#not a doctor i don’t know how amnesia works
aliveaudiencegang · 10 months
merlin hitting his head and getting temporary amnesia in season 5 specifically would be great, because i know he would love mordred which would freak the rest of them out
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mockerycrow · 10 months
super big congratulations on 4k!! you deserve it <3
i was wondering if you could write a gn! reader x price with the prompt "Hey, it's okay, I got you. You're alright, you're okay." it doesn't matter if it's platonic or romantic; whatever feels best for you!!
Thank you so much and congratulations!
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[WARNINGS; Car accident, implied situationship w/ Price, moderate injuries, flashbacks, near panic attack, open ending.]
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YOU DON’T REMEMBER the events that lead up to you in a hospital bed, a cast fitted around your arm, a brace on your knee, a bandage around your skull, and only God knows how many stitches and bandages in random assortments. You can’t forget the numeral wires and tubes attached to you, too. Oh, and the ear-bleeding beeping. John sits next to you in a chair—he’s your… friend, of sorts. You aren’t really sure what to call what you two have going on.
You look at him, slumped in the visitors chair he’s pulled up beside your bed, his arms crossed and his legs spread; his neck is bent at an awkward angle and you know it’s going to ache whenever he awakens. John looks quite tired—he’s looked tired and stressed the entire time he’s been in the hospital room with you. Stressing over you, like a worried hu—…. you shouldn’t think about that. Suddenly the ceiling looks far more appealing to stare at, rather than the beautiful gentleman who is willingly staying at your bedside, despite your exhausted attempts to have him get some proper rest.
You glance over at him—envious of how he’s able to sleep right now. Hm. Honestly, you know John would be awake with you if he had the energy. The only reason why you’re awake is your stitches itch, and the only reason why he’s asleep is because you did not wake up for four days after you passed out at the scene of a car accident you were apparently in; an accident you don’t remember too well. You barely even remember what you had for breakfast that morning; cereal of some kind, maybe? Eggs? You don’t know.
“You were on the way to work, love.” You remember John telling you. You remember the tense expression, the firmness of his eyebrows. The frown of his lip, the way he amusingly resembled a quokka in the moment. You were also apparently on the phone with John at the same time, so whatever happened, he heard all of it. The details from your own memory are fuzzy—your doctors concluded your amnesia is temporary, so they gave you the choice of remembering it yourself or having them tell you. You opted in for the first option.
It was coming back to you in bits and pieces. Small moments where you feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, you think you hear glass shattering in the distance; your heart begins to race at different moments. You aren’t sure what to make of it—until now.
“I’m not excited for this meeting.” You whined, your eyes were glued to the road. Your phone is bluetooth connected to your car’s system so you can talk with John and have both of your hands on the wheel. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, honey. Surely it’s just about budgets like last month.” John hums through the speakers of your car. You sigh, turning on your windshield wipers as it’s pouring out, obscuring your vision a bit.
“It’s raining pretty hard, how do the roads look?” He asks, a bit of rustling coming from John’s end. He’s probably reading a book or looking out from the curtains. “I’m driving slower than normal, visibility isn’t the greatest..” You admit, letting out a breath, slowing the car down once again. “..I was sliding a bit, thinking it’s time I get some new wheels.” John hums in agreement. “Definitely. Please be safe, love.” You chuckled glancing around the road, furrowing your eyebrows when the double yellow line seems to fade. “I’m trying my best, Jo—“
You’re suddenly being jostled around violently after a big impact from your front, your seatbelt digging into your skin as something launches your car off to the side. “SHIT—“ You scream, attempting to stop the car, but the rain causes you to slide across the road. Something hits you from the back and you feel you physically feel yourself lift in your seat—and then you’re fading in and out. You wake up with wetness against your face, pain in your ribs, your arm, your skull—
You let out a choked sob as there’s ringing in your ears and your eyes refuse to focus—but you can tell you’re upside down. You see a pair of legs sprinting towards you through your broken side window, and you aren’t really register what’s happening. You blink and the person is try to pry the door open frantically. You still don’t hear them; it’s almost like a silent movie.
The door gives, the flipped car jostling from the force used to pry it open. You blink and fuck—It’s John. His eyes are wide and his jaw is tense, shaky hands. He’s grabbing the sides of your head, forcing you to keep your head still—his lips are moving but you can’t hear him. You sob and you try to reach up to touch him, and he lets you. Your eyes look at your own hand as it’s caked in your own blood, causing you to inhale shakily. This isn’t happening. The pain starts sitting you harder, a pulsing in the side of your head.
“Hey—“ John’s voice suddenly cuts through and you blink, and you’re back in the hospital room. You’re breathing hard and fast, causing your chest to ache more than it already does. His hands are cupping your cheeks like he was in the flipped car, and you let out a panicked sob; your machines make loud beeping noises in retaliation. “Hey, it’s okay, I got you. You’re alright, you’re okay..” John quickly murmurs, his thumbs gently wiping your tears away. “Focus on my voice, okay? You’re alright. You’re in the hospital, love.”
You sniffle and nod, shakily inhaling once again as you try to calm your panicked lungs and struggling heart, your good hand coming up and gently grasping his wrist. “I-I was flipped over—“ You choke out, which John quickly meets with soft shushing and a kiss between your eyebrows. “I know, honey. I know. I got you, you’re safe now.” You nod, choking out another whimper as you lean into his touch—because John’s right. He has you; you’re safe, he’s the one who got to you first. You’re sure you’ll want to ask him how he found you so fast later, but all you want to do right now and feel him and hear him. Because you’re alive.
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jrow · 4 months
May Prompts (16)
Day 15 here. Day 17 here.
“It’ll be an experiment!”
He grimaces. Linda’s over-the-top cheeriness hardly breeds confidence, but she is his favourite nurse so he’ll give her a bit of leeway.
His recovery is going decently well, but his amnesia around the evening of the fall persists. It’s hardly surprising or worrying—these things take time his doctors keep saying, and it’s only been a couple days. But, his inability to remember what happened is eating away at him. He knows Sherlock isn’t sharing the full story.
He had mentioned his frustration to Linda and her eyes had lit up. She claimed to have had some success with helping patients with memory through guided visualization and said she would be happy to help John.
It’s funny that her calling it an experiment is what got John to finally agree. It reminded him of the type of argument Sherlock would make (although he would be far less peppy).
Linda lowers the lights before asking John to close his eyes and focus on his last memory from before waking up in hospital.
“I said goodbye to the staff at the nursery and Rosie and I started towards the tube.”
“Good, good. Tell me about what you remember about that moment.”
“The street was busy.”
“With who?”
“Oh loads of people. Looks like people going home from work.”
“Good, good. What’s the weather like?”
“You can do better than that, John.”
A sigh. “It’s chilly, of course, but no wind. There hasn’t been a cloud in the sky all day. It’s nice…good weather. I hoped it would stay like that.”
“Why did you want it to stay like that?”
“Why wouldn’t …” A pause. “I’m nervous about rain.”
“Why, John?”
His heart starts racing. “If it rains, or god forbid snows, it’ll take longer to get to Baker Street. I don’t want to be late.”
“Late for what?”
“Meeting Sherlock for his birthday.” He tries to push ahead in the day, tries to remember meeting Sherlock, but he can’t. He hates it.
“Stay there, John. I can see you’re getting frustrated but it’ll come. You’re doing great. Just focus on getting to the tube.”
“I need to wrap his present before I go,” he blurts out without thinking. “Oh god.” He opens his eyes. “Sherlock’s birthday gift.”
“Are you okay?” Linda asks, gently, reaching out and gently touching his shoulder.
“Yeah, I just …” John says before trailing off. “I just remembered something,” he adds after a pause.
Before collecting Rosie he hadn’t been sure he’d have the balls to give Sherlock the gift, but in that moment he had decided. And once John Watson was sure of something … well nothing could have stopped him.
Nothing except a fall off a roof possibly. Possibly?
But, Sherlock said they met at the flat before heading out for cake. Which means John must have brought the gift. Which means …
There’s no way Sherlock opened it before John fell because they didn’t have cake. Gifts after cake, that’s the rule. So, either Sherlock opened it sometime in the last couple days and or it’s sitting unopened in the flat.
Either way Sherlock hasn’t mentioned it. That can’t be good, right?
“Why don’t you rest,” Linda says, interrupting his thoughts, knitting her brow.
“No, no, let’s keep going!” he says, closing his eyes tight. He needs to remember!
Linda chuckles. “Not now. Sadly, I do have other patients. And you should rest. I promise rest will make it easier.”
He huffs, but doesn’t argue. He opens his eyes and Linda gives him a smile before opening the door.
The constable who’s standing guard outside the room—he’s there on Greg’s orders officially, although everyone knows Mycroft is pulling the strings—pops his head in. “How are you doing, Mr. Watson?”
Linda tsks. “Better than fine, I’d say. He is starting remember a bit. Not the events before the fall, but it’ come.”
“Oh?” Says the constable, eyes darting around the room. The man is visibly surprised and wonders what Greg has been telling the Yard about his injuries.
Linda smiles wide. “Only a matter of time.”
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @phoenix27884 @friday411 @calaisreno @quimerasyutopias @lisbeth-kk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @momma2boys @helloliriels @dapetty
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yesbutmakeitgay · 6 months
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 1
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: A mission gone wrong results in you losing a large part of your memory. What happens when you wake up and you can't remember the love of your life?
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Big thanks to my friend, @cordeliasdarling , for betaing most of this fic :)
Word count: 827
You Don’t Even Know You’re An Angel
Captain Marvel’s ship lands on the Avengers compound, as soon as the door opens she carries your body out to the medical team who already awaited your arrival. There is worry and fear all over her features. She lays you onto the stretcher and follows them to the med bay. You go into immediate surgery and she is forced to wait outside.
Not long after, Fury finds her and sits beside her, "It was an ambush, I didn’t see it coming. She was unconscious when I found her," she says, tears running down her face.
Fury puts an arm around her, "She’s gonna be okay," is all he can say.
After several hours of surgery doctor Cho comes out to find Carol. She explains everything they did to you and how they’re gonna follow up next, "She’s gonna make it," that’s all Carol hears and it’s enough to allow her to breathe again.
"Thank you, can I come see her?" Her voice is desperate.
"It’s best to let her rest for now, you should get some rest yourself." The Captain nods and reluctantly goes to find one of the empty rooms upstairs.
A couple of days go by and you remain unconscious, Carol awaits anxiously to see you, but doctor Cho advises against it. She hasn’t slept at all, the trauma of seeing the love of her life lay almost lifeless before her too heavy to bear.
The next morning Kamala is sitting with The Captain attempting to cheer her up when the doctor comes to find her. "Can we talk? Privately."
Kamala goes to stand up, but Carol stops her, "Stay," she instructs before directing her attention to doctor Cho, "what is it?"
"It looks like she’s gonna make a full physical recovery, but there has been some damage to her brain" the doctor explains quickly so as to not get anyones hopes up.
"What do you mean?" Carol asks with a shaky voice.
"There are indications of memory loss, but it is impossible to tell the gravity of it until she wakes up." The Captain looks at her intently, "You may come see her now."
Carol walks slowly into your room, Kamala following her closely. You’re still asleep, looking weak and hooked to more machines than they can count. The Captain approaches you and carefully holds one of your hands, almost as if you’d crumble if she held it too tight, "I’m so sorry I let this happen to you, angel, you’re gonna be okay and I’ll be right here with you," she whispers, trying to stop a sob from escaping. Kamala can only watch the scene unfold in front of her, unsure of what she should do.
Some time goes by and they settle for sitting in the room and waiting to see what happens. Kamala takes it upon herself to distract Carol from the unconscious body of her lover. They’re in the middle of a heated argument about some menial topic when the heart rate monitor starts beeping faster and you stir awake. "I’ll go find doctor Cho," the girl jumps to her feet.
The blond woman stands up instinctively and gets closer to you, "Hey," is all she can muster.
"Hey," you respond, your voice is raspy.
"You’re awake." A smile begins to form on her face.
"Yeah, where am I?"
"We’re at the compound." Her voice is impossibly soft, you nod in understanding, "Kamala went to get doctor Cho."
You pause for a moment, "So you’re not my doctor?" She falls silent.
The doctor arrives, followed by the brunette girl and she begins to perform some tests on you, after confirming everything physical is in order she begins to ask you some questions.
"Do you remember your name?"
"Do you know where we are?"
"Do you remember what happened?"
"You were on a mission that went wrong," she explains, "do you remember your partner?"
The blonde woman looks at you expectantly, holding out every last bit of hope, "No." She feels like she’s just been stabbed in the chest, unable to take it anymore she storms out of the room.
"Okay," the doctor begins, "it seems you have lost some of your memory. However, the extent of that you will have to find out on your own. Everything physical looks fine, I’m afraid there is nothing else we can do for you."
A nurse comes by to give you a care package and pain meds, you’re ready to leave when you see the brunette girl still standing in the room, "Can I help you?"
Recognizing the severity of the situation and realizing that no one else is gonna take charge she decides to take matters into her own hands. She puts on a big smile and says, "I’m Kamala and I have been appointed your re-orientation agent."
It takes you a moment to register her words, "Did you just make that up?"
"Follow me." Her smile not faltering.
Tell me all your thoughts!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
Chapter 2
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Korea drops my favorite cameo ever & gives KISSES
Entirely subjective yadda yadda. Organized sorta by favs in each category.
Sept 2023 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 4 of 12 - Well that’s one way to find out if he’s gay, see how he reacts to reading a het sex scene out loud. Yai is flirting so hard it’s like he knows everything. 
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - Oh no! I love them. Also cohabitation trope! Also ALL the other ones: hair dry, meet in childhood... GMMTV going no frills with this one.
Hidden Agenda (Sun YT) ep 9 of 12 - Zo’s drama over Pat helping Joke flirt seems awfully manufactured. I’m losing faith in this show. Could GMMTV PLEASE hand JoongDunk a decent script? 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 5 of 10 - Sand & Ray are the only interesting couple, and I’m pretty much only watching for them. They gonna go south fast, tho, and they're already ruined by persistent singing. Ooo. When Sand said Top "stole his ex" did he mean Boston? How gay. 
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 2 of 8 - The pronoun conversation had a bonkers translation but I enjoyed the actuality of it. The reasons for Yi's trickery are very convoluted soap opera. But I suppose that is the amnesia trope for you. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 10 of 12 - Boys. We discussed this already. No sex in onsens! I found this one dull, until the end when LLS showed up. Happy to just have him in everything. Thank you Thailand. Looks like it is a classic ep 11 DOOM next week. Who cares? 
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 1-2 of 10 eps - The usual Thai pulp claptrap this time a reunion romances in and around a convenience store between a boy who recently quit his job and his former bestie who is now a doctor. Mostly not great acting, plot, or production but the sound is okay and no bad effects or singing (so far), so that’s something. The gay brothers have a fun relationship. It’s vampy and campy but fun. I like it but not sure anyone else would.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - The date was cute but I still don’t like the lead or the premise (we moved into Cyrano de Bergerac territory). It’s moving slowly but it seems like we might be over the crush/stalker part of the narrative, so that’s a relief. 
Crazy Handsome Rich (Sun Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - I just can’t. The sound is too weird. With punch down humor and other issues incoming I may DNF this. You’ve been warned. This ep we got to see LLS with his shirt off. Did anything else happen? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thur Viki) ep 8fin - No wonder he is everyone’s favorite hyung, boy can read the room like no one else. I love that we got to see exactly how clingy and demanding Choi Jun was always going to be. Only Lee Jun is easy-going enough to put up with him. Also I’ve never watched a KBL with more innuendo. For Korea this was… raunchy. I gotta say had Laws of Attraction not come along, Simon might have been my favorite character of 2023.
Final thoughts on Jun and Jun:
A delightful office romance about an ex-idol who joins cubical life only to find his new boss is his first love. Others boys are sniffing around too. Operative word being "sniffing" as much of this romance involves smell. With a snappy script, enjoyable sides, a pretty as peaches cast, and descent chemistry this show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smiled every moment I was watching. With tons of rewatch potential (especially the last few eps), my only caution is this is for fans of the BL genre only, I don’t think it’ll work for anyone else. A solid 9/10 from me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
I like that Korea is trying high heat, but Taiwan and Thailand are leaps and bounds better at it.
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) eps 9-10fin -
Omg they so cute as flirty bf. Eeeeeeee! CAMEO!!!!! My fav guest couple ever! So exciting!!!! I love that they intersected with MY Strongberry couple (Private Lessons). I’m not used to this but Holy innuendo Korea, what with Jun & Jun and now this show? It’s a bit much for my gay little heart. The final episode was entirely unnecessary, but it was fun to see them being all domestic and stuff. Maru with his dumb lettuce leaves was hilarious. I feel like I need to rewatch this one to really understand it properly, so I will likely do that soon.
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Summary of Love Class 2:
3 couples form within a semester of university: 1. a hyung romance reunion of exes, one of whom has a dangerous past, 2. a friends to lovers romance, and 3. a mature student and TA one night stand + complexities (many aspects of which had me laughing). I enjoyed the characters and dialogue of this show immensely. It was a little bit more breezy and friendly than I was expecting after the first installment, Love Class. I’m not entirely sure Korea can handle multiple couples like this because it definitely felt disjointed, especially the 3rd more mature couple (also my favorite) who probably should’ve had their own series. But it was definitely fun and something different from Korea. 8/10 RECOMMENDED
Also, Korea tried to give us higher heat... that was... interesting. I mean, you tried hon...?
Kisseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 4 of 13(?) - Everyone is a sad sack this ep. Ooooo. Teach/student my favorite. We never get this one. It’s messy. I’m not sure if there is a plot. I’m not sure they’re sure if there is a plot. But I am still enjoying it.
Why R U? (Korea Wed iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 8 - Why is the Fighter character always so frustrating regardless of name or country? Ji Oh stalking his crush via IG is so relatable. He’s very first crush awkward, unsure, and sweet. They also gave a nice kiss - I love the backpack drop (kiss version of a mic drop?) I still hold that if you haven’t seen the original this might not make much sense. But I am enjoying it. 
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 4 of 8 - Oh goody, another JBL where we have to pay attention solely to what they do and not what they say. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - Big fat sigh. 
It's Airing But...
