#southeastern europe
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travelbinge · 11 months ago
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By Giannistsou.1
Messinia,  Peloponnese, Greece
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zlatno · 10 months ago
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A metal belt, ćemer, is worn around the waist. It is made of several metal plates, the center one of which has a raised arch shape, from which hang five chains. These are often very richly made.
Montenegrin national attire
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justinspoliticalcorner · 4 months ago
Mira Lazine at LGBTQ Nation:
The Bulgarian parliament voted to enact a law prohibiting the “propaganda” of “non-traditional” sexual orientation and gender identity in schools last Wednesday. Their vote triggered mass protests and public opposition. The proposed law states, “It is the educational function of the Bulgarian school that such a state institution should not be allowed to promote or incite, in any way, directly or indirectly, ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or identification of gender identity other than that which is biological.” The law, an amendment to the Pre-School and School Education Law, emerged after the 17-member Parliamentary Committee on Education and Science overwhelmingly approved it. The committee’s approval led to a four-hour debate last Wednesday that culminated in the bill passing through parliament. This bill was proposed previously, however, it failed in committee.
Of the 240 parliament members, 159 voted in favor of the first section of the bill, while 22 voted against and 13 abstained. For the section defining “non-traditional sexual orientation,” 135 voted for it, 57 against, and 8 abstained. Members of the more liberal parties were unable to vote for the first section for unknown reasons. The law was especially popular among the increasingly politically dominant pro-Kremlin Revival/Vazrazhdane Party, which was the party to introduce it.
[...] Over 7,000 citizen signatures and nearly 80 non-governmental organizations were sent to the government to plead that Bulgarian President Rumen Radev does not sign this bill. Belgian LGBTQ+ rights organization Forbidden Colors said in a statement, “It is deeply troubling to see Bulgaria adopting tactics from Russia’s anti-human rights playbook. Such actions are not only regressive but are also in direct contradiction to the values of equality and non-discrimination that the European Union stands for.”
A protest was announced the same day in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Since then, there’s been widespread protests throughout the capital and Varna, a port city. There have also been petitions sent to the Bulgarian government asking them to oppose the measure. The bill defines “non-traditional sexual orientation” as “different from the generally accepted and the concept of emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of opposites.” Bulgarian news site Clubz, as well as Parliament member Eleonora Belobradova claimed that this section of the bill was actually copy/pasted from the Bulgarian Wikipedia. Additionally, the bill only recognizes “biological sex,” completely writing trans people out of the law and ignoring intersex individuals entirely.
Protests erupt over Bulgarian parliament’s passage of Russia-style Don’t Say Gay or Trans law.
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the-purple-pineapple · 4 months ago
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Skopje, North Macedonia 2024. Reminiscing sick days from my past. Agonizing pain from the endless labyrinth of hospital hallways.
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the-first-man-is-a-cat · 7 months ago
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Bunjevci in Subotica, 1904.
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profesors · 10 months ago
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◾Serbian girl dressed in traditional clothes from Prizren, Metohiya, Southern Serbia 🇷🇸
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gregor-samsung · 2 months ago
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Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii [Do not expect too much from the end of the world] (Radu Jude, 2023)
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bfpnola · 1 year ago
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Hey everyone! @bfpnola is currently updating its health document of the Liberation Library to cover a wider range of topics and expand global accessibility. To make finding information easier, we’re currently organizing resources by location but we’ve run into two small categorical roadbumps! And we don’t have any youth volunteers from these areas, so that’s where you come in!
1️⃣: Should Russia be categorized under Europe or Asia? Our Chief Health Officer for the time being just has written “Europe & Russia”
2️⃣: Should Cyprus be categorized under Europe or Asia? Geographically, Cyprus is a part of West Asia but is culturally Southeast European!
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foxboyroadkill · 5 months ago
i love being macedonian bc i love our culture lalalala
I just wish more people knew about it and knew our history and knew that!!! you shouldnt call us north macedonia or north macedonians we were forced to change our name guyss
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ohcjcj · 2 years ago
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bosnia & herzegovina ◇
c. emzoom
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cervenakoviny · 7 months ago
Slovanské príbuznosti
Perličky z článku
Maďarčina má 21% slov so slovAnskými* koreňmi. "ábráz - obraz, abrosz - obrus, asztal - stôl, bárány - ovca (z *baranъ - baran) , csalad - rodina (z *čeľadь - domácnosť), csorda - črieda, ebéd - obed, kocsma - krčma, macska - mačka, patak - potok, pokol - peklo, szikra - iskra, szilva - slivka, szomszéd - sused, széna - seno, tiszta - čisto, tömlöc - temnica, udvar - dvor"
Vychodňare a Západniari majú spoločného viac, než si myslia. "Medzi slovenskými slavistami sa zvláštnosti stredoslovenčiny v súčasnosti najčastejšie vysvetľujú tzv. migračno-integračnou teóriou jazykovedca a slavistu Rudolfa Krajčoviča, podľa ktorého bol západ a východ dnešného Slovenska osídľovaný zo severu a severovýchodu, zatiaľ čo územie stredného Slovenska z juhu a juhovýchodu."
