#Angela merge mai departe
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Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii [Do not expect too much from the end of the world] (Radu Jude, 2023)
#Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii#Radu Jude#România#Romania#București#Bucharest#Romanian New Wave#Romanian people#Eastern Europe cinema#Southeastern Europe#Do not expect too much from the end of the world#black comedy film#2020s movies#Ilinca Manolache#Nina Hoss#Uwe Boll#Angela merge mai departe#Lucian Bratu#Tiktok videos#Stanislaw Jerzy Lec#road movie#social satire#capitalism#B&W#manele#joke#taxi driver#work place safety#Nicolae Ceaușescu#Romanian society
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Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World
directed by Radu Jude, 2023
#Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World#Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii#Radu Jude#movie mosaics#Dorina Lazar#Ilinca Manolache#Nina Hoss#Uwe Boll#Angela merge mai departe
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Angela merge mai departe (1982)
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From steel engineering to ovarian tumor research
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/from-steel-engineering-to-ovarian-tumor-research/
From steel engineering to ovarian tumor research
Ashutosh Kumar is a classically trained materials engineer. Having grown up with a passion for making things, he has explored steel design and studied stress fractures in alloys.
Throughout Kumar’s education, however, he was also drawn to biology and medicine. When he was accepted into an undergraduate metallurgical engineering and materials science program at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, the native of Jamshedpur was very excited �� and “a little dissatisfied, since I couldn’t do biology anymore.”
Now a PhD candidate and a MathWorks Fellow in MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kumar can merge his wide-ranging interests. He studies the effect of certain bacteria that have been observed encouraging the spread of ovarian cancer and possibly reducing the effectiveness of chemotherapy and immunotherapy.
“Some microbes have an affinity toward infecting ovarian cancer cells, which can lead to changes in the cellular structure and reprogramming cells to survive in stressful conditions,” Kumar says. “This means that cells can migrate to different sites and may have a mechanism to develop chemoresistance. This opens an avenue to develop therapies to see if we can start to undo some of these changes.”
Kumar’s research combines microbiology, bioengineering, artificial intelligence, big data, and materials science. Using microbiome sequencing and AI, he aims to define microbiome changes that may correlate with poor patient outcomes. Ultimately, his goal is to engineer bacteriophage viruses to reprogram bacteria to work therapeutically.
Kumar started inching toward work in the health sciences just months into earning his bachelor’s degree at IIT Bombay.
“I realized engineering is so flexible that its applications extend to any field,” he says, adding that he started working with biomaterials “to respect both my degree program and my interests.”
“I loved it so much that I decided to go to graduate school,” he adds.
Starting his PhD program at MIT, he says, “was a fantastic opportunity to switch gears and work on more interdisciplinary or ‘MIT-type’ work.”
Kumar says he and Angela Belcher, the James Mason Crafts Professor of biological engineering and materials science, began discussing the impact of the microbiome on ovarian cancer when he first arrived at MIT.
“I shared my enthusiasm about human health and biology, and we started brainstorming,” he says. “We realized that there’s an unmet need to understand a lot of gynecological cancers. Ovarian cancer is an aggressive cancer, which is usually diagnosed when it’s too late and has already spread.”
In 2022, Kumar was awarded a MathWorks Fellowship. The fellowships are awarded to School of Engineering graduate students, preferably those who use MATLAB or Simulink — which were developed by the mathematical computer software company MathWorks — in their research. The philanthropic support fueled Kumar’s full transition into health science research.
“The work we are doing now was initially not funded by traditional sources, and the MathWorks Fellowship gave us the flexibility to pursue this field,” Kumar says. “It provided me with opportunities to learn new skills and ask questions about this topic. MathWorks gave me a chance to explore my interests and helped me navigate from being a steel engineer to a cancer scientist.”
Kumar’s work on the relationship between bacteria and ovarian cancer started with studying which bacteria are incorporated into tumors in mouse models.
“We started looking closely at changes in cell structure and how those changes impact cancer progression,” he says, adding that MATLAB image processing helps him and his collaborators track tumor metastasis.
The research team also uses RNA sequencing and MATLAB algorithms to construct a taxonomy of the bacteria.
“Once we have identified the microbiome composition,” Kumar says, “we want to see how the microbiome changes as cancer progresses and identify changes in, let’s say, patients who develop chemoresistance.”
He says recent findings that ovarian cancer may originate in the fallopian tubes are promising because detecting cancer-related biomarkers or lesions before cancer spreads to the ovaries could lead to better prognoses.
As he pursues his research, Kumar says he is extremely thankful to Belcher “for believing in me to work on this project.
“She trusted me and my passion for making an impact on human health — even though I come from a materials engineering background — and supported me throughout. It was her passion to take on new challenges that made it possible for me to work on this idea. She has been an amazing mentor and motivated me to continue moving forward.”
