#not as much for the disowned knight
hi hi hi for the WIP Wednesday ask game: Eddie Gets Isekai'd! :D Purely because I love that file name lmao
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS AU OKAY CONTEXT instead of dying in the upside down, eddie runs from the bats and through another portal but instead of landing in hawkins, he's in a whole other reality! one straight out of dnd, a classic western fantasy setting with magic and elves and their own versions of vecna and demo-monsters! when eddie lands in this reality, he finds Stefan Harrington and Ed Mundrason - stefan is fascinated by eddie and agrees to help him home, even if ed is reluctant and glares at him the whole way
Ignore the sting, keep walking. He wanted to take a stroll anyways.
It's not actually a lie, Stefan inhales as he slows his pace.
Walking under the moonlight was never a luxury, not the way Jane believed it to be, not for Stefan. It is more of a comfort than anything.
To listen for wildlife, smell the oak and dirt that surrounds him, to shiver at the touch of the breeze dancing past him.
He is no wordsmith, not like Nancy or Ed, but if he could, he would write something about the peace that comes with a quiet night. Something about the way it makes him feel healed, differently to how the sun makes him feel alive, breathing and living after years of fighting the dark.
Fighting with Ed is usually so easy, so light. They fight over food, over Dustin, over who gets to ride the single horse left in the stables. But this is -
"Fuck, fuck, fuck -"
Stefan whirls towards the yelling, reaching out for his mace that - that he left at the inn, damn it!
"Please don't follow me, god, fuck, oh my god -"
Snapping the branch off a tree is going to have to be his move, he needs something weighty enough to hit hard. The sound echoes and Stefan startles when the voice starts getting louder, as if in response.
"I said don't follow me, fucking hell, god why did it have to be bats!" The voice is near and Stefan quietly tightens the straps of his gauntlet. Leather is more effective against bane bites than people expect. He waits behind the tree, listening to the high-pitched screeches of wingbanes that follow after the voice. That's one, two, three wingbanes. "Why couldn't it be demo-worms or something!"
A figure rushes past and Stefan registers a head of curls and black leather before he hears the screeches one more time and spins around the tree, catching one wingbane by the throat and slamming it into the ground.
The screeches rise in pitch and he knows the other two are just behind him, so he plunges the branch into the body of the monster and twists until the cries die out, raising his arm to slam against an incoming wingbane that tries chewing through his gauntlet. He grits his teeth and pulls the branch out of the black blood, swinging it into the other wingbane that tries to reach his legs.
With a roar, Stefan throws the monster on his arm to the ground, slamming his foot on its squishy body and stabbing the branch through its mouth, black ooze bubbling from the wound.
"Holy shit."
Stefan turns but has to dodge the final wingbane that wraps its tail around his arm.
Poor thing.
With a grin, Stefan pulls the monster in by the tail and slams it into the ground right next to its brethren, shoving the blackened branch into its body with a sickening crack. The cries of the beasts die out as the clouds that obscured the moon pass by. He tilts his head, still panting heavily, as he notices the blue tinge to their skin, the absurdly shorter body and longer tail-span.
These are a different breed of wingbanes.
That does not bode well.
"S-Steve? Is that you, man?"
Stefan blinks. Right, of course, they were chasing after somebody. He turns around and inhales sharply when the moonlight casts over a man, sitting on the ground and leaning against a tree with hunched shoulders. His curly hair is covered by a piece of cloth and his clothing is strange, unusually bulky, tight and shiny, but those eyes. Round and dark, even in the sunlight, even in the heat of battle.
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ghostly-wisteria-tea · 4 months
Joke/Crack Headcannon
One of the reason MCU Khonshu refuses to officially address 616 Marc or 616 Badr as "sons", is because by the Traditional Ennead law of his universe, he will have to pay what is essentially child support covering their entire lives, allowance, medical/hospital bills, living conditions and funeral.
He calls himself their boss, never father simply to avoid the taxes. Because even a god can't avoid taxes, the Egyptian pantheon is bureaucratic like that.
MCU Khonshu is also broke to the bone AND has a gambling addiction, as well as impulsive buying on food. He can barely pay to take care of himself, keeps getting gigs just to buy food and would occasionally eat from the dumpster. He can't afford to take care of 2 fully grown adults he ended up "inheriting" from his 616 counterparts.
MCU Khonshu also recognizes Steven and Jake as separate people and a package deal with Marc. So, for him, it would be 4 fully grown adults. 3 of which share a body. Steven and Jake have their own lives, so they are to be paid equally with Marc.
I did my research and in a general term, one kid will have to be paid 400 USD a month. So, with 4 "kids" that would be 1,600 USD a month. With interest due to how overdo it is, and the missing birthday gifts for all of them.
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minticecodes · 7 months
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A (late) piece for dmcweek2024 day 4! I was buzzing to put forward something for the week. Prompt was alt universe.
AU where Eva survived the fire and had to figure out a way forward, believing the twins dead. She becomes an RPG shopkeeper selling wares ranging from antique books to magical goods (Devil May Scry). She's also out for Mundus' blood.
Image descriptions are the same as in alt.
[ID: 7 Digital illustrations and sketches. 1: Coloured illustration of a bookshop at sunset. Eva, a pale blonde middle aged woman mans the bright patterned counter. She wears a turtleneck and red shawl, has shoulder length hair, and diagonal facial burn scar and scarring on her left hand. Light rays illuminate her gently smiling face. Besides packed books, on the shelves are potion bottles, statuettes, succulents, and a displayed katana. Roses and plants decorate the shop. On the counter are a thick hardback, bookscanner, and crystal ball. Cards are displayed inside the counter. On the wall hangs a price sign, featuring doodled vital stars (large star drawn with sunglasses), holy water and fortunes. Beneath it is a rose wreathed divinity statue display, with 2 red orb offerings in a dish. 2: Eva from behind, sitting hunched alone at a table where a birthday cake sits untouched. It's a two flavour cake. By her clenched hand are crumpled tissues. Caption: 'Vergil...Dante...happy birthday...' 3: Eva bracing the Devil Sword Sparda across her shoulders, aimed at the ground. She wears a bell sleeved, ruffled funeral/wedding dress with a slit for leg movement. A veil trails behind her like a ribbon. Close ups of her show the headpiece design; a pacifier made of a long bird skill, feather, rose, and four skeletal 'legs'. 4 & 5: Trish taking on teen Dante's image: a tan teen in black, with chin length white hair, a halter neck tank top, leather pants, kneelength boots and black polish. Her leather jacket collar resembles lightning bolts. She leans against an invisible wall, one leg bent to brace her foot against it. She looks askance with arched brows, lifting shades from her face. The 2nd image is a 3/4 profile with shades perched on her forehead and popped collar. 6: Helmetless portraits of Dante and Vergil in armour, expressionless. Dante's hair is shoulder length and falls across his face. 7: Full body of 2 somewhat lanky demonic knights. One (Nelo Angelo) in black and blue with droopy horns rests his palms atop his blue broadsword's pommel, the sword upright against the ground. He stands straight, staring ahead. The other in white and red and curled horns has a palm clapped on Nelo Angelo's shoulder, other hand at his hips. Somehow the eyes on his helmet express playfulness. At his back is the hilt to a flail, the spiked ball resting on the ground by his armoured heels. They're labelled '~16' . End ID.]
Read more for some wordy backstory and sketches. TW for mentions of torture, abuse and solitary confinement surrounding the twins.
I had...so many more ideas that I'm leaving out to keep this short. It's fun to think how she'd mesh with the cast.
Like! her and Lady. Mother that lost her kid and kid that lost her mother. It writes itself how much unwitting projection can go wrong. And pretty much everything about her, the twins, and Trish :)
In terms of backstory:
After the fire she's alone. Her birth family disowned her long ago. She thinks about revamping the mansion but the idea of staying in that empty space with only memories for company is too much. So she eventually opens a small store.
Starts off paranoid and distant. Still is distant but gets entangled with the local community overtime. Greets people by name and they'll chat about how life has been going. This includes demon hunters and demons and supernatural beings living peacefully; her shop becomes a small safe haven to exchange information to stay safe.
Gets very good at forging protective charms. Haunted by the memory of the enchanted closet, smashed in and empty.