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 3 of 24 eps - I couldn't get hold of it and I'm not mad. I'm putting it on hold until distribution gets sorted, or icky get their shizz in order (like that'll happen).
Next Week Looks Like This:
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9/15 You Are Mine (Taiwan Gaga) Secretary has to deal with grumpy boss.
9/15 Bump Up Business AKA Bump Up Project (Korea movie) suspected cinema release? I don't know much about what's going on. Last status update. Love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency. Kpop boy group OnlyOneOf has signed up to star in this idol-based BL (based on a webtoon). They’ve been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV series in this post. It’s from Idol Romance who will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You).
Still To Come In September
9/26 I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan ????) - Adapted from the manga, childhood best friends: The cool, smart one who’s good at everything, and his average, dorky friend who struggles. Always by the other’s side, but not together in the way they truly want to be. No matter how hard they try, their hearts cannot reach each other.
9/27 Absolute Zero (Thai iQIYI) - from 2021, Studio Wabi Sabi and New Siwaj finally bring us this “time loop to prevent tragedy” romance. We don’t always get HEAs from them, so I'm on my guard.
9/27 Bon Appetit (Korea iQIYI) - from 2022, 8 eps from GoGo Studio, romance between an office worker who lives off junk food and the man next door who cooks well.
9/? Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam YouTube?)
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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I love him. And I love his version of this character better than Jimmy's.
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I also love it when a show gets meta. (Both Why R U? Korea) Why they didn't just go for YRU? the world may never know.)
(Last week) 
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bnhaemporium · 2 years
Hello! I loved your pro-heros imagine where the reader was hurt. I was wondering if you'd do the pros again reacting to the reader having amnesia? The doctors aren't sure if it's permanent or not. Maybe the pros try to court them all over again just in case they don't remember them? Thank you! ♡
Hello! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!
Characters: All Might, Endeavour, Edgeshot, Aizawa, Hawks
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All Might
Toshinori stares. He knows it’s probably unnerving but he can’t help it, remembering how you looked at him when you first met and unable to maintain his composure fully.
When he snaps out of it, he introduces himself as though he’s never met you before. He puts on the same voice he uses when speaking to the press – the false tone that’s meant to make him sound less human than ever.
He takes a very, very long time before he lets anybody explain he once was in your life. There’s a strange shame he carries with him surrounding your relationship. Despite everything he once promised to you, despite swearing to keep you safe, he feels like he failed.
Even though he’s tempted to try over again and win your heart, he’s not going to. It’s too unbalanced for him to remember everything while you knew nothing. Too hurtful to not be able to feel your care and love.

Is it a fate worse than death? When Aizawa looks into your unrecognizing expression, he contemplates for a brief second if hearing about your death would have hurt him less.
None of these thoughts show on his face as he reintroduces himself to you and leaves out any reference to your relationship. He speaks as though you are merely somebody rescued in his line of work but try as he might, he can’t bring himself to abandon you alone when you’re like this.
He speaks quietly to you, like you’re an animal poised to bolt. It’s so intensely obvious what your relationship once was, though he may not say it. Even with no memories, his care can be seen.
He won’t try to win your heart for a second time. He says it’s because he doesn’t have the energy to but honestly, he doesn’t want to intrude on your life when you already have so much to try and remember.

Keigo doesn’t believe it for a few short, devastating moments when he smiles at you cockily. He waits for your façade to break and listens for a laugh of some unexplained joke. But it never comes and when he slowly realises the truth, he feels entirely lost.
You can’t see his emotions clearly but there’s a shake in his words as he adjusts himself for a reintroduction. His arrogance in telling you about your relationship doesn’t hide how weak his tone sounds.
He’s going to tell you bits and pieces in hopes of bringing back your memories but when it doesn’t work, he’ll shrug as though it’s no big deal. You won’t be allowed to know the truth because he’s barely admitted that to himself.
At first, he promises himself that he’ll leave you to recover in your own time but he won’t hold to that. He’s determined to show you why you fell for him and he’s going to remind you about every part of your relationship he adores.

There are many things in this world that make Enji angry or frustrated but in a situation like this, all of those feel trivial. He doesn’t even recognise the sinking emotion he experiences when you don’t greet him as you always do.
At first, he gets loud and sharp as he almost demands that you remember who he is. His words are harsh and coloured with a grief you can no longer recognise immediately. He eventually has to leave to calm himself down as the anger rolls through him.
It takes him days before he returns and gives you a proper account for what happened, still behaving far too formal. He provides you with whatever he can to prove his point. He knows his stance makes it seem unbelievable.
He’s certain he can win you over a second time and he goes about romancing you as he did the first time. It worked initially. He really takes advantage of what he knows to make you understand his affection.

Shinya maintains a very calm façade when everything is explained to him and he sits at the foot of your hospital bed, watching your expression with a well-hidden uncertainty.
He goes through your relationship and your life with you to see what parts you remember and what has changed. He doesn’t allow his emotions to get to him until he’s alone later that day. That’s when he gives into grief.
It’s hard not to mourn you as though you had died. Everything he’s built with you has been ripped away but he’s not going to let it be the end. Not when he still has you with him.
He works with you to help get your memories back and to make new ones along the way. He’s learned what you like throughout your relationship and he’s going to make your recovery period as peaceful and enjoyable as he can, secretly ensuring he can keep your heart whenever he can.

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captainremmington-13 · 6 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
SUMMARY: Coriolanus begins to manipulate Bellova, and decides she needs to stay out of the way while he rearranges her life completely.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: THIS IS A DARK CHAPTER. It contains manipulation/gaslighting/brainwashing, drugging, and misogynistic undertones.
A/n: This is when Coriolanus’s true colors begin to reveal themselves. I also recommend listening to the song “Milk and Cookies” by Melanie Martinez while reading this.
After the incident in his office, Coriolanus locked Bellova in his study and rushed to Dr. Gaul’s lab. He was slightly mortified by what he had just done. 
What would the public think of him if they found out?
When he burst into the room, one of Dr. Gaul’s assistants immediately pointed towards where she was. The people who worked with the doctor knew that Coriolanus only conducted business with her, and didn’t want anything to do with the others in the lab.
“Ah, Mr. Snow,” Dr. Gaul said, setting down the bird carcass she had been inspecting. “You look troubled. Whatever is the matter?”
Coriolanus adjusted his tie, as he often found himself doing when he was nervous. “I used the serum.”
Her face split into an unnerving grin, and she gestured to a chair next to the table she was working on. “Sit. Tell me everything.”
As Dr. Gaul continued poking and prodding at the dead bird, Coriolanus explained how Bellova had come to his office proposing a marriage for social and political benefits. He vaguely described how it had gotten heated, and that his mind immediately went to the serum in his desk when she had started to blackmail him. 
“She lunged towards me, and I felt my instincts take over. I was able to regain control of the situation and injected the serum into her neck. And a few minutes later, it was like she was completely new person.”
The doctor smiled. “The serum erased any trace of combative behavior in her personality.”
Coriolanus nodded. “It also seemed like she’d experienced some kind of amnesia. She remembered who I was, and appeared to know how to function as a civilized human, but that seemed to be it. I don’t know how to proceed.”
“Her memory was specifically erased and altered to work in your favor,” Dr. Gaul said. “You can rebuild her into what you want her to be.”
“Yes, but what if she relearns her old ways? If she becomes the same Bellova from before-“
“Mr. Snow,” Dr. Gaul cut him off abruptly. “You are failing to realize that you are in control. While she may have been your rival and a threat, she is now nothing but a shell of who she once was.”
“I know that I can influence her perception of the world,” Coriolanus said, slightly frustrated. “She is gullible and easily impressionable, she will believe anything I tell her, even if it directly contradicts reality. But I don’t know what kind of person I want her to be.” 
The doctor hummed. “Think of it this way: what are the things you hated the most about her in the past?”
“She was stubborn, ill-mannered, headstrong, and somewhat intimidating.”
“And what are the opposite of the words you listed?”
Coriolanus thought for a moment. “Compliant, polite, submissive, and weak?”
Dr. Gaul nodded. “I have already paved the way for you to cultivate those traits within her mind. All you must do is maintain those characteristics by encouraging her when she acts the way you want her to, and punishing her when she does not. That’s what I do with many of my most intelligent mutts.”
Coriolanus thought this over. Despite the ethical issues, Dr. Gaul had a solid point. If he went about it correctly, he could train Bellova to be a valuable but harmless asset. 
“Thank you for your guidance, Dr. Gaul,” he said, standing up. “I think I know how to proceed now.”
He gave her a respectful nod and started towards the exit.
“Oh, and Mr. Snow…”
The doctor’s voice stopped him in his tracks, and he turned to face her.
“She was right about one thing: having her as a bride would do you nothing but good.”
When he returned to his office, he found Bellova sitting in his desk chair, drawing on a piece of scratch paper she had found. As soon as he entered the room, she smiled brightly at him, setting aside her sketch. 
“Hi, Coryo!” she chirped. “I missed you.”
Coriolanus let out a small chuckle. “I was gone for ten minutes.”
Bellova pouted. “Where did you go, anyway?”
“I…went to go see Dr. Gaul. I was concerned that something had happened when you hit your head. She concluded that you have suffered from some memory loss.”
She frowned. “That’s not good. But you can help me remember, right? You can tell me what I have forgotten?”
A smile spread across Coriolanus’s face. “Of course.”
And that was how the new Bellova came to believe that she had always been sweet, dutiful, and soft-spoken. That she had been Coriolanus’s sweetheart since their second-to-last year of the Academy. 
And that she had sworn on her life to always be by his side, no matter what.
Of course, there were still issues that Coriolanus had to address. What would all of Bellova’s friends and family think when they discovered this drastic change in her personality?
He had to figure out how to preserve his reputation and erase any suspicion surrounding her transformation. Or all of the atrocities he had committed were for nothing. 
Coriolanus wished he could steal Bellova’s ability to lie flawlessly. With all of the false information he would need to distribute, it would be quite useful.
After locking Bellova in his office again, he rushed back to Dr. Gaul’s lab to borrow a sedative. She handed him one she used for experimenting on larger animals without question. 
He took the elevator down to the bottom floor of the Citadel, where there was a small café for workers to eat at during breaks. He quickly purchased a cup of hot cocoa for Bellova and a sandwich for himself. While in the elevator returning his office, he poured the sedative into the cup, stirring it a few times for good measure.
When he returned this time, Bellova was leaning back on his chair with her feet propped up on his desk, staring up at the ceiling. 
“Please don’t do that,” he said, gesturing for her to remove her feet from the desk. She obeyed immediately, muttering a quiet “sorry”. 
He held out the cup of cocoa to her. “It’s alright. Here, drink this, you need to keep your energy up.”
Bellova immediately took a sip. “What for?” she asked. 
“For…the events we have later tonight.” 
He winced internally. The old Bellova would have immediately reminded him how bad of a liar he was. 
Fortunately, the current Bellova didn’t question him. She simply gave him a naive smile, continuing to drink her cocoa. 
After less than a minute, she was laying on the floor of Coriolanus’s office, fast asleep. 
Coriolanus double-checked that his door was locked before sitting in his chair, sighing loudly. 
He would tell emergency medics that she had passed out suddenly, and that he was the first one who stumbled across her unconscious form. She would be in the hospital for a couple days, giving him enough time to execute another crucial part of his plan. 
When she woke up, her world would revolve solely around him.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @vxnilla-hxrddrugs, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! I’m so excited for you guys to see what happens within the next few installments!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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websterss · 8 months
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SUMMARY: With the rising questions of whether ghost lock is a permanent form. Your doctor decides to run test on you, much to Lockwood’s like, to analyze your sudden loss of memory and to determine how much you actually do recall.
WARNING(S): mentions of amnesia, death, angst, some fluff if you squint
PAIRING: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader    
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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“Lockwood!” Lucy marches after him. The poor man before was pitiful. He walked away from the big court area. Never one to allow anyone to see him break. He kept running a hand through his hair, down his face, he was a mess.
A man who has a lot of experience in hiding his emotions suddenly finds he's had enough. Lockwood was furious. He was on the verge of tears, but he wasn't about to cry. He was shaking with anger and frustration. He walked down the long hallways to the elevator.
“Is this some bloody joke?” He breathes out a laugh not finding anything at the moment hilarious. 
It was the worst thing that could have happened. The agency was already struggling. Now this. It had to be some sort of prank. He was still on the verge of tears, the thought of his best friend not recognizing him, not even remembering they were friends. It broke him inside out. He punched the elevator button with the bottom of his fist, over and over again. It didn't make the doors open any faster. His knuckles ached from the impact. “She can’t remember…S-She can’t remember anything.” Anthony grabbed at his tie, loosening it more so than usual. 
"Lockwood..." Lucy put her hands out trying not to scare him in her approach. Her heart broke for you but more so Lockwood, the impact this weighed on his heavy heart.
He pulled at his tie again, eyes glued to the closed elevator doors that wouldn’t open while telling himself. “She’ll remember, she’ll remember. I know she will. It’ll take some time. People who suffer from amnesia don’t always get their memories back, but there is still a chance.” He spoke to himself but knew Lucy was behind him. He wouldn’t speak to her though. He was too upset, too hurt to give her any sort of response.
“Lockwood.” She tried again.
He turns to face her. His expression is stony, with red-rimmed eyes and tense lips. He was trying hard not to lose control but when he saw her eyes tear up, he couldn’t be angry. All his aggression melted away the second her arms shot out to pull him into a tight embrace and then he sobbed like a broken child.
He let the tears fall. He didn’t care anymore. “S-She can’t remember anything.” He whispered to himself, in a cracked voice, as the elevator doors finally opened. The timing was impeccable. “She doesn’t remember me. She doesn’t know who I am. She doesn’t know any of us.”
Lucy couldn't bear to see him like this. She'd never seen him this emotional. She gently held him in her arms. Her fingers softly traced the outline of his face. She pressed her forehead against his, eyes shut. She wished he would allow her to comfort him. If she could only speak some words of healing. But that's not how trauma worked. She couldn't heal his heart, however much she wished she could. All she could do was hold him and let him cry. She squeezed him tightly.
"I've lost her-" He began but Lucy shook her head.
“You haven’t.” She urged. “She’s still here, still with us. She’s just lost at the moment. But we’re gonna help her find her way back to us. But she’s not gone, we didn’t lose her physically.” She squeezed his hand. She wanted to reassure him. She wanted to calm his mind from the panic and pain. 
"I'm not gonna be able to survive this Luce, have to relive the memories she doesn't remember I-" 
"Then we make new memories with her. Instead of focusing on the memories that are lost, how about we focus on the ones that are being made? She has a second chance now." 
“It’s the old ones I’d prefer that are not all lost…” He looked away from her. 
"I-I bet she’ll remember them, and if she doesn't..." She struggled for the right words. She wanted to say what he wanted to hear, but that wouldn't be right, it wouldn’t be entirely true. "Then we can tell her. You can talk about them. They’ll be new to her, but we-" She paused having run out of words of comfort. “We’ve all lost her Lockwood, but we’ll get her back together.” She nodded, placing a reassuring hand against her upper arm. 
He knew she was right. He couldn’t forget how distraught all of them were when DEPREC came along and whipped you into the back of an ambulance in a hurry. They all had you to lose, but they now had you to gain. He’d make sure of it.
“I think we should make our way back…” Lucy suggested, but it made Lockwood confused. “I think you might have scared her, you did storm off after all.”
“Oh god…” He closed his eyes. “She’s gonna think I-”
“Have unresolved anger issues?” She poked and teased with a timid smile.
“Hilarious.” He huffed and pushed past her to make his way back to the refectory.
You continue to nibble on the sandwich Lucy brought to you. Silence had fallen over you and George. The shouting dispersed down the hall, but you had yet to feel slightly relaxed. George picked up on your hesitation, seeing you avert your eyes after meeting his own for a split second. He only had a very brief moment to fully grasp the fact he was actually sitting across from you. You were awake and fully functioning much to his surprise. He went through various stages and emotions of grief and disbelief. 
When he found you and Lucy together at a table, he had gawked at you, mouth wide open, finger slowly pointing at you in disbelief. He kept trying to form coherent sentences, but all that came out of his mouth was stuttered gibberish nonsense. Lucy gave him one lousy second to accept your return before she began pushing him forward. Ushering him off to retrieve Lockwood and bring him here. Now that he was finally sitting across from you without interruptions. He attempted to make conversation, or at best, just a way to familiarize yourself with him. Reacquaint and introduce himself. Amnesia…he couldn’t begin to fathom what you must be going through. 
“I’m George, in case you were wondering.” Your head snapped up to meet his smile. 
“Oh yes hi!” You awkwardly let a laugh out. “I heard Lock–Anthony say your name.” 
“You remembered. We’ll remember the things you’re told…sorry.” You hadn’t taken offense to his wince though. Instead, you asked. 
“I suppose there’s a last name to go with George?” You muster a timid laugh. Your best attempt to lighten the mood. You weren’t fond of the tension in the air. It made you feel out of place.
“Karim.” He tells you. “George Karim.” 
“It’s a beautiful name.” You tilt your head. A lopsided grin plastered on your face. George’s eyes narrow slightly, he had a hard time grasping that you were gone, but you're right here in front of him. 
“You’ve said that before…” George’s shoulders fall. It wasn’t meant to change the mood of the conversation, more of a nostalgia for memories. He offers a gentle smile, one that brings you warmth. Warmth and trust you can find within a friend.  
“I suppose I was one for handing out compliments then?” You breathe out a laugh. 
“Not just compliments. It wouldn’t be fun without your jokes. Though you’re particularly known for your insults as well.” George smirked seeing your eyes widen. 
“Insults? Oh, that doesn’t sound like me. All in good fun I hope?” Your eyes widened in hope.
“All in good fun.” He promises with a nod. 
You accept the reassurance. Taking another bite of the sandwich. Chewing on the piece of bread. The awkward wave once again filled the air. You glanced over your shoulder. Hoping to see his face reappear once more. He was rather easy on the eyes, a vision. 
George, having picked up on your uneasiness, offered his reassurance. “They’ll be back. It hasn’t been easy for Lockwood. Much less Lucy. Though he’s been taking it far worse than us…as you can imagine already.” He implied towards the burst of anger Anthony unleashed. You look up at him. Your eyes held hope in them. The glisten in them made George want to reach out and hold you. You were holding onto his word. Hating the feeling of being seen so small and vulnerable with how you curled yourself into your tray of lunch. Adding to your sense of unfamiliarity with your new, but rather old friends. You truly felt lost with no direction. 
