#nora u genius
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kevindavidday · 9 months ago
absolutely adore nora's obsession with the number 13 currently rereading the foxhole court and coach's apartment number 742 adds up to 13 and the court's unlock key 0508 also equals 13. nora ily
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achillean-heartbeat · 9 months ago
Holyyy SHIT op i love ur brain
my favourite thing about the perfect court is how they are all parallels of each other - each person could have ended up like one of the others, but they didn’t.
neil could’ve ended up like jean, if his mother hadn’t taken him and run. neil could’ve ended up like riko, if he’d internalised his father’s abuse and tried to earn his affection instead of fearing it. if he’d tried to become someone his father would be proud of - like riko does - he would’ve become heartlessly violent. but he doesn’t.
jean could’ve been like neil, if he’d had just one family member care about him enough to run. he could’ve ended up like kevin, if he’d gone with him when kevin ran. he could’ve been like riko, if he’d taken everything that had been done to him and inflicted it on the world/people around him, but he doesn’t.
kevin could’ve ended up like riko, if he’d twisted tetsuji’s abuse enough to believe that the things he deserved were taken from him. he could’ve ended up like jean, if he’d refused to run after his hand was broken.
riko could’ve ended up like any of them. if an adult had cared about him enough to save him, he could’ve ended up like neil. if he’d hated his father instead of fighting for his attention, or if he internalised the abuse he faced instead of inflicting the same abuse on others, he’d have been more like jean or neil. if he’d accepted his place and decided to fight for the things he did have - exy, kevin - he’d have been more like kevin. but he doesn’t.
yes, their situations are largely shaped by the people around them - riko, jean, and kevin (until he learns about wymack) do not have an adult in their lives that cares about them enough to change their situation. but it’s also their individual responses to their abuse that shapes how they act. i’m not trying to say that people get to choose their trauma response, but it’s important that riko and neil parallel each other because we’re shown the could have beens. it shows you that it really only takes one person to change everything - mary taking neil and running is so so so important for how neil’s character and personality and trauma response turns out.
neil could’ve ended up like riko, but he doesn’t. riko could’ve ended up like neil, but he doesn’t.
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etfrin · 3 months ago
"He reached past Kevin to put his water on Kathy's desk." — chapter 13, The Foxhole Court
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humongousgothskeletonfarm · 11 months ago
tsc thoughts while reading (beware of spoilers) starting with -
david wymack my fucking beloved
also i never rlly liked/cared for thea but her scene with jean and her nickname for him was cute
chapter 3 thoughts:
jeremy being in awe of neil and the foxes is giving me life
fanfics with alvarez in them gonna go crazy now that we actually have a first name for her (and don’t have to invent one)
oh they rich rich (in reference to jeremy’s family butler?!)
jerejean first interaction!!!!