A regular is a schoolgirl who originally came to pick up reserved books for her father but stuck around because hey, this place is quiet and interesting, and the owner serves stellar teacakes. Great place to study. To Mary, Eva's kind, though odd, secretive and a little lonely.
I got inspired by Eva's association with the bangle/bracelet of time and the amulets for her fighting style. It's based around item crafting, like an RPG character slapping on every stat boosting item.
She stitches together different outfits for different needs Cardcaptor style. They're all exceedingly dramatic. It's not clear here but I wanted a bird motif to eventually come through. Phoenix motif, really.
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[ID: Rough sketches: A magician esque outfit with vest, feathered tophat and cape. A longcoat with long skirt and long scarf at her back like a cape. The cape is tagged with 'spells stitched into fabric'. Close ups on the coat lapel show two pins (strawberry and wing), labelled 'charm lapel pins.' Close up of the shoes show sharp heals and ankle bracelets. Eva leaping in a black bodysuit and leotard, with feathery collar, quill behind her ear, and ballet shoes with a claw at the heel. Eva making a triangular 2 hand sign in a hooded cloak and longskirt. Around her shoulders are claws. At her hips is an hourglass. Above her heeded head is a clocklike halo. Beside her is a sketch of a woman with a lionhead mask. A funeral and wedding dress inspired outfit. Eva crouches, wielding the Devil Sword Sparda in scythe form. Her face is covered by a tattered veil. She wears a knee length ruffled dress, black gloves, and a long, ruffled cape. Close up of her left hand shows a ring and finger claws Rough comic. Chibi lady talks to chibi Eva. Lady holds up a black body suit with billowing sleeves and a cleavage window. Lady: "Eva what is this" Eva (smiling cheerfully): "Oh - that old thing!" Eva: "My old hunting outfit. Gosh I'd almost forgotten about it. Not the most comfortable thing - so skin tight..." However Lady fixates on 'my old hunting outfit'. The words go in one ear and come out as a younger Eva in a catsuit, pointing a gun with a serious expression, wind blowing through her hair. Lady stares into the distance, bewildered, and slightly blushing. End ID]
Meanwhile the twins are having a terrible time but they have each other, even if they don't remember they're brothers. I think it'd be sweet if they have a bond anyway. Everyone else thinks they're rivals at best.
(Nelo is Mundus' favourite to toy with as the proud, eldest son. But when he gets rough, Bianco butts in and acts up for Mundus' attention. This gets him sent to solitary confinement; Mundus figured out Bianco hates small spaces and designed an iron maiden for him. Others think Bianco is a brute who acts out for a fight. But that's ok. It means Bianco can keep buying Nelo time.) (When lucid, Nelo despises his own weakness when this happens.)
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[ID: 2 Images. Nelo and Bianco Angelo in fisticuffs in a cartoony dustcloud, glaring at each other as they fight. They're captioned 'Mundus' most competent generals'. Additional text: 'silent, obedient, crushing force when apart. Perfect soldiers. ... until they're put together. Complement each other's battle style OR clash terribly. Nelo Angelo staring off, arms crossed and furrowed eyes somehow expressing being completely fed up. Behind him, Bianco and Griffin talk at each other. Griffin's glaring. Bianco has a hand up to gesture. End ID]
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Arranged marriage
Aka yanderes who manipulated circumstances to make you theirs
Character: Jean, Diluc, Pantalone
Cw: murder
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Jean Gunnhildr, the Acting Grand Master. Jean Gunnhilr, the dandelion knight, Jean Gunnhildr, a murderer and your future spouse. You do not hate her, it is hard to do so. She is thoughtful and sweet, a friend of yours as you two were both upper-class daughters of traditional nutjobs whose traditions remain rigid. But Jean’s mother was better than yours.
Your mother had been eager to marry you off, your family owned a variety of homes and apartment complexes in Mondstadt, there isn't much skill to learn when it comes to managing properties; Just mark the list of who’s paid, send someone to collect payment or to pester the tenants. You were the only child, so there were no issues with who this would go to. You were well-liked and generally regarded as a beautiful and sweet woman. What did you do to attract the attention of some old and ragged man from Fontaine then? You had no clue why anyone didn’t see a 50+-year-old man who had 3 brides fall ill or die suddenly wasn’t suspicious for seeking another young bride with properties. Jean did however, she’s the one who told you so of the investigation she privately conducted. The second she heard of him she hated him, you hadn’t even mentioned his age when she scowled. The words “arranged marriage” seemed to already irritate her. But your family threatened to disown you if you rejected it, what would you do then?
Murder that's what. Jean swore to you she’d get you out of this situation. It felt cliche almost, the childhood friend saving the damsel from the marriage to a grumpy old man. You expected her to talk to your parents or dissuade them in some way. She had the evidence to do so, yet she chose murder. Your suitor was slain mysteriously while on a walk outside of Mondstadt. The knight concluded it was treasure hoarders, his fancy and expensive attires were stolen. But you knew from the look in Jean’s eyes that she had some part in it. She refused to tell you how it happened outside the version everyone in Mondstadt knows, but you know better. She quickly offered to marry you instead. Your parents seemed complacent now. You never knew quite what she did but you hadn’t expected it to unfold like this. She did a good job framing it as well, investigators from Fontaine came and came to the same conclusion. An eye would be kept on pawn shops or second-hand stores.
But maybe it isn’t so bad? You are married to your best friend and Jean is nothing but a devoted and perfect wife. She is loyal to you, kind to you, protective of you, and deeply in love with you. You don’t mind, she is a good wife and you have no reason to complain. You just wish she didn’t act like you couldn’t tell she had done it. Other than that, you are sticking by her side closely, to keep her hands clean of any new blood.
You didn’t know Diluc Ragvindr that well prior. You were set to marry someone else, not the worst situation. Your suitor was a decent man, you could see yourself living a quiet life with him. You weren’t infatuated or attached to him but you accepted him as your future husband. Until he just died one day. A mysterious death, possibly from an assassin? In his absence, Diluc emerged from seemingly nowhere to offer his hand to you. You weren’t skeptical then, you had met him at balls and events when you were kids. He caused mischief and you found that charming then. Nowadays he’s completely different, however, a well-put-together gentleman who was admired and almost worshiped in Mondstadt. You were a bit worried about his safety but he assured you he’d be fine. And he was, he promised you’d live a quiet and peaceful life. He was a bit off-putting for a husband, however. He seemed both reserved but also eager for your affection. You were happy to marry a wealthier man yes but also concerned about what happened to your previous suitor.
As a husband, Diluc is a very good one. You are comfortable and at ease with him yes. He is also an affectionate husband, a passionate love that had been hidden underneath a stoic mask. You were pleased, reciprocal with his advances, and even eager at times. You couldn’t help it, he’s a handsome and well-built man after all. You were happy.
While looking for a pen in his office you noticed a pin that unmistakably was from your deceased suitor. You could’ve turned him in sure but… you didn’t want to ruin things now. Your suitor wasn’t nearly as influential compared to Diluc, not as passionate or fiery as him. Diluc was extremely loyal to you. He’s known in Mondstadt for being a devoted husband, proudly displaying his ring at any hint of advances from some lowkey home wrecker. You had no say in either arrangement, but with him, you do now. Your family cannot push you around for you now belong to his clan and not theirs. He will not entertain any disrespect to you at all. You have more agency than you were used to here. Adelinde is fine with skipping corsets or preparing dishes that are more delicious than healthy. You love your new life here.. So what if you don’t tell the family the truth? Would you be divorced then? Returned to your more mundane life as just a bachelorette?
Maybe you’re guilty of knowingly hugging and kissing the man who murdered someone, but maybe that's also rather endearing. Every lady dreams of a devoted man like this… so what if he’s a murderer?
Pantalone was no less terrifying than being tossed off a cliff. You were shy, hardly outgoing. At parties, you clung to the wall and only chatted with friends. You found any excuse to hide yourself or dismiss yourself despite the dismay of your parents. You just HATE having so many eyes on you. You still do.
How you attract an actual harbinger is beyond you. But you had passed your parent’s office when you heard him talking to them. You didn’t know it was him then, you thought they had simply ticked off a business partner. Never had your father sounded so obedient or fearful to you. You didn’t stick around then.