For her part, Belcher is equally enthralled.
“It has been amazing to work with Ashutosh on this ovarian cancer microbiome project,” she says. “He has been so passionate and dedicated to looking for less-conventional approaches to solve this debilitating disease. His innovations around looking for very early changes in the microenvironment of this disease could be critical in interception and prevention of ovarian cancer. We started this project with very little preliminary data, so his MathWorks fellowship was critical in the initiation of the project.”
Kumar, who has been very active in student government and community-building activities, believes it is very important for students to feel included and at home at their institutions so they can develop in ways outside of academics. He says that his own involvement helps him take time off from work.
“Science can never stop, and there will always be something to do,” he says, explaining that he deliberately schedules time off and that social engagement helps him to experience downtime. “Engaging with community members through events on campus or at the dorm helps set a mental boundary with work.”
Regarding his unusual route through materials science to cancer research, Kumar regards it as something that occurred organically.
“I have observed that life is very dynamic,” he says. “What we think we might do versus what we end up doing is never consistent. Five years back, I had no idea I would be at MIT working with such excellent scientific mentors around me.”
#2022#ai#Algorithms#alloys#amazing#applications#artificial#Artificial Intelligence#background#Bacteria#Big Data#bioengineering#Bioengineering and biotechnology#Biological engineering#Biology#biomarkers#Building#Cancer#cancer cells#cell#Cells#chemotherapy#Community#Composition#computer#data#Design#Disease#DMSE#education
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Sinopsis: Una ayudante de producción sobrecargada de trabajo y mal pagada debe conducir por la ciudad de Bucarest para filmar testimonios para un vídeo de seguridad laboral encargado por una multinacional. Dirigida por Radu Jude (Rumania) ofrece una mirada penetrante y audaz sobre el complejo entramado de la producción de imágenes y la superficialidad inherente a esta práctica. A través de los ojos de Ángela (Ilinca Manolache) somos testigos de las complicaciones del mundo laboral contemporáneo, mientras ella se embarca en un viaje caótico por las calles de Bucarest para lograr cumplir con las demandas de su jefe. Radu Jude relata esta historia combinando elementos de comedia negra, road movie y película de montaje. Entrelazando a la narrativa imágenes de la película Angela merge mai departe, de 1981, donde la protagonista, una taxista también llamada Ángela recorre las bulliciosas avenidas del país. A través de su ingenioso relato, Jude nos sumerge en dos épocas distintas pero interconectadas, explorando las similitudes y contrastes entre el mundo laboral contemporáneo y el pasado. El paralelismo entre Angela taxista y como contraparte Ángela ayudante de producción proporciona una nueva capa de complejidad a la película, invitando al espectador a reflexionar sobre la evolución y la precariedad del trabajo, los cambios en sociedad a lo largo del tiempo. Ángela – Angela merge mai departe Ángela – No esperes demasiado del fin del mundo A medida que se desarrolla, “No esperes demasiado del fin del mundo” nos sumerge junto a su protagonista en un estado de agotamiento introspectivo, desafiándonos a pensarnos dentro de esta realidad cruda y a menudo desalentadora de la vida moderna en la que estamos inmersos. Jude logra además de incomodar, divertir al espectador, especialmente cuando nos introduce al alter ego de la protagonista: un hombre llamado “Bobita” que ella ha creado mediante un filtro en redes sociales. A través de este personaje, se hacen presente el sexismo y el racismo presentes en la sociedad. La presencia de Bobita en la pantalla añade una capa de ironía y provocación, desafiando al espectador a reflexionar sobre las injusticias arraigadas en la cultura contemporánea. La película destaca como una obra maestra del cine contemporáneo. Tuvo su estreno en la competición principal del Festival Internacional de Cine de Locarno de 2023, donde recibió elogios de la crítica y el Premio Especial del Jurado. Realizó proyecciones en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto de 2023 y en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Nueva York de 2023. Fue seleccionada como la candidata rumana a la mejor película internacional en los Premios Óscar 2024 aunque no llegó a las nominaciones. Recientemente se presentó en el 42º Festival Internacional Cinematográfico del Uruguay donde obtuvo el premio a Mejor Película tanto en la Competencia Internacional de Largometraje como en la del Jurado de la Crítica del Uruguay. El film estrenará oficialmente el jueves 4 de abril en Cinemateca (Uruguay)