Lucy had chuckled and followed behind Lockwood. Walking back towards where you and George sat. Once back in the refectory, she met eyes with George first and then with yours as your head turned swiftly. Anthony stopped alongside her, shortly allowing the situation to sink in fully, you were awake, you were okay, he hadn’t entirely lost you and you were staring right back at him. Those beautiful eyes he saw turn white were back to their original color. He offered a smile in hopes of easing your worry, it had as the corners of your lips reciprocated his own. God, you were a breath of fresh air. He knew one thing though, that they had to get some answers.
When you reached the third floor, you weren’t quite sure what to expect. Nurses' eyes stared at you like you were a historical exhibit. A new gallery to gawk and stare at. You were the talk of the hospital. You shrink under their whispers and stares. Lockwood sees you trying to make yourself invisible and failing to do so. It brings you comfort when he calls them out on it. 
“Don’t you have patients to attend to? Nothing to see here!” He guides you into the room he didn’t find you in.
As you entered a man with white hair, a tall frame, and black-rimmed glasses stood at the end of your bed. A chart in his hands. A sheet lifted into the air as he read something off the bottom one underneath it. Lockwood cleared his throat, which gathered his attention. When he snapped his head to the door where you all stood in front of. He double-takes. Not expecting to find you standing amongst them…even more so awake.
“Bloody hell…They weren’t kidding.” You wrapped your arms around you as he made a cross on his chest. “Hello, Y/n. I’m Dr. Trainor. You have become quite famous today missy.” He tries to lighten the mood with a laugh, but it only makes you more aware of the attention you’re gaining. 
“Famous?” You raise a brow in question. Dr. Trainor chuckled at your confusion, thinking you were messing with him. 
“Why yes, it’s not every day one comes out of a ghost-locked state.” Everyone winces, except you, when he says this. Lockwood steps forward pushing you behind him. He didn’t want Dr. Trainor to further confuse you. You already questioned him about what sort of research you did. It was enough to clarify that you did not have any memory of being an agent. Let alone about the epidemic that broke out a few years ago. Hell, you hardly knew who the hell you were, and that scared him. You were more vulnerable now than you had ever been, all because you sacrificed yourself for him. How would he ever repay you for that? 
“Dr. Trainor, there's something you need to know.” Lockwood steps forward. 
“Yes?” He averts his attention to him now, but you manage to ask the question lingering on your mind.
 “What’s ghost locked?” 
Everyone turns to you. Dr. Trainor finds the question humorous, but as he turns to look at the others. He finds that no one else is laughing along with him. Anthony meets his eyes, immediately shaking his head with a stoic expression. Dr. Trainor's face falls flat. Then snaps his head to you. Your genuine curiosity and innocent nature were by no means a prank. You were serious.
“Oh…” Dread paints his face. He sighs heavily. “Oh, you poor child.” 
“We believe she has amnesia. How much she’s forgotten, we don’t know.”
“Amnesia…” Dr. Trainor breathes out. 
“Can you help her?” Lockwood asks with a plea. 
“Mr. Lockwood amnesia isn’t something you can just fix.” He laughs lightly. “How much has she forgotten?” He looks to the others, then to you. He guides you to the side of your bed. “Dear, is there anything that you can remember?” You look to your friends, who’ve managed to give you some of yourself back. “I’m Y/n Y/L/N. My favorite color is green?” You look at Lucy, she urges you to continue with a smile. “I’m a…swifter?” You raise your brow with uncertainty. 
“Good god.” Anthony curses under his breath. He closes his eyes and runs a hand down his face. He’s so close to ripping strands of hair from his skull.
“She means swiftie. She’s a big fan of the singer.” Lucy steps in to clarify the doctor's vivid confusion. “She’s forgotten everything I’m afraid. Her identity. Being an agent. She’s unfamiliar with everything that has to do with being an agent. No recollection of the epidemic that broke out either.” Lucy inquires. “I found her and she didn’t know who she was, didn’t know who I was.” She gives you a sad smile. 
“I see…So everything you’ve recalled to me is information you’ve been told. Okay.” He unravels his stethoscope from his neck. “Any headaches, pain anywhere?” He turns to ask you. You shake your head no. 
“I feel fine.” You admit. 
“That’s a good sign.” 
“It is?” Lockwood questions. The doctor rolls his eyes. 
“Yes. It means we don’t have to worry about anything internally happening.” 
“Try mentally…” Lockwood mutters under his breath. Yet, Lucy and George give him a deadpan stare, whereas the doctor chooses to ignore his tasteless comment.
“So what does this mean for others that remain in ghost lock? Would you say that ghost lock is no longer terminal?” Lucy held such high hopes. This would mean a great deal for her. It would be a great deal to Norrie, who wouldn’t stay in ghost lock forever. She’d no longer have to be in that psychiatric ward they held her in for surveillance and observation. Dr. Trainor gestured to the knot on your neck, your eyes widened as you reached up to untie it.
“It’s hard to tell so soon, this does happen to be a very unique and uncommon occurrence. We’d have to look into this situation more to be able to determine if ghost lock no longer is terminal, but at the moment this is out of our hands as we have no information to help us fully understand what we’re dealing with.” He moves the stethoscope across your back stopping in various spots. “Deep breath in, exhale out.” You do this about 3 more times. The metal felt cold against your skin. “Breath in.” You inhale deeply. “Breath out for me now.” You exhale. Then continue to breathe as normal. Lucy comes around to help adjust the ties around the back of your neck securely again. Lockwood leans forward, hands gripping the edge of the bed. He tucks in his lips, eyes furrowed deep in thought. The doctor wraps the stethoscope around his neck. Now fetching a light to examine your eyes. 
“What of her memories?” Anthony spares you a glance. Watching the doctor have you follow his finger. “Will she get them back?” He looks up to Dr. Trainor. 
“Can you follow my finger?” You shift your gaze left then right, then up and down. He leans forward to take a closer look into your eyes, slowly reaching forward to pull at your top eyelid. You feel uneasy when his face contorts into that of curiosity and interest, “Huh?”
This makes Anthony straighten up. “What? Is something wrong?”
“Nothing quite alarming, but have your eyes always had a white ring around them?” Dr. Trainor knows the answer since he’s checked them for the past weeks now, so this was new to come across. 
“White ring?” You question. “I wouldn’t know…” You turn to look at your friends for answers. Anthony walks over to you.
“No.” Anthony confirms his question. He steps closer, silently asking if he can peer into them. Your nod of confirmation has him gently bringing his hands up to your face. His thumbs slowly push up your eyelids as the doctor provides the light. When he sees the white rings sitting around your eye shade his heart plummets slightly. “They were never there before. Should we worry?” He turns his attention to the doctor.
“It doesn’t appear to be affecting her sight, or mobility, so until they do become a cause for concern I’m writing it off as nothing to be worried about, but to keep in mind if it starts causing problems.”
“Is she allowed to be released tonight?” Lucy buts in.
Dr. Trainor gives you a once-over, contemplating. “I’d recommend she’d stay another night for observation…but her vitals have been fine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone wake up with your mobility and strength my dear. No headaches or pain?” He asks you once more.
“No.” You reassure. 
“Then I’ll allow you all to take her home, but if you sense any form of change in her health, you bring her to me. Understood?”
“We will.” George says.
“Alright then if there’s no further question, then dear you are free to go. I’ll go ahead and get your discharge paper.” You nod and thank him for everything, then watch him make his way to the door, but Anthony grabs ahold of his upper arm, pulling him to the side.
“And her memories?” Anthony emphasizes his need to know. Dr. Trainor sighs.
“I’d recommend to give it time. Don’t try to rush her to remember things. This is amnesia, not an exam. She doesn’t need to remember everything all at once.” He directs his raised brow at him with a warning not to push you. Lockwood only nods solemnly. The doctor turns his gaze to you and Lucy, laughing about something he wasn’t sure of. George gives them a tight lip smile as he brushes past them into the hall. Lucy helping you find your clothes. Dr. Trainor slowly moves the both of them out of the room and closes the door behind them. He walks them to the far end of the hall away from any possible listeners “I wouldn’t worry too much about her memories…”
“No?” Anthony scoffs.
“This is a very vulnerable situation you are dealing with Mr. Lockwood.” He looks down the hallway. “I’d keep a close eye on her if I were you. News is going to spread quickly about her awakening, and it won’t be pretty. Cherish the moments of peace while you still can. Though that isn’t much of a concern to me.”
“Oh no?”
“Her eyes. I’ve seen it once, in the papers. A child, much younger than she is. Tragic ending.”
“You said it wasn’t a cause for concern!” Anthony whispers and yells.
“I know. I’d still like you to keep an eye on her, if you feel the slightest change in her health…in her demeanor, don’t wait. That child’s parents were reluctant to accept acceptance and it ended with a funeral. Don’t wait.”
“Demeanor?” Anthony straightens up. “What– Why are you telling me this?”
“You never quite know who to trust…and if I were you, I'd also concern myself with how you’re going to explain to her how she can hear and see ghosts.” Lockwood felt a shiver run up and down his spine. He falters for a quick second because he’s right. He does have to concern himself with that, yet as far as he knows you’ll be on house calls for as long as he deems it necessary. He has to concern himself about telling you a lot of things, but for now, he settles with a tight-lipped smile. 
“Good day to you, Dr. Trainor.” He pats the man and turns around.
“Expect a check-in house call, Lockwood.” 
“We’ll call you!” He finished with a wave of his hand as he walked down the hall, where you wait for him now. 
“Ready?” He sighs.
“I think so. Is this all that was on my person?” You look down at your outfit and shoes. Your neck and fingers are decorated with simplistic jewelry, each one you wanted to ask about and what it meant to you, or if any were given to you. Anthony takes notice of the necklace that hasn’t been tucked into your shirt yet. The small A and ring that was your mothers sitting comfortably on top of your black shirt. You then lift the rapier with gauged eyes. “W-What is this?” You eye the weapon with uncertainty. Anthony pulls out of his daze and reacts quickly.
Anthony reaches forward and takes it from your hands. “Don’t know who gave you that!” A light panicked laugh reaches your ears.
“What is it though, is it mine?” Your innocence was killing him. “Are we in a sport? A-A team?” Your eyes brighten with curiosity.
Anthony curls in his eyes, deadpanning to Lucy and George. “Please tell me the cab is here?”
“Fencing! We fence!” You exclaim. 
“Oh thank god!” Anthony visibly moans at the sight of a black cab sitting patiently at the entrance. 
The whole ride home Anthony couldn’t contain the smile he tried to fight back. His fingers were over his mouth to hide it from the others, but even Lucy found it quite amusing as George practically pointed out various places. It was like your own practical tour, and you represented that of a kid whose mother granted them the pleasure of going to the candy store. You were quite the sight. Though he anticipated your reaction when the cab had stopped in front of their home, your home, the one you had no recollection of. He tracked your quiet exhales as he made the first exist. He stood at the door allowing everyone to leave, then held his hand out for you. You hesitated to take it, yet when your fingertips slid over his palm, well he just about lost his composure. 
Your eyes had yet to remove themselves from the door. Anthony’s smile lingered, watching your every move. 
“Welcome home.” 
“This is home?” You breathe a laugh of disbelief. 
“It’s not much but-”
“No…It’s perfect.” Your smile grows as you look over at him. Your attention turns away once more, and you find the plaque. “A.J Lockwood & Co. Investigators…after dark ring the bell and wait below from the line.” You immediately look down at the line that was placed before the stairs. “Why the line?”
“Uh I– S-Safety precaution, we never know who might come around. Better to be safe. Why don’t we head inside? I can give you the grand tour.” He offers, wanting to trail away from your curiosity. In time, he reminds himself. He visibly relaxes knowing you’d be safer inside, knowing the curfew was about to be set in stone soon. Nightfall was emerging. 
Your eyes wander after he offers to take your coat. The space bringing you a sense of warmth. The house looked lived in, what a home should represent. You walked further down the entryway, your footing colliding with boots. Anthony swivled around hearing you laugh. 
Your laugh, such a contagious melodious sound. Oh, how he missed it. His heart soars. It’s always been something his heart reacts to. He’d thought the worst of the visit, thinking he’d see you in your coma-like state, he never assumed that the day would lead to you being here with them again. In your shared home, awake, laughing at various items that needed to be put away. Your laugh was so innocent, making it all the more precious to him. He didn’t want to look away, but he did anyway. “Let’s start in here.” He gestured to the living area. 
"Out of all the rooms in this house, you start with the least interesting one." George's voice rings out as he and Lucy enter the living area too. "I think she'd find the bas-"
Anthony met his gaze, immediately shaking his head no at him. "That's enough, George." He cuts in firmly, but not angrily. He didn't want to scare you. His gaze lingers on George before turning back to you. "Plenty of rooms to go by, but I think one at a time will suffice for now. Wouldn’t want to overwhelm you." He mustered a smile.
“I think one at a time is fine, but I would like to at least know where I’ll be able to sleep.” You laughed halfheartedly.
“Are you tired? I’m sorry I wasn’t considering ho-” You reached forward to stop his rambling. 
“I’m not tired, promise. Just curious.” 
He was relieved that you weren’t tired, at least not as much as you could be. Your presence alone seemed to have brightened everything in front of them. Things felt as though they’d turn bright side up quickly. He couldn’t have been happier than in this moment. “Well, we shouldn’t waste any more time, the tour awaits. Lucy will be able to show you your room later as you share it with her.” You looked over to Lucy and nodded. 
“We share a room?”
“It was originally yours alone, but I came after and we made it work. I promise you I don’t snore.”
“Oh okay.” You laughed. 
Anthony chuckled at the thought, finding your amusement contagious, but he knew it wouldn’t take much more than a glance to make him join you in your lightheartedness. He took a breath, steadying himself. There was no need. Your smiles were so infectious it was like there was never anything to feel stressed about in the first place. 
“Let’s continue. Now if we go back through this door straight ahead we will find my personal favorite…the kitchen.” Anthony winked at you. “Are you hungry because George just so happens to be a great co-” You all stopped and turned toward the front door as the doorbell went off. Everyone stiffened and held their breaths. 
“Who’d show up now…curfew just started.” Lucy questions.
“No one good…” Lockwood keeps you all behind him as he makes his way over.
“There’s a curfew?” Your brows furrowed. 
“Well talk about it later Y/n…” He muttered softly to you before he opened the door. “Inspector Barnes?"
“She here?” He looked past his shoulder and stilled when he met your confused gaze. 
“We haven’t broken any guidelines…” He tried to keep him from entering, but he saw you. The one thing he didn’t want happening. 
“I'm aware, good on you…that’s not why I’m here.” Barnes entered slowly walking over to you with his hands raised. Though Anthony walked over to you and stood before you, in Barnes's path. “Hello again Miss Y/L/N it’s good to see back to your old self again.” Your mouth widened as you turned to look at Anthony, Lucy, and George for answers.
“Y/n, go upstairs,” Anthony orders blocking you from the man who arrived. 
“Upstairs? Oh did I do some-”
“No, you didn’t do anything. I just need you to go upstairs for a second please.” Anthony kept staring at Barnes. He shifted his gaze over his shoulder to where you hadn’t moved. “P-Please.” With uneasiness, you finally nod and make your way up the steps slowly, casting a glance back at them. Your gaze not leaving the stranger who entered your home.
“What roo-”
“When you make it to the first landing keep climbing the staircase up, there will be a door, that’s your and Lucy’s room.” He instructed softly. 
“O-Okay.” You nodded and kept making your way up the steps.
A few beats passed before he closed his eyes at the shut of the door upstairs. His anger takes over his body once more.
“She doesn’t recognize me…” Barnes's surprise drawing out. He points to the stairs.
“I see your vision works.” Anthony gives him a tightlipped smile. 
“What are you doing here? If you wanted to visit a phone call would’ve done nicely.”
“Lockwood-” George could feel the tension begin to disrupt the nostalgia and peace they were swimming in earlier. 
“I’m here to ask Y/n a few questions.”
“She’s not taking any visitors at the moment, maybe ever, sorry. Doors over there.” Lockwood gestures behind him. 
“DEPRAC would like to get an understanding of her situation–”
“She has barely been home for a few minutes!”
“I understand but if we could get a few words with her or anything out of the three of you then we-”
You had made it to the room Anthony said was yours. You slide down against the closed door, legs sprawled out in front of you, as you try to calm your breathing. The arguing voices downstairs do nothing to provide you comfort. You stare off into the space of the room blankly. Your eyes unfocus and refocus on different objects and trinkets that lay around. 
“You can't just come into our home unannounced and-“ You hear Anthony exclaim angrily.
You close your eyes, letting your head thud against the wood. Why was yelling constantly involved when you were the center of a conversation? Were you problematic that it made your friends feud? You craved peace and clarity when in reality chaos and confusion embraced you. You glance down around and spot a small device on a nightstand. You're reminded of Lucy informing you of your love for Taylor Swift and can’t help but wonder if the mp3 player is yours. You get up and go over, slowly retrieving and bringing it to life.
As you scroll and insert the earbuds into your ears. The artist playing in your ears doesn’t satisfy your innermost thoughts. Your pain. The song you’re listening to, the one said to be your favorite, is very upbeat. Hardly the type of vibe you’re looking for. You read off each artist and song title. Every song is unfamiliar to you. Music you don’t recall liking or loving. The trio had done a wonderful job emphasizing that you couldn’t live without the mp3 player you hold in your hands on the way home. The device doesn’t create a sense of security. None of the songs feel melodious or relatable. You're a stranger to your music taste. 
Your brows furrow, a frown evident in your saddened features. Your breath shudders as another loud yell echoes faintly through the door. You flinch, hoping that if you close your eyes they will stop, at least for your sake. You can’t take the shouting for much longer though. You glance down and press on a song that catches your eye. Settling on one, instead of nothing was better. You don’t think too much of it, but you're thankful that a soft sad instrumental beat starts to fill your ears. The silence of the bedroom no longer. You let the device slide out of your hand and onto the floor. You don’t hear the clatter, you don’t hear the yelling. You rest your head back against the door again, letting the music drown out every sound, every burst of anger being heard downstairs. You let the music consume you, taking advantage of the comfort it provides because, at this moment, it’s the only real thing that can help you make sense of the world again. 
