#not bad for my first procreate edit looks about as good as my others
pcktknife · 5 months
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mornin, boothill be upon ya. original screenshot 👇🏾
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dirksawesomesprites · 9 months
this is a side blog, my main is @sug4ry0uth
this is simply for sprite edits and panel edits, not normal art like my main is
I AM HAPPY TO TAKE REQUESTS!! i do not have commissions, though i am thinking of opening some!
im a highschooler with work, school, personal projects, and a bunch of other stuff. it may take me a while to get to your request, apologies in advance.
this blog is run by a system, there will be the occasional headspace edit post of alters, along with other things related to that.
if you send anon hate youre getting publicly shamed dont even try and youre not funny
Q: Can I use your sprites as discord emotes/website graphics/ect?
A: Yes! as long as there is proper credit you may use my work. Besides my edits of myself (or headmates) and my partner.
Q: What program do you use?
A: Procreate on Ipad!
Q: When I send my ask how long untill its done?
A: Depends! The time can very depending on stuff like: the amount of asks in my inbox, if i have art block, and other stuff. but short answer is a few weeks. <:)
Q: How do you make your sprites? / Good Ibis paint brush equal?
A: Heres the post i made :3
i will not do stuff of incest ships
proshippers. read this post before interacting with me if you identify as one
i will not do stuff of nsfw (suggestive is fine)
if its too complicated i wont do it sorry, but i might try
if i dont want to do it i wont, sorry
i will not do things related to MAPs/pedos/ect
i wont do racist stuff (if i post edits with skin colours and you leave hate you will be blocked and possibly reported if its bad enough.
if you request a ship i hate/dislike, i wont do it, sorry
i have my own headcanons for characters and other stuff, if i post something with that in it and you leave hate about my opinions you will be blocked
i am a MINOR dont ask me to do weird stuff.
ship sprit edits / panels
sprite edits (this includes talksprites, pesterquest and MAYBE ministrife)
panel edits (if you want a panel, give me what mspa/msfpa, and page number please)
rips (just give me the panel number and what you want ripped)
homestuck, vast error, hiveswap, ect (as long as i can find a sprite for the character)
trans character headcanons
appearance edits / clothing swaps / blood swaps / ect you get it
personal headcanon edits
headspace edits (ex: an introj with a karkat source asking for an edit to match how they look in headspace)
characters from other media (if i want to or its not too difficult). i will not do ones from problematic media, or ones im uncomfortable doing though.
pretty much if its made of pixels i can probably do it
pfps/icons (like a character edit with a background or flag with any overlay)
slight action animations
i occasionally add little freebies into asks for the fun of it. if you ask for one you wont get it though. its simply as something funny
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skaiind · 1 year
A lot of your work has really inspired me to take a shot at making comics. I know it's a lot to ask but I was wondering how to go about the process. Do you write and refine scripts before illustrating pages or do you just have a general plot in mind? Big fan of your work, your artstyle is magnificent.
first of all, that's amazing! comics are one of the best ways to learn art, because they challenge every aspect of your skill, it can be frustrating, but very very rewarding and worth it! and i am deeply moved that my work has inspired you to do so! thank you very much!!
my process has several steps, an each one sort of refines the last one as i revisit the same page over and over (which is great because i look at it with fresh eyes and manage to make it even better!!) but it turned out long, so get comfortable:
first i write a rough draft, trying to write as fast as possible with no stopping as much as i can, just so you can get the story (chapter) out. once the whole thing is finished, i edit it to make more sense! fix any mistakes, format it sort of like a script and also i try to be as descriptive as possible when explaining a scene - not just the vibes of it but i try to write out what i want the panels to look like or have, what POV or angle they're in, what details should be visible, describe the page design alltogether, etc. for the scripts i use notion.to because it was the most comfortable to organise all the chapters and notes and stuff in one place!
once the script is completed, i plan out the panels - that means i get a bunch of sketch paper (a3) and one by one as i reread the script, i draw out the panels and use little post its to shortly describe what should be in each panel (ex.: wide view of room, Michael in middle looking angrily at the clipboard). during this i also can edit the script a bit again, as with fresh eyes maybe i managed to think of something BETTER for the scene. i usually plan out about 15-20 pages in one sitting this way, because it's mostly just drawing rectangles and visualising the page in your head.
then we move on to ACTUALLY SKETCHING inside those panels, and with this i start from backgrounds first, then characters, then added details. at first i used just the red lead pencils, but then i began adding different colours like layers for the beforementioned categories. and when doing this i try to do as many pages as possible in one sitting, because the first page always comes out wonky, but then you get the flow of the story going and it gets easier (also good practice!!) and again, here i can refine the script, because maybe the post it i placed earlier doesn't make as much sense anymore and the scene might look different. so i sketch it how i think is best at the moment. i try to be as clear as possible, so the lining process later doesn't frustrate me too much.
now it's time to scan everthing and because i have a smaller scanner that means i must do it twice for each page. that's okay though because at least it comes out high quality when i photomerge them on photoshop later on. i apply autocontrast+autocolor to the picture, and the page looks more legible, and then transfer some to procreate on my ipad.
then you test out what lines/brush look best, and once you've got a chosen one - you LINE IT. Starting with defining the panels better, so they're not wiggly unless they look better that way. i again start from backgrounds because they're tedious and hard, then the characters, add some more details and then the speech bubbles. each on a separate layer so i can edit each one later if needed.
then all that's left is shading everything and exporting that bad boy out into the world!
what is common in most of these stages, is that i keep editing as i go. when i think of how i want the panels to look, i try to imagine it not just as a comic panel but like a scene in a movie (if specifically - horror movies and other times a one-camera comedy tv-shows or just a combination of both) and that really helps me visualize the panel.
another thing to keep in mind when writing a bigger/longer story is to know where it's going or at least what are you trying to show through it, but even that isn't necessary because in comics you can just keep exploring an idea or a concept without going really anywhere and it can still end up being amazing.
in the end you must remember that the comic you're making for YOU first and audience second. because when you start thinking about what other people will think, it'll become frustrating very fast and lose the fun. an creating comics is already frustrating in on itself, there's no need to bring in any more to it.
i hope you will make comics! i hope they will be fun for you and i'm very happy you want to put out more of this fantastic media into the world!
i also hope the long answer helped :))
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astranauticus · 3 months
post mortem for my orv animatic bc i have lots of thoughts and yall are gonna hear all of them (that is a threat)
first is the obligatory special thanks/plagiarism declaration section but a lot of the shots in this are inspired by the original changgwi lyric video which like. please watch it there's a reason this song is a classic animatic song on bilibili like the music is good but the video definitely helped. also speaking of bilibili, special shoutout to this arknights chongyue animatic that introduced me to the song that will haunt the next 8 months of my life!
the original inspiration was the thought that the verse of the spirit telling the story of its own death felt very yjh coded but it took like another week of stewing on it to have the idea of using the final chorus for the dkos arc which was the moment i decided i have to actually make this thing
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going strictly by when i started putting pen to paper (pencil to ipad screen? whatever) this took almost exactly 5 months since i created the first drafts in february but the first 3 months ish from february until may were also my school semester so. most of the progress (id say about >60%) was done in the last two months of me working on this every moment i wasnt at work (or playing project sekai, for some reason)
also! funny little detail but counting the drafts and some discarded frames my procreate stack for this thing has exactly 49 artworks in it! neat little easter egg i guess (yeah 51 wouldve been more fitting but whatever)
this fully slipped by both me (at 2am) and my friend whom i sent the finished version to (fighting the flu) but in the final edit i didn't actually include the second half of the last lyric?? it's 'i will take you to the mountain god' i apparently just wrote 'i will take you' and never finished the rest LMAO
speaking of the lyrics i dont speak korean and im not a huge fan of most english translations of this song that exists so on multiple occasions i was so tempted to just use the chinese cover someone on bilibili did because then i'd at least be confident i know where the fucking line breaks were (there's one line at the end where im pretty sure i didn't edit on the line breaks correctly but that was more of an intentional compromise because the timings would've been off otherwise. anyway) tbh the only reason i didnt do that is the atmosphere and delivery of the original song is. really unbeatable like the cover's also pretty good but it doesn't quite achieve the same effect
also speaking of things i fucked up im aware i drew sys in the wrong outfit for the dkos fight but like. ok full disclosure my orv reference folder is a complete mess (theres like 400+ images in there. for some reason) so on net ive gotten character outfits wrong while working on this thing like at least 3 times bc id just grab a random webtoon screenshot from my folder and go w it. it's just that by the time i realised i fucked up i'd already finished drawing all of sys's frames and i was too lazy to go back and change all of them LMAO
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anyway yeah some other random things i wanted to whinge about:
there's a lot of effects i wanted to do that didn't quite come across due to. lack of skill/time/patience/all of the above but the one im really annoyed about is the yhk postchorus bit with the 3 circles bc. first off i think i drew those while halfway dozing off on the train to school once because uh. yeah
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anyway poor drawing aside id really wanted to recreate the sort of. drawn-in effect on the circles and lines that the original lyric video had but i could NOT for the life of me figure out a way to execute that in capcut so. here we are (also you cant put transitions on overlays in capcut so that's why those also looked so bad. youre welcome)
honestly my timeline for this in capcut looks pretty ridiculous bc if you want to do word by word animations/effects you need to pay for the pro version so my workaround was just to have like five thousand text layers with 1-2 words on it each (do not recommend btw)
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speaking of the text im a moron so i kinda forgot to account for the text when drawing frames and wow you can tell. yeah next time im just hand writing the text fuck this
and i have some more thoughts that are. mild to moderate webtoon spoilers so past this will be the spoiler warning line
actually my original plan was to upload this the day dkos dies in the webtoon but a. i genuinely did think it was gonna be yesterday like i dont pay for the early access episodes so i was just kinda going off orvtwt LMAO b. i could feel myself burning out on this like the last few frames i drew for this were fucking dogshit so i figured either i finish it soon or i wont finish it at all
i will probably still draw something for dkos' death day though for those who celebrate (basically when i was thumbnailing for one of the frames in this i ended up with one that didnt fit the video aspect ratio at all but still looks pretty good so im promoting it to a full drawing. so look forward to that)
like for an idea of how fucking sick of this shit i was by like. last week pretty much like for the last few frames of the dkos fight i straight up forgot to draw dkos' wings and had to add them in halfway through editing last night. like that's how fucking out of it i was by then lmaoo
looking back its actually kinda funny cuz the whole put this up when dkos dies thing was my plan since february but i had literally no way of knowing when that would be especially since the webtoon stopped going with the novel chapter numbers exactly (i could.. guesstimate but my original estimation was in june so yknow. real useful) but like i can find evidence of me panicking about that deadline since may. why did i do that
given that deadline i knew i cant really include stuff from the novel past the dkos arc but man. the amount of times i wanted to use something from later (ESPECIALLY 1863 arc). i actually have another idea i want to test out thats like full epilogue spoilers partially because working on this for so long made me realise i really want to make more epilogue content <- what
yknow how i mentioned discarded frames yeah i had to draw dkos' death 3 times because the first two compositions just never quite panned out. i mean the current one is also pretty unreadable with the colour scheme but trust me the previous ones were way worse christ alive
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evilrat-sabre · 1 year
how did tango learn to consider himself a monster?
His subspecies description says that his type of false spine doesn't kill their host, but rather finds an already dead body, how did the body die?
From what I gather, false spines are fairly solitary. Does tango even know his species? If so, how? What does he know?
Ohhh keep asking I am all here for it!
I will respond to this a little out of order if you permit me.
At first I just wanted to note, that I am very bad at updating my notes lol, so some things I said In earlier posts may be debunked in the future(I have a lot of things planned, but as this is an AU, new ideas sometimes come and I find them better than old ones)
When I say that the False-Spine spine doesn't kill their host, this is a big exaggeration of the word "kill", because well yes they first find a dead body, but they carry the zombie virus, So they kinda of kill entire civilizations, without direct Killing it. Then they just feast in the bodies and Live in the one they find most comfortable.
(One thing that I have to do, but I can only do in a computer and always forget, is slightly edit that text that talks about the False-Spine, It was very early in the brain rot that I wrote it, and I feel like it doesn't reflect the entire scope of the species now)
Are the False-Spine spine a solitary species? I think you can say that yes. When an infestation of False-Spine happens, normally it starts with two or three False-spines, but they don't act in colony like let me say bees, they just get together for procreation purposes and then leave to do their own things, AK. Eat, sleep and repeat (Like hamsters)
Did Tango ever met another False-Spine? Thank god no. The next thing I am gonna say is a slight spoiler for chapter 4 so be aware.
SPOILER FOR CHAPTER 4 STARTES HERE (I will put a note where it ends)
As I said this is something that will be revealed in CTT Chapter 4 (That I am writing for more than 1 month at this point and getting slightly crazed because it doesn't end It's almost done all I need to do is write the last pov)
False-Spine are a terrifying mob because the way they transform players in Zombies as a way of gathering food is by scrambling the player code, fucking with it and doing Irreparable damage to them.
Tango may be a False-spine, but He is a player nonetheless, The False-Spine are not an intelligent mob at all, the first thing a wild nom player False-spine would do meeting Tango is looking direct at his code(the equivalent of his soul) and then straight up try to kill him.
The only information Tango has of his own species are reports from other people, and it doesn't paint a good picture at all.
Okay now for the last one
How did Tango learn to consider himself a monster?
Ohh this is a fun one.
Before I start Talking about this, I just want to say: I pretend to write a one shot about this in the future, but as I don't have anything written or even a date to start writing, I will not mark this as spoilers.
In my master post I mentioned that Tango spent a lot of time in single player worlds trying to learn how to be a player, but what I evade to say is what happened before this.
