#nordic salt
morethansalad · 2 months
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Vegan Lingonberry and Almond Cream Buns (Swedish Semla)
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Nordic Altar Painted Before and After
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nabaath-areng · 14 days
'Broadband' has to be my least favorite english word frankly. Like what do you mean that's a real word and not just something a swedish person who struggles with english would say to make it look english. Like that's some "lax on the mack" shit.
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vapeandgo · 5 months
Vape & Go
Vape & Go is a UK Vaping retail company run by vapers for vapers sourcing the best American E liquids / Malaysian / UK Made E Liquids. We are dedicated to bringing customers the best possible vaping products the lowest possible prices.
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themodernwitchsguide · 2 months
altars for nordic gods
keep in mind that altars like these have very little historical backing, and this information is mostly for the use of the modern pagan. also pretty much every god can be honored with offerings of meat, mead, wine, and your own blood.
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Colors: grey/silver for justice; deep blue, black for magic; red for war
Offerings: nine sacred herbs (chamomile, nettle, fennel, crab apple, mugwort, plantain, watercress, chervil, betony), runes, food for ravens, poetry
Crystals: sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, lepidolite, obsidian, labradorite
Animals: his ravens (Huginn and Muninn), his wolves (Geri and Freki)
Colors: yellow, white, grey for thunderstorms; red for war; blue for the sky
Offerings: rainwater, hawthorn, oak, garlic, onion, hearty meals
Crystals: fulgarite, blue quartz/calcite, yellow jasper, sodalite, obsidian, hematite
Animals: goats
Colors: black, green for mischief; yellow/gold for wealth; red, orange when he is combined with Logi
Offerings: yellow rattle, birch, mistletoe, snake shed, cinnamon, dandelion, coins/money
Crystals: labradorite, jade, malachite, pyrite, citrine, bloodstone, gemstones, serpentine
Animals: birds, horses, snakes, foxes
Colors: dark blue, silver/grey for justice; red for war
Offerings: holly, mustard seed, bread, oak, ash, good deeds are especially emphasized with Tyr
Crystals: lapis lazuli, sapphire, red jasper, bloodstone, obsidian, hematite
Animals: wolf, dog, bear, eagle
Colors: gold/yellow, white for opulence; sky blue, pink for beauty
Offerings: chamomile, daisies, white blossoms, honey, juniper berries, laurel leaves, sunflower
Crystals: sunstone, celestite, selenite, pearl, rose quartz, pyrite, milky quartz
Animals: foal
Colors: blue, silver/grey, white for the moon; yellow/gold for opulence
Offerings: cardamom, allspice, sweet wines, milk, handspun fiber, feathers, moss
Crystals: moonstone, selenite, celestite, pyrite, milky quartz, rose quartz, agates
Animals: falcons, hawks, geese
Colors: red, orange, black for the underworld; white, grey for the dead
Offerings: white flowers, apples, willow, dark chocolate, coffee beans, mushrooms, clove--leave food until rotten
Crystals: bloodstone, jet, onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, volcanic stone, red jasper, hematite
Animals: owl, raven, dog, wolf
Colors: red, pink, white for love; green, brown for nature; gold/yellow for her cape; purple, dark blue for magic
Offerings: jasmine, rose, verbena, collecting cat whiskers, honeycomb, fruit, fresh flowers, chocolate
Crystals: amber, petrified wood, agates, garnet/ruby, pyrite, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, emerald, jade, tiger's eye, cat's eye, amethyst
Animals: cats, pigs, horses, falcons
Colors: green, brown for nature; yellow/gold for sunshine
Offerings: grain, apples, bread, nuts/seeds, venison, anything phallic, antlers, birch, hawthorn, coins/money
Crystals: green aventurine, agates, petrified wood, jaspers, jade, citrine, zoisite, pyrite
Animals: deer/stag, boar, horse, bee
Colors: white, blues for the sea
Offerings: fish, sea salt, shells, beads, tobacco, fishing gear
Crystals: aquamarine, larimar, gemstones, pearls, malachite, sodalite, azurite, iolite
Animals: seabirds, sea mammals
Colors: white, light blue for winter; brown for the hunt
Offerings: raw meat, berries, nuts, clear liquors, pelts, antlers
Crystals: milky quartz, bloodstone, blue calcite, chalcedony, jaspers
Animals: arctic fox
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fandom-alley · 1 year
Rekindling at the Spa
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Summary: Spencer has an evening at the spa as per his doctors orders, and meets up with a girl he met at Penelope's over a year ago. This time he convinces himself not to leave without getting her phone number, but he ends up getting a little bit more.
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Reader
Category: Fluff, smut (like hardly though)
Warnings: 18+, kissing, making out, semi-public (no ones around) grinding, coming untouched/in pants
Word Count: 3.7k
a/n: inspired by my recent trip to the spa where i realized just how single i am. this is my first time writing something spicier than making out, so it's not a lot and just at the end, go easy on me lol
Also on AO3
The last thing Spencer Reid wanted to do was spend his evening at the hydrotherapy spa. Germs from the water of hot tubs could make you sick if consumed, and so could the vapour that comes off the water. Not to mention the possibility of a rash due to the chemicals used. But it was his doctor's orders. Apparently his own doctoral status was not good enough to sway them to let him come back to work early and skip this step. 
There were many steps he had to complete as part of his recovery process; resting his injured leg, physical therapy, changes to his diet, therapy for his mental health. And the dreaded ‘spa relaxation’.
Now, most doctors probably wouldn’t prescribe a day at the spa as something to do as part of recovery, but Spencer’s doctor knew him well. He knew that throughout the last month, even though Spencer had completed most of his steps, he wasn’t relaxing through any of it. And his doctor was correct. Spencer’s brain had been working double time, reading twice the amount of books he usually did in a day while he was immobile elevating his injured leg. Reading up on new techniques for profiling and offering tips to the BAU when they worked a local case.
His doctor could tell that his inability to relax his brain, therefore relaxing his body, was the last step in holding him back from complete recovery.
So here he was, entering a Nordic hydrotherapy spa, where he was not allowed to bring in any cell phones, tablets, or hold loud conversations with anyone. And while it was acceptable to bring books in to read, Spencer didn’t want to risk dropping one in the water and ruining it. So he was about to be forced to put his self meditation techniques to use. 
After changing into his swim shorts, putting on the complimentary robe and locking away his belongings, Spencer stepped out of the main building into the frigid evening air. He breathed in the scent of salt, chlorine, and eucalyptus from the nearby steam room. Hidden speakers in the plant beds around the property played out relaxing spa style music. Spencer had to admit, despite his reservations regarding germs, he already did feel quite relaxed.
The steam coming off the hot pools seemed to blanket the grounds in silence. It wasn’t that busy, but Spencer spotted a few people relaxing in the pools and walking in-between sections of the spa grounds. 
Upon his check in tonight, the kind lady at the front desk informed him how to use the spa for maximum relaxation and hydrotherapy benefits. She recommended he sit in a hot pool for 10 to 15 minutes, take a plunge in the cold pool for at least 15 seconds or as long as he could handle, and then relax in a sauna, steam room, or relaxation room before continuing the process a few times.
The property was large, with 4 different hot pools, 3 different cold plunge pools, 2 rooms for wood burning saunas, the eucalyptus steam room, and multiple chairs dotting the ground surrounding fireplaces where you could sit and relax. Without putting too much thought to it, Spencer hung up his robe near the closest hot pool and stepped into the burning water. 
The change in temperature stung his cold toes as they started to warm up. The water was only up to his waist as he waded through past a few couples sitting to the sides. He made his way to the back of the pool where it was blissfully empty and took a seat. Since he was so tall sitting on the built in seats along the edge of the pool, the water only went up to mid chest. But the rest of his exposed skin felt refreshed with the cool air blowing over him. A good contrast to the hot water covering the rest of his body.
Spencer leaned his head back and closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to shut his brain off. It worked for a few minutes, before he heard a couple a few feet over whispering sweet nothings to each other. It just made Spencer start thinking about his own lacklustre love life.
With his job in the BAU there wasn't that much opportunity and time for a relationship. Sure, some of his co-workers had figured it out. Like JJ and Will for instance. Spencer had seen how difficult it was for Morgan to hold down a relationship with their crazy work hours as well.
He hadn't really put that much effort into a relationship, though. Part of the reason was that he just didn't have the time. Some of the cases kept them away from home for weeks at a time. Sometimes to the point where he really didn't know how his friends and co-workers were able to keep it up. He was the type of guy who wanted to get to know someone, be around them lots in the early stages, and that was just too hard with work.
Spencer jolted out of his daydream when someone splashed into the seat next to him.
"Is this seat taken?" The voice belonged to a pretty girl, who if he had to guess was maybe just a few years younger than him. She looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't seem to place where he recognized her from. "You're Dr. Spencer Reid, right?" She asked.
"Yes, that's me," he replied with a furrowed brow, wracking his brain on why her big brown eyes looked like they knew him as well.