Suddenly the arrangement had been tossed onto you with little preparation otherwise. You weren’t happy, you asked more questions than your parents liked. To your surprise they didn’t seem angry, for the first time, rather than yelling at you to obey, your father looked you in the eye and with a calm voice told you to go along with it. Fear in his eyes, and a stutter. Nothing like the man you had come to know. You just shut up after that. Nodding or shaking your head during the preparations. What was worse to you was probably that you didn’t even get to see Pantalone for a while. Your maids just told you he was handsome. When you met him for the first time, you felt like you were about to die. He seemed amused with your nervous nature and awkwardness. You wondered if you were a human marrying a human or a mouse handed to a cat. He delighted in hearing you stammer and shiver. He was bold as well, often he had at least a hand on you, your shoulder or waist were his preferences. He enjoyed your fear and obedience.
Your best days as his wife were in his absence. You had gotten used to him, yes, but he seemed delighted in how you were so nervous. His favorite thing to do was have you sit on his lap and then focus on his work. You were timid so this was quite nerve-wracking. Especially because you weren’t sure what to expect, what did he want you to do? But once you got used to just doing nothing and became more comfortable, he’d suddenly start to nibble at your neck. He always chuckled at your reactions.
He was a loving husband though, just maybe not the normal kind. He seemed obsessed with you at times, his hands mapping your body as though it were some sculpture. He was possessive, if you seemed to grow too fond of employees or guards, they’d be switched or ‘disposed of’. Your only company and ‘friend’ would be him. The mansion acts as a prison, and he is your only visitor and cellmate. You would prefer the cliff to his hand
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inkyarcturus · 3 months
give me all your headcanons for snape nEOOOOWWW (pretty please 🤎)
Okay so I think I’m going to break this down into chunks because I have a LOT of thoughts so here’s the first chunk :D
TW: for child abuse?
it’s pretty much canon that Sev came from an abusive home with an alcoholic muggle father and a pure blood mother.
Personally, I believe that his mother Eileen Prince was disowned by her family upon marrying Tobias. Although at first they were a happy couple, Eileen becomes pregnant with Severus and reveals to Tobias that she is a witch. Tobias, coming from an era where witchcraft is demonized and realizing the drain that a child has on his finances, becomes abusive.
Eileen tries her best to keep the abuse from Severus as much as possible, leading to her stopping herself from using magic as she believes that would just anger Tobias even more.
Severus is absolutely a mamas boy as a child and you can pry that headcanon out of my cold dead hands. He would do anything for his mama, growing up hearing stories about Hogwarts, magic and the legacy of the Princes, it was all he had to stay sane. Whenever Tobias was out of the house for extended periods of time, Eileen would brew with Severus as well, usually healing potions.
He would often be seen wearing his mother’s clothes because of the families lack of funds but also just because it was a way to connect with her.
The first time Severus uses accidental magic was to help his mom avoid Tobias, blasting him unconscious. It’s a mess of emotions for the rest of the night. Eileen is panicking, worrying about her husband’s health and her own but also trying to celebrate Severus’ magic so he knows magic isn’t bad (pure bloods are aware of obscurials). Severus is in tears worrying about his mother’s injuries, unable to understand the situation. Eileen calms him down enough to get him to agree to never tell Tobias about this incident.It happens again more times afterwards.
Severus is sensitive as a child, always crying despite his father’s anger towards his tears. He becomes agitated with himself, being unable to control himself. His father’s words haunt him every time he cries.
He goes years without any friends, not going to school because of his magical status, but still being allowed to go out to play and escape his fathers grasp.
The kids usually don’t like him cause of his poor hygiene, odd clothing and even stranger words. He’s rather intelligent for his age, but being raised in an abusive household has only taught him vulnerability is weakness and everything is a threat.
When he meets Lily he learns how to let go of his shields. He’s made his first magical friend, someone who doesn’t mind his clothing, or hair, or overall oddness.
He goes over to the Evan’s family house at least once a week. Lily’s parents constantly fuss over him, asking if he’s alright or need food or clothing. He constantly denies it because he doesn’t want to burden them, or have them look too closely at his home life
Eileen is so grateful her son has a friend she is brought to tears wherever she hears Sev talk about Lily (which he does, a lot). Whenever she knows Tobias will be out of the house she’ll ask Sev to bring Lily over so all three of them can make potions together.
Petunia is less receptive of him, constantly starting arguments with Lily over why she even talks to him, but generally leaves them alone to stay in her room.
Sev was always quiet as a child, he would play silently whenever on his own, keeping his thoughts within his imagination. His preferred method of play, pre-Lily, was organizing objects. He would organize them by color, shape, name, then mix them back up and start again.
With Lily he would let his imagination run wild, playing the part of dragon, knight, prince and spy, usually acting as a helper to Lily. They call each other sun and moon. He sees himself as a reflection of Lily’s light. His self esteem will only get lower as the years progress.
Occasionally, Lily would get extra allowance (Lily’s parents purposefully gave for Sev) and they would go to a corner store to buy sweets. I imagine he has a pallet for less overwhelming sweets, like matcha flavoring, but as he grows older he convinces other people he likes bitter sweets the most. I think he has an appreciation for berries the most.
Hope you appreciate these :D think took almost an hour to write and I keep on wanting to add more but this is honestly already too long :,)
Side note I just realized I can’t do multiple posts on one ask? So if you want the second chunk can you please send another ask :,D
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sylviaknightingale · 3 months
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This took me about all month, though it was sporadic bursts of work and then radio silence, but still.
incase the character card didn’t come in well:
Born: September 15th, 1901.
St. Louis, Missouri.
Sylvia, the devoted nurse turned Smuggler after the wealthy Knight family disowned her and her career went south, is a cool, collected and graceful woman, she has a past as clouded in torment and adversity as the cigar smoke that clings to the ceiling of her Boss’s office, despite this, her confidence is unwavering, and her determination to see an order or operation to a successful end, with just as much desire to insure the well being of her coworkers, is infinite, no matter how….annoying some of them may be….
She worked her way up the ladder and managed to get the attention of the Marigold, and being the opportunist she is, she knew there was no other way up, but through a established and powerful outfit, and now she applies the same meticulous techniques and enigmatic approach as a Marigold Operative as she had in her life as a smuggler, her strategic mind and attention to fine details leading Asa Sweet to pair her up with Mordecai Heller,-Though, the feminine touch and endless reminders of how bad smoking is, is a bonus no one asked for- leading to a successful partnership, even if she wasn’t fond of the idea at first….
I’ll be posting her character card too, which has all this information on it also.
I‘ve been thinking about her none stop honestly, and I want to make a much more detailed sheet one day, but this will have to do, especially since I will have her on ArtFight this year💕
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reysdriver · 2 years
Stop The World | S.B.
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Sirius proposes to take you away at your arranged engagement party to Lucius Malfoy — sirius x fem!pureblood!reader angst
warnings: cheating but the good kind lol, reader is in an unhappy/forced relationship
words: 0.8k
a/n: this is like loosely based on the song Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You by Arctic Monkeys (go listen its amazing) and I may be doing a part 2 later
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You were the only person wearing white in a sea of black or colours only a few shades away. That wasn't the only reason you were uncomfortable. You were surrounded by pureblood maniacs who only cared to be here so they could pester you with questions about having an heir immediately after graduating from Hogwarts.
Your family arranged a wedding between you and Lucius Malfoy, and you couldn't even voice your dismay for fear of being disowned and having nowhere to go. So, because you couldn't do anything else, you took a sip of your drink and tried to drown out the conversations around you. 
"Shall we dance?" Lucius asked you, void of emotion. 
You didn't give him a verbal reply. Instead, you just held out your hand for him to take and walked with him to the area where several other unhappy couples waltzed. 
His hands dropped down to your waist—too possessive for your liking—and you brought your hands up to rest on his shoulders. You danced, barely making eye contact or speaking or doing anything else couples do. 
Interrupting the tension of the dance, you saw Sirius Black walking closer to you and you held back a smile. Your eyes darted to the side so as to continue looking at him, and you concluded that he was, in fact, walking right over to you. 
