16 posts
all over fan girl 🏎️
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s-u-m-i · 2 months ago
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PEZZY was sick. again. you felt bed, really. i mean, who gets sick THAT much. but after lounging around with him all day, it was time for your stream which meant ripping yourself away from the patient currently nested on the couch.
“it’s time, honey,” your voice cut through the show that was long forgotten, only to be met with a defiant groan. “i know, i know. i’m just the worst,” you let out a slight laugh and pecked him on the head while getting up.
“how long are you gonna be live?” his voice was still rough, making you cringe a little. you sat down beside him and ran a hand through his hair, laying it to rest on his cheek.
“not long, maybe two or three hours,” another groan, this one drawn out and dramatic. you giggled slightly and smiled down at the man, “i’ll make you something to eat when i’m done. then i’m yours for the rest of the night, okay?” he simply nodded in response and you were on your way upstairs.
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NEARLY FOUR HOURS LATER you were still live. in your defense, you were going to end stream after an hour and a half. but grizzy’s text notification lit up your phone, “rivals?” simple, yet effective. you were mid-game when a knock at your door drew your attention away from the screen. the door cracked open and your very tired looking boyfriend stepped in. his expression was leveled and your stomach immediately dropped.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry babe. i just completely lost track of time,” you whipped back around, frantically pawing at your mouse trying to mute your mic. a soft hand landed on your shoulder and stopped your movement.
“no, it’s okay. i’ve been watching the stream, i just wanted to be around you. do you mind if i sit?” this wasn’t a strange request for the two of you, the extra chairs in each office proving that.
“are you sure? you’re probably hungry and need more med-“ pezzy was already striding across the room to grab his chair, when he cut you off.
“i ordered food and already took more medicine, now can i sit?” you pressed your lips into a line and nodded, “and yes, i ordered something for you too. it’s in the fridge for when you’re done”
“oh my lord, you’re the sick one here! i’m supposed to be taking care of you!” this coaxed a hoarse laugh out of the streamer, who simply leaned down and kissed the top of your head.
“don’t worry about it, you’ve been providing the entertainment for my couch-rot.” as he plopped himself down in the comfy chair, you heard grizzy yelling in your headphones. sharing one more look with pezzy, he simply nodded his head. placing the headphones back on your head, you were immediately overwhelmed with yells from your co-support player for the match.
“yeah, yeah, yeah, i fucking hear you grizzy. maybe if you could lock the fuck in you wouldn’t need another support!” and so that’s how the night passed. you yelling at the game and your teammates (mostly your teammates) with the occasional interruption for a meme from your in-person viewer.
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AFTER A FEW MORE GAMES, you were waiting in the queue when droid piped up.
“AWE HELL NAW, THAT BOY SLUMPED AS FUCK!” the man’s cackles were followed by the rest of the chorus. you turned to face pezzy, seeing him somehow asleep in the chair.
“alright y’all, i think that’s my que to get in bed, goodnight guys,” the rest of the boys bid you goodnight as you left and call and ended your stream. you stood and gently brushed your hand down pezzy’s shoulder. stirred from his sleep, he groaned and looked up at you with tired eyes.
“you ready for bed hun?” for a moment he stared at you with a blank expression, registering your words, then nodded and walked out of the room. you laughed and quickly finished powering down your computer. when you walked into the bedroom, your boyfriend was already nearly asleep again. crawling in bed, he immediately grabbed your waist and buried his head in your shoulder.
“i’m sorry again for losing track of time,”
“it’s okay, i can take care of myself,” he whispered into your skin.
“i know you can, i just… wanted to be there for you,” he lifted his head to meet your eyes.
“you are there for me baby. you were there for me all day, when i needed you tonight you let me in, and you’re here now,” he craned his neck and kissed you softly, “goodnight baby, i love you.”
“goodnight, i love you.”
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THIS AUTHORS NOTE has to start with an acknowledgment of my ABSOLUTE FUMBLE of saying in like OCTOBER that i was gonna post consistently. who tf did i think i was. but i come back bearing gifts and saying sorry. i also have another swagger draft that should be finished within the week. but pls light my ass up if you have any requests. anyways, mwah mwah.
but this one goes out to @unholy-church01 because this request is from october… anyways sosossorry but enjoy ! <3
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s-u-m-i · 7 months ago
i’m currently working on another soft little swaggersouls post, and have been on the usual fall dracotok kick so i have a few ideas in the works for that. but please please please lmk if there’s anything else y’all have been looking for!! very much looking for requests and idea inspo. thank youuuu <3 (also lmk if my requests link isn’t working?? i feel like i’ve fucked it up 😭)
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s-u-m-i · 7 months ago
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LANDO NORRIS is the best driver on the grid, or at least you think so. which is why watching the press conference put a hole in your heart.
"um, i think we quite easily had the best car out there today, i just didn't do a good enought job off the line and then that one thing cost me everything" you watched as the interview continued. the british driver was clearly dissapointed with himself, falling just short of the coveted top step because of one decision. the thing making it sting the most, was that this was the second week in a row of the same occurance.
"uh, today we were the quickest, i had the best car out there, and, um, i didnt maxamize it. the start's down to me and doing what i get told and executing that. with a good start we easily would've won." normally you would head straight to the hotel with some other wags to get some drinks and wait for the boys to be done with media, but today you wanted to see lando before you left. as the press conference wrapped up, you waited for himin the hospitality area of mclaren.
the papya man sulked into hospitality, not bothering to lift his head and see you.
"lan!" you called gently. as green eyes met yours, the man's frame visibally relaxed. he opened his hand for you to take, bekoning you towards him. as he walked you towards his driver's room, you studied his features. his jaw tense and eyebrows were low, trying to hide saddened eyes.
it hurt you to see him like this. a month ago he'd be hanging onto you and asking which dress you were going to wear out to celebrate, but now p2 wasn't good enough. to some extent you were happy for him. the car was competitive now, but lando was starting to be so hard on himself if he wasn't perfect during a race.
lando pushed the door to his room open for you, leaving you to plop onto the small bed as he changed. before you could think of what to say to make your boyfriend feel better, he spoke,
"hey, its probably going to be a long one tonight," lando said, uncharistically down, "you can just take my car and i'll uber to the hotel after we're done."