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A county consultatory commission is warning Prince George’s officials to cut disbursement and safeguard reserves in anticipation of escalating budget shortfalls it projects could inflate to $407 jillion within five financial years. Increased costs and the rippling impacts of the coronavirus pandemic seem so poised to strain the county’s finances for years to amount, the Spending Affordability Committee wrote this month to County Executive Angela Alsobrooks (D) and County Council chairman Jolene Ivey (D- District 5) in a letter alerting the leaders they should anticipate to face a $171 bazillion hollow for the budget twelvemonth that begins July 1. Prince George’s isn’t solo in grappling with a merging of challenges from the pandemic retrieval, eroding fed aid and increased expenses, really public finance and governance experts said. The province also is cladding a circular of belt-tightening, as lawmakers’ ambitions clash with lusterless economical development. “Counties don’t feature a lot of quality too near what they expend on,” said Jocelyn Johnston, prof in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at American University. “In the caseful of Maryland, they’re existence asked to spend as often or more with less from the state.” The local deal of disbursement on didactics associated with the state’s signature
Source : https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/01/16/prince-georges-county-budget/
Relate : https://trendingggnews2024.blogspot.com/2024/01/after-trumps-landslide-win-in-iowa-gop.html
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Angela merge mai departe
Vă mai amintiți filmul? Unul ceaușist, de propagandă, prost, jucat prost. Nu l-am văzut.🙂 Mi-a plăcut titlul pe care-l reiau astfel. O poveste a unei foste colege de serviciu. Nu folosesc numele real. Când m-am angajat, era deja acolo, are cu mai mult de doi ani plus ca mine. Era o femeie care trăia pe un picior cam mare, se dădea mare și tare, foarte înțepată, coafată atent mereu. Adică se…
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Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii [Do not expect too much from the end of the world] (Radu Jude, 2023)
#Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii#Radu Jude#România#Romania#București#Bucharest#Romanian New Wave#Romanian people#Eastern Europe cinema#Southeastern Europe#Do not expect too much from the end of the world#black comedy film#2020s movies#Ilinca Manolache#Nina Hoss#Uwe Boll#Angela merge mai departe#Lucian Bratu#Tiktok videos#Stanislaw Jerzy Lec#road movie#social satire#capitalism#B&W#manele#joke#taxi driver#work place safety#Nicolae Ceaușescu#Romanian society
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SORIN LAVRIC: Ce ne doboară nu e un microb, ci psihicul nostru adus în pragul surescitării apocaliptice
SORIN LAVRIC este filozof, dar a profesat și ca medic. Din această perspectivă, bivalentă, l-am întrebat dacă se teme de moarte în aceste zile de pandemie, ce efect va avea întoarcerea atâtor români din străinătate, dar și cum va arăta lumea la finalul crizei de coronavirus. Răspunsurile sale sunt de-o luciditate specifică diagnozelor medicale. Un interviu exclusiv Q MAGAZINE.
O astfel de criză poate duce la o nevroză colectivă sau mai degrabă la o solidaritate naționala?
Deocamdată nevroza e izbitoare, ba chiar e în fază acută, în schimb solidaritatea va fi pusă la încercare mai tîrziu, cînd vom intra într-o triplă criză: socială, economică și financiară.
Ce sare în ochi este valul de spaimă provocat de abuzul mediatic din toată Europa. Trăiesc cu impresia că o conjurație a mass-mediei și-a pus în gînd să-i aducă pe oameni la un prag de isterie obștească. Iar de isteria aceasta s-au molipsit politicienii, dovadă tonul prăpăstios cu care se adresează fiecare națiunii lui.
Oriunde te întorci, nu auzi vorbindu-se decît de o temă: pandemia.
Eu nu cred în virulența mortală a acestei epidemii, o virulență care, din cauza presei, a ajuns să fie percepută ca o plagă trimisă de Dumnezeu pentru păcatele omenirii.
Cei care dau ortul popii nu mor din cauza virusului, ci din pricina unor boli prealabile, cărora virusul, pe fondul căderii imunității, le sporește simptomele. Dar nici un om sănătos nu va muri în urma infestării directe cu virusul. Dacă românii ar înțelege acest lucru, ar dormi mai liniștiți și nici nu s-ar mai repezi să golească magazinele.
Nu virusul ne ucide, ci tarele patologice pe care le avem deja.
E ca și cum dacă, aș ciupi de ureche un cardiac cronic care va muri peste trei zile de infarct, voi declara că el a murit din cauza ciupitului. Nu există o relație cauză-efect între infestarea cu coronavirus și decesul unui pacient.
Dumneavoastră cum aţi trăit aceste săptămâni?
În prima săptămînă am luat în serios amenințarea virală, oscilînd între teama de infecție și grija de a anula micile proiecte în care eram prins. Apoi, citind oracolele pierzaniei din gura oamenilor politici -de la Angela Merkel la Bibi Netanyahu, de la Macron la Boris Johnson, tonul apocaliptic prezicînd o contaminare de 70% din populație aducea a palinodie previzibilă- am simțit că ne îndreptăm spre o criză nemaiîntîlnită, provocată de excesul de zel al unor politicieni care, vrînd să preîntîmpine un dezastru, de fapt îl provoacă în numele profilaxiei lui. E precum o profeție care se împlinește prin simplul fapt că ai apucat s-o rostești.
