#He quickly wishes he could just disown all of them
ghostly-wisteria-tea · 4 months
Joke/Crack Headcannon
One of the reason MCU Khonshu refuses to officially address 616 Marc or 616 Badr as "sons", is because by the Traditional Ennead law of his universe, he will have to pay what is essentially child support covering their entire lives, allowance, medical/hospital bills, living conditions and funeral.
He calls himself their boss, never father simply to avoid the taxes. Because even a god can't avoid taxes, the Egyptian pantheon is bureaucratic like that.
MCU Khonshu is also broke to the bone AND has a gambling addiction, as well as impulsive buying on food. He can barely pay to take care of himself, keeps getting gigs just to buy food and would occasionally eat from the dumpster. He can't afford to take care of 2 fully grown adults he ended up "inheriting" from his 616 counterparts.
MCU Khonshu also recognizes Steven and Jake as separate people and a package deal with Marc. So, for him, it would be 4 fully grown adults. 3 of which share a body. Steven and Jake have their own lives, so they are to be paid equally with Marc.
I did my research and in a general term, one kid will have to be paid 400 USD a month. So, with 4 "kids" that would be 1,600 USD a month. With interest due to how overdo it is, and the missing birthday gifts for all of them.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Can I request
Hobie x fem reader
The reader tries to keep Hobie a secret from her toxic family but Hobie ended up meeting them.
Thank you ❤️
Family Business
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Hobie x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, toxic family, angst, Hobit is a flirty bastard..., a bit of insecurity, Hobie tries to help you rebel cause that's what he does..., Mr. Hobart Brown is now a life coach...
A/N: I'm with you on this one, I wouldn't want him to meet some of my family. This became a lot longer than anticipated...
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Sometimes it was a little exhausting keeping Hobie from your family. You tried not to be around your family at all, but sometimes it was unavoidable.
"Hey, Hobie?" You walk into the kitchen where Hobie was making lunch. You wring your hands anxiously. "My family is coming over so... Could you not be in the apartment tomorrow? I'm sorry its such late notice..."
"Oh?" He questions, turning to face you. "What's the occasion?" A wide grin pulling at his lip, eyes sparkling. He's never met your family, he finds himself intrigued by them though. Are they really that bad? "Sure. I'll find something to do." Hobie shrugs, it must be important if you're asking him to leave.
"They just decided they wanted to pop in. I just found out and they'll be here tomorrow afternoon." You sigh, a bit relieved that he was so understanding. "I'm really sorry."
"It's no big deal." Hobie reassures you with a smile. "Do they give you trouble or something?" He raises an eyebrow, concerned.
"Ah, well, yes..." You shrug lightly. "Mostly if they saw you, it'd be a whole thing." You make 'blow up' gestures.
"Oh, like a 'No Boys, Ever!' kina thing?" He asks, a bit of sarcasm in his tone. He chuckles a little, glancing down at you.
"No. No." You shake your head and frown slightly. "More of a 'why are you with this gorgeous man, you must be paying him' kinda thing and then it'll blow up, and..."
"Are you saying I'm too good looking for you?" Hobie queries, nudging your shoulder.
"You were a runway model, so yeah."
"Hey, I had to pay my rent somehow. They'll be up in your business about it, huh? I can handle that. No need for me to leave unless it'll make things harder for you."
"Believe me, once they see you and start asking questions, you'll wish you hadn't stayed."
"You can't be serious... They're not that shallow and superficial, are they?"
"Dead serious."
"Do you usually let them pressure you into doing things their way? Because if so, I think this is the perfect time for you to draw a hard line and not bend to their will. It could be good for you."
"I don't follow their rules anymore since I don't live with them, but if they knew that..."
"Would they disown you?"
"No. They'd keep me from seeing the family I actually do want to be around. If they knew about you, well... Are you prepared for them to accuse you of being in it for money? For only being here because I'm paying you?"
The words hit Hobie like a slap to the face, his eyes go wide as he absorbs what you've said. That's their first reaction? Why? What kind of family would ever consider saying something like that?
"So what... They think you're alone...? Single and celibate?"
"Uh... Yeah, yep." You confirm.
He's at a loss for words. This is... absurd. There are no words to describe how Hobie feels right now. How he feels about your parents, the situation you're in.
"You're family is f-" He starts, but quickly corrects himself. "Insane."
"Say it with your chest." Encouraging him to say whatever he wants.
He doesn't want to upset you, but this... this doesn't sit right with him. "Your parents are fucking crazy." He utters, glaring at the ceiling. His anger only seems to grow. "How could someone like you come from that? Who do they think they are controlling you? Dictating who you date, who you sleep with, if you can live your like freely? Have you ever thought about cutting them out of your life?"
"Pure luck?" You jest, trying to cheer him up with a joke to his first question. "I've thought about cutting them off, but that'll cut ties with family I do want to see."
Hobie snorts at your little joke, but he loses the small smile as you continued. "Still. You shouldn't have to do that. I mean, do you let them dictate the rest of your life? The way you look, they way you act, who you love?"
"Considering you're here... Absolutely not, but under no circumstances am I putting you in their line of fire." You answer quickly, shaking your head slightly.
"I can handle it." He replies with a shrug. He says that, but you know the thought of being in front of your family makes him uncomfortable. He was ready to do it for you though. That alone speaks volumes about how far he'd go to help you. "Your family can't keep getting away with controlling your life like this... What are you going to do? Just let them push you around for the rest of your life? Let them manipulate you into doing whatever they want?"
"What will pushing back accomplish? It'll cut me off from family."
"How is doing nothing better? You're just letting them walk all over you and control you like a puppet! Don't you want your life back?"
"It's not that simple."
"Life is never easy. Some people are luck, but others - like us- are born into difficult circumstances. But that doesn't mean we have to let the hardships stop us from living. Maybe it's not simple. Maybe it means making difficult decisions, taking a stand, or fighting for what we want. But we can do that - we have to."
It'd been a month or so since that night, but you'd blocked your parents on everything. Now you felt more comfortable sharing your personal life, and Hobie. You had fought like hell to get to this point, but you did it. It was one hell of a victory to win and you celebrated.
At first you took your freedom for granted, maybe you still do. No matter what, you knew there was no going back. You were free and planned to stay that way.
You wandered together beneath the hot London sun, through the concessions during a Spider-Man festival, you found it a bit humorous since the man behind the mask was holding your hand. Hobie's mood is contagious, you find yourself smiling as well. How could you not? Everything is so energetic, everyone is so excited and in good spirits, ready to have a good time.
"Do you ever feel weird about all this?" You ask as you weave through the throngs of people. "People throwing festivals and stuff in your honor but having no clue it's you?"
"Honestly?" He answers with a soft laugh. "Sometimes, yeah. I never really get used to it. People are obsessed with Spider-Man, so when they start acting like complete geeks over him, it makes me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone or something. I'd never complain about it though." He wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling your back against his chest as you stand in line. "Especially if it means seeing you smile like this..."
"Cheesy bastard..." You huff playfully, wrapping your hands around his forearms.
"Damn right I am." He cackles, pulling you closer. "Admit it! You love my lame puns and bad one-liners. You can't get enough of them!" He dips his head down and kisses you, lingering for a moment. He's not done flattering you though. "See? You're addicted to me..."
You laugh, opening your mouth to start denying everything. "Y/N?" You hear a familiar voice call and you freeze. Hobie pulls his head back, immediately picking up on your discomfort. He pulls you impossibly closer, searching for the source of your anxiety. He finally spots it. A stranger, well to him at least.
"Do you know her?" He whispers, still holding you close.
"That's my mom..." You mumble. You turn away from her, hoping she didn't see you.
"What do you think she wants?" He asks in a rushed whisper. "How do we deal with this?"
"I wish you could turn invisible..." You mutter, trying to think of something.
Before Hobie even has a chance to think of a response, your mom is right in front of you. "Y/N!" She cries, pulling you out of Hobie's grasp and into a big hug. "You're so skinny! You're not eating enough, that explains why we haven't heard from you in weeks!" Her eyes flicker over to Hobie as she lets go. "Who the hell are you?"
"This is Hobie... My... um..." You try, but Hobie doesn't like labels. There's no word to really describe your relationship.
Hobie immediately picks up on your issue, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "We're together. An item..." He answers, a bit hesitant but firm.
"An item? You can't even tell me what your relationship actually is?" Your mom asks, smiling almost smugly. "So... She's paying you?"
"Paying me?" Hobie grits, looking at you before shooting your mother a glare. He's livid, grabbing your waist and pulling you back against him. He can't believe she'd say something so underhanded and insidious.
"Oh please." Your mother rolls her eyes. "Like you'd ever go for someone like my daughter without some sort of payment."
Hobie's anger nearly boils over; he's ready to get in your mother's face and start screaming. Instead, he takes a deep breath and speaks calmly, his voice dripping with sarcasm and spite. "What do you want from us, lady? An apology? An explanation? Because I'm not apologizing for loving your daughter and I don't owe you a damn thing."
"Loving my daughter?" Your mom laughs snidely. "Look at her. You could have anyone and you 'picked' her?"
Hobie's anger gives way to confusion as your mother's cruel words register. How could someone be so heartless? Who says something like that about their own child? As though you were some sort of object - an object that isn't worth any sort of love. "You have no idea what you're talking about so why don't you keep your mouth shut?"
"Excuse me?" Your mom glares daggers at Hobie.
"Did I stutter? Is your hearing okay?" Hobie snaps, his tone venomous. His jaw clenched with anger, he doesn't care what your mother thinks of him. He wants nothing more than to tear her apart, but he holds himself back. Refusing to stoop to her level.
Your mother huffs angrily and stomps away, you finally relax against Hobie's chest. "You didn't have to do that..."
"Yes, I did." He replies, frowning. He can still feel the residual anger and hatred radiating from him. "I'd do it a hundred times over if it meant protecting you. No one - and I mean no one - is going to talk to you that way while I'm alive. No one."
You turn in his arms, wrapping your own around his waist in a tight hug, hoping to relieve some of his anger. Hobie immediately accepts, pulling you closer. For a moment all he can do is hold you, breathing in the sweet smell of your hair. His grip tightens around you, his anger fading away. He rests his head against your head, eyes closing as he keep ahold of you.
"Did you mean what you said?" You mumble into his chest, your voice slightly muffled.
He goes still, pondering your question. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" His voice is calm and soft. "It's the truth. I won't let anyone treat you that way." Hobie kisses the top of your head, his voice filled with determination.
"Not that." You laugh, shaking your head. "You said you 'wouldn't apologize for loving me...' Did you mean it?"
"Oh. That." He pauses for a moment. "Um... Yeah. I meant it."
"That's good." You nod thoughtfully. Hobie seems a bit anxious, waiting for you to reciprocate. "I love you too."