"Malfoy." Sirius said, getting Lucius' attention. "Mind if I steal (y/n) for a dance?" 
He looked hesitant, but you knew the majority of that was just due to the rivalry between the two young men. 
You tried to get Lucius to leave, making a pointless excuse for him to go away. "Lucius, would you mind getting me another drink? And perhaps you could greet some of our guests on your way."
His mood remained largely unchanged, but he wanted to avoid making a scene over something so small at this party. He let go of you and walked away. You quickly resumed the dance with Sirius, only much more comfortable as you were in the arms of your secret boyfriend. 
"This isn't what you want. You know that." 
"And what is it that I want?" You asked with a cocky head tilt. 
"Me." The word caused you to roll your eyes, even though it was absolutely true. "But not just me. Anything but this, really."
You gazed into his silver eyes, imagining the happy life with him that he had insinuated with those few words. He was right, you wanted to get out of this life, but you felt trapped. It's not easy being a sixteen year-old with your life mapped out for you by wealthy relatives who couldn't care less about your happiness as long as the bloodline was continuing. 
"Well, it's a shame I'm already engaged." You said sadly, and he twirled you in sync with the music. 
He pulled you back into his arms, the two of you were perhaps even closer together than you had been a few moments ago. "But not married." He countered. "And even if you were, I wouldn't care. I would still offer to sweep you away and be with you."
You tried to keep your voice down. If other guests heard you having this conversation, you were sure it would not end well. "Well, my knight in shining armour, how do you plan to rescue me from this tower? I'm sure the dragons would not be pleased to hear I want out."
"You don't have to tell them. I plan on running away and living with the Potters, you should join me. I have my uncle's fortune, and I could buy us somewhere to live and keep us afloat after graduation." 
The proposal scared you more than anything, but it was everything you've ever wanted. You wanted to jump into his arms and have him carry you away that instant, but you saw Lucius coming back with a glass of champagne, and you knew you had to wrap up the conversation. 
"I'll be needing some air in ten minutes. I'll go out to the gardens, meet me there." You said quickly and quietly, then you unwrapped your arms from his shoulders and gave him a polite kiss on the cheek. 
Your betrothed—the official one—handed you the drink, and you took a sip with perfect etiquette. 
"Thank you for the dance, Sirius." You said, both of you holding back your joy from public eyes. 
"Thank you, my dear. This party is lovely, by the way." 
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hamartiannn · 11 days
I just saw @damianwaynerocks 's cover up story about Jason's death.
For me the best one is this... Might not make sence to some of you, I totally get and respect that, but it's still the best story that I come up with...
So... Jason Peter Todd is a child born into streets right? For years he lived in Gotham's rabbit holes... And everyone knows that. Jason knows that...
So, what if he was eventually overwhelmed by the flash lights of media and the glory of being a "Wayne"?????
What if he was sick of acting all pretty and confident in front of camera's, in front of rich but actually assholes who looked down on him?????
And eventually, what if he pulled Bruce aside and ask him if he can disown him... You know. Not like disown him disown him but... Send him to another country??? Where somewhere more safe and sound and less overwhelming for him... You know, somewhere both not Gotham's streets and Wayne Manor or Gala Halls!
He feels like everyone sees him as a street rat or petty on him! And plus as if him feeling like he doesn't deserve all of that glory and there is other children on the streets where he use to be! It's soo soo much for him???
Hearing all of this, Bruce eventually excepts that offer, cause once upon a time he was also "overwhelmed" with the fact that he was only "The billionaire whose parents got murdered in a dark street!". Bruce also left Gotham. No one knew if he was dead or alive...
What's stoping Jason doing the same??? But!!! This time unlike Bruce, he had a another foster-family who took care of him!!!?? And he just had a new identity/name and surname to protect him from attention???
Yeah... That's what Jason told cameras once he back, with a big bright smile just like the rich people he hated. It was just some weeks after Arkham Knight events.
It was in a Wayne Gala... Where he also announced that he was now a Lawyer, who graduated from Gotham Law School with a honor degree as "Peter Jackson", and now he was working on executing Joker, legally, with his psychologist fiance who was working with Joker in Arkham, and who he met while he was in Russia!!!! Which that was also a lie... The did not met in Russia.... But that's another days topic...
Okay, I decided to do one little thing to make things easier... I hope so...
If I'm writing in red they are details/facts about my current imaginary DC world/dimension/au, which also includes my own characters... And if it is NOT in red... It is also my headcanons, but it's more canon accurate?? You guys just understood me... Right??? Pls, tell me you did...
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missyandthemisfits · 1 year
Luck Voltia - Unorthodox
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Luck x Royal!FemReader
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Her entire face felt like it had been set on fire, she could only imagine just how embarrassingly bright it was. They had only just gone public with their relationship, her family- the Prestigious House Kira- all but disowning her for not only breaking off an arranged engagement, but for "Choosing to fall for a lowly, destructive commoner". It was...disheartening to say the least but she could at least take solace in the fact that her squad, The Blue Rose Knights, along with his squad, The Black Bulls, were in their respective corners. Still, she hadn't expected him to pull her in so suddenly after the fact. 
"I-I... why would you-," He chuckled at her sudden inability to speak, lidded aquamarine eyes filled with adoration. His usual excited and toothy grin was replaced with a sincere, very sweet version of itself. He linked his fingers at the small of her back, successfully trapping her. 
"Your lips are really warm." 
His voice was a bit deeper than usual, an almost husky calmness about it that made her already palpitating heart stutter, her face getting redder by the second hearing the joint whistles from their squadmates. 
"Luck, please-"
"I'm sorry", He laughed full on ",I couldn't help it! They just looked sooo...kissable." 
Clutching at his shirt, she ducked into his chest, hiding away. Even if she'd just lost her family's support, what she gained was so much more. 
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Prompt Used - "Your lips are really warm."
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i would like to share my little PJSK fantasy AU :>
so basically, in a kingdom ruled by the Otori family, there are witches being hunted down by the royal family's knights as they have been deemed a threat and are looked down upon in their society.
said witches include all MMJ members, Rui, Nene, Kanade and Ena. one discovers that they possess witchcraft abilities when they turn thirteen. the MMJ members befriended each other very soon after discovering that they had it in common and became quite well-known in the underground witch community due to being particularly skilled, while Rui and Nene tried to be much more secretive about their abilities in fear of being outcast. they performed shows together in town, Rui being quite invested in the art of combining magic and tech.
however, one day, Rui accidentally outed both himself and Nene in front of a whole audience upon getting a bit too ambitious in trying out this one spell while Nene's on stage- it went wrong and out of stress, Nene accidentally cast some magic in front of everyone (witches, especially those on the younger side, have a tendency to cause accidental magic when feeling strong emotion), so they both fled from their homes, taking refuge in the woods surrounding the village where they discovered other witches- MMJ- hiding there too and are invited to their hideout.
Ena was disowned immediately when her magical side was revealed and Kanade always knew she would likely be a witch as both her parents were- her mother was executed for it and her father was so torn up by it that he also soon passed. back when they were both just over thirteen, Ena, lost and helpless, stumbled upon Kanade's family mansion hidden in the woods- only other witches are able to see it, so Kanade immediately knew that Ena must be one and took her in.
on the other side of things, the more experienced knights are Tsukasa, Mizuki, Akito and Shiho. Saki and Toya are apprentice knights, each having been assigned a qualified knight as a mentor- Saki, her brother and Toya, Akito. Shiho and Akito have an understanding between them as they both harbour some resentment towards their sisters for being witches- though secretly, they both miss them very much and are more so upset that Shizuku and Ena weren't able to hide it and therefore forced to run away, rather than angry regarding the actual witchcraft.
then, there's Princess Emu, who actually quite likes the idea of the witches and has often begged her family (ahem, her brothers, ahem) to stop outlawing, imprisoning and executing them. of course, not very successfully. Princess Mafuyu, from another kingdom, is currently living with the Otori family as a sort of ambassador. Ichika and Honami are Emu's personal guards while Kohane and An are Mafuyu's. however- Mafuyu is secretly a witch herself and is doing her very best to keep it hidden...
card outfits involved (pictures undercut):
Shizuku, Minori, Haruka and Airi from the witch set
Kanade and Ena from the immiscible discord set
Nene from the our happy ending set
Rui, Toya and Saki from the White Day set
Tsukasa, Mizuki, Akito and Shiho from the knight set
Emu from the Valentine's Day set
Ichika and Honami from the live with memories set
Mafuyu from the dark festa set
Kohane and An from the light up the fire set
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wish-incorrect-quotes · 4 months
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I’ve seen a few people mention how much Simon looks like he could be the son of these two, and while I don’t know if the timelines work enough for it to be possible, it’s a fun concept just to think about. So here’s some ideas I had about how it might play out:
Basically, Lady Tremaine spends awhile hoping that Anastasia’s whole “falling in love with a commoner” thing is just a temporary inconvenience, and eventually she’ll be able to push her daughter into a more respectable marriage with a proper nobleman. But as soon as she finds out the baker proposed and Anastasia accepted, Tremaine pretty much immediately disowns her, and Anastasia loses her access to the family title and money.