"no i'll just wait for you to be done, it's okay i want to be here"
"baby can you please just take the car?" his eyes clamped shut and he ran a hand through his messy curls, "i really don't have the energy to turn this into a debate." his tone was stiff. it sent chills down your spine that you had never felt before.
"okay," and thats where the conversation ended. the room was silent until lando had to leave for the race debreif. he pecked you on the cheek, said a very quiet, "bye" and strode off. leaving you sat in the small room, wondering if you could say or do anything to make him feel better.
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THE HOTEL was quiet without him. you thought about passing some time with the other wags by the bar, but didn't want to be the one to kill their vibe.
walking into the shared room, you beelined straight for the bedroom. stripping off your old outfit, opting into a hoodie and some sweats (courtesy of lando). as you laid in bed scrolling through your phone, your mind dwelled on lando. what could you do to help? make him dinner? have a chat? should you even say anything at all? you were exhausting yourself.
as your thoughts raced, you found it harder and harder to keep your eyes open. eventually succumbing to the desire for sleep, you drifted off.
a hand falling on your shoulder stirred you from your slumber. you opened your eyes to a wet headed lando norris looking down at you.
"hey darling, how was your night?" he sank into bed and you immediately fell into his chest.
"it was alright," you murmmered sleepily, "how was the meeting?"
"fine," he replied sternly. this wasn’t the first time a race had gone poorly for lando of course, however normally he was vocal with you about his feelings. venting about team strategy, his performance, other drivers, tire degradation, the list was endless; which made the silence all the more deafening.
“do you wanna talk about it at all?” he scoffed in return, an extremely unusual response from the brit. as the seconds dragged on, you became less and less sure that you were going to get a real answer, “i get that you’re upset, but-”
“oh you get it?” the driver spat, “you understand the feeling of coming second to max again simply because you are worse. no team strategy to blame or anyone in your way?” he looked at you with expectant eyes, “yeah, i didn’t think s-“
“lan stop,” you cut him off, “this isn’t fair. i was just giving you the opportunity to vent and now you’re talking like it’s my fault. i have no control over how your race goes,” you cupped his cheek, “yes, i love watching you succeed, but i’m not here for a top step, or a signing bonus. i’m here for the dnfs, and the horrible stratigies, and the blown starts,” lando grimaced at the last one, “i want to support you every second, of every hour. so stop barking at me like i’m zak brown and start speaking to me like i’m your girlfriend who just woke up to talk to you.” the driver grinned at your stupid comparison.
“i’m sorry, love,” your boyfriend replied softly, “can i try again?”
“of course lan,” a few beats passed “how was the meeting?”
“it was long and tiring, i think i’ve talked enough racing tonight to last me at least two weeks,” he paused and ran a hand over his face, “i really don’t think i can talk about it anymore though, im sorry darling.”
“don’t apologize, you have nothing to apologize for,” you said calmly, “we can just go to sleep, i’m tired of hearing about it as well”
the driver pulled you close to him and buried his head into your chest. you pulled him in tight, running a hand through his unruly curls and he hummed in response. this was what he needed. no words could calm the thoughts in his head, simply your presence was all he desired.
after a few moments passed, you carefully slid a hand over his face; raising those brown eyes to meet yours, “i’m proud of you lan, always” the boy kissed you sweetly, and with that the two of you finally slept.
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A.N: IM SO SORRY!!! starting college has been hectic, but i am semi- settled in so im gonna try to post somewhat regularly. maybe like once a week? but this specific fic was supposed to be posted after the spanish gp i believe but anyways …. tada!!
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s-u-m-i · 7 months ago
Honeydukes and Sweets
Summary: Competition is a double-edged sword — it can carry you to great heights, but also result in a fiery fall. Like the wings of Icarus, Draco Malfoy fell, but not in the way he expected. Words: 4.4k Pairing: Draco x Non-Slytherin!Reader A/N: this was meant to go on for much longer, but i might put my other ideas into a separate fic. will proofread tomorrow (maybe) thanks for reading!
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The philosopher Aristotle wrote about the importance of art and beauty in human life. He said that beauty has the power to change human behaviour — that it isn’t just something to be admired, but by surrounding ourselves with beautiful things, we can become better people.
Draco Malfoy never thought much about beauty. It was not a concept that concerned him. He had his gold and jewels, the power and the prestige, and the attention and validation that came with them. Beauty in even the smallest things like the sun setting over the horizon never faltered his idea of it being nothing more than just a mirage.
It was merely a fleeting moment of pleasure that faded as quick as it came. He’d never been moved by beauty in the same way that others were. The things he had were valued above all else, and his desire to place value on the things he possessed overshadowed the importance of all things else.
His arrogance rose tension like thorns between the pair of you. You were merely a half-blood to him—a filthy one at that, and one with barely any wealth—and he convinced himself that his thoughts would never sway. Never mind the beauty you held that enthralled people to your feet, he would never bow even if you asked politely; you were beneath him.
"You're nothing special, really. In fact, I fail to see why anyone would give you a second thought." He told you.
You liked to think it was only a way to conceal his insecurities, so you never put too much thought into it. Draco was hardly special under the roof of the castle even with his status. He barely had anyone, but he never really valued the beauty in friendship regardless, and still, his lack of companionship only fuelled his frustration. How could a half-blood be more liked than him?
Then, he saw you had surpassed his grade in potions, and your battle of ego and wits grew into an academic rivalry. The two of you were like magnets pulled together by an invisible force, both drawn to the challenge of besting each other.
“An ‘E’?” Draco yelled, his voice a discordant tune. His fingers gripped tightly around his parchment paper, knuckles red with anger.
The paper within your grasp was as smooth as a silk chiton. The bold and elegant "O" adorned on its front, like a crown to your victory, brought a smirk to your lips. You had him beat and there was nothing he could do about it.
“Upset, Malfoy?” You disputed, a note in your voice like a lyre. Your smile remained soft and yet, he thought of cursing you with his bitter tongue.
“Upset?” His mouth formed a thin, cruel line. "Hardly." he scoffed. His tone dripped with derision. To be beaten by a witch, raised as a Muggle was unfathomable, and his ego was wounded by a cut that ran deeper than the River Styx.
“A slip of paper does not define my intelligence, or my abilities as a wizard. I am above something as trivial as a ‘paper’.” His words sought to mask his envy, but his jealousy was palpable as it hung in the air like a noxious cloud.