After a few seconds, a smile breaks out on his face. He leans down and presses his lips to yours - a gentle show of affection.
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defbotboy · 6 months
Hidden Markings
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“Take off your shirt.” You slammed the door to Getou’s room and stood blocking the way to the entrance with your hands on your hips.
He was used to this by now.
Sighing, he looks at you warily and says, “Don’t barge into random people’s rooms demanding to see them shirtless Y/N. Weird rumours will start.”
“Shut up. I saw the tattoo peeking out when you reached for the curry at the table. I haven’t seen this before. You got a new tattoo and didn’t even tell me!”
“You little pervert. Peeking down shirts. I’m telling your mom.”
He hides a smile. You’ve always been a little weirdo since you both were small. He didn’t really mind it much anymore. It was…entertaining. You were amusing. That’s all. He tried to convince himself. Nothing more than a fascination with a weird little person who keeps trying to make him take his shirt off. He just also wished you’d try other strategies to get him out of his clothes. There is a much more effective way.
“If you tell my mom I’ll tell her it was you who took me to get my ears pierced. She’s still mad about it you know,” you say as you inch towards Getou. Hands outstretched and tugging at the hem of his black t-shirt.
How could he get a new tattoo and not tell you. Has going to college changed him? Does he not want to hang around highschool kiddies anymore, you wondered.
It made you feel smaller in his life. You had known each other since you were kids. He was a year older and your neighbour. You both had gotten close when your ever busy parents used to drop you off at his house when they were working and needed someone to take care of you.
Getou has his back turned away from you and was fiddling with the tiny clay cat on his tabletop (a childhood gift from you on his birthday) and was wondering how a cat could look so hideous for what was not the first time when he felt you sliding his t-shirt up.
Quickly swatting your hands away, he turns and raises a cheeky eyebrow. It’s really not that he minds you doing this, he just likes seeing you lose your mind after not being allowed to do something.
You also looked delectable when you were pouting and he wouldn’t miss out on a chance to see it after being away from home for so long because of college.
As he predicted, a most beautiful cross between a scowl and a pout takes over your features and he resists the urge to reach over and squish your face in his hand.
Instead he grins and says, “Aren’t you eighteen now? You can get a tattoo legally speaking you know. That way you can just peek down your own shirt with minimal risk for a sexual harassment suit.”
You snort.
“What does turning eighteen have anything to do with it? It was perfectly legal for me to get piercings and my mom still flipped out when I got them. If I get a tattoo she just might disown me.”
You inch closer to Getou once more, hands outstretched comically. He reaches out and traps them between his own and twists them so that you’re now trapped between his chest and arms with your hands still bound by his.
You look up to see him grinning down and you roll your eyes. All attempts to leave the hold is useless as you thrash around. His arms envelop you firmly but it almost upsets you how you seem to not mind it. You need to get out of it before you start losing your mind for real. There are thoughts in territories you’ve strictly barred yourself from entering that are now emerging once again as you feel his warmth spread through you.
You look up at him once more. You lower your voice and say, “Getou.”
He stops grinning at the tone of your voice and looks down. You look serious. He wonders if you can hear his heart thudding against his chest. You motion him to bring his face down. He does.
You twist yourself in the little space he’s allowed you and reach on your tiptoes to meet the shell of his ear.
Your breath burns his ears and you can see it turning red. You smile and whisper, “If you don’t let me go now, I’ll use the forbidden move and knee you straight in your dick.”
You felt his grip slacken and grinned triumphantly. But it was a hasty victory celebration.
His grip loosened and his hands came to rest on your waist from behind.
Your face was now on fire.
Getou threw you onto his bed and you felt your head slam into the soft mattress.
“You asshole,” you spat out in between giggling. Throwing a pillow at him, you got yourself up on your elbows.
He was laughing now, you had the overwhelming urge to reach over and throw yourself over him again.
Behave yourself, you admonish yourself and bite your lower lip in protest against the myriad of sinful thoughts occupying you.
Did he get broader? You don’t remember his shoulders looking that…
The hold on your lower lip tightened. Getou seems to be transfixed by it.
Something inside him snaps when he sees the look in your eyes as you take him in with your lower lip caught between your teeth. He wants to take your lips between his too.
He places one knee on the bed and leans forward. You don’t stop him as he reaches his hand towards your lips and slowly traces it with his long callused fingers. Your eyes shut and Getou takes that as permission.
He leans and softly, as if still testing the water, presses his lips against yours. You lift your arms and bring it to his shoulders, running one hand through the back of his hair and letting the other rest on his back.
He breaks away. You reluctantly open your eyes. It feels embarrassing to meet his hot gaze.
So, you turn away from it. Choosing to run your hand underneath his t-shirt. You can see the lines of his tattoo begin near the back of his neck and you lightly scratch at it with your nail. He was a work of art.
Getou makes a strangled noise at your actions. Your heart drops when he stops your hand.
Does he not like it when I touch him?
He sees the look on your face and he leans in once again and kisses you reassuringly. Breaking away he says, “Relax. I only stopped to fulfill your freaky fantasies.”
You can feel the heat spread down to your neck as he grins at you wickedly.
And he does what you asked of him. He takes his shirt off.
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s1ckh1mb0 · 6 months
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Cw// homophobia, internalized homophobia
Reiner hurt to comfort?/fluff for male readers<3
Your heart broke whenever Cowboy! Reiner cried. He was your world, your everything, the reason why you could stay home and do as you please because he got up everyday to work with his friends on their farm to make money. And now he’s sitting here breaking down in front them.
You were immediately worried and quickly called him over. He left Annie and Bert’s side to run over to the side of the fence you were on. You immediately wrapped your arms around him and without thinking twice he broke down in your arms. “Shh shh doll. Hey what’s goin on?” And the culprit for this was none other than his wretched family. You never got along with them. They treated Reiner like an outsider ever since his teen years when he was outed as gay by his ex friend. They were basically your opps and as long as you lived you were gonna be the bane of their existence.
You gently guided Reiner over to you guys shared home. Bringing him to the living room and letting him rest his head on your lap “Rei baby what happened?” He could barely speak as he sobbed in your lap. Reiner by no means was an emotional man. He knew how to take things well. But when he was upset that shit was major. This was one of those times. You knew he needed some time so you didn’t rush him to speak. Running your hand through his dirty blonde hair, using you thumb to caress right where his undercut started. “S’ okay Rei, take your time okay? M’ here. We got all night.”
He felt weak in the moment. He didn’t want you to sit here worrying about him. You were both grown as men he should be able to take care of himself. When his cries started to slow down he looked up at you. “They called again… I don’t know why I answered I just- I thought that they’d finally come around. But they really do hate me. Hate who I am.”
“What’d the say this time baby?”
“They disowned me…”
Your eyes widened in shock. Not because of what they did but because they did now of all times. You two were days away from getting married and now they chose to just act like he wasn’t their family anymore.
“Are you shittin me?”
“I just don’t understand how. Maybe they were right. Maybe it is something wrong with me. With this.”
“What? Rei what are you-?” Just by the look in his eyes you could tell what he meant. It was the same look he had when you to were kids and he used to say he wished you were a girl so he could like you. He was starting to doubt himself. This was the main reason you hated his family. They had such a shitty affect on him. They made him fear what he was. As if he was some type of monster. “Hey, look at me okay?” Reiner couldn’t bring himself to do it at first. He felt physically disgusted with himself in the moment. It wasn’t until he felt your warm hand pressed against his dirt covered cheek and tilted his head to let his gaze meet yours.
You were always so soft with him. He loved that so fucking much about you. You never hated him or yelled at him when he would start to revert to his self hatred ways. In his eyes he truly didn’t deserve you. You deserved a real man. One who wasn’t as fucked as him. “I just thought…maybe if I straight they would love me. I could be their son and not their disappointment. Why couldn’t they just be there for me? Am I really that bad to be around because of who I am?”
You could feel the tears well up in your eyes. Who could make their own child feel this way? “Reiner I want you to listen to me okay? I love you more than fucking anything in the world. You are the best fiancé any man could ever ask for ya hear me? And you were an even better son to them than they deserved. Never in any way do you deserve the treatment they give you.”
“But mayb-”
“No, no maybe Reiner. We are going to be husbands. You make me happy. When you were with your family you would come to my place in shambles because of how badly they treated you. But now look at you. You’re in a better place than any of them and they can see that and they just wanna hurt you in any way they can now.”
Reiner hated that you were right. You always were when it came to his family. He was so blinded by wanting to make his family proud of him that he was willing to tear himself down. But you never allowed him and god was he thankful for that.
“I don’t know how you put up with me doll.”
You chuckled as he sat up and pressed his lips against yours. “I love you rei okay?” “Mm, love you too baby.”
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trohpi · 2 months
@regulily-microfic • july 13: time • 824 words
cross-posted on ao3
Regulus fiddles with the Lego in his hand, staring fixedly at the half-finished Millennium Falcon on the coffee table, illuminated only by the fairy lights Lily brought with her when she moved in. His eyes droop, anxiety pressing in on the outskirts of his mind and keeping desperately needed sleep away. The ungodly early time blinks at him from the oven display, taunting Regulus from the kitchen.
He wishes he could sleep, he really does. He just can’t stop thinking. So much is happening tomorrow, so many things will change—
Regulus blinks. Lily is standing in the hall entrance, the throw from their bed wrapped around her shoulders. Her hair is sleep-mussed, auburn curls frizzy where they frame her face. She rubs at her eye, suppressing a yawn.
“Did I wake you?” Regulus sets the Lego down with a click against the wood, his voice nearly a whisper. “I’m sorry, you should go back to bed—”
Lily shuffles over to the coffee table, plopping down on the floor next to him and nudging him with her shoulder. “No, shut up. I’m awake now.”
She ignores him, blinking quickly to rid the sleep from her eyes. “So, what step are we on?”
Regulus sighs in defeat and hands her the pamphlet with the instructions, and they get to work, slowly piecing together the Millennium Falcon shoulder to shoulder like a well-oiled machine.
This isn’t new. They’ve done this many nights, have been doing this for years. It started when he was sixteen. Those first few months after Lily and her parents took him in following his transphobic mother’s disownment, he could barely sleep. More often than not, he’d wake in a cold sweat with tears in his eyes, memories and nightmares alike haunting him. It was Lily’s dad who started buying him Legos. ‘Something to keep your mind busy,’ he had said.
And Ciarán Evans is a brilliant, brilliant man, because it worked. The tedium and concentration keeps his mind occupied and hands busy, letting him build and build until finally, he can sleep. Lily helps, too. She insists on joining him on nights like this, keeping him company while she helps him work on whichever new set he’s started. He has fewer nightmares now, seven years later, but whenever he does, well. He has his Legos, and he has his Lily.
