite relieved about Algernon, since this meant an upper hand and fewer Gunners to deal with. No matter how much she hated Gunners, she could respect a reasonable one. When Old Paul dies, she leaves the room to not be seen shedding a tear. And after all that, she's 110% done with the Gunners and ready to take the fight to them, voting for Aiden's plan. And don't you dare spare Berman or she'll kill him herself.
(Oh, and I think she'd like Raphael... maybe...)
Codsworth: the second visionary
Being very familiar with RobCo, Codsworth never doubted what Jake said about the sensors. He gets excited about the project and offers to help the settlers in whatever way he can. He's happy about the idea of bringing back civilization, cheerfully talking about the future and making jokes like they'd one day have bottles of milk delivered to front porches again.
He gets quite focused on improving the settlements' defenses when the Gunner threat starts, even urging the player to join the Minutemen if they haven't already. He tries to keep morale up and will probably even lift Jake's spirits, assuring him he's not to blame. And when Jake gets kidnapped, he'll be about as worried - if not more - as the player. He's pleasantly surprised about Algernon, him being a promising ally and an interesting man. And when meeting Lupe, he's back to his cheerful self, eager to get back to work on keeping the good folks safe.
With the CPD and Nightingales, he's again reminiscing about the comforts of the pre-war life. He's supportive of both causes and likes to work with them.
When Old Paul is killed, he's ready to comfort the player - and he might be in need of comfort himself, poor guy. If the player dismisses him at some point after taking care of Paul's body and fetching Cola, he will look after the little pup to the best of his abilities. And then, if taken with to the battle at the Plaza, he'll vote for Jake's plan. And with HQ, well, he's quite excited to help with anything, probably clean the place like no other could. And after all this, he'll think about his master/mistress' work and think about how proud the spouse would've been.
Curie: the Nightingale fan
Much like Codsworth, she's excited about seeing the comforts of the pre-war life return. She's quite fascinated about the sensors and likes to help map things out, keep things organized and with the settlers' health in mind. As for Jake, she loves how well-mannered and good-hearted he is. This project of his is admirable and she looks forward to what the future holds. With trial and error, she is certain the Commonwealth will one day be thriving thanks to Jake and the player.
When people start to get sick, she manages to help the ones with the less serious diseases, then keeps an eye out for medicine. When learning about the Nightingales from one of their traveling doctors, she's eager to meet and work with them.
With the Gunner problem, she's much like Codsworth and believes in team work, to stand their ground and fight for a better life. When Jake is kidnapped, Curie is quite worried for his safety and quickly checks his wounds when the player comes back with him. She's relieved to know the outcome and is happy about the new allies.
And much like Codsworth, she checks on the player after Old Paul's death and happily takes care of Cola if dismissed, even carries the pup back to the settlement if she's in her synth body. And when it's time for the battle, she'd be very sad if you'd choose Aiden's plan. Inviting the Nightingales would be a nice idea, as she plans to heal any and all survivors too.
If left to work at HQ, she'd have Cedric call the player a bit earlier, having already determined the cause but still thinks they need help from the Nightingales. Also, while she doesn't like visiting her old vault, she likes working with Cedric and hang out with him.
Paladin Danse: the friendly bigot
As soon as he understands the true potential of the sensors, he really believes in the vision of the future but also thinks they should involve the Brotherhood more. To get their help with the Comm Hub and minimize the risk of it being stolen, but it never happens (either because the Brotherhood is too busy or because he can't convince Jake to let them even touch it, maybe both). He can respect that and waits patiently for the next opportunity. In the meantime, he likes seeing the people of the Commonwealth thrive. (And, of course, if the player has done his personal quest, he won't press on it, instead focus on experiencing this adventure like a common citizen)
Depending on the situation with the Institute, he will like the adventure and working on settlements, but will occasionally remind the player of how important it is to stop the Institute before they get their hands on the sensors. But he will stop when the Gunner threat starts, even do what he can to get the Brotherhood to help (if he's still a part of it). He will look at the tragedy objectively but ends with some encouraging words for Jake, being rather annoyed with Aiden too. So, just like Cait, he's also not thrilled when Jake gets kidnapped and Aiden tells the player to leave their companions behind. He doesn't trust Aiden but will listen to the player.
With the Gunners, he tries to be impartial. He hates them for being such ruthless mercenaries, but he can accept Algernon and see him as a valuable ally. He'll trust the player's judgement and won't mind Aiden's plan (if the player doesn't ally with Algernon), even if he dislikes the vigilante.
With HQ, he's quite impressed, looking back at the player's journey. He'll consider them and their friends a brand new faction and valuable allies to the Brotherhood. Or if his personal quest is done, he'll feel much better about life and be more than happy to serve in security... even if it means Aiden is his new CO. ...maybe he'll ask to join engineering instead so he can work in the weapon and armor labs.
Deacon: the informed one
He knew about the sensors, but never got to see them in action, never finding a working one and Tinker Tom being too busy to learn the new tech. Other things had higher priority, so he was quite happy when Jake showed a working one.
Being rather good at seeing people's talents, I'd imagine him hanging out with settlers and kind of work like the Vit-O-Matic, being able to judge their character and suggest workplaces and such. And having kept his eyes open for ASAM stuff in the past out of curiosity, he'd probably know a few things even Jake didn't know. In fact, it'd be quite funny if Deacon had learned about the ASAM stuff at Vault-Tec's HQ but didn't have time to investigate, and so he sold the info to The Ron, which would've been a fun moment when they go and investigate it.