Anthony sets out to check up on you after making Barnes leave and call him back when they think it’s best for you. His heart clenched with each step he took upstairs. He gripped onto the railing, his knuckles turning white, making his way up to your and Lucy’s shared bedroom. He thought of every worst-case scenario as to why you wouldn’t have come back down. Where dread hovered, worry loomed over tons of times worse. It's all he’s been feeling really. 
Worry and concern over your well-being. The swelling in his heart was further amplified by having you back at the apartment…one you held no recollection of. Another reason to add to the list of things that would surely keep him awake all night. He only hoped as much as Lucy and George had that you’d gain your memories back. That you would remember the best times and the worst times of your lives together. The laughs you’ve all shared and the way you’ve all let your walls down around each other have allowed to see glimpses of each other's vulnerable sides.
When the raps on the door weren’t acknowledged he stepped in and climbed up to the landing of the room. The room had some life brought back into it as his eyes roamed. Your fairy lights were plugged in once again, as well as your mushroom night light. The shadows of it cast circles onto the ceiling. He teased you about it once, and you went on a rant about how having them light off your ceiling was cute, aesthetically pleasing as you put it. He couldn’t judge your preferences though, not when they brought you comfort.  You had looked around a little, he could tell, since things were shifted or moved by you.
His smile vanished as his eyes fell on your form. In hopes that he’d find you okay was wishful thinking. Not when your face was dipped between your arms placed over the top of your knees. You weren’t even aware that he had entered. From the loud echo of music coming from your earbuds, he didn’t doubt that you were blaring the music as loud as it could go. How your eardrums didn’t burst, he hadn’t known. He approached you slowly. Kneeling down and lightly running his hand over your kneecap. He was cautious about not wanting to startle you, but the flinch you gave, and gasp you emitted had him falling on his ass. His heart only broke further seeing the redness from your eyes. Blood vessels form around your irises. Your eyes were puffy. You tried your best to act like you were fine, wiping under your nose as you sniffled, but once your eyes met his. Another tear fell past your waterline. 
He was so accustomed to wiping your tears that it became a habit. His arm moved on its own accord before he fully registered that he had slid closer to touch you. He reached up to rid your cheek of the tear stain gently. You showed no signs of discomfort, inviting the lingering caress of his thumb. He smiled faintly feeling- seeing you subconsciously lean into his palm. He rubbed against your skin for a few minutes then let his hand fall back down to his side. He scooted over to one side of you, crisscrossing his legs. He let out a sigh as his back felt the hard cold metal frame. His eyes landed on small objects or loose pieces of clothing thrown around the room.
A coping mechanism he picked up during your absent days from the apartment. Still hospitalized and ghost-locked. It made him want to tear up as he was reminded of the days he longed to see you conscious and sitting beside him. Just as you were now. He inched his pinky to brush against yours. You made no act to shift away, unknowingly to that as you wrapped yours around his, you’d done so many times. Anthony breathed out a shaky laugh as you tightened your pinky around his own. His eyes lifted to yours, finding you already waiting for him to look up at you. He let a tear fall past his cheek as a chorus of deja vu flooded his mind. He was all too familiar with where he sat, in this exact spot.
Funny enough, Anthony found himself in this very spot for weeks. Sat up against the foot of your bed frame. Trying to find comfort in the disarray of your belongings. Hoping to hear your laugh within the vacant chair at your desk, or even a soft cry as his fingers glided over one of your favorite books coated with tear stains. He wanted- hoped to find you here in the mess. Each time he’d turn his head to the right of him, he hoped to find you there next to him, smiling at him, but it always ended the same way. Having his eyes burn holes into the wall he was met with instead of you each night. 
Yet even now, as your eyes locked and the corner of your lips curled upward. He believed this all to be a dream. Too scared to look away because he felt once he did, he’d turn back to find you gone. That you’d evaporate into thin air as he’d try to grasp at you. But you were right here, in his reach, in his grasp. Right beside him…you were home again.
“I see you settled yourself in. Find anything you like on it?” He gestured to the device to your right. You take out your right earbud and let it dangle. You lift the device and swirl the circle around to lower the volume. 
“No.” You meet his gaze as you chew your bottom lip. Your eyes cast onto his shoes to distract your nerves from building up. “I think it's only left me with more questions about myself, rather than answers.”
Anthony’s heart tears down right in the middle as you remove the other earbud and slowly hand over the mp3 player. He’s left confused not knowing what to make of this. 
“As silly as it may sound…It doesn’t feel right to take it, feels as though I’ve stolen it from her- or rather, me?” You shake your head. “My former self?” You look away from his lap. Picking and pulling at loose threads from a sweater you hardly recognize as your own. “The music that she- that I listened to…Nothing feels familiar.” You breathe out shakingly. 
“You say it like…like you’re dead.” His chest falls and rises slowly, but it's threatening to increase in pace. “But you’re not, Y/n. You’re still here.” 
“What if I am though? The old me you all miss. What if she’s gone for good and you can’t get her back? What if I can’t remember? What if we can’t-“ Anthony reached forward to hold your shoulders as you began to hyperventilate. 
“I wouldn’t think so negative just yet. You’ve only just gotten discharged, we’ve barely brought you home… ” He breathes a smile. “The doctor said this could take, and that this isn’t something that should be rushed. Though as much as I do miss our inner jokes.” He beams with a solemn gaze. “I’m willing to wait. However long it takes, even if it means months till- till you come back to us. It’ll be worth the wait.” He unravels your joined pinkies and interlaces his hand with yours instead. You glance down, and a spread of warmth and hope entices you. Yet there’s still that lingering dread and fear casting a shadow. 
“And what if…What if I can’t remember anything?” Your eyes tear up. Your mouth is slightly agape as you breathe through your mouth. “What if all the memories we’ve all made don’t come back?” 
“Then we’ll recreate them again. Memories as wonderful and as painful as the ones we’ve shared. I’ll make sure you get your life back the way it was before, as we were before, even if that means starting from the beginning.” 
“You’d do that for me?” You laugh lightly as tears fall down your cheeks. He reached up and wiped them away. You didn’t even know half of what he was willing to do for you. 
“You don’t even know that majority of it.” He gave you a steady nod. You squeezed your eyes, floored with joy and a mixture of sadness combined. You were overwhelmed. You opened your eyes back up expecting to meet Anthony’s charming grin. Yet the loud gasp you released had startled him. You were met with a void of darkness in his place instead. 
“Y/n?” Anthony shifts to sit up.
You had tried to squeeze his hand. As you sunk into the back of your mind, but you found yourself incapable of moving. You tried to scream for him but your mouth felt glued shut. Your body was stiff as a board as your eyes stared past Anthony’s form.
If you could have seen his face. Fear stricken, his eyes widened as he sat up on his knees, vividly shaking you and pressing light taps to your cheeks. Dread and confusion glossed over his eyes seeing a white milky glaze form over your y/e/c eyes again. 
“Y/n? Hey, no, no. Y/n, can you hear me?” He gripped your face. Shouting at you as your body locked itself out of nowhere. You were fine. You were fine just a second ago. You only closed your eyes for a second, and then this happened. He was panicking. The confident esteemed leader of Lockwood & Co was nowhere to be found. A scared boy feeling helpless and vulnerable as he screamed for the girl he held feelings for took his place. “L-Lucy!” His voice cracked as he pressed your face into the crook of his neck. His body shook as tears fell harshly down his face. He didn’t know what to do. “Lucy!” He cried. He pulled your face back. His hands caressed your face, hoping it would bring you back from whatever supernatural occurrence this was. “G-George!”
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jellifysh · 2 years
Fake Love (part 2)
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Or, Your Boyfriends Are Always There for You, and Always Have Been. Right?
OT7 x reader (soft yandere! bts x reader, amnesia au, heavy manipulation, dark fluff, the boys love you they’re just insane about it, ur family sucks sorry, more mentions of injuries and hospitals, I don’t actually know how hospitals works so I’m making this all up <3)
A/N: dam I really went three months w/o updating that’s crazy omggg y’all I’m so sorry,, I had the planning for this just sitting here for months but I’m actually not sure where I’m going with this story imma be fr,, it’s gonna be a happy ending and morally grey (as all my stories tend to be for some reason) but for the most part it’s just gonna be fluff :) enjoy <333
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You floated on the edge of consciousness, feeing hands stroking through your hair. Stretching out your body, slowly “So beautiful.” A voice said, hush as a strand of hair was brushed back from your face. You shifted a little, then blinked open your eyes, shutting them again as the sun hit them too soon.
“Aw, too bright? I’ll close them, darling, don’t worry.” Jin cooed, moving to close the curtains securely. You sat up slowly, their eyes on you as you got your bearings, slowly blinking and rubbing sleep off your face, then laughing to yourself in disbelief as you looked around. The members had gathered in various spots around your bed, Jungkook was playing with your hair, Jimin had been brushing a hand across your cheek, and the rest gazed at you, fondness in your eyes. You wondered how many time you had woken up like this in the past—well, minus the hospital bed.
“I almost thought you all were a dream.” You quietly admitted, awe creeping into your sleepy tone.
“Not a dream, nabi. This is real.” Taehyung said, a bit of awestruckness in his voice as well, leaning down to link pinkies with you. You giggled, wrapping your pinky around his tightly, marveling at the way your hands seemed to fit so well together.
“And we got you a present.” Namjoon smiled, holding a bag out to you. Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you took it with the hand not holding Taehyung’s, looking around at all of them for a clue to what was inside. “Just open it, love.” He chided, gently. You stuck your hand inside, reaching past tissue paper and pulling out a sleek, rectangular device.
“It’s a new phone!” Jin cheered from his spot on the right of your bedside. “And we set it up for you already, just to make sure you wouldn’t have any extra stress.” You examined the phone, holding the weight in your hand without turning it on yet, getting used to the new features.
“Wow, this is, I mean, this has to be the latest model, I can’t have this.” You shook your head, their generosity almost overwhelming. You knew from experience that phones like this were not cheap. Even if they were one of the most famous groups in the world, they didn’t need to spend their wealth on you. You placed it back in the bag, holding it back out to them, though none of them moved to take it from you.
It was Yoongi that spoke up then, warmth and intensity swimming in his deep eyes as he looked directly into yours. “You can have that and so much more.” He said, no sign of humor in his tone as he insisted. “We want to treat you, please, please let us.” You looked at him, half-surprised by the honesty and half-touched, your arm slowly pulling the bag back as you realized he really meant it, the rest of their faces reflecting the same seriousness.
“I don’t even know what to say. I— Thank you.” You finally said, looking down at the phone again to avoid their intense gazes.
“Don’t thank us yet. We are far from done.” Hoseok smiled brightly, and as you looked up, smiling back, the room felt lighter.
“We spoke to the doctors while you were asleep,” Namjoon started, “They want to keep you for a bit more monitoring for today, just to make sure everything’s in order before they release you, but you’ll be discharged by the end of the day. We can drive you back your apartment and you can settle back in at home. But…” his sentence drifted off as he cast a worried look towards the window.
“But what?” You asked, starting to get concerned yourself, siting up a bit straighter in your bed.
“Well,” Namjoon continued, tone full of weariness. “We can’t stay much longer, love. We have to be back in Korea soon, we dropped everything to come to you but, we have a lot planned that we have to start on real soon. If you stay here, we can’t stay and help you recover. Do you have anyone to stay with you?”
You probably didn’t, you realized slowly, almost deflating at the thought of it. In the few days you’ve been in the hospital only they came to visit you. And if you’re on the same terms with your family as you used to be, they likely won’t want to care for you. You could get some sort of stay at home nurse, or stay in the hospital to be taken care of, but that would be money. Money you didn’t have.
“I don’t… I don’t know. I’d need to make some calls.” You responded weakly, mindlessly moving your hand to fully hold Taehyung’s, not noticing the way his face brightened. “When do you leave?”
“At most, in four days.” Jimin replied despondently.
“Four?” You repeated in shock. “But that’s so soon.”
They nodded solemnly, letting you think it over in silence. You took a moment to think with the new information, trying to ignore the way your heart sank at the thought of them leaving. Did you want them to stay? It’d be weird wouldn’t it? Latching on so quickly to them when you don’t really know them? But you do, you reminded yourself. They wouldn’t be here if you didn’t mean something to them. Surely you can trust them?
Jin broke the silence, his hand gently caressing your leg that wasn’t in a cast. “Let’s not think about it now, hmm? No reason to stress.” He suggested with a warm smile. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”
You shook your head no, expression clearing up as you chose to forget for a moment.
“Then we’ll get you something to eat, and you can have the whole day to think. How about that?” Hoseok asked, and you nodded.
“I am kind of hungry.” You agreed, though that was an understatement. You were starving, you were thirsty, you were exhausted although all you did was lay down, and you just wanted to be out of the hospital already.
Jimin perked up, moving towards the door. “I’ll get you some food, pretty, don’t even worry about it.” He said, brimming with excitement as he exited.
Taehyung rushed after him, a competitive fire lit behind his eyes. “I’ll get you better food!”
Jungkook shot up from his seat, hastily putting on his jacket, rushing to the door as well. “I’ll get all your favorites, noona!”
And with that, they left in a whirlwind and Namjoon sighed, a tired smile on his face as he turned to you. “I should probably go with them.” You nodded, understanding, and he exited as well, waving at you as he left.
“Now,” Hoseok announced as the room quieted. “Let’s show our princess how to use her new phone!” He cheered, him and Jin excitedly raving about all the cool features of the phone and stuff you could do with it and Yoongi chided them to give you some space.
After the other boys returned with way more food than you could possibly eat in one day—Jungkook was right, he did get you all your favorites— and did a lot more laughing than was probably safe for you to do with bandages wrapped around your ribs, you felt the mood of the room slowly winding down, the boys exchanging glances as Namjoon kept texting someone frantically on his phone.
“Is everything alright?” You asked hesitantly, but by the look Namjoon gave you, you could already tell it wasn’t.
“I’m sorry, love, we have to go.” Namjoon replied. He had slipped into calling you love today and as you heard it more, you minded it less and less. Maybe it’s because it’s what he used to call you? A part of your mind must remember being with them, it was too easy with them, after all, they knew too much about you.
“Do we have to?” Jungkook whined and Namjoon frowned, nodding at him.
“The company wants to speak with us immediately over the phone about… our plans going forward.” He said, casting a glance to you out of the corner of his eye.
“We can’t leave her alone.” Yoongi argued.
“One of us should stay with her. I volunteer.” Taehyung stood up, only to get pushed back into his seat.
“You sit down.” Jin playfully scolded. “I’ll stay with her.”
“No fair!”
“Hush, I’m older than you.”
“You sure, hyung?” Namjoon asked, standing as everyone began to gather their things.
“I’m sure we’ll be alright. I’ll have her discharged and drive her to her apartment.” Jin turned to you. “If that’s alright with you?”
You twiddled your thumbs, a feeling of numbness coming over you at the thought of them leaving. “Um, sure. Can’t stay in the hospital forever, I guess.”
After that it was a blur of events, the boys all went to the front desk with you to check out and escorted you to the car in your brand new wheelchair. You tried to cheer yourself up mentally, but the heavy cast on your leg and the layers and layers of bandages on your arms and ribs made it hard to stay optimistic.
You were lifted into the car by Jungkook, the boys all fussing over you as they helped you with your seatbelt and getting comfortable in the chair. As you tuned out their squabbling, you found yourself shaking at the thought of being in a car again after your last accident. You blinked, then blinked again, the feeling of a car quickly accelerating, then even more quickly stopping as the feeling of slamming into something and flying through the air filled your body and you were breathing heavy, hard, and fast and—
You gasped, eyes fluttering open. You were still in the parking lot. The car hadn’t even started moving. You looked around at their concerned faces. You floundered for something to say, settling on, “Sorry, I’m just… a bit tired, I guess.”
They exchanged a long look with each other that you tried to ignore, not wanting to know if they pity you. “Of course, I’ll make sure you rest once you’re home.” Jin replied.
“Don’t worry, noona, we’ll be back with you soon. Just relax and enjoy being home again.” Jungkook said, trying to force a positive tone but you could hear the worry.
“Thanks, I’ll try.” You smiled, sure it looked stained, and they closed the door, Jin pulling out of the parking lot and driving to your apartment almost on autopilot, him not once asking you where you lived.
You looked out the window as he drove. You recognized certain parts of the city of course, places you’d been all your life, but when he turned down the street to your apartment building and parked in the lot, you had no recollection of ever being there.
“Is this… where I live?”
Jin smiled at you, brief and sad. “Yeah, we figured you may not remember it. You only moved here about a year ago.”
You sighed, frustrated with not knowing anything, staring up at the tall building through the windshield.“How are we supposed to get in if I don’t even remember living here?”
You heard a jingle to your left, looking over at Jin as he held up a key ring. “That’s what I’m here for, jagi. You gave us a spare key in case we were ever in town.” He chuckled, looking wistfully at the apartment as if gazing upon a memory. “I remember you were so excited to move in here. You danced around your room all night, it was adorable.”
You laughed, “Yup, that sounds like me alright.”
Jin looked over at you, and you looked back at him, stupid smiles on both your faces. You sat in the calm quiet moment, basking in the peace you felt with him as warmth filled your chest. Jin spoke quietly, gently breaking the moment. “I’ll help you into your chair.
Entering the actual apartment was strange. It was familiar and warm but at the same time, you remembered nothing about the actual layout. You remember your furniture—the couch you dragged from your mom’s house to every apartment you had ever lived in, the throw pillows you’d had since you were a teenager, the Polaroids you’ve taken of yourself in cool locations and posters of your favorite bands, BTS included— but memories of living there were gone.
“This poster’s always been my favorite.” Jin commented, and you turned your head to see him standing next a poster of himself, copying the pose he was making in the photo.
You chuckled, “I pulled that from an album, I forget which one.”
“Wings,” he replied automatically. You turned to look at him, suprised how quickly he answered, and he continued, “I remember my hairstyle.” He joked, making you giggle.
You continued looking around, noticing dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor, a laundry basket next to the machine overflowing with clothes. “I left this place such a mess.”
“Don’t you worry about that, I’ll clean up for you. Here lemme help you lie down and rest.”