She’s quiet where she sits next to him, sticking two grey bricks together with a soft click. She hasn’t spoken a word, hasn’t even acknowledged the fact that Regulus should be in bed, tonight most especially. He’s having surgery tomorrow for Christ’s sake, she should be reprimanding him. He knows that she won’t. Lily always waits until he breaks the silence, lets him decide whether he wants to at all. Regulus loves her even more for it.
A beat. Maybe two. “I don’t know why I’m scared.”
Lily hums in acknowledgment, eyes still glued on the model before them. Regulus sighs shakily and sets down the pieces in his hands. “I’ve wanted top surgery forever, you know? I need it, really. I just…”
“Maybe that’s why you’re scared,” Lily offers. “Maybe you’re scared of the possibility that something will change in a bad way, that this magical idea you have of how everything will go won’t happen.”
He swallows, drumming his fingers on the table. “Maybe. I just feel stupid.”
“Regulus,” she says, finally turning to look at him. Her eyes are bright and determined, and his breath catches at the sight. “You’ve never done well with change, you’re not stupid.”
“I know, but—”
“Nope, no buts. Do you really think I wouldn’t tell you if you were being stupid? Because I love you, but I would.”
Regulus huffs a laugh, leaning his head on her shoulder. “I know you would. S’why I love you so much.”
“Regulus Black being sappy? The world must have ended.”
“Oh, fuck off,” he says, nudging his girlfriend’s shoulder with his own. She chuckles, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. Regulus sighs softly, eyes fluttering shut.
Lily presses a little kiss to the top of his head. “Think you can sleep now?”
“Mm, yeah, probably.”
“Good.” She sits up, disrupting their impromptu cuddle. “Because you need to sleep. You have surgery tomorrow at ten, and look at the time—”
“I was wondering when you would go mother hen on me,” he says with a small smile, and Lily rolls her eyes fondly.
“Worrying for your health is not mother henning.”
“Of course, dear.”
She scoffs lightly and stands, offering her hand to Regulus and pulling him to his feet. Before he can do anything else, Lily tugs him into a tight hug, a hand cupping the back of his neck and pulling him close. He buries his face in her hair, eyes fluttering shut.
Lily kisses him on the head again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, despite your mother henning.”
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mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
Let It Out
Scott Summers x reader
Main Masterlist Requests
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(2.3k words)
“God, what the hell is wrong with you?” you yelled. You just came back from a mission with the X-Men. The mission was successful but that didn’t stop you and Scott from arguing about anything the other one did. “Was it really necessary to cover me in dirt and dust?”
“Well maybe if you were paying attention, that wouldn’t have happened,” Scott egotistically replied.
During the mission, a piece of rubble was about to fall on you, but Scott used his lasers to break it and stop it from hitting you, incinerating the rubble on top of your head. This resulted in you getting covered in the dirty debris.
Admittedly, this argument was petty and stupid. He saved you, you know it, but you were never one to miss the chance to argue.
“I was paying attention,” you indignantly argued.
Scott rolled his eyes, “Sure you did. It’s okay, I don’t mind saving a damsel in distress.”
Angered, you got into Scott’s face, “Let’s go outside and we’ll see who’s a damsel.”
“That’s enough, you two. I will not have a fist fight among my students,” the Professor got between you. “Maybe you guys should put whatever it is you two have going behind you and get along.”
“It’s impossible to get along with an egotistical jerk who thinks he’s better than you,” you huffed. “Seriously, you don’t have to tell me everytime I do something wrong. I already agonize over it enough myself.”
You walked off, done with the conversation. Anytime you did anything wrong on missions, Scott was always the first to criticize you on it. It probably wouldn’t have bothered you so much if you weren’t already insecure about your place in the X-Men. You were the newest member of the team and you had less experience than everyone else did with your mutation.
About a year ago, you were walking home from a friend's house. A couple of guys from your school had cornered you. Before they could do whatever they had planned for you, you had pushed them away with your hands and accidentally launched them into the building behind them. 
Your mutation allows you to manipulate vibrations. The Professor found you after your family had disowned you and brought you to the mansion. Since, he’s helped you control your mutation and helped you become stronger.
“You know, she’s never going to be your friend if you do that all the time,” Jean softly offered advice.
“I don’t want to be her friend,” Scott snapped at her.
“Right because you want to be more,” Peter smirked.
“I don’t want to be her anything. Same as you guys, I just don’t want her to get hurt,” Scott sighed, annoyed.
“You’re cute, when you’re in denial. I’m a mind reader, you can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me,” Jean pat his shoulder before leaving too.
Everyone except for you seemed to be privy to the way he felt about you, much to Scott’s chagrin. Eventually he made his way to his room to sulk for the rest of the night.
You on the other hand, made your way to the Danger Room to get some training in. The only way for your brain to shut up about all your insecurities was to train them away. After a few hours of training alone you felt better. All of your frustrations toward Scott washed away.
You were still in your training outfit, but didn’t care as you made your way to the kitchen for a snack before you showered. The sports bra and shorts you were wearing were more revealing than you would have liked to be seen in so you wanted to get your food and leave as quickly as possible.
You grabbed a packet of popcorn off the shelf and put it in the microwave. You turned around and was surprised to see Scott walking into the kitchen too. He was looking down so he most likely didn’t notice you.
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat, so Scott would look at you. “You almost bumped into me.”
“Shit, you scared the fuck out of me,” he jumped. He stared at you and you wished more than anything that you could see his eyes to know what he was staring at. You crossed your arms over yourself feeling insecure under his scrutinizing gaze.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, to break the silence.
Scott seemed to snap out of his thoughts and smirked at you, “Taking in the view.”
The microwave beeped behind you, thankfully. You turned around to get your popcorn and to hide the blush on your face. Scott Summers did not just make you blush.
“Pervert,” you muttered. You poured your popcorn into a bowl before turning around again. Scott was staring at the floor now, seemingly deep in thought. Of what, you did not care.
You tried to walk away but Scott grabbed your arm, preventing your escape.
“What the hell do you want, Summers?” you asked aggressively. Scott has never touched you before outside of training or mission, so you were wary of him now.
Frustrated, Scott ran his hand through his hair. You tried not to let your eyes linger on the motion.
“Why do you have to be such a bitch? I was g-going to,” Scott stuttered before he snapped his mouth shut.
Scott wanted to apologize to you. He realized that you might think his criticism was always said to put you down. That you might not know that he doesn’t want to see you get hurt and that he wouldn’t be able to handle the day you stop arguing with him.
“Going to, what?” you asked.
“Doesn’t matter. Nevermind.” Scott sighed, letting you go.
He’s acting weird, weirder than usual with you, and you didn’t know what to do. Concerned, you placed your hand on Scott’s arm, asking, “Are you alright?”
Scott harshly shook your arm off, tersely replying “I’m fine.”
“Well sorry for asking then,” you replied, a little offended. This whole conversation was confusing you, making you feel like you’re suffocating.
You flee from the kitchen, going back to your room for the night. Scott remains in the kitchen, cursing himself for his lack of social prowess and expressing his feelings.
For the next few days, Scott avoids you like the plague. When you join everyone on the couches, he’s the first to get up and leave. He sits as far away from you as he can during dinner. He’s even stopped criticizing you during training.
It was an odd feeling. The lack of Scott’s annoying voice should have offered you peace. It should have made you feel better that someone wasn’t analyzing your fighting technique, waiting to tell you everything wrong with it. The entire week, you waited for Scott to pay attention to anything you did, but his attention never came. It made you feel unsettled.
There was a knock at your door, Jean yelling, “Mission in 20.”
You put on your mission clothes and made your way to the jet. Taking your seat and buckling your seatbelt, you waited for the debriefing.
“It’s a fire and rescue. 12 story office building. . .” the professor rattled on. It was a simple mission. People trapped in a building that the X-Men were supposed to help rescue.
You were finishing your search of one of the floors of the building, when you heard Jean’s voice in your head, “Building is clear of civilians, everyone get out as fast as you can.”
You would have listened to her if you could, but there was concrete blocking your only exit. You tried to use your mutation to break it but you were weak and tired. The ash burned as it coated your throat and lungs, making you cough wildly.
You could feel the panic seep its way into your brain but you tried to keep a level head. Logically, at least one person from your team had to notice you didn’t make it out. You tried and failed one last time to push away the concrete blocking your way.
“Professor! Jean!” you screamed as loud as you could, hoping someone heard you, telepathically or not.
With your lungs gasping for clean air, you sunk to the floor. Before you, there was a flash of red before Scott’s face showed up in your vision.
“Y/N,” he screamed for you, the sound ripped from his throat. He looked uninjured which brought you a bit of comfort as he made his way over to you.
Before either of you could do anything, a support beam collapsed between the two of you, separating you.
You felt like you were suffocating, not enough clean air making its way to your brain. Your whole body was vibrating, “Scott, I don’t feel right.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m going to get you out of here,” he replied, panting.
Neither of you commented that this was the first time you ever called him Scott instead of Summers and the first time he gave you such an endearing nickname.
You felt like you may explode so you did the only thing you could think to do. Scream.
“Scott!” you screamed. You let your voice out, probably damaging your vocal cords with how visceral and loud you were screaming. Next thing you know, everything goes black.
Scott’s face was dirty, filled with scratches and scrapes. But he didn’t care to wash up or do anything until he knew you were okay. He explained to the professor what happened and thanked Jean for saving the both of them.
Sitting on the floor outside the clinic, this past week washed over Scott. How fucking stupid he was to ignore you all week. He wished more than anything that he just told you how he felt in the kitchen and wished he wasn’t so hard on you all the time.
The door next to him opened and closed, making Scott stand up. Hank stood in front of him, “She’s awake and okay. A little bruised and weak but that’s it. You can see her.”
“Thanks,” Scott muttered walking into the room.
You sat in a hospital bed, wincing anytime you moved. Hank filled you in on what happened. Scott had helped Jean find you and get you out of the building. It turns out your voice was a secret weapon you didn’t know you had. Manipulating vibrations with your hands was one thing, but your voice was an entirely other thing.
The door opened, stirring you from your deprecating thoughts, Scott standing in the doorway. His face is covered in scratches that he didn’t have the last time you saw him. Your bad thoughts come back in an instant, bringing silent tears to your eyes.
Scott sits on the edge of the bed next to you. Shyly he gives you a small, “Hi.”
“Did I do that?” you ask, your voice scratchy from overuse.  You bring your hands to his face but he softly takes your hand in his bringing it to his chest.
“It’s okay,” he replies instead of answering you.
Your chin wobbles as the tears in your eyes start to fall. You wipe them away with your free hand, before staring at the wall behind Scott, “Why are you here?”
“I had to make sure you were okay,” Scott replies.