Statele din Europa vor intra în faliment nu din cauza virusului, ci a sufocării complete a vieții sociale.
Ce trăim azi nu au mai apucat decît bunicii noștri în timpul ultimului Război Mondial. Dar cauza nu e pandemia, a cărei patogenie e exagerată pînă la pragul hiperbolei macabre, ci blocarea vieţii sociale din cauza psihozei. Ce ne doboară nu e un microb, ci psihicul nostru adus în pragul surescitării apocaliptice.
Vă temeţi de moarte? Pentru cine sau pentru ce aţi vrea să mai trăiţi?
Întrebarea dumneavoastră e ca o măciucă în cap.
Cui nu-i e frică de moarte? Dar mai ales mi-e teamă că nu am ajuns la un echilibru lăuntric cu mine însumi. Nu sînt pe picior de concordie cu mine însumi. Sînt în dizarmonie față de un demon a cărui voce îmi șoptește că sînt în naufragiu sub pecete viageră.
Nu sînt pregătit pentru moarte fiindcă nu sînt în acord cu mine.
Aşa că vreau să mai trăiesc pentru cîţiva prieteni, pentru familie şi pentru împlinirea unor cauze ideologice.
Întoarcerea românilor din Diaspora va duce la coeziune în actuala situaţie sau trebuia evitată?
Fiindcă nu vreau să vă răspund în spiritul de obediență al corectitudinii politice, vă împărtășesc secretul lui Polichinelle: cei care s-au repezit să se întoarcă au fost țiganii cărora amenițarea virusului le-a secat imboldul de a cerși, a fura și a codoși în țările europene.
E de prisos să vă spun de cîte ori am dat, în împrejurări jalnice, de îndrăgiții noștri conaționali în centrul Stuttgart-ului și al Frankfurt-ului. Tocmai ei au dat buzna înapoi, urmarea fiind previzibilă: necazuri sociale, cu creșterea infracțiunilor în locul unde se așează, dincolo de riscul de contaminare pe care pofta romilor de a încălca normele impuse de stare de urgență îl mărește.
Şi atunci despre ce concordie naţională vorbiţi? Inșii aceştia sînt o plagă socială pe care numai ipocrizia politicienilor şi numai duplicitatea gazetarilor o trec sub tăcere.
Aveti încredere în liderii actuali: Klaus Iohannis, Ludovic Orban, Florin Citu, Victor Costache, Marcel Vela?
Fiindcă sînt un intelectual conservator, nu am cum să-l privesc cu ochi buni pe președinte. De curînd Klaus Johannis a primit premiul „Coudenhove-Kalergi“ din partea Uniunii Europene. Austriacul Kalergi a fost încă din perioada interbelică iniţiatorul planului de corcire a popoarelor europene de rasă albă cu alogeni aduşi de peste tot din lume: scopul era formarea unui om nou al cărui fenotip să aibe trăsăturile vechilor egipteni, deci un hibrid cu pielea închisă la culoare, din care trăsăturile ariene să lipsească. Planul e în plină desfăşurare de la summitul de la Marakesch din 2019, iar preşedintele nostru e o marionetă a cărei perseverenţă în punerea în pratică a planului Kalergi i-a adus premiul omonim. Se pare că vrea să-i facă concurență Angelei Merkel, a cărei hotărîre de a deschide graniţele Germaniei în faţa invaziei arabe în septembrie 2015 a preschimbat-o în cel mai malefic cancelar german de care au avut parte nemţii după al Doilea Război Mondial.
Ceilalți pe care i-aţi pomeni sînt persoane minore, fără o vocație anume, nici politică şi nici cuturală, doar Ludovic Orban pare a avea o prestanță ideologică ce amintește de un lider de caracter.
Se vor transforma cuplurile după această perioadă de izolare la domiciliu?
Cînd doi oameni fierb în suc propriu fără putința de a ieși din țarcul cuplului, vor scoate din latență, din goace, toate sedimentele de suflet pe care le-au lăsat să se depună în timp: obsesii, reproșuri, dezacorduri, sau dimpotrivă: apropieri dorite, umori tandre, clociri amoroase în ritm lent. Totul ține de cîtă drojdie bună sau rea au mocnit pe dinlăuntru în anii în care, furaţi de rutina de peste zi şi de programele diferite de lucru, au trăit cu certitudinea că totul merge ca uns.
Ceva asemănător pățeau deținuții politici: după un timp de stat în aceeași celulă, nemaiavînd ce să-și spună, ajungeau să se urască.