“Sure, Malfoy.”
After that, Draco dreaded the moment you would mention this defeat again, but you never did—seeing him seethe in his seat was enough and that infuriated him. He had always been better than you academically, but this time he fell short, and he concluded your silence was to ridicule him.
He sought you out one day, finding you before you made a turn to the library. With his lips raised in their familiar scowl, he approached you with long strides. “Think you’re better than me, eh?” Draco tucked his hands into the pockets of his robe, his gaze grey and uninviting.
A look of confusion drew onto your face. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Don’t be ridiculous! You know what I’m talking about.” He huffed. He pulled his hands from his pockets. “You get an ‘outstanding’ and you don’t taunt me about it like I do you.”
Your brows weaved together like a basket of wool on a spindle. “I suppose you wouldn’t want me to...?” He took a second too long to reply. “Did you want me to?”
The question hung in the air like a golden apple poised to be picked and he turned to the wall beside you, as if he expected to find his answer there. “Of course not, that’s ridiculous.” He scoffed, his words sharp like the blades of a scythe.
“You think everything is ridiculous.” You retorted. “Besides, I don’t understand. You’re confronting me because I’m not mocking you?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he looked away again, his mind knotty with labyrinthine thoughts. His mouth moved to speak but your words slipped before his could. “I have to get to the library.”
Behind him, more students began to file into the room, their steps light but hurried like the gentle whisper of the wind. You clasped your books tighter to your chest. “Would you like to join?”
He heard you shift your feet and thought you were reconsidering your question when he turned to you again. You still held that gentle glow in your eyes and he hated that he nearly lost himself in them—an absurd moment of weakness. You thought you saw a warmth in his own, like a hint of willingness, or maybe a spark of wonder, but it was gone as quickly as it came.
“No.” He rounded you, his lips raised in disgust.
Studying with a half-blood would be a mind-numbing exercise, like another torturous case like the Cruciatus Curse. He hated that you had even considered it. He would never waste his time with someone below him, even the thought sparked an uncomfortable shiver down his spine. Your sick proposal jabbed into his brain whenever he saw you, and he thought that was bad enough, until you joined a Quidditch team.
There’s never been a more pathetic sight than when you walked on the field, your gaze to the cloudless sky. He wanted to laugh—you, playing Quidditch? You were clumsy enough on the ground.
He dropped his feet to the ground, his broom still between his legs. “Joining the team, eh?” His lips raised into his characteristic sneer. “I don’t see how you could possibly beat me.”
You turned your head with his words, your eyebrows raised in merriment. “I don’t need to beat you; this is just for fun.” You can’t recall a time when Draco didn’t want to challenge you.
His mouth curled into an entertained frown. “Is that a Nimbus 2000?” He gestured to the broomstick in your hand.
“It is.” You twirled it. “Pretty, isn’t it? I might consider painting it as well. Maybe a green?” You smiled with a joking sweetness. “For when Slytherin loses, don’t want to hurt their ego too much, do we?”
He was a little taken aback by your remark, but he couldn’t deny that he found your challenge humorous. “Slytherin, losing?” He laughed with a tilt of his head.
“How about a race then? You and I, for the Golden Snitch.” His grey eyes were firm, and his lips upturned into a daring smirk. “The one who catches it first wins. What do you say?”
“What’s in it for me?”
His eyes sparkled with mischief. “We’ll see if you win.”
“And what about for you, what would you want?”
“For you to admit that I’m superior.”
Students gathered to the field, all adorn in their respective uniform and magical badges on their hearts. Draco’s name sparkled more often on their chests than yours, and he smirked with a haughty tilt of his chin. He was confident it would prick your nerves, so the Slytherin flew over, his hair flowing with the wind like the silver feathers of a Pegasus.
“See, I am superior to you.” He sniggered.
Your head shook. “I doubt it, they don’t know what I’m capable of just yet.” Your tone dripped sweetly with poison, like the honeyed words of the serpent Python. No one hated you; they were just a little less expectant of your skills in Quidditch, you were sure of it.
Draco pulled his lips together in an amused frown. “Right, let’s see what you’ve got.”
The Snitch was raised by Marcus Flint, the golden sphere in his fingers like a prize for superiority. The wings unravelled from their place to flail in the air, and it shone intimidatingly between yourself and your rival.
Marcus, on the edge of his broom, flashed his vile teeth. “Close your eyes,” he commanded. The both of you did, letting the Golden Snitch tour its way around the huge field. “Now, open! Start!” He flew away from the scene just as you and Draco opened your eyes.
Your heads twisted and turned in search for the golden bug, eyes narrowed between the crowd, below your feet, and above your heads. Until there it was, flying freely near the Gryffindors. You sped first, your head tilted to fight the air resistance. Draco was on your tail a second after, his hands tight around his broom as he fought to speed passed you.
“Don’t think you have the upper hand.” He laughed, his voice loud against the strong wind. He flew by quickly, his platinum hair flowing freely behind him.
The two of you raced, neck and neck, towards the Snitch. Draco kept his lips between his teeth as he glided, his broom making sharp turns and sudden spirals towards the bug, as it flew erratically like a crazed Phoenix.
The competition was intense, the rush from the chase filling your lungs with an excitement that gave a natural high. The crowd cheered as you dashed through the air, surprised at your pace against an experienced seeker. They jumped and joyously screamed as the two of you flew to the golden ball.
The Snitch seemed to flicker in the sun, tempting you and Draco to close the gap and claim the win. The platinum blond was focused, his gaze narrowed like lasers and movements precise as he grew closer.
You neared each other, arms out and the tension high. The crowd held their collective breath, waiting to catch the win. With every turn and twist of your broom, Draco matched your speed. Despite his closing pale body, your determined eyes remained on the ball.
With a burst of speed, you brushed against him and shoved his body aside. You soared through the air, fingers out to the ball. Only a little closer…
Your fingers barely grazed it, until finally, you clenched it in your grasp. You held the Snitch and its golden glow shimmered in the sun. The entire crowd erupted in a chorus of cheers as they threw their Draco badges to the floor. You had won.
A sigh of disbelief left your throat as you turned to your opponent. Draco had no words to express his lost, nor could he find his speech when you playful winked at him. His cheeks flushed with a faint pink.