“Why would you care if I’m okay? You’re probably here to tell me how stupid I am for getting trapped. Or yell at me for accidentally hurting you. You never fail to tell me what I do wrong every mission,” you let your thoughts slip past your mouth.
There was a small voice in your head that wanted Scott to be telling the truth, that he cared for you. But there was another insecure voice, asking you why would he care about you?
“God, I’m so stupid. Let me explain,” Scott begged. He continued after your silence. “I never wanted you to feel weak. The only reason I harp on you so much during training and missions is because I never want to see you get hurt. I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, especially in a fight, but you mean so much to me that I always want to know if you’re safe.”
“But you’re always arguing with me,” you whispered. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Well, you are pretty hot when you get all angry at me,” Scott smirked.
You giggled and went to softly slap Scott but he caught your hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.
“If you let me, I promise I will make up every single comment and argument. I’ll even let you practice your new-found powers on me,” Scott smiled at you.
His face was pleading for you to agree and how could you tell him no.
“I’ll forgive you. On one condition,” you teased. He excitedly nodded his head. “You have to say, ‘Y/n is the best X-Women to ever exist and could beat my ass if they wanted to.’”
Right away, Scott recited, “Y/n is the best X-Women to ever exist and could beat my ass if they wanted to. They also really really want to kiss Scott Summers because he is very handsome.”
You laughed again, “Who said you were handsome?” But who are you kidding, he was to die for.
“So you’re not denying that you want to kiss me,” he smirked again. God, this man was going to drive you crazy.
Instead of answering, you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Before it could get too heated, you pulled away to speak. “You are very handsome, Scott Summers.”
He did a little triumphant fist bump in the air, smiling at you. And for a moment, you weren’t worried about the X-Men, or your new powers, or anything outside of you and Scott. You felt at peace.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
My Future in You | 1.1 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: minor smut, eventual accidental pregnancy, angst, drama etc etc, enemies to lovers if you wanna call it that, no major warnings in this chapter
“I’m sorry… you’re pregnant? - You’re in your second trimester and you’re just now telling us?” Paige frowns, lips parting, brows furrowed.
You shift awkwardly, nodding softly.
“And my parents kicked me out. And Ryan isn’t the dad.” Your roommates have begun to know Ryan well by this point, he’s been stopping by more and more. You see him almost every day at the moment.
“Well, then, who’s the dad?” Casey’s taking this better than the others, she has had her suspicions.
“Jake’s friend. His name is Bradley, he was here last Wednesday.”
“That guy? - I slept with him last September!” Emily gasps. All eyes turn towards her.
You wish you could say that the information surprised you. She gives you an almost apologetic look. You shrug. If you lost sleep over everyone that Bradley has hooked up with, you wouldn’t sleep until the baby’s born.
“Does Ryan know?” Paige asks gently. You quickly shake your head at her.
“No, but look,” You push yourself to your feet and lift your sweater. All three of their lips part in unison as they realise that this isn’t a prank. There’s certainly a roundness to your stomach, a structured curve starting to form. “I have to tell him. And since the last time someone found out, my parents disowned me - I figured I could use some practice.”
This probably wasn’t the best time to drop a bombshell on them. Paige’s boyfriend is on Jake’s team, you’re about to go to their game - you were offered a hard seltzer and now you’re here, telling them everything.
Your roommates take it better than expected. They’re most upset that you didn’t tell them sooner, especially about what had happened with your parents. But, they’re happy if you’re happy. You think you are. Most days recently you are.
You’re just terrified about telling Ryan.
He’s going to be there tonight. He’s a photographer part time, he takes pictures for a bunch of UVA events. Tonight included. Jake, Bradley, Ryan and all of your friends. At least you’ll have support if it blows up in your face.
You’re running kind of late - traffic - the team’s already out on the field when you arrive. Paige is hurrying you along to grab seats. You spot the number fourteen out on the field immediately, white lettering on the back of Bradley’s Navy coloured jersey. You almost trip as Paige tugs at your hand, head whipping around to look at her, wide eyed.
She apologises but continues hurrying. Your eyes land on Ryan, he’s standing at the bottom of the stands with a camera up to his eye.
“I’ll catch up. I just wanna say hi.” You wave Paige off, already making your way over to him. It’s cold, almost February already, you’re wearing a big coat. He’s seen you naked plenty over the course of the last month, but you’re starting to worry that he’s going to figure it out just by looking at you. You stop by his side. “Hey.”
“Hey, baby,” Ryan smiles warmly, already reaching out for you with one arm as his other hand holds his camera. Your cheeks fill with heat as he kisses your mouth. You can feel your friends watching your interaction with him. Knowing what they know. Knowing he has no idea at all. “How’s my girl doing?”
You smile sheepishly at him. Your heart aches. You want this to work out so bad.
“Good. I’m good.” You tell him, leaning forwards to brush a curl back off of his face. He grins at the affectionate gesture. “I was thinking that maybe you and I could go for dinner after the game. I have something that I wanted to tell you.”
Ryan’s smile doesn’t falter in the slightest. He has no reason to think that it might be bad news. Well, it isn’t bad news. It’s just that he might consider it to be bad news. You know that you would if you were in his shoes.
“I’d love to.”
You hum happily, leaning in and kissing his mouth sweetly. Ryan’s arm squeezes around your waist, holding you close against him.
Bradley rolls his neck as he watches the interaction, then shakes his head softly and turns back towards his team. Jake shoots him a look and shakes his head. Bradley nods.
They have an agreement that Bradley is going to behave or Jake is going to have to break his nose.
As much as Bradley isn’t a fan of the idea, he has to admit that he doesn’t find Ryan much of a threat. You like him because he’s a musician and he can talk about his feelings. Bradley was in piano lessons until his sophomore year of high school and therapy until his freshman year. He’s experienced with both.
He’s taller, stronger - probably not smarter but has a lot else to offer. Bradley’s certain that if he put his mind to it, he would be able to knock Ryan’s skinny ass out of the picture with impressive speed.
But, his agreement with Jake prevents him from doing so.
Besides, Bradley has been thinking about it more and more. The more he continues to stand between you and whoever you decide to date, the more you’ll be on his ass about some kind of commitment. The kid is a big enough commitment. Bradley doesn’t need you pestering him for a ring too.
So, Ryan can stay. For a while, at least. As much as Bradley doesn’t like it, this is probably the best case scenario in terms of you dating someone else.
“Bradshaw, are you listening to me?”
Bradley looks towards his quarterback and nods firmly. He needs a clear head for tonight’s game. That would be easier if you weren’t swapping saliva with your new boyfriend in the stands. He’s got to figure out how to get over how mad it makes him to see you kissing someone else.
You take your seat with your friends, sipping on a soda instead of beer like everyone else. Just like you’ve been doing for over two months. They have no idea how they didn’t figure it out before.
The game begins and Bradley thinks that he’s going to be just fine. He plays just as well as he always does. He dodges a tackle and breaks into a sprint down the field. He slams the ball down into the grass as he reaches the end zone, securing the game’s first touchdown at the sixteenth minute.
He turns, grinning and finds you in the stands. Your nose is scrunched amusedly as his team celebrates with him excitedly, your arms in the air. You’re cheering for him.
There’s a flash, Bradley almost misses it. Ryan captures a picture of the smile on Bradley’s face as he finds you in the crowd, and has no idea. His team continues in the lead well into the second half of the game. Jake screws up a pass and the other team makes a touchdown, but Bradley’s performance tonight is making up for it.
You know that Jake’s pissed off that he’s off his game. He storms off of the field the moment the game’s done. His team might’ve won, but Jake doesn’t feel like a victor. Bradley, however, stands back and talks with his coach, laughing for a few minutes. Tonight was one of his best plays of the season, everyone knows it.
He walks towards the stands, ready to hit the showers and celebrate his triumph back at the house.
“Hey, Bradshaw!”
Bradley turns, lips quirking up into a smile as he finds you standing by the steps. He nods his head in acknowledgement as you walk towards him.
“Not a bad show, for an Eagles fan.” You tease him.
“Probably first time you’ve seen your team win. Longhorn.” He answers. He grins at you, letting out a soft chuckle as he opens his arms and pulls you tight against his chest. Your arms slide around his waist, laughing softly.
“Gross, you’re so sweaty.” You complain, pushing at his abdomen for release. Bradley scoffs and holds you just as tight against him. He hums in agreement, tightening his hold.
“Get off of me, you’re so gross.” You laugh, pushing at his stomach.
“C’mon, Seresin, can’t pretend that you aren’t into it.” He lowers his voice to tease you, his nose brushing playfully against the top of your ear as you squirm in his arms. “Me, all shirtless and sweaty - you, batting your eyelashes and giggling like a kid with a crush. That’s how it goes with us, right?”
“You’re an idiot.” You scoff, still grinning as you manage to wriggle out of his arms, pretending to shiver in disgust. He smiles.
Ryan’s brows furrow slightly as he watches the exchange.
It’s awfully friendly for two people who supposedly share only one common interest. That being your brother. He watches Bradley notice his presence first. Bradley doesn’t make an effort to pretend that this is more innocent than it is, but he forces himself to smile politely and make room for your boyfriend to join the conversation.
“Ryan.” The word slips from your mouth, giving away how surprised you are to have seen him. Bradley tries his best not to look smug.
“Hey, baby.” Ryan wraps an arm around your waist and leans in to kiss you. Your cheeks burn as you kiss his mouth quickly. You can feel Bradley watching you. You glance back at Bradley as you pull back. His face doesn’t give anything away.
“Still want to get dinner?” Ryan asks.
“There’s a party happening at our place to celebrate. If you guys wanted to.” Bradley looks at Ryan as he offers.
You look between the two of them, then shift closer to Ryan.
“Maybe another time. You did great tonight, Bradley.”
Bradley nods his head gratefully. He smiles, “Alright. You two have fun.”
You can’t pretend that you aren’t surprised that he seems to be so okay with this. Bradley turns and heads for the showers, thinking back to his agreement with Jake and how serious it could possibly be.
He has broken his nose before, it wasn’t that bad. Watching that loser drape his arm around you is certifiably worse.
“Is there something going on between you and Bradley Bradshaw?” Ryan asks it as he’s sitting opposite you, trailing his fingers along the edge of his beer bottle, avoiding your gaze.
Your brows furrow seriously, eyes going wide, “Me and - no, no. No. He’s just a friend.”
“You two seemed pretty close tonight.” Ryan explains, biting his cheek as he finally lifts his gaze to look at you. Now’s your chance to tell him. We’re only close because we’re having a baby together.
You can see it in his face that he’s insecure about what he saw between you and Bradley.
If you tell him that not only have the two of you had sex, but that you’re pregnant with Bradley’s baby, you can tell that it’s going to hurt him. It’s going to be worse if you don’t.
