laylamvart · 2 years
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Finally, the first spreadsheet for my Talentswap AU, Ultimate Wheelspin! I spun a wheel to change the death order, talents, story roles (Protag, Antag, etc.), and then I essentially said “fuck it” and made a bunch of manual decisions/respun multiple times.
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Photographer: The protagonist! Her dad gifted her a camera when she was six, and she would take pictures in the backyard and show them to him when he came home. It helped them bond, and photography’s been a comfort to her ever since. Leader type with a heart of gold; Think Kaede, but more logically oriented.
Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Moral Compass: I took some creative liberties, and now he’s basically an activist. Had his hope/despair epiphany at a much younger age, and now dedicates his life to making the world a safer, kinder place. Soft boi who believes in everyone, especially if they don’t believe in themselves. Sayaka’s childhood friend and ally/love interest! I love naezono so goddamn much—
Yasuhiro Hagakure, Former Ultimate Detective: Hiroko landed in debt when he was still in school, so he took up scamming to support her. Long story short, he conned the mafia don’s daughter, one thing led to another, he uncovered an underground conspiracy and Hope’s Peak scouted him. He joins Chisa’s friend group, and they all graduate and come back to the school as teachers a few years later. The cool teacher who cracks jokes and lets you do your own thing as long as nothing gets set on fire. Acts as a secondary ally (because if you think about it, every game has two allies—Sayaka/Kyoko, Chiaki/Nagito if you squint, Kaito/Maki).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Clairvoyant: The incident with Toranosuke led to him having an identity crisis, which led to him getting super into spiritualism as a way to make sense of it all. He’s mellowed out (a bit), but thinks he’s more chill than he actually is. Occasionally slips back into being loud and intense. Autistic.
Mondo Owada, Ultimate Cook: Retired from the gang after Daiya’s accident and decided to get his life together, learned to cook for himself and something clicked. Eventually, he opened up a diner…and then his old gang started visiting regularly, causing him to question his decisions. Like Taka, he’s less intense now, but still aloof and insecure. Takes an anger management class.
Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Mechanic: Played with legos as a kid, kept practicing until it morphed into general tinkering. Plans to realize mechs upon graduation. Makes significantly less perverted comments than canon. Never seen Pudgy Princess Piggles (and doesn’t care to). Also autistic.
Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Team Manager: When she and Junko were younger, they were disowned by their parents and thrown onto the streets. They found a flyer for a tennis tournament with a grand cash prize and decided Junko would compete with Mukuro as her coach. They won, and the rest is history. Mukuro wears the pants here, but is as overprotective and clingy as ever. She’s also the antagonist, defying her talent and hyper-focusing on protecting Junko from everyone else. (Also last-minute retcon pretend that’s a 16 on her jacket)
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Tennis Pro: Born with instantaneous reaction time, processes everything faster than the average person. Suffers from existential boredom and a lack of empathy, but her sister gives her a reason to try. If only she would stop smothering her…and acting out during class trials so Junko could carry them.
Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Traditional Dancer: Retired from martial arts with Kenshiro’s and her family’s blessing and shifted her focus to dancing. The internet gave her a lot of shit for it, deeming her “Cherry Blossom Ogre”. When Kenshiro fell ill, she decided she would go back into martial arts upon enrolling in Hope’s Peak. Pretty much the same, but more in touch with her feminine side.
Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Adventurer: Took up hiking to get stronger. It gave Chihiro a good sense of perspective and finally they were like, “You know what? Fuck gender roles!” and are currently exploring themself, defaulting to they/them in the meantime. Still has low self esteem, but working on it.
Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Cosplayer: Saw through Fuhito’s bullshit and started feigning incompetence at detective work so he’d let her see her father more…until she actually burned her hands mishandling evidence. Jin took her back and they never saw the fuckstick again. Kyoko got really into sci-fi and fantasy growing up, because the characters who outsmarted the villains and conquered their scars reminded her of herself and her dad, and she liked to dress up to feel more like these characters. When Jin took over Hope’s Peak, Kyoko decided to become an Ultimate to prove to Fuhito they were both better off without him, and started cosplaying professionally. Sassy and confident, loves the spotlight. Constantly name-drops her dad. Aroace.
Aoi Asahina, Ultimate Lucky Student: A lot of passion and energy, nowhere to channel it. Actively signed up for the raffle for a chance to challenge herself and figure out where she belongs. Pure bean who would die for you. Has ADHD.
Toko Fukawa/Mahou Syo, Ultimate Magician: Family was a theatre troupe, forced Toko to participate. They created Syo as her stage presence, and she became Toko’s alter and host. They write in a journal to fill in the blanks when they switch, and also to simp for Byakuya together. Syo believes her magic is real. All-mighty agent of chaos and merriment, self-proclaimed. Basically Spinel from Steven Universe. With Syo’s support, Toko is more susceptible to the idea that someone could love her.
Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Fashionista: Togami Corp is a fashion company. That’s. The only change. But as a result, this Byakuya wasn’t exposed to true crime stories at a young age, so he has the normal human reaction to seeing a dead body. On top of that, he’s more sociable and hedonistic, but he still puts a lot of effort into his designs and modeling work. Totally people-watches. Also aroace.
Taeko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Programmer: Wins quick money by hacking into the accounts of big-name companies. Makes her presence known online as ♦️♦️Queen-of-Hackers♦️♦️. Envies and loathes the rich, hypocritically shit-talks them at every opportunity. No filter in general; the only person she can convincingly lie to is herself.
Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Artist: Couldn’t go back to baseball, music was a bust, so finally he settled on painting and sculptures to express himself. Dense as hell, but strongly opinionated. Has ADHD.
As for the traitor and mastermind, I’m gonna keep that a secret for now~. ;) I’ll make the other classes eventually!
