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freelancershahin · 11 months ago
Master Knee Ups An Essential Ab Exercise
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honestadviser · 9 months ago
Eliminate These 10 Time Wasters to Boost Your Positivity and Productivity
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and unproductive? It might be time to identify and eliminate the common time wasters that are draining your energy and bringing negativity into your life. Our latest blog post highlights the top 10 time wasters and provides practical tips to overcome them.
Read more: Eliminate These 10 Time Wasters
#TimeManagement #Positivity #Productivity #LifeHacks #SelfImprovement #MentalHealth #Mindfulness #Wellness #PersonalGrowth #Motivation #HealthyLiving #WorkSmart #Focus #Success #DailyHabits #PositiveVibes #Inspiration #Efficiency #NoMoreNegativity #BoostYourLife
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ziarising · 4 years ago
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#newbeginnings #letitgo #nomorenegativity #negativeenergy #lifelessons #poetryquotes #lifecoaching #moveon #poetryisnotdead #poetryismytherapy #intime #gabrielle #writerspoetry #writersquotes #instaquotes #lifelessons #acceptit #wisdomquotes #wiser #lifestylechanges #positivemindset #motivación #lifecoachingtips https://www.instagram.com/p/CTg9r7FMjfI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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runawaydontlookback · 6 years ago
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I ruined my feed once again to tell you that it’s okay to change. We’re complex human beings who are constantly adapting. . . . . . . #f21xme #lacefrontalwig #ootdfash #psgirls #alook #stylebook #nomorenegativity #blackandwhitestyle #proudofmyself #tumblrstyle #poutylips #tryingmybest #uglypeople #uglyme (at Forever 21) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwarcHyDWbl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g8o5c8kjpplp
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heavensawesome-blog · 6 years ago
Bullying Thyself
Bullying Thy’self
By: Heaven Sawesome
Bullying, apparently is a big issue. I cannot say I agree, however I cannot disagree. Never being bullied myself, despite my many distinguishing features and ‘accessories’ people could make fun of. No one ever did, granted I never made fun of others or pointed out their flaws. Over the years I believe I was never bullied because I never allowed anyone to insult me in such a way. Physically nobody would dare, my confidence was too high, it showed. Verbally, is a different story, as long as I can remember I have been verbally, mentally, and emotionally bullied, By whom? Well from myself.
I had tactics in which I disguise my inner thoughts as friends, they accepted my flaws and whenever someone would criticize me. They were there, comforting me. For example: someone could jokingly say that my accomplishment was not the best, if I made Honor roll compared to Honors with distinctions my voices would overrule and say something along the lines of “But you did not fail, you did the best you could”. Keep in mind and note that the voices as I grew up were friendly and comforting when it came to shaping who I was. Anyone would speak kindly to a child with encouraging words. So as I matured naturally the voices in my head did as well. The acceptance of my own flaws was a battle I now had to fight myself on. The war between the voice wanting to remain a child who speaks of only positive things was being bullied by the voice of reality. It was unfair and unjust.
In schools they would talk about where bullying comes from and where it starts. Why someone would bully another is not solely on the fact that their home life is a mess and the bully was abused. This may be true in cases of physical bullies, but I’m not talking about those bullies. I’m talking about the ones we cannot escape, the one who is there with us in the morning and night. The one we cannot hide from, the one we can only hope to distract ourselves from. The voice in our heads, our own personal bullies, you are the bully to yourself.
When I was 12 or 13 I can’t quite remember, I decided enough was enough.
“Your nose is weird, it is too big at the bottom, too fat, your eyes are too dark, your cheeks are too fat, your lips are off. Your ears are soooooo small, your boobs are non existent, your voice is annoying as a dying bird in winter, your hair is a tangled mess, why would you even look in a mirror!” - The things that used to go on in my head, there was many many more hurtful things I would say. Everything was my fault, no matter how good I did I could always do better. Your best is just a new limit to overcome. Push yourself, you’re not broken yet, there is no signs of bleeding, you’re still breathing aren’t you?
This was years of abuse towards myself that no one knew about. I was always cheerful and helpful on the outside because I convinced myself I was no good, I was a bad person. So I always tried my best to be good to everyone, desperately trying to prove to myself that I am a good person, otherwise I wouldn’t be so kind to people, right?
Wrong, you can’t hide from yourself remember, so I knew what I was up to, and that made me feel even worse. The deal is to be good to others for the sake of being good to others not to make yourself feel better, now that’s just selfish!
There was no winning with me.