Jin helped into your bed, the unfamiliar object conforming to your body perfectly, and you snuggled up against the blankets, almost comfortable enough to ignore the rigid cast on your leg. After that, he began fretting over the apartment, picking up and arranging things, folding clothes, and moving into the rest of the apartment to wash laundry, dishes and pick up the living room.
Brushing past the disbelief that international superstar Kim Seok Jin was cleaning up your living room, you used the free time to acclimate to your new phone.
Tapping the screen to turn it on, you were greeted with a wallpaper of Jimin, Tae and Jungkook making funny faces at the camera, as well as about 20 new messages from a group chat with the members that you had already been added to. You smiled to yourself, but skipped past talking to them just yet, familiarizing yourself with the functions and settings.
After a while, you started to set up your email, having to reset your password to get in, and find out what you missed in the short time you had been away and maybe get a hint of what you were doing before. Once you finally managed to get in, you were met with a bunch of emails from your landlord on being behind on your rent, and an email from your job to tell you that you had been terminated. Looking over the contact information in the email, you dialed the number to try and bargain for your job.
“I just don’t understand, if I worked for you I must have some paid time off, or maybe even some sort of medical exemption, I mean, I can give you hospital bill, I swear I was just incapacitated— I didn’t even know I had this job until today, this isn’t fair.” You pleaded.
The voice over the phone repeated the same thing they had been telling you for the last five minutes. “I’m sorry, Ms.L/n but we can’t make an exception, you didn’t show up for three days in a row and no one informed us of why and you being injured and having lost your memory makes us even less inclined to hire you back. Thank you for your work with us but we can’t hire you back.”
You stammered, “You can’t make a single exception? I can relearn—I can work for a couple weeks without pay, I just— as far as I know, this is my only job, this is what I depend on.”
The person over the phone seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering resolutely. “I’m sorry again, I— we can’t hire you again. Have a good day.”
And with that the line went dead. You huffed, getting the contact information for your landlord to see if there some way you could hold off on paying rent until you had a better financial standing, hoping for better luck.
“I’m so sorry to hear that you had been in the hospital, honey, but I still need my money and I really don’t think you’re in any place to give it to me.” The landlord stated, unyielding in her decision.
“I… could figure something out…” you protested weakly, unsure of how exactly you would do that.
“You’re a lovely person and you’ve been a great tenant, but you’ve been behind on your payments too many times and this is my last straw, I’m sorry. I’m evicting you if you can’t pay this months rent.”
“What? I— what if what to break the lease? Can I just move out?”
“You still have to pay this month’s rent, and the two months still left in your lease.”
You sighed, heavy and weary. “I… I understand, I’ll call you back when I figure something out.”
“Okay, have a good day.”
“As if anyone could ever have a good day after news like that.” You muttered to yourself. You sat there, thinking to yourself for a moment with your finger hovering over the contacts, before hesitantly clicking it. The boys hadn’t added your mothers number, and there was probably a good reason—last you remember you weren’t on good terms and you doubt that changed, but you figured you may as well check in. If the boys were leaving soon you needed to know if someone could take care of you, and your mom was your last hope. You knew her number by heart, not that she ever really picked up half the time.
After three rings, the line picked up. “Hello?” An annoyed voice asked.
“Hi, mom, I—“
“You again? Listen, whatever crazy story you have to tell me now, I’m sick of it. You’ve always been an attention seeker and I’m done with you. First, you tell me your angel of a sister is ‘horrible’ to you, then you say you’re ‘too stressed’ at school in the career you chose, then you make up some crazy story about people following you. What do you want me to do? I’m one person, not your therapist!”
“I— I just called to say I got into a car accident and I’m in a cast—“
“Oh really?” She replied skeptically.
You felt frustrated enough to cry. “Yes, why don’t you ever believe me? I need someone to take care of me and I cant—“
“You’ll be fine, stop whining to me you’re a grown woman, I finished raising after you turned 18, now for once in your life, act your age.” She spat out, hanging up before you could get another word in.
As you sat in the silence, the only sounds coming from the gentle clinking of dishes in the kitchen, you fought the urge to laugh. What were you thinking calling your mother? As if she’d ever care about you. As if she’d listened to a thing you ever said. She hates your guts and at this point you hated hers. Nothing in your life ever managed to go right. As you buried your face in your hands, images began to flash behind your eyes. A tall building, getting out the passenger seat of an unfamiliar car, bringing a tray of coffee to someone, smiling, laughing, sitting at a desk.
You gasped, opening your eyes, and frantically wiping the tears away. Work, you remembered, those were memories of work. You… were an assistant to… someone? You closed your eyes again trying to focus on the fleeting memories but to no avail, nothing but glimpses and fogginess filled your mind. You huffed, frustrated yet again. It seemed like you’d always been frustrated but now yet with all of it hitting you full force, you just wanted to curl up in your blankets and cry for hours.
A knock on your open door showed Jin pushing inside your room with a basket of freshly dried laundry. “Your clothes are so cute, I—“ he halted, noticing the distress in your body language. “Jagi, what happened?” He asked, moving to your side and placing the clothes basket down next to your dresser.
“I’m just stressed.” You sniffed pathetically, not knowing what else to say.
“What do you mean? Why are you stressed?” Jin asked, starting to fold up the clothes neatly and place them in the drawers.
“Well, I was on the phone with my job. I had a job before the accident, obviously, I had a whole apartment, but I got fired and was thinking about it and I… remembered.” Jin stopped in his movements, hands frozen in their motion of folding a shirt in half.
“I can’t remember anything else, but I remember I worked at an office as an assistant.” You continued, not noticing the way Jin had gone deathly still. You clasped your hands, staring out the window as you thought. Bits and pieces of carrying coffee, filing paperwork, boring monotonous office life came to your mind, but frustratingly nothing else. Not your boss’s name, not the company you worked at, not even the color of the desk you sat at. “I’m just stressed because there’s so much I don’t remember. The world didn’t stop just because I don’t remember how it used to spin. There’s people expecting me to come to work, to pay my bills, and I don’t even remember who they are! I didn’t even remember you—“ Jin cupped your face, wiping away tears you didn’t realize started falling again.
“Darling, don’t worry about that, none of that matters right now, okay? I want you to focus on recovering and making sure you’re eating and drinking enough.” He paused, hesitantly continuing on to say, “And, if you really want, we can get our people to try and recover any missing information— with your permission of course— just past texts, voicemails, maybe, stuff that might help you… remember.” Jin finished cautiously, looking in your eyes for a sign of approval.
“You would do that for me?” You asked hopefully. At this point, you would take whatever help you could get.
“If it would take a burden off your shoulders, I would do anything.” Jin murmured softly and reassuringly, the warmth in his gaze melting into your bones.
You sighed again, but this time with relief. “That’s be so great. I feel so horrible, I’m basically useless—“
“Don’t talk about yourself like that, darling, we’d be happy to take care of everything you need for the rest of your life if you wanted. If it were up to us, you’d never lift another finger.” He winked, booping your nose as he moved to folding clothes.
“You don’t really mean that. You’d get tired of me eventually.” You argued.
“You don’t know just how much you mean to us, sweetheart. You could stay here forever if you wanted to, or if you wanted we’d get you a nicer place, an island with a private beach even. Anything.” He turned to look at you again, nothing but fondness in his eyes. “You won’t ever stress again if we can help it, I promise. Relax, and we’ll take care of everything for you, okay?”
You sighed, too tired to object. “Okay.” You blinked heavily, a soft smile coming over Jin’s face.
“You tired, honey? Feel free to sleep, I’ll be right here.” He reached over, patting your hand.
You held it, eyes fluttering. “Okay.” You mumbled sleepily. “Don’t leave.”
“Never.” He whispered.
“Jin,” you started.
“I’ll come with you guys. I’ll go to Korea.”
You nodded, eyes closing, unable to see the satisfied smile that had come over Jin’s face.
Taglist: @singukieee @yourleftsock @huni7875 @lovelgirl22 @mooniieix @sld88 @itzz-me-duh @serendididy @fclixbrwns @whipwhoops @ratherbefangirling @skyys-universe @hey-syia @bjoriis @dearly-somber @jcrml @chimmmonnie @tito-the-mermaid @kapten-xouk @totallynoanalien @elraeeee @uarmyhore @ughbandmembersx @forpunishers @azazel-nyx @juju-227592 @mageprincess7 @sweetcheeksdna
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hyunnows · 1 year
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“a rude and arrogant patient with no identification wakes up from a year-long coma and develops temporary amnesia. Assigned to you, a volunteer who’s not going to put up with his attitude, you’re both in for a rough ride.”
PAIRING(s) | Hyunjin x reader, ft Minho x reader
THEMES | fluff, angst, a slight love triangle, amnesia!Hyunjin, Doctor!Chan, Rude!Hyunjin, car accident, trauma, guns
WORD COUNT | 3.8k+
RATING | pg13
NOTE | and so, it finally ends. after two very long years, i have finally completed the work i have put the most of myself into. so many days, nights, minutes, hours, everything have gone into this and, in all honesty, it feels crazy to believe its over. i don't think i'll ever write another fic that i am as close with as this one, or at least, i dont think another will take me so long to finish and have over 30k words. really, i hope you have all enjoyed the ride, and enjoy finally reading the end of this story. thank you all, and have a great day/night <3
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“Okay Hyunjin, I’m going to give you a mental evaluation to prove that you are sane and stable enough to take care of yourself. As long as you pass, your parents should have just about no power over you, but just to be sure, we’re going to move you and [Y/N] to a different province since the police here seem to be under your parents’ influence,” Chan explains, sitting down in front of the blond with a clipboard and pen in hand. “If it really comes down to it, we can open something in court, okay?”
Hyunjin gulps, then nods, hoping it never comes to that. What if he’s not stable enough? What if there is something wrong with him and he’s deemed incapable of caring for himself? What would happen to him–and more importantly–all of you?
You nervously tap your foot as you wait in the lobby of the hospital. You’re sure Hyunjin will pass–he has to. Plus, other than the panic attacks and flashbacks (which have severely decreased), he doesn’t seem to have any behavior that would be considered too worrisome. You sigh, deciding that you’re overreacting, and turn to your right to face Minho. “I shouldn’t be worried, right?”
“I don’t think so. Sure, he’s been through a lot, but I don’t think there’s anything that would prevent this from working out. And if anything, Chan can probably fudge his scores a bit,” he jokes with a slight smile. You shake your head at him, since saying something like that at the hospital Chan works at doesn’t really seem like a good idea. “What? I’m kidding.”
A moment of silence washes over you both when Minho clears his throat to catch your attention. “So, we haven’t really gotten the chance to talk much about you and Hyunjin’s feelings about one another,” he leans towards you, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner, “How are things?”
With a tinge of pink on your cheeks, you shrug, avoiding eye contact. “Oh uh, everything’s cool.”
With an amused smirk, the boy can’t help but push further–even if a part of him didn’t want to know. “Cool, huh? What kind of answer is that [Y/N]?” 
Again, you shrug, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “I don’t know… we’re good but like, we’re awkward too now. Since we didn’t get much time with each other after confessing, and it's been so long since then, we haven’t really picked up where we left off, y’know?”
He nods in understanding, “Have you talked about it?”
“About what?”
“The kiss-es, your feelings, everything?”
“No,” You shake your head, “It doesn’t feel like a good time.”
“You’re talking about your feelings–it's never going to feel like the right time [Y/N],” you frown at him, “Plus, if anything goes wrong, wouldn’t you feel better knowing you said everything you wanted to say?”
There’s a pause, and you groan. “I hate it when you’re right, you know that right?”
“Everyone hates when I’m right.”
“So am I sane?”
“Well people are going to think you aren’t if you go around asking questions like that,” Chan chuckles, before looking at Hyunjin with a friendly fondness. “I have to get a second opinion, so someone else will have to come in and test you in a minute but… I think you’re good to go Hyunjin.”
It feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, and Hyunjin smiles in relief. There was no reason to really be worried, but Hyunjin being Hyunjin (the drama king), he had his concerns. As Chan walks out of the room, he pulls out the phone Minho had given him upon his return, and texts the group chat Chan says he thinks we’re in the clear.
His phone dings as the rest of the boys and yourself give him congratulations and thumbs ups at the news, and he can’t help but feel… hopeful. Maybe he’ll be able to get away from him family, leave his old life behind, and start something new.
… hopefully start something new with you too.
Within a few minutes, another individual wearing a white cloak waltz through the door Chan had exited from, ready to evaluate Hyunjin. Since this is his second evaluation, he’s breezing through the questions. In almost no time, Chan is walking back into the room, you and Minho following close behind.
“He’s sane guys,” Chan jokes, making the four of you laugh gently. “Alright, I’m going to call off and call that friend of mine I told could help with moving you guys, I already have everything set up, we just needed this to make sure they can’t claim some sort of guardian rights over Hyunjin.”
“Well, time to pack up I guess,” you sigh, thinking of all the furniture and other possessions you have to pick.
All of which seem to be far less than you anticipated as Changbin places the last cardboard box into a moving trailer. You could have sworn your apartment had far more within it–but then again, there’s been a lot of broken frames, vases, and other things that have slowly disappeared from your home. 
You almost can’t believe it all–this past year with Hyunjin. From being your patient you read to every day, to a complete asshole you had to care for, and now the man you’re in love with–so much has happened. First his memories were gone, then a few resurfaced, and now you’re about to leave the only apartment you’ve ever lived in independently to escape from his crazy parents. It almost feels like a dream with all the twists and turns you’ve been through in such little time. 
“Okay, I got everything settled with the house,” Minho informs you as he climbs into the backseat, typing something on his phone. “Being rich with not-so-crazy parents has its perks.” Hyunjin sends him a playful glare, to which the younger boy grins at. “Not my fault yours are psycho.”
“Yeah yeah,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes, buckling into the seat beside you, sandwiching himself between you and Minho. 
Chan climbs into your front seat, Changbin crawling into the passenger’s. He gives everyone a once-over before starting to drive. “My friend is working on getting you a new license plate and everything, so they can’t target your vehicle anymore [Y/N].”
“Thanks Chan,” he nods back at you, eyes locked on the road. 
Hyunjin moves awkwardly in his spot, staring at his hands with an unknown look in his eyes.
He knows you’re happy to move with him, to run from his family in order to stay safe… but he can’t help but think of all the trouble he’s caused you by being with you. It's not even just you, but the hassles he’s putting Minho, Chan, and everyone else through as well just because you all know him. Changbin is thinking of moving somewhere he can’t be easily found, and Jeongin and Han are planning on leaving their homes too. Felix has already begun considering going back home to Australia–he can only imagine Chan has something similar in mind. 
More and more, it becomes apparent that Hyunjin is a burden to you, and everyone else in his life. But like always, he’s powerless to do anything about it. 
You pick up on his mood–its impossible not to–but choose to ignore it for the time being. Instead, you opt for getting some sleep you so desperately need. 
— —
A few hours later and everybody rolls out for a pit stop at a gas station. You make a beeline for the bathroom, Changbin and Chan splitting up to get gas and snacks while Hyunjin and Minho decide to stretch their legs for a bit. Your car wasn’t the smallest thing known to man, but it wasn’t built for anyone taller than Changbin either. 
“You never really talk about your parents, how is your relationship with them?”
Minho’s head pops up at the blond’s question, before refocusing on the rock he had been kicking. “Its as good as you can imagine considering, well, I’m me. They weren’t happy when they found out I used to get them in trouble with your parents, or when I helped you run away the first time. If they realize I’m a part of your disappearance this time… I might have to get a job,” the shorter male laughs, knowing his account was more than loaded because of his grandparents anyway. “I don’t really talk to them anymore, but they haven’t cut me off their money yet.”
“Why don’t you talk to them anymore?” Hyunjin inquires, eyes filled with concern.
“Cus they care more about their money than me anyway. All I am to them is a failsafe if they ever need to marry me off. Which they can’t–since I would rather go to prison than fuel their money hungry bank accounts. Plus they’re too lazy to deal with me, their ‘delinquent son’, anyway.”
The younger boy nods. Minho may not show it much, but Hyunjin can feel the pain through his words. Something about the way he utters them, like they hurt to say, makes Hyunjin feel the weight of Minho’s concealed emotions. 
“I don’t really have much to offer… but I’ll always be here for whatever you need. You’ve given me everything, Minho,” Hyunjin pushes out awkwardly, and he can almost see the older male’s eyes glaze over. 
Stoic as ever, Minho nods, patting the blond on the back. “When did you grow up so much? It feels like yesterday you were just a little kid following me around my house, and now you’re becoming a man.”
Hyunjin smiles at that, his face a bit flushed at the compliment, before the two make their way back to the car where Chan is waiting for you and Changbin. 
As everyone piles back into your car, Hyunjin stays focused on Minho’s words. You’re becoming a man.
Maybe, just maybe…
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It's close to midnight when you finally arrive at Minho’s country house. Somehow Chan still seems wide awake, immediately hopping out of the car and scouting out the area. Sluggishly, you all pry yourselves from the artificial leather your skin has practically fused to. Dragging his feet, Minho makes his way to the house to unlock it, swinging the door open.
A man of muscle, Changbin is bringing stacks of boxes into the house, while Chan and Minho work on moving the mattresses indoors. You work on cleaning up the place–Minho hasn’t been here in years it seems. 
Hyunjin, however, takes to the bedroom on the left of the house. Something about it is familiar–almost calling to him. The doorknob is messed up, but somehow, he knows just how he’s supposed to turn it to get it open.
It's then, when he steps into the room, he knows why it's so familiar.
Paintings upon paintings, photographs upon photographs. Memories of his flash in his head, visions of him, Minho, and Areum hanging out, splashing paint on each other and hanging polaroids of themselves around the room take over his mind. They only continue as he traces his fingers along the walls, grazing them along the paint splatters he remembers so vividly.
His heart stops when he comes face to face with a specific polaroid. Golden lighting, sparkly eyes, bright smile, it all looks too real and tangible. He can remember snapping the photo of Areum, the way they had been giggling together, carefree.
I couldn’t protect her.
It's all my fault she’s gone.
I was too weak.
Frantic words of fear, regret, and anguish run through his head as he falls to his knees, eyes pricking with tears.
“Hey Hyunjin, when we run away together, do you think your parents will find us?”
Yes. “They won’t.” They will.