“He’s just Jake’s friend.” You blurt.
You know Bradley isn’t capable of being there for you like Ryan can. Bradley’s with some other girl tonight. You can expect more and more of that. Ryan wouldn’t do that to you. He’s here, and he wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.
“Okay. I believe you, I’m sorry.” Ryan breathes out. Your heart feels like it’s going to leap out of your throat the rest of the night.
It’s a restless night. Tossing, turning, trying to get your mind off of what a bad decision you have just made. You need to come clean. Things are over between you and Bradley - there wasn’t ever much to end in the first place. It was just sex. You just had sex twice. That’s it.
You fall asleep with your cheek pressed to Ryan’s shoulder, your arms looped around his bicep.
Ryan feels you stirring against him before the sun is up. His brows furrow, blinking softly. He turns his head and kisses your forehead softly.
“It’s okay.” He assumes that it’s a nightmare. You pull yourself closer to him, brows scrunched together, lips parted, letting a soft whine slip your lips.
Ryan slips his fingers between yours and squeezes your hand gently, closing his eyes and trying to slip back into unconsciousness.
The next sound that slips your lips is unmistakably a moan.
Ryan’s eyes shoot open.
“Babe?” He nudges you softly with his arm. Nothing. Another nudge and your lips press together. You pull back, blinking and then frown at him.
“What?” You groan.
Ryan’s lips quirk up into a soft smile, “Were you having a sex dream?”
Your eyes widen.
Ryan turns onto his side and leans forwards, kissing your lips. You try your best not to tense against him. It doesn’t mean anything. Bradley just got in your head, that’s it. Sex with Ryan is better, you know it is.
But, when you’re standing under the stream of the shower, letting water soak your hair - you can’t get the dream out of your head. It felt so real.
Bradley’s hands on your hips, lips working feverishly along your bare torso. Just like Halloween, you’re in his bed. His mouth stops as his teeth graze your hipbones, strong hands lifting your hips enough for him to settle between your legs.
Your head thrown back, fingers in his curls, back arching up off of his navy sheets.
You swallow and grab your shampoo. Ryan is better, Ryan’s more stable. Ryan didn’t have sex with your roommate last September. It was just a dream. You tell yourself that it didn’t mean anything.
You pretend that the sex with Ryan after you woke up was half as good as your dream with Bradley.
You glance down and trail your fingertips over your stomach. It’s not weird to be attracted to the person you’re having a kid with. That’s probably it. It’s purely hormonal. Maybe it’s guilt for not telling Ryan.
The dream circles through your head the entire day. You’re sitting in your morning class and thinking of being face down in Bradley’s mattress. In fact, you can’t think of anything else. In your afternoon class, all you can think about is his lips on your throat and his gruff voice in your ear. You press your thighs together and sit back in your seat. It isn’t fair.
You’re sitting at the back of the auditorium, not listening to a single word. In fact, you might as well not even be there. As far as you’re concerned, you’re in Bradley’s room. The breath is knocked from you as he pounds into you, you’re a whimpering mess, face pressed into the crook of your arm and his hand on the back of your neck keeping you there.
Then, you’re back home making dinner. Bradley’s hand roaming up your back, tangling in your hair and scooping it up into a makeshift ponytail. You gasping as he tugs at your roots, pressing his bare chest against your back, exposing your neck to him as his lips assaulted your throat.
You rutting your hips back against his, met with more force from him this time. He slides his fingers up into your hair, cradling the back of your skull as he presses you down and fucks you into the mattress.
You slice the tomatoes, blinking to trying to clear your head. It doesn’t work. His voice is in your head, telling you how good you feel, how close he is.
“What’s up, Seresin?”
You flinch, eyes blowing wide open when the voice isn’t just in your head anymore. Bradley watches as the knife slides past the tomato and into your index finger, he drops the bag onto the counter and moves to your side immediately.
“Fuck, are you okay?”
He takes your hand in his to examine the cut. You blink at him, lips parted. Bradley’s brows furrow slightly as he meets your gaze.
“Hello? - You with me?”
“What are you doing here?” You breathe out. Bradley guides you over to the sink, rinsing the blood from your finger.
“I texted you that I was bringing you dinner, wanted to talk about baby names. Your roommate let me in.” Bradley explains, tenderly rinsing the cut to inspect how bad it is. You lift your chin, still staring at him. He’s wearing a black t-shirt and jeans today. His cheeks are flushed from the cold outside. He looks at you and your mouth goes dry.
Bradley frowns, “What is up with you? - You’re gonna have to start talking or I’m calling Jake.”
“Nothing, nothing.” You shake your head quickly. “Long day. Sorry. I’ve been kind of spaced.”
“Where do you keep your first aid kit? - You just need a band-aid, it’s not that bad.” Bradley decides, giving you a reassuring smile. You point to the counter under the sink. He crouches before you and you jolt away from him. Bradley’s brows furrow slightly, but he gets the first aid kit without complaint anyway.
He stands back up and wraps the it around your index finger. You stare at him. Bradley lifts your hand and presses his lips to the top of the band-aid, “All better.”
Your knuckles whiten around the kitchen counter.
He turns away from you and back to the food he brought with him, “I asked Jake what your order is, since you didn’t answer me. Hope that’s okay.”
You watch the muscles in his back move under the thin fabric of his t-shirt.
“Y’know, your roommate looks kind of familiar. Is she over at UVA a lot?”
You narrow your eyes at him. The dream was just fiction. This is the real Bradley. You swallow, let out a breath and decide to move on.
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a-gay-bloodmage · 1 month
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Made some cute little picrews of my Inquisitors using the "Little Guy Maker" (Link)! While both my Adaars are grey-skinned in reality, I figured I'd give them their non-Qunari skin tone for the sake of the picrew. I'd hate to leave them out!
Here's a link to the post about my Wardens!
I'm planning on making a proper series of posts to serve as reintroductions to my Wardens and Inquisitors, but I couldn't help but share these adorable little versions of them! I've added little descriptions of them below in the Read More!
First up is Mallory Trevelyan! He's a lovely little (six foot) guy who got caught up with the Inquisition in full crossdresser garb and just kept up the ruse for as long as he could. He fully identifies as Mallory, but has no issues with being referred to by the name and pronouns (she/her) his female "persona", Mallie. Disowned at 20 for being a gender-nonconforming homosexual, Mallory made his way to Ansburg and quickly formed a friend group made up of sex workers. The fact that he ended up the Herald of Andraste while trying to meet up with his estranged father at the Conclave never ceases to baffle him. I do hope it's no surprise that he fell in love with Blackwall! Not a Warden, Thom? Not a woman, Inquisitor?
Next to Mallory is Kiora Trevelyan! While a rift mage in game, she really functioned as a magical cuddle therapist and budding somniari back in her Circle days. She's a narcoleptic, her intense connection to the Fade often pulling her into sleep incredibly often and quickly. She's often encountering demons, but she's become incredibly proficient at tricking or coaxing them out of her over the years. Thanks to her, Skyhold is full of little black cats, all of which she's named. She adores her girlfriend, Sera, as she's one of the few people who never fail to keep her awake.
Below Mallory is Aelon Lavellan! He's a chaotic little man, obsessed with tinkering and order. He barely identifies with his Dalish heritage, and quite enjoys all of the new things the human world has to offer. He just wishes it was less full of humans. With the exception of Dorian, of course. The stress of battling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and likely several other issues has left his incredibly soft ginger hair with many grey patches. He has few friends in the Inquisition, but that doesn't stop him from somewhat enjoying it.
Next to Aelon is Ashavise Lavellan! A woman who cares far, far more for the dead than the living, it's no wonder that Cole is her closest companion in the Inquisition. She has a deep love for elven history and uses her summoned spirits to help her learn. As soon as Solas started talking about his trips in the Fade, she instantly started flirting. What better way to get a man to tell you about his ancient knowledge than to offer him a beautiful woman's body? The day he told her that her vallaslin were slave markings however, she realized that an ancient culture is nothing compared to the one she was blessed with in the present.
Below Aelon is Ademamar Cadash! His mother was from Antiva, his father was from Orzammar, and his mostly-faux confidence knows no bounds. Regardless of the Iron Bull's insistence that he'd break, Ade never let that stop him from trying to ride the Bull. He got there, eventually, of course. Deeply romantic and social despite never having been romantically kissed nor having had friends, Ade would kill and die for the members of the Inquisition, especially Bull and his Chargers.
Next to Ade is Harta Cadash! A very proud member of the Antivan branch of the surface Carta, Harta is a bundle of joy and poison. She loves wine, romance, and all things warm and sunny. Having to live in dreary Skyhold and not beautiful Seleny is one of the biggest drawbacks to being the Inquisitor, in her mind. While she initially flirted with Cullen, she quickly moved on to pursuing Dorian. It's no wonder why her attempt at romance didn't work out, but she couldn't care less. After all, she got a best friend out of it!
Below Ade is Ozol Adaar! A Tal-Vashoth by choice, Ozol is the world's largest pacifist. Originally an Arvaard, he helped his saarebas escape the Qun, unable to tolerate the cruel way it treated mages. Once in the South, he renamed himself Özil—Öz- meaning self or essence, and -il meaning city—but, with time, the name morphed into Ozol thanks to the non-Qunari accents of his mercenary company. While initially hopeful that the massive qunari would be a good fighting force, Cassandra was incredibly disappointed to hear that the massive mercenary was the tax guy for his company. He won her over, in the end. Pie and poetry go a long way in wooing a Seeker.
Next to Ozol is Semiha Silva-Adaar! Found at the edge of a wheat field in a town outside of Markham, Semiha was adopted by two older human parents. Her birth parents left her with only the word "Adaar" scrawled onto a piece of paper. While she wishes she knew them, Semiha doesn't resent the Qunari who left their daughter, only a few days old, out in the elements. Semiha was incredibly proud to be deemed as the "Herald of Andraste" despite being a grey-skinned farm girl. Her adoration for the grace and charm of Josephine quickly turned into a full-blown crush, and it was only through the lack of available livestock that she didn't try to woo her using cattle.
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hchollym · 2 years
What if Percy had a squib child?
Ooh, this is an interesting question! 🥰
First, let's talk about Squibs in general.
Squibs are treated terribly by most of the Wizarding World, including families who are opened-minded about Muggle-borns. Consider this conversation in Book 1:
“Are all your family wizards?” asked Harry, who found Ron just as interesting as Ron found him. “Er — Yes, I think so,” said Ron. “I think Mom’s got a second cousin who’s an accountant, but we never talk about him.”
It is heavily implied that this cousin is a Squib, and even the Weasleys (who are known for being rather liberal with Muggle-borns) don't talk about him. Most Squibs that we know about were certainly never regarded highly (like Argus Filch & Arabella Figg). They were often disowned by their families, and they weren't allowed to attend Hogwarts (which we know from Angus Buchanan). Even if they received jobs in the Wizarding World, they were not high-paying careers, and the Squib was still looked down upon.