Tango Spawned in a residential World
(quick world building: A residential world is a multiplayer world where players live in groups like you would in a city in real life)
Tango Spawned in an era where the Nom-Human player movements in search for equality are all time big and this makes those that are more vocal about their bigotry against their existence become even more aggressive.
One thing I have to mention too is that players live a fucking long time, like a lot. So all of this happened a long time ago and don't reflect anymore with widespread view in the regular hubs, nowadays nom-humans make 80% of the population, but it was not the case when Tango first came to be.
So Tango first had to adapt to being a freshly spawned player in a world that is very vocal against his existence and as his spawn is practically a glitch by the way he spawned. He spawned in a no spawn world, It was not supposed to players spawn there at all (just be born, because there is no great code fix for it), so because of that he became homeless for some time, until someone (A bug hybrid AK. The only oc I dared make for CTT) took pity on him and put him inside her house and taught him about what being a Bug player means, their sounds, their greetings. (Even if Tango isn't the same as her, she adopted him in her culture), she too is the one who taught him how to do make up, and how to hide (because it was needed to survive).
Basically he first had contact with someone that is a Bug player and is proud of what she is. So how did he come to hate himself? Well, she died. They were attacked and she died protecting him. It is after this that he goes to his single player words, where he internalized the guilty, the anger, and without someone to talk he put it all in himself, because if they were normal human players, she would be alive and he would not be alone. So he learns how to be human, how to hide and how to lie. And when he goes back to the multiplayer scenario, no one knows what he really is and he prefers it that way.
And I think this is all for now! Thx for asking and engaging with brain rot!
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elizabeethan · 3 years
The Swan and her Handler
Emma Swan was cursed, and the only way to break it is with True Love's Kiss. Try breaking a curse with True Love's Kiss when you're a damn swan.
Yes, it's true, I've written a CS AU based on Walnut the Crane, a crane who fell in love with her handler. I'm ashamed at how idiotic this is. It’s by far the dumbest thing I've ever written in all my life. It’s nothing more than crack written in about an hour, un-betaed and barely edited. Sorry, and you’re welcome.
Rated T for language
~2000 words
Read my other stuff
Read on Ao3
These damn idiots can’t get anything right. It was bad enough when Emma showed up on their doorstep with perfectly clear care instructions that were completely ignored, but now they keep trying to get her to reproduce as if she’s some kind of zoo animal. 
  Of course, given her current living situation, it does make at least a tiny bit of sense. 
  Ever since the curse, Emma has been stuck in a wildlife refuge and has been unable to get any of her stupid caretakers to figure out how to help her. She knows exactly what she needs, but unfortunately, no one here speaks swan and she can’t exactly hold a pen. Her care instructions were translated upon her transformation, so the one thing that could have helped her now looks like chicken-- er, swan scratch. 
  “She needs a mate,” one of the jack asses points out. “She’ll probably want to mate for life.”
  True, she thinks, although, not with any of the stinky fluff balls you have sent my way.  
  First it was Neal. He tried to mate with her, so she killed him. Last week, they put Walsh in her enclosure, and she pecked at him violently until they took pity on him and sent him to the medical unit. 
  Although today seems different, because her newest caretaker has shown up, and she realizes that he just might be exactly what she’s been looking for. 
Emma Swan, unfortunately very appropriately named, requires a mate who can break her curse, True Loves Kiss the only thing that can bring her back to her truest form as a human adult woman. And when the new dark haired, stunning eyed veterinarian comes strutting into her enclosure, she hurries towards him to get a closer look at his name tag. 
  He jumps away, making some comment about her being fiery , and she blushes, squawking at him as she tries to get closer. Killian , it reads, and if she had lips and not a bill, she would smile. 
  “We think she’s depressed,” the stupid one with the big eyes says. “She’s killed every mate we’ve tried to pair her with.” 
  Good, she thinks. I must have done more damage on Walsh than I initially thought.  
  “You’re just misunderstood, aren’t you, love?” the angel-man asks, making her squawk in agreement. She thinks she could make this quick, this man obviously understanding her horrible twist of fate, so she lunges for him once more, trying hard to kiss his hand and hoping beyond hope that it will transform her back into the woman she's supposed to be. No more feathers, she prays. 
  He exclaims again, jumping and complaining of his hand hurting as she pecks him, so she rolls her eyes and squawks angrily. “Alright, darling,” he says with his hands up, his smooth, accented voice making her heart flutter inside her chest. Her breast? She knows very little about swan anatomy, despite having been turned into one. “Perhaps she’s stressed about her environment. Have you tried giving her a dark, quiet place to nest?” 
  “Not yet,” the dumbass admits. 
  The handsome one, Killian, a name she could get used to rolling off of her tongue, steps away from her, so she hurriedly follows. “Perhaps here in this corner will do.” 
  I would love to spend time in a dark corner with you, she thinks, giving the man what she hopes is a salacious smirk. She watches appreciatively as he sits down, crossing his legs as he starts to fiddle with some sticks as if she would be interested in them. Rather than helping him to make a nest out of the twigs and leaves, she plops herself right in his lap, nestling herself into his crossed legs and gazing up at his beautiful features, earning a smile from him. 
  “There we are, love,” he says happily, clearly surprised that she chose to plant herself upon him, although he shouldn't be. Just look at him, for god’s sake. “Comfortable?” 
  She squawks loudly, making him cringe, then fluffs her feathers in an attempt to gussy herself up for him. If she’s going to earn True Love’s Kiss from this perfect specimen, she’s going to have to work for it. The man chuckles as he looks down at her-- is he gazing? -- and lifts his hand slowly, placing a finger gently upon the top of her head and petting back down her neck, sending a chill down her spine, at least she thinks it’s her spine. She pushes her head towards him again, demanding more attention in an effort to get him to fall for her. It shouldn’t take long; she’s very enchanting. 
  “She’s never been this calm,” the dumb one says, making her snap her head towards him with a glare, shouting at him in disapproval. Killian shushes her soothingly, his finger softly stroking along her stupid feathers once more and making her shut her eyes. 
  “She just needed a bit of attention, it seems.” 
  “We’d best be careful,” someone else says, the bookworm who always thinks she knows everything about swan science. Of course, she probably knows more than Swan Emma. “We wouldn’t want her to imprint on you ,” she seems to joke. 
  “That’s quite alright, isn’t it love?” he asks her, essentially giving her permission to fall in love with this handsome bastard. 
  He comes by a few times a week for the next several months, each time sitting with her in her tiny, dirty nest and not seeming to care that his pants get soiled. She’s always careful to do her business elsewhere, making sure that her prince can sit in comfort when he arrives. She gets angry with him when he brings someone new, a sickly looking male named Graham who she assures is not welcome, so Killian gives up trying to get her to mate with someone. For some reason, they're concerned about her procreating, but she can assure everyone that she will not be giving birth to a damn swan baby while she’s under this curse. 
  One day, when Killian visits near the end of his shift, he’s finally alone, leaving behind the dumb one and the book worm and giving her all of the attention she desires as his strong hand softly pets along her soft feathers. She can’t wait to get rid of these stupid feathers. 
  “You’re quite funny,” he remarks as the sun starts to set. “Unlike any swan I’ve ever met.”
  She squawks at him-- I’m not a damn swan-- and he smiles. “Quire the personality. It always seems like you’re trying to communicate with me.” 
  Yes, you stupid handsome man, that’s exactly right! She tries to nod, lifting and dropping her head in quick succession and making the beauty laugh. She nudges her head against his hand in demand of more pets. 
  “What is it you want me to know, darling?” he asks gently, his voice soft and soothing and deep. 
  She groans, a sound that comes out like a pained cry, and his face shifts. “Are you alright, love?” 
  In pure frustration, Emma drops her head against the man’s chest, likely assaulting him with how badly she smells like bird shit, and he chuckles again, letting his hand run along her feathers some more. “There, there. I know life as a swan must be difficult. All you seem to want is for someone to listen.” 
  She looks up, hoping that her expression conveys her complete and utter irritation at the fact that he’s literally hitting the nail on the head and yet he has no idea. 
  “Such a personality,” he says again. “I’ve got to head home now, love. I’m looking forward to having Chinese for dinner. Perhaps I'll bring you an eggroll tomorrow, or is that insensitive?” 
  She squawks, half because she’s laughing, and half because she would quite literally kill another potential mate for an eggroll. Wanting to beg him not to go, she gives him her best sad face through her inability to emote, and nestles her head against his palm one more time. 
  “I’ll sneak you one, love,” he laughs, and as he does, he finally, finally , leans down towards her, and plants his stupid, dumb, lucious lips upon the top of her stinky bird head. 
  Cramps start to run through her whole stupid bird body, the same ones she felt when she was cursed on Halloween decades ago. He stands, not seeming to notice her pain and discomfort until he’s a few steps away, and he turns back around. “Swan, are you alright?” he asks, as if she could answer, and she shouts back at him wordlessly. 
  She praises whatever gods might be listening as she feels things start to change, her feathers shedding as her skin is exposed to the chilly fall air. The webbing between her toes retracts, her legs turning flesh colored rather than that horrifying orange. Her bill turns back into her nose and mouth, preparing her to smooch her savior rather than peck at him. Finally, she’s back!
  “Bloody fucking hell,” Killian breathes as he stares on, Emma transforming back into her old self, laying in a heap on the ground as she brushes off the dirt and twigs and leaves. 
  “You did it,” she praises before clearing her throat, raw from misuse after all these years. She grins at him as she’s been wanting to since they met, and is met with a horrified, shocked look on his face. His jaw is gaping, his eyes wide as they catch the light of the setting sun. “I knew you would.” 
  “What the fuck?” 
  “You broke the curse,” she says happily, standing up and exposing her nude form to him, cursing the lack of feathers although she vowed she never would. Immediately, he removes his jacket, despite his shock still clearly running through him, and hands it to her. 
  “I did what now?”
  “I was cursed. Why do you think I was such a miserable swan?” 
  He’s looking around, his mouth snapping shut and dropping open in succession as he tries to process the fact that there was a swan in the enclosure just a second ago, and now there’s a frankly beautiful, naked woman standing before him. “You were cursed,” he says doubtfully. 
  “Yes, I was. An evil witch cursed me on Halloween decades ago and I've been stuck in that infernal bird form ever since. All I needed was True Love’s Kiss to break it, but imaging trying to fall in love with someone as a damn bird.” 
  “So you… you fell in love… with me…?” 
  “Obviously,” she smiles, taking a step towards him on shaky legs, tripping and falling into his waiting arms as he catches her, careful not to grope her, although she isn’t sure she would mind. “And you broke the curse, so… Do I have to tell you what that means?”
  “I-- I’m having a lot of trouble processing the fact that I've evidently been in love with a swan for months.” 
  “Well, my name is Emma Swan, so you can be in love with a Swan for the rest of your life, if you’d like.” 
  “Emma,” he murmurs, staring into her eyes and smiling when he seems to recognize her. She’s never been able to see herself in the mirror, because the book worm was worried she would attack it, but based on the way he’s staring, she would guess that the evil witch let her keep her eyes. “Do you know it just happens to be Halloween tonight?”
  “Kismet,” she says softly, gazing up at him. He lifts his hand like he did while she was planted in his lap, and she’s finally able to feel his calloused finger along the skin of her cheek, then of her neck, just as he had done before. 
  “Aye,” he agrees. “The spirit of the holiday does make this whole thing a bit easier to accept.” 
  “Yeah,” she says dismissively. “Now take me home. I was promised an eggroll and I haven't eaten anything but grass and stale bread in almost thirty years.”
Tagging (with apologies):
@courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89 @swampmedusa @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @ouatpost @daxx04 @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay @xsajx @itsfridaysomewhere @alexa-fangirl-forever @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings @rapunzelsghosts @spaceconveyor @badcats-andmice @batana54 @sailtoafarawayland @deckerstarblanche @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @pirateprincessofpizza @captainswan21 @hookedmom @lostintheskyfaraway @undercaffinatednightmare @strangestarlighttree
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theangrycomet · 4 years
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“You win. Kind of cheated, but you win.”
-Devlin Evan Levin
Notes: Edited
*When first writing my stories I didn’t realize Kevin wasn’t Canonically Trans, so his procreations follows the Trans!Kevin Head Canon*
*Osmosians are Aliens*
*The Rooter’s arc is the same, except Kevin was just rescued by the Rooters*
*Devin Levin is Canon here, though his backstory varies*
After Kevin’s break up with Gwen, he was kind of a mess. He went back to his more shady businesses and practices. 
Sunny, wanting to snub Gwen a bit, approached him during a a lower point to have some fun
Kevin was unfortunately fooled.
When he’d found out he’d been tricked, he tried to absorb her to death. It was nearly successful too.
Due to a combination of the two’s previous *ahem* nightly activities and Kevin absorbing most of Sunny’s energy, Kevin got pregnant, much to his dismay.
Convinced he would be a bad parent, he tried to get multiple abortions to no avail; baby was too damn stubborn.
When Devlin was born, he was born in his 11 form.
But hey, Kevin finally got that Hysterectomy he’s been pushing off for years
Kevin was bluntly horrified at what he’d done to the kid. But, as Devlin reached out for him, he determined that he would love his kid to death, even if no one else would. Because f*** all if he was going to let his kid go through what he did as a kid. 
Went back to Earth because Gwen needed help (and missed him)
Went well for about two years until he was forced to absorb excess Turbonic Energy
Barely escaped being sent back to the null void (not by Tennysons, other plumbers)
Still dealing with the jerks of the business, he proceeded with the criminal lifestyle to pay the bills. He managed to keep Devlin from most of it and spent as much time as he could with him. 