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goshdangronpa · 9 months
Tokomaru/syomaru, komahina, saiouma, irumatsu ... I've noticed a pattern with a bunch of my fave ships for DR protags (besides that they're all queer): the other person is an absolute freak (affectionate)!
By necessity, each DR protag is designed to be fairly normal and relatable. Of course they have their quirks, and Shuichi and Kaede are even bona fide Ultimates, but especially compared to their classmates, they don't have big personalities. That makes them easier to follow ... and less interesting than their peers.
But who we love says something about who we are. What would it say about Shuichi if the detective willingly pursues the truth behind a constantly lying clown-boy like Kokichi? What would it say about Hajime if he, a boy who's mostly annoyed by his friends' quirkiness, can't pull himself away from the bewilderingly enigmatic Nagito? Komaru is positioned as the most ordinary girl who ever lived, and her genuine affection for both the moody, antisocial Toko and that girl's literal serial killer alter is the heart (and for some, some redeeming quality) of UDG! How normal could Komaru be??
I appreciate hinanami as much as the next guy, but I think there's a good reason why Hajime x Nagito (or both of them in a trio with Nagito) seems more popular in the fandom (besides the gay of it all). Shuichi and Kaede are cute together, but a ship with two protagonists just doesn't have as much spice to me as taking their relationships with people like Kaito and Miu to the next level. By pairing our normie heroes with significantly less normie characters, we bring out depths in them that can be very enticing indeed.
This is just something I was thinking about earlier. Maybe this shipping pattern of mine says something about me ...
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cannibalisticdespair · 3 months
Which Yu-Gi-Oh deck would you're favorite characters play?
Honestly, I don't really know Yu-Gi-Oh that well. On a meme level, watched back when I was not me (as in, we're plural and I didn't exist yet) and while I've gotten a lot of the autobiographic memories back, it's still splotchy. I've watched through all of Season Zero as an adult because Megumi Ogata is Yugi/Yami Yugi in Season Zero and that's a good enough reason to watch something.
That said, I could totally see Monokuma having a Toon deck like Pegasus, because he's a faggy mascot and that just makes sense. Kotoko's deck would be constructed exclusively around the most sexualized cards in the franchise. Komaeda's would be structured entirely around "this only works if you have supernatural luck powers, which he does", so the voice casting of Megumi Ogata makes perfect sense. Like, anyone else trying to play his deck would get demolished by the simple fact that random chance would never give them the perfect combinations of cards. It would break his heart that Exodia isn't tournament legal. Junko and Mukuro, can't really say. Same with Monaca. Komaru would have the least interesting normie cards ever but structured in such a way that it works shockingly well, Toko would abstain, and Genocider would go for the edgiest designs and any twinks every time, it's not even designed for victory.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 9 months
Hola, ku kemarin menjanjikan ini di instastory sih. Gaada yang akan nagih juga tapi pengen nulis aja. Tulisan di bawah ini ditulis dari Jumat sore dan kemudian dilanjutkan lagi Senin sore ini jadi mohon maaf kalau super-fragmented dan amburadul. Let’s go! 
Kita mulai dari histori kenapa bisa beli dan baca ini: 
Waktu itu sempat ada Amazon sale 50%? Lupa pas Oktober apa ya kalau gak salah. Tiba-tiba aja ini buku hardcover yang harga aslinya 16pon jadi cuma 8.5 (barusan ngecek amazon ternyata sampe sekarang masih 8.5). 
Terus juga ada the hype when it was first out. Kayanya hampir semua toko buku di Ox pasang ini di etalasenya. Dan ya emang menarik mata juga sih karena warnanya kuning nge-jreng kan... Books are the biggest things in Oxford, there are 2 bookshops that are my fave in Oxford: Blackwell’s dan Waterstones perempatan. Most of the time tapi beli buku masih online sih sejauh ini selama di Oxford, mahal abisan. MAHAL BANGET YA BUKU TUH. Si dua toko buku ini akhirnya jadi tempat “window shopping” aja. Ada juga toko yang aku suka kunjungi: The Bookstop, Last Bookshop, sama the posh Daunt Books di Summertown. 
Si RF Kuang sebetulnya ku sudah dengar dari tahun lalu karena flatmate-ku dikasih hadiah ulangtahun Babel yang betul-betul baru keluar (her bf pre-ordered the book and so on the release day she received the fresh-from-the-oven copy). Waktu itu tapi persepsiku adalah bahwa Kuang adalah historical fiction writer, not some contemporary chick-lit writer? *(Yang mana I would consider Yellowface as “almost” chick-lit). 
Mulai baca karena habis nyelesein The Sixth Extinction-nya Elizabeth Kolbert, terus mau lanjut baca si Dinosaurs Rediscovered tapi baru 2 pages aja udah capek mata (fontnya kecil-kecil banget). Yaudah memutuskan untuk baca fiksi lagi. Udah lama banget ga baca fiksi btw. Bahkan udah lupa fiksi terakhir yang kubaca apa… Hank Green kah? Buset itu tahun kapan. 
First impression sampe tengah 
Mayan ringan (ga terlalu banyak berpikir keras karena bahasanya juga bahasa sehari-hari) tapi tetap seru karena belajar banyak tentang publishing. Buat normies yang ada di end of the consumer line seperti aku ini, ku cuma tahu buku dipajang di etalase aja lalu kubaca. Gatau gimana prosesnya dari author bikin pengonsepan cerita, nulis, pitching ke publisher, going through rounds of editorial works, sampe release day dan promosi. Well, sebenarnya sejak PhD dan nulis manuscript paper ini sedikit banyak sudah mengetahui hulu-nya sih. Tapi tetap aja di tengah-tengahnya itu adalah hal yang baru ku ketahui dan jadi seru aja bacanya kayak “ooo gitu toh ternyata, rempong juga ya mayan”. No wonder penulis-penulis selalu nyebut banyak bener orang di acknowledgement pagesnya, ternyata karena ini. Bagian release date dan promosi (reading and signing tour) kurleb juga lumayan familiar karena 3 tahun terakhir ku sangat terekspos dengan kehidupan idol dan comeback-nya (yang intinya adalah kegiatan promosi). 