Se știau atît de bine unul pe altul că nu se mai puteau suporta. Singura scăpare era evadarea în teme culturale, în poezie sau rugăciune. Așa și cu viaţa în clenciul de cuplu: dacă nu există o supapă în cultură (o pasiune comună, o cauză spirituală, un crez religios) uzura fierberii în suc propriu le poate provoca rupturi ireparabile. Asta dacă nu sînt perechea ideală: doi amorezați stînd plisc în plisc de dimineață pînă seara, ceea ce statistic vorbind, e o raritate tot atît de insolită ca o fosilă intactă de pterodactil.
Cum va fi lumea la finalul acestei crize?
Ori cinică pînă în pragul cruzimii belicoase, ori evlavioasă pînă în pragul smereniei religioase.
Uitați-vă acum: teme care cu zece zile în urmă păreau de o importanță capitală sînt azi atinse de dezinteres unanim. În privința aceasta, pandemia e providențială: despică apele separînd trăsurile esențiale ale vieții de chichițele ei insignifiante.
Pandemia este o lecție de spirit pentru cei care sînt pregătiți s-o primească. Că lecția va culmina în creștere spre bine sau, dimpotrivă, în chiricire spre rău, asta depinde de stofa fiecăruia.
Vă bucuraţi ca generaţia dvs va fi înlocuită cu actuala generaţie de tineri educată în spiritul timpurilor moderne?
Îmi spunea un prieten din Oradea în cursul unei spovedanii în care mă văitam de lipsa de dialog dintre generația mea și cea a tinerilor de 20-30 de ani, tineri cărora le-am fost în felurite împrejurări profesor: „Noi ne străduim să-i educăm și ei se străduiesc să scape de noi.” Cam aşa poate fi descrisă, în chip lapidar, relaţia de afecţiune dintre noi şi ei.
E o ruptură evidentă, dar cu trecerea timpului spărtura se va umple, cînd îşi vor dea seama că fronda lor e semn de teribilism infantil.
Prin convertirea aceasta am trecut şi eu. Taică-meu, cînd eram elev de liceu, se uita la mine ca la o momîie necoaptă şi suspina: „ Pe mîna cui lăsăm noi ţara asta?” Cum mi-ar sta mie să-i repet vorbele?
Dar chiar dacă roata generaţiilor se învîrteşte, ştiu că partea esenţială a fibrei naţionale trece mai departe.
E predania istorică, care nu e vorbă în vînt. E pur şi simplu ştafeta de reflexe, afinităţi, credinţe şi repulsii pe care tinerii le primesc implicit de la bătrîni, chiar dacă la prima vedere nu sînt dispuşi s-o recunoască.
Ce îl poate salva pe om de la coborarea în Infern?
Trei pîrghii îl pot salva: 1) caracterul, partea tare a vînei morale, a cărui sursă nu poate fi decît credinţa întro stihie transcendentă; 2) intuirea frumuseţii mirabile a acestei lumi, intuiţie care culminează pînă la urmă tot în credinţa în numenul divin; 3) puterea de a postula o înălţare a ceva din tine după moarte, adică ridicarea sufletului într-un empireu despre care nu ştii deocamdată nimic.
Se vede aşadar că scăparea de infern cere o soluţie sacră, ceea ce e totuna cu a spune că partea laică a culturii noastre nu face două parale.
Aceasta epidemie va întoarce şi ateii la credinţă?
Mă îndoiesc, căci totul atîrnă de predispoziţiile ce-i dospesc în ungherele sufletului. Un ateu egal sieşi e o piatră fără tresăriri de umoare credincioasă. Potopul de-ar veni peste el, va rămîne de piatră. Aici nu e vorba de argumente raţionale şi de subtilităţi logice, ci de presimţiri obscure.
Aşa cum existenţa lui Dumnezeu nu poate fi dovedită logic, în aceeaşi măsură nici inexistenţa lui nu poate fi probată în vreun fel.
La fel cu credinţa: unii au fler şi intuiesc că, fără sacru, viaţa nu are sens, şi alţii nu îl au şi conchid că credinţa e o smiorcăilă de fiinţe debile.
Cum psihoza pandemiei va arunca lumea într-o criză căreia nu-i poţi găsi echivalent decît în calamităţile pricinuite de războaiele din trecut, probabil că mulţi se vor deştepta. Dar mă îndoiesc că un ateu autentic, aflat în totală identitate cu orgoliul lui, va lăsa vreodată „viermele” credinţei să-i pătrundă în suflet. Va deveni cel mult superstiţios şi fricos, mutîndu-şi necredinţa din buzunarul ateismul ţanţoş în buzunarul mai cuminte al agnosticimului tehnic. Nu aţi observat că ateii se dau în vînt după tehnică, din care fac un substitut al zeilor lumeşti?