Being rather used to things being too good to be true, he wasn't very surprised when the Gunners attacked but it wasn't time to give up yet. He could see the potential and the cause was good. It's worth fighting for. And hey, he'd REALLY like to see the Gunners try against the Laser Artillery Cannons parked in a few settlements.
As much as he'd love to infiltrate the Gunner vault... again, he lets Aiden have his way and stays behind. However, he knows about Algernon and pulls the player aside to advise them to go in peacefully. He thinks it's best to keep the good Gunners on their side. With the HQ built, he loves what they've done with the place and won't mind helping out, but he must continue his work. ...he would like a box of sensors, though. You know, to upgrade the Railroad's HQ. And hey, he'll keep Jake's secret and keep an eye out for Katelyn and Laura.
Dogmeat: the good boy
Like most things the player does, he's more than happy to tag along. This is no exception. He likes Jake, he likes how the places improve so quickly with unique buildings and so many new people. He's especially excited when you rescue Cola and he takes every chance he gets to check on her. Especially after they lost Paul.
Hancock: Just like the motto
It's not a bad idea, rebuilding the Commonwealth, and he'd bet some good stuff on your success. It's of the people, for the people. You give them the tools to make a better life for themselves. How could he not like that? He also likes the idea of maybe improving things in Goodneighbor, seeing how the sensors are definitely easy enough for chem-heads to build something for themselves. It might strip the place of some charm but he's sure most folks wouldn't mind if it meant a better home.
He loves the adventure and to help out so many settlements. Eventually, he'll make jokes about alliance agreements and Diamond City possibly losing their crown soon. He believes in the cause and wasn't too surprised it caught the Gunners' attention. The empire has been built, time for the war to keep it. He's quite skeptic about Algernon but trusts the player's judgement and eventually grows to like the old captain. Some Gunner boys can play nice after all. But that Berman guy. When you get to him, could ya give Hancock a chance to give him a good punch in the face? ...call it some history from when that prick was a Diamond City guard.
The reason he traveled with the player was to make sure he hasn't lost sight of what matters, so it wasn't meant to be permanent. So, like Deacon, he still has a job to do elsewhere. Not that he thinks he'd be of much use to your new headquarters. No, keep up the good work, fellow leader. You gave him one hell of an adventure and he looks forward to the new Commonwealth.
MacCready: the amazed dreamer
Being a fan of sci-fi comic books, he gets really amazed by the sensors and thinks they're super cool, probably cooler than the tech used to colonize Mars in the Captain Cosmos stories. He's eager to try it out himself and build a house. He had heard about the incredible power of a G.E.C.K, and compares it to this project.
He's quick to pick up how Jake rarely asks for something in return to all the help he gets and has his suspicions. But it's hard to imagine the guy being any kind of threat, so he doesn't let it get in the way. And when the truth gets out, after the Gunners attacked, there's no reason for him to be suspicious of the guy. He's empathetic, and might even mention his own situation to Jake (if his quest is completed). Knowing the Gunners, he'd urge Jake to get some defenses or something to better protect himself. But Jake still ends up kidnapped, which doesn't surprise him.
He doesn't like Aiden, quick to suggest ditching the guy. But even he can't stop Aiden from tagging along. And maybe, like Deacon, he knows Algernon and asks the player to sneak in without killing anyone, since they might be able to reason with the old captain.
Seeing the advancements in medicine, he'd probably be quicker to ask the player to help him with the cure to Duncan's disease, if they haven't done so already.
With the war, he probably prefers killing as many Gunners as possible, but if the player allies with Algernon, there's no debate. Jake's plan, please. And he too would like to see Berman dead for reasons of the past, and he'd check if you got shot in the head if you spare him. And after all that, setting up the HQ and making this grand empire, he's more than happy to serve as a guard. And, one day, he'd like to go and get Duncan, since he can't think of a better place for them to live.
Nick: the supportive voice of reason
He's seen the advertisements and have been a bit curious about them. To see them in action was quite fun and he likes the idea of trying to better the Commonwealth. He knows a little bit about Jake's story from the time he came to the agency, asking for help. The lead went cold, so he couldn't help the lad. He keeps it a secret until Jake tells it to the player, then adds how he's glad he didn't give up hope. He seems like a good man, so it'd been a shame if he let the cold trail get to him.
As for the Gunner threat, Nick tries his best to help the player and Jake stay calm and come up with a plan. If they tell all the settlements about it, warn them of the threat, the settlers could choose whether or not to stay and fight. It's the responsible thing to do, and they might be surprised just how many are willing to fight for what they have, even if it's against a Gunner army. People can be quite stubborn when they got something worth fighting for.
When Jake is kidnapped and Nick sees the order from Algernon, he gets worried about The Ron. Sure, he wouldn't be too surprised if the guy's a weasel - but if he's not, he might need help. And could that Aiden guy quit the tough guy act, a life's at stake here! True, Nick is old enough to remember the old Gunners and the good captain Algernon, but it's the brute he's more concerned about. He too suggests the player go in peacefully, for Jake's sake and the chance of Algernon being reasonable.
He will check with the player after Paul is killed, see if they're okay and give them some comforting words, before suggesting they get to work and get that bastard Berman. And even if the player doesn't side with Algernon, he'd pick Jake's plan. No reason to kill people just for having a tattoo on their forehead. And when it's time to set up the new HQ, he's quite excited and checks with Jake, happy to hear he's more hopeful now. Keep that up, friend. Laura will get to hear one hell of a story and be so proud of her dad.