chapter 4:
omg sunshine court mentioned
having the sudden realisation that i can never read fanfics that have jean’s perspective or anything about the how the ravens work, raven!neil/aftermath of the kings men in the same way again
my neighbours are having a party and while i’m loving the music and absolutely jealous i’m not there, it’s really distracting me from reading
ngl i rlly miss neil and andrew and the foxes please let me see my family soon
‘ what you hold onto is less important than the act of holding on itself’ nora sakavic shut the fuck up you philosophical genius i’m gonna cry this is so real to me
renee i love u
i’m drinking red wine while reading and i think that’s appropriate… also i’m listening to that jean moreau playlist someone made and it’s mega depressing https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5zlPt63Ap0AjJQ1Ff5OKrd?si=75oEzLE8SO-bfJwewM8Evw&pi=a-ge04jIlVTJGY
this is so funny to only me but i’ve been hyperfixating on one direction again and zayn just dropped new music so everytime i read about jean’s raven roomate zane i think of one direction and confused myself a bit about what fandom i’m reading rn
fuck riko u sick fucking fuck u put jean into a box with a singular hole for air and left him to die u fucking cunt
jean’s ‘gift’ from the ravens with his broken magnets, blacked out postcards and angry letters is making me cry he deserves so much better
slowly realising that this book is gonna be super triggering lol whoops
a cool evening breeze 🥲
‘kevin saw nothingn but the court, but jean had stopped hoping for more than that years ago’ shut the fuckkkk uppppp i cant do this anymore kevin/jean relationship is so deeply important to me (i say this about everything)
chapter 5:
‘of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent’ ‘good morning to you too’ is so ‘morning sunshine’ ‘fuck you’ coded (neil and matt bromance confirmed)
the amount of mitski on this jean playlist is making me sick
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‘abominable cockroach’ aww jean u say the sweetest things 🥰❤️ neil loves u too babe
literally devouring every last scrap of information jean feeds us about neil - his slow, hungry, hateful smile and the madness in his eyes (neil baby i love u never change)
oh jean don’t diss aaron, do u know how many fanfics have been written about u two
tsc is confirmation that jean moreau will come into ur house and judge u based on the contents of ur fridge (and then throw out ur stash of lollies)
‘to have a real match as a palate cleanser’ jean is really trying to win my favour by borrowing neil’s sassiness huh (no wonder i love them so much together) ((and yes i know he’s BEEN sassy ok))
jean reaching for the tv screen as if he could save neil and describing andrew running for neil as if hell was on his heels is making me absolutely giddy idk whether to scream or cry i’m doing both and i’m giggling
I bet on losing dogs is so jean moreau coded omg
holy fuck nora, the moments after the raven/fox match when riko tries to kill neil is fucking amazingly written. reading from jean’s perspective as he watches the game on tv, the tension, the breathless anxiety and confusion of the scene is palpable i coukd fucking taste it, my chest is tight just reading it
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perfecteggpartyland · 10 months ago
the fact that Nathan named his son Nathaniel and Neil is literally same name without Nathan as in Neil not wanting anything to do with his father is symbolism I live for . Nora u damn mad genius -
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anonymouslyel · 11 months ago
JEAN "YVES" MOREAU??? JEAN'S FULL NAME IS JEAN YVES MOREAU??? if so, my god his name is so beautiful. im so smitten with his name jean moreau and now i found out his full name is jean yves moreau??? lord nora u are so genius i luv u sm
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astrosociety · 1 year ago
I'm unstable I can't....I can't.....
Very random and very chaotic rambles about it
The family moment in ep 11 was really needed,I love them so much;;;;;
The Armand-quilby parallel was something unexpected but quite enjoyable, bro was peak for that.
My baby Nora.....I love and hope she is happy with efrim but I'm sad because I need more of her I ALREADY MISS HER BRING HER BACK TOT
Dally the family man you are ;;; he a feminist fr because I say so!! Amalia an Eva also, I missed their interactions wish there were more :( but loved the dally Amalia duo!
Also goultard+yugo combo for the finale battle?? SLAYED !! Epic 10/10 I need it in my veins
AND FINALLY MY BABIES ARE MARRIED!!! YES YES YES AHHHHH PERFECT AMAZING AHHHH wished Amalia was ina pretty like the ova but I guess THE KISS WAS ANKSHAOA yugo u a genius
P.s thanks for showing dathura and as I suspected he was with tree of life , hope she could something more but maybe as for other things I should wait for comic
Anyway I can't believe this the end of Wakfu...now its time for WAVEN AHHAHAH (witch I'm trying to play but picking the xelor when I don't know how ahit works wasn't really smart move lol)
Well I guess I'll just wait for comic ;;;
I have time to draw something......