He felt silly blushing at something he’d already seen. You’d winked at him before, but this time, it made him feel vulnerable. And as you turned to the crowd, your eyes gentle and smile wide, the feeling began to consume him. It was almost compelling, the sight of you proud without any irritation on your features. He wanted to hate it— ‘that’s a bloody half-blood you’re looking at’ he wanted to say.
But the wind ruffled your hair, the warm sun kissed against your skin, and you had won. He was meant scoff and roll his eyes, but instead, he felt a strange sort of admiration.
And now, as he watched the light dance in your eyes, he felt a stirring in his chest that he couldn’t explain. He wanted to look away—to find a reason to, but he couldn’t. There was something addictive with the way your hair billowed in the wind, and he was sure that even if he was to swim in the banks of the river Lethe, your smile wouldn’t erase from his memory.
Then, following that—and he wished he never would have to admit—he began to notice things that he hadn’t before. He memorised the way your lips would part, and you would facepalm whenever you’d say the wrong answer in class. He noticed how you would fiddle with your fingers—though he wasn’t sure if it was from nerves or just a bored habit.
He admired your different hairstyles from a distance. You’d change it every day, but he found it the prettiest whenever you would braid it. He loved the way the strands would interweave like wool on a spindle, and the way it would reflect the light whenever the sun grazed you.
His words began to trip at the sight of you. So even when you had surpassed his grade in Charms, he kept his lips sealed. It was embarrassing enough to admit to himself that he found you somewhat pretty and it would be even more so if he was to stutter in your face. So slowly, his banter towards you died.
You approached him one day, on a weekend when everyone would be heading off to Hogsmeade. He was sitting on a bench by the fountain outside, his legs relaxed and eyes focused on nothing in particular.
“You coming to Hogsmeade as well?” Your voice was gentle as ever, although it was never really harsh even when you threw playful insults at him.
He raised his gaze. There was something unfamiliar with the way he looked at you now, but you supposed it was the way the sun hit his grey irises.
“Yes.” It’s all he says, like the time you had asked if he wanted to join you in the library.
“I heard Blaise is there already, why aren’t you with him now?”
He blinked. He wanted to hate the way your voice played gracefully like a lyre. “He’s with a girl.”
His responses were short—something you wished you could understand. Nothing was the same after the race, and you weren’t sure it was because you had won.
“Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?”
There it was again, that gentleness in your voice that would make him weak in the knees these days. He was grateful he was sitting then because otherwise his legs would buckle beneath him.
You looked aside briefly, trying to find the words that might comfort him. There were butterflies where you gazed, and they fluttered their wings around gracefully like a dance against the wind. You remembered when Professor Lupin had said they were a symbol of new beginnings, and that memory brought an idea to your mind.
“I’m asking you to join me to Hogsmeade.” You told him. “Please come with me.” You wanted it to sound like a kind command, to which he had no choice but to accept.
He raised a brow at your proposal, hesitant. “Draco?”
You’d never said his name so gently before. It was always filled with a hint of tease, or a slight annoyance, but as you stood in front of him in the daring sun, your voice played like a plead.
He considered it. The two of you had never exchanged a proper conversation before; maybe you would embarrass yourself and his weird feelings would wash away. You were pretty, that’s all, and maybe after this, he would think otherwise. His dumb feelings would disappear and everything would be back to normal.
The corners of his mouth raised slightly. “Okay.”
The two of you walked together, soundlessly awkward smiles on your lips and minds whirled with sweet joy. You both tried to hide your enjoyments, looking away from each other as you made your way into The Three Broomsticks.
“Is it good?” You sat across from him, at a wooden booth inside of the store.
His forehead creased with slight disappointment as he licked foam from his lips. “I should’ve asked for less cider.” He tightened his fingers around his Butterbeer.
“Try mine, I asked for less sugar.” You pushed your drink forwards, offering a gentle smile.
He had never shared a food or drink with anyone—it wasn’t something he was accustomed to. His mother had always told him the proper etiquette to decline, but as you offered him your drink, he couldn’t deny.
He brought the cup to his lips and took a small sip. It was better than his, less sweet like he prefers most things. He gave a nod.
“This one’s better. Mine tastes like Honeydukes melted as one and put into a cup.” He pulled his lips up into his familiar scowl, but there was a playful charm in it now.
You grabbed his cup and pushed yours closer to him. “Take mine, I’ll drink yours.” He didn’t reply to your offering before you pulled his cup to your lips.
He chuckled lightly when you pulled it away and a white foam formed around your mouth like a moustache. “You remind me of that Muggle.” He said, his teeth peering from behind his lips.
 Your eyebrows knitted together. “What?”
“That Muggle. The one with the white moustache and beard?”
“There are a lot of those — are you referring to Santa Claus?” There’s a chuckle of disbelief that followed your words. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know his name?”
He parted his lips about to defend himself, when a figure crossed behind you, and a scowl fell onto Draco’s features. His grey eyes rose and fell with disdain.
“Potter.” He spat with a roll of his eyes. “Let’s get out of here.” He stood from the wooden seat, his eyes still following Harry behind you with irritation.
You wiped your lips with the back of your sleeve. “But we haven’t finished our Butterbeer.”
Draco gripped your arm as he slipped by you, pulling you with him as he exited the bar. You followed him with hurried steps as you tried to match his longer strides.
“You know, it’s not every day that I can have a butterbeer, Malfoy. I had to save those galleons to earn such a prize.” You spoke.
He continued to walk until he could barely see The Three Broomsticks behind him. “I’ll buy you a Butterbeer next time. I’ll even buy you two if it means I never have to see Potter again.” He released his grip from your arm.
“What do hate about him so much?”
“He’s irritating.”
You decided not to argue with him. “Fair.”
Not long after, the pair of you set foot into Honeydukes, the coolness of the air brushing against your cheeks as you entered. It smelt of vanilla and chocolate with a hint of baking pastries.
Draco followed closely behind as you ventured the store, his eyes scanning the shelves along with you. He didn’t enjoy sweets as much, but he couldn’t deny that he found your company nice. So, he only watched as you admired the colours and wacky flavours displayed.
He picked up a string of liquorice. “You enjoy this stuff?” He asked with a slight distaste in his tone.  “This is all just sugar.”
