#non est ad astra mollis e terra via: smp multiverse
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grailknightmonty · 11 months ago
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make a mercy out of me.
workin on some funky lore with @canofambersoup on Mianite RPG ;]c Also thumbnail for one of my vods, feel free to check out! :D
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kiwibirdlafayette · 8 months ago
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turn your gaze, watchful eye
to the heavens above the aether's Earth
been pre-occupied with other things but been tryin to slowly chip away at the next set of multiverse lore :'3 have a sneak peek
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grailknightmonty · 2 years ago
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pages from the notes of Aurelia S[ ], a champion of the Nowhere, partaking in a cautious and ongoing study of our vast multiverse.
They call this mission Project Non est Ad Astra.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year ago
if theres the mianite variant.. the VH variant.. sun guardian.. origins.. what if jordan god variant. The doors im thinking about that one MCSM post and the doors..
​i have so much lore with multiverse already from Caron to the NoWhere i could. I could do something with this 👀
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kiwibirdlafayette · 4 months ago
💀 💀 Trick or treat 💀 💀
*jolts awake with a start* SHOOT
HAPPY LATE HALLOWEEN I HAVE ARISEN chases you down I have a treat for you 👀✨I've dug out a little worldbuilding tidbit from sparkly starbornes AU never before seen by any other eyes, hope ya enjoy <3
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grailknightmonty · 2 years ago
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strange dreams, the feeling of being unknown
(an in-character lore piece for the Mianite RPG)
It's been a month since I've been like truly awake. Aurelia can't explain it, and neither can I. It’s like I’m not here at all, or that I’m not strong enough to exist on the same plane as everyone else. But it's not weakness, nor is it some kind of exhaustion.
It’s just a weight unlike anything I’ve felt before. Jumping in and out of reality mentally, but thank god, not physically.
I’ve returned somewhat to being a hermit, being away from everyone else as much as I can. I don’t really understand what’s keeping me away, but maybe I don’t want to know.
The other guardians can't know what’s been going on. If the legion finds out, I don’t imagine Dianite will be very forgiving with how I’ve become. I mean- I don’t know if they miss me. I don’t want my friends to worry, so I’ve told Aurelia to not tell anyone.
When she went to Nibiru, I just told her to say that I was getting some rest, working on things when I got the chance.
And I don’t think I want them to know.
The thing is, I haven’t dreamed like this in a long time.
But they always start the same.
I’m back home on Astrakhiens. A quiet hum develops through the reeds, lacugrove trees and lilypads, accompanied by a ripple that runs across the surface of the lake. I’m drawn to the reflection of the ender nebula on the water’s surface more than I remember being before, the acquiescent oranges and violet hues dancing across my field of vision, interrupted only by luminescent particles which shine with the same sparkle as the stars in the sky.
Sunflowers my mom had planted the last time she visited me prior to the final stages of the portal experiments still grow in that small patch. The only breed that can grow in End, she had told me, the only breed that could survive the cold of the Void without the sun which had gave it its name.
My old house stands as it always has, a certain surface-of-the-sea like glisten to the smaragdant roof tiles above walls of flavolite, vines from lost time crawling down the corners, tucked kindly away between tree bark. As I turn my head to peer through the lilac stained glass though, the figure inside isn’t me.
The person standing in my house, tinkering with my things isn’t me.
His hair resembles the void as if it were set ablaze, wisps of violet and orange flame flickering off his body with every movement. He’s draped in robes of cerulean, gold and white, engraved with a foreign runic language. The claws on his feet dig deep into the moss on the flooring I never made an attempt to repair. While I cannot see myself, or am sure if I’m even there, I can feel the glass heating up as he approaches the windows.
The closer I get, the less familiar I feel to myself, and I see a face, not my face, appear like a mirage in between gold plated framing.
I don’t remember enough to describe what looked back at me.
What’s more interesting is how the foliage behind me changes as well.
This time, I’m back in the overworld in a flattened limestone cove overlooking the sea on a set of smooth stone stairs. Behind me sits a lighthouse made of copper and maroon wood, at its base sitting a humble stone and spruce home with red windows. A soft sea breeze blows, a subtle clicking awakening the lights throughout the building. Something about this particular structure does not feel inviting. I occasionally can spot a fox and turtle wandering about the red carpet inside, but the doors are never unlocked, despite there being no indication of redstone that would keep it closed.
Most times instead, I am inclined to follow the pathway around the intentionally crafted coastline, adorned with glowing copper ore, which leads me into a winding river laden ravine, cliffsides climbing high into the sky. The farther down this ravine I walk, the more reminiscent of home it starts to feel.