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krookodyke · 11 months ago
I cannot tell you how much I adore your fics for cathleen & emanuel. you capture the tone of them so perfectly and seamlessly. maggie betts needs to hire u to write their sequel when she directs it (pls maggie). I’d love for you to keep going and continue writing their story. so necessary for us sapphics who stan niche and underrated ships. PLS I NEED MORE. especially leading up to cathleen’s confessions in the chapter of faults in the movie pls
anon ;__; 🖤🖤🖤 this is so incredibly sweet of you, i love my niche obscure yuri more than anything else and it means the world to me that it also hits the spot for the few others who Do care about these obscure little film gays too… but trust me i AM writing much more!!! i’m writing a post-canon thing wherein after cathleen leaves the convent she goes to find emanuel cue them falling in love (and nora being supportive because emanuel essentially saved her daughter from the hell of Nunnery), so trust me that you WILL be satiated. that is also a genius idea though too… i will for suresies take it into account. just for you though anon i’ve attached a little preview of said post-canon fic under the cut. mwah mwah.
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jamietarttownsmyheart · 2 years ago
u dragged me into colinjamie hell, so I share this with u
team shenanigans ft. colinjamie - maybe they sneaking around (and are awful at it) or the team knows. no angst, just them
• cuddling during movie nights and being so disgustingly cute, the team makes them sit apart from each other
• playing games (had lasertag in my mind) and are on opposed teams but do the good whole 'seducing your enemy to get to win'
• dedicating goals to each other - somebody accidentally said it during an interview but it just got them bromance points
• touching each other every second. the team is happy for them but a bit annoyed. it could be because they are insatiable/in love BUT it could also be reassurance/ being each other safe places
• babysitting Phoebe/Nora/the Higgins' boys/Henry (or all?) and calling each other because they are both hot messes (or scared to be bad at it because they had shitty parents and shitty childhoods)
first, i cant believe anything ive said has made an impact, but i am so so so glad it did??? (also curious about what exactly it was) colinjamie needs more love, im so glad we have you here
second, all these are genius and i am in love with every single one of them okay i have SO many thoughts, i nearly lost this ask twice trying to type them all out
babysitting Phoebe/Nora/the Higgins' boys/Henry (or all?) and calling each other because they are both hot messes (or scared to be bad at it because they had shitty parents and shitty childhoods)
okay so tHIS ONE. I JUST. so i have a little sister, who, a few years ago, had an obsession with two things. disney channel original movies, and sofiia carson. this meant i have been exposed to all three descendants movies yes, but what it ALSO means is that i have been exposed to the "adventures in babysitting" reboot they had.
which means now i am thinking about colin babysitting the Higgins' boys and Nora, while Jamie is babysitting Henry and Phoebe. on the same night. and of course shenanigans happen, one of the kids has snuck out, one of the higgins' boys has a really important science project, another is experiencing his first heart break, jamie thinks he's taught henry some cuss words, they are both MESSES.
does it end up in frantic calls and impromptu trip out to find the one kid who snuck out? does that result in hiding from keeley/roy and the higgins' parents on their date night? do they run into trent crimm and his daughter at some point? yes. all that and MORE.
and in true "adventures in babysitting" style, when they get back to the higgins' house the place is a mess bc the washing machine was running, the dog tracked mud in the house and destroyed the science project, and colinjamie + the kids have to do a rush cleanup job. and then jamie has to sneak his kids back to his place bc ted and roykeeley are gonna be back SOON.
dedicating goals to each other - somebody accidentally said it during an interview but it just got them bromance points
oh anon i LOVE this. buzzfeed has an article on best sports friendships and colinjamie are top five because of this.
also. i want to say that this bleeds over into other moments too. colin has to toss smth in the trash but he's dead tired and doesnt want to get up off the bench, and jamie takes it from him, says "this is for you" and throws it from halfway across the room.
he misses.
richard says jamie should stick to football.
jamie is disgruntled bc that was a sucky throw and NOT worthy of colin.. walks over picks it up, walks BACK, and says "THIS one is for you."
misses again.