He dropped the lolly as you shrugged. “I haven’t tried any of these. Well, besides that disgusting liquorice that Blaise offered me.” Your fingers curled around the pentagonal box of a Chocolate Frog packet.
“Blaise talks to you?”
You turned your head slightly with a furrow of your eyebrows. “Of course Blaise talks to me. Why shouldn’t he?”
His grey eyes sank into yours. “It’s not like we’re rivals.” You continued, dropping the packet back onto the shelf as you turned your body towards him.
“I’m not implying that you and I are,” you added for clarification. “I’m just asking, is it that difficult to understand that I can be friends with your friends as well?”
Draco’s lips raised with a slight amusement. “Your choice of words insinuates that we’re rivals.” He plays with the end of his sleeve. “Besides, Blaise never talked about you, so I assumed you two never got along. Don’t get offended when I barely offered a reply.”
Your mouth dropped a little with embarrassment. “I’m not offended.” Your toned raised. “I’m just clarifying, that’s all.”
“Then don’t.”
You pursed your lips. “Okay then.”
He looked down at you with a glint in his eyes, a dumbfounded expression plastered on his face. Your hair fell against your cheeks when you lowered your gaze, and his lips curled upwards slightly. For a moment, you wondered if he was going to speak, but he only looked away with a faint blush.
You turned away as well, finding your focus on the colours of the sweets again. He watched from a distance, trying to keep his gaze calculated so he didn’t look at you for too long. But whenever you lingered over a treat for a beat too long, he found it impossible not to catch a glimpse of you. His lips would always tug into a small smile, almost as if you were a secret between the two of you.
His grey eyes caught you again when you spoke. “They have lollipops?” You scooped into the colourful mix of lollies. “I haven’t had a lollipop in years!”
Draco considered a thought. “Do you want one?” He moved closer and grazed his fingers against the glass bowl of sweets.
“Yes I’d love one, but maybe next time.” You smiled at him, your eyes shining delicately below the lanterns of the store. “I spent too much already on that Butterbeer—that I didn’t get to finish by the way.” Your smile widened with your words, a joking tone playing on your tongue.
Draco bit his lip to stop a grin, but there was an obvious rise in his cheeks. He doesn't understand how he brought himself to be so rude to you, you were so endearing. You moved around him to reach a case of chocolates, when he picked the glass bowl of lollipops from its stand.
“Draco, what are you doing?” He ignored you as he pulled the crystal casing closer to his chest, a sense of determination on his face.
He dropped the bowl onto the front counter. “These.” The cashier looked at him with a face of distress before she began to count the lollipops.
“You’re going to eat all of that?” You asked once you stood beside him. You were in disbelief as he continued to snatch chocolates and other sweets from below the counter and the shelves behind him.
“No, you will.” He said nonchalantly. He picked a chocolate from another shelf. “Did you want these as well?” He barely let you reply before he stacked the packets and dropped it onto the counter.
Your mouth parted. “You’re absurd, put it back. I can’t eat all of that.” You reached over, in an attempt to move the lollies away, when he stopped you.
His fingers wrapped around your forearm. “You can. It’s my treat for the butterbeer you didn’t finish.”
“This is worth way more than just a Butterbeer, Draco.”
A smile slipped onto his cheeks when you said his name. “It’s my treat then.” He pulled his hand away. “For being such an ass to you.”
You dragged your lip beneath your teeth to contain a grin as Draco scanned the woman behind the counter. “My father will pay for this, I’m sure you know who that is.” She nodded in return, pushing the lollies into a bag before handing it to him.
Draco grabbed the plastic and turned to the door with a smirk. He looked at you from his side. “Let’s try the lollipops you wanted so bad.” He took a few steps in front as you stalled.
“I didn’t want them ‘so bad’!”
“Yeah, whatever.” You laughed as you ran towards him, mouth wide with joy, and eyes shaped like crescent moons.
“You still owe me something for winning the race, though. This doesn’t count!”
“Yeah, alright.” He turned to you with a soft gaze, his face adorned by a delicate smile. You couldn’t recall a time when he'd smiled so gently.
“Want to race to the castle?” You asked, pulling your lip beneath your teeth. The sight made his heart stutter, and the playful tone of your voice made him weaker still. He nodded, and without warning, you took off—your hair flowing freely behind you.
He followed right after, the bag still in his hands as he approached from behind. The sun cast a soft, golden glow around you like an eclipse, highlighting your form in a warm, comforting light. The sun setting over the horizon was breathtaking, but your silhouette in front of it made it all the more captivating, and Draco knew then that beauty was much more than just his jewels.
He had always thought of beauty in abstract terms. It was something for the muggles to fawn over, not something that a pure-blood like him needed to concern himself with. He was accustomed to things being a certain way, and he knew it was foolish, to suddenly find the appeal in something so absurd; to fall for someone who was deemed lower than him. But he couldn’t help it, he was drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.
"Beauty is symmetry," Aristotle had said.  But for Draco, beauty was more. It was a feeling, a sensation that he couldn't quite explain. It was the way the sun caught your hair at just the right angle, the way you laughed.
Suddenly, beauty was the sound of parchment, the smell of butterbeer and Honeydukes, and the scene of the sun setting over the horizon. You were like a breath of fresh air, like the sunlight after a storm. Suddenly, he understood why everyone fell to your feet.
For the first time in his life, Draco realised that beauty wasn't only a fleeting moment of time, nor was it something that could be defined, it was something that existed beyond words. It was a feeling, a sensation, that he couldn't really understand. But he knew it when he saw it, when he felt it.
And he knew that he was falling in love with you.