He felt like he had no idea what he was doing most of the time, and constantly had to deal with other aliens trying to mess with his kid b/c of people wanting to mess with the infamous Kevin 11000
Actually got a better understanding of his own powers by teaching Devlin about his
Levin’s don’t get Normal childhoods
Birthday: Earth Time: January 2nd
Picked up his fathers’ technological prowess as well as his looks
Though it did not happen often, Devlin was knew how to deal with Kevin’s energy hangovers and subsequent mood swings
Was usually able to talk him down before anything too bad happened
Generally avoided him or fled the scene when told when Kevin got especially bad (only happened 2-3 times but the memories are still pretty vivid)
Though always threatened with being locked out if he came back after curfew, if Devlin was never actually kept out of the house. Kevin just kind of went into small panic mode.
When he was little, he loved using his alien form to cause trouble
Lighting fires with his pyronite arm
Making playhouses with his petropsian arm
(This one was tricky to figure out) Leaning back against walls hand hack security buildings with his Galvanic Mechamorph shoulder blades
Trippin’ up passerby’s with his tail
Devlin preferred the in betweens, when Kevin was most like himself and not worrying about “jerks at work”. Those were rarer than either Osmosian would have liked.
Whenever Kevin got stuck in the Null Void, waited at their hiding place until he got back
When the last time he got stuck, he waited 3 months, pretty much alone
Argit actually snuck Devlin onto Earth
Knew about his plan to get his dad out of the Null Void
Refused to help him publicly.
“And furthermore this plan is ridiculous. What, do you expect to just walts on in, befriend Ben’s youngest son, best after an argument with his old man, get him to slip up how to get in, *cough* 32ndstorybigpadlockeddoorcan’tmissit *cough* and walts out Kevin in tow? Ridiculous”.
Kenny’s Birthday weekend wasn’t the first time Devlin hadn’t been able to talk his dad out of a stupid brawl
But it was the first time Kevin physically hurt him
Devlin's not really sure how much Kevin actually cares about him any more if he was so easily able to throw him aside like that. 
Inside the Tower
He hadn’t realized that Kenny had a sister, or a mom for that matter
Didn’t really know Gwennie at first,
She eventually found a wonderful middle ground of space cars
Kai was… different
Waited to get the story from Ben about the mysterious Emo Kid presence in her living room
Immediately lost her shit at Ben, not for Devlin being brought into the house, but for not talking to her about it and, since he had evidently already made up his mind about the whole thing, still not having one of the guest room set up as his own
He hadn’t met any adult (aside from his dad) who was so brutally honest and upfront about things, having grown up with and around conmen and politicians his whole life
She kind of intimidates him
She thinks its funny that she intimidates him more than big bad Ben 10k
Ben doesn’t
Overtime, they settle into the “Protective but will let you do your thing” older sister Gwennie and “How could you be so stupid to get hurt like this! Get over here and you will let me take care of you, young man” mom role for Kai.
Kenny is definitely his best friend
As he did not grow up on Earth, he doesn’t get a lot of Earth culture stuff, especially the American side of things
What’s with all the holidays?
And why are you so obsessed with social media?
What the kriff is anime?
He regretted asking that last question
He was enrolled with school with Kenny the next school term, giving him about a year to adjust to the Tennyson household
Kids tried to pick on him for being Kevin 11K’s kid, but Kenny quickly shut that down
Ironically met one of his few friends outside of the family by starting a fight with him
Believes what he sees
Does not believe in magic. Period.
Ben tries to fill the Uncle role without stepping on toes for the Dad roe
Works surprisingly well
More of an introvert
Still a sweetheart, its just when he’s forced into an unfamiliar social situation he tends to get defensive and surly
Wasn’t interested in soccer, but found he loved hockey
Pretty damn good at it too
While smart, if he’s not interested in a subject or if a subjects hard he won’t study it
History’s his worst, with English being a close second
Tried to hide the D’s and F’s but Gwennie sniffed them out
She always knows
Additionally, he doesn’t really think past what’s in front of him
He thinks of the evidence he has in front of him and the knowledge he’s got
long term planning? Impossible
He didn’t know she was an Anodite for about a year or two. 
It wasn’t ever really brought up
Can and will question dumb leadership
Mellow other wise
Favorite Disney Movie: Lilo and Stitch
Aroflux Demisexual
Regarding his Powers
His 11 form is still his main form
He does have his own Mana, but his Osmosian side is constantly eating it away so he cannot manipulate it like a “true” Anodite can. 
He can absorb energy, but material is impossible for him
The excess energy goes into maintaining his 11 form. Because of this, when he does absorb energy
He goes to his 11 form
Retains control of his mind
If he tries to stay “human” and absorb energy is where in lies the problem
Because the energy doesn’t have anywhere to go it warps his mind
This doesn’t happen too often because he always allows the energy to outlet to his 11 form and his Anodite side generally finds ways to redirect it
With time, he learns to activate parts of his 11 form at a time
Ben mentioned off hand that at the WAY beginning, when Kevin was Devlin’s age, he could modify the energy to only work on parts of his body
It requires less energy and is convenient if he’s trying to avoid attention
Regarding Kevin
He’s still sore about being literally tossed aside in his father’s quest for power
Doesn’t want anything to do with the lying b****** at first because of he doesn’t really know what to do. He loves Ben, but he wants his dad. Like how things were before everything got all complicated. 
He has no idea what Gwendolyn saw or currently sees in him
Was conflicted when he found out his dad was getting treatment
Part of him wanted Kevin to hurt just as bad as he did when he was thrown away
Part of him wanted Kevin to get better
Part of him wanted Kevin to go away
Part of him wanted Kevin to come home as soon as possible
He was confused as to how Dr. Kincaid could help drain an Osmosian of excess power without getting killed
Devlin’s lack of Pop Culture and Current Super Hero knowledge was shown through at that point
“Turbonic Energy’s what got him into this mess, Turbonic Energy’s what’s going to get him out.”
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Squido!
Commission:  I haven't and don't really intend to. I don't want to take anyone's hard-earned money. Just ask me to draw things and there's a good chance I will.
Social Media:  Tumblr: @sky-squido​ AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido/pseuds/sky_squido
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Call me Squido! I love to draw and write but I'm also super extraverted and I love interacting with humans so always feel free to chat with me! Aside from drawing and writing, I just love being outside and have a tumblr sideblog dedicated exclusively to nature photos I take. I love mountains, the ocean, the sky, and just about everything else in this beautiful world of ours! If you ever feel like having an internet stranger give you a thousand word rant, ask me why my favorite color is blue and you will not be disappointed!
What got you into creating? what inspires you to keep creating?
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and can't seem to stop, though I take long breaks sometimes I always seem to come back to it again. I try not to have anything in mind when I draw, but to start sketching and let the drawing happen. Sometimes I find that what I'm trying to draw is not what my drawing wants to be (if that makes any sense) and change what I'm making halfway through. It makes drawing a really relaxing and carefree therapeutic experience! Writing is different. I've always enjoyed writing, but I didn't write much and never shared my writing with anyone because I thought it was super pretentious. It wasn't until entering High School and joining the literature club and making a deal with a friend that we'd share our writing with each other that I actually gained any sort of confidence in my ability and sought to improve it. Being in that club and sharing my pieces at the open mics was a really encouraging experience! I invite everyone to share their writing, even if it's with some random internet stranger (I'm open anytime!) if they're unsure of their abilities. A little encouragement goes a long way! Now that I'm on Discord, ao3, and tumblr, I receive so much more feedback than I ever have before! It's been super encouraging! What inspires me most is definitely nature. Even if my ideas aren't directly related to the outdoors, I get my best ideas there. Fandoms are also a great idea generator. The sheer volume of headcanons and prompts is enough to make me dizzy with ideas!
What's your creative process like?
I love sketching. My favorite thing about drawing digitally is that I can sketch as much as I like and never worry about wasting materials! Often times my sketches turn themselves into drawings without permission and other times they stubbornly remain sketches for all eternity. I always dive right in because I have no patience and the idea I started out with generally isn't that great but in the process of pursuing it, it spirals out of control and sometimes the idea gets better and sometimes it gets worse but I just kinda roll with it. Creating is a really chill process for me and while I regularly scream stuff like "I'M DRAWING ON THE WRONG LAYER NONONONONONO" or "NO HECK FRICK SHOOT IT SMUDGED HECK HECK GET THE ERASER QUICK," the creative process is a great way for me to unwind. I'm the same way about writing. I never plan or outline and just kind of roll with things. I mean I generally have the basic jist in mind, but I try to not have a plan so I can keep the story driven by the characters and not force them into acting the way I wanted them to in the outline I made hours or even days ago. Creating is my opportunity to break free so I don't really see what good a plan or outline does me. I'm a pretty spontaneous person!
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
I like to take pictures, but it's not really my main focus. I've been mostly digitally drawing—I use my iPad Pro and Procreate—but lately I've been pencil sketching with just your average everyday mechanical pencil (I'd forgotten how nice the texture of paper was! Clearly I spent too much time drawing on my iPad!). I have these Stabilio chalk pastels I love to pieces, but have also spent a great deal of time with watercolors. Digital is my primary medium currently, though.
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Is there a specific scene wrote that you are particularly proud of?
"Sky’s golden scales are glowing with reflected light from the sun while beneath them, the same pulsing blue in her mane runs like a river as her very skin is alive with electricity. The sun’s beginning to dip, fading through the color wheel from yellow to deep orange to scarlet and the world is bathed in watercolor and hue shifted through the rainbow until all that was blue becomes red. This new alien world begins to darken as red fades to deep purple-pink, the clouds catching last vestiges of gold in their pillowy folds, yet Sky continues rippling with lighting, the bright blue flowing like blood through her veins and the gold shimmering in the eerie azure glow. We weave through the winds and zephyrs and I close my eyes and let the breeze caress my hair and when I reopen them, I’m standing back on the ground again in a world long since darkened by night. I place my hand over my beating heart where Sky is still laughing with joy and smile because once you’ve awakened your dragon, you don’t need wings to fly anymore."
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing or art?
Every fanartist and fanfic writer that posts their stuff online is an inspiration to me. Even if their stuff isn't very good—especially if it isn't very good—it's a huge testament to the courage of the creator and their bravery in expressing themself! I sat on fanfic and fanart for years and never shared it and here were kids half my age putting out art that was their first experiment in a new medium and a little shaky but it was still out there and they were still being supported by the community and that really inspired me to reach out and stop lurking in fandom and actually get involved!
is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as a creator?
I feel like everyone has these periods where they were just gaining confidence in their artistic ability but suddenly everything they make is trash and they're not happy with any of it and they feel so down and worthless and "where did all of my hard-earned ability go? Will I ever get it back?" I think this is a pretty common experience and when I find myself there, I find it most helpful to share what I make anyway, even if I hate it, with someone who I know will give it to me straight because they'll point out the deeper problems—the root of the issue—that I hadn't even noticed and I can use that information to grow as an artist. Bad pieces are just as valuable as good ones. There was also a time where I had a lot of trouble developing a style. I did a lot of experimenting and never found anything I liked. What happened is I just kept drawing and whatever popped out eventually evolved into my style. I used to get frustrated that I couldn't draw anything without a reference, but after years and years of using references and drawing some of the same things over and over again, you won't need the references anymore. I mean, they're great and you should always feel free to use them, but over time, you won't need to look up a picture of every little thing you try to doodle.
What got you into writing or art?
My silly twitchy fingers can't ever seem to stop drawing! Same with writing. Words and ideas follow me around, little plot bunnies pestering me until they get written down somewhere. I was greatly inspired by the works of C.S. Lewis in my writing, especially his Cosmic Trilogy. My art style was aided by Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist, which was a valuable stepping stone in developing my own style. Other than that, it was my own insatiable desire to MAKE THINGS that spurred me onwards. I don't think I could stop if I tried!
What's your favorite part of the creative process?
After you've got that first paragraph and you've found a flow and you've got a topic and you just GO. I get into the zone and the story starts happening on its own and I'm not an author anymore, I'm just a channel between the world of the piece and the page. That's my favorite. I love watching things take shape. I love shading a sketch for these same reasons. The whole drawing comes together and becomes A Thing and it's the most exciting time to be a creator. Something else inside you has taken over and you're just along for the ride. I have no idea if my experiences are common at all but this is what it's like for me!
What's your least favorite part of the creative process?
EDITING. I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE. THE THING IS DONE. WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP LOOKING AT IT. CAN I POST IT YET. This leaves me with a lot of holes in what I make and I can't do a very clean, super detailed drawing unless it's for an art class and I'm forced to keep working on it. I have a terrible habit of never proofreading my things!
What's your favorite type of scene to write?
AAH hard question! I love writing description and places where I can really let my inner 19th century romantic be unleashed but I also love a good emotional moment between two characters. Something tense. I like fight scenes, but I try to keep them brief and interesting. Sometimes I find scenes where I have no idea what's going on and I try to avoid that, but it's really hard sometimes.
What's the hardest for you to create?
I have so much trouble with endings. I can generally figure something out, but there's always a moment of panic before the end like "heck I wrote everything I wanted how do I wrap this up????" That's probably a byproduct of me planning nothing XD I sometimes have trouble with characterization and making sure everyone acts the way they actually would. The hardest part is continuing after you have an "oh heck what do I do now" moment that breaks you out of your zone and all of your ideas and plot threads turn invisible or evaporate or go wherever it is they go when you're looking for them.
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What's your favorite genre to write?
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST. Wellll... scratch that. I love something adventure-y and plot driven with a lot of really meaningful character interactions. I've always had trouble putting my writing into genres, but I guess that kind of speaks for itself in a way.
What fandoms do you enjoy creating for?
Linked Universe is the fandom I have created and posted the most for by a LONG SHOT. I found LU shortly after making my tumblr and I joined the Discord shortly thereafter. Since then, it has been nonstop inspiration and creativity for me! I tend to get sucked into one fandom and it consumes me for a few months before I silently drift out of it and never think about it again. LU is the fandom I've been the most active in EVER though—and it's still going—so there's a good chance I'm never getting off this ride.