Awal-awal juga masih seru karena adaptasi ke setting, terus mulai tahu karakter, siapa itu Athena, siapa itu June, dst. 
Mulai annoying sebetulnya di halaman ke-3/4(?) pas kebanyakan teksnya adalah internal dialogue dari June (dan I really needed to brace myself from this point on because this will be the dominant mode of the rest of the book). 
Kayanya yang bikin annoying mostly adalah… karena susah banget relate to whatever June is thinking??? I mean, aku sendiri personally talk A LOT in my mind. Kalau setiap hari ada script yang printing my-thoughts-of-the-day, bisa ada 10 pages A4 font 12 single spacing sepertinya. Jadi fair. Fair banget kalau kita sebagai reader perlu tahu what is going on inside her head. Tapi ya karena si June ini konsepnya sakit aja, sebagai orang yang (relatively lebih) sehat, jadi agak sulit mau relate sama yang dia pikirin. Tapi gak juga?? Ku baca semua ceritanya John Green masih baik-baik aja? Apa karena se-despicable itu ya si June? 
Mungkin juga ya emang Kuang bikin character June se-aneh itu untuk comedic effect to make a point to her satire… 
OH IYA, ku belum bilang di atas ya, intinya premise buku ini adalah June, a white woman, stealing her Chinese-American’s friend’s manuscript and then published the ms as her own. Terus the whole book is a first pov of June. Which is super meta karena Kuang (the author) is a Chinese-American, yang mana jadinya dia di buku ini “speak” as a white woman. Ku tahu di Indonesia kita belum yang peduli banget sama ras dsb, walaupun recently on twitter (reminder: twitter is not real life), kita banyak disuguhi diskursus ras/nationality: ya Rohingya lah, Papua, Israeli occupation (yes I call it occupation not a war)… Tapi kalau mau didekatkan ke case Indonesian, premise buku ini hampir mirip kalo seandainya aku (VERY privileged, although woman, javanese Muslim) wrote a story in the pov of say… Chinese-Indonesian man whose parents got killed in the ‘98 riot. Tahu apa saya. Pas ‘98 literally baru 5 tahun... Tapi inget dikit sih sampe sekarang entah dari verbal cerita orang apa nonton tv gitu kalau GORO dekat rumah dibakar dan dijarah. Imejin... buat orang yang nggak kena efek langsung aja ku sangat trauma, apalagi keluarga cindo... 
Anyways, tapi iya... Kalau ku nulis buku seperti itu ya probably gaakan ada  yang peduli juga sih kecuali warga di literature community, dan mungkin for some people, they would thank me because I could tell their stories (and with my privilege too I could censor myself less). Tapi akan ada juga orang-orang yang ngerasa storinya dirampas dong: “lah mangnya siapa dia, bisa-bisanya bikin cerita soktau tentang perjuangan kita di sini” in a way I would also be angry if a white man tries to write a story in my voice. 
Tengah sampe belakang 
Tengah sampai belakang sebetulnya better sih. Ku juga bacanya mulai enak dan ngebut, karena udah mulai adaptasi sama gaya ngomongnya si June kali ye. Jujur tapi di akhir ku merasa TAKUT BANGET?? Kaya lagi baca/nonton filem horor setan gitu. Mana aku bacanya malem-malem lagi kan. Ku nyicil spare 1 jam dari jam 10-11 sebelum tidur tiap hari buat ngebaca ini. Beneran ada part di mana I feel very uncomfortable rasanya pengen skip aja tapi gatau juga harus mulai lagi dari mana kan, si bagian June ngeliat “hantu” Athena ini sampe mana gitu. Tapi yaudah akhirnya aku persevere dan lewat juga bagian horornya. 
Endingnya meh banget sih. Mungkin emang itu tujuan dari Kuang, dan betulan ngasih efek satire-nya, tapi kayak pas baca tuh aku yang “wtf ????” after all those tortures on the horror scenes, this is how it ends??? Super anti-climax aja sih. But probably that’s the point, the whole point of the book talking about vicious cycle and systemic toxic culture. 
Final verdict-nya adalah: this is an entertaining book. Kalau mau baca yang casual dan ringan dan ga banyak mikir, go read this. This book would be the right book to take with you on plane, bisa dibaca di boarding room, di pesawat, di rumah. Tapi yaudah that’s how far it can go. Ga yang thought-provoking atau gimana, you cannot even have a proper discussion about it karena hampir semuanya udah di-spell out sama Kuang (thank you I guess?). The black and white is painted all over the characters. Well, Athena is a bit of a grey(?), but also very difficult to say because the whole time we were ONLY inside of June’s mind anyway. 
Terus beres baca ini aku yang “oh this is exactly why I stopped reading fiction. They make the characters so despicable and unrelatable that it is almost impossible to meet people like this in real life”. Itulah mengapa sekarang ku mulai kembali ke buku-buku science-pop non-fiksi ku... Lebih pusing tapi at least everything is neutral, or at least in between, not that black and white... 
HHHHH. Udah deh itu dulu aja bacot-an Yellowface-nya. I gave it rating 4/5 di Insta kemarin, and I still stand with it. It is good, but that’s how far it can be being good. 
Office desk & Radcam 8&11/12/2023 
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Everyone asked everything and now I'm here, asking Danganronpa Another (2 counts too) like it is not a fangame of another game lol.
