#noragami lb
guideaus · 6 months
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this is the first scene i laughed at in noragami
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empty-dream · 4 months
Just read FGO Götterdämmerung
Aka the Otome Lostbelt as I read somewhere
Also apparently the Attack on Titan Lostbelt.
I said "just read" but in reality it's been like 3-4 months. I didnt have time to put all my thoughts together and I needed a lot of it to actually form any thought lol.
Up till now I've refrained to comment on the Gotterdammerung story that I've never actually read. So now that I've read it myself, now I understand why many think this lostbelt's story is rather weak. I honestly think it's weaker than its predecessor, LB1.
A long time ago, I theorized that Lostbelts stories will explore about love and different aspects of it. While most of my theories are proven wrong, for a lostbelt that specifically does have love as its central theme, I feel like it could have been...more.
Or more accurately, LB2 feels like it bites more than it can chew.
The LB talks about so many love, be it motherly love, romantic love, sisterly love, friendship love, even godly love. Yet in my personal opinion, only the sisterly and friendship love deal a huge impact on me.
Idk why, but even Scathach-skadi's motherly love (the kind of love that's a sure fire way to make me cry) while mentioned over and over again, it just fall flat to me. Only at the end of the story do I feel sorry for her. I feel like I was more heartbroken when I read her chapter in Nakatani-sensei's From Lostbelt manga.
I was also waiting for someone to mention "Gods can't love humans" (Ahem, Noragami reference here), pointing out how she maintains her world by sacrificing 15 years olds and 25 years olds to be eaten Attack-on-Titan style. Even though she has no choice but to do so, and the reason she maintains the world in the first place is because she loves everything in it, does her love justify the means? Isn't the only one who can do something like that someone -something- not humane? Is that what differs God's love to Human's love? Is that even "love"? I was hoping it'd be at least discussed even though we all know she really would not do it if there was any other way.
Ophelia muttering how she shouldn't think about love and can't fail like Kadoc, implying her train of thought being Kadoc's downfall was caused by the love between him and Anatasia, and turns out love saves her lostbelt and becomes her salvation as well as Kadoc's. Oh poetic cinema.
I kept thinking to myself "does the love triangle (quadruple?) necessary for this chapter?" and after awhile, I came to my own conclusion: yes and no.
Yes for Surtr -> Ophelia and Ophelia -> Wodime. No for Napoleon -> Ophelia.
This is not a "What if asshole boy A falls in love with girl B but chooses to be mean to her out of emotional problems and 1000 other reasons." This is a "What if boy A is literally made, knowing, and capable of one and only one thing: destroy the world, and he falls in love with girl B?" Surtr is exactly written with that concept. Ngl I think that's a good logical outcome that he ends up like this: Showing his love to Ophelia by destroying the world harder.
Although he sure is mean. Odin didn't forget to give him nasty personality befitting the "villain" of the world lol.
I can't deny, a meeting at the end of the world destroyed the same way is rather romantic, if I may say so.
As for Wodime, I do believe that romantic love can drive someone to undergo a great change, positive or negative. For Ophelia who has always remained stagnant, her feelings for Wodime becomes her drive for many things she does. Halfheartedly or not, cowardly or not, she pushes herself forward, she makes decisions on her own, whether that is a wrong way or not. And ngl if I was in Ophelia's shoes and saw what she saw when they were all dead, I think I'd fall at least a little with Wodime too lmao.
As much as I love Napoleon's vibe and bravado, I don't get why he falls in love with Ophelia. I don't think the explanation that this Heroic Spirit Napoleon will always search for someone to love in his incarnation is enough to justify it. Not even the "he thinks she's asking for help" thing, that could be written as a non romantic motive and still works just as well to show how heroic and good-natured Napoleon is. There is no reason why it is a romantic love. I know love sometimes has no logic or reasoning but usually a party has to DO something that personally MOVES the heart of the other party.
But I admit Napoleon and Surtr immediately trash-talking each other as love rival is funny.
Besides that, Napoleon is amusing and great buddy. And the scene with his trump card ... Truly a hope bringer, befitting the title Good Fellow of Everlasting Flame.