What's the work you are most proud of?
AAAAAAAAAAH MY BABIES. okay um here's the first and only fanfic I've ever posted anywhere but I'm really happy with: https://sky-squido.tumblr.com/post/618964544219463680/turn-back-time-a-linked-universe-fanfic I have a lot of other pieces kicking about, but they're not fandom so I haven't shared them yet. I probably will after I touch them up a bit.
Do you have any fics inspired by real life stories?
Not really? I don't really know where my ideas come from to be honest!
Where do you post your finished works?
my tumblr. I tag stuff #squido writes and #squido draws so you can find them easily. I also put them on the discord but they get lost in the stream of other works pretty quickly so stick to my tumblr. I also have an ao3 now! https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
Turn Back Time was actually live written in the Discord, but entirely unplanned and in the #angst channel! It was just a headcanon but then I started describing it and like 2 hours and 5k words later I'm sitting in the Discord like "what just happened??"
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nostaren · 3 years
hello!! i know this will sound stupid but.. may i ask how can i learn & make doujin like yours? which material do you use? (computer, ipad, apps etc) i used to be good at drawing and really enjoyed it, but in highschool i had a really long depression and my talent is really decreased… now i’m in uni and i really want to draw things again… especially doujin because it was my dream since childhood lmao… anyway thank you!! 💕 (also your art is 10/10 amazing!!!!!)
Not stupid at all! You're taking an initiative to get back into art, and that's a great first step!♡
Now I'm very inexperienced with doujinshis (I've only made one and barely any digital art) and I might not be doing the "optimal things" but I'll share with you what my process looks like.
I use an iPad with an apple pencil and Procreate. I think the program really simple to use and quite straightforward while still having a lot of functions (I have no experience whatsoever with other apps so I can't speak for e.g. clip studio paint).
The first mistake I feel like I did was to not plan/sketch how the manga panels would be structured. I just started drawing on the whole canvas and then I had to crop a lot of the hard work done, so I really recommend doing boxes with vague ideas of how you want it to look and draw inside of them. Like this:
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On the left is a rough and ugly sketch of how I want it to pan out. On the right is how I did things wrong. I need to crop and edit after a lot, because no panels have been planned. I'm bad at explaining but I hope that makes sense somewhat aahah
Remember, you can always add and edit the pages afterwards, so it doesn't need to be perfect at first.
And layers, layers, layers. I can't say that enough. I layer EVERYTHING and am afraid of merging in case I need to re-touch something. This is especially important if you're using multiple screentones.
As for brushes, there are quite a few good ones that are default for Procreate, but there are a lot of free brushes out there that you can utilize. I, myself, use a mixture of Georg's brushes (paid) and a lot of free ones, which I've mainly found here and here but can also be found on a lot of other websites. Googling "Procreate _____ brushes" will yield a lot of results.
I also look at sooooo many reference pictures of manga expressions and often pick random manga to look through and see how it's structured and which screentones are used in certain situations.
Hope this helped! These are just a few things I could think of on top of my head ((: Don't hesitate to ask more if you're curious about something else. I'm rooting on you from far in creating a doujin!! Don't let the childhood dream go, you can do it~♡
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toxicsquad · 4 years
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There is no better way to get to know someone than through a good question tag. In this case we have decided to make an Indie game dev question tag with the responses of our four developers. We hope that it will reveal many unknowns, but if you are left with any questions, do not hesitate to use our ask.
What part of game development are you responsible for?
Athe: I write and write, I melt in my seat, I correct, I cry and then I program. It’s an endless cycle. Occasionally I laugh like crazy while I eat Pringles.
Sam: I draw and color without leaving the lines (almost always) the sprites, the illustrations and the ravings that usually occur to us past 3 in the morning.
Illy: English translations.
Sher: I draw BGs
What tools do you use (hardware / software)?
Athe: Recently my desktop PC has passed away, so I’ve had to rescue my old PC from the garage. I also have a laptop that saves my life more times than I would like to admit. As for the software, I need, above all, drive documents, video editing programs, image etc (I have an Adobe package) and of course Renpy and Atom.
Sam: My main friend and companion is my tablet, a wacom intuos S (pistachio color, so cute). As programs I mainly use the Paint Tool Sai, because there is nothing in this life like its stabilizer. And less frequently than I would like (for details, texture brushes, effects ...) I also use Clip Studio Paint, which I only know how to use at about 2% of its capacity ... If someday I have time I would love to stop and learn seriously what can be done with it.
Illy: During the school year I live in a residence, so I use an old laptop, and when I return home I use a desktop computer that never has memory space. I translate the chapters in the same Atom where the complete script is and I keep them in google drive files where I share them with our beta reader. I also use editing programs like photoshop when I have to translate comics or procreate for when my artistic skills are required.
Sher: ipad+procreate+some final tweak in photoshop, I don't need much more
What is your favorite part of the job?
Athe: Would it be wrong if I say that is when we released the episode? During the whole production time everything is very stressful, there are times when it’s really uphill, but when we release a new chapter it feels soooo good. It's like saying to yourself, yeah, dammit, I can do it. Look at everything you've climbed by yourself. You're doing it right.
Sam: In general, my favorite parts are when the first scenes start to be programmed, and I can see the sprites with the backgrounds, the texts, and how the illustrations look. Everything always looks so much better when viewed in-game… I also really like being able to check out the script as it is written. And from the artistic part that concerns me, when I see that my hands capture the idea that I had in my head ... Especially in character designs.
Illy: Having to find a way to translate very spanish expressions into English, research vocabulary that I have never had to use and commenting on some translations with our beta reader (which we adore) to make it understandable without losing the original meaning.
Sher: I like to do the lineart when the sketch is complete, if I no longer have to think about anything else and it's just going through it, I find it very fun and relaxing
What is the most difficult part for you?
Athe: Offf, yes, I admit it, sometimes writing is the WORST. Other times I love it, especially when I can expand on the descriptions or stop at a part that is intimate or that I find interesting (for example, Hasiel's conversation from 6.3, small spoiler: P). But, I HATE having to paste scenes, often the protagonist moves between scenes and you always have to add lines to those transitions that really do not interest anyone, but that otherwise the text would be confusing. Anyway... It is a very wide world, with a lot of history, I have to deal with what I need readers to know to understand the facts, although sometimes it gets a bit boring.
Sam: What part does not... Rather who e.e Zihel and Ariel are a thorn in my side. Especially Zihel. I know it has to do with the fact that it has never been my strength to draw boys, and much less if they are more masculine in appearance... That's why I also suffer a lot from drawing muscles. Another thing that brings me a headache is the perspective of the illustrations. Every time I try to get out of the typical shot or poses a little... It doesn't work out.
Illy: Doughy’s  stuttering ¬.¬
Sher: chairs, sofas, tables... anything with four legs is my enemy
Anything to help or encourage you while you are working?
Athe: I need music, no, seriously, I NEED IT. I’m unable to focus without it. If, on top of that, I can get what I hear to act as a sounding board for what I write, the text is a thousand times better... But the muse is a pretty bad person.
Sam: Having a show/movie in the background that entertains me. The longer the better, so I don't have to stop to think what I want to put on next.
Illy: Eating sunflower seeds to trick my brain and not be tempted to do something else that distracts me.
Sher: I try to see other artists to motivate and inspire me before I start drawing, what I find most difficult is that initial push and that is where I need the motivation, then I usually have something in the background but it is not necessary
Something that’s a pet peeve or discouraging?
Athe: Some narrative climax moments. Generally, they are not important plot moments (that is almost entirely decided), they are often small decisions to go from scene A to scene B, but I can spend a LOT of time deciding which is the fastest and best way to tie those two ends. I'm the worst.
Sam: Many times when starting, I can't get the poses to fit the way I want, for example.
Illy: Finding many parts in a row that I find especially difficult to solve and that make me believe that I have forgotten how to English properly. And looking at how many lines I still have left.
Sher: When I don't know how to fill in some area, if I see something very empty but I don't know how to solve it, I can spend days looking at the screen without being able to advance, even if I have other areas that I could do in the meantime
What is required on your table or work surface?
Athe: Notebooks, sticky notes, pens… I’m a person who writes everything down, especially the tasks, but I also order the story by color schemes. The stack of sticky notes have 9 different colors, each one represents a character and I play a lot with them for a lot of nonsense. Besides, even though I have been writing on the computer for many more years than I wrote by hand, I still have a preference for the analogical.
Sam: Coffee, sweets, chocolate, cereals... And cats.
Illy: My phone, the sunflower seeds, a Capital America: Civil War 1L water cup, sticky notes that remind me of tasks.
Sher: I have nothing really lol all my things are for decoration
Your most productive hours?
Athe: Owl. Totally nocturnal. Although I have several crises a month to force myself to work at other times that always end... Wrong.
Sam: Also at night for the most part, although I can no longer stay awake as long as I endured before having a job (the good old days...) However, in the middle of the afternoon, when the zoo that I have at home is still taking a nap, I also manage to go a long way.
Illy: From when I finish eating until 7 or 8 in the afternoon, when I don't have to cook, clean, run errands...
Sher: I take over for Illy apparently, from 7 or 8 is when I start to get into the mood until bedtime
Do working hours make you forget to eat or make you eat twice as much?
Athe: It depends, in the past I ate a lot, now if I have stress I don't eat anything. If I'm in a normal productive phase and I'm not on my nerves, I'm probably eating by inertia.
Sam: They make me eat more, but especially junk food e.e And they make me forget healthy meals, especially dinner at night.
Illy: It depends on my mood, but I usually eat twice as much.
Sher: I'm generally a VERY distracted person so I don't usually get to focus on a task to get to either of those two modes but I guess when I am sooooooo much on the task, I forget. But that happens like a couple of times a year and "forgetting" is "I delay an hour."
What part of your set up would you improve / change (in aesthetics or functionality) if you had no money limit?
Athe: I'm trying to match some of my peripherals with the rest. They are all a damn different color, apparently I'm cursed... Now seriously, I wish I had a better graphic card that would allow me to make video captures, some speakers and a quality printer.
Sam: Actually, I don't think I need anything more complex than what I already have… But if I had to improve something, I'm curious about the most professional tablets, the big ones with the included screen and all that stuff.
Illy: A new laptop that lets me open 4 chrome tabs, Atom and photoshop at the same time without dying.
Sher: A pc screen that will not change the colors I use on the iPad would be nice, really
Which character are you most like? And why?
Athe: Phew I think the easy answer would be to say Akane ... But, Akane is a better person. : P
Sam: This is very difficult... They are all very different, but still I do not think I look much like any of them. If I have to say something, I could identify with Maske's tendency to avoid problems, and his more homey and calm side. And well… Since Akane has been an OC of mine for many years, surely I have something of her too.
Illy: I think I partly have Maske's instinct to stay out of trouble, and on the other hand Joe's shallowness, although tbh I wish I really did look like any of our awesome babies.
Sher: surprised because (unpopular opinion around here) is one of those who I "least care" about really but I would say that Pin because he is a little dumb, happy and probably has a Satanic room and proud of it
Favorite CG/art.
Athe: AT THE MOMENT. Maske chapter 1. It couldn't be more predictable. I know.
Sam: I quite agree with Maske in chapter 1. But I would also put Pin in chapter 5 and Akane in chapter 6.2 on the top.
Illy: Kyeran in Coco's tank ?? Is he even real? Being basic is my brand.
Sher: surprised again and disappointed but I would say that of angel Hasiel because I like pretty dresses, pretty hairs and pretty wings
Favorite BG/scene.
Athe: The Red Light District amazes me. I already liked the life of that place, its history, but the way of expressing it... Uggg Sher took it to another level. The dirt on the street, the night, the constricted buildings...
Sam: I think I’ll say Raziel’s square, I like it a lot from the first day.
Illy: I don't know if I can choose just one T__T but I would say that the Red Light District and Valefar's pub are at the top.
Sher: for not repeating the red light district that I also like very much, I really like the areas of Coco's laboratory, including the “main” area although the perspective is horrible and makes the characters look tiny, but I like how it looks :(
Your favorite chapter to date?
Athe: Ufff... The first and second one I assure you no, hahaha. I will say that the third one, but also for things that are not necessarily from the chapter, but of the production. It was a good moment. I felt that everything was flowing with ease. We all assumed a clear role, they were times that made us feel comfortable and capable of assuming what came next, I think it was a qualitative leap also, both in texts and in art.
Sam: Oh. Well let's see... Chapter 5 is amazing for me, for everything that happens but also because there are many personalized interactions and choices. I can't say I have a definitive favorite, but it could come close… Also from the last ones I really like the 6.2.
Illy: Chapter 5 has so many details, so many things happen, it's hard not to be my favorite. But the last ones with the specific routes are so great that if I stay with the 5 it’s with the  pain of my heart to have to choose one.
Sher: I would say 5 also because in the end when a lot of things happen is when you remember the most
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No hay mejor forma de conocer a alguien que a través de un buen tag de preguntas. En este caso hemos decidido hacer un Indie game dev question tag con las respuestas de las cuatro desarrolladoras. Esperamos que os aclare muchas incógnitas, pero si os quedáis con alguna no dudéis en usar nuestro ask.
¿Qué parte del desarrollo del juego llevas a cabo?
Athe: Escribo, escribo, me derrito sobre mi asiento, corrijo, lloro y después programo. Es un ciclo sin fin. Ocasionalmente me río como una demente mientras como Pringles.
Sam: Dibujo y coloreo sin salirme de las líneas (casi siempre) los sprites, las ilustraciones y los desvaríos que suelen surgir a partir de las 3 de la mañana. 