At some point, I reach a house buried deep into the side of the mountain, adorned by peculiar stone walls, and green bamboo tile roofs. It appears desolate, as if no one has lived in it for years. The animal pen to just to the right is inhabited by only two chickens, who for reasons I can’t explain seem spry as ever, as if they were just born.
I have no idea who this home belonged to, but I am always inclined to step inside, only to be met by an open floor, full of dusty chests and half crafted tools, enchantments and redstone scattered about the ground left unfinished- as if their owner had left in a hurry, and without finding a resolution that i think they maybe have had desired. Laments of a time long gone are inscribed into the walls broken by what appears to be unsystematic explosions, creating craters without specific intent.
Within moments of exploring the interiors, dusting off surfaces, the walls of the house seem to close in on me, slowly gaining in rapidity and I am forced to burst through stained and mossy oak doors which had once been rusted copper only moments before.
Stumbling into the woods with empty hands.
I am met by what appears to be overgrown farmland. Unlike the place before, there is not a single animal to be found. What might have been a pool before with a diving board hundreds of meters into the sky is the only thing that looks even remotely normal- the water clear as it can be, a small assortment of tropical fish making its home amongst the rough edged coral and cobblestone at its floor. Above me, runs a network of haphazardly placed dirt and stone bridges connecting three main buildings I think; all together forming the shape of a lightning bolt if someone looked at it from the sky.
The first few times I had this dream, I used to think the thick overgrowth that I find myself sinking into, as if gravity suddenly took a stronger hold of me was comprised of grass, flowers, the kind of thing that grows if you leave your lawn unkempt for long enough.
But it was this past night that I realized it was sunflowers. Stems, leaves, shoots and flowers both fully blossomed and dead petals littering the ground beneath my feet.
Nothing but sunflowers.
It’s then when I look up towards the sky, expecting storm clouds stretching towards the horizon to be the cause of a sudden onset darkness that had blocked the sky, the only light now coming from a lava feature across from the main house, netherrack spilling out of the crackled obsidian portal that sat at its center adorned by just the slightest bit of nether foliage.
Instead I am met by the soft glow of stars, the gentle hum of the void and the enigmatic glow of a forming ender nebula coming over the edge of the world.
The ground beneath me shifts into something like a cerulean ocean set on fire, glowing with abstract patterns of aqua and cyan, my footsteps leaving ripples across it. The water itself is shallow, I don’t sink, I don’t swim, I just simply stand on its surface.
I feel inclined to keep going, as I walk across a barren nothing for what feels like hours. Eventually, a face appears in the sky- A pair of pearlescent eyes, surrounded by a multicolor iridescent nebula, ever shifting. A symbol not unlike to the one on that appeared on the back of my shirt manifests above her head between curls, and one by one purple eyes appear across their cheeks.
Never once has the face spoken to me, but always waits till I get close, offers his hand-
And I wake up again.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year ago
its like. 2am but I am once again trying to put some kind of structure to whatever the fuck the continuity of the two main mianite timelines is supposed to be, while maintaining what was previously established that Isles is the past version of the S1 World and making whatever post canon shit ive written still work
like bro hwat is this
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(Ignore the hermitcraft thing for now im still trying to decide if VH!Jordan is an extracted variant from the memories/essence of S1/S2 c!Jordan or if he’s been from a whole different timeline who experienced the happenings of Mianite but a little to the left)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
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tom gets sent to VH through a rift by accident and doesnt realize that hes in a different universe (he thinks he got stuck and came back a year or so into the future) and gets confused when jordan doesnt want anything to do with him (pete and xeen assume he must be an idiot)
(based on Regret by Anon but with a little multiverse spin on it for funny because i love tom bein a dumbass)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
after the battles, yet we cannot win the war (its a mad multiverse out there that's for sure)
hi im back. its timeline time >:] very much still a work in progress, uhh only vague for that I don't wanna spoil Big Things (for no reason, this is really all for fun LMAO no one is gonna wanna produce this)
*obligatory disclaimer, all named characters are in reference to solely the RP characters, and have nothing to do with CCs
the stuff that happens after S2/before Isles isnt as important plus ive rambled about it before
During Isles tldr; Sonja revives Capsize with the help of Spark, Kristin, Phil and Ianite.