Ophelia's genuine feeling for Mash is very interesting actually. I understand her POV of wanting to befriend Mash because there are few girls in Team A (and Akuta is very aloof). How she wanted to befriend Mash yet couldn't close the distance but still tried to anyway, and said feeling still exists even now that it actually stops her from going all out because she couldn't bear hurting Mash and truly treasures her. I feel like it wasnt enough for them to really be tight friends, but if only they had more time, they really could have been such :''
And Ophelia regarding Fujimaru with high respect as their Senpai is pretty heartwarming to me. No wonder in Lostbelt no. 5..... ah...
Sigurd: I've been tricked and taken advantage again I'm a sorry excuse of a hero. Brynhildr: No you're not. Me: Well I actually agree with him on this one but sure whatever u say Mrs Wife
I've been screaming about Sigurd/Brynhildr in this chapter ever since this chapter was out and I will scream it harder now. Even if my teeth rot because the sheer diabetes their interaction gives.
Once, I wondered if Sigurd was an asshole because of what happened to Brynhildr. After Gotterdammerung is out, he's literally best husband he'd die for Bryn but he'd also survive her love-translated-into-murder to prove he loves her. How much he loves his wife and loves to declare it is actually starting to be embarassing, even for Brynhildr lmao.
Giving Sigurd (and by extension Surtr) the voice of THE Tsuda Kenjirou is one of the best decision Type Moon ever makes.
Brynhildr's flashback of her rampage gives me so much chill even though there are no visuals of it. So much that I made a fanart of it. That she might have murdered children and women in blind fury, even though earlier in the chapter she is shown to be great with children and The Model Valkyrie herself just makes a great juxtaposition to show how much love -and being human instead of divinity- steers her to deep end.
The reenactment of her myth (sleeping in the castle surrounded by fire) but this time there is no prince (Sigurd) waking her up but she wakes up and saves herself and others is nice.
Brynhildr and the her sisters interaction is also great. The valkyrie's (I assume it's mainly Ortlinde's POV but really it could be anyone in the group?) lamentation of the past, how Bryn changes from the gentle ice to harsh fire, how they all both feared and envied how much she could change after gaining a human heart, and how they end up gaining that very same heart, it's so tragic yet satisfying as it comes full circle with Thrud and Hildr committing suicide out of broken love just like Bryn did in her myth. Ortlinde freaking out and later coming to terms with everything and choose to fight for what she believes is also in line with them as automata gaining a heart.
Oh and I like the Icy Fire concept here, both literally (the world is covered in fire overlaying Scathach-Skadi's snow, and what happens to Surtr later) and metaphorically (how love can make someone's emotion running wild as cold as ice and as hot as fire)
I DIDNT KNOW, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS IN GERDA'S ART FROM ROAD TO LOSTBELT 7 :'''''''''' That scene is so sad yet so beautiful...
Gerda is basically an innocent child character to be protected. Yet her innocence is also what makes it unsettling that she believes whole-heartedly about the Ordained Day and the short lifespan the people have. Goredolf's rant about how could she, and everyone in her lostbelt, can be okay with any of that, while purely an emotional outburst that's like getting angry at a child who knows no better, raises many points and chilingly resonates well with the concern of the Chaldea members.
I like how Sitonai appears, but I wish she can appear more. The name Illya just brings so much memories... And she even appears with a mother in the form of Scathach-Skadi, just like the original Illya with Iri. It's funny tho that Sitonai is understandably a bit cranky and cheeky with Skadi, unlike Illya-Iri pure doting relationship. Yet the bit where Sitonai ends up missing Skadi just as the Lostbelt disappears is pretty nice.
*snorts* This wouldn't get this long if Holmes just spits out who the hell this Sigurd really is.
Oh, the scene where Surtr breaks out of his prison is scary. Imagine something gigantic comes out of the sun in broad daylight…
And of course the Mystic Eye scene is one of the pinnacle of this chapter. Truly a culmination of Ophelia's development. The voiced version from Flashback Lostbelt no.1-5 MV is even better.
To be able to create 3 spin-off chapters of this lostbelt and deep dive into the psych of each character... Now I understand how much power Nakatani-sensei has.