Illy: Las traducciones a inglés.
Sher: Hago fonditos
¿Qué herramientas utilizas (hardware/software)?
Athe: Recientemente mi PC de sobremesa ha fallecido, así que he tenido que rescatar mi viejo PC del trastero, también tengo un portatil que me salva la vida más veces de las que me gustaría admitir. En cuanto al software, necesito, sobre todo, documentos de drive, programas de edición de video, imagen etc (tengo un paquete de Adobe) y por supuesto Renpy y Atom.
Sam: Mi principal amiga y compañera es mi tableta, una wacom intuos S (color pistacho, muy cuqui.) Como programas uso sobretodo el Paint Tool Sai, porque no hay nada en esta vida como su estabilizador. Y con menos frecuencia de lo que querría (para detalles, pinceles de texturas, efectos…) también utilizo el Clip Studio Paint, el cual sólo se usar como a un 2% de su capacidad… Si algún día tengo tiempo me encantaría pararme a aprender seriamente todo lo que se puede hacer con él. 
Illy: Durante el curso vivo en una residencia, así que uso un portatil del año que reinó carolo, y cuando vuelvo a mi casa un ordenador de sobremesa que nunca tiene espacio en la memoria. Los capítulos los traduzco en el mismo Atom en el que está el guión completo y los guardo en drive donde los comparto con nuestra beta reader. También uso programas de edición como photoshop cuando tengo que traducir viñetas o procreate para cuando mis habilidades artísticas son requeridas.
Sher: ipad+procreate+algún retoquito final en photoshop no necesito mucho más
¿Cuál es tu parte de favorita del trabajo?
Athe: ¿Estaría mal si digo que es cuando sacamos el episodio? Durante toda la producción todo es muy estresante, hay veces, que se hace realmente cuesta arriba, pero cuando liberamos un nuevo capítulo sienta taaaan bien. Es como decirte a ti misma, sí, joder, puedo hacerlo. Mira todo lo que has escalado tú solita. Lo estás haciendo bien.
Sam: En general, mis partes favoritas son cuando se empiezan a programar las primeras escenas, y puedo ver los sprites con los fondos, los textos, y cómo se ven las ilustraciones. Todo queda siempre mucho mejor cuando se ve dentro del juego… También me gusta mucho poder cotillear el guión conforme se va escribiendo. Y de la parte artística que me toca, cuando veo que mis manos plasman la idea que tenía en mi cabeza… Sobretodo en diseños de personajes. 
Illy: Tener que buscar la forma de traducir a inglés expresiones muy nuestras, investigar vocabulario que no he tenido que usar jamás y comentar algunas traducciones con nuestra beta reader (a la que adoramos) para conseguir que se entienda sin perder el significado original.
Sher: me gusta hacer el lineart cuando el sketch está completo, si ya no tengo que pensar nada más y es solo ir repasando me parece muy divertido y relajante
¿Cuál es la parte que más te cuesta?
Athe: Ufff, sí, lo admito, escribir a veces es lo PEOR. Otras me encanta, sobre todo, cuando puedo explayarme con las descripciones o detenerme en una parte íntima o que a mí me parece interesante (por ejemplo, la conversación de Hasiel del 6.3, pequeño spoiler :P). Pero, ODIO tener que empastar escenas, a menudo el protagonista se mueve de escenarios y hay que agregar siempre líneas a esas transiciones que realmente no interesan a nadie, pero que de lo contrario el texto quedaría mal montado. En fin… Es un mundo muy amplio, con mucha historia, tengo que lidiar con lo que necesito que los lectores sepan para entender los hechos, aunque a veces se haga un pelín peñazo.
Sam: Qué parte no… Quiénes, más bien e.e Zihel y Ariel son mi espinita. Especialmente Zihel. Sé que tiene que ver con el hecho de que nunca ha sido mi punto fuerte dibujar chicos, y menos si son de aspecto más masculino… Por eso también sufro mucho dibujando músculos. Otra cosa que me trae de cabeza es la perspectiva de las ilustraciones. Cada vez que intento salirme un poco del típico plano o poses… No sale bien. 
Illy: El tartamudeo de Doughy ¬.¬ 
Sher: sillas, sofás, mesas… cualquier cosa con cuatro patas son mis enemigos
¿Algo que te ayude o anime mientras estás trabajando?
Athe: Necesito música, no, en serio, LA NECESITO. Soy incapaz de concentrarme sin ella. Si ya consigo que lo que escucho haga de caja de resonancia de lo que escribo, el texto es mil veces mejor… Pero la musa es bastante mala gente.
Sam: Tener alguna serie/peli de fondo que me entretenga. Cuanto más larga mejor, así no me toca pararme a ver qué es lo que quiero poner después. 
Illy: Comer pipas para engañar a mi cerebro y no tener la tentación de ponerme a hacer otra cosa que me distraiga.
Sher: intento ver otros artistas para motivarme e inspirarme antes de empezar a dibujar, lo que más me cuesta es ese empujón inicial y es donde necesito la motivación, luego ya suelo tener algo de fondo pero no es necesario
¿Algo que te corte el rollo o te desmotive?
Athe: Los nudos narrativos. Generalmente, no son nudos gordos de la trama (eso está decidido casi en su totalidad), a menudo son decisiones pequeñas para pasar de la escena A a la escena B, pero puedo tirarme MUCHO tiempo decidiendo cuál es la forma más rápida y mejor planteada para atar esos dos cabos. Soy lo peor.
Sam: Muchas veces a la hora de empezar, no conseguir encajar las poses como quiero, por ejemplo. 
Illy: Encontrar muchas partes seguidas que me cueste especialmente resolver y que me hacen creer que no tengo ni idea de hablar inglés. Y mirar cuantas líneas me quedan todavía.
Sher: cuando no se como rellenar alguna zona, si veo algo muy vacío pero no se como solucionarlo puedo tirarme días mirando la pantalla sin ser capaz de avanzar, incluso aunque tenga otras zonas que pudiera ir haciendo mientras
¿Qué no puede faltar en tu mesa o superficie de trabajo?
Athe: Libretas, post-its, bolígrafos… Soy una persona que lo anota todo, sobre todo, las tareas, pero también ordeno la historia por esquemas de colores. La pila de post-its tienen 9 colores diferentes, cada uno representa un personaje y juego mucho con ellos para miles de idioteces. A parte, a pesar de que llevo muchos más años escribiendo a ordenador de los que escribí a mano, sigo teniendo querencia a lo físico.
Sam: Café, chucherías, chocolate, cereales… Y gatos. 
Illy: El móvil, las pipas, un vaso de 1L de agua de Capital America: Civil War, post-its que me recuerdan las tareas.
Sher: no tengo nada realmente lol todas mis cosas son de adorno 
¿Tus horas más productivas?
Athe: Búho. Nocturna totalmente. A pesar de que tengo varias crisis al mes para forzarme a trabajar a otras horas que acaban siempre… Mal.
Sam: También por la noche en su mayoría, aunque ya no aguanto trasnochando tanto como antes de trabajar (qué tiempos aquellos…) Aunque a media tarde cuando el zoo que tengo en casa aún está echando la siesta también consigo dar un buen empujón. 
Illy: Desde que acabo de comer hasta las 7 o las 8 de la tarde, cuando no tengo que cocinar, limpiar, hacer recados...
Sher: le tomo el testigo a Illy aparentemente, a partir de las 7 u 8 es cuando empiezo a entrar en el mood hasta que llega la hora de dormir
¿Las horas de trabajo hacen que te olvides de comer o te hacen comer el doble?
Athe: Depende, antes comía mucho, ahora, si tengo estrés no como nada. Si me encuentro en un rango productivo normal y no estoy de los nervios, probablemente, esté comiendo por inercia.
Sam: Me hacen comer más, pero sobretodo porquerías e.e Y hacen que me olvide de las comidas sanas, sobretodo de cenar por la noche. 
Illy: Depende de mi estado de ánimo, pero normalmente comer el doble.
Sher: en general soy una persona MUY distraída así que no suelo conseguir centrarme en una tarea para llegar a ninguno de esos dos modos pero supongo que cuando estoy muuuuuuy dentro de la tarea, me olvido. Pero eso pasa como un par de veces al año y “olvido” es “lo retraso una hora”.
¿Qué parte de tu set up mejorarías/cambiarías (en estética o funcionalidad) si no tuvieses límite de dinero?
Athe: Estoy tratando de que alguno de mis periféricos peguen con el resto. Todos son de un maldito color diferente, al parecer estoy maldita… Ahora en serio, desearía tener una mejor gráfica que me permitiese hacer videocapturas, unos altavoces y una impresora de calidad.
Sam: En realidad, no creo que necesitara nada más complejo de lo que ya tengo… Pero por mejorar, me llaman la atención las tabletas más profesionales, las grandes con la pantalla incluida y eso. 
Illy: Un portátil nuevo que me deje abrir 4 pestañas de chrome, el Atom y photoshop al mismo tiempo sin quedarse tieso.
Sher: Una pantalla de pc que no me cambiara los colores que uso en el ipad seria bonito la verdad 
¿A qué personaje te pareces más? ¿Y por qué?
Athe: Ufff Creo que la respuesta fácil sería decir Akane… Pero, Akane es mejor persona. :P
Sam: Esto es muy complicado… Son todos muy distintos, pero aún así no creo que me parezca mucho a ninguno. Por decir algo, me podría identificar con la tendencia a evitar problemas de Maske, y su lado más casero y tranquilo. Y bueno… Dado que Akane es OC mío de hace muchos años, seguramente tenga algo de ella también. 
Illy: Creo que en parte tengo el instinto de alejarme de las movidas de Maske, y por otro la superficialidad de Joe, aunque tbh ojalá parecerme realmente a nuestros bebés geniales.
Sher: sorprendida porque (unpopular opinión por aquí) es de los que “menos me importan” realmente pero diría que Pin porque es tontito, feliz y probablemente tenga una habitación satánica y orgulloso de ello
Tu CG/arte favorito.
Athe: DE MOMENTO. Maske capítulo 1. No podría ser más predecible. Lo sé.
Sam: Coincido bastante en la de Maske del capítulo 1. Pero también metería en el top la de Pin del capítulo 5 y la de Akane del capítulo 6.2. 
Illy: ¿¿Kyeran en el tanque de Coco?? ¿Es siquiera real? Ser básica es mi marca.
Sher: sorprendida de nuevo y decepcionada pero diría que la de Hasiel de ángel porque me gustan los vestidos bonitos, los pelos bonitos y las alas bonitas
Tu BG/escenario favorito.
Athe: Me flipa el Barrio Rojo. Me gusta la vida de ese sitio, su historia, pero la forma de plasmarlo… Uggg Sher lo llevó a otro nivel. La suciedad de la calle, la nocturnidad, los edificios constreñidos...
Sam: Creo que me quedo con el de la plaza de Raziel, me gusta mucho desde el primer día. 
Illy: No sé si puedo elegir solo uno T__T pero diría que el Barrio Rojo y el bar de Valefar están en el top.
Sher: por no repetir el barrio rojo que también me gusta mucho, me gustan mucho las zonas del laboratorio de Coco, incluida la zona “principal” aunque la perspectiva sea horrible y haga a los pj parecer diminutos, pero me gusto como quedo :( 
¿Tu capítulo favorito hasta las fecha?
Athe: Ufff… El uno y el dos os aseguro que no, jajaja. Diré que el tres, pero también por cosas que no son necesariamente del capítulo, sino de la producción. Fue un buen momento. Sentí que todo estaba fluyendo con facilidad. Todas asumimos un rol claro, unos tiempos que nos hacían sentir cómodas y capaces de asumir lo que venía después, creo que fue un salto cualitativo también, tanto en los textos, como en el arte.
Sam: Ay. Pues a ver… El capítulo 5 es una pasada para mi, por todo lo que pasa pero también porque hay muchas interacciones personalizadas y elecciones. No puedo decir que tenga un favorito definitivo, pero podría acercarse… También me gusta mucho de los últimos el 6.2. 
Illy: El capítulo 5 tiene tantos detalles, pasan tantas cosas, que es difícil que no sea mi favorito, pero los ultimos de rutas específicas son tan geniales que si me quedo con el 5 es con un poco de dolor de tener que elegir uno.
Sher: Diría el 5 también porque al final cuando pasan muchas cosas es cuando mas se te queda grabado
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houseofvans · 5 years
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Baltimore based artist and illustrator Justine Jones creates her vein of psychedelic fantasy horror drawings–filled with tiny black lines and an occasional pop of bright colors–which have been featured on the covers of Kobold Press and Warlock magazine. Using the hashtag #VisibleWomen to amplify the voices and portfolios of women comic artists, Justine has be able to do more illustrative work and character design. We’re excited to find out more about Justine’s artistic journey, her love of role-playing games, comics, art, her influences and much more. . .  Take the leap! 
Photography courtesy of the artist. 
Introduce yourself?    Hi, I’m Justine!  I’ve lived in Baltimore Maryland for the past decade and currently live in a small apartment downtown with my partner and my shiba inu Mo, who is a cool and grumpy guy.
How would you describe your work to someone who is just coming across it? I used to call it storybook surrealism, but now I guess it’s more like psychedelic fantasy horror?  Monsters and Wizards.  Lots of tiny black lines, sometimes with lots of bright intense colors.
How did you start from doodling and drawing to what you do now? I feel like it sort of happened organically.  When I was younger, I would do just pencil drawings, and then in my late teens, I got more into using micron pens.  I didn’t really discover color until a few years ago, so I’m a huge color noob.  I think a lot of it also came from working in comic shops for years and going to conventions.  Seeing all of these amazing artists grow, and thinking hey, I could maybe also do that! I first started with t-shirt designs because it just seemed really fun, and I used to have a really hard time selling prints.  People don’t need more prints, but they can always use clothes!  Now i’m getting more into illustrative work and character design, and I’m loving it!