Piper: the excited lore hunter
She always wanted people to have freedom and the chance to make their lives better. While she might have her doubts at first, the player's and Jake's dedication to the project has her hopeful. She can already tell it'll be an epic tale to share with her readers, so she makes sure to write down the key moments and interview some interesting characters.
When investigating the Vault-Tec HQ, she keeps an eye out for terminals and, when the player is about to leave, she asks if she can go through all the terminals to see if she can find anything useful. She wants to know everything she can about that Magnusson guy, what the whole deal was with the Comm Hub and all that. Who knows, it might be useful in the future.
I think... she'd probably like Jake. Like, have a little crush on him. So she's ready to comfort him after the Gunner incident and when he shares his story, happy to learn he really is a good man. And when he gets kidnapped, she'd be more difficult to convince to stay behind. She doesn't like Aiden and doesn't want to be left out. I bet she'd be stubborn enough to convince him.
And like most others, she - especially if she gets to join the infiltration of the vault - likes having Algernon as an ally after hearing him out. While she doesn't like Gunners one bit, she had heard stories about the old Gunners and was willing to keep an open mind. And, of course, she'll vote on Jake's plan. Not just to play favorites, but the fact that there might be people like Lupe in there! And, well... it's worth the risk.
With HQ up and running, she feels like it's time to sit down and get some articles out. She's gathered enough for a whole book, and knows someone in one of the settlements that can make that book. If the player has dealt with the Institute, she feels a great sense of relief, seeing the Commonwealth recover. If not, at least it's one hell of a boost to morale.
Preston: he didn't expect that
He figured life would remain the same. He hoped the player could restore the Minutemen and do what he believed could be done to help the common folk. But he never dreamed they'd actually rebuild the Commonwealth and make life so much easier! Even if the player never gets the Minutemen back on their feet, he's happy to serve in one of the settlements. (of course, in order to get him as a companion, you'll have to get the Minutemen somewhat back on their feet)
He believes in the cause and feels more certain that the Minutemen will be back and better than ever thanks to the project. When the player eventually get access to Communications, it could even delay his request to retake the Castle, since they could now keep contact via standard radio.
As for the adventure, it's quite inspiring. So when the Gunners got wind of the project, he's more than ready to fight - to avenge Quincy and its people. He recognizes Aiden, but doesn't pry. He can respect his reasons to avoid the recognition. And he's more likely to side with Aiden, since he's unaware of Algernon's intentions. He trusts the player but won't be very happy about having a Gunner ally, until he meets Lupe. (I know what he says about Jake's plan in the battle, but I'm sure even he can't deny the sad truth of there possibly being people like Lupe still in the Plaza). But Berman is dead, okay? He won't go against the player's decision but he'll hate to see him go free.
There's no reason for the player to have neglected the Minutemen up to this point (even if they did, it would be quite disheartening to Preston, and he'd likely leave the so called "general"). So after the battle and hearing Jake's plan to make the Plaza their HQ, he's quite excited, imagining the bright future. And if they haven't already, he looks forward to hopefully take back Quincy as soon as possible, while the Gunners are weakened.
Overall, he probably couldn't have asked for a better outcome and a better general. Let the Gunner army come. It may be a challenge, but he believes the Minutemen and the Commonwealth are on the right path and will be strong enough to stand their ground. For the Commonwealth!
Strong: parked outside
He doesn't understand what's going on and he doesn't want to. Just don't talk for too long or he'll find something better to do than sit outside and wait. The only thing that interests him is when you explore new places and fight something. Don't expect him to leave much targets for you, though.
Jake seems weak, but ASAM blinkies make good huts. Maybe worth time after all. And this New Bugle building, Strong write papers, people like to read. ...Strong don't know what's so funny but... maybe write more papers. (Assign him to a "New Bugle" industry plot and he'll write articles)
Yeah, this guy is rather simple. He doesn't have many cents to give, he's a simple man... er, mutant. Give him something to fight, and he'll be happy. He's usually not impressed by settlements but even he can admit the buildings are good and the big gun plot was worth the hours of boredom.
X6-88: The Institute is still better, change my mind
You would think he'd maybe get a little faith in the surface-dwellers once you get some settlements up and running. Maybe when you defeat the Gunners and set up your own HQ. But no, he still thinks more about how much better the Institute would use the sensors. But maybe, just maybe, if you've taken over the Institute and earned his respect, he'll admit this might work.
Other than that, he mostly keeps his commentary to himself, only giving strategy suggestions and such. E.g. he'd suggest a direct assault on the Plaza early on, knowing that's where the leader is and probably the info they need to find the hub. He's more of a "let's get this over with" kind of guy, since he doesn't want to spend too much time with humans that are doomed to die out either way. On that note, he'll prefer Aiden's plan, but will follow the player's command without question.
DLC companions:
Ada: likes the odds
Short one. She mostly keeps her commentary to herself. Always ready to be of service, e.g. help Jake transport the Comm Hub from Olivia, and the stuff from the Vault-Tec HQ. I mean, unless the player needs her, why waste time? She likes helping settlers make their homes better and the tech is fascinating. With this development, she's certain the Commonwealth will be much safer within just a few years.
Old Longfellow: ...can he get one?
Of all the strange devices he's seen, the ASAMs ought to be one of the strangest. But hey, let him try one out and he just might like to try building a new outhouse with it or something. He has some loyalty to the classic techniques, but he can admit these devices help an old man like him make something proper even when... a little drunk, heh.
