#none of it makes any sense
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greenheartart · 5 months ago
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Day 15 - Mysterious
*why do i care about this?
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veatomis · 1 day ago
It's just how do you even reconcile the very basic concept of "assassins for hire" the crows were supposed to be with "ethical military force"... that is beholden to the whims, rules and ideas of a group of eight private business investors.... who take mercenary contracts on the lives of people from foreign countries. and beat their recruits black and blue until they learn this job is for the rest of their lives and they WILL be hunted down if they leave... you know?? + why are we acting like there are no merchant princes or any kind of chantry presence in antiva.
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free-luigi-mangione · 11 days ago
We don’t know when the fed letter was written - it could have been while he was on the road for 5 days not eating or sleeping well. I think don’t think trying to dissect his written syntax is fair when he was clearly not in a good state when he was found.
have you considered that maybe it wasn't written by him at all and the NYPD officers so famous for falsifying evidences actually made that up so they could make a scape goat out of him?? also your assumption works only if you're violating his right to be presumed innocent and are hellbent on painting him as guilty before the trials even start
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mcchipisfried · 2 years ago
Sound warning when I start to say "Can turn into fog and animals so there- there was no need for that...."
Transcript and some context under the cut :D
Okay okay okay I'm doing Dracula right? You already know fucking annoying but I liiiterally have no one else to talk to about this so, Dracula right, so the-
So 12th of August - which is today - Mina writes another little entry about how Lucy, after being fed on by Dracula yesterday (the 11th), is feeling even better um and she's so so happy but throughout the night she wakes up again and tries to go out sleepwalking but even after that she's even more rejuvenated and I-
We know that Dracula isn’t feeding from her right now (except for the first time) but she is at least connected to him in some way like there is some compulsion here that is-
it- it's existing and I have no words for how to describe compulsion. It's kinda like this word that I just picked up somewhere and it wooorks?
And I specifically speak about “compulsion” because of Jonathan. So Jonathan starts going really fucking crazy when he’s with Dracula right? (very paranoid but also maybe affected by his desperation and blah you’ve heard this before) and it just so happens that when Mina writes her uh little entry on the 12th of August that’s also the day that Sister Agatha writes a letter (Sister Agatha is uh obviously a nurse/nun at a hospital) so Jonathan traveled a long fucking time and he finally got there and they started to take care of him and Sister Agatha is writing a letter to Mina and she writes it on the 12th of August and the reason she writes the letter is...
The reason she writes the letter on this date even though Jonathan has been staying at the hospital for a bit is that for some reason he was under a brain fever and a brain fever could be multiple things. Honestly I think its their way of describing someone going through an overextended period of hallucinations or a trauma response? But "Brain Fever " is also when the brain becomes inflamed and one of the symptoms is a fever and you KNOW this because I also talked about my Hannibal theory with you on the first season, right, remember, pls. (with desperation) [1]
But she literally describes it uh-
It as uh-
Yeah okay “he has had some fearful shock - so says our doctor - and in his delirium his ravings have been dreadful; of wolves and poison and blood; of ghosts and demons; and I fear to say of what” um so it's- It's very interesting to me that now, on the 12th of August, Lucy is feeling better, (like the whole reason Lucy does her sleepwalking thing is because she finally got engaged but now she's feeling very nervous and she's sleepwalking again like she did BEFORE Dracula showed up, it had just been a bit)
And its- its so unfortunate because Lucy is basically just doing what she normally does and she goes to this bench that just so happens to be near the grave where Dracula is hiding in and the only reason he can even do that is because its the grave of someone who committed suicide. It was very much like “why not” which is like, damn, Dracula really just be ruining lives for no reason because it's not like he was even initially attracted to Lucy because she was beautiful and she's kind and she's like, this pure soul. No. Literally my dude was just “oh shit there's someone above me………feeding time” Yknow? That's just like- I hate him so much!