Danganronpa another: 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 23
1.) the character everyone gets wrong
I already mentioned it, but Nikei comes in first place, and by a longshot. He's not actually a loveable, slightly perverted ditz, thats an act to make you drop your guard. He's quite intelligent in how he manipulates the group, and is arguably the heart and soul of the operation. Mikado is OP, but he does not have enough social skills to get 5 people to work together long enough to pull that shit off. I feel like Yuki would not have fallen into despair without him planting that seed of doubt in the group. (also, he was 100% behind the motive videos, since that doesn't seem like Mikado's M.O at all.)
2.) a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Don't really have one, since there isn't really enough fandom smut for me to notice trends?
People uwuify Nikei so much, so maybe bottom Nikei is part of that? Could just be his facade though. He's so good he manipulated most of the audience.
6.) which ship fans are the most annoying?
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I've got to say Hibiki x Setsuka. Do I ship it, yes! Are most of the fans woobifying Hibiki to the point of making her OOC and hating on Kanade in an unfun way. Also yes.
8.) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
"Mikado is abusive to Nikei, you shouldn't ship them!!!"
you do realize Nikei is also bad, and their relationship would likely be mutually toxic? Nikei was going to KILL Yuki to get to Mikado. You know that, right? If it was anybody else, that'd be called Yandere behavior.
10.) worst part of fanon Honestly, the fact that Teruya gets the Toko treatment. It is so hard to find Dra content with Teruya's canon personality.
(As in, his character is vastly different between the two games he's in, and people exclusively characterize him like the second game.)
the second worst thing is human Mikado. He's Mikado, but a normie. You could have done so much more with him, and you didn't.
12.) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them I wouldn't say Kanade is unpopular, just controversial. I hate that fans completely ignore what a piece of shit she is (affectionate) or completely ignore everything else about her. Can I enjoy both aspects of Kanade? Please?
23.) ship you've unwillingly come around to
Sorako. I shipped Yoruko x Setsuka my first playthrough, and Sorako fans are annoying about how canon their ship is. I like the dynamic, but I still think its overhyped.
Also, Yoruko's character revolves around Sora too much for my personal tastes. Let her do things! Either that, or explore the dependency issues she's got.
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plaindangan · 4 months
Wanting to impress Komaru for a change, Toko asks Junko on some clothing recommendations to make her feel sexier.
It started off well with a nice fashionable sweater but it quickly derailed once Junko got to lingerie and bdsm recommendations
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"J-junko, I th-think you've lost the plot here..." Toko said flatly. Something extremely warranted given her current 'attire'.
When she asked for help from the clearly experienced fashionista on what to wear to impress Komaru for a change on a sexual level, Toko had gone into it knowing someone like Junko would at least deliver on that front.
At first, she was delightfully right with Junko taking her from high end store to high end store dressing her up. One had Toko in a dark purple mini dress meant for fancier occasions, and what highlighted her own plump thighs. Another had Toko in a dark blue crop top and a pair of violet shorts, as a way of casual wear for Toko - while still giving Komaru an eyeful of her slim midriff and rather bouncy peach. Everything was looking up...
And then they they got to here. Deep in the weeds of the lingerie section with Toko spending hours in one spot just trying on different types of sexy nightwear. For instance, her current one had her dressed in a light pink, lacey nightgown that still showed off the black thong she was wearing. While it definitely fit the sexier side of things Toko just wanted to move on at this point, given how clearly Junko had moved on from just sexy outfits to clearly wanting Toko and Komaru to get it on.
Something very much waved off by the fashionista of despair.
"Whaaaaaaaat? Nooooooo, of course not!! Listen, all I'm doing if just enhancing your wardrobe!! That's what a good friend does.......anyways! The order I requested was just brought here!!"
Huh? Toko stood back, blushing as she was now in the midst of a multitude of people handing Junko bags and packages from no doubt another store in this high end mall.
"Wh-what the H-hell are th-those?!!!"
"Hm? Juuust some gifts to show Komaru back when you get home." Gifts? Toko peeked inside one of the bags...and looked very mortified when saw a ball gag. "Wh-what the H-h-heeeeeeeellllllllll?!!!!!!!!"
She rummaged through the other ones. Anal plugs, vibrators, seven-inch strap-on a riding cro-
"Th-these a-a-a-are s-s-s-s-s-s-s-se-"
"Sex toys, yes. Chosen by yours truly and I would like my applause after you ravish that normal ass all night."
"B-but, h-how d-d-d-did you eve-"
"Even know what she likes? Please, anyone with eyes can see that normie is a total ass slut!!! Her and Makoto are like open books - books which fit right up your alley once you get home and fuck her sense out!~ Puhuhuhhuhu~" Chuckled Junko and leaned in with a smug smile.
"Now...what do we say to your dear Big Sis Junko?~" A very flustered Toko growled and turned her head to avoid given the blonde any satisfaction.
"F-f-f-fuck you...."
"Awwwww, I'd love to!! But a threesome can be for later! Now's your moment!! Speaking of which!" Taking out a corset and a lacey thong, she shoved it into Toko's hands. "Now, go try this on! Hurry, we got seven more outfits to test before we cash out!!"
On second thought, perhaps Toko should have just shopped by herself...
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unluckybreadling · 1 year
thoughts on komru and touk?
Kom.aru: She's pretty nifty I think, she's cute and I like her attitude! She's not the best protag overall for me but she's the best protag for her game and role in the series! Ngl I wish we got more fun sibling interactions between the two! But I like her! I do think she's rather lovely even she's a bigass normie like her bro. Toko: To.ko Fuwa.ka is indeed.. to.ko fuwa.ka. Like I don't dislike her, she's alright as a character but she definitely isn't my favorite out of the bunch. I mean I like her UDG growth over THH but, I really prefer Syo/Jack over her, syo is great. I've only met very few diehard toko fans during my time in this fandom and they ALL make me want to never hear or consume shit about her for a good looooooooong while :) As far as toko.maru goes: Its alright, its cute. I think they're only people that can really tolerate each other lol
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austajunk · 2 years
So what do you see Komaru as in Omegaverse? And how does Tokosyomaru work there?