By this point, Cinderella and Anastasia have a much better relationship, so Cinderella offers to use her newfound royal status and try to undo Lady Tremaine’s decision, but Anastasia ends up telling her not to bother. The more time she spends with the baker, the more she finds herself enjoying the simple life. Even if she now has to worry about earning a living, it’s amazing how much easier life feels when she doesn’t have to face her mother’s pressure and expectations, or go through royal balls where she's expected to be better than everyone else but always seems to fall short. Just peaceful days, helping her husband bake bread in the little village where people are always kind and friendly. And before they know it, the two of them are welcoming a baby boy into the world, who’s nearly the spitting image of his father, but with his mother’s red hair and his grandmother’s green eyes. Not that Lady Tremaine has any interest in meeting the boy, if Anastasia would even allow it.
As Simon grows up, he eventually gets curious about how his parents met. Anastasia can be a bit overprotective, and she tries to leave out the most unpleasant parts, but she’s happy to tell him all about how she loves her new home and family so much that she’s never regretted leaving behind a life of luxury for them. Simon, however, can’t help but think that the story sounds unfair. It’s not that he really cares about having a title or attending fancy balls, but it doesn’t seem right to him that his mother had to lose everything because of who she loved.
Eventually, this leads to Simon getting his heart set on becoming a knight, because it’s about the only way someone can work their way into a more “noble” rank. And if his mother has a knight for a son, it could get them all a lot closer to the life she had before. He doesn’t mention why he’s so keen on knighthood, since he doesn’t want his parents to feel guilty and tell him not to go through so much trouble for their sakes, so they figure it’s his own dream and do what they can to support him. But the problem is, he’s not any good at it. He has plenty of strength, but he’s very much a gentle soul, and when his heart isn’t in it, he just can’t seem to develop any talent with a sword and shield.
He’s discouraged for awhile, until he starts hearing rumors of a foreign kingdom with a sorcerer king that can instantly give people what they wish for. And since he isn’t getting anywhere on his own, he starts to become more and more convinced that this is his only chance. He knows how much his parents love their bakery, so he tells them he wants to try striking out on his own for awhile now that he’s getting older. Anastasia and the baker are both more than a little worried about the thought of their son going off to find work somewhere far away from them, but Anastasia remembers what it was like having a controlling mother who didn’t care about her own dreams, so she decides they should let him go if this is what he wants.
So Simon sails to Rosas and soon finds work in the castle, hoping that maybe working close to the king will help his wish get granted faster once he’s old enough to give it away. Thought he finds out before long that things might not go quite as smoothly as he expected based on the stories he heard. There’s a lot more people who have been waiting a long time than he expected. But everyone’s always praising the king, so if he's enough of a good and loyal citizen, surely he'll get his wish granted, right? Plus, he’s been making some great friends in the castle, and he enjoys being able to put in a good day’s work with them, so he can’t complain.
Then he reaches his eighteenth birthday, eagerly gives the king his long-awaited wish, and… is he supposed to feel this tired all the time? Everyone always talks about how wonderful it is, how it’s a real weight off. But he doesn’t feel lighter, he feels like his eyes are always heavy, and he's too exhausted to even feel like himself most of the time.
And then that’s how we get to the events of the movie. I guess Magnifico’s lucky that Simon wouldn’t want to worry his parents and would keep sending letters making it sound like everything was fine. Because Anastasia might have softened over the years, but she definitely still has a temper, not to mention a royal stepsister to turn to, and I’m sure she wouldn’t just take it quietly if she learned some distant king had caused her beloved son to lose all his energy and joy for life.
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raelyn-dreams · 1 year
Any headcanons of your favorite enstars characters? 👀💫
I do indeed nonnie! Though tbh, these are kind of full-cast headcanons lol. Tysm for the ask 😊
Mika is still upset he wasn't included in the Sanrio collab, and angrily sewed plushies the entire day it was announced.
During practice for Artistic Partisan, Hiiro was under the impression that the prop spears were much heavier than they actually were, leading to him accidentally slamming one through the wall (and nearly impaling Shu).
We don't talk enough about how Knights are given swords for their performances. Like who thought this was a good idea. Even if they are dull and fake, do you know how terrifying it is to have Ritsu Sakuma come at you with a sword and a maniacal grin? Kaoru Hakaze does.
Kuro was basically acting as a mediator for the entirety of the Yuukyou Seishunka cover rehearsals (while Mika and Souma prayed their unit leaders wouldn't kill each other). Keito and Shu came to feel kinda bad about this as they were winding down, so they begrudgingly worked together to make him a gi, as a thank you and apology. Keito never wants to hear the words "proper quilter's knot" again, but it was worth it for the smile on Kuro's face.
Hiiro and Hinata both have...shaky histories with high places (Hiiro in !! main story after Rinne disowns him, and Hinata during Setsubun). Niki doesn't know the details, but he notices after a while, so they start having rooftop hang-outs on occasion to help them with it.
I really like the Hiiro-Hinata-Niki dorm as a whole actually (which...Hiiro and Hinata are two of my favs, and Niki's up there, so that's to be expected lol). I see a lot of potential with the three, and I think they'd really get each other.
Ibara visited Kaname once. It was a stupid and sentimental thing to do, really, and he had work that needed to be done, lives to prepare for...but he couldn't help but feel he owed it to him, the near-silent apology that passed his lips that day.
Also, veering into AU territory a bit, but I think if Kaname were to wake up and eventually get back into the industry (after lots of rehab + accommodations), he'd keep the HiMERU name, but drop the "cool" persona he tried to associate with it. Life is too short to care so much about the public's perception of him, and I feel he'd go in the opposite direction of Tatsumi, and become even more outspoken, which would make him a good Crazy:B candidate.
OreMERU (our HiMERU) and Kaname are going to need to talk. A lot. I think Kaname wouldn't quite forgive him and would be upset about the identity theft, but he also can't bring himself to hate him, as he can see why he did it and knows it's for him. There's a lot of guilt and misunderstanding on both sides (ntm Tatsumi, Jun, and everyone else's reactions), but I think they eventually get through it alright, and OreMERU would always be Kaname's "Onii-chan".
OreMERU is also gonna have an identity crisis, and tries to quit Crazy:B, but of course Rinne, Niki, and Kohaku aren't gonna let him just dip like that. There's a lot of panicking, some bad hairstyle decisions, but he comes out alright, and starts going by another stage name that's important to him in some way.
I'm sorry about the excessive Tojo headcanons nonnie, I fully read Obbligato for the first time last week (just knew the basics before) and it wrecked me asdfghjkl.
Anyways. Back to everyone else.
As Mika gets used to Shu's more lenient personality, he tries to see how much gore he can get away with in Valkyrie's art.
Shu tries so hard to respect Mika's artistic vision and encourage him, he really does. But he draws the line at real pigs brains on-stage, even if they are in jars ("But Oshi-san, it represents the breakin' o' the mind after they tried so hard ta conform ta the expectations they put on 'em and ended up slaughtered! It's perfect symbolism, ain't it?")
Adonis makes money on the side for Undead by acting as an interpreter for other units during lives and Q&As. It ends up so popular and profitable that ES actually ends up investing money in professional interpreters for all events, because the ES heads can be kind of good people for once I guess. As a treat.