Thankfully she caught on to his confusion. "I'm y/n. Penelope's friend from book club. We met a year ago at her place when she had a viewing party for the season finale of Love Is Blind. I almost didn't go because I really don't watch reality TV, but I had just moved to the area and I wanted to try and make some friends."
Spencer remembered her now. Back then at the party she had her hair down in unruly curls and it was the colour of fire engine red. Now her hair was tied back to stay out of the water and it was the colour of midnight black. He wasn't one to forget a face, or forget much of anything really. But something about a dramatic change in hair colour and style had the Clark Kent effect on him. Maybe it was because he was in a pretty decent state of relaxation.
"I remember you," he said, nodding his head in recognition. "I also didn't want to go to that party but Penelope is hard to say no to."
Y/n laughed, "Yes she is, isn't she. It's good though. Because of her persistence I was able to make a few friends that night. And on multiple other nights as well. Penelope frequently tries to set me up on dates." She was talking pretty quietly as per spa rules, and it would have been hard to hear if she hadn't sat close and leaned in while she talked. Normally Spencer would have backed away, but something about her presence was soothing. Or maybe that was just the water jets from the pool shooting into his back.
"So what brings you to the spa tonight?" Spencer asked her. He might have met her back then at the party, but they hadn't said many words to each other. He remembered being slightly intimidated by her fiery hair and bubbly personality and after their initial introduction he snuck away with his glass of juice to browse Pen's book collection.
"Actually, it was a birthday gift from Penelope!" Y/n smiled.
"Oh, happy birthday." Spencer smiled back at her. Why was he intimidated back then, he thought to himself. She was so beautiful and so nice, and so far fairly easy to talk to, it seemed.
"Thank you. But it's actually not until next month. Penelope just told me this was the only night she could get a reservation and that when my actual birthday happened she would buy me a cake," y/n laughed. 
Spencer pursed his lips in confusion. When he booked his reservation on his doctor's orders, there looked to have been multiple available times from now until the end of the year. The only day that was sold out was Thanksgiving weekend.
"When did she give you the gift with the reservation in it?" He asked y/n, with a hint of scepticism in his voice.
"About 3 days ago I think it was," she answered. About 3 days ago is when Spencer called up Penelope to rant to her about being forced to go to this spa. Was it possible Pen had given Y/n the gift as an excuse to try and set them up? Back at the party he had gotten the vibe when she introduced them that she wanted them to become friends. But Spencer had never gotten her number or email, and figured it just wasn't meant to be. Although how could it be, when he actively avoided her most of that night.
"What a coincidence that we're both here on the same night," Spencer told her.
"I know, right? I wasn't completely sure that you were you when I saw you sitting over here. But you're a hard one to forget, Dr. Reid," y/n said. Was that a blush he saw forming on her cheeks, or was she just getting too warm from the water.
"You can just call me Spencer. I really don't make anyone use doctor unless we're at work," he chuckled.
"Will do, Spencer. I hope you don't mind that I came over to sit with you. I can leave if you want the relaxation of being alone." She started to slide away from her seat slowly, giving him the opportunity to tell her she didn't need to leave. Which is exactly what he did.
"I don't mind. It's kind of nice to have company. I didn't realize how many people went to the spa with their partners," he told her. 
"Well, perfect. We can experience this spa together then. So how come you didn't come here with your partner?" Y/n asked slyly. Spencer could feel his face heat up with the attention turned to himself.
"No partner. I actually had to come here by doctor's orders. I got shot in the leg last month, and as the last part of recovery my doctor wanted me to relax more and figured what better way to force me to relax than to send me to the spa.”
“Oh my gosh. I’m tempted to ask if you’re okay, but it seems like you are, since you’re sitting here. I had no idea your job could lead to such violence,” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Every day is something different. They usually keep me off the field working from the office or police stations, but even then you never know what could happen,” Spencer explained.
“Wow. Okay, sorry. This is supposed to be relaxing and here I am bringing up work talk. What do you say we take a plunge into the cold?” Y/n asked with a grin.
This was probably the experience at the spa he was least likely to enjoy, but he followed her out of the water and next door to the cold pool. It was completely empty and Spencer was not surprised. Y/n grabbed his hand, sending a shock through his body, as they stood at the top of the stairs to the pool.
“It’s pretty likely that one of us is going to wimp out once our feet hit the water. So if need be, we have to drag the other person in, okay?” She said as she looked up at him. His voice got caught in his throat as he looked down at her and all he could do was nod in agreement. 
With a deep breath in, together they stepped onto the first step. It was so cold Spencer felt like his toes would fall off in a second. However he didn’t even get a second thought to think about stepping back out before y/n fell forward into the water, pulling him with her. He had to grab onto her hips for stability so he didn’t end up falling on top of her in the 3 feet of water. 
“It’s so cold,” Y/n gasped out.
It might have been 15 seconds, it might have been 5 minutes, but Spencer felt lost in time as he held Y/n in his arms in the freezing cold water. He didn’t even feel that cold in the places where Y/n’s skin touched his. Slowly, as if held down by some invisible force, he removed his hands from her hips and grabbed her hand this time to help her out of the water.
Feeling a new burst of energy from the cold shock, Spencer helped Y/n into her robe before putting on his, then wordlessly grabbed her hand and led her to one of the saunas. Inside, they were met with a blast of heat as Spencer guided Y/n to the back bench. Every seat in the sauna faced a wall made of glass that overlooked a small lake with a fountain cascading in the middle. As he relaxed into his seat, Y/n decided to lay out on the bench beside him and use his thigh as a head rest. 
Neither of them said a word as they gazed out the window, watching the birds fly by and the ducks swim in the lake. 
Spencer thought back to the night of Penelope’s party. After he had pushed himself to the wall to avoid interacting with people, he did end up watching from afar as Y/n made her way around talking to all the guests. He might have initially felt intimidated, but he was also fascinated with her. He’d seen a lot of different people with his job, and he’d seen people with colourfully dyed hair before as well, but something about her red curls just drew in his eyes and he couldn’t take them back.
She was beautiful, enchanting even, and he wanted to get her phone number. But then he had thought back to their last case. Where they had been gone for 16 days in a row. He had watched JJ as she video called Will and her kids any chance they got. Watched Hotch take numerous phone calls from his son. Even Morgan escaped for private chats with Savannah. He wasn’t sure if that was something he would be able to handle. So eventually he said goodnight to Penelope, left the party, and left any thoughts he had about Y/n behind as well.
Now that Penelope had schemingly gotten her back into his life, he was determined to make sure he got her number before leaving again. 
Spencer and Y/n enjoyed the spa amenities for another couple hours, cycling through the recommended steps while chatting quietly or relaxing in silence. Despite not doing much, they started to feel tired from the heated pools and saunas before eventually agreeing to meet outside in the parking lot after they got changed so they could say a proper goodbye.
Spencer rushed through changing, not wanting to take too long in case Y/n decided she didn’t want to stay, and made it outside in record time. He stood off to the side at the parking lot entrance, waiting for her with his heart racing. It took her a little bit longer, but eventually he saw her walking down the path. 
Her hair was down now, damp and a little frizzy from her curls trying to poke through. Wearing a simple black zip up sweater and black leggings, she looked cozy but also like she was about to rob a bank. She smiled at him when she reached his spot, taking his hand in hers to lead him to where she parked. The lot had almost emptied, leaving mostly staff vehicles and the last few remaining spa guests wanting to get every minute out of their visit as they could. Even with the empty lot, Y/n led Spencer to her car, a little black Honda, parked alone in the corner lit up only by the bright moon in the sky. 
“Thanks for letting me hang out with you tonight, Spencer,” Y/n told him when they stopped beside her car. She didn’t move to unlock it, opting instead to stand there with her hand still clasped in his.
“Of course. It was really lovely to see you again, Y/n,” said Spencer. Okay, he thought to himself, now is the time to do it. Bite the bullet and ask for her number. “Would you, maybe, be willing to exchange numbers and we can plan to go out for coffee some time soon?”
Y/n broke into a smile. “I would love that,” she said before reciting her number. She knew he would remember it, if Penelope’s constant chatter about how amazing Spencer’s memory is was to be true. 
“Awesome. So, I guess I’ll talk to you later?” Spencer moved to head back to his own vehicle but was stopped by a hand placed on the centre of his chest.
“Yeah. Or,” said Y/n, “Maybe we could do this?”
Before he could ask what ‘this’ was, she used the hand on his chest to push him back against the door of her car. Then she leaned in, rising up onto her toes to try and match his height, and placed her lips on his. It was quick, but enough to leave Spencer breathless, before she pulled away the slightest bit to look into his eyes.
“Is this okay?” she asked, and when he mumbled out a yes, nodding his head, she wasted no time going back in.
Their lips crashed together in an instant, almost too eager to finally be getting what they’ve both been craving all night. Y/n removed her hand from his chest to bring both of them into his hair, feeling the damp curls and giving them a little tug. Spencer brought his arms around her waist tightly, bringing her in closer to help relieve the strain of standing on her toes. 