“You promise?” No, I can’t promise.
“I promise,” No, you don’t. “We’ll be safe.” No, we won’t.
His chest heaves with each sob, his tears wetting the photo. 
Areum is smiling by his side, hands intertwined as he drives along the road. 
“How far are we going?” 
Not far. “Far enough,” Hyunjin laughs, bringing her hand up to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on it. 
Areum giggles, before suddenly stiffening up. “Hyunjin?”
“What’s up baby? Is something wrong?” Something is very wrong.
“I think that car is following us.” It is.
“You sure?” Yes.
“It's been trailing behind us since before we left the main road…” she sounds so scared. 
Hyunjin releases her hand to get a better grip on the wheel. “We can’t shake him until we get off the road. For now just act like we haven’t noticed.”
No, no, no. You’re not getting off the road.
“Why is he sticking his hand out the window-”
He has a gun.
He’s shooting the tires.
I’m going to lose control of the car.
And within seconds, the rear right side of the car dips, and the front left flies into the air.
His tears come to a startling halt as he hears your voice pierce his ears. Jumping to his feet, he’s suddenly aware of the shuffling feet throughout the house.
He can hear you struggling to say something, your words muffled, when you finally manage to yell, “Run!”
“Shut her up,” a rough, all too familiar voice grunts out, before your mouth is covered by a gloved hand. “Hyunjin, I know you’re here. Come out and all your friends live through tonight.”
You struggle against the masked guard restraining you, doing your best to tell Hyunjin to run, despite the muffled way they leave your lips. Your eyes dance around the room in an attempt to find some way out of this situation–maybe one of the boys can help you. However, as you drag your eyes along each of their frames, you realize they're all restrained as well. Each of them are being held down by at least two guards–Changbin having a third guard. It would make you laugh if it weren’t for the dire circumstances. 
Hyunjin’s father makes his way to each of you, giving you and Minho special attention. With a purse of his lips, he glares at you two. “You know, I never would have introduced you to Hyunjin if I knew how much trouble you would bring me in the future…” His cold gaze shifts to you, a chilling smile along his lips, “And you… I should have killed you the last time we met.”
After a moment, he straightens up. “Actually, I should kill you now. Keep you out of my way,” a gravelly, cold laugh echoing from his throat. “If you’re not down here in the next minute, Hyunjin, I’m going to blow her brains out without letting you say goodbye. 60, 59, 58…”
A cold barrel presses against your nape, the metal slides up your neck to the back of your head. You hear the click behind you, letting you know everything could end for you in a split second if Hyunjin doesn’t show up within “48-”
“Wait!” Hyunjin yelps as he slides down the hallway, panting from running down the stairs. “Let them go. I-I’ll leave without a fight just please” his honey brown eyes lock with yours, “let her go.”
With the gun still pressed against you, you stand there, eyes wide and frozen, and powerless to stop him.
“I’m sorry [Y/N], I really do want to have a life with you,” he pauses, “but I have to be a man and deal with my problems. Just let me say goodbye and leave them alone.”
Your vision blurs as you realize he’s serious, and there’s nothing any of you can do about it. The closer he gets, the more your chest aches, and it's just like at Hyunjin’s house. You’re losing him all over, except this time, as his arms wrap around your neck in an embrace, it all feels too real. Too painful.
Too… tight.
Your eyes open, confusion swirling through your tear-filled eyes as you watch his father approach you both. “All right, that's enough. Let's get going before I change my mind.”
You feel something cold sliding along your neck, something that felt almost identical to the barrel that was pressed against your head seconds ago. As Hyunjin’s arms loosen, you catch a glimpse of light reflecting off something in his hand as he turns around.
“Okay… just one more thing,” Hyunjin sighs, before whipping around, pistol in hand and aimed square at his father, “I’m not going with you.”
“If you’re not down here in the next minute, Hyunjin, I’m going to blow her brains out without letting you say goodbye. 60, 59, 58…”
Hyunjin doesn’t breathe before he darts out that door, rushing down the carpeted stairs. The only thing that stops him, is the slights wobble in one of the stairs that sends his mind spiraling. Everything, his entire life, flashes before his eyes. From the moment he became conscious, up until right now, he remembers it all.
Including Minho’s gun that just so happens to be right under his foot.
Mr. Hwang flinches ever so slightly, displeasure all over his face. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m doing what I said, being a man. You’re going to walk out that door right now, or I’m going to put a bullet through your skull. So get out and leave us all alone, forever,” the blond snarls, pushing the gun closer to his father’s face. “If you’re dead, your business is going to crap, I’m going to jail, and everything illegal you’ve done will come to light during your death’s investigation. And if I die, it’ll all be the same.”
It's a standoff, guns pointed in all directions, everyone’s stiff, and it's so silent you can hear everyone’s individual breaths.
It feels like it's been an eternity when you hear the evil old man’s voice growl, “Lets go. Now.”
It's surreal watching Hynjin’s father’s men leave the house, Hyunjin’s father just behind the last one when Hyunjin grabs his shoulder. “If you ever think of coming for any of us, I’ll bring you down with me,” his voice lower than you would have ever imagined it could be as he shoves him out the door. 
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“Yuna!” The blond grins, embracing the girl. He gestures towards you as he pulls back, “This is [Y/N].”
You two greet each other with smiles, “I know, we met briefly at the party when she rescued you.”
His jaw drops slightly, before he recomposes himself. “Oh. Well, uh, how are you and 
Jay? Will we be hearing wedding bells soon?”
With a flushed smile, Yuna shakes her head. “I asked him, but he said no. He wants us to get married because we’re ready to, not because I’m trying to escape an arranged marriage. And thanks to you, I’m free to be with him again. Since you’re out of the picture, I signed a contract with your family to merge our businesses without marriage, as long as I am free to be with who I want.”
Hyunjin gives her a warm smile, “I’m glad, Yuna. I just wanted to come by before heading home for the day with [Y/N].”
The girl nods, walking you both out the mansion with a smile. “I’m happy you two are together again, and that you’re free Hyunjin. Stay safe you two.”
“You too Yuna.”
The car ride is calm, the two of you talking here and there about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other’s company on the way home. Hyunjin’s out first when the car stops, hopping around the side to open your door for you. Then he takes your hand, guiding you to the door of your apartment building where you two spent so many days and nights together.
“What’s up with you today? You seem to be more of a gentleman than usual,” you giggle, eyebrow raised in suspicion.
Hyunjin looks back at you, offense clear on his face as he unlocks the door for you, gently pulling you to walk in first. “I am always gentlemanly, excuse me.”
“And there’s the sassy Hyunjin I know.”
He scoffs, guiding you to the dining table where two still-warm boxes of Chinese takeout sit waiting for you, and a note with some familiar handwriting addressed to Hyunjin. He mutters a hardly audible “Minho,” with slight annoyance laced into his voice. 
“What’s all this?” 
“Its, uh, its dinner,” he stammers slightly, cheeks slightly flushed. “For us. I wanted today to be kind of special for you–us,”
A slight smile makes its way onto your lips, your eyes trained on him as he pulls out a chair for you which you happily sat in. He takes the seat beside you, handing you your chopsticks and a napkin as you both dig in. Swallowing your mouthful, you turn to him slightly, “So why is tonight special, hm, Jin?”
He looks at you, doe eyes, and the ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. “Because I want to tell you how I feel about you.”
“Please just listen,” he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, “Before you took me in, I was a scared, weak, frail kid who needed protection from everyone around him. But you brought me to live with you, despite the fact that I was a jerk who didn’t know a single thing about anything at all. My world was so empty, blank, but you showed me that there’s more to life. You brought light into my world. I was like a puzzle, waiting to be solved, and you didn’t just put my pieces together, but you were the last one.”
“[Y/N], I didn’t know who I was before you. Even with all my memories, they don’t feel like me. I have these memories but…”
“I don’t remember me before you.”
“I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me Hyunjin,” you whisper, your eyes locked with each others’. 
Bringing his face closer to yours, he breathes. “[Y/N], you’re the best thing that's ever happened to me. You made me into a man who can protect, rather than someone who needs to be protected. I love you, [Y/N].”
“I love you too,” and within seconds your lips meet, dancing in perfect synchronization with each other. Your heartbeats are one and you're completely entangled with each other. It feels like hours later when you finally break apart, breathing heavily, smiles spread across your faces. “I just have one question.”
“What's that?”
“How did you hide the gun?”
Hyunjin pulls back a bit in surprise, eyebrows raised. “What? That’s your question?” You nod, eager to know the answer. “I tucked it in my shirt and hid it with my hair.”
“I knew it,” you beam, making him roll his eyes. 
“Can we go back to kissing now?”
“Yes we can.”
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klausysworld · 1 year
hi, can you do a one-shot for the 21st century human yandere klaus mikaelson, where klaus has been in love with y/n for quite some time, and one day he has a car accident and klaus is the first to visit her because she is super in love with her and when she wakes up with amnesia and Klaus uses this to his advantage and makes her believe that he is her husband and since y/n doesn't remember anything and klaus seems to know her and know everything about her, she believes him and goes to house with him
^^saw a film with a very similar plot called^^
‘Secret Obsession’
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We’ll go slow
Klaus had never rushed somewhere faster after seeing the accident on the news. As soon as he saw the number plate he was on his way.
He knew she had a lack of family to claim her and so he had to make sure she got the proper care and treatment, he would be her family to pay her medical bills and hold her hand.
He ran straight to the receptionist asking for her but the lady was confused
“I’m sorry we don’t have a Y/n Y/l/n” she told him after looking her up in the system
“No no i saw her, the car accident, she was in the car accident” he explained hurriedly
“We have a Jane Doe in a car accident from not long ago, we would need some sort of proof that you know her. What is your relationship to the patient?” The women asked while typing away
“Husband” he answered without missing a beat
“I don’t see a ring” she muttered
“We were going through a rough patch, it doesn’t matter now, is she okay?” He lied quickly and the women looked at him with a sigh
“Can you tell me something specific about her?”
“She has a tattoo of a heart at the top of her hip” he told her and she made a call to a nurse to check. Once confirmed they put her name in the system and brought him to her.
“Now she has suffered from a head injury, and this next part may be difficult to hear…but she is currently experiencing some memory loss. We can’t say for sure how long this will last or how long she has forgotten but we think it’s probably years. I know that this may be a shock, if you need a moment before seeing her..” the doctor informed him the devastating news but it was only a jackpot for him.
Memory missing for years? Years she could have married him, moved in with him and had a life with him. Finally he had been given an opportunity to have her as his own.
“No…it’s okay. I just need to see she’s okay” he whispered and the doctor nodded before opening the door to go inside.
His eyes softened as he saw her battered state. Bruises coating her skin, all up her arms and her face.
Her eyes flicked to his, confusion clear as she looked to the doctor beside him who cleared his throat and made his way over, he leaned down beside her and spoke to her quietly
“Y/n, the man at the door, was-is your husband. We know you might not remember him so if you want him to leave you just say so and he’ll take a step outside okay?”
She agreed timidly and looked back over to her ‘husband’.
He slowly made his way past the doctor to take the seat facing her. He gently took her hand in his, glad that she squeezed his back and gave him a small smile
“I’m so sorry sweetheart. I should never have let you drive off like that” he whispered, leaning down to kiss the back of her hand
“I’m sorry…I don’t know what you mean….where was I going?” she asked him quietly
“You were upset…we had a silly fight and you went out on a drive, I should’ve just apologised” he made up
“What was the fight about?” She wondered and he quickly thought of something
“I kept working late. You thought i was um…cheating on you… I brought up someone from your past that I shouldn’t have. It’s my fault” he told her while forcing tears to his eyes.
Her expression softened as she brought her other damaged hand to hold the ones on top of hers
“You shouldn’t blame yourself, i started the argument, and i chose to drive away” she convinced and he knew that this would be far simpler than he originally thought.
“I know that you don’t remember me…” he whispered with a sad smile “…but could i hold you for a moment?” He asked. He needed to know how hard it was going to be to gain her trust. He watched the reluctance seep into her before hesitantly nodding
“Okay..” she uttered before pushing herself forward to let him slip beside her, arm around her waist as he pulled her on top of him gently so her head to tuck under his chin.
“Does it hurt when i hold you sweetheart?” He asked softly, his arms lightly draped around her
“Only a little bit” she whispered
“Do you want me to let go?” He questioned, he didn’t want to scare her before she could fall in love with him
“No…you feel safe” she uttered while breathing in his scent from his henley. His lips upturned at her words, his hand holding the back of her head lovingly
“I’ll never let anything hurt you again” he promised
“What were we like before the argument?” She asked quietly
“We were…are very much in love. We have a beautiful house, with a lovely garden. I know how much you like to take care of your plants.” He murmured
“Where do i work now?” She queried
“You don’t actually, you stay at home. You wanted to be ready for when we started a family.” He told her and she subconsciously gripped his sleeve
“We were going to have a baby?” She whispered
“Yeah, we wanted two actually” he mused and she smiled slightly “of course…that won’t be happening soon…or ever maybe, it’s really up to you my love”
“Well- not soon or anything…maybe in a couple years? I’m sorry, I know you must’ve been excited and I don’t want to slow down your goals or anything-“ she sniffled softly curling to him
“No love, no it’s okay. I just want to keep you safe. We’re gonna go nice and slow, nothing you don’t want. I want you to be happy sweetheart” he promised while kissing her hair
“I think i could be happy with you…I loved you once right? So…so i can do it again” she nodded and he sighed happily
“Only if that’s what you want” he added while twirling a strand of her thick hair
“We’ll still move slow?” She checked
“As fast as you are comfortable with”
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Dazai Osamu x reader
💌 Reading into the palms of isekai bullshit:
Chapter 3 💌  
Summary: You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. You clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again but when you opened your eyes and saw Dazai O-FUCKING-samu getting choked by Kunikida you honestly hoped it was a dream.  
Notes: Another isekai so I can play around with BSD like dolls.  
💌 Word count: 2,981 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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Aside from the raid on the agency and fearing being shot to death the next few days turned out okay. You had a few scraps on your arms and legs from the broken glass but other than that you were right as rain. While Atsushi was going with Ranpo, Kunikida wanted you to stay behind to help reorganize the files with him.
 "I wanted you to stay behind because tomorrow you're going to escort Ranpo to Kyushu." He took another file from the stack you were holding. "You still have amnesia but it's clear your talent for palm reading could be useful for detective work. It's not Ranpo's ultra deduction but he should be able to help you get a better grasp of it."
You stiffened. You hadn’t thought of that. The next few days they would be handling the Azure Messenger. Which was a mess you'd gladly skip out on but the anime didn't follow Ranpo to Kyushu and you don't recall reading about it either. You'd have no idea what was going to happen. This isn't good but you can't refuse the order. Realistically it was sound logic but you were going to disappoint Ranpo with your clear lack of talent. Oh boy. You were dreading the experience. On the plus side with you gone Dazai could still offer his space to Sasaki and by the time you guys got back you’d finally have your own humble abode.
By train it would take several hours to make it to Kyushu from Yokohama. You were not looking forward to such a long journey especially with Ranpo. Sure enough it was only three minutes into the first train when the other announced that they were bored. “Well, did you bring a book or something?” you asked hoping he had the foresight to plan his own entertainment.
“I did but it was boring. It’s no fun when you can already guess the ending. They made it so obvious too.” he was flailing his arms before he settled to look out the window unamused and slightly irritated. You sighed, you brought a book too or well Dazai handed you a book. “The Complete Guide to Suicide.” You didn’t want to read it, not because the subject matter wasn't interesting, you just would rather not know but you were curious about Ranpo’s book. The moment you tried to grab for it he turned to you “It’s the sister, she lied about her condition and wasn’t even at the hospital. She and the doctor were in cahoots.”
You frowned “You know that’s not going to stop me from reading it right?” He rolled his eyes, pulling it just out of reach. “I know, how about you entertain me!” his smile sparkled with intrigue 
You raised an eyebrow “What you want me to tell you a story?” That wouldn't be so bad if you could just talk about another of your favorite anime. What were the odds they existed in this reality? Ranpo hummed “Not exactly. I want you to read my palm.” he practically shoved his hands in your face. “Well what do you want to know?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know, what can you tell me?” He seemed genuinely curious. Kunikida must have told him about your “talents” otherwise he probably wouldn’t have bothered. You grabbed his hands scanning over them before saying “Originally you’re not from Yokohama but you did go to the Yokohama Police Academy until you were kicked out because you exposed the warden. You met Fukuzawa by chance while you went to pick up your work permit. He was the one who gave you your glasses.” You paused to look up at Ranpo. Shockingly he opened his eyes to stare at you. He didn’t look off put nor did he look surprised but there was this secret third thing you couldn't place. You continued as you matched his eye contact “You don’t need the glasses to activate your ability but it does make it easier for you to shut it off should I go on?” You were not sure how much more you could say at this point. With the way he was looking at you you might have said too much already.
“You don’t actually read palms.”
Shit, he saw through you.
Hesitantly you laughed “What makes you say that?” your stomach drops when he tears away a thin layer of skin from his palms, it was a prosthetic. He came prepared. “Because it wasn’t my palm you were reading. So how did you know that?” Ranpo doesn’t move to pull out his glasses nor does his expression change but he continues to stare at you. A bead of sweat drops down the side of your face. Ranpo saw right through you from the beginning. WHAT DO YOU DO!? How did he know?
“I found it weird that Dazai wanted me to mask my hands. He had made a copy of his palm a few days ago saying he wanted to test your talent again. Kunikida said that when you first met you were able to read Dazai’s palm, with that being the case it confirmed it wasn’t a special ability.” He discarded the fake skin, throwing it into his bag. When he turned back to you he seemed perplexed with the new information. “If you actually read palms you should have recognized it was Dazai’s immediately. Instead you gave me information about myself that only one other person would know.” 