Rei, Ritsu, Niki, Tatsumi, Eichi, and Kaname (if he rejoins the industry) start having a combined monthly interview to make up for ones they miss due to illness/disability. The college kids/anyone that's been sick or couldn't make their own interviews occasionally join in too (usually Chiaki, Mayoi, Nazuna, Shu, Leo, and Izumi). Rei feels personally attacked sometimes, but its overall fun and way less stressful than trying to make every interview for their own units.
Kuro/Shu/Mao/Izumi dorm have sewing nights. It started because Kuro and Shu already sew, and Izumi wanted to be able to make his own alterations as a model just in case. Mao ended up joining in as a way to de-stress from student council work, and they have a relatively pleasant time together.
Souma is canonically good at embroidery, so I like to think he ends up creating his own sword scabbards for different Akatsuki costumes using the skills he's picked up from it. They're very pretty, and he's very proud of them.
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addictofanimation · 3 months
It's All Over, Isn't It...? (Pokémon x Genshin Impact AU)
All Kaeya could do was sit by the large Statue of the Seven, leaning against the side as he stared at what was once his home. His eye throbbed as if to remind him of what happened not even an hour ago.
He can still see the anger on Diluc's face, feel the humid heat of the flames that swelled around his blade as it refused to let the rain put it out. He wondered if Diluc would ever come to regret what he did tonight. Kaeya certainly didn't want him to. He had forgiven Diluc even as blood ran down his face and the heat threatened to seal his eyelids together. He was lucky it hadn't damaged his actual eye.
He knew it was all over. Things would never be the same again. And Kaeya had been the one to ruin it with his own hands. He had expected Diluc's anger but had somehow overlooked that it was possible Diluc would attack him. Now he was left homeless with not a shoulder to lean on.
Well, he had someone.
The rustle of leaves behind him barely made Kaeya stir. Whether it was his helper or an enemy come to kill him, he really could have cared less at the moment. However, he found himself tensing when he heard something that sounded like sniffing.
Please be a Hilichurl, please be a Hilichurl, please...
It seemed that Barbatos saw fit to torture him because something touched his thigh and it was most certainly not a Hilichurl. It felt relatively soft and more like a paw. Kaeya barely managed to open his good eye to look before he was met with the sight of a Rockruff looking at him curiously.
To Kaeya, it might as well have been snarling and growling.
With a yelp, Kaeya shoved the young Pokemon away, causing it to let out a yelp of its own. A part of Kaeya twinged at the cry, but a louder and more irrational part of him was too scared to really register the feeling. He scrambled backward, as if doing it enough would make him fuse with the statue behind him and disappear.
The Rockruff whimpered as it hurried to get its paws underneath it again. It looked at Kaeya as if he was going to attack it, lowering itself to the ground and backing away as it whimpered frightfully. If Kaeya hadn't been so terrified, he would have felt awful.
Suddenly, the Rockruff was lifted into the air. When Kaeya looked at who had lifted it, he found himself calming considerably at the familiar figure.
Armarouge was his brother's partner Pokemon and had been by his side ever since it was a little Charcadet. Diluc had raised Charcadet with the utmost care and attention. When Diluc had to battle Varka to enter the knights, the two had been able to barely scrape by with a victory and it had evolved pretty much as soon as the battle had been over and they had been proclaimed the winners.
It was a proud day in the Ragnvindr household.
Until Diluc had tossed away Armarouge's Poke Ball and had disowned it.
Because it had defended him that night.
Another source of Kaeya's guilt.
Armarouge appeared to be telling the little Pokemon something because it went from looking frightened to somehow apologetic. When Armarouge sat it down onto the ground, it gave him a look and a little yip before running off into the bushes once more.
Now that the Pokemon was gone, Kaeya found his heart rate slowing down and air making its way back into his lungs. But once the attack had passed, he couldn't help but berate himself.
He and Diluc had been working on his fear of Pokemon after a particularly harrowing encounter with their father's Talonflame in the living room. Pokemon were allowed to roam free on Dawn Winery property and little Kaeya had the scare of a lifetime when he had come downstairs from his new room to find the large Pokemon on a perch near the fireplace.
Crepus had also put in the effort to help by introducing him to baby Pokemon first, including some of his Talonflame's recently hatched Fletchings. He had even later gifted one to Diluc to help Kaeya get used to Pokemon other than Diluc's Charcadet being around. After years, it had appeared that all of their hard work was finally working. There had even been talk of getting Kaeya his own partner once he was ready.
He had almost been there, no longer cringing away from Pokemon or having a heart attack at the sight of one. He has been able to hold some of them too.
Now it was like all of that progress had backtracked.
He didn't understand how this could have happened!
As he spiraled downward, he felt himself being shifted but didn't put up a fight. He allowed himself to be moved until he found himself settled against Armarouge. He couldn't be more thankful that his fear of Pokemon had somehow not affected how safe he felt around Armarouge. He would have completely broken if he had become scared of the Pokemon who had helped protect him from childhood.
But that didn't stop the frustrated and sorrowful tears from running down his face. For who knew how long, Kaeya stayed against Armarouge as he wailed, the events of tonight seeming to finally catch up with him.
It was all over.
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trohpi · 2 months
following this microfic i couldnt stop thinking about regulus and his relationship with the evans family so heres my little ramble
so primrose and ciarán evans are very much your middle-of-the-road white suburban irish parents. primrose is a short blonde slightly nosy pta mom and ciarán is a six foot six redheaded giant that wears kiss the cook aprons. theyre supremely embarrassing about their childrens accomplishments which, as you can imagine, is extremely baffling to regulus as a concept
(also side-note, but lily is the definition of a daddys girl and on the flip side, petunia is 100% a mommys girl. its important to me that you know this)
he first meets them the summer after first year. he befriended lily & snape at hogwarts and convinces his parents to let him visit spinners end (they only let him go bc snape is part of the prince family, and he conveniently left out the fact that lily would be there too)
quite frankly, regulus is terrified of both her parents when he first meets them, but particularly her father. ciarán is big and loud and passionate, all traits that usually mean danger for regulus. primrose unnerves him bc she is very much like his mother, but shes also her complete opposite. she has all of walburgas best traits and none of her worst (well, besides her anger issues, but unlike walburga she doesnt take it out on her children). regulus doesnt like talking to her because it feels like seeing what his mother could have been had she been more… well, motherly
the thing that brings him and ciarán together is astronomy. ciarán loves the stars, he has a borderline obsessive knowledge about astronomy and has a very expensive telescope set up on the balcony. regulus is intrigued by the muggle perspective of the field and eventually they end up having hours long conversations about the topic regularly, leaving lily and her mother to commiserate about their partners being robbed from them
with primrose and regulus, im not sure they ever reach quite the same comfortability that regulus has with her husband (likely bc both reg & ciarán are probably autistic which was an accident that i now stand by). i think he and lilys mom would be brought together by cooking, by which i mean their horrible cooking skills. sometimes they try cooking dinner together and given their strong propensity to burn water plus their equally strong perfectionism, the results are bad
when hes disowned, the only place he can think to go is lilys. as much as he loves sirius, he would rather die than live with james potter (sorry james, love u mate 😔❤️). he shows up in the middle of the night on the knight bus and is immediately welcomed with open arms. by this point, petunia has moved out and lives with vernon so he takes her old bedroom even though 90% of the time he ends up in lilys bed. her parents turn a blind eye to it knowing that he has nightmares and she brings him comfort
on an unrelated note, when effie & monty and primrose & ciarán meet they become bffs. sirius is ecstatic, regulus is tired knowing that hell now have to see three of the four marauders at every family function going forward
and the end <3
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raerenas · 6 months
Leaks and spoilers for that have now been confirmed to be true following the new trailer for House of the Dragon Season 2
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Starting off I'd just like to say that I not the source of these HOTD leaks. Nor am I involved with the HOTD cast or crew. However I do know someone who is involved. And they have told me things that will happen in Season 2. But I cannot say too much as I don't want to get them into trouble. Now that the new trailer is out this seems to prove that they were right. They have confirmed what the shots mean below.