Who and what were some of your early artistic influences? When I was a baby, my dad hung an Aubrey Beardsley print over my crib.  My mom thought it would make me deranged, and maybe it did, but it also made me love ink work and Art Nouveau style haha.  I was obsessed with sword and sorcery stuff and loooved cartoons like He-Man and She-ra, and later, Pirates of Darkwater. I also spent a lot of time in elementary school copying sexy comic book ladies from 90s comics, and I know that is pretty far from what I do now, but it’s honestly how I learned to draw.  I also copied a lot from children’s storybooks when I was little.  
What are some things that inspire the drawings you make? What are some of your favorite creatures and beings you like to explore in your art? Video games are a huge inspiration to me, from SNES JRPGs, to games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne.  Also folklore and mythology from around the world, and fantasy artwork from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.  Basically anything fantasy.  My favorite things to draw are wizards and monsters.  I love body horror, anything disgusting and beautiful at the same time.  I take a lot of inspiration from Manga, like Berserk, or anything Junji Ito.  I’ve done a lot of Illustrations for Clark Ashton Smith stories, which I find endlessly inspiring, visually.  Just like, fantasy/ sci fi/ dying earth type stuff.
When did you start collaborating with Kobold Press on creating some awesome fantasy art covers for their publications?  I remember getting the email from them when I was on the way to Necronomicon Providence in 2017.  I thiiiink they found my stuff through the visible women hashtag on twitter?  I was very excited because I owned some of their adventures from back in the day when I played Pathfinder!!  Plus, I have always always wanted to draw things for table top RPGs, so it’s been really cool to actually do it! The Warlock mag that I’ve been doing covers for is awesome because it’s going for an old school DND vibe, but it’s all things that are made for 5th edition.  You can get it on their patreon, and I hiiiighly recommend it to anyone who plays 5e dnd!!  
Take us through your artistic process? What’s a typical day in the studio like? Haha extremely chaotic!  I don’t even have a real set workspace, which I really need to change, I just draw where ever. Just chill out, listen to music or a podcast, and draw.  If I’m further along in a drawing and don’t need to focus so much, I’ll watch movies or video gameπ– let’s plays while I’m drawing.  I also love to listen to/ watch things that are in theme with what I’m drawing, to give me some inspiration.  I try to go to coffee shops to change things up sometimes!  Basically I just do a bunch of sketches until something materializes, and then I will just slowly refine the sketch.  I guess it’s not that exciting, but it’s cool to see the first sketch and the finished product because in my head, the sketch always looked like the finished product, but when you go back to look at it, it’s usually just indecipherable scribbles.
What are your essential art tools and materials? 90% of my art is just done using a .05 mechanical pencil and micron pens.  I also draw everything on smooth bristol.  If I have time and want to make my lines super crisp before I scan them in, i will use a light box.   Then for color, I generally use Kyle T Webster brushes in Photoshop with my Wacom tablet.   If I’m on the go, I like to draw things in Procreate on my iPad Pro, but I’m definitely not as good at doing detailed lines digitally.  
What do you do when you’re not drawing or working on projects? How do you unplug? Haha, I wish I ever truly unplugged, I think my brain is now melded into the internet!  But mostly I love to play video games.  JRPGs and anything From Software/ Soulsborne (currently obsessed with Sekiro!)  I also love comics and manga.  I’ve been reading The Girl From the Other Side, which is a beautiful dark fairytale Manga by Nagabe.  I also just got one called Witch Hat Atelier, which has the most amazing art! My partner also owns an insane amount of board games, so we play a lot of those.  I’m obsessed with coffee, and work part time at a coffee shop, and my favorite thing in the world to do is eat good food.    
What has been the most challenging project you’ve worked on? How did you overcome those obstacles and what did you take away from it? I made a kind of cosmic horror short story in mini comic form last year for SPX, I had very little time,  and it was my first time actually writing a story/ dialogue to go with my pictures.  It was insanely challenging.  I ended up with a finished product that I’m really proud of and that I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on.  I think it really drove home the fact that I just need to stick with things and finish them, even if I don’t feel like they’re perfect.  I’m never going to have the time that I want, and I’m never going to feel like anything is perfect.  I can still make a great thing!  
What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps and pursue art? Don’t spend 4 years doing nothing, but playing World of Warcraft (Or doooo?).  Uhhh, believe in yourself.  Be nice to other artists.  Draw all the time! Immerse yourself in things that inspire you!  Also, like I said before, things don’t need to be perfect.  Let go of perfect, because sometimes it’s an unattainable ideal.  Just do as good as you can, and don’t beat yourself up so much!  I’m horrible at advice!!!
What’s your best Art School tip that you want to share with folks?   Haha, I moved to Baltimore to go to MICA like, 14 years ago, and then realized I was poor, and would never be able to go to MICA… sooo… I never went to real art school.  I wanted to go so bad, and I still wish I’d had that experience, but I want other people who can’t afford it to know that you don’t NEED it.  Things are a bit harder, but you can find so much free info online if you have the drive, you can teach yourself so many things.  Don’t get discouraged just because art school isn’t gonna happen for you.
What are your favorite style of VANS? I love my lavender/ sea fog Authentic Vans, because they basically go with anything, but I am always eyeing those Sk8-His.
Anything you can share that is coming up?   Ahhhh, I have some realllly cool things that I can’t share yet, but just everyone keep an eye out (It will be very exciting, i swear)!!  As for things I can share, I’m working on some new t-shirt designs, and another comic, and also plan on drawing some more cool wizards in my spare time.   So if you wanna see some cool wizards, uhhh, come to my Instagram–you guys!  Let’s hang out and look at wizards.  And talk about wizards.  And if you don’t like wizards well, don’t come I guess.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 13th-June 19th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 13th, 2020 to June 19th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is your physical and digital workspace like when you’re working on your story?
🌈ERROR404 🌈
LOL it really depends on what stage I'm in of the process - My storyboarding space is at home, as comfortable as I can be, a beer and some food at the ready and pure silence. The cats have to be freshly fed, otherwise I'll be harassed and lose my headspace entirely LOL. I usually work on my story boards digitally, just at a very small scale, with my script/outline on my computer and working on my ipad! The double screen helps a LOT, although i would just print out the script if I had access to a printer, haha. When I'm working on the actual page itself, it's a very different story. I usually just try and work on it in tiny little batches during the day when I'm stuck at home, and usually work around the animals as best i can, lmao. Truthfully, I really prefer to be in a coffee shop when I'm working on finishing pages, it makes me so much more productive than i am in this house with so many things to take care of right in front of me, but, obviously, that's a bit difficult to do these days. ;; I usually reserve food and drink until after I pass a milestone in inking/sketching to help motivate me to keep going for as much as I can before taking a break, and I need some kind of music or video playing in the background to keep myself from being absolutely bored out of my mind. My shading process, since it's in black and white, is very easy and i can finish it in one setting, easy, no matter what I'm working with. I also work digitally for my pages, of course, although I don't need more than my ipad and clip studio for it!
freshly fed cats
🌈ERROR404 🌈
They are BEASTS when hungry, the little bastards (love them)
I may only work in peace when they're post-food napping lmao
we only have one, but same
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I work almost entirely in the corner of my IKEA couch at home I used to work at a proper desk with a Cintiq, but when I switched to Procreate on an iPad, I migrated to the couch and surrounded myself with a nest of clothes and blankets and books and... here I am, bein' cozy. With terrible posture But when I was between jobs last year, I did rent a little coworking space down the street so I could get out of my pajamas and go get comic stuff done there. It was a godsend. I like drawing at my favorite coffee shop every so often too, but I tend to hide my work while I draw, and there, everyone can look over my shoulder The coworking space had a tall artist desk that was rarely used, so I often grabbed that one. Not cheap, but to stave off cabin fever, heck yes, worth it.
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Ahhh I've been really thinking about getting a studio space one of these days I really shouldn't rn, with my finances as they are, but I could REALLY make use of one recently
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I loved the space I used last year. They recently had to close for... current-event reasons... and are going to reopen with all sorts of plexiglass barriers between the desks I feel so bad for them. Good studio spaces are wonderful, I would support them again if I ever was out of a job!
🌈ERROR404 🌈
it's good they've found ways to make it safer, though!
My old workspace was in the basement of my home in canada and it was always perpetually freezing even in the summer and i was frequently visited by spiders so my current workspace is a huge improvement in that regard. I do miss my old ergonomic desk chair though. I'm definitely not the kind of person who can draw in bed or on the couch. I need to be in workmode and having a designated space just for that is necessary for me to get in the right headspace for that.
my workspace rn is just my desk with my laptop and my drawing tablet. my laptop is stacked on top of a pile of books so i can see the screen (otherwise my tablet blocks my line of sight). it's kinda simple
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Depends. I have a Cintiq Mobile Studio, so I can draw pretty much every where and sometimes in the oddest position, but most of the time I am on my desk with the cintiq hooked up to a second monitor so I don't have to look down so much.(edited)
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
For Wayfinders: Thumbnails are somewhere cozy and the only physical work. Me and Q sit and plan them out together. The rest of wayfinders are made on Photoshop, and flat colors in clip paint studio. In the world I would love a nice studio place in an office with others. During corentine I have been working from home, and I am not that good at it, being quite the extrovert. Before corentine I was in a artist residency where I worked on Wayfinders which had a workstation and all the programs we could need. It is so nice and me and Q are going to return there when it opens up again!
I have an iPad so usually on the couch, cozied up with coffee and pillows and blankets. But sometimes at the table. But usually on the couch like the gremlin I am
I have a large drafting table, a mini drafting table, and a lapdesk in my papasan when we ink/draw! Toning and letters are all done on the desktop in its own space
I need to get a good lap desk. But that sounds like a grand setup!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
My first time hearing about a lapdesk
Omg I need one
They are the best things ever Mine has just the pencil holder !(some come with cup holders and its a waste of space imo)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Wow I like your setup of the drafting tables
I wanna show pics of them....if im allowed in this chat?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I hope so, I'm not sure which channel we can post studio photos at? I did see some did before?
Ill post in shop talk since creator babble gets archived
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my current space is uh.... a bit better than my last one. I used to work on an old writers desk for a decade and I did most of my comic work sitting there cramped up with my desktop taking most of the space. Now I have an L shaped desk where I have my desktop on the shorter end. The longer end it's my pen, pencils, and watercolor stuff. my display tablet occupy the space at times so switching from digital and traditional without worrying about setup hassle is a lot better than what I dealt with before lol.
I'm glad the days I had to curl up and draw with no privacy are long gone now
I’ve got a little drafting table where I draw all my comic pages. I’m messy with my pens so they’re kind of strewn about until I start to lose them. Then I put them back. I’m not particularly neat. I spend most of the comic process off the computer, so most of my digital work is just on an iPad where I can sit anywhere. I try to keep good lighting around my drafting table and there’s always loose eraser shavings all over.
Natasha Berlin (Pot of Gold)
I got myself a lil corner desk by the dining table. Not as well-lit as I'd like, but it's decently ergonomic and I started putting posters on my wall Plus I can leave work mindset easily by turning off my computer and forgetting about the dark corner in the dining room XD(edited)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My desk is really sloppy and covered in all kinds of junk. I have a harmonica, a ball of yarn, a bunch of ink bottles, etc on my desk. I have my sketchbook under my tablet and usually a notebook somewhere for writing. My tablet sits to the right of my laptop (on top of sketchbook) while I'm not using it and when I'm using it it goes over my computer keyboard. I sometimes have a glass of water or some food sitting to the lefthand side
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The only thing I wanna share about my workspace is this
once i spent over three hours looking for that damned pen
never again
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Ajkdhfkjs the models for hte magazine im crying
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh my God
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
mad giggling
Deo101 [Millennium]
youre gonna manage to lose the string
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i know in my heart deo is right but still i hope
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
You should weld a metal chain to it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Watch me lose the whole tablet
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh nooo
I believe in you!
My workspace is a black table with a white, yellow, blue and green tablecloth with 3 black chairs. It's next to the kitchen. On it, is my laptop and the left side is my clipboard, 3 blue folders full of writing. Then above it, is 3 sketchbooks and another blue folder from a class that I took in community college.
June 16, 2020
I have one long desk at almost three meters. On the left side is all my coffee and tea supplies, in the middle is my work space and on the right is my dining table xD I get everything done from there, despite having a mobilestudio so I COULD sit anywhere and work, lol. It's a blessing during holiday seasons to be able to bring it everywhere, but at some I like my designated working space. Although I am moving in a few weeks, so who knows what my new workspace will be
My workspace is anywhere I can draw or write. It's more of a "Will I be interrupted over something petty or stupid" issue than space. Not that I don't want more space.
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
My workspace is a big, broken corner desk I managed to lug out of an old apartment when it was gonna be trashed. Before then, I'd just draw in bed. I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure the folding chair I sit at is a similar affair. It's got a Dollar General throw pillow on it so I can at least say I'm trying to save my back. The top of the desk is a mess of mostly old bottles and cans, pencils, incense ash, and my old tarot deck. I love this setup dearly. This is the first time I've ever had my own desk space, much less a space I can decorate or leave as messy as I want. Got my own art up on the walls with sticky tack and all! Also the cat's scratching post is directly behind me, because we've learned the cat won't use it unless it's as in the way as possible. What can ya do, lol.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh cats...
