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rineagard · 2 months ago
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward, until death do us apart
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stingrayextraordinaire · 5 months ago
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NoSleep Moodboards // Tales from the Gas Station
Time moves strangely at the gas station, flowing slow and fast all at once, like molasses out of a shotgun.
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thesealantern · 2 months ago
Me when
Me when David Fucking King ruins my credit card credit (he has my gf at gunpoint too I guess…)
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numbuh424 · 1 month ago
the successors were too busy hunting kira in 2009, meanwhile creepypastas must've hit wammy's house like a bomb during that time. mello should not have been out there risking his life and dying, he should have been posting LABB to r/nosleep.
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jgmartin · 8 months ago
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xisipstea · 8 months ago
My Left Right Game character designs
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As well assssss…. . . . . . .. an Alice drawing
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rubedeckillerofficial · 5 months ago
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This is KILLJAM X X X.
~ Logo by Jasper Taylor and Meg Tuten, Logo text by @valdevia ~
The deranged, queer cyberpunk death game audio drama podcast that myself, @machetebisexual, @reignoftiramizu, and @cannibalmukbang have been working on for the last two years.
You can follow it right here on tumblr at @killjamxxx
It features actors who have been in:
The Magnus Archives. (As a Friendly Surgeon Who Cannot Catch A Break)
The Amazing Digital Circus. (As an Enterprising Organ Harvester)
Slay The Princess. (As a Sadistic Superpowered Assassin)
Final Fantasy Seven Remake. (As a Truly Evil Corporate Bastard)
The Mortuary Assistant. (As a Ravenous Wolf Woman)
Lackadaisy. (As a Helpful Murder Nerd)
Dimension 20. (As a Mom-Friend Dominatrix)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean. (As a Cyborg out for Revenge)
Another Crab’s Treasure. (As a Homicidal Wife Guy)
The Kingmaker Histories. (As a Solipsistic Killer Clown Girl)
Caravan. (As a Guy You’ll Really Want to Punch)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. (As an Incredible Narrator)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead. (As a Stab-Happy Street Punk)
Eeler’s Choice. (As Diabolical German Pawnbroker and a Humanoid Catfish)
Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason. (As a Loan Shark Who Might Be The Devil)
Less Is Morgue. (As a Woman Who Will Drill You To Death)
The NoSleep Podcast. (As The Ghost of a Questionable Father)
The Dead Meat YouTube Channel. (As a Terrifying Robotic Nun)
And that’s not even getting into the SNILF (Snake Milf), the buff lady with the eyepatch, the dorky trans reptile scientist, the charming British thief, or the evil undead Ringmaster.
You can subscribe to KILLJAM X X X on Podbean using this link here. We’re working on getting it on all the major podcatchers, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Official trailer drop coming October 31st.
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americanoddysey · 10 months ago
Had a dream last night that A Fresh Pair of Eyes got a TV adaptation and my mom watched it before I did, for some reason. Also, Elias was a gamer with the cat ear headphones. That is all.
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(he still is)
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bogleech · 6 months ago
Entry 3 of my "new" (expanded from an old draft into a whole series with more content) creepypasta series is the Ambulatory Evacuation. The ending revelation might be the most grotesque but I feel like it isn't too graphically described? Maybe I'm not a good judge.
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First entry: Transmutative Plasmodiform Second entry: Umbral Teletroph
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somesecretpie · 1 year ago
I am looking for a human host!
Are you bored?
Are you lonely and bored?
Do you have a lot of time on your hands?
Do you have hands?
I’m offering you a proposal, with potential financial compensation for your troubles. It may sound off putting at first blush, but hear me out. I am looking for a human host. And I mean a “willing” human host who might be willing to give up some of their time to help out an odd fellow that doesn’t have hands or blood.
Am I asking to control your body? Yes. Sometimes. You’ll still be there, but taking the backseat. Now you’re probably thinking “That sounds no fun! I don’t want to spend all my time riding shotgun.”
And that’s valid.
But you all spend about half of the day unconscious anyway. Your body is just there, doing nothing—a complete waste. As for me, I don’t sleep (haha), so we could have it so that during the day, I will graciously let you do fun human things, and at night, I’ll do whatever. And by whatever, I mean perfectly safe, perfectly reasonable activities.
I don’t drink, and I rarely go outside.
I enjoy baking, I look at pictures of birds online, I’ve been getting into neuroscience lately. Very interesting stuff. You’re all very interesting.
And maybe you’re still thinking “Hey now, I don’t want some random mind-controlling thingy hauling my body around in my sleep, “Weekend at Bernie’s Style” to which I say, you’re no fun and you’re not the kind of person I want to live with anyway.
“But I’m a light sleeper!” you say.
Don’t worry! I can isolate your somatosensory cortex so you can’t feel anything.
“But my family will think it’s weird!” you say.
Don’t worry! You don’t have to tell them.
Actually, I would prefer that you don’t tell anyone. Please.
And should anyone question me, I’m not bad at impressions. I’ll get really good at a “you” impression, it’ll be the first thing I do!
I know this all sounds very strange and potentially unpleasant, but remember the financial compensation that may or may not be happening. Hell, I’ll even do some of your chores if you like, while you sleep. You can wake up and the dishes will be done, laundry folded and coffee made. Doesn’t that sound nice? And then you open the fridge and oh, what’s this? Someone baked banana bread last night (that was me, I baked banana bread last night.)
