#northern Europe
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illustratus · 4 months ago
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Brünnhilde the Valkyrie by Arthur Rackham
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months ago
"In the first 9 months of this year, Lithuania recorded over 768,000 traffic violations, almost half of which were related to speeding, which remains a serious problem. The authorities are planning to increase fines to reduce the number of violations.
In neighboring Estonia, however, instead of increasing fines, they are using an alternative punishment - forced standing on the side of the road, which has shown good results.
The Estonian experience shows the importance of not only material but also time losses, since drivers value their time more than money.
Lithuanian experts are discussing the possibility of introducing such measures, but implementation would require changes in legislation and additional resources."
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uncharismatic-fauna · 6 months ago
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A Dive into the Diving Spider
The diving spider, or water spider (Argyroneta aquatica) is perhaps one of the most unique arachnid species on Earth, noted for living almost entire life completely underwater. This species is found throughout northern Europe and Asia in clear freshwater ponds, lakes, wetlands, and slow-moving rivers with lots of aquatic vegetation.
Like other spiders, the water spider does breathe air. When submerged, specialized hydrophobic hairs create an air bubble attached to its abdomen, which allows the spider to store oxygen while moving around underwater. In addition, these spiders build a web known as diving-bell webs. These webs, constructed of spider silk, are constructed underwater, and supplied with air bubbles from the surface. A. aquatica spends most of its time in these webs, leaving only to replenish its air supply-- about once every 24 hours-- or to find prey.
The diving bell spider's prey are, unsurprisingly, primarily insects. In particular they feed on water fleas, aquatic isopods, insect larvae, and small crustaceans like shrimp. Individuals catch their prey by hiding inside their webs until prey trips one of the trip-wires constructed in the surrounding vegetation. They then surge out, seize their prey, and drag it back into the air-filled web where the spider can digest it. Predators of water spiders include aquatic beetles, dragonfly larvae, and frogs. Fish can also predate upon water spiders, but they are usually scarce due to the low aquatic oxygen environment in which the spiders live.
Ordinarily, A. aquatica is a fairly plain, brown spider. Males are slightly larger than females; 18.7 mm (0.74 in) to their 13.1 mm (0.51 in) in length; this is a rare phenomenon in spiders, as females are typically larger. Males also have a longer pair of front legs. However, females were found to construct much larger nests, as they must also provide space for their eggs and young.
When a male is ready to mate, which occurs during spring, he will construct several sperm packages that he holds in his palps, or mouth appendages, while he seeks out potential mates. If he finds a receptive mate, the two will engage in a swimming ritual around her web before he gives her one of his sperm packages. Afterwards, the female constructs a sac with 50-100 eggs; she may do this up to 6 times throughout a single year. The eggs hatch 3-4 weeks after laying, and the offspring remain in the nest for another 2-4 weeks. Individuals typically become sexually mature not long after, and may live up to 2 years in the wild.
The water spider can deliver a painful bite, with symptoms of inflammation, vomiting, and fever lasting 5-10 days. However, the bite is not known to be fatal to humans.
Conservation status: The diving bell spider has not been evaluated by the IUCN. The primary threat is likely habitat destruction, although at least one area in South Korea has been designated specifically as protected habitat for the species.
Want to request an uncharismatic critter? Just send me proof of donation to any of these vetted fundraisers for Palestinian refugees!
Stephan Hetz
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solcattus · 1 year ago
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Milkmaid with Goats
By Hans Dahl
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fascinatingeurope · 5 months ago
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🇮🇸 📷 Travelling in Iceland - a photo by Dutch photographer Willem van de Poll from 1934
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have-you-seen-this-animal · 2 months ago
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First photo thanks to Strasbourg Nature Reserves! Other names include the northern crested newt or warty newt.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months ago
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Forest (No. 116)
Björbo, Sweden (two pics)
Västerdalälven, Sweden (three pics)
Stora Malingen, Sweden (five pics)
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justinspoliticalcorner · 11 months ago
Amelia Hansford at PinkNews:
Swedish politicians voted in favour of the new set of laws during a legislative session on Thursday (18 April), passing it by 234 votes to 94, with 21 abstaining or not voting. Under one of the new bills, set to come into force in July 2025, applicants interested in changing their legal gender as part of their transition can now do so when 16 rather than waiting until they are 18.
The other bill will make the process of diagnosing gender dysphoria easier, minimising it to a short consultation with a doctor or psychologist and the approval of the National Board of Health and Welfare. The legal process will be separated from applications for gender-related surgery, which will need a longer assessment and will only be an option for those over the age of 18. Gender-reassignment surgery, often called “bottom surgery,” will remain an option only for the over-23s. Those under the age of 16 applying to change their legal gender on government documents will require the approval of a parent or guardian, and will also need to be sanctioned by a doctor and the National Board of Health and Welfare. The prime minister and leader of the liberal-conservative Moderate Party, Ulf Kristersson, said the proposal was “balanced and responsible”. Fellow Moderate Party MP Johan Hultberg said that a “great majority” of Swedes will not notice that the law has changed, but those it affects will see “a large and important difference.”
Sweden lowers the age of legal gender change to 16 without parental or guardian approval. Those under 16 seeking to make a legal gender change must do so with parental or guardian approval.
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leocadra · 6 months ago
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Inis Mór | Connacht | Ireland.
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stoneoferech · 2 months ago
Shetland, Scotland
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illustratus · 3 months ago
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Landscape with a Wanderer by Thomas Fearnley
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quinndreamsoftravel · 18 days ago
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months ago
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solcattus · 11 months ago
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Young Norwegians, 1884
(Two women in bunads from Flesberg in Numedal)
By Jahn Ekenæs
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fascinatingeurope · 3 months ago
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🇩🇰 The Entrance to Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen - a vintage photochrom print from the 1890s. Digitally enhanced to compensate for fading.
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ive got another one, the hooded crow
Excellent choice! I've never seen these before.
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