He couldn’t believe this was happening, and in a parking lot. But he wouldn’t change a thing. Y/n’s hands made their way down to the back of his neck, before she brought them to his jaw. He let out a groan when she pulled on his bottom lip with her teeth, before their tongues collided with one another.  
Spencer brought his hands down even further, to grip the soft area at the back of her thigh just underneath her butt. He used his new grip to pull her up higher, spinning them around so that it was her back pressed against the car this time. She wrapped her legs around him to hold on as Spencer moved one of his hands up to her face, running his fingers along her jaw before finally pushing her hair back away from her neck. He broke away from her mouth to trail kisses along her neck, stopping to suck or nip at areas that drew a soft moan from her lips. He made his way down to her chest, where she had left part of the sweater unzipped. 
When he pulled back on the sweater he stopped with a groan, breathing deeply as he held her closer and grew tighter in his pants. Where he was expecting to see some sort of lace bra, instead he was met with nothing. She wasn’t wearing anything under the sweater. Hungrily, he opened her sweater more and he attached himself to the soft swell of her breast. Kissing, sucking, and gently biting. 
Without even realizing it, they started to move against each other. Spencer rolled his hips against hers, seeking that friction but focusing his attention on the skin between his lips. 
“Oh, fuck.” Y/n threw her head back in a moan as Spencer finally attached his mouth to the hard nub that was waiting for attention. He swirled his tongue around as he sucked on the sensitive area. “That feels so good.” she groaned. She brought her hands up to tangle them in his hair and hold him in place, only letting him move when he wanted to show her other side some love as well. 
It was difficult to move much against the car, but Spencer was hitting her in all the right places. Y/n could feel a familiar welcomed pressure building in her core and she gripped her legs tighter around him.
“Spencer,” y/n breathed out. “I’m close.”
He lifted his head enough to look at her. Her head back and eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. “Yeah?” he asked and she nodded her head while trying to move her hips faster against his. 
Spencer ground into her with a new purpose now. Paying more attention to the moves from his hips, he went back to sucking on her breast. This time he brought his hand to palm the other one. Squeezing and feeling the fullness of it in his hand. He rolled and pinched her nipple between his fingers at the same time as he gently grazed his teeth over the other one. It was enough to send Y/n over the edge, with Spencer right behind her. 
Spencer’s thrusts grew short until eventually they stopped as they came down from their high. He brought her in for another kiss, lazily moving his lips against hers while they got their breathing under control. Finally, Y/n unwrapped her legs from around him and he let her go.
“Holy shit. I can’t believe we just did that,” she said with a suddenly shy smile and glanced up at him. He looked down at her like he was seeing an angel. 
“Yeah,” he breathed out. He gripped the edges of her sweater and zipped it up tight to her neck. “What do you say we skip the coffee and go right back to my place?”
“I like the way you think. Lead the way.”
Click here for chapter 2! Available on AO3 only because it's basically smut and I was too nervous to post it on Tumblr lol
Thank you for reading, liking, or rebloging! <3
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ltwilliammowett · 16 days
Ekke Nekkepenn - the merman
In short, Ekke Nekkepenn is a merman who lives with his wife Rahn at the bottom of the North Sea and plays pranks on sailors and inhabitants of the North Frisian islands.
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The best-known realisation of the Ekke-Nekkepenn myth today can be traced back to Christian Peter Hansen, who condensed and reshaped various sagas from the North Frisian region into his own continuous narrative in his Sagen und Erzählungen der Haidebewohner auf Sylt (Sagas and Tales of the Haide Inhabitants on Sylt), published in 1858. The first section of this tale is entitled ‘Der Meermann Ekke Nekkepenn’.
The story begins with Ekke Nekkepenn asking the wife of the captain of a Sylt ship sailing to England in a storm for help with the birth of her child. The beautiful and helpful captain's wife is led by the mariner to his wife Rahn, who lives at the bottom of the North Sea, and returns to the surface after a successful birth, richly endowed with gold and silver. The skipper and his wife are able to continue their journey in fine weather and later return safely and soundly to their home in Rantum on Sylt.
Many years later, Ekke Nekkepenn remembers this incident and decides - in view of the fact that Rahn has become ‘old and wrinkled’ in the meantime - to take the captain's wife as his wife instead. One day, when he spots the Rantum captain's ship, he persuades Rahn, who is sitting on the bottom of the sea, to grind salt, and the Sylt skipper and his crew perish in the resulting strong whirlpool.
On his way to the captain's wife, Ekke Nekkepenn, who has transformed himself into a handsome sailor, meets her virgin daughter Inge on the beach near Rantum. Against her will, he puts a golden ring on each of her fingers, hangs a golden chain around her neck and declares her his bride. When the girl tearfully begs him to release her, he replies that he can only do so if she can tell him her name the next evening. But nobody on the island knows the unknown stranger. As Inge walks along the beach again in despair the next evening, she hears a voice singing from the mountain at the southern tip of the island near Hörnum:
Today I shall brew; Tomorrow I shall bake; The day after tomorrow I want to get married. My name is Ekke Nekkepenn, My bride is Inge von Rantum, And nobody knows that but me alone.
She then runs to the agreed meeting place and calls out to the stranger arriving there: ‘Your name is Ekke Nekkepenn and I'll stay Inge von Rantum.’ Ever since that time, the man of the sea, who has been coerced in this way, has harboured a great rage against the islanders of Sylt and is always up to mischief when he feels like it. He destroys their ships in storms, causes them to sink in Rahn's maelstrom and damages the Sylt coastline with the tides he unleashes.
This myth is particularly prevalent on Sylt itself, because as soon as it storms, Ekke is said to be angry and he is once again angry with everyone.
It is not entirely clear what the myth itself is based on, but it is clear that Hansen has worked with two things: Nordic mythology and its sea god Ögis or Ekke as he is called in Frisian. In his ‘Materials for a Frisian Mythology’, published in 1850, Hansen writes: ‘The god of the sea was called Ögis by the Germans, Eiger by the Danes, Eie or Eia by the Frisians, also Ekke or Nekke. […] His wife was the goddess Ran, who blessed the beach, pulled the shipwrecked into her nets and after whom the old beach and dune village of Rantum was perhaps named. Incidentally, in Norse, Rane means to rob. According to a Frisian legend, Ekke once went to a woman from Rantum named Inge, but was given a basket.’ The problem here is that it is a pure invention by Hansen himself, this kind of Nordic mythology does not exist.
The second is Rumpelstiltskin. The Rumpelstiltskin variant used by Hansen belongs to a widespread complex of fairy tales and legends. In most of these tales, a dwarf or other creature helps a girl spin a certain amount of flax. The original North Frisian form of the story - which Hansen follows in his composition - does not contain precisely this element. This means that it belongs to a relatively small group of forms, which includes sagas from Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Tyrol, Lower Austria and Schleswig-Holstein. However, here he uses the verse often found in Rumpelstiltskin, except what is a merman doing on a mountain?
Apart from what Hansen has probably used here to give Ekke a story, it is more likely that this myth has been around on the islands for a long time and only in different versions and without a real name. It can therefore be assumed that Hansen was just trying to give it a unified story and a name.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Can we have some facts about the ROs, dear author ? I'm very much looking forward to fix D, bad girls are my kryptonite
C is an absolute unit at chess. if it wasn’t for them wanting to go into the business industry, they would’ve definitely clinched the title of grandmaster.
they’re also very good at playing violin and have been taking private lessons since they were nine.
they have a habit of taking long, solitary walks late at night to clear their mind.
they have an aston martin vantage and a porsche 911 carrera 4s which were a gift from grandpa lacroix before his death.
aside from english, they can speak french, latin, and italian.
their signature scent is a blend of sandalwood and jasmine.
they have a small, discreet tattoo of a latin phrase (“veni, vidi, vici”) on their ribcage.
C is particularly fond of designer clothes and have a vast collection, each custom-made to fit perfectly.
they find idle chatter to be an utter waste of time and will often steer conversations towards more intellectually stimulating topics.
C also had a very soft spot for pets, particularly dogs. they also secretly donate to many of the nation’s animal shelters, though you’ll never find them telling that to anyone.
they have undiagnosed OCD.
they are a twin. no one knows what exactly happened to their sister in the orphanage.
they’re a big fan of obscure literary texts, particularly those of nordic origins.
V also enjoys woodworking, a skill passed down from their orphanage days where they’d try to make small, wooden toys for some extra pocket money.
though they don’t attend church all that often, they always pray before bed and eating.
V wears a unique, earthy fragrance with notes of cedarwood, pine, and a hint of sea salt.
in addition to danish, ancient greek, nordic runes, and english, they’ve also picked up on some patois thanks to their adoptive mother.
V is deeply connected to nature and prefers spending time outdoors whenever possible. hiking, camping, and stargazing are some of their favorite activities.
autumn is V’s favorite season because the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the melancholy atmosphere makes them feel creatively inspired.
V can read tarot cards, a skill they picked up from their mother who liked doing it in her free time.
they absolutely loathe alcohol and steers absolutely clear of its presence if they can help it. they have no problem with other people drinking it tho.
they have claustrophobia.