Napoleon: "Keep moving as long as you still draw breath. You're never completely out of possibilities. There's always something you can do." Everyone in the vicinity:
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aidendh · 4 months
Incarnate Ideas p3
RAU = Incarnate from birth
REAU = My heroes reborn
RAU! Adrien Agreste
(Suke Harris)
Closer with Felix
Wants to be an Actor
When adults are sturn with him, he shuts down into 'orders' mode
SentiAdrien AU
As the Black Cat, follows Ladybug's orders
RAU! Yuga Aoyama
(RAU!Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
Still traitor bc was scared of showing parents Rashomon
Puts on Fanciful personality bc parents and peers were put off by his stund emotional deminer
Though it also has the bonous of 1A barely paying him any attention
He keeps the same hero costume to fit his fanciful deminor
He added the cape for emergency Rashomon use
His casual outfit wouldn't be much different except for a white long jacket
Offers to help Midoriya train with cheese msg
Often gets thrown about by the recoil of his quirk
AFO reminds him of Dazai and that terrifies him
Bnha/BSD Fusion AU
(Hit with FutionAbility/TimeQuirk which fuses the targets and sends them back in time
Shouta Dazai
Dazai's body, black hair/stubble, Red eyes
Wears Dazai's coat over Aizawa's hero costume
Post-S3 BSD, Start of Bnha
Still teaches 1A
Gets Chuuya to infiltrate the LOV before the USJ
Reaches out to Aoyama and gives him a panic phone
Has a LOT of trouble sleeping
RAU! Neito Monoma
(Noragami! Fyodor)
Friends with Shiozaki
Respects Allmight and Izuku
Often aims his 1A hatred at Bakugo
Himiko lives with him
Has to be held back by Kendo and Shiozaki when he hears about the USJ insident
He knew Itsuka since Middle School
Neito with a God 'Complex'
RAU! Adrik Harris but Servamp! Fyodor (Father of Manipulation)
All servamp conditions except non-aging pass over
His family knows
Wants Abalynn as his Eve (Broadsword?Axe?)
Can somehow feed on his biological Parents and Sister (though his mother's and father's work best)
Temporary contracted his parents multiple times
Has to be careful of nicknames
Prefers his Rat form (dark brown with black front paws)
Faked a sun vunrability medical condition but still attends public school
Red eyes, Pale
No subclasses yet in this life
(Servamp bond quirk boost?)
He can't enjoy watchinh/reading BSD or Bnha because of his past Eves
BSD oc! Renard
Ability: Atlas
*when in contact with an item, his allies will see a golden mark on any map they look at, marking the objects location
(This includes the gloves he wears)
New port mafia executive, but hasn't earnt ppls respect yet
Takes a liking to helping Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Has 'self-awhere' information
Has 'plot armor' but hates it
Originally from Britain
Joins port mafia 2years before cannon and somehow makes executive before his second year
Knows of Dazai, but not much
He looked like an average black-haired Dazai lookalike, but dresses similar to Chuuya but with a monochrome color scheme
RAU! Katsuki Bakugo
(Norigami! Fyodor)
Rescues/kidnaps Eri before cannon
Galina Bakugo
Clingy to Izuku
Ability: Judgment of the Gods
Quirk: Explosion
One of Aizawa's problem children
"Stop giving me a bigger workload kid."-SA
"Only when other heroes do their damb jobs!"-KB
(Missing ppl/Abuse/misunderstood villains↑)
Met Aizawa at a young age, has been helping Shota since
Calls Izuku Geroy (Герой, hero in Russian)
The 'Deku' spelling is made by KB to IM in a privet hangout, though another kid found out later and started saying it behind Katsuki's back
Grew up with 'Imaginary Friends' (Regalia)
Black streak in hair
Has power of persuasion
REAU! Shoto Todoroki
(RAU! Ryunosuke Akutagawa (LB))
Doesn't want to be used anymore
(Dazai, Kamui, Enji)
Drops out of the hero course into gen-ed
P5! AU/SI! Akira Kurusu
Fan of Persona 5
Doesn't want to be apart of it
Ann enters palace with ryuji first
Has a shadow/Corpse Arsene
Only Confidants, Kawakami, Takemi, Yoshida, Sojiro
K- Bc tired student prone to 'nightmares'(Igor)
T- Past out at the café, Sojiro took him to Takemi's
Y- Like a sunshine uncle that he looks up too
S- current guardian
He is a target of the PT bc of Ann's classmate
"LEAVE ME ALONE!"-Shadow Akira
Multi-day mission ↑
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memethebum · 8 months
What are your other fandoms/OTPs? 😊
Hmmm this one is a lil’ bit of a toughly since I’m a lurker in a bunch of fandoms lol
Ig the #1 after SE would be