"no THIS one is for you"
colin at least stays in the locker room until jamie finally makes it.
playing games (had lasertag in my mind) and are on opposed teams but do the good whole 'seducing your enemy to get to win'
oh they ABSOLUTELY do this for laser tag, they ABSOLUTELY do the "seduce ur enemy to win" thing. the other boys are TIRED of it.
the real last straw for them is when they FINALLY have the "away game pillow fight" ted suggests and they start the "seduce your enemy to win" tactic during the pillow fight too.
cuddling during movie nights and being so disgustingly cute, the team makes them sit apart from each other
this is WHY the team went for the pillow fights
touching each other every second. the team is happy for them but a bit annoyed. it could be because they are insatiable/in love BUT it could also be reassurance/ being each other safe places
both. both is good. just, ALWAYS touching. which, they already do a lot, so like when they get together, YEESH the rest of the team is TIRED
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bopbopstyles · 5 years ago
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© 2020 / AU / FAKE DATING / COMING! Fem!Reader x Harry     -     Total word count:  
You are running away. After a catastrophic end to your three-year relationship, you need to escape Hampshire to focus on what you really want in life. St Ives, Cornwall seems like the perfect place for you, far away from everyone and everything you know. However, your harmonious getaway is cut short when you run into the lightkeeper who is in dire need of help, and for some reason, you find yourself wanting to come to this stranger’s rescue. Next second, you’re thrust into a fake relationship, multiple Cornish summer parties, family gatherings, self-discovery, a lighthouse, and a summer you’ll never forget.
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Keep reading
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spooksier · 3 years ago
one of the best usages of the "time traveler goes back and interacts with a family member" tropes ive ever seen was that scene where greg not knowing who nora was or anything about him comforts him a perceived stranger through a panic attack and tells him he'll get him some water and how am i only finding out now that u wrote that. tyler have i ever told u that ur a genius
every time somebody brings up my ao3 account here I feel like ive suddenly been found out after being on the run for ten years
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quinnfebrey · 4 years ago
how do u think we will see martha change in season two after the goat incident? because we see the immediate aftershock in her while they’re beginning to skin it or whatever but she probably isn’t going to be the same person with the same outward positivity etc that we’ve previously seen with her. do u think she’ll become cynical, or maybe start to believe in leah’s theories? ugh the possibilitiesssss
okay @creeksideminion has this way more fleshed out, i’m merely mooching off of her genius, but we think martha is being set up to be season 2’s main character
she and leah have had a lot of parallels so far:
- leah breaking the third wall, martha having her little cake by the ocean dream sequence
- martha and leah being the only two who think jeff isn’t creepy as fuck
- martha and leah being the two (that we know of) victims of sexual assault
- their pre island “issue” revolves around lying about something
so basically we think martha is gonna go off and have a leah moment and leah is gonna become protective of her and that’s what’s going to cause a rift in the island dynamic
and that’s why i think they might split up, and if they do, it’ll be martha fatin and leah + nora rachel and shelby + dot and toni
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philliamwrites · 4 years ago
Ocean Eyes, Golden Mind
Fandom: All For The Game (Nora Sakavic)
Pairing: Neil/Andrew
Tags: #math nerd neil, #neil with glasses, #no exy
Summary: In which Neil hates his new prescribed glasses until they attract the interest of a certain Andrew Minyard.
Commissioner: Ziegenkind
Notes: Title taken from Billie Eilish’s ‘Ocean Eyes.’
Ocean Eyes, Golden Mind
Dude, it’s just a frat party. Who doesn’t go to frat parties?
     The message flashes Neil’s screen white, its sender none other than his roommate Nicky who is supposed to study for an upcoming test in Public Policy in exactly nineteen hours. That’s what Neil writes him. Nicky’s reply comes instantly.
Those who study tend not to party. You know. Like you.