As for the story, he's not very familiar with the Gunners but he knows when to stand his ground and fight. These hooligans better get ready to try running with a barbed harpoon up their asses! And hearing Jake's story, well, it hits his soft spot and he tries cheering him up afterwards. That Algernon fella seems alright, but the choice is yours, captain. And tell that one-eyed redhead to tone down with the murder and show some respect to the little miss Lupe, or he'll join them decoys out in the minefield!
Damn, to think about Old Longfellow, I start to miss him. I think he'd find several moments to be sarcastic and such, be that fun old grandpa guy that we love. But in the end, I think he'd get a little homesick. It's a fine place you got with the HQ, but put him on the next boat to Far Harbor and he'd love to hear your stories next time you visit. Oh, and... could he get one of them sensors? In case some beast took down his ol' shack while he was gone.
Porter Gage: Jackpot!
You kidding, boss? Keep this up, give them some time to build up and all those settlements will be gold mines! He'll go along with whatever you're doing, you're the boss, but you better not forget your gangs are hungry for action. He doesn't like Jake and likes it when the player chooses the quick/rude options, like skipping Jake's demonstration of the new plot types, tell him to deal with the Gunners himself, get the short version of his story, etc.
He also likes either fighting or convincing Stodge to leave. That guy would've caused trouble down the line, better make one of the weaker ones the leader. Then again, there's certainly a thrill to the idea of the place being better fortified, only to be betrayed.
With the Gunners, he doesn't like allying with Algernon. True, the guy would be a powerful ally, but a pain in the butt later on. It's your call, boss, take him down while you can or let him become a future pest to deal with. Either way, he'll suggest good points where they can at least invite some pals from the gangs, but he can't deny Jake's usefulness. Let the nerd tinker a bit longer, wait until the HQ doesn't need him anymore... then, Raider Paradise.
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letsgofoletsgo · 2 years
My part of an art trade for @morilock, reminder that I’m open for trades!
The sewers of New York were mostly quiet, save for the dripping of water or scattering of small creatures.The air was dank and dingy, hanging with an unpleasant odor. Most of the citizens stayed well away, fearing whatever may lurk in the metropolitan catacombs.
For Nox however, it provided the perfect area for their work. No people, no loud noises, no distractions.
On one such night, they were in their lab; or rather, the lab they shared with Donatello. The purple member of the ninja turtles was nowhere to be found however, leaving Nox to work alone. Not that they minded, they found something calming about being alone with their work. They watched something green and gooey in a petri dish, writing hastily in a notebook periodically. It was rhythmic almost, the hum of the pipes and the pencil against the paper. The scientist felt like they could be here forever, these studies, observations, this was their lifeline. Just them and-
“You’re up late.”
Nox snapped out of their daze, jumping as they turned around. In the doorway was Splinter, looking at them intently, but not with harshness.
“Oh, Hey! I didn’t know you were here.” They said as they regained themself.
“Were you aware it's nearly midnight?” He asked, raising a brow.
“Heh, must’ve lost track of time,” Nox shrugged, looking to the side.
The rat said nothing for a moment, before approaching. “What is it that you’re working on?”
“Donnie and I’ve been working on a new project, it's really fascinating.”
“Then where is Donatello?”
“He went to bed for the night, poor kid was tired.” They smiled endearingly. “But we’ve been making some breakthroughs! We’ve been studying the mutagen sample we got, and seeing what chemicals it interacts with.”
“Splinter glanced down at the substance, still bubbling away in the dish. His eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly, his usual rigidness returning. “I see.”
“Nox watched as he turned, before a sinking feeling came over their stomach. They just remembered how Splinter felt about seeing mutagen, and felt like an idiot for not considering it.
“Wait, Splinter!” They sprung out of their chair, following the rat. “I’m so sorry, I forgot that looking at mutagen is upsetting for you, I never would have shown it to you-”
“Nox” Splinter put up a hand, pausing the scientist. “It is alright, I don’t blame you. It isn’t your fault that I am like this, nor is it…” his voice wavered, “how I may feel about myself because of it.”
The dread in Nox’s stomach was replaced by a different feeling; they could almost feel their heart breaking at the tone of his voice.
“Splinter… Look at me.” They took his hands into their own, staring up at him with wide, sincere eyes. “It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re mutated or not. I know I can’t physically change the way you feel, but I love you.” They emphasized the last part as they squeezed his hand. “I know you may look different, but you’re still the same person you were before all of this happened.”
Despite the semblance of a smile beginning to appear on Splinter’s face, he shook his head. “Unfortunately Nox, I cannot say the same. Too much has happened in that time for me to stay the same, man or… Rat.” He concluded solemnly.
“Well, still- I want to be there for you in the change. I want to be there to remind you how much you mean to me.” Nox’s own breathing became unsteady. “I want to comfort you on the days it feels too much, and to celebrate on the days when you feel whole. The world may not understand us, Splinter. But I do, and I want to help you feel the same.”
The two stood, both taking in the rawness of the moment. All they could hear was the other’s breathing, their heartbeat, all they could feel was the warmth and comfort from each other’s presence. Nox felt Splinter relax in his grip, his expression softening.
“Thank you, Nox.” He said. “Your kindness.. Is something I have not felt in a long time.”
“Well, I’m glad I can give it to you, love.” Nox stepped closer to him, nuzzling his face into his fur.
Splinter returned the embrace, an action forigen to him. “I suppose there is some light to behold in these sewers after all.”
The scientist suddenly looked up at him, an idea shining in his eyes. “Hey, I heard Donnie say something about a new thriller DVD he and the boys nabbed. Wanna check it out?”