Blood and Cheese happens in Episode 1. This is planned by Daemon but is done without Rhaenyra's knowledge. When Rhaenyra finds out she is crushed and angry with Daemon. Screenshot of when this happens. Rhaenyra banishes Daemon to Harrenhal and tells him not to return till he has proven his loyalty to her.
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The funeral for Lucerys will take place in Episode 1. This will be attended by Rhaenyra, Jace, Joffrey, Rhaenys, Corlys, Baela, Rhaena and some soldiers and ladies. Daemon won't be there as Rhaenyra has forbidden him to attend.
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Sunfrye the dragon finally appears and he is one of the most beautiful dragons you will see. Aegon takes him out halfway through Season 2. He is much bigger than most of the dragons.
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We see a shot of Daemon smiling after Rhaenyra says she wants to win the war. However this is a trick as we see that he is not sitting at the table when she gives the speech. This is actually Daemon smiling at Mysaria in King's Landing.
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Daemon takes Mysaria as his lover. Although this is only part of Mysaria's role in Season 2. She will play a much bigger part in Season 2 than she did last season. She does not appear in the trailer however she has been given her own promotional image, confirming her big role in Season 2.
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Aemond and Daemon will meet and fight briefly halfway through Season 2. It will not be the big fight that kills them both in the books. However it will still be important. Aemond will abandon the fight to help his brother but not before giving Daemon a terrible scar on his front.
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Jace and Rhaenyra find the dragon seeds and they hold a feast for them after they are knighted by Rhaenyra. Baela also attends this feast she is to marry Jace. Here Rhaenyra gives a speech about wanting to win the war. This happens near the end of the season.
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Rhaenyra and Rhaenys meet up to take on Aegon and Aemond with their dragons. This happens before the big fight. Baela will show up later.
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Things not shown in the trailer but rumoured to happen:
Daemon does not say the "son for a son" line. This is said by Rhaenyra instead. It is instead heavily implied that Daemon does not care for any of his adopted children.
Dyana (the maid) is befriended by Helena. She protects Helena and saves Helena's other children when Blood and Cheese happens.
Daemon beheads Jaehaerys himself. This is shown in the first trailer when he is shown beheading someone. He gets a messenger to deliver the head to Aegon II.
Baela and Rhaena disown Daemon after finding out about Blood and Cheese.
Aemond ascends the Iron Throne after Aegon is injured badly. He sits on the throne. This happens at the end of the season.
I feel it has to be said also that I am aware that a certain big daemyra shipper has been going around saying they know things about Season 2 however they are telling porkies. You will probably know who I speak of. Anyway just speaking my truth!
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A brief analysis of color symbology in the important characters of Code Geass
Next, I'll discuss the symbology behind the color palettes of six major Code Geass characters. The purpose of this post will be to show how colors describe character traits. I clarify that I am not an illustrator or an animator. I'm just a quasi graduate who loves Code Geass and symbols and I want to use my knowledge to combine two things I like. And that I want you to take into account four points about the symbols and, therefore, the colors: The first is that they are polysemic. I'm going to adjust to the context of the series and the nature and role of the characters. Well, to give an example, violet is the color of sexuality and lust and I don't think that was what the animators had in mind when they established violet for Lelouch. The second is that they are ambivalent. They have two sides. One positive and one negative. The third is that the meanings of the colors vary depending on the cultures (and the times). I've tried to stick to universal meanings. And the fourth is that the symbols aren't isolated signs, they establish relationships between them and reinforce or annul meanings. Don't forget that there are colors that are born from the combination of two; so those resulting colors inherit certain meanings from their "parents", so to speak. Hence some of the connotations are repeated.
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Having said all that I had to say, let's start with Lelouch. Black is Lelouch's signature color. He always plays chess with black, his casual clothes are black, his army is the Black Knights, his Knightmares are black, the two great rebellions he has led have been dubbed the Black Rebellion, one of his nicknames is the Black Prince, his hair is black!
So what does black symbolize? Well, black is precisely the color of rebellion and protests. It symbolizes how illegal and forbidden are many of the acts that Lelouch carries out. It's also a symbol of elegance and youth. This is because most of the youngsters claim that black is his favorite color and don't be surprised by this, but Lelouch is a youngster.
Black is the color of dirt and evil. How many times has Lelouch dirty his hands with shit for carrying out his goals? Infinite times! "The world does not change with beautiful words", it changes with actions and many are dirty. How much evil did Lelouch do for the greater good? Phew! We could spend hours talking about it!
Black is the color of brutality, violence and hate. Three meanings that it has in common with red and these two colors make up a standard combination (it's no coincidence that one of the people closest to Lelouch and with whom he forms a powerful team has red as his distinctive color). Lelouch harbors hatred towards his father, his family and the empire that disowned him. Hence why he is so ruthless against Britannia. Unlike Suzaku, he believes that violence is the answer.
Black is the color of death, destruction and mourning. Lelouch brings death and destruction wherever he goes (to give a couple of examples, just think of the Battle of Narita and the Japan Administrative Zone massacre). In the same way, he always has mourning in his heart. He is reluctant to let go of loved ones who die (since the death of his mother).
Black usually has a negative connotation and whenever he is next to bright colors he will subvert the positive values of it. In association with yellow (which is a color present in Lelouch, albeit to a lesser extent), it connotes selfishness, guilt, and melancholy. Lelouch started his rebellion for selfish reasons and ended up consumed with guilt as he watched his revenge spiral dragging innocents and loved ones into harm. He is a character with a melancholic-choleric temperament.
[Black symbolizes bad luck and Lelouch never overthrew Britannia while he was wearing black, is that why he was always so close to landslide victory? :v]
Soon I will return to black to point out two specific aspects, now let's talk about Lelouch's second distinctive color: violet.
The combination of black and violet is one of the least negative and symbolizes magic and the dark forces of nature and magic. The Geass was a supernatural gift that Lelouch possesses. Violet is the color of vanity and extravagance. Zero was a striking character, partly because of his manner, partly because of his aura of mystery, and partly because of his looks (Lelouch is arrogant and proud, but there is a shade of difference between pride and vanity).
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Violet is the color of power. This is because extracting the violet pigment was difficult and therefore very expensive; so only the nobility and members of royalty could afford to buy clothes of this color. The fact that Lelouch has chosen purple as the color of his Zero costume seems funny to me because it means that he hasn't renounced his princely roots (the series itself wanted us to be clear about it and, for that reason, gave us the dialogue from the snow in episode 10 of the first season). He is and will remain a prince (in fact, his arrogance and negative outlook on vulnerability are a product of his upbringing in Britannia). Yellow reinforces this meaning.
It is the color of penance, martyrdom and mourning. Lelouch bears the weight of his sins and suffers as a result. Lelouch never quite gets past the dueling stage.
Violet is a singular color because it derives from the mixture of red and blue and these two colors represent opposite values. In violet these values are in communion. Hence, violet is considered an ambiguous color. In terms of morality, Violet is in the middle of good and evil, just like Lelouch, who is capable of doing good for the worst reasons and evil for the best reasons. This tells us about the amorality of the character. Violet combines the values of blue and red.
Blue is the color of coldness and intellectual qualities. Lelouch stands out for his intelligence, although the haters deny it. Red is the color of passions and Lelouch is a character moved by passions. He is very passionate, only he knows how to channel his emotions. Most of the time he is calm and he analyzes coolly, even in pressured situations. Only when his loved ones become involved does he lose control of his emotions and subservient to them.
In its negative aspect, violet symbolizes the abuse of power and who is distinguished by purple, besides Lelouch? His father who is a full-fledged tyrant.
Britannia is distinguished by the color white and white symbolizes the divine. It is the color of the gods and royalty, of absolutist monarchies, to be exact.
White as opposed to black symbolizes what we are all thinking: the eternal fight of good against evil. The angels are always attired in white robes and have white wings while the demons have black wings. Although the interesting thing about Code Geass is that it inverts those values since the Britannia (the whites) are the bad guys and the rebels (the blacks) are the good guys.
White recovers its positive values with Suzaku and Euphemia. Let's go with the second.
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White is the color that represents good. I had already said it. And it is, additionally, the color of integrity, honesty, transparency and purity. White shares all these connotations with blue. In fact, white and blue are the colors of spiritual virtues. Blue is the color of trust, friendship and sympathy. What does this tell us? That Suzaku is a boy with a noble and pure heart and a good friend.