So that's the thing and one could argue that he was technically already there when Lucy and Mina were also there when the dog thing happened um, he might have “seen” her or had some compulsion, some power over Lucy just from that like he picked up on something about her, her sensitivity if you want to argue that and had some compulsion over her to gooo...? Towards him at that point in time but I choose to not believe that I choose to believe this was very much Dracula just-
Dracula was just like “you know what? Jonathan, bye. New favorite blood bag Lucy, hello and thank you” and again I find it really interesting that when that happened not only did Mina wake up (I like to think that,
I like to think that um, well when Mina found Lucy um Dracula was leaning over her maybe he was still drinking or had just finished so Mina rushes forward she's like “yo wtf is going on?” right she maybe thinks, she imagined or well doesn’t think, but like it was dark and no one else was there to confirm what she saw and Lucy was maybe a little out of it um) So I like to think that when Dracula drank from Lucy that's when Mina woke up and in her little panic of looking everywhere for Lucy and realizing she went outside was, however long it took Dracula to feed from Lucy. So whenever that happened Jonathan started to wake the fuck up from his little “weeks long brain fever” um like either when Lucy is being fed on he starts to come through because of the compulsion but when Dracula makes eye contact with Mina that's when he wakes up like ooohh-
Oh okay imagine if there was a Dracula show that was hella book accurate and they ended an episode with that cliffhanger? With Dracula getting close to Lucy’s neck, Mina jolts up and realizes Lucy is gone, goes out looking for her, finds her and Dracula, makes eye contact, boom it shifts to Jonathan opening his eyes Bella Swan from twilight style idk that would be so cool um but make me giggle. Um.
So talking about this is making me realize how much of a huge piece of shit Dracula is, for no fucking reason like. He had NO REASON, he had literally just drank not only from Jonathan (my headcanon my headcanon its not explicitly stated please people disagree people disagree it's my headcanon nnnnnn I'm not saying it happened or not I just like to believe um) which essentially rejuvenated his lizard ass to Tall, Dark, and Creepy (on top of maybe drinking from a baby) and then PROCEEDED to drink nearly a whole crew that was essentially free range for-
For no fucking reason. And then on top of that uh. So there's this other old guy. His name is Mr. Swales idk how to pronounce it even though I've heard the recording. ANYWAYS. He’s friends with Mina and Lucy and talks to them about the cemetery and headstones that stuff I was telling you about right? The other 6 minute analysis I did. Um.
He talks about how he is so old and isn’t afraid of dying and jokes about it a lot which honestly very fair my dude very fair. And um it turns out that when he talks about this he talks about- about death being in the air and that’s bringing the Demeter to shore, almost like he can sense Dracula as the omen of death that he is. And then there's an entry from when Mina and Lucy go to see the Captain’s funeral, she also mentions that Mr. Swales was found with his neck snapped on the bench and his face in such a horror that it made men squirm which is like. Fucked up as hell cause Dracula didn’t even drink from him -I think- so he killed him for no fucking reason. One could argue that he saw Dracula and that's why but motherfucker can turn into fogs-
Can turn into fog and animals so there- there was no need for that. Honestly Dracula is hella insecure if he killed an old man just because he “sensed” him. He literally died. for. no. fucking. reason! It pisses me off he’s such a piece of fucking shit.
Okay I'm done actually cause I can keep talking about….Yo fuck twilight for being a major change in vampire stuff. [2] I need a modern adaptation of Dracula that actually takes the book into- cause- cause you have the whole destruction of Lucy’s character or even Mina’s character when they decide to combine them [3] um depending on the adaptation that it was Lucy’s fault that she was too pretty, too flirtatious with men and then that's why Dracula targeted Lucy- Dracula didn’t target Lucy he never did it was just coincidence and then when they also put that shit on top of Mina who is very much in the book a devoted fiancé to Jonathan.