     Neil leaves him on read. If he wants to party, he’ll lock himself inside his room, two bottles of Jack Daniel’s by his side while watching every existing compilation of cats attacking people on the small screen of his phone. He knows how to have a good time, alright. Not everyone has to set their scale like Nicky: More than once Neil has been the spectator of him coming back to the dormitory completely wasted, but still eager enough to get frozen waffles from the fridge. Being too drunk to put them in the toaster, he usually just climbs up to his top bunk and puts them between his thighs to eat them partially defrosted. It’s this fragile line between genius and stupidity that has Neil doubting if he should fill in a request for changing roommates or just live with the fact that Nicky Hemmick is one special kind of man.
    So instead of spending his night curled into himself, wall against his back and eyes on every stranger distributing awful shots, Neil sits at the Math Tutoring Centre on the west side of the campus and gives group tutoring sessions.
    Math comes to Neil like breathing. Like Bertrand Russel said, not only does Mathematics possess truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of a sculpture. It is sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show. It is poetry—elegant and deep—of logical ideas to create harmony in a written line. Once he tried to explain that to Nicky over microwaved Mac n Cheese with Girls running in the background, clearly overestimating him, because Nicky only stared into space for a few seconds, and replied, “You really need to get laid, man.”
    Reluctant at the beginning, Neil only agreed to join the Tutor Program because his math professor promised to throw in some extra cash. Something about raising the graduate numbers in order to get the board of education off his back. That’s where Neil’s jurisdiction of interest ends, but he has enjoyed it more than expected—the empty hallways, the harsh light of the ceiling lamps, the smell of chalk, the faint echoes of students still lingering in classrooms. There’s this magic about the Palmetto State University at night—a vulnerability that can only live once the sun sets behind the horizon. When else would he find a kid sleeping under a table in the library, or seniors breaking down in tears for exact 10 minutes before continuing their studies as if nothing has happened.
    There’s another reason he’d rather spend his evening on campus, one Nicky doesn’t need to know because then Neil won’t hear the end of it. That reason being 5’0’’ tall chemistry prodigy Andrew Minyard, sitting in the last row of Neil’s math sessions each Friday. He only knows about him thanks to Nicky’s never-ending complaints, but that never really stopped him from throwing a few or more glances in Andrew’s direction. Just curiosity, of course.
    So when he stands in front of the blackboard now, putting away his lesson papers which are full of numbers and equations—the kind that has enough letters to look like sentences—he feels dozens eyes burn holes in the back of his neck, and one pair belongs to Andrew. No one asks why he’s here, but everyone knows he doesn’t need to be.
    In his one year of giving tutoring sessions, Neil has learnt that exactly three types of students exist: Students who are really good, certainly not in need of the extra lessons, but going anyway for some extra ego-buff and unnecessary brain-flexing. The second type is students who are okay, doing their tasks, following the lesson, not really attracting any attention safe for some crude jokes. The last type has Neil questioning his belief in the educational system of the whole state because he doesn’t understand how they are allowed inside the sacred halls of PSU.
    Andrew is a special type on his own—the enigma that keeps Neil awake at two in the morning because he’s desperate to solve it, but without knowing where to start, he’s just running in circles. His fingers itch to solve an equation with multiple variables, to find the solution to a problem and get it off his mind.
    He doubts it will be this easy with Andrew.
    “Before we continue to look at scalar products in R- and C-vector spaces, we’ll consider bilinear and semi-bilinear forms in general, and link them to matrices for their representation to chosen bases.” Neil’s hand flies across the board, leaving letters and parenthesizes that look like bizarre drawings—art in its most complex form. Once he’s finished, he takes a step away, wipes the chalk on his fingers off on his jeans, and turns to his audience. “What happens to this equation with the semi-bilinear form σ?”
    Two hands shoot up immediately. He ignores them; no need to feed their ego, and instead picks a freshman who’s been staring at his phone for the last ten minutes. Making way, Neil moves back to the student’s seats and leans against a desk.
    Is it the farthest place away from the board? It is.
    Is it the closest that will get him to Andrew? Might be so.