W is an avid birdwatcher and would often accompany their uncle to do it whenever they could. they can identify dozens of species by sight and sound and often spend early mornings in parks or nature reserves, binoculars in hand.
despite their strained relationship with their parents, W inherited a natural talent for photography and videography from their father.
W’s favorite book is “the catcher in the rye”, mostly because sometimes they can see a reflection of themself in holden caulfield.
W has a soft spot for cheesy 90s and early 2000s romcoms. they find comfort in the predictable plots and over-the-top acting, often watching them late at night when they can’t sleep.
their signature scent is vetiver, citrus, and bergamot.
they still wear MC’s worn down friendship bracelet from almost a decade ago.
W prefers to walk or bike wherever they go, finding the process therapeutic.
they’ve donated a large portion of their trust fund to homeless youth shelters, only keeping enough to get through university comfortably until they get a decent job.
they love playing the piano, something which their aunt taught them. however, they prefer modern pieces to classical ones.
their favourite directors of all time are wes anderson and sofia coppola.
they’re a chronic insomniac.
D has a hidden talent for sketching. while they don’t talk about it much, their notebooks are filled with doodles and sketches, often of people they meet/know or abstract designs that reflect their current mood.
they’re nicknamed “rook” by their friends and bandmates. they also only know three languages: romanian, french, and english.
their indie band’s name is “the vignettes”, and the genre they play contains elements of alternative rock, grunge, and even folk sometimes. they’re the frontman, as well as a guitarist of the five-piece.
they’re known to get into long, intense conversations about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything—usually at 3 a.m., after everyone else has passed out. nobody seems to want to deal with this aside from C.
nirvana and the cure are on constant rotation on their playlist. their favourite guitar, valentine, was personally signed by kurt cobain and is their most prized possession.
their signature scent is a mixture of cinnamon, expensive marlboro, amber, and a hint of leather.
they love spicy food, mexican and indian cuisines being their favourite. give them a lifetime supply of chicken vindaloo and birria tacos and they’re set forever.
D is considered an adrenaline junkie and sometimes participates in extreme sports like parkour, bungee jumping, and sky diving.
they have a well-maintained 1969 AMC AMX/3, but rather prefer riding their MC ducati panigale v4.
they have a growing collection of tattoos, each one marking a significant (or significantly hazy) memory from their escapades. the most prominent one is a serpent wrapped around their collarbones.
it’s rare to find them in parties without the presence of any type of drugs. they’re not a full-blown addict, but also not too far from it.
aside from english, M speaks nine more languages fluently—hindi, french, italian, german, mandarin, russian, sanskrit, arabic, spanish, and latin.
they are proficient in several musical instruments, including the piano, violin, and guitar, often performing at private gatherings and charity events.
their personal library contains rare and first-edition books on any genre you can possibly imagine.
M has a keen eye for art and collects pieces from renowned and emerging artists, often curating exhibitions for charity.
they also have a very encyclopaedic knowledge of european and south asian history, often recalling the time period and details of the events.
they have travelled to more than 50 countries till date, accompanying their parents on many of their philanthropic missions.
their signature scent is a fancy blend of myrrh and frankincense, accented with touches of cypress and roses.
M has been interested in the existence of the occult and magic since they heard of stories involving them by their grandmother’s side.
despite being a famous royal figure, M has almost zero social media presence and greatly dislikes being filmed in public or having their private life probed at.
they are known to be the queen of england’s favourite grandchild.
M enjoys cooking and is particularly skilled at preparing elaborate south asian and mediterranean dishes.
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stinkfacestories · 2 months
What other kinks were you thinking for the guys to add on top of the stinkface?
Great Question! Here is a list of all the guys so far:
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Greg Johnson
Stereotype/Fetish: Muscle Bear / Muscle Worship
Summary: A tall, heavily muscular man with a thick beard and a friendly demeanor. Greg enjoys mentoring others in bodybuilding and values respect and camaraderie. He has a particular interest in muscle worship.
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Max Turner
Stereotype/Fetish: Leather Enthusiast / Dominance
Summary: A rugged, muscular man with closely cropped hair and tattoos. Max wears leather gear and exudes confidence and assertiveness. He enjoys sparring and has a dominant streak, extending to playful interactions.
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Brad Thompson
Stereotype/Fetish: Jock / Jockstraps
Summary: The epitome of athleticism, Brad has a perfect tan and a competitive yet friendly demeanor. He thrives on challenges and engages in high-intensity workouts.
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Ethan Sullivan
Stereotype/Fetish: Gamer Bear / Scent (Sweat and Musk)
Summary: A large, heavily set man with a laid-back and humorous demeanor. Ethan loves gaming and balances time between the gym and online streams.
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Robert Harrison
Stereotype/Fetish: Daddy / Daddy-Boy Dynamics
Summary: A mature, well-built man with salt-and-pepper hair and a well-groomed beard. Rob is an authoritative "Daddy" figure who values respect and proper conduct. He is a supportive mentor and takes his role seriously.
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Jake Martinez
Stereotype/Fetish: Playful Gym Enthusiast / Farting
Summary: A large, muscular man known for his playful and unapologetic demeanor. Jake enjoys light-hearted pranks and jokes
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Troy Harris
Stereotype/Fetish: Gym Bully / Dominance
Summary: An athletic man with sharp features and a domineering presence. Troy uses intimidation to assert his dominance and engages in confrontational tactics
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Erik Larsen
Stereotype/Fetish: Viking Daddy / Dominance and Submission
Summary: A tall, muscular Nordic man with a rugged build and a large, braided beard. Erik has a playfully dominant personality and views the player as his "little viking." He enjoys pushing others to their limits and occasionally indulges in playful dominance.
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Connor O'Malley
Stereotype/Fetish: The Closeted Celebrity / Voyeurism
Summary: A towering figure with a blend of rugged charm and magnetic charisma. Connor is a famous actor and athlete with a fetish for voyeurism, balancing his public persona with a private life.
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Liam McKenzie
Stereotype/Fetish: Gentle Giant / Cuddling and Comfort
Summary: A tall, incredibly muscular Scottish man with a kind and gentle demeanor. Liam enjoys providing comfort and support, with a particular fondness for cuddling and close physical contact.
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Adrian Ross
Stereotype/Fetish: Fitness Model / Self-Worship and Exhibitionism
Summary: A strikingly handsome man with a perfectly sculpted physique. Adrian enjoys posing and flexing, loving the attention his body garners. He has a fetish for self-worship and thrives on being the center of attention.
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Jason Nakamura
Stereotype/Fetish: Yoga Enthusiast / Flexibility and Bondage
Summary: A lean and flexible Polynesian man with a calm and centered presence. Jason's dedication to yoga has given him incredible flexibility, and he enjoys exploring the boundaries of physical limits through flexibility and bondage.
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jiubilant · 4 months
4.E. 170
They unload the young Ervine at the Vetring docks along with twelve tuns of wine—which she counts as they bob down the wharf on the dockers’ backs, two by two—and four thin, shivering pigs. She’s not sure where to go. She’s standing dazed with sunlight on the loading-plank, flanked by squealing livestock and the rank, seasick steam of their breath, when two youths hurrying down the boardwalk smile and wave: a lanky young mage, his cloak dyed adept’s blue, and a boy her age with a skeletal face.
“For the Kynesdag feast in town,” says the mage in breathless introduction, divesting her of books and bundles both. He means the pigs, she realizes. He darts a look over his shoulder, another at the ship, then gives her a gentle shake: half-friendly, half-impatient. “We were told to meet you. What’s your name?”
She frowns at him, suspecting a joke at her expense, then recalls how far she is from Betony and her father’s rotting lands. He’s never cursed an Ervine, this mage with busy eyes.
“Mirabelle,” she says, her voice salt-hoarse. She’s eaten nothing but hardtack for two months.
He doesn’t even ask for the rest of it—just glances behind him again and marches her down the frost-chewed wharf. Wizards, of course, always have somewhere else to be.
“Falion of Conjuration,” he replies with a hasty grin, pulling her out of the way of some rickety gibbet for fish. The cod dangling from it like gallows-fruit watch her pass with baleful eyes, as does the woman stringing them up. “That’s Phinis, also of Conjuration. Phin,” he says to the boy, who’s casting nervous looks about him like wards, “you’ll have to get used to it.”
Phinis pulls a death’s-head face. “I don’t want to get used to it—”
One of the pigs blunders with a shriek into their path. The biggest of the men dragging it down the docks stumbles, swearing in some Nordic tongue—then, with a snarling glance at Mirabelle and her companions, spits at them.
“Happy Kynesdag,” croaks Phinis, cringing sideways. Falion, with an inscrutable look, lays a steadying hand on his shoulder.
“You’ll have to get used to it, too,” he says to Mirabelle, who stares at him. He clears his throat and, with a playful flourish of his cloak, raises his voice like a mummer on the stage. “Pay the ignorant masses no mind. You are now a student of Mystery”—he grips her shoulder with jovial force, steering her away—“a novitiate of the Secret Fire!”
“A witch,” says Mirabelle, her voice steady and soft.