Neîndoielnic că psihoza de azi -una e pandemia şi alta e psihoza din jurul ei, cea de-a doua fiind cea care o sufocat azi viaţa socială, şi nu spectrul unui virus preschimbat în Diavol- îi va scutura. Cu ce deznodămînt, numai Pazvante Chioru ştie.
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Interview with DAAD Visiting Scholar at Deutsches Haus at NYU, Angela Zumpe
Angela Zumpe is a filmmaker, media artist, and painter, who lives and works in Berlin. She studied painting, installation, and video at the Berlin University of the Arts, after which she attended New York University to study film via a grant from the DAAD. In 1998, Angela Zumpe followed the call to the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and became Professor for Audiovisual Media in the Department of Design, where she helped shape new ways of life and teaching. She specializes in digital images, experimental videos, and film productions. Her past film projects include The Other America (2004), The Colors of Ageing (2005), Transit (2010), and The Pastor's Children (2017). Her short films have been screened at several festivals, including the “Screening War” at the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe.
Berlin-based artist and filmmaker Angela Zumpe was already a guest at Deutsches Haus at NYU with her films in the past, most recently with The Pastor's Children – Punks, Politicians and Philosophers in 2017. This time, she will present parts of her new art book, I Am Taking the Ghosts with Me… (Distanz Verlag, 2019), reflecting her twenty years of working and lecturing in and near the Bauhaus in Dessau. In addition, Angela Zumpe will present a screening of her latest film project, Things to Come, which explores the lives of Bauhaus’s László, Lucia, and Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, between 1929 and 1935, using projection methods inspired by the artists. The centennial of the Bauhaus is sparking a discussion about the institution and its ideas once more. What remains of the original ideas and how are they still relevant today? Angela Zumpe uses the occasion to critically reexamine the Bauhaus and its reception. Please join us for the talk and the screening “Teaching and Thinking the Bauhaus after 1989: Angela Zumpe's Time in Dessau” on Friday, November 15, at 6pm, at Deutsches Haus at NYU.
After graduating from the Berlin University of the Arts, you came to New York to study film at NYU via a grant from the DAAD. In your opinion, what about New York has changed since your residence here as a student?
I feel New York is a lot safer than back in 1981. When I came to New York on a scholarship to study film at NYU, I swapped rooms with my girlfriend’s American boyfriend in Williamsburg. It wasn´t fancy at all at that time. Drugs and other crimes made the neighborhood a bit unsafe. But I liked the Puerto Rican neighborhood which was strictly separated from the Hasidic Jewish area. I went to explore their food and I was fascinated by their way of living. Today, my former roommate Madison Smart Bell is a well-known writer. In 2014, I made a short film portrait of him, when we walked again through Williamsburg.
I have to admit that I find New York much more expensive than seven years ago, when I came here with my students from Dessau for a joint project with my colleague at NYU, Mechthild Schmidt Feist, and her students. In an intensive workshop, we did short film and interactive projects about different NYC neighborhoods.
My American friend Nadine replied to my complaints about the high prices in Greenwich Village: “You should look at it this way: if you go in a restaurant here, you rent the space for a certain amount of time.”
Where do you draw inspirations for your work? Which artists, authors, or thinkers, if any, have influenced your ideas and style throughout your career?
I met some American artists on my DAAD graduate study scholarship to NYU in 1981, right after my art degree from the University of Art in Berlin. I saw Merce Cunningham at the Brooklyn Academy, John Cage at MoMA, and Philip Glass, the composer of serial music, at a lecture in the Whitney Museum. What these artists all had in common was that they merged film, dance, music, popular culture, and politics with new media. Back then, they were all a part of a lively art scene in NY.
I felt connected to their approaches and experiments, some reaching back to American pop artists like Robert Rauschenberg. I was fascinated by the casual manner with which they integrated everyday materials into their art and by the feeling of freedom in the large formats, which I also felt in the work of the abstract expressionists that I saw in American museums at that time. My fascination with Rauschenberg was already unmistakable in my Master’s thesis, which took the form of assemblages.
Your latest book, I Am Taking the Ghosts with Me…, which you will be presenting at Deutsches Haus at NYU on November 15, recounts your extensive experience at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Desssau – the ideals of the Bauhaus, your colleagues, your projects, etc. What would you say were/are the connections between the historic Bauhaus and the university’s department of design?
I asked myself, “What did I expect when I followed the call to the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and became Professor for Audiovisual Media in the Department of Design?” Thinking of the Bauhaus and their revolutionary ideas of new ways of working and living in the 1930s, I was expecting the possibility of a synergy of art and design, the major departments also at the Bauhaus.
It was also “Stunde 0” (Hour Zero), a new beginning after the reunification of the two Germanys and a chance to shape new ways of life and teaching at a newly-founded university in a historical place.