    It certainly gives him a good look at what Andrew’s been doing since Neil started—and that is not solving a single task on the paper Neil has handed out at the beginning of the session. Andrew, apparently bored before it even started, has taken out a slip of paper with a sudoku puzzle on it and is solving it against his leg, completely linked out of the instruction.
    Neil tries not to stare too much at Andrew’s bare arms, and instead looks back at the board.
    “Does that look right?” the freshman—Rhys or Rheeze or something like that—asks, turning around.
    Neil narrows his eyes and squints at the board. He can’t make out a single thing, and that’s bad, yes, but his feet betray him, staying rooted where they are instead of reducing the distance until he can distinguish σ from a.
    “Where does the l come from,” he asks. Multiple heads snap in his direction.
    “That’s a j, Josten,” someone says from the other side of the room.
    Neil squints harder. “And the u?”
    “A μ.”
    “No, it’s a v,” a girl next to Neil says, and that’s when the everyone starts shouting about what’s on the board and what isn’t.
    Neil bears it for a solid minute before he surrenders. He pulls a small case from his pocket, opens it. Puts his glasses on.
    The whole room goes silent.
    Neil checks the equation, nods. “Correct. Who’s next?”
    Multiple people stir, one manages to get up, and walks straight into a table leg. Neil questions that ‘straight’, because only then the freshman guy stops staring at Neil and steers his attention to the equation on the blackboard.
    It was a bad idea, and Neil still hates Allison for forcing him to go. She’d dragged him to the doctor last week to get his eyes tested, annoyed by his never-ending questions of ‘What’s written there?’ or ‘Is that a six or an eight?’.
    “They’re my eyes,” Neil had said, arms crossed as he sat in the office and waited for his turn.
    “And it’s me who has to see your ugly squinting face,” Allison had replied.
    Two hours later Neil had finally his prescriptions but that didn’t mean he was free from Allison’s clutches. He would have been fine with some glasses from the dollar store, but she insisted that if he’s going to wear them more than once a day, he should get designer glasses—thin frames and a color that matches his copper hair. She suggested gold. Neil picked black. The look of disappointment on Allison’s face was something that deserved its own painting to commemorate it. But once they’d finally chosen the right pair, she’d given him the very same look most of the students are giving him now—a mix between slight awe and disbelief as if he’s grown a second head. Or owes them all a month’s worth of lunch money.
    “Well,” had Allison said at least, turning away to pack up and go home. “Tigers have their stripes. I have my eyeliner.” She threw him another scrutinizing look over her shoulder. “You have your glasses.” If it was supposed to make him feel better, it didn’t work, and right now he regrets nothing more than allowing Allison to drag him around.
    Neil’s eyes land on Andrew’s sudoku puzzle, now half-hidden under his papers, and he sees now that he isn’t even solving the thing, but simply coloring in the empty squares.
    He takes a second too long and meets Andrew’s eyes staring back at him.
    “Problem, Josten?” Andrew asks with a blank expression, tapping the end of his pen against his monochrome picture of black and white squares.
    Neil wants to see how far he can push until he walks against a brick wall and breaks something. He returns his gaze to the board but feels Andrew’s eyes like a solid touch on the back of his neck.
    After the session, the students hurry outside, still throwing curious glances over their shoulders at Neil and if he could merge with the back of his chair and disappear forever, that would be totally okay. It isn’t until a shadow looms above him that he looks up from his own homework and draws in a careful breath when Andrew towers above him.
    Neil raises an eyebrow. “Problem, Minyard?”
    Andrew’s face gives nothing away, and when he stretches out a hand, Neil doesn’t flinch. His glasses slip off easily, held between Andrew’s thumb and index finger.
    “Nicky told me he’s trying to convince you to join him tomorrow,” Andrew says. Neil needs a second, because that is the most words he’s heard out of Andrew’s mouth.