I see her as a Beta normie just like her older brother. Toko and Syo are both Alphas while Toko kinda tries to play up being a masochistic Omega. But she just can’t help bossing Komaru around and trying to get her to get her shit together. She’d never admit it, but Toko gets so turned on by how Komaru depends on her and so those little specs of her Alpha self tends to shine there. She also has a thing for kissing up Komaru’s long legs.
With Syo, never mind, it’s a nightmare and she loves cornering Komaru and making her nervous wreck. Lots of biting and rubbing up against her mate. <3
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Hiii guys here’s another Komaru X Hinata AMV!!! Hope y’all like this one!!
Song: 11:11- You
-Mod Toko
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ultimateask · 3 years
Hey Tsumugi how thing with the glasses gang also I was thinking maybe you could get Toko into manga for something for her to get into I think death note would be perfect for Toko as for peko I think Peko would like Full Metal Alchemist so yeah that all hope they enjoy the manga choice-Anon Manga Suggest
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Transcript: Believe me I tried… But she’s plain not budging! She hates manga lol Peko’s not that stoked about it either.... Normies..
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theultimatecrabcake · 4 years
Some Danganronpa spoilers ahead for the entire franchise so please don't read if you don't want spoilers, serious topics will be discussed
Ok so a while back me and a discord friend had this au-ish idea where the entirety of danganronpa is just Tsumugi's trauma fanfiction based off of people she knows irl and online as a way to cope because she was abused and neglected at home
These are the main details of the au under the cut, there will be no in depth details about the abuse but it is mentioned, I sincerely apologize if I inaccurately portray these issues just in case I did
Tsumugi cosplays at home and that's why she calls herself the ultimate cosplayer, and she makes herself the mastermind because she likes being the villain to cope with her trauma
All the characters from dr1 and sdr2 and the dr3 anime are all based off of people online that she looks up to (or despises in some cases), and characters with alternate versions of themselves are the combinations of their siblings (ex. Toko and Syo are twins and Izuru, Hajime, and super saiyan Hajime are triplets), with the exception of Junko who is an actress who mainly plays villains but irl is really sweet
Monokuma is Tsumugi's homeroom teacher who occasionally lets his sister substitute and the monokubs are his young children that Tsumugi really hates, he's also Junko and Mukuro's uncle and he and Tsumugi have a father-daughter relationship
Junko helps Tsumugi with her cosplays and makeup which is why Tsumugi idolizes her so much and wants to be like her
A lot of the poor writing in dr is due to Tsumugi not having the proper writing experience or knowledge on certain subjects which is why they come off so poorly
The Love Hotel scenes are Tsumugi trying to work through her own sexuality crisis alone (albeit poorly), and her own LH scene is her projecting what she believes is the only relationship she'd ever be loved in even if it's really messed up
All of the blackened and antagonistic characters in dr are people Tsumugi either hates or fears, and those with redeeming motives are the ones Tsumugi fears but recognizes that they are good people
Most characters in dr are cosplayers irl, streamers/youtubers, or social media influencers, aside from in v3 where everyone is a classmate of hers
The survivors of v3 are Tsumugi's irl friends, and the survivors of the prior games just came down to process of elimination mixed with who she liked
Her insistence of being "plain" in the games is because her parents always called her useless, and a part of the reason she hates Monokuma's kids is because she envies them for having the happy childhood she never had
She made monokuma the mascot because he’s known for his brutal punishments to kids who severely break school rules
All of the backstories for the dr1 and sdr2 characters are based off of one of the following: their main cosplay, their favorite game that they’ve played, or their aesthetic on their main social media account
Tsumugi works a lot of part time jobs to pay for her cosplays and her clothes and food
At some point Tsumugi posted her trauma/vent fanfics online under a different pen name and renaming all of the characters so they couldn’t be tracked (each of the games and the anime were posted as their separate fanfics and each chapter in the games is a chapter in the fanfic) and the fanfic blew up super fast, which she didn’t expect, and then people started cosplaying it for the irony and when she’s asked about if she’ll cosplay from it she says she’s not in it for the irony, she also got jaw-dropped when the cosplayers she turned into some of the characters from dr1 and sdr2 started cosplaying from it
One time Kokichi found her fanfic for v3 and commented about how his character seemed super familiar and she responded “no reason :)” and blocked him because his username was super obvious, he soon makes confused posts about it on tiktok
Eventually during Tsumugi’s 3rd year she reposted all of the fanfics but with much better writing and character arcs because she took online writing classes and the internet BLEW UP EVEN HARDER and so many people geeked out over it
Eventually Tsumugi tells her close friends about how she wrote the fics but it accidentally gets out to the whole class and when anyone tries to bully her about it all of her friends fight the bullies
The Love Hotel scenes were completely separate fanfics she impulsively wrote and posted at 3am when her sexuality crisis hit too hard, even she hates them and deleted them a year after they were posted because she just can’t believe she wrote them, let alone post them, and never rewrote them
The following are her relationships with the characters in V3 since she has no real relationships with the characters in dr1 and sdr2
All of the character’s ultimates are in fact based on actual skills they each have, and if they don’t have a distinct skill Tsumugi deep dives and tries to think of one, Junko was mostly inspired by her ability to analyze super well, which helped with her makeup ability, and because she played villain characters who caused despair
Edit: forgot to mention, but when Tsumugi kills her self insert at the end of v3, it's her essentially venting out how if all the important people in her life leave her she has nothing to live for anymore
Shuichi: They met after being some of the few kids in class who had nowhere to sit during lunch so they sat next to each other, after talking some more and realizing they had a lot in common, they became really close and he would sometimes cosplay with her, he also has a crush on Kaede even though it’s only from afar due to his social anxiety, Tsumugi however feels as though she’s a burden to him which is why she has him hate her in the last trial, when she told him she wrote the fanfic he constantly reassured her that she’s not a burden and was super embarrassed that he was made the protag after kaede, though he did find pregame him a bit odd
Himiko: Himiko is also an outsider due to her depression and general tired personality, she’s one of the few people who don’t judge Tsumugi for her cosplaying and anime interests and they’re both in anime club and will occasionally cosplay together, she was the one who accidentally let it slip about the fanfic thing but Tsumugi couldn’t bring herself to be mad