The material for this book was already there: During my years in Dessau, I photographed everywhere I went in order to remember subjects that inspired me or to keep for myself as a reminder of little stories for films. Because of this practice, I have even assembled a personal archive of photographs of Dessau. They are fragments of an autobiography of my work as a painter and a filmmaker.
During my years teaching at the department of design, I was able to realize several major film and installation projects. One of my goals for the students was to experiment and develop interdisciplinary and cross-media impulses for social renewal from their respective fields. So I let the students participate in the production of my video installations and films similar to the approaches of the Bauhaus masters.
Like a university in the United States, Dessau developed a campus with modern classrooms built along the Bauhausstraße, including a cafeteria and student café. It helped immerse the students. You didn’t go home. You ate in the Kornhaus, slept in the Prellerhaus, and met for breakfast or lunch in the Bauhaus cafeteria. So it resembled the times of the Bauhaus, when living and working were woven together.
Things to Come, your latest film project, which you will also be screening on November 15, reflects on the lives of László Moholy-Nagy and his wives, Lucia and Sibyl, between 1929 and 1935. Aside from being prolific figures of the Bauhaus, what about these artists and their work inspired you to choose them as the focus of this project?
Hungarian-born László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946) was a painter, photographer, typographer, and stage designer. Between 1923 and 1928, he taught at the Bauhaus in Weimar and Dessau. His oeuvre blazed a trail for future media artists, particularly in the fields of fine-art photography, art film, and film advertisement. My film about László, Lucia, and Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, Things to Come, focuses on his attempts to make a career in film after his time at the Bauhaus when he came back to Berlin in 1929.
It is the story of visionary light designer Moholy-Nagy. He lacked an audience because his ideas did not suit the taste of the masses. My film translates moments from Moholy-Nagy's eventful life into the style that the artist may have envisioned as the cinema of the future in the 1930s. I also focus on Lucia, his first wife who was the documentary photographer of the Bauhaus, and Sibyl, his second wife, as part of a working relationship.
In the Artmuseum Moritzburg in Halle (Saale), the audience could wander through a light-image-sound collage in a 400 square meter room called “WESTBOX” with thirteen computer-controlled projections, and discover and delve into this network of moving images, sound and color. At the moment, it is shown as a two-channel film installation at Lyonel Feininger Gallery in Quedlinburg.
I was glad how Hattula Moholy-Nagy, the daughter of László and Sybil Moholy-Nagy, reacted to the film: “I liked this fictionalized account of my parents and Lucia very much. Even though events did not unfold in quite that way, the film presents the atmosphere of those troubled times very well. I liked the sympathetic portrayal of Lucia and the inclusion of Theodor Neubauer and Franz Spencer.”
What would you like to achieve during your time here as a DAAD Visiting Scholar at Deutsches Haus at NYU? What about New York, if anything, provides inspiration that you would not be able to obtain in Germany?
I want to step out of my German frame of mind and appreciate the multicultural life, which appears totally natural to me here in New York. In Berlin, I feel an international vibe, but Germany in general still deals with the unsolved problems of integrating the refugees.
For my work, I need inspiring views from the outside. I collect impressions of American art, impressions of the city, film bits, and photographs, and will use them as inspirations for my collages or maybe a new photobook or even a new film.
If we may ask, what are you currently working on?
Following the Moholy-Nagy film project, I am thinking of a film project about the Feininger family, their biographies, and their various involvements in the arts. So far, I still have to build connections. I may do some research at the Feininger Archive at Harvard.
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With just 15 ministers, Germany shows that small cabinets work
Reports that Boris Johnson is considering shrinking the size of the Cabinet if he becomes Prime Minister will come as no surprise to Germans. Mr Johnson will not be the first European leader to contemplate the possibility that, when it comes to government departments, less can be more. Angela Merkel runs Germany, Europe’s biggest economy and pre-eminent power, with a cabinet of just 15. That’s smaller than Donald Trump’s cabinet of 16, and far fewer than the 28 voices competing to be heard around Theresa May’s cabinet table. Germany does it, in part, by the same method members of Mr Johnson’s team are proposing — by merging different policy areas into larger departments. So, for instance, there is no German equivalent of the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Instead the interior ministry — Germany’s Home Office — takes care of sport, the transport ministry is in charge of digital infrastructure, and there is a junior minister for culture and media in Mrs Merkel’s chancellery office. Olaf Scholz, the finance minister, doubles as vice-chancellor, doing away with the need for a separate cabinet post. In general the system works well, and there have been few calls for a larger cabinet or more government departments. Horst Seehofer was widely accused of taking on too much responsibility and seeking to create a "superministry" for the interior Credit: Michele Tantussi/Getty Images Europe But it did come unstuck when Horst Seehofer, the current interior minister, made sweeping new responsibilities his price for joining Mrs Merkel’s coalition. Mr Seehofer was accused of seeking to