I remember the first time I asked for help, I was in the bathroom and my mom was doing my hair for something, and she kept nagging me to put my head up and look forward. But how could I look forward? That would mean looking in the mirror, at myself, in the eyes. At the girl who is mean to me every waking, breathing, living moment of the day.
My mother was confused when I closed my eyes, asking if she was pulling my hair, I told her no… I just couldn’t look in the mirror. With concern asking why, the voice came up with the perfect cover “I just look different, I don’t look the same anymore” and Mom, relieved, went on to explain how people constantly change. I tuned her out of course because the voice was getting mad at me for making eye contact with myself, and the mean things just poured out as usual.
Later that day all I know for sure is I got fed up, I went into the bathroom, turned off the lights and shut the door.
*break/side note*
I did not go in there to cut myself, I have never cut myself, why would I dare hurt myself more. There was no way I gave myself that much power! To the girls out there who think they have to cut themselves for that release. Stop, there is a better way to induce those endorphins, don’t make the problem worse, make it better. Put the blades down, stop the tears and try this, because this worked wonders for me.
*Continue story*
I sat on the bathroom floor, against the door, lights off, quiet. The thoughts were roaring, as they knew what I was about to do, trying to convince me it wouldn’t work.
My eyes were closed and I began to find my voice, the one from when I was a child. She was still there, just scared. I had to force her out, and I did. I Jumped up flicked on the light and stared dead in the mirror. I scared the hell out of myself, no idea who this woman was staring at me. She was looking deep into my soul, glaring yet smiling like a mad woman. With no other option, I complimented her. I told her how lovely and perfect I thought her smile was, her teeth were so white. Even her slightly crooked teeth made her look sharp. I looked closer and realized how red and plump her lips were, not big, but curvy. Her eyes sparked, the darkness of them made them look deep, I got lost in them, they even rounded at the perfect spots, connecting to her nose nicely, making it look long and slim. No pigs nose, not a stump nose, not a mouse nose, not a witches nose, no bumps. Her lack of boobs must have been due to the fact that she couldn’t have everything, nobody is THAT perfect. Her cheeks rounded as she smiled big, squinting her eyes.
I now looked away blushing and embarrassed rather than ashamed and disappointed. I looked back at her and never have I seen someone more beautiful. Today I stare at how amazed I am with how far she has come.
Now when I talk to myself it is only positive, even when I mess up, I take it as a lesson and move forward. I have learned to forgive myself, and yes some days I am very hard on myself. Only now I can say I’m sorry and get over it.
It really isn’t that hard, you just have to want to be the bigger voice in your life. Because your inner demons would gladly take over and run wild, you must want to find the inner light and let yourself shine.
Don’t drag yourself down, if you don’t like something about yourself you need to either change it or accept it. There are things you can’t change but by accepting them they tend to disappear.
I can’t change that I love to run but am held back by allergies, asthma, and a heart murmur. I can run 10Km, hike 4 km in a 2hr time period as of 2018 because instead of saying “I can’t cause of this…”
I said “I will keeping in mind that..”
So in explanation, rather than telling myself running was impossible and would never come easy due to the asthma and allergies I should give up and stop. I would say I want to do this and will do the best I can keeping in mind I may not be able to do as well as I want from the asthma.
Then one day I decided it was in my head, and that I could totally keep going, and eventually it became true, I have not used an inhaler for years.
Self care is the key to a happy life, make sure you’re being nice to yourself. Now that I can be happy with who I am, when I do something to benefit someone else I feel proud. Unfortunately from years of abuse it is still difficult to feel genuine and true, but eventually I will get over that. Why? Simple, I want to, and the only one who can stop me from doing anything is myself, and I will be damned if I let her take over again.
Today I am madly in love with myself, I have strangers at my work tell me how amazing I am, people who do not know me fall in love with me too. And for those who don’t I can now offer them more love than anyone, they need it and because I love myself I have more than enough to give. If they don’t want it that is ok too, there is no such thing as too much love.
So love yourself, take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, because in this world all you have is yourself.
And think! Once we all learn to love ourselves it will be that much easier to love everyone else. Love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love your life. Negativity cannot grow where is isn’t welcome. And when negativity tries coming into your life, welcome it with all positivity, believe me when I say that it won’t want to stay.
Negative energy cancels out in the presence of positivity.