Maki: Another outsider but on purpose, she met Tsumugi after she found Tsumugi getting bullied and pushed around by some older kids, and afterwards she hung around Tsumugi to protect her and they eventually got pretty close even though Maki is generally socially dead, she also helps get Tsumugi food when Tsumugi’s parents are too neglectful to feed her, she also is the main protector of Tsumugi from her bullies, before and after the fic
Kiibo: An exchange student from being homeschooled, he and Tsumugi used to be pretty close, he was pretty famous on social media so sometimes they would go and do influencer stuff together and he’d cosplay with her, eventually he started dating Miu and they got a bit more distant due to Tsumugi not being a big fan of Miu, but they have no harsh feelings towards each other, even though Tsumugi thinks he hates her, he’s also a top student, he was a little weirded out by how both he and Miu were portrayed in the original fic but after talking it out with Tsumugi he let it slide and they talk more often because of that
Kaede: She met Kaede in secondary school and they got fairly close up until Kaede met Rantaro, after they met Kaede started hanging out with him more (romantic or platonic is up for interpretation) and Tsumugi was really hurt and jealous which is why she has Kaede kill Rantaro, she and Tsumugi reignited a relationship after the fanfic thing came out because she was super concerned about how Tsumugi was doing since you don’t just write that stuff without having some sort of trauma, they became closer afterwards and told Tsumugi she was flattered she was made into such a nice girl but also kinda freaked out that Tsumugi technically killed her but they also talked that out, she didn’t hold pregame Kaede against her because Kaede did in fact act like that when she was younger
Rantaro: Him and Tsumugi knew each other in middle school but didn’t like each other, she envied him because of how easy of a time he had making friends, and later on hated him for “stealing” Kaede from her, he is on ok terms with Tsumugi after the fanfic incident because Kaede and Tsumugi reignited a friendship and they tolerate each other
Kirumi: Tsumugi fears and looks up to Kirumi, as Kirumi is head of the student council and class rep but also very strict, one time Tsumugi got pushed down before school and was forced to come with a dirty uniform and Kirumi ripped into her for it and made her cry (although Kirumi quickly apologized and tried to comfort her but the trauma already set in), after she learned about the fic she talked to Tsumugi and gave her a singular pass for it because she did a fairly good job capturing Kirumi’s determination and sophistication
Ryoma: She’s never talked to Ryoma personally but she knows he has a criminal record for some minor crime and that scares her alongside how he one time suplexed a student three times his size after the student tried to pick on him for being short
Korekiyo: He freaks her out and she really hates his sister, and one time he psychoanalyzed her and it hit way too close to home so now she both doesn’t like him and respects him, which is why she just has his sister be the motive/his abuser because she full on just hates her cause she’s a “normie” who made fun of her one time in public, after he learned about the fic he tried to talk to her about the original version of the v3 fic to talk it through because he knew about her issues and now they’re on good terms
Angie: Funny enough she just is way too afraid to talk to Angie because she is a foreign exchange student and Tsumugi was really confused by her religion which is why it’s handled so poorly and why Angie is so focused on Atua, Angie also is super confident in herself and extroverted and that intimidated Tsumugi so much she just never talked to her, after the fic Angie sat her down and educated her on the details of her religion so Tsumugi could fix any accidental misconceptions about the religion and culture
Tenko: With Tsumugi’s constant sexuality crisis, she also has internalized homophobia which is why Tenko, an open women lover, scares her so much, Tsumugi can’t comprehend it so she made Tenko really creepy and oddly violent towards men even though the actual Tenko only beats up men who harass her or other women and not just every single man, she’s also really nice to Himiko and because Tsumugi fears Tenko she warped it
Miu: Miu is also a woman confident in her sexuality, she just comes off a lot more strongly than Tenko and is even more intimidating to Tsumugi, Tsumugi also thinks she’s gross because she’s open about her kinks and her gross ways of making sure she’s healthy, after she and Kiibo started dating she started to resent Miu, but regardless of this she still acknowledges that Miu is a top student, she only really likes Miu because she and Kokichi hate each other, but after it got out that Tsumugi wrote the fic Miu tried to pick on her but Maki scared her off
Gonta: She really loves Gonta and at some point had a crush on him, but he turned her down after Kokichi spread rumors that she was afraid of bugs and Gonta didn’t want to freak her out due to the fact he lives in an area full of bugs and has a few pet bugs, she has no harsh feelings towards him however and still likes him, though not as a crush, Gonta was still super nice to her after the fic thing and doesn’t think any less of her
Kokichi: She absolutely despises him and everything he does, they’ve known each other since they were kids and he’s always picked on her, though to him he’s only friendly teasing and thinks they have a friendly rivalry, he does everything out of childish amusement and doesn’t actually think he’s doing any harm to her even though she actively hates him and has gotten punched on several occasions by Maki for teasing Tsumugi too much, he also is purposely controversial online and has tried to be cancelled way too many times but somehow finds a way to find dirt on the people cancelling him and now everyone is too scared to cancel him, he also “bullies” cosplayers on tiktok by dueting them and mocking them but to him it’s ironic but to everyone else it isn’t, he has done this to Tsumugi on multiple occasions and she hates it, he tried to tease her about writing the fic and blocking him but Maki punches him in the throat, he makes a tiktok about that as well but keeps her identity a secret
Kaito: He became Maki’s boyfriend sometime after she met Maki and, in his stupidity, accidentally insulted Tsumugi’s comfort cosplay and she hated him after that, his death and illness was inspired by the one time he got the flu and gave it to everyone and it ruined one of her wigs, after a while they began talking more and she began to realize he wasn’t a jerk, just really stupid, so she made him a nicer character, after it got out that she wrote the fanfics she asked if he was mad he died but instead he was like “nah man that was a super cool way to go”, he was confused on pregame Kaito until Tsumugi explained that that’s how she used to see him
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Danganronpa Characters and their REAL Ultimate Talents-Trigger Happy Havoc
This is going to be very stupid, but I wanted to shitpost and here I am. Don’t ask me what this is, I’m not sure I know the answer myself. Feel free to ask for clarification on what I put, though.