Falion’s grin, swift as a warning, bounds again across his face. “A scholar!”
Mirabelle glances behind her. The man with the pig, staring after them, shivers and looks away.
* * *
“They hate us in the village,” Phinis confides in her over supper: a bowl of pale and wobbly fish, glistening like glue in the sheen of the wandering lights. “Falion says they’re afraid of what they don’t understand, and that we should be”—he makes a grim little face at his bowl—“understanding.”
“Oh,” says Mirabelle through a mouthful of fishpaste. It tastes like jellied steam. She’s discovered, in her ravenous journey to the bottom of the bowl, that she can swallow it without chewing. “Why?”
Phinis scowls. “That’s what I want to know—”
“No.” Mirabelle, in the spirit of scholarly inquiry, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. No one snaps at her for it. She dares a quick, gleeful lick at the back of her spoon. “Why are they afraid?”
“Falion says—” A pallid light kindles in Phinis’s eyes. “No. I’ll show you.”
They slip out of the refectory, accompanied by a bobbing light and a few incurious looks from the adepts’ table. Their footsteps echo in the corridor like cracking ice. Mirabelle, in her scratchy new College robes that smell of mothballs and musty spells, resists an unthinkable urge to dance up and down the hall until it resounds with noise. It would be unscholarly, she thinks. She hugs herself hard instead.
“If you think this is cold,” says Phinis sagely, misunderstanding her, “wait until end-of-term. Falion says we’ll have to crack the ice in our basins every morning.”
The giddiness, despite her best efforts to restrain it, wriggles up from her toes to her face. “What else does Falion say?”
Phinis gives her a wounded look. “You’re making fun.”
The rush of warmth she feels for the little cadaver—and for the supper-sludge, the itchy clothes, Falion who knows so much—threatens to knock her over. “I’m not.”
“It’s all right,” he says, his face funereal. She has to bite down on a laugh. “I’m used to it. We’ll go up those stairs to the ramparts.”
They wrestle with the door at the stairtop, which is frozen or rusted shut; it bangs open at last, and they tumble out into a blast of wind that nearly blows them over the parapet. Mirabelle, with a delighted shriek, grabs Phinis—poor bag of bones, he all but rattles—and staggers with him away from the crenellated wall.
The wind whips his scandalized yell past her ears. “Are you laughing?”
She is. Something in her has come unstuck. “Have you ever been up here before, or did Falion tell you about it?”
“You’re making fun!” He stomps ineffectually on her foot. “The wind comes and goes, you’ll see—”
“I’m not making fun!”
By the time they struggle arm-in-arm to the far parapet, the wind’s died down. They sag against the wall. Phinis, breathing hard, glowers so peevishly at Mirabelle that she bursts into laughter again—which makes his lips twitch, and his eyes gleam, and something almost like life flush in his face.
“What are you so happy about?” he demands, fighting a smile. Mirabelle can tell by the way he’s twisting his mouth. “Here we are at the frozen edge of the world—”
“I didn’t think they’d let me come,” Mirabelle gasps, rubbing her eyes. The tears in them sting like grains of salt. “What—what’d you want to show me?”
“Oh.” Phinis tugs her up, then points over the parapet. “Out there.”
What he had wanted to show her, Mirabelle realizes after a long, staring moment, is the sea. Gulls circle and cry over the gray mirror of the water. Glaciers—smaller, now, than they’ll be in midwinter—slouch in the shallows. The sun on the horizon breaks the surface like a drowned face.
It’s nothing that she hadn’t seen from the deck of the ship. She looks sidelong at Phinis.
“It wasn’t always a village,” he says.
A gull dips in the sky. The water shimmers, changeless and cold, over the roofs of the city of the dead.
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yoinkschief · 10 months
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Me when I men
Dog Teeth AU Tom Character Reference Sheet
WARNING: Slight NSFW - Mild, Non-Explicit Nudity under the cut
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My other husband I love him so much let me kiss you on the lips volatile ball of angst and anger
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My poor boy was cursed with his father's hairline and sress he cannot carry,,, to be fair that last bit was his own doing
I sure hope he looks nautical enough,, I mean I want him to nautical INSPIRED, not a member of the marine court, y'know?
My lover said "very Garp of him" and I think that's that One Piece Marine DILF guy so that's a plus :)
I also wanted his outfit to be a direct contrast to Tord's - I mean red and blue are already contrasts on the color wheel but kinda so is green so I wanted a little more driving force: white against Tord's blacker color palette
While white is supposed to represent purity, I assure you, Tom is anything but
It's more a reflection of how the characters see themselves: Tord KNOWS he's a piece of shit and happily flaunts it because no one can do anything about, he holds it with pride even
But Tom doesn't believe he's being an ass, he thinks he's genuinely doing the right thing or at the very least the lesser of the two evils he was forced into, and than on it's own has some merit but this is just to say Tom isn't exactly the "savior" of the story despite what the white palette may suggest
It certainly is what he wants to portray to the public, however
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Mmmmm mann
I'm apparently really into sharp contrasts or something cause I keep shading with very bright colors against very dark shadows,,,, it's really fun actually so whateva
Also that cape thing Tom wears ? Worst thing ever, it's like a texture issues but instead of the texture bothering him it's the uneven amount of weight, like he's painfully aware it's on his left shoulder and not his right and it irks him so badly but "it carries his rebellion's symbol so he has to wear it in public" or whatever
He's really only seen wearing it during important or public matters, when it counts
Otherwise that thing's in the bin
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Back in his OG style but with the horrible hairline and salt in his hair
He got a day off
He snuck out of the lime light
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"Ohh I drew him naked to show off his tattoos and to talk about them"
No I didn't
I'm a liar
I drew him naked cause I wanted to draw his tits so I did, simple
But I will talk about his tattoos some more :)
First of all: That scar on his left shoulder is from the house rubble, that cut we see on his arm at the end of The End pt. 2, yeah that's where that comes from
As for his tattoos,,
I know I've explained these somewhere but I'm explaining them again cause I dunno if I explained it someone's DMs or not lol
The Harpoon tattoos are pretty self explanatory, and I also just wanted to show off colored tattoos on darker skin complexions cause that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard and black/dark skinned people should be able to get colored tattoos
The rest are kind of important to Tom and the story line,,,ish?:
the Shark Teeth tattoo comes from the time he visited Hawaii to find out more about his father and his Father's side of the family and their customs, traditions, his heritage, etc. etc.
To make a long story short: there's a reason his father doesn't talk about his side of the family often, but it didn't ruin his experience while visiting some lesser hostile family members in Hawaii like his cousins, and he even got to surf with them - which was when they decided to convince him to get the Shark Teeth tattoo
On top of Tom just being really obsessed with sharks and having infinite knowledge on all things shark related, it's supposed to represent strength, guidance and protection which I think is very fitting for Tom
The "Wolf" tattoo kinda stands out because Tom's Irish, not Scottish or any sort of Norse. So why the Nordic rune?
Well :)
Back when Tom and Tord lived together, they weren't always at each other's throats
I think I mentioned this in my Strip Mafia AU reference sheet for Tord ignore how I forgot to flesh out Tom's,,, I have it I just haven't cleaned it up yet but I'm gonna rehash it here really quick:
Tord gave everyone in the house a tattoo he thought best represented them, including himself (which was the Ouroboros tattoo seen on his character sheet) and Tom's was the rune for "wolf" and I think there are very obvious reasons behind it
Tom stays around his friends a lot, he's got more bite than bark, very unfriendly to outsiders, the list goes on really
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It's so odd seeing Tom in so much white if I'm being honest
I'm so used to him being in like angst blacks and greys and I don't think he's adjusting any better himself LOL
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morethansalad · 5 months
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Vegan & Gluten-Free Nettle Pancakes (Nokkosletut)
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paikothecateater · 15 days
Nordics at a restaurant
Okay love that one.
Denmark: he's that guy who's laughing obnoxiously at the table but no one can be mad at him because his laugh is so lovable. Cannot have a single meal without a beer.
Sweden: will absolutely fight over the bill, the Asians would be proud. International spokesman for if anyone's order is wrong.
Finland: he pockets all the sugar, salt, pepper packets on the table. Not because he wants to use them, just because he can.
Norway: he's always complaining about something. The table is sticky, the food is taking too long, the chairs are uncomfortable, the water isn't cold enough, etcetera.
Iceland: would rather die than confess that the server messed up his food.
Bonus: Norway is pretty picky and Iceland eats everything, so they definitely have a system going on here.