I- I just- I don't-
Man I hate this dude I have never hated someone so much. I……. People should build on that horror. I-I miss hating villains. I love hating Dracula. Okay I promise I'm done
[1]  Context: SPOILERS FOR HANNIBAL EVEN THOUGH ITS BEEN OUT FOR YEARS MY BAD I just finished watching the first season of Hannibal (pls no one spoil it I've never seen it and know nothing besides the original books and some movies) and the "Brain Fever" entry happened to align with my theory of Will Graham having either a tumor or brain swelling because of his feverish symptoms, hallucinations, etc. (AND I WAS RIGHT and then I proceeded to talk about how devious the chicken soup scene was because of the chicken and its ingredients so my irl friend was very DONE with the brain fever stuff)
[2] I unironically love twilight for the cringe its just so funny to me #TeamAlice Edward could NEVER
[3] I remember an old black and white Mexican or at the very least spoken in Spanish Dracula story that never had Lucy it was only about Mina, Dracula, and Jonathan but I don't remember for sure
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talisthighs · 2 months ago
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I’m crying at the idea of Viktor just storming up to Jayce with his “visions.” Girl You Need Help. You Require Medical Attention
This is literally how Jayvik is talking to each other in the lab
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andsewingishalfthebattle · 1 year ago
Novice sewing pattern: Cut out shapes. Line up the little triangles on the edges. Stitch edges together. We've also included step-by-step assembly instructions with illustrations.
Novice knitting pattern: yOU MUSt uNDerstANd thE SECret cOdE CO67 (73, 87, 93) BO44 (63, 76, 90) 28 (32, 34) slip first pw repeat 7x K to end *kl (pl) 42 * until 13" (13, 13, 15) join new at 30 pl for 17 rows ssk 27 k2tog mattress lengthwise BO and sacrifice a goat to the knitting gods. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT "INSTRUCTIONS," I JUST GAVE THEM TO YOU
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emi-talitha · 2 months ago
the thing I love about the Solavellan Veilguard ending is that it is so perfectly the happy ending that Lavellan deserves
Here you have this Dalish woman who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and it just uprooted her entire life. She dealt with being accused of a crime she didn’t commit and still having to use her new power to save the very people calling her a criminal, and then with this power– a power that she is the ONLY person in the world who has it– she suddenly becomes the chosen one of a religion SHE DOESN’T EVEN FOLLOW (depending on how you roleplay your Inquisitor obviously but the average Dalish elf isn’t going to be Andrastian). And now she’s getting this religion thrown in her face constantly whether she likes it or not, and she’s barely allowed to talk about her Dalish beliefs because she has to be The Herald of Andraste. She’s met with racism EVERYWHERE SHE GOES. No one in this world believes in her because she’s just an elf, how could she be the herald? Yet she has to be even when they don’t want her to because if she doesn’t save the world no one else can, so it’s not like she can just walk away or she’ll eventually die too. So she keeps fighting for a world that has continuously treated her like shit and even when she finally earns their respect and admiration, she’s not a person to any of them, she’s some mythological figure. She’s The Inquisitor, the Herald of Andraste come to save us all, and no one outside of her own inner circle cares about her feelings or her thoughts or her needs. She’s a means of saving the world, that’s it. This world doesn’t care about her. It never has. When she finally does save it they are grateful, but even that barely lasts before she’s being pulled every which way because the world is afraid of her and the power she’s accumulated, and she smiles and bows and does what she has to do to appease everyone who’s dissatisfied but nothing is enough, and then! Surprise! Here come the qunari and the world needs saving again! And if that’s not already enough Oh!! Her arm is finally getting too unstable, it’s going to kill her!! And depending on your dialogue choices she has a much deserved little breakdown about it and then she’s right back to work. And she does it, the saves the world again, but there’s no such thing as rest, because now Solas is a threat, and if she doesn’t stop him, the world’s going to end, AGAIN, and she has worked and struggled and fought and suffered and sacrificed nonstop for the past two years, for a world that still doesn’t appreciate her, and she can’t stop, because even the people who see her still have expectations, the world still has to be saved, and this is who she is now. She’s the Inquisitor. She’s the one who saves the world.
But after everything, she lets herself make ONE selfish decision, because despite everything, she loves Solas. Solas who saw her when no one else did, who understood her, who taught her about the world and her history. Solas, whose soul spoke to hers. And if Solas can be saved instead of destroyed, she’s going to let herself have that.