I got spoiled with an adjustable desk. It is six feet long, and has a whiteboard top for noodling with dry erase markers
my main computer is set up on an adjustable stand so it floats over the desk, and then I have my cintiq, which we tried to mount on a similar stand but then it was just too heavy
I keep my dice collection nearby because fidgeting helps think things through sometimes
and rolling to make odd decisions never hurts
lately during the quarantine I've been sharing the office with my spouse so we've had to establish rules over when it's okay to bug each other(edited)
oh yeah and we also have a whiteboard installed in the office, and it rules!(edited)
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Mine is pretty simple: I have a laptop that's long stopped being portable and is now mostly just sitting at my desk at all times and a 19 inch Ugee as my display. I usually keep a lot of stuff on top of my desk, but it's mostly just a mess because I have been using it for work too for a while now
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I suppose I'll talk about my setup too :) My main setup is where I do digital art. I share an office with my SO, so we both have workspaces on opposite walls from each other. I work on a corner desk that holds my beefy computer, two monitors, and a Huion Kamvas GT-191. That's where I draw my comic and pretty much everything else done digitally. Ngl, it's a mess right now. I have comic notes and location floor plans in sketchbooks and DnD character sheets spread out all over the surface, and random pens and sticky notes. In the corner of the room, we have a nice large-format printer where I produce prints for conventions. I actually sketch my pages on an iPad pro in Procreate, so during the sketch phase, sometimes I'll just bundle up on my couch and do it, or before quarantine, sometimes I'd sketch on the go. My other workspace (which hasn't gotten much love as of late tbh) is a drafting table in the corner of our living room. I keep a tabletop easel on it and my Copic markers, as well as whatever I'm working on at the moment. (RN it's some ink washes.) The drawers hold all my ink, pencils, erasers, etc. Next to the drafting table is where I keep all my large charcoal, graphite, and oil pastel drawings (mostly school projects), and my large paintings. Other than that, I have a nifty little cart where I keep painting supplies :) I will say, this setup is by far an enormous improvement from my previous setups.
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butididnottried · 5 years
“The Rise od Skywalker” spoilers.
So, i saw it. I was on a whole night marathon and saw all three movies one after another. I actually like “The Last Jedi”. Like, i really like it. I know all issues and problems that people have with this one, i understand it, and it’s still Very Good to me and there will be some comparisons. Also, i’m not sure if this is important, but SW is not a part of my childhood and i have no nostalgic feelings toward those movies. Hi there, i’m an average fan?
Tbh i expected a pile of thrash on fire after what i read about this movie, because people are only complaining, without really recalling anything good (but i also avoided big and long and detailed reviews to avoid as much information as i can xD). And there are good thing in it, and i had surprisingly a whole amount of fun while watching it. But still, at the end, overall this whole movie can be summarize into CONFUSED WHAT.
Good stuff:
- J. J. Abrams know how to invoke a fell and spirit of grand adventure. At the beginning this move has a crazy amount of it, until Rey split from Finn and Poe. They just need to go after this mcguffin dagger to find another mcguffin, they need to go to this palce to find that or someone, they need to go somewhere else and there are problems but there’s a solution, but they need to go to third place to again find someone. I would be kinda annoying if we wouldn’t have all three of them together - Rey, Finn and Poe. Finally! I really like them all being together, being friends, bantering, being dumbasses and smartasses and me gusta very much those dorks.
- They do not conform that, but let’s face it - Finn and Poe are married. There’s no heterosexual explanation for their relationship in this movie. I’m aware that in script they weren’t particularly wrote like that, and maybe it’s because actors were playing their character in this way, but there’s another explanation. A few months ago in review of “X-Men: The Dark Phoenix” i read that Hollywood just don’t know how to wrote real male friendship, full of emotions, and they end up using romance tropes and cliches. And Finn and Poe are perfect example to uphold that theory. Like, really, look at them, they’re bantering like an old couple.
- I really like Reys path in this movie. Seeing all three movies together shows how much she grow with every next installment. In TFA she is nice and joyful character, but kinda basic; in TLJ she learn more about how world works, about herself and choose her own path. And now in TROS she is very conflicted, torn apart and sacred of her own powers, while trying to stay herself. And Daisy Ridley really hit the spot with her performance.
- Leia had an lightsaber? And was training with Luke? And now she was teaching Rey? Like... FUCK YEAH?! And also Finn? Force sensitive? YEAH BABY!
- Rey and Kylo fight on ruins of Death Star surrounded with raging ocean and those exquisitely animated giant and heavy waves. So good? SO GOOD.
- Palpatine went full Thor and every cell in my body was hollering with laughter. As soon as it’s possible someone need to edit this “unlimited power!” yell to this scene. Please.
- ahahahahaha, Hux, you magnificent, pathetic, petty asshole, ahahahahaha.
- this is not about movies, but there was a fake fanboy at my screening. Between TLJ and TROS this dude behind me was explaining sequels to his friend and i was typing a message to my friend, so the only thing that i heard was “the first movie did Abrams, you know, the one that made LOTR, and the second one did Johnson , and he is ooold.” I have no idea what to do and think about this.
- new ways of using force. Hell yeah. Force the shit out of this. Stronger force skype? Totally. Teleportation things on purpose through force? Absolutely. Being almost in two places at once through force. I’m totally here for that. Rey being probably the most competent person in force? Kick their asses baby, i’m holding yo flower!
- MERRY!!!???
??? stuff:
- apparently reylo is incest, because Rey and Kylo are related. Really? How? Is there in any movie any, even smallest, hint that Skywalkers and Palpatines are blood related? I have no idea.
- The way how droid are treated in those movies is troubling. Are they alive? Are they self-conscious? Or they’re an artificial intelligence so developed that they can with no problems fake that?
- sooo... Kylo. I love this problematic asshole. Well, in case of genocidal murdered word “problematic” is very mild, but whatever. What i read about this movie, people were raging because woman (Rey) exist only to heal a man (Kylo) that was abusing her, but i don’t see that this way. Like, not at all. And how i see how Rey and Kylo plot is developing makes it hysterical, especially after TLJ where Kylo was established as main villain. Because in this movie with every scene Kylo exist more and more as support to Rey story, he’s an walking exposition for Rey and motivation for her to doing things. He was less and less his own character, and was more and more existed for Rey. Like, he totally could be put in the fridge. xD When Rey stabbed him i thought “oh, so they’re killing him now? When were not even close to the end? Well, ok, i do not see a more purpose for him in this plot, so yeah, kill him” but then Rey saved him and i was like ??? because what more you want him to do? And then he disappears for a big chunk of time and show again at the end and he even wasn’t needed here and don’t do that much? Just... lol. Ok, he did That, because it’s “Star Wars” and SW just Works. Like. That. or it’s not Real and True “Star Wars” boo-frikin-hoo. But on that later.
- as a example for Kylo being a lesser character and more of a tool for the sake of the plot is fact, that in TROS Darth Tantrum is weirdly collected and put his shit together. At the beginning when he finds Palpatines lair and learns that this dude was behind all of this, behind forming First Order and all voices in his head, Kylo should lost his marbles and just murdered Palpatine. But even if somehow not, at the news that Rey is emperor granddaughter he absolutely should throw the biggest tantrum in all history of tantrums and not only obliterated Palpatine but also this whole place. But no, he made A Plan and decide to once again to “propose” to Rey. Like she didn’t rejected him definitely in previous movie and like they both not decided that when they meet next time, only one of them are going to survive. But hey, let’s go with this “i want you by my side to rule the galaxy” plot again. :/
- and there they go with that helmet again. In TLJ scene where Kylo destroys his helmet it’s a very powerful moment. Not only for him, but for direction with which the story would go. Because he is not Darth Vader. Because we do not need another Darth Vader. Buuut, on the other side i can let this a pass, because since he agreed to join Palpatine and once again is going to lead The Knights, he needed to wear this helmet again to prove this loyalty and make them trust him. So, hard pass on that. And tbh, that ugly mask looks a lot better with those bright red cracks.
- And also Leia, that was also there only for her son, because as a mother she can’t be anyone else. Aaand... idk about that. Leia force connected to Kylo so he could turn back to the light? She sacrificed herself for him? Eeeeh... it was weird scene. And there’s no clear explanation why? Only Kaz Manata said that this will use Leias all life force that she has? Did i missed something? Did movie forgot about something? For me it looked like Leia was distracting Kylo, because it look like Rey was going to loose this fight, she was more and more angry, and in this moment she would fully go on the dark side. So Leia saved Rey, she felt Reys struggle. At least i it’s how i interpreted this scene, because it’s one of the most baffling one. Just ???
- there’s whole sith culture. Just. There is. But if there’s only two of them at most at a time, they probably exist for far longer to develop all of this, and to build all of this, and to be cooperative with each other? Which is not their strongest trait? And all these people in emperor throne room were past siths force ghosts or real people?
- apparently being a sith and making lightning came out of your palms is genetic? At least i understand that like this. Because the reason why Rey shot lightning while trying to rescue Chewie was not because she was angry and mad and doubting, but because shes Palpatine? What?
- this is a very minor thing, but when Rey enters Death Stars ruins there’s stormtroopers armors lying almost everywhere, but there’s not even a one bone?
- oh wow, a planet get blow up with even more miniaturized death star ray. And they have hundreds of these. And hundreds of destroyers. And no one notices there was whole space army built. How? I can understand that they ignored the space nazis rising again because, well, just look what is happening in real life, but using money and resources at this scale is however something else, very expensive and i can’t believe no one noticed this.  
Bad stuff:
- Rey is Palpatine. What. I mean... what? It’s just... uuugh... Why are you making me thinking about Emperor having sex? I only hope that was some crazy nazi fangirl that totally wanted to fuck him. Or maybe it was artificial insemination? Well, doesn't matter, it’s BIG EEEW in every option. And i don’t want to think about other way. :/ At least it makes sense why Emperor procreate? In other stories al these evil dudes that want to live forever and rule everything are having children just... because they have children. For drama or something, because story needs someone to betray this evil dude, or some other eye-rolling stereotypical reason. Like, having offspring especially to posses their bodies and live forever in this way is not very original, but it’s something.
- TLJ was like “you can be from nowhere, you can be from the bottom of society, you cen be the poor and miserable, without family or amazing heritage, and you can still do amazing things, you can climb up and make a difference, you can be better and better, you can make your own story despite your awful background” and TROS be like “fuck that, viva la royalty, you need a powerful heritage, you need a powerful and important bloodline or you’re nothing”. Oh, how nice is that. :/
- that opening crawl. It’s bad. Just bad. Even worse than “The Phanom Menace” babbling about economy.
- PALPATINE IS NO FUN AT ALL!!! HOW DARE YOU NOT MAKING IAN MCDIARMIND NOT ENJOYABLE AT ALL???!!! SHAME ON YOU ABRAMS!!! SHAME ON ALL OF DISNEY!!! ...well, ok, this was this one small thing, BUT STILL!!! AUGHR!!! I’m so mad about this. I was expecting not a very good movie, but at least i was hopeful that emperor would be such a treat.
- pulling emperor out of nowhere was an mistake. They should stay with what TLJ established and made Kylo main villain. No redemption, no bullshit like “there’s still light in him”, no Ben Solo, no forgiveness, no nothing. Just Rey beating the shit out of him and killing him. End of story. But no, “Star Wars” can’t be like that, it’s not how this world works, THIS IS NOT REAL “STAR WARS” WAAH WAAAH WAAAH. You’re a genocidal murdered? A space nazi? You’re ruling a regime that is weltered in blood of the innocence? Doesn't matter, there’s always hope. Just do one small, good thing and you will be at peace. Fuck off with that. At the end of TLJ when Kylo entered that mine, and rebel survivors entered deck of Falcon, and Rey and him were still force connected, and she cutted off him because she understands that there are things that can’t be forgave, and there are people that do not want help and just don’t want to be better and fuck “Steven Universe Future” did that a lot better on eleven minutes, and SW series is struggling with this since beginning. Because there’s white and black, good and evil, and there’s nothing in between, and when someone comes from one side to another they become a completely different person because yes that how it works. And people are totally here for this because it’s for kids and it needs to be simple and we can’t let this story grow beyond that stupid absolute duality. I know that there are people that were on far right but they changed and become better and good for them, but if you want to do that in your story, show the struggle of this difficult path and let this scum survive and face the consequences. Take at least a minimum of responsibility of what you’re showing to kids. :/ But nooo, he was stabbed, his mom died, his dad showed up and said... something, and now Kylo is dead, and Ben alive again. Sarcastic yay. Also, if you’re repeating dialogue from first movie, in almost this same situation, but in a different context, EARN IT. Second also, that kiss. Eeeeh... If you really need to be Like That and made some weird understanding between them, maybe just make they touch their foreheads? And oooh, yes, i almost forgot. At my screening when Kylo flopped at the ground, died and vanished, the whole audience laughed. But it wasn’t a loud, merry laugh, but a nervous and awkward, like “did i just saw this cringy shit?”. Amazing.
- they remembered about Knight of Ren. And did nothing with them. They just were showing up here and there through the whole movie without any purpose. But that’s Johnson fault, that he did not include them in TLJ. No wonder that they did not have time for them in TROS. Just waste.
- the amount of fanservice is killing me. I have nothing against it, if it’s just a nice treat for fans here and there, but when a whole movie is dedicated to it it’s just not very bearable. And plot suffer from it, because instead of write a good story they’re focusing at how to connected these thing from original trilogy.
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purrpickle · 5 years
lovecanbesostrange replied to your post “AVP: Requiem sucked all the joy out of AVP like Alien 3 did to Alien...”
I watched Requiem a couple of months ago, going in like "it can't be as bad as I thought it was back then". Nope, still a super shitty movie with way too many unlikeable people. I do enjoy the Predator/human team-up of AvP and also the set. But Requiem... why? Why?? (And I have a very high tolerance for bad movies.)
Uh... A rant ahead. I just had a lot to babble out about my dissatisfaction and disappointment with AVP: Requiem, especially after I really enjoyed AVP.