    “I have no reason to go,” Neil says, his eyes jumping up and down, from the equation that makes his sight blur to Andrew leaning his slender waist against the table.
    “You have one now.” It’s barely neutral enough to not sound like a threat, but Neil stares at Andrew nonetheless, and when he puts Neil’s glasses on, Neil’s heart does a weird stutter. He’s still starring at Andrew when he leaves the room, and no, his eyes don’t stray, they stay on Andrew’s broad back, and if they dip lower it’s because of the light.
    Once he’s alone, Neil takes a deep breath, exhales slowly. Puts his head in his arms and counts to ten in French first, then again in German. His heart still does this weird thing, trying to bruise his ribs from the inside.
    He gets his phone, texts Nicky he’ll go to the frat party tomorrow and puts it away, not interested in his roommate’s reply. There’s still the equation he needs to solve, but for the first time Neil’s heart isn’t really into math, and he is quite alright with it.
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artiesjam · 4 years ago
“The Wilds” ep 8 and 7 thoughts !!!
(slight spoiler warning)
this is not in any coherent order btw
* ooh gretchen spooky
* so there is TWO comrades? who’s the second ooo
* my bet is on nora for sure
* oh okay now the description makes sense
* omg omg jeanette was —oh that make sense
* bro whyd you push her over damn
* i love her so much
* yup yup!!
* this make the death so much sadder god
* shelby I KNEW IT
* miss girl you’re deep in denial
* leah please take several chill pills
* i love u bae but ur paranoia isn’t needed
* this helps nobody shelby is drunk and you all are high
* alex you dumbass
* “shark week” fatin please
* “very healthy penis” fatin please again
* such a good show omg
* oh god they’re so lucky she’s hammered
* this entire scheme is genius but also so inhumane
* shelby’s story is so sad
* cut that hair girl yup !!
* shes just a really deep down suppressed lesbian okay guys
* i would watch the next episode but im at a diner lolz
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bloody-wonder · 4 years ago
Hi! I might be wrong about this so I'm sorry if I am but I think I remember a while ago on an ask about captive prince, I think you said something along the lines of the development of the main characters growing to love each other felt rushed? Or unrealistic or there was unsolved issues or something? Anyway, u said after that that u would rlly wanna read an enemies to lovers story where the ppl in the ship have done rlly horrible things to each other but yet the relationship can develop and it can be healthy and feel realistic. (I'm paraphrasing here sorry) ANYWAY, the real question I have is- is there a limit to the horrible things they could do? Like, is there a point where u think no matter how good the writing there is just no way of coming back from that and it being okay?
i don’t know?
i can’t say for sure until i read it bc that’s exactly the point - i want the author to convince me that this relationship could work. and i think many fictional relationships where people have hurt each other previously could work bc people change and forgiveness exists - but i believe in order for that to feel plausible and authentic the author should not rely on any romance tropes at all. bc many of those are problematic in itself and when you apply them to an “unconventional” relationship it only makes it worse.
which i believe is exactly the problem with capri - it’s a very compelling relationship story that’s trapped within the confines of the romance genre. and it’s a problem idk how to fix bc it being an enemies to lovers romance and relying on so many familiar tropes is exactly why so many people like it. you read it and you want laurent and damen to resolve their issues and get together, plausibility be damned, bc that’s what the story structure wants you to want in order to satisfy your expectations in the end. except i didn’t really feel satisfied and for a long time i thought that was bc cs pacat failed to convince me with how their relationship progressed in the second half of book three (bc it does feel very gradual and organic until everything makes a u-turn when jokaste appears). but recently i’ve realized that it’s only partly her fault bc she was just writing a romance and a romance has to have a happy ending with heroes ending up together unambiguously - otherwise it’s just another kind of story with a romance subplot. so in the end, unless you are willing to suspend your disbelief entirely, the way laurent and damen end up together with all their conflicts seemingly resolved, all their trauma “healed by Love” doesn’t feel authentic at all - especially in damen’s case.