And after ten years. Ten years!!! An entire decade since this all began!! He’s finally in front of her, and together they’ve all finally gotten through to him, so at last, the world is finally saved again. And no doubt there’s another threat down the line, but there’s also another hero here ready to step up and do something, a hero hand picked by Varric who she knows will get the job done. She can leave the world behind and know she’s leaving it in good hands.
And finally, after ten years of this exhausting and unfair existence of fighting for a world that barely tolerated her, of never being treated like a person, of losing her clan and her home and her innocence, finally, after all of it,
Lavellan gets to stop. She doesn’t have to fight anymore. And yes, there will be work to do in the Fade with Solas, they’re going there to calm the Blight, after all, but this time, she got to CHOOSE. And this time she’s doing it with Solas at her side, after ten years of loving him, eight years of searching for him, and all that time waiting. And it may or may not be what Solas deserves, I know that’s a matter of debate, but is it what Lavellan deserves? Without question, yes.
Because she gets to choose what she wants for HERSELF for the first time in ten years, and she can finally release the burden she’s carried for all this time.
I just love Lavellan so much, and yeah, she deserves to be treated better than how Solas did, but she WANTS Solas, and after so long of doing what she HAD to do, I just think she deserves to get what she wants for once.
That ending makes me so happy for so many reasons. But it makes me happy for her more than anything.
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limeartichoke · 7 months ago
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set post-never let me go (fic)
(forgot to mention but masky is using ASL here, the exposed hand was originally intended to be drawn doing a "wasn't me" sign (or the closest translation) but i forgot completely until posting this)
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sonknuxadow · 2 months ago
i know a lot of people like to headcanon that silver is the future child/descendant of some other existing character(s) but personally i like silver way more as some random kid who wasnt really anyone special but decided he was going to be the one to fix the destroyed world he was born into
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cowboyshadows · 2 months ago
What if 22!Ghost was married to a pretty bird and 09!Ghost was an actual ghost and got jealous so he starts haunting them. Umm
Cw: ghost fucking (no penetration), both simons get cucked, somno so non-con, strangulation (not involving reader)
You have a Ghost in your house. No, not a Ghost. A ghost.
Your husband isn’t dead. So why is that, every time you look in the mirror after a shower… you see your husband behind you?
He looks different, though. Paler skin. Bluer eyes. Different scars. He isn’t your lovey, you know that for sure.
The first time you told Simon about it, he just gave you a lopsided smile. ‘Yer hallucinatin’ abou’ me? When I’m righ’ here?’
You shake your head, sinking further into the warm body of your husband. ‘It just feels so real.’
You remember exactly what it feels like, vividly and tangibly. You can feel his glass, ice-cold skin on your own, hands calloused and rough just like your Simon’s. Hair weathered and cropped just like your Simon’s. Eyes sunken and pallid just like your Simon’s.
But there’s a difference to his touch. It’s anguished. Like he’s trying to tell you something, but no matter how much he opens his mouth and screams as his slit throat bobs… nothing will be heard.
You’re not scared. How could you be scared of the face you’ve come to love now? The one you pledged your unconditional affection to? No matter how different and cut up it looked now. No matter how lifeless it looked now. You could take care of him.
Simon presses a kiss to your forehead, and the window rattles. The ghost doesn’t like that. Simon brushes it off, cooing you until you eventually fall asleep.
The next your eyes flutter open is a few hours later, you surmise. It’s dark. The only illumination is the faint of the crescent outside, spilling in through the flimsy curtains. Simon’s asleep.
So who’s touching you? Why do you feel a hardness slotted between your legs, rubbing along your soaked folds? You whimper softly, still dazed in your drowsiness. You tell yourself it’s just a wet dream. You’ll wake up in the morning, and Simon will help you out.
The rutting continues. It keeps sliding up against your clit, the sparks of friction making you mewl and arch. You can feel the sticky wetness between your legs grow, a pressing directed at your core.
‘Are you okay?’ His voice is husky, sleep-riddled. He cuddled closer to you, but there’s something keeping him. Mercury in a field of iron. He’s repelled.
You can tell he’s trying to resist the apparition, his faith somehow restored. The bed dips under both weights, phantom and real, squirming around. The ghost presses harder against you, and you can feel a pair of hard hands gripping your thighs.