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salantami · 8 months
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Lübeck Germany Lübeck – the former capital and Queen City of the Hanseatic League – was founded in the 12th century and prospered until the 16th century as the major trading centre for northern Europe. It has remained a centre for maritime commerce to this day, particularly with the Nordic countries. Despite the damage it suffered during the Second World War, the basic structure of the old city, consisting mainly of 15th- and 16th-century patrician residences, public monuments (the famous Holstentor brick gate), churches and salt storehouses, remains unaltered. Photo credit https://instagram.com/p/C270vdZNUnF/
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pilvimarja · 7 months
My Roosmav fandom friend who lives in the US sent me a big care package and my taste buds have been on a Journey today 😛
I have finally tasted real American mac & cheese after being traumatized by some horrible European cup version a few months ago, and it was so damn good! Oh how I wish they sold it here 🙏
She also sent me candy and a lot of it is sour af 😵🤣 You'd think my tongue would be used to strong candy flavors since we love our salt salmiak here in the Nordics, but the candy Fopps sent me makes me sweat every time I pop one into my mouth 💦 😅
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iinafarawaygalaxii · 2 months
Assassins Creed: Valhalla | Freyja’s Promise
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Disenchanted: Chapter 3
Summary: The Legend has risen- but to a different world than the one she knew before. Marking the beginning of a prophecy she still fails to comprehend as her entire world flips upside down- unleashing its tantalizing fury.
Warnings: 18+, Blood, Gore, Angst, Death, Fluff, SFW
WC: 5.6k
Bacraut - Asshole
Assassins Creed Valhalla | Eivor Varinsdottir x Vili Hemmingston
She opened her eyes to the bright sunlight, hearing birds chirp on the windowsill in complete taciturnity. It was the most peaceful locus she had woken up in a long time as she slowly sat up feeling a warm ping on her shoulder. She looked down to assess the damage trying to pull herself out of a fog that rested heavily on her shoulders, forcing her eyes wide with surprise when she saw that her wound had scarred- almost completely. She traced her fingers across the ungodly site she's now cursed with for the rest of her life, raising even more questions about the culprit and if he had been caught when she pressed down with a wince to check for a pain response. Though it wasn't nearly as painful compared to the beginning- But the question remained still...
How could she have healed this quickly?
The last thing she remembered was clutching onto Vili when he carried her throughout Jorvik... embarrassingly enough as that is- Everything else was a blank from there. No memory or sensation since then... Not even a dream. She reached for her head in confusion, recognizing that what was once braided, was not. "What...", She whispered to herself, seeing her tattered black hair flow over her shoulders. 'Hmm...Interesting', she thought. Reaching for the back of her head and felt knots that were in need of attention- No doubt from the amount of time she had been laying there; her first clue, as she got up in hopes of finding a thrall to draw her bath and was quickly blessed with one standing in the doorway.
The servant stood still in shock, dropping a vase of water on the ground- a look she assumes will get in abundance given her reaction alone. "Jarlskona...-", The woman whispered, placing a hand above her heart, "You've... You've woken!", She declared happily as Eivor pointed out that she was indeed and was in need of cleansing. "Mention nothing-", the Raven demanded sending the servant off to grab the other women to draw her a bath of roses pedals and lavender salts that did not take long to procure.
And by the time she had stretched herself and de-robed, the bath was already filled and steaming with a hardiness that was far more than just alluring- it was sought after. She checked the temperature with a grin before delving in and submerging into a blanket of alleviation for the tender muscles that plagued her. And after a moments rest, the thralls had scrubbed her clean from head to toe- humming old nordic songs from her fathers age that was soothing and welcoming. To know they would be in such a good mood over her simply waking up... Warmed her heart but flustered her curiosity further, leading her to ask unfiltered questions in search of personal respite. "Tell me how long has it been?", The Jarlskona asked, sinking into the warmth of the tub for some much needed relief. "About what my Lady?", one of the women brushing Eivor's hair leaned down to listen, smiling warmly. The raven peeked over her shoulder with a raised brow and a smirk, watching the thrall with intent-
"How long have I been sleeping?"
She met with no response. Only looked over to the other thralls who's heads were low- avoiding eye contact as much as possible- their smiles completely vanished from sight. "What?", The raven cawed, sitting up in the tub to gain at least someones attention. "My Lady, I think it is best if you speak with the high lords." One mentioned, bowing low to the legend before them out of respect and shame. Eivor cocked her head slightly in confusion narrowing her eyes as she contemplated their behavior, "I shall then...", she responded not wanting to press further- given their positions. A law she wishes to expel from these lands, one day. Although, they were being awfully suspicious for a simple answer, leading her to believe it must've been longer than she thought.
They continued caring for Eivor, cleaning and sanitizing her wound, washed and brushed her hair, cutting her nails- bringing her back to a semi standard that felt like a breath of fresh air after the long sleep she's had and after an hour of soaking- and perpetual thinking, the thralls had finished braided her hair it in a usual fashion. Threading the golden beads throughout her locks as they prepared her clothes for the new day- "Thank you. Now leave-", Eivor commanded as they scurried off to spread the news- unhinged.
It wasn't difficult to get changed on her own but she was indeed sore. After dressing herself in a black silk tunic and pants, strapping on her brown belt and boots for extra measure, she made her way downstairs in a hurry- excited to see those she longed to speak to. After all she needed to know what happened and once she got to the base of the stairs, she overheard a heated debate between the chieftains of England making her pause-
Randvi: "-No that inadvisable. Northumbrias cave systems run deep, I say we send a scouts and a cartographer to map the magma tunnels and find our way to invade there."
Tewdwr: "Its just too risky Randvi, if they get caught the picts will have the maps before we do. Which will be dangerous in the long run for all of us-"
She backed against the wall at the last step, 'An invasion?', she thought, chiming into the discourse of the ton and continued to listen before she made her entrance, trying understand the position they are in.
Stowe: "No matter what... We need eyes if we are going to invade. Instead of the tunnels we should send the scouts into enemy territory over the mountain pass and have them find out what they can."
Erke: "I agree with Stowe we need reconnaissance before we take action"
Sigurd: "And if the scouts get caught?"
Broder: "They wont..."
Sigurd: "How can you be so sure?"
Broder: "Cause' the picts only have one target in mind and thats Eivor and England. If we send our raiders from Snottingham and Sciropscire up to the northern regions, we can get information quickly without being spotted by their forces... which are littered across Northumbrian territory.
Sigurd: "Broder, that would leave the southern territories of Northumbria AND Mercia defenseless, why in the 9 realms would we do that-?"
The room fell eerily silent as suspicion grew across their faces seeing Broder nervous and nearly sweating under the guise of certainty. Eivor took note, peaking around the corner when she saw the lords circle the man like a pack of lions defending its territory. It was so unlike him to be so strung, leading her to deeper questions about the East Anglian ally she did not wish to contemplate. She frowned when the pit of her stomach grew darker- feeling a tentative qualm beseech her mind as she watched everything unfold;
Stowe: "You seem to know a lot about their motive Broder. Care to explain where you're getting this information from?"
Erke: "Yes- and why pull all our raiders to a singular area? That would be foolish considering their mass of warriors."
Broder: "Are you accusing me of treason?"
Sigurd: "Should we?"
Broder: "How dare you..."
Axes were now in hand ready to jump when someone flinches, forcing the hall silent that indicated Eivor's need to jump in. She strode up to the table raising one hand while placing the other of Erke's weapon, "Stow away your axes. This isn't the time for petty battles...", Everyones eyes went wide as their mouths fell remained silent. People who were working, stopped to gawk at the Jarlskona before them- awake and in the flesh. Her pale skin represented the hell she had been through, and hollowed bones from lack of nutrition- showing how long she had been sleeping.
Sigurd questioned bringing her in for a hug. "When did you wake?", He held his sister close, checking for any signs of distress when his hand pulled her shirt down to check the wound. "Im fine Sigurd...", she gently captured his hand from delving any further. Checking back with the ton and presented herself to them, "Tell me- what has happened since we last spoke? My wound is healed which makes me think I've been out for some time...", She looked around to everyone for an answer- all whom were still shocked that she was even awake- remaining silent
"Eivor, you've been out for 3 whole weeks... A lot had happened since that day-"
Randvi chimed as they all circled around trying to contain their excitement for her return given the link of events thats happened since her slumber. "You have no idea how good it is to see you Wolf-Kissed. A relief at best-", Broder came and placed a hand on her lower back forcing the raven to sneer and shrug him off. She now carried the same suspicion as her peers, folding her arms in disappointment and questioned his motives;
"Broder, before I came down, I overheard your strategy in the campaign against the picts. Now, I may have just woken up, but I am no fool. Suggesting to pull all our raiders to one area is imprudent and you know that- in any given situation like this-", she panned her hand over the map, showing what little allied totems they have against the pict masses in the north that vastly outweighed the limit of their own.
"-Especially after what happened to Soma which shows me you have not learned your lesson from the battle as I have..."
She glared back to him watching his brows furrow with discontent. He tilted his head a bit not knowing how to respond when he glanced down and peered back at her, "What are you insinuating, Mighty Raven?", he questioned, withdrawing himself to hear her wreathed speech in resistance against him, despite his... fondness for her. She tapped on the map and asked, "Insinuating? No... This is a warning-", she stepped up to the drengir, checking him from head to toe, "...For what-", he murmured with a scowl, feeling her swiftly adjust his cape with two quick tugs.