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jazzytazztv · 7 years ago
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Always in deep thought. Thinking of the next move. One key to success always starts with in the mind. Im ready for any challenge god gives me and ready to remove any negative energy out my life. If your for me then your for me if not then you will never last to see the end of journey. Dont have to do too much cause the people always reveal who they are. Respect, Honor, being humble and Loyalty goes a long way. #nomorenegativity #positivity #jazzytazz #thoughts #success #journey #tru #truth #moveon #love #support #movement #music #dope #baltimore #dmv #musicartist #hardworkpaysoff #grindtime #rapper #independent #dt #showlove #network #follow #nyc #atl #dc #cali #philly (at Baltimore, Maryland)
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ginevramanekineko · 7 years ago
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No more negativity
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rhythmcontrol · 7 years ago
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Getting to hairy. Time for a #haircut #gay #change #success #gym #fitness #nomorenegativity #lawofattraction
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poetponyofmidgard · 4 years ago
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Fox News, I’m gonna take back some of the things I said about you... you’ve earn it 🍫 #letthehealingbegin #enoughalready #nomorenegativity #enoughisenough #election2020 #foxnews @foxnews @joebiden @kamalaharris @realdonaldtrump https://www.instagram.com/p/CHbvvVgJWsf/?igshid=1dpw35oeg3o4a
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freelancershahin · 11 months ago
The Real N Word Negativity and How it Hurts Us
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sobertribevibes · 5 years ago
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🙌🏼🎯🙌🏼 #godisgreat . . . #amen #pray #godsgrace #isurrender #godsplan #godsway #igotthis #postivevibes #soberquotes #recoveryquotes #sobrietyquotes #godquotes #thoughtoftheday #quotesgram #quoted #hangon #dontlookback #prayerchangesthings #nomorenegativity https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDD3MFDfRE/?igshid=fqgnmbs2mlr0
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phatsnowbunnyreviews · 5 years ago
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The other night me and the other half took a night ride on our favorite country rd. I went to turn and seen a black figure glide past the back of my car really fast. I instantly had a cold chill go up spine and neck..along w goosebumps. I told Justin what I saw..he immediately said "i seen it too. I seen it in the grass and then in the side mirror it was tall af" he had the same chill and goosebumps as well. This was actually the 2nd time I saw that black figure. The first time I was the only one who seen it. It raced across the rd right in front of me and scared the hell out me to the point I stomped on the brakes..I swore it was a person but it moved to fast. I had the same chill up my back w the goosebumps. Idk wth that thing is but we came straight home both times and saged the house and saged ourselves we said blessings as well. We have a good happy life atm and no negative anything is taking it away from us.. we've all been through so much bad in our lives... we deserve happiness and positive energy surrounding us. I say "bye felicia " to negative energy ✌🏼👻#spirtualawakening #nomorenegativity #witchywoman🌙 #witchyman #witchycouple #blessedbe #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes #witchcraft #greenwitch #naturewitch #witchcraftisbeautiful #witchlife #witchythings #goddessenergy #moonmagick #moongoddess #instawitch #igdaily #instadaily #instagramers #insta #ghost #ghoststories #paranormal #takecareofyourself (at Rutland Hollow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKPaLuJEu8/?igshid=1ejoclyw7qbfz
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cqueenofcamelot · 7 years ago
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Reposting @ravenswood_virtual_services: Which category are you? - - - - -#nomorenegativity #nomorenegativity💯 #nomorenegativityinmylife #stayingpositive💯 #positivevibes #positivity #inspiration #positivethinking #positivemindset #motivation #success #spiritualjourney #positive #happiness #entrepreneur #virtualassistantservices #virtualassistants #virtualassistant #va #thankful #spreadthelove #socialmediamanager #ravenswoodvirtualservices #business #marketing #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurlife #socialmedia #goals #entrepreneurship
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jhz1179 · 5 years ago
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Happy=Healthy! #igotthis #positivevibes #nomorenegativity #smile #happythoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Vrw0Qn9b9/?igshid=sxqumt97nfnq
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msafiyathediva · 7 years ago
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#WednesdayWisdom! That’s right so stay away from these kinds of people, they will try and bring you down every time! Miserable people never want to see you up & winning. Ignore them & keep it pushing! #miserylovescompany #lawofdetachment #positivevibesonly #nomorenegativity #choosehappiness #Godschild #teamnoworries #mylifeisprettydope
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missvee10 · 5 years ago
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Love when your ready, not when your lonely. 🖤🖤🖤 #Blessed #Positive #Strong #NoMoreNegativity #Happy #PastBehindMe #Worth https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Nst6LhEz3/?igshid=ye48dmolc8cw
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