The rat sighed. “I’m usually not the one for fantastical American films; but I suppose I could always make an exception.” He looked down with a glimmer of a playful grin.
“Alright, I’ll make the popcorn while you put it in?”
“Very well.”
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Something Special
Marvel - Bucky Barnes Imagine
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader,
Soulmate AU
1.6k Words
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You can meet your soulmate in your dreams but you can't speak to them and you lose most memory when you wake up, but for some reason your soul mate has never met you there. You're certain they don't exist, until one day.
A/N: I imagine this taking place during TFATWS :).
"What do you mean you've never met your soulmate in your dreams?" Sam Wilson asked his friend Bucky.
"I have nightmares, Sam. That is no place for them to be," Buck argued, taking a rag to wipe the blood off of his vibranium arm.
"But they probably think you're dead."
"It's just better off that way," the stoic man finished, his steely eyes meeting Sam's.
"I don't think you're willing to admit that you are scared to try," Sam said, his voice dropping to a softer tone as he leaned forward.
Bucky sighed. "Of course I'm scared. I am not what anybody wants for a lifelong partner," he whispered, dragging his flesh hand down his face.
"Bucky, that's not your choice to make." He stood up, walking away to let him think it over.
Bucky had heard stories of how people meet their soulmate in dreamland. It was a common occurance, but when he had first tried during World War II, he never got a response. There was no way he could even have one now. He was 106 years old after all.
Yet, when he went to bed that night, he decided to push his thoughts aside and focus on calling for you.
You had been waiting for your soulmate to meet you, but it had been years and never once did you hear anything back. You just figured you didn't have one.
Until that night as you were drifting to sleep, it was like a tingling sensation that drew you in. Your eyes were closed, yet it was like following a rope deeper into the darkness of your head.
At the end, was a man. He was tall and stern, and even though you were dreaming, you could feel his presence.
His facial expression remained masked when he saw you, but even you could see his dark eyes widen slightly. You couldn't believe it, after all this time. You searched his body for any distinguishable features, but only found a blurring image. It was going too fast and you were already waking up.
Bucky couldn't believe he saw you on his first try. Plus, seeing you meant no nightmares. Instead, he had a new longing to look for you, and when he woke the following morning he scrambled to write something down before he lost it.
"Shit," he groaned miserably, only managing to write down brown eyes. Most of the population has brown eyes.
"Someone's in a mood," Sam grinned when he caught sight of Bucky's deep frown, deeper than usual that is. He took another bite of toast. "We've got to move on this next lead. Be ready in five."
"Seriously, what's up with you?" Sam asked genuinely when they both were on the plane ready for their next destination.
"I took your advice-"
"Wait, wait. You took my advice?" Sam smiled widely.
"Yeah I took your advice," Bucky said sharply. "And I saw my soulmate, but I can't remember anything about her."
"You know that's just part of the gimmick. You'll figure out a way, Buck," he said sincerely, standing up.
Bucky couldn't be sure. If he dragged this out for too long, there was a possibility that you would find out who he was and never want to meet him. He wouldn't blame you for that.
You felt like you were floating in clouds the whole day. For your entire life, you had seen people meet their person, and as you got older, you realized that the chances of you not having that were becoming greater than actually meeting them.
You didn't know what had changed, but you spent the entire day trying to come up with a plan to finally meet the handsome man you saw in your dreams.
You couldn't remember much. You tried to write or sketch him when you woke up, but all you got was blue eyes.
You wondered if you appeared to him in the same clothes you slept in, and if so, maybe you could fold a note in your pocket. You weren't sure you would even be able to remember it was there. Either way, it was worth a try.
The following night you were so excited you were certain you weren't going to be able to sleep, but you managed, and sure enough there was your broody man.
He gave a wave. His lips twitched up slightly, brightening all of his sharp features.
You reached into the pocket of your sweatshirt. You didn't know why, but you had the longing to do so, and you pulled out a small sheet of paper.
You stepped closer to the man, and placed the paper in his palm.
Y/N, Y/L/N, Your Address
Bucky didn't know how he managed to remember all of that once he woke up. He stared down at the scribbled piece of paper in wonder. Could it really be?
You were probably better off without him. He had not been a good man for most of his life, and you deserved more than him.
That's how Sam found him, sitting on the floor lost in thought, the paper scrunched in his fist.
Bucky relaxed his hand so his friend could see the writing. Sam blew out air, and sat down in front of him.
"What are you waiting for?" he asked as gently as possible.
"She deserves so much better than me."
"You can't decide that for her, Buck. You've kept her waiting long enough." Sam stood up, but spoke once more. "I'll get the plane ready if you change your mind. I think we both deserve a detour."
You were on pins and needles the whole day. You truly wondered if your man got the message or not. You could just vaguely remember holding his hand, which means you must have given the paper, but you couldn't be sure. You were just willing someone to knock on your door.
Yet, as the day passed you grew less and less confident. If he remembered the note, surely he would have tracked you down by now. Unless he didn't actually want to track you down. Your thoughts were a swirling mess.
You didn't have any dreams that night. You woke up in cold sweat, a sinking feeling forming in your stomach. You felt nauseous. Was it you who ruined everything? Maybe he knew who you were already and decided to pass.
You weren't sure you had the energy to get up and go to work, but you forced yourself to start moving. Your thoughts were only going to get worse.
The two men were quite far from the states and Bucky couldn't stop thinking as they made the long trek. For once, these thoughts were not dark flashbacks, they were a bit hopeful. What if she accepted him?