"To tread carefully. You never know who may stab you in the back-"
She looked at her shoulder and back to him before turning her attention back to the lords and chieftains and began to dive into the real questions. "Now... Tell me everything-", she said with her hands sprawled across the table watching Broder take his leave back to camp and no one stopped him. For the man had darker things in play that the legend has already snared. She nodded off the side for one of Vili's scouts to tag him and watch his movements feeling her trust begin to dwindle as the troubled man looked back before he left with maliciousness. "I hate to sympathize but he gets more and more apprehensive about all of this as time goes on. This is the best choice- at least for now...", Randvi stated looking back to Eivor as they watched the scout disappear into the crowds and begin his mission, "Yes, Alefgar had once warned us of such treachery- a wise man from a pack of fools. By the way, where is the Saxon Eldorman? I must speak with him-",
The lords all looked to each other introspectively when grave looks befell their faces and continued to explain how Alefgar had passed away in a scrimmage for information with a group of elite drengir who failed to save him before it was too late. The news was breaking but only got worse after finding out Halfdan had passed away from his illness and named Vili Hemmingston the crown.
Her mouth dropped-
Though it wasn't too much of a surprise, since this was something they were all prepared for. She just didn't imagine it would happen so quick and without her presence becoming almost too* overbearing to hear as Erke and Stowe continued to explain that the picts are planning an invasion in one months time and with how little resource's Jorvik has and the kingdom of Northumbria as a whole, couldn't agree on what to do going forward- losing time and energy towards their efforts.
"Here- the letter..."
Eivor grasped the parchment intently and read the words, 'The Wolf must die to save us from Ragnarok- Alimina has spoken; Find the Kissed one- and cast her bleeding heart into the ocean.' , Eivor's eyes closed, crushing the parchment in her fist. "Alimina....", She growled under her breath, finally knowing the name responsible for her scar and the damage done to her people. "When the time comes to strike her down- she is mine.", The raven burned the letter over a candle and held it up to watch it crisp into dust. "And who has knowledge of this?" She asked looking ovre the ton who weere hree to day as stowe camee up and grimly murmured,
She looked to her friends and family who were diplomacy torn. Each displaying different levels of energy airing on the side of fatigue when she looked back at the war table and analyzed the plans before her. It truly was too much to hear, feeling her heart protrude out of her chest for the loss of allies in her slumber and this shitty situation ahead of them- ahead of her that she had no clue what to begin with. A piece of her hugr hated itself and her vulnerability for putting them in this position, instantly thinking about Vili and his role in all of this that made her first growing concern to question about allies.
"Has Vili contacted King Ceowulf or Guthrum?"
The leaders looked to each other in distress. Having to relive their failures in her absence but relieved to hear her thoughts about reclaiming them. They gathered apprehensively folding their arms as they broke discouraging news, "Guthrum is dead Eivor... Lady Aselthswith took back East Anglia and Mercian boarders hamlets. King Ceowulf is here and being received by Vili as we speak...-", Eivor's heart began to pick up, seeing the father of a boy she had just saw in the afterlife no long ago- making her readjust her cape to let in more air as she cleared her throat-
"A shame... Its only a matter of time before Alimina, her Picts, and Aselthswith make their move. What is your strategy?"
The room remained silent all looking to Sigurd who forgot to divulge critical information about the Mercian Kings arrival. "We need to tell her-", Stowe said rubbing his forehead in distress and turned around unable to contain such a secret from her, "It needs to come from the King, not-", "Tell me what?", Eivor asked cutting her brother off while placing a hand on his shoulder, unnerved that he was holding secrets again- despite everything they have faced thus far and the things that are inquired to happen. "Do not hide things from me brother...", she murmured, tightening her grip to remind him of their promise long ago after their discovery of the Isu. "Sister... I-"
She turned around and saw Vili at the entrance of the hall. Everyone heavily anticipating their meeting just as much as she did- now finally having the chance to seek the answers she needs from the 'King' himself. Eivor slowly released her hand from her brothers shoulders and started pacing cautiously towards him. "Arse-Stick?", She tipped her head a little, seeing a golden crown sit heavily above his brow and guessed he has been treated well given his new appearance that sent unnatural shivers down her spine. She felt her skin raise with bumps in tandem with her nervousness that slowly continued to elevate each step he took.
They made him clothes fit for a king.
A white silk tunic and finely woven cotton pants with brown, gold plated, boots. His armor was new and shiny, matching the gilded pattern throughout his fit as the straps that carried his bronze hammers was no doubt made from the finest leather they could seek. She could see how it was carefully threaded throughout his body for maximum efficiency to carry extra weapons. It was charming how his white wolf cape fit over his broad shoulders, bound together by a golden wolf pin, flowing just perfectly enough to get a full view of his body. She could feel her face flush, returning color where there was none as the crowds witnessed Vili's chest begin to rise- almost swearing they could see his eyes weld from excitement, sadness, worry and relief...
'Is that really her?'
He kept repeating to himself, inching closer to her. He raised a brow checking her state; Despite just waking, looked weary- fatigued even, making his mind race of all the things he needed to do to get her better before the dawn of battle. That was... until he saw her cheeks flush. He cocked his head with a grin unable to tell what she was thinking though the blush laid idle to ears spoke enough for itself as he picked up his speed watching Eivor do that same.
It was so unlike her to cause a scene like this, enough to make Sigurd and Randvi look to each other curiously- watching the two come into a full embrace. A firm, tight hug that carried- bewildered those who were watching. A sigh of relief escaped both their lips with a chuckle as Vili's hand dropped to her lower back to bring her in closer. "When...", He whispered in her ear still locked in arms forcing his grip tighter when he realized this was actually her in the flesh- awake in his arms."Not... long...", He gripped harder making Eivor's chest seize, "Vili...I... cant- Bre-", before he quickly let go, forcing Eivor to hunch over and catch her breath while reaching for his chest for balance.
"I see you're in good health..."
She responded with a cough, hearing them both chuckle. She stood back up after a moment and she took a second to look around seeing everyone watch them intently, he face began to flush again, closing in on the king to keep the conversation between them. "I need to speak to you... privately-", Eivor leaned into whisper, slightly embarrassed from their oversight, since her goal was to keep emotional attachments at a minimum and to present themselves as such without spectacle. "I was just thinking the same...", Vili muttered keeping the tone whilst leading her back upstairs to his room. "Stay here, all of you. Ceowulf will be here in a moment. He is speaking with Trygve about provisions-", He announced before following his comrade up the stairs, seeing Sigurd nod to the King to deliver the 'secret news' everyone was keeping.
Though things didn't go well, as planned.
The moment they had privacy he brought her back in for a hug. "You should've came to me when you woke...-", He said taking a step back before offering a seat on the bed with him. She took him up, of course, sitting close to her best friend with her elbows on her knees. "A king huh?", She asked looking over to see a crown sit boldly on top of his head. "There wasn't much time. We're.... in a state of emergency now-", He sighed, releasing the tension and stress thats been cooped up before reliving his failures again. "Between the Alimina, picts invading and Aselthswith... Were losing ground, resources, and time... Im kinda glad you're here Wolf-Kissed. We're in need of that thick skull of yours-", He flicked her head and received a push to the shoulder as they both chuckled before Eivor noticed a change in his demeanor.
She could sense his tension- His stress.
Placing a gently hand on his thigh to recapture his attention, forcing him to gaze upon her. "Halfdan wouldn't have chosen you if he knew you couldn't do it... Just like your father", She stood up placing herself in his frontal view. "Besides, you have all of Northumbria at your side... and me, Jarlskona of Ravenclans- of course.", kneeling in front of him to kiss the top of one of his hands, swearing her fealty to him- unbridled. "Im yours to command... my King-", She looked up to him with alluring eyes watching him begin to unravel, relax, and ready to take advantage of his kingliness.
A snide grin rose on his face grabbing her chin to bring her in closer. "I never thought I would see the day...", He whispered gazing at her lips before making eye contact watching her roll her own, "You only get it once, don't push your luck Arse- sti-oo", He brought her up for a kiss, shocking her still as she took it in, melding into him as if it were the first taste of a craving she had longed for. 'You cant', she thought to herself trying to find the will to let go that was fleeting every second that had passed. The pent up energy they both carried went a step too far when he lifted her onto him, hearing the crown fall from his head and roll on the floor. The heavy metal coming down with a clank that made him pause,
"Its King now-",
He said falling back onto the bed with her on top. "You'll always be an Arse-Stick to me...", She purred sitting back up to place a hand on his chest to keep him in place. A part of her didn't want to pursue this, especially with greater things ahead of them but the tension they've held in since they saw each other... Since that night- was bursting, uncontrolled and has been growing feral since their time in Snottingham forcing the childhood friends to re-examine their relationship.
His hand reached up to her cheek- testing the waters in sound of his heart beat pounding against his chest. His blood now pumping enough to be felt in between her legs, hot and throbbing against her core. She rolled her hips just once feeling his hand slither to her waist and up her naval- wanting her to move again.
"I told you it was a dragons tail...",
She rolled her eyes, interlinking their fingers with his as he rolled over on top- to be in control. "Eivor... theres something I need to tell you-", he changed his demeanor. The moment quickly dowsed like water to fire, as the young raven's eyebrow raised wondering what news could take precedent over... well this, "Then speak in plain words-", She exclaimed waiting to hear what everyones been so eager to tell as she watched his face sour.