So if Percy's kid is a squib? Well, I think he handles it better than most of his siblings (and parents) would, but it's still rough overall.
It likely results in him cutting off most of his family (again) because even if they say they're okay with it, they treat that child differently (or ignore them entirely), which Percy is not going to let happen. This could eventually cause some resentment from his other children, who feel like they've lost out on a relationship with the Weasleys because of that one kid.
Some of Percy's siblings may be supportive, but only to a certain extent (i.e. George would give the kid a basic job in his shop when he/she gets older, Harry and Hermione pity the kid so they are at least nice, etc.). It's a lot of indirect discrimination though, and Percy knows it, and he can't stand it.
He probably blames himself, thinking it's karma for his mistakes, and even though he loves this child, he can't help but initially feel disappointed and embarrassed. He gets over it quickly though (and feels guilty about those thoughts), but he's heartbroken, because he knows this kid won't have the opportunities or support that their siblings do, but he's willing to bend over backwards to help.
He likely immerses himself into muggle culture, learning as much as possible and spending time there on a regular basis (going to the park, cinema, etc.). I'm willing to bet that he works his arse off to afford sending this kid to a high-end private boarding school for muggles, so he/she has a similar academic experience to their siblings (as opposed to living at home year round) and because he researched enough to know that children who go to boarding school are more likely to be successful adults.
Percy probably works even harder to save for college (which he thinks is an awesome opportunity anyway), and he pays for expensive hobbies like horseback riding and private polo lessons. Basically, he just does everything possible to give the Squib a good life in the muggle world.
I think he would certainly mean well, but he would go a little (a lot) overboard (because it's Percy). The kid appreciates it, but sometimes, he/she just wants to have fun going to Quidditch games without Percy being paranoid that someone is going to be mean and hurt their feelings.
Essentially, this Squib is cut off from most of the Weasleys and the Wizarding World, Percy goes into overprotective (borderline suffocating) mode, and the kid knows how much Percy loves him/her, but they really wish that he would back off and relax some and just let them live their lives.
That's just my guess though, but this was a fun scenario to think of, so thanks for the ask! 😊
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fablesuntold · 3 months
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🩸Biography. Yoshiki Kishinuma🩸
Most of this is made up by the mun— do not steal or reblog as I’ve put a lot of thought into this. Also do not copy this layout.
Basic info:
Name: Yoshiki Kishinuma.
Age: 18 years old.
Birthday: Born November 8th.
Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Nationality: Japanese.
Born in: Fujisawa, Japan.
Currently residing in: Fujisawa, Japan.
Morality: Chaotic neutral.
Occupation: Student at Kisaragi Academy/Part time convenience store employee.
School: Kisaragi Academy Senior High School.
Class: 2-9.
Height: 172 cm / 5'8".
Weight: 62 kg / 9.7 stone.
Hair: Bleached blond.
Eye colour: Smokey grey.
Piercings: Currently Yoshiki doesn’t have any piercings, but he’s debated on getting his ears pierced for the hell of it. He tried to do it himself once, but.. that attempt didn’t go so well and ended in bloodshed and a minor infection in his right earlobe.
Scars: Pre-entering Heavenly Host, the only scar Yoshiki has on his person is a faded, jagged one just above his upper lip. He sustained it during his last encounter with his father when a fight broke out and a punch landed square to his face, busting his lip within seconds. It’s barely visible to the eye anymore and anyone would have to be up close and personal to see it.
Other: Often has dark bags under his eyes from working late and trying to juggle a healthy sleep schedule along with schoolwork— which he fails miserably at. He also has a birthmark on the back of his right shoulder.
Psychical appearance:
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Mother: Ayako Kishinuma.
Status: Alive.
Relationship: Strict and uptight, it’s no surprise that Yoshiki and his mother have never seen eye to eye. While he doesn’t loathe her as much as he loathes his father, Yoshiki would still rather spend an entire day watching paint dry than have to spend quality time with the likes of her constantly nitpicking at everything he does. His best is never good enough in her eyes and much like his father, she is more than ready to cut all ties with her son.
Father: Isao Kishinuma.
Status: Alive.
Relationship: Yoshiki despises his father more than anyone in the world and describes him as a deadbeat. They have never gotten along, not even in his youth. He was never supportive of his son and wrote him off as a failure the second his grades started to decline in high school. After things got ugly over a family dinner one evening and a psychical altercation broke out between them, Yoshiki was quickly disowned by both of his parents and forced to move out immediately that night— warned never to come back to their house ever again otherwise they’d call the police on him and get him arrested.
Siblings: Yoshiki has one younger sister (14) named Miki whom he’s quite close to despite his bad blood with the rest of his family who often try to keep her away from him, deeming him a bad influence. That doesn’t stop the two from meeting up in secret though, and she brings food to his apartment in order to make sure he’s eating well. Yoshiki wishes she could live with him, but given his financial situation and the fact he can barely provide for himself, he refrains from inviting her to do so— not that his parents would allow that anyway. At the end of the day, he just wants what’s best for her.
Spouse: N/A. (Depending on the verse, I usually ship him with Ayumi Shinozaki and have a few plot ideas if anyone is interested.)
Pets: Given the fact that his grumpy landlord doesn’t allow pets into his apartment complex, Yoshiki doesn’t own any animals.. but he’s always wanted a dog. He has considered sneaking a puppy into his home several times but ultimately decided against it since he can’t risk being thrown out onto the streets.
Friends: Yoshiki has few friends and is described as a bit of a loner, however there are a select few people he would say are real friends. He would consider Satoshi Mochida his best friend, Ayumi Shinozaki a close second. As for the rest of class 2-9.. he finds them tolerable at most. The students from other classes simply don’t exist to him. He does however, have a soft spot for their home room teacher Ms. Yui and her kind heart. She’s possibly the only adult he’s ever trusted.
Personality: To those around him, Yoshiki can appear to be cold and uncaring upon first glance— unapproachable with endless sarcasm and wit at the ready as a defence mechanism to keep people at arms length. It’s often hard for him to open up to people, and he tends to keep his emotions and problems bottled up due to the trust issues he developed from his hectic relationship with his family and school faculty. But there’s a secret softie hidden away within this school delinquent, and he can be extremely loyal to those he holds dear to him. Deep down, Yoshiki has a big heart and would do anything to keep his friends safe— even if that means throwing caution to the wind and giving into reckless behaviour— putting his own life at risk to save theirs. He always means well despite his bluntness.
MBTI type: ISTP. Introverted, Sensing, Thinking and Perceiving. An ISTP is energized by spending time alone and having quality time with people they care about.
Bad Habits: In his early teens, he picked up smoking as a means to combat stress. The nasty habit is also used as a way to act rebelliously in school too, purposefully doing it to piss off the teachers who often catch him lighting up a cigarette on the roof much to their dismay. He’ll never admit it, but smoking is quickly becoming a little bit of an addiction and as the days go by, he finds himself itching for a cigarette more and more whether at work or sitting at his desk in class. Something he blames himself for.
Weapons: Upon arrival at Heavenly Host, Yoshiki will use anything he can get his hands on to protect himself and his friends. Whether it be a pair of rusted scissors, a piece of broken floorboard or broken glass. Anything.
Unlike the majority of his peers at Kisaragi Academy, Yoshiki doesn’t have the perfect, happy family to go home to after a long day of studying— curtesy of his no-good parents who were quick to disown him on a whim because he didn’t quite fit their standards. From the day he was born he’s always been the black sheep of the family, constantly disappointing his parents with bad grades and overall poor attitude both in and of school. Something they penned down to a series of behavioural issues— yet still made no move to seek him any help. This of course sparked a chain of events which led to Yoshiki’s deep distrust toward adults in general, especially those who appeared selfish and full of themselves.
On a particularly eventful night in the Kishinuma household, a disagreement broke out and Yoshiki found his face on the end his father’s fist after a fight broke out between them— a fight that swiftly ended when his mother threatened to call the police if he refused to leave their home. With barely any time to say goodbye to his younger sister— who was in floods of tears watching her big brother being shunned out of the door, Yoshiki found himself couch surfing for the next few weeks at Satoshi’s house, where he soon found a part-time job at his local convenience store in hopes to be able to afford rent on a cheap apartment.
Luckily for him, an opportunity to snag an apartment was right around the corner, and Yoshiki grabbed it with both hands. Unfortunately, living alone and renting out the apartment came with a whole new batch of troubles in itself.
Barely able to afford rent as well as food and other basic needs to keep him going, Yoshiki finds himself working more and more hours just to try and make ends meet, all while struggling to juggle his schoolwork on top of it— which often ends in late night study sessions in a futile attempt to get homework done.. and even then he’s falling asleep during class as a result, falling behind everyone else. Yoshiki doesn’t know why he still bothers with school anyway. He fails to see a bright future ahead of himself, as do various teachers at Kisaragi Academy who constantly voice their disapproval for his lack of enthusiasm and rebellious nature. Back-talking them sure doesn’t help his case either.
Little do they know that his insubordination is a desperate cry for help— which often goes ignored by both teachers and peers alike— passing him off as ‘just another dumb delinquent student who will never learn from his mistakes.’
In all of this, Yoshiki struggles to find the will to continue with school and often thinks about dropping out. Who would care anyway with exception of Satoshi!? With barely any friends to miss him when he’s gone and the rest of the students thinking he’s a lost cause, he thinks it would be better off for them too if he wasn’t there. Fortunately Ms. Yui and Ayumi were finally able to talk some sense into him, convincing him to stick it out and ‘try his best’ which he did for them.
Without Satoshi, Ayumi and Ms. Yui, Yoshiki doesn’t even like to entertain the thought of where he’d be right now..
..and then cue Heavenly Host entering the picture to shake all of their worlds on its axis..
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bearlytolerant · 11 months
Fandom: Mass Effect
Rating: T (swearing and canon typical violence)
Character: Zero Shepard
Word Count: 610
All her life she’d hated being a number. Despised the way her mother had trained her to be a weapon and not a person. Loathed the label, ruthless.
The thresher maw had killed them all. Every one of her fucking comrades. Jones. Miller. Even Toombs was gone. Hell, she was almost certain the blood splattered across her armor was Jones’. She dug her fists into the dirt and wanted to drown out the screaming. They were all still screaming in her head. But she clenched her teeth and crawled forward, a painstakingly slow process, eventually wedging herself between two rocks. She closed her eyes and remembered.
“Get up,” her mother commanded. “Quickly!”
She was ten when she finally had the guts to jump to her feet and do a sweep, watching as her mother fell on her face. She’d smiled, thinking mom would be so proud. But her mother just grabbed her leg and knocked her straight on her ass. No mercy. No pride.