Tom returns to the present from Isles, literally falling from a rift and landing facefirst onto the deck of Capsize's boat
Jordan got taken by DreamXD into the DSMP to be trapped in the End Realm- long story short he finds Techno and Phil, they free him, he gets launched far from the Syndicate meeting room, roped into working for Wilburger and reconnects with Tubbo this is all the DSMP Sparklez stuff
When Techno's Syndicate has their ending (the canon one Phil wrote), Rux!Dianite (I'll just refer to him as Dia) uses the anomaly signal caused when Wilbur left to Utah to find Jordan and bring him home with Tubbo (Michael and Ranboo idk they fit in here somewhere im not on about writing this just yet)
Everyone's home yayyy Tom is doin his Mecha Dianite things, everyone's kinda gettin along (not really.. lots of uh. skeletons in the closet. Big Character Conflits). then Boom. Alice Syndicate (and Karl bc he deserves to get saved from whatever the fuck happens to him at the end of Isles im not that far yet LMAO anyways)
Basically. Big Frick. NoWhere (deity of multiverse) has discovered a force that is causing worlds to decay away (ooc: inactive SMPs) explaining why it seems Mianite is getting rotted despite Tom being there aka all 3 gods present
Leads them to Vault Hunters/Hermitcraft universe- long running, no decay, Vault Gods must know something
Tom gets sent there first. Cue confusion thing and him bein a little messed up with his attachment issues to Jordan after he just got his bf back, he fights Pete, gets kicked
X33n (aka deviser gaines who ditched everyone and reinvented himself) and Tubbo talk to VH!Ianite get Tom back, he talks to Vault Gods. Wendarr explains what the force was, now their worlds are untimed. This entity is like a mimic, its hard to find. Suggests they check Hermitcraft
Tom returns, the team prepares. Dia agrees to take Tom's place alongside the S1 siblings temporarily to let him investigate.
On the way to speak to the hermit gods or watchers, theyre intercepted by someone who looks like Martyn inthelittlewood (its not him) in the data streams who says they have information. Jokes on them. its a mimic, and sends them flying off their trail into a random vanilla world.
Its where Tucker went. theres also a witch there too shes chill
They catch up with Tucker, find out where he's been.
Conflict part 23, haven't fleshed this out but ends with Tucker agreeing to join them in their shenanigans one last time
Alice finds traces of the entity in a realm akin to Empires S2, its called Aitheaca.
Through her portal, Tom, Jordan, Sonja, Capsize and Tucker end up in Aitheaca, and are greeted by the fishy Watcher Merina and wither skeleton Cassell, who help them get to safety before Flash can find them
Wag is also there by a random coincidence, has just been hanging out with William and Mianite. Bro's just been travelling about the multiverse for fun
Most story takes place here; Martha's theory is the Ianite in this realm is housing the entity (Jordan agrees.. why else would his lady be evil and hellbent on keeping balance to the point of it being destructive?) Basically, them two's about to have a massive fucking wakeup call. Capsize is skeptical
Back home, Ianite, Dia and Mianite are trying to hold their crumbling realm together with the help of Spark, Mot Jeriah and Alyssa, going back n forth between Ruxomar to pick up quintessence. Its not gone well
Stuff ensues. How it ends? I really don't know yet...
and uh. I mean i do have more but its more spoilery but its for ending things which I'm still working out so yeeee But! That's the gist of it; I really wanna focus on themes of them having to understand things are temporary, the idea of things having to have an end, and when it ends, who will be there to start again with you.
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grailknightmonty · 2 years ago
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among the many travellers of the multiverse, are the fabled champions of the NoWhere- possessing an the ability to traverse unchained between timelines, with a collective goal to study the gigaverse, and its infinite inhabitants. One of such fell into this role accidentally, but now has seen and possesses knowledge of more than she ever could have imagined, and since then doesn't regret it one bit.