He sat up, forcing Eivor to follow suit- using her elbows to prop herself up to listen as Vili cleared his throat and readjusted himself. "Eivor, Ceowulf is here for only one thing and its to pass the crown-", She immediately knew where this was going not wanting to take part while planning a quick escape outside the castle-longhouse. "-No", She said frankly- dead in his eye as if no question couldn't be more disappointing. "Eivor you didn't even hear the re-",
"I said no-"
She exclaimed yet again as she tried to escape their position but was pinned down by the king himself. Though he knew he was testing her patience, given she complied without struggle- her brow fire now more immense than before when he heard her laugh off the awkwardness and avoid eye contact. It was when she stopped she panned back to him with a menacing look, "Tread carefully, Vili Hemmingston-", She said calmly, awaiting the 'kings' answer as he let go and continued to straddle her;
Vili: "You wont like what I have to say Wolf-Kissed. So please... please just, be calm and listen to me-"
Eivor: "Begging doesn't suit you, your majesty."
Vili: "I wouldn't have to if the queen of stubbornness would LISTEN-!"
Eivor: "...."
Vili: "Do I have your attention?"
Eivor: "...."
Vili: *Sigh*, "You don't have to rule Mercia alone. You've already been named heir when you woke from deep sleep- everyone approves of it even the civilians. Now you're here, awake, with a crown to accept and a kingdom to protect.... But you don't have to do it alone. By contingency Sigurd became Jarl of Ravensclan and offered your hand to the King of Northumbria to solidify- whoaa!"
She pushed him off in rage.
The anger that was building with each word he spoke struck in her core, making it explode. Her anger lead her downstairs to confront Sigurd herself. Being inconsolable and bringing the rage of Helheim with her as her footsteps and Vili's voice commanding her to 'stop' was heard from below. "Well she knows now....", Randvi states, staring at the ceiling above with the tap of her foot knowing that Eivor would react this way. "You should've waited until she woke...", the table maiden continued, folding her arms at her ex who stated it was whats best for their clan and England.
"Well you're about to find whats best, Sigurd-",
She responded to the Ravensclan Jarl as Eivor emerged from the staircase in haste. She strode up to Sigurd, eyes pinned on her target like a predator catching its prey and punched him in the face with vigor- forcing the leaders to peel her off him. "HOW DARE YOU SIGURD! Pass me off like I'm some sort of cattle to be sold!", She tried to reach for him again but was pulled back by members of their clan. Randvi instantly stood in the middle trying to calm both parties as Sigurd decided to make things worse by announcing his intentions unwillingly. "I AM THE JARL OF RAVENSCLAN NOW, I DECIDE OUR FUTURE!-", Sigurd exclaimed forcing Eivor to growl and launch forward. "BACRAUT! THAT IS NOT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE", She screamed back, ready to fight to the death as King Ceowulf himself came and hooked his arms around Eivor to restrain her from further harm.
"You, now...-"
He ordered knowing she wouldn't dare hurt him in any way, shape, or form given their tight bond over his son who passed not long ago. "-Don't make me wait...-", He commanded sternly, bringing Eivor up and pushing her towards the kings stage. "Leaders of Mercian and Northumbrian territories are the only ones permitted to stay. Everyone else leave. Now-", The hall thinned as Eivor was found pacing back and fourth on the stage with Vili off to the side next to Ceowulf and the others. "I thought you said you could handle this-", The old king leaned in to whisper, "I didn't think she would react this way...-", Vili muttered disappointedly as he watched Eivor try her best to calm herself.
To be clear...
It wasn't that she didn't want to be queen. It was the fact that both Vili and her brother knew just how much she hated the idea of marriage and the things that come after. Much more- decisions being made about her life without her knowledge or consent which made everything even worse. 'Just sprinkle in a little prophecy and set the world on fire while they're at it', She thought plagued by poor decisions made on her behalf when she took a deep breath trying to sooth her hugr. Nevertheless, Sigurd always has a way of reigniting flames as he sat at the edge of a table facing towards the kings stage, watching his little sister unravel.
"You! Are the most- STUBBORN....- WOMAN! In existence! Just shut the hell up and LISTEN!",
Sigurd exclaimed holding a frozen pork chop against the eye she so desperately bruised. She stopped pacing seeing her inner peace fade as the rage came back willing to bruise his other eye to match as she prepared herself to launch at him again only to be caught by Vili this time. A huge mistake... Because she really... really, did not want to be touched. She launched for the King who dodged the attack.
He exclaimed hesitantly, holding his hands out against her while trying to coax her out of a fight he already knew was coming. The Kings guard began to close in until Vili ordered them to stop, watching the Raven ready to strike as she got closer- backing him into a wall. "And you...? You knew this plan all along- yet..? You saw it fit to keep me guessing...-", she launched and they began fighting.
Each attempted punch was met with a dodge and every kick captured and let go. His main offensive was defensive- letting her run out of energy before re-approaching the topic. "You-", He dodge a punch to the face trying to speak through her rage but was still unwilling, "-didn't let me finish- whoa!", He exclaimed missing a close call to the chest as he escaped her attack area to gain some distance.
At this point everyone except Ceowulf was off the stage watching an oath be broken over and over again with each punch she tried to lay- attacking a King on his home ground. Thee equivalent of treason. Though everyone knew that it was deeper than that. Which made most turn a blind eye because at the end of the day... No one means more to them in the world than each other. Though they would never admit it publicly watching the raven attack its host.
"Shut up and fight me!",
She yelled, kicking up high but ended up dodging before he captured her leg and pushed into her till they were both on the floor. He decided to use his brute strength as a man to pin her down as he did above, straddling her with struggle but finally had an opening to lock her down by pinning her hands above her head with one hand and capturing her jaw with the other. "EIVOR STOP!", He yelled in pant, stunning her into place like a scolded puppy- ready to receive its punishment.
"-The idea was given but I ordered for it be YOUR decision!", He took a moment to catch his breath peering down with a fury she had not seen from him. "-Sigurd agreed to wait until we knew how you felt but kept the offer... which I accepted-", She was still frowning but squirmed no longer. Only stared at the man before her thinking about the big mistake she made because of her hot temper and inability to keep it contained. He let go of her wrist as she relaxed her arms, laying quietly to listen.
"Wolf...- Eivor... This reality we are facing? Is very much real and very much dangerous." He sneered, "You...you've been out for a while and a lot has happened- more than you can comprehend. But now? Is NOT the time to fight but rather time strategize our next move to protect OUR people.", He slowly stood up, hovering before her as she laid on the ground in confusion and anger- sadness and relief. "-If you don't want to unite the kingdom then fine... but at least help me protect it and its people..."
Nothing hurt worse that seeing his pleading eyes begging for her cooperation. A look she had never seen from him before, making her wonder why she would react so harshly without more information. She needed time to think and organize her thoughts as he continued, "All I ask is for your support, Eivor. Everything else can come later- under your discretion...", He held his arm out to her as everyone witnessed Eivor lay in debate trying to determine the best move.
Things would never be the same if she said yes. Their entire relationship would change- their whole dynamic. Not to mention... What would he expect from her, the people? This was too much at once with too little time boggling her mind in ways she could not comprehend- Especially since both Mercia and Northumbria are in a state of emergency and her life is in immediate danger.
Either way, she is set to be the Queen of Mercia. That much she will accept- regardless of what comes in the future and needed to get her affairs in order. She took his arm, lifting her back on her feet as she captured him by the chest pushing him against the war table till their bodies were touching. He used his hands to support himself, feeling her shake down to the bone which spoke to how furious she was about the overwhelming amount of information she received not long after waking- wanting space more than time as she let go of him slowly, seeing a single tear travel down her cheek.
"The die is cast then...",
She growled in anguish. The rage she had still present, but dormant enough to walk away. She nodded to him and king Ceowulf before taking her leave outside the castle-longhouse and calling for Aseir to take her outside of the walls and far from this retched place. It was only moments before Broder showed his face, hearing the ruckus from the ale house close by. He steps carried forcing Vili's attention as the Northumbrian king readjusted his cape to face him.
"She doesn't deserve someone like you...",
Broder exclaimed walking up to Vili and King Ceowulf with a horn in hand. Vili turned to face him angrily, still suspicious about his behavior since the time their saga began there in Jorvik and asked, "And that supposed to mean?", Vili had little patience feeling his brows furrow the closer the east Anglian man got, watching set him place his horn on the war table and opened his arms for all to hear,
"The Wolf-Kissed cant be tamed, especially with something as foolish as marriage... This- we all know. But what really matters is your casual remarks towards her that only blinds her from her true path- To glory...-" Broder placed himself face to face with the king. "-You should stay out of her way and let the raven do what she does best...", The man wreaked of ale making Vili growl and push him back slowly, "And whats that?", seeing Broder scoff and remove his hand from his chest, reaching for his axe showing Vili the stained silver and exclaimed-
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