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
𓍼 batboys x hugging
big time hugger
and extremely shameless about it
randomly goes up to ppl and hugs them
usually does it from behind while resting his head on their shoulder
once you got together though he stopped hugging random batfam members since now he can annoy you with it and just hug you whenever he wants
always has his hands on you somehwere
mostly wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head in the crook of your neck
loves being the big spoon and just holding you
gets whiny when he doesn’t get to engulf you in a hug
he would never admit it or say it out loud but he loves hugs
it’s an unspoken thing- you never talk about it or bring it up, but you both know that each of you needs it and you just do it silently and softly
he could never get enough of touching you or you touching him and your arms wrapped around each other
he’ll just randomly come up behind you and wrap his arms around your shoulders and under your chin and rest his head on top of yours since he’s so tall
loves it when he’s laying on his back and you’re on top of him with your head in the crook of his neck
he has mommy and daddy issues so he likes getting babied but also babying you
totally the little spoon. but he loves holding onto you as well bc it eases his nerves knowing you’re safe in his arms
he’s tired pretty much 24/7 so he likes sloppy hugs
when he’s working at a desk and you walk by, he’ll stop you by your wrist and nuzzle his head into your stomach and put your arms around his neck kinda hiding his face with your arms
same thing when he’s sitting down on the couch or his bed and you just wanna walk by, he’ll pull you towards him and press his head into the side of your stomach and take your arm and put it around his head
sometimes he’ll just completely plop himself on top of you when you’re laying down somewhere and nuzzle his head in the crook of your neck
he also likes it when you do it to him bc he likes feeling a heavy body on top of him, it calms him
he loves laying on his stomach in between your legs and having his head on your lower stomach listening to the weird sounds it makes
would rather die than let anyone know he likes hugs
black cat energy
he’s super whiny when he finally does let you hug him
but not because he doesn’t like it (or pretends he doesn’t) it’s because he doesn’t wanna let go. like ever.
in private he’ll let you hug him whenever you want
in fact, whenever it’s just the two of you, he practically attacks you bc he’s so touch starved
he’ll hug you really suddenly really fast and really hard, and stay like that for a few seconds before he loosens his grip on you a little and lazily keeps holding onto you
after a while he’ll just start not to care and hug you whenever he wants even if ppl are around. if one of his brothers makes a stupid comment though trust they will be dealt with
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
playing gotham night... expect batfam overload in the next week
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
I sniffle, curling into a tighter ball under the covers. My laptop in front of me is the only source of light in the room, as well as my entertainment while I'm coughing my lungs out.
"Yeah, X is still sick. That's why she's not streaming. She's in here as a mod, though, I think. Are you, X?" I reach out, typing with one hand. 'im here'
"They're still sick?" Puffer's voice joins the mix. "It's been a week now."
"Yeah," Max says, "she's feeling pretty shitty."
'tell puff boy not to worry about me' I type 'im fine'
"You're not fine," he argues. "Puffer, she says not to worry too much."
"X, take better care of yourself." The worried tone in his voice shines through the monotonous drawl. With another cough, I roll out of bed and wander down the hall to Max's office and walk in. He turns around as I do so, frowning.
"You should be resting right now, what are you doing?" 
Rather than answer, I pull his headset off and put it on my own ears and get close to his mic, half leaning on his desk.
"Shut up, Puffer, I'm fine."
"Woah, you sound like a smoker. Are you okay?" Chat fills with similar sentiment, making me scowl. "Is it just a cold?"
"I think mild laryngitis. I had no voice at all yesterday," I rasp. "I'm fine, though, don't worry."
"'Kay, that's all. Later, I'm sitting down." I hand Max his headset and do exactly that, plopping down on the floor next to him, leaning my head against his leg. From my vantage, I can see parts of his monitors and notice that his cam can see the top part of my head.
"No she's sitting on the floor next to me. X, Puffer says go back to bed. So do I." I hum in disagreement and stay where I am, closing my eyes. "Alright, hang on, I'm muting for a second."
There's a few clicks and the sound of him placing his headset on the desk and then his hand is on my head, lightly musing my hair.
"X, come on, you gotta get back to bed. You can stay in as a mod but you need to be resting."
"I am resting," I argue.
"You know what I mean." I tilt my head to look at him, frowning. His brow is creased as he looks down at me, worry pulling at his face.
"I feel lonely," I admit. "You know how I am when I don't feel good."
"I know." His voice is gentle, as is his hand as it slides down to cup my cheek. "I won't be streaming for too much longer, okay? For now go back to bed."
I go to say something but end up in a coughing fit that has me doubled over, hacking into my crossed legs. His hand presses gently into the top of my spine to comfort me until I can breathe normally again. 
"X, please, go back to bed. I'll only be live for another half hour or so, okay?"
"Okay." He helps me to my feet and walks me down the hall to the bedroom, laying me down on the bed and covering me with the blankets again. "I'll be back soon."
He kisses my forehead before walking back to his office. As he's settling back in, I read chat. A lot of them are calling us cute while others are wishing me well. There's a couple who want to be trolls and are making fun of me for being sick but I give them warning mutes. Max sees one that I miss, though, and gets mad fast.
"Hey, if you wanna make fun of me do it. I know X doesn't really care if you make fun of her either, but don't be a shit about us being together. You're fucking banned and I'm doing it myself." I haven't heard him this pissed at someone in chat since a few months ago when a couple people wanted to make creepy comments on my body when I was wearing a cropped sweater and sweats. "I know some of you think you know what's best for us but you don't so shut the fuck up and leave us alone."
His protectiveness over me always makes me smile, even if I don't like what triggers it. 
Suddenly, chat is a lot faster. Most of what I can read is people telling Max to pop off and telling others to leave us alone or defending our happiness. I ban a few trolls myself, not even bothering to give warnings. 
"Puffer, I'm getting off in 30," he says.
"Aw, do you need to take care of the baby?" Immediately, I open a different Twitch tab, albeit muted, and get into Puffer's chat. Where I'm also a mod. 'shut the fuck up puff boy'
"She's not a-"
"Hey! Get outta my chat you fuckin' rat!" I giggle a little before typing again. 
'make me. im a mod bitch'
"X, you better not be bullying Puffer in his chat."
"She is. I'm gonna ban her."
"Don't ban her."
"She's being annoying. Maybe I should."
"You'll be down a mod." There's a moment of silent deliberation before Max jumps back in. "And she's on cold meds right now. You know how she gets when she's on cold meds."
Puffer lets out a dramatic sigh. "Fine. You're safe for now, X. But get out of my chat and go sleep."
I close his stream and go back to Max's, watching people celebrate my non-ban in Puffer's chat. Soon, I see spam of a clip link. I click it, filled with curiosity.
It's the moment of Max playing with my hair and cupping my face as I sat on the floor beside him. You can just see it with my positioning and the tilt of my head. Heat rushes my face as I click back on the stream. 