He felt bad that he couldn't sleep. He desperately wanted to see the girl of his dreams, but it just wasn't going to happen. Even Sam kept unusually quiet.
When they finally landed, it was evening, and the pair parted ways. Bucky would finish the journey alone and he was a nervous wreck, even though all of his emotions remained masked.
When he arrived at the address, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door... except there was no answer. He considered his options. He could have messed up the address, or maybe you gave him a fake one. What was he supposed to do now?
He was so lost in thought, he didn't even notice you pulling in.
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you saw the handsome man standing on your doorstep. All of the dreams you had forgotten came rushing forward.
"Hi," you greeted timidly. He was huge up close, definitely taller than you. He wore mostly black, leather gloves on his hands. His features were sharp and familiar from the dream.
He flashed a nervous smile that only lasted a second before his face went blank once more, "I was worried I had the wrong place."
"Yeah, sorry, I was at work," you said, shuffling a bit as the silence consumed you. You had dreamt of this moment, literally, yet you didn't know what to say.
"I'm Bucky," he said, his tone much softer as he looked at you, soaking you in.
"It's great to finally meet you. I'm Y/N, but you know that," you blushed. "Do you want to come in? I can make dinner or we can order something?"
"Okay," he nodded, following you inside. You realized he was very stern and very observant. Combined with your quiet and shy personality, you were quite a match.
"Do you want something to drink?" you asked from the kitchen, pulling ingredients to throw something together for you both to eat.
"No, but thanks." Bucky sat on the stool by the island unsure of what to say or do, but he enjoyed watching you. There was something very positive about you and your home. It felt good.
"Can I ask about the gloves?" you ask curiously, throwing some chicken in a hot pan.
It seemed like you didn't know who he was. He slowly pulled off his gloves, revealing his metal hand.
"Woah, cool," you said, moving closer. "Can I touch it?"
Bucky furrowed his brows, "I guess."
You couldn't help yourself. It was so smooth and shiny, and you giggled happily.
"I guess you can't feel it," you said, reaching for his flesh hand and tracing just like you were on the metal.
He couldn't have been happier to have the stupid arm at that moment. He loved hearing your laugh, and feeling your fingertips gave him goosebumps. His shadowed mind seemed almost calm in your presence, and he knew just from being around for a short time that you were going to be his addiction.
You dropped his hand, meeting his beautiful blue eyes. Your lips quirked automatically, and you were relieved to know the tension was finally broken.
A/N: aw yay I love this. Here's part 2 :))
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Prompt day hurray! What does BaXia think of ChenQing? They would have crossed paths in the war, right? What do all the other weapons and instruments think of WWX apparently setting aside SuiBian for ChenQing? Can THEY tell he's got no golden core?
You seem kind of evil, Baxia remarked when she first met the flute.
Yeah? The flute responded without first bothering to extend her perceptive aura out to see who was talking to her, sounding like a little punk, arrogant and bold. Well, you seem kind of – oh fuck oh fuck you’re terrifying!
This was true. Baxia was terrifying.
Please don’t destroy me! My master needs me!
Baxia said nothing, enjoying how the flute squirmed, and nudged her own master pointedly.
Do not destroy the flute, her master responded with a sigh. He knew Baxia well. Her master is on our side.
Truly, war made for strange bedfellows. Baxia mourned the loss of the easy, straightforward night-hunt.
She nudged her master again.
Yes, fine, you can chase.
Her master - loving, wonderful, understanding master that he was - very casually walked across the room, unhooked her from his back, and put her down next to where the flute was hanging off her master's belt.
Chase, Baxia said happily, the aura of her power already spreading beyond the confines of her blade. Chase, chase, chase –
Someone help meeeeeee!
You’re kind of a dick, Chenqing said, having finally realized that Baxia had no intention of destroying her incipient spiritual soul. Anyone ever tell you that?
…really? Who dared?
My master.
Your master is badass. Chenqing contemplated for a moment. So is mine, he's very brave, even suicidally brave, but not – you know – that much.
Baxia considered this, and accepted it. Her master was indeed a superior sort of human.
Why do you smell of death? she asked, mildly curious.
My master uses me to direct resentful energy, so I’m affected by its aura. You?
I bathe in it.
…you're so badass.
Yes. Baxia was.
You’re not bad, she told Chenqing, which almost predictably got a little huffy.
I raise armies of the dead! I am terrifying! They call me the phantom flute! I am more than 'not bad', okay?!
Baxia ignored Chenqing's nonsense. It would not take long for her to realize that being called ‘not bad’ by Baxia was a very high compliment, as such things went.
Are there any swords that aren’t afraid of you? Chenqing asked. She was very chatty. Or sabers. Or musical instruments…
Which musical instruments have you met?
Uh, mostly Wangji? Wangji’s cool.
Baxia occasionally wished for eyes so that she could roll them. Her human got a great deal of relief out of doing that, according to him. Wangji has a temperament of ice, yes.
No, I mean, that’s not what I meant, I – wait. Are you making a joke right now?
Baxia said nothing.
You have a sense of humor?!
Baxia said nothing.
This is ridiculous. It’s like meeting a hurricane with sharp teeth and finding out it also likes to sing bawdy brothel songs.
You’re kind of stupid, Baxia observed.
Well, yeah. I mean. Have you met my master?
Baxia had.
He’s only scary by accident, Chenqing said ruthlessly, which was only to be expected – no one dunked on a human like their spiritual weapon. Inside, he’s a big soft squishy meatball.