You sighed cat’s out of the bag you guessed. Should you just come clean or wait to see what Ranpo speculates? You sighed just when you thought things were going smoothly. “I should have expected as much from Dazai and here I thought we were finally getting along.” You shifted awkwardly in your seat to face Ranpo more. You were about to tell him when his eyes widened suddenly almost like a realization hit him. “You’re not from here,” he trailed off, finally closing his eyes “(Hometown name), right? But how did you end up here?” He relaxed back into his chair. You wonder how he figured it out but you wouldn’t doubt it had to do with the state you were in that night at the warehouse. “I wish I knew. The last thing I remember was falling asleep reading my favorite manga and then I woke up in the river. To be completely honest I thought this was a dream so I thought it would be funny to mess with Dazai a little.” you scoffed at yourself “Really stupid idea thinking back on it, but you know,” there was no way this was going to work. You had another stupid idea. “Since you’re the only one who knows if you ever wanted to mess with Dazai this would be the perfect opportunity to finally pull one over on him. Obviously the choice is yours but I’m just saying there would be no way for him to figure it out on his own.” You watched as a devilish grin formed on his face.
“I’m listening.”
“If you keep my little secret I’ll answer any questions you have plus be your snack gofer for a week. Oh and get you all the shiny marbles you desire.” This entire venture was hinging on the fact that Ranpo loved snacks. You only assumed it would be amusing to watch Dazai fumble about his original accusation. Dazai was never wrong and you knew that was one of the reasons Ranpo doesn’t like playing chess with him. So you figure it would be fun to watch Dazai have to reconsider his approach and strategy to gain intel on you. Watching Ranpo mull around the idea was a good sign. It meant that he was at least interested. In which part you didn’t bother asking.
“Eh, good enough for me!” He reached his hand out for you guys to shake on it. “So how’d you know about all that?” 
You smiled “Oh the Armed Detective Agency is a part of my favorite manga” Before he could ask you added “Yes, you are my favorite character. How could I not love the world's greatest detective.” He seemed pleased with himself as he dug out some snacks from his bag. He started munching on some chips not even bothering to finish the ones in his mouth as he asked “So then you know what happens already, isn’t that boring for you?”
You hummed “Not really, the story didn’t follow you to Kyushu so this is all new for me. Oh but Kunikida and Dazai will call you in a few days to ask for help solving their case. Which is completely different from what happens in the light novel but I’ll spare you the details.”
“Interesting, so then you already know what they're going to ask and how to solve their case.”
“Technically yes, but I’m not sure how much of my actions will alter events in the future so I’d rather not say anything until the time comes.”
“Let me get this straight, you already know what’s going to happen and you’re just going to watch everything play out as it should, that’s so lame. How boring.”
You let Ranpo roast you for your decisions to stay out of the plot. At one point he scoffed at you saying that it was no wonder even though he ruined the book’s ending you still wouldn’t mind reading it. Eventually he started playing a new game where he would try to guess events that happen in the future but you didn’t tell them when they would take place. You also weren’t entirely telling the truth about some of them either but it was not like he was guessing important plot things. It was mostly ridiculous things, like side story tidbits that would happen in “Bungo Stray Dogs Wan” This seemed to keep him entertained for a while but eventually he got bored of that too. Luckily you arrived at the station before he could come up with another game. Although he put you to work immediately wanting you to fetch him more snacks and ramune. You almost regret making the offer.
In the end it would all be worth it to keep your cover with Dazai. On the next train Ranpo was too enthralled with his sugar haul to pay attention to you so your mind wandered to a certain waste of bandages. You had taken out a notepad to scribble and doodle on to pass the time. You lied to Ranpo earlier about him being your favorite character. It was Dazai. You might be a little too into liking the stupid brunette but honestly you just wanted him to be happy, to finally feel loved without thinking he doesn’t deserve it. You must have had a dreamy look on your face or something because Ranpo looked at you with disgust. “Don’t tell me you have a crush on Dazai, that’s just gross.”
You tilted your head at him “Huh?” He pointed at what you were drawing. You had drawn a collection of chibi Dazai’s all over the page. Oops you didn’t realize what you were doing. “Oh yeah, ew gross.” You tear the page out and crumple it up. Throwing it away at the first opportunity to destroy the evidence.
He laughed at your actions but didn't say anything else. When you finally arrived in Kyushu they had an escort waiting for you. Apparently your client had set up accommodations for you both. You were going to meet with them tomorrow once you’ve had time to settle overnight. During the brief you weren’t much help as expected and once Ranpo got started the most he needed you for was to fetch him refreshments as he looked over evidence. It didn't take that long to crack the case but the amount of paperwork that needed to be done was insane. All because he was from outside of Kyushu. No wonder it took three days total to finish up here. Two days were just traveling and one day of mostly paperwork. 
Just like you predicted on your last day when you and Ranpo were walking around he got the call from the others. He didn't bother asking you anything assuming your passive view on the situation means you wouldn’t help but you also think it was a matter of pride. He rolled his eyes at you because he had to do all the work and maybe that’s what it really came down too. He made you get more snacks than you could carry making you more of a pack mule than a gofer. When you finally got on the train he made sure to give you an earful that he'd let it slide this time but as your superior if you knew what happened next you were to report to him about it so he doesn't have to lift a finger. You're actually not sure how serious he was about the demand. All in all it was a successful mission. It was getting late by the time you made it back to Yokohama but you still checked back in at the agency to be updated on what went down when you were gone. Not like you didn’t already know but it was nice to be kept in the loop.
Making your way back to the dorms you realized that no one gave you the keys to your room. It should be ready by now. You assumed it's because Dazai was holding them hostage. At least since no one mentioned it you figured as much. They think you two were very close it seemed or knowing Dazai he probably outright asked to do the honors. You moved to knock on his door but the moment you did it swung open. He was standing there jingling the keys in front of you. A satisfied grin plastered on his face. "My darling (Y/N), what a pleasant surprise! Could you perhaps be looking for these?"
You rolled your eyes trying to grab for the keys but he pulled them away before you could touch them. “Yes, yes very funny but I’m not in the mood to play right now. I had to entertain Ranpo for several hours and would like to get some sleep.”
He smirked knowingly, "Hmm funny you should mention Ranpo, I ran into him earlier! I don't know, maybe care to explain this?" He held up a wrinkled sheet of paper. It was the one you drew all over on the train. Goddamnit Ranpo, why? "I thought I threw that away." You could practically hear Ranpo's smug tone saying,
 "I said I'd keep your secret but I never said which one."
That bastard probably went through the trash to have this blackmail. This was probably payback for making him do all the work, but he said he’d let it slide. You've been played. You needed to think of something quick "I mean to be fair I drew everyone but I had a hard time getting you to look right, like what is even going on with your hair. I bet it'd be easier drawing the slug’s weird ass hairstyle."
He shifted his weight back on to his other foot. "Is that so, then you won't mind if I keep this?" It seems bringing up Chuuya to change the subject wouldn't work a second time. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
"I already threw it in the trash. Be my guest." You grabbed the keys from him checking what number your room could be found at. Just before you left you pivoted to look at him "Oh one more thing. What did you plan to accomplish with that little stunt of yours?" Obviously it was a big question on your mind. Now that you didn’t get the inner monologues or the outsiders view you have no idea what the other could possibly be thinking.
"That was just to keep you on your toes my little belladonna~"
You huffed “I sincerely doubt that. Why would you go through all that trouble?”
“Aw, and here I thought you trusted me?” He dramatically clutched at his chest with a soft whimper as you laughed at his antics. “I can trust you implicitly but still question your motives. It’s not like I pledged my blind loyalty to you like some kind of a dog.” You were about to leave for real when you realized what episode you should be around. “Oh that reminds me, you plan on going out later right? You should say hi to your cute dog for me.” He narrowed his eyes with a slight frown “So you can see the future.” his tone went flat causing you to smile. 
“Fortune telling is not an exact science but sometimes it’s used to predict the future, yes. The least I could do is try to keep up with you, my little white snake.” 
You could hear Dazai stifle a laugh as you started walking away. It was proof that he got your joke. At least you were hoping that it was because he got your joke. You really tried but there wasn’t a lot of clever word play at your disposal. There was a plethora of double entendres for feminine but not a lot for masculine pronouns and you weren’t about to say the scientific name for white snakeroot, “Ageratina altissima” because it’s one hell of a mouth full. Essentially it meant something akin to “The unaging tallest” not as flattering as “beautiful lady” but it was still a poisonous plant and human descriptor so it was close enough to say you tried to put in the effort. Part of you thinks it was better than giving him any real compliment. You feel like Dazai likes the ambiguity that comes with the chase. So why not play the game?
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luneariaa · 6 months
ღ || cigarett. { 𝐈𝐈 }
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✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : lars alexandersson x reader.
✰ 𝐰. 𝐜. : 1k+
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : continuation to the first part.
✰ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : was quite unwell as I write this, so there might be mistakes can be found hhh :")
☁︎ : part 1.
. dividers by @/saradika-graphics !! 💫
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No, no.. None of this was supposed to happen. 
Everything went downhill in the blink of an eye without you being able to process it all, yet at the same time, you’re one of the fortunate ones to be alive. Half of their lives are gone due to the bomb explosion that has gone off.
Another good news is, Lars is alive as well. But he’s been diagnosed with amnesia. No one, not even the doctors can confirm anything if it’s only for temporary, or even the potential of his memories might come back anytime soon. 
You remembered that day. Your world seemed to spin in endless wonders; eyes wide while your head was resting against the wall nearby, yet with a vacant stare. What’s even going on? Am I going to die?
The whole situation has sent you into a state of shock, still trying to make sense of everything around you. Several completely unharmed army members were the ones who helped you and Lars out of the building, which much to your unspoken gratefulness. 
Everything spiralled out of control, collapsing on your very own eyes. Yet you couldn’t do much about it.
You watched, as most of the other members fell into their own worst fate, leaving your mind into a state of pure chaos, even when fate itself is on your side.
But at what cost?
Your eyes now darted towards him– now inside of the hospital building. But there wasn’t any recognition present within his own gaze. His expression is almost too blank; dumbfounded in a way, even, that you found it unbearable to stare at him for too long because it’s too painful.
There’s nothing much you can do right at this moment, but the feeling of determination within you grows a little more stronger. You wanted him to remember everything; especially on who you truly are, even if you might have to go through a tough process for it.
Bandages are being wrapped around your waist and on some parts of your body, but you didn’t pay much attention to the sensation it's giving you, even keeping them almost entirely covered by your own clothes.
Your presumably tired eyes scanned over the bandages around his head– the same goes for his chest area, to which is partially being covered by the hospital outfit. His deep blue eyes took notice of your current silent observation toward him, simply doing the same.
No hint of recognition crosses over his features at all, but he could somehow sense that you are completely harmless.
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” His sudden question made you stop momentarily in your tracks, keeping yourself composed despite the sudden rush of emotions beginning to try to overwhelm you. A small smile is etched upon your features, perhaps as a way to reassure yourself as well. 
“Ah, you really don’t remember me?” A quiet sigh was what you emitted after those words. You took one of the chairs being provided nearby, sitting next to his hospital bed while telling him your name.
“I’m, well, a pretty close friend of yours.”
He merely watched you for a bit more longer silently, now taking note on how you’ve settled yourself next to him, yet with a respectful distance.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember you. My mind feels hazy..” Lars ended his words almost abruptly, perhaps due to the sudden feeling of guilt as he admitted those words. You just brushed it off, knowing all too well that it’s not his fault at all.
“Ah, I won’t force anything,” you merely nodded at him in understanding. “That’s okay.”
Was it, though?
“But you do remember that you worked within the rebel army, right?”
Most of his memories– including being together with you– may be lost or hazy, but that specific info simply sticks with him. “I do.”
“Though, if I may ask..” This causes your attention to be fully on him. “How long have we known each other?”
A completely valid question, to which you casually answered him. “Ah, for years, even I lost count.”
“Could say since our college years or something, I suppose.”
You chuckle to yourself a bit over your own words, before gently grabbing onto his hand; not trying to startle him or anything in the process. Lars admittedly was confused, but he didn’t pull his hand away, much to your luck.
Perhaps, it’s a silent way of telling him on how you’re glad– very glad that he’s actually alive and breathing the same air as you, even though his memories are unlucky in spite of everything.
“Even when you can't remember me, always know that I cherish you.”
The sandy brown-haired male either didn’t dare to break the lingering silence that was beginning to form between you both, or he has no idea on what to reply just yet, so he lets your words sink in. He sees no harm with you anyway, so he lets it be– 
– or maybe, deep down, his soul knows you, but he couldn’t even tell it himself.
So, you keep on hoping every passing minute that there will be any sort of hope for you.
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When it’s finally time for him to get discharged from the hospital, you remained by his side; trying your best to do any explanation to several random stuff that you both have passed by– whether it’s the shops you used to hang out together, or even the cafe where you two used to get some lunches almost way too often.
But you know that your efforts for now are futile, knowing he can’t react to most of the things that you expected him to be back then. On the bright side, however, Lars is gradually improving emotionally, appearing even more relaxed with you than how he originally was back when he still had to stay within the hospital.
It’s a good thing that the both of you got some breaks even when it’s only temporary, due to yours and Lars’ current condition.
His curious blue eyes spared a few glances at the nearby stores, as if trying to remember any info out from it without your knowledge. You tilted your head slightly as you gazed at the stores with an interested look instead for absolutely no reason.
You won’t give up on him– that’s your silent promise to him. He never gave up on you back then as your friend, so why should you?
Gently guiding him through some certain stores, you gave a brief explanation for him to somehow understand, especially the places where you guys used to hang out together and whenever you guys are away from missions. It gives you the feeling of familiarity and nostalgia as you did so, but to Lars, they seemed to be completely brand new, as if he’s trying to rediscover the places once more.
The sandy brown-haired male even made a mental note on how he wanted to return to some of the places– with you, of course. 
“And this is some of our old pictures,” you showed him the said photos with such enthusiasm, whether it’s a sweet, silly or even something completely out of context being captured on camera right at that moment.
Lars did try to gain something mentally through the pictures being shown; especially on how happy he looked there with you. But his memories denied any sort of his own attempt.
He wanted to believe that he truly did recognize you in some other ways, along with the other existing ones within the same photos. But he just couldn’t, which led to self-frustration.
Nothing came to mind, as always.
“It’s just so frustrating.”
You somehow knew that he’s beating himself up internally for it– his whole body language showcases it all clearly. So, you did something in hopes of being able to let himself loosen a bit by placing your hand onto his arm, giving it a tender rub. His previously tensed up demeanor immediately relaxes just from your mere actions.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself. These things take time, after all.”
“You’ll remember it soon; I believe in it.” His expression softens as he hears your genuine statement; his blue eyes gazing back at your features as if to silently reassure himself through his inner turmoil.
“I just– I’m just scared, like, what if I ended up forgetting everything forever?” 
He has a valid point, and you wouldn’t lie to yourself that what he just said did scare you at times. But you have to be strong, so you gave him a rather comforting reply.
“If that’s the case, then I would be willing to make some new memories with you, if you’d let me.” The words are exuding with such certainty, and without hesitation in helping for his sake. It feels so nice– warm, even, to hear those words out of your own mouth. 
A small smile made its way to his handsome face, finding your words being quite uplifting and sincere; his free hand now grasping onto your own. 
He looks a bit happier now too.
“I would love that.” And oh, did he notice the small trails of pinkish hue peppering across your cheeks? He looks so- something about him is making you feel things that you shouldn’t even be experiencing because it feels wrong– his current actions just added to it.
But even you can't control on whatever you’re feeling. 
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atp plot is almost going nowhere lmao
@luneariaa do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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huntersmoon1 · 28 days
The lads men meet their genderbent counterparts who are in a similar situation to Alibaba’s mom only none of them get sick and die.
(Edited: reworked the kids ages.)
(Edited again cuz they made I pic for Xavier and Rafayel too!)
Ok I just saw this great fan art right after watching the episode of Magi:The labyrinth of magic where it explains Alibaba’s past and about how his mother caught the eye of the king and they had an affair,she leaves and becomes a prostitute,gets sick and dies,all that. And that gave me a request idea.
If you wanna write this for me please hit me up. 🙏
I can’t write I just come up with the outline, the blueprint if you will.
This is the fan art the artists twitter is linked click on the picture to go to the page.
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•So what if Sylus,Zayne,Rafayel,and Xavier meet their genderbent counterparts in the world of Magi that are in a similar situation in the way that they are prostatutes in the slums in order to survive like Alibabas mom only none of them get sick and die like Alibabas mom did.
You know the three princesses of the brothel in apothecary dairies? Well think of them in that way in the sense that they are the most beautiful and desired, well known prostitutes but not in a brothel and are instead in the slums of balbad. Even if they can’t dress luxuriously they are still the most beautiful. And instead of three there’s five,Sylys,Zayne,Rafayel,Xavier,and Mc.
Most of them will be disowned by their families for getting pregnant out of wedlock since that was VERY frowned upon way back then.
•They know MCs counterpart but she’s not genderbent and is instead a sister figure to them and an aunt to their children.
She is also a prostitute,they found her in the slums wandering around with amnesia when she was (they guessed) 17 years old and soon found out she was pregnant,
they tried to talk her out of becoming a prostitute but knew it was likely her only shot at surviving given the state Balbad had been in since the former king died and his short pudgy son took the throne,
eventually they gave in and showed her the ropes and how to work this job without getting hurt by customers or getting sick from them, how to spot the good,healthy,and rich customers, and how to send away the ones that are trouble or could get her or her kid sick,they helped her when she first arrived.
Mc has one 4 year old and one on the way.
•They all live together or very close by each other. Sylus’s counterpart knows Luke and Kieran,they are genderbent and they were her handmaids.
•Sylus’s counterpart has a 9 year old daughter who looks like her dead lover,a 2 year old daughter who looks like her, and has one more on the way.
She was a high class noble lady and fell in love with a soldier and got pregnant but he died before they could get married so her family disowned her and his family blamed her for his death and chased her away.
She took what little money her family gave her and left for the slums and became a prostitute since no one wanted to hire a ruined woman for any other job.
Her loyal handmaids who are Luke and Kieran’s female counterparts went with her,whether or not they became prostitutes too is up to you but they are her assistants and big sister figures to her daughters.
Her daughter can’t learn as fast as the other kids and has trouble learning and understanding certain things like for example math,or learning and memorising the rules to a new game, due to developmental delays caused by her mother not being able to get enough nutrition while she was pregnant with her since she lives in the slums as well as being born too soon.
She makes enough money so she and her children don’t starve now since she’s more well known by the noble class and not just the men in the slums.
•Zayne counterpart has twins,a girl and a boy. They are none identical but they both look like their mother.