Chat flies by in a flurry, a lot of hearts and coos and calling us cute. Some of them even label it as "relationship goals." Max is too absorbed in the game and his conversation with Puffer to notice. I'm silently thankful for that, especially as the clip fades away and the conversation switches to the game again.
For the next twenty minutes all is calm. Max gets off the call with Puffer to do his ending, talking to chat for a little. I'm half asleep as I monitor chat until I see the link again.
"Oh, new clips?" Before I can say anything, Max clicks it and shows his whole stream. Chat explodes into their fawning again while Max just stares at it, letting it play a couple times. 
One would take the reaction as shock, but I see the small smile on his face. I don't blame him. It's a rare clip of me I actually truly enjoy.
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
Give me Swaggersouls, the finest Swaggersouls you've got 🔫
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author note: i just feel like he would be the sweetest around you and for you. man spends his days yelling at his dumbass friends and putting on the internet persona, but as soon as it comes to you it all melts away. anyways i hope you enjoy :D
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SWAGGERSOULS sat at his desk wrapping up another csgo video. saying goodbye to all of his friends he closed the application, immediately opening his editing software. the yawning man took a peek at the clock,
10:23 PM
swagger sighed, taking his headphones off, and attempted to rub the sleep off his face. he needed to get something edited tonight in order to feel productive for the day, a toxic trait of his. looking through the footage he had, a quiet rustle disrupted his search. he turned, seeing you asleep in your shared bed. how you slept through the obnoxious recording session was beyond him, but he was glad you did. mouth slightly open, hair strewn about, swagger couldn't help but grab his phone and snap a picture. you would kill him in the morning for it, but for now it brought a smile to his face.
as much as he wanted to join you, he forced his focus back to the illuminated screen. looking for a project that wouldn't take him long, but would make him feel accomplished: the minecraft session from yesterday. in a perfect world swagger could have the footage completely ready for upload, besides the subtitles (there wasn't enough weed in the world to make that possible), and be asleep by midnight. its a shame that he doesn't live in a perfect world...
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A LIGHT HAND brushing against his back accompanied by a soft whisper is what ended up stirring swagger from his short slumber.
"bear?" he looked up to meet the tired eyes of his girlfriend. he swore he was only taking a short break. "well goodmorning," you murmured. the man only groaned in response, "come on, time for bed."
"i can't, i gotta finish this."
"baby it's really late, there are plenty of hours in tomorrow's day to finish that. for now, you need sleep." swagger swore he was only resting his eyes, ten minutes tops. he glanced at the clock on his glowing computer screen,
1:54 AM
"holy fuck, when did it get so late?" you let out a small giggle in response.
"i'm not sure, i woke up to the sound of your clips looping. pretty annoying by the way..."
"sorry hun," the man stood, pulling you in and burying his head into the crook of your neck. after a long moment, your boyfriend pulled away from you. "go ahead and get in bed," his kissed between your eyebrows softly, "i'll just be one second."
you glanced up at him with a doubting look, at which he chuckled softly, "i swear," he reassured you, "some mouthwash and a piss. just gimme one minute." as he walked towards the bathroom, you made quick work of finding your spot in the bed again. shutting your eyes, you felt the side of the bed dip down. familiar arms grabbed your waist, pulling you into a warm chest.
"come 'ere, pretty," you twisted your body and pushed your head into his shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around your body. swagger pulled you tight against him; his nose in your hair and hands tracing small, invisible patterns on your back.
"i lied earlier"
"what?" the man pulled his head back to look in your eyes,
"it wasn't the clips that woke me up," you grinned up at him, "you snore, loud." he rolled his eyes dramatically as you laughed. moments like these were what brought swagger the most peace. just you and him shooting shit at two in the morning.
"why are you looking at me like that," your boyfriend had a small smile on his face, just staring at you. awestruck at the breathtaking woman that he miraculous had laying with him.
"i just love you is all" you reached your hand to his face, pulling his lips to yours,
"i love you too bear, now sleep." tucking your head back into his chest, he placed a small kiss on the top of your head. the two of you drifted off to sleep, still entangled in each other. swaggers snoring the only thing to be heard within the room.
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
i haven't read the book yet, but the 2005 movie solos
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Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
Okay like no matter the shoulda coulda I'm hyped about where the racing in F1 is going for the second half of the season
Everyone is much closer than they've been for a long time and if Ferrari can pick it up a little more too we'll legitimately have four teams all fighting for the win
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
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absolutely lost it over this fic by @neuro-psyche so. have this comic o(- (
go read it rn if u also love some Good identity reveal fic!!!!
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
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JASON TODD doesn't get jealous. or at least thats what he told himself as you launched into the cave. a perfect sight really; body hugged in all the right places by the costume you had on and gorgeous hair rushing behind you. as you landed in front of him, jason couldn't help his eyes from wandering; scanning every part of the gorgeous woman in front of him.
"jeez big guy, you ever gonna say anything?" jason's face dropped as soon as he saw his brother emerge from behind the flawless silhouette. DICK GRAYSON wasn't supposed to be here. grayson made it abundantly clear that bludhaven was HIS territory, so why did he need to be in gotham.
"oh come on jace, we both know you missed me. plus i had to come see my favorite girl," dick swung a lazy arm around your shoulders, "poor things been having to spend so much time with you, i thought she could use the break." at this point jason wouldn't be surprised if he was literally smoking. your small giggle was the only thing that snapped him out of thoughts contemplating the various ways he could exterminate the nightwing infestation.
"why are you here dick?" jason's tone was stern. all week he had been looking forward to this. a patrol, just you and him. it wasn't much, but when the majority of time jason got with you was accompanied by the rest of the family, he'd savor every second he could steal.
"well i just tol-"
"cut the bullshit grayson. why are you really here?" jason couldn't miss the sly smirk on his brother's face. he may have died, but he wasn't born yesterday. dick had turned you into a competition, which jason hated. you were gorgeous, no one could deny that. so the first day you came strolling into the batcave, the brothers knew that it would be a dogfight to get you on their team.
"i told him he could come red," your voice cut through the tension, "we've been talking about those weapon shipments and think they might be coming through bludhaven first."
"thank you," grayson took a small (yet somehow extremely dramatic) bow, "see jace, i'm only here to help, so lets talk." the acrobat strolled past jason stopping only to whisper in his ear, "you can give up now if you want... no shame here."