‘Wha’ the fuck…’
You turn around at that, and you see it. The moonlight falls lustrously on him, above your husband. You can see slivers of him, but you know it’s him.
His hands are wrapped around your husband’s throat. There’s a distorted, warped scream, followed by your own shrill one.
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saym0-0 · 6 months ago
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i fw loceit now
(ref under the cut)
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this is the kind of photo where i feel like i should know who these people are but really i just found it on pinterest
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purpleshadow-star · 11 months ago
It's kind of funny (heartbreaking) that there were multiple Ravens who wanted a number, to the point where some tried to manipulate Jean into helping them one way or another, but none of them would have been next in line. No matter what they did, there was always someone ahead of them on the list. Someone who wasn't even on the team. That someone wasn't Neil. Neil was a surprise to everyone, including Riko. That someone was Andrew.
Kevin might have had to beg Riko to go visit Andrew, and Riko might have laughed at Kevin and dismissed Andrew when Andrew turned him down, but make no mistake, if Andrew had accepted and had become a Raven, he would have taken that #4 spot within his first year.
If we're being real, Andrew had more of a chance at becoming part of the perfect Court than any of those Ravens ever had. Even Jean thinks of Andrew as one of them.
The other Ravens never stood a chance.
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i am having. Many Thoughts. about my HWINEBHABWNAJCAHOWEEATOWEUB AU Ford, so here are some unfiltered rambles about him <3
The entire premise of this AU is that it goes exactly the same as canon right up until Bill betrays Ford steals Fiddleford's eyes, and then Ford kills Bill in retaliation. Everything just sorta snowballs into a huge mess from there, with this sad fuck of a man SMACK BAM in the middle of it all.
I like to explore my Ford in the way he reacts to things. It's interesting to see how far I can really take it until it becomes borderline OOC, especially when he kills Bill. He didn't actually fully mean to kill him, but at the same time that was exactly his intention, if that makes any sense?
Although Bill stealing Fiddleford's sight privileges instead of Ford's was one of the main reasons that triggered Stanford's decision to murder him, I'd like to compare his act more as a frantic, desperate grasp to survive, rather than a calculated, cold revenge being enacted. I think that he was just trying to live, in that primal, undeniable fear of death that can consume anyone, even Gods. Especially Gods.
I think that, as much as Bill's murder was a moment of power reversal, in which the victim got a taste of the power their abuser had over them, it was also a moment when Gods and mortals alike became so very aware of their own helplessness in the face of sheer and blind will to just survive. I don't think that Ford felt like a God when he killed Bill. I think that Bill wasn't facing wrathful being in that moment, he was facing a mere man who was so afraid to die he was willing to do anything. But you can't blame him for that, right? You can't blame him for wanting to live? For fearing death? He's only human.
"They say that when saving a drowning person, you have to be careful to not be pulled under the water by their flailing hands, because in their haste to survive, they might not even notice they are inadvertedly killing you."
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inkbirdie · 1 month ago
Me trying to explain BOTC to my friends: no but it’s really funny because the marionette lycanthrope tried to kill the sailor, which accidentally makes them both look on the level because a marionette doesn’t actually have powers but perfectly chose the one person who wouldn’t set off false drunk or poison pings or put suspicion on one of them because if the sailor is attacked by the lycanthrope the demon still gets a kill! and the marionette still believes they’re a good player which makes them all the more useful for the demon to make big plays! it’s perfect!
my friends: are you okay?
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certifiedducky · 2 months ago
curious: there's a REALLY high volume of batman x mlb crossovers. can anyone tell me why? it just seems really random lmao
bc like, i guess i could understand mcu(that's actually the only crossover i've read) just because ladybug is inspired by spiderman, but i don't really see a connection that justifies the sheer number of batman crossover fics
(btw the mcu fanfic is what the cat dragged in and it's SO good i've read it multiple times)
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letterful · 3 months ago
i know i'm not saying anything revolutionary here, but the american cult of individualism really is going to doom us all. in a very real - and very global - sense.
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