White is the color of innocence and, curiously, blue is the color of the unreal, that is, of ideas that are far from being realized. It is the color of dreamers and fantasy! Is this a subtle sign that Suzaku is some poor self-deluded idealist? Maybe.
White symbolizes mourning (in oriental countries and don't be surprised by this fact either, but Suzaku is Japanese). Like Lelouch, Suzaku also has a hard time saying goodbye to loved ones who leave this earthly plane.
On the other hand, blue represents the calm, the passive and the introverted. It is the color of longing and peace. Suzaku longs for a world of peace. He tries to leave violence as a last resort, before opting for peaceful ways when dealing with conflicts.
Blue connotes sadness and loneliness. Suzaku is a melancholic and withdrawn type. Note that he doesn't tend to socialize. He is more comfortable closed in on himself, in his comfort zone. I remind you that when he entered Ashford Academy he didn't try to make friends and everyone teased him until he demonstrated his bravery by saving Lelouch from falling. He didn't try to bond with the rest of the Knights of Round either, rather, it seemed that Gino adopted him just like Anya [normally, extroverts adopt introverts]. As he drowns in his problems, he isolates himself more and more from the people who love him and the rest of the world.
Speaking of melancholy, he had mentioned that it symbolized the union of yellow with black. Yellow combined with white connotes weakness and fear. Suzaku's fear of the dark side of him. Deep down, he is just as pragmatic and selfish as Lelouch, but he is terrified to admit it. His weakness to accept his true self and his reality.
By the way, yellow, in its negative aspect, symbolizes lying and both Suzaku and Lelouch are skilled liars. It's a very contradictory and fickle color (it radically changes meaning when paired with another color) and Suzaku and Lelouch are full of contradictions. That is what makes them so human. Likewise, yellow is the color of traitors and Lelouch and Suzaku have betrayed their loyalties for different reasons.
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All the positive meanings of white that I highlighted in the previous slide with Suzaku apply to Euphemia, so I'll move on to talking about pink.
Pink is the color of charm, courtesy, sensitivity, delicacy, tenderness. In short, all the qualities considered typically feminine and that Euphemia possesses. I don't think I need to justify myself or provide examples.
Pink is the color of illusions and dreams and, in that sense, it reminds me of blue. Let's not forget that the dream of a peaceful world is inherited by Suzaku from Euphemia (she is an idealist at heart). Although she was aware of the evil that afflicted the Elevens and the grudge that Lelouch harbored in her heart, she was simplistic. We could say that Euphemia had a rosy vision of life (a good and insightful person, but a lousy politician without the necessary cunning and pragmatism). I reiterate that white is the color of innocence and pink is the result of mixing red (which is the color of love and Euphemia has plenty of love) and white.
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White is also the color of neutrality and if there is a neutral character in Code Geass is C.C.
Perceive that C.C. is the only member of the Black Knights who wears a white uniform which I had already said is the color of the enemy, which is weird, but makes sense (let's just say she's really only true to herself). She also has a black uniform with the Black Knights symbol on her chest. She adopts black because of her alignment with Lelouch, but it's not like she really takes a stand on the rebellion. She is there for personal reasons that are neglected in the political context.
Green is the other color that predominates in it. Green symbolizes balance and consciousness. Whenever Lelouch is about to collapse, C.C., who is the voice of reason, is there to bring him back to earth (she did better in the first season, let's be honest). Green is the color of intermediate and impartiality, par excellence. In itself it is neither good nor bad. As C.C.
Green is the color of youth and immaturity. Due to the Geass, C.C. has earned eternal youth and, at certain moments, she behaves like a carefree teenager who doesn't measure the consequences of her actions (yes, I mean the scenes of her in Ashford and her interactions with the Black Knights ). In contrast, yellow is the color of maturity and C.C.'s eyes are amber. So many years of experience have given him a few kilos of wisdom. For me, C.C. part of the archetype of the mystical Greek goddess Hestia, the one who is young and old at the same time.
Yellow is the color of security, confidence and tranquility. In her role as her confidante, C.C. has known how to bring these sensations to Lelouch.
Green is the color of otherness (the strange). What color do monsters, aliens, witches and demons paint? Green. C.C. is the only Code Geass character with green hair. She manages to stand out in the sea of characters because of her looks (she has to, she's a witch).
Green symbolizes freedom. Because of her immortality, C.C. feels prey to this existential plane. She is wandering aimlessly through the flow of time that seems endless. At the end of her journey, she manages to free herself from those ties and learns to feel good about herself, renewing her will to live. Let's not forget that, although she wanted to die, she needed to live first because she had not really lived her life. Green is also the color of life and bitterness. At first, she was frustrated. She did not fulfill her wish to be loved and was forced to live an immortal life that she did not want.
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Like C.C., Kallen takes on black after bonding with Zero; but it is indisputable that Kallen's color is red.
Red is the color of emotions and passions. Good and bad. Our face turns red with shame, anger, shyness, love (in fact, Kallen is the character who has blushed the most in the series for different reasons). It is the color of love and hate. Kallen loves her family, her friends, and Lelouch as much as she hates Britannia. She is the most emotional character in the series. I also think that she is the most impulsive and that's why: she gets carried away by her emotions.
Just as red has a natural alignment with black (Lelouch), she has a natural opposition with the passive soft blue and innocent white (Suzaku). Red symbolizes strength, courage and aggressiveness. Kallen's fighting style is aggressive, both in hand-to-hand combat and in a fight between Knightmares. Unlike Suzaku, she's not going to give you a chance to give up, she's going to kick your ass openly. She goes without saying that her two greatest virtues are her bravery and her strength (and I would add her poise).
Red is the color of fire and Kallen is a burning flame. If you approach sparingly, she keeps you warm. If you approach carelessly, you can get burned. She is warm and, at the same time, hot-tempered.
Red is the color of danger, violence and the forbidden. It is associated with the revolution. This reminds us of the meanings of black that we had reviewed with Lelouch. Kallen follows Lelouch and doesn't question him because they share his methods, his goals, and his beliefs. Do you see why black and red get along so well? Both are rebels by nature.
Red is the color of allure, and Kallen is the most sex-appealing girl at Ashford Academy. I'm not saying it, all the boys who wanted a kiss from her.
Red is the color of war and anger. Paradoxically, it is the color of freedom and justice, which are the two things that Kallen wants and demands for her people. Like white, red is a political color.
Kallen also wears pink (which results from the combination of red and white) and I think it brings out the softer, more youthful and sweet side of her.
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To finish, I leave you with this curious fact. Let's see how much of you have noticed…
Throughout the series, Lelouch and Suzaku wear black and white respectively (I'll open a parenthesis for clarification: only Zero's cape is black, but, if you look closely, in R1 his suit is a darker violet than in R2 and I It seems that the modification is in line with his change, since in R1 we have the meanest and most vile Lelouch and in R2 we have the most self-sacrificing and noble Lelouch). By the time the series is winding down, Lelouch and Suzaku are reversed and now Lelouch wears white, posing as the Emperor of Britannia, and Suzaku dresses in black, reaffirming himself as Knight of Zero.
What does this mean?
It means that Lelouch and Suzaku have exchanged targets.
Lelouch, who wanted to destroy Britannia, is going to change it from within as the Emperor himself.
Suzaku, who wanted to change Britannia, is going to liberate the world by destroying the tyrant who oppresses it as Zero.
All in favor of the same purpose: to build a friendly world and establish an era of peace. Everything was thrown in our faces through the symbology of color before the meaning of the Zero Requiem was revealed in the final episode and we didn't realize it. [In addition, I think it is also a way of externalizing the final transformation that these characters have experienced at the end of their inner journey].
Were the colors chosen randomly without any special motivation? No symbols in Code Geass? Ha ha ha! Look how the cows fly!
This is as far as this analysis ends. They let me know if they knew this information. I hope you liked it a lot. I invite you to tell me in comments what you think and what is your favorite color.
I have two (I can't decide): the black and the pink. [Nobody cares to know, but I'll leave it there].
We will be reading, God willing and if not, too. To hell!
Greetings and thanks for reading.
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