"fuck off grayson, you're here on business. thats it." the red vigilante snapped back,
"i guess we'll find out tonight if it's just business, or at least i will." as the older walked away, every instinct that jason had told him to turn around and rip dick grayson a new one, but a soft hand on his forearm stopped him,
"please just hear him out red, i know you guys don't get along but we really need this intel," your eyes were mesmerizing, jason would've said yes to anything you could've possibly asked. however you still sweetened the deal, "i promise i'll make it up to you, anything you want and it's yours." jason tried not to drool at the thought.
"ok, fine."
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JASON WAS SEETHING. plain and simple. there was no reason for him to be at this stupid fucking meeting if all grayson was going to do was hit on you. bludhaven's vigilante had spent more time leaning over your shoulder and whispering in your ear than he had looking at any sort of lead being offered up.
"sorry guys, i just have to run to the restroom quickly. i swear i'll be right back." you excused yourself quickly and rushed out of the room, leaving the brothers to catch up. it was quiet in the room, tension thick in the air. a question of who would speak first rather than if they would speak. the boys locked eyes from across the room, leading dick to spread a smile across his face,
"do you want me to tell you how she is tomorrow? nevermind, stupid question, i'm sure you'll hear us tonight." jason wanted to smack that look off his face. he could've jumped the table and pummeled his brother, but the door to the meeting room swung wide,
"hey gorgeous! welcome back," grayson quipped.
"oh, thanks? i hope i wasn't gone long, we should try to wrap this up soon." you strolled through the room back to your seat, both boys eyeing you the whole way, "so dick, if you're able to put a tracker..."
jason quickly lost interest in the inner workings of the operation, instead opting to keep a close eye on how his predecessor was acting around you. jason watched as he savored, savored every move you made, savored every word out of your mouth, every smile you gave, savored everything that should've been jason's. jason watched as dick hooked his foot at the bottom of your chair, pulled you next to him, then snaked his arm around your waist. grayson leaned into you and continued like nothing had changed.
jason liked to say that he was not a jealous man. however jason todd would never claim to be a patient man, and his brother has just crossed the line.
the large man shot out of his chair in milliseconds.
"get the fuck out of here," jason was pratically growling at this point. he watched as his the flustered man attempted to quip back, but he had heard enough of this loudmouth tonight, "you can walk out now, or i can send you back to bludhaven in a fucking bodybag grayson."
with the threat in place, the brother stood up,
"we were about done here anyways, don'tcha think?" your eyes flicked away from one brother to the next, seemingly looking for a reasoning from jason. with a blank stare from him you turned back to his brother.
"yeah, i didn't have anything more to add," you both watched the showboat walk out of the room, eyes following him the whole way. when the door snapped shut, you shot up and spoke immediately,
"jason, what the hell was that?" you were visibly irritated, taking a few strides towards the man, "i'm trying to get something on this case, and-"
"you're joking right," jason spat, "you're telling me you didn't know he was hitting on you the whole fucking time?"
"i knew he was flirting, but-"
"jesus christ, what was the fucking point of me being here? so you can flirt with my brother and rub it in my face?" jason pointed his finger at you, taking a large step towards you, "i get it! you want him, not me! just next time-"
"let me finish my damn sentence before you start jumping to conclusions," you yelled, "i knew he was flirting, but i was putting up with it so we might be able to get a lick of info about these weapons"
"yeah, 'oh'," you smiled up at him. the proximity was going to make jason sick. you stood no more than a foot away from him, staring up at him through your eyelashes. he was firmly under your spell.
"are you jealous?" your voice was just barely above a whisper, "because if you are," your hand snuck its way up his arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake, "you don't have anything to worry about."
"i don't get jealous, sweetheart," you cocked an eyebrow at jason
"oh yeah?" he nodded quickly at you, "HEY GRAYS-"
jason's mouth quickly covered yours. his warm lips moving against yours with a sense of desperation. as his hands sank onto your hips , yours ran up the nape of his neck and into his hair, you gave a small tug to what you could reach eliciting a low, heavenly groan from jason who let his stature crumble into yours.
as you finally broke away from each other, gasping for air, jason's hands found their way to the back of your thighs, where he tapped gently. you looked up at him hesitantly.
"come on baby, i gotcha," he spoke gently, a tone you had never heard from him before. you jumped cautiously, he caught you and immediately pushed your lips back together. his kiss was heavenly, sending warmth throughout your body. his tongue lapped at your bottom lip, seeking entry, which you granted eagerly.
while your tongues intertwined, jason had sat you down on the cold conference table. his hands wandered upwards, breaking away from you, he looked for permission. at the moment of your nod, his hands began roaming your chest and his mouth trailed kisses from your jaw to where he was now pulling on the zipper of your costume.
the door to the meeting room swung open,
"did you need some- oh shit," dick grayson stood there, dumbfounded. jason, realizing who it was, dropped his head to roll his tongue around your sensitive nipples. letting out a sultry moan of jason's name, you turned your head to a very red in the face dick,
"want him to tell you about it in the morning? or are you staying to listen?"
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
batfam masterlist
🎀=smut ☁=fluff 🧸=angst
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jason todd
jealous 🎀
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dick greyson
none... yet
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bruce wayne
none... yet
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
youtubers masterlist
🎀=smut ☁=fluff 🧸=angst
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none... yet
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none... yet
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none... yet
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none... yet
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swagger souls
late nights ☁
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
f1 masterlist
🎀=smut ☁=fluff 🧸=angst
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charles leclerc
none... yet
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lando norris
comfort ☁️🧸
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oscar piastri
none... yet
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max verstappen
none... yet
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daniel ricciardo
none... yet
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logan sargent
none... yet
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sebastian vettel
none... yet
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s-u-m-i · 9 months ago
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hi and welcome to my blog !! i've always had an interest in writing for some of the fandoms im a part of, but never had the dedication to write a full book... so i'm hoping this will work out for me!
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who do i write for? (all titles link to masterlists)
f1: lando norris, oscar piastri, charles leclerc, max verstappen, daniel ricciardo, logan sargeant, sebastian vettel
youtubers: grizzy, pezzy, droid, smii7y, swaggersouls,
batfam: jason todd, dick grayson, bruce wayne
animes: blue lock, jujitsu kaisen, attack on titan
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yes!! 100% yes, all the time and always!! you can submit any reqs here
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