Actual content under the cut
Makoto Naegi: Ultimate Lucky Student/Hope Normie
Kyoko Kirigiri: Ultimate Detective Best Girl
Byakuya Togami: Ultimate Affluent Progeny Rich Bitch
Toko Fukawa: Ultimate Writing Prodigy Introvert
Genocide Jack: Ultimate Murderous Fiend Confidence Goals
Aoi Asahina: Ultimate Swimming Pro Donut Fan
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Ultimate Clairvoyant Pothead
Sayaka Maizono: Ultimate Pop Sensation Victim
Leon Kuwata: Ultimate Baseball Star 11037
Chihiro Fujisaki: Ultimate Programmer Bean
Mondo Owada: Ultimate Biker Gang Leader Butter?????
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Ultimate Moral Compass Rule Dad
Hifumi Yamada: Ultimate Fanfic Creator CisHet
Celestia Ludenberg: Ultimate Gambler Goth
Sakura Ogami: Ultimate Martial Artist Butch Lesbian
Junko Enoshima: Ultimate Fashionista/Despair Cult Leader
Mukuro Ikusaba: Ultimate Soldier Nobody
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goshdangronpa · 2 years
Makoto naegi
For the ask thing? Here ya go! And please bear in mind that it's been a long while since I've experienced Trigger Happy Havoc, which I only encountered by watching a walkthrough that didn't do any of the free time events.
Favorite thing about them: He's not the smartest - both Byakuya and Junko probably has hive beat in terms of sheer intellect, and Kyoko could almost certainly solve the cases on her own. Even so, he's no idiot, and he succeeds by combining careful reason with a level of kindness and faith in his fellow human that none of those three can match. His decision to trust that Kyoko is lying for a reason is what ultimately exposes the mastermind and saves the survivors' lives. It's all too easy for mystery genre protagonists to set aside emotion for cold, hard logic - that's the impression I get from Kyoko (whom I like a lot, to be clear). Makoto won't play that way, and that's awesome.
Least favorite thing about them: playing Ultra Despair Girls taught me that a character can be a total normie and somehow make that a hilarious and fun personality to follow. Makoto can't even match his sister in that regard. Not that he needs to be quite like that, though. Saying my least fave thing about any DR character will still end in their favor.
Favorite quote: it's the most obvious pick, but as someone who'd never even heard of the games before watching THH's playthrough, I can't emphasize enough how much of a kick I got from him interrupting his classmates' lies and conjectures with the blunt and plainly rude "NO! THAT'S WRONG!" So friggin' funny. Makoto is nice, but he does not tolerate bullshit!
BroTP: Is it unusual to be a fan of Yasuhiro? I, for one, would enjoy a straight man/funny man duo between this overconfident yet easily spooked moron and his level-headed yet polite friend who pulls him out of jams.
OTP: I once followed a wonderful Tumblrite who was the world's foremost expert on Chihiro Fujisaki. He shipped her with Makoto and invented such a wonderful narrative for them, along with plenty of sweet art, that I was converted. They're so cute.
NoTP: I don't think much about ships, not enough to reject many with any intensity. Let me think ... every nice guy has their limits, and I can only imagine that Makoto would draw the line at the notion of dating Toko. She's a fantastic character in UDG, but such an unrepetantly irritating piece of work in THH. I like to think that he's skeptical, to say the least, of her ability to be a good partner toward Komaru when he first hears about them.
Random headcanon: this isn't the hairstyle he actually wants, he just can't figure out how to tell the barber what he wants done.
Unpopular opinion: what are the popular ones, anyway? Uhhh how about this. Blank-slate audience avatar characters get a lot of flack among writers and critics because they're usually just so functional (give the audience someone to relate to and follow) and boring (outshone by more colorful castmates). Makoto stands out in a franchise defined by titanic personalities just by taking everyone as they are, having the smarts to solve complex murder mysteries, and being a chill and friendly guy. He proves the value of the archetype and shows that characters of this stock can distinguish themselves.
Song I associate with them: https://youtu.be/AFfmNQbcucw (I had to resist putting Mark Morrison's "Return of the Mack")
Favorite picture of them: so good that I actually drew it myself
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yaypinecones · 4 years
_-My First Impression on Danganronpa Characters Pt.2-_
Mondo Owada:
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Damn this guy is really buff and can carry a stop sign around. He reminds me of Jojo...just cuz. Love the eyeliner or is that his actual eyelashes. Overall looks pretty scary ngl. Meeting him in game was...something. I like his design than the one on his art work and made me laugh that he has really long hair. Looks like corn ngl and definitely a meme. Then I got a feeling..Oh god...uh I’m getting a feeling I have a crush on him 0_0...oh god I really do have a crush on him.......halp
Mukuro Ikusaba:
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I her design and her ultimate! I was gonna say she’s a warrior or those girls that are really strong. I was confused that I couldn’t find her in the beginning of the game. Wish I could see more character development of her instead of her being already dead :/
Sakura Ogami:
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Uhh one word. Scary. Literally when I saw her art, I was like “Welp I better not piss her off. She might as well break my spine.” Buff as heck. Loves the battle scars. Tall and scary, but I think she’s not the bad guy. That’s too obvious.