She was a middle class lady, daughter of two doctors,Her husband was a kind medicine peddler, he died after being attacked by bandits not long after her twins were born since he couldn’t get the required medical treatment in time.
Her twins are 6 years old and were born in a land where there was plenty of food to eat so they came out normal and not early.
Their mother came to Balbad with them after she heard their were many sick people there that needed help and didn’t have anyone to leave them with,
She thought she’d be able to make enough to get by without having to charge the poor people by treating rich nobles,
but she didn’t know just how bad Balbads money troubles were so she ended up poor too and moved to the slums since she could no longer afford their living arrangements in the middle class.
She makes a little money as a doctor in various classes of the hierarchy but most of her money comes from prostitution since men of all walks come for her services.
•Rafayels counterpart has one 5 year old girl and a newborn son.
She fell in love with a rich man and he got her pregnant, he said he’d come back for her but he never did and she found him courting another woman,he abandoned her.
She was in the middle class, the daughter of an art dealing merchant, but she didn’t have the funds to support herself and a child, and her family cut her off and disowned her for getting pregnant out of wedlock,
so she sold her house and went to the slums so she’d have a decent amount of money for a while but eventually she had to find a way to make ends meet and since jobs aren’t offered to people in the slums very often she turned to prostitution since that’s the only profesión from the slums the nobles and middle class will pay decently not well but decent. She’s pretty well known by the nobles.
•Xavier’s counterpart has one 3 year old son.
She was a middle class noble lady who fell in love with a soldier and as soon as he found out she was pregnant he kicked her to the curb and when her family found out she was pregnant out of wedlock they disowned her so she moved to the slums with enough money she saved to get by for a while and be able to get enough to eat from the middle class so she would have a healthy full term baby.
But after her son was born eventually that money ran out and she turn to prostitution since no one in the middle or upper class would give someone from the slums a job unless it’s a prostitute looking for clients. She’s pretty well known among the nobles.
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thebroccolination · 8 months
Ossan's Love Fic List (by Kiranokira)
• Teammate (T) 1.1k - Complete
There’s a park near their new place, and at first sight, Soichi zeroes in on the basketball court. His first impulse is to invite Justice over, but then he has an even better idea.
The surface of Soichi’s high school basketball shows evidence of its long life, but he refuses to replace it until it’s well and truly beyond maintaining. Momentous memories are stored in this precious possession. So it’s kind of a big deal for Soichi that he places the basketball into Ryota’s hands one afternoon and says, “Wanna play?”
• The Cure for Indecision (G) <1k - Complete
Soichi goes yukata shopping for Maki and predictably has a meltdown.
He walked in an hour ago ago full of bravado, positively certain that he’d walk out with the perfect yukata in maybe ten minutes tops. Maki’s gorgeous, after all. He’d look good in anything. That, it turns out, is a problem.
• Jackpot (T) 2k - Complete
Haruta undergoes surgery and wakes up with temporary amnesia, much to Maki's amusement.
The guy lets out a small laugh and says, “The doctor said you might be like this after the anesthesia. How do you feel?” “I’m good,” Soichi says. “Floaty. I like these curtains!” He tries to reach out to touch one, but they’re farther away than they look, so he pouts. The guy laughs again, his eyes adorably creased at the corners. “Wow. This is…” In seconds, he has his phone up and Soichi agreeably gives the cute guy’s camera a peace sign.
• Strategy (T) 1.9k - Complete
There’s so much of Maki that Haruta’s never allowed himself to revel in before now.
Obeying a small mischievous urge, Maki nonchalantly picks up a slice of sweet potato tempura with his chopsticks while under the table running the tip of his shoe along Haruta’s calf. To his vast and all-consuming surprise, Haruta doesn’t startle. He only lifts his eyes slowly from his food to Maki’s face, his entire expression exuding…interest.
• Sterling Walls (T) 1.9k - Complete
Maki throws himself into a spiral, as usual, and Haruta surprises him (as usual).
He knows that he’s never taken down all or even most of his walls for Haruta, because the one wall he did take down was already more than he’d done for anyone else. Still…. It’s not like Maki knows what he’s doing. It’s not like he has a sterling track record at this. His past relationships all ended in fire and misery, and he never really expected his relationship with Haruta to be the one that worked.
★★★ No Conscription Father (T) 6.4k - Complete *I'm really fond of this one because it's a whole character study fueled entirely by my adoration for Maki
Maki Yoshiro first met his son on November 1st, 1993. He spends the next twenty-six years meeting his son over and over again.
Sure, maybe girls today are a little more shrill than they were in Yoshiro’s youth. A little louder and a lot wilder. Maybe that was the issue. Maybe Ryota’s tastes ran more traditional. Maybe he wanted someone calm and refined. Someone like Yoshiro’s mother: kind and quiet and gentle.
• In the Province of the Gods (E) 9.3k - Complete
In another universe, Haruta grew up in rural Shimane with his grandmother, and one night he meets a man named Maki on the side of the road trying to fix his bicycle.
After pleasantries are taken care of, Haruta’s grandmother peers over the lip of her teacup and says to Maki, “You’re sure you’re not here to take my dopey grandson off my hands?” Haruta almost chokes on a clam. “Grand! Ma!!” Silently he takes back all the nice things he’s thought about moving out and missing her. She’s a crafty seventy-five-year-old demon and he won’t miss her at all.
• The Enigmatic Tuesday (G) 1.5k - Complete
On the second Tuesday of May, something goes wrong for Maki, and Haruta will never know exactly what it was.
Haruta may have close to zero in the success column of romantic experiences, but…they need to communicate, don’t they? Maki handles too many problems on his own as it is, and maybe that’s Haruta’s fault. If he doesn’t push Maki to talk to him, won’t that be like…slacking off? “Relationships take work,” Haruta’s first girlfriend said the day they broke up. Later, his mother snorted and added, “Well, she’s right, and you haven’t done a full day of work since you left elementary school.” Maki’s eyes are focused, at least, and he reacts to the show every now and then. He’s warm, tucked in Haruta’s arm, and every time he shifts, he gets a little closer. He seems better now. Relaxed. Still…. Haruta has been blindsided before.
• Perish the Thought (M) 9.7k - Complete
Haruta didn't want to know about Maki's romantic history until he was presented with some of it, and now he wants to know approximately all of it. Only trouble is, Maki doesn't want to tell him.
There’s a beautiful four seconds of silence then, and Haruta enjoys the brief delusion that they’re all going to change the subject to something else, and he can go on pretending that Maki has only ever dated two people, one of whom (the permanent one) is him. Then Chizu says, “We’re talking about Maki’s first time exploring 2-Chome,” and obliterates his fantasy. “He had five boyfriends in one year!” Maki’s ensuing objections sound halfhearted at best. He’s pink in the face, too, but he actually seems quite proud of himself underneath the modest posturing. “We don’t have to talk about it anymore,” he says to Chizu. Haruta slumps onto the stool next to him, struggling to control his pout. “Yeah,” he agrees. He’d rather hear about his uncle's gout surgery for the ninth time.
• Lights Against Malice (T) 7.4k - Complete
On a trip to Tokyo's metropolitan center, Haruta experiences his first real taste of societal disapproval toward his relationship with Maki. He handles it better than expected, but Maki shuts down, and Haruta is determined to find out why.
Maki tips his chin up coolly. “Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine now. I had a bad moment, that’s all. You don’t have to worry about me anymore.” It’s delivered as if he’s responding to a mediocre performance review, and he doesn’t quite meet Haruta’s eyes when he speaks. Haruta says, “Maki,” with a note of hurt in his voice. He can see the door of opportunity closing. Maki’s already turning to go upstairs, pulling one arm out of his suit jacket as he yawns. Haruta takes two strides and catches his freed wrist. “Maki.”
• Ubiquitous (G) <1k - Complete
Haruta comes home, and Maki might be having a little trouble concealing just how happy he is.
It’s been six hours since Haruta arrived home from Shanghai, and Maki is still adjusting to having him here. The sounds of his complaining and whining and self-indulgent ridiculousness belong in this house. He even manages to fill the space when he’s quiet, and Maki missed him so much it frightened him sometimes.
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sofasoap · 2 years
Remember me?
Pairing: König x  f!Reader ( aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary: Part 2 of Forget me not.
Warning: Mature theme. Amnesia, mention of violence 
English isn’t my first language. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Turn back now if you don’t like it.
A/N : Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic “ “The Favorite MacTavish” which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background
 “masterlist” for more prequel to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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“ WHO are you.” Gaz came back into the room just as König ask you with accusation tone. " OH YOU are awake!" "... Gaz?" Another stab to the heart. He remembers Gaz, but not you?
"... I will go and get the doctor." Before Gaz could stop you, you excuse yourself and slip out of the room.
You bit down on your lip, trying hard not to let your tears spill over as you fast walk towards the nurse station.
The nurse and the doctor rush towards the room and check on König, while you stood outside, too scared to go back in. Few minutes later you heard the door open, and closes softly. " Hey... What's wrong?" " He DOESN'T REMEMBER ME AT ALL Gaz... he is treating me like a stranger!" You finally burst out crying. Grabbing onto his shirt you can't stop your tears flowing. Gaz was loss for words, he doesn't know how to console you.
" The doctor is checking on him now.. I am sure they will have an answer.. Do you want to come back in?"
You shook your head. " Mini." You hear your brother calling out to you, he frowned as he saw your puffy red eyes. " Hey, what's wrong?" Turning to Gaz, " Did something happened or what did you say to her?" " Wow, calm down, It's not me..." The doctor came out from the room, looking at the three of you. "Seems everything is fine with him, apart from some memory losses, we will keep him in for another few days for further observation before discharging him." Gaz and Soap thank the doctor quietly. " .... Can you grab my stuff please? I think... I might head back to London. I can't take anymore time off. There's a lot of stuff needs to be done at work." You whispered softly. Soap open his mouth, Gaz interjected before he could say anything. ' I'll go grab it for you. Just stay here." Give you a pat in the back he went back inside.
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König heard the girl sobbing outside his room. The way she looked at him, the hurt in her eyes when he ask the question. He feels like he should know her, but he has absolutely no memory of who she is, or meeting her. He felt like a dick but years of bullying his defence mechanism just went up automatically when he meet strangers. The last thing he remembered was Ghost covering them while the team trying to exfil out of the site after bad intel. He was shot trying to cover for Soap... and Ghost was sniping the enemies chasing them down... They manage to get to the helicopter and..? He blacked out afterwards. Lost his own thought, he didn't hear Gaz coming back in. " Doctor said you should be fine with in next few days. We will contact KorTac let them know you are awake." Gaz updated him as he picks up few stuff and putting them in a bag from the corner. " You feeling alright?" " Ja..." He look down at his own hand. He wants to ask Gaz about the girl's identity, but he stepped out again with the bag, before the door closes, he caught a glimpse of her with back to the door, talking quietly to Soap and clearly very upset from her tone of voice. Soap looked up and frown at him.
Later that night, Ghost was sitting in the room with him, on the couch reading. Gaz mention briefly the girl and rest of the 141 team had been by his side for the last week or so while in coma. But where is the girl now? He felt guilty he might have scared her off. But there was something else... He set his tablets down, after trying to catch up with the mission report to what happened between the time he was sent to hospital and then post mission reports. Getting tired quickly from his injury even with just doing light reading. He needed a quick break. Leaning back into the pillow and turn to grab the glass of water on the side table, That's when he notice a small wooden teddy bear carving. "... You gave that to her after the first date." Flipping a page, Ghost quietly mentioned without looking up from his book. Date? You two went on dates? "You asked her parents permission for marriage few months ago as well." König couldn't believe his ears. Him? having a relationship is one thing, and talks of marriage?
Ghost put his book down, looking straight into König 's eyes. " I know this is out of your control. But it pains me to see her like this." König  could see something different in Ghost's eyes. A warning. "...Who is she to you." König asked.
"She's very important to me." Ghost pick his book back up again, lightly deflect the question.
The rest of the night was spent in silence.
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You feel absolutely miserable.
It has been over two month after you have returned from Germany. You had no contact with König afterwards.
The 141 boys has message and rang you to check on see how you were going.
" You sure you feeling alright with the situation Mini.." Soap asked worryingly. " I am fine. Don't worry about me Johnny. As long as he is fine, and healthy. I am happy with that." You comforted your brother instead. But you are not. Knowing how König is with his social anxiety, you don't want to push him or scare him too much , especially after a severe injury. All you can do it wait.
You cry yourself to sleep everyday.
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König don't know what to do with you. He went home to Austria for few more weeks of rest after he was discharged from hospital. KorTac has not clear him to return to field mission yet, so he uses this chance to go home and spend time with his parents and grandparents. "So when are you bringing Mini to Austria and meet the family? You been gushing about her all the time and we still haven't met her in person!" König's mother enquired one day. " Your Oma was asking the other day if you were going to finally give her a great grandchild." König didn't know how to respond to that. He hasn't exactly told his parents about the extent of injury. All they know was he was " Slightly more injured than usual " so had to spend little bit of time in the hospital. " .. Um. She said she's very busy with work lately, so.. I'll um. ask her again sometime." White lies. His doctor and therapist has stressed to him not to push himself too hard, let the time do the healing. They reassure him. He remembers everything before the event, EVERYTHING BUT YOU. Everything that has anything in relation to you, gone. LIke someone has just press delete button and wiped it all out and make space for other things.
He been going through his phone, all the photos, messages and little gifts that you have given him after he returned home. Trying to find that connection you two shared.
"Can't wait to see you again!" " Thank you for your little gift. I love it!" " Please pass on my thanks to your mother and Oma for the lovely scarf and mitten. they are very warm." "You have time to come and meet my parents?"
“Ich liebe dich,Liebling” The the last photo he has on the phone was a selfie of yourself, wrapped around in a thick scarf, and it was snowing in the background, Must have been pretty cold, König thought. But that cold temperature is thawed by your brilliant smile. I miss that smile. König thought. I miss that smile? He realised, that little bit of familiar feeling, starting to come back. He decided to sent you a message.
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DING, DING, DING You groaned as you hide your head under the pillow. You just fell asleep from finishing straight double shift. Try to bury yourself into work, keeping busy so you don't have to think about all the stuff that has been happening. " MINI, you are killing yourself with work." Emma warned you one day. " I hardly see you at home now, even at work! You aren't even spending time with me for coffee break... " DING! " GAH!" You flipped around and pick up the phone. If it's Gaz I am gonna tell Johnny to twist his ears off, you cursed in your mind. -- Hi. -- Um. I hope it's ok to message you -- I was thinking König. You shot up from your bed. You feel your breath quicken. Calm down. you told yourself. -- Do you mind if we can meet up and talk?
Nibbling your lip. You closed your eyes and thought about it for few minute before you summon up the courage to reply.
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Two weeks later. At the cafe you had your first date. You sat outside under the umbrella. It's end of summer, but you can feel bit of coolness in the breeze. Wearing a sundress you remember König had once commented how lovely it looks on you while fidgeting and don't know where to look with his eyes. You smiled at the memory. Suddenly a large shadow appeared. Looking up, there he is. " Hi." Minus the huge trench coat, he was wearing exactly what he wore the day of meeting as well. You can see his new scar across the side of his forehead, still healing. "... Hi.". " Have you ordered yet?" " No. I was waiting for you." " I um. I'll go get the drinks." Before you can reply, he marched into the coffee shop. Few minutes later, he came out with two orders. He set your drink in front of you. Vienna coffee. Just the way you like it. You look up at him with incredulity. König sat down with his drink. Both of you sit there, sipping on your own drink. You smiled as he nervously pulling down his mask to drink his coffee. Just like that day. You thought. Both of you waiting for each other to say something first to break the awkward silence.
He took something out from his pocket and put it down gently on the table. " ... you left this at the hospital." The wooden teddy bear. You only realise it was missing after you came home to London, your little lucky charm, you always have it on you. You left it beside his bedside table to see if it will give him so luck to help him wake up from his coma. Is this what this meetup was for? Just to return your misplaced belonging? Nothing more? You look down into your cup, eyes starting to well with tears. The pain was starting to come back. "Liebling" Please.. Please don't call me that if you don't mean it. You shrunk back into your seat. It hurts. It hurts so much.
"... The team has been talking to me since I woke up." He began. " They try to fill me with.. what I forgot. Especially Ghost." Your head shot up. What did Simon tell him? Only you two knew what happen that night at your parent's house. " I am so sorry I hurt you.. I .. I am trying very hard to remember.." Holding out his hand across the table, you automatically reach for it. How you miss his large callous hand. You shook your head. "You can't be blamed for this... things happens.. We can't predict what happen after an injury." "I am starting to remember bits and pieces.." You look into his eyes, the beautiful Azure blue eyes. Nodding towards your coffee, " I was making coffee one day, I remembered how you love Viennese style coffee. with A LOT of cream on top." " Isn't that a bit excessive?" You remember him commented one time. " The MORE the better!" You retorted.
"The first time you came up to me and try to flirt with me.." You see his face blushing bright red. "how you like to snuggle to me when it's cold. how you smile..." lowering his voice, he added, " The way you call my name in bed.." You couldn't hold back anymore. Standing up you dive towards him, crying. "I was starting to lose hope... It hurts so much.. I try to forget about it but I couldn't... I thought I have lost my big teddy bear... the only man I love..." you rambled on with hiccup and tears. " I am so sorry.." He pulled you into his lap, burying his head into your neck. " It's not your fault.. stop apologising.." Gosh how you miss this. Staying in his embrace for a little while, savouring the contact you missed for the last few months. "Can I take you out for dinner tonight?" "You asking me out for a date?" You smiled. " .. Maybe?" He blushed. " It's always a yes for my big teddy bear." You gave him a kiss on the cheek. Finally. There's hope.
".. Ghost threatened to take you away if I don't start to remember thing. Soap was going to throw me into the ocean. To see if some seabathing will cure me." "..... Trust my brothers to say something nice." " At least Price and Gaz was little bit more subtle... Why you cracking your knuckles Liebling?" " Don't worry. I will remind them to be nice to you next time, my teddy bear. They know not to piss me off.... "
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Ghost threatening as a big brother and Unrequited love person: If you are not careful, you hurting her, I am going to take her away from you. OOP. Ghost.. calm down... 141 boys have a very soft spot for Mini. Mini is very lucky to have three big brothers and one uncle to look out for her.
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