“You’re pathetic,” she’d spat, looming over Zero. Then she’d turned on her heel and left while Zero laid there, the metallic taste of blood on her tongue.
Shepard opened her eyes again. Pathetic. Blood was on her lip. She was tired of its taste.
There was an explosion and she jumped, peering out from behind a rock, she saw one of the soldier tents go up in flames. Her chest squeezed, pretty sure Millers’ body was still in there. Or pieces of it anyway. One, two, three—ten. Counting to keep back the bile. Counting an inhale and exhale of breaths.
The ground shook beneath her.
“No, no, no, no, noooo–fuck–you’re not gonna get me you massive fucking bastard,” she muttered.
She dared to peer around the rock. Putrid green acid splattered against it just an inch from her face. The smallest drop splashed onto her cheek. It sizzled and sputtered as she held a gloved hand there, hissing a string of curses.
“You fucking asshole!” she screamed and lit up the thresher with explosive rounds. It screeched for a minute straight before diving back into the earth.
She sprinted for the landing zone. She counted her paces.
A crack splintered beneath her feet and she stumbled.
“Can anybody hear me!” she shouted through her earpiece.
There was static.
The whoosh of the shuttle dropping to her level was the sweetest sound she’d ever heard.
“Dad. Thank the fucking stars,” she whispered.
The shuttle came to a stop. Ground trembling beneath him and he was stepping out and she was stepping on. Eyes wide and the word no, slipping off her tongue. What the hell was he doing? Time stopped within a second frame. She clung to the I love you from his lips as she watched in horror. The great maw snapped and he disappeared into the ground. Taking off in the shuttle with tears in her eyes, she numbed herself to what her mother would have to say about it all.
It was fitting, she supposed.
For her first real mission to go down like that.
She made it back but at what cost?
Nothing except everything that mattered to her.
They congratulated her.
Interviewed her.
Praised her.
Fifty dead and that’s worth a monument?
Her mother had scoffed and disowned her. Which was fair and she was too numb to care. And even if she could muster a feeling that resembled care, her mother had never been a mother.
And she still hated being a number.
Zero sucked but one was worse.
The fucking loneliest number.
She was the sole survivor and she wished she could go back to ground zero.
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mmorpg-escapism · 5 months
Alisaie and G'raha are next out of the library, and the conversation quickly turns to where each of them likes to read - in the context of "we have a lot of books to dig through for information" - and then living arrangements. While G'raha is fond of reading outside, Alisaie wishes she could have brought everyone to the Leveilleur estate.
See, Fourchenault's disowning of the twins was not just words. He's instructed the servants to not let them even into the building, much less interact with them outside it... which means the comforts of home that those two have been away from for years are tantalizingly close, yet unreachable.
We also get some history behind where G'raha grew up. I hope we get to visit Corvos at some point... That would be cool. His breadcrumb text after the cutscene also mentions that they have flying carpets. Please, YoshiP, take me there!
House Darnus is namedropped here, too. If you don't do the Weapon raid series post-ShB or Coils of Bahamut in ARR, the name means nothing other than being yet another Garlean house like Baelsar or Galvus. However, since my WoL blorbo is Bozjan, I'm all but required to be aware of at least one related name: Nael van Darnus was the one responsible for both the Bozja Incident and the fall of Dalamud that brought the end to 1.0 way back when, via an intense interest in Allagan tech.
It's that singular focus that kicked off the chain of events that put G'raha into the care of the Students of Baldesion, so in a way we have Nael to thank for G'raha's presence in the story. So Shadowbringers is *also* her fault.
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wardenred · 1 year
Flufftober 1: "I've Got You"
Might be a rough draft of a far future scene for Champagne Problems. I'm not sure how fluffy it is, but compared to what I'm putting these guys through at the current stage of the story, it's definitely fluff.
Elair wasn’t supposed to be here.
He’d had the same feeling before, on each of the previous few occasions Miqualis had brought him home, but never with such persistent intensity. Every sound beyond the heavy oak doors sent ripples of cold down his spine. He kept wondering, irrationally, if Miq had his curtains drawn so tightly to avoid hostile eyes from the outside.
Those previous few times, at least he had been an announced guest. He’d been intimidated by the mansion’s opulence and scrutinized by its owners, but no one had explicitly told him he was unwelcome.
Now, Miq’s family didn’t even know he was here. Even more so, they didn’t know he was once again a part of their son and heir’s life. He felt like a smuggled item hidden at the bottom of a perfectly respectable cutlery drawer. Something illicit and tainted.
The door opened, and Elair staggered back, his eyes darting around the room for a hiding place.
“Relax. It’s just me.” Miqualis smiled, stepping inside with two steaming mugs in his hands. “I thought you’d be more comfortable if we avoided the servants coming in.”
He was, and he wasn’t. “And did your staff see nothing strange about you wishing to handle their tasks yourself? Or that you needed two cups of... whatever that is?”
“They’re perfectly used to my eccentricities,” Miq assured him. His brow creased slightly as he looked Elair over; he stepped closer, pausing only to place the mugs on his desk. “Have you been standing there this whole time?”
Elair tried to will away the self-conscious blush. “I’m quite comfortable standing.” Comfortable was the last thing he felt, though. If it wasn’t for Miq’s presence, he’d be gnawing at his nails. “I’ve been meaning to ask—is your family home now?”
“Lythania is.” Oh no. Not Miq’s sister. During all of their past meetings, she’d looked at Elair like she was politely anticipating him committing a crime—and now look, he’d proven her right! “She is awfully busy, though, so I don’t expect her to show up before supper.” Miq reached out, as if to take Elair by the hand or graze his fingers down his arm. He aborted the motion all too quickly. “Relax, all right? You’re safe here. I’ve got you. Come sit.”
Shoulders tense, Elair followed him to the desk that was as big as some dining tables. He pulled up one of the several chairs—seriously, why did Miq even need so many?—and settled into it. Up close, there could be no doubts about the contents of the mugs. The smell of chocolate tickled at his nostrils, filling his mind with memories of all the best times he’d had over the last few years. The late-night study hours, the walks around wintry street markets, the breezy autumn evenings in that little place by the docks. A string of free, cozy, careless moments. Shared with Miqualis, all of them.
He passed his fingers through the small cloud of steam, focused on the warmth seeping into his skin. His hands always got way too cold when anxiety took hold.
“Are you sure this is safe?” he asked.
“I seriously doubt our cook has poisoned the chocolate.” The mirth in Miq’s expression faded quickly when their eyes met. Elair must be doing a worse job than he thought at hiding his distress. “Sorry. Bad time for jokes, isn’t it? Yes, Lai, I’m sure. You’re perfectly safe here.”
“I was rather thinking about your safety,” Elair pointed out. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have this special power of attracting absolutely wretched situations, and this year, it’s been particularly out of control. So who knows? Maybe if I stick around, one of the Downhill crime rings will storm your property soon. Or there will be a weird magical anomaly. Or your father disowns you.”
Miqualis nodded solemnly, even as his lips twitched. “Perfectly valid concerns. I’m especially excited for the anomaly. Excellent practice for the final exams, wouldn’t it be?”
Elair couldn’t muster the heat for a proper glare, but he did his best. “I’m serious.”
“I know.” 
A moment of hesitation, and, for the first time in months, Miq’s hand was on his shoulder, an inch away from his neck, right over that pesky muscle that knotted up whenever Elair’s nerves consumed him.
Elair expected himself to freeze. Instead, he relaxed into the familiarity and the warmth.
“Everything’s going to be fine.” Miq’s voice was scarcely above a whisper. “I’ve got you. Drink your chocolate.”
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atopearth · 1 year
Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains (Chou no Doku) Part 2 - Hitoshi Fujita Route
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Oh dang, so even if you choose Fujita, he can't go on the outing with Shiba because he's just a servant, so Yuriko still ends up getting kissed by Shiba! I don't like that😭 I like how Yuriko refused to take no for an answer and said Fujita must eat out with her next time haha. I guess she will have to be the forceful one since Fujita would never overstep his boundaries. Men who make warm drinks for the girl at night when she can't sleep or have no appetite are always the best!! It's funny because I had hot chocolate right before reading this so I can feel how warm it is haha! It's quite cute to see different sides to Yuriko. With Shiba, she's snarky and now with Fujita, she's a bit bratty that it's actually quite adorable haha. It was so cute how excited she was to go watch a movie with Fujita that she even said he's not allowed to refer to her formally and they're to hang out like friends haha, he definitely has his work cut out for him. It must suck to not be able to watch a movie comfortably if you're too short and people in front of you are too tall, I know the feeling for subtitled movies haha, but I get no Fujita who will carry me to see better lol. Considering how Fujita has been beside her for most of her life (I think?), it'll probably take both of them some time to see each other as something more. Feeling them at close proximity is definitely one way for that to occur haha. It's sad that Fujita enjoys spending time with Yuriko but feels like he shouldn't because they are master and servant. I was happy when he asked if there was any way he could help console her when her mother died though. I have to agree with Fujita that the Yuriko in this route really has boundless amounts of energy hahaha, the song definitely fits her, she's never ready to sit still when it comes to wanting to go out and play with Fujita and other things lol.
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A common but sad story for Fujita's family that his mother fell in love with a sailor, gave birth and then got left behind when his father returned to his homeland. It's heartbreaking to think of the women left behind having to fend for themselves with a baby, it's probably even worse because Fujita's mother was rich but got disowned because of this. At least she was able to earn a living through teaching piano. It's kinda funny to think about a young Fujita who had such a sweet tooth that his mother had to hide sweets away from him and only give them to him as a reward hahaha. Well, if she says it like that (saying she would be all alone in this house if Fujita keeps treating her like a stranger), of course Fujita can't put her at a distance, especially since her parents passed away so quickly and suddenly, and Mizuhito is never here. It's really cute how Yuriko can so honestly act like a child towards Fujita and so innocently hug him in happiness because he agreed to talk more about himself to her. I think it's so endearing, and honestly, I would be so touched if I was Fujita. I think of myself as a boring person as well, so if I saw someone so genuinely happy that I agreed to tell them more about myself, I think I wouldn't be able to stop myself from feeling happy and appreciated too. Hahahah, I didn't expect to see Fujita in a frilly white apron! That's so cute lmao. The Nomiya family really are so blessed to have Fujita as their butler. He has no qualms for doing anything and everything even if it is outside of his role as a butler. He truly serves the family because he genuinely wants to help them out as much as he can. It seems that discrimination against his mixed blood is a bigger deal than expected, so Fujita has been eternally grateful towards Yuriko's father for employing him and even making him the head of the servants. It's really sweet of Yuriko tell Fujita that he's family and that she wishes for his happiness just as he does for her and her family. It was heartbreaking to hear him so bluntly reject the notion of her considering him family. Like, I understand his perspective but like Yuriko, it definitely hurt.