Now I should say, I don’t have a lot of standards, I really don’t. But I do (unfortunately) have some, so let’s just get them out of the way before I waste your time.
Please do not contact me if you have any of the following:
- Anemia: Sorry, it’s just not going to work out. I can pay for iron supplements, but I can’t work miracles.
-A weak immune system: I don’t like getting sick, I’m sorry. It’s gross, sick people are gross. I mean I know it’s not your fault, but healthy folks only please.
-A strong immune system: Yes, I know what I just said, but I also don’t want to be attacked by your immune system. So maybe you’re not the picture of health, but you’re just kind of okay. I’m looking for someone who is just kind of okay.
-A penchant for alcohol: It makes me feel strange…
-A name that starts with a P: I’m not the greatest at “speaking.” It’s hard, moving air through your throat and moving your tongue and your mouth at the same time. You all do it so easy—can’t say I’m not envious! I’m the worst at making the “P” sound.
I intentionally avoid any "p word" in conversation, and get by well enough, but I’ll look pretty foolish if I’m cavorting about, pretending to be you, and I can’t even say your name!
Those are my standards, but really, other than that, I’ll take anyone.
I don’t care if you’re male or female or anything in between.
I don’t care if you’re gay.
I don’t care if you’re smart.
I don’t care if you don’t have a lawyer.
There are so many things that I don’t care about.
Now, I’ve specified all the ways in which I could compensate you and how our relationship will be not in any way problematic, but I want to stress that, above all things, I am looking for a friend.
Someone I can spend quiet evenings with.
If you want to hang out with me during the day, that’s great! I can give you fun hallucinations. Or you could have hallucinations the normal way, like by reading, like what you’re doing now. I love to read! I love doing funny voices. I wonder what you think I sound like?
I hope I sound nice.
And one of the best things about me is I’m very quiet. No one else will be able to hear me except you. I’ll be like your own personal friend that only you know. Like a secret friend. And you don’t even have to talk to me because I can read your thoughts.
I suppose I should tell you a bit more about myself, since you’re still reading.
I was born in the Everglades, I think. It’s been awhile.
But I remember being so cold…
And so alone...
But then I met this sweaty man in a colorful tee-shirt, with a camera, and half a granola bar, and with blood so hot.
So yeah, he was my first host, and I’ll admit, we weren’t the best of friends. It was a confusing time for both of us. I was confused. He was confused. What happened was really both of our faults, you could say…
He was a bird watcher, if I recall correctly. Just watched birds all the time. I thought it might have been out of jealousy—watching those little things flying around makes you feel kind of stuck. I felt stuck.
So I decided to be a bird for a while to see if it was really all it’s cracked up to be. Squished myself into the body of this lovely American crow. We settled down, built a nest, and laid several nice, healthy eggs with a man-bird by the name of “Richard Baxter.”
He was a very proud bird, very large. And he gave me so many wonderful gifts. Like children, and also small pieces of plastic.
I still have all of them.
The plastic, not the children.
I’d never been so happy, all these hormones had me consumed in the joy of motherhood, but the crow’s health was failing. I could not sustain myself—it’s pathetic little heart beat weaker and weaker.
I tried starving, I tried everything I could, I wanted to be a bird so bad. But it just wasn’t working out.
The bird stopped working.
The other crows held a funeral service for me, even though I was still alive. I tried to tell them, but I’m not good at speaking, you remember.
It was all just a big mess.
I haven't seen Baxter since, but I still think about him a lot.
Is that weird?
I’m totally over it though, haha.
After that incident, I got kind of depressed... I possessed a lot of trash animals—gulls, racoons, and salespeople. I did what I could to survive. That’s kind of where I am now.
I am currently living in Miami florida—been body surfing almost every day (haha). Right now I’m using a library computer and a librarian. She does not like being possessed, boy howdy are these fingers twitching. But you can thank her for my halfway decent grammar.
I’m tired of feeling like a parasite.
I want to try a different approach.
I want to be friends? Like with Richard Baxter except I also live in your brain and drink your blood sometimes. But I’ll make you bread in your sleep, so it’s okay.
It’s been really hard finding someone willing to put up with me.
I’ve tried everything.
So I thought I would put up an advertisement online, why not?
Can’t say the P word in real life, but you can hear it in your head loud enough I hope.
I know I kept saying that I would compensate you financially, but I’m going to be real with you, I don’t have much. I’ve got like twenty bucks, some small pieces of plastic and a book about...finance....
But I’m a real hoot! ;D
If you are interested, leave your comments below. I would love to get to know you :)
I need to go now, the library is closing soon, but I’ll get back as soon as I can.
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This is FUCKING huge because something a lot of people aren’t aware of is there was supposed to be a SAR book. Unfortunately, syfy forced the author to give up adaptation rights in order to make the butcher’s block season of Channel Zero, so it never got published.
So now, she’s released it for everyone!
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onemillioneggsandcounting · 2 months ago
You ever finish a horror story with an ending that leaves you distraught and just know that you won’t be normal again for a bit? Like you have this pit in your stomach and you just kind of
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abalonetea · 28 days ago
I've been offline dealing with some Big IRL Life Stuff and I came back to find that someone had done a compilation video of JUST my stories from Reddit.
It's only gotten thirteen likes and slightly under 200 views, so if you would help me share it, boost it, and basically spread it around some, that would mean the absolute world to me!
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carbonatedbexxer · 8 months ago
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incognito-duo · 1 year ago
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tangentburd · 7 months ago
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tfw i identify with george on a molecular level sometimes
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