Stredoslovenčina má brutálne blízko k Srbskému a Chorvátskemu nárečiu. "Napríklad tvary rat-, lat- namiesto praslovanských ort-, olt- v slovách ako rakyta, ražeň, rásť, lakeť, aké nachádzame aj v štokavčine (rakita, ražanj, lakat). V západoslovenskom respektíve východoslovenskom nárečí pozorujeme odlišné tvary ako rožen/rožeň, loket/lokec. Alebo l namiesto praslovanských dl, tl, ako v slovách šilo, omelo, salo, čo opäť zodpovedá štokavčine (šilo, salo), zatiaľ čo v západoslovenčine nachádzame tvary šidlo, sadlo. A napokon, v stredoslovenskom nárečí sa stretávame s príponou -mo [3] v 1. osobe plurálu, napríklad robímo, kosímo, tak ako v štokavčine (radimo, kosimo), ale nie vo východo- respektíve západoslovenskom nárečí."
Sú dôvody domnievať sa, že miesto tisícročia poroby, by sa dalo hovoriť skôr o takých ôsmych stovkách susedstva a fest škaredej hádke v tom poslednom (národné hnutia ako náhrada feudálnej, stavovskej a konfesionálnej spoločnosti boli trocha dvojsečný meč (kam sa tridsaťročná vojna hrabe na svetovú I + II)). "„Richardsov predpoklad presídlenia panónskych Slovanov je v rozpore so súčasným pohľadom, podľa ktorého slovansko-maďarské vzťahy pripomínali symbiózu,“ upozorňuje slavista Kansaskej univerzity Marc Greenberg. Túto interpretáciu podľa výskumníka podporuje archeológia: spoločné pohrebné rituály a pohrebiská implikujú intenzívnu a úzku etnickú interakciu medzi Slovanmi a Maďarmi, prebiehajúcu v priebehu niekoľkých storočí." "Greenberg upozorňuje, že paralelný vývoj medzi stredoslovenčinou a južnoslovanskými jazykmi prebiehal aj po príchode starých Maďarov. To môže znamenať, že k zániku slovanského jazykového areálu v Panónii došlo až o niekoľko storočí neskôr. „Ak aj maďarská prítomnosť viedla k presídleniu časti populácie, vo svojej domovine očividne zostalo veľa Slovanov,“ píše výskumník. „Potvrdzuje to vysoký počet slovanských výpožičiek v maďarčine, ktorý možno najlepšie vysvetliť rozsiahlym, intenzívnym a dlhotrvajúcim kontaktom [medzi Maďarmi a Slovanmi].“"
A Moraváci sú Slováci, čo nedošli do Prahy. :D Nie sú. Ale pred tisíc a niečo rokmi by sa dohovorili s ľuďmi v dnešnom západnom Rumunsku. "Západoslovanskými dialektmi, ktoré mali s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou blízko k dialektom obyvateľstva Veľkej Moravy, sa hovorilo prinajmenšom na severe Panónie. A južnoslovanskými dialektmi, ktoré mali blízko k dialektom vedúcim k neskoršej srbčine a chorvátčine, sa pred príchodom starých Maďarov hovorilo prinajmenšom v južnej Panónii. Podobná situácia podľa všetkého panovala v susednom Potisí. Lingvistické výskymy slovenských (predovšetkým Ján Stanislav), ale aj maďarských a rumunských slavistov dokázali jednoznacnü zäpadoslovanskost' obyvatelstva na hornej a strednej Tise, ako aj v Sedmohradsku."
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travelbinge · 4 months ago
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By Hopetorture
Saint Hilarion Castle, Kyrenia, Cyprus
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zlatno · 7 months ago
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Српска народна ношња из Пећи Ансамбл Венац Serbian national costume from Peć by Ansambl Venac
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justinspoliticalcorner · 4 months ago
Elsie Carson-Holt at LGBTQ Nation:
The Bulgarian parliament passed a law banning “propaganda [of] non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one” in schools across the country yesterday, as the country falls in line with Russia’s push against LGBTQ+ existing in public. The ban comes via changes to the 2020 Pre-school and School Education Act. It was proposed by the pro-Russia Vazrazhdane Party and passed 159 votes to 22 out of the 240-person parliament, Politico reports. It was condemned by LGBTQ+ rights advocates who protested in the country’s capital of Sofia and chanted, “Shame on you.” The gay rights group Deystvie said that “Bulgaria is following in Russia’s footsteps.”
Bulgaria follows Russia’s lead by passing an anti-LGBTQ+ law banning nontraditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity in schools.
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rasmasandra · 2 years ago
Podgorica by the Adriatic Sea
A beautiful country in Southeastern Europe, Montenegro is part of the Balkans. To the west, it has a coastline with the Adriatic Sea. Podgorica isn’t one of the capitals which tourists usually choose to visit but it does have its charm and the beaches are great for taking a break in traveling and just relaxing. Its name translates to “under small hill”. It sits on the confluence of two rivers –…
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 4 months ago
My dad barely has friends now. His best friend is his brother who is in Greece.
No one in our Greek family apart from my dad immigrated too.
I hear about people I know talking about seeing their family for the weekend and I don’t get that more than once or twice a year.
This screenshot means a lot
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I think about this a lot
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