My master cries when he has feelings.
My master too! Humans, am I right?
Baxia supposed Chenqing was, in fact, right.
Perhaps she could stay.
It’s not that I don’t appreciate everything Wei Wuxian is doing for us, Baxia's master remarked to her one day. But didn’t he have a sword at one point? The one with the ridiculous name – Suibian.
At the next meeting, Baxia asked.
Suibian? Yeah, master doesn’t use him anymore, Chenqing said. It's a bit sad, actually. He can’t access the spiritual energy in the blade anymore.
Baxia didn’t like the sound of that. How come?
Master doesn’t have a golden core, Chenqing said. I think he used to, but he doesn’t anymore.
Seems careless.
Hey, I’m pretty sure it’s not his fault! Anyway, it’s a whole big secret. Why do you ask?
My master wanted to know.
Hah, Chenqing said. Nice of you to ask on his behalf, since you can’t tell him what the result of your question was.
Baxia said nothing.
You – can’t. Right? Masters can’t hear what swords say.
I, Baxia said, am not a sword.
…oh shit. Shit, no, you can’t –!
“We need to talk,” Baxia’s master said to Chenqing’s. “In private.”
You’re a rotten tattletale, Chenqing said.
Why do you care? He won’t know it was you that squealed.
Yeah, well, I know that I did it!
It’s for the best. My master will be nice about it, and your master will feel better for it. Baxia considered. There may be tears.
There were many tears.
Master really does seem like he feels better, Chenqing observed. I wouldn’t have called that.
Told you so.
So, Chenqing said. This hunt is probably the last time we’ll be able to hang out.
Probably, Baxia agreed.
I was hoping to ask for some advice.
Bichen is amendable to your flirting, and Wangji follows where she leads, so you have a shot.
I – what? That wasn’t what I was going to ask.
Baxia waited.
…wait, are you serious? Will that work? I could do that –
The flute’s an idiot, Baxia told her master. But maybe she and that master of hers can help you here.
It would be inappropriate for me to ask, her master said, rubbing his eyes. The Jiang sect kicked him out, remember? It would be stepping on their face to approach him despite that.
Okay, Baxia said. So step.
You share a secret with him, at his request, she pointed out. He owes you for keeping it secret for him. At minimum, even if he can’t help you right now, he can help protect your brother when you’re gone.
Her master was silent. That was his weak spot, and had always been.
No one would be able to know, he finally said. And Meng Yao comes every week.
Is our home so small that we can’t hide someone from Meng Yao’s sight? Baxia said scathingly. Since when is he the master here, not you?
I just meant that he’s a sneak that’d sell me out to his father given half a chance, her master sighed. All right, I’ll see if there’s anything that can be done. Wei Wuxian is a musical cultivator, and a genius; maybe he can tell me why Clarity doesn’t seem to be having the impact we hoped it would.
Sure, Baxia said. Whatever. I don't really care. Just get help.
Well, that worked, Baxia said to Chenqing. Sort of.
How are you this badass? You just -! Singlehandedly -! I can’t – how?!
Calm down, Baxia advised. What are you, human?
How dare you.
You’re the one acting like you need air to speak.
…so I’m looking forward to seeing the Lotus Pier again now that we're not banished any more, Chenqing said, pointedly changing the subject because she was wrong and she knew it. Thanks for that.
Thanks for figuring out that the evil meat was poisoning my master.
That’s. uh. Sure a way to call someone.
Why not? He’s evil, and he’s made of flesh, and he’s going to be nothing but meat as soon as I have an opportunity.
I thought your master was thinking of some sort of confinement…?
He certainly has thoughts, Baxia allowed, purposefully broadcasting.
I have very strong thoughts, her master replied pointedly. Do not kill him on your own – I’ll only get the blame for that.
Oh no, Baxia told him insincerely. How terrible for you.
Baxia. Please.
Fine. What about Jin Guangshan?
…what about him?
Me and the flute are going to take care of him.
We are? Wait, are you talking to your master right now? Oh that’s so cool. Tell him to tell my master that I said hi.
Baxia would tell her master no such thing.
That’s probably not the right way to do that, her master said, but in that wavering tone of voice that suggested he was open to being convinced. Though it would be easier to sell Meng Yao as being only collateral damage in the scheme if Jin Guangshan took the lion’s share of the blame, which would only happen if he wasn’t around…that doesn’t seem right, though.
Sure it is, Baxia said soothingly. He’s the one who wanted to play with resentful energy, right? All we want to do is play with him back. Who can say no to that? He’s practically volunteered!
“Okay, I have a weird question,” Chenqing’s master said to Baxia’s. “Please don’t judge me. But…did we happen to work together to drive Jin Guangshan into a resentful energy backlash?”
“We did not,” Baxia’s master said.
“Okay. Right. Got it. Sorry, stupid question.”
“Our spiritual weapons did.”
“If you’re wondering why your Chenqing shows signs of use in the manner that would be associated with Jin Guangshan’s untimely demise, it’s because the resentful energy you’re using has been sufficient to allow it to cultivate in the direction of a guai,” Baxia’s master explained. “It has a will of its own now, just as Baxia does. You will need to account for that when you master it in the future.”
“Wait. Are you saying that my flute has, what, a personality? Can think and talk and do things on its own?”
“That’s…that’s so cool. Can you tell Baxia to tell Chenqing I said ‘hi’?”
Why are they like this, Baxia’s master asked Baxia.
I don’t know, you’re the human expert, she replied, ignoring the way that Chenqing was happily chirping answers to her human’s questions even though he couldn’t hear her. Why are you all like this?