See, I agree about the whole unlikeable people thing. As well as... As the movie got started and went on (I’m pretty sure over half of the movie), NO human survives an encounter. ALL of them die. That makes me so uninterested in getting attached to anyone because they’re going to die. The movie doesn’t show you otherwise.
Also, the movie is supposed to be about Aliens vs Predators. NOT the stupid humans who don’t NEED the pointless scenes that have no use except make you hate them more because they make all the stupid decisions (WHY would you agree to “hang out” with someone you’re attracted to/in love with, if the viewer’s supposed to believe that, if they JUST broke up with their boyfriend either THAT DAY or the day before and they tell you OUTRIGHT - like, rebound and it really doesn’t mean ANYTHING UGH UGH UGH) and don’t show you why you should care about the characters except they talk to each other and look vaguely worried. Also - that scene in the graveyard where the guy with the gun waves the mother and daughter over like, “Hey, hey, come over here! Be safe!” and like a second later he’s threatening to shoot them and completely lost his cool. What?
And nothing happened in the beginning of the movie for a good thirty minutes. Nothing that made any kind of impact or impression. Oh look, people in the forest. The movie goes on. Next scene they are attacked by Face Huggers. The movie goes on. Boy wakes up in the forest and screams and his chest erupts with Alien. Showing. Everything. Like EVERYTHING needs to be shown and told, no inferring here! ALL of the chest eruptions were shown. And the “reveals”.
And, just, ugh. To reiterate, the way it was filmed, the Aliens and the Predator were definitely the second billed characters. Not so with the first one. I LOVED that team up with Lex and the Predator as well. Also. WHY did only one Predator answer the call? First, going by Predator 2 and AVP, they always travel in packs. And it’s just SO illogical that only one, for a highly multiplying species, would be enough. Especially with the humans they’ve known for millennia make good carriers and incubators.
And the setting for the first movie, just like you said. It had a POINT. This one seemed like a hopeful bridge to a third movie, which, honestly, makes movies so boring.
I did like the Alien/Predator hybrid, except... There was no explanation of how it could suddenly give several Aliens into one host, and that, ugh, disgusting way it did, except finally just assume that’s how Predators procreate and move on. I don’t know if it was the way it was filmed or edited, but I was very lost on why the sudden pack of Aliens in one host - though honestly, didn’t really care, either, so whatever.
I also couldn’t see a lot of what was going on except big black thing fighting another big black thing in blankets of little or no lighting. I’m supposed to keep track of who is who, how...?
Anyway, I think I’ve babbled everything out I was groaning about in my head while watching. Just... What a lovely way to end my Alien/Predator/AVP collection. On that movie. Blargh. Guess I’m gonna have to find the two prequels and hope they’re better!
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batrachois · 6 years
27, 43, 80!!!❤❤
- 27: do i ever get “good morning/night” texts?I always get them from (and send them to) my boyfriend, Jo. It’s a hold habit that started when we first were dating and lived 7mins from each other, then it became routine and now, also considering that we live 80km apart, we try not to leave the other without a good morning/night text.Also if I’m talking to my friends in other time zones there will be a moment one of us goes to sleep so…
- 43: do you believe in magic?I used to be the biggest magic (and magic folklore/lore) nerd, but as i got older it got less interesting and now, as much as i still love folklore and myths and legends and stuff, i look at those more with an anthropological pov rather than a believer pov Really tho I wanted to have magic powers so bad up until I was like 10… it was a softer time(and please don’t feel offended if you’re a wiccan or believe in magic or stuff, i respect those who believe)
- 80: what do I want for my birthdayHonestly idk… I have until september to think about it...ideally something useful like brush pens or colors, or something huge that i Need like an apartment if my own… idk dude..[EDIT: i want an ipad pro with the apple pencil cause procreate looks amazing and it looks so much easier to work with than tablet + pirate photoshop]
Tysm for asking, it meant a lot to have something to do while on my dep-wake
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sleepywinchester · 6 years
Unusual | Chapter 23
Summary: She’s passed from being a leverage piece to become a hunter and something more for the Winchesters brothers…. Or just one Winchester.
Autor: @sleepywinchester | prev. deanwinchester-af
Pairings: Dean x Katherine (Eventually)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Katherine Pierce, Sam Winchester.
Words: 2.2k+
Beta: @waywardlullabies
Warnings: Pure Fluffness.
Title: The First Case
A/N: This is part of my series re-write. Hope you guys like!
Feedback is always appreciated it <3
Tumblr media
/ / Katherine’s POV / /
I giggled as Dean’s left soft smooches on my neck, his smile was against my skin. Dean and I were still in bed from the night before. We were still lost on the feeling after having each other. We, I, feared that if we got out of this bed the magic spell would break and everything would go back to being the same. Back to being just hunting partners. I didn’t want that.
Dean’s gaze broke me from my thoughts, his eyes were so green and beautiful up close. A smile escaped my lips as I lost myself in his eyes.
“What? “ Dean asked, a small smirk in his face.
Dean’s gruff morning voice sent a shiver down my spine in the most righteous way.
“Nothing.” I said with a smile, caressing his naked shoulder.
“Nothing?” Dean asked, holding his head over his hand.
Looking down to his strong arm, his bicep showed up more as his muscles flexed. Dean followed my stare and huffed a laugh, shaking his head for a second.
“Don’t objectify me.” Dean smirked.
I laughed out loud mimicking his posture and looked him in the eye. “I am not objectifying you.” Dean cocked an eyebrow. “I’m just… observing.”
In that moment Dean leaned in and kissed my lips. He drew me closer, kissing me more deeply and with passion. Nobody has ever kissed me this way before. Nobody has ever made love to me this way. It was early to have this thought but nobody could compare to Dean Winchester. I was on cloud nine, high on him and I would fight whoever asked me to go to rehab. The more he kissed me, the thought of fearing what could happen after today vanished.
Dean’s hand touched my waist and a giggle escaped me.
“You are… ticklish?” Dean asked and I nodded. He glanced down to my waist, his eyes curious and playful. Instantly I knew what he was thinking. “I wonder…”
“Don’t-,” my voice was cut off by my own hysterical laughter. Dean’s fingers began to tickle my ribs and waist. I couldn’t stop the laugh or try to escape his strong arms, it was worthless.
“What the-,” Sam’s voice suddenly made Dean and I jump.
Dean and I glared at Sam, who stood in shock in the middle of the doorway. I looked at Dean and covered my chest more with the sheet. Looking back to Sam, his eyes were still wide and in shock.
“Dude?!” Dean snapped him out of the shock. “Did you forgot how to knock?”
Sam shook his head, turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him. In that moment, Dean and I began to laugh after his younger brother reaction.
I sighed leaning back in the bed, “Guess we can scratch telling Sammy about us off today’s to do list.”
Dean huffed one final laugh, “Yep.” His naughty boy eyes met with my gaze. “Now where were we? Oh…” He said before continuing to kiss me.
Deep down I wanted to stay in bed with Dean but we both had a lot of work to do. Strolling into the control center, Dean’s gaze was the first my eyes found. Sam observed the way we shared quiet yet adorable glances. In that moment Sam realized that he hasn’t seen Dean act this way since Lisa.
Sam cleared his throat with a smug smile in his face.
“So, you two…” Sam said, “are you guys together?”
Comfortably I sat on Dean’s lap and looked at Sam, waiting on silence for Dean’s answer. We were together but saying it outloud to Sam felt like Dean’s answer and not mine’s.
“We are,” Dean said proudly.
Sam huffed a laugh, “That’s something I thought I’d never seen.”
I tried but I couldn’t suppress the smile that listening Dean say ‘we are’ gave me.
“Have a little faith, Sam.” I told him.
“Yeah, Sammy,” Dean backed my play, “have a little faith.”
“Sure,” Sam said, “though I’m glad you two finally got together. It was ‘bout time.”
“Mhm,” I said, noticing the large box resting in the middle of the table. “What’s that?”
“That,” Sam slid it towards me, “it’s for you.”
I glanced at him in awe, “Some vintage Louboutins? Awe. Sammy you shouldn’t have.”
Sam huffed a laugh, “This box had your name and… former specie. It’s all the Men of Letters found on you: Key of Purgatory.”
Dean peeked over, “Seems like you were a big topic around here.”
“All this?” I spoke with excitement of the sudden attention, “For little old me?”
Sam and Dean chuckled as I  browsed through the box. Dean looked in and grabbed an old picture of me. His eyes widen, observing how aged the picture was.
“Kitty Kat?”
“Was this taken in the 1890’s?” Dean cocked an eyebrow, showing off the picture.
I hold on to it and smirked, “Actually… 1900’s.”
“Wow,” Dean said, “you’re old. I’m dating a very old lady.”
I chuckled, shaking my head briefly, “Does that makes me a cougar?”
“Wait,” Sam spoke in shock. “Dating? Did that word just came out of your mouth?” He looked at his brother.
“Shut up,” Dean smirked and glanced back at me. “Seriously, how old are you?”
“That’s a question you never ask a lady,” I smirked. “Let’s just say, this  body stopped aging when it was 27.” I turned to him, “And now that I think of it… It will start aging now that I am human.” Instantly my eyebrow rose and the corner of my lip curved. “Thanks, Dean for the reminder.”
Dean shrugged with pride, “Anytime.” He turned to look at the pile of box lying inside the library. “Do I really have to do inventory?”
Standing up I grabbed the box off the table, “Yes. Sam and I did our parts, it’s your turn.”
“Where are you going?” Dean watched me walk towards the hall of bedrooms.
“To see if this librarians had their facts right,” I said, “I’ll be in my room.”
Dean nodded, “Wait. Aren’t you going to move your stuff to mine?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m thinking of making my old bedroom a walk in closet.” The Winchesters brothers glanced at me confused. “And you both are going to help me.” I stated and turned to the bedroom.
It only took me a couple minutes into the box and its files to learn that I was one of the Men of Letters first cases. They were very interested in Purgatory and monsters. They all thought that I could be their best source. I tilted my head as I kept reading, “I am the best source.”
Librarians or not… The Men Of Letters were good and I had to accept it. They were close to my trail but far enough to not catch me.
"We believe Katherine Pierce was human before being the Key of Purgatory... It’s known that the  mother of all creatures couldn't procreate. She must have abduct her and transform her into her own. We think is possible Katherine could get back into her human form some way.”
Below the paragraph there were ancient pictures, hand drawn portraits. As I kept looking through the files, I ended up finding a really old book titled ‘PETROVA’. It told the history of that family. “
Grabbing a couple of folders and strolled back into the library. Once again Dean was sitting by the table with his brother and a magazine on hands.
“What’s wrong with me? Dean said, “This is first edition dude. You know how what this would go for on eBay?" Dean said showing off the magazine.
Sam looked at me and then glanced back at Dean. "No, why? Do you?"
"No." Dean reply quickly.
Standing next to him, I looked for a second at the Asian porn magazine. "Sure you do.” Dropping the files on top of the table, I winked and smiled at Dean “Fun fact.” Sam and Dean looked up towards me. “I was one of the first cases here,” there was pride on my tone. “They thought I was a good investment and source of knowledge.”
Dean grabbed the file after I sat on top of his lap.
“You were human before you were The Key of Purgatory?” Dean asked browsing through the pages.
“Yes. That’s why I’m human again… Even turned me into the Key of Purgatory when she felt threatened by God… I think they are my ancestors… or maybe family. “
“You really don’t remember how you got turned?” Sam asked curious.
I shook my head saying ‘no’.  “I only know what Eve has told me and what I’ve discovered by being extremely noisy.” Glancing back at the paper, I read the name Petrova. “It kind of matches… Pierce… Petrova.”
“They were always so close to catch you.” Sam said.
I nodded, “But they never did.”
“They catched one of your former lovers though.” Dean added showing a picture of Bryan.
Three decades have passed since I saw Bryan’s face. He was smiling in the picture, just as he would always be in real life. It was bittersweet to see him again, knowing how he died and that deep down I still felt responsible for his death.
“Hey?” Dean’s soft yet worried tone detached me from me memories. “Everything good?”
“Yeah,” I replied quickly fixing a hair lock behind my ear. “I saw him after they captured him… He was running from someone but he never told me from who… All he said was that I needed to stay under the radar.” I scoffed placing the dots together in my head. “He was talking about The Men of Letters.”
“You loved him?” Sam asked.
My eyes met with Sam’s instantly. “I don’t know much about love…” I looked back to Dean. “I know I feel good with you… I know I feel happy and I felt happy with Bryan… So, maybe yes… maybe I did loved him.”
“Do you think he’s still alive?” Dean asked.
“No.” I replied. “In those days I wasn’t the best at knowing when my mother would look through my eyes. I found him dead in the middle of the town we were staying before I planned to flee… I still feel responsible if I’m honest.”
“Hey,” Dean’s hand touched my shoulder, his touch was comforting and warm. “It’s not your fault. Eve was a crazy bitch…”
Biting my lower lip, I took a deep breath in and slowly pulled myself back from the verge of crying. “There is a lot of things that I am responsible of… Some bad, some good, but since I met you-.” I looked at Sam, “since I met both of you, I’ve worked to become a better being…”
“A better person.” Sam added to my sentence.
I smiled softly at him, knowing this was his way of finally accepting me into his family.
Dean kissed my shoulder. “We are not perfect but we try our best to redeem ourselves from the things we’ve done. All we have to do is keep fighting.”
Looking back at Dean, I couldn’t resist the thought of kissing his lips and so I did. He kissed me back with the same tenderness I needed.
Dean didn’t care if I was The Key of Purgatory. He cared that I wanted to be a better me because he’s been through what I’ve been through. He’s lost himself and found himself again and again, only this time we were not alone. This time we have each other.
“Get a room.” Sam stood and walked out.
Dean and I chuckled as we continued to kiss each other.
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