Sayaka Maizono:
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Looks like a Kpop star ngl. BTS ft. Sayaka Maizono. Yup a hit on their careers. I like her dress. It’s also similar to Leon since she also wear different completely different clothes. Eh looks normal girl. Classic anime normie girl.
Toko Fukawa:
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Damn that’s a lot of books. Is she some kind of librarian or an author? Nerdy girl. But meeting her introduction was out of the blue. Like she was all shy and then starts spitting insults. Needs to take a chill pill. Don’t even get me started of her other personality. Jk it’s funny.
Yasuhiro Hagekure:
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Just why? His hair defies gravity and literally looks like an adult. I definitely wouldn’t get my fortune telling from this guy. Meeting him on game, was something I hate about him. Not the hate similar to hifumi, but I just hate his dumbass energy vibe. Literally anything he says is just...get some common sense dude...
Part 1
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
BNHA Chapter 271: And now he’s gone again.
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I’m starting to think this arc has ADHD because it can’t seem to focus on any one of it’s approximately 7000 storylines for more than a single chapter. Or half a chapter.
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When Kaminari is calling you out for being impulsive, you know you’re in trouble.
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You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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Wow even Dabi is calling out UA on it’s Child Soldier Drafting.
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Ooh we’re finally dealing with this again, huh? I was wondering how Toko would react to learning that Hawks killed Twice. Let me reiterate: fucking murdered Twice.
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Dabi is loving this. Interesting how he’s actually reasoning with Toko. Maybe it’s cause Compress told him about Dark Shadow’s rampage in  the forest? Maybe the League think they’ll have a shot with him.
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Aw! Though Hawks is like six years older than Toko, so he’s more like a Big Brother than a Sage mentor figure.
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I dunno Dabi, who are you trying to save here? What do you mean by that, exactly? Do you mean you and the league? Or the Young kids at UA who the League thinks are “brainwashed” into being pros? Or normal people? Nah, I don’t think you care about the normies. So I have no idea who he means by this. Maybe the comment section will clarify this.
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Yeah shout out your weakness just in case Dabi didn’t watch the Sports Fest and doesn’t know light will hurt you. Great strategy.
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The Cavalry Arrives Just in time! Except not really cause it’s just Geten trying to be Shoto.
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  Meep. We’re all screwed.
So yeah we got Deku back for one chapter and then cut back to something else. Right when Tomura woke up and went full AFO. I swear this arc is like a neverending series of that meme where Hori is Lucy holding the football and we are Charlie Brown, and the football is All the Interesting Stuff (Dabi’s real identity, Tomura at full power, the Trio) and we never ever get to kick it. Like, this chapter did have interesting stuff in it, but WHERE. THE HELL. IS DEKU. I mean, I know where he is, evacuating the city and getting weird possessed looks on his face, but why has he been absent chapter after chapter? Ah well. I guess I’ll just wait for next week. 
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ohmyronpa-imagines · 5 years
Male! S/O Relationship HCs with Kaede, Aoi, Akane, Tsumugi, and Komaru
Dude. Sorry I took so long to write this. - Mod Somey
Kaede Akamatsu
Piano recitals. She enjoys playing it and being around her boyfriend makes her happy, so she plays piano for you.
You two do movie nights for dates, or you eat while listening to classical music.
You two may not be in high school anymore, but Kaede insists that you go Trick or treating.
She's definitely tried a pick up line but ended up laughing in the middle of it.
She's very affectionate and will hold you close when you two cuddle.
She invites you to the musical museum to appreciate all the artists.
You two are really good friends and lovers at the same time.
Tbh, Kaede probably proposed.
Aoi Asahina
She takes you swimming a lot, if she's going pro, she wants you to be an amazing swimmer with her.
She definitely takes you out to get doughnuts after swimming.
Sakura was protective over Aoi but lessened it once she could trust you, she needed to know if her best friend had a good boyfriend or not.
Aoi likes PDA and will kiss you in public to show affection.
If you don't like PDA, she'll save her affection for home.
Akane Owari
Like Aoi, exercise is a must in your relationship, gymnastics and sparring are usually the go to's.
You met coach Nekomaru and he accepted you with open arms.
You and Akane have "It" sessions with Nekomaru, it's definitely the best times you have together.
You usually get fast food when you two go out for food, because the last time you two went to a sit down restaurant the bill was in the 300's because of Akanes 12 entrées.
Komaru Naegi
She took you to meet her brother and parents a few weeks after you two started dating.
Her parents were suspicious of you, but Makoto got along with you.
Makoto was just happy his little sister got a boyfriend.
You two read Manga together a lot and watch anime.
Komaru takes you to meet Toko, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.
Toko insulted you, belittled, and got defensive like she did nothing wrong. Your girlfriend sure has strange taste in friends.
Komaru is pretty big on holding hands and hanging onto your arm when you two walk.
Tsumugi Shirogane
She likes to have you dress up as her favorite guy anime characters, even traps.
She teaches you how to cosplay, and takes you to lots of conventions.
She sometimes gets jealous if people get to friendly with you and usually whispers something like, "Damn Normies..."
She's painted your nails before.
You also had to get her creepy incest fantasy to leave her forever.
She really loves you as her boyfriend and wouldn't want another.
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