build a “super ministry” when he demanded control of housing and “homeland affairs” be added to the interior ministry. Many suggested it was too much for a department that already has to deal with policing and immigration. “It has to be manageable,” Mr Seehofer’s predecessor, Thomas de Maiziere, commented waspishly. “I certainly wouldn’t have expected the breath of responsibility he seeks.” Mr Seehofer has since struggled in office, and has some of the lowest approval ratings for any member of Mrs Merkel’s government. Key differences in the German political system also help keep the cabinet small. Mr Johnson’s team has suggested merging the Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland offices into a single department for devolved affairs. In federal Germany, the 16 states each have their own fully empowered regional government, so there is no need for cabinet representation. Business in the German parliament is decided by a committee of senior MPs, not the government, so there is no equivalent of the Leaders of the Commons and Lords. Government whips are elected by MPs, not appointed, and are seen as representatives of backbenchers. They guard their independence and do not attend cabinet meetings. Mrs Merkel is not the first postwar German chancellor to govern with a small group of senior ministers. While the cabinet ballooned to over 20 under Helmut Kohl, her predecessor Gerhard Schröder slimmed it back down. But the system does throw up problems — as Mr Johnson may find. The small number of departments means Mrs Merkel has fewer appointments to offer rivals in order to buy their support. As Mr Johnson may also find, it gets even trickier when you have to divide the jobs up in a coalition — as is usually the case in Germany. In the most recent coalition negotiations, Mrs Merkel was forced to give up control of the three biggest departments — finance, foreign and interior — to other parties in return for their support. That was the equivalent of a British Prime Minister handing over the Treasury, Home Office and Foreign Office, and it left many in Mrs Merkel’s own party unhappy that there weren’t enough plum jobs left for them.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Reports that Boris Johnson is considering shrinking the size of the Cabinet if he becomes Prime Minister will come as no surprise to Germans. Mr Johnson will not be the first European leader to contemplate the possibility that, when it comes to government departments, less can be more. Angela Merkel runs Germany, Europe’s biggest economy and pre-eminent power, with a cabinet of just 15. That’s smaller than Donald Trump’s cabinet of 16, and far fewer than the 28 voices competing to be heard around Theresa May’s cabinet table. Germany does it, in part, by the same method members of Mr Johnson’s team are proposing — by merging different policy areas into larger departments. So, for instance, there is no German equivalent of the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Instead the interior ministry — Germany’s Home Office — takes care of sport, the transport ministry is in charge of digital infrastructure, and there is a junior minister for culture and media in Mrs Merkel’s chancellery office. Olaf Scholz, the finance minister, doubles as vice-chancellor, doing away with the need for a separate cabinet post. In general the system works well, and there have been few calls for a larger cabinet or more government departments. Horst Seehofer was widely accused of taking on too much responsibility and seeking to create a "superministry" for the interior Credit: Michele Tantussi/Getty Images Europe But it did come unstuck when Horst Seehofer, the current interior minister, made sweeping new responsibilities his price for joining Mrs Merkel’s coalition. Mr Seehofer was accused of seeking to build a “super ministry” when he demanded control of housing and “homeland affairs” be added to the interior ministry. Many suggested it was too much for a department that already has to deal with policing and immigration. “It has to be manageable,” Mr Seehofer’s predecessor, Thomas de Maiziere, commented waspishly. “I certainly wouldn’t have expected the breath of responsibility he seeks.” Mr Seehofer has since struggled in office, and has some of the lowest approval ratings for any member of Mrs Merkel’s government. Key differences in the German political system also help keep the cabinet small. Mr Johnson’s team has suggested merging the Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland offices into a single department for devolved affairs. In federal Germany, the 16 states each have their own fully empowered regional government, so there is no need for cabinet representation. Business in the German parliament is decided by a committee of senior MPs, not the government, so there is no equivalent of the Leaders of the Commons and Lords. Government whips are elected by MPs, not appointed, and are seen as representatives of backbenchers. They guard their independence and do not attend cabinet meetings. Mrs Merkel is not the first postwar German chancellor to govern with a small group of senior ministers. While the cabinet ballooned to over 20 under Helmut Kohl, her predecessor Gerhard Schröder slimmed it back down. But the system does throw up problems — as Mr Johnson may find. The small number of departments means Mrs Merkel has fewer appointments to offer rivals in order to buy their support. As Mr Johnson may also find, it gets even trickier when you have to divide the jobs up in a coalition — as is usually the case in Germany. In the most recent coalition negotiations, Mrs Merkel was forced to give up control of the three biggest departments — finance, foreign and interior — to other parties in return for their support. That was the equivalent of a British Prime Minister handing over the Treasury, Home Office and Foreign Office, and it left many in Mrs Merkel’s own party unhappy that there weren’t enough plum jobs left for them.
July 02, 2019 at 02:14PM via IFTTT
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