Inukag used to be my #1 anime ship (until SoMa took that spot lol) and believe it or not SE isn’t even my fav anime the anime is still tied with Naruto as my #1
(The fandom seems fun, although it does look more NSFW oriented from what I’ve seen and I’m too ace for that shit so I haven’t been compelled to be as active in it still got a wip I might post for these two dorks tho lol)
Now this one. This one right here. It makes me feel so many things like damn SHE CLEARED HIS RAIN YALL WHAT DONT YOU GET. I’d say the ship is the most maturest one out of this list, but yea been a fandom lurker for Bleach for a long while now and it’s pretty fun (other than the ship wars lol)
Also posted a ichiruki drabble a while ago
This fandom feels a lot like the SE fandom (I have no idea why but it does lol) but um yea these two make me swoon a lot and I’m really REALLY manifesting a happy ending for them 🕯️🕯️🕯️
-Miraculous Ladybug/Ladynoir
Ok so this isn’t even anime but I’ve kinda reverted back to my MLB phase and ughhhh ladynoir just feels so much like SoMa. Chat Noir reassuring LB, partners to lovers, the bantering 👌🏽
Will say the fandom intimidates tf outta me bc it’s so big but I’ve got a ongoing fic for it bc the show just wasn’t doing it for me anymore
Honorable Mentions:
Dr. Stone/Sengen
Dr.Stone/senkuxkohaku (idk their ship name lol)
Vanitas No Carte/Vanoe
Mob Psycho
Fullmetal Alchemist
Golden Kamuy (UNDERRATED AF)
Yu Yu Hakusho
Vinland Saga
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the word vomit anon!!
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noragottem · 4 years
Yukine 🥺
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ebonarmory · 5 years
noragami’s basically off-brand soul eater
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ladyhavilliard · 3 years
Me pretending not to have a hyperfixation while saving yet another +30k word fic of the same two idiots to read later
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frootmumi · 2 years
hello i am looking for blogs with content from stuff i like but it’s been years since ive used tumblr so hello pls tell me if your blog is focused on these things, especially any intersection of them!
i am especially fond of critical analyses of media a person loves!!
-Jenna marbles
-Danny, Drew and Kurtis
-noragami, blue exorcist, akame ga kill, horimiya, hunter x hunter, sailor moon, fate stay night ubw, madoka magica, fmab, mob psycho 100, one punch man, magi, saiki k, code geass
- arcane and league lore in general
- haunting of hill house and haunting of blu manor
-midnight mass
-the sacred throne trilogy
-Neil gaiman
-hatsune miku
-biology, specifically evolutionary biology and the intersection between biology and anthropology
idk man i like a lot of things these are just some interests i wanna pursue here
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caffeinenby · 3 years
I am obsessed with yuuki/hagusa’s form
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v much gender envy
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fandumbs · 3 years
I’m really tempted to make another side blog/ tumblr where I have some original characters answering questions about keeping different fandoms in check. 
Like an ask blog where any kind of AU goes. A spy agency and whatnot. 
I’ll do it if even only 1 person wants it. Let me know which fandoms I should do. 
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guideaus · 6 months
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love her intensity to a picnic
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sammypompeius · 4 years
New video! If you liked it please go to youtube and subscribe ^^
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liveblob · 6 years
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Holy fuck that’s how it left off
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xhanisai · 3 years
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I created a meme template so that I can draw LB in different styles!
It goes from:
Me, Noragami, Hanako-Kun, Demon Slayer, Gintama, Tokyo Mew Mew, Chainsawman, Dr Stone and Tokyo Ghoul. I’ll post the template on a separate post if you wanna have a go~
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noragottem · 4 years
It’s like u like any character in this anime and they die
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ebonarmory · 5 years
noragami fun but certain scenes make me uncomfy
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