I don’t know, he said. I really don’t know.
It’s nice to meet you, Suibian said, sounding appropriately respectful. I appreciate your master finding a way for my master to continue to wield me.
It’s through resentful energy, Chenqing said gleefully. Lots and lots of it, refining the sword like a saber – my poor master’s going to have to stay up late and learn so many techniques, his hair’s all going to fall out.
Yes, Baxia said. I can see the resentful energy. There’s a lot of it.
Lots and lots, Suibian said proudly. I drew in everything I could.
Without sorting out the evil?
…isn’t it all evil?
Mm, not really, Baxia said, and began to extend out her aura.
Uh, Suibian said. What’s going on.
I told you to be more patient! You shouldn’t have taken the evil parts, Chengqing said. It makes you a little bit evil, too, and that makes you Baxia’s prey.
Chase, Baxia said. Chase, chase, chase –
Help! Help – somebody help!
I would, Chenqing giggled. But master doesn’t speak flute. Sorry!
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vanillachaiii · 2 years
what drinks i think the jjk characters would get from a boba cafe
i've been obsessed with jujutsu kaisen as of recently and its been my hyperfixation for the last few weeks (months????) but im here now and my head is full of thoughts. take this as yall want; cafe au??? coffee au??? fucking love those. i love those people that come into the cafe and order a nice drink and read a book or do their work in complete silence and picturesque perfection like,,,how?? you're my favorite kind of customer. also this is really just my opinion as a boba barista so don't point your guns at me and say im a pos for having an opinion during closing okay? thanks, anyways lets get into this; might be a bit ooc but i honestly don't care (also if anyone wants to build on these hc's please do i would love to talk about them with anyone and everyone)
also i wrote this at an ungodly hour please don't blame me for anything
itadori yuuji
being that he is literally a man child i would rightfully go to the bubble teas immediately
he gives off strong strawberry bubble tea vibes
i feel like he would be in so much awe of the fact that someone can eat and drink in a single cup
i mean in his wiki it literally says hes not a picky eater
he would ask whats at the bottom of the picture
"are the balls soft???"
he keeps asking questions that sound so wrong nobara eventually smacked him on the head
it almost gave the barista to laugh clear their throat quickly before asking if they wanted anything else
i think the sweetness of the milk tea and the sweetness of the pearls mix well and would fit snug into his taste
he would have stars behind his eyes at the first sip
he absolutely tips and tells the barista that he'll come back
and he does come back
a shit load of times
The drink is just a bonus later b/c they get to see the cute barista working so hard
kugisaki nobara
thats all i really have to say
i dont know about you but she is just the fruitiest girl i have ever seen
she has the vibe of like citrus-y fruits but is so sweet
i dont know if sweet is really the right word but its still in her soul
kugisaki would order a watermelon fruit tea with jelly
in her wiki it says that she likes watermelon
she is a sweet fruit kinda gal and i love that for her so much!!!
i feel like it would have taken a while to know what she wanted in her drink; maybe she even mapped out what it might even taste like
but as soon as she saw the watermelon she was dead set on getting it
i just added the jelly bc i feel like she would like the pop of flavor
again like itadori, she is in awe at the barista's skills
praises them (i.e: YOU) for how delicious the drink is
tips a heavy amount
only goes to your cafe bc its
1) the only one she likes
2) the only one that gets her order right
3) it doesnt taste the same anywhere else
4) because you're there
honestly she loves her drink, along with you, of course <3
fushiguro megumi
at first i feel like he wouldnt order
like anything at all
in his wiki it literally says his least favorite foods are sweets
FUCK megumi cmon man
but surely enough with obvious peer pressure from nobara, yuuji and of course gojo himself he orders a pretty plain but easy drink to make
he seems like the type of person to just go for something like plain as shit
i would probably wince at his drink but be thankful that he's ordering such an easy ass drink but who am i to speak i just like working where i work
megumi would order a jasmine tea with a lemon wedge
on some occasions iced, but sometimes hot
mostly depending on the season or what time he comes in
unlike itadori and kugisaki
when you see him take the first sip his eyes widen lightly
from the corner of your eyes you see him observe the drink and then at the menu
you dont know what he's doing and you think you might have upset him with the drink
you didnt
you really really didn't
he's just trying to memorize the drink he got in order to come back and get the same thing
and see you again
gojo satoru
good god
he would be a customer that would be so funny to have on slow shifts
but absolutely repulsive to have during rush hours
he comes in with his rowdy kids students and pays for all of them
what a good man!
or so you thought
a horrible thought, really
cause as you're making his drink he's nothing but an absolute menace
again, i will shift to the wiki: he likes sweet things
he also DID get that kikufuku sweet while people were literlally dying props to him all the way
even though he may a little goofy, he's still nice and respectful to you!!
i see him as another person getting a bubble tea
balls in his mouf
but satoru would get a brown sugar bubble milk tea
the sweetness amounts to his insane sweet tooth
the sweetness of the brown sugar mixes well with the already sweetened milk tea along with the chewy pearls at the bottom
literal STARS explode behind his eyes
he was the same expression, but more intense than that of his own students, when he takes the first sip
the audible slap over his mouth is heard by you and you wonder what happened
yeah he loved the drink, and you
safe to say, him and the first years came to visit you when you were in way (or not) for a late night drink
i was gonna do nanami, getou, yuuta, inumaki, and some others but im lazy and i want to go bed; if you want more pester me and send me hcs in my inbox thanks i love yall <3
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