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I am surprised Fujita agreed to go back to his hometown with Yuriko. I don't know how it feels to go back to your hometown to find no traces of the space you spent your childhood because it got demolished but I do know the nostalgic feeling of going back somewhere you used to always be feeling like it never happened and that your past didn't exist and it's a very melancholic feeling, so I would think Fujita feels worse but at least he had Yuriko with him. It's true that we can't prevent change and it's for the best usually when it improves the town but as Fujita said even if the house is gone, his memories with his mother are in his heart. The only sad thing is that when even your memories become fuzzy, and that's when you feel like you're a horrible person for forgetting even if it can't be helped. For me, I feel like there are so many things I've forgotten that I shouldn't have and it hurts to think that I can only remember a bit, it makes me feel heartless for my mind to think it wasn't useful and to forget it, but no matter how hard I try to remember, I can never again clearly grasp how I really felt when it came to these memories. I used to be proud of how good my memory was, but as I got older, I find it difficult to remember many things I feel like I should remember.
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It was really sweet when Fujita said people can always create new memories, and that coming here with Yuriko has now become one of his important memories of this town. I would feel really honoured if I was Yuriko haha. I actually quite enjoy how Yuriko is experiencing the tumultuous emotions of love when it comes to Fujita, especially being a bit frightened at the fact that she realises she can also be so rash and do things without thinking of the consequences just because she's so mad at Fujita for being so expressionless towards her potential marriage with someone else. As someone who also vividly remembers how love can make you do the most silly and irrational things, I couldn't help but empathise. It's interesting that if it isn't Shiba's route, he doesn't cause a fuss in public in front of Iida when he sees them but instead visits her home to question her about it. I was super cheering Yuriko on when she expressed her frustration about how Fujita hasn't reacted to anything and then clearly confessed her feelings for him, like dang you go girl! If he didn't kiss her, I would have been mad because it's about time he cracked haha. I get it but it was pretty funny to see Fujita be the one to run away after kissing her, and Yuriko be the one baffled as to what just happened lol.
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Mizuhito has played with the maids before too? Dang, thought it was just outside. I don't blame Fujita, he's been thrown away by the women he's dated so many times, he feels tired and scared, but I really like Yuriko's attitude towards it. She's so tired of Fujita not doing anything, she tells him to make advances on her and try to make her change her mind and not leave instead of merely accepting that things are as it is. She wants him to more aggressively pursue her and make it that she can't live without him and I guess that's what he has always been lacking towards his partners - he has never showed them how much he really likes and wants them. But considering how tough of a life he had to see his mother lead, I'm sure that's also a part of the reason why he refuses to go against the status quo. I'm glad Fujita has come around after the debacle with Majima, but their debts really were resolved so easily with the debt certificates returning to them after Majima bought them and gave it back to the house for some reason? Maybe we'll get more elaboration on that in another route lol, like why did Majima do that? To give Fujita a happy ending?🤣 LMAO at Yuriko wondering how Fujita handled his libido before they got married and when he was single because of his sexual appetite😂😂 I think it's sweet that on the outside Yuriko has been isolated from her relatives because she married a butler, but everyone actually still very much cares for her and understands her choice by sending them gifts, that's cute. I knew there would be an ending where Fujita would basically be like a mistress but I feel bad for Shiba. He wanted Yuriko so much, he agreed to her having another partner. I also feel sorry for Fujita, like omg, to see him so openly cling to Yuriko in front of other servants? Yuriko really does seem to have broken him with how sadistic she is. When Mizuhito first came back with money, I was suspicious, but I didn't want to accept that he was prostituting himself, that's just so so sad... I'm not sure what to think of the private club ending because it didn't have much to do with Fujita unless I'm missing something? The CG was pretty even though it was disgusting though lol.
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Overall, if I were to describe Shiba's route as a rollercoaster where I was excited in the beginning when he saved her, and then I fell into the abyss when he started being quite a jerk, and then I liked him again after he confessed properly, then I'll have to describe Fujita's route to be as if you're enjoying a boat ride on a lake, pretty calm and peaceful most of the route with no high or lows. I didn't mind the route but I can see why people would view it as boring because Fujita is a very passive man that refuses to do anything and show his feelings towards Yuriko until pushed to the brink. Even though he was like that though, I did enjoy their little dates going back to his hometown and getting to know each other better outside of their master and servant relationship. I also liked how Yuriko acted very bratty in this route, it was pretty fun to see a different side to her that's childish and impulsive, especially the tragic ending, like dang that was unexpected haha. The relationship really felt like the cute kind of age gap love where the younger one does their best to break down the barriers of the older one into accepting a relationship that they couldn't view as socially acceptable, so it has all the angst, rejection and tantrums thrown and pain that comes with the rollercoaster of emotions of wanting the other to reciprocate and just abandon all social responsibilities and views. I guess it's kinda cute lol, but nothing special or different, so yeah, it's not a bad route for me haha, especially since I did enjoy the peaceful beginning.
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auroragehenna · 1 year
AI-less Whumptober
Day 1 Drugging, sick, poisoned
TW/CW: Signs of poisoning, family angst, angels, nobility ~ 658 words
Technically she got lucky by getting disowned.
Her target today wouldn’t know the poison. Couldn’t possibly know it. Harmonia shifted her weight to the other leg and the expensive fabric of her dress swayed with her. Unlike those shoes her dress was something that actually brought her joy. She casually looked around the party and let her gaze streak the big crystal clock on the wall. It was almost time. Harmonia swirled her thin glass and looked at the glimmering liquid. Ah fuck it. She thought and drank the remaining drink in one fluid motion.
“Wow, that’s not how you’re supposed to drink that. Then again, you never measured up in that department.”
Harmonia’s eyes narrowed at the voice and she turned around. There, in the same A-line dress style as her stood Selah.
“Always a delight to see you. Sister.”
Her younger sister crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Oh I’m sure it is. So, how are you occupying yourself now? Spouting profanities everywhere? Maybe also associating yourself with ash bathers?”
Harmonia scoffed and smiled at her sister mockingly. "You’re so narrow-minded. You can’t even think of something outside of our picture-perfect theatre.”, Her sister opened her mouth to answer but before she got the chance Harmonia continued, “And since I am, as you are aware, no longer a part of this family it is of no concern to you what I engage in.” Casually she handed her glass to a bypassing server. Selah had winced when Harmonia mentioned her exclusion. For anybody that didn’t know her for as long and well as she does it wouldn’t have been visible.
Selah stretched her wings and raised her chin. “Shouldn’t you address me differently by now, commoner?”
Harmonia chuckled sadly “Huh, no chance, kiddo.”
Her sister’s composed facial expression started to distort and quickly Harmonia stepped close to her. She acted as if she was inspecting an embroidery on her sister’s dress as she spoke with an urgent voice: “You’re slipping ‘Steorra’. I can’t and won’t save you anymore. Come on.”
Selah squeezed her eyes shut for a second, then her face relaxed and she looked at her disgraced sister full of scorn. -Harmonia stepped back again- “Save me? Oh please. I don’t need you to save me. I never did.”
Only Harmonia could see the wish in her eyes and the hurt in her words. But before she could say something more a yell tore through the air.
Hurriedly the two of them stepped to the marble railing that overlooked the room.
Harmonia set up her practiced face. She had to look noble-thus unfaced, but not too noble because she wasn’t supposed to be good at that. She had to look shocked but not too shocked after all it wasn’t a personal friend.
A noble man had collapsed to the floor, wings squeezed underneath him in a surely uncomfortable angle. His friends had crouched down and inspected him. The person with the best healing magic was singled out from the guests and they tried their best.
But Harmonia knew it wouldn’t work, she had made sure of that.
Sweat was covering the noble’s face and his body had gone incredibly pale. He was barely conscious, that is until he started yelling at things only he could see.
Harmonia checked out mentally. It would take a bit for the man to die, even with such a high dosage. And despite her job she didn’t particularly enjoy killing people. She was just good at it.
The man had now started to shiver massively and the sounds leaving his throat were incredibly raspy.
By the time another healer arrived it was already too late.
The guests were all questioned and Harmonia effortlessly stuck to her story. After that they were allowed to leave the property. Harmonia got out way before her sister and forcing her gaze forward she left. Back to her current employer. Task successfully executed.
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @ailesswhumptober
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Pride ask game for Jay and Siv and Hailey~ 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Siv figured it out in middle school. I haven't really established how, but I'm thinking that she saw a friend's older sister at a party and then spent the next two weeks googling 'am I gay quizzes'. They didn't realize they were nonbinary until much later, when they were doing research on some of the newer labels that had been coined while she was trapped in the Negative Speed Force, and realized that 'demigender woman' sounded a lot like how she identifies.
Jay knew he was a boy from the time he was like, 2.
Hailey was raised by an extremely conservative religious family, so she didn't even know about the term 'transgender' until she had started serving in the Marines. She figured out that she was bisexual pretty young, though, and spent most of high school trying to pray away her feelings for men.
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
Eobard, being from the 22nd century, was very supportive of Siv. However, the kids at school were not.
Jay's parents were supportive of him, allowing him to live as a boy since he was about 4, to the point that he was completely stealth in high school.
Hailey's family were not supportive at all. After they found out she was bisexual, their church performed an exorcism on her, and they disowned her after she came out as transgender.
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
Siv has questioned if she might be a he/they rather than a she/they, but they're pretty sure that their gender is a little closer to 'woman, but a little spicy' than anything else.
Jay occasionally questions if he's nonbinary transmasc, but every time it resolves with a "yep, I'm a dude".
Hailey doesn't really question her identity. She knows she's a woman, and she knows that she likes women and men.
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
Siv feared for a while that the reason that they were nonbinary was because she was not entirely human. However, this was not the case. She's just got a free subscription to Gender+.
Jay never really questioned his identity. He knows he's a guy, and he's happy about it.
Because of her family, Hailey tried to repress her identity for years. However, she quickly realized that she couldn't pray it all away.
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
Siv, Jay, and Gina would all go to CC Price together as teens. After the whole Thawne snafu, neither of them really celebrate anymore, at least not until they've reconciled.
Since literally every member of Cassandra's team is LGBT+, they always have a little party for pride month. Hailey always attends, though mostly for the free cupcakes.
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
Siv is happy about being a nonbinary lesbian. Sure, she wishes that people wouldn't be such assholes, but they're happy with their identity.
Jay wishes he could magically turn into a cis man, but he has no interest in being a woman.
Hailey had a lot of internalized transphobia, until her "death". When she returned from the Otherworld, her spirit came back with a typical cis woman's body, essentially speedrunning her transition and affirming her gender identity.
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