that being said, when i look back on all the “problematic” ships i’ve ever liked i can see that with most of them i just had this vague desire for the characters to get together but i never thought about how their relationship would work after that and certainly not about whether it would be “healthy”. this is just not something i’m interested in in fiction. i wish everyone a nice boring healthy (whatever that means) relationship irl but as for fiction i like drama. (andreil is once again very much an exception bc nora is an aroace genius who said “fuck romance tropes”). i like insurmountable conflicts and intense, sometimes even toxic relationships. i like characters hurting each other, trying to forgive and failing and trying once again. i like forgiveness as a theme in general bc that’s something i struggle with irl and so i’m interested in deconstructing the christian dogma of forgiveness being the answer to everything and in exploring whether some realtionships could work without the characters forgiving each other. i like when love and hatred are presented as two sides of the same coin and when the character has an existential crisis about having fallen in love with the only wrong person. 
usually î want to experience this fictional Drama much more than i want the reassurance that the characters will have a healthy loving relationship in post-canon bc they are fictional, they are here to entertain me and that’s what i happen to find entertaining. when i ship characters that have hurt each other very badly i’m not necessarily looking for whatever scenario would be the “healthiest” - i’m looking for the one that would satisfy me personally the most.
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pseudophan · 5 years ago
hey there Nora what are your favorite mcr lyrics
why i’m so glad you asked! what a coincidence i was just thinking about this
starting off basic with a classic from our lady of sorrows...
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forever sad i couldn't buy that limited edition hour glass they released as merch a few years ago with this line cause bitch-
there are an endless amount of good lines in i never told you what i do for a living but 
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'we'll all dance along to the tune of your death' is just.. UGH. their MINDS (azlyrics says alone instead of along whereas genius says along and i simply dont care its the same either way)
this wholeass part of the sharpest lives. actually all of the sharpest lives but i cant just choose the whole song so
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'a light to burn all the empires so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be' DUUUUDEE. ‘juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands' BITCHHHHH. 'drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands romeo' GERARD REALLY WRITES THIS SHIT AND THEN IS SURPRISED WHEN HIS CONCERTS SELL OUT LIKE HELLO
next up some goodass anti-war lyrics in hit anti-war songs mama and gun
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mama also has a loooot of good lyrics but the ending is just....yes..... also the back and forth between gerard and liza minelli.....ugh.....poetry
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hot take but gun is an underrated song and particularly these days when fucking everyone's threatening to go to war with various countries and everyone's twitter ads are just Sign Up To The Army/Air Force/Navy/Fuck You its just like.... very topical! oh also actually let me get into the lyrics of this a bit more cause the song is basically saying military drafting is a bunch of lies which like we know but
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like 'we could get somebody else but we want someone like you' repeated over and over like ill bet anything youve gotten a promoted tweet on twitter recently being like we think YOU are the right choice for [insert military branch here] because 'xyz of generic traits' but then in reality
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'well the uniform isn't sewn they make em like we give em out to anyone' they dont give a shit who they send out to die they prey on the poor and less fortunate by promising to pay for ur education n shit and anyway fuck the military
from the army to this very Eat The Rich-esque lyric from disenchanted
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OK SO LIKE what the fuck is with mcr and just the wildest fucking rhymes like they all work so well and the flow of their songs is next fucking level but jesus christ
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for a song called na na na they really went all out on the lyrics. the ending is my fav like look at this shit also who the fuck rhymes purgatory with bore me and why does it slap
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OXYCONTIN GENOCIDE ADOLESCENT SUICIDE ARE U KIDDING ME anyway stan my way home is through you. also that first part is so cheesy but in the Best way
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these rhymes arent weird as much as theyre just oh so catchy. also goodass lyrics. love me some edge. and the delivery of 'black is the kiss the touch of a serpent son'.....bars
ok i have more but i also wanna go to bed remind me to continue this tomorrow
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