new SMP multiverse character dropped >:] More about her and her happenings soon! If you want to see the first of her character in action, her voice appears in my Mianite RPG Ep. 15 (starts at around 01:59:00) I’ll work on the voice acting i promise xD
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year ago
im gonna be real with yall every time that I start thinking of new visuals for non est ad astra (smp multiverse) i cant. I become obsessed with the idea of each SMP within a given universe being both like islands on an ocean and like planets in space. like jumping between s1 world and ruxomar was very much like space-like void bc different dimensions but. just imagining like. leaving your home realm, sailing for a while through a black sea that glimmers with a quiet starlight for what feels like forever. A voice whispers and suddenly a doorway opens in front of you.You walk through and its like appearing on fresh shores, and untouched world awaiting you
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
spent most of today workin on the SMP multiverse worldbuilding... turns out its more complicated then i thought head in hands but at least im gettin somewhere
random bits dump-
- c!X33n (in VH) was deviser gaines before (and just changed his name)
- The NoWhere, and its champion, Alice
- multiverse travellers unintentionally all have goggles. its also a confusing means of travel for those who aren't used to it as in the outerverse (space traversed through rifts) time is hard to tell, even if you're just passing through
- gigaverse is ever expanding, meaning that there could be an infinite number of variants of an individual, some tied relatively to others (meaning the dynamics of players and individuals are similar in nature) or completely out of left field and completely different people
- gods can create new timelines, but so can players. within a timeline, new realms (smps) are like islands, and created by players and lower gods of that realm. if in the same timeline, players maintain their memories from past realms (hermitcraft, season to season). if a new version is made, they maintain survival skills but most of the time dont have knowledge of past lore (esmp 2 members not knowing of their esmp s1 counterparts)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year ago
im nearly done with painting the OC lore video art and then I can get back to brainrotting mianite lore and aus and good omens this is gonna be so good
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
oOOOoO is your new series inspired by inga’s enchantment series? I couldn’t help but think of it while reading through yours since the formatting is similar! it’s so cool to see people make more minecraft lore headcanons :3 /pos
A little bit ye! I definitely took some cues from inga’s stuff as inspiration! the lore itself is all headcanons ive been writing for a while, specifically the dream stuff, which comes from an original story I adapted to work with the mcytverse but it took me a while to figure out how to present it :D I also got layout inspo from the minecraft guidebooks, but I ultimately wanted it to feel like pages out of a scrap-ishbook, as it ties into a character I’m playing who is conducting the “study” C:
And thank ya sm! ❤️ MC headcanons are so much fun to work on, being able to do worldbuilding is geniunely one of my favorite parts of fanon
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
over a year later and I still live and die by this headcanon. gotta update it to include Stoneblock and Ragna-
…. or could i just cutely drop this :] Its still a work in progress but regardless, Enjoy
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no but hear me out... if we consider the Mianite (poss. to DSMP timeline) as a separate family dynamic from the Vault hunters then guess what. we can have both canon c!Syndisparklez and c!Spl33n
everyone wins >:]
NOTE: the Hermitcraft/Iskall part i borrow from Vixkoidy's HC ! I think its very neat and plays into Vault family so well :'D
+bonus zoom in of doodles if anyone wants it
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
I’d love to know more on you’re apotolesma theory!
Awe heck yeah i gotchu >:D
So basically its a little abstract but hear me out The idea comes from the definition of the word 'apotelesma' which translates to "the influence of the stars on human destiny"- and in the case of origins, it relates to how o!jordan and o!scott are bound to each other in a way that transcends soulmates, its more like having an intent and purpose on two sides of the same coin, being so inherently tied together whether it be what you're seeking or why you were there in the first place, that it manifests in the form of a power so great that it has the potential to influence how things go.
In the case of Jordan and Scott, its that they fall on two sides of justice (the balanced/calcuated side, with Scott being Ia's son, and Jordan the more not necessarily chaotic, but driven/passionate side as Dia's son) and are bound to the Overworld and the Homeplanet (respectively), the two forms of home- they bridge that metaphysical gap by providing the other with a second half to some kind of intrinsic power they already possess. And they can use that for all sorts of things, but mainly to create rifts (contd.)
(Its also meant to sort of explain why once only purple particles on Scott are suddenly becoming red more frequently, because his soul bound guy is here now. It'd be even further proven if Jordan starts showing purple in his particles that them existing in the same place is empowering one another in a funky kinda way)
From a practical standpoint, this is how I think Jordan's gonna be able to get back to the homeworld- via some kind of portal, some kind of rift. The way he talks about the homeworld makes it seem like very distant place, and to me that makes me think about it that its a place alike to the End, or the Nether, which can only be accessed via portals. So, what if the homeplanet is maybe 4 wormholes away, or a dimension alike to the Nether that could be accessed via something like an Aether portal. So the stars above the sky are an Aether i guess?? idk I think it could just be really neat?? but the catch is that for it to work under this whole pretense I've set up, they'd need a key (like a flint and steel to activate it that they'd have to work together to make)
And the parts of that key could be something they'd have to craft (that only they can) based on some intrinsic quality they have about themselves, or if you wanted to get some kinda Big Server Endgame lore, it will involve the two of them having some kind of hand in an event that either saves or drastically alters the server in someway; I started thinking about having to save it, along the lines of corrupted fabrics of reality at the hands of the DMCA something something opening a rift to protect the server
Jordan's half of this "influencing" power comes from his dad, cause in SKoD Dianite uses a similar power alongside Queen Khailani to banish Anphidhea to the Spaces Between; Scotts comes from Ianite, but is amplified in the time he got shot from the homeworld to the Overworld, something about wormholes and stuff i haven't quite figured it all out yet [:
anyhoozers i hope that makes some kinda sense this is more a braindump than anything super concrete yet
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